HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1972-846 r.~ RESOLUTION NO. 846 WHEREAS, the City of Seward has offered certain tax foreclosed properties for sale at the highest bid received in excess of the minimum bid required, and WHEREAS, no bids were received for some of the properties offer- ed for sale, and WHEREAS, these properties are described as follows: A. Lots 26 thru 30, Block 10, Laubner Addition B. Middle 1/3 of Lots 21 and 22, Block 13, Original Townsite C. Lot 20, Block 13, Original Townsite D. Lot 34 and the South five(5) feet of Lot 35, Block 9, Original TO\1nsite E. Lots 38, 39 & 40, Block 7, Original Townsite NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaskc:;, th~t the City Manager is hereby author- ized to offer the abo'l':: describ8d parcels for sale to the high- est or best bid received LUlder the following terms and conditions: Section 1. No minimum bid shall be specified. Section 2. A do,~ pa)~ent of 20% of the amount bid shall accompany each sealed bid submitted. Section 3. The balance due, if any, shall, at the option of the purchaser, be paid in full or may be paid over a five(5) year period with interest at the rate of cight(8) per cent per year on the unpaid balance. Section 4. The date of sale shall be March 21, 1972. Section 5. The City reserves the right to waive informalities in the bidding and t() award all bids in the best interests of the City of Seward and to reject any or all bids received. AND, BE IT FURTllliR RESOL\~D that parcels offered for sale are subject to repurchase by the prior o~~er(s) until the time of the sale as provided by AS29.l0.528. This Resolution is effective immediately upon passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 14th day of February, 1972. ~ ~,.", AA~~ ~F. R ar son Mayor r ATI'ACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINUTES OF EWARD CITY COUNCIL ~ OL li\.P~~ . James R. FXip,C.,~ City Clerk-Treasurer . RESOLUTION NO. 846 WHEREAS, the City of Seward has offered certain tax foreclosed properties for sale at the highest bid received in excess of the mintmum bid required, and WHEREAS, no bids were received for some of the properties offer- ed for sale, and WHEREAS, these properties are described as follows: A. Lots 26 thru 30, Block 10, Laubner Addition B. Middle 1/3 of Lots 21 and 22, Block 13, Original Townsite C. Lot 20, Block 13, Original Townsite D. Lot 34 and the South five(S) feet of Lot 3S, Block 9, Original Townsite E. Lots 38, 39 & 40, Block 7, Original Townsite NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that the City Manager is hereby author- ized to offer the above described parcels for sale to the high- est or best bid received under the following terms and conditions: Section 4. Sec tion 5. No minimum bid shall be specified. A down payment of 20% of the amount bid shall accompany each sealed bid submitted. The balance due, if any, shall, at the option of the purchaser, be paid in full or may be paid over a five(S) year period with interest at the rate of eight(8) per cent per year on the unpaid balance. The date of sale shall be March 21, 1972. The City reserves the right to waive informalities in the bidding and to award all bids in the best interests of the City of Seward and to reject any or all bids received. Sec tion 1. Section 2. Section 3. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that parcels offered for sale are subject to repurchase by the prior owner(s) until the time of the sale as provided by AS29.l0.S28. This Resolution is effective immediately upon passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 14th day of February, 1972. /s/R. F. Richardson R. F. Richardson Mayor .~ ~. , ;~ I '. 3. That it is herehy found and determined that the financial and to be provided pursuant to said contract for Federal financial rertaining to the project is necessary to enahle the project 10 he accordance with the Urhan Renewal Plan for the project area. aid providOd assistance undertaken i~ , I I ., 4. That it is herehy found and determined that the ahove-mentioned Urban ReneW'al Plan for the urhan renewal area wi 11 afford maximuI'1 (1pportuni ty. consistent wi th the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the urb;ln renewal of such area~ by private enterprise. . '; { s. That it is herehy found and determined that the lJrr.,lJ1 Renelial Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and fllei lities, as may be desirable for neighhorhood improve"le',t, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of chilJl::ln residing in the g~neral vicinity of the site covered hy the plan. ~ 6. That, in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Urban Renewal Plan hereby approved, it is found and determint'd t'lat certain official action must be taken by this Hody with reference, among other things, to changes in zoning, the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other puhlic ways, the estahlishment of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public facilities, and other public action, and, accordingly, this Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out. such IJrhan Renewal Plan; (b) requests the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the Locality having administrative responsibi lities in the premises likl'wise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powl'rs in a manner consistent with said Urban Rent'wal Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Urban Renewal Plan. I r ~ , [ i I , , r , I I . 7. That additional financial assistance under the provisions of Title I of the llousing Act of 1")41}, as amended. is necessary to cnab Ie the land in thc Project Area to be renewed in accordance with the Revised llrhan Renewal Plan for the Project area, and, accordingly, the filing by the Local Public Agency of an application or applications for such financial assistance under Title I is hereby approved. 8. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance hy the City of Seward with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and applicable Executive Orders . ! , I .. . ,used and l::!::.L 4ay of afF:? the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this , 1972. ~. . ~7. ~L -..:..,' - A 16--. --' A YOR ~ c ~ . t . " I t r - ; -3- 'f'.. ... I;'; ", t ~ i I l t ! I I I I L t , 1'" I l'., t' If Ii ,'!' I: I j. l. i I. I. I; [, Ii I,: , j,~, I;' f't, " I, 11" P Ii ~ , ~ ~ : r ~ ; r ;""\ - . i~ 41 SEWl\RD URB1\N RENr:m\L 7\RE)\ ALAS!:7\ R-2l The Sew~rd Urban RenewQl Projcct,7\rea, R~21, located in the City of Seward, KenQi Pcninsu],a Borough, Sew3rd Rccording District, Sta.te of Alaska, is described as follol"s, to Hit: Beginning at a )1oint at the inteTscction of the East right-of-\'Tay line of Second Avenue and the South right-of-way lino of Van Puren Street, within the boundary of u.S. Survey 243, the POB; thence East, along the South right-of-way line of Van Buren Street, for a distance of 210.00 feet more or less, to the West right-of-way line of Third Avenue, Point 7\; thenc~ North, along tl1e west right-of-way line of Third Avenu~, for a distance" of 66.00 feet more or less, to the North right-of-way line of Van Buren Street, Point H; thence East, along the Nor:th right-of-way line of Van Buren Street for a distance of 10.00 feet more or less, to the West right-of-way line of Third Avenue, Point C; thence North, along the \'lest right-of-line of Third 7\venue, for a distance of 485.29 feet more or less to the intersection of the mean,ler line of u.s. Survey 243, Point 0; thence N 780 41' 20" \1, alonq the meander line of U.S. Survey 243, for a distance of 228.98 feet more or less to Corner 5 !iC, U.s. Survey 243, identical with Corner 1 MC, U.S. Survey 1117, Point E; thence N 160 19' 50" W, alonq the meander line of U.S. Survey 1117, for a distance of 311.14 feet more or less, Point p; thence 11 2P 19' 30" E, for a distance of 124.01 faet more or less, Point G; thence N 890 48' 20" E, for a distance of 38.30 feet more or less, Point H; thence :1 41}0 IS' 10" r:, for a distance of 37.13 feet more or less, Point I; thence il 310 34' E, for a distance of 93.95 feet more or less, Point J; thence N 270 2~' 10" E, for a distance of 112.12 feet more or less, Point K; thence N 000 07' 10" E, for a distance of 80.04 feet more or less, Point L; thence N 230 17' 30" \'7, for a distance of 54.46 feet more or less, Point ~l; thence N 410 40' 20" H, for a distance of 66.99 feet IIOre or less, Point N; thence !l 270 23' 20" l'!, for a distance of 127.42 feet more or less, Point 0; thence ~ 120 57' 40" E, fox a distance of 68.71 feet more or less, Point P; thence !1 170 42' 40" E, for a distance of 52.51 feet more or less, Point Q; thence N 200 52' 20" E, for a distance of 53.55 feet more or less, Point R; thence ~~ 070 38" 40" t\', for a distance of 50.47 feet more or less, Point Si thence N 540 32' 20" l'1, for a distance of 86.26 feet more or less, Point T; thence N 150 10' 30" t'l, for a distance ,of 51.84 feet more or less, Point u; thence NOlO 15' 50. W, for a distance of 50.04 feet more or less, Point V; thence N 04. 26' E, for a distance of 56.30 feet more or less to Corner 4 Me, U.S. Survey 1117, Point t'l; thence Nest, for a distance of 1'.23 feet more or less to Corner 2 !1C, U. s. Survey 241, Point X; thence N 310 31' 50" E, along the meander line of U.S. Survey 241, for a distance of 211.29 feet more or less, Point Y; thence N 'Pl. 52' SO" E, for a distance of 193.24 feet more or less, Point Z; thence N 520 19' E, for a distance of (.60.58 feet more or less, Point AA; thence SOlo 52' 24" l':, for C\ distance of 2130.70 feet ~ore less to Corner 1 :~, U.s. Survey 243, Point BD; thence S 220 00' 20" r:, along the meander line of U.S. Surve7 a,43, for a distance of 932.37 feet more or less, to Corner 2, t; " " ".'" ~ <.'" t.;ro f ~: ,'I' ',... fti" , <. '.f. ". .. .. MC, V.S. Survey 213 ickntical \,.'ith !'~r: tlC 2, of th0. Hailroad 'rerminill Re!>ervc, Point CC; th('!1C0 N R'lo 5~' In" E, for ,\ <listanc0 of 130.71 feet marc or lC'sG, to Corner 2 !lC, of t'10. l'n.i lroad Terminnl Reserve, Point DD; th"nce f, 320 3~' E, alan') the' mf':~:1cJcr lin0 of the Railroad Terminal Re~crv0., for a distance o~ 44R.ll feet marc or less to the intersection of th~ meander li~Q of u.s. Survey 283n, Point EE;. thcn~e S 550 37' In" E, alon~ the ncandcr line of U.S. Survey 2830, for a distance Of 50.41 feet marc or less, Point FF; thence ~ 4Go 09' E, for a distance of "'.~" fe~t more or Ie!'!s, Point r,r.; th<:>nce S 330 2fi' 10" E, fo-.:- il di!'!tilncc of In1.5l} feet More or less, Point Tnl; thence S 370 09' \i, for a distance of 83.A3 feet more or lc!'!s, Point II;. thc:1ce S 430 28' 10" E, for a distance of 10".50 feet more or less, Point JJ; thence S 850 42' 50" E, for a distance of 184.64 feet r1(lP~ or less, Point I:K; thence S 400 23' 10" E, for a distanc0 of 232.85 feet fTl()rc or less, poi.nt LL; thence S n40 22' 2n" lv, for a distance Of 192.00 feet marc or less, Point -.m; thence f: ISO 24' hr, for a distance of 3Rr). 71 feet man' or less to Corner 2 ~lC U. S. Survey 2'DO, Point 11:-1; t'1"ncc S 89057' i15" H, for a distance of 2.77 f(>(:!t, to Corner 3 :IC, u.s. Survey 606, Point no; thence S 140 11' 10" 1'1, along the neander line of U.S. Survey 606, for a distance of 19.81 feet more or 10ss, Point PP; thence ~ 060 58' 20" 1'1, ~ r a distance of l58.~B feet more or less, Point Q0; thence S 0"0 16' 30" E; for a distance of 158.51 feet mor0 or less, Pnint RR; thence 5 000 01' [;, for. a distance of 112.08 feet more or less, Point 55; thence S 130 43' 10" W, for a ~istancQ of 130.08 feet nore or leRs to Corncr 1 !1C, U.5. Survey F06, Point TT; thence S 000 1)6' 20" r., for a distance of 1108.14 feet narc or less, tc Corner 2 :.lC, tJ.S. Survey 605, Point UU; tll':lnce S 120 16' E, along the meander line of u.S. Survey 605, for a distance of 35.67 feet more or less, Point VV; thence S 050 30' 40" L, for a distance of 211.33 feet more or less, Point I':i'~; thence S 060 17' L, for a distance of l3a.6~ feet more or less, Point XX; thence S 030 01' 10" E, for a distance of 165.11 feet more or less, Point YY: thence S 070 53' 21)" \':, for a Gistance of 264.14 feet more or less, Point zz; thence 5 240 42' 50" W, for a distance of 138.fi5 feet more or less. Point ll.l\..1I.; thence S 320 12' 40" I'l, for a distance of 165.05 feet more or less to Corner 1 :~, U.s. Survey 605, identical \'lith Corner 2 :lC, U.S. Survey 726 South, Point BDD; thence S 45043' 20" \'1, along the meander line of U.S. Survey 726 South, for a distance of 20il.62 feet narc or less, Point CCC; thence S 680 43' 20" 11, for a distance of 283.77 feet more or less, Point ODD; thence S 890 58' 3D" 1'1, for a distance of l8~.75 teet more or less, Point EEE; thence S 660 28' 20" '"l, for a distance of 679.75 feet more or less, Point FFF; thence S 590 58' 20" W, for a distance of 534.59 feet more or less, Point GGG; thence S 540 58' 20" \'1, for a distance of 422.41 feet more or less, Point lIUHi thence;' 170 13' 40" 1'1, for a distance of 17.11 feet ~rc or less to the intersection of the East riqht-of-way line of First Avenue, Point III; thence North, alonq the East right- of-way line of First Avenue, for a distance of 922.86 feet more or less to the North riqht-of-way line of 1'1ashington Street, Point JJJi thence r. ast, along the ri'}ht-of-;'.'ay line of I\'ashinr;ton Street, for a distClnce of 600.00 feet more or less, to the Ea!lt rirrht-of-way line of Third "venue, Point KI~K; thence South, alo:lg the East right-of-\.',lY line of Third "venue for n dist.1nce of 328.00 feet more or less tn the ~Jorth ri1ht-o" "\'fay line of Rai l"..ay Avenue, Point LLLi thence ~: E 30 26' 10" I:, alon~! thC' ~:orth rirrh~-of-";-:lY of Railway Avenue, for a distance of 1752.5~ fcpt nare or lcss to the '"lest right-of -w'''-'J linc of Seventh ,\v('n~l<', Point r~Tt; ii Exhibi.t A C-H3 . r r- ,,,.-,, . - . I , i thence N 000 01' 30" ~'1, alan') 'the \'lest ricrht-0f-vl<1Y 1i'1e of Seventh Avenue, for a disto.ncc of 23'19.7(. fcC't more or 1('s5 to the ~outh right-of-\'lay line of ilonroe Strc0t, Point ,Em; thence S 1390 57' 45" \'1, along the South ri'rht-ol"'\IclY 1ir.e of :~onroc Street, for a distance of 299.9~ feet more or less, to the West riqht-of- \'laY line of Si>:th Avenue, poi.nt 000; thence ,] 000 0]' 3()" r: along the \'l"st right-of-Hay line of Sixth Avenue, fora distilncc of 261.82 feet more or less to the intersection of the South boundary of U.S. Survey 111&;, Point PPP; thc'nce :J 000 ()~' \'1, continui.ng alonC]' the l']cst riqht-of:"',...ay line of Sixth 1\venuc, for a distance of 160.07 feet more or less, to the North ri0ht-of-way line o~ "A" Street, Point Q00; thence S 81)0 58' ~", alonq the lJorth ri'}ht- of-way line of "1\" street for a distance of 109.90 feet more or 1~s5, to the centerline of an alley East of, an1 parallel to Fifth 1\venue, Point RRRj thence N 000 02 I ~'1, along the centerline of the alley, for a distance of 200.09 feet more or less, Point SSS; then::e S 81)0 58' H, for il distance of 149.87 feet r.1ore or less, to the intersection of the centerline of Fifth 7\venue, Point 'l'TT; then:e N 000 02' w, along the centerline of Fifth Avenue, for a di ;tance of 160.07 feet r,lore or less to the Horth right-of- way line of "B" Street, Point DUD; thence S 890 58' W, along the : orth right-of-,...ay li,ne of "13" Street, for a distance of 339.70 feet more or less to the 1'1est right-of-.....ay linc of Fourth Avenuc, Point VVV; thence N 000 02' l'1, along the I:Jest right-of-t'lay line of f'ourth Av-enue, for a distance of 660.31 fcet more or less, to th~ South right-of-vlal' line of liD" Street, Point 1'71\1\'1; thence S 890 58' W, along the South right-of-way lin~ of "0" Street, for a distance of 409.64 feet more or less, to the centerline of an alley East of, and parallel to Second 1\venue, Point XXX; thence N 000 01' 59" W, along the centerline of the alley, for a di~tance of 185.07 feet more or less, Point YYY; thcnccS 890 53' 30" \'1, vlithin the boundary of U.s. Survey 243, for a distance of 109.93 feet more or less to the East right-of-\'!ay line of Second Avenue, Point ZZZ; thence North, along the East ri<Jht.-oF-\...ay line of Second Avenue, for a distancc of 375.00 feet more or less, to the South right-of-vlal' line of Van Duren Street, the Point of Beginning. t , ~ r ! I I; I I , i , f. I ~ . j € I. f I J , , l , . r'" . ' , ' i . I ! ~. 1 ,~ L I',..,:.,., i , ! ........1- .: ,.: "- '"