HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1991-052 . . . Sponsored by: Schaefermever CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 91-052 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE INTEREST IN BOARDWALK LEASE SITE NO. 7 FROM RAY AND LESLIE SIMUTIS TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANCHORAGE FOR SECURITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, Ray and Leslie Simutis are the lessees of Seward Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Lease site No.7: and WHEREAS, the lessees have requested Council consent of an assignment of their lease interest to the First National Bank of Anchorage for loan security: and WHEREAS, an earlier assignment of lease interest to secure a construction loan has been released: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: section 1. The Assignment of Lease Interest in Seward Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Lease Site No. 7 from Ray and Leslie Simutis to the First National Bank of Anchorage is hereby APPROVED. section 2. A copy of the Assignment is attached and incorpo- rated herein by reference. section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the city council of the city of Seward, Alaska, this 28th day of May, 1991. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ~/d~~ David L. Hilton, Mayor AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Burgess, Dunham, Krasnansky, Meehan, Sieminski, Hilton None None Simutis -1- . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 91-052 ATTEST: . . (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Perkins coie, Attorneys for the city of Seward, Alaska 7-tKl~ Fred B. Arvidson city Attorney -2- . MAV-13-91 MON 14:3e 1ST NATXONAL BRANCH LEND P.02 . ThJs Deed of Trust, Made ~hi. Be~ween RAY SlHUTlS and LESLIl SIHUTtS, .. to a leuehold eltate herein called "RUSTOR. whose acldrcs. is P.O. BOx 17'O(N';:'~;;R1AIUka 9966" ICK,I State of Ala~ka. SECURITY TITLI " TRUST AGBNCY OF A an Alaskan corporation, herein called TRUSTEE. and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANCHORAGE , herein called BENEFICIARY, Wlt"esseth: That Trustor GRANTS. BAlGAINS, SELLS. and CONVEYS to TRtlSTEE IN TRUST WITH POWE~ <?F SALE. that property in lbe Saward Rccordinl District Third JudiCial District, S~ate of Alaska, described AI: That lea.ehold estata cre.ted by that clrt.1n 1n.trument ax.cuted October 8, 1987, by and between the CITY or SEWARD, a. Le.aor and lAY and LESLIE SIHUTI8, .a Los..., on file and Ivallable Cor publiC raview ln the City'. Clerk O"l~e, City Holl, Seward, Alaska, .s dilclo..d by HGmorandUG of Lealo. Dated. Occobe~ a, 1987 Le..ora City Of Seward Le..... Ray and Le.li, Simutia a.corded. Novembe~ 4, 1987 look 49, ra,e 196 term. 30 Year. from Septembe~ 24, 1987 through Sapt..bar 23, 2017 ea.o Amandment, ln~Ludina tho t.~. an~ proviatona tbereofl Recorded. March 15, 1991, look 60 raso 561 A portlon of Block 6, Oc.anv2ev Subdivlllon, accord in. to the official pLlt thareo!, filed unde~ Plat Number 8-74 and AT! 174, accordinl to Plat 8-55, Rccorda of the Seward lecoToin; Di.trict, Third Judicial DSltrlCt, State of Alaaka, de.cribed al Sevard Small Boae Harbor Boardwalk Lea.. Sit. No.7, more pa~ticularly delcrlbod .1 followl' COHMINCtNG at the centerline monument Located at the interloctlon of South Acce.. Road (South Harbor Street) and Fourtb Avenue al ahown on that certaln plac on marlna Subdivision recorded II Plat No. 76-1, Seward .ecord1nl DS.trict, Third Judicial Oilcrlct, Scate of "lUka, thence alan, the canttrUne of Fourth Avanua .. .bown on .a1.~ plat. NOOoOO'lS"W 4'4.3' r.et; thence .r a rilhe an,18 to .ald centerLine "89o~9'45" I 116.40 feet ~o thu tRUE POINT OF B!GINNING. THE~CI pUlIll.l to tho arol'OI.ld untorllna NooOoo'1)" W 105.14 r.ee, chance at a rilht anl1 N89 .59' 4S" ! 81.86 feUt thence u a c-t.lht anllt Sooooo'1~" ! 10,.14ftn; thance at a right ans1l 5890'9'4'" 11 Il.a6 Cut to the nUl 'OINT 0' IIGINlflNG. Deed of Trust day of MllY, 1991 Together with the ten.ment., hcrcdit&mtlltl, and appurltnanca thorc:unlo bttQnsinl, or In anywtse appertaining. \ h(' rents, IISUOI and profitt thora. SUBJECT, HOWEVER. to th. rlRht. power and authority herein,fler fiven to and conferred upon Beneficial')' to coJlfct and apply such renla, iAun and proIllI. To have and to hold the urn.. with the appurt.enanc:ee, unto Trultee. Jo"OR THE l'URPOSE 0' SECURtNG: I.Penormancf of l'ftC'h Ill'wmvnl of Trul\tCll' hc:rctn containc:cl. 2.l'a)'nwn\ ul \ 1w indc:bt''CInc:t'tllfyidencedsbYOl\e promllllOl"Y "ot. fA even datt herewith, in the Principal.urn 01 - _. ,_._.n l" PTY TKOO AND UOLl.AII AND 001100---------- Uollarll ($ ~o.ooo.oo ). wit" Inttrftt therooft. with ~ht ballnce at tho Indtbtc:dncilll, if not sooner Pc,id. due and. payablt on May', ,OQ. 10 &ncIidary or order. . IWll_ ___..__. ,...._ ........-!~ .1.'1.1_ 'ft....... ~ .._.... 'P......"'. .~.., ($ .50,000.00 If with lntlm~st tht.rcnn, with the balance of the indllbtt:dnc!llI, if not $OOMr p<"lid, due and payable on ---tY y I r ' 00" to Bcncfic:lary or order. A. To protect tbo security of this Deed of Trust. Trustor aareellll 1. To keep laid property In g<lOCl condition and Npair: not to remove or dcmoli.h any buildina thereon: to complete> or resture prumptly and In good and workmanlike manner any building which m,y be conlltructed, damagt'<! or destroyed thereon and to pay when due all claims for labor pcr!urm~ and. materials furnished there fur; to cum pl. wIth all law. affectin, said property or requiring any alteralionll or improvement. to be mad. thereon; not tocom! "1' p<-rllril \\'il~I~' thl.'rt'u/; 11111 IlHHI JIll il, ~uff\-r III' lll;-rlllil illl}'lI~.t U!X1n ~l\id prop~r1)'in \'i(lI~linn(lfhlw;ll,\\dll\., Irfi~llll', fi'r1i1i7.I', fumij:lllll', prUl\\' IInd d<l ull olh!'f I..:t" whirh from thl' r.hRl'lIrtrr or UlIl' (If Mlid prlllwmy 111:1> I,. n'II~lIn.lub' n\"l.'~i'i1ry, Ihe- ~p<','ifi('d \'numrrlt.lillo" h\'rin not \'xduoinlollh\' ~I'll\'rill. ~, Tu pl'u\'id\', mllintllin and d~'lh'~'r w &'ncfj<:iur~' ill'lIrran,'c' Jll'ut('<'tin){.lllain~lllll>" IUl'i\lid prll(l~rtr h) fir.'. ;>:,d' :,! uth\'r !X'rilllllli B~ncfi~jarr n1it)' r('a~mabl)' >>ptc'if)' frelm lInl\' wlinw. ~atil'("(;\()r}' tu and wilh 1\1!>~ )I:i~,ll,ll' I.. ~C.'nvridar>' in an amount not leu lhan ~J.L.1.OI.J.Ir.lJ;lJ.Cr Vatu.c...... _. __,....._.,.. . /loibl'- ($ ------------- )" ThM amount collected under any fire or other inllurance policy may b\. iI(lpli~'d h~ Beneficiary upon any lndebtednen ~f:lCured hereb)' and in ~uch nrdcr all BeneficIary may detcrmint', or at oplion of Rt'ndklary lha' \'nlirr amounlllC'l eClII~'Ctcd or am' plIrll hl"rl'llf may 1,.- n'lt'l\lIl'd 10 Trulllor. ~\IC'h appllciltioll "I' r. I.,,, ". ~hall nllt \'UI'\' (II' v.'ai\'~ 8n~' dc'fllllh (lr ntltit"1' flf d<'fll\llt h\'rl.'~lT\d('r (Ir In\'iIlid/lH' any 11'1 dunt'lmrl'lIanl III ~\I' h " ,'" \ MAV-13-91 MON 14:31 1ST NATXON~L. ~ BRANCH L.END P_03 ~ . I" 1,'1" ,II' 11\ '\Iid ,I..,. ,{d all~ .1' '10.11 "l' pr'.'p.dll1,11 p'lrJl"r:lMlo( 10 a(("I:1 rh,: '1\'~'Ul'i!~' h':~'I~I( Ill' tl:"1 I,llh!."'l> ,....1 ", ",I I';' ;',1 '\. ;.\:. '0;' (n...I,"'; .1I'd III ;J.,'. :dl.....t; ;and ":>.j...I\',,,, .Ilrllldlll~ \''''lllll "'\'ld,'r.\;~ 'Jl till.. . Ill.! ;\lI"r'",... . lo-,., I:, :\ I',.:. ,,,"abl.: "IIll. In an>' ~1I..:h ,h'li:." Ill' 111'tH......llInj,l in whi..:h n~uc:'fki:\l')' Ill' Tru~t\l" mil)' ap(J\:;\l'. 'till! in ,1n:. '1111 1)\""111111 Ill' 1~\,'ul.(kiilC>' I'l fon..:\c'....' ,hi.. J},',:d. ,I. '('II Ilay: at It'Rlll ll;'n dl\Yll ~f()n' ,1PIinquency ftlltllX~li l\nd 8!jlfetltlment!t atrC'Ctini said prntx:rty: wh('n due. all ;I\o'''lllhrauc:.,:,. l'h.ll'~l's .,nd li.'n~. wilh i'\1I'l'l,;~r, 'In ..aid pr'lpel'ty Ill' nny PM! lhen'of. which :lp\ll.':lr In h.. prlllr Ill' ":1;"1'1"" h,'r.'III; alll'o~t:4 rl'\'~ i1nd "X(>,'11 ,\.,.. Ilr thill Trll~t. .;. I" :>.i~' '1IlIm,dl;\I,'ly and wi I h..,,! '!.-Ill:11,1I :111 "''1trh 1'\1"'''.\'''' I,~' fi,.n..fkiM}' "r '('rlt:'l.'!.! {l1ll"Il:tnr "'1 il.':"" I :." 11.."""1. wilh int\.n....' il'lIm 1Ii1'" 'I"~ ..'q~.rlllil"(I. ill ,hI' "<llT\., rill,' nl' IJf,wid,'Q "If m rill' nOh'. ,; ';".,,"d TI'Il..t..r (::til I.) rn:1kl' illl~ !':l\lIh"'C or III till all) :ll'C:llI h,.'rt:ln prl)\'illl~l. lh,'n 81'lwr'idilr)' ,\r 'l'1'1i ':"1'. lllll ',\'lll\llllllllJli~;lliull iu II) 11" and \\ ilhllllt llllli'e Ie) "r ~k'm;il;,1 U,"'in 1', ..~lur and wilhuut rcleasin" TnI~ellr ;rllm .111> obli"ation hcrc.'Qf. may: make or du the !lIme in such manner and to such elCte!1t as either may deem necessary to prll!I.'et the ll~'\:urity herC!nf. BeneficiAry or Trustee being authorizt!d to enter upon said property for lluch purposes: lIppear in and defend any actiun or proceeding purporting to ~f~t th~ security hereof or the rights or 'po~ers of Bcnetlc:iary ur Trustee; pay. purchase, contest or compromlse any Incumbrance. charge or Ilen which In the judgement of either appear. to be prior or luperior hereto: and. in exercislns any such powers, pay necessary expenses, employ counsel and pay hie reasonable feel. B. It is mutually llil'ccd that: 1. Any award or damases in connection with any condemnation for public uRof or injury to said property orany part lht'n:uf. hi hl.'~by a~i~ned and .hall be paid to 13en~fic:lary who may apply or releaH such moneys received by him in .the lIame manner and with the lIame effect a. above provided for dl.posltion of proceeda of fire or other insurance. l, By accepting paym\lnt of any .um lIt'C'urcd hereby after itl duedat.. 8eneflctary does not waive his right either to l'cquirll prompt payment when du~ Ilf all other flume 110 HCurcd or to doc:lare default for failure so to pay. :t At any time ur froln time tu linul. without liahility then:furand without notice. upon written requestor Beneficiary and IJl'l'liCn cation ohhis Oci,'ci:1nd llUld note for endo~m('nt, and without affectln, the pl:l'lIonalliability of any pcr~l)n for pllyml!nt of lhe indcb!cdnep MClCurlld hereby. Trult"'tl mar. reconvey all or any part or said property; consent to the makin, of any map or plat thereof: join in aranting any ~Illl~ment thereon: ot join In anyextcnllion agrl:ement or any lI11rccment sUbordinatin. the lien or ch.rp hereof. 4. UP<Jn writtl.'n request of l~neficillry Itatln, that allluml ReCurcd hereby have been paid, and upon surrender of t hill l)ct-'d and nid note to Trustt-'CI for ,..ncellaUon and retention and upon payment of Its fOCI. Trustee shall rceon vey. without warranty. the property then hetel hereunder. The rec:iutl. in any reconveyance executed under this Dcl.-d of 'rruflt of any mallerv or fac:tlllhall bl.' c:unc:tUlllve proof 01 the ttuthlulnen thereof. Thearantee In such rec:on\'eyance may be dcltCribecl all "th. ptI1Qn ()f' perllOft. 1"IIlIy entitl,,'CI thereto," 5. All additlonallieCurfly, TN>>tor horvby iPVtl to Ind confen upon Bcncftc:lary the rieht. power and authority. dUring the continuance of the.. Trust., tocollec:t the renta, ill'ues and protltsof said property, rescrvin,unto TrulItor the right, prior to any default by Truator In payment of any inc1ebtedn... secured hereby or in performance of any l1i!'ccmcnt hereunder. to collect and retain such renta, issues and proOts u they become due and payable. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any time without notice. either in penon, by aprIt,or by a roceiverto be appointed by a court. and without regard to the adequlC)' of any security for the indebtedness hereby secured, enter upon and take PGlIscssion of said property or any part thereof. In hia own name IU' for or otherwllc collect such rents. Issues and profits. Including those past due and unpaid, and app.1y the vame, leu costa and expense. of operation and collection. lncludin, reasonable attorney'. rfltfl, upon any Indebtednesa secured hereby, and in such order u 8enefic:lary may .determlne. The entering upon and lakllli poeeeaaion oIl1id property, the collection of such rent., lasues and profits nd the application thereof a. .fnr~, shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or Invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. 6. Upon default by Trustor In paymcmt 01 any Indebtedness secured hereby or in performance of any agreement hereunder, aU.ume lCCurcd hereby shall Immediately become due and payable at the optloG of the Beneficiary. Benefldary may, .. an alternaUve or In additioft to other remedia provided br law, execute or cause the Trustee to execute a written notice of .uch default and 01 his election to Q..... to be sold tllt herein dellCribed property to Mtillfy 'I". ""'II...,, ~I,," ".."""'f ~",. ""~,, M1tJC(llltJ~h notiee to be r!!Corded in tl'leoCfieeof the rceorder of each recordlnfldlstrict ....-....~_..., -... --...- ----....- ..........-" .. ., . .. .. . Benetldary may, a. an alternaUve or In addition to other remedies providecl by taw. execute or cause lhe Trustee to ~xecule. written notice of such default and of hi, election to Cause to be sold the herein de.'lCribed property to Mtisfy lhe obllaadon hereof, andahall cau~ Ruch notice to be reconlecl in \he oUice of the rccorc1er ot each recordini district wherein said real property or :wme part thc:ruoE i. Altuatcd. Notiee of sale hevin, been (liven .s then roquired by law ancl not lesa than the time then requlrecl by law having elap~ alter recordation 01 such notiee of default, Trustee. without demand on TrustOr, shall sell said property a t the time and place of sale fixed by it In said notlee of ule, either as a whole or in separate parcels and in such order as i r may determine, at public auction to the highcst and b<lst bidder for ash in lawful money 01 the United States, payable B t time of sale. Upon written rcqu~l of Beneflclary, trustee may postpOne sale of all or any portion of said property by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from tlme to time thereafter, upon written request of B<lneficiary. may postpone such aale by publlc announcement at the time fixed by the precedin, postponement. Trulltl.'C lihall d~liver to lhe purchaser itl dwd convcyilll the: property 10 sold. but without any covenant or warranty. ~"prcllll or Implied. The recitals in lluch deed of any matters or facti shall bel conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any Pllf'$On, includin, Trustor, Trultee, or Beneficiary, as'hereuncler defined, may purchase at such sale. After dcduc\ing all c~l1I, (l.'Cs and cxpenSllI of Trustee and of this 'rru~t. Includlna COKt of evidence of title and relll'lonable counsel feel in connection with lale, Trustee shall apply the proc:etds of sat, to payment 0(: all sums expendoct under the terms hereof. noc the:n repaid with accnu:cllntcrC:lt at th~ lame I'lItc as provided for in the: note; all olhllT tums then sccurcct hereby; and the remainder, iEany, to the pentOn or pI.lnon. h.'SaUy c:ntitlcd thcm:to. .. . 1. 11118 Deed appliclI to, inurell tu Lhe benefit of. and binds III partiel hero to. their h.I.... ICilltccs. dcvis~..cs. admlnllltratora, exc<:utorS.IUC:CCSflOrs and assigns, The term ~nendary tlhall mean theholdcrandowner. including plr.d~ee, of the note secured hC'rcby, whether or not named asl beneficilry herein,or.ifLhe note has bc:c:n plcdird. the pled~ee ther.eof. In this Deed, whenever the context so requires. the maS<:\lllne gender includes the feminine and/or neuter, and the siniUlar number induc!cs the plural. 8. Tru!ltce aeeeptll this Trust when this Deed, duly .xccuted and acknowledlf:d, Is made I public record as provided by law. Trulllee ill not obliialed to notify any party hereto of pendln, !\ale under any other Deed of Trullt Or of any action or proc('t'dini In which Trustur, Beneficiary or Trustet shall be I party unle5s brought by Trustor. 9. ~ric!iciary may, from time to time, as provided by statute, appoint another Trustee In place and stead of Trustee herein named. and thereupon, the Trustee herein named ,hall be discharged and Trustee so appoinle'd shall be substituted as Trustee hereund~r with the Ame e!teet as if oriKinslly nameci Trustee herein. 10. If two or more persons be designated as Trustef herein. any, or all, powers rranted herein to trustee may be exercistd by any ofsuch persons, jfthe other penon or persons II unable, forany reason, to act, and any reci lal of such inability in any inltrumcmt executed by any of such pllrsons >>hall be conclusive asainlt Trustor. hill hcinl and assigns. The undt:rsignc.'<1 Trustor rl..'qullili that a copy of any Notice of Dtfauh and of any Notice of Sale heTl..'Undcr be mailed to him at his address hereinbeCore set forth. Sip.ture of Trustor Ray S1mucU Luh. S1muth Individual Acknowltdlmllnt Corporate Acknowledgment UNITED STA1'Jo:S OF AMJ.:RICA ) ) Q: STATE OF AI.ASKA I Statt of Ala14kl. Dillt nel 811: Judicial On Ihill day of . 19_ . beCore me. the undel'tli,nCd. I Notary Public in and for the Statr at Alallk.. pensonally appeared Rav Simu~. and Le.li. Simucl1 to me known and known to me to be appcan'd bdClrc' mr (In IhC' day of May ._.. _._.. . I~ 91. ,at An"horag... Alal'k.. I know them tu ~ lh.. perllun(s) desc:ribed and who cx('('utc.'d the abo.", jnlllrumfnl. Tit!!)' id Ihal th2.t.-._ knc'w the' l'CInlt'nlllthf:l't'Or and acknowl<,'dgcod lh, samt to be the1r act. of .3 "orporalion named 811 Tru~lor in lhe forc'going dc:~'d. and aeknowledg~od to me that .-he_ exccuu'<1 the' Mini' on bcIhalf of said corporation Creely and voluntarily for tht' YR. and purpolCll therein mentionl'd, Wltn('u my hand and ufficial !lCallh~' da)' and y~'ar in lhi:- certificate first above written. My Commission expires: i'J"''>f"V Put-II,. ,,,,, Al,>~1r~