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WHEREAS, Joe Owens proposes to purchase Lot l1A, Park Place Subdivision in order
to construct a single-family residence with attached two car garage; and
WHEREAS, due to the steep topography of the lot, Mr. Owens has requested a variance
to reduce the required twenty foot front yard setback to five feet; and
WHEREAS, in reviewing the application, the administration determined that a waiver of
the 6,000 square foot minimum buildable lot size requirement appears necessary for development
of the lot; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing meeting the requirements set forth in ~
15.01.040 of the Seward Zoning Code was held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on
November 5, 1997.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning
Commission that:
Section 1. In accordance with Seward City Code ~ 15.10.325, the Planning and Zoning
Commission made the following findings of fact and conclusions based on the applicant's request,
and information provided by the administration:
A. The proposed action must be consistent with all of the general conditions
required for a conditional use permit:
1. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes of
the zoning district. This condition has been met. The property is zoned Urban Residential (UR)
and a single-family home is allowed outright in the UR District. Except for the requested front
yard setback variance and minimum buildable lot size waiver, all other zoning code development
requirements will be met.
2. The value of adjoining property will not be significantly impaired. This
condition has been met. Although the adjoining Lots 9A and lOA are currently vacant, if a house
is ever built on these lots, it appears that adequate separation will be maintained between the two
buildings. The remaining adjoining property to the south and west is city owned park land and
no development is anticipated in that area.
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61-L6 OON uO~lnlos;)"M
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Seward Planning and Zoning Commission
Resolution No. 2l:.12
waiver of the minimum buildable lot size. In addition, the required twenty foot building setback
from Cliff View Place would use the majority of the lot's "buildable area" for open space, further
impeding the development potential of the property.
C. The special conditions and circumstances have not been caused by actions of the
applicant. This condition has been met. The topography of the land was not caused by any action
of the applicant.
D. Financial hardship or inconvenience shall not be a reason for granting a
variance. Financial hardship or inconvenience does not appear to be a factor with regard to this
variance request. The topography of the land has resulted in a parcel which fails to meet the
minimum required buildable area and consequently, generated the need for a variance.
According to the applicant, the petition is not based on either financial hardship or inconvenience.
The applicant further states that, "this lot does not afford much level footage for a foundation due
to a steep bluff on both the south and east boundaries."
E. Other nonconforming land use or structures within the district shall not be
considered grounds for granting a variance. This condition has been met. There are no other
nonconforming lots and structures associated with or being compared to this project.
F. A variance shilll be the minimum variance necessary to permit the reasonable use
of the land or structure. This condition has been met. Based on the site plan submitted by the
applicant and a field investigation of the site, staff has concluded that the applicants request to
reduce the 20 foot front yard setback to five feet and waiving the minimum buildable lot size
requirement, appears to be the minimum variance necessary to allow for the development of a
single-family home on the property.
G. A variance shall not be granted which will permit a land use in a district in which
that use is otherwise prohibited. This condition has been met. The proposed single family
residence is allowed outright within the DR district.
Section 2. Based on the findings and conclusions established in Section I, the Planning
and Zoning Commission hereby authorizes the Community Development Department to issue a
variance permit to Joe Owens reducing the front yard setback to five feet, and waiving the
minimum buildable lot size requirement for development on Lot IIA, Park Place Subdivision.
The permit shall be subject to the following condition:
The owner of the property shall provide the required off street parking in
conformance with the Seward Zoning Code by designating two parking spaces
within the first floor garage.
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
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