HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1956-108 r' RESOLUTION NO. ...c~~L_ A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE LEASING OF LOT OR TRACT L AT T SMALL BOAT HARBOR IN THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA. WHEREAS, the Aleutian Marine Transport Company, Inc., Box 87, Seward, Alaska, wishes to lease that certain property known as Tract or Lot "L" of the Small Boat Harbor from the city of Seward at a rental of $1200. Uli per year for a term of five (5) years, and WHEREAS, said property is presently under lease to Vance Hitt and K. D. Cobban, doing business as Seward Seafoods Company, and WHEREAS, the said Seward Seafoods Company is willing to rescind said lease for the consideration of the sum of $1200.00 to pay for the buildings and improvements erected on said property by said Seward Seafoods Company, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, deems it adviseable, and to the best interests of the City of Seward to rescind the said existing lease of said property, and to enter into a lease with the said Aleutian Marine Transport Company, Inc., NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, That Perry Stockton, as Mayor, and Margaret Anderson, as City Clerk enter into an agreement with Vance Hitt and K. D. Cobban, doing business as Seward Seafoods Company whereby that certain lease dated March 17, 1952, by and between the city of Seward and the Seward Seafoods Company, shall be mutually rescinded, and whereby the city of Seward shall agree to pay the Seward Seafoods Company the sum of $12UO. 00 as compensation for the build- ings and improvements which have been erected thereon by said Seward Sea- foods Company; That thereafter, Perry Stockton, as Mayor, and Margaret Anderson, as City Clerk enter into a lease on behalf of the city of Seward with the Aleu- tian Marine Transport Company, Inc., whereby the city leases to the said Aleutian Marine Transport Company, Inc., that certain property known as Tract or Lot L of the Small Boat Harbor under substantially the same terms and conditions as contained in the lease hereby authorized to be rescinded, except that the rental shall be the sum of $1200.00 per year, payable monthly in advance, and containing an option to renew said lease at the expiration of a five year term, on the same terms and conditions as in said lease contained. DATED this L-::'-- day of October, 1956. --9~ fUv. ~ ~ Mayor of the cit~-;ard, Alaska ATTEST: )~akL/-/~,)- Ci7 Clerk r ~taEET ~E PERJqT THIS STREE'! USE PEltMI'l' granted th1s ..:>-&J' day of ~~tJ, 1956 by the City ot Seward, a .\&Il1e1pal oOl'pOration ot tbe Territory of Alaska, a1tuate wUhtn the Thtrd JwUo1al D1vislO1\ ot the Territory of A.laslea, hereinafter called "Gnntorll, to S"1'AJfl)AJa) OIL COMPAlfY 0' CALIPORIfIA. Ii Delaware corpol"at1c:M'l, hereinatter called "Orantee", WIT N E I SET H. Grantor has thIs day bargained and 801d, and by these presenta doea bargaln, 1.11, convey. transter and deltver unto Grantee the right and prhUege to enter upon thereat estate hereinafter des- crIbed at any tl_ durlng the tena hereof that Grantee may see tit, and conetruct. ..tnt81n and repair lIftCIeriJ"OUDd pipelines and/ol' matns for the purpOSe of convel1ng petrole. produCU tbro. and under the lands hereInafter deeol"lbed" togethel" with the rtght to excavate and refIll ditches and/ol" trenehe. tor the looatlOft ot .ald pipelines and/or nine. The land artected 'by tb1e peN1 t 1. looated on a.al1 way A venue ln the Clt)' of Sew.rd, 'l'elT1to17 of Al880. '1'he rtpt aM pnvUes. .ftbr Iftftted co.,..... a strip of land twelve (12) teet 1n w1dth over and &01"08' the above descrl_.d landl par- tlcularly d..orlbed ~y ..tea and ~0un4a .. tollowa. Commenolng at the Interaeotlon ot the we.tertJ bOYDd&ry of 7th Avenue, extended With the souther11 bOYftdary of Ratlw., AvnU<eJ thenCe ftoftheaaterlJ alons the southerly botlftdal'7 ot bU.., Ave..., a dlatan08 of l~ feet to a polnt, whi.h polat 1. the true polnt ot M&1111\11'1& for this deaorlptlOft, then.. nortbeaater17 alone tbe southerly boundary Oft Ral1.., Avenue, a diatanoe of 20 teet ~re or lea., the..e nonherl.J alOft& the aO\l\herly 11ft. ot Ra11w81 Avenue a dietanoe ot 65 teet .Ol"e or Ie.., thence ...terly at rIght Baal.s B dl.tanoe ot 12 teet. tbeno. .outherly at right Imsles a dlataftoe ot 92 feet IIOre or le.s to the true poInt or begInning. The tera of ~1. pe~lt ohall be twenty (20) yeara c~nc1ng September I, 1956 and endIng Auguet 31, 1976. Thi' peralt 18 granted 1n considerat1on of an annual tee of fl.OO, the entire conaldel"atton -1- r to be pa1d In advance upon deUvery of this peNn to arante.. IX WITNESS WHBftEOF, Qrantor haa caused thts 1nstrument to be (f;")' ,If" S~~~R'''.-.) ex.outed by Jl! ,.tjl't. hh, ~~"7or... aad Ka1"laret Andenoa, City r:s. .\(.w.. Clerk, both duly authort.ed 8ftd. ..,.....d to exeoute tbe a.-e tor and on behalf of Grantor and bIJ 08\&8e4 ONfttOI"'. aeal to be affixed hereto the day and year ftnt .be.... writt.", pursuant to a resolutIon of the CIty Counol1 of the 01tJ ot ....re ena.ted thi. date. ern OJ' SDAID B1 - 9~ Jl:: ~~A -j _OJ' '-J, ~ A'M'EST: )~ftk{;~ ~ y er ?/ IB.rf.I1) 8'rAftS 07 AJID%CA ~ .. ftJdlrroRY or .llMU ~ If'hla 1. to ..nlt)" tbat c-. thia ~ .ay ot ~ ~i! ... 1956... before lie... the undera1&ned, a 1Iota17 Pub1u in and for . e er tol'J of Alaaka, duly o~la.101'led and aworn .. a\.leh, pensonally appeared UIX:{r.....r,.r. ~ 1';..:fi('I/> .JfY- n. and ~ .AlfD8MCII, to _ ImWt.a \0 ... the ~jlalor and~' ~ f.~lerk, re.peoU....ll, of the C1ty of Seward, Aluka, and to"'1l8"ICnown to f'P,. ~ be 'the penona naMd 1n and. who execu"d the foregoing lnatl'Wlftnt, and . A.:.~ f',{(.rI aclenowledged the ..1d Inatruaent to be t.he free and voluntary act and deed of the City ot .eward, a IILtnlc1pal oorporation, tor the u.aes end purpose. tbere1. ..nt1oned aftd en oath stated that th.y were authorized to execute aatd lW1tru.ltnt and that the aeal affixed thereto 18 the cor- porau ...1 or ..14 --.lalpal corporation. Wl'tJUS M'r JWm AJn) on'ICIAL .IAL the day and )"ur 1n this certIficate above written. ~ ~ h~~-~n~ .otu-y 0 1n a tor err 01'1 of Al..ka a, /' My Oom.l881on expires 1 ,~, ~I /9' 0 -2-