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WHEREAS, Kueuit Enterprises Inc. requested a Conditional Use Permit for the
construction and operation of a hotel on Lots 12-28, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward; and
WHEREAS, an application meeting the requirements of SCC Section 15.10.320 (B) was
submitted and received on April 16, 1997; and
WHEREAS, Lots 12-28, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward consists of property that
is zoned Central Business District, Auto Commercial and Multi-Family Residential; and
WHEREAS, the applicant and current property owners have applied to have all of the
property zoned Central Business District; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Land Uses Allowed Table (15.10.225), a hotel is
permitted within the Central Business District by Conditional Use Permit; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing, meeting the requirements of Section
15.01.040 was held by the Commission on May 7, 1997.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning
Commission that:
Section 1. In accordance with SCC ~ 15.10.320 (D), the Planning and Zoning
Commission has reviewed the applicant's request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct
and operate a hotel on Lots 12-28, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward and made the following
findings of fact and conclusions:
A. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes of
the zoning district. The property is zoned Auto Commercial (AC), Central Business District
(CBD) and Multi-Family Residential (R3). The CUP will be contingent upon the City Council
amending the official City of Seward Land Use Plan and Zoning Maps so that the entire project
site is CBD. The purpose of the CBD is to provide for an area of convenient, attractive,
concentrated commercial development primarily intended for retail, financial, entertainment and
professional services occurring within enclosed structures. Regulations applying to this zone are
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60-L6 'oN uOHnIosa"H
UO!SS!UlUlOJ ilu!uoZ pUll ilu!UUllId PlllM;)S
Seward Planning and Zoning Commission
Resolution No. 21.:.Q2
Page 3
The 1985 Comprehensive Plan recommended expanding the CBD east to Sixth
A venue between Railway and Jefferson.
D. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed site. The
applicant has petitioned the Kenai Peninsula Borough to vacate a portion of the 20' alley which
runs north/south down the center of the block and proposed to dedicate a new 20' alley which
would run east to Sixth A venue. Adequate water, sewer, and power are available to the property.
Adequate fire, police and solid waste disposal services are available provided that the proposed
alley dedication is increased to 40 feet. As a result of tests conducted by the Fire Department,
in coordination with the Electric Department, Public Works and solid waste contractor (Jason
Enterprises), the Engineering and Utilities Manager and the Fire Chief have both recommended
a 40 foot alley dedication as opposed to the proposed 20 foot dedication, in order to accommodate
emergency and service equipment.
City sewer lines are located in the alley as well as overhead electric lines. The
vacation of the alley must be contingent upon the sewer lines being relocated at the owners
expense and approved by the Engineering and Utilities Department. The electric line can be
removed from the portion of the alley proposed to be vacated.
The only existing sidewalk around the project site is located in front of Lots 21 and
22 adjacent to the bowling alley. The construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks around the
project site will be necessary to ensure pedestrian safety in an anticipated high traffic area.
E. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or
welfare. In order to meet this condition, the developer must provide the 40 foot alley dedication
as requested by the Fire and Engineering & Utilities Departments and curbs, gutters and sidewalks
must be constructed adjacent to the project site along Fifth, Sixth and Railway Avenues.
F. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to
fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are
not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design,
operation of the use and other similar aspects to the proposed use. Based on the above findings
and conclusions approval of the CUP shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. The permit is contingent upon the Land Use Plan and Zoning designation of Lots
12-16 and 26-28, Block 8, OTS, being designated as CBD;
2. Lots 12-28, Block 8, OTS, must be replatted to vacate interior lot lines;
3. The proposed alley vacation is contingent upon the petitioner providing at least a
40 foot alley dedication as opposed to the proposed 20 foot dedication;
4. Detailed building elevation and site plans will be submitted to the commission for
further review, approval and possible conditions;
5. An informational and directional sign plan will be approved by the Commission;
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60-L6 'ON uOnnIos;}"M
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Seward Planning and Zoning Commission
Resolution No. 97-09
Page 5
Carpenter, Martin, Niebrugge, Smith
Darling, Kincheloe
.~ c6=.,-CL-~ ~ o..s~~
Patricia Jones, CMC
Acting City Clerk
(City Seal)