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City of Seward, Alaska
January 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 155
The January 10, 19961 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There wen~ present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Sharon Anderson
Willard Dunham
David Fairchild
Jack Goodwill
Richard Goshorn
Dean Kasischke
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzinil City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CnC Representative
Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing
Theresa Buttsl Quality Marine
Rosemary Sardarov, Fishing Company of Alas.ka
Robert Valdatta
Eric Landenburger
ABSENT were:
Doug Lechner (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. Robert Valdatta noted the
interest of Davis Block & Cement to import "super bags" of cement from Asia to 5E.>ward -
a possible backhaul opportunity.
MOTION (Anderson/Kasischke)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda.
Long added th~ Seward Forest Products sub-committee report.
Dunham added the neW coal import proposal.
City of Seward, Alaska
January 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Fage 156
Motion Approved.
Dorothy Urbach. ARRlCBC Urbach noted that City Manager Garzini was
meeting with the ARRC today in Anchorage.
Urbach stated the coal impurt proposal WtlS an interesting private enterprise
project. She also mentioned the fish by-product proposal by John Walls, Jr. that was
presented to City Council on January 8 was a project on which the board should
Bruce Sieminski. KPBIEDD absent
Seward Forest Products Sob-Committee Report Long noted that forest-relatl;:'d
issues had been closely followed and attended by the committee on a regional level. He
reiterated that a long-term timber supply was iI keystone to both small and large timber
products industries. Long advised that the Governor's bills, SB180 & HB344, though an
attempt to provide opportunities for the timber industry, remained restrictive in terms of
its llhigh value-added" language and should be amended to "value-added" (timber
products). He recommended that the city convey to its representatives that the language
be changed, particula.rly to include finished product such LIS plywood and wafcrbo3rd
and to consider a secondary product such as wood chips.
MOTION (Anderson/Dunham) The City convey to the Governor, the Alaska
legislature and to our Congressional delegation that
the language in SB180/HB344 be changed from "high
value.added" wood products as finished product to a
less.restridive tenn of "value.added" wood products
{such as plywood, waferboard and wood chips} from
long.tenn, negotiated timber sales.
Dunham noted that until a major change occurred in forcM service laws and
management practices the Seward Forest Products site would be better utilized by other
forms of industry.
Gty of Sf'WUrd, Alaska
]anUlJry 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 157
Anderson stated the city should develop a statewide perspective. She noted a
spinoff from the fertilizer itself (Walls' proposal was presented to Council on January 8)
was its significant effect on the growth of timber. Anderson advised that Washington
and Oregon states were implementing silviculture techniques that northern arctic
countries had long employed. She felt that the city should support a practice that was
proven effective, that utilized a fish by-product and tied in with the state's current timber
dilemma. Anderson recommended that the city work to develop a mission or goal in that
regard to convey to state foresters and to the legislature. She 3p'eed with Dunham that
the mill site and its dock had a greater potential than timber-related industry.
Motion Passed.
Preliminary Marketing and Advertising Plan Pilch verbally sketched the steps that
would be taken to acquire information regarding the advantages of marketing and
advertising on the Internet.
Coal Import Proposal Dunham noted he had learned about the proposal at the
Planning & Zoning meeting and felt the board should have an opportunity to review the
plan in order to make a recommendation. lloardmembers expressed concern that the
port-related issue had not been presented to them for comment. Following lengthy
discussion, the board agreed to place the itt::rn on the January 24 meeting agenda.
Foster Singleton. Projects Status Report Singleton noted the activity and schedules
of various projects in the harbor. He advised the dredhring had been completed in the
harbor basin. Long expressed his gratitude for the water supply at the North Dock.
AAPA Membership Lung discussed the merits of the AAPA
recommended that the city submit its application for membership.
objection from the board to address the issue with the administration.
newsletter and
There was no
The board discussed further several dredging issues.
Cruise Ship Schedule Fairchild noted that a preliminary cruise ship schedule
would be circulated at the subsequent meeting.
~ r' (~
City of Seward, Alasko.
]Ilrtlurry 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume 1, Page 158
Small Boat Harbor Grid Singleton explained the circumstances surrounding the
elimination of the grid, one of which was the impending ~nforcemcnt of the Clean Water
Act. Long further explained elements of the Act.
Army Charter Boan. Singleton annuunced, at Anderson's request, that the Army
boats would nut be forced to move from the dock once the new X Float is in place.
Jncreascd Dock Space Anderson noted that thE' lack of dock space had been
presented to Council at its last meeting and asked boardmembcrs to look for ways to
resolve the shortage. Anderson reiterated that the North Dock was unusable because of
prevailing swell conditions and suggcsted mure focus on the chip dock. She voiced her
disappoinhnent that the Corps of Engineers' (COE) Reconnaissance Study determined
there was no federal interest in expanding the dock "md endo~ing the basin at SMIC.
Small Uoat Harbor Eastward ExpJ.nsion In response to Dunham's inquiry,
Singleton noted that at the January 8 meeting, the City Council put the Nash Road Boat
Harbor proposal "to sleep". He stated that with the help of Senator Stevens the Corps of
Engineers (COE) Small Boat Harbor Expansion Reconnaissance Study had been extended
for approximately fourteen months. Singleton noted that when the extension period
expired, the city was obligated lo match funds with the Corps (approximately $150,000)
for the economic phase of the project.
Singleton noted that Harvey Smith, COE coastal engineer, had originally conceived
the concept that expanded the harbor eastward to the coal loading facility while X Float
remained central to the harbor basin.
ISTEA Funding Dunham asked Pilch to investigate ISTEA funding with regard
to the downtown lighting extended northward to the harbor, the percentage of historical
funds to be utilized and ifthow the acquisition of these types of funds might be uSi;'d for
the Mile 0-8 rchabilitation/improvemcnts.
Long thanked Quality Marine (Ther"'. Butts) for atlendin!; the City Cuuncil
meeting as well as the PACAB meeting.
Black Book of Trade Long noted the blue book had listings of all business and
trade organizations in the slate as well as a number of other types of listing. He invited
anyone to borrow the publication.
AAPA Membership Dunham reitcrated that the city should be a member of the
American Association of Port Authorities.
Robert Valdalla Valdatta mentioned the chip and cottonwoud potential, the
problems with the chip dock, coal loading improvements and incubator systems.
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City of Seward, Alaska
ImlUary 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Hoard Minutes
Volum~ 1, Page 159
Rosemary Sardarov Sardarov, representative of Fishing Company of Alaska,
discussed the problems associated with insufficient dock space. 1n response to the
question of the Inlet Salmon dock, Singleton advised that Chapter 11 notice had been
received and the company was in the process of reorganization. He also explained to
Sardarov the city's priorities according to code.
Theresa Butts Butts, co-owner of Quality Marine, noted the cooperative ad in the
Ports Alaska directOlY, aspects of the Internet and other ways and means of advertising.
She also concurred with the insufficient dock space dilemma.
To Valdatta, Long stated he liked the stud mill idea and to Sardarov, he advised
that a resolution could be achieved with concerted joint effort.
Long advised Singleton that the catwalk/gangplank w.<!s missing from the chip
loading dock.
Dunham asked Singleton about permits for anchor buoys.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:37 p.m.
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Gwynne 'Filch /' '0- -
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Ron Long ~
City of Seward, Alasku -
]unuary 24, 1996
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Port & Commerce Advisory lloard
Volume 1, Page 118
The January 24,1996, meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:00 p,m. by Chairman Ron Lung
City of Seward, Alaska
lan/wry 24, 1996
Port & Commerce- Advisonj Boord Minutes
Volume 1, Page 160
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Doug Lechner
Sharon Anderson
Willard Dunham
David Pairchild
Jack Goodwill
Richard Goshorn
Dean Kasischke
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbormastcr
Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing
Mr. Kim, Suneel Alaska Corp.
Mr. Reese, SuneeI Alaska Corp.
Shelly Knopik, Suncel Alaska Corp.
Robert Valdatta
Paul Slenkamp, Ketchikan Pulp Co.
"Red" Marshall, I.RL.U.
Donna Marek, Nibbles 'n' Bits
ABSENT were:
James Pruitt (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None
MOTION (Dunham/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda.
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC excused
Bruce Sieminski. KPBIEDD absent
City of Seward, Alnskn
]a1wnry 24, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Hoard Minutes
Volume' 1, Page 161
Timber Issues It was noted that City Council approved on January 22, 1996,
Resolution %-007, relating to changing timber legislation language from "highll value-
added products to simply value-added. There was no objection from the board to next
direct the resolution and the city manager's accompanying statement to the Governor,
State representatives, the Commissioner and the Alaska delegation. Several board
members conveyed their appreciation for the timber sub-committee's work which resulted
in Council's approval of the resolution. Distributed prior to the meeting's commencement
was a "Notice of Preliminary Decisions..." with regard to the Aurora timb!:'r sale. Long
noted the timber sub-committee would look into the aspects of the sale for the board's
information at the subsequent meeting.
Coal Proposal Members discussed various issues associated with the coal import
proposaL Suneel representatives nuted that the preliminary pruposal pused no particular
problems for their coal export operation at this point in time, although not enough was
known in terms of its affect on the Usibelli minE: operation. Garzini explained that at this
point the concept's feasibility was being investiKated to determine if there are any
problems that should be incorporated into the actual bid and that there an: no barriers
that aren't real. Members discussed compatibility with the long-term plans for the area
as well as existing commerce activities and that provided the current dock users are
protected the project should be encouraged.
MOTION (Dunham/Anderson)
Communicate with PN&D advising that the
PAeAB reviewed the preliminary proposal and
found it to be a reasonable p.roposition
provided there is no significant impedance or
interference, now or in the future" with the
dock's current users, in particular, the cruise
ships and pipe ships.
YES: Long, Lechner, Anderson" Dunham,
Fairchild, Goodwill, Kasischke
ABSTAIN: Goshorn
On-Line Information Pilch noted that the 1I1ntcrnet" seminar she attended in
Anchorage on January 22, 1996, provided, among other things, sources for on-line
activities, ~uch as on~ramp service providers and web browsers, at no cost. She further
noted that on-line users in Seward would be sought to det~rmine what types of modems
1 ~t)
City of Seward, Alaska
Ja71uary 24, 1996
Porf & Commerce Advisory Board Millufts
Volume 1, Page 162
are currently being used in the Seward area as well as connections, service providers and
browsers. Pilch mentioned two additionall'lntemet" seminars on February 27 (Sheraton)
and on May 29, 1996 (TBA).
ARRC Dock Extension Garzini noted that the goal to obtain a dock extension
concept by January 24 had been achieved. He stated he would next meet with the
concept designer Dennis Nottingham (PN&D) and John Bums (ARRC) within the next
few days to select a funding tltrategy. Carzini advised the ship1S captains had viewed the
extension plan and that it appeared the dock would accommodate tvvo BOO' cruise ships
and the AMHS Tustumena for approximately $6 million. He noted he would bring plans
before the board at the subsequent meeting.
Seward Fort'S! Products Garzini stated thClt ongoing- negotiations with Seward
Forest Products were expected to culminate by the end of January. He noted that in the
event the facility was acquired as expected, the city would product' an RPP as soon as
possible and begin to market the facility. Garzini advised th<1t Chris Gates, well qualified
in Alaska's timber industry, was being considered to draft the RPP LInd he noted that
inquires had been received in terms of the facility and the dock.
Alaska ScaUfe Center Garzini mentioned that the bid for the center\s construction
would be circulated February 15.
Development & Marketing Plan Garzini noted that with the advent of the ASLC
and commitments (to expand the ARRC dock) from the cruise lines that real estate values
would likely increase. He stated that he felt it was time to think abuut planning issues,
to get out ahead. Garzini noted there was no dedication to properly by the condos, the
Alaska Treks In' Voyages lease, city shop, state shop, and the two ballfields. He asked
that the board consider contracting a developer who would establish a marketing plan
for the properties. Garzini stated that he was receptive to anyone's capital and
development ideas.
CORRESPONDENCE Dunham discussed briefly a letter from Kachemak Heritage Land
Trust and asked if Pilch would look into it for the next meeting.
Alaska Sea Life Center Anderson advised th<l.t ASLC's fund-raising goal was $4
million by March 31 and that it appeared that the goal would be rt'ached. She noted a
major fund raising event on February 8 at the Anchorage Museum, with others in New
York, San Diego and Seattle.
City of Seward, Alaska
January 24, 1996
Port & Comml"rcr Advisonj Hoard Minutl1s
Volume 1, Page 163
Dunham noted that the bid on the structure would be circulated February 15 and
the contract awarded April 15. He noted the $30 million construction project should
provide many jobs.
Fisheries Issues In response to the question about the Magnuson Act's status,
Dunham stated he'd learned that there may be a decision by the end of February.
Forest Service Issues There was no objection to inviting Duane Harp to a PAeAB
meeting to discuss plans for Kenai Peninsula forests and timber.
Harbor Enterprise Fund Garzini noted a tremendous concern was the Harbor
Enterprise Fund deficit. Singleton added that administrative fees contributed to the debt
as well as overspending during the past decade.
Singleton advised that the XFloat/Puel Float project should be completed around
March 19%.
Flood Mitigation Meetings Long advised of a multi-agency meeting for flood
hazard mitigation, Garzini added that monies Were available providing a plan wa~
adopted by the community.
Stccllmport Issue Dunham noted that the ARRC had been greatly impacted by
the steel import tariff - the dock hours alone were down 14,000 from last year. He urged
to board to work with the Congressional delegation wht.'n the tariff comes up for review.
Garzini stated he would place tw'o issues on the subsequent agenda for the board's
discussion: community adoption of the flood mitigation plan; and, a plan for
development and marketing the dty's (underutilized) property.
Robert Valdatta spoke briefly about the need of a Hydro-Barge as an alternative
to the recent coal proposal; sub-dividing Seward Forest Products lease; and the XFloat
bidding process.
Donna Marek owns Nibbles & Chips located near the launch ramp at the Small
Boat Harbor. Marek advised she agreed with Garzini - that the city should take a good
look at the property it owns. Though she stated she might be "shooting herself in the
foot" she felt the property should be developed and marketed by <1 professionaL
Shelly Knopik added that she didn't want to see the bike path moved because it
was so nice.
City of Seward, Alaska
January 24, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 164
The meeting was adjourned at 1:16 p.m.
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Gwynne PH&' - ..~~,~.\~
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City of Seward, Alaska "':-"1,: 0'. ",~.:"""",..
February 14, 1996 .u~~..,~ '
Ron Long
Port & Commerce AdvisOMj Board
Volume 1, Page 164
The February 14, 1996, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce
Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Doug Lechner
Sharon Anderson
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Dean Kasischke
comprising a quorum of the Boardj and
Rick Gifford, Pinance Director
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR;CBC Representative
Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing Assistant
Marianna Kcil, Councilmcmber
Donna Marek, Nibbles 'n' Bits
Red Marshall, LRLU
Jim Walsh, Cook Inlet Processing
City of Seward, Alaska
February 14, 1996
Port & CommerCl' Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 165
ABSENT were:
Willard Dunham (excused)
Jack Goodwill (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. Donna Marek noted the
problems associated with parking, She asked that boardrnembers consider the issue and
make a recommendation to Council. Long stated the item would be discussed during
Board Discussion.
Urbach announced that parking was on the Downtown Business
Association/Chamber of Commerce meeting agenda. The two-hour meeting was
scheduled for Friday, February 16, 1996, at 8:30 a,m, at the Apollo Restaurant.
MOTION (Anderson/Kasischke)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda.
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC Urbach advised the ARRC ridership was up 16%
from 1994. She also noted the plans for dock expansion that were induded in the packet.
Urbach briefly commented on the recent ARRC acquisition inquiry as well as the coal
handling facility proposal.
Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD absent
Timber Issues Long commented on the timber sub-committee activities and the
Aurora sale from which, it was speculated, no bids would be received due to the inferior
quality of th~ timber. He noted that Keil provided information relating to a resolution
that had been introduced by Torgerson which prohibited in some instances the export
City of Seward, Alaska
February 14, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Hoard Minutes
Volume 1, Page 166
of unprocessed timber. Long advised that the sub-committee would research the
developments and report at the subsequent meeting.
ARRC Dock Expansion Gifford noted that both Garzini and l::3encardino were in
Juneau addressing the dock expansion issue.
Sawmill Gifford advised that Garzini had ungoing negotiations with Seward
Forest Products and that a decision was near culmination.
Rackhaul Opportunities Andersun stated she would like to see a follow-up on the
Davis Block & Cement proposal to Suned related to backhauling cement from Asia. She
noted that the board should support attempts which "open the door" to backhaul
MOTION (Anderson/Kasischke)
Send a letter to Suneel Alaska Corporation to
convey the board's support of the backhaul
proposal from Davis Block.
Motion Passed.
Airport test site Anderson advised that the FAA should be contacted in order to
acquire equipment that would improve air trLlffic in Seward. She noted that currently
the Seward airport has visual approach capabilities and that by means of a recent
program, instrument approach capabilities could be acquired. Anderson stated the
updated features would allow daily flights of crafts canying up to fifty passengers which
she believed to be critical criteria once the Alaska Sea Life Center begins its operations.
She nuted that monies were available now and urged that Councilmembers be informed
to quickly contact the FAA and Senator Steven:;' staff in order to gather sufficient political
support of Seward as a test site.
MOTION (Anderson/Kasischke)
Urge City Councilmembers to promptly contact
the FAA and Senator Stevens' staff in order to
gain sufficient political support to acquire a
test GPS Instrument Approach site located in
Motion Passed.
l' (!~
City of Seward, Alaska
February 14, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 167
Inlet Salmon In response to Kasischke, Singleton briefly explained the aspects and
status of Inlet Salmon, Inlet Salmon Harvester and Inlet Salmon Producers.. Inc.
ParkinG" Issue Kasischke advised that if paid parking was implemented, it should
affect everyone - the boat harbor, 4th and 5th A venue merchants.
Fairchild stated that if paid parking- was implemented at the boat harbor, it should
also be implemented in the Downtown Business District.
Lechner stated that parking assessments should be reinstated. He noted that he
supported paid parking provided it was imposed on the entire town.
Long advised he shared other members' view that the fee should be imposed
equitably. Long stated "if we're to have paid parking.. it should be equally offensive to
everyone". He, too, noted that assessments may need to return.
Keil noted that Councilmember Deeter had filed a notice of reconsideration with
regard to paid parking.
Many members concurred that the upcoming Friday Downtown Business
Association meeting would be an appropriate forum in which to discuss the parking
Fish Reduction Plant Fairchild advised that cruise ship captains wanted to know
about the smell at the dock this year. Singleton explained the status of the meal plant
and the by-product industry in 1996. He aJ.so noted that Seward Fisheries applied for a
permit from the Corps of Engineers to extend a pipe deep into the bay beyond the coal
ship dock that would be used as a "safety valve." At the onset of an offensive odor, the
product would be flushed quickly - and become food for marine life.
Alaska Sea Life Center Anderson commented on an article in which Senator
Stevens listed the Alaska SeaLife Center among important projects in the state.
Harbor Crew/City Staff Commended Goshorn pr.:!ised the Harbormaster and his
harbor workers for the excellent work they performed while the city was innundated
with heavy snow. He noted that in addition to a watchful eye on the boats in the
harbor, crewmen assisted motorists who were stuck in the roadway and in parking areas
- helping people in and out He stated that seVen boats would have sunk absent the
snow removal efforts of the harbor crew. The board discussed in a similar manner the
noble efforts of Ainsworth and his crew.
There was no objection to Goshorn's request for a letter of commendation
fonvarded to the City Council in appreciation of Singleton and his harbor workers and
Ainsworth and his street crew for their excellent pcrfonnance beyond nonnal duties.
City of Sewurd, Alaska
February 14. 1996
Port & COtllltlf:rce Advisory BonTd Minutes
Volume 7, Page 168
The meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m.
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CihJ of Seward, Alaska
March 13, 1996
Gwynne Pile
Port Marketing
Ron Lon
(City Seal)
Port & Commerce Adrd$onj Board
Volume I, Page 168
The March 13, 1996, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Cummerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Doug Lechner.
There were present:
Doug Lechner, presiding, and
Willard Dunham
David Fairchild
Jack Goudwill
Richard Goshorn
Dean Kasbchke
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Michael V. Yanez! Deputy City Manager
foster Singleton! Harborma::;ter
Margaret Anderson, Councilmember
Marianna Keil! Councilmembcr, LTG
Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative
Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing Assistant
Tom Tuugas, Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc.
Donna Marek, Nibbles 'n' Bits
Theresa Butts, Quality Marine of Alaska
Sue Clifton
Red Marshall, LL.W.U.
. (L;
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Millutes
Volume 1, Page 169
City of Seward, Alaska
March 13, 1996
ABSENT were:
Ron Long (excused)
Sharon Anderson (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None
MOTION (Kasischkc/FairchiId)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda.
Motion Passed.
DoroIhy Urbach - ARR/CBC
Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD
Urbach advised she had nothing new tu report.
Multi-user Dock Dunham distributed a letter to DOT Commissioner Perkins from
I.L.W.U. President Carl Norman endorsing the multi-user dock txpansion concept.
Prison Expansion The board engaged in brief discussion with regard to the
expansion potential uf Spring Creek Con'ectional Center,
Development Properties Garzini explained the intent of the RFP for the Plannjng~
Development, Marketing, Financing, Management and Disposition oj Designated Pruperty in
Seward, Alaska, following discussion, members moved to recommend to Council that the
RFP is circulated to see what kind of response is received.
MOTION (Dunham/Goshorn) The board believes the RFP is a positive slep and
recommends Utal the city go forward with its
circulation to determine what kind of response is
City of St'Wtlrd, Alaska
March 13, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 170
Industrial Development Brochures BOJrdmcmbers discussed with city manager
Garzini the need to stay diversified and to cultivate winter and year~round
activities/employment. Dunham suggested that member~ develop a wish list of things
that should be contained in a brochure. The ilen\ was. placed on the work session
Dock Expansion Garzini noted that the multi-us~r dock exp<msion project had not
been induded in the final STIP plan, though he mentioned that he hadn't found any
docks anywhere in the list. Following brief discussion Garzini added that he and Mayor
llencardino would pursue the issue with Kent Dawson in Juneau.
Korean Sister-City Carzini not~d that a letter had been received from the Korean
city of Yochon advising that they would be visiting Seward in May.
Mariculturc Technical Center & Shellfish HJtchcry Garzini advised that the center
was starting to go forward in a big way. He noted that the topic would be placed on a
furnre agenda at which time EDD and the Native Corporation would be extended an
invitation to attend a PACAB meeting.
Hospital A~eemt'nt Yanez provided an update on the hospital acquisition by
Providence which induded the construction of a new $6+ million hospital facility.
RCAC For information, Goshorn noted that there was an oil response team in
Seward comprised uf thirteen vessels.
Aquatic Farm\:> applications Noted.
ASLC Dunham noted that the invitation to bid for the construction of the Alaska
Sea Life Center was circulated un March 12.
Sawmill Garzini advised that negotiations had deteliorated. He noted that the
goal was to get a new operator through the next year. He stJted a letter would be
induded in the board packet in the next few weeks.
Cruise Ship Passenger Impressions Clifton remarked lhat last year the dock was
in a s.tate of chaos each time passr:ngers disembarked and were loaded onto busses. She
asked fur solutions to the embarrassing dilemma.
. -
City of Seward, Alaska
March 13, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 171
Budget Discussions Earlier, Anderson informed members abuut the budget
proceedings on March 18 and that the Harbor Enterprise Fund would be discussed. She
encouraged members to attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:27 p,~
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Gwynne PHcW .. ' ' /) '" '" D:::';'i;;;l\ner /'
Port Marketing Vice Chairman
(City Seal)
City of Seward, Alaska
April 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page] 71
The April 10, 1996, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Longl presiding, and
Sharon Anderson
David Fairchild
Doug Lechner
Richard Goshorn
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manage:
Foster Singleton, Harhormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative
Louis Bencardino, Mayor
Margaret Anderson, Councilmember
Marianna Keil, Councilmember, LIO
Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing
Red Marshall, l.L.W,U,
Theresa Butts, Quality Marine of AK
Sue Clifton, Quality Marine of AK
City of Seward, Alaska
April !O, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume 1, Pa!l,c 172
ABSENT were:
Willard Dunham (excused)
Jack Goodwill (excuseu)
Dean Kasischkc (excused)
Aeenda items not scheduled for Dublic hearing. Nom:
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None
MOTION (Anderson/Pruitt)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda.
Motion Passed.
Dorothv Urbach - ARR/CBC Urbach noted the ARRC purchase proposal that was
being explored and that city manager Garzini would meet with ARRC personnel on April
12, 1996, to discuss among other issues the dock's much needed dredging.
With respect to the dredging issue Fairchild noted that cruise ship captains were
extremely concerned about "high spots" near the dock. Following discussion the hoard
unanimously concurred that Long wuuld write a letter to the ARRC expressing concerns
shared among captains, local merchants and members of the hoard. Garzini advised he
would hand carry the letter to the ARRC.
Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD Ahsent
Mayor Bencardino noted that EDD wrote a letter to Governor Knowks with regard
to funding the ARRC dock expansiun. He discu<.;sed the STIP process and the most recent
DOT publil: review draft in which none of Seward's priority projects was found. He
identified various other projects which were being given special consideration by legislation.
Bencardino identified representatives who were helpful during this phase of the process and
emphasized that the money for the dock expansion was needed this year.
City of Sewrml, Alaska
April 10, 1996
Purt & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 173
Marketing Brochures Gatzini advised that ~e would present the issue to Council
at the next scheduled meeting. He stated that $65,000 was in the FY97 budget as a "tota]
package" - $15,000 to effect a successful sister-city relationship with Vachon; $15,000 for an
RFP, advertising and marketing city-owned properties; and $35,000 fur professional
materials and year-round marketing dfafts. Garzini next recommended a committee on
winter and year-round marketing. Fairchild and Kasischke will continue to identify and
develop brochures items and issues to present to the board - Anderson will be available to
assist the committee when necessary.
MOTION (AndersonlFairchild)
That the board supports Garzini's year-
round marketing plan and budget
Motion Passed.
Meeting Schedule Urbach suggested that the board meet once a month, Anderson
suggested the schedule change beginning now through the fall. Following discussion, the
board unanimously agreed to cancel the work session - unless issues warrant an additional
meeting - and meet once a month in the Council Chambers at noon.
Seward Forest Products Garzini stated that SFP would continue to pay rent until
June. He noted some of the alternatives that were discussed with SFP representatives.
City Properties RFP Garzini advised that P&Z had recently approved the RFP
proposal which the board had previously review;;;;d, discussed and approved. He noted that
with the Alaska SeaLife Center and new hospital under construction this year that the
propusal to circulate an RFP for city-owm:d properties would be considered good timing.
Garzini advised he would next bring the issue before the Council in May.
Sister~City Connection Garzini noted that Yochon representatives would be in
Seward on May 21 and 22. Committee members planned to take the Korean representatives
on a first day tour to illustrate the common, cultural, recreational and environmental aspects
of the Seward community. The second day would be devoted to business and corporate
Eastward Harbor Expansion Garzini clarified that the Nash Road Boat Harbor
project was "history". He stated the permit expired March 31, 1996, and the city was no
longer involved with or interested in the issue. Garzini noted that the COE permit to
pursue the eastward expansion of the Small Boat Harbor was current and active. Garzini
advised that the city would go forward with the expansion project.
CIty of Seward, Alaska
April 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 174
The board discussed duty-free zones, the "special assistance" that the Ketchikan
shipyard was receiving, and the ARRC dredging issue.
Housing Issues The hoard discussed the problems associated with housing,
partkularly, that appraisals are higher than in most other communities in Alaska.
Sue Clifton commented on the ARRC dock dredging issue and provided insight as
a former cruise ship passenger bus driver. She noted that in past years many lucal
businesses do not adjust their schedule for the early arrival of cruise ship passengers.
Clifton also noted that the cruise ship staff circulate many new dollars into the community.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:28 p.m,
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City of Seward, Alaska ' ,
May 8, 1996
Pnrt & Commerce AdvlSOry Board MIJlutes
Volume 1, Page 174
The May 8, 1996, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was calkd to order at 12:04 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
David Fairchild
Jack Goodwill
Richard Goshorn
Dean Kasischke
, ~ I....
City of Seward, Alaska
May 8, 191}6
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 175
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Mike Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Assistant
Kathy Cline, Chamber of Commerce Director
Red Marshall, I.L.W.U.
Robert Valdalta
ABSENT were:
Doug Lechner (excused)
Sharon Anderson (excused)
Willard Dunham (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Al!enda items not scheduled for public hearinl!. None
Items other than those appeariDl! on the 32:cnda. None
Kasischke added Increased Harbor Rates to New Business.
MOTION (Fairehild/Kasischke)
Approve the Amended Agenda and Consent
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach - ARRjCBC Urbach noted that the house bill related to potential
private acquisition of the Railroad had passed both the house and senate and was awaiting
the Governor's signature. The board discussed the positive relationship between the city
and the ARRC. Urbach mentioned the contributions that the ARRC had made to
organizations in the community. Questions related to continued service to bush
communities in the Interior, the uisposition of ARRCMowned lands ami the frequency of
service to Seward.
City of Seward, Alaska
May 8, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Mmutes
Volume 1, Page 176
Garzini noted that although he liked private solutions to particular issues, he felt
there were technical problems with the bill. He also emphasized the good working
relationship that the Port & Commerce Advisory Board had with the ARRC.
Following lengthy discussion, the board unanimously agreed to recommend that the
City Council mi.te to the Governor to convey concerns about the ARRC providing its own
funds (approximately $250,000) to conduct a feasibility study on whether the sale of the
Alaska Railroad is in the best interest of the state. The board further agreed that if the
legislature deemed it necessary, that funds should be appropriated from the state general
fund and transferred to an independent state a~ency in order to conduct an unbiased study.
Fain:hild asked about the fencing i~sue ~3at involved Suned Alaska Corp. and the
ARRC. Garzini explained the issue concerned insurance liabilities. The board discussed
briefly the question of whether the ARRC was negotiating leases on the dock and
determined the issue was actually part uf the potential dock expansion project.
Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD (absent)
ARRC Dock Dredging Long briefly recuflped the exchange with ARRC John Bums
following his receipt of the letter from the board. Fairchild conveyed his gratitude for the
transaction which led to a quick response from the ARRC to Cruise Line Agencies.
Board Support Structure Garzini explained the responsibilities of support staff
members - Barbara Hilderbrand would type the meeting minutes, follow-up on meetings and
prepare meeting agendas while Yvette Wclsh would maintain marketing and SMIC lease
properties. He noted there would be an interim transitional period in which members and
staff would adjust. Garzini stated he would be open to anything down the road.
Harbor Rates Goshorn explained a proposal that he would present to the City
Council in which the harbor moorage rate strucl....rc would be adjusted - in lieu of the city's
proposed rate increase. Long noted that as a management issue, Goshorn should direct the
matter to the Harbormaster and/or City Council and hoped to see the board continue to
focus its efforts on marketing and expansion. Fairchild agreed and noted that he knew little
about the harbor rates and its history. Goodwill concurred that he was not familiar with the
figures. Garzini upheld the process and noted that the proper way to effect change was to
state "your" views. He said he was not oppo~ed to a rate structure review/examination.
City of Seward, Alaska
May 8, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Pa/{e 177
Marketim! Materials Garzini noted that Chamber of Commerce director Kathy Cline
was willing to merge with the board in a joint-venture to create and fund marketing
materials and brochures. He advised that Cline would work with board members to
establish menu-driven materials that would "work for all of us", media that could be
customized to each particular client and/or inquiry. Garzini stated that Cline would chair
the committee to work up a game plan and present it to him for funding. He noted that
the project would be a high priority and that Cline is focusing on year-round activity. Board
members concurred with the strategy without opposition.
Sister-City Relationship Garzini announced that the Yochon representatives would
be in Seward on May 21 and 22. He noted that the dinner on May 22 would be hosted by
the board and encourage.d all members to attend. Garzini added that $15,000 had been
budgeted to pursue joint port relations.
Long mentioned the health care issue and the related meeting on Thursday, the
problems associated with housing in the community. and encouraged board members to
attend the dinner with the Korean delegation from Ynchon.
Valdatta noted that the North Dock was not listed on navigational charts; that EDD
director Stan Steadman had "promised" a video tape of the Seward area for marketing
purposes; and highlighted activities at the North Dock in terms of timber.
Yanez reminded attendees of the special meeting on May 21 related to the hospital
acquisition, and Garzini provided an update or the Alaska ScaLife Center,
The meeting was adjourned at 1:23 p.m.
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Port Marketing :;" ....
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Ron Long
(City Seal)
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City of Seward, Alu\'ka
JUll/! 12, 1996
Port & Commerce AdviWJry Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 178
The June 12, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Willard Dunham
Richard Goshorn
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Foster M. Singleton, Harbormastcr
Louis Bencardino, Mayor
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathleen G. Cline, Director, Seward Chamber of Commerce
Tim McDonald, Alaskan Barge and Salvage, Inc.
Theresa Butts, Quality Marine of AK
Sue Clifton, Quality Marine of AK
Matt Callahan, Parking Enforcement Officer
ABSENT were:
Doug L~chncr (excused)
Sharon Anderson (excused)
David Fairchild (excused)
A!!enda items not scheduled for public hcarine:. None
Items other than those appearing on the 32enda. None
MOTION (KasischkelPruittl
Approt'e the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach. ARR/CBC (absent)
Cit)' of Seward, AllJ.lka
June 12, 19Y6
Purl & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Paf{e 179
Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bencardino updated the board regarding Midrex's
location in Tyonek. He further nukd that the Borough gave EDD $100,000 as they were
requested, and h~ reported that they would like to re,ceivc information for the coming year
regarding any projects for which the City would need their support.
Tim McDonald. Lil!hthouse Point Project McDonalLl presented his concept for a
commercial, conselVation and transportation development project that he proposes for the north
end of ResurrectoD Bay, particularly utilizing 1,320' of waterfront property owned by the
McDonald family. The entire proposal includes: (a) 3,000' cruise ship dock!cau~eway facility
with three mooring sites; (b) thirty acrt:-s of upland development; (c) creation of a nature
preserve in the Resurrection River delta area; and (d) a road extension linking Port Avenue and
Nash Road. McDonald stated that the need to address increasing transportation problems exists
now, particularly concerning an outlet for Port Avenm.: and the north boat harbor area. He also
st:-cs a future need for a transportation link between vi~iting cruise ships and the Alaska SeaLife
Center. Funding for the project would come from a combination of private and governmental
sources. McDonald stated that he has already sought responses from cruise ship companies and
developers interested in the project. His presentation to the PACAB was intended to seck the
Board's initial views and recommendations.
Questions were raised regarding the project's impact on the Re~urrection River, how the
dock would be utilized during the eight-month off. season, and how the necessary permitting and
financing would be handled. Dunham expressed support for the projt:-ct and suggested two
sources for McDonald to contact for their professional input. Garzini stated that the proposed
project identified several areas of present and future concern that the City should start looking
at now.
Marketing Brochures Kathy Cline reported that she has received a lot of good ideas
regarding the development of marketing brochures for the City and knows plenty of research
material already exists for the content of the brochures. She sought direction from the Board
as to whether to contract with a professional advertising agc:.ncy to design and mass-produce the
brochure, stating that the $35,000.00 set aside for marketing could be eatt:-n up quickly.
Garzini suggested that (1) Cline chair a committee, with Yvette Welsh, of business
leaders in the community to screen and select an ad agency to produce a high-quality product;
(2) the group present drafts to P ACAB and City Council for approval; and (3) they arrange to
have the brochure mass-produced in substantial amounts, hopefully by October 1996. Cline
noted that the Seward Chamber of Commerce had already screem:d several agencies for the
Chamber'~ work and had sclected Walsh & Sheppard, Inc. Cline also distributed copies of the
Seward Economic Development Forum questionnaire (February 1995) for the Board to assess
its possihle value to the project.
City of Seward. Alaska
June 12, 1996
Pon & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume I, Page 180
Pruitt emphasized the need to give the contracted ad agency specific marching orders
regarding the Board's preferred design/aim of the brochure/folder. Long suggested that
boardmembers respond to Cline or Welsh within one week with any idea"i, thoughts or
suggestions for the brochure/folder and, after that date, they will present the material to the
selected ad agency for development of a product.
Alaska Transportation Wet:k Dunham inquired as to the result of the transportation
meeting in Anchorage back in April and what plans the State has for addressing transportation
needs. Garzini stated that research and [tl!Sponse to the Board would be made.
PACAB Agenda and Packet Procedure Long suggested that the Board adopt the
guidelines for deadlines and mailing of the agenda packet to conform with those for the City
Council agenda. Long further suggested inserting a place on the regular agenda for
presentations without prior notice to accommodate last-minute items. Board membcrs
Strategic Plan Garzini reported that he is working on a nt.:w City Strategic Plan
documt.:nt fur the coming year, and he hopes to present it to the Board in draft in July for their
review and ultimately to the Council for action. He predicted that the plan would contain a new
harbor stratcgy, including a provision to write off some of the Harbor's $1.4 million debt to the
Central Treasury.
Boat Harbor Use Agreement Garzini noted that the Council chose to reduce the
amount of the City's commitment to the Harbor's MRRF from $250,000, as set forth in the
current Boat Harbor Use Agreement, to $1 RO,OOO rather than to increase harbor moorage rates
for FY-97. Further, he stated that he has retained Mr. Herv Hensley, an independent
consultant with more than twenty years of city managerial experience, to help the City write a
comprehensive proposal to amend the Boat Ha:hor Use Agreement with the State. One
amendment to the agreement would be to provide for a more "reasonahle sum'! (approximately
15% of revenue stream from state-owned facilities) to be set aside to fund the harbor facility.
AAP A Membership Long inquired as to the status of the City's involvement with the
American Association of Port Authorities. Garzini stated that his office would look into the cost
of membership and make a report at the next meeting.
Goshorn restated his opposition to the declining block rate for moorage in the boat
harbor, and Garzini mentioned that he intended to') examine the harhor rate structure a.. a part
of the upcoming strategic plan draft.
City of Seward, Alaska
June 12, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 181
Pruill inquired as 10 whether land lease rates in the boat harbor area would increase
pursuant to the recent reappraisal done by MacSwain; Singleton responded by saying that not
all rates increa<.;ect and that he would obtain the status of the harbor-area sites from the
Community Development Department.
Pruitt furthl:I inquired as to the slatus of Brad Snowden's hotel project in the harbor.
Garzini reported that Snowden's efforts are on-going to modify his obligations under his
subdivision agreement with the City; i.e. to relocate the sewer dump, relocate the road (Fourth
Avenue at the north end of the harbor), and to continue the waterfront boardwalk around the
proposed hotel site. Regarding the planned move of the railroad's passenger depot, Garzini
noted that, with the relocation of Fourth Avenue, the move of the depot would be inevitable.
It was emphasized that, though it supports the relocation of t1le sewer dump and the road, the
City would not fund the projects.
Pruitt furthL:r introduced discussion regarding Tanya Sandefur's proposed train car
venture, the alignment of Port Avenue, and the exemption of KPB taxes on out-of-town boats.
Kasischke inquired about the status of the X float replacement, and Singleton reported that the
Harbor's portion of the work was complete on the previous Monday.
Garzini stated his desire to soon c.levelop a solution to the transportaLion problems
existing at the north end of the harbor area, specifically at the intersections of Third Avenue
at Port Avenue and Inird at North Harbor, as w~ll as the lack of an eastward ouUet for Port
Avenue. He indicated that, because of increasing cruise ship, tourism, and commercial traffic,
the City should make this area a top~priority focus in the next couple of years.
Dunham inquired as to the status of the State's road construction plan, particularly
regarding Mile O-H. Welsh indicated that she would find out and make a report.
Callahan suggested that, before Fourth Avenue is slraightened, the north parking lot
south of Napa Auto Parts should be fully paved and striped to help facilitate enforcement of
the area.
Clifton, a tour bus driver, noted numerous traffic problems for large tour vehicles
entering and exiting the railroad dock area via Port Avenue. She supports the creation of
another road into the area to alleviate the congestion.
/- --) ~.
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Ron Long r
The meeting was adjourned at 1:41 p.m.
Bprbara J. Hild rb;'
Board Secretary;"'; ,;
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(City Seal) :;.
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City of Seward, Alaska
July 10, ]l.)IJfJ
Port & Commercf' Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Paxe 182
The July 10, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:00 noon by Chairman Ron Long.
Th~re were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Doug Lechner
Jack Goodwill
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of th~ Board; and
Ronald Garzini, City Manager
Michael Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbonnaster
Louis Bencardino, Mayor
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Represeutative
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathleen G. Cline, Director, Seward Chamber of Commerce
ABSENT were:
Sharon Anderson (excused)
Willard Dunham (excused)
Dean Kasischke (excused)
Agenda items nut scheduled for public hearing. None.
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None.
MOTION (Pruitt/Fairchild)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
, ,
City nf Seward, Alaska
July lV, 1990
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 183
Dorothy Urbach. ARRICBC Urbach noted that tbe Alaska Railroad board would
be meeting in Seward on July 17-18, 1996, with the meeting open to the public on the 18th
(Rae Auditorium).
Louis Bencardinu - KPB/EDD Bencardino reported that the most rel:enl meeting
of the EDD Board of Directors dealt primarily with their budget for the coming year in the
amuunt of $611,776. He noted that Clyde Johnson, Business Development Director for the
EDD, will he in the Seward EDD office (Chamber of Commerce building) on a bi-weekly
hasis with plans to have the office staned weekly in the future.
Marketi"!! Brochure Bud2:et Kathy Cline presented her preliminary budget for the
brochure project as prepared by Walsh & Sheppard, Inc. with three cost/quantity options.
It was noted that only the highest quantity option included less expensive photography and
set-up work in order to stay within the $35,000 budget limit. Garzini stated that he favored
the highest~quantity/lowest-ullit-eost option, and Long noted the importance of a product
of the highest possible quality. Cline was encouraged to see if Walsh & Sheppard would
agree to produce 5,000 pieces within the budget limitations but with no cuts in quality.
In order to further keep expenses down, Cline stated that the cover art could be
created by a 100:al artist to save on design costs and that she hoped to usc help from
boardmembers and others in editing existing text material. Garzini further stated that he
wanted to have the finished product available for distribution by the end of September for
possible use at Fish Expo. Goshorn queried whether the project would eventually be
available on a computer data disk, and Cline stated that once the product is created it could
be formatted to a variety of media for future marketing and network involvement. The
copyright to the material will belong to the City.
AAPA Membership Lmg noted that corporate membership in AAPA was too
expensive for what limited funds the City has availablt:. Garzini agreed and stated his desire
to set the matter aside for future reconside,rati-;n.
Fish Expo Participation in the 1996 Fish Expo scheduled for September 26-28 was
dis{;ussed. As the total marketing budget for the year has been earmarked for promotional
brochures and World Trade Center Alaska membership, Garzini suggested that, should one
or more delegates from Seward wish to attend, the cost for an exhibit space be borne by the
City (outside of the marketing budget) if private enterprise would commit their time and
resources in organizing and staffing the booth.
City of Seward, Alaska
.Tuly 10, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 184
MOTION (Pruitt/Lechner)
The City spend $34,519 for 5,000 good-quality brochures
and reserve $500 for World Trade Center Alaska
Motion Passed.
STIP Update Long reported that Dunham had expressed his concern that Mile 0-8
was not appropriately addressed in the STIP forecast and suggested enlisting Rep. Gary
Davis' help in bringing the matter to the State's attention. Long noted that the plan for
improvements in 1997 to Mile 0-3 (Nash Road) seemed acceptabk.
Long also mentioned a matter of pedestrian and bicycle safety along the road in front
of Eagle Quality Center with northbound cars making left-hand turns and others passing on
the right shoulder. He suggested the pla<.:t:ment of safcty cones along the road to prevent
this practice. Garzini explained that improvements planncd for this area for 1997 were
exp~uited because the State had been made aware, in writing, that there were multiple
problems with this stretch of highway, including school bus lighting and turn lanes in
addition to the problem mentioned.
In response to a question from Lel:hner, Garzini noted that the multi-user dock is
in the STIP budget for the year 1999 but is not funded at this time, and the City is
beginning to consider other options.
Can:u Carriers Pruitt inquired as to SeaLand's purported revived interest in <.:oming
into Seward. Garzini responded by saying that discussions arc on-going with a competitor,
and SeaLand has shown interest in those talks.
Surplus Floats from X-Float Pruitt proposed the fabrication and installation of a
2UU' float facility at SMIC reusing old float IT.cterials left from the X-float replacement
project. The float would he located along the riprap between the Syncrolift Dock and the
dock used by the 250-ton Travclift. The purpose of the facility would be to create additional
moorage space for vessels having dockside work done and to relieve pressure for space un
the Synerolift Dock and in the Small Boat Harbor. He further proposed that if the surplus
float sections could be transported to Ow site (utilizing available Harbor funds), Seward
Ship's Drydock could provide a ramp to the facility to offset the overall cost of the project.
Long countered by stating that, although he generally approved the re-use plan, if Harbor
funds were available he supported their use for repair of the North Dock.
Singleton stated that there are no Small Boat Harbor funds available for SMIC. He
estimated that deploying the surplus float sections at SMIC would require (1) the State's
approval for disposal of their property; and (2) costs of approximately $60,000 in
transportation, rebuilding and pile-driving expenses. Pruitt queried wheth~r there was any
state money available for such a project, and Singleton answered that the only existing
repair/replacement funds are the MRRF (for Small Boat Harbor repairs only) and specific
.J. .'_
City vf Seward, Alaska
luZv 10, 1996
Port & Cummerce Advisory Bnard Minutes
Volume 1, Page 185
grant money (SBH dcctrical upgrade). Garzini stated that, since renegotiation of the Boat
Harbor Use Agreement is pending, this would not be a good time to suggest utilizing
MRRF funds for this project. He advised Pruitt to present his own proposal in writing to
the City for the reuse of the float sections. Goshorn objected to the use of any surplus
pilings at SMIC, but rather supported their possible use to extend the fish cleaning stations
40' at J-float and B-float ramps to clear the pedestrian walkways.
Eastward Exoansion of Harbor Singleton reported that the US Army Corps of
Engineers has l:umpleted the draft of its reconnaissance study of the expansion project and
will be reviewing the report November 8, 1996. If there is a favorable review, they win be
prepared to propose a letter of agreement to the City to go into the next phase; I.e. cost
feasibility study. The cost for this study (amount unknown at this time) would be shared
equally between the City and the Army COE.
Boat Harbor Use Agreement Garzini restated the City Council's intent to dedicate
15% of Harbor revenues to capital improvements (MRRF) rather than the current
commitment to set aside a fixed amount unrelated to income levels, The City will also seek
to run the harbor apart from the State. He stated that a letter from the City is forthcoming
inviting the State to audit the MRRF and enter into negotiations to rewrite the agreem~nt.
Strategic Plan Garzini nott:u that his Strategic Plan would be presented to the
Board in draft in August with projected presentation to the City Council in Septemher.
Yochon City Delee.ation Garzini reported that Ym:hon has expressed interest in
Seward's busint:ss and cultural development" anu has extended a formal invitation for a
delegation from Seward to visit October 22, 1996. With a budget of $15,000, he indicated
his uesire to have a representative committee of government and business leauers make the
trip, including two members of the PACAB at its own discretion.
GOSHORN inquired whether the chartt:r boat owners and/or operators should be
asked to help underwrite the cost of moving/extending the fish-cleaning stations. Garzini
suggested that, together with Singleton, he wo;1}d discuss the matter of the fish-cleaning
stations and come up with a rt:asonable proposal to address the evident problems.
GOSHORN inquired to the statu, of the electrical upgrade in the Small Boat Harbor,
and Singleton reported that the notice to proceed was given to the successful bidder of the
RFP, Service Electric, and the materials arc ordered for the project. When the materials
have heen received, the notice to construct will be issued and the contractor will have 120
day' to complete the upgrade.
City of Seward, Alaska
Ju~y 10. 1996
Purl & Cummerce AdvL\'Ory Hoard Minutes
Volume 1, Paf:e 186
FAIRCHILD mentioned the fence around Sunee]'s property and stated that Cruise
Line Agencies sent a letter to the Alaska Railroad outlining the fence's impact on the cruise
industry at the dock. Garzini commented that Snueel "did everything right" in putting up
their fence, but, to address the long-term effect of this and other decisions, perhaps the
Alaska Railroad should consider putting a port administrator in Seward, dedicated to
handling operations in and around the dock on a full-time basis. Additionally, he suggested
that those with business concerns in the area should be more direct in discussing with one
another their common operational problems in order to resolve them, especially at this time
with the ARRC Board meeting here next week.
LECHNER expressed thanks to Singleton and Garzini for keeping the eastward
expansion project alive. Garzini commented that if the City can get the administrative and
legal constraints controlled and the engineering work done, we may he in a position by next
year to seek financial help with the project.
LONG thanked uchner for a job well-done in filling in for him and presenting the
annual P ACAB report at the last City Council moeting.
SUE CLIFf ON commented on the Sun eel fence and the transportation issue in
general affecting the cruise industry. She stressed that the traffic problems create image
problems for Seward in the eyes of not only the tourists but particularly crewmembers who
come to work and purchase goods here all summer. She recommended that boardmembers
drive over and look at the unpaved road-full of holes-that all buses, taxis and some
limousines have to traverse to get into the railroad dock area, and she further urged the City
to take a proactive stance now to correct problems that will certainly escalate into something
more onerous in the future. Garzini responded by saying that there was no better time than
the present for the ARRC Board to visit Seward and see the dock situation firsthand.
Goodwill asked if the rity planned to make a presentation to the Board at their meeting.
He stated that Northern Stevedoring had written to the railroad about the road problems,
and he had further asked Princess Cruises, Gray Line and Cmise Line Agencies to also
write letters so that the Railroad could use the letters for support to hopefully seek financial
help in resolving the problems. Garzini asked Hilderbrand to collect what letters had been
written amI forward copies to him so that he could make a presentation to the ARRC Board
at their meeting.
Regarding the downtown district, Clifton questioned what happened on the Fourth
of July as it appeared that vendors-and subsequently the tourists-packed up and left town
earlier than usual. Emphasizing again that it presents an "image problem" for Seward, she
stated that the City needs to address those areas where simple amenities are lacking
(handicapped-accessible restrooms, for example). nine responded to the Fourth uf July
question by saying that the holiday was all Thursday; the City Clerk's office informed her
that the city was to be open for business as usual on Friday and that the Chamber would
1 (''if7
Ci~v of Seward, Alaska
July 10, ]l)Y6
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1. Page 187
not be allowed to block the streets all weekend long. Garzini stated that he had not heard
ahout it, and if asked would have allowed vendors to stay through the weekend. Bencardino
urged Cline to write letters to the vendors participating this year to encourage them to come
back next year as it will be a three-day holiday weekend.
Clifton queried as to what kind of oil spill response capabiHty the City has. She
suspected that the answer was zero, but was looking to the Board for more information.
JON DAHLMAN responded to Clifton's question by saying that, to the best of his
knowledge, the City had no oil spill response capability, On behalf oflhe Regional Citizen's
Advisory Council's Oil Spill Response and Prevention Committee, he provided the Board
one copy of EcoSystems of Juneau's Community Response Center Manual, a basic set of
guidelines on how to put together a response center or plan. (The manual is intended for
duplication and tlistribution to anyone interested in having a copy.) He stated that a
meeting could be set up with Joe Banta to meet with either this board or the city council
for an in-depth discussion of the suhject. The Board discussed what steps had been
previously tak~n to gather infonnation on whc in Seward has what response equipment,
what local training SERVS conducts yearly, etc.
Singleton. in order to clarify the City's position with response to uil spills, noted that
RCAC is primarily involved with near~shore or off-shore spills. He stated that the City
does, in fact, have consid~rable capability to respond to on-shore incidents up to
approximately five to six thousand gallons under ideal conditions with materials that the
Harbor has, plus materials and equipment from various other sources, including Shoreside
Pctroleum, Marathon Fuel, USCG, etc. The Harbor responds initially, but it is the
generator's responsibility to clean up oil spills. Garzini stated that if a cruise ship oil spill
response plan were to be formulated, the Alaska Railroad would have to be the lead.
mERESA BUlTS urged the Board to contact a representative of RCAC to comc
and give suggestions as to how to put together ail oil spill response plan. She also queried,
on behalf of Quality Marine of AK, as to what the original plan was for the surplus sections
from X-float, their value, and the possibility of using them at the dolphins at SMrc. She
stated that dock space is needed for larger boats (100' to 150'), and, she expressed concern
that, if a rebuilt float was deployed, there be no preferential use restrictions tu the facility.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:48 p.m.
--~ /-
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Ron Long
(City Seal)
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City of Seward, Alaska
AuglJ.~t ]4, /91,16
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1. Pa~e 188
The August 14, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Willard Dunham
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Doug Lechner
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
comprising a quorum of the Buard; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harhormaster
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
ABSENT were:
Sharon Anderson (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. None.
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None.
MOTION (KasischkefGoodwill)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach - ARRfCBC
Louis Bencardino - KPBjEDD
City of Seward, Alaska
August 14, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Bnard Minules
Volume 1, Pa~e 189
Marketine: Brochure Update Welsh presl;'nted five preliminary cover options for the
brochure as prepared by Walsh & Sheppard. The board chose one of the photos and the
slogan, "The Beauty of Locating Your Business in Seward" from the selection offered.
Welsh will munitor the project as it progresses toward completion.
PAUL ANDREW LAWRENCE, a local photographer, expressed his interest in taking
additional photos for use in the brochure. It was nuku that his name will be passed on to
Walsh & Sheppard. Also noted was the fact that, since the port facilities were especially
active this week, it would be an excellent opportunity for good photo shots.
Seward Alaska Emolovment Service Office Goshorn read a letter expressing his
protest of the scheduled layoff of employees and the discontinuation of unemployment
services at the Seward Alaska Employmcnt Service office. He also read a letter of
explanation of the action written by Gordon Wickstrom, uffice manager of the office.
Garzini recummended that the Board write a letter to the Alaska Department of Lahar to
seek more information on the Seward offi<.::e l:utback.
MOTION (Goshorn/Kasischke)
That the Board ask the mayor to write a letter to
the Alaska Department of Labor to express its
concern and seek a response regarding cutbacks
in employees/service in the Seward Employment
Service office.
Motion Passed.
Instrument Approach to Seward AirDort Garzini noted that the City Council had
approved the City's application to the F A^ for a GPS approach to Seward Airport. The
much-needed instmment approach, which will be designed and approved by the FAA, will
likely effect a 10-15% increase in air service to Seward.
Strateeic Plan Garzini reported that a presentation of his Strategic Plan would be
made to the Board at the September meeting, and he urged all boardmembers to be
ReQuest for Proposals. Five Sites Garzini introduced a comprehensive Request for
Proposals as drafted by the Community Developlnent Department targeting the old railroad
depot building, as well as an area above Nash Road known as the "scenic bench" and sites
City of Seward, Ala.~ka
August 14, 1996
Port & Commerce AdvisO/y Board Minutes
Volume J, Page 190
in and around the small boat harbor. He stated that the City will be looking for proposals
from qualified individuals or firms to l:ummercially develop whole sites or portions of them
into enterprises that will be an asset to the surrounding area and Seward in general.
On a related issue, Garzini mentioned that, at their next meeting, the City Council
would be asked to authorize the disposal of various surplus city-owned properties by a
sealed-bid land sale. The list of properties, put together by COD Director Kerry Martin,
include those parcds owned by the City but considered useless to its future purposes.
Downtown Vision 98 Garzini stated his concern that the Alaska SeaLife Center and
downtown environs keep in step developmentally by design to create a mutually
complementary atmosphere, as in a typical shopping mall with an "anchor" store surrounded
and supported by smaller businesses. He has asked Deputy City Manager Yanez to plan a
trip in September with a group of downtown merchants and Marianna Keil to visit selected
sites in coastal Oregon. These sites will be among those examples recommended by "Livable
Oregon" (private commercial development group) as having developed beautiful and
aesthetically.pleasing outdoor commercial districts with possibly some ideas for Seward's
downtown area.
Parking Report Garzini presented the parking report as prepared by De.rek Soden,
a University of Alaska Fairbanks engineering student. The probable result of the study will
be to put the management of parking and campgrounds out for RFP in the near future.
LECHNER inquired about how the members of the delegation going to Yochon on
October 18-24, 1996 were chosen. Garzini stated that the group was selected to match its
countcrpart from Y ochon; i.e. a group of ten business leaders active in various aspects of
the community.
LONG expressed his support for pursuiflg construction of the access road from the
Alaska Railroad dock to the Seward Highway.
DUNHAM recommended beefing up enforcement of the launch ramps to ensure that
all boaters that use the ramps pay the requisite fee.
DUNHAM also inquired as to whether there could be developed an capital
development "wish list" as a part of the city manager's strategic plan, and Garzini stated that
that type of planning is in thc normal course of day-to-day city administration. Dunham
expressed his support for the Institute of Marine Science and indicated that facilities such
as IMS need the community's focused attention to stay in business in Seward.
City of Seward, Alaska
August 14, 1996
Port & Commerce AdvIsory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 191
The meeting was adjourned at I :20 p.m.
arbara J. Hi! erb and.
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Board Secretary - ,-/', .... ',.
(City Seal)
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City of Seward, Alaska
August 14, 1996
P0l1 & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume I, Page 191
The September 11, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Sharon Anderson
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
James Pruitt
Doug Lechner
Willard Dunham
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasisch ke
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Michael V. Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Louis Bencardino, Mayor
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathleen Cline, Executive Director, Seward Chamber of Commerce
Marianna Keil, Councilmember, LIO
Theresa Butts, Quality Marine of Alaska
Sue Clifton, Quality Marine of Ataska
City of Seward, Alaska
September 11, 1996
Port & Commerce Ad~'iso1Y Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 192
ABSENT were:
A2enda items not scheduled for public hearing. None.
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None.
MOTION (Goshom/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach. ARRjCBC Excused.
Louis Bencardinu - KPB/EDU Bencardino noted that EDD has proposals out for
a management plan to be decided on in the near future. He also noted that he would be
working on making the gas pipeline to Seward a pussibility. He also reported that there has
been recent work on the issue of prison expansion and is optimistic about the outcome.
Stratee:ic Plan Update Yanez introduced the updated draft of the city manager's
Strategic Plan for the board's review and particularly pointed out those issues contained in
the plan that named the board as a "key player." He stated that the board's comments on
the plan would be heard during their regular board meeting in October, and those
comments and/or suggestions would be passed on to the city council for their consideration
and incorporation into the plan. The plan is scheduled to be presente,d for adoption to the
city council at their last meeting in October.
Various boardmembcrs offered preliminary comments on the plan. Pruitt suggested
that the board participate in the plan for the ekctric utility. In response to a question by
Anderson, Yanez stated that the first step in the "Downtown/Seward Vision 9R" section of
the plan would begin next week with a fact-finding delegation traveling to Oregon and
visiting communities who have successfully revitalized their downtown and waterfront
districts, Dunham noted in the plan the absence of two things: (i) a target project "wish list"
to include the City's future goals; and (ii) any reference to the relationship Seward has with
the fishing/aqua~culture industry and boat-building.
~ 0.1"":
~ .:,1 )
City of Seward. Alaska
September 11. 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 193
Marketinl! Brochure Update Cline and Welsh presented the draft of the text for the
hrochure to the board for their final comments/corrections before publication, and the board
went through the draft page by page with editing suggestions. Cline noteu that the promised
delivery date for the finished brochures was now October 1. Welsh also passed samples of
the paper stock to be used. as well as copies of the key photos, and she noted a few
additional layout changes to be made. The board enthusiastically commended Cline and
Welsh fur their excellent work so far on the project.
Dunham further noted that. during a n:cent visit, he found a surprising lack of tourist
information about Seward-and the Kenai Peninsula in general-at the visitor's center at
Tok. He suggested the City/Chamber look at ways to supply various visitor's centers
statewide with Seward information. Anderson also expressed a desire to have smaller rack
brochures produced for general distribution from the data now compiled. An idea
mentioned was to include in a tri-fold brochure a directory of community services and have
it funded through paid advertisements.
North Access Road to ARRC Dock Long noted that the road construction IS
mentioned in the strategic plan and, therefore, needs no further study at this time.
Election of Chairman Ron Long was nominated by Dnnham/Anderson. Long,
being the sole nominee, was elected Chairman.
Election of Vice Chairman Duug Lechner was nominated by Dunham/Anderson.
Lechner, heing the sole nominee. was elected Vice Chairman.
Work Sessions
MOTION (Goshorn/Dunham)
Add a monthly work session to be held on
the fourth Wednesday of each month.
Motion Passed.
Long agreed with Goshorn that there are enough issues before the board to merit
another meeting per month in addition to the regular meeting, and that this schedule gives
all boardmembers a chance to be present at one meeting per month, at least. Anderson
noted that the work session can be schednled os needed, but that boardmembets should
corne to the met:tings fully prepared.
Long scheduled the next work session for September 25, 1996 to discuss the city
mana2er's strategic plan.
City of Seward. Alaska
September 11. 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page N4
Providence Seward Medical Center Yanez presented Providence's design for the
new medical center, including the floor plan and artist's conception of the front view of the
building. He stated that public comments un the design will be heard at the September 23
city council meeting.
Eastward Harbor Exuansion Singleton reported that he met with the Corps of
Engineers recently and stated that they arc preparing for their final review of the
reconnaissance study of the expansion plan. At their meeting scheduled for November 18,
they will approve the study and move onto the second phase, which is the cost/feasibility
study. Costs for this study are to be shared equally between the Corps and the City.
Northeast Harhor Dunham inquired about the "lake" that still exists at the northeast
corner of the harbor. Singleton reported that, as a part of the DSR from the September
1995 fluuds, a drainage system is planned to be installed and the road will be paved and
brought up to grade. He also stated that controlled ingress and egress into the parking lot
is also planned in order to improve traffic now.
Electrical Uoerade In response to Kasischke's query about the progress of the
electrical upgrade in the small boat harbur, Singleton reported that the electrical contractor
has already begun work replacing the service on B-Float and will continue to C-Float.
Seward Aimort Instrument Appnmch Anderson queried Yanez about a possible
timeline for the design/approval of an instrument approach at the airport. Yanez reported
that a contract has been awarded for the prerequisite sUlvey work, and Hilderbrand related
that a estimate had been given of about nine or ten months to complete the process.
Derelict Vessels at SMIC Pruitt queried Singleton about certain derelict vessels
stored on city land at the Seward Marine Industrial Center. Singleton reported that four
of vessels were presently scheduled tu be seized and sold as derelicts for non-payment of
storage fees. He also noted that a report of soil contamination under one of the vessels
stored at SMIC resulted in a DEC investigation, hut that the claim proved to be unmerited.
Letter Reeardine: Emnlovment Service Cutbacks Dunham stated that he was 110t
satisfied with the response sent from ADOL (Rebecca Nance) to Mayor Bencardino's letter
of inquiry regarding the cutbacks in the Seward Employment Office. Long recommended
that Dunham compose a counter-response to Nance's letter as to why Seward was not
treated the same as other agencies statewide.
Letter from William Corbett. WHSYC Dunham asked if the board was planning a
response to Corbett's letter and Long answered in the negative.
Oty of Seward, Alaska
September 11, ]1)96
Pon & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page ]1)5
LECHNER inquired as to progress on the cut-off access road to the Railroad Dock.
KASISCHKE asked about the status of the Seward Forest Products site. Singleton
stated that there were five responses to the recent RFP on the site and that SFP is rumored
to be negotiating with one of the proposers. SFP is current on their lease payments.
Bencardino added that he expected to get an update on the mattcr soon. Kasischkc also
asked why the City did nut relinquish the personal property tax on outside vessels corning
to Seward for business purposes as did the Borough. Yanez responded that the City was
not in a position to be giving away needed tax funds while maintaining one of the lowest mil
rates on real property. Singleton was asked to come up with some figures relative to
revenues lost/gained over th~ tax issue.
DUNHAM n~ted that other roadside areas around the state maintain~ll by th~-F0rest
Service~ri kepfXc9.eaner than those in the Seward area, and he recommenll~ll that a
llteMrlti8!l'be hHa~ 8fli to that agency. He also noted that September 13, 1996 is the cutolI
date for comments regarding Chugach timber.
FAIRCHILD inquired about the status of the railroad groin project, and Bencardino
reported that work was scheduled to begin in October. Fairchild also reported that Seward
can expect cruise ship activity for the 1997 season in essentially the same amounts as 1996.
PRUITI inquired as to whether there was an expansion planned fur the Spring
Creek Correctional facility. Goodwill noted that the governor had his prison hudget cut and
there was not money set aside for it. Pruitt also commended those who worked on the
brochure. He also recommended that the board compare dollars lost and gained over the
personal property tax exemption issue.
LONG complimented the work on the brochure.
MARIANNA KEIL asked Singleton if DEe was planning to do a report on the
alleged soil contamination at SMTC. Singleton said no and stated that what hall been
reported as spilled oil on the soil turned out to be simply rust. Keil also reported that the
personal property tax issue is up for discussion.
KATHY CLINE thanked those present who helped with the Silver Salmon Derby this
year, and particularly expressed appreciation for the assistance provided by the
harbormaster's office. She also nuted the Meet the Candidates Night scheduled for
Wednesday, September 25, 1996 at A VTEC.
SUE CLIFTON expressed interest in being included in a citizen's group for input in
Downtown Vision 9t: or Seward Vision 9R. She also noted that heautification ideas gathered
City of Seward, Alaska
September 11, 1996
Pan & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 196
from the trip to Oregon should be considered in light uf the fact that the climate in Oregon
is milder than Seward.
The meeting was adjourned at 1 :54 pm.
(City Seal)
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Ron Long e1'--' r7L-~ )
Otv of Seward, Alaska
Octoher 9, 1996
Pan &. Commerce Advisory Buard Minutes
Volume 1, Page 196
The October 9, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon by Chairman Ron Lung.
There were present:
Ron LJng. pn:siding, and
Willard Dunham
Richard Goshorn
Doug Lechner
Sharon Anderson
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischkt:
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Michad V. Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harbormastc.r
Louis Bencardino, Mayor
Dorothy Urbach, ARRJCBC Representative
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Marianna Keil, Councilmember, !JO
ABSENT were:
. .
City of Seward, Alaska
October 9, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisury Board Minule.I'
Volume L Page IV7
David Fairchild (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
A~enda items not scheduled for public hearing. None.
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None.
MOTION (Dunham/Goshorn)
Approve the Agenda and Consent A~enda.
Motion Passed.
At Dunham's request, the September 11, 1996 minutes were amended as follows:
Dunham noted that the other roadside areas around the state maintained by
the Forest Service Park Seroice, ELM. and Alaska nOT are kept much cleaner
than those kept by the Forest Service in the Seward area.
Dorothy Urhach - ARR/CnC Urbach reported that there would likely be four more
train trips and more cruise 1:Ihip.s visiting Whittier next year. She noted that the train
schedule for Seward was expected to remain the same until the opening of the Alaska
S~aLif~ C~nt~r in 1998.
Urbach also reported that the ARRC had suggested that Mr. Joe Fields. of Kantishna
Holdings Inc. in Fairbanks who was spearheading the Denali Railway System Project (rail
service into Denali National Park) he invited to give community leaders and business peopk
an update on the project. She also mentioned that the ARRC was planning to reorganize
its Community Briefing Council to meet this year.
MOTION (Dunham/Kasischke)
Invite Joseph N. Fields, III of Kantishna
Holdings 1m;. to visit Seward and brief the board
on the status of the proposed tmin service into
Denali National Park.
Motion Passed.
Urbach reported that Providence Hospital was seeking volunteers, two of which
would be selected to represent Seward on the hospital's governing board and laymen's
advisory buard in Anchorag~.
City of Sewwd, Alaska
Octuver 9, 1996
Port & Cummerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume I, Page 198
Urbach dis<.:ussed several recent cases of food poisoning at local and Anchorage
restaurants. Questions wen: raised and the board discussed whether or not there was a local
health official to inspect commercial food handling and preparation.
MOTION (Andersun/Dunham)
Recommend that the City Council review city
policies and procedures relative to commercial
food handling and preparation at local
The board discussed the ARRC groin project and use of the military recreation
camps by the Corps of Engineers for their recent conference.
Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD BeneaIctino reported 011 his recent meeting with
Anchorage Mayor Mystrom and others regarding the possibility of a gas pipeline to Seward.
Welsh mentioned that Wayne Lewis of Yukun Pacific was scheduled to make a presentation
to the board at its regular meeting on December 11, 1996.
Request for approval of the Strategic Plan.
MOTION (Dunham/Anderson)
Recommend the Strategic Plan to the City
Council for approval.
The board discussed the following amendments to the Strategic Plan:
1. H. Utility/Roadway Improvements. C - Access road, add PACAB to key boards.
2. III. Re,creation - Leisure - Ouality uf Life, D - Trail system linkage, insert "Add trail
link from Port Avenue to the airport to those areas identified for development."
3. TV. Harbur Issues, E - Seward Forest Products site
a. Add item "Monitor environmental situations."
b. Add item "See if the duck can be utilized in the future hy new uperation or
c. Add item "Develop policies to prevent future potential environmental
prohlems with new businesses."
': (\(j
City of Seward, Alaska
Octo/)er 9, 1990
ForI &- Commerce Advisory Buard Minutes
Volu.me 1, Page 199
4. VlIl. El:onomic Development
a. A - Increase dock capal:ity, add item "Reinforce year-round use of the dock,"
b. Add subtopic "Estahlish gas pipeline to St:ward."
5. VIII. F . Strengthen port/community marketing efforts
a. Add item "Encourage city's representation at future Fish Expos."
h. Add item "Study feasibility of hosting trade show locally."
6. X. General. F . Downtown Vision 98. add P ACAB to key boards.
7. Add main topic "Develop plan to support commercial fisht:ries and aquaculture."
a. Add subtopic "Study areas of financial assistance for commercial fishermen to
kct:p IFQs in the community."
b. Add item "Evaluate "Point of Landing" lax versus "Point of Processingll tax.
8. Add main topic "Impkment personal property lax break program for marine vessels
as adopted by the Kenai Peninsula Borough."
The board reached a consensus to include all of the foregoing amt:ndrnents in the
Strategic Plan to fC.commend to the City Council.
MOTION (Long/Dunham)
Amend the Strategic Plan to include the
foregoing amendments.
Motion Passed.
Motion Passed. Unanimous.
City of Seward, A/u..I'ku
October 9. 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume f, Page 200
DUNHAM introduced discussion of the pedestrian crosswalks in the harbor area and
the city in general, including enforcement, number, signage, etc. He also suggested that
traffic on 4th Avenue in the harbor be restricted tu one-way. GOSHORN asked wbether
or not a crosswalk eQuId be added to cross 3rd Avenue to the lagoon boardwalk, and the
board also discussed the benefits of establishing one-way controlled ingress/egress at the
harbor's parking areas.
DUNHAM also asked about the recent accidental death at SMIC (where a car had
been driven off the Travdift dock at night) and whether there would be any changes made
to prevent a further incident of this type.
LECHNER commented about the recenl Fish Expo in Seattle and noted that it would
not be profitable for the City to display its uwn booth at the show.
GOSHORN inquired if there hall been any action on the counter~reply to the Alaska
Department of Labur regarding the reduction in employment selvices in ,seward. DUNHAM
reported that he was still gathering facts with which to respond.
ANDERSON reported that a $1.3 million contract was awarded to Ruger Swenson
for the rehabilitation project on the Air Force recreation camp.
LONG repurted that he and the vice chairman would he out of town during the next
scheduled wurk session.
Chairman Long canceled the next work session scheduled for October 23, 1996.
without ohjection from the board.
BOB V ALDATIA, 528 Fifth Avenue, voiced his concerns on variuus subjects including
street striping in front of the IMS building, resolving the Seward Forest Product."i issue, and
finding a way to use the hroken rock residue pile, perhaps in asphalt proJects in the region.
MARIANNA KEIL, 1701 Chi,well, asked if the Small Boat Harbor Management Plan
would he updated annually. Long replied that he thought it was originally prepared so that
it could be revised at a later date, hut hc doubted that would happen until the state/city
negotiations over the Boat Harbor Use Agreement were complete.
THERESA BUTTS, Star J >ane, #3, statca that, in light of the recent death at SMIC,
there shuuld be a warning sign at the complex indicating that the road ends. She also
nutified the hoard that there were two proposals submitted (one from Seward Ship's
Drydock, Tnc. and one from Quality Marine of Alaska) regarding the RFP for redeployment
of surplus Hoat sections. She invited any boardmemhers with questions about the
redeployment to contact Singleton, Pruitt or her. Butts announced that QMA would also
City of Seward, Alaska
Oerober 9, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minule.l"
Volwne 1, Page 201
be submitting a proposal for use of the "fourth rail" at the Syncrolift complex. She invited
any comments, infurmation or suggestions that boardmembers may have on this subjt':ct.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.
Ron Lung
(City Seal)
City of Seward, Alaska
Novemher 13, 1996
Pon & Commerce AdFisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 201
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The November 13, 1996 regular meeting uf the Seward Port and Commerce Advisury
Board was <.:alled to order at 12:00 noon hy Chairman Ron Long.
There wcr~ present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
David Fairchild
Dean Kasischke
James Pruitt
Sharon Anderson
Richard Goshorn
Duug Lechner
comprising a quorum uf the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Michael V. Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Fostcr Singleton, Harbormaster
Louis Bencanlino, Mayor, KPBIEDD
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secwlary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Stu Clark, Cuuncilmember
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of COmmCfL':t":
ABSENT were:
City of Seward, Alaska
November 13, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minute.\'
Volume 1, Page 202
Willard Dunham (excused)
Jack Guodwill (excused)
Agenda items not scheduled for puhlic hearing. None.
Items other than those appearing on the agenda. None.
MOTION (Kasischke/Andcrson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC (excused).
Louis Bencardino ~ KPB/EDD. Mayor Bt-ilcardino reported on recent efforts to bring
in a commercial user for the Seward Forest Products lease site and to build a gas pipeline
tu Seward. Long noted the need to advertise the help that is offered oy the EDD for small
businesses starting up.
Denali Railway System Project. Long Dured that information presented to the City
Council in April, 1996 regarding the project was available for boardmembers tu review.
Health Inspections. Long noted that t:opies of a memo regarding the board's
concern over health inspections at local restaurants was forwarded to City Councilmembcrs.
ARRC Dock Groin. Garzini disl:ussed the proposed improvements to the Alaska
Railroad Dock, induding the dredgmg of the basin and road access, and he stated that funds
were identified in the budget for 199R. Anderson stressed the need for dredging on the
west side of the dock. Garzini em:uuraged hoardmembers to submit their concerns in
writing to his office bdore Friday to give to Commissioner Perkins, State Senator John
Torgerson and KPB Mayor Mike NavarIt: who would be in Seward to meet with city
administration. Long suggested that there be follow-up on these issues after the visit.
City uj" Seward, Alaska
November 13, 1996
Fort & Comnw.rce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume J, Page 203
Gravel Export. Garzini briefly reported on his efforts to market Seward gravel.
Korean Visit. Garzini briefly discussed the Seward delegation's recent trip to Korea
and efforts to develop a Korean market fur UsibeHi coal.
Alyeska Alloys. Garzini commented on AlYt"ska Alloys' proposal for reuse of the
Seward Porest Products site. He stated that hefore the City would (i) sponsor a gas pipeline
to Seward ami (ii) sell the sawmill site, tllest:; issues would first be presented to the
community for a vote.
Marine Fuel Tax. Garzini brictly discussed recent efforts to have the marine fuel tax
dedicated as a cuntinuing funding source fur the state's harbor facilities.
Pruitt disl:ussed Ketchikan's cncte,avor to secure state funding for their proposed
shipllft, which would llireL'tly compete with Seward's Syncrolift operation. Garzini suggested
that a subcommittee be appointed (Pruitt/Goshorn) to draft a policy statement on behalf of
the board. Garzini further encouraged the hoard to actively monitor timber issul;s. Stu
Clark comIllended Singleton on his response to the letter from William II. Seward Yacht
LECHNER commented brid1y on the marine fuel tax. Although he did not oppose
a dedicated tax, he did not support an increase in the tax and did not feel it appropriate for
the board, as a body. to promote it.
ANDERSON concurred with LECHNER in opposition to an increase in the marine
fuel tax.
KASISCHKE commented on the formation of an AMIIS advisory board and their
solicitation for interested parties to offer route suggestions for their new ocean-class ferry.
FAIRCHILD inquired about the status of the marketing brochures. Welsh reported
that the folders were done and that the inserts would be finished in a few days. A sample
uf the packet would be supplied at the hoard's next meeting.
,~ .',
City of Sewald, Alaska
Nnvemher 13, 1996
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Min/J.tes
Volume 1, Page 204
KATHY CLINE stressed the critical need for the Chamber to he able to retain their
lease on their harbor boardwalk site.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.
(City Seal)
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. Ron Long
arbara J. ild
Board Secreta
City of Seward, Alu..I'ka
Decemlwr 1 I, 1996
Port & Cnmmerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volt/me 1, Page 2()4
The December 11, 1996 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon by ChJ.irman Ron Long.
Thew were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Doug l..echner
Willard Dnnham
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
comprising a q UOnllTI of the Board; and
Michael Yanez, Deputy City Mahager
Foster Singleton, Harbormastcr
Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representativt:.
Barbara Hild\:rbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Margaret Anderson, Vice Mayor
Stu Clark, Councilmember
ABSENT were:
Sharon Anderson (excused)
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Citv of Seward, Alaska
December Il, 1Y96
Polt &- Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 2U5
James Pruitt
Agenda items not sch~duled for public hearing. None.
Items oth~c than those appearing on the agenda. Nune,
MOTION (Fairchild/Goodwill)
Approve the A~enda and Consent Agenda
Motion Pass~d.
Dorothy Urbach - ARRICBC. Urbach reported on recont meetings with ARRC's
Robert Hatfield and City Manager Garzini regarding the City's list of top priorities for the
dock project. Urbach also discussed he-r and others' ft:cent interview with a national news
network regarding their recoIIections of the 1964 earthquake.
Louis Bencardino . KPB/EDD (excused).
Wayne Lewis and Ward Whitman, Yukon Pacific Corporation. Lewis and Whitman
gave a comprehensive slide presentation of Yukon Pacific Corporation's Trans-Alaska Gas
Sy.stem (TAGS). The presentation was made to thc Board as part of a statewide effort to
educate the public and dispel myths regarding YPC's plan to transport North Slope natural
gas reserves (in the form of Ii4.uefictl natural gas or LNG) to the Port of Valdez via an ROO.
mile long, 42-inch buried pipeline (paralleling the existing oil pipeline) destined for
customers in the Far East. Whitman offered technical informatiun while Lewis disclosed
hope that the market-driven project woukl be operational by the year 2005, approximately
when projections would indicate that the world's demand for LNG would exceed the supply.
The presentation was followed by board discussion, and the board was impressed with the
concept and goals of Yukon Pacific's plan.
Chairman Long postponed th~ balance of the n~enda until the January 8, 1997
meeting. He also canceled the Dec~mber 25, 1996 work. session due to the holiday. There
was 110 o~iection from the Board.
Oty of Seward, Alaska
Decemher 11, 191)6
Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 206
Downtown Vision. Wdsh reminded the board 01 the presentation of the Downtown
Vision Statement that evening at 7:00 p.m. at A VTEC.
DUNHAM thanked Lewis and Whitman for presenting Yukon Pacific's TAGS project
to the board. He also suggested that the board express its encouragement to the US Forest
Service, and he complimented Singleton on his i--.;sponse to the most recent correspondence
from the William H. Seward Yacht Club.
LONG requested that discussion of the formation by AMHS of an advisory board for
its new ocean-going ferry be included on the January 8: 1997 agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.
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Ron Long }
(City Seal)
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