HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1992-154 . . . Sponsored by: Schaefermeyer CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 92-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, APPROVING A SHORT TERM LEASE WITH MCTAR PETROLEUM, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORAGE OF WINTER ROAD SALT FOR THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES WHEREAS, in early September, a barge laden with 16,500 tons of de-icing road salt for the Alaska Department of Transpiration and Public Facilities (DOT) was unable to dock in Cook Inlet because of insufficient water depth and labor problems at its port of destination; and WHEREAS, the barge then traveled to Seward to off-load its cargo, planning to truck the winter road salt to DOT facilities throughout the state; and WHEREAS, McTar Petroleum, Inc., has requested a short term lease of approxi- mately one acre of land at the Seward Marine Industrial Center to stockpile 8,000 tons of the winter road salt until it can be delivered to its final destinations; and WHEREAS, the city has received wharfage of $2.06 per ton for the off-loaded salt and will receive lease payments totalling $1,815.00 for lease of the property through October 30,1992; and WHEREAS, because this situation occurred between Council meetings and notice of the problems confronting the barge operator was not received or anticipated prior to the arrival of the barge, the City Manager granted immediate access to the proposed lease property; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that an emergency exists with respects to the need to approve this short term lease as soon as possible and that it is in the public interest to add this resolution to the agenda for the September 14, 1992, regular meeting; and WHEREAS, public hearing on this proposed lease is waived in accordance with the provisions of Seward City Code ~ 7.05.410; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. A short term lease agreement between the city of Seward and McTar Petroleum, Inc., for the lease of approximately 1 acre of property located at the Seward . . . SEP-l1-92 FRI 15:38 CITY OF SEWAAD FAX NO. SQ7224324B P.OO LDA NDlllIIDf ~HIS ACUBHEN'l' 1I\acie and .nt~ecl 1neo etfeeti"e as or 'the l.Se day of! septU'l:ler, 1992, by a.nd bet:weell. th. taft or 8BWUD, AU\Sn. a municipal corporation located in t:he Kenai Peninsula Dorough, 5t.a.'t~ of Ala_ka, bG~eil'laftet' referred to aa .CITY" ana MC~ PBDOLIml, mo., hereinafter refsrl"ed to as ttL2SSqll. WHEBEAS. LeSsee w1.hes to Acguire temporary atorac;ro for ~ 1 road de-icing sal~ at the. Se\rilmi Marin. Indus'tt'ial cen1:.r; and WBJmEU. City desires to accomnQdll.te 1\1c;m t:en\l'orary leaa.. reques1;1 ancl, WHDBU, the ei,1;y.Hanaqer of the CitY' of Se\nlrd has c1~8%'ID1ne4 'tha~ .. lease of t.b. le~sed lanc:'l wo\U.d be in the pUbUc urterest: I and . WHEREAS. it is 'the ineen.t of thil!i lea.se to all aviate frOlll ern i;be .mire burden of compliance. with presen1:. or fu~ur. enV2xOnlllental regulations lOr ~ontrols with respeot to I.J!lSS:SS's operations on the laesae! land durinq the lease tam. NOW '1'iIERE70Dt for and 111 oOl'laidet'at,1on of the ]Il11tual ProlUSes a%1d. covenants herainaf1;Q~ cont:ained,. the parties hereto agree as follcw4l'-' -. ...- :a.a'1'%cJ.B 1. -- LIl>>'lIm T.f..1D 1. 1. J)ESeRfJll1'JON or LBAS~O LAND. The leasod IDlld g,ra.nted by crlY under this lease (here1nafter referred to .liS "leased lancln) i& lDCIAted. in Seward, Alal!l~. The leaseB. latld. is :mora partl~larly 4..cribed. aa followSI Approximately oae (1) acre outlined in r~ 4$ indicau,," on exb,i1:)it: "A", attached. All lease la.nl1 is loca~.a within At'S 1222, Sewud, Ahtllkil.. 1.2 WarrBntv or TitJe; Cov~han~ of oui.~ En;oymQ~t. SUbject only ~o ro~tric~ions at title or provisions gf thi. lease, CITY hereby coven~nts that ~SSEE shall haY~ the quiet enjoy~ent and pOslIiession of the leased land. for any use authorized hereuntler tor th$ full term of this lealOe. CI'l'Y owns the leased land free and 2\3"d 81>2k:1>221.\3Gl 0.1 ~~18W / N3~~~MHS~ wo~~ Sk::1>l 2GGl-1>1-d3S . . . SEP-11-92 FRI 15:39 C tTV CP SEWARD FA}! NO. 9012243248 P.03 clear of aU QDC~nnaee CU1d. i3tully empowertld to enter into this laBse.. CITY 1. unaware ot any prior conr1iot:1n'l use at the pr(lperty Which 'WOUld. at'lvel'Mly ~ft.ct LESSD'. intended. use of t.h. ~. 3-zoni11!1. Lal'ld 0..'. CI~ tlilprasent.8 that 'the ClUt1:~Jnt zoning elaa8itioatign of the leeaed land is Induetr1al. In the eVlUJ,t that: at any ti.JQe LESsQ dee3ll& it neoetJs8ry or appropriate 'to obtain usa, aoIdnq or subdivision and prac:i.. pl.n DPProv..l tor the leased 1e.1\<I, or any part thereof, CI'1'Y a~.es f~ t11110 to t.iDe upon requ"1: of LESS!E to execute such docnrment., petitions. a.pplica~ion. eel authcrizat:iona llS 1IIllIY be approp:l."iate or requ1J:'ed to ob1:IIi:!l froll the a9aricy Qr public:: b04y r..ponsible therefore MY condit.ional usa pen.it6. Boning and re-zoninq, teD~t.iv. and final tract: appl:OYal and preeble lJbn appr~l. 'rhis section abaU impose 1\0 QUty or ;r;-aponsl}:)il1ty on CITY to alSl!list LESS!! in obtainb4 ~ other pe:rmit.s or llpprovals for Ol$rat.:i.o~ 01' cDnstruatiDn, SUeh .. those required by the U.S. ArmY Carps tlt i:ngi:le"_ (wet.land. fL11 peni1:$) or the Environmental Protectioh AgGUl.cy (Clean Air Act penliu}, ~c. CITY Shall cooperate in qood faith with LEUU 1n LESSEE'. ef'f03:'ta t:o prOlllp1:1y obtaill any requ.lre4 permits fo~ const.ructi01'1 OJ:' operation of LESSI!:E f. :fa.cilit.ies on the leased land. :AJt.'l'rClU 2. -- L8J.8B 'l'Illt1t 3.1-~. 'I'M.. lQ~se .ball be ~t.ctive Septa:ber 4, U~2 and urmina1;o not later 'l:'ll.a.n oct:obu 30. 1992.. This lease a~a_e:rtt. is not. s~j eot to renewal. 1H%Ctill s. -- D!tf 3 .1"-~ental 1ia~e. fhroll9h the lease term thtt: rental r.~e shall be One 'l'hOWland, Eiqht Hundred P!fteen and NO/100 (US $l,81:J.OO) Dollars, plua Fift.y and NO/loa (US $'0'.00) Dol1a%'~ Hl.. t..X. payable 1n adVBl'lc". . _ -- ----. H_' - ..--,- 3 .2--~'tl! Pl!Utment P.nBl~. Rental paYDent d.ua, but not l'eoeivea., by the Clue date shall aaaru.e inte.refOt; at 1\ per month or the u:Id.JIIWl1 perotted rate u!)der Alaska law, whichever is:: higher. n~rCI.B ... "'- USB 01' ,...gUIlD LDm crI'l{ has lilllited. land ava:l.lal:lle for lease anr;t LBSS!B'a intended use Of the 1eaaet'l ~~nd has been determihe<< by the city Cou1\Qu. to be i!\ the public: in1:arMt. 4.1--UBe Of ~~ 1.asGd la~. LESSB!: may us. the land only tot' the Qucsiae storage Of bulk saltl . al 8i1:8 is to be COllpletely restgr8d eo i'ts pre.ant )fe~ARR LEASE 2 ~<a'd 8l>G~l>GGl.<a6. 01 ~~lnw / N3~~MHS~ WO~d 9~:l>. G66.-v.-d3S SEP--l1-92 FRI 16:39 CITY OF SEWARD FA}{ NO. 9072243248 P.04 . . . condition or :betoter upon termination of this lease. b) Less.. a9ree. to prQh~i~ the use, k.epin9, storage, 0: 4isposal o~ haza~ou& materials on the site. LESSEE will not use the land in any manner or constnct: any faclli'tiee thereon which would i!lhiJ:Iit the use of adjacent or ot,b.er lands. 4.2--10 ~referantial Riahts to Use Public Paci1itiwa. ~is lease agrement shall no1: be construed. t.o g:ant any exclusive ~ights of use to LESSEE of any public port fael1ities constructed 02: mai.nt.ail'ied l:ly 't:he City ot Seward. Insofar as USe of thOSlil fadilit1ea 18 concerned, LESSEE will be subject to a~ required tar!ff$, prooeduru. rules and recp11ations of the city Of Seward as they lIIa.y now exist or from ti1lle to 'Ume );)e uended. and. USS!B shall not :ba entitled to any exclusive use. 4.3--At'IAaua~ of Public FacPities. CITY makes no representations or warranties as to any pa.rt;Loular part. or the whole of c:t'rY#s pu.blie fac=iJ.ities with respegt t.o thair fitneSIl for the uses intended by LESS1!:I, an~ !.ESSE:!!: has wpecteci tho... fagUit.ies and has examinee! the plans and specificat.ions of those faoilities under eonstruetion or planned for construction and haa satistiet;l itself that the facilit1ea are fiSufficieht tor the !n1:ande4 uses by LESSE!. CITY makes no reprosentat.10M ot" wattant.ie>> of' any nature with respect to the comme1:'c1al practicability or accuracy of any information provided by CIT~. 4. '--Tariffs and ot}ter S,rvlce Fee,. C1:T'l shall ha". the right: t.o make alllend1nent:s to its tariffs, requlationll and seh$4Uled tees from td.me to time even if those aQ~ust.lllents shall cost L:SSSEE more for ita cperatiQna or use o~ pUblic facilities ~i C!~~ is t1:ee ta dO 80 provided only tnat it does not pose any Q't'eater burdan or higher rate upon aSGER than upon any other lii2l'iJ.ar user of the public facili~ies. .' ' ~._ ,..-. .. O___nO., -"' --'~. 4. 5--Time :fot" paym.l)t of utilities. Taxe,. USSQ rill pay for utilitiu and taxes rlillated to opera1:ions on the leased land and LESSEIPs int:e:ea1:; in this lease 4g:'taement, if any, before suoh ol:l1igatiQl\s become delinquent r provided, that IBsen may, in g'ood faith and :betore l!Iuch paY\llen1:, contest any such charqa or aSlies.mont. ~T%e~ ~. .- UTILt~XES ~ ~~a O. ACOSIS 5.~--ntiliti.s. LESSEE, at tESSEE'D ao1e oost and expense, Shall provide ~o~ the exten~ion Of public ut.iliti.D 1:;0 the leased lamt sUffio1eni: for LlSSIm'. intended opera:tiOltl!l. In so doi.n9', LESSEE shall comply with all city requlat10ns ~ requi:er.lmts with respect to the construction of those utilities. CITY agr$.. to McTAttR LEASK 3 170"d 817<:::\:17<:::<:::l.051: 01 ~~lOW / N3~~M~ W~~ l.\::171: G661:-171:-d3S . . . SEP-11-92 FRI 15:48 erN OF S~ARD FAX NO. 9072243248 P.16 injunctions. awards, deer""., QOvenants, ccl'll1itions, 01: other restrictions or standards relating- to sallie. !:nvirQntIl.enta.l LaW" includf:, by way ot: e1tample and not a!iJ a laita1;i.on of 1:.h,e qen..lillity ot tb.e forefjJoinq, 'the RsISOUt;T;. Conservatiml and laliiJCov.~ Act of 1976, the comprehenlJive Environmental R8SJ;lOtllJ8, COlllP~1Ulaticm and r,iabilit.y Act of 1980, the Cl.im Water Act, and. the superfund Am.eMments an4 1leauthorhation Act o~ ltU. 18.2--Permit. ~nd Re~D~inQ. a) Perm!~ reQUired bv o-ther a~~rmnent:a1 acendies. LESSEE shall obtain all permit. or apprO'V'als required by ~y appl1ca1Jle law or requlation. Copias of all such pl!l1'lDita shall be provided to CITY prior to LESSEE cOlDllenc1nq work under this 1..... LZSan sball prtfllpt.ly lQaka all reports to any federal, state or local qOVkl1Dl8llt or a.qsncy :required by anl( p4nl1t or Bnviro~tal. I4w, Includinq 1:Elport:. of any spill or d1f1eharc1_ ot HU~dOUS Ka1:al::'!a1. The .City Manager lIIClY order LESSEE to i2m1a4illUly cease any oper2lt.ionB or acHvlt1es on the leaaed. land u: 'the same ia belllg c:a=:l.OCl aUt. wi'thout necessa1:'Y permits, in violation Of the terms of any permit. or EnvirOMeJ1tal Law, or contrary to this luse aqx-e_e1'1t~ b) Correlltll:lndQf1QM ~ith and re;o1"i:s to 41'l.viron1llAJ'lt.a1 llaenciv. LESSEE .hall iuecUat:ely provide ern with cop!" ot all gQr:r8Spondenc8 and notice, including copie~. Of all rapclrt.. be.tweGft LESSEE and llny state, federal or local government or aqency regulc;tinq llaza.rdau.s Jla.tarial which rela.tes to LRSSU'. operat!OI'UI 0l'I. ot' use ot the lealiied. land. e) ~er!ltincr clan. Prolllptly and betore Q51e:rations beqin. tiESSE!: shall. furniah t.o Cl'1'Y ill V3:ittan 4evelop:&11ent; and Clean-up plan Cl8UCribing in. detail the operations to be cond.u~ on the leased land and. thG pl.rlll of USeE ~ ~.8t:cre the lealled land to its original condition. U',PJ:CLB 19. -- mWoPiiRLC:iiT:i:U'riiipp'-'" lithe!:' party 411<<11 at. any 'ti1ue and fram t:ime to time uJon not la.. 1:han t.en (:LO) days' prior writ-ten request by the ot:hu pa1:'t:.y, ~.C\'lU, aoknowledq., Ilnd deliver t:o such party, or to it. deeigruae, a Iltatemont. in n1tinq qertifyinq tha.t: thia leasa ilS un8Jllend$d and J.n fUll force and effect (or, if there hu been any aJnBnaet thereot J that. the same is in f1.11l f01:Q$ .nd. effect as Ii1II.ended at'ld st:at.lnq 1:hca .uteDdment or U1enc1lllentll), that there are no d.f~ultll IiIXiat1ng (or, if there 1a any olahll.ed default, .tat-intI th$ nat.ura and extent thereof) 1 and stating the <Sates to Which 'the l:ento anI! other aha.rqes have been paid in a.dvan~. Al!I!J!:tCL'B 20. .... OQ)iDl'l'l:OllS MID COVEDll!l"8. McTJ.1U.l. L1lAS!l . 15 9l"d 81;>cf:1;>cc.!.061 Dol ~~ol8W / N3~~~MHS~ WD~~ 91;>:1;>1 c66 1-1;> l-d3S SEP-ll-92 FRI 15:49 . . . CITY OF SEWARD FAX NO. 9072243248 P.17 All ~e p~o~isions of this lease shall be deemed as running with the laM, and shall be construed to be "cond;itions" .. well as "Oovenant.slt, as -enouCJh 'the words apscifically expres$lnq or 1111pal"tinq ClcvenanttJ and condi ticns were used in each se.par&t.e provision.' J\HIOL1!l 21. -... JIO ftl:'OR OP BJn!l~OH No failure by ei1:her CITY Q1' Ll!:SSEE to inliist. Ilpon tha strict pcn:forDUmc8 by the other of a.ny teD, covenant or condition of this lease OJ:' to ex8Z'cise any riqht or rSlll8dy cons.quen't upcn a breaoh ther8Qt, shall oonstitute a waiver of any IlIUCh b.1:'Qach or of such ter:ms, aoveMnt or condition. No waiver ot any Dreach shall affect or a1 ter thig leas., but eacl:l. and every term. aovena:n't an4 condit.ion of this lease shall continue in full force and .ffec1: with rQpec1: to any a1:her then existinq or subsequent. brIM.cA. AR.'1"rOLB :22. ..- ~nm O. B88111011 'l:'b1e i. of the ..SQnce of this lease and ot each prcr-"ision. UI!J:CL1 2:1. -. COMPUW71'1'IOB 0.. '!!nIB The ~im. in which any act provided. by this lease is to QG done :by Shall be c::cllI!;Iute4 by .xcludin~ ~o firat dB.y an4 lnclu.Uft9' th. la.t, unless the 1ali1:. day 18 a Saturday, SUnday or .. holiday, and t.he.n it. 1s also e:=lud8d. AR'J!Y~~ 24. -- SUCClSBORB tK IN'J!~S~ Each and Ul af the termsf eovenalttsand: "ConcUtions 1n this lease shall inurca to -ehe benefit ot and shall be bind.in~ upon the succe.sor. in intet'est at eln and LESSEE. ~CLB 2 S . HIr.rJ:RB :AGU!l.'IIBJI'1' ~. lease contains the entire 21.qraell1$nt of the part.1... with respect to. the matters covered by this lease, and no o1:h~ aqreement., sta:~e2Ilimt. or promb. made by any party which is not contained in ~is lease shall b. binding or val!d. U'l'TCr.!J 2'. -- GOVBfI.KntG LAW This lease Ilha11 be g-overned by I construed and entorced in accorclance with the laws of the State of Alaska. Mo'rJUm. LEASH 115 .!..l"d 8vC:S::vC:C:.!..061 01 ~~lOW / N3~~~MHS~ W~~ '!"v:vl C:661-vl-d3S . . . SEP-11-92 FRI 15:50 CITY OF SEWARD FAX NO. 9012243248 P.18 ~:ICL]!I 27. - llAR'.l'tAL :r:wn.!.rDJ:'rT If al\y proviaign of this lelll!l8 is 11.1" by II. e~ of comp.~ent j~1.d;1.Qt1on 1:0 be inva1iCl, void or unen.forcQable, the roma1nder of t:ht$ provisions shall remain in full force and effect and .hall in no way be affected, apairet'l or inval1datec:l. :a1t.'!'tOL. 28. ~.. REU!!tmtSftl' OJ' t>~:tBB )Jo1;JUnq CCDtained in. thb leaso shall be deemeu or construea hy the perties or by any third person to cr'lll1:e the rebtionship of pt':!.nl;ipal and aiet1t or Of );lartnership 01' of joint venture er of any aSllIociat.icn between CI1'Y and LESSDf a1'14 neithu the Jlethod ot compu'l:ation of rent.. nQr any other proviaions COnUlnad. in this leue nor all.y acts ot the parties, shall bCl de_lie! to cr~t:e any relationahi.p between CIT't And LESSEE ot:her than ~. relationship of less.. aDd 18880r. A1l'1'TP-T.1t 29. -- nt.nl.,PU~t':roN 1ba 1anguaqa in all parts ot ~s lease shall in all cases be e:i.mply construed acoot'dinlJ to it.s !air 1ll.eZlning and .not tor or Ilga.1net CITY or LESSEE al!l both eI~ and LESSIZ have had 'the liuJ.si.tanoe of a.'~tc~eYB in drafting anc1 revi_iM this lease. AJ!'fiClJB 50. -- 1t1mmZA ~ nHM1t In 1:h.ilJ leaae, the nel1tQl.' gender inelUdes the muel1l1l1.o and. the feminin., and tho sinqulcu: nUlllber include4 the ~lU1:al: the '4OrCl .person" 1neludu aCIJ:,porat.ion, partnership, fi:na or 8.ASQci.ation whe:r:evez:- 'the context 1i0 :requires. ? .._...-,.-..,._---"~-........_....,~_..., D'l':tCLB :a, .. D!1Im~ORY urn Hmn:SS:lft PSba!l-, Ywill- and ftaqr&es. are mandatory; ..~ytt is permt.aive. ~'rr.CLB u. -~ o'''>>'1':t01lB Capt:ions of the Sactions and Subsections of this lease ll:l:'e for CQnvlInienClil and reference only. and the wards eontai.ned therein shall in nO way be held to expla.in, modify, amplify or aia 1n the 1nt..~'l'.'otat:ion, eonstxucl:ion Qr lIeanlnq of 'the proY!81C1ns of this lease. lfc'1'U laDS!! ].'1 81"d 8\:'2[\:'226061 01 ~~l~W / N3~~MH~ WO~~ 6\:':\:'1 Z661-\:'1-d3S . . . SEP-ll-B2 FRI 15:50 CITY OF SEWARD FAX NO. 9012243248 P. 19 ~!l'rm.R u. -- tl.LIW~Y OJ/' 1llO'rrCBS .. JIIl'fXOD OJ' .DtJI All not.1cea. deIl1ands or reqg.esta frCJll one party tD all.o~r tJhall J:le deUvered 1n person or be S4nt;. by nil, oertit'ied. or t-eqis'tered, postaqe prepaid, t:o the a6d1"eolas st4te4 in AR'l'ICLB 38 lind to s'lClh other persons anc1 addl:'e...s as ei-ther party ma.y desIgnata ll.oi;;l.C1a shall be deemed 1:0 hav4 been g:l..ven at:. 'the 'time of mailing-. . . ~:teLB u. -- ]lO'l':Ic-., All no'ticu, dAmanu and requestlj trom. tBSSEB t.o C:IT"l Call be given to Cl~Y at th4 fol1ow1n4 address: City MaMlJar City of sewArd P.o. Box 167 Seward, AlaSX4 99664 All notiees, demands or requests frOIl c.I'l'Y to ll!SSD shall D4 giv4m to Ll!lSSEE at th$ followinq aMr..a: Hc'l'ar Petroleum, Inc. a~al Brayton Street Alb::horage, AlaslI:a ~'507 anCl l17~1 S. Ga~l se. Anchorage, AK 99515 n~J:ar.Jf 36. -- ~ 01' ~SB !:ach petty Sl\all have the riqht, frOJl! ~... ~ tUl\$, t.Cl dea1gna.u a dH:fM:ent -addresl b'i ~notIcedv.n In ccm.toni;ty witll 'tb.1II .ut.1cl.. J\R'lI:tCLB 37. -- nu ]I]lQTBCftQJ1' USSII .hall at its sole cost, ri8~ md axpeJ1.e provid.e tire pr~l:*et.ion tic it:.a <:lp"i1t1cne en 'tha leased land and t1~e prt:!vontion to ~ustry atanaarda for risks to adjeoent port taoi11tiaa such 'thAt those rillks a~e lIlinilllil!ied. LESSER shall contin1Ul to p~id.e and mll1nta1n irlcl\lB~ aeeeptea standards ot fire pl'Qt:eC~iCD S\1c;:.b tha~ tha ci'ty at seward'. ISO rat.infjJ is not degradad by mason o~ ~SSU'B oplU'a:c1ol\. ~e part;!... a~e that:. w1~ th.. hl'LCl apane10n of teahnoloqy in the e1eld of t:f.1::e prevention ancl centrol L:BSSUl'. ~lJ.gatiolU!l hereWlcier uy VII:a:y dUJ:inq the term or this leas. anct CITY .Y srubn\1t LKSS!:!'. cOlllplia,nce with its oJ:)ligat:ion M'Cl'!U IJ!ASB .18 61"d 81><:t:1><:<:o:!.061 O.L ~~lOW / N3~~HS~ WO~~ 81>:1>1 Z661-1>1-d3S . . . SEP-11-92 FRI 15:51 FAX NO. 9072243248 P.20 CITY Cf SEWARD that. the city o;f Seward's ISO t'i1t.inq is not de'jJrilded by raason of USeD's operation. The. parties ac;ree 1:hat wi'th t.l1e rapid expansion of t:ecnnology in th~ Ueld of tire prevention an,! control LESSU' B Ob~ 19atlons hereunder may vary iltlring t:he term ot this lease and ern may .qbllit. U5SSEE's compU.nc:e "'ith iu obJ.i.giltlon hereundU to U:bitftat1on not:: more frequently the.n once each tive years. JUl'l':l:C!.B 38. -- UJ'EDDfDDK This lea.. is subj ect to suspansion dw:inq t:h8 flrs.t th1s-t.y (30) days attar passaqa of the resolution it a suf!1dient rete:rendaty petition is filed in aCOl)rda:nc:e with section 4.8 Of 'the City Charter. D WlftDi&8 WK'IJ1l!(Q'. the parties t.\ergT;o have set th4ir hands and Beals tluI dau f:1rst hare1nbeto:re let fo:rt:h. CI:!-Y: ern o!t SIWARD tlSSEB! ,,_ . \ .J Mc'rAR l'mRO~. IRe. ~':) ~ -"$ ~'-.r.) ~~~,. By; ~'b;~~~~:'D'~ ' OMan scauli'I!liQIEYER CIW HlUAGU A'l".rES'1': APP.ROW AS m PORK: PEUINS COUI At:t:omay. to:r the City of SQWa!:d tJ.1'Idca Hurpby QI:'J.'Y CLBU CMC/AAB 1'QC B. ARuDSOIf CITY AT':01OOIY (CiTY SIAL) . --- ~.- --- Mc'I'ARR LUS2 . 19 132"d 8l>2rl>221.1361 O.L ~~18W / N~~~MH~ wo~~ 8l>:vl 2661-vl-d3S SEP-l1-92 FRI 15:51 erN OF SEWlRD FAK NO. 9072243248 P,21 . .. S'tA'1'l!: Oll' AIASltA I I as. . t2 THl:aD JUDXCrAt. D.t$'1'RJ:e'f ) r;;jiJ THUI IS 'J!O CERTIJ"1l that: en ~il!l lLt da~ at" ~, 1m-, ~'" betoh me, 'the undtn:signad, a N'etary PubJ.1g in. and for the ~- PY"tIIl'>o4' ~ Cli~ 'fla.lol&, pe~liIonally appeared. A~~ yY\~ '^!:U ~ m~~ f'e \At\."" {$Jc:nown 1:0111.. and t.o me known to ~a 'the ind.iviclual named n all Who executed. 'the toregoinq' dOCUJl\erlt I and w.e acJmow1edqad t:o !lie that ()L1heUQ aignect the same freely all for t.ha uses a11d purpos.. 1:M"1n oont.4ined...::,' ,..\~.:. WI'rNBSS. my hand and rial s cl~~r' tint hereinabove ":I:'i t:ten: ,: I ~ ;. . \ '\ (' =t~~~t: ~_~;0Cw~~~~~:\~~~~ DOUGLAS PARTON, N01ARY P\lBUC....~.;.'...: '",. , 2356 w. 4th Ava. 731-~ ' ',- vaoc:ouYlll', loCo Y6K J,e1I Wl~a~~~~: . IiQ advice SOUgl1t or. giwn. . - ~ '"r . 0.C.<'D.L. ~....~. Hc'1'AR LDBE 20 1c'd 817cl:17ccl.061 01 ~~18W / N3~~~MH~ wo~~ 617:171 Z661-171-d3S TO 19072243248 P.22 SEP-14-1992 14'50 FROM ASHWARREN / McTAR . . . :. ~ .- i. "Ill..! 51..: . ... . ... : ; I . :: i ! = ;; ~. .L1"'~)r.3 <1"J.1 -0:> W(l~"lO~J.'i<!:. ~\I.l..'W i- ;i ... '..l.I~ .!s 37 I 1 I :t :"\: " t., II 'I" I' " J,1 t.t. W""".- t,.r....~., 'f "II I 'll .,. · 1. ;..' I II. t I . ,_, I 1 i iU ~ : ~ ..._.........I..........J . c21:~ - """r ~ ~ l ! 1 'Jo# ..tit : I I , I ., I , ' -..-.-..-----."...........- .,. . 1 1 , I I I I ........ I A___"" I t I ..,__:J_ - --- I I I " .... ,.- -- rt,l G9:S1 1&1 G8-th13S TOTAL P.22 ~'d . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 92-154 Marine Industrial Center for the period September 1 through October 30, 1992, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, provided, however, that the lease shall be subject to suspension during the first thirty days after passage of this resolution if a sufficient referendary petition is filed in accordance with ~ 4.8 of the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the city of Seward, Alaska, this 14th day of September, 1992. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: A TIEST: THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA 7:~~/~ Beverly Dunham, Mayor Bencardino, Crane, Dunham, Krasnansky, Swartz & White None None None APPROVED AS TO FORM: Perkins Coie, Attorneys for the city of Seward, Alaska . (City Seal) 'Zl-t/ I'ef! dt-- Fred B. Arvidson City Attorney