HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1966-539 r THE CITY OF SEWARD RESOLUTION NO. 539 WHEREAS, HENRY and HELEN HORTON of Seward, Alaska have made an out- standing contribution to the fish processing industry by developing and patenting a method whereby, for the first time, halibut may be successfully packed and vacumn sealed into tin cans for shipment and use throughout the country; and WHEREAS, this accomplishment will enable people to enjoy eating halibut whenever they wish, and will therefore cause a rapid accel- eration in size and importance of this part of the fishing industry, and WHEREAS, HENRY and HELEN HORTON are life-long residents of Seward and all of the people of this area are proud of their accomplish- ment; and WHEREAS, HENRY and HELEN HORTON plan to construct a large plant to process seafoods, with particular emphasis upon the canning of halibut, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of The city of Seward wish to present their congratulations and best wishes to HENRY and HELEN HORTON; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council wish to request, encourage and aid HENRY and HELEN HORTON to construct this large, important new plant in Seward; and WHEREAS, Seward is ideally situated close to abun~ant fishing grounds and is able to provide all of the facilities needed for successful establishment and operation of such industry; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council hereby congratulate HENRY and HELEN HORTON for their accomplishment, and extend their official best wishes for complete success in estab- lishing a large new seafood processing plant; and RESOLUTION NO. 539 (CONTINUED) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Counoil hereby oonfirm and make known to HENRY and HELEN HORTON their sinoere desire to do everything in their power to aid them in the oonstruotion of their new prooessing plant and the suooessful establishment of this new enterprise. This Resolution to be effeotive on the date of passage and approval. passe~ a~approved by this )(J day of JUne, the City Counoil of The City of Seward, Alaska, 1966. Attest: 1'0'~U R. Kirk atrick Mayor n--ftc~ 'TZLla~ Beatrioe E. Watts City Clerk-Treasurer