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RESOLtITION NO. 294 Project No.
(For HHFA use.)
Rl'!snlllt5.on providing for incrPIlr.e in plannpd total expen<1iture for capital
improvement project~.
Where~s, under the term~ of Public La~ S7-658, IIpproved September 14, lQ62,
the United St~t"s of P~rics has authorized the making of grants to aid in fi-
nancing cnnstruct:lon of specific public work projects, provided the proposed or
planne<1 tntal expenditure of thp public body for its capital imprnw~ment
projects is increased by an amount approximately equal to the non-Federal funds
required to comrlf"t!" such pubHc '\<'orks prnjects:
N0w. Therefor"!, Be Jt R0sC'lv~d By The Conunon round.l of the Ci.tv of Seward
Cnvprning Bnard C'f Applic~nt
1. That as nf t~e dato of filing of an IIpplication by City of Seward
(Exact Ll'!gal Corpornte
(h("r("aft~r csllod App]ic~nt) with the ~ousing nnd Home Finance
Name of Applicant)
Agency, United State~ Covernment, for II grant to aid in financing the construc-
tirm of Rt'cnnr.trtlct, T(1ocHfy and repair Marine Railway fad.Iity
(Ericf Proj~ct ncsc~i~tion)
the Arplil'?T't harl " "ap<.tt!l imprOVI!ments plan or "llpi.tRI ic-pr0"emcnt budg"!t f"r
the f:!:;-ral v~lJr or v,~arc durin;:. wricr l'onstruct:"'n of th(' p""ro~" d pr0jel't 4c
p:xr~("'t('~ t..-~ 0rr'.~,.; ,"'"""d t:h,~t thp t~.t~l ("xI't !:~i_tl1rp. fnr "':l;d_t~J :f_'1lpT'""\v~mer.ts in
~cid plen or. buo~"t ~a" $42,251.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963.
(Copy submitted previously.)
2. That, in the event that 5sid Federal grant is aporoved by thl'! United
State" '"If Ameri ea, <;..,,:ld e~pi t:!l imprnvE'm"nt'! r 1 an nT -:Of'r! t~I. huor>:pt wi 11 he'
@", '- --'-"1) inereaspd by $363,630. for the fi'lc '1 ~"':JT emHn? June "'II', 1961
fo'!'" a t,tC11 in"rease "f $~1)6, 715. in th" ;'r"r""pd or planned total expendi-
ture for eRnital improvempnt rTnjeet~ (pxclu"ivl' 0f "'?dOr , fund,,).
"I. "'hr>t :-drl inerr,",!" in th" PT"pospd or pl'mned tot;]] exnenditure for
C,<lritRl im:,r~"emrnt ~'rq1"'ct<; {<: r:rrM:im..1tely e'1ud tl' thl' nnn-Federlll fund,:
requ~rp.d to comrlete the public works project for which the ~pplicntinn is
tn be submitted.
'J'hi!1 ,.e~01IltiC'n is "d0pted ?ursuant to the authority :,rovided by
Home Rule Charter "f the City of Seward.
(cite Rpplic~ble State or local Inw)
Pllss"'d :md "ppr')ved thi.f' 7th dllv of .1nnU8ry, 1963.
~~.Q #r~J
~e ry R. Stockton
~~~<-f- ~ zQa~
Eeatrice E. Watts
City Clerk-Trensurer