HomeMy WebLinkAbout02112008 City Council MinutesOry p/Sexn.4, Ala+ka (3ey Cawrll Ntnirtes
Fedmary 1 L 100N Yn(vme 39 PuAe J99
The February 11, 2008 regular meefivg of the goward Ciry CormcJ was called to order m
]3U V.m. by Mayor Clark Corbridge.
Police Cdie[TOm Clemons led the pledge of allagivnce ro the Bvg.
There wem proswt
Clark Corbridge presiding'arul Linda Amberg
Bob Valda¢a Tum Smith
Betsy Kellar loanDardvrson
comprising a quomm ol'Ihe Council; and
Phillip Oelca, City Manage
.lean Lcwie, Cily Clerk
Ivhanrm llollarldde, Assismm City Clerk
ABSENT Willard DnNlam
Brevl Whitmerq spoke in opposition of the ealcs tax cap increase. Fuel6iua Wr heating
v cxtromelyhigh nghutaw, vld that was going to be vcrydificult forpenple liviu6 in SewaN to
have ro pay Ihm much more iv salve tax. IIe questioned iftlmro had been a study ofpnrchaaes over
,$500 iv dm city. Ile felt this tax cep inueusewvs inappropriate alul thm itwvvld 6e adding a the
economic problems by vdditional mxatiun
Sheryl 8eese, spoke in opposilion of the sales tax oap ivcroaxe and felt it was VP~6 W be u
bvokkeepivgniglmm~re hwasahnSC OhallenKe la hove two ditfucnl live items for salee tax with
the borough and Ihu city. Tha money thcborouKh would hvveto spcvd to get equipped for twe tax
wp increase would be pmd fnr by [he citizons. on vnother topic, Sccae wanted secfion 4 in
Resolution 2008-UOY reword 1 tv the efieat Chet the city would Hod anotper way m not build on
t4ashing[on Street.
Bob Livvllle, spoke an Rosolmiou2008-009 and hoped cauueil would pull it oRlhawvawt
agenda so theywvld makesomc chevKes end discuss the issue at hand. Three had been abiK effort
In find a way no Ifoa building eenld be built oH'tha street. Ifthe wwcil supported v dcaigll Ihnl did
~ not vvmte WaehinKlon Street, mml they ehould say so. 13nvillc [il it wasv't vn unreasonable
requur ro auk [hc vomrs of the city m vote on Ibis issue
qry nfSewuid. Alotka Qn~ Guk'i! Minurcv
Vo ume 3I PaS+500
Rhontla Hubbard, spoke in opposition of the salts tax cap increase Hating oil and loud '~
were M1igh coats already and fah these items should be exempt from sales laz. J
Sher Andenov, was contained with the sake tax cep increase. It was going to hit the locale
mart Ihao anyone else, she fch. It was dil5wlno live in tltis mwn, and Anderson felt tM1is oould
drive away its citizens. Anderson felt the Maryluwcll Centerwas goinKm be amoneypit. She waz
ouccmM, asp«i ally with Ne id ea o f [ha Uther panncrs Dul lin g out and the city having m sustain fit
building an its own.
Carol Griswoltl, spnkeon AewluGCU 2U0&OU9 and hoped council would pull this oRlhc
sevt agenda. Griswold mggastedtha Park3crvice partnu wilM1 tM1CAlaslw SeaLifeCwl«sothc
ASLC could enerein itself in Seward.
Lynv Nohl, reminded council of Plan C, to remin Washingmn Street Thal included a new
look ofthe design. She fell wuncil should respect the significavw of the Sally's RUilding and lM1e
historic dnwwtown Krid. She asked forcoonciltn take Resolmion 2006-UUl ofithe consent agevdn
and inward s«tiev d, eo Ihat it did not vacate Weshingmo SItGGr
Tum Tougae, spoke on the salestax cap increase. He didn't NiNe there was ever a study on
M1ow much money this inereace was goingto raise The city shouldn't be aiming to pick a fight wilM1
tM1e borough widt this issue, either
the Agenda entl Consent Agenda wu approvetl by unanimnua consent
The fUllowivK wns added to the agendw
The Mayor requesfetl a Droclama[inn fur Malcolm Hrawm who bad returvetl Prom xerving in
Tray and Kuwait, be pot on [M1e agenda.
the clerk reM the following approved consent agenda imms.
Resclutiov 2008-010. Snpparnng The Renewal Of The Seward Fire Side Chats And SUatlnn
Of "Alaska, SU Yean Of Statehood" As The [Iistorie Prenervvtiou Commiselnn Prnjeet For
National Preservatlon Month, Mey 2006.
ItesoluHVn 20U&Oll, Supponivg The Alaska Historical Society And The Seward Historic
Preservatlnn Cammissiov Iv The Covicern For'I'he Aleske Collection OtThe Sheltlan dackaov
College Stranav Library.
Prnclemenons and Awards
Q'N IS.wnrd„flwFU Cog Caund(Mmwer
Fdmnrv/(]008 yo -
~ W'elcome home proalamadova were reatl far Eddie Anvs[rong and Malcolm Nrawn
why hatl been serving our euovery lu Trey.
Clty Llavager'x Reporl. City Mauager Phillip Oates thankM Eddie and Malcolm for their
service, end also thanked the etaRand their fvmilies for their supped.
Oaea had Jusl rammed from DC anA spoko on theresrdta oChis trip- He and Vice Mayor
Dunham metwith Young, Stevens, and Murkoweki Onles feltoor ivgislazom have Scwmd'sivtered
al heart vnA they were well reeeivcd Funding for tbcbredswmm dwigv and [fie inwcll Cavyvn
Turmel were among many Seward topics discussed.
Workwnlivued in the harbor on meconawwicm of thevvvelifl dock. StnffhadheRmthc
process of encnlpling IC notify vwncrs of derelicC veseda stomd et SMIC.
Public Wurks had the new "us W" snow blower vtthc shop and expected irrobe on the road
this week. WC Casey wvaworking with Keviv Lyons at the KCnai Perdvsulo Anronglsmgaativg lha
site seleotiov of the new water tdtk.
Parks mld Reaemion was sneeeesful in co-hosting idilarod Days, av event that gave the
Mayor and the Gty Manager a choose to vmct with the Covemor to discuss dams imposes[ to
~ Ontes met wim ofhcials iv Wvshinglon, ll.C on where Ne resevmh veascl Alpha Helix
would be located. Ats ivterim volutiov wvs for [t m be located m the freight dwk xt tlw Alnske
Railroad. Mark Hamilton oovtirmad with Oates that Seward was still Iheirpmfarred locatiov el the
rcacarch vessel, vs of today.
Iv other aravs,Ontes repartcd[hal lha Pivance Deportment was arooipiantofiheC vemmem
E'hlanuv Ollicus Association'e Ccrti6cam ofAchievement for Excellcnw in Fnencinl Relpning far
tlrc 13n wnsccutive yevr. City Plarmer Malclm Arown hod enbmiltcd hie mat®aNorv Kari
Andueov would be PACAA'e resoucc staITon masers permining to the Seward Port and Aoh Hicks
~nuld be the resource amff for oomlvace and ecovamie development. Claisiy Tarty helped
strevmline Nc procedure ov building and dig Ponniln. Bab Hicks abendcd a leleconfrcnce for
MTAB all felt it was highly unlikely routing wmdd be changed m include Seward.
Other Hepor[s, Special Presentations
Ilmn fur ReconsideraNnn
Ordinance 3008-0U1 Revising Seward City COtle Section 3.35.I1y$(Compalalian-Maximum
_ Tax), Fnereasing the Sales Tax Cap From $5W To SI,000, Effeetlve daauary 1, 2009, And
Rewinding Ordinance 3009-010.
O,ry u/'Sewa~d, AIwFn GN Cound Afimr,et
Volume J9. Page 50d
Motion to Reconsider (AmberglBerdarsov) Reconsider Urtllnence 2008-gUl ,
Amb uK star cd the reowv she madc Ibis motion far mwvaiderati on moos mainly by ease of the
pnhlic fealback Her intentwas volmehangethe affeclrvc date, butm ehwge thetax oap haekro
theoriginal amount of $500.
City MOnagu Onms emend council fled befrra them av OMinancemat cnangrd the effetive
date ofthe tax cap incresac only. Iftheybring misbackup forennsideration now, and fail Ordinance
2008-01, then tnepmvions ordinance would Ku imo cffcct, which enacted the sake tax cop increase
effective Apnl 1, 2W8. Oates proposed anomer wuree of action which was tU not vote on this
Ordinnn and dimct administmtTonto comeback withenew ordinvneemrepeal too lnitieldeeision
nrrai.mseo~e setae tax cap.
smitn eennea onte~x wrmnwl mat nn mot was on me anaknt mnigpt waa reoonaiandns me
ame mange. ne mmra mmk mo dam ~dtanse was went annncu wnmea.
8ardareov asked ifcoondl could vote on rcpealinK ONmanw200S-p1U. Adumoeh debate,
it was dpuntined that ONinvnce 2009-010 mould ool be repnalcd this coating.
Valdatm sold ma publicwwted tNs isxue to go away ronigln. Comridge agreed, but noted
this was not possible to do in one eveninK.
Marion to Rewnsider Failed Unanimans .+
Mutiov (Amberg/Rartlareov) Dlreet edminlstration m bring (ornard a
ordinance at the next meeting,
hr aging the sales tax cap to 5500, thus
rescinding Urdivavve 200&001.
Motion Paasetl Unanimous
Resolution 2008-009. In Continued Support Of l'he Mery Lowell Caner, A Multi-Agency
Caner And The Development OtThe CIh OfSewertl's Conference Center Of Apprvximalely
3650ef And Directing Admintatraflnn To Remain An Acdve Project Partner.
Mn[Inn (Rertlarson/Amberg) Approve Resolution 3008-009
Oatea mminded the eooneil of the recent work session held o^ this topic, wawa tnc city
dirwmd etatfto romnfn involy d with the Mary Lowell Cwtuprojwt. Thor wom manyoplions to
decide from, and council gave guidance that may would prcfcr the cwmr not be Fuih across
Waaningon Strew, but not let it be the main faGOC '
V nldaua askul whcn the Lc6rmds Roilding would he moved, fiecause ne had an idea where it
mould go. Natiaval Park Service 9upuivtavtlen[dcRMow said itwouldbemelastbuildmg to K0.
ca Js~md, aad., cq~ ceundlmr~waF
ivbivmy I I, 100A Yalume 9) Pis r 503
it would take al lease ayaat or iwo.
` Valdatln asked if thix would ohmtge the electric layout of the area. Mow ditlv't know
twcessarily, but noted the changvng ofpower lines m undcrKmund lines was not a part of the Mary
Lowell Center project; it was something the city was pmsuinK separately.
Inresponaclo Smith, Mow s~mdthepwncro would absolutelybe cvmhtgback to council for
vppreval of [he site design.
Motive m Ammnd (Garklhcllaq Amend Rosalviiav 20D&009, Section 4 is
read: "The city council greatly prefers
Mary Lnweli Center design revisions which
do not ragnire huiltling across
Washington 6treel." a
In response to Eardarsoq Maw slalal they would take this resoluion and inwrpomm it'm
Ihoirvulue analysis. Ho reminded couveil in lheirenvironmemal assasmenq itwee censider~ ifthe
I'oetpdntdid not vacate Washington Siteeq dtesecond optionwae whavetwohuildivge, oneov each
side of the street.
Kellar askeA what was next aflerthie resolution. Mow said they wouldreengagethe Porticu
Group m revise the aomm~ts of the building and rewgnim that the CmniinK would need m be
~ approached more prudently. The enly thing Mow said he needed m this point was a know what
level o[paniciPetion the eitYwes willing to heapartva in. ^was important 6r iha vitYm direct if
they wanted n bwldigq across Waehingtov Street or vat, ttwugb.
Oatce asked if this mndifcation of Nis resolutionjeopaNiaed the project in rosy way, and
Maw did not think so.
Amberg dtouKht if it wosn't gaivg to jwpaNine the protest, she would enppart this
Ke11w reallyhopcd Ibis section did vot hurt the Park Service'e ehmmas ofgatdng funding in
way. Mmv smted ngaiv the Pads Servicekncw dtis was apossihiliry and 1'dt it wouldn---t havcan
Valdada suggested tlrcy comeup with some sort ofplan now, heoausc every time they go ro
Portico it wns another largely eddad design cosc
Matlnn to Ame0d Passed Iinavimoux
Main Modon Pesectl unanimous
Resolution 2006-012.AUthoriziug The City Manager Tu PurchxceA20"Extension Fnr The511
Ton'1'rnvelift With All Necessary Tubing And Hartlware For A Price NOt TO EaceN $9,885.00
And h'or A 4ead Technician To Supervise The 1nslallatiov For A Price Nal To Exeeetl
Cvy uJSewarR. Alas6n Ciry Conn 1Mimm~
Volume J] YaRe J00
56,020.00 Ivelvtling Airfare, Amommodalions, Vehicle Rev[ay Per Dievy And Labor, Avd I
Appropriate Funds. "'~
Motion (SmRh/Bardareov) Approve Resolutlon 2008-012
Oatae etamdthey wmebuildingelarger dock and thcyveed 1olmKar lmvcliB exmnsiovm
do so. He recommended approval.
N mspon.ce to Smith, ACIInR Harbormaster Jim Lewis said it did nut require any extra
training for the operemrs.
Motion Passed Uvavimous
Council question and answer period [u Jiseuss December Clry Finevaial Report (DUDham).
ConnRll moved by unanimuua consent to poe[pnne [bis item to the next meednR.
AmberR, eongmtulated the fivanw department and Kris Erchingm for her certificate of
Bartlarsgq echoed Ambers s corrvnonts. She meat to a studmr muvcil maetivK al Osc
school avd wos'in[erestM if the student wuvcil wanted to Kfve Drcsmm[iens quanerly to the city
canvcil. Council exprcssad ivtw[ fur Ihis w happcv.
Kcllaq had a nice time m the IDilarvd Days cclebmtinn.
Cnrbritlgq acted all the f Iks who made Idi[amd Days happen.
Sheryl Semy theNred council for [hair decisions on the sales tax <aP and the Mvry Lowell
Tom Tovges, wm pawed every time Nc top¢ of the Mary Lowell Canter came np. He
remmshered a meetinK 6 years ago, where Senator Stevms said irSrnsvucturc needed in the next 50
yews needed ro bebuilt in thcncxt 6 years, includingvisiwrs cenleR- Thc Pa,k Servicamade vhuge
mminnent tobuild a viaimr omtmin dowmawn Sewmd tohdp withthe economy. tlethmdredthc
Pmk Snrvfce far stiokivg with the downtewv idea and thaNrcl Mow for not givivg up. Tougee aa~
wamwl m show Stevms the rcspmt and thanks hedcacrved, Hehopedpeoplewouldalay 6cosed on
the original vision.
cMol saoa,n. Nmkn cfr Gm¢O Minuet
r~,,,,wu spas [
Hoh Linville, thNikwl Carhndgc forpullbrg Resolu[ion2008-009 offtheconacnl agenda, ae
Nis issue needed discussion. Heappteciated therewonling ofecctien 4. Linville was not opposed
for tho visimt ecnlec heing dowmovnr, it was The vacation of the street thatbchad a problmn with,
espwially when the ci[izens diJ not hew a chance to vale. He fcI! it was Sad Sewnnl was ip this
Carol Gruwalq kl! her lime was restricted in being able to speak humind to theaouncil.
Shc was disaPpoimed they wore not going In proceed with anntlror [easihiliry emdy for the Mary
Nowell Catter. She klt the biggest, moat expensive opt3nn was not going to be goad for the dly.
Griswold clarified carliercoimnents she had madeahout the Seolik Ccntubeing a sirddng ship, not
that it would go undm in n kw months. Shc supponed tlm Canter and !Nought the Park Servico
should partner with lho SeaLik Gonmr for n viswr oentu.
hr msponse to Yougus, VaMatla said he last all ofhis tomsight with the wnf wee cemrn
when the Univeaity polled out ofthe project back when it was proposed nearD SneaL Valdava
stated the Universitywas on boazd with tIleprojecq balpupedwttopursneafishcries school anhe
las! minute. Now !hart wee nothing in tlral ".r", and i! wns at that poim when Veldntm lost his
vision on the sanlerence center.
The meetinS was adjonvrW at 9:IR p.or.
learn t.ew CMC
CityaCle k '
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(C'.ilY Seal) .!~~ ~,~ `area:
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m~ r.
Clark CorhnAgC~~