HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1971-818 CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 818 OL 15 7?A~~ ames I:': F~ City Clerk-Trea~u i , I A RESOLUTION DECLARING ALL STREET AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WHICH FORM THE! ALIGNMENT FOR ALASKA PROJECT S-04qCj(l) TO BE ALASKA ROU'T'E FAS 491) , " AND ALLOWING THE CITY OF SE\'TARD TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE OF " ALASKA IN THE CONSTRUCTIGN OF ALASKA ROUTE FAS 495 WITHIN THE CITY LI"fITS. on file in the office of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways , , Ii form necessary links for carrying Alaska Route FAS 495 throu~h Ii :j the city. I Ii WHEREAS. the City of Seward desires that improvements be Ii II made to Alaska Route 495 within the City. ,~ WHEREAS, the State of Alaska desires the cooperation of the I, 11 City of Seward in improving Alaska Route FAS 495 within the City I' ,: of Seward. II NOW, THEREFORE THE C ITv OF ~EWARD RESOLVES: I, " II I , ,! i , i ~~- r I< f' ~. . ~ l I :1 " , " l: , .. ~ j I I 1. That it hereby declares as part of Alaska Route ~AS 4Q5 all of those streets and ri~hts-of-way as shown on the final plans for" Alaska Project S-049')(1) on file in the office of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways which are within the Citv of Seward. 2. That the City will cooperate with the State in not authorizing or permitting the installation of si~ns, or signals which will ~ive anv intersecting street or streets a status outranking Alaska Route FAS 49Cj; not to authorize or permit anv construction or encroachment within the rill:ht-of-wav as shown on the right-of-way man designated Alaska Project 8-0495(1), on file in the office of the Commissioner of Hill:hways in Juneau, Alaska; not to establish any curhlines or cause or permit any curbing to be constructed on the highway with curblines less than the dimensions as shown on the typical section of the final plans on file .in the office of the Com- missioner of Highwavs, Juneau, Alaska, or by first securing the written approval of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways : not to install or authorize any stop lights or traffic control devices on said hi~hway without the approval of the Alaska Commissioner of Highwavs thereto and to resolve that t~e ~tate, actin~ by and t~rough its Department of H1~hways have the sole responsibility for the re~ulation of Dar~inv on said highway and sirrns prohibitin~ parkin~ if necessary to he installed at the expense of t~e ~tate; subseouent to completion of con- struction it shall he t~e resnonsl~ility of the City to supervise and insnect any installation of City-owned underground facilities that reauire trenchin~ through the pavement an~ to reauest that the backfill be com- nacted, and the surfacing and pavement be renlacen 1n accordance with the snec1fications as determined bv the District F,n~ineer of the ~laska Denartment of Hi~hways. The ~tatp shall have the right to inspect this work and ~"('JlJi""e the replacement of suhstandard work an~ materials A'l"IACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINtJ1'ES OF THE~RO crn coot. , L1S-~~ / /( Jamu I.~ " lip I City Cl.rk-Tr..~ bv the Cit~; the City shall matnt~in all sidewalks, !' planter strins, narktn~ areas, and nrovide power for and maintenance of street li~htin~ on State Routes ' within the r,itv at no expense to the 0tate. Passed and annroved bv the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, thi~ 12th day of April , 1971. A'r"'t:'S'1": M~~ .f4 ~I[ayor ) /r :' / ~ I,-":',Pg} " "'j ~v I"ler r l' , 'APPROVED AS ~O FORM: " ,HUGHES, THORSNESS, LOWE, GANTZ & CLARK ,Attorneys/'or City of Seward \ ;By <( I '" i , '1 " , .. ~ ~ '. -?- ~..:"-=-- ~.. CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. <;?"( '6 A R?:SOLUTION DECLARING ALL STREET AND RmHTS-0",-1,oIA Y WHICH FORM THE ALIGm1ENT FOR ALASKA PROJECT S-0495 (1) TO BE ALASKA ROUrroE PAS 491) AND ALLOWING THE CITY OF SEWARD TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE OF ALASKA IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALASKA ROUTE FAS 495 WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. WHEREAS, certain street and ri~hts-of-wav within the City of Seward as shown on the final plans for Alaska Project S-0495(l) on file in the office of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways form necessary links for carryin~ Alaska Route PAS 495 throu~h the city. WHEREAS, the City of Seward desires that improvements be made to Alaska Route 495 within the, City. WHEREAS, the State of Alaska desires the cooperation of the City of Seward in improvin~ Alaska Route PAS 495 within the City of Seward. NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY OF SEWARD RESOLVES: 1. That it hereby declares as part of Alaska Route PAS 495 all of those streets and rights-of-way as shown on the final plans for Alaska Project 8-0495(1) on file in the office of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways which are within the City of Seward. 2. That the City will cooperate with the State in not authorizing or oermittin~ the installation of signs, or signals which will ~ive anv intersecting street or streets a status outrankin~ Alaska Route FAS 495; not to authorize or permit anv construction or encroachment within the right-of-wav as shown on the right-of-way map designated Alaska Project 8-0495(1), on'file in the office of the Commissioner of Hi~hways in Juneau, Alaska; not to establish any curblines or cause or permit any curbing to be constructed on the highway with curblines less than the dimensions as shown on the typical section of the final plans on file in the office of the Com- missioner of Highways, Juneau, Alaska, or by first securin~ the written approval of the Alaska Commissioner of Highwavs ; not to install or authorize any stop lights or traffic control devices on said highway without the approval of the Alaska Commissioner of Highways thereto and to resolve that t~e State, actin~ by and throu~h its Department 'of Hj~hways have the sole 'responsibility for the re~ulatlon of PRr~in~ on said hi~hwav and siRns prohibiting parkin~ if necessary to be installed at the expense of t~e State; suhsequent to completion of con- struction it shall be t~e responsihility of the City to supervise and inspect any installation of City-owned underground_facilities that reauire trenchinr: through the pavement and to reQuest that the backfill be com- pacted, and the surfacing and pavement be replace~ in accordance with the specifications as determined bv the District Enr:ineer of the Alaska Department of Highways. The State shall have the right to inspect this work and require the replacement of substandard work and materials r---- I I I , , ....,- ,-- bV the City; the City shall maintain all sidewalks, planter strips, narkin~ areas, and provide power for and m~lntenance of street ll~htln~ on State Routes within the City at no expense to the State. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 12th , 1971. April day of ATTEST; Is/Robert E. G1ud Mayor APPROVED AS TO PORM: LOWE. GANTZ & CLARK of Seward By -2-