HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1972-847 r I I I 'f Ii Ii :! r em or Sl!.WARD TTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINUTES OF THE ARD CITY COUNCIL 'JiL15-~~ IS. ~'~ZP _./ City Clerk-Treasurer Introduced to the Seward City Council: 2/14/72 1 IN THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL BY HtJU( 2 SEWARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 847 3 Relating to manditor;y jail terms 4 and fines for second and third 5 offenders of drug violations 6 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL: 7 WHEREAS at least 80 per cent of the world's illegal heroin originates as 8 Turkish opiUIII; and 9 WHEREAS about four fifths of all the heroin entering the United States 10 illegally is grown in Turkey and transshipped through France, dispi te DlUtual 11 efforts among the three countries to curb the heroin traffic, little progress 12 has been realized; and 13 WHEREAS Turkey, under U. S. pressure, reduced from 21 to seven, and 14 subsequently from seven to four, the number of provinces permitted to grow 15 poppies, from which heroin is made; and 16 WHEREAS as DlUch as 95 per cent of the marijuana sllllggled into this countr;y 17 comes from Mexico, according to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous 18 Drugs; and 19 WHEREAS in his urging a $100 million crash program, President Nixon spelled 20 out four areas of necessary action - education, rehabilitation, prosecution, and 21 foreign assistance aimed at curbing the poppy harvest in Turkey and in Southeast 22 Asia; and 23 WHEREAS in the past two years, arrests for drup; smuggling rose 88 per cent; 'ITACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINUTES OF THE ARD CITY COUNCIL L 15 K;E F// ames . ~i~ \~ I City Clerk-Treasurer 24 seizures of marijuana tripled. They multiplied 15 times in the case of cocaine, 25 more than doubled for hashish. Local arrests of dope pushers and users soared 26 across the United States; and 27 WHEREAS the Honorable John Ingersoll, director of the Bureau of Narcotics 28 and Dangerous Drugs, stated publicly: "At most, we have 10 years to prevent a 29 social catastrophe, if it is not too late already;" and 30 WHEREAS the Honorable Myles J. Ambrose, Bureau of CustOIllS Commissioner, 31 stated publicly: "The drug cancer in our society has spread with frightening 32 speed and intensity among the young, in colleges, in businesses, and in the 33 military. We have an epidemic on our hands that can produce an American 34 disaster. We have lost more Americans to heroin than there are victims of the 35 war in Southeast Asia." 36 BE IT RESOLVE) that it is the will of this Seward City Council that the 37 Seventh Legislature, Second Session, State of Alaska enact legislation or amend 38 existing State statutes to provide for manditory jail terms and fines for second 39 offenders convicted of drug violations and for driving while under the influence 40 of alcoholic beverages; and 41 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE) that progressively heavier manditory jail terms and 42 fines be imposed upon those offenders convicted beyond the "second of tense" ot 43 drug violations and for driving while under the infiuence ot alcoholic 44 beverages. 45 COPIES of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the Honorable William A. 46 Egan, Governor of the State of Alaska; the Honorable Jay Hamond, President of 47 the Senate; the Honorable Gene Guess, Speaker of the House of Representatives; 48 the Honorable W. I. "Bob" Palmer, Alaska State Senator; the Honorable Keith ~-- ...1-____ r I I .! TTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINillES OF THE S ARD CI~CO , L OL l~AG _ 8lne R. lip, City Clerk-Treasurer 49 Specking, and the Honorable Clem Tillion, members of the Alaska House of 50 Representatives. ADOPTED BY THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TlIIS14 tl!,AY OF ward City Clerk '. ~ , . ; 10 l ~ ~ ' ~.... -. "',, ' . t '. , , . ,\. 'I l \ \'1" " r------ r~ Olft . w-- 1 I 3 4 , 6 , ,; . 11 I' " 9 ~~ if r 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 ~.......-,-~ -.," I Int.1*oducecl to tba I~ 1M 01_ Counc:U: 2/14h2 . , ~ IN 'l'HS SEWAll> CITY COUNCIL SIi.WARD CITY COUNCIL RESOWTICII 10. 847 .- RelaUna to -..4itol7 ,.. ... and n.n.. ttr MO" .. ...... ott.nde1"ll or clrq....... -~ BE IT RESOLVED BY '1'HI SBWAHD ern COUNCIL: WHERBAS at least eo per cent ot the world's illesal Ml'Oin -~ -,.". ..: Turicieh opi,.; and. WHEREAS about tour fifths ot all the heroin entering the Uni1iell ....... illeg~ is growl in Turkey and transshipped through hance, cl18pite ~ etforts among t.he three countries to curb the heroin t.raffic, little JIftI.... has been realised; and v ~ -' ,.1 , J! " ... , , 'I , WHEREAS Turkey, under U. S. pressure, reduced from 2l to seyen, 1ft! subsequently from seven to four, the number of provinces pennittAd to ... poppies, trom which heroin is made; and WHEREAS as IllUCh as 95 per cent ot the marijuana suuggled into th~ count.,- comes from Mexico, according to the Federal Bureau ot Narcotics and n......... Drugs; and WHEREAS in his urging a $100 million craah program, President. Mixon .aP1U.,( out tour areas of necessary action - education, rehabilitation, prOllec::uUcwt, .... foreign assistance aimed at curbing the popPY' harY'est in Turkey &Dll in :i....o. .. Asia; and WHEREAS in the past two years, arrests tor dru~ slllL1ggling roll. 88 per -.t. r '" c .-. ..ill1U'8s ot -njuana tripled. ',If' J "<.~. .~ .' "', .,". \" 'I':" ~~~. . .\s. They multiplied lS tiaes 10 tM __ of O' .. ",':.l 24 25 26 lION than doubled tor hashish. Local arrests ot dope p...... ... .... . n ....t I &OI'OSS the United States; and 'r7 WHEREAS the Honorable John Ingersoll, director ot U. Bureau ot '41111- 28 and Dangerous Drup, stated publicly: -At DlOSt, w haft 10 ,... '\0 llY lh' . '" 29 social catut.roph., it it is not too late al.ready;" and )0 WHEHBAS the Honorable M;yles J. Aabl'Olle, Bureau of C~tas 0 f .. l R'. 31 stated publ1c17: "'!'b. drua canoer in OW" soct.t,. ... spl'N4 witllll.1IIJ -. '"'.. 32 sJ)Md and intens1t:r MOns the J'CIUIl8, 10 CollelH, 1n ..i-al.., .. III .... n 11I.11 t&1'J. We haft lIJl ep1dem1c on OW" hands that OM PI'O*aoe ah ~ 31. " " Y1 38 " 40 U 1.2 43 d1e&ster. We haw lost more Americans to heroin thul there are fte~ II _ war in Southeut Asia." BE IT RESOLYm that it is the will ot this Seward City CouncU tllat. .. S4r1enth Lep.slature, Second Session, State ot Alaska enact legiel&t.lon .. ___ axiating State statutes to provide tor mandito17 jail tel'D8 and t1nM t0ll'8' I L' offenders convicted ot dru& violations and tor driving while UDder th.1At.IJ W'ff i 4 ',I, ,ii, . j , 'JI. ~ '11 ..~ ot alcoholic beverages; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that progressively heavier mandito17 jail te_ .. fines be impoeed upon theee ortenders convicted beyond the "second ott.,...- of drug violations and for drivin& while under the infiuence ot alcobolU f l 4; i 44 beverages. 4S COPIES of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the Honorable Wi' )i~ A. 1.6 47 IIJ f:~--.. !san, Governor of the State ot Alaska; the Honorable Jay HaIImond, Preaca.M. fit , I 4lj the Senate; the Honorable Gene Guess, Speaker ot the House of Repree4!llt&tt".; the Honorable W. I. "Bob" Palmer, Alaska State Senator; the Honorable lte1th .i I ",l j , I I r I, I il' i;: '.> " :.la'>,', . , 'Ii ~: " '~- , ... ,. ,,~ .0- \i ,'l;~~"~, . ,,~,,:,,),,"'.'*;" ~:> 'iil "" . "" 4f Sp-IrI-.. and the Honorable Clea '1't1Hon, "'1'. of the AlA_ ..... ~ JO Repre.ctatb... ADC>>'TED BI TIll S.AID CIn COUNCIL 'l'HIS14 t~ 0' .. , '~ " ~ .' ";~ .'. "c (. , Hi t ..~ > .j , , ~ >, ~ . A , r ~ ! i , ..; f ~ ! ,; i I,