HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1954-049 I (j f,;." ( .; r r RES:>LUTIOII NO. .9 A REroLUTION OF THE (DMtI)N (DWCIL OF THE crn OF SF.WARD. ALAs::A. VACATING A PalTIOI OF -}3'" S'l'R~ FOR SCfmL roRJa3ES. WHEREAS. The eo.on Council of the City of Sward. Alaska has bee. petitioned to vacate a portion of -B'" street. all lyinq within the City of Seward. Alaska. for school purposes. and. WHEREAS, The Coo.on Council of the City of Seward, Alalia has caused to be pabl. bk*! notices of a hear1nq to be held Oil this date. all in accordance with Chapter III of Chapter 115, a.ssion Laws of Ala., 1953. and. WHEREAS, Said hearinq has been held this date and the CoIIIIDon Counoil of the City of Seward. Alaska have dehIlllined that the vacating of -B'" street for school purposes b in the interest of the public welfare, Nai. THER~E, Be it Resolved by the CoIlInon Council of the City of Seward. Alaska, that the followinq desoribed portion of -B- street be ......ted for school purposes. to-wi tr Beginninq at the point of intersection of the west property line of Second Avenue and the north property line of "'B- street. thence in '" westerly direction a distance of 220.00 feet. thenoe in a southerly direotioft a distanoe of 60.00 feet, thence in an easterly direotion a distance of 220.00 feet, thence in a northerly direotion a distance of 60.00 feet to poiat of beqinninq; oODlllonly described AS that portion of -B'" street lyinq between Firat Avenue and Seoond Avemae wi thin the City of Seward, Alaska. Paned and approved by the ColllllOn Counoil this 15th day 1954. Approy Attest ~~ City Clerk -- 1!-1/1 ?j~MWJf!:J~M;'7' r~:~ ~Li:;,e~:;;i =-.(J~<, /Q . A'" " ' Ii ;1/ :;,;,,; " -.iu .2..0,' I/~ "',,, '915 ',,_.~,/l,/~'o t..;} l;('~:1:.'I\:,' ,\:~' ;!', ) tlfFI Ii ?FC{~ ~. t. ...,.. ....... .. dill, ........... ....11.... ... ..i.. Ol. ct_ of ,... OIty of........ . ....&aMl "II'JlM.t&.. 10 ftliiiii.iN Ciiiftft tllat 1 _ .... IIDUIlIf of ,. oIfleW ...... at .... ..1.4 Olt, 01 -.r4. ... talat tM .h1"'bo i. . I.u, t_ a4 .. ~..., -.w ., IMal.U. Ie. 11. .. ........ . .. oItl.lal ....... .f the Oit, of ...... . .......1 .....atl..' ~GllIO. fl. A ".lltaU_ ., tM O. I IT ao..u ., 'M City ot ,....... AJI.... _then.., 'Ile at., "Mill" Ii&. .. applf...Uoa .. . pnlilU....., ...... for . h,.... tlleotrlo J>1*. WHPW. 1'M i~ ,v '" CeuQU .f tM Oity ., t;leI,...d b _1'. .f tht .............t L'" ,.. ehlftn.l ....".. .... "laUilJIA8, ". <-lr.11. eou.U of the City of s...... la .t tile epta,. u.t to ...t thl.. '......81 WI ~.. .. to pI'O'Ilca dl ...... ~1oel ..... at . .......)4. tato it i. .......17 te ...eltIp "Jdn,-elo.tdo .,..,.. 1M W_W. .,.. C,IIII.. ~lfllIU hae .t1Id1.t ttlo ....lbl11t' .1 ..'4 ...~ .... 1lIIt.. _II cIIUbonU.. be... ..loot_ . ..... .. bId1 .f wt... __ .. Jlta....... ..... .... ~f... . 1T f W!lOLVlD If m o.JlIaI CWIClL OF '1111, OITY 01 .AllD.. AL~ ftlt, tile aity "lrr:nl,lw .. be..~ 1M"""_ to '11. aft app1l.Uoa ,... . p...UII1_1Y .._t tow . h...... ~I',. pl_ .. t"" bodr of ...... ImclIIIl ... .....1... ...... ...... .M ........ bJ tIMt ClI'I.'A 0-11 tIl,. .. _ fill ....., 1.... An.te~t C8M). ) _... t.. ....... cu, 01.. · .,...t ~ AJ.... W. 11th_ ., 1)11 ~LM 11'. UN. ....u fa... -- City at..