HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1956-097 rn CITY OF SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA SEWARD. ALASKA OFFICE OF, RESOLUTION NO. 97 BE IT RESJLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that the following named persons shall act as Judges, Clerks and as Inspector of Election at the Territorial Primary Election to be held TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956 at Seward, Alaska. Said Primary Election to be held for the following purposes: 1. To nominate candidates for: a. Delegate to Congress b. Attorney General c. Highway Engineer d. Divisional Senators (2) .. Divi~iona1 Representatives (10) 2. To elect National Committeemen and Committeewomen 3. For declaration of preference of voters for candidate for President of the United states. 4. For ratification or rejection of the Constitution of the proposed state of Alaska and of related ordinances IlUbnitted by the Alaska Constitutional Convention. JUOOES: L. Ruasell Clapp (Inspector) Millired E. Kirkpatrick Eda Myers CLERKS: Lenore Rol:hins Wilma Lind The rules governing the passa ge and approval of Resolutions are hereby suspended and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its introduction and passage this 19th day of March, 19560 ~'.~J/(/f-~ c2Ad_ PERRY W. STOCKTON MAYOR OF SLWARD TERRITORY OF AIJ\S:A ATTEST: ~__ m$;;:/- City Clerk r -~.~._~---~-~.-.._~ CERTlFlCA n: L, the und....igned, the duly qualified and actin<< Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska, and the keeper of the record. of the said City, inolud1Dg the jolU"ll&l of the proceodiag. of the City OoWICil, hereinaf'ter callAHt the Oevern1Dl Body, do hereby certi1'71 (1) That the attached. Resolution 18 a true &ad COI'I"eCt copy of the He.olution .. finally adopted at . .etilll of the City Council tc.([[, fA ' held on the ...LL......?'Oay of ---U,IAn fL.I\l/, , 195&, and duly recorded in rrry oftice; (2) That the attac!wcl IIiftUte. of ...lel ...t1n<< ... a true and correct atraet ot tbe ainu1:es a. contained in the llinute book of the Govern.inc Body duly recorded 10 rrry office; (J) 'lbat said -.eting wa. duly convened and held in all respect. in accordaawe vith law; that to the extent Nquired by law, due aDd preper ftOtiGe of such ....tiag waf given, that a 1ep]. qUOntn wa. present thrOU&bout tbe -Ua&, that a 1...11y ...ttidea, I'WIIlber of -.ber. ot the Oov..-n1q Body voted ia dle pro,.. .-mer and. tor the adoptiOll .t 8&id aeeo1at1ea. tbat all otber "qui....... aAd pro- ceed1ag. ...... the law ibdicating tbI proper adoptioa or passage of aid Rcsolatt.., tncludiq publicat!oa if required, haft been duly fulfilled, carried ~ and otherwise obtter'YedJ that 1 am authorized to eueute th18 certlf1oate. (4) that t.he 1apre..iOll of the seal duly affixed eon.t1- tute. the official seal of the City of Seward, and this certificate ia he....y executed under .ueh official seal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have heftun1:O Mt IIY h&l)f and the Mal of the City of Seward, Alaska, this /71t';day of Itttt1.rtl~ . 1956. i-~~~ ~ City Clerk ( SF..!L) r- F..x TkA.CT OF MINUtES At a I~V-'-'L- meetiDg of the Cit1 Council of the City of Seward, Alallka, held on the / f ~ay of 'l~'~~..bJ , 1956, at ~/ o'clock P Ill., the foll.owiDc nailed CounoilllMlllbers were pnaellt: (J. 7. ~ .PM p</ki~ ~It-.</ ..4J.;4uL /2~ ..<-'~ aLe-J ~.L' ~}t--~ COft8titllUnc a qUOl"lall of .aid CoUDCil. Ootme1laan ~ lIIOYed and. Councibaan ~~ seconded the adoption of the RelOlution aa read (1) Ilpproviq the construction and ackMwled&ing the completion of the hi&h Mhool bulld1ng with equipllellt (Project No. 5O-A-100), to tbe sta.e that it ia ready tor substantial occupancy and ue, undertaken by the United SUtes 181der authority of the Alaska Public Works Act and approving the eatiatecl costs and the pureha8e price ot aaid hip lIChool building with equip-..t OIl the balis of the esti- mated coats; (2) authorisi. aftd directinc the Mayor to accept delivery of the deed of the Ullited States on behalf of the City aDd to can8e payment of the pUl'Cftase price in the IIIIOwat of Three Itllll- tired Nine t1lousand Five Hundred Fifty Dollars ($309,550) to be made to the Uaited Statel, subject to subsequent adjustllent when final coats of the Project haTe heen detenniDed. A roll call va. taken on the adopti.en of luch Resolution with the tollwilll!; voting Ayel AYESr eJ. 7.#~ ,PU~ ~~~ ~~ ~kd ~ and No I e:J N\ES: 'n\e itesolution was then declared passed.