HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1994-058 . . . Sponsored by: Jones CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 94-058 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE ELECTRIC ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1994 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The city Electric Enterprise Fund budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1994, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and which contains estimated Electric Fund revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 1995, is HEREBY ADOPTED. Section 2. The Electric Enterprise Fund shall be charged interest on debt owed to General Fund at a rate equal to and adjusted monthly in accordance with the rate set forth in the Bond Buyer Index for Twenty Year General Obligation Bonds. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect July 1, 1994. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 23rd day of May, 1994. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA "" t:.1Q~ \b. 0 1'U-'1v 1'\Jl_ Dave W. Crane, Mayor AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Anderson, Bencardino, Crane, Darling, Krasnansky, O'Brien & Sieminski None None None ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wohlforth, Argetsinger, Johnson & Brecht,; Attorneys for the city of Seward, Alaska ; ~~~/ City Attorney (City Seal) . . . CITY OF SEWARD ELECfRIC FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) For Budget Year Ending June 30, 1995 1992 1994 1993 Y-T-D lbru 3/94 1995 % Change Approved From 1994 Bd R Bd 1994 Revised B d Actual Actual u Il!:et u Il!:et ev. UIl!: Ooeratinl!: Revenues: I I , Sales: I ! Residential $1 465 530 $1488614 $1 203666 $1 592 563 $1 592 563 0.00% i Small General Service 1 016 573 1 042 966 894 364 1 104 691 1 104 691 0.00% I Large General Service 1 936 159 1 934 544 1 154842 2 103987 2 103 987 0.00% ! Industrial Sales 376 793 195636 469 232 411 090 411090 0.00% i Harbor Power Sales 89 928 80 341 110 607 110607 0.00% Street & Yard Lil!hlS 64513 49411 83 192 83 192 0.00% Miscellaneous 136 408 90,607 138 611 132 123 130 800 -1.00% Total OoeratiDlI revenues 4931463 4.906.808 3.990.467 5,538.253 5.536,930 ~.02% Oneratinl! ExIlCIIlIC5: Before deoreciation: Salaries 511 596 469 934 334 742 482 082 490 014 1.65% I Emplovee benefits 229 762 172 256 130 234 185863 178 004 -4.23% , Power for resale 1 902 072 1 908 676 1 401 088 2 028 240 2111976 4.13% Supplies & maintenance 488,362 263,218 180 116 221 301 206 097 -{;.87% , Purchased services 367,476 286,614 186,961 280,226 272 583 -2.73% I General & administrative 802 380 810892 693 678 968 223 954 305 -1.44% i Total before decreciation 4 301 648 3 911 590 2926819 4 165 935 4 212 979 1.13% I , , Ooeratinl!: income before deoreciation 629815 995218 1 063 648 1 372 318 1 323951 -3.52% I I Deoreciation 936 156 966 084 703 676 940000 966000 2.77% I ! Ooeratinl!: Income (Loss) (306 341 29 134 359 972 432318 357 951 -17.20% I No alinl! Reven nses) Interest Incerne 50 187 8181 0 50,000 75,000 50.00% Interest Expense (449,184 (464,409 (256,555 (404,821 (310404 -23.32% Other I Total n alioll rev.(eIJ).) (398997 (456 228 (256 555 (354 821 (235 404 Income (loss) b/4 '011 tranaf. (705 338 (427094 103.417 77,491 122.547 58. 13% i I I Ooeratinl!: Transfers to Other Funds (3,000 Net income (loss) (705.338 (430 094 103.417 77,491 122.547 58. 13% Amortization of contributions in aid 445 393 454 856 358 661 478214 480000 0.37% I IncreasefDecreaaelin Ret. Earninlls (259 945 24 762 462 078 555 711 602 547 8.43% Retained earninlls at bellinninll of year 1413070 1 132 125 1 135 887 1 135 887 1 691 598 48.92% Residual equity transfers to aher funds (21000 (21000 I Retained earninl!: at eod of vear 1 132 125 1 135 887 1 597 965 1 691 598 2294 145 35.62% i CITY OF SEWARD ELECIRIC FUND STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For Budget Year Ending June 30, 1995 3/ 4 ud2et Bud2et Rev. Budg Cash is Provided Bv (Used For): Net Income/l'Loss) $103.417 $77.497 $122.547 Add Em Items Not Affectiru! Cash Denreciaticn 703 676 940 000 966 000 2.77% Net Cash Provided Bv (Used For) Ooerations $807.093 $1.017.497 $1 088.547 6.98% Other Uses of Cash Debt Princinal PavmenlS 414.476 359,341 425 000 18.27% CapitalOutlav 7,362 621,347 155453 -74.98% Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash $385.255 $36 809 $508 094 1994 YTD Thru 9 1994 1995 % Change Revised Approved From 1994 B , , eGL . e ELECTRIC FUND Total Fund Revenues by Line Item SUB 1992 Actual 1993 Actual YTO Th ru 3/94 95 Council Change Fm Approved 94 Rev Bdg 94 Revised Budget Account Name 4410 0700 Insurance Recovery $126,428 $8,666 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4610 0010 Investment Interest 50,187 8.181 0 50,000 75,000 50.00% 4610 0510 Work Orders 18 0 12 0 0 0.00% 4680 0200 Stete Project Funds 147 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4680 0900 Spec.Proi.01her Fund 3,574 470 0 3,737 3,800 1.69% 4690 0300 Amortization of CIA 445,393 454,856 358,661 478,214 480,000 0.37% 4690 0600 CoiL/Doubtful Accts 0 0 75 0 0 0.00% 4801 0000 Resi dential 0 1,488,614 1,203,666 1,623.034 1,592,563 -1.88% 4801 0100 Residential Rebate 0 0 0 (30,471) 0 0.00% 4802 0000 SG Service 0 1,042,966 894,364 1,124,179 1,104,691 - 1. 73 % 4802 0100 S.G Rebate 0 0 0 (19,488) 0 0.00% 4803 0000 LG Service 0 1 ,934,544 1,154,842 2,132,395 2,103,987 -1.33% 4803 0100 LG, Power Rebate 0 0 0 (28,408 0 0.00% 4805 0000 Industrial Sales 0 195,636 469,232 430,895 411,090 -4.60% 4805 0100 Ind. Power Rebate 0 0 0 (19,805) 0 0.00% 4806 0000 Harbor Fund Power 0 89,928 80,341 112,627 110,607 -1.79% 4806 0100 Har. Fund Pow. Rebate 0 0 0 (2,020) 0 0.00% 4807 0000 Street & Yard 0 64.513 49,411 83,569 83,192 -0.45% 4807 0100 Street Power Rebate 0 0 0 (377) 0 0.00% 4810 0110 Residential-electric 1,465,530 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4820 0110 SG-Elec, Commercial 680,826 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4820 0130 SG-Elec. Government 201,540 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4820 0140 SG - Electric City 134,207 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4825 Chuaech COOD Divid. 0 0 110,118 0 0 0.00% 4830 0110 LG-Elec. Commercial 771,061 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4830 0130 LG -Elec. Government 1,019,091 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4830 0140 LG - Electric City 146,007 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4850 0150 Electric - He,bor 101,784 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4850 0160 Elec. - SI. Lights 36,805 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4850 0170 Elec. - Yard Lights 22,186 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4850 0180 Elec. - Special Cont 216,018 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4880 0410 Labor & Servic es 43,663 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4880 0420 Turn on Fees 24,310 21,585 17,555 42,368 42,000 -0.87% 4880 0430 Work Orders 24,804 17,440 5,824 56,490 56,000 -0.87% 4880 0470 EQuipment Rental 31,092 30,072 5,027 14,122 14,000 -0.66% 4880 0480 Joint Pole Use 3,270 10,443 0 15,406 15,000 -2.64% 4880 0490 Misc. Revenue 692 1,930 0 0 0 0.00% Total Revenue. $5,548,633 $5,369,844 $4,349,128 $6,066,467 $6,091,930 0.42% Electric Fund Total Fund Expenditures by Une Item GL A N 1992 A t I 1993 A I YTD Th 3/9 94 Revlsed 96 Council Change 1m ccount ame c ua ctua ru 4 Budget Approved 94 Rev Bdg Personal Servlces I 5010 Salaries 493,840 394,066 277,850 444,957 441,390 -080% ' 5020 Overtime 128,667 75,866 56,892 97,125 123,624 27.28% 5025 Electric Meal Allow, 18547 2,072 1,315 1,918 1,780 7.19% 5030 Unemplovment Waces 2,174 920 0 1,252 1,259 0.56% 5040 Leave Time 49,130 50,811 38,258 54,168 53,746 0.78% 5050 In Lieu of FICA 3,950 3,950 2,628 3,950 3,950 0.00% 5060 Retirement Benefits 62,753 47,568 34,628 49,586 46,191 685% 5070 Heallh Insurance 48,380 39,089 27,103 38,298 34,203 10.69% 5080 Workers' Comp 30,305 16,016 11,689 31,155 31,254 0,32% 5090 Medicare 14,523 7,849 5,116 5,536 5,621 1.54% 5091 Union Benefits 0 3,982 9,498 0 0 0.00% 5095 Sal.& Ben w/o credit (110,911 (61,262 0 (60,000 (75,000 25.00% Total Person Servo 741 358 580 928 464 976 667 945 668,018 0.01% 5120 Advertising 52 411 249 200 400 100.00% 5130 Subscriptions/Dues 3,329 2,978 1,002 2,553 300 88.25% 5140 Travel/Su bsistence 28,033 7292 10,633 14,013 13,000 7.23% 5150 Communications 4,958 4,163 3,153 6,500 3,700 -43,08% 5160 Education/Training 2,520 1,340 2,912 9,200 7,500 -18.48% 5170 Legal 9,378 443 7,995 10,000 15,000 50.00% 5180 Engineering 0 0 0 1,000 0 100.00% 5190 Other Spec Services 1,523 5,406 1,706 8,500 200 -97.65'!>' 5310 Utilities 41,407 43,845 32,342 43,071 38,900 -9.61 5320 Power for Resale 1,902,072 1,908,514 1,401,088 2,028,240 2,111,976 4.13 ~ 5330 Heating Fuel 648 773 1,176 1,000 1,000 0.00% 5350 Fuel for Generators 152,626 11,211 14,571 15,000 15,000 0.00% 5360 Rents & Leases 19,677 6,392 6,328 19,500 17,432 -10.61% 5370 Insurance 94,115 115,389 81,090 114495 116,000 1.31% 5380 Maintenance & Repair 394,551 131,937 24,429 82,695 69,300 -16.20% 5390 Contracted Services 38,734 91,175 24,099 91,010 53,100 -41.65% 5410 Office Supplies 2, 802 6,161 2,063 6.500 2,500 61.54% 5420 Vehicle Supclies 1,451 2,583 925 7,817 3,800 51.39% 5430 Uniform Allowance 0 0 102 0 0 0.00% 5440 Operating Supplies 154,581 168,353 134,899 140,395 135,550 -3.45% 5445 Oper.Supp.w/o credit (65,108 (59,956 0 (33,34~ (33,953 1.82% 5450 Gas & Lube 18,982 5,549 9,328 10,853 13,400 23.47% 5460 Small tool & Ecuip 22,039 5,202 8,370 17,435 14,800 -15.11% 5470 Janitorial Supplies 85 0 0 0 0 0.00% 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht 8,673 4,605 3,202 1,650 2,700 63.64% 5500 Equipment Rental 695 0 3,860 1,500 5,000 233.33% 5530 Vehicle Rental 0 7,538 6,188 8,251 8,251 0.00% 5590 UtiI. Deposit Int 5,754 696 553 1,000 1,000 0.00% 5650 Depreciation Expense 936 156 966,084 703,676 940,000 940,000 0.00% 5660 Doubtful Accounts 29,088 41,278 0 24,000 24,000 0.00% 5670 Admin. Expense 404,843 400,795 318,632 424,843 403,601 5.00% 5680 In Lieu of Taxes 393,138 382,352 359,078 481,317 487,354 1.25% 5770 Cust Records/Collect (16 214 31 500 200 60,00% 5780 Interest Expense 0 33,884 0 0 0 0.00% 5790 Misc. Expenses 11,249 34,022 1,839 8,050 8,950 11.18% . 5810 Principal 0 0 414,476 359,341 425,000 18.27 5820 Interest 449,184 430,525 256,555 404,821 310,404 23.3~ 5930 Ecuipment 0 0 7,362 78,000 46,500 40.38% I I Total Expenses 5 808 578 5 342 083 4 308 888 5 997 848 5 929 883 1.13% I ELECTRIC - STANDBY GENERATION i Total Personal Services: I 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council %Chg Fm Thru 3/94 Budget Approved Rev Bdg $1,7021 $12,9581 $13,2891 102.55% 1,029 3,9511 2,719 6882% 0' 711 71 100.00% 94 I 162 162 I 100 00% o I 1 ,462 1,2781 87 41 % 2041 941 8491 90.22% 101 9831 908 92.37% 461 145' 146 100,69% Account Name ! Salaries i Overtime Electric Meal Allow. In Lieu of FICA Retirement Benefits ,Health Insurance Workers' Com Medicare , 3,0841 I 20,6731 19,4221 93.95% ! 5100 5310 I Utilities I 7,218 6,387 3,9041 7,5001 2,000 26.67% 5100 5330 I HeatinaFuel 1 0' 4621 01 01 01 0.00% 510015350 1 Fuel for Generators I 152,626 11,211 14,5711 15,0001 15,0001 10000% . 5100 5360 ' Rents & Leases 8,530 0 0 6001 200 33.33% 5100 5370 I ! Insurance 9 0 0 0 0, 0.00% 5100 5380 ! , Maintenance & Reoair 17,629 41,765 6,260 8,000 12,000! 150.00% 5100 53901 o 1 Con.Ser.General 3,844 6,354 3,737 5,000 2,5001 50 00% 15100 5390 1100 iC.S.- Me1erReadlng 0 0 533 0 0 0.00%' 1510015390 204 C.S.- Metco Inc. 0 225 0 0 0 0.00%, 1510015440 Operatina Supplies 3,689 5,181 1,175 5,000 3,000 60.00% 5100 5450 Gas & Lube 12,156 0 3,234 2,000 4,000 200.0oo'?' , 510015460 Small tool & Eauip 117 231 117 500 500 100.00% 5100 5490 ' Ppstaae & Misc.Frht. 1,404 32 88 0 50 0.00%, 5100 5930 Eauioment 0 0 0 3,000 1,500 50.00% 1 I Total Exoenses: $297,249 $87,852 $36,703 $67,273 $60,172 89.44% , SUBSTATION OPERATIONS . 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Deot GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budaet ADDroved Rev Bda 15110150101 ' Salaries $19,527 $3,602 $4,309 $12,642 $12,503 98.90% ! 5110 I 5020 I ' Overtime 1,515 784 541 3,855 2,863 74.27%: :511015025 i Electric Meal Allow. 42 0 0 69 69 100.000/. 1511015050 Iln Lieu of FICA 12 237 205 157 1781 113.38%1 1511015060 I Retirement Benefits 0 0 0 1,428 1,2541 87.82% ' 15110 5070 I Health Insurance 714 262 469 918 827! 90.09% 15110 5080 'Workers' Como 947 209 38 959 894 93.220/. , '5110 5090 ' Medicare 402 57 41 141 143 101.42%: : I : I 1 Total Personal Services: 23,160 5,150 5,604 20,169 18,731 92.87% I 15110 5310 U1i1i1ies 31,549 34,919 26,945 33,171 35,000 105.51% 15110 5380 Main1enance & Reoair 152,295 45,217 2,036 55,495 40,000 72.08% 15110 5390 0 Con.Ser-General 0 27,249 125 39,510 20,000 50.620/. , 15110 5440 I Ooeratina Suoolies 548 204 0 1,928 2,000 103.73% ' 1511015450 1 Gas & Lube 0 0 0 353 400 113.31%: : 5110 5460 Small tool & Epuip 0 481 0 135 500 370.37% 1 5110 5490 postaae & Misc.Frht. 955 1,184 58 50 50 100.000/0 I ,5110'5790 Misc. Exoenses 0 50 0 50 50 100.000/0 1 '511015930 1 Eauioment 0 0 0 51,000 25,000 49.02% , 1 1 : i Total Exoenses: $208,506 $114,455 $34,767 $201,861 $141,731 70.21% . Oept GL Sub Account Name 5200 i 5010 1 : Salaries DISTRIBUTION OH - SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1992 Actual I 1993 Actual $01 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Thru 3/94 Budget Approved Rev Bdg $01 $01 $148551 $14126' 9509"" 5200 I 5020 i ! 01 3:132' .0 , Overtime 01 01 4,5301 69.14% 5200 15025 I ' Electric Meal Allow. : 01 01 01 81 81, 100.00% '5200 I 5050 : . In Lieu of FICA I 0: 01 0 186 2071 111.29% : 5200 ,5060 I ! Retirement Benefits I 01 0 0 1,678 1,4701 87.60% 5200 15070 I 1 Health Insurance i 0 01 0 1,0781 977 90.63% 5200 1 5080 I : Workers' Comp i 0 0 0 1,127 1,0331 91.66% ,5200 I 5090 ! . Medicare I 0 0 0 167, 1651 98,80% , I I : i I 1 , I Total Personal Services: I 0, 0 01 23,7021 21,1911 89.41 % ' , I 15200 i 5380 ! , Maintenance & Repair 0 490 0 0 0' 0.00% I I I 1 I 'Total Expenses: $0 $490 $0 $23,702 $21,191 ' 89.41% DISTRIBUTION UG - SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Oept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budget Approved Rev Bdg : 5210 15010 1 : Sal aries $0 $0 $0 $1,264 $2.454 194.15% ,5210 15020 I Overtime 0 0 0 386 272 70.47%, : 5210 '5025 I Electric Meal Allow. 0 0 0 7 7 100.00% . '5210 5050 In Lieu of FICA 0 0 0 16 36 225.00% : 5210 5060 Retirement Benefits 0 0 0 143 126 88,11%! 5210 5070 ,Health Insurance 0 0 0 92 84 91.30%! 5210 5080 Workers' Comp 0 0 0 96 155 161.46% '5210 5090 Medicare 0 0 0 14 31 221 .430/0 ! I I Total Personal Services: 0 0 0 2,018 3,165 156.84% I 5210 54401 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 500 500 10000% I I Total Expenses: $0 $0 $0 $2,518 $3,665 145.55% TRANSMISSION OP & MAINTENANCE 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Oept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budget Approved Rev Bdg 5220 5010 . Salaries $10,633 $1,135 $938 $4,741 $6,941 146.40% , 5220 5020 Overtime 48,893 8,376 0 1.446 997 68.95% ' 15220 5025 Electric Meal Allow. 5,153 573 0 26 26 100,00% . 5220 5050 In Lieu of FICA 16 77 0 59 89 150.85% 5220 . 5060 Retirement Benefits 403 0 0 536 468 87,31%' 5220 5070 Health Insurance 631 110 39 344 312 90.70%, 5220 5080 Workers' Comp 2,933 567 3 360 378 105.00% I '5220 5090 Medicare 4,343 289 38 53 65 122.64% I 1 Total Personal Services: 73,004 11,126 1,018 7,565 9,276 122.62% :5220 5140 I I Travel/Subsistence 4,028 0 0 0 0 0.00%. '5220 5360 I : Rents & Leases 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 100.00% I : 5220 5380 I Maintenance & Repair 189,041 6,630 1.400 6,500 2,000 30.77% : 15220 1 5390 0 Con.Ser.General 2,209 0 0 2,500 1,000 40.00%; : 5220 5390 204 C.S.- Metco Inc. 38 0 0 0 0 0.00% : 5220 I 5440 Operating Supplies 5,050 10 0 1,500 1,500 100.00% , 15220 5460 Small tool & Equip 0 0 0 500 500 100.000/0 ' '5220 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht. 705 163 0 0 0 0.00%1 15220 5790 Misc. Expenses 397 0 0 0 100 0.00%, I i Total Expenses: $274,471 $17,929 $2,418 $21 ,565 $17,376 80.58% 1 -' DISTRIBUTION OP AND MAINTENANCE Account Name Salaries Overtime Electric Meal Allow, In Lieu of FICA Retirement Benefits Health Insurance Workers' Com Medicare 1992 1993 YTD Actual Actual Thru 3/94 $122,2121 $153,154 23,761! 15,5511 207 : 168 . 122! 1,701 0: 01 5,9901 9,0091 5,671 , 5,7011 3,026 2,556, 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm roved Rev Bd $117,6161 86.140~- 28,844 8600% 602 100.50% 1,583 11513% 13,410 107.94% 8,904 111.51% 8,842 105.98% 1,351 109.57% Total Personal Services: 160,990 187,8391 138,8861 8341 1591 2,400 I 11,442 44, 1,4281 25,878 8,8801 7331 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 $199,144 $196,922 $143,568 202,036 , 181,152, 89.66%, 5001 3,0001 60000% 1,000. 1,0001 100 00% 10,000 5,000 50.00% 1,000 1,000 10000010 500 500 100.000/0 500 500 100.000/0 I I $215,536 $192,152 89.15%' WHOLESALE POWER COSTS De t GL Sub Account Name I 5250 5190 Other S ec Services : 5250 5320 100 Chu ach Power Purch 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Bud et A roved Rev Bd $0 $162 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 1,902,0721,908,5141,401,088 2,028,240 2,111,976 104.13%1 Total Ex enses: 104.13%' . WORK ORDERS 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Dept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budoet Approved Rev Bdo '5300 5010 1 Salaries $114,502 $62,020 $67,711 $45,196 $58,442 129.31%1 5300 I 5020 1 Overtime 6,860 4,249 10,323 13,782 13,480 97.81%1 5300 5025 1 Electric Meal Allow. 1,033 215 1,113 246 247 100.41% , 1 5300 5050 I Iln Lieu of FICA 61 398 113 565 588 10407%1 15300 1 5060 ! 1 Retirement Benefits 352 331 581 8,104 6,279 77 48% 1 1 5300 ! 5070 i I Health Insurance 5,526 2,990 4,471 3,281 4,169 12706% I 1 5300 I 5080 I ' Workers' Comp 5,498 . 1,663 2,044 3,428 4,179 121.91% 1 5300 I 5090 i Medicare 2,887 788 1,644 507 641 126 .43% 15300 50951 Sal.& Ben wlo credit (110,911 (61,262 0 (60,000 175,000 125.00% 1 ! 1 Total Personal Services: 25,809 11,392 88,000 15,109 13,025 86.21 % .5300 5190 1 Other Soec Services 1,340 0 0 0 0 0,00%, 15300 5440 I Operatina Supplies 103,344 126,814 112,260 110,000 112,000 101.82%1 15300 5445 'Ooer.SuoP,w/o credit 165,108 159,956 0 (33,347 133,953 101.82%l 15300 5460 Small tool & Eouio 0 0 1,961 0 2,000 0.00%1 1 5300 1 5490 Postaae & Misc.Frht. 119 1,707 967 0 1,000 0.00%1 15300 i 5500 Eauioment Rental 0 0 3,860 0 4,000 0.00%1 1 5300 5660 Doubtful Accounts 0 10,351 0 0 0 0.00%1 i 5300 5790 ' Misc. Exoenses 400 0 278 0 300 0.00%1 , I i I 1 Total Expenses: $65,904 $90,308 $207,326 $91,762 $98,372 107.20% I . STANDBY 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Dept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budoet Approved Rev Bdo :5310150101 \ Salaries $01 $535: $54 $01 $01 0.00% 5310 i 5020 : I Overtime 1 43,4391 42,476 33,775 8,096 48,509 599 17% [5310 1 5025 , Electric Meal Allow. 01 0 0 145 0 0.00% 5310 15050 : In Lieu of FICA \ 1841 237 176 332 0 0.00% 5310 15060 i Retirement Benefits 0 0 0 2,999 01 0.00% 5310! 5070 I Health Insurance 1,784 2,197 2,050 1,9271 0 0.00%' 15310 i 5080 ' Workers' Camp 1,959 1,381 249 2,0141 2,195 108.99% 1531015090 : Medicare 842 406 415 2981 251 84.23% . i \ \ . \ I Total Personal Services: 48,208 47,231 36,719 15,811 50,955 322.28% \ 1 I I 1 Total Expenses: $48,208 $47,231 $36,719 $15,811 $50,955 322.28% I METER SERVICE 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council'" Chg Fm DeDt GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 BudDet Approved Rev Bdo '5380 5010 ' Salaries $12,939 $11,447 $6,439 $9,798 $10,407 106,22% 5380 5020 Overtime 26 248 0 2,986 2,063 69.09%1 5380 5025 Electric Meal Allow. 0 0 0 53 53 100.00% . 5380 5050 In Lieu of FICA 85 288 86 122 126 103.28% , '5380 5060 Retirement Benefits 0 0 0 1,107 969 87.53%1 5380 5070 I Health Insurance 545 560 289 711 645 90.72%, 5380 5080 Workers' Camp 586 211 24 743 706 95.020/., 5380 5090 Medicare 160 90 25 110 113 102.73% I I Total Personal Services: 14,341 12,843 6,862 15,630 15,082 96.49% \ ,5380 5120 I Advertising 0 70 0 0 0 0.00%1 5380 5160 T Education(Trainina 1,000 0 0 1,000 500 50.00% '5380 5380 : Maintenance & Repair 613 0 0 200 100 50.00% ! 5380 5390 0 Con.Ser.General 12,150 0 0 0 0 0.00%' 5380 5390 100 C .S. - Meter Readina 4,050 19,427 15,978 20,000 21,600 108.00% 5380 5440 ODerating Supplies 0 0 0 100 50 50.00%1 5380 5790 Misc. Expenses 65 0 0 0 0 0.00%\ Total Expenses: $32,219 $32,340 $22,840 $36,930 $37,332 101.09% I GENERAL OPERA T1NG EXPENSE 1992 1993 A YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm . Oept GL Sub Account Name Actual ctual Thru 3 94 Budget Approved Rev Bda ,5400 '5010 i 1 Salaries $64,403 : $67,235 1 $41 ,383 1 $78,067 1 $91,096 1 116.69% '5400 5020 1 Overtime 01 3,781, 2871 23,804 19,9951 84.00% 5400 5025 i , Electric Meal Allow, 905 851 01 621 624; 100 48% 5400 5030 1 1 Unemplovment Waaes 2,1741 920 01 1,252 1,259, 100.56% ,5400 1 5040 ' Leave Time 1 33,1611 36,018 25,6291 38,550 39,871 103.43% : 5400 5050 : In Lieu of FICA 1 159 1,013 2721 976 981 100.51% : 5400 I 5060 I Retirement Benefits 56,253 40,105 30,202 8,818 9,303 105.50% 1 5400 1 5070 1 Health Insurance 21,780 11,753 4,958 5,667 6,177 10900% , 1 5400 1 5080 I . Workers' Como , 4,5451 3,066 3,532 5,922 6,1581 103.99"10 1 5400 : 5090 : Medicare 1 1,071 2,086 752 875 943' 10777% : i 5400 15091 i Union Benefits 0 3,982 9,498 0 01 0.00%, 1 , ! I 1 I 1 ' Total Personal Services: 184,450 170,0451 116,513 164,552 176.4071 107.20% ' I 15400 5120 ' Advertisina 52 245 112 200 200 100.00% 5400 5130 i Subscriotions/Oues 0 114 160 500 200 40.00% 5400 5140 I Travel/Subsistence 19,035 4,222 8,732 10,013 10,000 99.87% 5400 5150 Communications 2,208 1,522 833 4,000 1,200 30,00% 5400 5160 EducationfTrai nina i 570 740 315 5,000 5,0001 10000% ' 5400 5170 0 Leaal - Unallocated 8,748 0 7,938 10,000 15,0001 150.00%: 5400 5190 Other Spec Services 53 5,000 1,639 8,000 01 0.00% 5400 5310 Utilities 0 0 0 500 01 0.00%, 5400 5330 Heatina Fuel 648 311 1,176 1,000 1,000 100.000/. : 5400 5360 Rents & Leases 4,332 (672 400 9,000 0 0.00%1 15400 5370 ' Insurance 94,106 115,389 81,090 114,495 116,000 101.31%1 5400 53801 Maintenance & Reoair 34,062 37,676 11,738 11,500 11,500 100.00% I 5400 5390 0 Con.Ser.General 4,777 4,421 2,290 8,000 5,000 62.50% 1 ,5400 5390 201 C.S.- Summit Pavina 0 3,023 0 0 0 0.00%: 15400 .5390 202 C.S.- Swrd Shio Chan 0 149 0 0 0 0.00%: :5400 5390 204 C.S.- Metco Inc. 225 283 0 0 0 0.00%, .5400 5410 Office Suoolies 972 3,557 354 5,000 500 10.00% 5400 5420 Vehicle Supolies 1,451 2,528 925 7,467 2,000 26.78%1 1 5400 I 5430 Uniform Allowance 0 0 102 0 01 0.00%1 5400 i 5440 Operatina Suoolies 15,381 25,926 20,621 10,367 11,000 106.11%1 15400 5450 Gas & Lube 6,777 5,549 6,094 7,500 8,000 106.67% I 15400 5460 Small tool & Eauio 21,521 4,490 6,241 15,000 10,000 66,67%1 i5400 5470 Janitorial Suoolies 85 0 0 0 0 0.00%1 ; 5400 . 5490 I Postaae & Misc.Frht. 5,446 1,384 2,012 1,500 1,500 10000%1 ,5400 I 5500 Eauioment Rental 695 0 0 1,000 500 50.00% I 15400 I 5590 Uti!. Oeoesit Int. 5,754 696 553 1,000 1,000 10000%1 :5400 5650 0 I Deoreciation-General 936,156 966,084 703,676 940,000 940,000 100.000/. , ,5400 5660 Doubtful Accounts 29,088 30,927 0 24,000 24,000 100.00%: 15400 5670 Admin. Exoense 404,843 400,795 318,632 424,843 403,601 95.00% : '5400 5680 In Lieu of Taxes 393,138 382,352 359,078 481,317 487,354 101.25%1 ,5400 5770 Cust Records/Collect (16 214 31 500 200 40.00% 1 15400 5780 Interest Exoense 0 33,884 0 0 0 0.00%1 .5400 ,5790 i Misc. Exoenses 9,996 33,905 1,433 6,500 7,000 107.69"1. I 15400 5930 Eauipment 0 0 5,647 15,000 15,000 100.00% 1 I Total Expenses: $2.184,554 $2.234,758 $1,658.337 $2,287,754 $2.253,162 98.49% . ADMIN. ENGINEERING 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Chg Fm Oept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budget ADDroved Rev Bdg 5410 !5010 ' Salaries , $83,976 ! $81,744 ' $41,991 ! $128,898 $114,516 i 8884% ! 541015020 ! Overtime 1 71 33 44: 750 7501 100.00% 541015040 : 1 Leave Time 15,969 14,793 12,629 15,618 13,875 8884% 5410 :5060' ! Retirement Benefits 5,734 7,087 3,844 10,887 11,6341 106.86% 5410 :5070 ! Health Insurance , 10,057 11,653 7,139 15,354 t 1,259 73.33% 5410' 5080 i Workers' Camp ! 4,252 2,535 1,954, 7,180 5,806 80.86% :5410 5090 : Medicare , 1,308 1,452 688 1,993 1,772 88.91% 1 1 , I I 1 ! Total Personal Services: I 121 ,368 119,298 68,289 180,680 ! 159,6121 88.34% 541015120 : Advertising ! 0 96 137! 0 2001 0.00% !5410 15130 i Subscriptions/Dues 1 3,329 2,864 842 2,053 100 487% 1541015140 Travel/Subsistence 4,970 3,070 1,901 4,000 3,000 7500% 541015150 Communications 2,750 2,642 2,320 2,500 2,500 10000% ! 5410 5160 Education{Training 950 600 2,597 3,200 2,000 62.50% , 15410 5170 0 Leaal Unallocated 630 443 57 0 0 0.00% ;5410 5180 Enqineering ! 0 0 0 1,000 0 0.00% 5410 5190 Other Spec Services 131 244 67 500 200 40.00% , 5410 5310 Utilities 2,640 2,538 1,493 1,900 1,900 100.00% ; 5410 5360 Rents & Leases 6,815 7,064 5,928 6,900 14,232 206.26% I 5410 5380 Maintenance & Repair 76 0 595 500 700 140.00% ! 5410 5390 0 Con.Ser.General 0 30,000 0 15,000 2.000 13.33%1 5410 5410 Office Supplies 1,829 2,604 1,709 1,500 2,000 133.33% i 5410 5420 Vehicle Supplies 0 55 0 350 1,800 514.29% i 5410 5440 1 ODerating Supplies 691 1,338 110 1,000 500 50.00% I 5410 5450 I Gas & Lube 49 0 0 1,000 1,000 100.00%1 5410 5460 ' Small tool & EquiD 401 0 51 300 300 100.00% 1 5410 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht. 45 135 77 100 100 100,00% ! 5410 5530 Vehicle Rental 0 7,538 6,188 8,251 8,251 100.00% : 5410 5790 Misc. ExDenses 391 67 6 1,000 1,000 100.00% . 5410 5930 Equipment 0 0 1,716 9,000 5,000 55.56% , Total EXDenses: $147,066 $180,595 $94,082 $240,734 $206,395 85.74% 1 15450 5810 Principal $0 $0 $414,476 $359,341 $425.000 11827% ' 5450 5820 Interest 449,184 430,525 256,555 404,821 310,404 76.68% ' i i i Total ExDenses: $449,184 $430,525 $671,032 $764,162 ! $735,404 96.24%1