HomeMy WebLinkAbout09282020 City Council Minutes City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41,Page 278
The September 28,2020 regular meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m.by Mayor Christy Terry.
Lieutenant Alan Nickell led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
There were present:
Christy Terry presiding and
Sue McClure Sharyl Seese
John Osenga Tony Baclaan
Julie Crites
comprising a quorum of the Council; and
Scott Meszaros,City Manager
Brenda Ballou,City Clerk
The City of Seward is currently experiencing a declared public health emergency due to Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19), so alternate methods for providing Citizen Comments were created.
Unless otherwise noted, the following Citizen Comments were submitted in advance and read into
the record by the City Clerk:
Lynda Paquette requested that council consider amending Resolution 2020-080 by
broadening the reference to the CDC to include other respected scientific guidance,including local
health officials; she thought including more sources would lead to more reliable information.
Tanguy Libbrecht(telephonically)did not support the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011
because he was concerned that the historic value of downtown Seward would be harmed.
Ristine Casagranda (telephonically) was the applicant for the rezone in Ordinance 2020-
011; she had no intention of erecting a cell phone tower on the property,but she did want to make
the existing structure more habitable.
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28,2020 Volume 41,Page 279
Peter Cannava supported the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because he thought Seward
needed expansion opportunities to stimulate the economy.
Charles & Cynthia Bussell wanted a new Seward, one with growth and forward
Leona Cange opposed the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because she thought it would
be detrimental to maintaining the historic value of Seward.
Melissa H ouselog supported the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because she thought the
rezone would result in growth and enhancement in Seward.
Ken Lyons (telephonically)represented AT&T and said he wished to work with the city to
improve service for local customers.
Erika Anger supported the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because she believed the
recommendation of the Planning&Zoning Commission should be respected and followed.
Carol Griswold (telephonically) said Ordinance 2020-011 did not comply with the 2017
Historic Preservation Plan. She wanted the small town charm and character of Seward to be
Craig Ambrosiani was a Planning&Zoning Commissioner who was disheartened to learn
that the Community Development Department had not brought their concerns to the commission
before having Ordinance 2020-011 go to council for enactment.
Liz DeMoss was also a Planning & Zoning Commissioner who was surprised that the
Community Development Department had spoken out against the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011;
she supported the enactment of the ordinance.
Vanessa Verhey did not support the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because she was
concerned that the downtown area might lose historical value as well as housing.
Cheryl Seese did not support the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011 because she thought it
went against the city's approved Historic Plan. She suggested an alternative to this proposed rezone
could be having the property owner vacate the lot lines or request a variance.
Lars Olson supported the enactment of Ordinance 2020-011.
Motion (McClure/Seese) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda
Terry removed the approval of the Election Board from the consent agenda.
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28,2020 Volume 41,Page 280
Seese removed Resolution 2020-080 from the consent agenda.
Teary removed the introduction of Ordinance 2020-012 from the consent agenda.
Motion Passed Unanimous
The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items:
Approval of the September 14,2020 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes.
Appoint Dorothy Osenga (Chair), Quentin Carr, Jennifer Carr, Susie Urbach, and Mary
Tougas to the Canvass Board for the October 6,2020 Regular Municipal Election.
Proclamations & Awards
Fire Prevention Week
City Manager Report. City Manager Scott Meszaros reported the following purchase
orders between$5,000 and$30,000 had been approved by the City Manager since the last council
meeting:$40,640 for a new truck for Electric per Resolution 2020-068;$40,000 for the rate study for
Electric per Resolution 2020-069; $6,500 for wire re-stock for Electric; $5,000 for the warehouse
roof repair for Electric;$13,000 for a 300 kVA transformer for Electric;and,$15,216 for AFG grant
supplies for Fire per Resolution 2020-066.
Meszaros called attention to the US Army Corps of Engineers(Corps)report in the packet
about the Lowell Canyon Tunnel feasibility study;he said the Corps wished to have an informational
session with council and the public to review and discuss their findings;the city would be receiving a
waiver from the Corps.
Meszaros announced that the second phase of the city's CARES Act funding for businesses
opened today, and applications should be turned in at the utility counter; please do not submit
applications to the Alaska Small Business Development Center.
Meszaros provided an update on the extra long noon whistle a few days ago. The borough
had submitted for additional resources to repair the failure; they will repair and test the siren. The
borough was planning to conduct a drill sometime this fall.
Electric Utility Interim Manager Cory Borgeson reported on two electric outages last
week.The first outage was a failure on the transmission line between the city's Lawing Substation
and Chugach Electric's Substation at Davis Creek which affected the entire community.In response,
the city disconnected from the Chugach system and started the generators;repairs were completed by
Chugach some 15 hours later. The city's generators used 6,552 gallons of fuel at approximately
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41,Page 281
$2/gallon,and there was a significant number of manhours and overtime hours used. Borgeson was
proud of the two Operator Mechanics who worked at the generator plant because the generators ran
very well. Borgeson said the second outage affected approximately 500-600 customers in the
downtown area due to a blown fuse; it took approximately two hours to repair.
Meszaros said the audit would be scheduled on October 26,2020.
In response to Baclaan, Meszaros said there had been an internal promotion in the Finance
Department which resulted in a new vacancy.
In response to McClure,Assistant City Manager Stephen Sowell said the library would be
increasing their hours of operation starting October 4, 2020, and would be fully open by the third
week in October.
Gity—Mterne:*—RepeAT City Attorney Brooks Chandler was unable to attend tonight's
Other Reports and Announcements
Chamber of Commerce Report. Executive Director Jason Bickling (telephonically)
thanked everyone who worked on the CARES Act funding programs.The chamber was working on
the 2021 Visitors Guide, generating ideas to create more winter activity, and planning for a new
website. The Seward Marine Front work group would be resuming regular meetings. The Exxon
Valdez Oil Spill(EVOS)Think Tank provided a presentation to the board of directors last week;the
chamber wrote a letter of support for EVOS funds to provide a large endowment to the Alaska
SeaLife Center, as well as create grant opportunities. Bickling reminded everyone that Meet the
Candidates Forum for Seward City Council would be held on Wednesday starting at 5:30 p.m.,and
the format would consist of a combination of prepared and ad hoc questions.
Items for Reconsideration
Ordinance 2020-011,Amending The Zoning Designation Of Lots 3,4-5 And N %2 Lot 6 Block
16 Original Townsite Seward From Multi-Family Residential (R3) To Central Business
District (CB). This ordinance was failed on September 14, 2020, and then a request for
reconsideration was received on September 15, 2020.
Motion to Reconsider (Terry/Baclaan) Reconsider Ordinance 2020-011
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41,Page 282
Terry said she filed the request for a motion to reconsider after she had been contacted by
several Planning&Zoning commissioners following the last council meeting.
Motion to Reconsider Passed Yes: Crites, Baclaan, Seese, Terry
No: McClure, Osenga
Baclaan drew attention to the laydown he submitted which outlined inconsistencies in the
zoning across the city.He hoped in the future the Planning&Zoning Commission would work more
closely with the Historic Preservation Commission to allow for more collaboration.
Osenga said he had voted against this ordinance initially because of the mix of opinions from
property owners;he wondered if this rezone could have been addressed with a variance so as not to
disrupt the entire neighborhood. Baclaan didn't think a variance would be appropriate because the
rezone was in keeping with the city's approved future land use plan.
Crites said she had missed the last council meeting when this ordinance was considered,but
she had watched the council meeting afterwards and had been confused. It was her understanding
that the Planning & Zoning Commission had effectively deliberated over this ordinance and had
clearly presented information that would support the rezone.
McClure thought it was important to hear the recommendation from the Historic Preservation
Commission as much as the Planning&Zoning Commission.She thought this rezone represented a
dramatic change in zoning,and she planned to maintain the same vote as she had delivered at the last
Baclaan said the Planning & Zoning Commission was following code, and the Historic
Preservation Commission did not have clear guidelines for people to follow. He could appreciate
HP's concerns,but without having clear guidelines established,and without knowing for sure what
the property owner would do on the property, he believed the right thing to do was to base the
decision on what code existed now and not upon speculation of what would be in the future.
Terry said this ordinance would be bringing the property into conformance with the future
land use plan,and was concerned that not allowing this rezone would set a dangerous precedent for
future development.
Crites wondered why the Historic Preservation Commission had not gotten involved in the
process earlier.In response,Community Development Director Jackie Wilde said the Planning&
Zoning Commission did not review the Historic Preservation Plan when considering this ordinance;
a review of the HP Plan was not currently part of the process.
Motion Passed Yes: Crites, Scese, Osenga, Baclaan,Terry
No: McClure
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41,Page 283
Ordinances for Introduction
Ordinance 2020-012, Amending Seward City Code Chapter 15 Regarding Commercial
Communications Towers To Provide Special Provisions For Such Land Use.
Motion to Introduce (Terry/McClure) Introduce Ordinance 2020-012
Terry pulled the introduction of this ordinance from the consent agenda because she had
received a letter from a telecommunications company with some legal questions,and she wished to
have the city attorney review and respond to the questions raised.Terry stated the city attorney would
be in attendance at the next council meeting, when this ordinance came for public hearing and
enactment, so perhaps he would be prepared to respond to those legal questions at that time.
Motion to Introduce Passed Unanimous
Resolution 2020-080, Encouraging All Residents To Take The Necessary Precautions And
Follow The Recommended Preventative Measures Of The Centers For Disease Control And
Prevention (CDC) To Reduce The Spread Of COVID-19 In Our Community During The `..+
Public Health Emergency,And Signing Kenai Peninsula Borough Joint Resolution 2020-001.
Motion(McClure/Seese) Approve Resolution 2020-080
Terry said she and McClure brought forward this resolution to join other cities across the
borough to follow the Centers for Disease Control(CDC)guidelines in the prevention and mitigation
of COVID-19. McClure reminded everyone that the current emergency ordinance for council
regulations would expire on October 3,2020,and this resolution would keep Seward consistent with
the rest of the borough.
Seese was concerned that this week,Seward had seen several new cases of COVID,and she
wished to extend the council regulations that were currently in place.
Crites agreed with being consistent with the borough and now there were seven active cases
in Seward right now. If Seward got one more case, it would mean the schools shut down for a
mandatory two weeks.
Osenga concurred that it appeared the council regulations were working,and he worried that
opening up would result in a spike in cases.
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41,Page 284
Baclaan said the seven cases in Seward happened under the current council regulations.He
was extremely concerned that local businesses have suffered enough under the current regulations,
and it was time to rely on citizens taking personal responsibility.
McClure was confident that stepping down at this time was appropriate,but if things changed
council could call a special meeting and reinstate the regulations.
Terry said the schools already had their own strict policies and procedures in place, and it
wasn't a surprise that there was a blip in the number of cases since school started up.She supported
this resolution as a step down measure.
Motion Passed Unanimous
Other New Business
Appoint Mark Kansteiner (Chair), Patty Linville, Randy Nabb, Vanessa Verhey, Michael
Mahmood, Cathy Byars, Kristi Larson, Erika Quinter, and Casie Warner to the Election
Board for the October 6,2020 Regular Municipal Election.
Motion (Terry/McClure) Appoint Mark Kansteiner(Chair), Patty
Linville, Randy Nabb, Vanessa Verhey,
Michael Mahmood, Cathy Byars, Kristi
Larson,Erika Quinter, and Casie Warner
to the Election Board for the October 6,
2020 Regular Municipal Election.
City Clerk Brenda Ballou stated that there was a last minute change to the members of the
Election Board: Vanessa Verhey would be unable to serve, and Dawn Maness would be taking her
Motion to Amend (McClure/) Amend the Election Board by striking
Vanessa Verhey and replacing her with
Dawn Maness.
Motion to Amend Passed Unanimous Consent
Main Motion Passed Unanimous
August, 2020 City and Providence Financials.
Letter from International Institute of Municipal Clerks issuing the designation of Certified Municipal
Clerk to Deputy City Clerk Jessica Stallard.
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28,2020 Volume 41,Page 285
Update & Information about Alaska Municipal League (AML) Conference and Newly Elected
Officials Training in November, 2020.
Tanguy Libbrecht (telephonically) thanked council for their consideration tonight. He
thanked them for their service.
Carol Griswold(telephonically)was concerned that during this pandemic,the radio station
frequently did not broadcast the meetings or started late, she didn't like the delay in the YouTube
live streaming, and she felt left out.
Meszaros congratulated Jessica Stallard on achieving her Certified Municipal Clerk(CMC)
Seese congratulated Jessica Stallard. She thanked everyone for their comments tonight.
Baclaan reminded everyone of the election coming up,and encouraged everyone to watch
Meet the Candidates on Wednesday.It was important to participate in the process and stay involved.
He congratulated Jessica Stallard. Baclaan had participated in the Seward Prevention Coalition
meeting last week and was pleased how involved they were in the community.
Osenga said Meet the Candidates would be September 30,2020 starting at 5:30 p.m.He said
tonight he commented about the pandemic not being hard,and he apologized because he knew that it
had been very hard on a lot of people and businesses. He looked forward to having the schools and
businesses operating back to normal one day.
Crites appreciated people being more conscious now about taking preventative measures
against COVID. She applauded the efforts of Community Development in their attempt to preserve
the history in town,but she felt that the rezone was in keeping with current code.
McClure congratulated Jessica Stallard. She had visited the library last Saturday and was
pleased that it was open.McClure had been working with Lee Polescke and Liberty Miller to create a
cemetery tour of Woodlawn Cemetery. She wished to receive a heads up when the power went out
because people often called her with questions.
Terry congratulated Jessica Stallard. She wanted to see another push for information to go
out to the public about the second round of CARES Act funding.
City of Seward,Alaska City Council Minutes
September 28, 2020 Volume 41, Page 286
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Br nda J. Ballou, MC Christy Terry
City Clerk Mayor
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