HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1961-245
BE IT RESOLVED That The First National B~nk of Anchorage. Seward
Jranch, be, and it is herlilby inst.ructed to honor City of Seward.
3eward Electric Depar~ent and S.w~rd Water System warrants
bearing any two of the following signatures: Chester A. Kunz.
Perry R. Stockton, B~atric. E. Watts or Virginia M. Blanchard
effective Novemger 18, 1961, on all warrants drawn upon the
City of Seward Ge~era1 Fund; Oity of Seward General Fund, Etal,
, '.J ',f I
Savings Acaouht; ~.ward E1a,otric Department Bond Redemption &
Reserve Savings Account; Seward Water System Bond Redemption &
Reserve Savings Account No. ~075; and City of 3eward 1961
Reserve for New Fire Truok SaviRgs Account.'
" ,
! ',-r.' i.
The following signa~ur8a are tho3e above authorized:
~lj 7. :0W4
tLAf~"A.' M Mjilkn!
This Resolution to be in fUll force and effect immediately upon
passage and approval.
Passed and approved this 17th day of November, 1961.
;<P~-;u ';5 Z~
Beatrice E. watts, ity erk-Treas.
HHFA Corr..p
Kon.lter 9. 1961
Y..r. L. R. Iw-k.a
Direotor tv lertaawea~ 0,._.1__
Houina and ... 'i-"Moa Ace-)"
450 'edwal ~t1.a h1l41ac
Saattla 4. ~~i~
I)ear Mr. .Durk..:
'a' Pro~.a~ I.. '-.Alulta -3040
;.,,......t " ..tow S,..tta
S......, .A1uka
Uncl.r th. ...,._Mr 8, 1961 .t,..1al 0...11 ....t1a& .ApDd._
It. 110. 2, ."....,al o~ t1aal ,laM .r Oft.-.eoriD& .VYey
on water .,."" ro.. .__laal_ to ."1D& .. .... 'inanea
A.lene)". attar "P9rt, .U.....1_ ... ......tlo.... the tollow-
1nc _tin". QiIIr..,ecl. ".. toU"'l.. 10 _ exc.rpt from
tha alJl\li.. or the My aall. ....1&1 ....1a& of the Clty
CCMUla11 ot ........... ., 1"11
It enaeU,UIl ~Jl - I .. ...... that .ala P1u
"be tfttati::J..:""'-. S.........,. Cau.u1l1l..
Walker. 11 17 ........,......
1. BaatrU. I. Wa_.., "Uc t1nt cluy awl'll, clo b.reby
certify tb.at I _ ClArk ot tIM Cit)" .t Swanl, .u.ka, and
tllat the tor...1D& ..erpt 1a a VU aM .o","t e:uerpt
troa the a1au.t.ea ot the 4\&11' .all. .,..lal ..et.lzac ot the
e..-n Coaoll ~ tll. C1ty at ,........, Aleua. ..u on
......er, at, 1961.
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V.ry tnly youn,
L1~L~ -Z;:k)GZ~
BMtria. I. Watta
C1t.y Clerk
ec - Mr. John.. Nichola
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To the Honorable John F. 1ermed7, Preeident of the United states,
the Honorable Stewart L. Udall, Seoret.a.ry of the Interior, the
Honorable I. L. Bartlett and the Honorable ImMt aru.ning,
U. S. Senators, the Honorable Ralph J. li...r., Repre..ntative frcm
Alaska, and the Honorable William A. lpn, Goftmor of Alaaka.
Your Memorialist, the OU,. Counoil of the 01\,. of Sftard, Alaska
assembled, respectf'u1l7 submits that,
WHlRElS, there 1s the po..lbll1t,. that 1n the i-T~1.ate tuture,
proceseing of the Pr1b1lof flU" Mal akiu _,. be IIlO'AId to the State
of Alaaka, and
WHERBAS, it 18 ~ood that the oitinn. of the United Statea,
through their Federal Ooft.--t. p&7 for the tl'&D8portation of raw
furs from their nati... habltat to the prooeu1ng plant at a coat
direct17 related to the dllt.aaoe the tul"II muat tra...l. and
WHBREAS. we .1DOeNq agree that Alaeka'. eOOll<*T needa aDd is enti tIed
to all ot the beDefit. troa the ha....et1n&. JlIl'OCM'.iD.s and arketiD.s of
its resoUl"Oe' J and
WHIREAS, thl 01t1 of s.ard hat all ot the req~ts tor such an
indu.t.,.,. 1nol1ld1na .....te _tv with hardDe.. of ~O-S~ parts per million,
a contract for hJd,I'o-eleotr1o po1IIel' which prondee aooe.. through existing
traneadssion l1ne. to lIlT ajar paerating faoilit,. in .outh-central AlaSka,
exoellent tnuportation laclud1D& the tine.t harbor in Alaaka and modem
docks operated bJ The Aluka 1aUro_. ScNtbem tel'lllinws of The Alaska
Railroad, pewd hisbwa,... airport. aDd
~. Seward 18 a stable OI'mnU1?i t,. vi th c<aplete shopping and ..m oe
facilities. with 10C?d ..boola, ohurohl., oaaaunit,. actinUes, enjo7t- a
moderate clJJu.te, 1s located 1a the center of oM of the finest SportlS
recreational area. in the world. and
WHEREAS, the s..rd area hu adequate housing for an expanded population
and exoellent buil.c11q sites a..1lable, and a labor eurplus is extant to
the point that the area has beaD deolared. eli&1ble under the Area Redevelop-
ment Aot, and
WHERlAS, intere.ted citi... of the CODl.un1t,. have indicated their wi1H"87less
to make a s1gnitioant contribution to the construction of the prooessing
plant J and
WHEREAS, it appear. that SInIUd ha. ewr.vt.hing suoh an industry needs, and
Seward needa aDd want.. t.hb indwst.,.,., anc1 the people and the OU,. Government
are enthuaia.tio in this invitation to looate the fribilot fur ..al skin
procesBins plant in the SftU'd....... The 1$ltual beneUt. to the Federal
Government'. Contnotor. the 01\,. of Setai'd. and the State ot Ala8ka are keenly
desired by the Sewud C1\1 Council and all of the people. Utmollt cooperation
and continuina tair treatment ot all parties ~ftc.rM4 is hereb,. pPODdsed.
N()l, THDIPC8I, tour Memorialist pra,.. that the CU,. of Seward and adjoining
area be given the utmo.t consideration ae the site tor the future prooeaeing
of the Pribllot fur ...1 skine.
r7ft a k-/~
Mayor, C~ of Seward, Alaska
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Memorial was paned and
approved by the Comnon Counoil of
the. City of Seward at a duly called
Spec 1 See 0!1 held ~ember 2f,196 .
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