HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2020-001 - HP Priorities' Sponsored by: HP Substitute Resolution CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2020-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, RECOMMENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PRIORITIES FROM FEBRUARY 2020 TO FEBRUARY 2021 WHEREAS, HP's responsibilities are listed in SCC 2.30.325 Powers and Duties; and WHEREAS, at its November 14, 2019 and January 9, 2020 meetings, HP reviewed and updated their Priorities and Goals list for 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA that: Section 1. The following list of Priorities and Goals from February 2020 through February 2021 is hereby approved by the Commission and recommended to Council for their approval: ANNUAL REPORTING • Annual report to council • Annual Certified Local Government (C.L.G) grant report to the State Historic Preservation Office PUBLIC OUTREACH • Coordinate efforts with Planning and Zoning regarding the identification and protection of local historic and archaeological resources. • Enhance understanding of the economic benefits of Heritage Tourism. • Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in May by proclamation. • Award the Annual Seward Historic Preservation Award in May. • Improve the Seward Historic Preservation Commission online presence. SEWARD HISTORIC STRUCTURES & SITES • Review local projects and recommendations about the effect on properties ' identified in the local historic preservation inventory. • Review and update Seward Inventory offlistoric Sites according to the guidelines for the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey, with annual review. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2020-001 •: Annually submit inventory data to the Offices of History and Archaeology. • Promote and continue to nominate structures and sites to Seward Local Register • Support the historic Hoben Park and assist with planters. • Track and promote the preservation of the Jesse Lee Home. • Track and monitor the progress of the Fort Raymond Subdivision • Identify the Ten Most Endangered Historic Properties in Seward. SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN (Undated 20171 • Promote economic incentives, historical preservation and education. • Promote historic preservation initiatives and projects. • Promote the Historic Overlay District. • Generate ideas, set priorities, and submit an application for consideration for the CLG grant opportunities that stimulate heritage tourism and cultural awareness. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 13' day of February, 2020. AYES: Kurtz, Ward, Libbrecht, Seese NOES: None ABSENT: Benoit, Darling ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: J"ri� -�r� Jessica Stallard Deputy City Clerk (City Sea]) THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA zz' " Cheryl SeeA, Chair OF • SEAL E 1 OF Seward Historic Preservation Commission 12020 Priorities List Public Outreach • Coordinate efforts with Planning and Zoning regarding the identification and protection of local historic and archaeological resources. • Enhance understanding of the economic benefits of Heritage Tourism. • Celebrate National Historic Preservation Month in May by proclamation. • Award the Annual Seward Historic Preservation Award in May. • Improve the Seward Historic Preservation Commission online presence. Seward Historic Structures & Sites • Review local projects and recommendations about the effect on properties identified in the local historic preservation inventory. • Review and update Seward Inventory of Historic Sites according to the guidelines for the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey, with annual review. • Annually submit inventory data to the Offices of History and Archaeology. • Promote and continue to nominate structures and sites to Seward Local Register. • Update Local Historic Plants and Trees Inventory. • Support the historic Hoben Park and assist with planters. • Track and promote the preservation of the Jesse Lee Home Project. • Track and monitor the progress of the Fort Raymond Subdivision. • Identify the Ten Most Endangered Historic Properties in Seward Seward Historic Preservation Plan (updated 2017) • Promote economic incentives, historical preservation and education. • Promote historic preservation initiatives and projects. • Promote the Historic Overlay District. Other Commission Tasks • Generate ideas, set priorities and submit an application for consideration for the CLG grant opportunities that stimulate heritage tourism and cultural awareness. Approved by SHPC on March 14, 2019 Updated on December 4, 2019 9 32