HomeMy WebLinkAbout01282008 City Council MinutesCiiY JSercnrJ. Alaakx CiIY Cwnui(M(mlee /rvwarr 2A 10a8 ralume JZ I'ada 690 CALL TO ORDEA ~ The Janmry2B,2008 regulmmeedvgoflha SewnN Cfly Council was celled to orderat]30 p.m. by Maynr Clark Corbridge. OPF.NINO CF.AF.MONY Police Chief Tom Clomons led the pledge ofallegianae to the Flvg. ROLL CALL Them wem proscnc Clark C'.orbridge Dresiding and Willard Dunham Linda Ambeg Bob Valdatta Tom Smith Retry Kellar Jevl Bardereov comprising o quomm of the Couvcil; and Phillip Oaks, Ciry Mavager Jean Lewis, City Clerk Cheryl Brooking, City Adomey ~ ABSENT-Nom CITIZENS' COMMENI$ ON ANY SIIB.IECT F.Xf.F.PT THOSE ITEMS SCIIEOULEU FOR PUBLIC HEARING Maya Nariarty, snmmarieM the ¢atux of the Seward Community PlayKraund that was scheduled to be built the week of May 13 through 18, 2008. Tha commwity hnd raisedjust uvda S1W,OOO rodvte. She Flmised thefundmiser Chwr Chellie SkooK far doinKa wondcrtld jab mrd smmd the committee would appreciate mare support iv money, involvomcnl end time. Moriarty infomsed the Public to go to their website for moredetaila on how to aseiet. AYYNOVAI. OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Ntodon (DunhaMSmith) ADProvel of Agentla end Consent Agenda The $rhool eomd Report by Lynn Hnhl entl theduneeu AMLAeportby VimMxyor Dunham were adtletl to [hc Agendv. The kllawing was pu11W 6om lho wlacnt agenda ` Rexolutlan 2008-00], AulhoriainKThe City Manager TO Pay Dues Owed To The Alaska Power Association (Formerly ARECA) t'ar IDe Year 300R In The Amount Of $18,410.00. Liry nfFewnrdi Alaska 6ry GruncilMwueo Volume i9, Pa4e 4Y/ Mo[ian Pessed Onenfmons Tha clerk rwd the following epprovcd covswl agenda items: r The January 14, 2008 R¢gular City Council Meeting Minutes Were Approved. Counril Approved The Sbered Vision t'ar A Comprehensive Study Of Aleeka'e Navigation 'fraueporlalion 6yrtem. Resoludov 2008-003. Accepting A Crant Iv the Amount O! $1,299.fi0 Frnm The AIasW Highway Safety Office For 2008 Seenntl QnaAer ASTEP Drivivg Under TM1elnhuenee (DUI) F,nforcemevl Campaigv Avd Appropriating Funds. Resolvlinn 2008-004 Accepting A Gravt In TM1e amount Of 31,299.60 Fram The Alaxka highway Safety Oliice For 3UU8 Secovd Quarter ASTF,P Seatbdt Enforcement Campaign Antl Appropriating Fvnds. 6PECIAL ORDERS. PRF.BF,NTA'f1ON5 M'DREPORTS Prodamaliom nod Awertls A Proelamndon Celebrativgldkarod Days W as Read. DomugM1 Assembly Report. Borough Assembly Represevmtive Roo Luvg stated there weremajor amendmentsto ts¢orditansootket cEangediseroad conslrvniov stzndads end wouldhe addressW aKxin on February 5, 2008. A 559,000 Homeland Smurity Award was appropriatel m the Brer Creak Pve Service Area and $I0U,000 was approved far the svfivare change for the sales tax cap accommudadon. Long alu~xaidthelMmvgb commiiteS topanicipate+n the EYA Energy Stm] Step Challenge Program m rNuce energy consmnplion and greenhouse gas cmiesiona, two resolatians passed to amend Title 29, and the Scdccal priorities list wax vpproved, and it wools accompany him to W sshinKlan D.C. tsefrsc of Moses. City Manager's Report City Menuger PM1lllip Oates annowced Karl Andermn was himi as thenew Harhorrnassec aiW wouldslad Pebmory 28,2008. AHxrbor Expansion Projecrpmgrese report by Tryck Nyman & Hayce wes andosed az informntivnvl withhis written Managei s Report. > L ~-T Care Fze'I'tvGTCPo On lanunry21,2008,advert&ementa[cinvilalions to htd (Urw~utn,uinK the LTCP were lei one hr canjunaion with Architects Alatka, a prpjwt mvnvger world be hired He votified there would bcopportunities for local and peninenla businesses [hrou~ou[ Ihesepmcesaes. -~gCre kPri Exvaneim An agreement had been maG,W with the Departmentnf Cortediovs on funding far the SpnnK Creek Prison Expansion. 'Ihe Ciry would assist with up-frvm funding, but would be rc-pzid by a budgeted item in the Governoi s 2009 budget. li O~.New wnmadtvlks were Droeecdingwith Providence, BOh Hiokshed volwtuarN to r assist as a lawyer if the high School Vonth Ceurl PIOKram got underway, the Poet O[fiw C1ry oJSewenN, A/a.rYw Clry Gimell a~mm JemuarvPY. ?OOY Vn(ume i] Parv/93 •ould ba insmlling an ADA accessible door coon, anti llMV would be closed while udvertisemwt for a new clerk. r - gam. h was dwidal to put out an 12PP for the Hohen Pork FounNin Project Much discussion ensued on acyuidnK a beau undrsslm:divg of Me eiry's budget and the need (or mvrc reports. Molina (Ambergl5mith) The City No[ Pay For TM1e Maynr'e Tull Pree Phone Number Amherg wanted to know if others had received tlm ovcswhclmin6 numbor of phuna calls enm the pnnue wort aia not wish m hay for Ihia nnane. everyone has. Mvyar Corbrltlge abatvlned from voting basme of the appearance of mufliG. Motion Passed Vw: Ambag, KCllaq 6mlth, Vvldvttq Dunham, Rardarson Abstain: Corbddge City Attorney lteporl. C'iry Allomey Cheryl Brooking dariGW for Iha viewing public whylhe Mayor did not volcbwevsc ofthepcreonal conlliG Ol'inlerentinvolvad. That' had provided ` infonnetion and worked with long Term Care Facility consultants and the Administration on admi risnative end pereomcl iaence, ^oodplain nsarlagcmenl, subdivision ngroemenl issues wd assisted with theAVIYC Fim'ltainis,6le~~~. Brookin66avcabria[rcporl ov pavdinK litigation issues anA Recisions that the City still awaimd. Chamber nr Gmmertt Report Laura Cloward nand the 20UJ slalislica hat over 400 anberswhichw al9%increase-F.venthoogh vieitoreemer perticipalionwae down,bueinesws showed an e~ ClnwarA saw an increosed marketing bend for shoulder ecaeon montlls. Shc sorted lha destination guide request were np by 57% for 200], web statistics wcm up, a,d the umher ofrelocntion vnd economic develoD~neat packages were up ehowing inlcresliv bolhrouriew and ewnomie development She notified there would he eight more Dona-of-cell evd salve new ompaNes coming to Seward in the upcoming year. The Chamher would he Drodueing a walk nK tuwbmchuro and supporturg the local school improvement efforts and expansion nfpnst- acwndary education pm6rarns in Seward. Seward Ylauning and Louiug Report. Marianna Keil hat only u important vncement, and that was the lack of a gmrnm far the feel vmctinS and the need to mcrvil now membem with vll diff enl perspectives. AML Report. Vice-Mayor Dunham haA attended the wnfuenw with &6 different unicipalities. Ile had atlwded several meetings, with a huge fuss over tl,e perceived negative Kmwth paunm wllh the Alaska Marine Ilighwey System. Other issues discussed were; - UO'1' about city std borough mad pmjwts evd the STIY. (:iN ISrnaM Nwka fiN fnunoi! Minmrs Junuu~QB 5008 Vdume IJ Nnpe 693 > P81iS/I'RS dcvsend mmaining al the aKrel22% wM1ich should be finvlizl by the f t of March. J Dunham statedtherewas some imitation by Mayors mtbcing able lomecl wish the (iovemm Patin. Of40 May0rs who had vskad for a visit, only one had received a meetivK with her. School Board Report by Lynn Hnhl. Hnhl invitl all residents to participate in the important yuality schools initiative community fnmm caul QS2 this Thursday. The llistrict was still losing studentx and their 2009 budget assumed the Onvemnr's recommendations would be apPmvl with the 50% cost tlilierential funding formula, and the Hnrnugh wnulA funA itperthe cap. Other Reports, Spaial Pmenlatiovs A General Program Preaenta[ion was given by AVTEC. This shovel their capital pmjects and the bineprisrte far the nave maritime fire haminK service and the culinary kitchen and dormitnrychanges. Ao Advertlsing Presentation was given by Laura Cloward which described how the Chamber of Commerce prioritizl and need public funds Ibr advertismK and marketing. A Prmenmtion on Me Seward Community Foundation Pilot Prvjert war given. This on- pmf t public charity which pmmnred pF i Ian [hmpy woo Id addrcas crmnm and emerKinK nets m Alaska commwities in peryetuity, and wvs charitzhle under 501 (c) IRS stems. .~ POBLIC HEARINGS Ortlinancm Requiring A Public hearing Ordinance 300&001 Revising Seward City COde Bec[ion 5.]5.005 (Compumtion-Mexlmnm Tax), Inerearing The Sales Tax Cap Fram 5500 To 51,000, Effective January 1, 2009 And Reminding Ortlinenee 2007-010. Mp[ion (DunhamBardarson) EnaM Ortlinaure 3008-001 Oates stated this ordinance ]ust chwgl me eff~etive dote of the sales tax cap previously approved fmm Apri120p81o January 1, 2009. After speakingwith thehmmugh, and listeningto the business district, M1e thought eoouvil would prclcrholdinK otrme wxtment dote m allow nosiness ers additional time, and give the borough more time to appropriate the money for me software <earrge, r r wmen mar naa agrees to assume me coat for. Notice ofthe pubhc hearing bciugpovted nndpublished asmquiredhy law wvsnotl and the Public hearing was opened. Rhandv Hubbartl, requested consideration forme local taxpayers and hm~e departments .r1 hold the expense side of the bndgec 8hc wvrtW methods of operations to change among d partments. Hubbard spoke ofinenme and expenecs oRhe cilybudget, and felt a mx cap would be GYN PISemusd, alukn CilYCmmolibrnnrci /anuarvdA, 1008 halums3], Pn e494 an undue bwden to taxpayers. She thought this would afktt Nc larKw vendor and would aKat sales. Hubbnnl wanted gas sltd[ood to he exempt for Newinter months. She urgeH the council to ~ he accotmtable and Iransparcnt to these issues. Tam Tnugas, Nowt Netax capwee a bad idea. He stated the cityhad asalestax windGll, so siKVificvit increaecin thenale6 tax cap would hit peoplahard forthccssenlial6, like the ivercaaxl cost for reel and food. Costs were tripling and he wwted council to rescind 200'1-010 alrogetha. Council member KCllarju6l wwwd to re6eittd ordinanw 200910 and IhouKht thecitywa6 doing yuitewall without implementing washer tax. Amendmenl(Kellar) YuB thewurds°Revlsing3eward Cily Code Section 595.Od5 (computation-maximum [ax), increasing the sales lax yap trout 5500 ro sLaoo, alreeere aanaary 1, zno9° mntn the resolution title s it reads; An Ordinance Of The Ciry Council Of The City Of Sewvrd Alaska, Reaunding Ordinance 2000-010. Motion Dietl Fur Laek Of A Second Oerossaid One of Nechallengesfrom his cM1¢irwa6 that hcsaw all the eornmwdtyvced6 and defenN tnaimcnanca Ihel wu6 not being funded. He reminded tltat inemascd foal prices impacted the city m well. Oats clanGed Ihnt Admivi6travion had discussed tltie with the WrouKh prior to implementation acvwal times. Kellar thought bringingthis oNinwce wss premature and argued that efterdiscuesion el We cost of logistics, it was only then brought back to Ne wuncil to change- Oams informed th¢t plarxs to inercase Iha solos tax wp bed bean discussvrf in delvil every etcp ofthe way, but it waz only nRer a recentmcging with the Borough on Ne Long-Term Care Faciliry Ihat Ihey made Nerequest far dote postponement. Uutthwn understood why it wovldbehetter to implemeutthie tae noxl year as apposed to in the middle ofthe yew, and stated this was not Ne firsttime Seward had wanted to pass this sales tax cap increase. He reminded council Nat par Ne bomugh statistics, gross sales were ou[ orwhack. Fvaryitent had goneup iv Pnccovcrthe epev o[Nirty years thatour tux cap had tevtaincd thcsame. Mayor Corbritlge Ruled OeMS Antl Kellar OUl Of Order For Debating Wllhnu[ Reing Called Upon. 9miN noted the bomugh would ba paying the $100,000 to make thcec changes 0wasu ~, variable ahwge and Nought $100,000 was way loo much money. CTS' 15ewarA. Alwka Crry COUnoll Mlnme~ VaLune3l Paee 4Y5 Amendment (Kellar) Under Su[iov 1, after the word `9ravsaetiov", add, ^wirh the exception being home fvcl for home healing eoucumpliov°. Moliov llied For Leek Of A Second Maln Motion Enacted linenimeus Resoluliom Requiring A Public Hearing Resolution 200gA02. Authorizing Termination OfThe Exislivglease With Emerald Sca, Inc. As Aselgnetl Tn lplusl Corporation, DDA Major Marine Tonre And Arlhorizivg'Che Clty Manager To Enter Into A New Lease Wilh Seward W iltllife Cruises, LLO F'or Lot b, Block 6, Seward Small boat Ilarbur Subdivision, Plat 2000-19, Hewmtl Recortlivg Dis[rle4 TM1lyd dudiciilDistric4 State Of Alaska. Oates staled this terminated the Major Marine Tours lease and approved a new learn with Seward Wildlife Cmises LLC. hwaz consistentwith all plans and the code, would hying in Rg00R annually in revenue and wa<svhject to annual CPl increnees. Noticeofthe public headngbeingposted andpvblishN as requiredbylaw was voted and the public hearing was opened. ..+ Roo Lmg, elated this was for the N2 bonNwalk site, and would be tba same opvaGov and the came look. Moliov (DUVhaMHardareon) Approve Resolution 2008-002 M1lnllnn Perictl Unanimous Resolution 2008-005 Authorizing The City Manager Tv Terminum The 2004 Joint Use Agreement With State O( Alaska Fire Service Training Avd Alarka Voentianal Technical Education Center Avd Evler Ivle A Lease Agreement With The Stale Of Alaska Deparlmevl OfAdmwislraliov Fur Appruaimately ]J9Acres Described As The UVSUbdivided Remawder Of Block 1, Fourth Of July Creek Subdivision, 9ewarU Marine Industrial Center, 6eward Recording District, Third dndiual D-utrinl, Stale Of Alaska, For The Purpose OfCOmtr,mting And Operating A FireSafety'Creining Facility Hy'1'he Alaska Vocational Tcchnicel F.dncadon C ter. Oaten thought to encumber the Icaec woultl make [hem lase eligible Lor 6ranis. The city ~onld be porting in wamp bat cot other ntilitics, and could nee tlris fieility for its over training pmpoecs. ~/ Fire OFlef Davld Squlree sorted otherdepurtments wind user the [reining facilityalso. The emulator would have two se[ up satians. Ctry uJSeworvL AWska Gay Cauv:J MOnnee Jomrvv 2P 3008 Polume3AYage 4Y6 Noticcuflhepubliv hearin6 being polled wdpvblished ae rcyuvedbylaw was noted enJ the public ` hwring was opened. No ovc eppcarcd to vddress the TUIIpCII and lha public hwring was dosed. Motion (DmbaMBVrdersov) Approve Resolution 2006-005 Rardxreonwumedmknow what ofierwsts othertban rvpplies wouldbe useA. Squires said wnsomnbles. Tho uve agreement spelled oel Ibis amngement and Ihcy would work out a deal, mown Passed unammovs rvp;w Rusrness ResnlvFOn 2UU8-006 Authorizing The City Manager To Approprlete N'uvds In The Amount Of $SWO '1'a the Seward Community Fountlation To Partlcipate In The 2p0]-2008 Pilot Project Developed t'ar Cammuuiry Asset eulWiug, To lnereax The Cnpadty Uf Local Community Aese[e,'1'o Cuhivate Lucal Philenthrople Leaw.rebip And Further hoeteln Local Nonprofits In The Crcater Seward Arex Motion (DUnham/Rartlareon) Approve Resolution 2006-006 Dunham thought this was a 6cldwl oPPnrlwily ` Oates intended to vppropnate$10,DOD Uomhis budgat. In dmifyingvwnMing disarWancy bctwew the roselmiov wd the vgendv statemen4 Oama staled lha sesolutiou wvs correct that the Aleeke Community Foundvtion would provide all advsinisirative oversight far the Sewall Community Ovuvdmion which would sllaw the wmmurdty to begin a foundvtion wiMOU[ Ute expense of swff. He intended to appropnate 51gU00 from his buJKet. Corbddge thought this wvsawonderful isrvwwcnl. Motion PasreJ Uuavilvous Remlufon 2UU6-0U],AUthorizing The City Manager TO Pay' Dues Uwed "FO The Alasha Puwer Asmelvdon (Formerly ARECA) For The Year 20061n TM1e Amnnnt Of $16,410.00. In response to questions by Kellar, Ovta slaloJ !here wus a lobbyist at smote antl federal levels,but membership in this organizetien wee ecpamte. He explained there were many oomplex resuus with utilities wd you most belong In the aseoeieliov to Lave a voice iv the debvte. Dnnhwv elrcescd Govwner Patin wanted to make railbel[ rwpovaibililica go to only uve entity, which mode it critical the cilybolonglo the ogwizmion vnd haveaplatc ar2hctable Right now Seward wvs the smallest operator of the group, but was ro equvl member. Motiun (Kellar/Dunhem) Approve Resolufinn 2006A09 CIN IS'ewmd, A1aeNn Clry Coun[il Mlnulu Va(ume3l Pn¢e 499 Mutiou Passed Uuauimour J Resoludov 2008AOA, Appropriating 363,000 For "I'he Purchase Of A Used 1996 Oshkosh Snowblower fTOm The State Of Alaska Vehicle Surplm Auctivv. Marion (BardarsonlAmberg) Approve Rexolution 2UU&008 Oatee showed apnwerpointpresrntationon Ihis smwblower and stated this machine would do iv ova day whm it takes thecrew fouc days to awovsplish wiN ovmime now. Iris wouldblow snow from the middle hemrs into the dump wck. Puhlle Works Director W.C. Casey stated since it was six times faster and the city would he using the same fom dump wcks, the blower would have some down time between mos. Amberg lookad into leasing cquipman, end 6nnd ifthe equipment was in good condition, Ihis would bo a big savings. Shc wanted to make sore it was inspected correctly. C:aecytalked to the main mechanic in 6ilvmip whohadoperatedit fornineyearsand thought it was a bargain. Parts were still made and it had fi,000-10,000 hours left in it. I[ was a high maintenance item. Modov Passed Unanimous J INFORMATIONAL ITEM6 AND REPORTS (No acfiarr requireJf City December Finevoial 6tamvscrrt. COUNCII. COMMENTS Yeller thought it was nicetn see the slate cleareA theciAewalks nn 3~AVenue. Shethoughl the sidewalks should stvy cleared m long ns the oity was paying for the street lights. Dunham congratulated Karl Anderson forher newjob as the harbormaster. He hoped there m imerfemnce Gom citizens on the pile driving in Ne harboq wd did not thirrk the city should allow Ihal conduct m happen wish its conhaaors. Dunham yuestioned why rangers were bting livrimd in the Occao Ralgcm Program- He alw tbougM DOT should mono up mod covswetion hoes MP 21 to MP 2G bccanecofthc tlvccbridgra av Ihat amcmh of mad. Valtlatta thanked the pnblic works crew for clemting and Mowing We 6MIC mad. Amherg also cnngmwlated Kari Anderson anA thanked the street crew. Corbridgethvnkedthestreeterew vnd had received commendation tetras from the public. CITIZEN6' COMMENTS ro Cel~r aFp//pg»~so0 AraID v/ .oo+u.rr„ ' ~ ' ~ S ' .<a r:.-~ r... y+a1~9D *J ysrJ ~n~eal ~ w'd OE'01 Iv paumo[pv sam 8mham ayy J.N3WNNJOfUtl ~I!mmwo> siyl m n anvvd oI pm uam ova ou paSvm msp »v m pue patuawaldw~ xsI oaosyol a paws m sUVDW A 6J.N:JW WOU .flNBLIJIJ O.L BSNOd68N NOIJ.tlNJ.6INtWUV UHtl TIJNUOJ Bray Amml v arww oI pmy u, Pony a!dvad Isyl onse~ ayl oI anq!svo» oq plnoys ~punm pue aoy pang 6ayl aenaoaq pa8uo8 aq tw Plmys a~doad t48noy~ ayS'Plnm 6m0 wm>aq tsnfeemlas! ~nnavplnoys6p{vayl `dn mo8 peµe1»moy8vayt uana Dwa `PaW4vilsPVOWN B66 naoJ GF~wMoA FOOZ BP r'°^'~R nnnWiV C'unnJ NF) urymry'Y'"'unS/d NIJ