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City of Seward, Alaska
January 8, 1997
Port and Commerce AdvisOIY Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 207
The January 8. 1997 regular meeting of the Seward. Port and Commerce Advisory
Rnard was called to order at 12:01 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Willard Dunham
Dean Kasischk~
Sharon Anderson
Richard Goshorn
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Michael Yanez, Deputy City Manager
Louis Bencardino, Mayor, KPB/EDD
Foster Singleton, Harhormast~r
Barhara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathleen Cline, Seward Chamher of Commerce
Margaret Anderson, Vice Mayor
Marianna Keit, Councilmembcr. LIO
ABSENT were:
David Fairchild (excused)
Jack Goodwill (excused)
Doug Lechner (excused)
Dorothy Urhach - ARRlCBC. None (excused).
Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD. Bencaruino briefed the board on recent
conversalions with EDD Executive Director Stan Steadman. Steadman had expressed his
condolences for Alyeska Alloys' J.~\.:islon not to locate its iron carbide plant in Seward.
Steadman also declared his commitment to help secure funds for the future operation of the
local shellfish hatch~ry in light of the State's decision to withdraw such operating support.
Dunham and Anderson introduced discussiun about a market analysis on lands within the
Burough done several years ago, and Bencanlino stated that he would follow up on till:
Administration Report. Yanez commented on the disclosure by AlYl:ska Alloys not
to locate in Seward. He recounted sentiment'" expressed by City Manager Garzini that
City of Seward, Alaska
January 8, 1997
Port und Commerce Adl'iwry Boord Minutes
Volume 1, Page 208
AIyeska Alloys' decision was probably the result of pressure exerted by local environmental
advocates disturhed about the construction of a natural gas pipeline. Board discussion
followed. Yanez alsll disclosed his decision to accept the position of eity manager of Nomc,
Alaska, effective Fl,,;bruary 10, J 997, and he commended the City's various boards and
commissions on the progressive changes made in the community since he arrived in 1988.
Welsh noted that John Burns, ARRC, would be addressing the City Council at their
next scheduled meeting. She also reminded the Board of the upcoming Polar Bear J umpoff
MARIANNA KEIL. 1701 Chiswell, reported that the State Legislative Information
Office was open. She also briefed the Board on her ret:ent conversation with Jerry George,
Project Manager, Alaska DOTIPF, regarding the proposed road to Whittier.
BOB VALDA'ITA, 528 Fifth Avenue, queried as to who was awarded the bid to
refurbish ARRC railroad cars. Pruitt respond<.:d by stating that, although the request for
hids had heen examined by Seward Ship's Drydock, the ARRC had solicited hids from
contractors with specific exp~rtise in various trades for work on <:I very small number of rail
MOTION (Dunham/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
MOTION (Kasischke/Dunham)
Amend agenda by adding item (B) to Unfinished
Business-Personal Property Tax Exemption on
Buats, and item to New Business-Sale of Alaska
Motion Passed.
Gravel Export. Long reported on recl;;nt responses to efforts to market Seward
gravel. Pruitt commented on the need to find markets in the continental United States for
back-hauling gravel.
Personal Property Tax Exemption on Boats. Kasischke introduced discussion on the
City's non-relinquishment of the personal property tax on vessels from outside of the
Borough drydocked in Seward for maintenance. Singleton was asked to obtain information
relative to revenues lost/gained over the tax issue, and inclusion of the topk was suggested
for the Board's next meeting agenda.
City of Seward, Alaska
January 8, 1907
Purl and Commerce AdvisOlY Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 209
New Agenda Format. Dunham suggested that a list be incorporated into the agenda
packet for each meeting showing pending topics of discussion and the current status of each
MOTION (Dunham/Pruitt)
Amend agenda format by adding list of pending
action items including status reports and time
frames, when pussible.
Motion Passed.
AMHS Advisory Board. Long recommended and the Board agreed that action
regarding the AMHS Advisory Board be postponed until further information is received
[rom ADOT/PF through the Mayor.
Letter of Support to KPB/EDD. Anderson proposed sending a thank-you letter to
the Kenai Peninsula Burough/Economic Development District for its assistance in helping
Seward become a top contender for the Alyeska Alloys plant and tu encourage the EDD
to continue marketing the Peninsula's communities with impartiality. There was no
objection from the Board.
Industrial Right-of-Way. Dunham introduced discussion regarding the immediate
need to establish an industrial right-of-way corridor in order to enhance marketahility and
to attract new businesses to the area.
MOTION (Dunham/Anderson)
Send a memo of support to the City Manager
encouraging him to move forward in securing the
establishment of an industrial corridor.
Motion Passed.
Without objection
Sale of Alaska Railroad.
Commerce recently adopted a
Dunham disclosed that the Alaska State Chamber of
resolution concerning the possible sale of the Alaska
MOTION (DunhamlPruittl
Send a memo to the City Council expressing the
Board~s concern regarding the proposed sale of
the Alaska Railroad and to advise the Council to
take whatever steps it deems necessary to elIect
the immediate halt of the sale.
Motion Passed.
Without ohjection
City of Seward, Alaska
January 8, /997
Port and Commerce Adviwny Hoard Minutes
Volume I, Page 210
PRUITt' queried about the City's port city relationship with Kushiro, Japan, and
Welsh replied that more information would be availahle at the next Board meeting.
PRUITI also reported on his Ie.cent visit to Kdchikan and his research regarding repair
work on the AMHS vessels.
ANDERSON commended Dunham for introducing the action item list into the
Board's agenda format to help keep the body fm;used, productive, and on track. She
encouraged the Board to assume a more assertive and proactive role with items of concern
and follow up. She strongly urged the Board, and the community as a whole, to stand up
and prevent any special interest group from debilitating the economic viability of Seward.
LONG concurred by stating that prospective investors should be shown that Seward
is a balanced community. He also said that he and Goodwill were reviewing the FY.95
Chugach National Forest Evaluation Report amI would disclose their findings when
complete. On a final nute. hc congratulated Yanez on his promotion to Nome.
DUNHAM suggested writing a letter of support commending local Forest Ranger
Duane Harp for his efforts; LONG replied that he had written such a letter and would
supply the Board with a copy for its review if de.sired. DUNHAM also queried as to the
status of the compktiun Llate of the Bird Creek to Girdwoud section of the Seward
Highway, and boardmembers mentioned that the link was expected to be completed this
KATHY CLINE, 405 Fourth Avenue, noted the Seward Chamber's upcoming events
and expressed her desire on behalf of the local chapter to attend the Board's work sessiun
regarding the proposed sale of the Alaska Railroad. She also announced the formation of
a "harhor husiness assOi.:iation" comprised of harbor area business peopk to med weekly on
Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. at the Chamber office. The group would fOffimlate and present a list
of priorities to the City Council for its review.
BOB V ALDATTA, 520 Fifth Avenue, queried as to how the brochures were being
distributed. Welsh stated that the brochures had been forwarded to various entities as well
as to whomever requested them, and a database was being created of the redpients for
future reference.
Chairman Lon2 rescheduled the January 22, 1997 work session to Monday, January
20, 1997 to allow more boardmembers and the city mana~er to attend. The main topic for
the work session would be the proposed sale of the Alaska Railroad. There was no
objection from the Board.
City of Seward, Alaska
January 8, 1997
Pan and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, PaRe 211
Th~ meeting was adjourned at 1:37 p.m.
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elf)' of Sewanl, Ala~ka
Febntaf}' 12, 1997
Pan and Commerce Advisory Buard Minutes
Volume 1, Page 2lJ
The February 12, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commoree Advisory
Board was called to ordor al12:02 p,m. by Chairman Ron Long,
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, amI
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Duug Lechner
Sharon Anderson
J aek Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
I..ollis Bem:anlino, Mayor, KPB/EDD
Foster Singleton, Ilarbunnastcr
Barhara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathleen Cline, Soward Chamber of Commerce
Marianna Keil, Council member, LIO
ABSENT were:
City of Seward, Alaska
February 12, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minult's
Volume 1. Page 212
Willard Dunham (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Dorothy Urhach - ARRlCBC. None (excnsed).
Louis Bencardino . KPB/EDD. Bencardino distributed a memo from Stan Steadman
disclosing the purpose of the meeting's featured presentation.
Ray RaLonde, Aquaculture Spt:cialist, UAA/Marine Advisory Program, provided a
slide show presentatiun of the Mariculture Technical Center and Shellfish Hatchery. The
presentation was a comprehensive overview of the proje.ct including the history and purpose
of the facility, a projection of when the facility would be completed and operational, a
description of the infrastructure and activities carried on, and its impact to tht: community,
region and shellfish industl)' statewide. The prest:ntatiun, including comments by Mark
Bradley of the Alaska Shellfish Gruwt:rs Associ{ltion and Ken Blatchford of the Qutekcak
Native Tribe, was followt:d by Board discussion, and the Board was impressed with the scope
and future goals uf the MTC/Shellfish Hatchel)'. Garzini encouraged a strong working
relationship bt:tween thc shellfish facility, Alaska SeaLife Center, and the City and suggested
that tht: MTC/Shellfish Hatchel)' offer tours for visitors to Seward.
Administration Report. Garzini reported that Afognak Logging, Seward Forest
Products, and the City had met recently and reached initial terms of agreement regarding
the Council-approved sale of the sawmill site. He summarized his ongoing dforts to
establish an industrial corridor and to initiate natural gas st:rvice to St:ward. He discussed
the status of the Alaska Railroad Dock improvement plan and predicted that a final design
would 1Soon bc released by the project's engineers. He disclosed that tht: City would be
working with Christopher Gates in preparing a marketing prospectus on Seward's gravel.
He also briefly discussed expansion of the prisc!J. and urged participation in the upcoming
puhlic meeting discus1Sing DOT/PF's plans for Mile 1-3 of the Seward Highway.
Bob Valdatta, 520 Fifth Avenue, stated that area gravel should he marketed on the
internet through the Alaska World Trade Center. He also reported that the fisheries'
ohserver program was back in operation.
Theresa Butts, Star Lane #3, noted an article in the Maritime Reporter regarding
the Ketchikan shipyard. Sht: also bridly di1':icussed the status of Quality Marine's proposal
to U1St: tht: Syncrulift's fourth rail.
City of Seward, Alaska
FebrnulY 12, 1997
Port (ind Commerce Adl,jSOfY Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 213
MOTION (Kasischke/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Personal Property Tax Exemption on Boats. Long thanked Singleton for the
information provided in the meeting packet. He ask~d Singleton to provide further data
on actual tax uullars the City had collected on boats drydocked for repairs to form a basis
in determining what vessels may have chosen not to come to Seward because of the tax.
Sale of Alaska Railroad. Long not~u the City Counc1"~ recent response forwarded
to the Alaska Railroad regarding its proposed sale.
ANDERSON commended the City fur its active promotion of research and education
in the local community.
Chainnan LONG confirmed the work session for February 26, 1997. The main topic
would be the On-going Project List/Strategic Plan. There was no objection from the Board.
THERESA BUTTS, Star Lane #3, cxpr~titied h~r concerns regarding the city and
borough personal propeIty tax on vessels drydocked for repairs.
Tn response to Butts' commenb, Garzini stated his plan to keep the local mill rate
low while working to ensure that the high quality/competitive cost of local services is
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Ron Long
(City Seal)
City (~r Seward, Alaska
March 12, 1997
Port arul Commerce Advisory Bomd Minutes
Vulume /, Page 214
Th~ March 12, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present
Ron Long, presiding, and
Willard Dunham
Richard Goshorn
Sharon Anderson
David Fairchild
comprising a quorum 01' the Board; and
Rick Giffonl, Finance Director
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative
Barhara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Communily Marketing
Margaret Anderson, Vice Mayor
Marianna Keil. Councilmembcr. LlO
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of Commerce
ABSENT were:
Doug Lechner (excused)
Jack Goodwill (excused)
Dean Ka"iischke (excused)
James Pruitt (excused)
Dorothy Urbach - ARRICRC. Urbach expressed appreciation on behalf of the ARRC
for the City's support of House/Senate Bill 55/42. She distributed train schedules for the 1997
summer season and reported that rail st-rvicl: to/from Seward was scheduled to begin in less than
two months. She added that the depots in Fairbanks and Seward were a high priority for the
railroad as both depots were scheduled to be moved this year.
Personal Property Tax on Vessels. Jerry Hobart, KPB Assessor, distributed copies of
the borough's position on personal property tax situs, as well as a copy of the ordinance allowing
vessels under certain conditions to be excluded [rom the tax. A question and answer period
ensued. The Board expressed thanks to Bohart for representing the borough at the meeting.
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Ci~y of Seward, Alaska
March 12, 1997
Port and Commerce Adl'i.\'of}' Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 215
The consensus of the Board was to await the results of various tax issues currently pending
before the horough assembly before taking any further action,
Louis Rencardino - KPB/EDD. In Bencardino's absence, Dunham reported on the
Volcano Resource Center project proposed to bc built in Anchor Point.
Administration Report. Welsh reminded the Board of the upcoming mel:ting with
Kumin Associates regarding the proposed harbor boardwalk design. She also encouraged
boardmembers who wished to submit comments to the Alaska Department of Transportation
on its plan for improvements to Mile 0-3 of the Seward Highway to obtain the forms from her.
Hob Valdatta, 520 Fifth Avenue, spoke in support of building a breakwater at the Seward
Marine Industrial Center to reduce the significant negative effects of large ocean swells at the
Theresa Butts, Star Lane #3, asked the Board for any information known about military
funding that would be availahle to improve the "lJuality of life", and more specifically, the marinc
facilities used by military personnel in Seward. Anderson responded by stating that military
funus designated to improve the "quality of life" for personnel is primarily spent on housing and
is very difficult to obtain for marine facilities. However, she stated that a more approachable
source of funding for projects like access roads, etc. may be sought through military departments
such as the Army's Engineering Distril:l. Anderson further encouraged the community to show
a wann welcome to the various U.S. and Canadian troops in Seward while participating in
military exercises here untillhe end of the month,
Margaret Anderson distributed a report and briefed the Board on her recent trip to
Washington DC with Garzini to address the federal legislative priorities adopted re.(.;ently by the
City Council.
MOTION (Anderson/Fairchild)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Personal Property Tax on Vessels. (Taken out of order; see Page 2/4-)
City of Seward. Alaska
March 12, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minu.tes
Volume 1, Page 216
ANDERSON requested further updates on variuus items on the on-going project list, and
Welsh, Singleton and Long responded. Sht: also IL:commended that the Board follow-up on the
status of coal-related issues.
DUNHAM reported that he had contacted CongrL:ssman Young's office regarding the
1997 schedule for the UAF's research vessel, Alpha Helix. He sought the Board's const:ol to
continue his efforts to get more projects assigned to the vessel, and the Board had no objection.
He recommended that the Board urge ADOT to accelerate improvements to Mile 0-8 on the
Seward Highway. He also expressed concern regarding the fact that the fish processing plant
located in tht: harbor had he en idle all winter.
FAIRCHILD requested a copy of the final design of the ARRC dock expansion proposal.
LONG reported that he had recently read a notice published hy the Joint Pipeline
Agency and suggested that the Board contact the agency regarding permitting procedures
rt:l}uirt:u fO! a ga.<.;]ine to be brought to Seward. He also informed the Board of a teleconference
occurring immediately following the meeting at the Legislative Information Office regarding
prison bills.
Jerry Hobart suggested that the community urge the State Division of Aviation to change
its current method of leasing land at the airport.
Theresa Butts, Star Lane #3, questioned Singleton about harh01workers working at the
old dinic site.
Welsh notified the Board of her e-mail address and that efforts were heing made to put
together an Internet home page for Seward.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:17 p.m.
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Ron Long
(City Seal)
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City of Seward, Alaska
April 9, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume 7, Page 217
The April 9, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was canceled due to a lack of quomm. All items of business were postponed until the May
14, 1997.
/~;--:z ~
Ron Long
arhara J. Hil e rand
Board Secretary
(City Seal)
. ~~
Pori and Cummerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 217
City vf Seward, Alas/w
May 14, 1997
The May 14, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Camme,rce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon by Chainnan Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron T..ong, pn:siding, and
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Willard Dnnham
Jal.:k Goodwill
The following Boardrnembers arrived after the roll call:
Dean Kasisehke
J ames Pruitt
Doug Lechner
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Tylan Schrock, Assistant to the City Manager
Lonis Bencardino, Mayor, KPB/EDD
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative
Stn Clark, City Conneilmember
City of Seward, Alaska
May ]4, 1997
Port and Commerce Adl'iwJrY Hoard Minutes
Volume 1, Page 21R
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Sharon Anderson (excused)
Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC. Urbach reported on the Alaska Railroad's increased
seasonal activities to/from Seward and Whittier. She also noted that 10hn Burns was nu
longer with the Alaska Railroad Corporation, having accepku a position with another firm.
Louis Bencardinu ~ KPBJEDD. Bencardino reported on the RDD's recent efforts to
fill the vacancy left by famler Executive Director Stan Steadman.
Administration Report. Welsh introduced the newly appointed assistant to the city
manager, Tylan Schrock.
Alaska Interstate Gas Company. T ,ong informed the Board that Frank Avozac would
not be present at the meeting to represent Ala~i<.a Interstate Gas Company. Hilderbrand
conveyed Avozac', comment by phone lhal "if ENSTAR builds a $31 million pipeline, (AlG)
cannot see huw it could be justified." Dunham suggested that an open invitation he
extt:nded to Avozac to attend any future meeting, and the Board was in general agreement.
Dunham also suggested that correspondence be sent from the Board indicating to the
Administration that the time was right to get a pipeline corridor set aside along the new
highway that was being stllveyed and laid out behind Cooper Landing. The Board had nu
Future Shipping in Alaska. Long reported that SeaLand was now the only
American flag intL:rnational box carrier. He encouraged the community to find ways to
promote more port activity in the future.
Bob Valdatta, 520 Fifth Avenue, stated that the North Pacific Fishery Management
Council (NPFMC) was louking toward restricting commercial and sport fishermen's disposal
of bycatch into Prince William Sound and Gulf of Alaska waters, possibly within two years.
Copies of NPFMC's May -I, -1997 newsletter was distributed to the Board, and Hilderbrand
was directed by Lmg to order a subscription of the newsletter for each member.
MOTION (Kasischke/Dunhaml
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
City of Seward, Alaska
May 14, 1997
Pnrt and Commerce AdvisOlY Board Minuies
Volume t, Page 219
Motion Passed.
Dunham requested that the minut~s for the March 12, 1997 meeting be amended to
reflect that he asked the Board to consider writing a Jetter to Congressman Don Young to
express its concern over the large amount of downtime of the Alpha Helix. The Board
approved the correction, and Long assigned to Dunllam the task of drafting the Jetter to
Y Dung.
Halibut Fishery Management. Dunham introduced the discussion of proposed
sportfishing (charterboat) managt:lm:nt and regulation.
MOTION (DunhamlPruitt)
Research proposed management of recreational
halibut fishery to formulate position prior tu
North Pacific Fishery Management Council's
meeting in September, ]997.
Motion Passed.
Local Fisheries. The Board discussed local fish processing operations and the
possihility of encouraging them to operate on a more continuous basis through the winter
months. Dunham also expressed concern that the local National Marine Fisheries office,
as well as the Fish and Wildli1e Protection branch of 1ht,; Alaska Department of Public
Safety, now have only temporary-duty personnel in Seward. Long volunteered to write
letters to these two agencies to urge them to keep permanent enforcement personnel in
Seward, and the Board had no objection.
Y ochon/Seward Student Exchan2e.
MOTION (Pruitt/Lechner)
Each Boardmember should individually
solicit approximately $200.00 in donations,
for a total Board fundraising effort of
$2,000, to help fund airfare for five SIIS
students to represent Seward in Yochon,
Motion Passed.
Without objection
Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Dam. Dunham noted the recent filing by Chugach
Electric to renew thdr fifty-year permit for the hydroelectric dam at Cooper Lake and to
add twelve feet to the dam in order to increase its power generation capacity and efficiency.
Dunham em:ouragcd the City to get involved at the outset uf this project and to support th~
reissuance of the pennit. lIe :suggested that Long write a letter of support on behalf of the
Board with an offer uf assistance to Chuga<:h Electric; the Board had no objection.
Cll)' of Seward, Alaska
May 14, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 220
On-Going Project List. Pruitt discussed efforts to establish the Alaska Marine Highway
Authority to oversee the operation and mainLt:nam:e of the state ferry system. Pruitt expressed
concern for equal representation between the Gulf Region and Southeast Alaska in all decisions
concerning the ferries. It was suggested that this item be added to the project list.
Fairchild reporled new commerce 011 the Alaska Railroad dock in the form of barges that
would be loading rock off the dock throughout the summer. He also noted the various
improvements that had recently been made to the dock.
Dunham stated his objection to the City giving away tidelands to private enterprise, and
he encouraged tht: City to develop a policy concerning the future use and developmt:nt of the
tidelands. Long implied that it may be prudent to revi~it the entire SMJC Plan with an eye on
the tidelands. Dunham also updated the Board on the University of Alaska Institute of Marine
Science's need for support to maintain their oceanographic research vessels. The failure of the
Spring Creek Prison expansion project was also discussed.
Housing Analysis. The City's building code was disl:ussed as well as the Planning and
Zoning Commission's plan to clarify its policies. Pruitt inquired about the City's plans to sell
city-owned lease sites.
FAIRCHILD brided the Board on the upcoming arrival of the Sun Princess, the first
cruise ship of the regular season. He also praised Smoke 'N Alaska for the luncheon they
prepared for the meeting.
LONG qut:ried Singleton about the status of the old fuel float; Singleton reported that
it would he used as an additional transient moorage area. WNG also thanked Blaine Bardarson
for his many years of service on the Planning and 7 sming Commission.
BOB V ALDATTA, 520 Fifth Avenue, urged the City to put more mont:y into marketing
thc community.
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arbara J. Hild rb !1nti .' Ron Long
Board Secretary";:' 0" Chairman
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(City Seal) '~'
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Ciry of Seward, Alaska
June 11, 1997
Port and C()mmcrcc Advis01}' Board Minutes
Volume ], Page 221
The June 11, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Buaru was canceled by Chairman Ron Long. There was no objection from the Board. All
items of business were postponed until the July 9, 1997 me,eting.
arhara J. Hit erb amI
Buard Secretary
Ron Long
(City Seal)
City of Seward, Alaska
July 9, 1997
Porl and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 221
Thc July 9, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by Chairman Ron Lung.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischkc
Sharon Andersun
Richard Goshorn
The following Boardrnernhers arrived after the roll call:
Doug Lechner
David Fairchild
Willard Dunham
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Tylan Schrock, Assistant to the City Manager
Scott Ransom, Deputy Harbormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of Commerce
City of Seward, Alu.\ka
July 51. 1997
Port and Commerce Ad",isury Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 222
Dorothy Urbach - ARRICBC. Urbach reminded the Board of the meeting of the
Alaska Railroad Corporation Board to be hdd in Seward on July 17 and urged
Boardmembers to present their concerns. The Board discussed the progress of the Seward
depot relocation project and noted that passenger numbers appeared to be up this year.
Urbach also expressed thanks to the Chamber of Commerce and the City Public Works
Division for thdr good work during and after tl:c Fourth of July celebration.
Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD. (excused)
Administration Report. Welsh reported that the recruitment process for the position
of city manager had begun.
In response to questions from the Board, Ransom reported that the tug Daring,
which had recently been beached near the Seward Marine Industrial Center, would probably
stay where it was until a high enough tide would enable it to be floated off the beach,
perhaps in late October.
Cline reported that Seward's 1997 Fourth of July celebration attracted an estimated
35,000 tourists, making it one of the most successful Fourth's ever. The Board commented
that the new public address system was a significant improvement, and Dunham thanked the
Chamber for including the national anthem/pledge of allegiance in the program schedule.
Cline also briefed the Board on preparations already undenvay for the Silver Salmon Derby
in August.
MOTION (Dunham/Andersun)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
Cooper Lake Hydroelectric Dam. The Board authorized the sending of a ktter tu
Chugach Electric Association expressing its support for Chugach Electric's efforts to renew
its fifty-year permit for the hydroelectric dam at Cooper Lake and to add twelve feet to the
dam. Dunham also encouraged personal follow-up on the matter.
Trade Show Report. Long commented briefly on the Construction Technology '97
trade show Welsh and he attended recently in Philadelphia.
City of Sewurd, Alu..I{a
.T u~v 9, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume J, Page 223
On-Going Pr~ject List. In oruer to handle the Board's on-going projects with
dispatch and to gain a consensus of the Board's priurities, Long asked each Boardmcmber
to select and indicate his/her five top ranked topics from the list in the order of each item's
perceived importance. Long compiled the ballots as follows:
Priority 1.
a. Highway Improvements; and
b. Harbor (tie)
Railroad Dock (and related issues)
Seward Marine Industrial Center
Flood Control
Utility Corridor
Priority 2.
Priority 3.
Priority 4.
Priority 5.
During an in-depth discussion of the list, various comments were made. Anderson
recommended that the Board maintain its focus on port-related issues, which were vital to
the community's year-round economy. Dunham stressed the importance of urging ADOT
to put the improvements to Seward Highway Mile 0-8 on a faster track, and Schrock
interjected that state personnel reported n:cently having had already received pressure from
the City in this regard. Dunham further suggeskd that essential data could be gathered by
installing mechanical traffic counters at three locations (Mile 8, Nash Road, and the
Lagoon) to identify year-round traffic patterns. Goshorn thanked the City for modifying the
harhor moorage fees, making them more equitable for all boats. The Board concurred that
the most important railroad dock-related issue was the access road and improvements to it.
Goodwill recommended that the City remind ARRC of its obligation to pay baek the money
it borrowed for the dredging work done in 1995.
The Board also discussed the marine fuel tax issue, generally supporting the
dedication/appropriation of the tax revenues to the state's harbors without a tax increase.
Annual Report. Long sought comments from the Board to incorporate in his annual
report to the City Council. Anderson suggested that the Council be briefed on the on-going
project list with the top five priorities as set by the Board. She also expressed thanks in
advance to the Council for passing all port-related issues on to the Board for their review
and comment.
Fairchild suggested that the Cuuncil be shown what projects the Board has
completed, such as the Y oehon fundraising effort, marketing brochure, establishmcnt of a
GPS approach at the airport, and effOlis to establish an industrial corridor. Pruitt requested
that the Council be madc awar~ of the City's immediate struggle to compete against
Ketchikan for the award of repair contral:ts on the state's ferries.
City of Seward, Alaska
July 9, 1997
Port and Commerce Adl'isory Board Mmutes
Volume !, Page 124
PRUIIT recommended that the City look at providing local commercial users with
a special utility rate structure to allow those commercial entities the ability to compete for
repair contracts on a more level playing Held with other (state-subsidized) facilities. For
example, a more competitive electrical rate would help enhance the incentive package
necessary to keep the AMHS' Tustumcna and Bartlett in Seward for their repair and
overhaul work.
LECHNER commented that he felt that the ARRC had not been responsive to the
needs of the City. He also stressed the importance for correctional facility expansion efforts
in Seward.
DUNHAM asked for information un "federal AlP entitlement funds" that possibly
might be availablt: for airport improvements. He also noted that the newly-constructed
shellfish hatl:ht:-ry building was not yet operating, stating that the Alaska Department of Fish
and Gamt: needed a governmental entity to act as a l'pass_through" before the Qutekcak
Native Tribe could receive state funds to operate the facility. DUNHAM suggested that the
City step in to help get the shellfish hatchery up and running. SCHROCK responded that
he was already drafting correspondence to ADFG informing them of the City's on-going
interest in the facility, offering the City's support in getting the facility operational without,
however, incurring financial risk for the City, The Board was in general agreement with this
position. DUNHAM again stressed the net.::d to have enforcement personnel on permanent
duty in Seward to handle fish and wildlife matters.
GOSHORN commented on the need to decrease the allowed limit of halibut taken
by spurt fishennen in Resurrection Bay.
ANDERSON complimented the operators of the new fuel dock, as well as the Seward
Harbor in general. She alsu stated that Resurrection Bay was preferred as a port of entry
for military vessels when compared tu other ports where ships must make special
accommodations for the intake of silty water.
LONG stressed that the top-five priority list was not intended to exclude any topic
from the Board's attention, but simply to arrange them for expeditious action by the Board.
He also confirmed the next scheduled wurk session for July 23, 1997,
The me~ting was adjourn~d at 1:52 p.m.
(City Seal)
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CIty of Seward, Alaska
August 13, 1997
Port and Commerce Adl'isorv Board Minutes
Volurnl' 1, Page 225
The August 13, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:01 p.m. by Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
Richard Goshorn
James Pruitt
J .ck Goodwill
Doug Lechner
comprising a quonlm of the Board; and
Tylan Schrock, Assistant to the City Manager
Foster Singleton, I-Iarbormaster
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
ABSENT were:
Sharon Anderson
Willard Dunham
David Fairchild
( excused)
Dorothy Urbach - ARRJCBC. None (excused)
Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD. None (excusl;d)
Administration Report. Welsh updated the Board on several subjects, induding the state
lobbyist's upcoming visit, status on the recruitment for various open positions in city
administration, upcoming City Council vacancies, Chamher of Commerce events, and the
hospital board meeting.
Schrock briefed the Board on the City's negotiations with Qutekcak Native Tribe and
Alaska Department of Fish and Game regarding its future role in the operation of the shellfish
hatcherylmariculture center. Singleton gave an update on the Harhor's planned float
rehabilitation of E- and G-Floats, new leases of the boardwalk sites and sewer installation to the
MOTION (Lechner/Goodwill)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
City of Seward, Aluska
August 13, 1997
Port and Commerr.e Adl,ismy Bourd Minutes
Volume 1, Page 226
Motion Passed.
Halibut Fisherv Manae:ement. Chairman Long opened the tloar for comments from the
public, amI the following persons responded:
Marie Wagner, Charter Boat Association (eBA), stated that the eBA in general was
opposed to regulating sport/charter fishing through an IFQ system and supported moving the
commercial halibut boats farther out to fish. In response to an inquiry regarding log keeping
as a first step toward regulation, Wagner slated that the eBA would probably not be opposed
to reasonable logkeeping if it served to preserve the fishery.
Melody Jordan, Seward Fisheries, stressed that it was important for Seward that fish
caught and landed here were processed here. She predicted that sport commercial fishermen
would eventually receive a share of the overall qu';,)ta according to area. She suggested that (1)
a size limit/restriction be imposed on halibut taken by sport commercial fishermen; and (2) a
valid way of reporting landings be established. She further stated that Seward was second only
to Kodiak in Alaska in the amount of halihut landed. She indicated that there was evidence
that the resource wa<; very healthy, bUl it must be accounted for at all levels. For the Board's
information, she added that the January meeting of the International Pacific Halibut
Commission would be held nexl year in Anchorage.
Dean Reddington, local sportfishcrman, felt that the resoun:e was no lancer plentiful
in this area and that he did not support allocating sport commercial fishermen a portion of the
quota. He did support the establishment of a minimum (and perhaps maximum) size limit on
halibut taken.
John Tulin, Sahalee of Alaska, concurred with the establishme,nt of a size limit on sport-
caught halibut and suggested that charter boats be required to keep a groundfish log for a
couple of years to determine the number/size of fish taken.
Board discussion followed the puhlic comments.
MOTION (Lechner/Goodwill)
Send a letter to the North Pacific Fishery
Management Council recommending the
Board's position on halibut fishery
management for charter and sport fishers;
namely (1) that a minimum size limit be
imposed on fish landed; and (2) that
record~keeping and reporting of halibut
landings be required in order to formulate
a basis for mana~ement.
Motion Passed.
City of Seward, Alaska
August 13, 1997
Pori find Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 227
Election of Chairman. Ron Long was nominated by GoodwillfLechner. Long, being the
sole nominee, was elected Chairman.
Election of Vice Chairman. JatUL:S Pruitt was nominated by GoodwillfLechner. Pruitt
being the sole nominee, was elected Vice Chairman.
Eastward Harbor Expansion Timeline. Singleton reviewed the efforts made so far to
make the harbor expansion a reality, and Schrock noted that he would be attending an Alaska
LL:gislature Deferred Maintenance Task Force meeting to take place within the month in Kenai
to present Seward Harbor's needs to the group.
On-Going Project List. Welsh updated the Board regarding various items on the lisl.
PRUITT, in reference to the Alaska Marine Highway System, reported that contracts for
work 011 all of the state feTries except two (Tustumcna and Bartlett) were being negotiated with
the shipyard in Ketchikan exclusively, Contracts on the two local ferries would be negotiated
witb Seward am] Kelchikan.
LECHNER inquired as to whether there had been any action on repairing the road to
the railroad Jock. GOODWILL commented that he felt that Port Avenue WiUi the worst road
in the city, and if re.pairs were not fOlthcoming, caution signs should be installed to warn users
of the hazards,
LONG infonned the Board that ht: expected to be out of town for at least two weeks
and, if the Board had no objection, he suggested canceling the next scheduled work session.
The Board had no objection.
The meeling was adjourned at 1:3U p.m.
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Ron DJng
City uf Seward, Alaska
September 10, 1997
Port ami Commerce Ad~'isOlY Board Minutes
Volume J, Page 229
The September 10, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:02 p.m. hy Vice-Chairman James Pruitt.
There were present:
James Pruitt, presiding, and
J aok Goodwill
Dean Kasisch ke
Sharon Anderson
Richard Goshorn
Doug Lechner
The following Boardmember arrived after the roll call:
Willard Dunham
comprising a qnorum of the Board; and
Ronald A. Garzini, City Manager
Louis Bencardino, Mayor, KPB/EDD
TyIan Schrock, Assistant to the City Manager
Foster Singleton, Harhormaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative
Marianna Keil, Councilmember. LIO
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of Commerce
ABSENT were:
Ron Long
David Fairchild
Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC. Urbach updated the Board on the Alaska Railroad's
schedule as they cml their season of passenger rail service to Seward. She also mentioned that
although passenger numbers were down this year, tbe Railroad expected higher numbers next
year when the Alaska SeaLife Center would open.
Garzini further commented on his recent talks with ARRC's Bill Sheffield and Dave
Eagle regarding various railroad issues in Seward. He stated that city administration would be
presenting his vision for the railroad dock and harbor arca in a "waterfront master plan" to
ARRC senior staff in the near future and would later brief the Board on that presentation. In
addition, Garzini strongly urged the City, if funding for the railroad dock expansion project
Cay of Seward, Alaska
September 10, IV()7
Port and Commerce Advisory Bourd Minutes
Volume 1, Page 230
became a reality and if the local commercial fishing industry remained strong, to include
accommodations to attract container carriers in its long-range plans for the port.
Louis Bencardino - KPH/EDD. Bencardino reported on the status of EDD's search for
a new director and the construction of their incubator building.
Administration Report. Garzini requested ihat a discussion of a floating dock that Kenai
Fjords Tours, Ltd. proposed to build at the Alaska SeaLife Center be placed on the agenda
under New Business. Vice Chairman Pruitt had no objection.
Garzini presented a letter to the Board that he sent 10 the city manager of Ketchikan
regarding the suhsidization of electric rates to commercial users. In the letter, he sought a
statement from the City of Ketchikan thal it would discontinue the practice of subsidizing
electric rates for local commercial users or the City of Seward would be forced to take legislative
or legal action against Ketchikan. Garzini stated that a response from Ketchikan should be
expected within thirly days. Pruitt further commented on the negotiation process with the
Alaska Marine Highway System for this year's ferry contracts and that Seward Ship's Drydoek
was the low bidder for the Tustumena contract.
Schrock reported tllat he was expecting to receive a draft of the operating agreement for
the mariculture center from Alaska Department of Fish & Game soon. Dunham encouraged
the City to expedite the completion of IH.:gotiations so as not to miss another spat season.
Schrock also reported on the Army Corps of Engineers' progress in surveying the tidelands for
the harbor's propost:d eastward expansion. Garzini added that the City should, concurrently
with the expansion plans, also consider the possibility of using dredge spoils to add valuable
uplands to the waterfront area.
Garzini introduced David Cowen, chief executive of Winchest!:r, England, who was
visiting Garzini and had attended various meetings and functions in the community and region.
Cowen commented on the differences between civic government in the United States and the
United Kingdom, and he expressed his appreciation for being able to observe how civic business
was handled in Seward.
Cline expressed appreciation for help received during the Silver Salmon Derby held in
August, and she emphasized the success of the event this year. She also updated the Board on
upcoming Chamber of Commerce happenings both on the local and state level.
MOTION (Kasischke/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion Passed.
City of Seward, Alaska
September 10, ]1)97
Pon and Commerce Ad~'isory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 231
Halihut Fishery Management. Dunham stressed the importance of the decisions made
by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council at their upcoming meeting to Seward's
sportfishing industry. He encuuraged thc Board to keep a watchful eye on these issues.
Aoating Dock Proiect-Alaska SeaLife Center. Garzini briefed the Board on the proposal
by Kenai Fjords Tours, Ltd. (KFf) to build a floating dock at the Alaska SeaLife Center for
loading/offloading pa<;sengers to visit the Center and downtown district. TIle proposal was for
KFf to build the dock on a tidelands lease with the City. The dock, as proposed, would be in
seLVice by April 1, 1998. The terms and conditions of the proposal wcre also discussed. The
Board generally expressed support for the concept.
MOTION (Dunham/Lechner)
Approve, and encourage the City Council to
support, the floating dock project at the Alaska
Sea Life Center proposed by Kenai Fjords Tours,
Ltd. to be constructed under the terms and
conditions as proposed.
Motion Passed,
Without Objection.
On-Goine Proiect List. Regarding traffic, Dunham stressed the need to gather data of
actual traffic patterns on the Seward Highway year-round. Pruitt requested an update on the
proposed community center, and Garzini briefed the Board on the project to date.
GOSHORN reported a problem occurring recently when a seaplane departed the small
boat harbor during a time of increased traffic in the entrance channel. He suggested that city
administration ask the Federal Aviation Administration to take the Seward Small Boat Harbor
off the navigational charts for floating aircraft and to direct them lu Bear Lake. SINGLETON
reported that such a rcquest had been made to the FAA once before, and GARZINI stated that
city administration would again request that, from June 1 through September 30, all floating air
traffic be dirt:ctl:l! by FAA navigational charts to use Bear Lake instead of the Seward Small
Boat Harbor for landings/take-offs.
GOSHORN also inquired abuut increasing demands for power in the community and the
ability of the utility to provide sufficient eleclridty. GARZINI reported that a new power
purchase agreement bdween the City and Chugach Electric would he presented to the Council
in tht: near future. GOSHORN asked if the City would consider expanding the electrical system
on the floats in the small boat harbor, and GARZINI answered that enhancing the utilities in
the harbor would bc a major component in the harbor expansion plan. He stated that Dave
Calvert would also bc askl:d to respond to this question.
City (Jf Seward, Alaska
September 10, 1997
Pnrt and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, PUKe 232
LECHNER expressed his support for tho proposed floating dock at the ASC and for
looking for ways to attract large fish proc.l:ssing companies to locate in the cummunity.
GARZINI promised to provide the Board with a copy of a letter he recently wrote encouraging
Tyson Seafoods to expand their operations to Seward.
KASISCHKE also voiced his support for the naaling dock project. He reminded the
Board of the problems that still existed with the North Dock.
GOODWILL noted that the North Dock's recent users left the facility in poor shape
when they left.
DUNHAM stated his cuncern over the bad condiliull of the access roads going into the
northeast harbor parking lot and the walerfront campgrounds. SINGLETON assun:d the Board
that City crews were grading the northeast harbor lot [rt:qucntly and that a drainage system
would be installed in the area by the end of the month. DUNHAM also inquirt:d about the
status of the proposed prison t:xpansion, and GARZINI stated that future expansion of the local
correctional facility, in his opinion, lookt:d likely.
PRUITI' inquired about tht: Cily's acquiring ownership of the small boat harbor, and
CARZINI stated thal his plan for the dedication/appropriation of the marine fuel tax to fund
dderred maintenance and transfer of ownership of the state harbors would be number three in
the City's kgislative program at the state level when presented to the Council. PRUIIT also
commented on the amount of landscaping in the parking lol for thc ASC in light of the
apparenl shortage of parking spaces in the area.
GARZINI indicated that the meeting was his last as city manager, and he expressi;:.d his
appreciation for the Board's work. The Hoard in i.UIll expressed Lhanks for Garzini's input and
dedicaliun to the Board and the communily.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m.
mes PruiLl
arbara J. IIild rbr d
Board Secretary ~.," ;.')"'1:...,
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City nf Seward, Alaska
October 8, lY97
Pnrt and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 233
The Octoher 8, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was canceled due to the lack of a quorum. All items of business were postponed
until the November 12, 1997 meeting.
arbara J. Hild rb !lI1d
Board Secreta'l.c'
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(City Seal) ;:..
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Ciiy of Seward, Ala:.1Ca
November 12, 19Y7
. "
;',~ ,"
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 233
The November 12, 1997 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was calkd to order at 12:00 noon by Chairman Ron Lung.
There were present:
Ron Long, presiding, and
David Fairchild
Richard Goshorn
Sharon Anderson
Jack Goodwill
Doug Lcchn(,,;r
The following Boardmembers arrived after the roll call:
Dean Kasischke
Janws Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Foster Singleton, Harbormaster
Barhara Hilderhrand, Board Secretary
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Nathan Off, Councilmcmbcr
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of Commerce
City of Seward, Alaska
N(JI'ember 12, 1997
Pori u.rul Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1. Page 234
Willard Dunham (Excused)
Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC. None (Excused)
Boh Satin. KPB/EDD. None (Excused)
Administration Report. Yvette \Velsh updated the Board on various subjects
including the status of the City's recruitment for the positions of city manager and
harbormaster. The Board was reminded that the acting city manager and assistant, mayor.
and many of the councilmembers were prest:ntly away attending the Alaska Municipal
League conference in Ketchikan.
Harbmmastef Foster Singleton briefed the Board on current on-going Harbor
projects and stated that he did not anticipate starting any new ones before his retirement
in Del:ember. He brought the Board up to datc on the marine fuel tax issue; i.e. the City's
efforts to gct legislation passed in the statc assembly providing for the appropriation!
dedication of the state's marine fuel tax for deferred maintenam.:e needs in Alaskan harbors.
Anderson and Lechner inquired whether the prcjlosed legislation would include an increase
to the marint: fud tax, and Singleton replied that a two- to three-cent increase had been
discussed due to the fact that revenues from the existing five-cent tax were already
appropriated to other programs. A brief Board discussion on various Harbor projects
Long inquired whether then~ was an alternate plan of action set with regard to the
blocked railroad dock expansion. Welsh replied that TyIan Schrock would probably have
a report when ht: r<.;turned from the AML conference.
KATHY CLINE. Seward Chambt:r of Commerce, reported on the status of the
proposed multi-agency building as the funding for the project, as originally proposed. had
been recently vetoed at the federal level. She stated that a economic feasibility and
marketing research study would be completed by late April 1998. She answered various
4uestions from the Board and suggested that a presentation of the multi-agency building
project be given to the Board at their January meeting to clarify the scope ofthe project for
the Board's benefit. Cline also briefed the Board on upcoming Chamber of Commerce
BRAD SNOWDEN, commented on the Alaska Railroad dock expansion project, the
funding for which was recently vetoed by President Clinton, and queried whether an
City of Seward, Alaska
November 12, 1997
Port and Commerce Adl'isory Buard Minute.\'
Volume 1, Page 235
alternate site for a deepwater dock could be explored, namely at the end of Adams Street.
Various Boardmembc.rs remarked that that option had been hrought before the Board and
investigated in depth when the railroad dOl;k project was determined to be the most
economically viable. However, the Board encouraged Snowden to pursue are-investigation
of alternate sites, if he wished.
MOTION (Kasischke/Anderson)
Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
The following items were added as New Business items to the regular meeting
agenda: (C) Kenai River Protection Plan (Lechner): (D) Proposed Changes in the
Regulations of the Alaska Department of Revenue (Anderson); (E) Floating Dock at the
Alaska SeaLife Center (Pruitt): and (F) Board Meeting Schedule and Time (Long).
Motion Passed.
Kenai River Protection Plan. Lechner introduced discussion about a plan, announced
at a recent meeting of the Kenai Peninsula Borough's Kenai River Management Advisory
Council where Alaska State Parks personnel proposed to extcnd protection of the Kenai
River bank to include Kenai Lakc. City Controller I(ris Erchinger, who attended that
meeting, was asked to give a report of the meeting to the Board. She stated that most of
thc meeting partidpants appeared to support harsh restrictions, and eventually a ban, un
personal watercraft from the Kenai Lake and Trail Lakes area. If these initial measures
passed the Borough Assembly, there would probably be future effurts to prohibit all
motorized watercraft from these waterways, as well as snow machines in the winter.
Chairman Long asked that a copy of the Kenai River Protection Plan be obtained for the
Board's review and comment, and Welsh stated that she would get it.
Proposed Changes in the Re~lations of the Alaska Department of Revenue.
Anderson reported that the Alaska Department of Revenue, in contrast to existing federal
regulations, had introduced a new tax to be kvied on any foreign-flag ship, aircraft or vessel
doing business in the State of Alaska. She stressed that this tax would have the potential
of nl;gatively impacting commerce in all ports and rail centers in Alaska and would
eventually trickk down tu all Alaskans through lower returns on local goods and selVices.
She noted that a hearing date on thc matter had been set fur a date in two weeks, and, in
the interest of time, Chairman Long appointed Lechner, Kasischke and Pruitt to discuss the
matter with City Councilmembers and to draft a response for Council's consideration at
their next meeting.
,. l)
City of Seward, Ala\'ku.
Nuvember 12, N97
Purl and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1. Pal{c 236
Floating Dock at Alaska SeaLife Center. Pruitt expressed various concerns with the
concept of the !loating dock as proposed by Kenai Fjords Tours (KFT). Singleton explained
the purpose, concept, structure, and environment for placement of the structure as proposed
thus far. Anderson expressed suppurt fur the concept and proposed design, noting that it
was the cruise ship industry that was driving the idea, and she predicted that it would benefit
downtown businesses, hldp alleviate downtown traffic problems, and promote commercial
tourism in Seward. Other Boardrnernbers expressed their views, and Long suggested that
Boardmt:mbers attend and participate in the Ci'1' Council's work session, when scheduled,
tu address the subject.
Board Meeting Schedule and Time. Long upened discussion on whether the Buard
meetings might be better attended if hellI during the evening. The general (,;'unsensus of the
Board was to leave the meetings' schedule unchanged.
KASISCHKE nuted that the floats in the harbor appeared to be in very bad
condition. He queried Singleton as to why there seemed to be a slow-down in rehabilitation
projects around the harbor with funds already cl.rmarked in the budget for harbor repairs.
Singleton replied that most uf the funds in the Major Maintenance, Repair and
Replacement Fund fur the current fiscal year went to pay for Army Corps of Engineers
studies performed in anticipation of the proposed eastward harbor expansion.
LECHNER reported that Tyson Seafoods had announced their choice to locate their
operations in Kodiak but noted that other similar opportunities for commercial development
still exist for Seward.
}'AIRCHILD queried Welsh on the status of the development of an Internet home
page for Seward, and she answered that she and Tylan Schrock, Assistant to the City
Manager, had currently put the project on hold, FAIRCHILD also thanked Harbormaster
Singleton for his involvement with the Board.
GOSHORN questioned Singleton regarding the involvement of the Harbor Enterprise
Fund with the pending lawsuit involving the Seward Forest Products site. He also initiated
a hrief discussion of the Harbor's electric system and boardwalk sewer line installation.
PRUIlT reported that he would be attending Fish Expo later in the month.
LONG displayed various informative documents obtained from the Kenai Peninsula
Borough Economic Development District regarding commercial situations and industry
prospects in the Borough. He urged Boardmembers to obtain copies for their own review.
Cay of Seward, Alaska
Novemher J2, J997
Port and Commf:'Tce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1. Page 237
KATHY CLINE noted that the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) was
available for public review, and she urged the Board to take a look at it. She noted that the
Plan included the City's purchase of two buses intended for public transportation.
Chainnan Long canceled the next scheduled work session due to the Thanksgiving
The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.. ____~-/ p
arbara J. Hilder rallli"'; .. :on(t:~d---r
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Board Secretary :,::.~"...,-' ".' Chairman
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City of Seward, Alaska -"t,(,": ~.;l : .'-- ","
December 10, 1997 "'n~~
(City Seal)
Port and Commerce AdVISOry Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 237
The December 10, 1997 regular meeting of the Sl:ward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 noon hy Chairman Ron Long.
There were present:
Ron T .ong, presiding, and
Ril:hard Goshorn
Doug Lechner
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
comprising a quomm of the Board; and
Tylan Schtock, Assistant to the (Acting) City Manager
Bob Satin, Mayor, KPB/EDD
Foster M. Singleton, Harbormaster
Scott A. Ransom, Deputy Harbonnaster
Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative
Barbara Hilderbrand, Board Secretary
City (~r Seward, Alaska
December 10, 1997
Port and Commerce Advisory Bourd Minutl!s
Volume 1, Page 238
Yvette Welsh, Community Marketing
Kathy Cline, Seward Chamber of Commerce
Marianna Kei1, Legislative Inforoation Officer
ABSENT were:
James Pmitt
Sharon Anderson
Willard Dunham
David Fairchild
Uorothy Urhach - ARRICBC. Urbach reported that 1997 was a successful year for
the Alaska Railroau. She stated that various special events wuuld take place in Seward
during 1998 with regard to ARRC's 75th Annive;sary, including the opening of the relocated
Seward depot. She promised to provide details, dates, and times to the Board as she
re<.:eived them.
Bob Satin. KPB/EDD. Satin reported that he would be meeting with Governor Bill
Sheffield to discuss various proposed projects relative to the ARRC's operations in Seward.
He also explained to the Board the function of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Economic
Development District.
Administration Report. Yvette Welsh updak-u the Board on the status of the City's
attempts to recruit a city manager. She also gave a progress report on the harbormastcr
Tylan Schrock briefed the Board on vJ.rious matters, including the review of the
State Transportation Improvement Plan (copy of excerpt provided) and the notable omission
of the ARRC (AMES) dock expansion project, North Dock extension, and North Forest
Acres Road from the Plan. He also commented on the shellfish hatchery contract, the
proposed floating dock at the Alaska ScaLife Center, and the City's position with regard to
essential air service to Seward.
Foster Singleton, in his last address to the Board before his retirement as
harboffilaster, stated that he had enjoyed working with the Board through the years and that
Scott Ransom had been appointed to seTVe as acting harbonnaster until a new harbormaster
was appointed.
Kathy Cline commented on the Chamber of Commerce's support of Era Aviation to
provide essential air service to Seward, and she updated the Board on upcoming Chamher
City (If Sewald, Alaska
December 10, 1997
PorI and Commerce AdvisOlY B{)urd Minutes
Volume 1, Page 230
meetings and events. She also requested that a presentation of the multi-agency building
project be put on the agenda for the JanuaT)' meeting.
Bob Satin reported that the Heritage Group planned to huld a town meeting in
Seward n:garding the future of the PtTmanent Fund, and he promised to inform the Board
of the date and time when such a meeting was scheduled.
Marianna Keil reported that the local Legislative Infonnation Office would soon be
open for the upcoming legislative session, and she promised to keep the Board apprised of
issues of interest as details became available.
MOTION (Kasischke/Goodwill)
Approve the Ag~nda and Consll'nt A2enda
Motion Passed.
Letter of Congratulations and Invitation to Debbie Sed2ewick. This item was added
to the agenda but taken out of order. (Set: Page 21+0 at *.)
With rderence to Senator Turgerson's letter to the North Pacific Fishery
Management Council regarding its regulatory amendment on the halihut charterboat
recreational harvest, Long noted that the Senator's position was oppusite to thc opinion
reached by the Board earlier.
Schrock presented a brief recap of the World Trade Center's annual conference that
he had recently aw.:nded and distributed a writlt:n summary [or the Board's review.
GOODWILL inquired about the status of Afognak's purchase of the sawmill site, and
Schrock responded that tht: matter was pending the outcome of related litigation.
LECHNER distributeu fur the Board's review a summary of a development project
proposed by Passage Canal Development LLC lo the City of Whittier as "an alternative to
the Seward destination." He encouraged the Board. to support keeping the vision for growth
and dl,,;velopment of the port of Seward alive through the changes in administration. He
also noted that a coal test shipment would be leaving for Magadan, Russia shortly.
4.l _,,-,
City of Seward, Alaska
December 10, lYC)7
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 1, Page 240
GOSHORN commented on various harbor~area matters, induding the presence of
coal dust, snow berms in harhor parking lots, and sanding procedures in the lots. Singleton
responded by outlining the Harbor and City Shop's procedure for plowing and sanding.
KASISCIIKE thanked Singleton for his work with the Board, as weU as his many
years of service as harbormaster for the City of Seward, and he wished him well.
LONG commented on hearing Scnator Prank Murkowski's report of his recent trip
to China and noted the apparent future possibilities of exporting Alaskan oil and coal to
that country. He also commented on the recent proposal made by Tim McDonald to the
City Council to purchase the North Dock, and Schrock responded that any such proposal
would he t:xaminetl and ultimately brought before thc Board for review.
*The following item was taken out of order.
MOTION (Lechner/Goshorn)
Encourage the City CounciJ to send a letter of
congratulations to Debbie Sedgewick, rect"nt
appointee as Cuwmissioner of the State
Department of Commerce & Economic
Development, and to im'ite her tv speak to a joint
meeting of the City Council and Chamber of
Motion Passed.
LONG canceled the work session scheduled for December 24 due to the holiday.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm.
(City Seal)
Barbara J. i derbrand
Board Secretary '," ."
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