HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2001-003 Sponsored by Staff CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2001-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONINGCOMMIS- SION, DENYING THE SIGN VARIANCE REQUEST BY GLACIER SIGN AND LIGHTING FOR SAFEW A Y, INC. TO ALLOW AN OVERSIZE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FREESTANDING SIGN ON LOT 6A, BLOCK 3, JESSE LEE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, AT 1907 SEWARD HIGHWAY WHEREAS, Glacier Sign and Lighting has applied for a sign variance to erect a 20 foot tall freestanding sign with 75 square feet in area of internally illuminated signage on Lot 6A, Block 3, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the sign is to identify the Eagle Quality Center located on the property; and WHEREAS, according to Seward City Code ~ 15.20.040, the maximum allowed size of an internally illuminated freestanding sign in the Auto Commercial District is 32 square feet; and WHEREAS, Seward City Code ~ 15.20.055 allows the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant variances in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the code which includes: community aesthetics; commercial communication to the public; protection and enhancement of the historic charm, natural beauty, visual character and identity of the community; and flexibility for creative and innovative sign designs; and WHEREAS, the commission may vary the rules, regulations or provisions of the sign code provided that the commission, upon due and diligent investigation, makes specific findings that the conditions listed in 15.20.055 (3) have been considered; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. The Commission has reviewed the request by Glacier Sign and Lighting for Safeway, Inc. for a sign variance along with the City administration's report have made the following findings: A. The proposed sign is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Seward Sign Code for the following identified reasons: 1. Granting the requested sign variance is not necessary for the protection of the health, safety, property and welfare ofthe citizens of Seward and the aesthetics ofthe community; o AUMl(llm PlliM;}S ;}l(l uo ;}llUlUOlJ AUMl(ll!l( JO l;};}J ~8Z sUl( puu PMI 'P;}lli;}F' S! All;}dOld ;}l(l ";}:lUU!lliA ull!S 13 lUUlll Ol AmSS;}:l;}U l! ;})jUW PlnoM l(:l!l(M All;}dOld p;}fqns ;}l(l Ol P;}lUPl S;}:lUUlSUln:ll!:l IU!:l;}ds OU ;}lli ;}l;}l(l 'p<lJ8301 S! AJ.I<ldo.ld J;l<lfqns <lqJ q3!qM. U! <lUOZ <lqJ U! PU8 AJ!UP!A <lqJ U! S<lH.I<ldo.ld .I<lqJo OJ p<lmw.I<ld S<l~<lI!Apd PU8 SJq~!.1 <lSn <l~8U~!S qJ!M. 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Based upon the findings established in Section 1 of this resolution, the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby denies the sign variance request by Glacier Sign and Lighting for Safeway, Inc. for a 75 square foot freestanding sign on Lot 6A, Block 3, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 2nd day of January, 2001. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA a~ Ron Niebnfgge, Chai an AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Darling, Griswold, Hohl, Larson, Martin, Niebrugge, Smith None None None ATTEST: ~( P~h;c.L Q.€.~ \''1 (City Seal) ",all II "'" "" Of SE~"" ~' ~--l............ ~..n '#, $ c} ....o"'po~~..: 1() ~ .. l~c; <C'....:.. ~ ~ ,$ -.- v. .. =:. \: :ei SEAL ie: .. . . - ':~ \ ...... : = '~15\....:"(,.... ...."'./ - i .. ..... or'''' 1 "..... .1.3.~ ~# ~li:.':...h... ~'~'fj- .t..-Ip ... OF ;..\.~,..,,~ r"'''1I11''''