HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1959-132 I CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 132 A RES'JLUl'ION DIR:&::TING THE CITY CLERK TO PREPARE 'rRE DELIlIQUENT TAX l\DLL AND TO CAUSE THE FORECLCSURE LIS!' TO BE PUBLIffiED. The City Clerk: of the City of Seward shall" and he 18 directed to~ llIlke up a roll in duplioate of all real property subj ect to foreclosure upon which taxes have not been paid to the City of Seward and upon which taxes are now delinquent. Such roll shall Bhow thereon the names of the perBons appearing in the latest tax roll as the respective owners of the tax delinquent properties, a desoription of each such property as it appeus on the latest tax roll, the year or yean for which taxes are delinquent, the amount of deliaquent taxes for eacla year an:! penalty and interest thereon, and the City Clerk ahall endone under hiB hand a:nd the corporate Beal of the City a certifioate to the effeot tbat the delinquent tax r.11 is a true aM correct roll of the d.elil\qUut taxes of the City for the years there.hewn. Said roll shall be hereafter known u the for.aloere list of the City of Seward for the years 1954, 1955... 1956, and 1957. The oriqind of the foreelO8Ure liet shall be filed by the City Clerk in his office and remain open to inspeation of the publie. The City Clerk is further dl x.oted to cause to be published on the 13th day of April, U59 in the Anchorage Daily Ti.s, It newspaper of general cirOl1lation in this oity, a notice under the hand of tIt. City Clerk Betting forth that the foreolosure list of real prope rty for the years 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957 haa been ooDlp1eted and is open to public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, and that on the 13th day of May, 1959 at the hour of 1:30 PM, or as 800n thereafter as may meet the oonvenienee of -the court, the foreclosure list for the years 1954, 1955, 1956, and 1957 will be presented to the District Court of the Third Division, state of Alaska, together with a petit ion seeld!V;T judgment and order of sale" The City Attorney is directed to prepare a petition for judqment which shall be sumi tted together wi th a OlIrtified copy of the foreclosure liBt, on the 13th day of May, 1959, to the District COurt of the '!'hird DivhiQR.. state of Aluka. ~- Resolution #132, Paqe .2. The City Clerk: of the City of Seward is directed to give notice of such fore_ closure prooeedinqs by four weekly publioationlll of the forecloSllre list in the Anchorage Daily Times; that the first publication sha.ll be on the 13th day of May, 1959, and sU008saiTe publications of the foreclollllre list shall be in the sa_ newspaper on the 20th day of May, 1959, the 27th day 13f May.. 1959, and on the 3rd day of June, 1959. The publioation of the foreclosure list shall be sufficient service on ea.ch person intereeted in any of the properties, and it shall not be necessary to mail copy of any notice to the owner or to any other person interested in the property. All persons ownin;r or el&iming to CMn, or haTing or claimiRq to haTe, any intere.t in any property boluded in the foreclosure list are charged with notice of such proc:eedbw;1s and of all steps thereunder. During the time of the publicat ion or pelrtiJlll 01 the fereolonre list aat .p to ~ ti.. of ..le~ any penon ou _ke pay..t OIl PY' pie. or traet .et felotll there:La. t~ther witll the peNllty am interest, and proportioaate share of the cost. of publiCl&tion and foreclollllre; and the City Clerk: .mall mke proper notation of SIlch payment on both the original and deli!W:JUent tax rell and foreclOllure li.t.. On ::-eoeipt of the delin:tU8nt tax payment ae to any partiOllar property anytime two weeks prior to the filing of the for.... cloeure list aJld petition, tlw 'l'ax Collector _11 remYe the propcty fraa both the li8t and the peti Hon. A mortqagee or other holder of a recorded lien on real property IIIIlY file the request with the City Clerk that notice of any foreclosure list including- such. real property be qiTen 'bt ..<1h Mr~ or lienholder. The request 8Mll contain the name and add.re.. of the person filillQ it, the desoription of the property and the name of the owner or repllted owner thereof~ and the date of expiration of the aortqaqe or lien. Notice need not be qi ven after expiration of the DIOrtqaqe or lien, unless.. further request therefor is filed. If the mortqqee or lienholder furnishes.. duplicate form of request for the notice, tb City Clerk 81\&lloertify thereon the filinq and return the duplicate to the person makillQ the request. When.. eTer any property desoribed in the reCl\lelt for notice is included in a foreclosure - , 11lri:, the City Clerk shall send by registered mail written notice thereof to the r Re,olution 1132, Page -3. mortqaqee or other lienholder. At the ti1lle of mailinq the notio., the City Clerk: shall note that fact in ink in the late.t tax roll opposite the deacription of the property. The notation in the tax roll 18 prima facie evidence that the notice wu mailed. Where the same IllOrtq8.qee or lienholder haa filed requeats for notices on two or IllOrEl propertiell included in Il foreolosure list, one notice -'1 be issued cover inq all Iluoh properties. The word ..tax" IU Ulled in this resolution shall apply to special asseslUIlents for improvement! u authorized by Section U..l..al throuqh 16..1-90, ACLA 1949, u llIIIlInded, and suoh delinquent special ........nt. mall be ine1ud8d in the delinquent tu roll and in the foreclosure liat, but 111411 be stated spearately and the penalties and interest due on eaoh shall also be stated ..pe.rably. hblicatiOJl of this r..ol.ti.. _all be .de by postbo- a oopJ' hereof GII\ t1w City Hall baUet1l\ board r.r a peri" of t_ .y. toll_big ita p...... ad apprenl. An _erqency is hereby d8CIlared to exist, and the rules goTerniR;1 the rasseqe of resolutiON! are hereby swrpended and thil!l Nsolution shall be qhen effect immed.. tately upon its pueaqe and apprOTal. PUl!Ied. and IJlprC7f'8Cl this 6th _ et Aprl1l' 1159. APPROVED: .rz~.J y ~)fnJ I Perry Roo stOllkt., Jr. Mayor, City of Seward ATTEST: / t4~1 a/ l<-~ Violet A. Fhh, eity Clerk, City of fJIIWard