HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1976-935 r' ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THE MINUTES OF THS}EWARD CITY, COUN~L-V01UME 17 !-; ,/~~ r1(/' JPAGE 35 ~. Fili~ L City Clerk-Treasurer d d Jll't.ro uce : C I T Y 1 / 12 / 76 o F B Y B. C. HULM SEWARD ALASKA SEW A R D C I T Y C 0 U N C I L RES 0 L UTI 0 N N O. 9 3 5, A RESOLUTION REAFFImmIG OUR ORIGINAL STAND IN OPPOSITION 'IO THE HARDING ICE FIELD / RENAl FJORre NATIONAL MONUMENT PROPOSAL ( DES No. 73 - 86 ) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL: WHEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal recognizes that the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords area has not been completely explored for its mineral potential (USGS Richter says "moderate potential for small deposits" - land Use Planning conmdssion states "high potential") yet the National Park Service' proposal concludes the area's mineral resource is meager and not feasible for development; and W'HEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal infers that mining is unlikely and unfeasible, timber harvest is not feasible and hunting is minimal, yet their report concludes that MUltiple Use Management would likely create significant disruption of resources and ecosystems. The inhereht facts in this case does.!!2!. support their conclusions; and WHEREAS, $27,000 in Gold was taken in 1973 from a mining operation within "the area of ecological concern" along the Kenai Peninsula's Southern littoral, where an investment of $230,000 has been made in this operation in recent years; and r- -2- WHEREAS, the National Park Service' proposal states: "of all the vegetation cover in the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords area, only one-half of 1 % is suitable for timber harvest (1500 acres), the National Park Service would prohibit the cutting of timber and other uses (?) which may lead to massive destruction of plant life in the monument." If one-half of 1% or 1500 acres of timber were cut under MUltiple Use Management, th)8 COULD NOT BE CONSIDERED "massive destruction" of plant life in a 300,000 acre area; and WHEREAS, contrary to the National Park Service' proposal, common knowledge dictates and it is axiomatic that biological productivity of any given area DOES NOT lend itself to permanent perpetuation because of the establishment of a national monument by the enactment of legislation. Biological productivity IS dependent upon factors such as HABITAT, PREDATION, . DISEASE and HUNTING PRESSURE on a particular species; and WHEREAS, the SmvARD CITY COUNCIL and the CITIZENS of the Seward area support the concept of a SEWARD NATIONAL RECPEATION AREA for the HARDING ICE FIELD/KENAI FJORDS area because of the unique terrain characteristics which lend themselves so well to year-round boating activities, professional, amateur and cross-country skiing, and many other snow-oriented recreational events; and WHEREAS, Seward has been officially designated by the State of Alaska as 'THE FUN CAPITAL OF ALASKA' because Nature provided such outstanding surrounding sea and land characteristics so suitable for recreational purposes, which have and will continue - GIVEN A CHANCE - to enhance Seward's, the Kenai Peninsula Borough'S, and the State of Alaska's economic future; and WHEREAS, THE STATE OF ALASKA, THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH and TdE CITY OF SEWARD have, over the past several years, expended approximately i ....... r~------ I - 3 - $ 400,000 in a co-operative effort in the construction of the Resurrec~on River Road from the Seward area to the foot of Exit Glacier (see II&p), wmh beaver-tails out of the Harding Ice Field, for the purpose of _king the unique area accessible to surface transportation; and WHEREAS, o!bcials of the National Fark Service DID NOT officially contact the SEWARD CITY COUNCIL, SEWARD'S ADVISORY PLANNING and ZONING COMMISSION, the KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH PIANNING and ZONING COMMISSION, the KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH ADMINISTRATION, or the KENAI PENJNSUIA BOROUGH ASSEMBLY in an effort to determine OUR INPUT for the best use of the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords area. N<W THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the will of this seward City Council that we official1y GO ON RECORD FOR THE SECOND TDIE vH'nUR A - 'lWO-YEAR PERIOD IN FULL OPPOSITION to the Harding Ice Field/Kenai Fjords national monument proposal by the National Park Service because WE SUr'PORT THE HULTIPIE USE MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY FOR THIS UNIQUE RECREATION AREA. COPIES of this Resolution No. 935 shall be transmitted to the Honorable Gerald Ford, President of the United states; the Honorable Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture; the Honorable Thomas S. Kleppe, Secretary of the Interior; the Honorable Mike Mansfield, Senate Majority Leader; the Honorable carl Albert, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Chairman of the U. S. Senate and U. S. House Interior and Insular Affairs Conunittees; the Honorable l.r;ike Gravel; the Honorable Ted Stevens; Honorable Don Young, Alaska's Congressional Delegation; the Honorable Jay Hammond, Governor of Alaska, and Mr. Theo~~!{: Swem, Chairman, Alaska Planning Group, U. S. Department of the Int~riG~' " '\ ClL THIS 19 DAY OF JANUARY 1976 Is/Richard A. Neve' Mayor of Seward , ...