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WHEREAS, Nathan Orr applied for a conditional use permit to construct a two story,
13 unit motel on Lots 3 and 4, Block 18, Federal Addition; and
WHEREAS, the property's Land Use Plan designation is Auto Commercial and the
Zoning is Central Business District; and
WHEREAS, according to the Zoning Code, Land Uses Allowed Table, (15.10.225) hotels
and motels are allowed in the Central Business District by Conditional Use Permit; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing, meeting the requirements of SCC Section
15.01.040 was held by the Commission on April 1, 1998.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning
Commission that:
Section 1. In accordance with SCC ~ 15.10.320 (D), the Planning and Zoning
Commission has reviewed the applicant's request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to develop
a motel in the Central Business District and made the following findings of fact and conclusions:
A. A completed application and fee was submitted. The completed
application was received by the Community Development Department on March 9, 1998.
B. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes
of the zoning district.
Zoning. The property is zoned Central Business District (CBD). The purpose of the CBD is to
provide an area of convenient, attractive, concentrated commercial development primarily
intended for retail, financial, entertainment and professional services occurring within enclosed
structures. Regulations applying to this zone are designed to encourage a compact group of
businesses of the type which are mutually beneficial and located close enough together to
encourage walk-in trade. Hotels and motels are allowed in the CBD district by Conditional Use
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Seward Planning and Zoning Commission
Resolution No. 98-05
Page 3
Community Appearance Goal: Improve the appearance of the entire community through increased
landscaping, beaut!fication and litter control efforts... The Plan recommended continuing to
require landscaping plans as part of conditional use permits, where feasible (Page 17).
Land Use Goal: Maintain Seward's Land Use Plan as the primary local tool to ensure quality
community land use arrangements, growth and development to the year 20/0. The Plan
recommends concentrating Commercial Development in order to enhance and protect the
Downtown and Small Boat Harbor commercial operations and encourage sound community
growth and development (Page 29).
Transportation Facilities Goal: Maintain Seward's Transportation Plan as the primary local tool
to ensure safe and convenient transportation facilities that address the needs of Seward residents,
businesses and visitors to the year 20]0. The Plan recommends continuing to require the
development of on-street parking facilities through provisions within the zoning ordinance.
E. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed site.
Adequate water, sewer, and power are available to the property as well as adequate fire, police
and solid waste disposal services. City code requires that every business within the City must
provide containers suitable for refuse collection (SCC S 14.05). Construction waste and debris
must be removed weekly and upon completion of construction.
F. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or
welfare. The building construction will meet the requirements of the Uniform Building and Fire
Codes. There is no evidence that the proposed development will be harmful to the public safety,
health or welfare.
G. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to
fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but
are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design,
operation of the use and other similar aspects to the proposed use. Based on the above
findings and conclusions, approval of the CUP shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Solid waste containers will be provided as required by SCC S 14.04 and placed in
a location approved by the city contractor for solid waste collection;
2. A minimum five foot setback is required along the south property line to prevent
snow and rain from shedding off of the building roof onto the adjacent private
3. The permittee shall provide either a vegetative screening or fence at least four feet
high along the south property line in order to protect the adjacent single-family
home from the commercial development;
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