HomeMy WebLinkAbout10262005 Historic Preservation Minutes '~!-J.I3do.ld .I3lS~3H 3!.10lS!H l...u09"'N .IoJ AlmQpin3 JO UOn"'U!1U.I3l3P 3ql uo 33!A.l3S }J.I"'d l...uon"'N - UOS.l3l3d aA3lS "P::lfOld ::lql UO SlU::lWdOpA::lp M::lU OU U::l::lq puq ::ll::lqllUql p::llUlS UUUMS 3l...pda SUO!SS3S }J.loM u09....I0lS3H 3woH 33'} 3SS3r - UU"'A\S WO.L SU098lU3S3.1d W SlU3W33unouuy 'Sl.IOd3H .I3qlO "l::llS~il::lll 3~OlS~H luuoHuN ::lql uo ~md U::lqoH ::l3Uld Ol p::lp::l::lU SUM ~lOM l::lllllllJ l::lA::lMOq P::llQU ::lq :~md U::lqoH JO ::lHS l::llS~il::lll 3~OlS!H pmM::lS ::lql JO UO~lUlOlS::ll ql~ lS~SSU Ol 90- Ad lUlllD Pund UO~lUAl::lS::lld 3~OlS!H U lOJ 'S::l3IDOS::l1l lUIDlUN JO lU::lWllUd::lQ 'u~suIY JO ::llUlS ::lql Ol p::lll~wqns U::l::lq puq uOHU3!lddu lunlD ::lq.L J;l. :SMOnOJ SU S::l~l~A~PU Al~J uo ::llUpdn un ::lAuil UMOlg l.IOd3H U098.1lS!U!WPY AlD p::lSn3X::l -lpMoll S::lUIDr :::ll::lM lU::lsqy lUUlS~SSY ilu~uuuld 'ZU::lID muoQ l::lUUUld 'UMOlg wl031uW pun :uo~ss~mmoJ ::lql JO mruonb U ilu~s~dw03 Ov:9 lU p::lA~U - l::llU::ldmJ il::llD l::lilU~ll::lH-l::l~lUA\ Ul::luq3~W l::lqnH uouuuqS UUUMS wOl ~md ::l~::llUA pun 'ilU~p~S::lld l~UqJ-3UAO)l uouuuqS :lU::lS::lld ::ll::lM ::ll::lql 118;) 1I0H "ilulJ ::lql Ol ::l3un~il::lnY JO ::lilp::lld ::lql P::ll ~md AUOW3.13;) ~U!U3dO o3UAO)l uouuuqS 'l~UqJ Aq owod 0[:9 lU l::lplO Ol P::lHU3 SUM uo~ss~mmoJ UO~lUAl::lS::lld 3~OlS!H pmM::lS ::lqlJo ilUH::l::lW mlnil::ll ~OOl '9ll::lqoPO ::lql .I3P.lO olll"';) l~l a:ivJ '[ awn[oA samU!W UO!SS!WWOJ uO!lvtUasa.lJ ;)!.lOIS!H mOl 'n .laqopo WfsvfV 'p.lvlftas fo NO City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 253 Peterson provided an overview of the National Historic Register process. He noted that the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966 established the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), located in Anchorage. What is the National Register of Historic Places? - It is a commemorative action, that recognized the importance ofthe history of the site or structure; local, regional ornational. He listed the two main steps or tests in the process to the register. I. What is the history of the structure or site? A. Important because of the event that happened B. Places because of who was there C. Design of the structure D. Archeological site - potential of what it could offer II. Does the structure / site have Integrity A. Location B. Design C. Setting D. Materials E. Workmanship F. Feeling G. Association He noted that all the information was available on the website. Greg Carpenter - Update report on the Hoben Park Restoration Project Carpenter noted the lighting had been installed. He stated that the City Project Manager, Tom Shepard had stated that no other projects were planned until spring. Carpenter thanked Brown, Park and Kovac for the work that had been done in applying for the Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY-06. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing Paul Sorenson, Portico Group, stated the group was very pleased that the review process for the Mary Lowell Center had started again. He noted that many public design meetings were planned and invited the Commission and the public to attend. Stu Clark, inside the City. Supported the construction of the Mary Lowell Center and noted that in the distant future he hoped the Center would be considered a significant historic structure. Jeff Mow , Superintendent Kenai Fjords National Park. Stated the petition to vacate a portion of Washington Street had been submitted to the Kenai Peninsula Borough, He stated that it was scheduled for the November 28,2005 meeting and the packet deadline was November 11,2005. He stated the schematic design of the Mary Lowell Center was currently being worked on. UOnll~A :np JO ld;'):'luo:'l UMlllp-pUllq II SllM UO!SS!WWO;) ~u!UUllld ~nolOg ;')ql Ol p;')U!UIqns u;');')q pnq lllqM P;')llllS;')H OI;)A;)1 q~nOlog ;)qllll u;)ddllq Ol SllMlllql SS;):'lOld ;)ql P;)M;)!A;)l UM01g OM;)!A;)l 1;)tp.rnJ lOJ lU;)UI;)uodlsod lS;)nb;)~ oE 10 OlS;)nb;)l UOnll:'lllA ;')qlJO {ll!U;)P PU;)WWO:'l;)~ oz OUO!lll:'lllA ;)qlJO {llA01ddll PU;)WWO:);')~ 0 I ;)l;)M suonnpU;)WWO:>;)l;)ql P;)llllS;)H Ol;);')llS UO~U!qSll1\\JO UOnll:>llA P;)Sod01d ;)ql uo UO!ss!WWO;) ~U!UUllld ~OlOg ll{llsu~d !llu;'))I ;')ql Ol uonnpU;)WWO:>;)lll ;)llld;)ld Ol SUM UO!SS!WWO;) ;)ql ;)lOJ;')q ;)nSS! ;)qllllql P;)lOU;')H O;)nSS!;)ql UO uO!l!sod UO!SS!WWO;) ;')ql JO ;)msun SUM ;)q ;)snll:>;)q UO!lnlos;')lll JO UIlOJ ;')ql U! UO!lllPU;')WWO:>;)l ;)qllnd lOU pllq ;)q P;)llllS UM01g OS!llP ;)ql UIO.y JI;)Sl;)q P;)AOUI;)l pUll ;):>!Al;')S )[llld IllUO!lllN ;)ql Aq P;)AOldUI;) AIlU;)lID:> SUM ;)qs P;)lOU ;)qS OlS;)l;)lU! 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P;)AIOAU! ;}q Ol ;);)U!UIUIO:> ~!S;)P II ~unu!oddll JO UO!ldo ;)ql ~U!ssn:>S!P AIlU;)lID:> ;)l;,)M 10AllW ;)ql pUll ;)qs lllql P;)llllS ;}QS Ol;);)llS UO~U!qsu 1\\ JO UOnll~A;)ql PUll1;)lU;};) IpMO'l AmW ;)ql p;)lloddns Ol;)~llUllW Al!;) lUlllS!SSY '13S3 A U3lS.l!)l frrz a;]tJJ '[ autn/oA sajnuwv uo!ss!wwo:J UO!JtJiUaSaJJ :J!JoJS!H rooz '9Z Jaqopo 1J'JfstJfV 'pJtJM.aSfo NO City of Seward, Alas/m October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Paj?e 255 r request. If the Borough Planning Commission were to approve the concept the applicant had one year to bring the concept back in the preliminary plat form. Which would come back before the City Planning Commission for review then be forwarded to the Borough Planning Commission and following fInal approval of the fInal plat by the Borough the City Council had a 30 day veto period. Brown noted that following a discussion and direction from the Commission a Resolution could be ready for the November meeting. Swann requested the rules be suspended to hold an informal discussion with the audience on the vacation issue. No objections were voiced. Park stated she had done a review of the public comments and information provided to the Commission, she voiced concern for incorporation of the "Old Solly" concept into the new building. Carpenter voiced concern with losing the view of Resurrection Bay from Washington Street. Jeff Mow, KFNP, stated that many discussions were currently being held on the design of the building. He noted many options were out for discussion. Carpenter stated that he had received numerous comments, emails and public input and felt that the vast majority of the community was strongly opposed to the vacation of Washington Street; however he was concerned that Planning and Zoning had approved the concept of the vacation. He also voiced strong concern for the Solly building. Swann stated it was very important the Mary Lowell Center incorporate and maintain the historical signifIcance of the historical Seward downtown grid. Park stated that the original plat and downtown grid of Seward was the issue of historic signifIcance. Swann stated that he supported the vacation if the signifIcance of the historic grid pattern was incorporated into the design of the building. Carpenter suggested that the resolution be written with the understanding the Commission was not opposing the vacation but was not in support of interruption of the historic grid pattern. Following a lengthy discussion the Commission requested that staff bring forward a resolution at the November meeting that incorporated the thoughts of the Commission. Kovac and Huber returned to the dais Discussion of proposed changes for meeting dates for the months of November and December 2005 and January 2006 JO SpUBSnOlll pAUll OqM ;:lldO;:ld ;:lql SUM ~UH;:l;:lJ ;:lql p;:l.l'R;:lddR l! lRql P;:lllJlS;:lH ""l;:llU;:l:) ;:l:)U;:ll;:lJUO:) ;}ql UlO.y M;}!A P;}pnJlsqoun UB ;:lP!AOld H!M UO!lR:)OI S!qllR l;}lU;};) H;}MOl A.rnW ;}qllOJ ~U!Pl!nq ;}UO ~U!PnJlSUO:) SWl;}l{A\" 'l;:l;}llS UO~U!qSR1\\JO UO!lR:)RA ;:lqllloddns Ol ;}pYUllU;:lUl;}llJlS ;}ql p;}lOnb ;}H "l;:llU;:l;) IpMOl A.rnW ;:lqllOJ llOdUl! ,u;}A SllM l! ll;}J OS{tl dnOlD O:)!llOd ;}ql P;:lllJlS UllJ;}H "l;}lU;};) H;}MOl A.rnW P;:lSOdOld ;:lql U! ;}ldO;:ld ;}qllsnf lOU PllJM;}S JO ;}ldO;:ld ;:lqll{tl OllUlJllOdUl! ,u;}A SUM M;:l!A ;:lqllPJ ;:lq ltJql P;}lOU;}H "lU;}Ul;:lSU;} UB!llS;:lp;}d R SU All;:ldOld SUO!~;:lllU;}lffi:) ;}ql JO ;}UH All;}dOld qllOU ;}ql uo l;:l;}J 8 MOHR Ol U;};:lq pYq ~U!l;};}Ul ;:lqllR SUB!llS;:lp;}d lOJ l~noql ;}ql P;}llJlS;:lH "~U!Pl!nq ;}qllOJ P;}p;:l;}U SUM lU!ldlooJ p;}lS;}nb;:ll ;}l!lU;:l ;}qllRql P;:lllJlS U;:l~ pRq l! lRql pUB l;:llU;};) IpMOl A.rnW;}ql UO AYp ;}ql U! l;:lHllJ;} ~U!l;};:lUl;:lql P;:lPU;}llR pYq;:lq P;}lOU 'Al!;);:lql ;}P!SU! 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P;}lOU uutlMS "S;}lRP ARPS;}UP;} 1\\ Pl!ql p;:llnp;}q:)s ;:lql uo S~U!l;:l;:lUl ;}qll!Rq:) Ol ;}{qRl!RARun SRM ;:lqs P;}lRlS ;}qS "SqlUOUl ;}A!l:);}ds:u ;}ql JO AYpS;}UP;} 1\\ pUO:);}S ;}ql Ol p;:l~UBq:) ;:lq S;}lRP ~U!l;};:lUl A.rnnUBf pUB l;:lqUl;}:);}G 'l;}qUl;}AON ;}ql p;:llS;:lnb;}l :)RAO)l 9~l a;JvJ '[ aum/oA saJnUrW UO!SS!UlUlO:J UO!JVA"ldSa.JJ :J!.JOJS!H ~OOl 'n .Jaqopo WfSVlV 'p.JVMaS!O N!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 257 miles to visit Alaska and went into the center to look out at a view were more important than the people of Seward and visitors that do not go into the building. He felt the view was more important for the local people and visitors outside the building. He continued to speak strong against the vacation of Washington Street. Commission & Administration Response to Citizens Comments - Brown thanked Hearn for his comments and interest in the proposed vacation of Washington Street. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Donna Glenz Planning Assistant ",,\\,n!ISU~I',I" (~~~...:: VZ4A!:", .:> (} "'ol\i'OFti:>::~ -:. ~ .,'v ~'" ~ ~ :~ ___ C'. If. = : \ ~ . .: SE AL :..: -. - '.. .. . . III ~~. -+- l.: -;. " V'J' ~ IV ,', ~ -; c\.....~"'t: 1 ..~~.,..J,.;."r;~ .. ~~...." ,". .. .., ",,,, ~'~., -1;/'::'00 '~".ee'. ~:~ ,\'" "'., <::()-'I"~' ';:;, I'" .~~ ~# "4'CtUF;;"~. , '::>'v--o._-,<,-~,c /"_____ \( _~/'-'v_P_ Shannon Kovac Chair