HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182008 Planning & Zoning AgendaSeward Planning & Zoning Commission Special Meeting ~~~ 1 arc r , . ~ p. m. ,tv nuri.^,~fa»,~- :Nmianno Kei1 Choir Term FSp7Tk1' (I ~/1,) Sue McClure 1. Call to Order Commiaaiuner 't'erm Fxpirec U2/U, Z. Opening Ceremony ,Nargurer Andersar A. Pledge of Allegiance Cammiccinner Term Fxpires U21U9 ;. Roll Call VucuN G,mmircioner Term /iioires UI/U9 .Stevan Hehrrich ('.nmmusioncr Term F.xplres UZ~11 •Srmdie Itoaclr' Cnmmissionev Term Lixprres 01/1 U Yarans Cnmmicsioner Term Fxplres UZ/11 Ph+16r t7ntes City .blunng[r Bah N+ckc Cummuniq• Lrevelopment Direetur Dunne G1enz. Planning A.ccictrmr iLme liuiley Ertcvtive Liaicar 4. Special Reports & Presentations A. City Administration Report I .Reported Violations, lnlcrpretation and Abatement f3. ()lher Reports, Arniouncements $ Presentations I 5. Citizxns' Comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public bearing. (Those who htrve .cigr:ed in . will be XivCn the ftrtct npporhurfty' to Speak Time is limited to 2 minutes per spcrakcr and 30 rainules' total time for this akendu item] (. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda. [Approval of Crnccent .•igenda pir.ese.c oil routine items intlicuted by asterisk (*1 Cunsrnt Agenda items ore oat cnrxcidered cepurulelP unless a [:ommissiuner sn requests. In the event n{ such n request, the item is rehvned to the 1(e%irlm• A/;endu. J Planning & 7.oning (.'rnrrrnbsitn, Specinl.t-/ceting.•l.k~enda .'L1m•ci, lR. 2t1U?+ Fage 7. Public Hearings [Limit commenzc to 5 mundes. Thnse icho have signed Ut will be ~,dven the first npportirnity ra speak) A. lJnflnished Business Items reyuirin£ a Public IIearing-None B. Nr~~ Business Items requiring a Public Hraring- 1. Resolution 2008-04 Of The tieward Planning and 'toning Commission Of 1'he City Of Seward, Alaska, Granting A Conditional Use Permit lb The Kishan Group, Inc., dha [Intel Edgewater To Operate A T.ounge.`Drinking Fstahlishment ~'~`ithin "I7te Hotel EdgewateK At 2110 Fifth Avenue, Lol 21A, I31ock b. Original '1'owmsite Of Seward, ti~ The Central Dusincss 1)istrict....Page 3 8. Unfinished Business - Nonc 9. Vew Business -None 10. Inlbrmational Items and Reports (No action required)- None i 1. Commission Cor-unents 12. Citizens' Comments [Limit to 5 minutes per inrlividrud -Such individual has one c+pportunih• to .cpeakJ 13. Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments 14. AdJoumment Planning c4'r7.nning Commission Special Meeting Agenda March 18, ?008 Page ?