HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1972-864B r '!HE CITY OF SEWARD RESOWI'IOO NO. 864 6 A RESOWl'ICW OF THE CITY OF SE.WARD ~ 00VIHm lmLIAM A. EGAN 'ro TAKE D'.fB.>IATE m- VE'3I'IGATIVE ~1F.ASURES REGARDING THE AtASKA OOURT ~-1 BAIL SYSl'EM ~y IN ~. WHEREAS ~ res1dents of the City of Seward have beeane alarmed at the l1UlIt>er of fela1y offemers that are being allowed to post no bail, or low bail) pem1ng Cr1m1nal 'fto1a1, am WHEREAS, '!he Taxpayer 1s obllrg1ted throUl#l taxation to support large local Pollee Departments to cope with the ~ ntJl\i)er of crimes being carml.ted by persalS released witlx>ut posting bail" or a very low bail) and ~, the majority of Cit1zens are concerned regarding the dangerous s1tuat1ons being encountered on our public streets by cr1m1nals camdtting Armed Robberies, Assaults and Burglar1es, While out of custody, on low or no bail, NOW, ~, BE rr RES:>LVED by the Camon Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that Goveroor W1lllam A. Egan be, and he 1s hereby requested to, take 1nm!d1ate 1nvestirg1t1ve measures to assure a thorough investigation regarding A1as1ca Bail Reform, '!he Ten Percent Section of the Refonn Act, and the lUIber of serious cr.tmes being camd.ted by persons after being re- leased tran custody on no, or low bail. 'lb1s Resolution shall take effect 1nmediatelY upon approval. Passed and approved this 27th day of NovenDer. 1912. /1,/~1,!~}~~ ~/~~/~: ,~,~~VU!~ R. F. Richardson Mayor A'l'J.t!3l' : "" ,,-, - / -r: ";1'" " ... " .r /V , . ) / . . ''"'':'''''' >..-'.....,... " "," .. ",",.i> ''1 James R. Filip {' City Clerk-Treasurer