HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2004-005 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2004-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH FOR THE SEWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL WHICH IS TO BE LOCATED ON TWELVE ACRES ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SEWARD HIGH SCHOOLWHICH IS TO BE KNOWN AS U.S.S. 1864 KPB REPLAT, TRACT A (LOCATION CONTINGENT UPON TRANSFER OF LAND OWNERSHIP AND PLA T APPROVAL) WHEREAS, the existing Middle School is not cost effective to maintain and to upgrade to the Building Code requirements for that type of an occupancy; and WHEREAS, the Kenai Peninsula Borough now has funding to build a new Middle School for Seward; and WHEREAS, the Kenai Peninsula Borough has applied for a Conditional Use Permit from the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission for the new Seward Middle School which is to be located on twelve acres on the North boundary of the Seward High School which is to be known as U.S.S. 1864 KPB Replat, Tract A (location contingent upon transfer ofland ownership and plat approval); and WHEREAS, the property is in the Single Family Residential (Rl) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, according to the Seward City Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225, a school, public/private elementary/secondary is allowed in the Single Family Residential Zoning District as a conditionally permitted use; and WHEREAS, the new Middle School will contribute to addressing the educational needs of the community; and WHEREAS, the new Middle School will also be available as an Emergency Evacuation Shelter for the community; and WHEREAS, the new Middle School will support an extensive trails network for Cross Country track and skiing programs; and .Al!UnUUUOO :lql1OJ :lP!AOld slooqos o!lqnd qO!qM SlSUl ilu!llOddns :lql S:lYHU:lP! 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Public schools are specifically addressed "Support the Borough's efforts to continue long-range planning for the future needs of Seward's public school students." (page 39)." Stratee:ic Plan (1999) The Strategic Plan emphasizes expanding and integrating educational programs, including the Seward public schools (page 18). The concerns for supporting the community's economic base are addressed by the promotion of winter activities, specifically to "promote winter back-country activities such as the expansion of Nordic ski trails, alpine skiing and snowmachining (page 8)". Additionally, the need for connectivity is expressed through "connecting schools and residential areas through the development of sidewalks and trails (page 17)." Emere:encv Preparedness Plan (2000) The Emergency Preparedness Plan designates the Seward public schools as primary and secondary evacuation points for three of the six zones designated within the community (Section 4). D. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: Water, sewer, and power will be available to the property as well as adequate fire, police and solid waste disposal services. E. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. Finding: The Seward Middle School will enhance the public safety, health and welfare of the community. The school will serve as an emergency evacuation shelter, will support trail development and use, will be a public safety upgrade over the existing Middle School and will provide restricted connectivity throughout the public school campus running from the Elementary School to the High School for emergency access. F. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects OUO!ldopu Sl! llll!MOnOJ SAUP 01 P~lJ~ ~){Ul nuqs uO!lnIos~l s!lll "., UO!l33S OIUAOlddu Sl! JO splUpunlS ~ql Ol SUllOJUO:) ~sn ~ql Ul.IgUO:) AnU:)!pO!l~d nuqs uOnUllS!U!UlPU ~ql 'AnUUO!l!PPV Ol!Ull~d ~s[1 IUUO!l!PUOJ U ~nss! Ol UO!lUllS!ll!UlPU ~ql s~Z!loqlnu pun 'Sl!Ull~d ~S[1 IUUOn!puoJ ~ozro 10~ 1 UO!P~s ~poJ Al!J plUM~S JO lU~lU! ~ql llU!ll!Ulll!UUl U! lunoUlulUd S! l!Ull~d S!ql JO SUOn!puo:) ~ql Ol ~:)U~l~qpU luql SPUl] UO!SS!UlUlOJ llll!uoZ puu llll!uuuId ~ql "f UO!l33S .SUOn!pUO:) ~AOqU ~ql Ol p~rqns '(IUAOlddu lUId puu d!qSl~UMO PUUI JO l~JSunll uodn lu~llll!lUO:) uonu:)or) V pUll 'lUId~lI Hd){ t981 ososo[1 su UMOU){ ~ ol S! q:)~M Iooq:)S qllm plUM~S ~ql JO AlUpunoq qlloN ~ql uo P~lu:)oI S~l:)U ~AI~Ml uo qllnolOH uInsll!u~d !uu~)l ~ql Ol Iooq:)S ~IPP!W plUM~S ~qllOJ l!Ull~d ~s[1 IuuoH!puoJ U ~nss! 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THE CITY OF SEWARD --, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Daley, Smith Roach', Hohl, Larson Keil None None Griswo ld ATTEST: (City Seal)