HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1960-150 r , .--..' TI~\G OJTJTIOIT 1;0. 150 A1TI'{CR IZITiG FILI;iG OF APPLICATIOIi ~)IT:I TI-IE TEHT:CDSTATES or AE~P ICl'. FOP AH ADVlUTCr. TO PROV]]};:; rem J.'TC PIJA:JTHNG OF Pu:3LF:; ';fORKS miID:m Ti-rr, TERIlS OF PUBLIC LA'.1 560, ~3rd CONGRE3C:l OF T~rc m'IT'i'D "mAry,,, A" A'IQ~ID""T\ " ;;?,,~ 'J J.J..._ 01 1.; J0 , IJ LU.:.,l' __..J.l.1. ~_ , T;mEREAG, City of Se\'lard, Alaska -- Ge\,ard ':fa ter Sys te:ll here in calJ ed the 11 Applicant, 11 after t:lorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data has hereby de- termined that the construction of certain public works, generally described as im.provements to water s:,sterll including sources of supply and rehabilitation of distribution system, is desirable and in tIle public interest and to that end it is necessary tilat action prelininary to the construction of said works be taken iliwediately; and 'ilIIEREAS, under the terms of Public La\1 560, 83rd Congress, as amended, the United States of Am.erica has authorized the lJlaking of advances to public bodies to aid in financing the cost of engineering and architectural surveys, designs, plans, working drcl\orings, specifications or other action preliminary to and in preparation for the construction of public \'lorks; and '.'lTl'-::REAG, the Applicant l1as exaiuined and duly considered such Act and t:le Applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file and ap!llication tmder said Act and to autllor- ize other action in connection therevlitl1; 1m!, THEREFOr.:c, 1:-3:-; IT :1:CC OI,VI<;D J1' The Com.m.on Cowl.cil of tile Ci t:r of Se\rard, Alaska, the GoverninG body of SLl.id Applicant, as folIous: 1,' That the cor:8truction of said public vlorks is essential to and Is to t;le best interests of the Applicant, and to tile end t;lat such public \'lorks ..la:.' be provided as pro:nptl:' as practiceable it is desirable that action preli"linary to t11e construction tllereof be ~~dertaken ii~nediately; 1<' If, 2 m' t D , P T' At." C' t ...... b" b .L" ,/! .~Jlt>., . .l.na r,ay~'. "anes, c lnb l y l.pnager e ilere y au"nor- ::;p_/~ ized to file in behalf of the Applicant an application (in form ']5 required by the United states and in conformity with said Act) f'or ?AJ' an advance to be made by tl,e United States to the Applicant to aid in defraying the cost of plan preparation for the above descrioed public vlorl\:s, wilic:l shall consist generally of field surveys, test :101es, flo\'! tests, Preliminary Plans, Profiles, Cost Estimate, Report, '-ia ter Rate Sc !led ule . 3. TilD. t if such advance be made, the Applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide SUC;l funds, in addition to the advance, as :.1ay be required to defray the cost of the plan preparation of such public works; Lt. T~le said Ba~'? Ja;nes, Acting Cit~' :ranager is hereby authorized to furnish SUCD information and take SUC;l ot:ler action as Elay be necessary to eno.ble t'le Applicant to qualif:/ for t;le ad- vance; 5. 'l"tat t:le officer desi~no.ted in the precec:.1.nG paro.c;rapil is :lereb~" desiG~l3.ted as t:le aut::lOrized representative of the Applicant for t:le purpose of furnis:linc to t:l.e United StLl. tes SUC;l infor::la tion data, and docwaents pertaininc to t;'Je application for an advance as :.10.:/ he required; cud ot:-Cenrise to act as the aut:lOrized represent- a tive of tile J_pplicant in co:mection Hi tel t:ds Llpplic3. tion. (). T'V1 t certified copies of t:lis resolution be included as part of tOle o.pplication for o.I'.. advance to be subi.1itted to t:1e r United Stet tes. 7. An e:nergency is hereb:,' declared to exist and the rules governing the passage of ordinances and resolutions are hereby suspended and tilis Resolution is hereby given il;1Llediate effect Upon its passage and approval. C. Passed ::md approved tllis 16th day of ;ray, 1960. '.......~<, , j ATTSST: //)/1"/ i1 I //.' ~_._._-' L L ( (/~ ',.. I{ft-tt, ~.:C '\ Alex Petrovich, I.a~yor - ,....., (~<-L ~-7d~ Beatrice :So ':latts, City Clerk I, :Seatrice I;. 'Iatts, dUly, de])osed and sHorn, do 11erebJ certify t:1D. t I 8.:1 Clerk of t:,e Ci t;,r of SeHo.rd, Alaslca and t11at t:le fore;:,oinC is a true and correct copy of City of Se"lard Hesolution }150 as passed by tlle C01:1L'10n Council of tile Cit;,r of 3eward On tile IGtll day of lay, 1960. ~a. ?:-uJ~ Beatrice 3. '.ratts, City Clerk