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City nf5.'ewnrd, Alaska
January I (), 2(}(} I
Pnr! (Jwl ('ol11merce Advis01)' Board '\Iinu!es
Volume 3, flage 170
The regular January 10,2001, meeting onhe Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Doard was called
to order at 12:10 p.m. by Chairman Wille.
There were present:
Ron Wille. presiding, and
Doug Lechner
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Deborah Altermatt
Roger Mercer
Karl VanDuskirk
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Sl:olt Janke, City Manager
Sl:ott Ransom. Deputy Harbnnnaster
Vanta Shafer, Coundl Ml.:mhl.:r, KPB/EDn Represl:ntatiw
Louis Bencardino, ARRC Representative
Judi Sweeney, PACAB Secretary
Kari Atwood, Harbor Offil.:e Assistant III
ABSENT were:
James Pruitt, excused
Ml:]ouy Jordan, excused
Louis Bencardino-ARRC Representative said that as (}fthis past wl:l:kend the new dock is in use.
He said they are getting calls scheduling the dock use for this spring. He said that today a group from
Holland America, Princess Cruises and executives from the Alaska Railroad would be meeting in Seward to
discuss the coming year. Dencardino said there was some discussion for improvements for the building like
improving the heating system, putting a check-in booth in the center of the building, etc. In answer to
Janke's question, Bencardino said that another attempt to move the old SeaWay dock would be soon. He
said the company that bought the ramp has until May 1, 2001 to move it and in answer to Goodwill's
question, he said that the company that bought it is bonded as a condition oftheir bid.
Vanta Shafer, Council Member, EDD Representative, said the last regular meeting was in
December. She said that they would be leasing out part of their building for oftice space. A resolution
passed supporting wnstmetion ufprivate prison to be built next to Wildwood Correctional Facility in Kenai.
Shafer said she would like to see wireless tekphuIll: and internet service eome to Seward and was tuld that
we are too far from an exchange station. The benefit of having one would be lower fees and more services
available. Altermatt said that ACS Communications is offering wireless service to residential customers, but
not businesses. Altermatt also said that Betsy Arbelovsky, would be attending the Harbor Dusiness
Association on February 13.
O(V afSeward. .'Ilaska
January JU, J001
/'art and C Offlll/uee Advisory Board }..limlte~'
Valume 3, Page 171
Administration Rellort. City Manager Janke n:porh..:d that Lowell Point Road had a major erasion
problem on Sunday with unusually high tides and storm surges and the City crews have been hauling in rock
and fill since Sunday. January 7 at 6;00 p.m. and tlu.:y would be for another couple of days. He said thaL it
would cnst about $50.000 to bring the road back to prior condition. [n answer to Wille, Janke said the money
for the repair ofthe Lowell Point Road would most likely come from Federa] emergency management funds.
Janke reported about the year's Legislative Priorities List that was presented to the Council. He
spoke of how the: Council was sUPPOliing Qudecak Shellfish Hatchery's drort to stay in operating status. lIe
said that they would have another Seward reception on February] 4, in Juneau as they had dam.: last year and
how the previous year's recepti(Jn had proved to be successful.
Janke repOlted nil thl.O WTrent North Harbor Renovation project. He saiJ }w and lIarbormaster
Beckham had met in Anchorage with Tryck, Nyman, Hayes, and Swalling Construction to go over the chain
of command for the proj<..:l,,:l and hold a pre-construction In\.:ding. He said we are still slightly ahead of
schedule with the demolition of the old floats around the firstwl.:ck of February and the ncw floats to arrive
soon after. Janke reported thl'll he had inspected the floats. in Wa'6hington with the city a\torney, city clerk,
In reply to Kasischke, Janke said the D and F. tluats would now be connectcd and there would be a
ramp straight tu E float. Janke added that on January 23, 2001. Beckham and Ransom would be in"-pecting
the concrete float construction.
Lechner asked if there was mOllt;:y for the Lowell Creek (Divcrsion) Tunnel and Janke ."aid the
project would be going to the Corp of Engineers.
Deputy Harbormaster Ransom said that Harbormaster Beckham was attending meetings
in Anchorage with the project engineers and the construction company. lIe introduced Kari Atwood,
new OHice Assistant III at the harbormaster's office.
Ron Long, KPB representative, reportt:d that KPB Mayor Bagley would be at a budget forum in
January He said. the KPB Assembly just passcd their Legislative Priorities the previous evening. He
congratulated Sandra Wasille on her appointrlll.:nt to the KPD School Hoard. He noted that it has been quite a
while sin>.:\.:. we have had a representative from Sc-ward.
Long said whether we want a pri"ate prison or not, the decisilln is made at the State level and \hI;
IOl;ation is not final yet. VanBuskirk mentioned that Spring Creek is overpopulated by over 200 prisom:rs and
when the present one was designed there were plans for a expanded prison on the same site. Shater '6aid that
some reasons the State was not actively pursuing Seward for a new prison is becaust: uf the tuberculosis
scare, the cost of transportation and lack of employees.
Long said the Foreign Trade Zone appllcillinn was on hold for now
Jim Collman, 609 4th Avcnue, said the next meeting of the Seward Boat Owner's Association
woulJ be around the first week of February He said the SDUA has been wmking with the telephone
cumpany to try and get telephone scrvice 10 the float systems.
(:Ny nfS'eward, Alas/w
January 10, 2M]
Fort and ('omll/(>rce Advi.wrv Board !lfmutes
Vulume 3. FaXe 172
MOTION (LechnerlMercer) Approve the Agenda and Consent A~enda
Motion passed hy unanimous consent.
Priorities and Goals - Wille asked the board to look over the new format of the goals and priorities
and see ifthere was any item that individually they would like tu tacklc and possible research and bring back
to the board. Wille said that irthey approached the priorities and goals this WHY, thl..:Y could accomplish
some of the goals. Willc suggested some tours of local busim::ss lu gct a hctter perspective of the nature of
their business. The board tkcided to divide the list into Long and Short Term Gua]s. Fullowing discussion,
Coodwill volunteered to get morc information on ARK Dock New Commerce by the meeting in April;
Kasischkc chose Marketin~ & Economic Development by February 7; and hHve Harbormaster Beckham
present at thl..: Fenruary 7 meeting, tht' Revised Rules and Regulations if they are ready. Will..: asked the
fl..:mainder of the board to think about and ehuuse a subject.
December 20. 2000, memorandum from lobbyists Brad Gilman and CJ Zane with a Washington D.C
rl..:purt, noted for information only.
December 26, 2000, memorandum from KPB Grants Manager Bonnie L. Golden with an update on
the PTZ project, null.:d for information only.
Mercer said the stellar sea lion issue is out of the local hands. Hl..: wondered how many sea lions is
the right number - how many do we want?
Kasischke said if anyone has a chancl..: to go see the new simulator at A VTEC, that it is quite
imprcssive and wished A VTEC good luck.
Goodwill commt:ntcd that there is about 110 cruise ships into Seward's port every year and
we need to somehow get more of lhese people to enter the town and spend time and muney here
rather than being whisked 01Tto Anchorage or other cities. We need to beller educate the cruise lines
abuut what is available here.
r'ify ofSew(/rd. Alaslta
Janumy ]0, 20ll]
ForI and (~ommeTl:e Advisory Buard A/mules
Volllme' 3. Page 173
The meeting was adjourned at 1 :34 p.m.
udi Sweeney
Buard Secrdary
Run Wille
Cilr of Seward Alaska
February 7, 2no J
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume 3, Page 174
The regular February 7, 2001, meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:03 p.m, by Chairman Ron Wille,
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Dean Kasischke
Deborah Altermatt
Karl VanBuskirk
*James Pruitt
Roger Mercer
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
James Beckham, Harbormaster
Vanta Shafer, KPBjEDD Representative
Betsy Arbelovsky, Executive Director, EDD
Linda Story, Volunteers of America
Judi Sweeney, PACAB Secretary
ABSENT and excused were:
Jack Goodwill
Melody Jordan
Doug Lechner
*James Pruitt arrived at 12: 12 p.m. and took part in the meeting thereafter
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported there was
not much change since the last meeting. He said they were going to put heated concrete floor
in the main building and two new doors on the west side of the building. He reported the 282-
foot USCG cutter Alex Haley is in town. Bencardino said that they are still trying to remove the
(old SeaWay) ramp from the dock area. He said they are working on an agreement with
Seward Coal Terminal to take back the road next to the terminal. Bencardino said that Swalling
Construction Company is offloading at the new dock and they were possibly going to store some
property at the SMIC.
Vanta Shafer yielded her time to Betsy Arbelovsky, Executive Director of the
Economic Development District, Inc, who gave a short presentation, She introduced Linda
Story, Volunteers of America who said she would assist anyone If they wanted to help facilitate
a forum. She said the EDD recently held an Economic Forum and it was very successful.
Arbelovsky said they would like to have a forum for this part of the Peninsula. Some issues that
may be covered would be:
Harbor Issues
Health Related Issues
Land Use
Revitalization of the
downtown area
Arbelovsky also said that they are working on a Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy (CEDS) for the peninsula. She said it could be a useful tool when projects are
proposed if they are in line with the CEDS.
City oj Seward, Alaska
Fehruary 7, 2001
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume { Page 175
Harbormaster Beckham said City Manager Janke was in D.C. this week and
next week in Juneau. Beckham reported that the EDA pre-application grant for $1.3 million for
the East Harbor Expansion has been submitted. He also said the North Harbor Renovation is
moving along. The Anderson Tug Gale Wind was about two or three days out of
Seattle/Tacoma. He said the floats are done and waiting on the dock In Tacoma. He reported
that there is a crane in the harbor to pull piling and the electrical contractor has been pulling
wire. Wille said the board appreciated the emait Information about the proposed fish cleaning
stations and asked about the status of the plans. Beckham said the fish cleaning station plans
were completed except the deck area and how they will be oriented. He said almost all of the
concerns and desires of interested parties had been addressed.
MOTION (Altermatt/Kasischke) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda including
the minutes of January 10, 2001
Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Priorities and Goals - Kasischke had previously chosen the subject of Economic
Development. He talked to Perry Zimmerman of the telephone company and found that they
would soon have DSL, which would bring high speed internet access to Seward. Wille said he
would volunteer for the internet information by the April meeting and would attend the
Economic Development Forum that will be held and also contact other service providers like
IntelAJaska or GCI and he would report back to the board in April under unfinished business.
Kaslschke said that the Chamber is writing a grant to fund a full-time position at the
chamber to promote economic development/marketing, This person would promote Seward
and attend seminars and conferences that no one else seems to have time to attend.
Following discussion, the board decided to invite the Chamber of Commerce Director to
the monthly PACAB meetings to report on their current projects and include the views of the
harbor and downtown groups because most of their members belong to the chamber.
Harbormaster's report on the Proposed Rules and Regulations Beckham. He
said that "where he is at" with the Rules are basically where we left them except for briefly
revisiting them on his "to do" list. He would like to compile them in a handbook fashion.
Beckham explained that the Rules and RegulatIons are in effect now in the form of the City
Code Chapter 7, but in the beginning of this, he was trying to paraphrase and shorten the code
section about the harbor. Following discussion, Beckham said he would prOVide the board with
another copy of the draft rules and regulations before the next meeting and he would try to
have them done by June.
rity of Seward, Alaska
February 7, 200]
Port and Cummerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vvlume 3, Page 176
Transient Vendors in the Harbor Wille, with board agreement, opened the subject of
transient vendors in the harbor for public input.
Bonnie Gill, 510 6th Avenue, Seward, spoke before the board saying that the previous
night she and McFarland had gone before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Gill showed a
picture of her proposed cart. She said that she thought that it would attract people and
enhance the harbor area.
Randy McFarland, Mile 6.5, has a similar proposal for a kettle popcorn cart. He said he
operates his business in Anchorage at the Fur Rendezvous, Special Olympics, etc. and stressed
how hard it is to do business in this town.
Carl Hughes, Aurora Charters, Seward Boat Harbor, spoke against allowing transient
vendors in the harbor area referring to previous vendors from a couple of years ago and how
unsuccessful that was. Hughes said as a leaseholder on the boardwalk, he felt it was not a level
playing field allowing vendors to do business when he and the other leaseholders had to comply
with rules, pay substantial lease payments, and invest in permanent buildings. He said in the
harbor's master plan was adopted as a guideline and it did not include transient vendors.
Beckham talked about the already congested harbor plaza area, especially when
bus loads of people offload by the harbormaster bUilding and plaza. In answer to Altermatt,
Beckham said that he contacted all of the leaseholders in the area, namely Saltwater, The Fish
House, Scoby, KFT, Major Marine, etc. and most did not want the transient vendors in the
harbor. He had thought they would be at the meeting. Following this discussion, it was moved
by Kasischke, seconded by Altermatt and passed with two dissenting votes from Wille and Pruitt
to recommend to council to allow transient vendors in the harbor area.
Tour of Seward Coal Terminal scheduled for noon on February 14, 2001. Board
members will meet at the terminal. Wille added that the tour of the Quetecak Shellfish
Hatchery was very interesting and have a fantastic facility. He said if that the economic
problems are solved, the hatchery and farmers would benefit greatly. He said the Hatchery was
going to provide a fact sheet for the board members who were not able to attend.
Tryck, Nyman, Hayes, Inc. resident engineer weekly reports, January 14, 21, and 28,
2001, noted for information only.
Seward Harbor Long Term Plan and Funding 2001, prepared by Harbormaster Beckham,
noted for information only.
January 2001, Zones Report, regarding Foreign Trade Zones, noted for information only.
December 2000, AK Industrial Development and Export Authority regarding the
Ketchikan shipyard, for information only.
January 16, 2001, NPFM News and Notes, for information only.
Kasischke thanked Harbormaster Beckham for providing information regarding the
North Harbor Renovation. He said it helps to have Information to dispel rumors.
Citv olSeward, Alaska
Februmy 7, 2001
Port and rommerce AdVl.v()/J' RO(1rd Minutes
Vulume 3, Page 177
Wille asked when the next meeting of the fjsh cleaning station task force and if the
board could be kept informed about that.
The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.
( ~ r.(,kL<ULC.t.-L
~di Sweeney {/
Board Secretary
Ron Wille
(City Sea I)
Cill' u.{Sewurd Purl und Cummern: Advisory,' Suard Minutl!s
M'lrl.;h 7, 2001
Vulume 3, Puge 178
The regular March 7, 2001, meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Wille.
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
James Pruitt
Deborah Altermatt
*Doug Lechner
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kassischke
Melody Jordan
* Karl Van Buskirk
Comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Scott Janke, City Manager
James Beckham, Harbormaster
Vanta Shafer, KPB/EDD Representative
Kari Atwood, Acting Board Secretary
ABSENT were:
Roger Mercer, excused
*Karl Van Buskirk and *Doug Lechner arrived at 12:04 p.m. and took part in the
meeting thereafter
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative called at 11.30 a.m.
to say he would be unable to attend the meeting.
Vanta Shafer, KPB/EDD Representative, said that the EDD is going to have a
community forum tentatively scheduled for March 27, from 8am to 5pm. The focus will be about
commerce development in our town. They have invited representatives from AT&T, GCI, and
TelAlaska to the forum to discuss the future of communications in Seward. She hopes most of
the PACAS board will be able to attend this event.
Administration Report City Manager Janke mentioned that the bid from SwaJ1ing
Construction for the fish cleaning stations seemed to high. The City may put the fish cleaning
stations back out for bid and just have Swallling do the piling for the stations. The project is
moving forward and the barge should be here in about four days. Jordan asked how much the
bid was over and Janke reported it was about seventy thousand over what was budgeted. Wille
Clly ufSeward Furt und Commerce AdvisOlY Buard kfmutes
Mun:h 7, 2001
Volume 3, PURe 179
asked about a time frame for getting them done and Janke said a good case would be sixty
days. Janke also reminded everyone that the fish cleaning stations were added to the project in
December, late in the process. The B station is still in place and there could be some service
there until the other stations are completed. Altermatt asked about the connection between D
and E float and Janke added that they will not be connected right away but will be in the future.
The City Council would like to get Era Aviation back here to develop some carrier service in
Seward and we would support their efforts to get the Essential Air Service Contract. Pruitt asked
if we have air service now, we have FS Air but they are a different classification then ERA. FS
Air is an on cat! service but ERA would have a flight service schedule. In the long range this
would be a good benefit to the community
Altermatt expressed that some merchants are concerned about the cross-walks being changed
on Fourth Ave. Janke responded that the one in the middle of the block will be moved so that it
will be in line with the trestle going to E float. Hopefully people will use the crosswalks.
Janke reported that Seward Internet is down and may be down until Friday.
Harbormaster Beckham reported that Judi Sweeney, PACAB Board Secretary, had
suffered an appendicitis and would probably be gone about a month or month and a half.
EDA invited us to submit an application as a result of our preapplication for a $1.3 million-dollar
grant for the East Harbor Expansion Project. This is due on the 26th so it has been the item
focused on this week. Janke interjected that when you are invited to apply you have about a
ninety- percent chance of getting the grant..
Project update, they are almost done relocating J dock to what is now going to be K. The
remaining steel piling should be torn out today. We are on schedule. They have two pile driving
crews and should be able to do at least twelve a day If necessary we may be able to set up a
temporary fish cleaning station while the new ones are being built.
We had a DEe volunteer visit; we have some paperwork that needs to be done for the used oil-
handling program. We are doing a lot of things right but are working to stay in compliance.
Putting finishing touches on rate plan review, the emphasis on tying what people actually pay for
service to what services they are receiving.
Jordan asked about a plan to facilitate the influx of commercial fisherman that will be coming in
the harbor because of IFO 's and black cod fishing. Beckham replied that the harbor is going to
be very crowded and several barges are due in. The Bartlett will leave on March 15th. We have
broadcast going out so the boats know we are crowded. Everyone needs to work together and
Janke will check with the Council about perhaps letting boats tie up to the North Dock but pay
the harbor moorage rate, which is lower, to help alleviate the congestion. Boats will have to raft
off one another Although so much is happening in the Seward Harbor it remains open.
City u(S",:wurd Purt and Commerce Advisory Board /tIinutes
Murch 7, 2001
Vn!Uffle i, Page 180
Dale Hoogland, 2503 Cedar St., he has a trucking service and seventy-five
percent of his business is related to the fishing industry He is concerned that people will
think the harbor is closed and that will send business to other ports, This could have a
negative impact on other businesses Wants everyone to be aware of his concerns that
this will affect more than just the fishing fleet. Could we make an agreement with the
Railroad to use their dock? There needs to be a plan before the boats get here and we
find ourselves in a bad situation. He thanked the board for the opportunity to speak.
MOTION (Pruitt I Kasischke) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda including
The minutes of February 7, 2001
Motion passed by unanimous consent
On-Going Project List -- Wille asked the board if anyone would like to tackle
any of the projects on the list that have not been taken. He mentioned that two reports
would be given at the next meeting April 4, 2001. Jack Goodwill will give the ARR Dock
New Commerce, and he (Wille) will give one on the Internet. Jim Pruitt inquired about
the North Dock and its position on the list and he will give a report about it at the next
Lechner complemented Beckham on his getting the application for the grant for
the East Harbor Expansion. He reminded everyone to help with the short-term crunch in
the Harbor.
Goodwill asked if Seward Fisheries could perhaps provide the number of boats
that come into the harbor during this time.
Jordan asked the board to all chip in and get flowers for Judi Sweeney She
also asked that everyone has patience, this is a big project and we all have to do what
we can. So far, no fishermen have complained to her about the Harbor construction and
she is not sure where the negative publicity is coming from. The fisheries will give water
to all boats that need it and we all have to work together and be accommodating.
Altermatt agreed that the board should send Judi flowers and thanked Beckham
and Janke for the updates and was glad things are going well. She would like the board
to attend and support the EDD conference that Vanta mentioned in whatever way
City of Seward Purt and ('nmmr!rc2 Advlsury Boord Aiimltes
Manh :, 2001
Volllme 3. PURe 181
Pruitt asked about the status of the "Newby Navy" at SMIC HM Beckham said
that every couple of months someone inquires about the derelict boats at SMIC with
some great idea that never happens. Pruitt commented that although we have all taken
a hit regarding use of the harbor, overall, he wanted to give credit to the Harbormaster
on the good job on the harbor project. Pruitt announced that the COM FISH Show would
be held on March 23, in Kodiak and that this would be their 13 or 14th year In
Kasischke suggested printing a flyer to had out at the COMFISH show
explaining the status of the Seward Harbor.
Wille reported that the Chamber of Commerce Director might be at the next
meeting. Wille said that the board had found out by accident that the Alaska Railroad
would be holding an open house on March 15 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Seward Freight
and Passenger Dock and the Round House. Wille asked about reduced moorage for the
North Dock or the ARR Dock during the construction when the bigger fishing boats come
in to offload, ice up, etc. Wille suggested the City adopt an ordinance in support of
requiring tug assists for all cruise/or boats of certain size because of safety issues.
Janke suggested Wille have a resolution for the next meeting in support of the
requirement to have assist tugs for vessels of certain size.
The meeting adjourned at 1 :23 p.m.
Kari A. Atwood
Acting Board Secretary
Ron Wille
(City Seal)
Port and Commerce Advisory Board
Vol 3 Page 186
The regular May 2, 2001 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to
order at 12:00 pm by Chairman Ron Wille.
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Doug Lechner
James Pruitt
Melody Jordan
Deborah Altermatt *Jack Goodwill
*Dean Kasischke Karl Van Buskirk
**Roger Mercer
Comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Scott Janke, City Manager
James Beckham, Harbormaster
Louis Bernardino, ARRC Representative
Kari Atwood, Acting PACAB Secretary
*Jack Goodwill and
meeting thereafter
*Dean Kasischke arrived at 12:06 and took part in the
**Roger Mercer left at 1:20PM
Louis Benc:ardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported that the heated floors
in the new building are just about complete. He said a Japanese film crew would be in town soon
filming a documentary on the history of the Alaska Railroad. On Friday, Pat Gambell, President of the
Alaska Railroad will be in Seward to have a look around. The Coast Guard will be leaving soon and the
ferry and the cruise boats will be coming in soon, it is a very busy time but everyone is working
together. They are also trying to get the ferry office moved and that will help with some of the
confusion when the cruise ships are in. Jack Goodwill asked if this was Mr. Gambell's first trip to
Seward and would he be able to attend a Chamber of Commerce or PACAB meeting. Mr. Bernardino
answered yes it was his first visit to Seward and perhaps he could come back down sometime to attend
a meeting. Deborah Altermatt asked if he thought there would be any problems with the Holiday train,
Mr. Bernardino didn't think there would be. The tracks to the cargo dock will be completed at the end of
the month, they did have a few problems, including having to move some boats.
A. KPB/EDD - Vanta Shafer (absent)
B. Administration Report
City Manager Janke brought a copy of a letter he wrote to Tom Torgeson and asked each
board member to call a representative and ask them to include Nash Road and Fourth Avenue in bill
191. He said he has spent a lot oftime trying to get Port Avenue built by next year including sidewalks
and lighting. Fourth Avenue is closed until May 15 to put in a larger culvert. Janke said he would like to
have a gentleman speak at the May 16 work session about his pork project. Seward would be the port
Port and Commerce Advisory Board
Vol 3 Page I R7
for-bringing in the feed and shipping out the product to other countries and it would not be where the
pigs are kept.
Harbormaster Beckham reported that the harbor is coming up with a standard for any
adjustments people wanted to make to the new floats, like adding fenders etc. The Harbormaster's
office would do all the installation and everyone would have the same product to keep the new floats
consistent. He is also looking into creating a special place for people to store their dock carts.
Kasischke asked about people painting or doing projects on the new floats and Beckham replied that
we already have policies covering that in the Code and people will be charged for any damage or
defacing to the new float system. Lechner asked if the electricity was suppose to be done on May 1 and
when the old floats were going to be moved out of the boat launch area. Beckham said the completion
date for electric was July 1 and that the old floats were supposed to be moved two days ago. He had
contacted Swalling Construction and they were going to move them out right away. Wille asked if
there would be telephone service on the docks, and could we set up a meeting with Tel-Alaska.
Beckham said they had a meeting with Tel~Alaska and they said they would not provide telephone
service offshore. Beckham dId discuss the possibility of pay phones on the floats. Tel-Alaska would
install the telephones, but the city would have to pay and maintain it. It is all very expensive and they
are trying to look at some other options for getting telephone service to the floats. Pruitt mentioned
that people could use wireless service in the mean time,
Presentation by Tim McDonald on Nash Road Boat Harbor
Tim McDonald gave a presentation to the board for his proposed boat harbor on Nash Road.
Julie Taurlanen, Executive Director of the Seward Chamber of Commerce reported that
they received a grant to attract non-tourist businesses to Seward. They have a short time to spend the
grant and may use a marketing company. Taurianen said she would like the Board's input. Janke
commented that they should stress the low tax rate, Pruitt suggested that they market SMIC and stress
that the quality of life is good here. Taurianen stressed that they only have until June 3D and she needs
to be contacted before then.
Mr. Ron Long, KPB representative remark favorably on Tim McDonald's presentation and
wished him good luck on his up hill battle. He hoped the Board would support McDonald's harbor as a
private project. He also told McDonald that when you contact your legislator to mention the Spruce
Tree Bridge on Lowell Point as a road project that needs funds,
APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Lechner moved to approve the April 4,
2001, regular meeting minutes, Kasischke second, unanimous consent. Lechner made a motion to add
agenda item 7 A, Northern Edge, to new business.
A. Priorities and Goals
North Dock- James Pruitt
The reason the North Dock has not taken off is never been developed. They're our businesses
that need and would use a deep-water protected basin. Pruitt said developing the North Dock used to
be the priority of the board, but that the focus has shifted away from it and it should be moved back to
the top of the list again.
Marketing- Dean Kasisc:hke- reported that the name of the company that offers Internet
access through a dish network system is Rocket.
Port and Commerce Advisory Board
Vol 3 Page 1~8
Northern Edge
Lechner requested that Janke write a letter to Admiral Barrett inviting the Coast Guard back to
Seward, Janke said he would be happy to do that.
A. Alaska Business Monthly, April 2001- Article "Alaska's Rural Ports Spur Economic
B. Government West, Marchi April 2001
C. April 2001, North Pacific Fishery Management Council News Notes, were noted for
information only.
D.l. Whitman, Seward Ships Dry-dock, said that at SMIC people are putting money into the
development of the SMIC area. Everyone needs to look at and follow the SMIC policy. If the rules are
not going to be enforced Seward Ships Dry Dock is going to put a trailer in SMIC the yard and start
Harbormaster Beckham will try and get more articles that impact business in the packet. In regard
to dealing with OJ Whitman's comments Jim Pruitt said he wanted a response from the administration.
Pruitt said that campers in shacks have stayed in the SMIC yard and required insurance is not being
enforced. It is a storage yard and it was not intended for a portable shop. He said he wants some
clarification. Janke said he could not respond right now, but would look into it.
12. ADJOURNMENT 2:00 p.m.
Ron Wille
K ri Atwood, Acting
Board Secretary
City of Seward. Alaska
Port and Cummf.'/"Cf.' AdvisorJ.' Buard J'vfinutes
Vulume 3, Puge 189
The regular JUll\,; 6, 2001 meeting of the Seward Purt and Commerce Advisory Board was
called to order at 12:08 p.m. by Chairman Ron Wille.
'1 'here were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Roger Mercer
Jim Pruitt
.Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Ahsent were:
Doug Lechner
Melody Jordan
Deborah Altermatt
Karl Van Buskirk
Comprising a quorum of the Board; and
W. Scott Janke, City Manager
James B. Beckham, I-Iarbormaster
Louis Bcncardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative
Vanta Shafer, KPBIEDD Represenlative
Kari Atwood, Acting P ACAB Sccretary
Vanta Shafer, Council Member/Kenai Peninsula Borough Economic Development District
representative passed out a draft of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy tor the
Kenai Peninsula Burough. They havc spent a lut of timc un this and the next meeting is June 21
after that they will be meeting every other month.
Louis Bcncardino, ARRC Representative reported that Yukon Fuel is interested in putting
in storage tanks out on railroad property near the blue building. The railroad is supporting their
efforts as much as they can. It is a big $30 million project and seems like it is moving forward. The
cruise ships are getting larger (some 900 ft) have caused some problems for the railroad. Thcy arc
making adjustments to make them work, may have to look at putting an extension un thc duck.
Friday there will be two cruise ships, a HSCG ship, a NOAA ship and the State Ferry all using thc
dock. The floor is complete and the electricians should be wraping it up SOOl1, have talked to the
railroad ahout utilizing the huilding in the winter, for conventions or maybe cvcn youth dances.
Wille asked ifthe railroad had looked into requiring the cmise ships to have tug assists wh-.:n usmg
the railroad dock. Rencardino responded that the railroad had not re811y discussed it but perhaps they
Part and Camm,:>rce Advisory Board A,fjnutes
Vu/ume 3, Puge 190
('ity ofScwurd, Alaska
L:uuld diSL:USS it. The JapaI1L:Se film crew is herc doing a documentary about the railroad. II will be a
two-hour documentary to air in Japan. Pruitt asked ifBencardino had heard any wonl on the railroad
to Anchorage Airport project and could we possibly get a copy ofthe documentary when it is done.
Bencardino said the Airport project should be done next fall and the documentary would be in
Japanese language but he would see what he could do.
City Manager Janke reported that he had dinner with the President of Yukon Fuel; they have
a lease with the railroad for the property that ha.. heen done. They have also shown some interest in
somc propClty in SMIC Hthe project went on line as a $30 million dollar construction project that
would mean around $1 no thousand in property taxes to the City Most of the employees would live
in Seward. They will he making a presentation to Council either the end of June or in July. Have
asked thi.:m with our assistance to hold a town meeting. They are very pro-active and have met with
local envirorunental groups to keep them infonned of their plans and appear to have very good
attituues. We will keep everyone posted on the progress of this project. The City has a risk
management group looking into repOlts of people tripping and falling on the new harhor ramps. No
one has been seriously iqiured and the ramps are not as steep as the old ones hut apparently the
grating is causing some problems. The City is concemed for the puhlic 's safety and doesn't take this
matter lightly. PL:rhaps carpet will be installed or some other altemative. Goodwill asked if the tank
farm project was only looking at railroad land. Janke answered that the actual tank farm would be on
railroad land. Tht; City didjust reccivc late Monday a public notice ofa permit application from
Seward Ships to build a small dock within the City's Small Roat Harhor This will he on calendar for
City Council next Monday night the deadline for comments to the Army Corp is .June 281h. This was
not in on time to hring to the Board as an agenda item it has been distributed as a lay down item so
you can look at it hut we are not asking for any action to be taken on this item.
Harbormaster Beckham reported that half the power is available un H & J docks and the
remaining pedestals should be here Monday. A sewer pump test is scheduled for today and he will
have to leave right after this report to be present lor the test. The 1ish c.leaning station completion
contract is under way and the contractor is on site. We are still working on the puneh list for the
project there are just a few small item left. Janke added that 2500 boy scouts would be showing up
in town today. Kasischke asked if the floats that were cracked when they arrived would they still be
guaranteed. Beckham replied that some of the cracks will self heal and there are three floats that are
going to be replaced. All the floats will be guaranteed. Wille asked if John Daley was gonc.
Beckham answered that he does nol need to be here full time but will be here at critical junctures for
the fish cleaning stations and to go through the punch list and inspect repairs. Wille commented that
he did appreciate the weekly engineer's repotts and felt they were very helpful and would like to see
perhaps a bi-weekly harbor report continue maybe just on an e-mail basis to keep the Board
informed on what is going on in the Harbor. Wille also asked why the short buses are still parking in
the parking lot and not using the bus-loading zone. Janke replied that there are two shuttle bus stops
located in the middle lot. The whole parking lot issue will be revisited in the fall with the different
groups that u::;e it and they will discuss what works and what doesn't and make changes. The system
is not peried but it is bctter than last year. Kasischke a..ked Beckham why the G float slips on the
North end of the Harbor takcn out and what was the Harbor going to do to alleviate the problems
with the 20 n boats that had been there in the past. Beckham replied that anything fewer than 32 it is
City afSeward, Alaska
I'ort and Cummf.!rce Advisarv Buurd Minutes
Volume 3, Page 191
considered trailerable all the slips were eliminated when the G float was moved forward in the
renovation. Those slips were usually only rented on a semi-annual or quarterly basis and the revenue
on those slips maybe totaled $12 thousand we were ablt: to add some new slips in the larger sizes
with this move and their revenue is about $37 thousand a year. Those slips were added to F-F- & H
11oats. Wille mentioned that this was discussed a long time ago with the engineers when this project
started and had been in all the drawings previously presented to the board.
Added Agenda Statement, Rescheduling the July 4, 2001 meeting to July 1 L 2001'
Motion by Goodwill, 2nd by Mercer Passed with unanimous consent..
Goodwill, Railroad dock report. the State Ferry Tustumena will be relocated to the freight
dock lor the summer because of the l.:ruise ship trame. Snug Harbor has entered into a long-term
lease agreement with the railroad for unloading fish there. We are trying to solicit new winter barge
traffic, especially with the mild winter wc just had. Janke mentioned that Yukon Fuel said they
wuuld push Northland to bring more traiTie in to Seward. There were 110 cruise ships scheduled ffild
that number is down to 108. Princess still has the most stops here and next year may be bringing in
some even larger boats. Holland America has the second most port calls with 28. Celebrity cruises
has nine and Royal Caribbean is new this year. Carnival has the new large ship 960 ft.
Resolution 2001-02, Supporting the Efforts oftht.: Alaska Pork Project, Inc. in seeking and
acquiring funds for the development of a business plan. Kasischkc motion tu adopt, Goodwill
seconded. Discussion: Goodwill said the article from the Peninsula Clarion sure brought up some
interesting environmental concerns, wondered if perhaps some addition shuuld be made to the
resolution concerning them following environmental policies. Pruitt stakd that when they get tu the
permitting stage of this process that will take care of a lot ofthe environmcntal cuncerns. Janke also
noted that none of the farms would be located in Seward. Kasischke suggested it should be
supported because it would be good for the economy. Kasischke moved to enact the resolution and
Pruitt 2nd thc motion. Goodwill, Kasischkc, Mercer, Pruitt, Willc all voted yes. Resolution Passed
Resolution 2001-03, recommending support of the McDonald Point Project. Kasisehke
motion to adopt, Pruitt 2nd Discussion: Kasischke thinks the resolution is good as it stands and that it
is important that we show support for Mr. McDonalds plan. It is a good dcvelopmcnt and would be
good for the Seward economy. Kasischke motion to enact resolution 200l-c;, Mercer 2"u, Goodwill,
Kasischke, Mercer, Pruitt, Wille all voted Yes. Resolution Passed
City of Seward, Alaska
Port and r.'oll1l11crce Advisorv Board Minutes
Vulume 3, Page 192
A. Preventing and preparing for fud spills
I3. Bottom washing- A cleaner underside and a cleaner environment
C. Boat Bottom Wash Water in Michigan
D, US EPA settles lawsuit with marine paint firm
E. US boating industry study available
f. Clarion Hog Farm artidc
G, A Risk Management Reminder
II. US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District Public Notice of AppliL:ation for Permit,
within section 22, TIS., R. 1 W., Seward Meridian, adjac.ent to Lowell Point, in
Seward, Ala"ka
1. Marcus Hartley letter to Harburmaster Jim Beckham regarding, the online sea lion survey
Pruitt we have applied for a Corp of Enginc~rs Permit to drive sheet piling "dlong the face of
the shoreline from to J dock to Tanya's train depot and dredge out the area in between. This would
help hold the beaL:h bat:k and accommodate the huilding, of a huteL There would he a boardwalk
going around the front and it would be a nice continuation ofthc harbor. If they get through the Corp
permit process the window or operation is between Septemhcr emu April. Mercer inquired if the
purposed boardwalk would be n public boaruwalk and Pruitt answered yes it would be and the
purposed dock area would be accessible to the public also. He will keep tht: board informed oftheir
Wille said he talked to Dan McDonald, ofKFT and he said fiftcen people had fallen on the
ramps so far. It is good that the City is looking for a solution to this problem because that ramp is
like achecse-grater when people fall on it and we want everyone tu be safe. We really need to work
something out. Janke responded thal the City is concerned ahout the safety of the people who use the
harbor and a solution will be found. Wille mentioned that he really did appreciate the E-mails and
would really like to see that continue, from the harbor department.
City of Seward, Alaska
Fort and Cmnmerce AdVlsmy Roard Afinu{es
Volume 3, /'age 193
&: /lfiwc/
Kari Atwood
Acting Board Secretary
C:::=:Z::=:.>- P'r>-
Ron Wille
(City Seal)
C,ity of Seward P0l1 anu Cllmmerce Advisory Board September l, lOlll
Vol 1 Pagel94
The regular September 5, 2001, meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce
Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Wille,
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Dean Kasischke
Deborah Altermatt
James Pruitt
Karl Van Buskirk
Jack Goodwill
*Roger Mercer
Melody Jordan
Doug Lechner
Comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Scott Ransom, Deputy Harbormaster
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative
Vanta Shafer, KPBjEDD Representative
Judj Sweeney, PACAB Secretary
City Manager Janke gave a brief report first because he had another
meeting to attend with Yukon Fuel regarding establishing a fuel tank farm.
Janke invited the Board to come to a meeting with the State DOT on
September 6 from 5 to 7:00 p.m, regarding the proposed plans for Port Avenue to
Van Buren, Janke reported that the Council had a work session the previous night to
discuss the $1 million grant for the expansion of capacities of the shipyard (scope of
the project including expansion of the welding fabrication shop, extension of the
water main, add fire hydrants, enlarge the sewer service, electrical expansion.
Janke noted there is correspondence included in the packet that were the July
6, 2001, DOTPF Captain Capacci and a August 27, 2001 letter from Carl Norman,
President of the Seward International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
regarding the proposed elimination of the docking of the Marine Ferry Tustumena.
He noted that the Jetter from Capacci was somewhat pointed and he does not
recommend the city supporting their position. He noted that the ILWU letter argues
against the DOTPF's position. Wille noted that the second page of the ILWU letter
was missing from the packet in error.
Janke said he would email the board if anything comes of the meeting with
Yukon Fuel.
Janke noted that if there are questions for him during the meeting, they could
be forwarded to him.
Vanta Shafer, KPB/EDD Representative, noted that there was no quorum
for the August EDD meetiny, but that at the previous meetingl the Peninsula Outlook
forum was discussed. Shafer reported that Mary Tougas had resigned from the EDD
and they were looking for a representative from the public. She said they meet
every other month on a Thursday and you could attend by teleconference because of
the distance. In answer to a question from Kasischke, Shafer said that a tentative
synopsis of the Economic Conference held in Seward would be sent to the board
CiLy of Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board September 5, 200 I
Vol3 Pagel95
members as soon as possible. Wille inquired if there was any follow-up on the
conference Issues and requested a copy of the synopsis. Shafer reported on the
. Communications issues - TelAlaska had hoped to have DSL internet
service by mid July, but has not. The Alaska SeaLife Center is working
with a telecommunications company for fiber optic. She noted that AT&T
did not express any interest
. Fishery type of forum in the fall - showing how much the fishing
industry impacts the community economically in areas like stores,
restaurants, hotels, fish tax, etc. She urged the board to help with
gathering information (statistics) regarding the fishing industry in Seward
for political and economic reasons,
*Taken out of order: addition of Fishery Forum to meeting agenda under
new business item c.
Wille noted that TelAlaska is having an open house this Thursday, September 06,
and urged the board to attend and discuss communications with them and to invite
them to the next regular meeting (October 3).
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported
on the railroad's progress in Seward. He said that the contract for an extension of
the sewer/water would be awarded. The contract would extend water and sewer to
the new cruise dock and the freight dock also adding telephone service and a warm
up shed on the new dock for the longshoremen. He said they have been cleaning up
the yards near the docks and had been contacted by Metco who would be removing
the remainder of the old SeaWay ramp purchased by the Kenai Peninsula Borough,
He said as far as ships coming here this winter, it depends on the weather - if
Anchorage freezes up, Northland Services would come to Seward, He reported that
five old derelict boats were burned and the area will be cleaned up. Bencardino said
some material would be coming in this week and some of it would be stockpiled for
the City. He said the cruise ships soon would stop for the season. In answer to a
question from Jordan, Bencardino said concerning the sewer line project, the ARR is
tying into the City sewer system, but will not accommodate cruise ship sewer use.
Ron Long, KPB Assembly, said that the KPB Economic Development would
be hosting the Resource Development Council community outreach program on
September 27, bringing in about 30 business leaders from Anchorage to Seward, the
central peninsula and Homer. They would meet at about 11:30 a.m. touring the
SeaLife Center, Qutekcak Shellfish Hatchery and to the Seward Ship Drydock and
other places in town as time permits, possibly Seward Fisheries.
Long said that the KPB may support a resolution in support of the Marine
Ferry Taku's maintenance be done in Seward, He explained that the ferry was
scheduled to have maintenance in Ketchikan, but then they lost their ability to be
bonded. The State contracted with Seward Ship's Drydock to do the work and in the
meantime, the Ketchikan Borough helped the shipyard get their bonding back and
the Taku would, after all, be maintained in Ketchikan.
City orSeward Port (1nd Commerce Advisory Board September 5, 2001
Vul3 Pagel 96
Long said that the KPB Planning Commission wants input on reapportionment
from all of the cities. He noted there are more people in the unincorporated areas of
the borough than in city limits. Long said the code requires a reapportionment to
account for the number of people on the planning commission compared to the
number of people living in incorporated areas.
Long reported that the Mile 0-8 DOT project's engineering phase is in place
this year and the railroad chose not to participate and he was very disappointed. In
answer to Wille, Long said they were looking for general suggestions from different
seconded by Kasischke, to approve the
minutes of May 2 and June 6, 2001 and
motion passed by unanimous consent with
the addition of Item c under New Business:
Fish Forum
D-Float Removal - Deputy Harbormaster Ransom said the Harbormaster
had asked this to be on the agenda to get ideas about the old gangways, whether to
re-deck, remove, etc. Wille noted that at the last meeting, the opinion was to
remove the D-float Ramp and it was decided by the board to table this until the next
meeting when the Harbormaster attended. Lechner noted that nothing could be
removed until the floats were connected at E/D.
Rate Analysis Full Cost RecoverVI March 2001, - It was moved by
Kasischke and seconded by Wille and passed unanimously to table this item until the
Rules and Regulations have been reviewed by the board then forwarded to council.
It was moved by Kasischke, seconded by Jordan and unanimously was
Resolution 2001~004 - of the Seward Port and Commerce
Advisory Board Supporting and Recommending City
Council Support of the Seward Airport Improvements
Fuel Spill Clean up and Training: Wille said the reason he asked for this
agenda item was to review what happened recently in the harbor regarding a recent
fuel spill. He asked for a brief synopsis of what the harbor does for fuel spills.
Ransom said that the Harbonnaster and City Manager were working on the
procedures. Ransom gave an overview of the recent fuel spill that happened at
night. A harbor worker was on call and assessed the spill, established who did the
spill, how it happened. Then the U.S. Coast Guard Manne Safety Officer IS called to
do their own assessment and they take it from there. If it involved fuel getting on
beaches or land, then the DEe is called in. We respond as best as we can. Ransom
explained that in the past we have had access to boom from inside the U.S.c.G.
storage shed. Kasischke asked how many booms we had access to and it found was
enough for approximately a 200~foot boat. Ransom said that ttle harbor's level of
City of Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Hoard September 5, 200 I
Vol3 Pagel97
training is to simply access and report. Ransom told the board that he is to find out
how much it would cost to get a program together.
In answer to Jordan, VanBuskirk said that vessels that have fuel for sale or that
transport fuel are required to carry boom. Pruitt said he remembered a response
clean up plan in the past and wondered what happened to that plan. Ransom said
that the on-site commander said we could get a maintenance agreement with the
state for training. Pruitt wondered if during the recent Corp permit process if they
asked on the application jf a contingency plan was in place. Altermatt said she asked
the same thing and was told the contingency plan was to contact the coast guard and
this was to protect the employees, but remarked that the public needs to be
protected also.
Shafer asked if at anytime, in the last three years, before this fuel spill if training was
mentioned to employees. Ransom said he felt that our training as first responders
was the only training harbor employees had for spills. VanBuskirk noted that limits
have to be in place, wondering how far we will go with spill training. He mentioned
that in his own experience, the MSO from Anchorage has responded day or night. In
answer to Kasischke, Lechner said Shoreside Petroleum IS required to have both
HAZMAT and HAZWOPER training. Lechner explained that they were required to use
a company called Shadoux that cleans up fuel spills. Long said that vessels are not
required to carry boom for spills, but to carry enough insurance to cover an incident
if they were 79' or over. Kasischke made a motion, but it died for lack of a second,
to recommend to the City Council that we have an oil spill contingency on hand for
small spills like this and have a trained first response in place and also have someone
to cleanup like Shadoux. Pruitt said he did not even hear about a spill until Altermatt
called him. VanBuskirk said that the first responder actions were within the harbor
worker's abilities and should be part of the normal harbor operations or to contract it
to someone else to be a first responder so that it is done by someone. She noted
that this particular spill happened during the derby, when public opinion was high.
She said that if harbor personnel have been told not to respond because they may
get sick from the fumes, she asked what about the harbor users smelling the fumes.
Wille asked that this item goes on the next agenda under Old Business for follow
up so that Ransom can report back with what results he has. Ransom said he would
report with the city manager harbormaster's direction. Goodwill noted that when
Janke left the meeting he offered to have questions directed to him and this would be
a good one for him.
Fish Forum - Kasischke asked for the addition of this agenda item because
the trend that fisheries are starting to limit what they are buying. Shafer said we
need an economic outlook on how much the fishing industry contributes to this
community. Jordan said that she would be willing to serve on an organizing
committee for the fish forum and added that the Chamber of Commerce was involved
in the last forum. She said the issues with the economics of the fishing industry are
wide-ranged and revolve around the resource. Shafer said she did not think this
community has supported the fishing industry. Goodwill asked what they wanted to
do with the information they will be gathering. Shafer said it would be useful
information to find out how much fishing contributes to our economy. Jordan spoke
of how this used to be primarily a fishing town with product year round such as crab,
shrimp, scallops, fish, etc. Wille asked that Jordan lead the board in what action the
board should take on this issue. Mercer asked that recreational fishing is induded in
the forum, and following discussion, it was decided that recreational fishing and
commercial fishing be completely separate. Pruitt suggested forming an ad hoc type
of committee to get the facts together [wior to holding a fishing forum because then
City of Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board September 5, 2001
Vol] PagellJS
we are prepared with numbers. Shafer said that we need to take a positive approach
toward the fishing industry. The numbers could be used politically on behalf of the
fishermen. Pruitt stressed that this information is a good resource for visitors,
political and otherwise to have on hand to dispel rumors, etc. The board decided
that Jordan, Kasischke, and Lechner would get information together for the Seward
area and have a proposal on what fishing both commercial and recreational means to
the community.
July/August 2001 article from Marina World regarding Dry Stack Storage of
August 27,2001 ILWU letter from Carl Norman, President, in response to the
Marine Highway, both items were noted as incomplete and would be faxed to
Board members following the meeting.
Wille said that on September 19,2001, would be a work session.
Mercer said a fish forum is a good idea and that there are boomtowns in
Florida and Santa Cruz that have made a fortune on sport fishing and have found a
good mix between sport and commercial fishing optimizing the community's wealth
from both fisheries.
Goodwill thought a good reason to have a fish forum would be to enhance
the fishery as the Chamber does. Kasischke explained that the Chamber gets the
money from the buying fish back during the derby to enhance the salmon runs.
Pruitt said the data that would be used to tell how much the commercial fisheries
industry has impacted an area would be things like as hotels, groceries, taxis, fuel,
etc. He offered his information they have on hand at the Drydock. Wille said
Kasischke has some valuable information from the Chamber regarding the fishing
Lechner asked Sweeney to collect data on the amount of money collected in
passenger fees, bed tax and parking fees and report in comparison to last year.
Kasischke said he would obtain the amount of visitors passed through and registered
at the Chamb~r of Comm~rce information office.
Altermatt said she appreciated being renewed on the board for another term
along with a couple others and it was good to see the fuJl board at the meeting. She
said she hopes that as a full board, some things will be accomplished toward
commerce this year and that the fishing forum is a good start.
Pruitt said at the last meeting the priority list was brought up and he wanted
the North Dock finishing the development at the North Dock back as a priority item.
He noted that quite a bit of landfill was brought in and it should be put to use.
Pruitt speaking as the president of Seward Ship's Drydock said that they had
a contract with the State of Alaska Marine Highway system to do work on the ferries.
The Drydock is able to work on the vessels, Tustumena, Bartlett, Leconte, Aurora and
the Taku (357'). He explained that Ketchikan lost their bonding capability and SSD
was contacted and was issued an amended contract and a notice to proceed. In the
City of Seward Port and Commerce Advisory BoanJ Sl:ptember 5, 2001
Vol] Pagel99
meantime, Ketchikan Borough bonded for the shipyard. He said they are waiting for
a letter explaining the situation from the AMHS. He said almost ten years ago to the
day this same thing happened. He said the State was talking about changing the
maintenance scheduling to the summer months so they can navigate across the Gulf
of Alaska.
Pruitt spoke about the shipyard grant ($1 million). He said Torgeson helped
get the money for Seward. He said some priority items are: extending the water
main for extra fire hydrants and enlarging the sewer line. He said that to go after
contracts like the U.S.c.G., certain things have to be in place such as a break room
with a shower and office space and a fabrication shop. He said it would all start very
Pruitt spoke about a serious erosion problem across the bay near the
communications towers of the coast guard and the cellular telephone tower. He said
some riprap is supposed to go in there and hopefully it will not be delayed. He said
he discussed this with the City Manager already, but wanted the board to be aware of
Kasischke said he was glad that the fish forum was suggested. Another
thing he felt was very important is the spill response,
Jordan said regarding oil spill response that it is a good idea to have a plan
in effect. She said that she is pleased that the board tabled it and stepped back to
let the harbor develop a plan, but the board needs to take a stand that we need a
Jordan spoke about the fish forum and how it is a good idea. She said the
political ramifications can help the city in a good way, but stressed that she does not
want to get into commercial fishing vs. sports fishing. She said the intent of the fish
forum is for commercial fishing and she would like to keep it that way.
Kasischke added that at the last chamber meeting it was reported that there
was $6 million in revenue in the passenger industry and $3.5 million in sport fishing
revenue in this summer.
Wille spoke of how unsuccessful the board had been in getting the rules and
regulations changed and suggested having a written recommendation from the board
on what they would like to see changed. He said that after they have a meeting
suggesting certain changes they find they are not changed in the copy. He
suggested that the board meets and provides a written recommendation to the
harbormaster on what the board would like to see changed. Altermatt said
changes have disappeared, She noted that during the summer, the board received a
copy of the rules, but it was not with the changes they had suggested. She stated
that she does not want to sit and rehash through the changes again. In answer to
Wille, Sweeney said that all of the board was given the most recent copies of the
rules and there were a few extra copies on the public information table at the
meeting today. Jordan asked about the procedure and found that the board can
make suggestions and forward them to the harbormaster that does not have to make
the changes. Then the final rules and regulations go to the COI Jnci I with the board's
recommendation that a change were not made and so as the rules and regulations
stand the board does not support them. Pruitt explained that the board had done
their job regarding the rules and it would be in the hands of the council. Altermatt
asked Sweeney if the copy that they received had the changes they asked for and
Sweeney said she thought he had put in all of the changes they had asked for which
were all minor changes. Jordan asked if Wille had all of the changes recommended
by the board. He said that this has gone back and forth for over a year and one-half
it is still unresolved. Lechner asked if anyone has asked the harbormaster if he has
City of Seward POlt and Commt:lct: AJvisury Boal'u St;plcmhcr 5, 'l()() I
Vol J Page200
just thrown away the board's recommendations. Pruitt said it is a good idea for the
board to get the recommendations together and then ask the harbormaster where
the recommendations have gone. Altermatt asked Wille what would be discussed
at the work session on September 19 and with the board's agreement, the rules and
regulations would be discussed. Altermatt asked the most recent copy to be
provided to each of the board with the date included on the document.
Ron Long said that the roles of responsibility have to be clearly defined. He
said the Port and Commerce Advisory Board is to advise the Council. The
administration is comprised of the Harbormaster and the City Manager who works for
the Council. He explained that the board does not have to agree but that the board's
job is to take their recommendations and send them to Council. If the harbormaster
takes exception to that recommendation, it is his job to go to the Council and defend
his reasons for the changes - you don't have to agree. If the board is having trouble
getting those changes incorporated into a document with a date on it, is partly
because the board no longer has a board secretary that works for them exclusively
noting that Sweeney works for the harbor. He said this board needs to move out of
the harbor department and back into the administration.
Long asked about the cost recovery schedule was for and what costs are
recoverable. Long said he thought that when the north portion of the harbor was
going to be renovated, we got money from the State as partial cost recovery and we
have gained some interest on it as part of the recovery and when other projects were
added in through various mechanism we established means to recover those costs.
We added a passenger fee that over time would cover those costs. The other portion
of reduced cost was reduced maintenance. He asked what portion of those cost is
left to recover. What is unrecovered and "out there" and what is it going to cost or is
this merely a reopening of the discussion of square footage moorage that we thought
was tabled a year ago.
Pruitt this has happened more than once and is something that we need to
watch as a committee. The administration is the one we should be working with and
should be a conduit directly to the Council and the board loses site of that every now
and again. Pruitt suggested a rotating roster of board members to attend council
meetings when the recommendations are made to answer questions they may have.
The meeting adjourned at 2:03 p.m.
10 .~//'tM'7fI-
~Udi Sweeney ,
Board Secretary
Ron Wille
(City Seal)
City afSeward, A/ask"
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes
Volume 3, Page 20 I
Pruitt led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The regular October 3,2001 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board
was called to order at 12:01 p.m.by Chairman Ron Wille.
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Roger Mercer
Melody Jordan
Doug Lechner
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Scott Janke, City Manager
James Beckham, Harbormaster
Vanta Shafer, KPBjEDD
Judi Sweeney, PACAB Secretary
Excused Absence:
Deborah Altermatt
Karl Van Buskirk
Dave Gibbons, Vice President of Operations! TelAlaska. Travis Davis, Area Supervisor for
the Seward office and Richard Wroth, Operations Manager attended. Gibbons reported on the
status of the company including switch upgrades of service from analog to digital, training in
the Seward office. Gibbons said TelAlaska had bought Seward Internet Service and one of the
improvements would be the addition of a help desk. Gibbons told the board that the DSL
internet service is now being tested in a couple of home in Seward and may be available to the
public after the bugs are all worked out. The service area for DSL is limited at this time, but will
be expanded eventually to Bear Lake, Questa Woods, Exit Glacier and Forest Acres. Davis
added that the Internet speed would be about five times faster than what we have now.
Gibbons said he would come back to the board with a report after about six months.
It was noted that Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative was out
of town.
Vanta Shafer, Councilmember - KPB/EDD Shafer said she could not attend the last
meeting and Rick Gjfford had listened to the meeting for her. Shafer said that the board
discussed the now defeated private prison issue. She said the board approved granting $5,000
micro loans for businesses that are just beginning. She saId there was il resolution put on hold
Pur! und Commercl.' AdvisOIY Board Minute.\'
Volume 3. Pa:z.e 202
City ofSl.'ward. Alaska
that supported a slaughterhouse and she assumed it was connected with the Pork Project, She
said the next meeting would be in November. She said that one EDD seat vacated by Mary
Tougas is still open and urged any interested person to apply.
Administration Report. City Manager Janke reported that gravel from the
Resurrection River had been removed and fHl has been hauled to the North Dock in the past
week or so creating a better staging area.
He reported that on October 16, at 1 :00 p.m. the DOT is holding a public hearing on the
Port Avenue Project and if anyone wants to review them, there is a set in his office and one in
the planner's office. He noted that the pedestrian pathway is proposed to be terminated at or
around the coal facility and that the main ideas was to have a walkway for the cruise ship
He reported and gave recognition to Jim Beckham tllat the EDA had awarded a $1.3
million grant for the East Horbor Expansion project. He said the EDA Grant has a is-month
window to start construction. After construction starts, then it must be completed within 2
years. He said they would know in ten days whether we will get the Federal portion of money
and if we don't he had a backup-funding source.
Janke said he is in the early stages of changing the staffing of the PACAB because of a
strong desire by the board to move more into commerce issues. Janke said that he might have
the manager's office take that function back as it had been In the past. He said they would try
focus it more on commerce than the harbor's functions.
Janke told the board that a Port Marketing conference would be held in Miami in
February if anyone were interested.
Harbormaster Beckham reported that the harbor is preparing for winter and finishing
small projects like fencing around the dumpsters. He ~aid that parking enforcement has ended
for the season and the bus lane in front of the harbor building was taken out. He reported that
we are in the budget process and there is in the board's budget money for travel and education.
Janke said that the budget is in the preliminary stages and would be presented to the
Council on Monday, October 8, 2001. He said overall he felt that the budget looked like it
would "hold the line". Janke said had forecasts reducing their revenue by 20% in bed tax and
passenger fee because of the recent terrorist attacks and people's reluctance to travel.
Beckham said he was pleased to report that Samson Tug and Barge would be coming to
Seward approximately every two weeks to offload freight.
Beckham reported that Spanky Paine, a boat that had sat at the SMIC uplands for
several years was launched yesterday. Ron Long added that the Spanky Paine was built in
1894 and had been in the Spanish American war and had received a commendation for service.
Carl Norman, President of the local International Longshoreman's Union (ILWU) asked
support of the board by way of a letter that would give U.S. Citizens their right to work as
mandated by Federal law. He explained that the cruiselines had been using sometimes 30
foreign nationals to offload luggage and that was illegal. He said that once luggage is stacked
in an area on board, it is not to be touched except by longshoremen. He said Seward is only
place in the U.S. that allowed this. Norman said that the local longshoremen lose $1 million per
year in salaries. Norman said they had filed over 100 complaint~ and only three citations were
issued from the INS and asked the board for support in expediting the complaints.
City oj Seward. Alaska
Purt and Commer~'e Advisurv Board Minules
Volume 3, Puge 203
Janke said that this issue was presented to the Council at their last meeting and did not
feel that a letter of support from the PACAB would be in order. Janke asked Norman if they
(ILWU) had talked to the congressional delegation. Norman said they had not gone that route
MOTION (Lechner) SECOND (Jordan) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
as amended with the addition of New Business
Item C. Longshoremen letter of Support
Motion Passed with Unanimous consent.
Approval of the September 5,2001, minutes was postponed until Wille listens to the audiotape.
Fuel Spill Plans in the Harbor Harbormaster Beckham explained that the
contingency plan for a large spill in the harbor would be to close off the harbor with boom, He
said that most spills are small and about three to five gallons. He ~aid we have access to boom
with Shoreside Petroleum, Alaska Shadoux or the Coast Guard. Beckham said that the harbor
staff is trarned to take defensive measures. Janke said because of public perception; from now
on, the harbor would be a first responder and contain the oiled area,
Statistical Information Per the board's request, statistical information regarding
passenger fees, bed taxes and parking fees with the exception of the third quarter of the year
was noted. Kasischke provided copies of the Chamber of Commerce's number of visitors around
town for the year 2000 and 2001. Wille ask~d that the absent board members get a copy of the
statistical hand out from Kasischke. Wille suggested that this same statistical information be
reviewed again after the first of the next year.
Harbor Rules and Regulations 9/18/01 draft copy will be discussed at the next work
session. Wille urged the board to attend and make a final copy to be forwarded to Council.
Storm Chasers Inc. September 14, 2001, proposal to remove and destroy four
derelict boats at the Seward Marine Industrial Center for $15,750 each, Harbormaster
Beckham said they had gone through the legal process to get rid of the boats ending with an
offer to sell the boats, with no success. Beckham recommended that Storm Chasers be given
the job. In answer to Wille, Janke said all of the legal issues had been addressed. Pruitt said
he would like to see the whole SMIC area cleaned up rather than just these four boats.
Beckham said we have gone through all of the legal processes on these four boats and it would
take about two more years for the rest of the boats to be cleared for destruction. Following
discussion, it was moved by Kasischke, seconded by Wille to recommend the proposal to the
City Council authorizing the manager enter into a contract with Storm Chasers to remove four
derelict boats at the SMIC (for an amount not to exceed $63/000) and have the Harbormaster
get the other derelict vessels ready for destruction and was unanimously carried, Harbormaster
also said he would get a list of the apparently abandoned boats in the SMIC yard with the
amount of money they owe.
Harbor Reports Harbormaster Beckham asked the board what kind of things they
would like reported. He apologized for the past communication error when he had thought that
the board only wanted reports on the North Harbor Renovation and when that project ended so
City a/Seward, Alaska
P,Jrlllnd {'ommer,'e Advi.wry Board Minutes
Volume 3, Page 204
did his reports. Pruitt referred to the past when a suggestion box was put in at the harbor and
then the "Harbor Commission" was given copies of the suggestions. The general feeling of the
board was that they did not want to "micro manage" the harbor and did not need details of day
to day duties, but rather would like to have a report on things significant that would affect the
majority of users of the harbor.
Longshoremen's Letter of Support Kasischke asked the board to back the local
longshoremen with a Jetter of support regarding the cruise lines using foreign nationals to
offload luggage on their shIps. Lechner said that both sides of the story should be heard before
a letter of support is sent. Wille recommended writing a letter of support to urge the INS to
support the laws as written and resolve the conflict at the Seward dock. Beckham offered to
draft a letter and email it to all of the board for comments.
September 12, 2001, North Pacific Fishery Management Council newsletter, noted.
September 2001 Zones Report, noted
September 20 and 21, 2001 Boating Industry International Online News, noted
RCAC Geographic Response Strategies Information Packet, noted
September 17 and 19, 2001, News Release from the Consulate General of Japan, noted
Pruitt said that he did not agree with the statement that sending a letter of support for
the Longshoremen would be redundant. He said the board has their own ideas and should be
given credit.
Lechner said he was pleased that Samson Tug ancl Barge was making this a regular stop
and thought they should be thanked with a letter from the City. Lechner said that Bob Valdatta
had brought up a good point that the same coal ship of Hyundai's (Trader) had been coming
into port and should be given a plaque showing our gratitude like we have given other boats for
making Seward their Port of Call.
Jordan said she encourages people to still tome to this board to give their views and
then that could be passed on to the council.
Wille congratulated Jim Beckham for his hard work on the $1.3 million EDA grant award.
City oj ,I.,'eward, Afusku
Port and Commerce Advisory Board AIinutes
Volume 1, Page 205
The meeting was adjourned at 2:12 p.rn..
Ron Wille
Cha i rma n
(City Seal)
rity ofSewurd. Alaska
l'ort alld CommprI:e Advi.wrv Board Minllles
Volume J, Page 206
The regular November 7, 2001 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chairman Ron Wille.
Pruitt led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Jack Goodwill
Dean Kasischke
Deborah Altermatt
Karl Van Buskirk
Doug Lechner
James Pruitt
comprising a quorum of the Board; and
Scott Janke, City Manager
Scott Ransom, Deputy Harbormaster
Kari Atwood, Acting PACAB Secretary
*Roger Mercer
Melody Jordan
*( Mr. Mercer arrived at 12:30 PM and participated in the meeting from that
It was noted that Vanta Shafer, council member-KPB/EDD could not attend the
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported that the
railroad had extended its deadline with Yukon Fuel, they have some survey work they would like
to do but are unable to do it until this spring. Samson Tug and Barge is starting to use the
railroad dock and they hope they will become a long-term customer. They have also lengthened
the dock, the upland.; portion and have extended the area by the cruise ship dock and some
loading ramps have been added. The shippers seem to really like these improvements. They
are also working on building a new walkway underneath the dock.
Administration Report
City Manager Janke gave the board members a copy of a memo from Brad Gilman, it
shows Senator Stevens was successful in gdting the first $1,000,000 (for the Federal portion of
the project) for the East Harbor Expansion. Now it IS a real project. There were only tWQ
projects funded in AlaSka so this is a major step forward for us. Now we have 2.9 million in
City afSeward, A/ask"
Porll1nd CommerCt< Advisory Board Minutes
Vulume 3, Page 207
state money, 1.3 million in a grant from EDA and now this first million from the Federal
Janke mentioned that at one of the future PACAB meetings he would like the
board to discuss staffing the harbor in the evening time during the summer months. He would
like the board's opinion, ideas and suggestions. It was brought up by the Seward Boat Owners
Association and he will forward a copy of their fetter as well as his response to all the board
members. Pruitt asked if the police were patrolling the harbor. Janke responded that this
evening person would not be a night watchman or for security but to provide better service to
the customers.
Kristin Erchinger, Finance Director for the City of Seward gave an overview
of the hZlrbor budget and answered questions from the board members. She also gave the
board members a copy of the SMIC budget because some members requested it. She didn't
realize her presentation would be so long and said she would be happy to return to answer any
other questions the board may have. Wille commented that this was just to get an over-view of
the budget because it is really a done deal for the 2002 budget but if the board wanted to be
more involved with the budget process they could but they would have to start at the beginning
of the process.
MOTION (Kasischke) SECOND (Lechner) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
as amended with Unfinished Business Item A.
Harbor Rules and Regulations tabled until the
next regular meeting.
Motion Passed with Unanimous consent.
Tabled until the December 5,2001 regular meeting.
The Chairman opened nominations for Chairman, Kasischke nominated Wille, there were
no other nominations received. Kasischke made a motion to close the nominations and cast a
unanimous ballot, seconded by Lechner and was approved by unanimous consent.
The Chairman opened nominations for Vice~Chalrman, Kasiscl1ke nominated Lechner,
there were no other nominations received. Kasischke made a motion to close the
nominations and cast a unanimous ballot, seconded by Wi1Ie and was approved by
unanimous consent.
Dock I,ines, Volume X1l1, No. 14~October 19,2001
Zones Report. October 200l
City ofScward, A{a~ku
Purl and L'<NlllllerC/1 Advisory Board /J.1inules
Volume 3, Puge 208
NQrth Pacific Fishery Management Council7 News and Not~s, October 200 [
Alaska Municipal League, Newly Eleded (}fficials Training
UPC Fuam Filled Fenders, The Ultimate Pwtl:ctor
Goodwill would like the board to discuss the state ferry Tustumena and its schedule at
the next regular meeting. This next summer season they plan on dropping Seward from their
schedule or at least reducing the number of port calls and they only have two calis now.
Wille hoppened to see the letter to the editor in the Phoenix Log from Rhonda Hubbard
regarding the newspaper article about a possible rate increase in the harbor. One of the items
she did mention in her letter and he wanted to bring back to the board was the raw fish tax,
That Is something that Is generated in the harbor but not allocated to the harbor, This may be
an item the board could discuss this winter and pass along to the council.
Janke commented that one of our top priorities, legislatively IS the marine fuel tax and
to get that re-allocated to the harbor. If we can get that accomplished someday it will be a
great source of income for the harbor and we would have some money for capital
The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.
Kari Atwood
Acting Board Secretory
Ron Wille
(City Sea I)
City ufSeward. Alaska
Port and Commerce Advisory Hoard Minute~'
Vulume 3, Page 209
Board member Jordan led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The regular December 5, 2001 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory
Board was called to order at 12:07 p.m. by Chairman Ron Wille.
There were present:
Ron Wille, presiding, and
Deborah Altermatt
Dean Kasischke
Karl VanBuskirk
Jack Goodwill
Doug Lechner
Melody Jordan
Roger Mercer
Absent: James Pruitt
Comprising a quorum of the Board; and
James B. Beckham, Harbormaster
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative
Vanta Shafer, Councilmember/KPB/EDD Representative
Judi Sweeney, PACAB Secretary
KPBjEDD Council member Shafer reported that the EDD had accepted the resignation
of Executive Director Betsy Arbelovsky and explained that when she was hired she had agreed
to work for eighteen months. She said the position has been offered to James Carter. She
reported that the Economic Outlook Forum was held with good participation. Shafer said that
there still is a vacancy for a community representative on the Economic Board.
Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported that
Samson Tug and Barge has been coming in on a regular basis and so are Northland, SeaTac,
and the Ferry. He said that it was discussed at the morning Economic Development meeting and
said that the organization felt that the PACAB spent too much time on Harbor related issues.
Wille added that he and the Harbormaster work together to form the agenda for the next
meeting and at any time any of the board would like to see issues on the agenda whether
commerce or harbor related. He asked the board for some direction.
Administrative Report
Harbormaster Beckham reported on the progress of the East Harbor Expansion
Project. He said the Harbor budget was adopted and safety ladders would be purchased as
planned. He spoke about the care of the new floats with regard to Ice and snow and said we
have been using a sweeper and it works well. He said the new floats have a three-year
warranty. In answer to Altermatt, Beckham stated that the East Harbor Expansion Project like
the North Harbor Renovation Project would have plenty of public meetings and opportunity for
the public to have input in the project.
City ({{Seward, A{(l~'ka
Port and Commerce Advisory Board Jvlinute.f
Vu/ume 3, Page 210
MOTION (Jordan/Kasischke) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda
.Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Harbor Rules and Regulations The board discussed a coupl~ of questions they had
from the November work session more specifically:
If there were boats in the harbor that were smaller or larger than the minimum
or maximum length? Harbormaster Beckham said yes there are some under the minimum
and over the maximum, but we do not have anything to accommodate those sizes.
Why is there a limit of 45 tons for the SO-ton lift and 240 tons for the 250-ton
11ft? Harbormaster Beckham explained that the wording is in place as a safety precaution. Lifts
would be assessed on a case by-case basis determining whether it is safe for the boat and for
the crew to lift a boat. Beckham explained that when a boat is that close to the maximum
weight it places a huge burden on the machines.
Following discussion, It was moved by Kaslschke, seconded by Goodwill and
unanimously carried to forward the October 17, 2001, then condensed into a more
appropriate format of the Rules and Regulations for Council's review.
Rate StUdy Harbormaster Beckham explained that this study was originally done in
March. He said that with the East Harbor Expansion project coming up, this should be
addressed to generate revenue to meet administrative, operational and capital replacement
cost. The report recommends the square foot type of moorage billing rather than lineal foot
moorage. Beckham said with the square foot method, the costs are in place for the
administration, infrastructure and overhead. Following discussion, the board decided to hold a
work session on December 19 to discuss the rate study and also change the meeting date in
January to the 9th for the regular meeting and the 23rd for the work session.
Hyundal and Samson Letters Wille explained that this was on the agenda to find a
way to show appreciation to companies that frequent the Seward port. It was noted that
Harbormaster Beckham had drafted a letter. It was moved by Jordan, ~econded by Altermatt
and unanimously carned to accept the draft letter and forward it to the companies (Hyundai,
SeaTac, Northland) and have a gold pan made for Hyunda; Trader who have been consistently
coming to Seward. Bencardino suggested that someone communicate the City's intentions as a
courtesy with Seward Coal Terminal.
Tustumena Schedule Goodwill noted that the Alaska Marine Highway System had
published their summer schedule and it showed a reduction of stops to Seward. He said they
did that without public input. Following a discussion, the board requested that the City
Manager give a status report of the Tustumena at the next meeting.
City ufSewurd, Alasku
Port and ('nmmerce Advisory Board Minutes
Vnlume J, Page 211
Harbor Staffing Nights Harbormaster Beckham explained that this was placed on the
agenda because some people thought the harbor should be open later to accommodate boaters
that come in to the harbor after the office closing time of 5:00 p.m. and are looking for a place
to tie up. Jordan wondered why the board was being asked to micro manage the harbor in this
way and felt that this should be handled administratively. Altermatt explained that it was
presented by the Seward Boat Owners not to micro manage the harbor but to help the harbor
be of more service,
Goodwill spoke in favor of addressing topics like AVTEC, Sun Eel, Wesleyan, encouraging
companies like Samson Tug and Barge to continue to grow and flourish in Seward rather than
always focusing on the harbor issues such as the hours of operation.
It was the consensus of the board to have the administration handle the issue.
Lechner gave a history of how the Port and Commerce Board's origin. He spoke against
micro managing the harbor and Altermatt and Kaslschke and Goodwill agreed.
Van Buskirk spoke in support of the harbormaster and harbor crew in the job they do
with boatlifts. He said they were fully accommodating and voiced his ~upport for the Harbor
rules and regulations.
Kasischke and Jordan echoed the same sentiments regarding the micro managing of
the harbor. Jordan asked why emails containing work lists were being sent to the board.
Jordan said they (PACAB) were not a board of directors running the harbor.
Wille explained that what he requested of the harbormaster was to be Informed of broad
reaching issues such as the safety ladders, significant oil spills, etc. Wille said that many times
the board tackles issues regarding the harbor are because the agenda and packet for the board
is generated out of the harbor office. If the board wants non-harbor Issues dealt with, they
should be brought to the attention of the board by way of the agenda. Goodwill noted that
most of the group is comprised of water related businesses but that he agreed to quit being so
heavily involved with the harbor issues.
Altermatt said that she did not want harbor issues to simply go away or not be
discussed at all because the harbor is an important part of the city. Altermatt said the
economic group that meets would like to see a person hired for marketing Seward.
Kasischke said there would be a December 11-13 meeting for the chamber.
Jordan said the commercial fisheries group had met a couple of times. Wille suggested
that it be added to the priorities and goats.
Norm Regis, Eagle Lane, said that the harbor crew assesses every lift carefully and
decides if each can be done safety. Regis added that in an emergency they do lifts at night.
City of Seward, Alaska
f'()N Ilnd Commerce Advi:,ury Buard Minu(es
Volume 3, Page 212
The meeting ended at 1:47 p,m.
Judi Sweeney
Boa rd Secreta ry
(City Seal)
Ron Wille