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OI 1Il0tl.OD. of CeunclJ.m.an
, seconded DY CounciJ.m.aa
, tne folloWlng fu!.OOLUTION was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the consumption of electrical energy in the City of
Seward, Alaska has il'lcreased to such an extent that the people of
Seward, at a Special Election aeld on the 11th December 19)0 auth-
orized the issuaaee by the City of Seward of $2ou,ooo revenue londs
to provide fwa.ds for the purchase of new and addi tio:n.al equipment
for tb.e immediate exp8l'l.sien of the Seward Electric System' s facH-
ities fer generatiag electrical energy; and,
WF{ImRA..C:;, by Ordiaance No. 2u2, tllere was created, pursuant to
Seetin 16-1-35 ActA 194'1, as amended, a Seward. Utility ioard, ves-
ted with ail the rights 8.Ild powers respectlng the management and
operation of the Seward Electric System heretofore exercised by the
Ci ty of Seward acting tllrougll its CoDon Council, but reserving to
the Common Council the.rignt to approve or reject all contracts
for tb.e acquisition of additlons, replacements and improvements to
said utility, and further reqUlring that all contracts Ie made in
the name of tthe City of Seward; 8lld,
W'H'reR'RA,.C:;, because of unsettled world condi tlons and the CDll-
sequent proDability of rationing of materials, it is Aigtlly desir-
aile tbat all financial details Ie consumated before the complete
disruption of the market for municipal .onds,
N(JN, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That an emergency exists, 8Jld
the Utill ty Board of the City of SewarC!. is hereby authorized 8.Dd.
fully empewered to enter i.llto allY and all contracts that lt may
conslder necessary and proper, In the name of the City of Seward,
for the direct acquisition of any and all materlals, machinery
and equipment, and for the constructl.on of addltlons to the buHd-
iAg of the Seward Electric System, and the extension of lts system
of distrilutien, lRcludlng the erection and wlring of additional
poles tAerefor, without adTertising for bids, and requirements as
to e..,etitiTe lidding to the contrary notwlthstandlng, and ln
8JIlounts not exceeding in the aggregate the totaJ. fuds made aT8.1.1-
a.le ,y the issuance of its bonds in tlle sum of $20u,uuU.UU.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That BUCll contracts, when executed by tne
I pd atter reviw b.r
Utili ty Board. in tlle name of the City 01' Sewara, A.LasJraj sllaJ.! haTe
the Cammea Council,
all the force and effect of a contract executea by tne City of Sew~
ard. upon autn.ori tf of the Common Council; and, all irregu.lari ties.J
and coDi'licts herewith, are hereby speClflCally walTed, and reptaied.
ADOPTED under suspenSlon of the Rules this l:;lt.ll January l.,:;ll.
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I liEREBY l.,,'ERTIFY that t.b.e abOTe is a true and
correct copy of the RESOLUTION adopted Dy the City Councll at a
regUlar meeting on tlle 16th January 1 Ij:;ll.
.X.:~ U~
Munic pal Clerk
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