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WHEREAS, Section 9-7 of the Seward City Code provides that an
electrical tariff shall be adopted and revised from time to time by
Council resolution;
OF SEWARD, that the electrical tariff, a copy of which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of the adopted tariff shall
be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk.
SEWARD, ALASKA, this 14th day of August, 1978.
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Jo nne E. Shanley
City Clerk-Treasurer
Attorneys for the City of Seward, Alaska
(City Seal)
~/JI ~
Ranald H. Jarrell
Util ity Name:
City of Seward
d/b/a Seward Electric Department
Electric Power
14 August 1978
P.O. Box 337
Seward. Alaska
Clarence E. Johnson
Nature of Services:
Effective date:
City Manager:
(1) Effective datef
Rule No: 1. Scope of Rules and Regulations
1.1 Adoption
1.2 Applicability
1.3 Compliance with Federal and State Law
1.4 Waiver or Modification of Regulations
2. Nature and Types of Services Offered
2.1 Electric Service
2.2 Permanent Service
2.3 Temporary Services
2.4 Seasonal Services
3. Extensions of Distribution Facilities
General Provisions
3.1 Extensions to Permanent Residences
3.2 Extensions to Seasonal Residences
3.3 Extensions to Subdivision, Mobile Home
Parks, and Multiple Residential Structures
3.4 Single and Multiphase Extensions to Commercial
.and Industrial Buildings and Sites, Churches.
Schools and other Public Buildings
3.5 Modification of Existing Facilities
3.6 Street Lighting Systems
3.7 Standard Facilities and Customer Practices
3.8 Deposits. Advances. Contributions, Estimates.
and Refunds
3.9 Overhead Charges
3.10 Contract and Forms
3.11 Preservation of Existing Rights
4. Rules of Construction and Definitions
4.1 Rules of Construction
4.2 Definitions
5. Liability of the Utility
5.1 Irregularity or Failure of Service
5.2 Interruptions for Repairs or Modifications
5.3 Customer's Equipment
5.4 Consequential Damages
6. Technical Provisions
6.1 Metering
6.2 Meter Testing
6.3 Protective Equipment
6.4 Non-Standard Tolerances
6.5 Compliance with Codes
6.6 Major Increases in Load
6.7 Damage Produced by Increased Load
6.8 Undesirable Load Characteristics
7. Service Conditions
7.1 Application for Service
7.2 Service Contracts
7.3 Term of Service
7.4 Easements of Rights-of-Way Required
7.5 Access to Customer's Premises
7.6 Connection Charge
7.7 Establishment of Credit
7.8 Increase or Refund of Deposit
7.9 Deposit Not to Affect Regular Collection
(2) Effective date:
7.10 Protection of Utility Property and Facilities
7.11 Disconnection for Tampering with or Failure
to Protect Property
7.12 Connections to Other Systems
7.13 Permits
7.14 Establishment of Rates for Services
7.15 Resale of Electricity
7.16 Service Complaints
8. Conditions of Service
8.1 Net Rates
8.2 Billing
8.3 Delivery of Bills
8.4 Payment of Bills
8.5 Delinquent Bills
8.6 Dishonored Checks
8.7 Re-connection of Service
8.8 Combined Billing
8.9 Estimated Billing
8.10 Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
8.11 Disputed or Erroneous Bills
8.12 Change of Occupancy
8.13 Vacancy Between Renters
9. Service Connections
9.1 General Requirements
9.2 Location and Installation of Meters
9.3 Primary Facilities
9.4 Overhead Service
9.5 Services to Multi-Occupant Buildings
9.6 Three-Phase Service
10. Relocation or Conversion of Facilities
10.1 Relocation of Facilities
11. Small Boat Harbor
(3) Effective date:
1.1 Adoption:
These rules and regulations were adopted for use by the City
of Seward. d/b/a Electric Utilit par.tment (SED) hereinafter
, J
referred to as "The Ut i 1 i ty" I
enacted by the City Council for the City of Seward, to be
effective on the _ day of 1978.
Copies of these rules and regulations, together with rate
schedules and pertinent business and contract forms, are
available at The City Manager's office in City Hall. Seward,
1.2 Applicability:
These rules and regulations apply to all service rendered or
facilities constructed or installed in the "Service District"
by the City of Seward.
1.3 Compliances with Federal and State Law:
The Utility electrical generation and distribution system will
be operated in accordance with applicable federal and state
law and in compliance with rules and regulations promulgated
by other authorities having jurisdiction over the operations
of The Uti 1 ity.
1.4 Waiver or Modification of Regulations:
These rules and regulations may not be waived by an officer,
agent or employee of the City of Seward. They may not be
modified. amended or changed in any way without first being
submitted to and approved by the Council of the City of Seward.
2.1 Electric Service:
The Utility provides sixty-hertz alternating current, either
single or three phase. at available standard voltages. Voltage.
frequency and wave form are regulated to conform to the standard
practices of the industry.
(4) Effective date:
Standard Voltages:
120/240v -------- 10 -------- Seconda ry
120/208v -------- 10 -------- Secondary
240/480v -------- 30 -------- Seconda ry
l20/240v -------- 30 -------- Secondary
480v ------------ 30 -------- Secondary
277 /480v -------- 30 -------- Secondary
7,200/12.470v --- 30 -------- Primary
14.400/24.900v -- 30 -------- Primary
The Utility shall. unless otherwise provided in these Rules
and Regulations. construct, operate and maintain the facilities
necessary to deliver electrical energy to the point of service
connection to the service equipment owned by the consumer or
prospective consumer (hereinafter "Consumer"). Responsibility
for the design of Utility's lines and other facilities shall
rest with the Utility.
2.2 Permanent Service:
When the nature of the customer's facilities provides The
Utility with reasonable assurance that the premises will take
electric service permanently and continuously and where unusually
large expenditures will not be required of The Utility to
serve the premises in relation to anticipated revenues. The
Utility will provide the facilities necessary to serve the
customer at its expense.
When reasonable assurance does not exist that the customer
will be permanent or where unusual expenditures are necessary
to supply service because of the location, size or character
of the applicant's installation, facilities will be constructed
only if the applicant makes an adequate contribution toward
the cost of the facilities. guarantees continued payment of
bills for electric service or makes other satisfactory arrange-
ments that will provide The Utility with sufficient security
to warrant the investment and expense involved.
2.3 Temporary Services:
Temporary service will be provided by The Utility if the
applicant makes a payment sufficient to cover the cost of the
installation and removal of the necessary facilities less the
(5) Effective date:
salvage value of materials returned to stock. The cost of the
installation and removal will include material. labor, equipment,
payroll cost and overhead. These charges will be in addition
to any required meter deposit and the energy and demand charges
accumulated through the use of electric energy as determined
pursuant to the applicable rate schedule.
Following receipt of an application for temporary service, The
Utility will prepare an estimate of the applicable installation
and removal costs. Prior to the commencement or installation
the applicant shall submit an advance payment equal to the
estimated cost and shall agree to pay the difference between
the actual costs, as ascertained after removal of the temporary
service, and the estimated cost. If actual cost is less than
the estimate, The Utility will refund the excess to the customer.
2.4 Seasonal Services:
The Utility will provide electrical service to consumer's
premises that are utilized on a seasonal basis as provided in
the applicable rate schedules.
General Provisions
It is the intent of Section 3 to establish a policy for new dis-
tribution line extensions.
3.1 Extensions to Permanent Residences:
a. Primary Overhead Extensions:
All customers who request overhead primary line extensions
resulting in an investment by the Utility must make a
partially refundable deposit in accordance with SED Form
4. paragraph 10.g. prior to engineering and construction.
Within thirty (30) days after energizing service and
within terms of SED Form 4, the Advance-in-aid-of-Con-
struction (SED Form 4, paragraph 11) will be returned to
the applicant.
(6) Effective date:
b. Primary Underground Extensions:
Primary underground extensions will be made on application,
subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) All customers who request underground primary line
extensions resulting in an investment by the Utility
must make a partially refundable deposit in accordance
with SED Form 4, paragraph 10.g. prior to engineering
and construction. Within thirty (30) days after
energizing service and within terms of SED Form 4,
the Advance-in-aid-of-Construction (SED Form 4.
paragraph 11) will be returned to the applicant.
(2) The applicant for the extension of facilities subject
to this section may. in the alternative, and at his
option, construct and install underground facilities
to furnish service within a subdivision or mobile
home park, in lieu of complying with sub-sections
(a) and (b) immediately above. by entering into
special contract with the Utility providing, among
other provisions. that:
(a) All construction and the materials used therein
shall meet the standards and specifications of
REA and/or the Seward Electric Department.
(b) All such facilities will be designed by an
electrical engineer who is registered in Alaska
and who has been pre-qualified by the Utility
on the basis of education and experience.
(c) The plans and specifications will have the
Utility's approval prior to going to construction.
(d) All facilities will be inspected by the Utility.
both during construction and upon their completion.
and the applicant will make or will require the
making of. such changes. if any, which may be
required to meet the design and other applicable
(e) All transformers, transformer pedestals. and
high and low voltage connectors used in the
installation will be furnished by the Utlility.
(7) Effective date:
(f) All materials. other than those mentioned under
item (5) immediately above, will be furnished
by the applicant, but such materials must have
prior approval of The Utility as meeting REA or
Seward Electric Department's specifications.
(g) When the installation has satisfactorily passed
the above inspections mentioned in item (4)
immediately above. The Utility will take title
to the facilities and assume responsibility for
their maintenance.
c. Secondary Services:
(1) Subject to the exception mentioned in sub-section
(2) immediately below, service at secondary voltage
will be furnished at the sole expense of the customer
per rule 7.6 if the service does not exceed 150
feet; if the service exceeds 150 feet, the cost of
the service attributed to such excess will be paid
for by the applicant.
(2) If the installation of an underground service at
secondary voltage is not feasible because the ground
is frozen, such installation will be made above
ground in flexible plastic conduit (Cor-flo) for
undergrounding when conditions permit. and the
applicant therefor will pay to The Utility, in
addition to any charges made pursuant to sub-section
(1) immediately above a non-refundable charge of
$110.00; provided. however. if the request for the
immediate installation of such a service is received
before September 15 and on or after May 15, no
charge will be made to the applicant therefor under
this sub-section even though the ground is frozen at
the time of installation and the service is installed
above ground in Cor-flo.
d. Additional Services from Facilities Subject to an Advance
to Construction:
In the event that facilities partially financed by an
advance-in-aid-of-construction pursuant to sub-sections
(a) and (b) above are thereafter utilized to furnish
electric utility service to other applicants therefor,
(8) Effective date:
and the said advance has not been refunded as hereinafter
provided, The Utility will refund to the party who made
the said advance the sum of $750.00 for each service
connected to the faciliites so financed. not, however. in
the aggregate, to exceed the unrefunded balance of the
advance. The Utility will review its records at the end
of the fiscal year. If a refund is due, payment will be
made to party making said advance. Any part of the
advance-to-construction not refunded after three calendar
years from the date the facilities are energized, no
further refunds will be made and the line extension will
become the sole property of The Utility.
3.2 Extensions to Seasonal Residences:
Rule 3.1. a, b, c. and d shall apply to rule 3.2 except the
extension allowance shall be reduced to $250.00 instead of
$750.00 for permanent residences.
3.3 Extensions to Subdivision, Mobile Home Parks, and Multiple
Residential Structures:
a. Overhead Primary and/or Secondary Extensions:
All customers who request overhead line extensions resulting
in an investment by the Utility must make a partially
refundable deposit in accordance with SED Form 5. paragraph
10.g, prior to engineering and construction. Within
thirty (30) days after energizing service and within
terms of SED Form 5. the advance-in-aid-of-construction
(SED Form 5. paragraph 11) will be returned to the applicant.
b. Primary Underground Extensions:
Primary underground extensions will be made on application.
subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) All customers who request underground primary line
extensions resulting in an investment by the Utility
must make a partially refundable deposit in accordance
with SED Form 5. paragrpah 10.g. prior to enginnering
and construction. Within thirty (30) days after
energizing service and within terms of SED Form 5,
the advance-in-aid-of-construction (SED Form 5,
paragraph ll) will be returned to the applicant.
(9) Effective date:
(2) Rule 3.1.b.2 shall apply to rule 3.3.b.2.
c. Secondary Services:
Rule 3.1.c shall apply to rule 3.3.c.
d. Additional Services from Facilities Subject to an Advance
to Construction:
Rule 3.1.d shall apply to rule 3.3.d.
3.4 Single and Multiphase Extensions to Commercial and Industrial
Buildings and Sites. Churches, Schools and other Public Buildings:
Single or multiphase extensiuns will be constructed and installed
to serve commercial and industrial buildings and sites, churches,
schools. and other public buildings pursuant to a special
contract, which will provide, among other provisions:
a. Primary Overhead Extensions:
All customers who request overhead primary line extensions
resulting in an investment by the Utility must make a
partially refundable deposit in accordance with SED Form
6, paragraph 10.g, prior to engineering and construction.
Within thirty (30) days after energizing service and
within terms of SED Form 6, the advance-in-aid-of-construction
(SED Form 6. paragraph 11) will be returned to the applicant.
b. Underground Facilities:
Primary underground extensions will be made on application.
subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) The installation is technically and operationally
feasible as to both construction and subsequent
(2) All customers who request underground primary extension
resulting in an investment by the Utility must make
a partially refundable deposit in accordance with
SED Form 6, paragraph 10.g, prior to engineering and
construction. Within thirty (30) days after energizing
service and within terms of SED Form 6, the advance-
in-aid-of-construction (SED Form 6, paragraph 11)
will be returned to the applicant.
(10) Effective date: Signed:
(3) If the main disconnect switch is located within the
building served. the applicant will furnish the
secondary service.
c. Additional Services from Facilities Subject to an Advance
to Construction:
Advances-in-aid-of-construction to finance in part the
construction of facilities pursuant to this Seciton 3.3
will also be subject to refund under the terms and conditions
provided in Section 3.1d above.
3.5 Modification of Existing Facilities:
If otherwise technically operationally feasible electric
distribution facilities will be modified upon request. including,
among other modifications. the conversion of overhead facilities
to underground facilities, provided:
a. The cost of such modifications or conversions will be at
the expense of the person requesting the same, including
the cost of retiring existing facilities to accomplish
such modifications or conversions, but the applicant
therefor will be entitled to a refund equal to the actual
salvage value, if any, of any materials retired. less the
expense of returning the same to the Utility's storage
facil ities.
b. A modification of existing faciliites will not be considered
"operationally feasible" if its purpose is to move the
facilities. or any part thereof. to the premises of
another. unless the latter agrees in writing to such
c. If the modification request is limited to an increase in
transformation capacity without any change in other
existing facilities, such modification will be made
without charge to the applicant therefor.
3.6 Street Lighting Systems:
Street lighting systems or facilities. whether the circuits
therefor are overhead or underground, will be installed and
maintained at the expense of the applicant for such service.
(11) Effective date:
3.7 Standard Facilities and Customary Practices:
a. Standard Distribution Facilities:
Overhead construction is the standard for all distribution
facilities, and underground facilities will be installed
only upon the payment. as a non-refundable contribution-
in-aid-of-construction. of the difference between the
cost of installing the latter and the estimated cost of
installing comparable overhead facilities.
b. Customary Construction Practice:
It is the Utility's customary practice to construct and
install the facilities covered by Rule 3 hereof under
contracts, formally or informally drawn, which have been
made pursuant to competitive bidding, but the Utility
reserves the right to construct and install all such
facilities by negotiation or by force account if a reasonable
contract therefor cannot be made. if the project will not
otherwise be completed in a timely and acceptable manner.
or if the interests of the applicant or the Utility
otherwise require.
c. System Improvements Distinguished From Line Extensions:
A line extension within the contemplation of this Section
3. may require changes or additions to existing distribution
facilities of the Utility which are not directly incorporated
into the facilities requested by the applicant. If the
change, modification, or addition is required solely to
furnish the service requested. and is not required because
of load growth or the needs of other existing consumers,
then such change, modification. or additon will be treated
as a line extension. Changes, modifications, and additions
will be considered line extension when, for example, they
consist of:
(l) Conversion from single-phase primary to three-phase
primary because the applicant request three-phase
(2) Conversion from a secondary line to a primary line.
(12) Effective date: Signed:
(3) Reframing or modifying structures to facilitate line
extension. e.g. reframing to accommodate a transformer
bank or to install an underground riser.
Among changes. modifications. and additions classified as
system improvements and. therefore, outside the ambit of
the within Rule 3, are, for example:
(4) Reconductoring of primary lines.
(5) Substations not exclusively for the use of the
(6) Conversion from single phase primary to three phase
primary when such change is required by load growth
caused substantially or solely by the increased
requirements of other consumers.
3.8 Deposits. Advances, Contributions. Estimates, and Refunds:
a. Deposits:
(1) Applicants requesting the extension of facilities
under Rule 3 will deposit with the Utility. as a
condition of such application. and as evidence of
good faith. a sum to defray. or partially defray.
the expense of the engineering services required to
implement such application.
(2) The amount of the deposit will be as follows:
(a) If the extension is requested under Section 3.1
and 3.2. a deposit of $100.00;
(b) If the extension is requested under Section
3.3. a deposit of $100.00 per lot within the
subdivision. space within a mobile home park,
or residential unit within a multi-residence
(c) If the extension is requested under Section
3.4, a deposit of $500.00 per service;
(13) Effective date:
(d) If the extension is requested under Section
3.5, a deposit of $150.00; and
(e) If the extension is requested under Section
3.6, a deposit of $150.00.
Notwithstanding any provision hereinabove for a
deposit, no deposit will be required if the applicant
for the extension of the facilities is an agency of
the United States or the State of Alaska, or a
political subdivision of the latter.
(3) If an advance-in-aid-of-construction is required
under any provision hereof, a deposit made pursuant
to this section will be considered a part thereof.
(4). Deposits made hereunder will either be refunded to
the applicant, or retained by the Utility. as follows:
(a) If the applicant elects not to execute the form
of the Notice to Proceed following notice to
him of the Utility's estimated cost of the
requested facilities, including the part thereof
which would be subject to an advance or contribution
to construction. if any, the deposit will be
fully refunded;
, (b) If the applicant executes the form of the
Notice to Proceed. but elects to withdraw his
request for the subject facilities upon receiving
notice of the amount of the lowest responsible
bid to construct the same, the deposit, less
engineering costs incurred by the Utility in
preparing the bid solicitation, will be returned
to him.
(c) If the applicant changes his request for facilities
subsequent to his executing the form of the
Notice to Proceed, and such changes will
require The Utility to incur substantial additional
engineering costs in revising its solicitation
for bids, the Association may require the
(14) Effective date: Signed:
applicant. as a condition of proceeding. to
make an additional deposit, the amount of. which
will be based upon the Utility's estimate of
the additional engineering services which will
be required to make such revisions.
(d) If the facilities requested are installed by
force account rather than by contract, the
applicant therefor will make the deposit
required above, and such deposit will likewise
be subject to refund on the terms and conditions
mentioned, except that the second opportunity
for the applicant to elect not to proceed will
follow notice to him of a second and more
refined estimate of the cost of installing the
requested facilities in lieu of furnishing the
exact amount thereof which could only be known
if the installation were contracted.
b. Advances:
Advances-in-aid-of-construction, also called advances to
construction or advances, will be paid to the Utility
prior to the commencement of the construction of the
facilities to which applicable.
c. Contributions:
Contributions-in-aid-of-construction. also called con-
tributions to construction or contributions, will be paid
to the Utility prior to the commencement of any construction
for which they are required under these Rules and Reg-
d. Estimates:
(1) The estimate of the cost of installing the facilities
requested mentioned in Section 3.8a(4)(a) and Section
3.8a(4)(d) above will be made by the Utility from
the applicable cost data available pursuant to its
construction activities, by contract or force account.
as may be appropriate. and such data will be reviewed
and revised periodically to insure that it accurately
and currently reflects such costs.
(15) Effective date: Signed:
(2) Estimates of the cost of constructing overhead
facilities for the purpose of comparing the same
with the actual cost of constructing comparable
underground facilities in order to determine ,the
amount to be contributed-in-aid-of-construction by
the applicant for such underground facilities, as
provided in Section 3.1b(2), Section 3.3b, and
Section 3.4b(1), will likewise be prepared from
applicable data developed by the Utility during the
prior construction year, and a cost-per-1inea1 foot
differential will be developed therefrom for use
during the construction year next following, beginning
on March 1 of each.year, which differential, together
with its supporting data, will be submitted to the
City Council for approval not less than sixty days
prior to the March 1 effective date.
e. Refund:
(1) Refund of Excess Advance:
If on the completion of an installation made by
force account it is determined that the advance to
construction made pursuant to an estimate exceeds
the advance that would have been required had the
exact cost thereof been known, such excess will be
returned immediately to the applicant, but if, on
completion of the installation by force account, it
is determined that a larger advance would have been
required had the actual cost of the installation
been known prior to commencement of construction, no
additional advance will be required.
(2) Successors in Interest:
The applicant's interest in any refund to which he
may be entitled under this Section 3 will insure to
the benefit of his heirs, successors, and assigns,
but no assignment thereof will be effective except
that it be in writing; provided, a successor in
interest will be entitled to receive a credit against
his utility billing only if the billing is for
service to premises served from facilities partially
(16) Effective date:
financed by an advance subject to refund. The
Utility has no obligation to allow a credit, or make
a refund, to a successor in interest of which it has
no legal notice, including written evidence of an
assignment. The Utility likewise has no obligation
to make a refund to any person for whom it has not
been furnished a current mail address.
3.9 Overhead Charges:
a. Contracts:
The contracts comtemp1ated by Section 3.7b above will be
for labor only, that is, such contracts will provide that
necessary materials will be furnished by the Utility, and
each bid will be subject to an increase of twenty percent
(20%) to cover the Utility's overhead costs on the project,
including its costs associated with the warehousing of
the necessary materials.
b. Force Account:
All of the Utility's labor and materials costs under
force account construction will be subject to a twenty
percent (20%) increase to cover the Utility's overhead
costs on such labor and materials.
3.10 Contracts and Forms:
In order to implement and administer Section 3 of these Rules
and Regulations, the Utility has adopted certain contract and
other forms to be employed for such purpose, which are:
a. Request for Electric Work Order (SED Form 1);
b. Basic Agreement to Extend Electric Distribution Facil ities
(SED Form 2);
c. Cost Estimate (SED Form 3);
d. Extensions to Permanent and Seasonal Residences (SED Form 4);
e. Subdivisions, Mobile Homes, Multi p1 e Residences (SED Form 5);
(17) Effective date:
f. Commercial and Industrial, Churches, Schools, Public
Buildings (SED Form 6).
Note: SED Forms 4, 5, 6 will likewise serve, when completed,
as Exhibit 1 to SED Form 2, the choice among them being determined
by the purpose or type of the additional facilities to be
The Utility will prepare such additional forms, including
forms of special contracts, as may be necessary or convenient
to the further and additional implementation of the aforesaid
Rule 3, and copies of these additional forms will likewise be
filed as a part of this tariff.
3.11 Preservation of Existing Rights:
The revision of Rule 3, effective as of the date mentioned
below, will be without prejudice to any right which may have
vested pursuant to Rule 3 as the same was in effect prior to
such revision, including the right to the refund of any advance-
to-construction, or part thereof.
4.1 Rules of Construction:
In the interpretation and construction of these Rules and
Regulations, the following rules will apply:
a. Except where the text clearly indicates a contrary intention,
the present tense includes the future tense, the singular
includes the plural, and references are made without
consideration of gender.
b. The words "shall" and "will" are used interchangeably and
are always mandatory; the word "may" is permissive.
c. Any word or term commonly used in the electric utility
industry will be given the meaning by which it is under-
stood in such industry, unless it is specifically given
another meaning.
d. Common and ordinary words will be understood to have been
used in their commonly accepted meaning as reflected in a
standard dictionary.
(18) Effective date:
4.2 Definitions:
a. Advance-in-aid-of-construction (also advance to con-
struction or advance): that sum of money, representing a
prescribed percentage of the total cost of extending
electric distribution facilities, which must be paid by
the applicant as a condition precedent to their installation,
and which is subject to refund pursuant to prescribed
terms and conditions.
b. Applicant: a person, natural or juridicial, including a
corporation, partnership, association, and governmental
unit or agency thereof, who requests the extension of
electric utility distribution facilities under Section 3
of these Rules and Regulations, and who may be synonomous,
as circumstances permit, with "developer," "builder,"
"owner," "contractor," and similar terms associated with
the improvement and development of real property, and the
construction of buildings and related improvements, and
the heirs, successors, and assigns of the applicant.
c. Church: any structure used primarily for religious
services and related activities.
d. Commercial Building: a structure in which commerce,
trade, financial, professional, and other similar activities
take place.
e. Commercial Site: a location, other than within a building,
where commercial activity takes place.
f. Contribution-in-aid-of-construction (also contribution to
construction or contribution): that sum of money, rep-
resenting the cost of making additions or modifications
to electric distribution facilities, or the difference
between the cost of standard facilities and premium
installations, which the applicant therefor must pay as a
condition precedent to installing the facilities requested,
and which becomes the property of the Utility and is not
otherwise subject to refund to the contributor.
g. Cor-Flo: the trade name for a flexible plastic conduit
utilized to provide mechanical protection for secondary
underground conductor installed above ground pending
undergrounding when conditions permit (i.e., when the
ground thaws).
(19) Effective date:
h. Engineering: engineering includes the preparation of
designs, specifications, and other drawings and lists
associated with electric construction, making construction
estimates, inspecting construction for conformance with
design criteria and specifications, staking, labor costs
associated with right-of-way acquisition, and similar and
related activities necessary to the installation of
electric distribution facilities.
i. Industrial Building: a structure devoted to manufacturing,
processing, warehousing, storage, distribution, shipping,
and other related activities.
j. Industrial Site: a location, other than within a building,
at which industrial activity takes place.
k. Mobile Home: a detached single-family dwelling designed
for long-term human habitation, having complete living
facilities, constructed and fabricated into a complete
unit at a factory, and capable of being transported to
the location of use on its own chassis and wheels.
1. Mobile Home Park: any parcel, or adjacent parcels of
land in the same ownership, which is utilized for occupancy
by more than two mobile homes, but not including tourist
facilities for parking travel trailers or campers.
m. Multiple Residential Structures: any buildings, or
collection of buildings having commonwa11s, containing
three or more residential units, which include such
common residential arrangements as apartments, town
houses, row houses, and condominiums.
n. Notice to Proceed: a form, furnished by the Utility,
which an applicant executes to evidence his election to
continue his request for the extension of facilities
after receiving the Utility's initial or preliminary
estimate of the cost of constructing and installing the
same, including the amount of any advance or contribution
to construction he may be required to make under the
within Section 3.
(20) Effective date:
o. Operationally Feasible: a line extension will be con-
sidered operationally feasible if its installation will
not create special or unusual restrictions on other
installations, or on its or their operation or maintenance,
requiring, among other requirements:
(1) properly sized and applied equipment and appartus.
(2) Right-of~way in an acceptable condition, that is,
does not impose unusually difficult construction
problems, and premises at final grade.
(3) Reasonable access to the facilities to be installed
for their maintenance and operation.
p. Planned Unit Development: a group or combination of
certain specified residential uses to be developed as a
functional unit pursuant to city ordinance.
q. Primary Voltage: the voltage supplied to the high-
voltage side of distribution transformers, which include
three-phase service 7,200/12,470 and 14,400/24,900.
r. Public Building: any structure which is the property of
the United States, the State of Alaska, or any political
subdivision of the State of Alaska.
s. Residence: a building or structure containing not to
exceed two residential units.
building or
activity involving the occupation of a
structure for living, cooking, sleeping, and
u. School: any structure used primarily for instructional
and other educational purposes.
v. Seasonal: A customer who has his service disconnected
during seasonal periods when premises are unoccupied.
w. Secondary Voltage: the voltage for delivery directly to
the service entrance of the consumer, i.e. the low voltage
side of a distribution transformer, or utilization voltage,
(21) Effective date:
which, under this tariff, includes 120/240, 120/208
volts, single phase, and 120/208, 277/480, 120/240, and
240/480 volts, three phase.
x. Security Light: a fixture, or fixtures, installed to
illuminate private places and areas, including places and
areas to which the public has access, but which are
privately owned and controlled.
y. Service: the furnishing of electric energy to a given
location, or, as the text may require, the conductors at
secondary voltage required to furnish such energy, that
is, the conductors which transmit or carry electrical
energy from the facilities of the Utility used generally
and the service entrance on the consumer's premises.
(Secondary lines differ in purpose from a service at
secondary voltage in that the latter is for the exclusive
use of a particular consumer, while secondary lines are a
part of the common facilities of the Utility.)
z. Street Light: a system, or a fixture of such system, for
the illumination of streets, alleys, and other public
places and areas, usually installed and operated at the
customer's expense.
aa. Subdivision: a tract or parcel of land divided into two
or more lots, sites, or other divisions pursuant to
applicable law, for the purpose of sale, lease, or building
development, including any re-subdivision or additions
thereto, and, when the development thereof is for resi-
dential purposes, a planned unit development.
bb. Technically Feasible: an extension of distribution
facilities will be considered technically feasible when
it can be accomplished by conventional methods, and by
use of conventional materials, as the same are known in
the electric utility industry, and in accord with standard
specifications and construction practices.
5.1 Irregularity or Failure of Service:
The Utility will exercise reasonable diligence to furnish and
deliver a regular and continuous supply of electric energy to
(22) Effective date:
the customer but will not be liable for damages caused by
interruptions, shortages, irregularities or failures due to
accident or conditions beyond the control of The Utility.
Should a serious power shortage develop and should it become
mandatory that the Electric Department place into effect a
curtailment program, then in this event, the Electric Depart-
ment reserves the right to limit the use of electrical energy
during such hours as may become necessary.
5.2 Interruptions for Repairs or Modifications:
The Utility reserves the right to temporarily suspend the
delivery of electric service when necessary for the purpose of
making a repair, modification or improvement to the system.
If not precluded by emergency conditions, The Utility will
make a reasonable effort to give notice to the customer,
either through the use of public media or individual communi-
cations. Repairs or improvements will be completed expeditiously
and, insofar as it is feasible, the work will be performed at
times that will cause the least inconvenience to the customer.
5.3 Customer's Equipment:
The customer's electrical equipment and facilities shall
conform and be installed in compliance with this tariff and
with applicable federal, state and city statutes, ordinances
and requlations. The Utility does not give an expressed or
implied warranty as to the adequacy, safety or other char-
acteristics of a structure, equipment, wire, conduit, appliance
or device owned, installed or maintained by the customer or
leased by the customer from third parties, by virtue of its
inspection or non-rejection of the facilities or equipment.
When inconsistencies exist between the installation standards
established by the above referenced codes, the most stringent
standards shall be applied.
5.4 Consequential Damages:
The Utility disclaims liability for any injury, casualty or
damage resulting from the supply or use of electricity or from
the presence or operation of The Utility's structures, equip-
ment, wires, conduit, appliances or devices on the customer's
premises, except injuries or damages resulting directly from
the negligence of the Utility, its officer or employees.
(23) Effective date:
6.1 Metering:
The quantity of electrical energy and electrical demand shall
be determined by the registration of the electric meters
provided by the Utility unless otherwise provided for in the
rate schedules. When the service exceeds 200 amper~ o~
volts, the customer will provide currentitransformers and/or
potential transformers (PT's or CT's) at a ratio designated by
the Utility for metering. The customer shall install the PT's
or CT's in a sealable enclosure and shall furnish and install
all necessary meter sockets and raceways. The customer will
install the wiring from the instrument transformers to the
meter sockets in raceways provided by the customer. In the
case of customers primary metering, which is generally installed
on wood poles, the Utility shall install such equipment at
customers expense.
6.2 Meter Testing:
Upon request by a customer, The Utility will test an electric
meter if its accuracy is questioned. If the test results
demonstrate that the meter varies from the 2 percent standard
tolerance, the test will be performed at the expense of the
utility. If the meter does not vary from the standard tolerance,
a charge will be made to the customer requesting the test in
accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges. The meter
test will be conducted during normal business hours in the
presence of the customer or other representative appointed by
him if requested by the customer.
6.3 Protective Equipment:
The customer is responsible for providing suitable protective
devices for the equipment on his premises. The customer shall
protect equipment with special service requirements from
potentially harmful conditons, including, but not limited to,
single-phase operation of equipment requiring three-phase
service or under-and-over voltage conditions.
(24) Effective date:
6.4 Non-Standard Tolerances:
If a customer requires a degree of regulation of the charac-
teristics of the electrical service greater than that normally
furnished by The Utility, the customer is responsible for
obtaining, installing and maintaining the required regulating
6.5 Compliance with Codes:
The Utility may refuse to connect, or render service to, an
applicant if the applicant has not complied with pertinent
national, state and local building and safety codes, regulations
and ordinances relating to the installation and maintenance of
his electrical wiring and equipment. The Utility may require
a certificate of approval from the authority having jurisdiction
to secure compliance with the building and safety codes,
regulations and ordinances prior to connecting with or rending
service to the applicant.
6.6 Major Increases in Load:
A customer planning an increase in or modification of his
equipment or facilities that will increase his peak demand by
20 percent or more shall notify The Utility in writing of the
proposed increase in service requirements. The written notice,
which shall be delivered sufficiently in advance of the
increase or modification to enable The Utility to make necessary
changes in its facilities to accommodate the increased load,
shall state the amount, character and the expected time period
during which the increased service will be required. New
facilities required to meet increased demand shall be constructed
under the conditions applicable to service extensions.
6.7 Damage Produced by Increased Load:
A customer who increases his load and fails to provide The
Utility with the written notice required by Rule 6.6 shall be
liable for injury to any person and damage to equipment or
facilities owned or operated by The Utility or its customers
resulting from the load increase. Damages to Utility Facilities
and equipment will be repaired by The Utility and charged to
the customer.
(25) Effective date:
6.8 Undesirable Load Characteristics:
The Utility may discontinue service to a customer if the
installation has load characteristics that cause excessive
voltage fluctuations, loss of service or damage to the facilities
of The Utility or its customers. The Utility may require, as
a condition of service, that a customer install, at his own
expense, equipment that will eliminate the undesirable load
characteristics. Undesirable load characteristics include,
but are not limited to, unbalanced load between phases, unacceptable
variations from unity power factor and unusual demand fluctuations
produced by the customer's equipment. A customer planning to
install electric welders or motors larger than two (2) horsepower
should consult The Utility before making the installation.
7.1 Application for Service:
A person desiring electrical service from The Utility shall
complete and sign a standard service application form at the
Utility Customer Service office. If a person who has failed
to complete an application or sign an agreement for service
accepts service delivered by The Utility, he shall be obligated
to pay for the service in accordance with the appropriate rate
schedule and must abide by these rules and regulations. The
furnishing of service by the Utility may not be construed as a
waiver of the requirement for completing and signing an appli-
cation or satisfying other requirements established by these
rules and regulations.
7.2 Service Contracts:
If the Utility incurs expenses in providing the service
applied for the customer that are excessive in relation to the
anticipated revenue, the applicant may be required to execute
a contract, as provided for in section 3, guaranteeing a
specified minimum monthly or annual revenue for a designated
period of time.
7.3 Term of Service:
Unless otherwise specified in a written contract for service,
the minimum term for which service will be rendered is thirty (30)
(26) Effective date:
days. A customer taking service for less than this minimum
term will be billed the minimum monthly charge or for the
actual usage as specified under the applicable rate schedule.
7.4 Easements or Rights-of-Way Required:
The Utility will construct, own, operate and maintain electrical
facilities only within the rights-of-way of public streets,
roads or hig~ways which it has a legal right to occupy or on
public or private property across which easements or rights-
of-way satisfactory to The Utility may be obtained without
cost or condemnation. As a condition of service, The Utility
may require the execution of an easement or easements providing
suitable right-of-way for the construction and maintenance of
the distribution lines from which the consumers premises are
7.5 Access to Customer's Premises:
A properly identified employee of The Utility shall have
access to the premises of the customer at all reasonable times
for the purpose of reading meters, testing or inspecting the
customer's load and equipment, or installing, repairing,
removing or exchanging equipment belonging to The Utility.
7.6 Connection Charge:
A customer is entitled to an initial connection to, and final
disconnection from, electric service at each location to which
electrical facilities have been extended in compliance with
this Tariff. The customer will be charged for each additional
connection or disconnection required or requested as provided
in the schedule of fees.
7.7 Establishment of Credit:
Electrical service will not be' provided by The Utility to a
person or firm that is delinquent for service previously
rendered at the same or a different address, until arrange-
ments have been made to liquidate the delinquent account.
(27) Effective date:
To insure the payment of all charges due for its services, an
applicant or customer shall make a cash deposit with The
Utility in an amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees and
Charges. If the cus tomer timely pays hi s account for a peri od
of 12 months the Utility will waive further deposit requirements
for that account.
7.8 Increase or Refund of a Deposit:
The Utility may require a customer, as a condition for continued
service, to make a deposit or increase the amount of the
deposit at any time The Utility determines that the charges
billed against the customer would warrant the increase.
Utility deposits will be applied to current billings when the
customer has established eligibility for an exemption as
stated in Rule 6.7. Deposits not so applied will be applied
to the final billing and the balance refunded within twenty-
five (25) days or at the next billing after the customer has
ceased purchas i ng the Util ity servi ce or has been disconnected
by The Utility. The deposit may also be applied against any
claim for or destruction of Utility owned property.
7.9 Deposit Not to Affect Regular Collection Practices:
A cash deposit remitted in compliance with the requirements of
these rules and regulations does not relieve an applicant or
customer from the obligation to pay bills promptly when due,
nor does it constitute a waiver or modification of the regulation
providing for discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any
sum due for service rendered or for reimbursement for damage
or destruction to equipment or property. The Utility may
discontinue service to any customer failing to pay current
bills, as provided in Section 8.5 of this Tariff without
regard to the fact that the customer has made a deposit to
secure payment of those bills or has furnished a guarantee in
writing for the bills.
7.10 Protection of Utility Property and Facilities:
Appliances, devices or facilities provided at the expense of
The Utility are the property of The Utility and may be removed
by it at any time on the termination of an agreement for its
(28) Effective date:
maintenance or the discontinuance of service. To protect its
equipment and service The Utility may seal the switch or other
device, equipment or facilities located on the customer's
premises to prevent access by unauthorized persons.
The customer is responsible for the safekeeping of the property
of The Utility on its premise and shall take all reasonable
precautions against unlawful interference with the facilities.
The customer may not connect to, interfere with or alter the
conductor, meters, seals or other facilities used in connection
with rendering electric service or permit connection to,
interference with, or alteration by any person other than an
authorized agent or employee of The Utility. The customer
shall pay for any damage to Utility property caused or permitted
directly or indirectly by the customer. If The Utility determines
it to be necessary to protect its property or other individuals,
the customer shall install, at his expense, suitable protective
or secruity devices designated by The Utility on the customer's
7.11 Disconnection for Tampering with or Failure To Protect Property:
The Utility may discontinue electric service if the customer
fails to comply with these rules and regulations or a provision
of a current contract. Service may be discontinued by The
Utility at any time to prevent fraudulent use or to protect
its property.
If seals placed on Utility equipment or facilities are damaged
or removed, The Utility will discontinue service to the customer
until such time as satisfactory assurance has been provided
that the equipment or facilities will be free from future
tampering. A service fee will be charged to replace a broken
seal as provided in the schedule of fees.
7.12 Connections to Other Systems:
The Utility will deny service to or disconnect its service
from any premise or facility that is connected to another
electrical system except stand-by power from the customer's
own generating equipment. The Utility will refuse to provide
service to, or will disconnect the service to, any premise
that has installed an emergency stand-by unit that is not
connected through a double throw switch to prevent backfeed
into The Utility electrical system.
(29) Effective date:
7.13 Permits:
The Utility may require the customer to obtain for The Utility
any special permits or licenses required for access to install
and maintain its service facilities and carry out its contract
or service obligation with the customer. A special permit or
license is one that The Utility would not acquire or hold in
the normal course of its business.
7.14 Establishment of Rates for Services:
An applicant will be advised by The Utility if more than one
rate schedule could be applied to the service he has requested.
If more than one rate schedule could be applied to the service
the applicant shall designate in writing the schedule upon
which his service and rate will be based. If a customer
receiving service. desires to change the designation of the
rate schedule to another schedule applicable to the service
being rendered, he shall notify The Utility in writing and the
change in schedule will be effective commencing with the
period following the next regular meter reading. A customer
will not be allowed to make more than one change in designation
of applicable rate schedule during anyone-year period unless
a new schedule is made effective or the customer's operating
conditions have changed permanently in a manner that would
warrant a change in the schedule.
Unless otherwise provided, the rates established by this
tariff for each class of service are based upon a supply of
service to one entire premise through a single delivery and
metering point. Service furnished to the same customer at
other points of consumption will be separately metered and
billed at the rate applicable to the consumption at each
delivery point.
7.15 Resale of Electricity:
A customer (with the exception of the Small Boat Harbor) may
not sell any of the electric energy furnished by The Utility.
7.16 Service Complaints:
A customer may file a complaint with The Utility concerning
the adequacy of the electric service provided or the failure
(30) Effective date:
of The Utility to comply with the rules and regulations or
rate schedules established by this tariff. A complaint may be
filed only by a customer who is directly affected by the
action or inaction that is the subject of the complaint, or
his authorized representative.
A service complaint may be oral or in writing and directed to
the attention of the Manager, City of Seward, City Hall,
Seward, Alaska. If the manager of the City of Seward requests,
the complaint shall be reduced to writing and signed by the
customer or his authorized representative. It shall set forth
the name, address and telephone number of the complaining
party; the nature of the complaint; supporting facts, including
pertinent dates; and the remedy requested. The Utility will
investigate the complaint and respond to the customer in
writing within ten (10) days. Complaints that are not resolved
by the manager to the satisfaction of the customer may be
presented to the City of Seward and/or the City Council. The
complaint should be filed within seven (7) days after the
alleged misconduct occurred to assure thorough investigation.
8.1 Net Rates:
Electric energy will be sold only at rates established in this
8.2 Billing:
Customer meters will ,be read by The Uti 1 i ty at i nterva 1 s
approximately thirty (30) days. Normally, each meter will be
read on or about the same date each month, and bills will be
prepared based on these readings. The length of the actual
billing period may vary due to workload, intervening weekends
or holiday, or other circumstances. No adjustment will be
made to billings to compensate for minor variations in meter
reading periods.
8.3 Delivery of Bills:
Bills will be mailed to each customer on a monthly basis to
the premises supplied with electricity or to another address
(31) Effective date:
specified in writing by the customer. Bills will be mailed at
approximately the same time each month, and the failure to
receive a billing will not relieve the customer of the obliga-
tion to pay for the service rendered. A customer who has not
received a bill for a period of forty-five (45) days shall
notify the City Utility Customer Service Section.
8.4 Payment of Bills:
Utility bills for services rendered by The Utility will be
mailed the first of each month and become due at the close of
business the nineteenth (19th). A bill that is not paid in
full on or before the 19th is delinquent.
8.5 Delinquent Bills:
The Utility will discontinue any or all electric services
being provided to a customer, at the same or different locations,
if a customer permits a bill to become delinquent. If litigation
is commenced to collect a delinquent bill a sum equal to five
percent (5%) of the outstanding balance will be added as an
administrative cost penalty, and the billing shall accrue
interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from
the due date until payment.
8.6 Dishonored Checks:
If a check presented in paJ~ent of a charge established by
this tariff is dishonored for any reason, the person presenting
the check will be assessed an additional charge established in
the Schedule of Fees and Charges. If more than one check
presented by an individual is dishonored, that customer may be
denied the privilege of paying for services by personal check,
and may thereafter be required to pay in cash or by other
means approved by The Utility.
8.7 Re-connection of Service:
If a customer has had service dicontinued for non-payment of
bills, The Utility may refuse to furnish service to the customer
at the same or any other location until all charges due to The
Utility, inCluding applicable re-connection charges specified
in the Schedule of Fees and Charges, have been paid and the
original deposit will be doubled.
(32) Effective date:
8.8 Combined Billing:
Service measured through two or more meters on the same premises
will not be combined for billing.
8.9 Estimated Billing:
If The Utility is unable to read a meter at the usual or
scheduled time, due to locked premises, weather conditions,
road conditions, presence of dangerous animals or other
circumstances, The Utility will bill the customer based upon
the estimated consumption and adjust the account in accordance
with the next subsequent meter reading.
8.10 Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error:
If a meter test, conducted for any reason, reveals that the
meter is more than two percent (2%) fast, The Utility will
refund to the customer the overcharge based on the corrected
meter readings for the period in which the meter was in use,
not exceeding three (3) months. If it can be established that
the error was due to some cause, the date of which can be
fixed, the overcharge will be computed back to but not beyond
that date.
If a meter test reveals that a meter for commercial or industrial
service registers more than two percent (2%) slow, The Utility
will render a bill for electricity consumed but not covered by
bills previously rendered for a period not to exceed three (3)
months. If it can be determined when the error commenced, the
correction will be made to cover the actual period.
If a meter test reveals that a meter of residential service is
registering less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the
actual consumption, an average bill or a bill for the electricity
actually consumed but not included in the previous billing
will be rendered for a period not to exceed three (3) months.
8.11 Disputed or Erroneous Bills:
A customer who is unable to obtain an informal adjustment for
a billing that he believes to be erroneous or excessive may
file a written complaint for consideration to the City of
Seward City Council.
(33) Effective date:
8.12 Change of Occupancy:
A customer who is listed on Utility records as the person or
entity responsible for electric consumption at a specific
location shall give reasonable notice of a contemplated change
in occupancy, specifying the date on which service is to be
discontinued. If the customer fails to provide the required
notice he will be charged for electric service furnished to
the premises until The Utility is provid~d with adequate
notice of change of occupany.
8.13 Vacancy Between Renters:
The owner of rental property may execute an agreement with The
Utility providing for the automatic continuance of service in
the owner's name during periods of vacancy between renters.
During periods of vacancy, the owner will be billed as specified
in the applicable rate schedule for regular customers of the
same class until a new customer has applied for service and
established credit as provided in Section 6. When the owner
has executed the agreement under this section, he will not be
charged the fees for additional connections and disconnects
specified in Section 7.6.
9.1 General Requirements:
The customer shall own, install, operate and maintain other
than the meter, all wiring, service equipment and electrical
facilities on the customer's side of the meter.
9.2 Location and Installation of Residential Meter:
Prior to wiring a building or structure, or performing any
electrical construction for a new service or change in service,
the customer shall request The Utility to designate the location
of the customer service equipment. The service equipment
shall be on the side of the building closest to the service
pole or the origin of the underground service conductor,
unless aesthetic factors dictate otherwise. The Utility will
not be obligated to provide service to a structure at a point
(34) Effective date:
not designated by the Utility and a customer who proceeds
without the designation of location may be required to modify
the wiring or other construction to provide for service equipment
at a location subsequently designated by The Utility. The
metering equipment may not be placed in a locked area. The
customer shall, at his own expense, extend his wiring for a
new and approved meter location whenever the existing meter
has become inacccessible or potentially inaccessible for
inspection, reading and testing.
9.3 Primary Facilities:
Loads in excess of 50 kilowatts of demand may require primary
facilities for adequate service. If primary service is required,
the customer will be required to provide space on his property
at no cost to The Utility for the transformers, switches,
regulators and other equipment necessary to serve the load.
The space provided may be outdoors for pad-mount transformers
or in a vault inside a building in accordance with The Utility's
detailed service specifications.
9.4 Overhead Service:
The Utility will own, install, operate and maintain the overhead
service necessary to the point of connection of the customer's
service equipment and to The Utility's distribution facilities.
9.5 Services to Multi-Occupant Buildings:
The customer must arrange the wiring of a multi-occupant
building so that the wiring for all stores, apartments, or
other individual units will terminate at a common point or
points designated to The Utility. All multi-occupant units
will have separate meters for each occupant.
9.6 Three-Phase Service:
Three-phase service will not be provided to a customer if the
connected load is less than 5 horsepower unless three-phase
service is immediately available on existing circuits.
(35) Effective date:
10.1 Relocation of Facilities:
The Utility will relocate any portion of its facilities on
request if the relocation will not interfere with, or increase
the cost of, service to its customers. The party requesting
the relocation shall execute a written agreement to pay the
cost of relocation, which shall be calculated as the cost of
constructing and installing the new facilities, plus the cost
of removing the replaced facilities, less the accrued deprecia-
tion and salvage value of the replaced facilities. Service
conductors and equipment will be relocated at the sole cost
and expense of the requesting party. Relocations at the
request of the Alaska Department of Highways will be performed
in accordance with applicable laws of the State of Alaska.
General Provisions
The Harbor Master shall have the authority to manage the secondary
distribution system serving shore power to vessel slip leaseholders.
The management will include but not be limited to meter reading,
billing, and the collection of fees for service connects and
11.1 Availability:
All permanent vessels mooring at slips having electrical power
shall connect and pay the subject fees outlined in this tariff.
Every effort will be made by the Harbor Master's office to
provide "shore power" to those transient vessels who require
such service. A connect fee per rule 7.6 will be charged in
addition to deposit (rule 7.7) and a daily flat rate for power
11.2 Type of Service:
Single-phase, 120/208 voltage, 60 amp outlets. Any customer
requiring changes to the existing electrical facilities must
(36) Effective date:
receive authorization from the Harbor r'aster and agree to pay
for all costs associated with change. Form SED 1 and SED Form 3
must accompany any approved agreement to change existing
11.3 Application, Payment of Fees and Charges:
Dockside service for vessel power and lighting purposes will
be paid directly to the Harbor Master's office. In addition,
all fees, charges and monthly billing will be made and collected
through the Harbor Master's office.
11.4 Maintenance and Service Repair:
All maintenance and service requests shall be made to the
Harbor Master's office. The Seward Electric Department will
provide those services required to remove, repair or test
installed meters. They will, in addition, provide all electrical
maintenance assistance as required. All work performed for
the Small Boat Harbor will be charged on a work order basis.
1. Applicability of Definitions:
The definitions in this section are applicable to the terms as used
anywhere within this tariff unless the context in which the term is
used clearly indicates another or different definition should be
appl ied.
2. Accessible:
"Accessible" means capable of being reached quickly for operation,
removal or inspection without requiring those desiring access to
climb ladders, to climb over or remove obstacles, or to unlock
3. City:
"City" means the City of Seward and its service area. See definition
17, "Service District".
(37) Effective date:
, ~
4. Class of Service:
"Class of Service" means the type of service rendered by The Utility
to a customer under a particular rate schedule.
5. Cost:
"Cost" means the total cost to The Utility to construct and install
a. facility or provide a service, including administrative and
material overhead and payroll costs.
6. Delivery Point:
"Delivery Point" means the point at which the customer accepts
delivery of electricity, and is normally located where the customer's
service equipment and The Utility system are connected. The point
of connection is hereafter defined as the "meter base."
7. Demand:
"Demand" means the average rate of energy use for an interval of
fifteen (15) minutes, measured in Kilowatts (kw).
8. Energy:
"Energy" means electrical energy measured in kilowatt hours (kwh).
9. Ganged Service Equipment:
"Ganged Service Equipment" means the assembly of two or more
individual service equipments with their line sides connected to a
common bus.
10. Peak-Demand:
"Peak-Demand" means the maximum rate of energy use, measured in
11. Premises:
"Premises" means the real property of the customer in a single
location being served by The Utility.
(38) Effective date:
12. Primary Service:
"Primary Service" means the conductors and equipment necessary to
supply the customer with electricity at the available primary
voltage above 480 volts.
13. Raceway:
"Raceway" means a channel for holding wires, cables, or busbars,
which is designed expressly and used solely for that purpose.
14. Salvage Value:
"Salvage Value" means the value of retired facilities and equipment
as estimated by The Utility.
15. Secondary Service:
"Secondary Service" means service at available voltage of 480 volts
or less.
16. Service Conductors:
"Service Conductors" means the supply conductors which extend from
the street main or from transformers to the customers service
17. Service District:
The City of Seward Electric Service District shall be defined in
terms of Utility Service Zones:
Zone I
City of Seward City Limits (excluding the Small Boat
Zone II
City Limits to Mile 12 on the Seward Highway and all
roads connecting within this area of highway to
Lowell Point.
Zone III - Mile 12 on the Seward Highway to the Chugach Electric
metering point at Lawings.
Zone IV Small Boat Harbor.
(39) Effective date: Signed:
18. Service Equipment:
"Service Equipment" means the necessary equipment to control and
meter the electric energy furnished by The Utility at its point of
delivery to the customer.
19. The Utility:
"The Utility" means the electrical power department of Seward
Electric Department, a municipal utility system owned and operated
by the City of Seward. When the term is used in the context of the
exercise of discretion or authority relating to engineering or
service decisions, it means the utility manager or his authorized
designee. When the term is used in relation to billings, deposits,
credit and applications for service, it means the Utility Customer
Service Section of the Department of Finance of the City of Seward.
20. Single Family Dwelling:
"Single Family Dwelling" means a building or portion of a building
designed or used primarily for occupancy but not more than one
family for living and sleeping purposes.
21. Tariff:
"Tariff" means the rate schedules, rules and regulations and other
documents filed as a tariff with the City Council of The City of
Seward, Alaska.
22. Temporary Service:
"Temporary Service". means service provided on an interim basis
during a construction phase or any other service provided by use of
facilities which cannot be reused or continued as permanent facilities
and must be removed when the temporary need has ceased. The duration
of the service will not be considered as a controlling factor in
the determination of whether a service is temporary in nature,
renewable at 90 day intervals.
(40) Effective date:
6.2 Meter Test
7.6 Reconnection to approved existing meter installation including Small Boat Harbor
7.6 Reconnection to approved existing meter installation outside regular business hours
7.6 New overhead secondary connection not to exceed 150 feet during regular
business hours . ... .... . .
7.6 New underground secondary connection not to exceed 150 feet during regular
business hours. . . . . . . .
7.6 New overhead secondary connection not to exceed 150 feet outside regular
business hours ... .. .. . . .
7.6 New underground secondary connection not to exceed 150 feet outside regular
business hours ..... .... ..
7.8 Deposit, Residential Account and Small Boat Harbor
7.8 Deposit, Commercial or Industrial Account. .
7.8 Deposit, interruptab1e, off-peak account twice estimated monthly bill,
whichever is larger . . .. .....
7.10 Tampering with or unauthorized breaking of meter seal
8.4 Per annum interest on delinquent account
8.5 Dishonored check fee .. .
Reconnection during regular business hours (after disconnection of
delinquent account). . . . .
Reconnection outside regular business hours (after disconnection
of del inquent account). . . .. . ..
$ 10.00
$ 1 2 . 00
$ 45.00
$ 14.00
$ 16.00
$ 72.00
$ 18. 00
$ 20.00
$ 80.00
$ 75.00
$ 90.00
$ 80.00
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
$ 15.00
$ 10.00
$ 23.00
$ 1 0.00
$ 19.00
$ 10.00
$ 22.00
$ 26.00
$ 30.00
$ 55.00
$ 82.00
$ 90.00
$ 10.00
$ 12.00
$ 45.00
$ 50.00
$ 15.00
$ 1 0.00
$ 22.00
$ 55.00
ILlC"UC UTI\.ny Dt,."'U'MUIT
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- no ",.
(SED Form 1)
~n T ut ~tw}[.lft}
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, IEfIIG. REOUIRED THREE PHASE 2'0/"0 _ 2n/'10
~O. WTI. HTI..
( ,GAl.. AIAC
OTHER City of Seward
1_ Account Number:
I nVE:S nNO @
I .
(SED Form 2)
City of Seward
Seward, Alaska
Counterpart No.
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of
after called "The Utility", and
, likewise of Seward, Alaska, hereinafter called, without
consideration of number or gender, "Applicant",
For and in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties, and
the payments, if any, to be made as hereinafter provided, The Utility will
design, construct, and install the distribution facilities necessary to furnish
electric utility service to Applicant at or to
subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Service Characteristics:
Service under this Agreement will be alternating current,
-phase, sixty cycles, at.a nominal volts.
2. Diligent Performance and Continuity of Service:
The Utility will use reasonable diligence to construct and install
the facilities covered by this Agreement, and to provide a constant and uninter-
rupted supply of electric power and energy by means thereof, but if such work or
supply shall be delayed or interrupted by an act of God or of the common enemy,
by accident, by strikes, other labor disputes, or labor interruptions, by the
inability of The Utility to secure necessary rights-of-way or other permits, or
to obtain necessary materials, or for any other cause beyond and outside The
Utility's reasonable control, The Utility will not be liable therefor.
3. Period of Agreement:
This Agreement will be
continue in effect for a period of
date service is first supplied from
that the same be earlier terminated
Section 13 below.
effective on the date hereof and will
from the
the facilities furnished hereunder, except
by mutual agreement, or pursuant to
4. Rights-of-way:
Notwithstanding any request of Applicant, or the making of any
payment which may be required hereunder, The Utility will not be Obligated to
design, construct, or install any facilities, except and until acceptable
right-of-way, as determined by The Utility, is available therefor, and lot
corners and/or other survey points. as may be reasonably necessary, have been
established by or for Applicant. The Applicant agrees to remove any obstructing
berm or other materials which may have been placed upon the right-of-way other
than by The Utility. In the event that failure or delay in complying herewith
delays The Utility or its contractor in the completion of the construction and
installation of the facilities subject to this Agreement, The Utility may remove
such materials, or cause the same to be removed, and the cost thereof will be
paid by Applicant.
(SED Form 2)
Page Two
5. Special Facilities and Conditions:
It is mutually understood that: (1) The Utility's standard
primary and secondary distribution facilities are constructed overhead,
(2) that underground installations are subject to a non-refundable
contribution-to-construction equal to the difference in cost, as determined
by The Utility, between underground facilities and comparable overhead
facilities, and (3) that extensions of distribution facilities, whether
overhead or underground, and whether primary or secondary, may be subject
to an additional non-refundable contribution-to-construction, or a refundable
advance-to-construction, or both such contribution and advance. as determined
by The Utility's Rules and Regulations for the Extension of Distribution
Facilities, which are contained in Rule 3 of its Tariff. The additional fac-
ilities to be designed, constructed, and installed pursuant to this Agreement,
and the particular terms and conditions applicable thereto, are set forth in
Exhibit 1 hereto, that is, SED Forms 4, 5, 6, as the case may be, which by this
reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Contributions-to-
construction and advances-to-construction which may be required to be made here-
under by Applicant must be made prior to the commencement of the construction
and installation of the facilities which they partially finance.
6. Construction Standards:
All construction and installations made hereunder will meet or
exceed the standards and criteria of applicable codes, but The Utility will
assume no responsibility for the inspection of any service entrance, interior
wiring, or other facilities of Applicant to insure Applicant's compliance
therewith. For The Ut'ility to comply with such applicable standards,
including those controlling overhead clearances, depth of underground instal-
lations, conductor separation, and otherwise, the premises on, in, through,
or across which the facilities herein mentioned are to be constructed and
installed will have to be brought to final grade prior to such construction
and installation, and Applicant agrees, therefore, that: (1) The Utility
will not commence any such construction or installation until final grade,
and (2) in the event that Applicant causes the grade to be changed after
construction and installation of the aforesaid facilities, and such change
results in inadequate overhead clearances, or inadequate depth of burial
or separation, or otherwise creates a violation of applicable codes, or
inhibits or denies The Utility reasonable access to its facilities, e.g.,
causing water to stand around pad-mounted transformers or service pedestals,
or back-filling around such facilities, Applicant will reimburse The Utility
the reasonable cost of making such corrections as are made necessary by the
changed conditions.
7. Overhead Charges:
All costs to The Utility for labor and materials furnished or
contracted by The Utility hereunder will be subject to an overhead charge
of 20%.
8. Modification of Facilities:
In the event that the construction and installation of electric
distribution facilities hereunder require the modification of existing facilities.
Applicant will be charged and pay therefor, pursuant to the terms and conditions
of Rule 3.5 of The Utility's tariff covering the extension of distribution
facil iti es.
9. Street Lights:
Whenever street lights are included in a request for the con-
struction and installation of electric distribution facilities, the estimate
of the cost therefor, and the final cost to be charged the Applicant therefor,
will be separately stated where applicable, i.e., SED Forms, 3, 5, and 6.
(SED Form 2)
Page Three
10. Work Schedule:
It is expected that the work contemplated by this Agreement,
whether performed pursuant to contract or by force account, will commence on
or before ,19 ,and will be completed on or before
,19 ; provided, however, that the foregoing is an
estimate only and not a warranty with respect to either the commencement
date or completion date; and, provided further, that the foregoing schedule
will be at all times subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in
Section 2 above.
11. Succession:
This Agreement will inure to the benefit of, and be binding on,
the heirs, successors, legal representatives, and assigns of the respective
parties hereto, but no assignment will be effective except that it be in writing
or made by operation of law; provided, however, that a successor in interest to
a refund of an advance-to-construction made hereunder will be entitled to the
10% credit against his monthly billing for electric utility service as a part
of the said refund only if the service is furnished from facilities financed
in part from such advance; and provided further, The Utility will have no
obligation to allow a credit or make a refund, to any successor-in-interest
of which it has no notice, including written evidence of an assignment, nor
to any person for whom it has not been furnished a current mail address.
12. Notice:
Whenever written notice is required hereunder, such notice will
be considered to have been delivered when deposited in the United States mail,
postage prepaid, and addressed to
City Manager
City of Seward
P. O. Box 337
Seward, Alaska 99664 or
as the case may be; provided either party may change its address of record by
similar written notice to the other party.
13. Entire Agreement:
This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements heretofore
entered into by the parties hereto for the installation of electric distribution
facilities, or the furnishing of electric utility service, to the premises,
or for the purposes, described herein; provided, however, that the parties hereto
mutually understand and agree that The Utility is a municipal utility and that
this Agreement is subject to such modification as may be required to conform
with any rule, regulation, or order of the Seward City Council, including any
revision of the applicable tariff, which may be adopted or approved hereafter
by the City Council.
14. Counterparts:
This Agreement is simultaneously executed and delivered in
two (2) counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original, and will
constitute but one and the same instrument.
(SED Form 2)
Page Four
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Utility has caused this Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized City Manager, or his designee, and Applicant
has executed this Agreement, or caused the same to be executed by his duly
authorized agent and representative, all as of the day and year first above
("The Util ity")
C. Johnson
City Manager
(SED Form 3)
City of Seward
Seward, Alaska
1. Work Order No.
2. Date of Estimate:
3. Appl icant:
4. Location:
) Overhead
) Single-Phase
) Three-Phase
5. Special Conditions:
6. Estimated Costs:
a. Total Cost (Excluding Engineering Services Deposit) $
b. Estimated Cost of Street Lighting
(Include if Part of Work Order) $
7. Contribution-to-Construction (Non-refundable)
8. Advance-to-Construction (Refundable)
10. Total Estimated Charge to Applicant
9. Engineering Services Deposit
Note: With the exception of the Engineering Services Deposit, all other above
figures are estimates only. If the Applicant gives Notice to Proceed, Seward
Electric will engineer the line extension and otherwise solicit and receive bids
for its construction and installation. Following notice of the lowest responsible
bid, Applicant may decline to proceed with the project.
Applicant hereinabove and hereinbelow named, having read the
foregoing estimates, having had a reasonable opportunity to discuss the
same, having been furnished a copy of Seward's Tariff, and being fully
informed thereof, hereby authorizes Seward Electric to perform the
engineering required to construct and install such facilities and to
solicit and receive bids therefor.
City of Seward
Seward, Alaska
(Extensions to Permanent Residents)
1. Applicant:
Work Order No.
2. Location:
3. Type of Service:
4. Services Deposit Residential (Rule 3.8):
5. Engineering Service Deposit
6. Primary Service (Overhead):
a. Cost of Installation
7. Primary Service (Underground):
a. Cost of Installation
8. Secondary Service (Overhead):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
9. Secondary Service (Underground):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
d. Temporary Installation (Cor-Flo)
e. Sub-Total
Summary of Payment for Applicant Deposit:
a. Item 4 above $ 100.00
b. Item 5 above $ 50.00
c. Item 6 above $
Item 7 above $
Sub-Total (10.c) $
d. Credit ($750.00 per residence) $ (750.00)
e. Adjusted Cost (lO.c less 10.d) $
(SED Form 4)
) Secondary
) Underground
(SED Form 4)
Page Two
f. Secondary Service Fee
Item 8 above $
Item 9 above $
Sub-Total (10.t) $
g. Deposit (lO.a + 10.b + 10.e + 10.f) $
ll. Summary of Advance (Refund) to Applicant:
Item 10.b above $
50% (Item lO.e above) $
Tota 1 $
Refunding Advance-to-Construction
The Advance-to-Construction mentioned in Item 11 will not be subject
to refund to Applicant until the following conditions have been met:
1. The Engineering Services Deposit mentioned in Item 5 above will
be treated as an Advance-to-Construction and refunded as a part thereof, if,
but only if, the line extension is completed within one (1) ca1enda.r year from
date of application. Otherwise, such Deposit will not be subject to refund.
2. At the rate of $750.00 for each additional service connected
to the facilities subject to the Advance-to-Construction, said refunds to be
made pursuant to an annual review of its records by The City of Seward.
Acceptance of Cost Statement
I understand that the foregoing information reflects the lowest
responsive bid of a qualified contractor for the construction and installation
of the facilities mentioned, plus the costs of materials and an overhead charge
of 20%. I also understand that a summary of the bids received will be made
available to me on request. I further understand and agree that, if I accept
the foregoing cost statement by signing below, I am authorizing the preparation
of the Basic Agreement to Extend Electric Distribution Facilities (SED Form 2),
and the incorporation of this cost statement therein as Exhibit 1. If I do not
authorize the work mentioned, the connection charge and deposit heretofore made
for engineering services, less engineering costs incurred to date, will be
refunded to me; otherwise, such deposit will (1) become a part of any Advance-
to-Construction required hereunder and refunded accordingly, or, (2) if no
such Advance is required, the deposit becomes the sole property of the City
of Seward.
(SED Form 5)
City of Seward
Seward, Alaska
(Subdivisions, Mobile Home Parks, Multiple Residences)
1. Applicant:
Work Order No.
2. Location:
3. Type of Service:
) Primary
) Overhead
) Cor-Flo
) Secondary
) Underground
No. of Lots. Spaces, or Residential Units:
4. Services Deposit(s) (Rule 3.8):
5. Engineering Service Deposit
$50.00 per Lot, Space or Residential Unit
6. Primary Service (Overhead):
a. Cost of Facilities
7. Primary Service (Underground):
a. Cost of Facilities
8. Secondary Service (Overhead):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
9. Secondary Service (Underground):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
d. Temporary Installation (Cor-Flo)
e. Sub-Total
Summary of Payment for Applicant Deposit:
a. Item 4 above $
b. Item 5 above $
c. Item 6 above $
Item 7 above $
Sub-Total (lO.c) $
d. Credit ($750.00 per lot, space or unit) $
e. Adjusted Cost (lO.c less 10.d) $
(SED Form 5)
Page Two
f. Secondary Service Fee
Item 8 above $
Item 9 above $
Sub-Total (lO.f) $
g. Deposit (lO.a + 10.b + 10.e + 10. f) $
1l. Summary of Advance (Refund) to Applicant:
Item 10.b above $
50% (Item 10.e above) $
Total $
Refunding Advance-to-Construction
The Advance-to-Construction mentioned in Item 11 will not be subject
to refund to Applicant until the following conditions have been met:
1. The Engineering Services Deposit mentioned in Item 5 above will
be treated as an Advance-to-Construction and refunded as a part thereof, if,
but only if, the line extension is completed within one (1) calendar year from
date of application. Otherwise, such Deposit will not be subject to refund.
2. At the rate of $750.00 for each residence or mobile home
connected to the facilities subject to the Advance; provided, however, any
part of the Advance-to-Construction not refunded pursuant hereto within
three (3) calendar years from the date the facilities are energized will
not be subject to further refund and will become the sole property of the
City of Seward.
I understand that the foregoing information reflects the lowest
responsive bid of a qualified contractor for the construction and installation
of the facilities mentioned, plus the costs of materials and an overhead charge
of 20%. I also understand that a summary of the bids received will be made
available to me on request. I further understand and agree that, if I accept
the foregoing cost statement by signing below, I am authorizing the preparation
of the Basic Agreement to Extend Electric Distribution Facilities (SED Form 2),
and the incorporation of this cost statement therein as Exhibit 1. If I do not
authorize the work mentioned, the connection charge and deposit heretofore made
for engineering services, less engineering costs incurred to date, will be
refunded to me; otherwise, such deposit will (1) become a part of any Advance-
to-Construction required hereunder and refunded accordingly, or, (2) if no
such Advance is required, the deposit becomes the sole property of the City
of Seward.
(SED Form 6)
City of Seward
Seward, Alaska
lIommercial and Industrial, Churches, Schools, Public Buildings)
1. Applicant:
Work Order No.
2. Location:
3. Type of Service:
) Primary
) Overhead
) Single-Phase
) Cor-Fl 0
Permanently Installed Electrical Load:
4. Services Deposit Commercial (Rule 3.8):
( ) Secondary
( ) Underground
( ) Three-Phase
( ) Street Lights
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
5. Engineering Service Deposit
6. Primary Service (Overhead):
a. Cost of Installation
7. Primary Service (Underground):
a. Cost of Installation
8. Secondary Service (Overhead):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
9. Secondary Service (Underground):
a. Length of Service
b. Area of Zone
c. Secondary Service (Rule 7.6)
d. Temporary Installation (Cor-Flo)
e. Sub-Total
10. Summary of Payment for Applicant Deposit:
a. Item 4 above $
b. Item 5 above $
c. Item 6 above $
Item 7 above $
Sub-Total (lO.c)
d. Credit [$75.00 per kW of installed
load per premise (Item 3 above)]:
Minimum credit $75.00; maximum
credit $25,000.
e. Adjusted cost (lOc less 10.d)
(SED Form 6)
Page Two
f. Secondary Service Fee
Item 8 above $
Item 9 above $
Sub-Total (lO.f) $
g. Deposit (lO.a + 10.b + 10.e + 10.f) $
ll. Summary of Advance (Refund) to Applicant:
Item 10.b above
50% (Item 10.e above)
Tota 1
Refunding Advance-to-Construction
The Advance-to-Construction mentioned in Item 11 will not be subject
to refund to Applicant until the following conditions have been met:
1. The Engineering Services Deposit mentioned in Item 5 above will
be treated as an Advance-to-Construction and refunded as a part thereof, if,
but only if, the line extension is completed within one (1) calendar year from
date of application. Otherwise, such Deposit will not be subject to refund.
2. At the rate of $750.00 for each additional service connected
to the facilities subject to the Advance-to-Construction, said refunds to be
made pursuant to an annual review of its records by the City of Seward.
Acceptance of Cost Statement
I understand that the foregoing information reflects the lowest
responsive bid of a qualified contractor for the construction and installation
of the facilities mentioned, plus the costs of materials and an overhead charge
of 20%. I also understand that a summary of the bids received will be made
available to me on request. I further understand and agree that, if I accept
the foregoing cost statement by signing below, I am authorizing the preparation
of the Basic Agreement to Extend Electric Distribution Facilities (SED Form 2),
and the incorporation of this cost statement therein as Exhibit 1. If I do not
authorize the work mentioned, the connection charge and deposit heretofore made
for engineering services, less engineering costs incurred to date, will be
refunded to me; otherwise, such deposit will (1) become a part of any Advance-
to-Construction required hereunder and refunded accordingly, or, (2) if no
such Advance is required, the deposit becomes the sole property of the City
of Seward.