HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1998-004 Sponsored by Staff CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 98-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, GRANTING TANYA SANDEFUR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO DEVELOP AND OPERATE A TWO UNIT HOTEL AT 411 PORT AVENUE ON ALASKA RAILROAD LEASE PROPERTY, WITHIN THE HARBOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, Tanya Sandefur applied for a conditional use permit to operate a two unit hotel in one of the railroad cars located at 411 Port A venue; and WHEREAS, the property's Land Use Plan designation and Zoning is Harbor Commercial; and WHEREAS, according to the Zoning Code, Land Uses Allowed Table, (15.10.225) hotels and motels are allowed in the Harbor Commercial District by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing, meeting the requirements of SCC Section 15.01.040 was held by the Commission on April 1, 1998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. In accordance with SCC S 15.10.320 (D), the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the applicant's request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a hotel in the Harbor Commercial Zoning District and made the following findings of fact and conclusions: A. A completed application and fee was submitted. The completed application was received by the Community Development Department on March 10, 1998. According to the Conditional Use Permit application procedure, the property owner must provide verification, if the applicant is not the property owner. B. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes of the zoning district. Zoning. The property is zoned Harbor Commercial (HC). The purpose of the HC district is to provide an area for water-dependent or water-related uses with particular emphasis on transportation, tourist, recreation, commercial or industrial enterprises which derive major ;}1!d pUll 'ilU!PHns: UllOPUil ;}ql JO SlU;}LU;}lInb;}l ;}qll;};}LU Il!M UO!pnmUOJ 'ilU!p[!nq ;}q.L .;}mJI;}M. .10 qll~;}q 'Al;}J~s J!lqnd ;}ql 01 InJUl.l~q aq 10U IHM. asn pasodo.ld aq.L 'd '(~O'vl S JJS) UO!P;J[[OJ ;Jsnl;JJ 10J ;J[qBlInS Sl;JU!BluOJ ;}P!A01d lsnLU Al!J ;}ql U!Ql!M sS;Ju!snq A1;}A;J lBql s;J1!nb;J1 ;}poJ Al!J 'S;JJ!A1;JS IBsods!p ;JlSBM pqos pUB ;}J!lod ';}Jg ;}lBnb;}pl1 Sl1 lI;}M Sl1 Al1;}dOld ;Jql Ol ;JlqBHl1AB ;J1B l;JMOd PUl1 'l;JM;JS 'l;Jll1M ;JlBnb;JPY ';}l!S pasodo.ld aql ;}A.laS 01 al~nbap~ a.l~ samlP~J pu~ SaJ!A.las J!lqnd '3 '(~f ;}'ilBd) ;}JUBUW10 tlU!UOZ ;Jql U!ql!M SUO!S!A01d qtlnOlql S;J!lqPl1J tlup[ll1d l;J;}llS-JJO JO lU;JUldo[dA;}P ;}ql tlup!nb;J1 SpU;JLULUOJ;J1 oSIB Ul1[d ;JA!SU;Jq;}ldLUOJ ;}q.L '(6l ;J'ill1d) lU;}UldOl;}A;JP pUB qlM01'il AHunUlUlOJ punos ;J'ill1lnOJU;} pUll SUO!lB1;Jdo [l1!J1;}UlUlOJ 10q1BH lBOS: lIBLUS pUll UMOlUMOQ ;}Ql lJ;J101d pUll ;JJUl1qu;} Ol 1;}P10 U! lU;JLUdO[;}A;JQ [B!J.l;JUIUIOJ tlU!lB1lU;JJUOJ SpU;JUlUlOJ;J1 Ul1[d ;Jq.L 'OWZ .lVrJA rJl{J OJ JUrJlUdOlrJltdP pUV l{JMO.l8 'SJUdlUd8uVJ.lV dsn PUVl N!UnlUlUOJ N!lvnb rJ,JnSUrJ OJ 100J IVJOIMVlU!.Id rJl{J sv UVld dSn PUV7 S,P.lVMdS U!VJU!VW :[BOO ;}Sil PUl1'1 '(L 1 ;J'ill1d) ;}[q!SB;JJ ;}l;JqM 'Sl!LU1;Jd ;}sn [BUO!l!puoJ JO lJBd SB SUllld tlU!dBJSpUl1[ ;J1!nb;J1 Ol 'ilu!nu!luoJ p;JpU;JUlUlOJ;J1 Ul1[d ;Jq.L "'SJ.lOffd 10.lJuOJ .IdJJ!l puv U01JVJlfi)nVdq '8UldvJsPUVl PdSVd.lJU! l{8no.ll{J N!UnlUlUOJ rJ.I,lJUd dl{JJO dJUV.lVdddv rJl{J dlto.ldlU] :[BOO ;JJUB1B;}ddy A1!UnUlUloJ :lJ;}fOld S!Ql Ol ;}lQl1Jqddl1 ;}q ;J1l1 q::J!qM suo!l::Jl1 'ilU!MOlIOJ ;Jql SpU;JUlUlO::J;J1 Ul1[d ;JA!su;Jq;J.ldLUOJ OWl P1l1M;JS ;Jq.L .u~ld aA!suaqa.ldUlO;) p.l~M.;}S aql ql!M. 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These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects to the proposed use. Based on the above findings and conclusions, approval of the CUP shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Solid waste containers will be provided as required by SCC ~ 14.04 and placed in a location approved by the city contractor for solid waste collection; 2. In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan's recommendation that the develop- ment of off-street parking facilities be required through provisions within the zoning ordinance, the developer shall provide one off-street parking space per hotel guest room; 3. The railroad car proposed to be operated as a hotel must comply with the Uniform Building Code Section 310, the permittee must obtain a building permit for construction and approval for a change of occupancy; and 4. As required by the Conditional Use Permit application procedure, the permittee must provide written verification from the property owner (Alaska Railroad Corporation) . Section 2. Based on the findings and conclusions specified in Section 1 above, the Planning and Zoning Commission authorizes the Community Development Department to issue a Conditional Use Permit to Tanya Sandefur for the development and operation of a two unit hotel at 411 Port Avenue on Alaska Railroad lease land, subject to the four conditions listed in Section 1, Subsection G. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 1st day of April, 1998. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA Wayn c.': .~":~:' ~,~~ t:! :'.~;; :.-~"~~, ." ,:t.\.' ~ \, ,:/ ......... ;:'v ....~:> ."teu",_. ,I..,.. '"~. ;t;~~"i'~ ..,.~~~~ ~ ~1\t~.6VXn .:~ -'iii' '.""1,,'1' ~~)..e \oJ" ..,. ;~'t: ~'t :or- -e-.... ~l: -- 's ~ : ~ .: n,"-,,:;[, : . .. 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