HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1962-276
'W'-ll':RRAS th" C~ty cf ~p"'llr'" p~!'lP"s('<; to purchase from Mitchell Fau'.knr>r
and 1,indl1 Fau!kner, husrand and wife, certai.!' property situate in the ~eward
Re"ording Precinct. State of Alaska, described as follows:
l,ot!' Cl. 1('\, 11. 17. 13, 14, ?7, 2Q. 29.30,31,32,33,14,35.16,
37. ?l'l. ~9 anc1 40. all i.n Blnr:l? 7, :md const!tt't'lng all 0f Flock 7,
in t~0 ~A~~}~? ~n~!TION to the CITY OF SFWARD. accorc1ing to the
"fHda'. mar :Jr(! rlat th"reof or. file with the T'~rut~' "lagistratc
~nd c~-Offie5" Recorder at S8~ard, ~laska; together with all
~uildings thC'r('o~; ~nc
l<TIE'.1EAS the rrot'oscd p11reh;)s" price to be r~i'" fc;r raie> prop"rty io; the
<;11'11 "f ~lq.(,\00.()('. r1tt: unp:lic dcHnquent t8~",~ ~mc1 se'.!!"'r :l:!s"s~m('nts on tl,e
:,rope~t;. ~.]hi eh .1'11i"'t1nt to <;1 ,4nO.f'?. sn that tl,(' t..,tl1'. pr,,"'''si"'d ;,uTe1,;o50
~r'c~ -f ~,,'~ Iro~8rty '$ Rlo,4()n.4~; And
T.""'~:-17.,".'" ,>"!-r-rnnrem~ntr ":l~,1'~ 'h~p.r T"'l:'to~ tn r,~~1 .:"3i_o rU,.("h:1se :,r:!_cc as
foIl..,'.':: <;6,00'1.N' <'" r "'''.'''l' r'l"~",,"nt, plus the sum of $1,l-00.4? ",hieh ,~nl\
hI"' ;Jpr'i~d to pny u? i~edi~tnly s~id d~linqucnt taxes and ~33~~sments, and
+:h",,., t~" ~~}::nce ,,{: ~p. l)()". 1)0 to he ?~id ~t the !':"ctc nf ~~ ,000.00 per ye~r.
uith no !nteTPst, the fir~t cf sueh dcfcTTPd pa;~cnts t~ h~ ~~dp Cet0~"'!' 1.
1963 and thC'l"caft",r like pa~"llt(,T'ts tC' be m.'ldp "nnu1".lv 'n t},c 1st cof ()etoh('~
0.f' 0....:::" YC::'1r At t~~ c:'~"-:(l:-C'. Tly~I'i("'h) ri'!"~.>t ~~,"!tiGnal ft:,li ~,f ..."..,~c11a'!'"AQ'~~ SeT...~Cl~:0J
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'\...~r 4, 1962, after not!c~ h:n:::.u? 'l"cen post(~d, :\11 t,.. <':'1cr.Gr~:::-"c,: 'I:'.,.-tt'1 nrr:.'n'?-C"
!;0. ;\15, a.ni' thpre '\'"fcr~ '"0 -,'31::.(' ()1--_~~~t.t_l-ns -:n~e <::t snid ~""url:5.c h~arin;:-" t.
tl-1,.: ,'u'r''''11~::'~ cf saic rropcrty in tl~~ mClnncr :1fort-~c2::.d; ;-11(1
T.T"''T.....-...... ,~. r'"'
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th~ City cf Sct:n::.d ..1~"!~.~ dI.2sir2""
tc purcl'~ s~ ::;d.d property;
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'T.':~E-:R?O:'..F: I 'P~: I.... T' \SOI;"v~Er th~t th~ :~.~H;:::::" ~71r1 ,..." _'r:~ ('\! tl\~ ~2i_ty
.;f :~'t.,.:.:,~~ :i"""~ n_::-.;~y .a1.1t~(~ri..~c ;~i'r, dl_,!,{.:.rtcr tv CL-n::"TTrl;:,":'
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th I fol....<_T...i::_n~ i:~,.":nncr:
(l) "'0 r,~~eive fTom J"itchel1 F<Jul~:n~r and Linda Ff'ulkner, husband
~nd 1~ife, a eood and sufficient warranty cee~ co~v0yinf said
property to the City, together with title insurance assurinz good
title to ~aid property;
(2) To pOl' to Hitchd1 Faulkner and Linda Faulkner, husband and
,dfe, the sum of $6,000.00 as ,,: down "ayment on said property frum
City funes, and to pay and apply the sum of $1,400.42 toward de-
1inquent taxes and sewpr DSf.essments on said property;
(3) To execute on behalf of the City of Seward to and in favor ,.,f
V:itchell Faulkner and Linda Fau1kn~r, husband and wife, " promhsory
note in tn" sllm of ~12,(100.00, payablf' ~dth no interest at the rate
of $2,000.00 annually ae above set forth, and a deed of trust
coverin~ said property, as security for the payment of said promis-
sory note, said deed of truct to ~rovide for a reconveyance of the
property when the promissory note is paid in full;
provided, of COllr:;il, that s..1id purchase shall be contingent upon the
City's being furnished a good c1~~r title to said property, through title
This Re~olution to be in full force and effect immediately upon
passage ~~d 8p;roval.
FISC;"" J\~'T) APPROVED by the City Council of SeWArd, Alaska, this
17th day of September, 1962.
GZ a /J;/~
~ry R. Stockton
i;?~~ 7 7b~
Beatricp. E. Watts
City Clerk-Treasurer