HomeMy WebLinkAbout09212005 Historic Preservation Minutes
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City of Seward, Alaska
September 21,2005
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
Volume 1, PaKe 247
Tom Swann - Jesse Lee Home Restoration Work Sessions Update
Swann stated that Council had approved a Resolution of support for the Rasmussen
Foundation grant. He noted that the next meeting was scheduled for August 29, 2005 held in
Anchorage with the Rasmussen Foundation and others interested in the restoration of the Jesse Lee
Home. He thanked Commissioner Park for the tremendous amount of work she provided for the
grant application.
Shannon Kovac - Update on the Historic Property Inventory Update
Kovac noted she had been working on updating the ownership and information records of the
Historic Properties Inventory. She was hoping to begin the process of photographing the properties
within the next couple weeks.
Greg Carpenter - Update report on the Hoben Park Restoration Project
He noted he had met with the City Project Manager Tom Shepard and that Shepard had stated
the project was continuing to move forward on the restoration of the park. Shepard had stated that
the current project was the installation of the historic lighting, which was planned for completion in
about two weeks. Carpenter noted that he planned to continue to work with Shepard on the progress
of the park restoration. He was also informed that a significant amount of money, 1.6 million
dollars, was allocated to the Sealife Center following the purchase of the properties for the Mary
Lowell Center, which were to be used for the improvement of the waterfront area of Seward.
Carpenter stated he planned to continue to contact the Sealife Center as to the use for these funds.
He noted that the FY 2006 State of Alaska Historic Preservation Certified Local Government Grant
forms had just been received and he planned to start work on those immediately.
Paul Schrooten, National Park Service. Gave a presentation on the selection process for the
preferred concept alternative for Mary Lowell, Multi-Agency Facility. He noted that an
environmental assessment had been completed in July of2004. A finding of no significant impact
was found. He stated that numerous public hearings had been held over the last couple years. The
land that had been acquired included the Old Solly, Harbor Dinner Club, Legions and the Mia
properties. He continued to review the process that the Park Service had used to determine the final
selection of concept 2A, which would require the vacation of Washington Street. The public asked
numerous questions of Shroten.
Commission took a 5 minute beak.
Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing
Marlie Koszewski, inside the City. She spoke to the Seward Commercial Historic District.
She spoke strongly against the vacation of Washington Street.
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City of Seward, Alaska
September 21,2005
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
Volume 1, Page 249
Commission could pass a motion requesting that the Planning Commission not take action on the
request to vacate until the historic review had been performed.
Swann cautioned the Commission to set aside their personal feelings on the project and look
only at the historical significance of Washington Street to Seward.
Carpenter noted that from a historical point Washington Street as it was platted in the
Original Townsite plat was very important to Seward.
Park and Huber supported the historical significance of Washington Street and suggested that
a more in-depth review was needed before the vacation was allowed.
Swann spoke to the public comment for support of a Seward historic district. He noted that
perhaps the district might not qualify for the national register but Seward could set it's own
Motion (Swann/Park)
Schedule the review of the Vacation of
Washington Street for the October Agenda,
request staff to provide further information
and recommend the Planning and Zoning
Commission postpone action on the
vacation request until a through historic
review is complete.
The Commission discussed the time line for the request to vacate Washington Street and
supported the historic significance of Washington Street to Seward. It was noted that once the
vacation was approved, Washington Street and the historic significance was gone forever.
Motion Passed
Swann requested that a discussion of the historic significance of the Solly Building be placed
on the October agenda.
Kovac returned to the dais
Review of the Airport Master Plan (draft) for "Cultural Resource Impact"
Brown stated that the Department of Transportation (DOT) was currently reviewing the
Airport Master Plan. The consultant for the review had requested input from the community on the
proposed projects to identify places that may be of traditional religious and cultural importance to the
Kovac noted that two sites were mentioned in the Alaska Heritage Resource Survey. One of
the sites was the FAA structure and the other was the trailhead. The area of concern was also heavily
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City of Seward, Alaska
September 21, 2005
Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
Volume 1, Page 251
September 2005 Heritage Newsletter
Commission Comments
Swann welcomed Huber to the Commission. He noted that he felt the community was
supporting the Historic Preservation Commission.
Kovac also welcomed Huber and thanked the public for their attendance.
Carpenter requested information on any further comments or discussion on the proposed
demolition of the historic Ballaine House.
Huber expressed her happiness to be on the Commission.
Citizens Comments
Martie Koszowski, owner of the Ballaine House. She stated she did not wish to demolish
the Ballaine House. She was currently reviewing her options and waiting to see how the City
responded to other historic support around the community.
Commission & Administration Response to Citizens Comments -
Brown requested that if the Commissioners were aware of any environmental assessments
being done to contact staff so that the Commission could be made aware and be part of the cultural
reVIew process.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
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