HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1972-882 r --~ ~. . H'Y""~~ - '~..,."'. n......._____ ,<~~ - ;;. CITY OF SEWARD; ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 882 RESOLUTION l'.PPHOVIlIG ,\liD PROVIDIllG I'OJ( TIlL: EXECUTlor; OF 1\,1 fJlEt;Dh'l'Ol:Y CO NT lU\C'l' l~ Uc:;DING LOJllJ AND CAP l'l'i\.L G}(i\;:T CON'l'P,l,CT lW. f!. - 2 I AU'l'llORI Z Il:G THE 1\CCLP'l'hlJCE OF 1\ DEED TO TIlE CITY OF <;{ ""' M),() AS SUCCESSOR III Il;~ErTS'.L COVERING UilSOLD L1\llDS ACQUIRED II, PI~(\,JI:C',,' Ur.-f.!"" ,v,,~.,I, (-l!AND PROVIDING FOR i. POS"CLOSEOuT HARl~ETnJG PROGRJlJ,j v-mEm;AS, under Title I of the Ilousing Act of 1949, as amended, the United States of America ("Government") tendered to the Alas}:a State Housing 1\uthority ("Local Public l\gency") v. Loan ano Capital Grant Contract, pursuant to vJhich the Government extenc18c1 certain Federal Financial i\ssi:"tance to the Local Public A~lency in connec- tion with the Urban ReI '~wal Project described therein; o.nd \'lHIcRI.:AS, all Urb21l Rene,'lal Project activi tics and Urlxm Renl?\val Plan objectives imd H'(lUircDents aLi conter;l!,lah.'ll by the Loan and Capital Grant Contract and as called for in ~lC Urllon Renewal Plan, have been successfully accomplished, comnletec1 and carried cut, except for the sale and redevelopment of Project Lane. held by the i.ocal Public i\gency for private redevelopment; and WIIEEJ:i\S, pursuant to Scction lOG (i) of Title I of the !lousin<] Act of 1949, as ill<lcnde(l, the Governracnt has determi:led with respect to the Urban Rcnc\Val Project that the Local Public j'<Jcncy docs ;lot expect to be ablc in the rcasonalJly near future, due to circumstances beyond its control, to d,L;poL;e of the rel:\aining un:,>old project land and that all other project ilctivities arc completed except local grant-in-aid activities designated in the third provisio to ~;ection 110 (:1) und~r the conditions spccif},(;d therein, ilnd th,:lt a clo,;u,ut of the urban l~r:me\'lal Project \,"-,ulc1 be in the financial interest of the Fede:::-al Gover:1nent; and \'JIlEW;AS, pursuant to the said determination by the Governrnent under Section 1CJG (i) of Title I of the lIou:jing l.ct of 191;<), as Clmended, the Government ha:,> tc)ndered to tl:c Local Public l>cicnc~' und the City of "E.. 1\-1',,) a pre'l)Osed l\lTlendatory Contract pursuant to 'Ihich the Governr;lent \-:Quld c::tend an E,"-;': r::lc.;:;cout Grilnt, in addition to the Ci.lPital Grant otLc"C'.lise P,'Y<1IJ.LC, U[ C'i""-:~~~J, ~L of the estimClted dispositlon llroe',cc::, of t:1C rcmClir,]LcJ unsold l,J,Itcl "nel Cln additional CClpital Crilnt to pclY the )"~'",,in:ins three-fourths of UlC estimated d1sposition proceeels of sc,id unc01~ lnnd in order to facilitate the early clo~;eout of the Urban r~021l'..,'al Project; <.tnd \VJlEJIJ;l\S, under said propc)scd PcmcndatorJ Contract the Local Public l.gency is requin:cl. ilffiong otllcr thin]:'" to tro.nsfer the rcmaininc; unsold land and <1n1' earn('~;t. noney contracts and ean;e~;t [1",oney held in connection Hith selid ] zmd to the Ci ty of as the Local Public t,gency' s successor in interest; and HllEIzI:hS, under 115 18.55.720 the Local Public l\gency is empo\lCred to delegate to tlle City ccrtelin powers or functions of urban rene\lal, including the disl-'osi tioll or sale of urban renc'Jell property, and the City is enpowered to perform said powers or functions; and \'lllEHEAS, u!:llL'r silid proposed l'.],\C,'llcator: CO:1trelct, Section 10G (i) of Tit 10 I 0":: the iiousin~J i\ct of is 49, a,; amended, and the rules "-"h1 regulati on~; of the Departnr'nt of llou~;ing und l)l'ban Devclo:)f,lent, t'1C City as Ule Loc,-,l Pt:,blic TJ!ency's S\1r;c::es";or .in intercst I-Jill be required to ti.;;C C\~rLc1in actions with respect to the un:;old project land, earnest ;:cn',:/ cC':d' 'c,ct~; an(l C3.rncst ,,~oncy on sai () land, .-1::~,..e ~~g~~- ~J:~I~~~...,;r2"(':'''T~~{'I-.,",~;,.;..(.'.€bJ.tl(~y~ l ."~~~~J I W.nu vario:'1:.:') other records, files ..' "l...,m,~~ to D[~ transi'crred to the City by tllC Local Public Agency; and r I - ,~'.....' ~ - "., . ,",' ~r. " '.' , , ,.... ~ -~ --.. WllEHEl.S, the City has given due consideration to said proposed Amendatory Contract: NOH I 'l'HEREFOHl~, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of .;'~"" '~f), P tAtS YvI'.: AS FOLLO\'IS: SECTION 1. The pending proposed Amendatory Contract by and among the Alaska State Housing Authority ("Local Public Agency"), the City of ';i.,^"I~'l f~!""\'-,'(''^(''City''), and the United States of Merica ("Government'''), Amending Loan and Capital Grant Contract No. f:....-1-\ dated the l1~ day of r,,' ,_ (:...i "'. ~ (as heretofore aInended), is hereby in all respects approved~ ' SECTION 2. The Ilayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute--ihe Amendatory Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the City, and the City Clerk is hereby iluthorizecl and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the City on each such counterpart ilnd to fOIl'lard such counterparts to the Departnent of Housing and Urban ucvelopr.\cnt, for execution on behalf of the Government, together \'lith such other documents relatin<) to the approval and execution of such counterparts as 1<1ay be required by e1e Government. SECTIO;l 3. The Deed conveying the unsold project land to the City, as tIw-I.-ocal Public Agency I s successor in interest, \/hich Deed is in the forr.1 as shO\vn in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all legal purposes, is hereby in all respects approved and accepted. SECTIO:~. The Local Public Agency hereby delegates to the City such povers and functions under Title AS 18.55.480-930 as are necessary and incidental to proper and expeditious disposition of property conveyed by Deed described in Section 3 above. SECTION 5. The City hereby approves and acce?ts e18 transfer from the- Loc-al PUDlic Agency to the City, as its successor in interest, of such of the Local l'uLlic Agency records, files, escrO\'l deposi ts, and all other docuI:\ents or accounts of record held by the Local Public Agency as [clay be necessary and incidental to the orderly winding up and termination of l,gency ucti vi tics and hereby appoints and directs the City Clerk to administer and oversee Silr.1e. SECTION 6. With respect to the unsold project land the City shall pu-r-s'uc,_ua'--postcloseout marketing proqr<:lI:\, acceptable to the Dcpartr,lent of Housing am] Uruan DevclopI:\ent 1 which program shall provide for: (1) Semiannual on-site review of the remaining unsold land with personnel of the Department of !lousing and Urban Development. (2) Submission to the Department of !lousinsr and UrbDn Developr.1ent of a semiannual report which shall identify by reuse: (a) All parcels conveyed and prices received during the reporting period. (b) All parcels under contract of sale and the contract price. (e) All parcels not yet sold with an estimate of value for each, 2 (f " (3) Steps to overcome any obstacles that may exist to the sale of the remaining land and aetempts to dispose of such land within the next 6-month period. (4) Maintenance of property in presentable condition to promote its sale. (5) Disposal of all remaining land in accordance with outstanding Department of Housing and Urban Development land marketing requirements in effect during the period in which any sales are made. SECTION 7. Ci~ t1IIWPt~t.(l ~p) IL h'l,'o , or his successor, is hereby appoihted and directed to supervise the disposal of the land, maintain all records related thereto, and be familiar with the appropriate operating requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. SECTION 8. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward. Alaska, this 16th day of July. 1973. ISI R. F. Richardson R. F. Richardson. Mayor " i ! , , 1 1 l '1 , , " " , ,}. , " :tl1@~.~~11~[l~ "'l._~.;.ij:'-.. fItII,I "_l:Jr.j;j;,...rru it fJ U'~~_" lId!.ifr rn. .It"'......... .ltj'hl j i :i ~ i ~ I [l , ... -.~, ~ ~ ........... T ,...,.. '" 3 ~' .')