HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2005-009 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2005-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AFOGNAK CONSTRUCTION AND EXCA V A TING, INC., FOR GRAVEL EXTRACTION FROM THE DEWATERED GRAVEL BARS OF THE RESURR.f:CTION RIVER AND ASPHALT PLANT OPERATIONS ON KENAI PENINSULA QOROUGH TAX PARCEL #'S 144-030-46 AND 144-030-03 WHEREAS, Afognak Construction and Excavating, Inc has applied for a Conditional Use Permit from the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission to extract gravel from the Resurrection River from two lots having Kenai Peninsula Borough Tax Parcel #'s and legal descriptions of: 144-030-46, Section 27, NW V4 NW V4 South of Seward City limits; and 144-030-03, Section 27 portion West Y2 SE V4 NE 1/4; and WHEREAS, the applicant has also applied to use the northernmost lot, 144-030- 46, Section 27, NW V4 NW V4 South of Seward City limits to support asphalt plant operations; and WHEREAS, these properties are located in the Resource Management Zoning District; and WffEREAS, <lccording to the Seward City Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225,'ib1l;lk material, i.e., concrete, gravel, sand, asphalt" and "resource extraction, commercial surface, i.e., gravel" is allowfd in the Resource Management Zoning District as a conditionally permitted use; and WHEREAS, the gravel will be used for ongoing construction activities throughout the community on an as needed basis. The gravel also might be used to support asphalt plant operations, depending on demand. The asphalt will benefit public roads and private properties in the community; and; and WHEREAS, allowing gravel extraction promotes economic development and improvement of infrastructure within the community; and WHEREAS, extracting gravel from the dewatered gravel bars of the Resurrection River helps mitigate flooding by increasing the area available for flood water flows; and (066r) DUld ,lA~SD3q3.1dWO;) PUM3S 'Al!UnUIWO:) ;)ql ll!ql!M S;)!l!A!pn :)!illOUO:);) Inuo!l!ppn pun '3ll!o'3uo ;)'3nmo:)u;) sunld qloq 'l;)A;)MOH '(666 r) unld :)!'3;)lUllS ;)ql U! lOU (066 r) unld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldUlO;) o I OZ: PlUM;)S ;)qlll! P;)UO!lU;)Ul Ann:)y!:);)ds lOU S! ;)sn p~SOdOld ;)ql. :3D!PD!~ "uvlJ "ti!su"'1".JdUIO;) P.JVM"S "'II '11!M Suow.Jv'I U! S! "sn p"sodo.Jd "'1.L ";) 'Sl;)UMO All;)dOld '3ll!loqq'3!~U ;)ql UlO.g: P;)A!;):);)l SlU~UIWO:) :)!Iqnd ;)A!ln'3;)U Aun U;)~ lOU ;)Anq ;)l~ql. 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'In!lu~P!s~l 'In!:)l~UIWo:) lloddns Ol punI ~ql JO Al!{!qnl!nS ~ql ~s~!l!I!ln pun s~:)!Al~S :)!Iqnd JO UO!SU~lX~ ~ql uo UO!lUUllOJll! ~lnnb~PUll! Ol ~np p~uoz AI;)Sp~ld ~ louun:) pun p~dOpA~pun Annl~u~'3 ~lU q:)!qM 'Spun1" lOJ S~P!AOld pplS!a '3ll!llOZ lU~Ul~'3nunw ~:)mos~"M ~ql. 'lu~Ul~'3nunw ~:)mos~"M p~uoz S! All~dOld ~ql. 'uonnq!llS!P npu~'3n JO ~Ul!l ~ql In p~qS!{qnls~ u~~q snq uO!l!puo:) S!ql. :3D!PD~~ "1:J!.llS!P :JU!UOZ "'II fo s"sod.lnd "'II puv ("PO;) :JU!UOZ P.lVM"S "'II) .I",dv'I:J S!'11 fo "sod.lnd "'II '11!M ,U",S!SUO:J S! "sn "'1.L "V :l!Ull~d ~sn Inuo!l!puo:) n '3ll!lunl'3 OllOpd suo!l!PUO:l '3U!MOnOJ ~ql s~ys!lns ~sn ~qllnql '3U!puy n qS!Iqnls~ nnqs UO!SS!UIWO;) ~ql "a'oZ:('Or~I ;);)S Ol '3U!PlO:l:)Y "Y DO!J33S :lnql UO!SS!UIWO;) '3ll!uoZ pun '3ll!UUUfd plUM~S ~ql Aq <IU'IOS'JIlI 1.1 'JIU ''JIlIO~'JIlI'JIHl. 'MON 'UO!ln:l!{ddn l!Ull~d ~sfl InuO!l!pUO;) ~ql uo '3U!lU;)q :)!rqnd p;)l!nb~l ~ql PI~q UO!SS!UIWO;) '3ll!llOZ pun '3ll!UUnld PlUM;)S ~ql '~00z: 'ql~ {!ldy uo ~ss~:lold UO!ln:lmlOU :l!Iqnd ~ql ql!M P~!IdUlO:l '3ll!Anq 'SV'JIlI'JIHM z: ~'3nd 60-~00Z: 'oN uO!lnlos~"M UO!SS!UIWO;) '3ll!uoZ pun '3ll!UUUfd plUM~S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 2005-09 Page 3 The Comprehensive Plan has no specific statement relating to this type of an activity. Strateeic Plan (1999) The Strategic Plan has no specific statement relating to this type of an activity. D. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: Water, sewer, and power are not available, but they are not needed for this activity. Emergency service vehicles can access the property. E. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. Finding: Removing gravel from the dewatered gravel bars of the Resurrection River will increase the area available for flood flows. Extracting gravel is beneficial to the community. Asphalt plants provide a product which is needed throughout the community. Although asphalt plants do have strong fumes, the operation will be located almost a mile North of the nearest residential development in Forest Acres Subdivision. The building code has provisions covering safety for asphalt plants. F. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects related to the proposed use. Based on the above findings and conclusions, approval of the CUP shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. A traffic control plan shall be required, which shall include the days and hours of operation along the haul route. The plan will be subject to staff approval. 2. Trucks shall use Hemlock Street to and from the Seward Highway. 3. Hours of operation shall not exceed 7 am to 10 pm. 43. Riverbanks and reverine vegetation shall not be altered or disturbed during gravel extraction operations. 5. Fuel storage shall not be allowed onsite. 6. This permit only authorizes the activity, if any issues involving stream flow, gravel rights or rights to other resources are involved, the applicants shall address those concerns through separate processes. ~ql Ol ~;)U~J~qpB lBql spm] UO!SS!WWO;) gU!UoZ pUB gU!IDIBId ~q.1 Of UO!P3S .suo!lro~do lUBId llBqdsB lJoddns Ol Sl!UJ!l Al!;) pmM~SJo qlnos IJ'l A\N IJ'l A\N 'a UO!P~S '9v-OW-vvI 'lollSOUJUJ~qlJou ~ql ~sn Ol pUB IJ'l aN IJ'l as )tJ lS~A\ uO!lJod a UO!P~S 'W-OW-vvI pUB ~Sl!UJ!1 Al!;) pmM~SJO qlnoS IJ'l A\N IJ'l A\N 'a uO!l;)~S '9v-OW-vvI :Jo suo!ld!J;)s~p IBg~1 pUB S,# I~;)md XB.1 qgnOJOH BInSU!U~d !BU~)I gU!ABq SlOI OMl UJO.y: J~A!"M UO!P~JJnS~"M ~ql JO smq pAB~ p~J~lBM~p ~ql UJO.y: UO!ProlX~ pAB~ JOJ l!UJl~d ~S[} IBUOH!PUO;) B ~nSS! 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JO sm~A (Z) OMl U!ql!M p~M~U~J ~ lsnUJ l!UJl~d s!q.1 on .p~l!nb~J J! 'Sl!UJJ~d Iro~P~J pUB ~lBlS 'IB;)OIIlB U!Blq 0 Ol Al!l!q!suods~J S,lUB;)!lddB ~ql ~lB!MIIB lOU s~op l!UJJ~d S!qljo ~;)UBnSSI .n .IB;)!pBJd SB WOWvv I p;)md JO J~WO;) lS~Mqlnos ~ql Ol ~sop SB P~lBnl!S ~q IIBqs lUBId llBqdsB ~q.1 .I I .~rqBl!BAB puuOSJ~d Al!m;)~s ~ABq IIBqs lUBId llBqdsB ~q.1 .OI .UO!lBJ~do-uou JO spo!J~d gU!mp p~AOUJ~J ~ pUB ~l!SUO ~ IIBqs 'S~U!JlBI ~rqBlJod SB q;)ns 'S~!l!l!;)BJ UO!lBl!UBS ~lBnb~PV .6 om~A q;)B~ JO 41S' I J~qUJ~ld~S J~ijB ~l!S uo ij~1 ~q lOU IIBqs s~l!d ~groolS .8 .J~A!"M uO!l;)~Jms~"M ~qlJo smq I~AB~ p~J~lBM~p ~ql UJo.y: I~ABJg ~U!l::leJlX;J Ol Jopd p;Jl!nb;Jl :l<l IIBqs l!UJl~d lU;JUJdol~MP U!BIdpoo[J VOL V ~gBd 60-S'OOZ .0N uO!lnIos~"M UO!SS!WWO;) gU!uoz pUB gU!UUBfd pmM~S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 2005-09 Page 5 conditions of this permit is paramount in maintaining the intent of Seward City Code Section 15.10.320; Conditional Use Permits, and authorizes the administration to issue a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, the administration shall periodically confirm the use conforms to the standards of its approval. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect 10 days following its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 5th day of April 2005. THE CITY OF SEWARD AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST AlN: VACANT: Hohl, Roach', Griswold, Keil None Smith Schafer One ATTEST: ",_tlln"" ,,~~'~ Or SC!/~"'" ..... ~ .............. '1.J:..~ ~., i () ...~c'f'.PO~;.;,:.:.~6 "-:;. ....~ ,~..."" :: : ~ ......- v .... ~~. .. : S . ,..:;.' :: CD : 17;.'\ T : fj) ;; ~. ~l~: ~p .. ~ . "'~ .. . ......-.. . Q -,;. Ol'V",; l!:: (City se~~~~~~~~~.11.~~~~;;t~..l "'.\. r:: 0 F ",\.-If....~? .,,. r ,.'-,,' .".nnU''I.'