HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1952-014 Tm~N OF S...,'WARD, ALASKA ~OLUTION NO. 14 H RrBOLUTION CALLING A. ::!P6ClAL ~;T.8;CTION FOR TH~ PURPOSE OF DET~iINING W'Ht,'TI-iJ~;R OR NOT THE G,;UALH'I.r;D VOTto;RS OF TH~ TCTw'"N OF 3.8"JiiRD, ALA0KA, .3HOULD AUTHOH.IZE TH.i!; IS::>UANCi, OF FlliV""NUE BONDS IN AN AVl.OUNT NOT TO ii:XCKE:D FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND (9400,000) lJOLLA.'lS FOR 'fHE PURPOSb: OF PUH.CHASlNG, REHABILITATING, B~TT.8RING AND EX- TiJmrNG ITS 'WATER D13TRIBUTION SY3TJili, PURSUANT TO TITLE 48, SECTION 44F, U.S.C.A. OR ACT OF CONGH3SS OF ~uutCH 6, 1946. dE IT RBSOLVlill by the Council of the Town of ::>eward, Alaska: Section 1. ::>pecial Election. That a special election be held on 26, February, 1952, at Seward, Alaska, for the purpose of determining whether the Town of Seward shall issue revenue bonds, pursuant to Act of March 6, 1946, or 60 stat. 33, in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000) Dollars, for the purpose of ?urchasing, rehabilitating, bettering and extending its water dis- tribution system. Section.]. F'orm o..Lf!.'EPosition. That at said election the following proposition be submitted to the qualified electors, as here- inafter defined, of the Town of Seward: Proposition "A". Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, issue revenue bonds, payable solely from unp1edzed revenue of its water distribution system, under authority of Act of March 6, 1946, in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Thousand C$400,000) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, rehabilita- ting, bettering and extending its water distribution system? Section 3. Qualific~~Jp~p_!or Voters. The qualifications for voters at said election shall be as follows: (a) They must be citizens of the United states, twenty-one (21) years of age and over. (b) They must be actual and bona fide residents of Alaska and they must have been such residents continuously during the entire year immediately preceding the election, and must have been such residents continuously for thirty (0) days next preceding the election in the Town of Seward, Alaska. (c) They must be able to read and write the ~g1ish language as prescribed and provided in Title 38, Chapter I, Section 2, A.C.L.A. 1949, and not barred from voting by any other provision of law. (d) They must have registered at the City Hall, Seward, Alaska, within the time provided 'bj' ordinance ,rior to the election. Section ~. Registration as Prerequisite. Registration shall be required as a qualification of the voters at this election as pro- vided by the laws of the Town of Seward. The registration book will be open daily at the office of the Municipal Clerk and Registrar at the City Hall, Town of Seward, Alaska, from 10:00 A.H. until 3:00 P.!-:, daily ex- cept 3aturda;)rs (from 10:00 A.E. untH 12:00 noon), Sundays and holidays, and until 3:00 ::'.1"., two days before the said election or 'llltil ~:h.":xNonn ~ February, 1952. Copies of the registration books or the registra- tion books shall be furnished the judges qnd clerks of election. ~ Section 5. ?olling ?lace. the City Hall, Seward, Alaska, between on the said election day. All qualified voters ahall vote at the hours of 8:00 A.;I. and 7:00 ?I'I. Section b. Notice of Election. Not les6 than thirty (30) days notice of said election shall be given to the public by posting notices of the same in three (3) conspicuous places within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward; said election notice shall specifically state the amount of bonds proposed to be issued and the purposes for which said bonds are to be issued, the date of election, the time of opening and closing the poll- ing place, the qualifications of voters and the manner, time, method and place of registration, proposition to be voted upon; said election notice shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous places within the Town of Seward, one of which shall be posted on the front door of the United states ?ost Office. Section J. Forn of Ba.llot. The ronn of ballot shall consist of the statement of the propositionset forth in Section 2 above, with the following added: For Proposition "A" Against Proposition IIA" B Section 8. All Laws to be Followed. All "OroVJ..s~ons of t he laws of the United states and of the Territory of Alaska And the ordinances of the Town of Seward, Alaska, relating to the registration at this election, the manner of conducting the same and the canvass of the ret'J.!'ns thereof, shall be as nearly as practicable and except as herein provided, complied with. Section 9. Publication.. Publication of this Reeolution shall be made by posting a copy hereof on the City Hall Bulletin Board for a period of ten (10) days following the passage hereof. Sectioo. 10. Suspension of Rules. The rules governing the introduction, posting, passa.ge and approval of resolutions are hereby sus- pended and an emergency is declared, and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its introduction and passage this 2~ day of January, 1952. a: CJ. fflO'~D. ~lt:-~Mc~ae Acti ng lVIayor Town of Seward, ri1aska ATTEST: ~ ~ _1~ Hunici 1 Cle-if. -- - -- Town of Seward, Jllaska - 2 -