HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1974-899 r-~- A'ITACHED TO AND ;'lA.DE A PART OF THE MINUTES OF THE ~ARD CI'l'Y COUNCIL II;' UME 16 ,:- M\G~;.- /<-......h~/ ,/ cunes R. Filit, - - fI City Clerk-'Ireasurer , , , , C I T Y OF SEWARD Introduced: 2 / 25 / 74 1 2 IN THE SEtlARD CITY COUNCIL BY B. C. HtJIX RESOLUTION NO. 899 :3 4 A resolution opposing the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords National 5 Monument Proposal (DES No. 73-86) 6 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SEVlARD CITY COUNCIL: 7 WHEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal recognizes that the 8 Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords area has not been completely explored for it's 9 mineral potential (USGS Richter says "moderate potential tor small deposits" - 1 0 Land Use Planning Commission states "high potential") yet the National Park 1 1 Service I proposal concludes the area's mineral resource is meager and not 1 :2 feasible for developnent; and 1 3 WHEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal infers that lIining is 1 4 unlikely and unfeasible, timber harvest is not feasible and hunting is 1 5 minimal, yet their report concludes that Multiple Use Management would likely 1 6 create significant disruption of resources and eccosystems. The case does not 1 7 eupport their conclusion; and 1 8 WHEREAS, $27,000 in Gold was taken in 1973 from a mining operation 1 9 within "the area of ecological ooncem" along the Kenai Peninsula's Southern 2 0 littoral, where an investment of $230,000 has been made in this operation in I ATl'ACHED 'ro AND fWJE A PARI' OF THE ~ OF 'IRE f'f~ CITY Q9UNCu' (Vj"u:. 16 ..,,~ )'tOOl:'.." ~;( , '/ .'~ /faIffis R. Filip, , , .' City Clerk-'I'rea.surer I ~' l/ 2 1 recent yeaN; and 2 2 WHEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal state.: "ot all the 2 :3 vegetation cover in the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords area, onlT one ''.'If ot 2 4. 1% 18 suitable for t1lllber harYest (1500 acres), the Park Seme. would 2 5 prohibit the cutting of timber and other uses (?) which mq lead to lIIUlS.ft 2 6 destruction of plant lite in the IllOI1U11ent. n If one-half of 1% or 1500 ac:rw 2 7 ot timber were cut under Multiple Use Management, this could not be considered 2 8 "massive destruction" of plant lite in a 300,000 acre area; and 2 9 WHEREAS, contral"7 to the National Park Service' proposal, ccmaon :3 0 knowledge dictates and it is axiomatic that biological productivity of an area :3 1 does not lend itlMlt to permanent perpetuation because ot the enactment of :3 2 legislation establishing a national monueot. Biological productivit,. is :3 :3 dependent on such tactoN as habitat, predation, disease and perhaps hunting :3 4. pressure on a particular species; and :3 5 WHE~S, the Seward City Council and the Citisens of the Seward area :3 6 8\lpport the concept of a Seward National Recreation Area tor the Harding Ice :3 7 Field/Kenai Fjords area because of the unique terrian characteristics which :3 8 lend theuelves to year-round boating activit,., professional, amateur and :3 9 cro....country siding, and other lIDlimited snow-oriented Ncreational events; 40 and 4 1 WHEREAS, Seward has been officially designated by the State of 4. 2 Alaska as the 'Fun Capital of Alaska' because of our outstanding surrounding '" ~-- A'l'l'ACHED 'ID AND f4'ADE A PARI' OF THE MINU.lES OF THE~, , CI'fi eoutr;IL , ,\1E J.6 - ,p.~/ :' ;(. -':/ s R. P1lip, City Clerk-Treasurer L 4 , sea and land characteristics 80 suitable for recreational pll1'pOses, which 4 .. have and w:I.11 continue - given a chance - to enhance Seward's and the Kenai 4 5 Peninsula Borol1&h' e econcalc future; and 4 , WHEREAS, officials of the National Park Sernee DID NOT ottic1al1y 4., contact the Seward City Council, Seward's Advisory Planning Caudssion, the 4' Kenai PeD1nllUla Borough Administration, Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning 4 , CoBlllisaion, or the Kenai Peninsula Borough Asselllbl7, to detem1ne our input S 0 for the beet uee of the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjorde area. S I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the will of this Seward S 2 City Council that we oppose the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords National 5 3 Kon..nt proposal by the Natioaal Park Sernce becauee we support the K\1ltiple 5 4 Use KanageJDent philosophy for this area. S S COPIES of this resolution shall be transmitted to the Honorable S 6 Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States; the Honorable Earl But., 5 ., Secretary of Agriculture; the Honorable Rogers C. B. Morton, Seoretal'1 of the 5 . Interior; the Honorable Mike Mansfield, Senate Majority Leader; the Honorable 5' Carl Albert, Speaker of the Houee of Representatives; Chairman ot the U. S. 6 0 Senate and U. S. House Interior and In8ular Affairs CClIIEittees; the Honorable 6 1. Mike Gravel; the Honorable Ted Stevens; Honorable Don Young, Alaska's 6 2 Ccmgressioaal Delegation; the Honorable Wi1HJlW\ A. Egan, Govemor ot Alaeka; 6 3 all members of the Alaska Legislature; Mr. Ted Bingham, Executive Director of 6 4 the Land Use Planning COB&ission; Mr. Joe Josephson, State designee to the 6 5 Land. Use Planning COJllIIIisa1on, and Mr. 'l'beodor R. Swem, Chairman, Alaska r A'l'TACHED ro MID f.fADE A PARI' fJP THE MINUTES OF THE .~" CI'l'f ~IL . 16 - ~ 38-- , /~- ~ P1'Ji;. -'y City C1erk-'l'.roo8tn-er 6 6 PlanniJ1g Group, u. S. Departaent of the Interior. ~ ~~ ADOPm> BY THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL mIS J;i;. DAY OF ~ ~ I' I 1974 JM:}A.c.(J. ....., MAYOR 0' SEWABD j