HomeMy WebLinkAbout03222023 PACAB Special Meeting Minutes City of Seward,Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Special Meeting Minutes March 22,2023 Volume 4,Page 117 CALL TO ORDER The March 22,2023 special meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m.by Chair Bruce Jaffa. OPENING CEREMONY Chair Bruce Jaffa led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Bruce Jaffa, presiding; and Lynda Paquette Carl Hughes Benjamin Smith Fr Woelkers comprising a quorum of the Board; and Stephen Sowell, Assistant City Manager Norm Regis, Harbormaster Brenda Ballou, City Clerk Excused—Woelkers,Atwood Absent—None Vacant—One CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING—None APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Motion (Hughes/Paquette) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items: There were no items on the consent agenda. SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Proclamations & Awards—None Administration Report City of Seward,Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Special Meeting Minutes March 22, 2023 Volume 4,Page 118 Assistant City Manager Stephen Sowell said there would be a special city council meeting on Tuesday, March 28,2023 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the new public works shop. Paquette asked what the public input process would be for updating the city's Strategic Plan. Sowell said he was currently working on a framework to align the Strategic Plan with the Comprehensive Plan. Harbormaster Norm Regis said the latches on the fire suppression boxes and life ring boxes had been fixed;now all the fire extinguishers and life rings were in place. The last step was to send a water sample to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and get their sign off on the water permit. Other Reports and Announcements —None Presentations Presentation from Homer Electric Association about Heat Pumps and Net Metering by David Thomas,Tyler Cheatwood, and Hannah Smith. NEW BUSINESS Resolutions Resolution 2023-001,Amending The 2023 PACAB Priorities. Motion (Jaffa/Paquette) Approve Resolution 2023-001 Jaffa said this resolution would restore two of PACAB's priorities that had been removed at the council meeting on November 14,2022 because it was thought that PACAB would not have enough time in their meeting schedule to address those priorities. However, both of the removed priorities were supported by city code. Sowell suggested the title be amended to recommend that council approve the priorities, rather than the way it is stated that PACAB was amending their priorities. In addition, there were a few spelling and grammatical mistakes that needed to be corrected as housekeeping items. Motion to Amend (Jaffa/Paquette) Amend Resolution 2023-001 in the title by striking the word "Amending" and replacing it with, "Recommending City Council Amend." Sowell said this would be provided to council for approval. Motion to Amend Passed Unanimous City of Seward,Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Special Meeting Minutes March 22, 2023 Volume 4,Page 119 Main Motion Passed Unanimous INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS—None CITIZEN COMMENTS—None BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION COMMENTS & RESPONSE TO CITIZEN COMMENTS Sowell thanked HEA for the presentation today and for their outreach to the community overall. Regis thanked HEA for the presentation today. Smith appreciated the community outreach events from HEA. On the topic of mini-split heat pumps, he could personally attest that they worked very well here; he knew several people who had them and they were pleased. As well, Smith said very few people he had spoken with in Seward using solar panels had been disappointed, so that was another option he supported. Hughes thanked HEA for their presentation. Paquette appreciated the HEA presentation and thought it was very informative. She gave a shout out to the snow plowing crews; the roads looked great. Jaffa thanked HEA for coming and thought the information was valuable. He thanked PACAB for voting him in as chair. He thought the city did a great job at clearing the snow from the roads,but the state was not doing such a good job. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:39 p.m. 1� : en.a Ballow Bruce Jaffa Ci Clerk �� - »rnrq��i Chair (City S G��.0 /44"a: SE • aw 1 191i'/ s °�•. OFALP`'st* "'HillIWWWO