HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 Planning & Zoning Minutes , surenUI1 ~Bd pau~1S 'L ~oolH JO ~u1uoza~ pasodo~a aq~ o~ ~u1~oa~qo 9L/6/1 pa~Bp ~a~~al V '[ '1BW q~n~ pUB '~ PIBuoa paU~1S 'L ~OOIH JO ~U1uoza~ aq~ O~ aU1~oa~qo 9L/L/l pa~Bp ~a~~al V 'z 'L ~OOIH JO ~U1uoza~ pasodo~d aq~ O~ ~u1~oa~qo AaOB~ UUV IDO~J IIBO auoqaala~ V 'I :aouapuoasa~~08 -~ IDa~I '~uaIDIDOO ~noq~1~ pa~aaOOB pUB pa~a1Aa~ SB~ 'a~BIDBp a~1J ~1Bda~/saIDOH ~11nH Sllal1/BlvlU ~1ID~aa ~U1Pl1nH :S~1ID~ad ~U1Pl1nH JO ~a1Aa~ -V IDa~I 'pa~~1IDqns SB paAo~adB a~a~ SL61 '01 ~aqIDaoaa JO sa~nu1W aql :sa~nu1W JO IBAo~ddV -[ IDa~I s~au01ss1IDID08 uBID~1Bq8 '1~SIB~0~ pUB a~ol&a~ '1BW a~a~ ~uasqB 's~aIDIDB~ pUB ~auss1aH 'saAON '~aqooH s~auo1ss1IDID08 '~a~1a~ a~a~ ~uasa~d asoq~ pUB pallBo SB~ 110~ :IIB8 IIO~ -Z IDa~I 's~aqIDBq8 11oun08 aq~ U1 "W'd O[:L ~B ~a~1a~ UBID~1Bq8 Aq ~ap~o O~ pallBo SB~ '9L61 'VI A~BnuBr ~oJ u01ss1IDID08 ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld aq~ JO ~U1~aaw ~Bln~a~ aql :~ap~o O~ I1B8 -1 IDa~I 9L61 'VI x~vnNVr-~Nllaaw ~NINOZ ~ ~NINNV~d ~o ~;,.'?~~) ~ ,I /~ );1. '.., _________________________________________________________~~~__~_~~~~~~~~~;i~~~, 'W'd L[:B ~B ~u1~aaID aq~ pau~no~pB ~a~1a~ UBID~1Bq8 'u~no~pB o~ paAoID ~auss1aH ~au01ss1IDID08 :~uaIDu~no~PV -B IDa~I 'auoN :s~u1~BaH o11qnd pUB u01ssnos1a jSuaz1~18 -L IDa~I 'a~n~nJ ~Bau aq~ U1 passnos1P aq Plnoqs ~1un aq~ JO U01~1s0aS1P aIDOs pUB anuaAV q~uaAas UO pa~Bool SB~ slaaq~ ~noq~1~ UBA B pa~ou oSIB SB~ ~I 'pa~B~1~saAu1 aq Plnoqs asn s1q~ pUB ~aa~~s uO~~U1qSBI1 pUB anuaAV P~1ql JO ~au~oo aq~ ~B u1 paA11 ~u1aq SB~ ~al1B~~ B ~Bq~ pa~~oaa~ U01SS1IDID08 '~ 'AlsnoID1uBun passBd u01~oW '~u1~Baq aq~ ~B u01ss1IDID08 ~~od a~B~S B JO u01~Ba~o aq~ o~ ~oa~qo o~ paAoID a~ol&a~ ~au01ss1IDID08 Aq papuooas s~aIDIDB~ ~au01ss1IDID08 pUB pa~olloJ u01ssnos1a '~~OUSUB~~ 110 ~OJ sa~Bo1 -J1~~ao JO aouBnss1 aq~ pUB u01ss1IDID08 ~~od a~B~S B JO u01~Ba~o aq~ 'U01~B~~oasuB~1 JO ~uaID~~BUaa a~B~S B JO u01~Ba~o aq~ o~ ~U1~BlaJ ~L61 '~1 ~aqIDaoaa UO pJB~as u1 ~u1~Baq B ~U1PI0q aq Plno~ U01~B~~OUSUB~1 uo aa~~1IDIDooqns aA1~Bls1~a~ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~JodaJ SB~ ~I 'v 'u01SS1IDID08 aq~ Aq uoan pap10ap sasn pUBl aq~ ~u1~OBua SU01S1AO~d aoueu1P~o aq4 q~1~ paaoo~a Plno~ qano~oH aq4 4Bq4 u014ea101~UB U1 q~no~oH Blnsu1uad 1Bua~ aq~ o~ pa~~1IDqns aq UBq~ SU01~B01J1SSBI0 asn PUBl aq~ ~Bq~ pa~~oaaJ 1 IIwn~Oll. ZT II~Vd 7,1 13 PAGE 13 VOLUME 1 Item 6- Commission Discussion: 1. Proposed Zoning Modules. It was agreed to delay discussion on the proposed zoning modules until more of the Commission members could be present. It was agreed to hold a special meeting on January 21, 1976, in the Council Chambers to attend to this work. Item 7- Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing/ Rezoning of Lots 25 through 33, Block 7, Original Townsite, from CN, Neighborhood Commercial to I, Industrial. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. Mrs. Pat Williams, Mrs. Chris Johnson, Mr. Whitey Johnson Mrs. Mary Lechner and Mr. Harold Hamilton spoke against the proposed rezoning stating principally the fact that Industrial zoning permits many uses which are not contemplated and which could not be challenged if the zoning were allowed to be changed. Mr. Ray Hugli stated the fact that the City of Seward is engaged in the very same business of using land for storage purposes. He said he expected to use the land in question for temporary storage only in connection with this request. He stated the fact that the Planning and Zoning Commission would have to rule on proposed future Industrial uses in the area anyway. Commissioner Noyes noted that anything could be put on the land under the Industrial zone and Commissioner Booher generally agreed. Chairman Lei~er indicated that a permit might be allowed under special circumstances by the Planning and Zoning Commission but that this permission is not a guarantee. Mr. Hugli concluded his statements by noting that he only wanted to use the property to make some revenue and that he still wants to do so, if the city can do it so can he. Commissioner Lammers seconded by Commissioner Noyes moved to approve the rezoning as requested from Neighborhood Commercial to Industrial. Motion failed unanimously. Item 7-2 was deleted by Commission consent since the same area was provided under discussion in Item 7-4. Item 7-3, Public Hearing for rezoning of Lot 1, Block 16, Original Townsite of Seward, from R-3, Multi-Family Residential to CG, General Commercial. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. Mrs. Louise Andorf and Mr. John Dunn opposed the proposal on the basis that it did not provide for parking and that it would lower residential values as well as making the area more hazard- ous for children. Mrs. Pat Williams noted that Jefferson Street was 100 feet wide and that this could be used for parking as it was done at the Post Office. Mr. Bruce Sieminski, the petitioner, noted that he checked with the city and the city had agreed that parking was permissible providing a small retaining wall would be built. He concluded by saying that he had no specific use for the property at the moment but intended not to use it for apartments. There being no one else to be heard, Chairman Leirer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Booher seconded by Commissioner Noyes moved to approve rezoning from R-3, Multi-Family Residential to General Commercial, CG, as requested. Motion passed unanimously. 7-4 Public Hearing/Rezoning of Lots 21 through 23, Original Townsite from R-2, Two Family Residential District, to CG, General Commercial. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present who wished to speak in the matter. Chairman Leirer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Noyes seconded by Commissioner Lammers moved to approve the rezoning as requested 'q~~ou papua~xa aq Plnoqs 'q~nos aq~ uo S~OB~l ~uO~J~a~B~ aq~ mO~J anUa^v q~Ua^as ~u1lallB~Bd auoz suo1~n~1~suI pUB SpUB~ ollqnd '~ 'S~Bld A~lO sn01~B^ uo pa~Bo1pu1 SB 'S~OI O~U1 U01S1^lpqns ~ado~d ~OJ pa~oaqo aq Plnoqs 'U01S1^lPqnS sa~ov ~sa~Oa U1 ~aa~~s aldBW JO ~sa~ Ba~B aql '~ 'd1qs~au~o ~OJ pa~oaqo aq Plnoqs 'U01~lPPV IB~apaa '91 ~oolg 'ZI pUB 11 S~o~ 'E 'd1qs~a~o ~OJ pa~oaqo aq Plnoqs 'u01~lPPV JJ1l~ '6 ~oolg '~ 'E 'z s~o~ SB lla~ SB 'U01~lPPV JJ1l~ u1 '~1 pUB El s~oolg JO d1qs~au~o aql 'z 'asn IB1~uap1Sa~ Al1mBa al~U1S O~ IB1~uap1sa~ Al1mBa O~l mO~J pa~uBqo aq Plnoqs U01S1^lPqnS ~a1A~Bal~ 'I 'apBm a~a~ u01~Bm~oJu1 IBuo1~lPPB ~oJ s~sanba~ ~O/pUB suo1~sa~~ns ~u1~oI1oa 'uo1~B~ap1suoo u01ss1mmo~ ~oJ pa~uasa~d SB~ dBW ~U1UOZ pasodo~d aql :uo1ssnos1a u01ss1mmo~ -E ma~I '~auss1ag pUB l~SIB~O~ a~a~ ~uasqB s~auo1ss1 -mmo~ 'lBW pUB S~ammB~ 'saAoN 'a~olaa~ '~aqoog s~auo1ss1mmo~ '~a~la~ uBm~lBq~ a~a~ ~uasa~d asoq~ pUB pallBo SB~ 110~ :11B~ 110~ -Z ma~I '~a~la~ uBm~lBq~ Aq 's~aqmBq~ 11ouno~ aq~ U1 "W'd LE:L ~B ~ap~o O~ pallBo SB~ '9L61 'IZ A~BnUBr ~OJ uo1ss1 -mmo~ ~U1UOZ ~ ~U1UUBld aq~ JO 2U1~aaw IB10adS V :~ap~o O~ IIB~ -1 ma~I 9L61 'IZ A~VnNVr-DNIlaaw DNINOZ ~ DNINNV~d --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBm~lBq~ "?"a;;;;;;YH ~ "'d, / t -J "{r ~-;, ~. .' 'W'd 00:6 B ~.~J::~..'.'aq~.;.~~,PB ~a~la~ uBm~lBq~ 'u~no~pB o~ paAom s~ammB~ ~auo1ss1mm ~1I~3<J~~,..".~~.ian 'A~~ado~d slq~ ~OJ suo1~ua~u1 slq ~noqB a~lnbu1 Pu~~11j~~~~~~au~o qS1u1moa '~W o~ a~l~ ~a~BuBW A~l~ aq~ pa~sanba~ ~a~la~ uBm~~nom1uBun passBd u01~oW 'pa^laoa~ sl u01~Bm~OJu1 a~om 11~un ~sanba~ ~U1uoza~ aq~ alqB~ o~ paAom saAoN ~auo1ss1mmo~ Aq papuooas s~ammB~ ~auo1ss1mmo~ '~u1~BaH ollqnd aq~ pasolo ~a~la~ uBm~lBq~ '~oa~qns slq~ uo p~Baq aq o~ paqs1~ ~uasa~d auo ON '~u1~BaH ollqnd aq~ pauado ~a~la~ uBm~lBq~ 'IB1o~ammo~ IB~auaD 'D~ o~ IB1~uap1sa~ Al1mBa al~u1S '1-~ mO~J U01S1^lPqnS ~a1^uBaoo 'z ~oolg '1 ~o~ JO ~u1uoza~ aq~ ~u1P~B~a~/~u1~BaH ollqnd ~-L 'Alsnom1uBun passBd ~ap1suooa~ o~ u01~oW '9L61 'IZ A~BnUBr ~oJ palnpaqos ~U1~aam aq~ ~B ~a~~Bm aq~ ssnos1P o~ paa~~B SB~ ~I 'asn a~B1~dO~ddB a~om B aq Plno~ IB1o~ammo~ pooq -~oqq~laN ~Bq~ pa~sa~~ns pUB IB1o~ammo~ IB~auaD o~ IB1~uap1sa~ Al1mBa O~l mO~J 'EZ q~no~q~ lZ s~o~ mO~J ~u1uoza~ aq~ ~ap1suooa~ o~ pa^om ~aqoog ~auo1ss1 -mmo~ Aq papuooas saAoN ~auo1sslmmo~ 'Alsnow1uBun passBd uOl~oW 'uolss1mmo~ ~U1UOZ ~ ~U1UUBld q~no~og Blnsu1uad 1Bua~ aq~ JO IB^o~ddB uodn ~ua~U1~Uoo 1 awn~oA n aSVd ;Vl 15 PAGE 15 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-JANUARY 21, 1976 VOLUME 1 to the south boundary of the former Alaska Railroad Terminal Reserve parcel. The City Manager explained that the map work represents an important seg- ment of the proposed zoning changes in the community and noted that a meet- ing with the Borough Mayor would be held later this week to discuss the mechanics of providing the ordinance which would put the proposed zoning into effect. There were no further suggested amendments or modifications of the zoning map, as presented. ** Item 4- Citizens' Discussion Regarding the Proposed Zoning Map: Mr. Paul Seaton owner of Lot S, Forest Acres Subdivision, presented his request for consideration of the parcel he owned be zoned R-2, Two Family Residential. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Booher seconded by Commissioner Lammers moved to change Lot S, from R-l to R-2, Two Family Residential on the proposed zoning map. The City Manager reported that this action was not binding and that it was his suggestion that Mr. Seaton proceed with planning for an official rezoning to the Kenai Peninsula Borough since there could be no guarantees as to when the new map would be enacted. The Manager also noted that expenditures to develop a Two Family Residential unit in this area would be considered illegal without a rezoning. Mr. Seaton reported he would submit his application for rezoning to the Kenai Peninsula Borough planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Lammers moved to adjourn. Chairman Leirer at 9:04 P.M. ~u, ~~ Herman Leirer Chairman PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-FEBRUARY 11, 1976 Item 1- Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for February 11, 1976, was called to order by Chairman Leirer at 7:35 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Item 2- Roll Call: Roll was called and those present were Chairman Leirer, Commissioners Booher, LeFlore, Beissner and Lammers. Commissioners Mai, Noyes and Kowalski were absent. Item 3- Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of January 14th and January 21st, 1976 were approved as submitted. ** See Commission minutes of April 13, 1977, page 58, volume 1 'pa:npuqns SB paAo~ddB a~a~ 9L61 '11 A~Bn~qad JO sa4nulW aql :sa4nulW JO IBAO~ddV -( llia41 '~aqllialli uOlss1llillioJ B SB pa4Bas SB~ aq pUB Ual~H,o 4Bd aa4U10ddB ~au01Ss1llillioJ 04 a~lJJO JO q4BO aq4 pa4B~4S1u1lliPB ~a~BuBW A41J aql '4uasqB a~a~ a~0lda1 pUB ~aqooH S~au01ss1llilliOJ '~a~la1 UBlli~lBqJ 'l~SIB~O~ pUB S~allilliB1 '~auSS1aH 'SaAON s~auolss1llilliOJ 'lBW UBlli~lBqJ ~U14~V a~a~ 4uasa~d asoq4 pUB pallB~ SB~ 110~ :IIBJ 110~ -z llia41 's~aqlliBqJ 11~unoJ aq4 U1 "W'd 9(:L 4B 1BW UBlli~lBqJ ~U14~B Aq ~ap~o 04 pallB~ SB~ 9L61 '01 q~~BW ~oJ u01ss1llillioJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld aq4 JO ~U14aaw ~Bln~a~ aql :~ap~o 04 IIBJ -1 llia41 9L61 '01 HJ~-~NIl~~W ~NINOZ ~ ~~;O~~~ ..:::'.' ........;. .-IJ> ~ "t. .... ~ .::ili/.j.. ." ""..' ": ""~ J ";.f\ '. . ~ . ------------------------------------------------------------- --~-----~~*-----~-- UBlli~lBqJ ~a~"[a1 UBlli~aH ~7fl) a171111! 'W'd 6S:L 4B ~u14aalli aq4 pau~no~pB ~a~la1 uBlli~lBqJ 'U~nO~pB 04 paAOlli ~auss1aH ~auolss1llilliOJ :4ualliu~no~PV -8 llia41 'AlsnOllilUBun paSSBd '~aau1~ua A41~ aq4 JO a~ua~~n~uoo aq4 04 4oa~qns 'uo141PPV IB~apad '91 ~oolH u1 4ualliaSBa AallB aq4 JO U014BOBA aq4 aAo~ddB 04 paAolli a~0lda1 ~auolsslllilliOJ Aq papuooas s~allilliB1 ~auolsslllilliOJ '~Ul~BaH ~11qnd aq4 pasol~ ~a~la1 uBlli~lBqJ p~Baq aq 04 pa~lsap oq~ aSIa auo ou ~u1aq a~aql ,lla~ SB '9 401 ~u1sBq~~nd JO A4111qlssod aq4 04ul ~u1~00T a~a~ pUB '91 ~~oTH ul aA1snlouoou1 's q8no~q4 1 401 pasBqo~nd pBq qo~nqo aq4 4Bq4 pa4~oda~ TBaH pua~a -Aa~ 'pa4Bld Al4uasa~d SB u014B~01 aq4 ul AalTB UB JO u014on~4suo~ 41lli~ad 40U Plno~ ulB~~a4 aq4 ~U14B01pUl u014BOBA aq4 JO 4~oddns ul a~ods aua~BzBN aq4 JO qo~nqJ aq4 JO slBaH pua~aAa~ '8ul~BaH o11qnd aq4 pauado ~a~la1 uBlli~lBqJ 'p~B~as JO A41J 'U0141PPV TB~apad '91 ~ooTH ulq41~ pa4B~01 4ualliaSBa AallB 400J OZ B JO U014B~BA/~ul~BaH ~llqnd 'I :s~ul~BaH 011qnd pUB uOlssn~sla ,suaz141J -L llia41 'AlsnOllilUBun paSSBd '4sanba~ ~uluoza~ aq4 alqB4 04 paAolli ~ausslaH ~auolsslllilliOJ Aq papuo~as ~aqooH ~au01sS1llillioJ 'alli14 slq4 4B 40B 04 a~n4Bllia~d aq Plno~ 41 4Bq4 pUB q4UOlli aq4 JO pua aq4 4B Plos ~ulaq a~a~ u014B~aplsuoo ~apun ~~olq aq4 Ul s401 IB~aAas 4Bq4 4~BJ aq4 palBaAa~ uOlssnoslP uOlss1llillioJ 'IBlo~allillioJ IB~aua~ '~J 04 IB14uaplsa~ Al1lliBd al~ulS '1-~ lliO~J uOlslAlpqns ~alAuBaoo 'z ~oolH '1 401 JO ~u1uoza~ 'I :uolssn~sla uOlsslllilliOJ -9 llia41 'auoN 'a~uapuodsa~~oJ -S llia41 '4uallilliOO 4noq41~ pa4da~~B pUB pa~alAa~ SB~ '~au~aM ~OBr/OI-9L 41lli~ad 8ulPl1nH :s41lli~ad 8ulPl1nH JO ~alAa~ -~ llia41 1 ~WIl10A 9L61 '11 X~fi~H~d-~NIl~~W ~NINOZ ~ ~NINNV1d 91 ~~Vd '91 17," PAGE 17 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-MARCH 10, 1976 VOLUME 1 Item 4- Review of Building Permits: None. Item 5- Correspondence: None. Item 6- Commission Discussion: Commission members inquired about the status of the appointment to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Manager reported that Mr. Donald L. McCloud had been appointed to that position and would be notified of the future advisory commission meetings on a regular basis. Item 7- Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing/ Rezoning of Lot S, Forest Acres Subdivision, from R-l, Single Family use to R-2, Two Family Residential use. Acting Chairman Mai opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Paul Seaton owner of the property in question reported that the structure was sound, but that it was too large for single family use. being 125 feet by 25 feet overall. He indicated the original proposed use was for multiple residential and that it was necessary for him to have an economic incentive to improve the structure. He reported he conducted a survey in the Forest Acres Subdivision and that the maiority of the property owners or occupants there supported the rezoning request. Mr. Sam Best, Borough Planning Director, reported that the difference between the R-l and R-2, were not significant, generally but the change would have an effect on future zoning. Mr. Keith Campbell reported that there had been a request to condemn the structure but that the municipality had not conducted its investigation and completed the condemnation proceedings on a timely basis. Mrs. Larry Straley reported that the parcel had been involved with several clouds on the title and that the parcel had been on the foreclosure list until being rescued at the last moment. At one time she indicated a fourplex had been suggested but was considered to be out of context by the Planning and Zoning Commission at that time. Mrs. Straley reported that the owner knew he would have to secure Planning & Zoning Commission approval for use of this structure as a duplex. Chairman Mai reported that the Planning and Zoning Advisory Commission would like to do what Forest Acres would like to see done. Dr. Noyes reported he had mixed feelings, that he wanted to help the two people involved but of the petitions circulated in the area, one was for the proposed re- zoning and the other one was against. He indicated that most who were against the rezoning lived within the 300 foot notice area. Dr. Noyes suggested that the Commission would be setting a poor example for future requests of this type, he also reported that the Kramer, Chin & Mayo report advised against spot zoning, adding "if you allow this now others will follow." Noyes also, indicated "we would be foolish not to stick to the Kramer, Chin & Mayor master plan, spot zoning must come to an end." Commissioner Kowalski reported she would vote in favor of the change and saw no reason to waste the property. Forest Acres residents would not be upset, said Mrs. Kowalski, if the building were completed correctly. Mr. David Hilton was opposed to the duplex proposal, he said it, was not a good investment to begin with, that it could be a single family building and that it would be easy to remove half of the structure. Mr. O. R. Oliver noted that no one else was interested in the property and that it would only be an eye sore if someone would not have come along to improve Aq papuoJas S~aWWR~ ~auolsslllillioJ '~sanba~ slq~ JO sal~~ado~d ~UaJR~pR ~OJ ~apPlq qalq ~ua~RudR aq~ AJ1~oU ~aaRURW A~lJ aq~ paplAo~d 'A~~ado~d aq~ uo U~OU~ s~alA ~laq~ a~Rlli O~ uOlsslllillioJ aq~ ~oJ a~Rl~do~ddR aq PTno~ ~l ~Rq~ pUR 'aJURulP~O qano~og Aq paplAo~d SB p~oJa~ JO s~au~o aq~ O~ UaAl~ uaaq pBq aJl~ou ~Rq~ 'U01~Sanb Ul A~~adO~d aq~ JO ~au~o aq~ SB~ p~B~as JO A~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ paullli~a~ap SR~ ~l pUB pa~oTToJ uOlssnJslG 'A~lAl~JB JO adA~ slq~ Ul a~B~Ua O~ llilq ~llli~ad ~OU P1P ~OT aq~ JO aU1UOZ ~uasa~d aq~ ~Rq~ pUR anUaAV P~lql aUoTB a~nsodxa JO paau ul SB~ aq pa~ou aH 'A~lAl~JB JO adA~ slq~ paau o~ pa~BaddR A~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ pUR A~lunllillioJ aq~ JO AaA~ns TBlli~oJul UR apBlli pBq aq pa~~oda~ aH 'ssaulsnq ATddns aUl~Rlli pUB S~~Bd aAl~ollio~nB UB SR asn ~oJ 'qslulllioG 's~W ~ '~W lliO~J A~~ado~d aq~ aUlsRqJ~nd ul pa~sa~a~ul SB~ aq pa~~oda~ sllillilS '~W 'ATsnOlliluBun passRd 'aTqR~ aq~ lliO~J ~sanba~ 8Uluoza~ aq~ a~R~ O~ paAOlli ~ausslag ~auolsslwwoJ Aq papuoJas s~aWWB~ ~auolsslwwoJ 'uodn pa~JB aq U01~BJ1TddB aUluoza~ slq ~Bq~ aJuR~daJJB 8Ulpuad STRsod -o~d pUB paAlaJa~ uaaq pBq splq 'ssaJo~d Plq aq~ qano~q~ uaaq pBq aTBs aq~ ~Bq~ ~OU pa~sB pUB aTBS pUR~ ~uallidoTaAaG uBq~fi TZ-~ aUlpuad aq~ JO ~alA ul paTqB~ uaaq pBq ~l ~Bq~ 'UolslAlpqns ~alAuBaJO 'z ~JoTg 'T ~o~ JO aUluoza~ B pa~sanba~ pBq aq ~Bq~ pa~ou sllillilS ~~BW '~W 'z '~sanba~ ~uluoza~ pasodo~d aq~ ~SU1BaB OSTB SB~ lli~lJ slq a~o~ 'd~oJ ~uallidoTaAaG qJB8nqJ aUl~uasa~d -a~ apooa llilf '~W 'ulpuoTg B1Jl~~Bd 's~W pUB ~aTssa~l pUOmAB~ 's~W ~ '~W 'uo~T1H .~ P1ABG '~W 'pUB~~SlliToH ~~aqo~ 's~W ~ '~W a~a~ pa~~llli~ad aq ~OU PTnoqs aUluoza~ aq~ ~Bq~ U01Uldo ua~~l~~ passa~dxa oq~ ~nq ~ul~aalli ~Bq~ ~R ~uasa~d ~OU sTRnplAlpuI 'aUl~aalli uOlsslllilliOJ aU1UuBTd aq~ pua~~B PTnoqs ~aaBUBW aq~ ~Bq~ ~q~noq~ uOlsslllillioJ aq~ JO s~aqlliaw 'uol~Rn~ls aq~ poo~s~apun aq SR U01~Blli~OJul ~uasa~d O~ pUB ~uasa~d aq O~ llilq pa~sanba~ UOlsslWWOJ ssaTun p~Raq aq O~ aUl0~ SB~ aUluoza~ slq~ allil~ qJlq~ gUl~np aUl~RaH u9lsslWWOJ gU1UUBTd aq~ ~B ~uasa~d aq O~ pua~ul ~OU P1P aq pa~~oda~ ~agRUt1W A~lJ aql 'a~OA al~ aq~ uo paT1BJ U01~OW ..'ou.. ~Ul~OA lBW UBlli~lBqJ ~Ul~JV pUB ~ausslag 'saAoN s~auolsslllilliOJ '..saA.. aUl~oA ual~g.o pUB l~sTB~O~ 's~aWWR~ s~auolsslWWOJ q~l~ pa~oTToJ U01~Olli aq~ uo aUl~O^ 'Z-~ O~ T-~ lliO~J ~sanba~ gUluoza~ aq~ aAo~udR O~ paAOlli saAoN ~auolssl -WWOJ Aq papuoJas ~ausslag ~auolsslllilliOJ .guluoza~ aq~ o~ pasoddo a~B s~au~o Ra~B a~Blpallillil JO ~aqllinu B ~Rq~ pUB ~~oda~ OABW ~ ulqJ '~alliR~~ aq~ ~R ~OOT O~ A~BssaJau SB~ ~l ~Bq~ 'gUluoz ~ods ~sulR~R SR~ aq ~Rq~ U01~lsod slq pa~B~s-a~ saAoN ~auolsslllilliOJ '8ul~BaH J1Tqnd aq~ pasoTJ lBW uRlli~lRqJ aUl~JV 'p~Baq aq o~ pa~lsap oq~ aSTa auo ou 8ulaq a~aql 'U1R8B aSl~R ~aAau ABlli pUB anblun SR~ uOl~Rn~ls slq~ ul lliaTqo~d aq~ pa~ou ual~g.o ~auolsslWWOJ 'sasn papua~ul O~ ~ou pUR A~~ado~d aq~ JO suol~lpuOJ TBJlsAqd o~ aUl~RTa~ sllia~l ATTBJlsRq a~R qJlq~ aJuBl~RA B ~oJ s~uallia~lnba~ aq~ pBa~ ~agBuBW A~lJ aq~ 'uol~saagns s.~sag .~W ~B pUB A~~ado~d aq~ ~OJ a~npaJo~d aJuRl~BA B gUlqslTqB~sa JO A~lTlqlssod aq~ ~noqR pa~lnbul lRW UOG 'A~lAl~JB UOlsslWWOJ 8U1UOZ pUB ~UluUBTd lliO~J pa~lJauaq aq O~ s~aARdxB~ SB TTa~ SB Ba~B aq~ Ul sgulPTlnq TTB ~OJ paau B SB~ a~aq~ pa~BJlpul aqs 'A~lunwwoJ aq~ Ul sa~n~Jn~~s 8Ullli~OJlliOJ-uou ~aq~o aq~ ~noqR pa~lnbul pUB 'TTa~ A~aA ~lun ATllliBJ aTaUls B SB pasn aq ~ou PTnoJ gU1PTlnq aq~ ~Bq~ pappR AaTB~~S 's~W 'U01Uldo slq Ul 'TB~uallil~~ap aq PTno~ slq~ pUB apRJ PTno~ 'a~Bl~do~ddB SB~ slq~ ~Bq~ aUlpnTJuoJ ~OJ A~Ollialli aq~ 'sa8uBqJ UOlsslllilliOJ aq~ uo dlqs~aqllialli SB ~Rq~ pUR ~OT aT8uls B JO aUluoza~ o~ pasoddo SB~ aq ~Bq4 pa~ou ~agBuBW ^418 aqJ 'uol~BpunoJ B JO paau ul SB~ a~n~Jn~~s aq~ ~Rq~ pa~~oda~ '~o~JadsuI 8ulPTlng 'PTO~S~R~ ~BJSO .~W '~l T awn~O^ 9L6T 'OT H8~VW-~NIl~~W ~NINOZ ~ ~NIN~d 8T II~Vd 01.. ]9 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-MARCH 10, 1976 PAGE 19 VOLUME 1 Commissioner Noyes moved to approve the zone change from R-l to General Commercial for Lot 1, Block 2, Oceanview Subdivision as requested. Motion passed with Chairman Mai voting "no." 3. Mr. Sam Best, Planning Director, Kenai Peninsula Borough, noted that the Outer Continental Shelf Planning Grant Application had been reduced in scope from the original request of $120,000 in stages to $60,000, he reported this action was being done mainly at the insistance of the State of Alaska and felt that if only half of the money was available to do the original proiect as anticipated that a poorer result could be expected. It was his opinion, he added, that the state was playing our needs against the needs of other communities in a very detrimental fashion. Discussion followed and the status of the zoning ordinance was questioned. Mr. Best reported that Seward was ahead of other communities as they had been working on it for several years and that work in this area would be completed if the planning grant application was approved without additional cuts. He noted that some of the monies that were anticipated were going to be used to develop working tools which would no longer be prepared if the cuts in funding were not re-instituted. moved to adiourn. Acting Chairman /.,\" f /17~tij?:1 /J/j~1 'D~nald Mai ( Acting Chairman PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-APRIL 14, 1976 Item 1- Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission for April 14, 1976, was called to order by Chairman Leirer at 7:34 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Item 2- Roll Call: Roll was called and those present were Chairman Leirer, Commissioners Mai, Booher, LeFlore, Noyes, Beissner, Lammers, O'Brien and McCloud. Commissioner Kowalski was absent. Item 3- Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of March 10, 1976 were approved as submitted. Item 4- Commission member appointee McCloud was sworn in by the City Manager. Item 5- Review of Building Permits: Building Permits #76-02 Albert Kawabe; 76-03 Thomas Richie; 76-04 James H. Whitethorn; 76-05 James H. Whitethorn; q~~nq~ ~110q4~~ aq4 s~ pasn Al~aw~oJ ~uIPl1nq Plo aq4 uo ~~O~ ~aq4~nJ WO~J wlq ~u141qlqo~d 'pOO~4~Od wlr '~W 04 4uas aq ~a44al ~ 4~q4 pa4sanba~ uOlsslwwo~ aql '~a~~ ~aa~~ Aln[ JO q4~noa aq4 JO u014~xauu~ ssn~slP 04 q4?1 A~ uo p~~~as ul aq Plno~ uOlsslwwo~ A~epunOa 1~~01 aq4 ~u14e~lPul Aq s~~~wa~ slq papnl~uo~ ~a~~u~ aql '~u14aaw q4Z1 A~ aq4 ~oJ alq~11~A~ aq Plno~ ~~op pu~ 111W a41~~a aq4 uo u014~w~oJul 1~uo141PP~ 4~q4 pa4~oda~ ~a~~u~ aql 'A4~ado~d P~0~11~E ~~s~lV aq4 JO A41Ul~lA aq4 ul ~a~e ~ul~e4s pu~ ~~op a~lA~as 110 pu~ 111W a41~~a aq4 JO uo14~~01 alqlssod aq4 ~uIP~~~a~ sal~4snpuI ~assa~a q41~ 4~~4UO~ Ul uaaq peq aq 4~q4 pa4~oda~ pu~ s~aa~ l~~aAas ~oJ A~~~apun uaaq p~q q~lq~ AaA~ns suaz141~ aq4 JO s41nsa~ A~~ulwlla~d aq4 pa~alAa~ AIJal~q ~a~~u~ A41~ aql -6 wa41 "'ou,, ~U140A l~ ~auolsslwwo~ pu~ ~a~la1 u~w~l~q~ "'saA,, ~u140A pnol~~W pue ual~a.O 's~aww~1 '~ausslaa 'saAoN 'a~01aa1 '~aqooa s~auolsslwwo~ q41~ pass~d u0140W '1~14uap1saE Al1W~a-141nw '(-E 04 'l-E wO~J a41su~01 l~Ul~l~O '11 ~~ola 'zz pue lZ S401 a~u~q~ 04 pu~ pa4sanb -a~ s~ ~u1uoza~ aq4 aAo~dd~ 04 paAow ~ausslaa ~auolsslwwo~ Aq papuo~as s~aww~1 ~auolsslwwo~ 'aw14 4uasa~d aq4 4~ A41unwwo~ aq4 ~Ul~~J s~~ q~lq~ UOlsu~dxa aq4 JO ~alA ul lel~~awwo~ aq 04 pa4~adxa s~~ ea~~ aq4 JO asn pasodo~d aq4 4~q4 4nO pa4ulod s~~ 41 pu~ pa~olloJ u01ssn~slP u01ss1wwo~ '~u1uoza~ pasodo~d aq4 04 ~u14~a~qo l~s~o~~nw AUOq4UV .~W wO~J 9L61 '6 11~dV pa4~p ~a44al ~ p~a~ ~a~~u~w A~l~ aql '~ul~~aH ~llqnd aq4 pasol~ ~a~la1 u~w~l~q~ '~ld04 slq4 uo p~~aq aq 04 pa~lsap oq~ 4uasa~d auo ou se~ a~aql '~u1~eaH ~llqnd aq4 pauado ~a~la1 uew -~leq~ 'a~u~q~ slq4 ~u14sanba~ ~OO~ uoa 's~W wO~J ~a44al e p~a~ ~a~euew A41~ aql '4~1~4s1a 1~14uap1saE Al1wea-141nW '(-E 04 4~1~4s1a 1~14uap1saE Al1W~a auO 'l-E wO~J 'a41s~01 leul~l~O '11 ~~ola 'zz pue lZ S401 JO ~u1uozaE/~u1~eaH ~llqnd 'z 'SU~ld pasodo~d aq4 uo p~eaq aq ~o ~a1Aa~ 04 a~ualpne aq4 u1 4uasa~d s~~ auo oN 'sueld 100q~S q~lH p~~~as 'I :s~u1~eaH ~llqnd pue uOlssn~sla ,suaz141~ -8 wa41 'Alsnow1ueun passed U0140W 'ea~~ 100q~S ap~~D aq4 wO~J ~lJJe~4 100q~S q~lH a4eulwlla Plno~ q~lq~ a41s aq4 04 ssasse ~eln~lqaA aq4 ~UIP1Ao~d ~oJ saA14eu~a41e ~alAa~ p~eoa 100q~S q~no~oa aq4 pue p~~oa 100q~S A~OSlAPV aq4 4eq4 4sanba~ aq4 04 4~a~qns sueld 100q~S q~lH p~e~as aq4 aAo~dde 04 paAow a~01aa1 ~auo1ss1wwo~ Aq papuo~as saAoN ~auolss1wwo~ 'looq~S q~lH p~~~as aq4 ~oJ sU~ld pasodo~d aq4 pa~alAa~ uOlss1wwo~ aq4 JO s~aqwaw 'sueld'looq~S q~lH p~e~as 'I :u01ssn~sla uOlss1wwo~ -L wa41 'paAowa~ uaaq a~u1s uaaq peq ~al1e~4 a~lJJo 4~q4 4eq4 pnol~~W ~auolsslwwo~ Aq pa4~oda~ s~~ 41 pu~ 4ueld u014~npaE sa1~aqsla aq4 JO 4sea palle4sul ~al1e~4 a~lJJo aq4 ~oJ sueld aq4 uo u014ew~oJul ~u14sanba~ SdVI 04 ~a44al e pea~ ~a~eu~ A41~ aql :a~uapuodsa~~o~ -9 wa41 'alqlss1w~ad aq Plno~ 100q~S Aepuns U~q4 ~aq40 asn 100q~s ou 4eq4 pue AluO sasod~nd q~~nq~ ~oJ aq Plno~ papua4u1 A~uedn~~o aq4 4eq4 eapl aq4 q41~ panss1 se~ 41w~ad slq4 4eq4 w1q ~UIAJ140U ~440q~ld 'w Ined '~W 04 4uas aq ~a44al palJ14~a~ e 4eq4 pa4sanba~ oSle u01sslwwo~ aql 'paAIOA -ul a~e400J a~enbs uo pas~q S4S0~ alqe~edwo~ JO alq~4 sp~~pue4S u014~n~4suo~ Aq q4~OJ 4as se u014~n~4suo~ aq4 JO anleA aq4 4~alJa~ 04 p~~~dn paslAa~ aq 4S0~ pa4ew14sa aq4 4eq4 pa4sanba~ se~ 41 41w~ad Tadeq~ p~e~as aq4 04 4~adsa~ q41~ 'uo1ss1wwo~ aq4 Aq pa~a1Aa~ a~a~ 'ladeq~ p~~~as LO-9L ~u~oq4a41~ 'H sawer 90-9L 1 :ilWil10A 9L61 '?1 1IEdV-DNII:il:ilW DNINOZ ~ DNINNV1d OZ :ilDVd 06 21 PAGE 21 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-APRIL 14, 1976 VOLUME 1 until such time as a revised plan and schedule have been presented to and accepted by the Commission. Commissioner Beissner moved to ad;ourn. Chairman Leirer at 9:21 P.M. ~~ fI:U~ Herman Leirer Chairman -------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-MAY 12, 1976 Item 1- Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission for May 12, 1976, was called to order by acting Chairman Mai, at 7:34 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Item 2- Roll Call: Roll was called and those present were Commissioners Mai, LeFlore, Beissner, Kowalski and O'Brien. Chairman Leirer, Commissioners Booher, Noyes, Lammers and McCloud were absent. Item 3- Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of April 14, 1976 were approved as submitted. Item 4- Review of Building Permits: Without ob;ection building permits 76-11 and 76-12 were added to the agenda. Permits 76-08, Daniel Unrein; 76-09, Phillip Lee; 76-10, Richard Beissner, were reviewed. Commissioner Kowalski seconded by Commissioner LeFlore moved to approve the building permits as presented. Passed unanimously. Item 5- Correspondence: 1. Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission action of May 3, 1976 regarding the re-subdivision of Forest Acres Sub- division, was reviewed by the Commission. After lengthy discussion Commissioner O'Brien seconded by Commissioner Beissner moved to require adjustments of street rights-of-way to 60 feet on Ash and 50 feet on Cedar, Spruce, Diamond and Birch. Motion passed unanimously. Item 6- Commission Discussion: Mr. Sam Best introduced Mr. Ike Wait, who was going to be working with members of the Commission on the zoning ordinance and zoning map. Commissioners requested information as to the possibility of working very quickly on the zoning map and Mr. Best reported that perhaps in June and July Advisory Commission hearings could be held on either Wednesday or Thursday evenings to proceed with this work. Best indicated that procedures will be standard across the Borough but that zoning areas will vary with individual communities involved. m?lu;q:tlq;) j3ulPY z pau;mOrptl ltlW : ::IUaUlU;mOr"PY , UtlUl.lltlq;) -8 Ulan '11f rJ:P:r i/ .W.d L(:01 ::Itl ~ul::laaUl aq::l j3ul::lOY .u.lnOrptl 0::1 paAoUl 1~S1tl~0~ .lauolSS1UlUlO;) .a1qlssod Stl A1.l1tlJ Stl aAtlq a~ ::Itlq::l sa1n.l aq::l aO.loJua 0::1 A.l::l PUtl sa1n.l .lno Ul AOUa::lS1SUoO uo ::IS1SUl UOlSS1UlUlO;) aq::l ::Itlq::l pa::lsaj3j3ns SUltl1111M .S.lW .aoutlulP.lO aq::l Aq pasodUll SU01::ltl::llUl11 ::Iqj31aq aq::l j3ulpaaoxa aq 0::1 .laq 0::1 pa.ltladdtl qOJq~ S::I01.l::lSJP 1tll::luaplsa.l Ul sj3u111a~p JO UOJ::Ion.l::lSUOO Ul saoua::lS1SUOOUJ ultl::l.lao pa::lOU OS1tl SUltl1111M .S.lW .::Itl1d paslAa.l aq::l Aq palJlpoUl .10 ~tl.lp-a.l j3uJaq ::IOU S1ao.ltld ::IoaJJtl ::IOU P1no~ PUtl paplAlpqns-a.l j3ulaq a.la~ ::Itlq::l S::I01 aq::l A1uO ::IoaJJtl P1no~ slq::l pa::l.loda.l uOlSS1UlUlO;) aq::l PUtl sa.loy ::Isa.lOd JO U01::l.lod tl JO uOlS1Alpqns-a.l aq::l Ul Atl~-JO-S::Iqj3J.l ::Iaa.l::lS aq::l j3ulP.ltl~a.l U01::lOtl uOlSS1UlUlO;) paU01::lSanb SUltl111JM ::Itld .S.lW .Z .A1snoUllUtlUn paSStld .~.ltld 1tll.l::lsnpUI p.ltl~as '91 ::101 JO U01::ltl01J1SStl10 aA.lasaE oJ1qnd aq::l JO uOJ::ItlulUl11a aq::l q::ll~ paaoo.ld 0::1 paAoUl 1~S1tl~0~ .lauolSSl -UlUlO;) Aq papuooas .lausslag .lauolssJUlUlO;) .~Ul.ltlaH o11qnd aq::l pas010 JtlW UtlUl.lltlq;) ~Ul::lOtl 'p.ltlaq aq 0::1 pa.llsap oq~ ::Iuasa.ld aS1a auo ou j3uJaq a.laql .uol::ltl01JJsStl10 ::Itlq::l JO U01::ltlulUl11a A.ltlSSaOau .loJ q~no.log aq::l 0::1 U01::ll::lad tl PUtl suoJsJAo.ld 6Z a1::1Jl JO ~alAa.l a.lJnba.l P1no~ uOJ::Itl01J1SStl10 aA.lasaE o11qnd aq::l pa::lou ::Isag ..lW S~.ltlUla.l slq ~ulpn1ouoo UI .::IuaUld01aAap .loJ pa.laJJo SPUtl1 uo ::Ind San1tlA 1tla.l j3ulAtlq 0::1 asn ::IOU a.ltl tl1nsuluad aq::l uo sal::llunUlUloo ::Itlq::l pa::l.loda.l ::Isag UltlS PUtl A::IJ1tldl01UnUl aq::l JO ::Isa.la::lul ::Isaq aq::l ul aq AtlUl PJq tl pa::lsa~~ns ::I1tlM .A::I1110tlJ aOlA.las ::Itloq 1Jo Utl Utlq::l .laq::ltl.l 1ao.ltld .ltl1nOl::l.ltld slq::l .loJ sasn .laq::lo aq AtlUl a.laq::l pa::lOU ::I1tlM a~I ..lW .ol::lS11tla.l aq P1noo ~ou ::Iq~l.l an1tlA pa::ltlUll::lsa Utl Stl a.lOtl Utl S.ltl110P putlsnoq::l A::Iua~::1 0::1 putlsnoq::l ua::l ::Itlq::l ~Ul::lSa~~ns 'SlStlq .ltlaA aA1J tl uo 1tlSltl.lddtl aq::l JO ~alAa.l pa::lsa~~ns oS1tl aH .a1qtluostla.lun ::IOU Stl~ aaJ astla1 tl Stl ::101 aq::l JO an1tlA passasstl aq::l JO ::Iuao.lad uaa::lJJJ .10 ua::l ::Itlq::l PUtl A11nJa.ltlo A.laA pa.laplSuoo aq 1ao.ltld aq::l JO ::IUaUla~Utl.l.ltl ~uJStla1 aq::l ::Itlq::l pa::lsa~~ns ::Isag UltlS ..lW .~Ul.ltlaH o11qnd aq::l pauado ltlW UtlUl.lltlq;) j3ul::lOY .1ao.ltld aq::l JO uOJ::ItloJJ1SStl10 aA.laSaE o11qnd JO uOJ::ItluJUl11a aq::l PUtl SPUtl1apJ::I ~ulpn1ouJ '~.ltld 1tlJ.l::lsnpUI p.ltl~as '91 ::101 JO astla1 aq::l ~uJP.ltlj3a.l /8Ul.ltlaH olTqna .T :s~Ul.lgeH olTqna PUg UOlssnosla .suezl::!l;) -L Ula::!! ,) 1 :3:WmOn 9L61 'Z1 AVW-~NIl:3::3:W ~NINOZ ~ ~NINNV1d ZZ :3:~Yd 6(, PAGE 23 23 VOLUME 1 pLANNING & ZONING MEETING-MAY 27, 1976 Item 1- Call to Order: The Special Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission for May 27, 1976, was called to order by Chairman Leirer at 7:31 P.M., in the council Chambers. Item 2- Roll Call: Roll was called and those present were Chairman Leirer, Commissioners Mai, Booher, LeFlore, Lammers, Kowalski and O'Brien. Comm- issioners absent were Noyes, Beissner and McCloud. Chairman Leirer asked for and received permission to add Mr. John Smith to the agenda under Item 3-A. Item 3- Commission Discussion: 1. Proposed Townhouse Plans for Chugach Development corporation (Block 22, original Townsite). Mr. Dick Erickson, Alaska Business Brokers spoke for Mr. V. H. Collins, Collins Construction Company, as Mr. Collins was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Erickson noted that Chugach Development Corp. was not interested in putting the Townhouse in but only owned the property and was in the procesS of negotiating its sale to Collins Construction Co., for the Townhouse. Erickson stated Collins wanted to knoW the general feelings of the Planning & Zoning Comm- issioners before purchasing expensive plans to construct. City Engineer, Dick Lowman read a letter from Collins Construction Co. regarding the proposal. Erickson informed Planning & Zoning members that approximatelY 20 units would be built on 15 lots; that the lots would be divided into 20, 29, and 32 foot lots with one continuouS building on all of the lots and that each unit would be sold individually. He felt the building would be attractive and an asset to the community and would be in the price range of $40,000 per unit. Erickson spoke of Townhouses in other cities and of their success. Chairman Leirer felt since lot lines would have to be changed the area would have to be replated and a Public Hearing held. Mayor Neve' spoke in favor of the Townhouse, he felt Seward was in need of more housing and this was one idea the citizens of Seward should look at to fill that need. Neve' said he had looked at Townhouses in other cities and thought them to be attractive. Karen Swartz felt Seward needed more housing and that the Planning & Zoning members as well as the ,City Council should do all they can to promote building in Seward. Beverly Dunham felt that if Seward offered better housing on a more expensive level we would get a better grade of people buying and renting here, that people don't invest in $40,000 homes and not take care of them. Chairm~~ Leirer asked Building Inspector Oscar Watsjold for his opinion and Watsjold had no objection to the proposal. Commissioner LeFlore seconded by Commissioner Kowalski moved to approve the Townhouse concept as presented pending the outcome of the Public Hearing, replat and setback requirements. Motion passed unanimously. Item 3-A John Smith asked Planning & Zoning members if they would object to him adding an additional story to his neW motel which was noW under construction, before plans were purchased to begin the addition. Smith felt another story to the motel was warranted and that he had talked with a~B~S aq~ lliO~J 9L6T 'z aunf pa~Bp ~a~~aT V 'T :a~uapuodsa~~oJ -S llia~l 'aqBJ~W qOH/SZ-9L ~~SnBd/VZ-9L ~aJBJ Ul azaa~H/ZZ-9L ~sal~aqsld p~B~as /TZ-9L ~B~uaSO/OZ-9L ~~au~aM/8T-9L ~JJoTO~/LT-9L ~~o~ ~Ul~~Bd/~UBH TBuol~BN ~S~ld/9T-9L ~T~OH pUBTlliBa~a/S1-9L ~P~oJq~~BTH/V1-9L a~aft ~UallilliO~ ~noq~l~ pa~da~~B pUB pa~alAa~ S~llli~ad ~U1PTlnH :s~llli~ad aU1PTlnH JO ~alAa~ -V llia~l 'pa~~llliqns SB paAo~ddB a~a~ . 9L6T 'LZ ABW pUB q~ZT ABW JO sa~nulW aq~ :sa~nulW JO TBAO~ddV -[ llia~l '~uasqB SB~ a~oTda~ ~auolssl -llilliOJ 'pnoTJ~W pUB Ual~H,o 'l~STB~O~ 'S~allilliB~ '~auSSlaH 'lEW s~auolsslllilliOJ '~a~la~ UBlli~lBqJ a~a~ ~uasa~d asoq~ pUB paTTB~ SB~ TTO~ :TTBJ T10~ -Z llia~l 's~aqlliBqJ Tl~unoJ aq~ Ul "W'd T[:L ~B ~a~la~ UBlli~lBqJ Aq ~ap~o O~ paTTB~ SB~ '9L61 '6 aunf ~oJ uOlsslllilliOJ ~UluoZ ~ ~ulUUBTd aq~ JO ~ul~aaw ~BTn~a~ aq~ :~ap~o o~ TTBJ -T llia~l 9L6T '6 ~Nnf-DNl~~~W DNlNOZ ~ DNlNNV~d UBlli~lBqJ . . . ~a~la~ UBlli~H ~~~~. -------------------------------------------------------- 'W'd 91:6 ~B ~ul~aalli aq~ UBlli~lBqJ 'u~no~pB o~ paAOlli a~oTda~ ~aUOtSSlllilliOJ :~ualliu~no PV '~OU AUBlli OO~ ~aqllialli auo pBq ATTBn~~B ~U1UOZ ~ ~U1UUBTd aq~ SB papaau aq ~OU PTno~ ~auolsslllilliOJ ~au B pa~ou ~a~la~ UBlli~lBqJ 'pa~da~~B aq PTno~ U01~BU~lSa~ aq~ a~oJaq ~Ul~aalli ~xau aq~ 11~un ~lBft O~ paa~~B SBft ~l 'SaAON uqof '~a ~auolsslllilliOJ JO U01~BU~lSa~ aq~ pBa~ UB~O~ ~~la '~aaUl~ua A~lJ '~1 JO ~OABJ Ul a~OA P1no~ pUB Ta~Olli aq~ O~ U01~lPpB aq~ JO ~OABJ Ut a~a~ Aaq~ ~Bq~ U01SSl -llilliOJ aq~ JO s~aqllialli Aq paa~~B SB~ ~t ~Ul~Bads A11B~aUaD '9L6T '6 aunf ~oJ paTnpaq~s ~ul~aalli ~U1UOZ ~ ~U1UUBTd ~xau aq~ ~oJ Bpua~B aq~ uo pa~B1d aq o~ ~SB q~llliS ~Bq~ pa~sa~~ns UBq~ SB~ ~l 'O~ aABq P1no~ aq pa~B~s q~llliS pUB pasBaT SBft A~~ado~d aq~ a~uls A~l~ aq~ lliO~J U01SStlli~ad ~a~ O~ aABq P1no~ aq J1 q~llliS pa~SB ~a~la~ 's~q~laq ~u1P11nq ~OJ pa~lnba~ S~lllilT aq~ aplsul aq PTno~ aq U01~lPpB ~au aq~ q~lft uaAa ~Bq~ ~q~noq~ q~llliS 'A~O~S aq~ pPB O~ a~uBl~BA B ~OJ ATddB O~ aABq PTno~ q~llliS sdBq~ad ~q~noq~ ~a~la~ uBlli~lBqJ '~op A~~ado~d aq~ JO an1BA aq~ ~Ul~q pUB ~alA Slq ~~n~~sqo PTnoft ~1 Ta~olli aq~ o~ pappB SB~ A~O~S ~aq~ouB Jl ~TaJ aldsaTT1D 'ABq pUB ~oq~Bq aq~ JO ~alA aq~ JO asnB~aq OS auop pBq pUB ~11nq ~utaq SB~ 1a~olli aq~ a~aq~ JO ~SBa JJ11~ aq~ uo A~~ado~d pasBq~~nd A1~ua~a~ pBq aq pa~ou aldsaTT1D uqof 'uB1d slq~ o~ ~~a~qo ~ou P1P Aaq~ pUB A~tUl~tA aq~ ul s~ap10q aSBaT ~aq~o T ~wn~OA 9L6T 'LZ AVW-DNl~~~W DNlNOZ ~ DNlNN~d ?Z ~DVd v: 25 PAGE 25 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING-JUNE 9, 1976 VOLUME 1 Fire Marshall, indicating plans and specifications of the Seward Chapel were approved, signed Andre' C. Schalk, Regional Fire Marshall. 2. A letter dated June 7, 1976 from the Kenai Peninsula Borough, requesting dates for holding work sessions to revise and develop the zoning ordinance, signed Ike Waits. Commission discussion followed and it was determined that first, second or third Wednesday's would be appropriate for these work sessions. Item 6- Commission Discussion: 1. Commissioner Kowalski suggested the city should obtain a gas lawn mower to cut the park west of the Ferry office and added that perhaps a youth employment service worker could be utilized. Commissioner Kowalski also suggested re-naming A, B, C, D and Van Buren Streets for early settlers. Commission discussion followed and it was agreed that Commissioner Kowalski would chair an informal committee composed of Gary LeFlore, City Manager, and two members from the Historical Society. Fire Chief Watsjo1d suggested that numbering of houses was necessary and Commissioner Kowalski seconded by Commissioner McCloud recommended the adoption of an ordinance requiring house numbering in the city. Passed unanimously. Item 7- Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing/regarding the vacation of the Two Lakes Subdivision plat and reverting to portions of the Federal Addition, Laubner Addition and Cliff Addition. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. Gerritt Hoogland questioned the street right-of- way and Chairman Leirer reported that the streets in "the original plats would apply. No one else desired to speak at this time. Chairman Leirer closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Kowalski seconded by Commissioner McCloud moved to approve the vacation of the Two Lakes Subdivision and to revert to portions of the Federal, Laubner and Cliff Additions. Passed unanimously. 2. Public Hearing/Variance to the building height limits of the One Family Residental District for Lot 30, Marathon Addition. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present who desired to speak. Chairman Leirer closed the Public Hearing. Commission discussion followed regarding the permitted uses in the R-l Zone and it was pointed out that only one and half stories would be allowed in that area and that the R-1 would necessarily have to be changed to the R-2 Zone to permit the utilization of this property for rental purposes. Mr. Coisman explained he had written a letter to the Borough which was confirmed regarding his intention of using the property for rental purposes but the advertisement as published reported only on the height variance request. Noting that it would be necessary to rezone the property to R-2 to permit utilization of the rental unit Commissioner Lammers seconded by Commissioner Booher moved to approve the variance request regarding the height limitation in this zone. Passed unanimously. 3. Public Hearing/ regarding the request for the addition of a third story to the Breeze In Motel located on Lot 8, Oceanview Subdivision. Chairman Leirer opened the Public Hearing. Mr. John Gillespie voiced his objection to the construction of the third story because it would obstruct his view. Mr. Gillespie noted that ordinances especially zoning ordinances exist to protect everyone. Mr. John Smith reported that he proposed to construct a third story and extend it the length of the building to add 16 units to the motel. The City Manager reported the area was still zoned as a Public Use District even though action ^> ;0-' . -;J ::iO 3 l::"'~>~' \/ v'/' \ ....v-/ ~ (s (- ",:, ,Ii,:,:" S' ~;;_ , '..e , <,,,~" '-%" '" ,', U11Ul.ll11q~ .la.lla'1 U11Ul.laH In,~ ?;1.; /1;J?'!FFj/l.1. ..' / / :~ /' '.... ... 'Wd 6Z:6 :)'e .la.lla'1 U11Ul.ll11q~ 'U.lnO~p11 04 paAoUl .lausslaH .lauolSS1UlUlo~ \ I \) ~u14aaUl aq4 paU.lnO~p11 :4uaUlU.lnO~PV -8 Ula41 '9L61 'VI llnr uo Plaq aq Plno~ ~Ul.l11aq aq4 4sanba.l s.poo~~J01 'S.lW uo 411q4 pa4.Ioda.I .Ia~11U11W l41~ aq4 PU11 asuaJll lauua~ poo~~JO'1 aq4 JO 111~aua.I aq4 4noq11 pa~s11 l4S11H sl~a'1 '.IW 'L '.I04Jadsul 2U1Pl1nq PU11 .IaaUl~Ua l41J JO l11Ao.IdoB l.I11SsaJau pa.InJas suaUlal~ '.IW paplAo.Id 4Ja~o.Id slq4 JO u014Jn.I4suoJ aq4 .IoJ s.IauolsslUlUlo~ ~UluoZ ~ ~Uluu111d UlO.IJ U014Ja~qo ou SB~ a.Iaql 'a.In4nJ aq4 Ul 41un aq4 Pl1nqa.I 04 paplJap aq Jl l4111J11J 4UaU11Ul.Iad B SB aZls aUl11S aq4 aq Plno~ a.In4Jn.I4S pasodo.Id aq4 411q4 pa411J1Pul suaUlal~ 'S~UB4 aq4 JO d04 aq4 SB q~lq S11 .10 400J .InoJ 04 dn sapls uapoo~ q41~ 'lla4BUllXO.IodB 91 x 11 aq Plno~ a.In4Jn.I4S adl4 4.Iod.IBJ aq4 4Bq4 pa4BJ1Pul suaUlal~ '.IW 'Jllqnd aq4 04 al11s .IoJ alqBl111A11 41Bq ~uldaa~ JO sasod.lnd aq4 .loJ asnoH qSl~ aq4 JO q4nos S~U114 qS1J aAll 4Jn.I4SuoJ 04 4sanba.l B pa4Uasa.lO suaUlal~ alBa '.lW U01SS1UlUlo~ aq4 JO 4uasuoJ q41~ '9 '~.l11d 1111.l4snpUI p.l11~as '91 S40'1 uo "aA.laSa1[ Jllqnd" u014Jl.l4sa.l aq4 JO U01411J11A aq4 aAo.ldo11 04 paAoUl S.laUlUl11'1 .lauolsslUlUlo~ Aq papuoJas pnol~JW .lauolsslUlUlo~ '~Ul.IBaH Jllqnd aq4 pasolJ .la.lla'1 U11Ul.ll11q~ '~11ads 04 pa.llsap oq~ 4uasa.ld S11~ auo oN '~Ul.lBaH Jllqnd aq4 pauado .la.lla'1 U11Ul.ll11q~ '~.l11d IB1.l4snpUI p.l11~as '91 40'1 uo paJ111d "aA.laSa1[ Jllqnd" u014Jl.l4sa.l aq4 JO u01411JBA aq4 ~U1P.lB:ila.l/~Ul.l11aH Jllqnd '~ 'a40A aA14B~au auo q41~ passBd u0140W "'ou,, pa40A .la.lla'1 U11Ul.llBq~ "'saA,, pa40A pnol~JW PU11 ual.lH,O 'l~sl11~o)I 'S.laUlUlB'1 '.laUSSlaH '.laqooH 'l11W S.lauolsslUlUlo~ a40A IIBJ 110.1 11 uo 'uo14BJol 411q4 4B apl~ 4aaJ 09 PAIH puoUl111a ~Ul~11Ul 'Z~~ pUB 1~~ '~~ S40'1 04 4uaJ11~pB saull 401 JO a~u11qJ aq4 04 4Ja~qns '~~ PU11 DV '~V '~V 'av S40'1 JO sa.lJV 4Sa.lO~ JO uOlslAlpqns-a.l aq4 aAo.ldd11 04 paAoUl l~SIB~o)I .lauolsslUlUlo~ Aq papuoJas ual.lH,O .lauolsslUlUlo~ 'Ba.l11 4Bq4 ul 4uaUl4saAul .llaq4 4Ja40.Id dlaq 04 S.lau~o 401 2UlulO~P11 Aq aSBqJ.lnd .IoJ alq111111A11 ap11Ul a.la~ s401 aUlOS 411q4 pa4.loda.l oSI11 SUl111111~ 'S.lW 'a4Bp U014B.lldxa slq4 JO a.lB~11 a.la~ S.Iau~o A4.lado.ld aq4 PU11 ~L61 '1 A.l11nUBf uo pa.lldxa uOlslA1PqnS sa.lJV 4Sa.IOa Ul SlaJ.lBd aq4 JO uOlS1Alpqns 2ul.laAoJ 4U11U.laAOJ aA14Ja40.ld aq4 411q4 pa4.loda.l SUl111111~ 411d 'S.IW 'UolslAlpqns aq4 Ul sa141suap .laq21q JO u01411a.lJ ~U1P.lB~a.l s4uaplsa.l sa.lJV 4Sa.lOa JO s4q21.l JO u014Ja40.ld aq4 pauo14sanb 4uaJulA '~ Ul111111~ '.lW 'uolS1Alpqns sa.lJV 4Sa.lOa JO '~~ PU11 DV '~V '~V 'HV S40'1 JO U01S1Alpqns-a.l B JO l11Ao.lddV 'V 's1B1J1JJo aA14B.l4S1U1UlPB q~nO.lOH pUB l41J q41~ S11114ap aq4 4no ~.lO~ 04 q41UlS '.lW ~u14Sanba.l JO u014ua4ul aq4 q41~ Bpua~11 aq4 uo .lap.lo JO 4nO Ula41 aq4 paln.l .la.lla'1 UBUl.I1Bq~ 'ua~B4 2ulaq uOlslJap .lado.ldUll U11 Aq aSl.l11 4q~lUl qJlq~ s4Jl1JuOJ alqlssod aq4 JO ~alA ul PU11 auoz 1111J.laUlUloJ 11 aq Plnoqs 11a.l11 aq4 411q4 pa4sa22ns ual.lH,O .lau01SslUlUlO~ 'aUl14 JO pOl.lad papua4xa UB .laAO auop uaaq SBq 4uaUldolaAap IB1J.laUlUloJ a40UlO.ld 04 l41J aq4 Aq ua~114 1 3WD.'10A 9L61 '6 aNnf-DNIlaaW DNINOZ ~ DNINNV'1d 9Z aDVd :1(, 27 PAGE 27 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING - JULY 14, 1976 VOLUME 1 Item 1 - Call to Order: Chairman Leirer called the Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. Item 2 - Roll Call: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Beissner, Booher, Kowalski, Lammers, LeFlore, McCloud and O'Brien (Absent was Commissioner Mai) Present also: City Manager Filip and Deputy City Clerk- Treasurer Shanley Item 3 - Approval of Minutes: Booher noted that the June 9, 1976, minutes did not list him as being in attendance. Following discussion, Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the minutes of June 9, 1976, as corrected. / Item 4 - Review of Building Permits: ( After review, Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the following building permits: #76-23/Whitethorn #76-26/Smith; Breeze Inn #76-27/Clemens; Fish House If76-28/Welch 1f76-29/United Siding; Elks Club #76-30/Gates; Harbor Dinner Club If76-31/Castoldi #76-34/Sieminski-Williams #76-36/Louisiana Pacific Corp. #76-37/Louisiana Pacific Corp. Beissner requested staff make sure all contractors' licenses were up to date when applying for a permit and that the license numbers appear correctly on building permits. Leirer requested the City Manager inform United Siding Company that building permits had to be obtained before any construction took place. Item 5 - Correspondence: City Manager read in full letter dated June 29, 1976, from John Smith, requesting consideration of a variance for an additional story on the Breeze Inn. City Manager stated the request would be placed on the August 11 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda and would appear on the August 30 Borough Planning Commission Agenda. City Manager passed out letter dated July 6, 1976, from Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor and attached "Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Grant Scope of Services" and asked the Commissioners to contact him if they had any comments. City Manager stated Marsha Bennett would be in the City on Tuesday, July 20, to discuss and receive input on a local survey questionnaire and asked the Commissioners contact him if they had any specific questions or suggestions. lBW ual~H.O pn01JJW pUB ~a~la~ 'a~Olaa~ 'S~aWlliB~ 'l~SlB~O~ '~aqooH '~aUSSlaH :~uasqv :saoN :saAV :U01~lPPV uoq~B~BW 'or ~O~ JO ~Uluoza~ aq~ aAo~ddB O~ s~0110J SB pal~~BJ pUB s~aWlliB~ Aq papuoJas 'pn01JJW Aq paAOill SB~ ~I 'pas01J SB~ ~Ul~BaH Jl1qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul pa~BaddB aS1a auo ON '~uluOZ ~ods ~SU1B~B a~ods uos~Jl~a ~Jla '~uluoza~ pasodo~d aq~ uo suol~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB a~ods ~a~BuBW A~lJ '~Jl~~sla aJuaplsa~ A1lillBa O~~ O~ ~Jl~~sla aJuaplsa~ A1lillBa auo illO~J 'U01~lPPV uoq~B~BW 'or ~O~ JO ~Uluoza~ aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~Ul~BaH Jl1qnd 'r '~Uluoza~ aq~ aAo~ddB O~ ~uasa~d asoq~ 11B Aq pal~~BJ A1snOilllUBun pUB pn01JJW Aq papuoJas 'l~SlB~O~ Aq paAOill SB~ ~l 'uolssnJslP ~Ul -~0110a 'pas01J SB~ ~Ul~BaH Jl1qnd aq~ pUB p~Beq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul pa~BaddB aS1a auo ON 'aldsa11l~ uqof pUB sillaaa P1Buoa 'aluuaH 10~BJ :p~Baq a~a~ pUB pa~BaddB SlBnP1Alpul ~Ul~0110J aq~ '~Jl~~sla asn tB1J~aWllioJ pa~lilll~ O~ ~Jl~~sla asn Jl1qnd illO~J 'ssa1 ~O a~Oill 'sa~JB L~' ~U1U1B~UOJ 'UOlslAlpqns BU1~BW '1 ~J01H '8 q~no~q~ 1 s~o~ JO q4nos A1a~BlpaWllil pa4BJ01 1aJ~Bd 4Bq~ pUB 'UOlSlAlpqns BU1~BW '1 ~J01H '8 q~no~q~ 1 s~o~ auoza~ o~ 4sanba~ s.A~lJ aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~Ul~BaH Jl1qnd 'Z lBW l~slB~O~ pUB ~ausSlaH ual~H.O pUB pn01JJW '~a~la1 'a~01aa1 '~aqooH :4uasqV :saoN :saAV :S~0110J SB pal~~BJ U0140ill 1BU1~1~O 'puoJas B JO ~JB1 ~OJ palP ~uaillpuaillB aq4 ~Ba~B paJuaJ A1~ua~~nJ aq~ JO apls q4~OU aq~ SSO~JB paJB1d aq aJuaJ Pl10S ~OOJ xls B ~uJ~sanba~ 'U0140ill aq~ O~ ~uaillpuaillB UB pa~aJJo pn01JJW 'paAo~dilll pBq uOl~Bn~ls aq4 Jl aas O~ pOl~ad ailll~ aq~ JO pua aq~ 4B ~alAa~ q4l~ asuaJl1 1BU01S1AO~d q~UOill auo B anssl O~ a~01aa1 Aq papuoJas pUB ual~H.O Aq paAOill SB~ ~l 'uolssnJslP ~Ul~0110a 'pas01J SB~ ~Ul~BaH Jl1qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq 04 ~ap~o ul pa~BaddB aS1a auo oN 'asuaJl1 aq4 JO 1B~aua~ ~sulB~B a~ods UBill palJl~uaplun UB pUB A4SBH sl~a~ '~W 'U01~B~ado 1auua~ ~laq~ uo sU01~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB JO ~~oddns Ul a~ods pOO~~JO~ 's~W pUB '~W 'u~oqs SB~ 1auua~ pUB aJuaplsa~ s.POO~~JO~ aq~ JO adB~ oaplA V 'asuaJl1 aq4 JO 1B~aua~ O~ U01~lsoddo Ul A~SBH sl~a~ illO~J '9L61 '01 ABW pa4Bp ~a~~a1 B pae~ pUB asuaJl1 1auua~ ~laq~ JO 1B~aua~ ~OJ 4sanba~ S.POO~~J01 sa1~BqJ 's~W pUB '~W uo SU01~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB a~ods ~a~BUBW A~lJ pUB pauado SB~ ~ul~BaH Jl1qnd '1 :s~ul~BeH Jl1qnd ~ uOlssnJsla ,suaz141J - L W841 '~~Bd aq4 04 pau~n4a~ aq 04 papa au s.uos~a~s ua~~ ~B saxoq ~a~olJ aq~ pa~B~s ~aq~~nJ aqs 'Ba~B aq~ ul paJB1d UBJ a~Bq~B~ B pUB pe~Oill aq O~ papaau u~B1 ~~Bd aq~ pa4B~S--1~slB~0~ :uolssnJSla UOlsslWlliOJ - 9 illa~I 1 awil10A 9L61 '~t X1ilf - ~NI~aaw NOISSIWWOJ ~NINOZ ~ ~NINN~d 8Z a~Vd 8Z 29 PAGE 29 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - JULY 14, 1976 VOLUME 1 Item 7 - Citizens' Discussion & Public Hearings: (cont'd) 4. Public Hearing was opened on the rezoning of Lots 30, 31 and 32; Block 17, Original Townsite, from Multi-family Residential to General Commercial District. Kowalski and LeFlore left the dais because of a conflict of interest. City Manager spoke and answered questions on the proposal and the proposed future zoning map was displayed. Ted Lesco appeared and spoke against the rezoning. The following appeared and spoke in favor of the rezoning: Carol Bennie, Donna Kowalski, Pat Williams and Gary LeFlore. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. City Manager read the following correspondence into the record: Letter dated July 1, 1976, from Willard E. and Beverly D. Dunham supporting the rezoning Letter dated July 12, 1976, from Frances A. Kerns supporting the rezoning Petition dated July 1976, bearing 17 signatures of surrounding property owners supporting the proposed rezoning Following discussion, it was moved by Lammers, seconded by McCloud and carried as follows to approve the request to rezone Lots 30, 31 and 32; Block 17, Original Townsite: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: Beissner, Booher, Lammers, Leirer, McCloud and O'Brien None Mai Kowalski and LeFlore Item 8 - Adjournment: " \,,~.,.,...;. -,",0 The meet~ was - .~]\ \. adjourned at 9:23 p.m. // /I t/t4 'YJ1./'l l' if1--~ Herman Leirer Chairman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'pasolo SR~ ~U1~RaH o11qnd aq~ pUR p~Raq aq O~ ~ap~o U1 pa~RaddR aSIa auo ON '~aq paS1APR ~a~1a1 pUR aouR1~RA R ~u1~1nba~ aouRu1P~O aq~ JO SU01S1AO~d aq~ paU01~sanb ~UOJl1~ Rllan1 '~sanba~ aouR1~RA aq~ JO ~OARJ U1 a~ods q~1IDS uqor pUR aqoR~ UOIDIRS aq~ JO q~1IDS URa 'uosP~Rqo1~ qog 'aouR1~RA aq~ ~U1~UR~~ U01SS1IDIDO~ aq~ O~ U01~1soddo U1 a~ods pUR pa~RaddR a1uuag 10~R~ pUR a1dsall1~ uqor 'U01s1A1pqns RU1~RW '8 ~01 'I ~oolg uo aouR1~RA R ~oJ ~u1uo1~1~ad '9L61 '6Z aunr pa~Rp ~a~~al IlnJ U1 pRa~ ~a~RuRW A~1~ 'la~ow UUI azaa~g aq~ o~ A~O~S lRU01~1PPR UR pPR o~ ID1q ~ollR o~ aouR1~RA R ~oJ ~sanba~ S.q~1IDS uqor uo pauado SR~ ~u1~RaH o11qnd 'g '9L61 'I ~aqo~oo 11~un asuao11 lauua~ aq~ pua~xa o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ llR Aq pa1~~Ro AlsnoID1uRun pUR s~aIDIDR1 Aq papuooas '~aqoog Aq paAOID SR~ ~1 'uo1ssnos1P ~U1~Ol10~ 'pasolo SR~ ~U1~RaH;011qnd aq~ pUR p~Raq aq O~ ~ap~o U1 pa~RaddR aSIa auo ON 'a~~Rqo lRuo1~1PPR ou ~R '9L61 'I ~aqIDa~das q~no~q~ papua~xa aq asuao11 aq~ pa~sanba~ pUR a~n~nJ ~Rau aq~ U1 S~1ID11 A~1~ aq~ ap1s~no ~U1AOID aq Plno~ AI1IDRJ s1q ~Rq~ pa~R~s poo~~oo1 sal~Rq~ 'pa~aua~ ~u1aq asuao11 aq~ o~ u01~oa~qo ou pRq U01~R~~S1u1IDpR aq~ pa~R~s ~a~RuRW A~1~ pUR lR~aua~ asuao11 lauua~ poo~~001 aq~ uo pauado SR~ ~u1~RaH o11qnd 'V :S~NI~~H ~I1Hnd aNY NOIssn~sIa .SN~ZIII~ 'IA '~o1~~s1a lR1o~aIDIDo~ lR~aua~ o~ ~o1~~s1a lR1~uap1sa~ AI1IDRJ-1~lnw IDO~J 'a~1s~ol lRU1~1~O 'Ll ~oolg ~ZE pUR IE 'OE S~01 ~u1uoza~ 6E-9L 'ON aouRu1P~O 8u1P~R8a~ q~no~og Rlnsu1uad 1Rua~ IDO~J '9L61 'lZ Alnr pa~Rp ~a~~al IlnJ u1 pRa~ ~a8RuRW A~1~ 'V :~~N~aNOds~~W 'A paAo~ddR - aauollRW/0~-9L# 'g paAo~ddR - spnS p~R~as ~puR1800H/8?-9L# 'V : SlI~~d ~Nla1rng ~O ~~IA~~ ' AI 'pa~oa~~oo SR '9L61 'Zl Alnr JO sa~nu1ID aq~ paAo~ddR '~uasuoo u01ss1IDIDO~ q~1~ '~a~1a1 ',,~u1P1S pa:nun" pRa~ o~ pa8uRqo aq Plnoqs ,,~aqIDn1 pa~1un" 'sa~nu1ID '9L61 'Zl Alnr aq~ JO ? IDa~I ~apun ~Rq~ pa~ou ~a~1a1 :s~lnNIW ~O 1VAO~ddV 'III AaluRqS ~a~nsRa~l -~~al~ A~1~ A~ndaa pUR d111~ ~a8RuRW A~1~ :oslR ~uasa~d (pnol~ow pUR a~ol~a1 a~a~ ~uasqR oSlR ~ua1~g.o pUR ~auss1ag s~auo1ss1IDIDO~ a~a~ '~uasuoo u01sS1IDIDO~ q~1~ '~uasqv) 1RW pUR s~aIDIDR1 '1~slR~O~ '~aqoog s~auo1ss1IDIDO~ ~~a~1a1 URID~1Rq~ :a~a~ ~uasa~d :11V~ 110~ 'II 'ID'd 00:8 ~R ~ap~o o~ ~U1~aaID aq~ pal1Ro ~a~1a1 URID~1Rq~ : ~~@O 01 11V~ 'I 1 ~wn10A 9L61 'II lSn~nV - ~Nll~~ ~1n~~~ OE ~~Vd U~; 81 PAGE 31 REGULAR MEETING-- AUGUST 11, 1976 VOLUME 1 VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) Ike Waits, Associate Planner from the Borough, spoke on the definition of variance. Following discussion, it was moved by Lammers, seconded by Booher but did not carry as follows to approve the request of John Smith for the variance: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Booher, Lammers and Leirer Kowalski and Mai Beissner, LeFlore, McCloud and O'Brien C. Bob Richardson appeared and requested a variance to allow him to build a garage at the rear of his lot and cited other instances where building permits had not been obtained before structures had been built, specifically the greenhouse at the Neve' residence. Booher requested the administration investigate the allegation. City Building Inspector Watsjold spoke on the percentage of ground cover allowed. Following discussion, Leirer informed Richardson that he would have to go through the proper channels required when requesting a variance and be placed on a future Agenda. VII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Leirer spoke against the City allowing the building of structures with wood foundations in the Seward area and asked all the Commissioners to investigate and think about taking action against such structures in the future. B. Leirer asked the Deputy City Clerk to prepare an attendance record for the next meeting. C. Ike Waits from the Borough spoke on the progress for the Borough and City zoning ordinances revisions and stated that the Commission would have to review the comments he had made before he could proceed. Following discussion, Leirer stated a study session would be scheduled in the near future in order for the CommiSSion to review the information Waits had presented. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: /: !~'!ll~, was yf{'. .':'\ F; ~. I\P .L J(t ytne E~:1>1!~Ie.! ~)!Deput~ Ci~y Clerk-Treasurer adjourned at 9:25 p.m. />s' / .~ ~/ ct.u:~ (Cit~. Seal) ~"J'. '"'~'-.: '~uasa.Id aSOtn lIB Aq pal.I.IBO AlsnoillluBun u0140ill aq~ '4aa.I~S qO.Ilg ~uoIB AB8-Jo-~q~l.I 4aaJ 01 IBU01~lPPB UB o~ ~oarqns uOlS1Alpqnsa.I aq~ pUaillillOOa.I 04 'puooas slq Ual.Ig,O pUB U01~Oill .Iaq papUaillB 1~SlB80~ 'UOlssnoS1P ~U180110~ '4aa.I~S qO.Ilg ~UOIB paA.IaSa.I aq AB8-JO-~q~l.I .IOJ ~aaJ 01 IBuol~lPPB UB puaillillOOa.I oSlB ~nq ~01 aq~ JO u01S1Alpqnsa.I aq~ JO IBAo.IddB pUaillillOOa.I o~ ual.Ig,O Aq papuooas pUB 1~SlB80~ Aq paAOill SB8 ~I 'dBill ~Bld IBU1J aq4 UO pa~ou ~aaJ O? aq~ JO pBa~sul AB8-JO-~q~l.I ~aa.I~S qO.Ilg .IOJ paA.IaSa.I aq ~aaJ O~ ~Bq~ pa4sanba.I lBW 'pasolo SB8 ~Ul.IBaH o11qnd aq4 pUB p.IBaq aq O~ .Iap.IO Ul pa.IBaddB auo O~ 'pa~ou a.Ia8 dBill paqoB4~B pUB '9L61 '9Z ~sn~nv pa~Bp .Ia4~al q~nO.Iog Blnsuluad lBua~ pUB 'U01S1Alpqns Sa.IOV ~Sa.IO~ 'ff ~O~ JO U01S1AlpqnSa.I pasodo.Id uo pauado SB8 ~Ul.IBaH o11qnd 'V :S~NI~~H 8I~gnd aNY NOIssn8SIa ISN~ZI~I8 'IA 'aOua.IaJa.I a.In~nJ .IOJ pUBq uo U014Bill.IOJUl aq~ daa~ S.IaUOlsslillill08 aq~ pa~sa~~ns .Ia.Ila~ pUB pa~ou SB8 aouBulpio UOlslAlpqns pa~Bpdn pUB sa.Inpaoo.Id U01~BOBA AB8-Jo-~q~l.I paslAa.I ~Ulp.IB~a.I '9L61 '9Z ~sn~nv pa~Bp Oillaill q~nO.Iog Blnsuluad lBua~ 'V : ~8N~aNOdsmn108 'A anuaAV puz Sl~ !~uluaoqS/6~-9L# 'I anuaAV P.IE LE? !,aAaN/S~-9L# 'H anuaAV puz ZlL !Z4.IB8S/9~-9L# '~ anuaAV puz ~lE !80pI0/~~-9L# '~ aAl.Ia .IBag SlZ !q~nBg/?~-9L# '~ la~ow uUI azaa.Ig !q~lillS/E~-9L# 'a anuaAV q~~ ?09 !a~1~/Z~-9L# '8 anuaAV 4s1 ~09 !uBillSl08/1~-9L# 'g uOl~B~S a.Ioqs aUl.IBW p.IB8aS !.Ia~Bg/6?-9L# 'V :paAo.IddB a.Ia8 S~lill.Iad ~ulPl1nq ~u180110J aq~ :SLIWR~d ~Nla~Ing ~O ~~IA~~ 'AI Wd EE:L ~B paAl.I.IB lBW .Iauolsslillill08 'ua~~l.I8 SB '9L61 '11 ~sn~nv JO sa~nulill ~ul~aaill .IBln~a.I aq4 paAo.IddB '~uasuoo uOlsslillill08 q418 '.Ia.Ila~ :S~LnNIW ~O ~AO~ddV 'III AaluBqS .Ia.InsBa.IL-~.Ia18 A~18 A~ndaa pUB dl11~ .Ia~BUBW A~18 :oslB 4uaSa.Id (pn0180W pUB a.IOl~a~ S.IauOlsSlillill08 a.Ia8 4uasqV) Ual.Ig.O pUB lBW 'S.IaillillB~ '1~SlB80~ '.Iaqoog '.IaUSslag S.Iau01SSlillill08 !.Ia.Ila~ UBill.I1Bq8 :a.Ia8 ~uasa.Id :~~V8 ~~O~ 'II 'ill'd OE:L ~B UOlsSlillill08 ~ulUOZ pUB ~U1UUBld aq4 JO ~ul~aaill .IBln~a.I aq~ .Iap.IO O~ pallBo .Ia.Ila~ UBill.I1Bq8 : ~~@O OL ~~8 'I 1 ~~OA 9L61 's ~~~~d~S - ~NIL~~W ~~n~~ ZE ~~Vd Zf; 33 PAGE 33 REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 8, 1976 VOLUME 1 VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) B. John Gillespie appeared and spoke on a third party's proposal to purchase the property on the knoll above the lagoon for the purpose of constructing a restaurant. Gillespie questioned the Com- mission's position regarding rezoning of that area from residential to commercial. Following discussion, Leirer, with Commission consent, IItitee! the party would have to present sketches, parking plans, etc. before the Commission could take a stand on the rezoning. VII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Commission attendance record was noted and Leirer urged regular attendance by all members. B. Kowalski questioned the Borough Planning Commission's action on John Smith's request to add a third story to the Breeze Inn Motel and City Manager advised the Borough had granted the request. Kowalski urged the Commission to work more closely with the Harbor Commission in the future when development in the harbor area was at issue. C. Kowalski urged the Commissioners sign up for the Outer Continental Shelf drilling impact seminar to be held September 20-22. D. City Manager spoke and answered questions on the development and future uses of the land in the small boat harbor area. E. Leirer stated more control was needed over campers in the campground and on the beach and further stated fees should be collected and the areas patrolled regularly. F. City Manager spoke and answered questions on the proposed sale of the East 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 23, and stated it was the op1n1on of the building inspector the dwelling on the premises could be rehabilitated but added no new construction should be allowed and asked for Commission comments. Following discussion, it was moved by Lammers, seconded by Booher and unanimously carried by all those present to approve rehabilitation of the building. G. City Manager spoke and answered questions on the 2 percent sales tax proposition to appear on the October ballot. 8:50 PM / Ij, t't 111dn Herman/Leirer Chairman //ft ?j-t! C~c!' 7 , o~Ja~o~d U01~Jn~~suoJ aq~ ~u1~np ~o~JadsuI ~u1Pl1nH q~1~ qJno~ U1 daa~ o~ Ua~JB~JJW pa~Ja~1P ~a~1al oUa~JB~JJW samBf JO ~sanba~ aq~ aAo~ddB o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIB JO a~OA aJ10A Aq pa1~~BJ AlsnOm1uBun pUB 1~SlB~0~ Aq papuoJas '~aUSS1a[ Aq paAOm SB~ ~1 'u01ssnJS1P ~U1~0110& .pa~1nba~ SB~ ~aa~~s aq~ mO~J ~JBq~as ~aaJ ~z B pa~B~S PI0~S~B~ ~o~JadsUI ~U1Pl1nH .U01~BpUnOJ ~O S~U1~00J IBU01~1PPB AUB a~1nba~ ~OU Plno~ u01~Jn~~suoJ aq~ pa~B~S Ua~JB~JJW oa~1s~0~ IBU1~1~0 '[Z ~JOl[ 'z pUB 1 S~Ol JO JIBq-auo ~SB~ aq~ uo a~n~Jn~~s aq~ o~ u01~1PpB UB ~oJ U01ss1~ad ~u1~sanba~ '9L61 '9 ~aqo~JO pa~Bp ~a~~al pa~nq1~~s1P pUB pa~BaddB Ua~JB~JJW SamBf oV :SDNI~V~H JIl[Dd aNY NOISSDJSla ,SN~ZI~IJ oIA opa~ou SB~ ~aqma~das pa~Bp 'U01s1A1pqns sa~JV ~sa~o& 'ff ~Ol JO U01s1A1pqnsa~ U01~JB U01SS1illillOJ ~U1UUBld JO aJ1~ou q~nO~O[ Blnsu1uad 1BUa~ oV '9L61 '[1 ~u1P~B~a~ :~JN~aNOdS~~~OJ oA aA1~a ~Ba[ ~OZ ~uasa~pu~/L9-9L# 0& anuaAV q~~no& [[Z ~aqB~B~/~9-9L# o~ asnoH qS1& ~suamalJ alBa/~9-9L# oa uos~aJJaf pUB q~J1& ~qS1~Bd ~~BaH pa~JBS/[9-9L# oJ anUaAV q~~no& O[Z ~~au~a~/09-9L# O[ anUaAV ~Sl 909 ~AasBJ/6~-9L# OV :paAo~ddB a~a~ s~1m~ad ~u1Pl1nq ~u1~0110J aq~ .~U1~aam aq~ U1 ~~Bd ~OO~ ~a~JBa~aq~ pUB .mod O~:L ~B paA1~~B ~aqoO[ :S~I~~d DNlalID[ &0 ~aIA~~ oAI .ua~~1~~ SB '9L61 '8 ~aqma~das JO sa~nu1W aq~ paAo~ddB '~uasuoJ u01ss1mmoJ q~1~ '~a~1al 0~U1~aam aq~ U1 ~~Bd ~OO~ ~a~JBa~aq~ pUB om.d 6[:L ~B paA1~~B ~a~1al :S~~DNIW &0 IVAO~ddV .111 AaluBqS ~a~nsBa~~-~~alJ A~1J A~ndaa pUB d111& ~a~BUBW A~1J :OSlB ~uasa~d (pnolJJW SB~ ~uasqB OSlB ~S~aillillBl SB~ '~uasuoJ U01SS1illillOJ q~1~ '~uasqB) Ua1~H.0 pUB 1BW 'a~ol&al '1~SlB~0~ '~aqoO[ '~aUSS1a[ s~au01ss1illillOJ ~~a~1al uBm~1BqJ :a~a~ ~uaSa~d :llVJ 110~ oIl omod L[:L ~B u01ss1illillOJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld aq~ JO ~U1~aam ~Bln~a~ aq~ ~ap~o O~ pallBJ 1BW uBm~1BqJ ~U1~JV :~~~O O~ IlVJ 01 1 awDIOA 9L61 '[1 ~~HO~JO - DNI~~~W ~lDD~~ ~[ ~DVd V~ PAGE 35 REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 13, 1976 VOLUME 1 35' VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) B. Public Hearing was opened on the proposed rezoning of East two- thirds of Lots 21, 22, 23 and East one-half of Lot 24, Block 17, Original Townsite, from Multi-Family Residential to Neighborhood Commercial District and the following items were noted: Public Notice, Seward Phoenix Log, received September 24, 1976 Burton M. Bomhoff letter dated September 13, 1976 Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance 76-58 received September 24, 1976 Vicinity map Petition supporting rezoning, signed by three property owners, dated October 13, 1976 No one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Leirer stated no block had been stated in the public notice as received from the Borough and questioned if the block number had appeared in the newspaper. Because of the question of improper advertisement, Leirer, with Commission consent, continued the public hearing and stated no action would be taken by the Commission at that time. C. Public Hearing was opened on the proposed rezoning of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 12, Original Townsite, from One Family Residence to Multi- Family Residential and the following items were noted: Johan Banic letter dated September 20, 1976, requesting the rezoning Seward Phoenix Log Public Notice received October 1, 1976 Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance 76-61 received October 1, 1976 Vicinity map No one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Following discussion, it was moved by Kowalski, seconded by Booher and unanimously carried by all those present to recommend approval of the rezoning petition. D. Proposed ordinance regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission was noted by title as follows: An Ordinance Repealing and Re-Enacting Section 2-68 of the Seward City Code Relating to Meetings and Authority of the City Planning and Zoning Commission "~uasa~d asoq~ 11B Aq paT~~B~ A1snomTuBUn uOT~om papUamB aq~ ~uOT~~n~~suo~ a~oJaq SB~ ~T SB UOT~~n~~suo~ ~a~JB q~PT~ amBS aq~ aq ~snm AB~pBO~ aq~ ~Bq~ UOTSTAO~d aq~ pPB O~ papuamB SB~ uOT~om aqL 'uoT~~n~~suo~ pasodo~d sTq ~OJ uos~apuv AB~ O~ ~Tm~ad gUTP1Tnq B anssT O~ ~o~~adsuI gUTP1Tng aq~ ~~a~TP O~ ~aqoog Aq papuo~as pUB a~01aa~ Aq paAom SB~ ~T 'uoTssn~STP gUT~0110a "sasod~nd ~uamd01aAap a~n~nJ ~oJ ~aaJ Ol UBq~ ~a~Ba~g q~PT~ B ~B paUTB~uTBm aq P1noqs pBO~ aq~ ~Bq~ pUB pa~Tnba~ aq P1noqs UB1d ~01d B pa~B~s P10rS~BM ~o~~adsUI gUTP1Tng "q~PT~ gUT~sTxa s~T ~Bau pBO~ aq~ UTB~UTBm o~ ~ap~o UT Ba~B apT1s aq~ ~no ~Ba1~ P1no~ ~nq AB~pBO~ ~uasa~d aq~ uo ~aaJ aATJ aguT~JuT P1no~ aq pa~B~s uos~apuv "PBO~ ~UTod 11a~0~ uo asnoqa~B~ gUT~sTxa sTq o~ paq~B~~B a~n~~n~~s ~aaJ 09 x O~ B pPB o~ ~Tm~ad gUTP1Tnq B pa~sanba~ pUB uOTssTmmoJ aq~ a~oJaq pa~BaddB uos~apuv AB~ "H 'amT~ ~Bq~ ~B SUB1d UOT~B~S a~oqs aUT~BW aq~ ssn~sTP ~aq~~nJ o~ pUB a~uBuTP~o gUTuoz pUB gUTUUB1d aq~ gUTP~Bga~ qgno~og aq~ mO~J S~TBM a~I q~T~ ~aam o~ ~ap~o UT '9L61 'Ol ~aqo~~o 'ABpsaupaM ~oJ pa1npaq~s aq uOTssas Apn~s B ~Bq~ pa~sB '~uasuo~ uOTssTmmoJ q~T~ '~agBuBW A~TJ '~~aro~d aq~ UTB1dxa ~aq~~nJ o~ uOTssTmmoJ aq~ a~oJaq ~BaddB a~n~T~suI aq~ JO aAT~B~uasa~da~ B ~sanba~ o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ 11B Aq paT~~B~ A1snomTuBun pUB TBW Aq papuo~as 'uaT~g,o Aq paAom SB~ ~T 'UOTssn~sTP gUT~0110a 'xa1d-~noJ aq~ JO ~uama~B1d aq~ o~ pa~ToA SB~ UOT~~arqO 'a~uaT~S aUT~BW JO a~n~T~suI aq~ ~Bau A~~ado~d S,B~SB1V JO A~Ts~aATun aq~ uo xa1d-~noJ B JO uOT~~n~~suo~ ~OJ UOT~B~S a~oqs aUT~BW aq~ Aq pa~~Tmqns SUB1d aq~ pa~uasa~d P10rS~BM ~o~~adsUI gUTP1Tng .~ '~sanba~ gUTuoza~ aq~ aAo~ddB o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ 11B Aq paT~~B~ A1snomTuBun pUB T~s1B~0~ Aq papuo~as 'a~01aa~ Aq paAom SB~ ~T 'uoTssn~sTP ~uT -~0110a 'pas01~ SB~ gUT~Baq ~T1qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq o~ ~ap~o UT pa~BaddB aS1a aUo ON "uoT~sanb uT s~01 aq~ uo suoT~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB pa~BaddB 11TH ~~Tmma dBm A~TuT~TA 9L61 '6l ~aqma~das paATa~a~ a~T~oN ~T1qnd go~ xTuaoqd p~B~as 9L61 '6l ~aqma~das paATa~a~ 09-9L a~uBuTP~O qgno~og B1nsuTuad TBua~ :pa~ou a~a~ sma~T gUT~0110J aq~ pUB ~~T~~sTa 1BT~~ammoJ 1B~aua~ o~ 1BT~uapTsa~ A1TmBa-T~1nw mO~J 'UOTsTATPqnS ~aTAUBa~o '[ ~~01g '01 pUB 6 '8 'L s~o~ JO gUTuoza~ pasodo~d aq~ uo pauado SB~ gUT~BaH ~T1qnd "a 'uoT~sanb UT ~01 aq~ uo ~Tm~ad gUTP1Tnq B ~011B o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ 11B Aq paT~~B~ A1snomTuBun pUB a~01aa~ Aq papuo~as '~aqoog Aq paAom SB~ ~T 'uoTssn~sTP gUT~0110a 'uoT~Bn1BA passassB s~T JO ~ua~~ad O~ UBq~ ~a~Ba~g agBmBp paUTB~sns pBq a~n~~n~~s aq~ pUB aZTs ~01 mnmTuTm aq~ JO asnB~aq ~01 aq~ uo UOT~~n~~suo~ amBs aq~ pa~sanba~ pBq sTuua UT~~BW uaq~ A1snoTAa~d pa~~arqo aq pa~B~s P10rS~BM ~o~~adsuI gUTP1Tng "a~Ts~oL 1BuTgT~O 'l1 ~~01g '61 ~o~ JO ~aaJ O~ ~saM aq~ uo a~n~~n~~s B qSTq~nJa~ o~ ~Tm~ad gUTP1Tnq B gUT~sanba~ '9L61 '[1 ~aqo~~o pa~Bp ~a~~a1 pa~uasa~d pUB pa~BaddB ua100a 'W PTABa 'a 'u01ss1mmoJ aq~ JO U01~JB AUB apn1Ju1 P1no~ ~1 pa~B~s ~agBuBW A~TJ pUB U01~~B 1BT~1JJO JO U01~1u1Jap B ~OJ pa~SB 1~s1B~O~ 'U01~JB u01ss1mmoJ 1B1~1JJO ~OJ pa~1nba~ a~a~ sa~OA aAT~Bm~1JJB aATJ ~Bq~ pa1JT~B1~ pUB a~uBuTP~O gU1~sTxa-A1~uasa~d aq~ uo papuBdxa a~uBu1P~O ~au aq~ pa~B~S ~agBuBW A~1J (PI~UO~) :S~NI~VaH JI~gnd aNY NOIssnJsla ,sNaZILIJ "IA 1 awfi10A 9L61 '[1 ~agOLJO - ~NILaaw ~v~n~a~ 9[ a~Vd 9B PAGE 37 87 REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 13, 1976 VOLUME 1 VII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Kowalski questioned the status of plans for the State Highway Department to relocate its facilities outside the City limits. City Manager stated the Department was proceeding with additional construction on its present si e within the City limits; therefore, it appeared it would not be relocating. B. Kowalski stated a street naming committee had been formed and its members were as follows: Garry LeFlore, Winnie Leirer, Edwina Copeland and Kowalski. It was requested that any recommendations be forwarded to the committee regarding the renaming of the streets in honor of Seward's founders. C. Kowalski questioned the status of Jesse Lee Home redevelopment and City Manager advised the Council was waiting for assurance of adequate financing before the administration could issue a building permit. D. City Manager stated the Local Boundary Commission would hold its hearing on annexation of the Lowell Point area on Thursday, October 28, 1976, in the Council Chambers. E. Leirer asked about the resignation of Don McCloud and Deputy City Clerk-Treasurer stated a formal resignation had not yet been received. City Manager stated the Commission should appoint a replacement at its next regular meeting. O'Brien recommended Paul Seaton be appointed. VII 1. ADJOURNMENT: adjourned at 9:25 p.m. ".'/ /,4 1,,/71-). 4;~ -4 .?-, ~ /?y/<~/' 7""<.---C-- I b. ~. - / Her~~n Leirer / Chairman "pa~OU SB~ 'J1n~ aq~ U1 Suo1~B~ado ~oJ aSBq 2U1P~B2a~ '9L61 '11 ~aqo~~o JO ~a~~a1 s.o~BxaL "g "pa~OU SB~ 'B~SB1V JO J1n~ aq~ u1 lIum~2o~d U01~B~o1dx:3: aq~ ~oJ ~~oddns JO a~1~oNII paq~B~~B q~1~ '9L61 '8Z ~aqo~~o pa~Bp ~a~~a1 pUB ~aqo~~o pa~Bp IISU01~B~ado a~oqsJJO pasodo~d s.uoxx:3: JO ~a1Aa<l1l "V AHA 1PV '9L61 'S1 ::3:;)N:3:aNOdS:3:<l<lOJ "IA ~981 ssn JO Z/1 q~nos ~1ooq~S q21H p~B~aS/EL-9L# "I anuaAV puo~as 8001 ~puB~qap11H/ZL-9L# "H u01s1A1pqns s~q21aH aa~ aSsar ~s~a~o1g/1L-9L# "~ ("A~O~S q~Ba ~OJ auo '~~a~o~d aq~ ~oJ panss1 aq P1no~ s~1maad 2U1P11nq O~~ pa~B~s P10~S~B~ ~o~~adsuI 2u11P1ng 'uo1~sanb B o~ ~a~SUB UI) anuaAV q~~nod EEZ ~B~SB1V pBr 'aqB~B~/OL-9L# "d (pa~ou SB~ AdoUB~ ~oJ ~1W~ad 2U1P11nq 2u1P~B2a~ UB~O~ ~aau12u:3: A~1;) mO~J '9L61 'oz ~aqo~~o pa~Bp ~a~~a1) anuaAV q~~nod ~doqS B~SB1V '112nH/69-9L# ":3: pBO<l ~u1od 11a~o~ ~sa~1A~as aU1~BW p~B~as 'uos~apuV/89-9L# "a s~aa~~s "g pUB q~J1d ~~uam~~Bdaa AB~q21H a~B~S/99-9L# ";) UOq~B~BW OZZ ~JJaB~2~~a1a "d/Z9-9L# "g U01~B~S a~oqs aU1~BW ~"~UI 'S~O~~B~~UO;) ";)"~/19-9L# "V :paAo~ddB a~a~ S~1maad 2u1P11nq 2U1~0110J aqL :SLIW<l:3:d ~Nla~Ing dO ~:3:IA:3:<l "A "S1BP aq~ ~B pa~Bas SB~ pUB a~1JJo JO q~BO aq~ ~OO~ UOS~B~ "9L61 '8 ~aqmaAoN JO 2u1~aam S~1 ~B 11~uno;) A~1;) aq~ Aq ub1~S1mmo;) aq~ o~ pa~u1oddB SB~ UOS~B~ "g SamBr ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~I "pa~ou a~a~ 'A1aA1~~adsa~ '9L61 'E1 pUB SZ ~aqo~~o pa~Bp 's~ammB~ "a ~~1~apa~d pUB pno1;)~W "~ P1BUOa mO~J u01ss1mmo;) 2u1uoz pUB 2u1uUB1d aq~ mO~J U01~Bu21sa~ JO s~a~~a~ :<l:3:NOISSIWWO;) M:3:N dO ~NILV:3:S "AI "ua~~1~~ SB '9L61 'E1 ~aqo~~o JO sa~nu1W aq~ paAo~ddB '~uasuo~ U01ss1mmo;) q~1~ '~a~1a~ :S:3:LnNIW dO ~AO<lddV "III Aa1uBqS ~a~nsBa~L-~~a1;) A~1;) A~ndaa pUB d111d ~a2BuBW A~1;) :os1B ~uasa~d (a~01da~ SB~ ~uasqB oS1B ~1~s1B~O~ -pUB ~auss1ag a~a~ '~uasuo~ u01ss1mmo;) q~1~ '~uasqB) ua1~g.0 pUB 1BW '~aqoog s~auo1ss1mmo;) ~~a~1a~ uBm~1Bq;) :a~a~ ~uasa~d : ~~;) ~~O<l . II "mOd OE:L ~B u01ss1mmo;) 2U1uoz pUB 2U1uUB1d aq~ JO 2U1~aam ~B1n2a~ aq~ ~ap~o o~ pa11B~ ~a~1a~ uBm~1Bq;) :<l:3:a<l0 OL ~~V;) "I 1 :3:Wn~OA 9L61 '01 <l:3:HW:3:AON - ~NIL:3::3:W <lV~n~:3:<l 8E :3:~Vd ~'~(", 39 PAGE 39 REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 10, 1976 VOLUME 1 VI. CORRESPONDENCE: (cont'd) C. Shell Oil Company's letter dated October 20, 1976, and attached "First Supplement to Notice of Support Activity. . .", was noted. D. Department of Community and Regional Affairs; letter of October 25, 1976, transmitting draft Rules and Regulations for implementation of the Coastal Energy Impact Program, was noted. E. Department of Community and Regional Affairs' letter dated October 29, 1976, transmitting Outer Continental Shelf Industrial Management Study Summary was noted. It was further noted that a joint meeting of the City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission and the Harbor Commission had been scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, to meet with representatives of the Department regarding the summary. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Public Hearing was opened on the petition to rezone Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 11, Laubner Addition, from One Family Residence District to Two Family Residence District and the following items were noted: Public Notice of rezoning petition hearing from Kenai Peninsula Borough, received October 26, 1976 Letter of request for rezoning from Gayl and Siegfried Jokiel and William R. and Dorothy L. Breedlove, dated October 18, 1976 Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance 76-63 received October 26, 1976 Area map showing rezoning petition parcels, received October 26, 1976 Messrs. Jokiel and Breedlove appeared and answered questions on the proposed rezoning, stating they proposed to build two duplexes on four adjacent lots. Leirer cautioned the petitioners on flooding problems in the vicinity and cited City ordinance requiring the structure to be built 17 feet above mean low or low water. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. Following discussion, it was moved by Booher, seconded by Lawson and unanimously carried by all those present to recommend the Borough approve the rezoning asper the applicants' request. B. Leirer commented on Public Hearing held October 13, 1976, on the proposed rezoning of the East two-thirds of Lots 21, 22 and 23 and East one-half of Lot 24, Block 17, Original Townsite, from Multi-family Residential to Neighbor- hood Commercial District. He stated that the Public Hearing had been properly conducted but no action had been taken because of a question on the public notice. Leirer confirmed that the public notice had appeared properly in the local newspaper and the Commission should take action on the petition. Following discussion, it was moved by Mai, seconded by Booher and unanimously carried by all those present to recommend the Borough approve the proposed rezoning from Multi-family Residential to Neighborhood Commercial District. "aJuRUlpJO ~UluOZ aq~ uo ssaJ~oJd slq JO Sn~R~S aq~ ~uluJaJuoJ s~lR~ a~I ~JR~UOJ Plno~ aq pa~R~S JaqooH 'uolssnJslP ~Ul~olloa .SJ1RJJV lRU01~a~ pUR A~lunWilloJ JO ~uam~JRdaG pUR 11JunoJ aq~ q~l~ ~Ul~aam Ll JaqmaAoN aq~ ~R paSSnJS1P aq Plnoqs ma~l aq~ pa~R~S Jaq~JnJ pUR ~JRdml 110 aq~ o~ anp smalqoJd pa~Jadxa JO uOl~nlos aq~ Ul ~SlSSR o~ aJJoJ ~SR~ R Alddns o~ paJaa~unloA pRq salJ~snpuI JaSsaJG pa~R~s Ja~RURW A~lJ .aJuRulPJO ~au R dn ~RJp o~ aaAoldma AJRJodma~ R JOJ pa~R1JdoJddR aq Plno~ spunJ sadoq Ul aJuRulpJO ~uluOZ alqR~Jo~ R JO ~JRl aq~ Aq pasnRJ smalqoJd aq~ JO aJR~R apRm aq 11JunoJ A~lJ aq~ pa~sa~~ns ualJH.O .~uamaJJoJua pUR sauoz Sn01JRA aq~ ~U1AJlldmlS uo a~ods UR~O~ JaaUl~Ua A~lJ "aJn~nJ aq~ Ul paAoJddR aq dRm ~U1UOZ ~au pasodoJd aq~ q~l~ ~ulAldmoJ S~UluozaJ asoq~ AluO pa~sa~~ns UalJH,O 'A~lJ aq~ ~noq~noJq~ ~UluOZ ~ods pasnRJ slq~ ~Ul~R~s 'Suol~l~ad ~U1UOzaJ ~som ~Ul~URJ~ ul A~lJ pUR q~noJoH aq~ JO AJllod ~uasaJd aq~ ~U1PJR~aJ UJaJuoJ paJloA Jaqoog :NOISSilJSIG NOISSIWWOJ "XI '~Ul~aam ~xau s~l ~R uOlsslWilloJ aq~ o~ pa~uasaJd aq PlnoJ ~sll -~JaqJ aq~ JO ~JRJp R Jl pa~sR Jaqoog pUR aJuRnssl aJoJaq q~noJq~ o~ o~ aARq Plno~ ~lmJad R JOJ ~ull1J lRnplAlpul qJRa sda~s JO ~sll~JaqJ R ~ull1dmoJ Al~uasaJd SR~ aq pa~R~s UR~O~ 's~JRq~as uo ~Ul~U1JJUl aq Plno~ saJn~JnJ~S aJaq~ "a"l 'saSRJ lRuol~daJxa uo AluO pa~~lmqns aq o~ papaau sJads pUR SURld ~laJ aq pa~R~s JaJla~ "SU01~RJllddR llR uo pa~~lmqns aq Plnoqs SU01~RJ1J1Jads pUR SURld Jl pUR aJnpaJoJd aq~ ul ARId o~ pa~uR~ uOlsslWilloJ aq~ aloJ ~Rq~ pauol~sanb pUR s~lmJad ~U1Pl1nq ~U1AOJddR JO ma~sAs ~uaJJnJ aq~ uo AIJalJq a~ods UR~O~ JaaUl~Ua A~lJ "~Ul~aam ~xau aq~ ~R ~JRq ~JodaJ pUR ~Ja~qns aq~ ~U1PJR~aJ 'looqJS q~lq aq~ JO lRdlJU1Jd 'Ul~JRW mlf o~ ~lR~ Plno~ aq pa~R~s lRW 'uolssnJslP ~Ul~0110a '~U1Pl1nq aq~ JO asn JadoJd JOJ UJaJuoJ Jaq ~U1PJR~aJ slooqJS JO ~uapUa~U1Jadns aq~ o~ Ja~~al R ~JaJ1P smRlll1~ pa~sa~~ns Ja~RURW A~lJ "looqJS q~lq J01Un~ R SR ~l asn o~ papua~ul q~nOJOH aq~ ~Rq~ pJRaq Jaq~JnJ pUR ~U1Pl1nq aq~ ~Ul~RJado Ul ~saJa~Ul paJ10A pRq Ja~uaJ 111~S aq~ pa~R~s Jaqoog "looqJS q~lq PI0 aq~ JO U01~lsodslP aq~ ~U1PJR~aJ suol~RpuammoJaJ AUR a~Rm O~ ~U10~ SR~ UOlsslWillOJ ~U1UOZ pUR ~U1UURld aq~ Jl paU01~sanb smRlll1~ 'U01~lsod Jaq ~Ul~R~s U01~RJ~SlUlmpR aq~ O~ Ja~~al R pJR~JOJ smRlll1~ pa~sa~~ns Ja~RURW A~lJ "E-~ O~ lR1JJaWilloJ pooqJoqq~laN mOJJ anuaAV q~uaAas UO ~U1UOZ ~op AUR O~ pasoddo ~ulaq SR pJoJaJ UO O~ O~ a~ll Plno~ aqs pa~R~s Jaq~JnJ pUR alqlssod SR uoos SR aJuRUlpJO ~U1UOZ ~au aq~ JO U01~dopR JOJ paau aq~ UO a~ods smRlll1~ ~Rd 'aAl~R~UasaJdaJ s.pJR~as SR uOlsslmmoJ ~U1UURld q~nOJog Rlnsuluad lRua~ aq~ UO aAJas O~ ~U1Jaa~UnloA JOJ UOS~R~ JaUOlsslmmoJ pa~UloddR Al~au pa~uRq~ JaJla~ "SU01~RJado JapRJ~ q~l~aIaJJa~Ul ~OU P1P aJn~JnJ~S aq~ SR ~UOl SR ldoURJ R JOJ S~lmJad 2U1Ptlnq qJns 2U1AOJddR matqoJd ou pRq U01~RJ~SlUlmpR aq~ pa~R~s pUR doqs R~sRIV aq~ ~R UOl~JnJ~suoJ AdoURJ aq~ ~U1PJR~aJ UR~O~ JaaUl~Ua A~lJ mOJJ JallJRa pa~lJ Ja~~al o~ paJJaJaJ Ja~RURW A~lJ :NOISSilJSIG .SNaZllIJ .IIIA 1 awn~OA 9L61 '01 ~aHWaAON - DNllaaW ~V~ilD~ O~ aDVd -Ov 41 PAGE 41 REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 10, 1976 VOLUME 1 x. ADJOURNMENT: was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. / /,/ ",,/ fiJi:~PU~1'4ft~vW( H rman Lelrer Chairman / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAGE 41 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 8, 1976 VOLUME 1 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Leirer called to order the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Mai, Kowalski, Lawson, LeFlore, O'Brien and Beissner (absent, with Commission consent, was Booher) Present also: City Manager Filip and Deputy City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the minutes of November 10, 1976, as written. IV. SEATING OF NEW COMMISSIONER: It was noted that David Moore had been appointed to the Commission by the City Council at its meeting of November 29, 1976. Moore took the oath of office and was seated at the dais. V. REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMITS: It was moved by Kowalski, seconded by Mai and unanimously carried by all those present to approve the following building permits: #76-74/J. Gillespie; 606 Fifth Avenue #76-75/B. Macheras; Durants' 4Bd 'Ba~B aq4 JO q4~0~2 pa4Jadxa aq4 2ul~aplsuoJ a4Bp JO 4nO ~OU SB~ dBm 2uluOZ pasodo~d aq4 pa4B4S pUB pa~BaddB UOS~Jl~a ~J1Q '~B~p A11BU121~0 uaaq pBq dBm 2U1UOZ aq4 uaq~ aSBJ aq4 aq P1no~ 4Bq4 paplJap pBq uOlsslmmoJ aq4 pa4B4S ~ausslag pUB dBm 2U1UOZ ~au pasodo~d aq4 04 pa~oJuoJ 2Ul~0~ddB uaaq pBq uOlsslmmoJ aq4 2UluOZ 40ds aq4 Jl pa~sB ual~g,o "Q '~a44Bm aq4 uo ~JaqJ P1no~ aq pa4B4S ~a2BUBW A41J pUB s41~ad 2U1P11nq 2Ul~0~ddB ~OJ a~npaJo~d papuammoJa~ aq4 pa4a1dmoJ 4aA pBq ~aaU12ua A41J aq4 Jl pa~SB ual~g,o "J 'a~14B2au aq4 Ul pa~a~SUB UOS~B1 pUB s2ulqslU~nJ papn1JUl a~n21J ~B110P aq4 Jl pa~SB ~ausslag "U014Jn~4suoJ 100qJS 11B Ul asn ~OJ SUB1d ~J04S aSBqJ~nd p~BOg 100qJS aq4 papuammoJa~ pUB 11Bq 2U1Ul0rpB UB q41~ smoo~ 400J 9r Aq or 0~4 ~OJ 4Ul0d ~oqJUV 4B u014Jn~4suoJ 000'68r$ aq4 04 U0141soddo paJlo~ aH "2Ul1~a4S pUB Buamn4snl '4Ul0d ~oqJUV 4B u014Jn~4suoJ 100qJS 2U1P~B2a~ LL61 A1~Ba Ul suaz141J aq4 04 pa4uasa~d aq 04 anssl puoq aq4 uo pa4uammoJ uos~B1 "g "aUOp uaaq pBq 41 Jl aas 04 ~aau12ua A41J aq4 q41~ ~JaqJ P1no~ aq pa4B4s ~a~la1 pUB 2uluOZ 40ds pa~o~ddB-uolSSlmmoJ aq4 11B pa4B~od~oJUl qJlq~ dBm 2uluOZ B pBq A41J aq4 Jl pa~sB smBl111~ 4Bd 'u014Bm~oJul s,Jl1qnd aq4 ~oJ 11BH A41J 4B p~Boq u14a11nq aq4 uo pa4sod aq u014Bm~oJul aq4 4Bq4 pa~sB aldsa111D uqor '2u14aam uOlsslmmoJ 'LL61 'Z1 A~BnuBr aq4 ~oJ ~a44Bm aq4 JO UOlssnJslP a1npaqJs 04 pUB s~auolsslmmoJ aq4 ~OJ u014Bm~oJul aq4 AdoJ 04 ~~a1J A41J A4ndaQ aq4 pa4Ja~lP ~a~la1 'q2no~og aq4 ~oJ ~auuB1d a4B1JossV 'S41B~ a~I mO~J pap~B~~OJ SB sa2uBqJ aJuBulP~o 2U1UOZ pUB 2U1UUB1d pasl~a~ aq4 JO AdoJ B ~~a1J A41J A4ndaQ aq4 a~B2 pUB 9L61 '6Z ~aqma~oN JO 2U14aam 2U1UOZ pUB 2U1UUB1d q2no~og B1nsuluad lBua~ aq4 UO 4~oda~ a~B2 UOS~B1 'V :NOIssrrJSIQ NOISSIWWOJ "XI "UOlS0~a aq4 4JadsUla~ Aaq4 4Bq4 ~SB pUB s~aau12ua JO sd~oJ aq4 4JB4UOJ U1B2B 04 ~a2BuBW A41J aq4 pa~sB '4uasuOJ UOlsslmmoJ q41~ '~ausslag 'ma1qo~d aq4 a4Bl~a11B 04 papaau U014Jn~4suoJ aq4 ~oJ a1qB11B~B spunJ ou pBq 4nq u014n10s B ~oJ sUo14BpuammoJa~ apBm 'Ba~B aq4 pa4Jadsul pBq s~aau12ua JO sd~oJ aq4 4sBd S~BaA ul pa4B4S .:ta2BuBWA41J 'anua~v q4L JO pua aq4 ~Bau qJBaq aq4 uo aJB1d 2U1~B4 u01so~a a~1ssaJxa.aq4 uo a~ods pUB pa~BaddB smB1111~ 4Bd :NOIssrrJSIQ ,SNaZI1IJ "IlIA auoN :SDNI~VaH JI1grrd "IlA 'U014Jn~4sUOJ aq4 JO S~04JBJ 4S0J aq4 pUB a~n4Jn~4S 11B~ ABnb pasodo~d aq4 pau1B1dxa ~a~la1 'u014sanb B 04 ~a~SUB uI "pa40U SB~ 'sa1~4snpuI ~assa~Q 04 '~~Bd 1B1~4snpuI p~B~as '91 401 ~oJ 4uamaa~2v aSBa1 pasodo~d "Q 'pa11J SB~ 'a4B4S aq4 JO saJ~nosa~ 1B4SBOJ aq4 JO 4uama2BuBm aq4 04 2u14B1a~ rZ1 ~JH 2u1441msuB~4 '9L61 '9Z ~aqma~oN JO ~a44a1 s,AJua2v S~1BJJV a~14B1s12a1 a4B4S 'J "pa11J SB~ 'Su014B1n2a~ mB~20~d 4uama2BuBW auoz 1B4SBOJ u1 sa2uBqJ 2U1441msuB~4 '9L61 'rz ~aqma~oN JO ~a44a1 s,~OABW q2no~og B1nsu1uad 1Bua~ "g "pa11J SB~ IIsa141~14JV 4~oddns JO aJ140NII papuamB 2u1P~B2a~ '9L61 '~Z ~aqma~oN JO ~a44a1 S,AUBdmoJ P1a1JqJ1~ J14UB14V "V :aJNaQNOdsa~~OJ "IA 1 awfi10A 9L61 '8 ~agwaJaQ - DNIlaaw ~V1rrDa~ Z~ aDVd :Zv 4~ PAGE 43 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 8, 1976 VOLUME 1 IX. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: (cont'd) Williams reiterated her comment made at a previous meeting that she opposed down zoning of the 7th Avenue area from Neighborhood Commercial to R-3. In answer to a question from Gillespie, Leirer stated the Commission would continue to remain receptive to unique zoning problems and changes. LeFlore stated he felt that the proposed zoning ordinance and accompanying map could be simplified by eliminating some of the Commercial District designations. X. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ,/ / // ..c ~!~~41~~7 Her an Lelrer \ Chairman ---------------------------------------------------- PAGE 43 REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 12, 1977 VOLUME 1 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Leirer called to order the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Beissner, Booher, Kowalski, Lawson, Mai and Moore (absent were LeFlore and O'Brien) Present also: City Manager Johnson and City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley Leirer introduced new City Manager Johnny Johnson. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the minutes of December 8, 1976, as written. IV. REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMITS: A. James A. Stewart's letter of January 3, 1977, requesting a variance for construction on Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3, Laubner Addition, was noted. Stewart appeared and spoke on his proposed construction and pointed out the two sketches attached to his letter. Building Inspector Watsjold spoke on the set-