HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1998-006 Sponsored by Staff CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 28:06 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, RATIFYING AND AMENDING THE APRIL 1, 1998 DECISION TO GRANT PAUL CARTER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO DEVELOP A HOTEL ON LOTS 21-25, BLOCK 8, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF SEWARD, LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF FIFTH AND RAILWAY AVENUE WHEREAS, on February 10, 1998 Paul Carter submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to develop a hotel on Lots 21-25, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan and Zoning designation for Lots 21-25, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward is Central Business District (CBD); and WHEREAS, according to the Zoning Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225, hotels and motels are allowed in the CBD by CUP. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on March 4, 1998 and April 1, 1998; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. In accordance with SCC ~ 15.10.320 (D), the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the applicant's request for a CUP to develop a hotel in the CBD and made the following findings of fact and conclusions: A. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes of the zoning district. The property is zoned CBD. The purpose of the CBD is to provide for an area of convenient, attractive, concentrated commercial development primarily intended for retail, financial, entertainment and professional services occurring within enclosed structures. Regulations applying to this zone are designed to encourage a compact group of businesses of the type which are mutually beneficial and located close enough together to encourage walk-in trade. A hotel is allowed in the CBD by CUP. Setbacks: There are no building setbacks required in the CBD, except where the CBD abuts a residential district a minimum setback equal to that required of the abutting residential district is required. The property immediately north of the proposed development is zoned Multi-Family Residential (R3) and requires a 10 foot side setback. :SM.OIIOJ su uUId ~A1su~q;udwoJ OWZ plUM.~S ~ql ql1M. AUOUllUq U1 S1 IUsodOld ~q.L olmld ~A!suaq;udwoJ p.mM.aS allllllIM. AUOW.mq U! s! asn pasodo.Id aq.L OJ 'lS~M. ~ql 01 I~lOq WOOl IL puu ~lOlS 0~P1A 'luq/luulnlllS~lU '~nu~AV lPJH pun ~lsu~ ~ql 01 ~nu~AV qlx1S pun 'ss~u1snq llll!llPOI 'A~IIU un ~qlnOS ~ql 01 AUH UOH::l~llnS~"M PUUloI llupplld l~lu~J ~JrIU~S U)[SUIV ~ql '~nU~AV AUM.HU"M ~quOU ~ql olluq/luUmlllS~l puu ~woq AHUl1lJ-~IllU1S U :llll!pnpll! s~sn pUUI IUpl~lUlUO::l pun IUHU~P1s~1 JO Al~pUA U Aq p~punollns S11u~wdopA~p p~SOdOld ~q.L opa.I!Rdw! Alllm;}y!u~!S aq lOu IHM. 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The Plan recommends continuing to require landscaping plans as a condition of CUPs where feasible (page 17). Economic Development Goal: Enhance Downtown Seward as the community's traditional retail, convenience and attractive core. The Plan states that there is a need to concentrate and enhance commercial development and activity that occurs in the downtown and recommends: 1) continuing to encourage infill and redevelopment of Downtown sites; 2) in conjunction with the development of new buildings in the Downtown, requiring developers to provide weather protection alternatives for sidewalks including awnings and sidewalk warming elements; 3) continuing efforts to enhance handicapped access throughout the Downtown -- including curb-cuts and designated parking spaces; and 4) increasing the level of landscaping throughout the Downtown -- including the placement of trees, shrubs, and flowers -- and additional streetscape facilities -- including benches, banners, wall murals and trash containers (page 20 & 21). Land Use Goal: Maintain Seward's Land Use Plan as the primary local tool to ensure quality community land use arrangements, growth and development to the year 2010. The Plan recommends concentrating Commercial Development in order to enhance and protect the Downtown and Small Boat Harbor commercial operations and encourage sound community growth and development (page 29). Transportation Facilities Goal: Maintain Seward's Transportation Plan as the primary local tool to ensure safe and convenient transportation facilities that address the needs of Seward residents, businesses and visitors to the year 2010. The Plan states that the Downtown does not have adequate off-street parking facilities to accommodate customer demand during peak summer visitor periods and recommends continuing to require the development of off-street parking facilities through provisions within the zoning ordinance. The Plan also states that curbs, gutters and sidewalks are needed throughout the community and recommends that sidewalks in the downtown area be upgraded and increased (page 34-38). The only existing sidewalk around the project site is located in front of Lots 21 and 22 (Bowling alley). There is a public need for sidewalks in the area of the proposed facility to ensure that pedestrians have a safe place to walk in any area where the streets are anticipated to become very busy with buses and private vehicles traveling to and from the Alaska SeaLife Center, proposed hotel and existing downtown businesses. The construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks around the project site will be necessary to ensure pedestrian safety in an increasingly high traffic area. D. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed site. Adequate water, sewer, and power are available to the property. Adequate fire, police and solid waste disposal services are available. City sewer lines are located in the alley as well as overhead electric lines. City code requires that every business within the City must . d UO!l:J::lsqns '1 uOp:J::lS U! 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ABm asaqL 'lUB:JUddB aqJ Aq lam aq IIBqs suo!l!puo:J pauo!luam-aAoqB aql lIY1nJ 01 uo!ss!mmo:J aql Aq Amssa:Jau pamaap suo!l!puo:J :Jgpads lIB pUB AUV . .tI . ::lJUJPM JO IpIU::lq 'Al::lJUS :JHqnd ::lIp Ol InJUl.mq ::lq lHM ::lsn p::lsodOJd ::lIp lUIp uopu:J!PU! ou S! ::lJ::lqL 'amJlaA\.Io qllBaq 'AlaJBs :Juqnd aql ollnJmmq aq lOU II!A\ asn pasodo.ld aqL '3 .UO!l:JnJlSUO:J JO UOP::lldUJo:J uodn puu AJ)[::l::lM p::lAOlli::lJ ::lq lsnUJ spq::lp puu ::llSUM UO!l:JnJlSUOJ .(~O.vI ~ JJS) UO!p::lno:J ::lsI1J::lJ JOJ ::llqUl!nS SJ::lU!Uluo:J ::lp!AOJd 90-86 .0N UO!ln{Os::l"M UO!SS!UJUJoJ Ilu!UOZ puu IlU!UUUld pJUM;JS Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 98-06 Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 29th day of April, 1998. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Carpenter, Darling, Griswold, Larson, Martin, Niebrugge, Smith None None None ATTEST: ~J;;;( < ',triok R,iIIy ~ City Clerfmrr. ~",'i."~ ('\ "',;;.r~~;f''' .~,. t) "<" <':' e ~!!. ' :\;:'''.~ ~t .."..j}',_,~ ~t~-St:ai''t;;':~~':~\/> , tr'~- O'~ ~ "d'{~"U#"'..&I"a~ \- 'f .-:'..~~"',,).)~ '~~lii:<'>:<I" "'- I~: i":'-'" -~- 0 ..~.. ., - ~ 11'~ . II: r, ~';o: E'~ "-' . " t ~} .... "...~,;~' ", '. \ ~ '" ~'t, / .' . \~\