HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 Planning & Zoning Minutes 'w'd L~:L 4B paAT~~B UOS~B1 ~auoTssTwwoJ~~ 'w'd Z~:L 4B paAT~~B AaTnBJ~W ~auoTssTwwoJ~ 'paTTJ pUB UOT4BW~OJUT ~OJ pa4uasa~d SB~ '8L6T 'EZ A~BnUBf JO 2UT4aaW TT~unoJ ~OJ paTnpaq~s a~uBuTP~O 2UTUOZ pasodo~d uo 2uT~Baq ~TTqnd JO a~T40N 'J 'paTTJ pUB UOT4BW~OJUT ~OJ pa4uasa~d SB~ S4UaWpUawv apoJ 2UTUOZ p~B~as 2uTP~B2a~ q2no~oa BTnsuTuad TBUa~ WO~J WnpUB~OWaw LL6T '6Z ~aqwa~aa 'a 'paTH -~oJuT ~OJ pa4uasa~d SB~ LL6T '6Z ~aqwa~aa pa4BP "aa44TwwoJ 4BTd '9 2UTUUBTd ~oJ s2uT4aaw JO aTnpaq~s 8L6T" q2no~oa BTnsUTuad TBua~ pUB UOT4BW UOTSSTillillOJ 'V :Hd~ :8JN8aNOds8~~OJ '^I 'ua44T~~ SB 'LL6T '6 ~aqwaAoN JO sa4nuTw aq4 paAo~ddB '4uasuo~ UOTSSTillillOJ q4T~ '~a~Ta1 :S8LilNIW ao 1V^0~ddV 'III 4SnBa ~a~nsBa~L-~~aTJ A4TJ 2UT4~V 'uosuqof ~a2BuBW A4TJ :OSTB 4uasa~d UOSTO pUB BWSTaf 'sWBTTTTM 'uos40TTTL '~~uOS~B1 'au~oqL 'uaT~H,o '~AaTnBJ~W s~auoTssTillillOJ ~~a~Ta1 uBw~TBqJ :a~a~ 4uasa~d :11VJ 110~ 'II 'UOSTO pUOWAB~ pUB BWSTaf TTa~Ba 's~auoTssTillillOJ ~au 0~4 aq4 uT a~o~s ~~aTJ A4TJ 2UT4~V aq4 aWT4 STq4 4V 'F~'F 'w'd ZE:L 4B uOTssTillillOJ 2UTUOZ pUB 2UTUUBTd aq4 JO 2uT4aaw ~BTn2a~ aq4 ~ap~o 04 paTTB~ ~a~Ta1 uBw~TBqJ :~8a~0 OL 11VJ 'I T 8WmO^ 8L6T 'TT A~VilNVf - DNIL88W ~V1ilD8~ ~8 8DVd -, " ja~nSBa~L-~~aTJ A4Tb ~ '01U"",13O /: 3/"rn..t/ _ ~ '"i \ '(4UB4STSSV pUB 2UT~BM ~04~a~Ta 2UTuUBTd q2no~oH ~~a~ill~aJaBqJS 4UB4STSsV '..-- " - - -,' aAT4B~4STUTWPV pUB AaTuBqs ~a2BUBW A4TJ 2UT4~V ~S~~TTTM pUBU~~~HIO 'AaTnBJ~W s~auoTssTillillOJ ~ ~a~Ta1 UBw~TBqJ a~a~ 4UaSa~(:l' '<ffl<\()il\fE} ,inn~onb B JO ~~BT 04 anp ~ap~o 04 paTTB~ 40U SB~ 'LL6T '~T ~aqilla~aa 'ABpsaupaM ~oJ paTnpaq~s uOTssTillillOJ 2UTUOZ pUB 2UTUUBTd aq4 JO 2UT4aaw ~BTn2a~ aqL T 8Wil10^ LL6T '~T ~8HW8J8a - DNIL88W ~V1ilD8~ ~8 8DVd 'V8 85 REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY n, 1978 VOLuME 1 PAGE 85 NORTH HAR- BOR SUB: and Lot oration A. Public hearing 1, Block 2, North and the following was opened on the petition to rezone Lot 1, Block 1, Harbor subdivision as filed by the Big Five Corp- items were noted: V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: "Seward Phoenix Log Public Notice" received December, 1977 Kenai peninsula Borough proposed ordinance 78-1 Letter dated November 17, 1977, from Big Five corporation and attached maps Vance Hi" appeared from 'he audience and apoke on behalf of ,he Big Five Corp- ora,ion a,a,ing 'ha' 'he abu"ing proper'y owned by 'he Alaaka Railroad vaa ,oned Indua,rial. He {ur'her a,a'ed 'ha' ,he ,urrounding area va' good for indu"rial purpoae'. Willard Dunham appeared and apoke in ,uppor' o{ ,he re- ,uning. No one el,e appeared in order '0 be heard and ,he public hearing va' cloaed. Following di,cu"ion, "va' moved by o'Brien, ,econded by McCauley, and carried a' follow' '0 re,one Lo' 1, BLock 1, and Lo' 1, Bloek 2, Nor'h Harbor subdivision from R-l (Residential) to 1 (Industrial): Ayes: Jelsma, LaWSon, McCauley, o'Brien, Olson, Tillotson, and Williams Noes: Thorne Leirer explained hia ab"en'ion a,a,ing ,ha' he owned proper'y in 'he area. Abstain: Leirer B. Before opening 'he publie hearing, Lelrer invi,ed 'he audience '0 come '0 'he {ron' and view ,he ,oning map jua' received from Jeff o"eaon, Senior planner for Kenai peninsula Borough. Public hearing vno opened on ,he propoaed ,oning map and ,he "Nocice of Public Hearing Propoced Zoning MaP" aa publi'hed ln ,he local new,paper on December 22, ond 29, 1977,and January 5, 1978, wa' no'ed. Bren' Whi,more and Lealie Simu'i' appeared from ,he audience and ,poke againa' ,he propoaed com- mercial ,oning area ,'a,in8 ,ha' i' waa '00 large an area and unneceaaary a' ,hi' 'ime. Fa' William' and Jim woern appeared and "a,ed 'ha' 'hey would like '0 aee 'he propoaed ,oning map plaeed ln a publiC viewing plac' 'or 'he benefi' of all who are in,erea,ed. Willard Dunham app,ared and aeked if 'he Mul'i-famil] r,aiden' ,oning would have any affec' on 'he plane of ,he univerai'y of Alaeka. Jeff O""on appeared and an,wer,d 'he quee'ion by e,a'ing ,ha' public achoo]' were allowed under 'he ,one and any plana ,he Univeral'y had would b, ,ligible und,r ,ha' heading. In an,wer '0 a quea'lOn f,om pa' William', o"e,on "a,ed ,ha' ,very'hing Eaa' of Naah Road (which waa priva,ely owned) in Sec,ion 1 ], ,oned realden'ial. No on' ela' appeared in order '0 be heard and 'h' publiC hearing va' cloeed. Ci'y Manager recommended, wi,h Commi,alon cone,n', ,ha' a public hearing be held a' 'he nex' regular mee,ing of 'he planning and Zoning commiaaion. Ci'y Manage' fur'her a'a'ed 'ha' he viII have a copy of ,he ,oning map posted in the City Hall lobby as soon as possible. .apBW a~a~ suoTsTJap AUB a~oJaq suoT~BInga~ gUT~~Bd aq~ uo JTIqnd aq~ wO~J papaau SB~ ~nd-uT a~ow ~IaJ aq pa~B~S AaInBJJW .g oguTsTAa~ papaau sUoT~BInga~ pasodo~d aq~ ~IaJ ~nq papa au a~a~ suoT~BInga~ gUT~~Bd ~Bq~ ~TaJ aq pa~B~S SWBTTITM .V :NOISSilJSla NOISSIWWOJ .III^ .pua~~B O~ pa~UB~ s~auoTssTwwoJ aq~ JO AUB JT gUTsnoq uazT~TJ ~oTuas ssnJsTP o~ .w.d OO:T ~B 8L6T 'ZT A~BnUBf UO ~o~Ja~Ta suazT~TJ ~oTuas aq~ pUB '~OABW aq~ 'A~T~oq~nv gUTsnOH a~B~S B~sBIV WO~J saAT~B~uasa~da~ q~T~ gUT~aaw SB~ aq ~Bq~ pa~B~S ~agBuBw A~TJ .g opua~~B o~ pa~aa~unTOA '~uasuoJ UOTssTWWOJ q~T~ 'uaT~gIO .~uawagBuBW auoZ IB~sBoJ gUTP~Bga~ 8L6T '9T-~T qJ~BW WO~J OJSTJUB~d UBS uT wnTsodwAS aq~ pua~~B o~ ~auOTssTWWOJ B ~UToddB UOTssTWWOJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~saggns '~agBuBw A~TJ .V :Sl~Oda~ ~aBVNVW X1IJ OII^ auoN :~uasqV uosTO pUB 'sWBTTITM '~a~Ta1 :saoN uos~OITTl pUB 'au~oql 'uaT~gIO 'AaInBJJW 'uOS~B1 'BwsTaf :saAV :aJuBuTP~O gUTuoz pasodo~d aq~ uT sa~npaJo~d ~uawpuawv ~apun sq~uow 9 o~ pOT~ad gUT~TB~ q~uow 6 aq~ aguBqJ o~ s~oIToJ SB paT~~BJ pUB uos~B1 Aq papuoJas 'uaT~gIO Aq paAOW SB~ ~T 'uoTssnJsTP gUT~oTTod .aJuBuTP~o gUTuoz pasodo~d aq~ uT UOT~B~apTsuoJa~ gUTuoz pUB gUTUUBTd ~oJ pOT~ad gUT~TB~ q~uow 6 aq~ ~suTBgB a~ods pUB pa~BaddB WBquna P~BITTM pUB 'aTdsaITTB uqof 'sWBTIITM ~Bd :NOISSilJSla SNaZI1IJ OI^ opasoTJ SB~ gUT~Baq JTTqnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o UT pa~Bad -dB aSTa auo oN osuoT~BInga~ gUT~~Bd pasodo~d aq~ ~SuTBgB a~ods pUB pa~BaddB WBquna P~BTTTM .spaau ~BInJT~~Bd SIP~B~as ~TJ o~ papaau aq PIno~ saguBqJ awos SdBq~ad pUB suoTsTAo~d gUT~~Bd aq~ TIB ~aTAa~ uOTssTwwoJ aq~ ~Bq~ 'saTdwB -xa sIA~TJ ~aq~o wO~J ua~B~ a~a~ SUoT~BTnga~ asaq~ aJUTs 'pa~saggns uosa~~O JJaf opaTJT~BTJ aq o~ papaau sTq~ ~TaJ aH ~pa~a~TB ~o pa~Jn~~suoJ_a~ pa~apTs -UOJ aq PTno~ ~Bq~ 'TTo~-EZ uOT~Jas o~ aJua~aJa~ uT pa~sB OSTB aq 'guTPTTnq uT pa~Tnba~ SB~ ~Bq~ ~JBq-~as .~J OZ aq~ apnTJuT ~ou PTP 'gUT~~Bd ~aa~~S JJO ~ .0N 'sUOT~TuTJaa 'Z-EZ uOT~Jas Aq~ pa~se pUB pa~BaddB aTdsaTTTB uqof .~aq~Ta ~IUSB~ ~aqwBqJ aq~ a~ns SB~ aq pUB qJns JO a~B~B uaaq ~.UpBq aq pa~B~s u~aoM wTf ou~o~~op gUT~~Bd lIB q~T~ pau~aJuoJ a~a~ SUOT~BTnga~ gUT~~Bd aq~ SB 'anuaAV q~~ Uo gUT~~Bd q~T~ ATuO pau~aJuoJ SB~ ~aqwBqJ aq~ JT pa~sB AaInBJJW .gUT~~Bd ~o~~op aq~ JO E/T SB qJnw SB a~BuTwTIa PTnOJ sTq~ 'UT ~nd aq saaAoIdwa ~Taq~ pUB s~au~o ssauTsnq aq~ ~oJ ~oT gUT~~Bd B ~Bq~ ~saggns o~ a~TI PTno~ Aaql .gUT~~Bd ~aa~~S-JJo u~o~Taq~ aPTAo~d o~ anuaAV q~~ uo sassauTsnq ~au gUT~Tnba~ o~ pasoddo a~a~ Aaq~ ~Bq~ gUT~B~S aJ~awwOJ JO ~aqwBqJ p~B~as aq~ JO JTBqaq uo a~ods pUB aJuaTpnB aq~ wO~J pa~BaddB U~aoM WTf .guT~Baq JTTqnd aq~ pauado ~a~Ta1 UB~TBqJ .aJuBuTP~O gUTuoz pasodo~d aq~ JO SUOT~BTnga~ gUT~~Bd aq~ uo gUT~Baq JTTqnd B pa~sanba~ 'aWT~ sTq~ ~B '~agBUBW A~TJ .J :Z (PI~UOJ) :SBNI~VaH JI1gild O^ T awil10^ 8L6I 'II X~ilNVf - BNIlaaH ~V1ilBa~ 98 aBVd " t PAGE 87 REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 11, 1978 VOLUME 1 81 IX. ADJOURNMENT: adjourned at 9:32 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAGE 87 REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 13, 1978 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Leirer called to order the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, postponed from February 8, at 7:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Jelsma, McCauley, Olson, Thorne and Tillotson Present also: City Manager JOhnson, Acting City Clerk-Treasurer Faust, Administrative Assistant SChaefermeyer, Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Jeff Otteson III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the minutes of January 11, 1978, as written. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Public Notice dated February 1, 1978, from the Department of the Army was presented for information and filed. B. of Block 9, Borough was Notice of Petition regarding the request for vacation and replat Bayview Addition, dated January 25, 1978, from the Kenai Peninsula presented for information and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Z/ S: A. Memorandum dated January 20, 1978, from Jeff Otteson, Senior Planner, Kenai Peninsula Borough was noted. Acting City Clerk-Treasurer Faust read a portion of the recommendations by Mr. Otteson; specifically the proposed zoning of Blocks 12 and 13, and the West halves of Blocks 11 and 14 lying between Washington and Jefferson Streets be changed from General Commercial (CG) to Multi- family residential (R3). Leirer introduced Mr. Otteson who then spoke on his recommendations stating that he could find no real justification for zoning the above stated area General Commercial. In answer to a question from John Gillespie. Otteson explained that the Fo'c'sle would be nonconforming if zoned R3 and would ~a~BUBW Al1J olBl~lsnpuI BB pasodo~d uaaq p811. pBO~ 11.SBN JO apls lsaM a11.l A11.~ pa~SB pUB pa~BaddB Sa~ON A11.l0~OQ O(_~ pauoz aq Plno11.s UOll1PPV U011.1B~BW a11.l Ul 'O( 10~ lB11.lpapuawm03a~ a11.s UBillS10J UOQ JO JIB11.aq uo lB11.l palB1S pUB pa~BaddB sillBlll1M lEd . 'IB13~awmoJ pauoz aq 10U Plno11.s (1 pUB ZI S~301'iI l1aJ a11. lB11.l palB1S pUB'pa~BaddB ~au~aM ~3Bf olB13~aillilloJ pauoz aq Plno11.s (anUaAV P~() ~01 01 a~BJ11.~no~o11.l ulBill a11.l l1aJ a11. lB11.l oSIB palBls aldsall1Q .SUBld S,UBillSloJ 01 illalqo~d B asod ABill pUB Z-~ 01 pa~uB11.3 aq Plno~ Al1J a11.l illO~J pasB11.3~nd pB11. UBillsloJ uOQ 11.3111.~ Al~ado~d a11.l lB11.l lno lU10d 01 pa11.sl~ a11. palB1S pUB pa~BaddB aldsall1Q u11.of o~U1UOZ IB13~aillilloJ pasodo~d a11.l Aq 11Jauaq 10U Plno~ SanUaAV 11.1L pUB 11.19 ~uoIB s~a~oaillo11. luasa~d a11.l lB11.l l1aJ a11. palB1S pUB pa~BaddB lEW UOQ .~U1UOZ (-~ pasodo~d a11.l 01 UOll1Soddo ul al1su~0.L IBU1~1~O 'zz ~301'iI JO 91 pUB '~1 '~1 '(1 S10~ ~ulP~B~a~ a~ods pUB a3ualpnB a11.l illO~J pa~BaddB sl~a~ UO~ olB13~aillilloJ ulBilla~ Plno11.s ao~uow pUB 11.19 JO Ba~B a11.l lB11.l l1aJ a11.s lB11.l palB1S pUB a3ualpnB a11.l illO~J pa~BaddB SillBlll1M lBd .1-~ulBilla~ 01 11 lUB~ pUBqsn11. ~a11. pUB ~a11. lB11.l ~UllB1S 'IBl~lSnpuI 01 pBO~ 11.SBN JO apls lsaM a11.l JO ~uluoza~ a11.l lSU1B~B a~ods pUB a3ualpnB a11.l illO~J pa~BaddB saAoN A11.lo~OQ oa~nlBilla~d 001 SB~ s~301q asa11.l JO ~uluoZ IB13~aillilloJ IB~auaQ a11.l lB11.l l1aJ Aa11.l ~UllB1S '~1 pUB 11 s~301'iI JO saAIB11. lsaM pUB '(1 'ZI s~301'iI ~ulP~B~a~ a~ods pUB a3ualpnB a11.l illO~J pa~BaddB a~oilll1L[M alSla pUB ~OPI0 UOQ O~1 pUB 11 s~301'iI JO saAIB11. lsaM pUB (1 'ZI s~301'iI JO ~uluoZ IB13~aillilloJ IB~auaQ pasodo~d ~ulsoddo saAlasilla11.l pUB 'saqBJ3W 'SpBa a11.l JO JIB11.aq uo ~opI0 illBd illO~J '8L61 'L A~Bn~qad palBp ~alla~ (-~ 01 IB13~aillilloJ l11.~l~ illO~J al1s~0.L IBU1~1~O 'zz ~301'iI '91 ~ '~1 '~1 '(1 sl01 JO ~uluoza~ pasodo~d ~Ulsoddo sl~a~ aluuo~ illO~J '8L61 '1 A~Bn~qad palBp uOll1lad UOll1PPV ~alAAB'iI a11.l JO '6 ~301'iI apn13ul 01 ~U1UOZ Z-~ ~ullsanba~ uosP~B11.31~ od o~ illO~J 8L61 'LZ A~BnuBf palBp ~alla~ 8L61 'z A~Bn~qad pUB '61 A~BnuBf uo ~o~ xluao11.d a11.l Ul pa11.sllqnd SB lI~ul~BaH 311qnd JO a3110NII :palou a~a~ Sillal1 ~Ul~0110J a11.l pUB dBill ~U1UOZ pasodo~d a11.l uo ~ul~Ba11. 311qnd a11.l pauado ~a~la~ O~U1UOZ (-~ 11.l1~ lUalS1su03 pa~aplsu03 AIIBnsn a~a~ sa3uaplsa~ Al1illBJ al~U1S lB11.l '~aAaill~aJaB11.3S illO~J UOllSanb B 01 ~a~SUB ul paulBldxa ~a11.l~nJ uosall0 osasod~nd XBl ~oJ Al~a -do~d pap~033B AIIBnsn anlBA a11.l ~a11.~l11. a11.l Ba~B a11.l palBlndod a~Oill a11.l pUB 'Al1suap UOllBlndod ~alBa~~ ~OIIB Plno~ ~U1UOZ (-~ a11.l lB11.l palB1S UOSall0 o Al~ado~d a11.l JO anlBA XBl a11.l aSBa~3ul sl11.l Plno~ (-~ pauoz SB~ Ba~B a11.l Jl pa~SB ~aAaill~aJaB11.3S lA~~BQ oU1Billa~ 01 pa~ollB SB~ ssaulsnq a11.l pUB pa~uB11.3 uaaq pB11. ~U1UOZ a11.l ~alBl lnq ~U1UOZ 13a~~03 B ul11.l1~ 111nq uaaq pB11. lB11.l (~a11.lo AUB ~O) ssaulsnq B JO Sl11.~l~ a11.l a~a~ IIS111.~1~ ~a11.1BJPUB~~1I lB11.l paU1Bldxa ~a~la~ 'a~oilll1L[M alSla illO~J UOllSanb B 01 ~a~SUB uI opa~ollB aq Pln03 SlUamBAO~dilll ~o uOlsuBdxa ou lnq ssaulsnq ~UloP anullu03 01 pa~ollB aq (P.1UOJ) : SQNIWaH JIl'iIild 1 awn~Oil. 8L61 '(1 A~Vil~'iIad - QNI.Laaw ~V~ilQa~ 88 aQVd :Q.LNOJ SQ~O /Z ~ d Oil. 88 39 VOLUME 1 REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 13, 1978 PAGE 89 V. ,tated that a' one ,ime the atea had been eon'ideted iot a Small Boa' aatbot. Diek Etiek,on appeated ftom the audienee and ,'a'ed he fel' mote B-3 Zoning wa' neee"atY and fel' 'ba' elo,e to tbe mountain, would be a good atea fot ,ueb. DattY' Sebaefermeyet 'tated that B-3 Zoning a' it ,tand' uow in 'be otdinanee doe' not alloW "ng'e family te,idenee" Otte,on 'tated tbat tbe ptopo,ed otd- inanee eould be amended to allow a ,ingle family te,idenee by permit ot alloW tbem outtigbt. City Managet agteed witb commi"ion eon,ent to ebange the wotding in tbe otdinanee to allow ,ingle family te,idenee, in B-3 Di,ttiet outtight. ln an,wet to a que,tion ftom Jim sebaefermeyet, Leitet 'tated 'bat ,ingle family te,idenee, would be permitted ln tbe ptopo,ed ebange' in the u,e' allowed in B-3 Di'ttiet', ineluding imp,ovement' to B-1 ,ttuetute,. No one el,e appeated ftom the audienee in otdet to be bea,d and tbe publie heating wa' elo,ed. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) p&zl ORDS: city Manage' teeommended, witb eommi"lon eon,ent, tbat tbe map be btought baek to tbe eommi"lon with tbe ebange' a' 'Ugge'ted ineotputated within. Thotne futtbet 'Ugge,ted that tbe atea adjaeent to the Aitpott be aoned B-1. VI. CITIZENS DISCUSSION: No one appeated ftom the audienee at tbi' time in otdet to be heatd. VII. ,. City Managet pte,ented fot eommi"ion apptOval the teque't of Jaek Wetnet to mOve yukon Liquot Stote ftom 4th Avenue to 3td and Jeffet,on, lot' 1, 2, and 3. Leitet ,tated that it wa' Genetal eommeteial and liquot e"abli'hment' ate permitted, a' ,ueb it wa' no' a ma"et in whieb tbe eommi"ion had ,tanding to te- view. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: NORTH HARBOR: 2. City Manage' ,poke ,egatding tbe teeent teaoning of tbe Nottb .atbot Subdivi,ion to lndu'ttial. Tbe city had teeeived a lettet ftom the Kenai penin,ula Botougb dated January 24, 197B, in ,e,pon,e to a lettet ftom Joan KileuP and Jetty VitcbOW who ,tated that tbey bad no' teeeived ptopet notiee of tbe heating and wete oppo,ed to the teaoning. Ci'y Managet 'tated tbat tbe "otougb wa' nOW going to bold a pub lie heating on tbe teaoning and a,ked if the eommi"ion wanted to have anotbet publie heating. Jeff Otte,on te,ponded tbat M'. KilcuP and Mt. Viteb failed to teeeive notice beeau,e of buman ettot in p,oee,aing tbe nO tic", fot ..ill leitet, witb commi"ion eon,ent ,tated tbat they would let it ,tand "' it i'. 3. City Managet invited tbe audience to vieW a film on TeX"' Off,hute Drilling. Leirer thought the City did have an ordinance which 300 feet of any area to be rezoned must be lX. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: VIlI. required notified urned at 8:45 p.~. >1/ ~,t/c tfJl/, / (/: / ^ j>,- ~Z---4 . <' - \., "paIJJ pUR UOJ4Rm~OJUJ ~OJ pa40U SR~ 'UOJ4JPPV ~aJAARH '6 ~~oIH JO UOJ4R~RA pUR 4Rlda~ A~RuJmJla~d aq4 gUJAo~ddR AIIRUOJ4JPUO~ '8L61 '9 A~Rn~qaa pa4Rp "UOJ4~V aa44JilllliO;) gUJ44Rld JO a~J40N qgno~oH RlnsuJuad JRua)f" "V :Na :~;)N~aNOdS~~~O;) "AI "8L61 '~I IJ~dV JO gUJ4aam uOJssJillllio;).aq4 4R UOJ4R~apJSUo~~aq4~nJ ~oJ UOJSJAJpqnsa~ pasodo~d aq4 palnpaq~s '4uasuo~ UOJSSJilllliO;) q4J~ '~a~Ja1 pUR saqsJ~ S,UoJssJmmO;) aq4 4~aIJa~ 04 ~R~pa~ 4Rld aq4 aARq Plno~ aq pa4R4S JIgnH "aUO 04UJ pauJqmo~ a~a~ S401 0 O~4 aq4 JJ UOJSJAJpqnsa~ aq4 aAo~ddR Plno~ Aaq4 4Rq4 UOJSSJilllliO;) aq4 JO snsuasuo~ I~~auag aq4 SR~ 4J 4IaJ aq pa4R4S uaJ~H.O 'UoJssn~sJP gUJ~OIIoa "UOJ4~J~4sa~ 4aaJ a~Rnbs OOO'~I pa4R4S AI4ua~~n~ aq4 JO pRa4suJ 'guJm~oJUO~Uou 4aaJ a~Rnbs 0009 ~apun 4~'P4SJP I-~~ R uJ s401 gUJ4sJxa a~Rm 04 paguRq~ aq a~uRUJP~o gUJuoz aq4 JO gUJP~o~ aq4 4Rq4 pa4saggns ~agRuRW A4J;) "S401 apJ~ 4aaJ 09 ~oJ SUOJ4R~JJJ~ads kn;)aq4 4aam 04 ~R~pa~ 4Rld aq4 aARq Plno~ aq pa4R4S 'UoJssn~sJP gUJ~OIIOJ 'PUeUOJSJAJpqnsa~ aq4 uo sUoJ4sanb pa~a~SUR pUR a~ods pUR a~UaJpnR aq4 mO~JpaXRaddR JIgnH "UOJSJAJpqns sa~~V 4Sa~Oa aq4 ~OJ pasodo~d SR 4~J~4SJP I-~ IRJ4uapJsaR aq4 UJ gUJm~oJUO~Uou aq Plno~ Aaq4 a~URUJP~O gUJUOZ pasodo~d aq4 ~apun 4Rq4 gUJ4R4S 'S401 400J a~Rnbs 0009 aq4 04 UOJ4~arqo pa~JOA AalnR;)~W pUR uaJ~H.O "pa4Uasa~d SR UOJSJAJpqnsa~ aq4 aAo~ddR 04 'U~R~pq4J~ ~a4RI 4nq 'RmSlar Aq papuo~as 'smRJIIJM Aq paAom SR~ 41 "pa40u SR~ '4ua~uJA mRJIIJM PUR JIgnH pUOmARR Aq paIJJ SR 'UOJSJAJpqnS sa~~V 4Sa~Oa '0 pUR 0 'N S401 JO UOJSJAJpqnsa~ pasodo~d aq4 JO 4Rld IRUJa ov :S~R: (4uasuo~ UOJSSJilllliO;) q4J~ 'URm~JRq;) Aq ~ap~o JO 4nO Ua~RJ) :NOISSn;)SIa NOISSIWWO;) o IlIA "Ua44J~~ SR '8L61 '(I A~Rn~qaa JO sa4nuJm aq4 paAo~ddR '4uasuO~ UOJSSJilllliO;) q4J~ '~a~Ja1 :S~JnNIW ao 1VAORddV "III ~aAam~aJaRq~S 4UR4SJSSV aAJ4R~4SJUJmpV pUR AaluRqS ~a~nsRa~J-~~aI;) A4J;) 'uosuqor ~agRuRw A4J;) :OSIR 4uasa~d smRJIIJM PUR aU~oqJ 'UOS40IIJJ 'UOSIO 'uaJ~H.O 'AalnR;)~W 'RmSlar s~aUOJSSJilllliO;) ~~a~Ja1 URm~JRq;) :a~a~ 4uasa~d :11V;) 110R "II "mOd 0(:6 4R ~a~Ja1 UR~JRq;) Aq ~ap~o 04 paIIR~ SR~ '8L61 '8 q~~RW JO gUJ4aam uOJssJmmo;) gUJUOZ pUR gUJUURld A~OSJAPV p~R~as aq4 JO gUJ4aam ~Rlnga~ aqJ :R~@O OJ 11V;) "I I ~10A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8L61 '8 H;)RVW - QNIJ~~W RV1nQ~R 06 ~DVd OILI - 691 S~QVd '81 ~10A ')fOOH ~JnNIW 1I;)NnO;) lJI;) ~HJ ~~S '8L61 '8 H;)RVW ao NOISSIWWO;) ROH~VH aNY 'NOISSIWWOJ QNINOZ aNY QNINNV1d '1I;)NnOJ lJI;) ~HJ HJIM QNIJ~~W JNIOr 1VIJ~dS aHJ ao JX~J Roa I ~wn10A 06 ~QVd l 91 VOLUME 1 REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 8, 1978 PAGE 91 IV. CORRESPONDENCE: (cont' d) B. February 23, 1918, letter from pete Mineo d/b/a Foc','e, reque,tin, the ,oning under the neW ordinance for Block 12, Original Town,ite, to be de'ignated a' commercial, wa' noted. Leirer, witb Commi"iou con,ent, ,cbeduled tbe letter for di,c""ion at tbe April 12, 1978, commission meeting. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: Jobn Gille,pie appeared from tbe audience and ,tated that at tbe previOu' publiC bearing on tbe ,oning ordinance no one had appeared fto. Block 12, Otiginal Town,ite, objecting to the commercial ,oning in tbat block; tberefote, he felt tbat wa' the rea,oning bebind Mineo" reque,t being submitted at this time. VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City prior to the April on the zoning map. for March 15, 1978, Leirer directed the meeting. Manager 'Ugge,ted a coromi,'ion wotk ,e"ion be ,cbeduled 12 tegular meeting in ordet fot tbe cororoi"ionet' to wotk Leitet, wi'h coromi",on con,ent, acheduled a wotk ,e"ion at ,,30 p... O'Brien noted he would not be in attendance. city Cletk to notify Jeff Otte,on of tbe Borough of the A. Leitet ,tated tbe coromi,.ion ,hould appoint a ..robet to ,etve on tbe public relation' ad boe coromittee a' di,cU"ed at the joint use,in, held earliet tbat evening. Che,tet Thorne volunteered to he on the committee; ,hete wete no objection, and the City Cletk wa' ditected to no,ify council of the commission's appointment. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIlI. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 p.m. JoA Cit Chairman -------------------------------------------------------------------------- hJua~~awa UR ~UJ~RTJaa pUR SaJUR~SWnJJJJ paqJJJsaJd JapUil SJa~~RW ~UJUOZ UO S~uJJRaH JJTqnd JOJ SaJnpaJOJd aJJ~ON TRJJadS ~UJqSJTqR~Sa aJURUJPJO UV :paT~J~ua '8L6T 'L~ qJJRW UO TJJunoJ h~JJ aq~ hq pa~JRUa ~~? "ON aJuRUJPJO h~JadoJd ~Jarqns aq~ JO snJPRJ"~J ODE R UJq~JA SJau~o h~~adoJd ~uJ~~nqR TTR o~ pa~nqJJ~SJP PUR ~adRds~au TRJOT aq~ UJ sawJ~ O~~ paqsJTqnd SR ,,8L6T '9 TJJdV - uOJssJwwoJ ~UJUOZ PUR ~UJUURTd PJR~as _ ~UJJRaH JJTqnd PUR ~uJ~aaw TRJJadS JO aJJ~ON papuawV" uaJ~H,O O~ a~Js~OJ TRUJ~JJO aq~ UJ S~OT ~Jarqns UO ~Jw~ad JaJ aq~ JO JaJSURJ~ paAOJddR TJJunOJ aq~ aWJ~ qJJq~ ~R 'LL6T '?T JaqwaAoN JO sa~nUJw ~UJ~aaw TJJunoJ h~JJ aq~ JO JapJO a~nuJW S~OT ~Jarqns UO UOJ~JnJ~SUOJ JOJ 'uaJJH,O O~ (JaJ) UOJ~RJOdJoJ ~uawdoTaAaa qJR~nqJ WOJJ dilJ aq~ JO JaJSURJ~ aq~ O~ UOJ~Jarqo OU pRq UOJSSJWWOJ aq~ aWJ~ qJJq~ ~R 'LL6T '6 JaqwaAoN JO sa~nUJw ~uJ~aaw uOJssJwwoJ ~UJUOZ PUR ~UJUURTd aq~ JO JapJO a~nuJW uaJJH,O "a ~JJJ~Rd hq pau~JS ~~sanbaJ dilJ q~JOJ ~UJ~~as 'URTd ~OTd pauoJsuawJP paqJR~~R PUR Ja~~aT 'LL6T 'L JaqwaAoN :pa~OU a~a~ swa~J ~UJ~OTTOJ aq~ PUR 'a~Jsu~OJ TRUJ~JJO 'E~ ~JOTH '8E pUR LE S~01 UO xaTdwoJ ~uaw~JRdR ~Jun 8 UR JO uOJ~JnJ~SuoJ JOJ 'uaJJH,O "a ~JJJ~Rd hq pa~~Jwqns SR (dilJ) ~JwJad aSil :a~ TRUOJ~JPuoJ R JOJ ~sanbaJ aq~ uo pauado SR~ ~UJJRaq JJTqnd "V l' "SJRP aq~ ~R pa~Ras aJa~ pUR aJJJJO JO q~RO aq~ ~O~ 'paJRaddR ~UOJTJM RTTan1 pUR aU~o4J ~a~saqJ 'uaJJH,O ~JJJ~Rd SJauoJSSJwwoJ pa~uJoddR hT~aN : NSWOJ :SONINvaH JI1Hild "AI :SNaNOISSIWWOJ MaN dO NI ONINvaMS "III JahaWJaJaRqJS ~UR~SJsSV aAJ~RJ~SJUJwPV pUR haTuRqS JaJnSRaJJ-~JaTJ h~JJ 'uosuqor Ja~RURW h~JJ :OSTR ~uasa~d (RwSTar SR~ '~uasUoJ UOJSSJwwoJ q~J~ '~uasqV) SWRJTTJM PUR ~UOJTJM 'aUJoqJ 'UOS~OTTJJ 'UOSTO 'uaJJH,O~'haTnRJJW SJauoJSSJwwoJ 'JaJJa1 URWJJRqJ :aJa~ ~uasaJd "w"d OE:L ~R JaJJa1 URW~JRqJ hq JapJo o~ paTTRJ SR~ '8L6T '9 TJJdV JO uOJssJw -woJ ~uJUOZ pUR ~uJUURTd hJOSJAPV pJR~as aq~ JO ~uJ~aaw TRJJads aqJ :11VJ 110N "II :Na@o OJ 11VJ "I T awn10A 8L6T '9 1INdV - ONIJaaw 1VIJadS ~6 aOVd z PAGE 93 SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 6, 1978 VOLUME 1 93 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: (cont'd) Resolution No. 78-17 approved by the City Council on March 27, 1978, entitled: A Resolution Scheduling a Special Public Hearing Before the Planning and Zoning Commission in the Matter of a Certain Conditional Use Permit Application (O'Brien) O'Brien asked to be excused from the dais and was seated in the audience. Leirer stated all objections to the three CUPs would be heard prior to a vote on any of the requests. John Gillespie, 606 5th Avenue, appeared from the audience and spoke in support of all three CUPs as request by O'Brien, Baker and Miller. Ron Lewis, 417 6th Avenue, appeared and spoke against all three permits. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. O'Brien returned to the dais. (For the vote on O'Brien's conditional use permit, see page 95.) ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: B. Public hearing was opened on the request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) as submitted by Daren E. Miller, for construction of a 16 unit apartment complex on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, and the follow- ing items were noted: A portion of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes of July 13, 1977, at which time the initial request for the CUP on the subject property was submitted by Chugach Development Corporation (CDC) Minute order of the Planning and Zoning Com- mission meeting minutes of August 10, 1977, at which time the CUP for construction of a 17 unit apartment complex on the subject lots was ap- proved for issuance to CDC March 9, 1978, petition bearing 10 valid signatures (5 sets of property owners), in opposition to proposed construction March 10, 1978, letter signed by Geo. T. and Sheri L. Sawyer III, objecting to proposed construction March 24, 1978, letter from Daren Miller, re- questing CUP for 16 one-bedroom units to be constructed on subJect lots April 3, 1978, letter from Thomas V. Johnston objecting to high density housing in the area 11:1;)01 aq=l U1 saUl1=l Ol'q paqs11qnd SB ,,8L61 '9 11~dV - U01SS1UlUlOJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBTd p~B~as - ~U1~BaH ;)11qnd pUB ~u1=laaw IB1;)ads JO a;)1=lON papUaUlV" U01=l;)n~=lsuo;) =l;)a~qns ~OJ dilJ B JO IBAo~ddB ~u1=lsanba~ '~aq;)=l=laOH apBM pUB ~a~BH 'f =l~aqo~ Aq paU~1S 'LL61 '01 =lsn~nv paA1a;)a~ ~a=l=lal :pa=lOU a~a~ SUla=l1 ~U1~0110J aq=l pUB 'a=l1S~OJ IBU1~1~0 'L ~;)OlH 'EE-~Z S=lOl uo XaTdUlO;) =lUaUl=l~BdB =l1Un ~~ B JO U01=l;)n~=lSUO;) ~OJ '~a~BH Ua~B~ pUB qOH Aq pa=l=l1Ulqns SB (dilJ) =l1Ul~ad aSil TBU01=l1pUOJ B ~OJ =lsanba~ aq=l uo pauado SB~ ~u1~Baq ;)11qnd 'J :aJISNMOJ lVNI::JI~O ('~6 a~Bd aas '=l1Ul~ad asn IBU01=l1PUO;) s,~all1W uo a=lOA aq=l ~oa) 'paS01;) SB~ ~u1~Baq ;)11qnd aq=l pUB p~Baq aq O=l ~ap~o U1 a;)Ua1pnB aq=l UlO~J pa~BaddB aSla auo ON 'SU01=l -Bln~a~ ~U1~~Bd pasodo~d aq=l Aq pa~1nba~ SB sa;)Bds ~U1~~Bd OZ ~oJ UlOO~ q~noua aq Plno~ a~aq=l =lBq=l pa=lB=lS SBUlOqJ '~a~BuBW A=l1J aq=l UlO~J =lUaUla=lB=lS B O=l Alda~ uI '=laaJ a~Bnbs 88Z'Zl aq Plno~ Ba~B ~U1A11 IB=lO=l aq=l pUB =laaJ a~Bnbs 88~'Zl aq Plno~ ~u1Pl1nq IlB~aAo aq=l pa=lB=lS SBUlOqJ PAOll '~a~1al UlO~J U01=lSanb B o=l ~a~SUB uI ';)11qnd aq=l ~oJ alqB11BAB ~u1aq sa1do;) '=lnOABl pUB a~n=l;)n~=lS pasod -o~d pa=lsod aq=l O=l ~u1~~aJa~ 'U01=l;)n~=lsuo;) pasodo~d aq=l uo SU01=lSanb pa~a~SUB pUB pa~BaddB 'a~B~oq;)UV 'puZZ =lSBa 19ZL 'AUBdUlOJ ~all1W Bjqjp '~all1W ua~Ba 'u01=l;)n~=lsuo;) aq=l =lSU1B~B a~ods pUB pa~BaddB 'anuaAV q=l~ 6Z~ 'III ~aA~BS a~~oa::J pUB ~anuaAV q=l~ ~O~ '~BpO u1qo~ ~anuaAV q=l9 6T~ 'A=lSBH s1~al 'U01=l;)n~=lS -UO;) pasodo~d aq=l O=l ~U1=l;)a~qo =lUaUla=lB=lS B pBa~ pUB pa~BaddB 'anuaAV q=l9 Ll~ 's1~al UO~ 'xaldUlo;) =l1un Uloo~paq-auo 91 B JO u01=l;)n~=lSUO;) ~oJ pa=lSn~pB uaaq pBq SUBld aq=l '~aAa~oq ~S=l1Un Uloo~paq-auo ~ pUB S=l1un Uloo~paq-O~=l Zl JO ~U1=lS1SUO;) xaldUlo;) =lUaUl=l~BdB =l1un Ll B =l;)n~=lSUO;) O=l uaaq pBq UBld IBU1~1~0 aq=l =lBq=l paU1Bldxa aH 'U01=l;)n~=lSUO;) pasodo~d aq=l uo SU01=lSanb pa~a~SUB pUB JO =l~oddns U1 a~ods pUB pa~BaddB 'SBUlOqJ pUB ~all1W 's~ssaw s~adOlaAap =l;)a~o~d ~OJ lasuno;) TB~al 'a~B~oq;)UV 'p~BAalnoH ~~Bd ssau1snH L6L~ 'POOM uqof (~all1W) U01=lB;)11ddV =l1Ul~ad aSil IBU01=l1puoJ U1B=l~aJ B JO ~a=l=lBW aq=l u1 u01ss1UlUlOJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld aq=l a~oJaH ~u1~BaH ;)11qnd IB10adS B ~u11npaq;)s u01=lnlosa~ V :pal=l1=lua '8L61 'LZ q;)~BW uo 11;)unoJ A=l1J aq=l Aq paAo~ddB 91-8L 'ON u01=lnTosa~ A;)Ua~~aUla UB ~U1~Bl;)aa pUB Sa;)UB=lSUln;)~1J paq1~;)sa~d ~apuil S~a=l=lBW ~U1UOZ uo s~u1~BaH ;)11qnd ~oJ sa~npa;)o~d a;)1=loN IB1;)ads ~u1qs11qB=lsa a;)uBu1P~O uV :pal=l1=lua '8L61 'LZ q;)~BW uo 11;)unoJ A=l1J aq=l Aq pa=l;)BUa ~~~ 'oN a;)uBu1P~O A~~ado~d ~;)arqns aq~ JO sn1pB~ '~J OOE 1:1 U1q~1~ s~au~o A=l~ado~d ~U1=l=lnqB IlB O=l pa~nq1J~s1P pUB JadBds~au 11:1;)01 aq~ u1 SaUln O~~ paqs11qnd SB ,,8L61 '9 UJdV - U01SS1UlUlOJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld p~B~as - ~U1JBaH ;)11qnd pUB ~U1=laaw IB1;)ads JO a;)1~oN papuaUIV" (p,=lUO;)) :aJISNMOJ lVNI::JnO (p,=lUO;)) :S::JNI~vaH JIlHild 'AI 1 aWillOA 8L61 '9 lI~dV - ::JNIJa3:W lVIJadS ~6 a::JVd 'vo ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: (cont'd) ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: PAGE 95 SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 6, 1978 VOLUME 1 95 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) newspaper and distributed to all abutting property owners within a 300 foot radius of the subject property Ordinance No. 455 enacted by the City Council on March 27, 1978, entitled: An Ordinance Establishing Special Notice Procedures for Public Hearings on Zoning Matters Under Prescribed Circumstances and Declaring an Emergency Resolution No. 78-15 approved by the City Council on March 27, 1978, entitled: A Resolution Scheduling a Special Public Hearing Before the planning and Zoning Commission in the Matter of a Certain Conditional Use Permit Application (Baker) Bob Baker, 3742 W. 42nd, Anchorage, appeared and spoke in favor of and answered questions on the proposed construction of a 44 unit apartment complex, to be completed in three stages: the first two stages scheduled for completion in 1978 and the third phase to begin construction 2 to 3 years later. He stated that at the previous public hearing held last fall on the permit, Mrs. Pat Williams had voiced concern over snow removal and he assured her that the snoW would be removed from the lots in the proper manner. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. In answer to a question from Williams, Baker stated his initial plans had been amended and he presently planned to start with construction of 17 one-bedroom units, 9 two-bedroom units and 8 efficiencies. (For vote on Baker's conditional use permit, see page 96.) RECESS: The meeting was recessed at 8:06 p.m.; reconvened at 8:13 p.m. * Leirer noted that O'Brien had asked to be excused from the remainder of the meeting. A. It was moved by Williams, seconded by McCauley and unanimously carried by all those present to grant the CUP on Lots 37-38, Block 23, Original Townsite, for the construction of an 8 unit apartment complex, including 1~ parking spaces per unit, as requested by Patrick D. O'Brien. B. In answer to a question from McCauley, City Manager confirmed that of the 35 property owners within a 300 foot radius of the proposed con- struction on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, the City had received formal complaints from only 7 parties. It was moved by Williams, seconded by McCauley and unanimously carried by all those present to grant the CUP on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, for construction of a 16 unit apart- ment complex, including 1~ parking spaces per unit, as requested by Daren E. Miller. paAo~ddR q~~q~ T-8L "ON a~uRu~p~O JO uO~4dopR JO A4~J aq4 gU~AJ~40U 4uam4~Rdaa gu~uuRTd qgno~o[ RTnsu~uad ~Rua~ aq4 mO~J ~a44aT '8L6T 'vT q~~RW 'V ~O[~VB :~JN~aNOdS~~~OJ "AI "Ua44~~~ SR '8L6T '9 T~~dV JO sa4nu~m gU~4aam TR~~ads aq4 pUR '8L61 '8 q~~RW JO sa4nu~m gU~4aam ~R1nga~ aq4 paAo~ddR '4uasuo~ UO~SS~llilliOJ q4~~ '~a~~a1 :s~~nNIW dO 1VAO~ddV '111 I ~aAam~aJaRq~s 4UR4S~SSV aA~4R~4S~U~mpv pUR Aa1uRqS ~a~nsRa~~-~~aTJ A4~J 'uosuqor ~agRURw A4JJ :OSTR 4uasa~d (UOS40TTJ~ pUR UOS10 a~a~ 4uaSqR OS1R ~RmsTar SR~ '4UaSUO~ T~~unoJ q4J~ '4uasqV) gUOJ1J~ pUR smRJ1TJ~ 'au~oq~ 'uaJ~[,O 'AaTnRJ~W s~aUOJSSJllilliOJ ~~a~Ja1 URm~JRqJ :a~a~ 4uasa~d : 11VJ 110~ " II "m"d O<:;:L 4R ~a~Ja1 URm~JRqJ Aq ~ap~o 04 pa11R~ SR~ '8L61 'Z1 1J~dV JO UOJSS~llilliOJ gUJUOZ pUR gu~uURTd A~OSJAPV p~R~as aq4 JO gUJ4aam ~R1nga~ aq~ :~~a~o 01 11VJ " I T ~10A 8L61 'Z1 1I~dV - ~NI~~~ ~V1n~~~ 96 ~~Vd ---------- --- -- -----------~------------~----- ------ -- ----------------- ---------- (1RaSA'IJJ) L;rr~~ _/7 URm~JRqJ mT'~H ~ 'm'd <:;v:8 4R pau~no~pR SR~ gtlT~aaID~ql :~N~~norav "A "8L61 'OT TJ~dV JO gUJ4aam S4J 4R TJ~unoJ A4JJ aq4 04 pa4uasa~d aq P1no~ a~URUJP~O paSJAa~ aq4 'S4uampuamR aq4 04 suoJ4~a~qo ou a~a~ a~aq4 JJ pa4R4s aR "4JR~P snoJAa~d aq4 ~aAO 4uamn~op aq4 uJ saguRq~ asoq4 pa40u A11R~JJ~Jads pUR aJURUJP~O gUJUOZ paSJAa~-A1~au aq4 pa4nqJ~4SJP ~agRuRW A4JJ "a :~J '9 ~NIJ "4Jun ~ad sa~Rds gU~~~Rd ~T gu~pnT~UJ 'a4~su~0~ TRU~g~~O 'L ~J01[ '[[-<:;Z s401 uo xa1dmoJ 4uam4~RdR 4~un VV R JO uO~4~n~4suOJ ~oJ ~a~R[ ua~R~ pUR qO[ Aq pa4sanba~ SR dnJ aq4 JO aJURnss~ 4uR~g 04 4uasa~d asoq4 1TR Aq pa~~~R~ ATsnom~URun pUR gUOJ1~~ Aq papuo~as 'uos40TT~~ Aq paAom SR~ 41 'J :~n~ 1VNJ (P.4UO~) :S~NI~V~R JI1[nd "AI 1 ~10A 8L61 '9 1I~dV - ~NI~~~ 1VIJ~dS 96 ~~Vd '9 PAGE 97 REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 1978 VOLUME 1 97 NORTH 'he oe'oning of Lo, 1, Blook 1 and Lo, " Blook 2, Noo'" "aoboo Subdlvi.lon, HARBOR from Residential to Industrial, was noted for information and filed. SUB: (cont'd) C COUNCIL: B. Seward Public Relations Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of April 3, 1978, were noted for information and filed. tV. CORRESPONDENCE: (cont'd) VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: RIGINAL OWNSITE: VIII. No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. "Notice of Appeal" as filed by Ronnie L. Lewis regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission action at the April 6, 1978, special meeting, at which time a conditional use permit was approved for construction of a 16 unit apartment complex on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, was requested by Daren E. Miller, was distributed for information only. B. City Manager spoke and answered questions on the City's street paving project schedule, the project to also include some sewer and water line work in various areas of the City. FOREST ACRES: IX. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Revised Final Plat of the proposed resubdivision of Lots N, o and Q, Forest Acres SUbdivision, as filed by Raymond Hugli and William Vincent, was noted. Leirer confirmed that the required public hearing on the plat had been conducted at the regular Commission meeting of March 8, 1978, at which time the Commission had requested specific changes be made to the plat map prior to approval of the resubdivision. Robert Summers, registered land surveyor, appeared from the audience and confirmed that all of the Commission's requested changes had been incorporated in the revised final plat. It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Thorne and carried as follows to approve the resubdivision as requested: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: Leirer, McCauley, O'Brien, Thorne and Wilfong None Jelsma, Olson and Tillotson Williams ~TS: B. Seward Diamond Jubilee Commission letter of April 12, 1978, requesting the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the renaming of 7th honor of John Ballaine who was responsible was distributed. City Manager recommended the request prior to Commission action. scheduled a public hearing for the Commission X. - urned at 8:30 p.m. /~ 7 ~ 7 ,,' 4-t-L?~( ~ .~~_ Herman Leirer, Chairman '8L61 '1] ARW pUR OZ n::ldV UO :ladRdsJI\.au lR;)OI aq~ Ul paqsllqnd SR IljjUl:lRaH ;)llqnd JO a;)l~ONIl .aulRIIRII uqor :lapunoJ S,p:lRJI\.as JO :louoq ul p:lRAalnolI aUlRIIRII pamRUa:l aq anuaAV q~L ~Rq~ jjUl~sanba:l uOlsslmmoJ aallqnr puomRlG p:lRJI\.as aq~ mO:lJ '8L61 'ZI Il:ldV pa~Rp :la~~al aq~ uo pauado SRJI\. jjul:lRaq ;)11qnd : SlJ1H 'SG<I 'SL3.3.<ILS :St)NI<IV3.H JI1lIfld "A "paAla;)a:l SRJI\. UOl~R;)11ddR Jl\.au aq~ uaqJl\. uOlsslmmoJ aq~ AJ1~OU PlnoJl\. U01~R:l~SlUlmpR aq~ pa~R~s ~uR~slssV aAl~R:l~Slulmpv .ajjR~ooJ a:lRnbs amRS aq~ uo s~lun 91 :lOJ pallR;) SURld s.:lalllW ':laAaJl\.oq ~A~:lado:ld JO ~aaJ a:lRnbs 000'~1 uo s~lun ~1 JO uOl~;)n:l~suo;) aq~ Jl\.OIIR PlnoJl\. a;)URUlp:lO 9961 aq~ asnR;)aq ~lun lRU01~lPPR auo Pllnq o~ :lap:lo ul a;)uRl:lRA R :loJ jjulAlddR aq PlnoJl\. :lalllW 'a;)uRUlp:lO aq~ pa~a:ld:la~Ul aq SR ~Rq~ paulRldxa :laq~:lnJ ~uR~slssV aAl~R:l~Slulmpv .a;)uRulP:lO 9961 aq~ ulq:poJ ~as SR SU01~lPUO;) pUR sm:la~ aq~ :lapun :la~~Rm aq~ :lRaq O~ aARq PlnoJl\. A~lJ aq:l 'pUR a;)URl:lRA R :lOJ AlddR O~ pRq :lalllW ~Rq~ paln:l ajjpn f aq~ pa~R~S aH "JI\.alAa:l u01SSlmmoJ :lOJ a;)URUlp:lO aq~ JO saldo;) pa~nql:l~SlP aq pUR 9961 Ul qjjnoiolI aq~ Aq pa~dopR SR a;)URUlp:lO Z961 aq~ :lapun jjuluol~;)unJ aq Plnoqs A~lJ aq~ paln:l ajjpnf aq~ ~Rq~ paulRldxa aH .a;)URUlp:lO aq~ pa~;)RUa ~OU pRq qjjno:lolI Rlnsuluad lBua~ aq~ ~Rq~ Ul a;)uRulp:lO Pl1RA R ~ou SRJI\. Il;)unoJ A~lJ aq~ Aq pa~;)RUa SR a;)uRulp:lO jjulUOZ LL61 aq~ ~Rq~ paln:l ajjpnf aq~ pa~R~s aH .8L61 '6 ARW UO ~:l~0;) aq~ a:loJaq p:lRaq SR lRaddR aq~ uo suol~sanb pa:laJl\.SUR pUR a~ods ~UR~SlSSV aAl~R:l~SlUlmpv "pa~nql:l~SlP SRJI\.'~uam~snfpv JO P:lROII aq~ JO U01Sl;)ap aq~ JO U01~R:lado aq~ AR~S O~ ~:lnoJ aq~ jjul~sanba:l '8L61 '8 ARW paAla;)a:l R~SRIV JO a~R~S aq~ :loJ ~:lnoJ :lol:ladns aq~ Ul slJl\.a1 Aq pallJ s~uamn;)oG "pa~ou SRJI\. 'a~lsUJI\.oL lRuljjl:lO 'zz ~;)011I 'OS-9Z S~01 uo Xaldmo;) ~uam~:lRdR ~lun 91 R JO U01~;)n:l~suo;) :lOJ :lalllW Ua:lRG o~ ~lm:lad asn lRU01~lPUO;) R JO jjul~UR:ljj JO lRaddR ,slJ1\.a1 UO<I uo ~uam~snfpv JO P:lROII aq~ JO UOlSl;)aG '8L61 '1]Z Il:ldV "J :3.LISNI10L 1VNlt)I<I0 .pallJ pa:lap:lO pUR pa~nql:l~SlP a:laJl\. '8L61 'z ARW JO sa~nulm jjUl~aam aa~~lmmoJ aqL "pallJ pUR pa~ou a:laJl\. '8L61 '~Z pUR 81 '11 Il:ldV JO sa~nulm jjul~aam aa~~lmmoJ ;)OH PV sUOl~Rla<I ;)11qnd .1I :1IJNflOJ J .pallJ pUR pa~ou SRJI\. '8L61 '91-1]1 q;):lRW O;)Sl;)UR:la URS Ul :lRulmas 8L. auoz lR~sRoJ aq~ ~R a;)URpUa~~R slq uo ~:loda:l s.ual:lII,O :laUoTsslmmoJ .V :WZJ :3.JN3.GNOdS3.<I<IOJ "AI "ua~~l:lJl\. SR '8L61 'ZI Il:ldV JO sa~nulm jjul~aam :lRlnjja:l aq~ paAo:lddR '~uasuo;) uOlsslmmoJ q~lJ1\. ':la:lla1 :S3.LflNIW ao 1VAO<IddV .111 AaluRqS :la:lnsRa:lL-~:lalJ A~lJ pUR :laAam:laJaRq;)s ~UR~SlSSV aAl~R:l~SlUlmpv :OSIR ~uasa:ld (ual:lII.O SRJI\. ~uasqR OSIR ~smRl111M pUR RmSlar a:laJl\. '~uaSUO;) uOlSSlm -moJ q~lJ1\. '~uasqv) jjuOJllM pUR aU:loqL 'UOS~OlllL 'UOSI0 'AalnRJ;)W S:laUOlsslmmoJ ~:la:lla1 URm:llRqJ :a:laJl\. ~uasa:ld :11VJ 110<I .n .m.d OS:L ~R :la:lla1 URm:llRqJ Aq :lap:lO O~ pallR;) SRJI\. '8L61 '01 ARW JO uOlsslm -moJ 8U1UOZ pUR 8U1UURld A:lOS1APV p:lRJI\.as aq~ JO jjul~aam :lRlnjja:l aqL :<I3.G<IO OL 1'lVJ "I 1 3.Wfl'l Q'\. 8L61 '01 XVW - t)NIL3.3.W <IV1flt)3.<I 86 3.t)Vd . ~6 PAGE 99 REGULAR MEETING - MAY 10, 1978 99 VOLUME 1 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) STREETS, RDS, was noted. Barbara Blowers appeared from the audience and spoke in favor of HWYS: the proposed street renaming. It was moved by McCauley, seconded by Thorne (cont'd) and unanimously carried by all those present to change the name of 7th Avenue, from Railway to the corner of 7th and 4t~ to Ballaine Boulevard. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: No one appeared from the audience in order to be heard. Administrative Assistant gave a status report on the City's award of the Coastal Energy Impact Program (CEIP) grant for engineering and design for renovation of the City electrical distribution system to CH2M Hill. He further stated the Council in the near future would select a consultant to carry out the feasibility study of using the Fourth of July Creek area as an industrial site, pursuant to the grant award from CEIP. VIII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: 'EDERAL A. Letter dated May 3, 1978, from Chet and Lilly Thorne, requesting DDITION: Lot 7, Block 7, Original Townsite, be zoned light commercial, was noted. Follow- ing discussion and location of the lot on the map, it was discovered that the lot involved was Lot 5, Block 7, Federal Addition. Administrative Assistant informed Thorne he would have to apply to the Borough for rezoning and suggested there might be a problem due to the minimum lot size requirement in the 1966 ordinance. IX. ADJOURNMENT: at 8:21 p.m. 1tfft.~ ~~~( Her an Leirer Chairman 's~uaillnJOp snoJAa~d TTB ~Bq~ ~sanba~ SIPOO~ pa~B~S ~a~Ja~ "~~aTJ A~JJ aq~ O~ uOJ~BJJTddB TBUJ2J~0 aq~ pau~n~a~ pUB paZJ~B~OU OS pOO~ pUB a~n~Bu2Js SJq AJJ~aA O~ ~aTTJW pa~SB pOO~ "UOJ~BJJTddB aq~ AJJ~aA O~ pa~oTTB aq ~UBJJTddB aq~ ~Hq~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTB Aq paJ~~BJ ATsnOillJUBUn pUB SillBJTTJ~ Aq papuoJas 'uaJ~g.o Aq paAOill SB~ ~I "SaJUBJ~BA aq~ ~OJ A~JJ aq~ q~J~ paTJJ UOJ~BJJTddB aq~ UO SB ~aTTJW Ua~Ba JO a~n~Bu2Js aq~ aZJ~B~OU O~ UOJssJill~ad pa~sanba~ pOO~ 'UOJsnTJuoJ UI "paUOZ SB~ ~J qJJq~ ~OJ asn aq~ O~ A~~ado~d aq~ ~nd O~ pa~UB~ ~uaJTJ SJq ~Bq~ pUB 'uOJ~Jn~~suoJ A~JSUap q2Jq 'E-~ ~OJ pauoz SB~ Ba~B aq~ pa~B~S pOO~ "S~OT 2UJUJO~PB aAJJ UJB~qO O~ A~~Bd auo ~OJ ~TnJJJJJP A~aA SB~ ~J ~JJ~~SJP E-~ S.p~B~as UJ pUB UOJ~Jn~~suoJ pasodo~d aq~ ~OJ papaau a~a~ S~OT ~UaJB~pB aAJJ ~Bq~ SB~ SaJUBJ~BA aq~ 2uJ~OTTB ~OJ UOJ~BJJJT~Sn~ B pa~B~S aq '~aq~~n& "pa~Jn~~suoJ uaaq ApBa~TB pBq a~n~Jn~~s aq~ ~OJ UOT~BpUnOJ aq~ ~Bq~ ~JBJ aq~ O~ anp dTqgp~Bq UT ~Tnsa~ PTno~ aJUBuTP~O aq~ JO SUOTSTAO~d aq~ JO UOT~BJTTddB ~JJ~~S aq~ pa~B~S aR "~uailldoTaAap TBJ~UapTsa~ ~JBdillOJ B ~Jn~~suoJ O~ ~ap~o UT saJuBT~BA aq~ ~OJ ~sanba~ aq~ JO aAJ~~oddns SB UBTa: aq~ JO Sa2Bd SnO~aillnU pa~TJ pnB UBTa: aATsuaqa~dillOJ aq~ JO saAT~Ja~qo aq~ O~ A~B~~UOJ aq ~OU PTno~ SaJUBJ~BA aq~ pa~B~S pOO~ "UOT~Jn~~suoJ aq~ 2UTP~B2a~ STBaddB pUB S~UaillnJOp SnOTAa~d TTB SB TTa~ SB p~oJa~ aq~ JO ~~Bd apBill aq ~UaillnJOp aq~ ~Bq~ pa~SB pUB '8L6T 'oz qJ~BW pa~Bp B~SBTV JO AUBdillOJ TBSTB~ddV Aq S~OT ~Ja~qns aq~ UO pa~JnpuoJ SB TBSTB~ddB UB ~~aTJ A~TJ aq~ papuBq pOO~ "saJBds 2UT~~Bd pUB 's~uailla~Tnba~ p~BA ~Ba~ pUB apTs 'azTs ~oT o~ aAT~BTa~ s~sanba~ aJuBT~BA aq~ uo suoT~sanb pa~a~SUB pUB JO ~~oddns UT a~ods pUB aJuaTpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB '~aTTJW "a ua~Ba ~oJ TasunoJ TB2aT 'poo~ uqof AUBdillOJ ~aTTTW B/q/P '~aTTJW "a ua~Ba illO~J '8L6T 'zz ABW paATaJa~ 'pa~Bpun 'saJuBT~BA ~oJ UOT~BJTTddV A~~ado~d ~Ja~qns JO snTPB~ ~ooJ OSZ B uTq~J~ s~a~o A~~ado~d o~ paTJBill pUB '8L6T 'T aunf pUB SZ ABW UO ~adBds~au TBJOT aq~ UT paqsTTqnd pUB pa~sod SB UOT~BJTTddB aJUBJ~BA s,~aTTTW uo 112UT~BaR JTTqna: pUB 2uT~aaw TBTJadS JO aJT~oNII :pa~ou a~a~ silla~J 2UT~OTTOJ aq~ pUB 'a~Ts~OL TBUT2T~0 'zz ~JOTg 'OE-9Z s~O~ UO xaTdillOJ ~uaill~~BdB ~Tun illoo~paq-auo '9T B JO uOT~Jn~~suoJ ~OJ 'a2B~oqJUV 'anuaAV puZZ ~SBa T9ZL '~aTTJW "a ua~Ba Aq paTTJ SB '~TE "ON aJuBuTP~O JO (T)"B"T"V qdB~2B~Bd '~T UOT~Jas pUB ~"T"& pUB "T"a '(a)"Z"J SqdB~2B~Bd '9 uOT~Jas illO~J aJuBT~BA B ~OJ UOT~BJTTddB aq~ uo pauado SB~ 2uT~Baq JTTqna: "V :aLIsN~OL ~NI~no :S~NI~aR JI~gna: "III AaTuBqs ~a~nsBa~L-~~aTJ A~TJ pUB TTa~~Bf Aau~o~~v A~TJ 'uosuqOf ~a2BuBW A~TJ :OSTB ~uasa~a: (UOS~OTnL pUB BillSTaf a~a~ ~uasqB OSTB ~2uOJTJ~ SB~ '~uasuoJ uOTs -SJillillOJ q~T~ '~uasqv) SillBTTTJ~ pUB au~oqL 'uosTO 'uaT~g.o 'AaTnBJJW s~auoTssTillillOJ ~~a~Ta~ UBill~JBqJ :a~a~ ~uasa~a: :~~J ~~O~ "II "~a~Ta~ uBill~TBqJ Aq "ill"d ~E:L ~B ~ap~o o~ paTTBJ SB~ '8L6T 'L aunf ~oJ paTnpaqJs uOTssTillillOJ 2UTUOZ pUB 2UTUUBTa: A~OSTAPV p~B~as aq~ JO 2uT~aaill TBTJads aqL :~aa~o OL ~~VJ " I T ffiffi~01\. 8L6T 'L aNfif - ~NILaaW ~VIJaa:S OOT a~va: oat PAGE 101 SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 7, 1978 VOLUME 1 101 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) O.T.:evidence and testimony of the previous application and appeal would be made (cont) a part of the official record of the present meeting would be granted. Ron Lewis, 417 6th Street, appeared from the audience and spoke against Miller's requested variances. He submitted to the Clerk a petition bearing 54 signatures and, upon the direction of Leirer, Clerk read in full the petitions against the construction, which were noted to contain some duplicate signatures and bore no notary attestation. Thorne stated many of the people who had signed the petitions did not live in the immediate area of the proposed development. City Attorney replied that the signatures did not have to be from property owners within a 250 foot radius of the proposed construction in order to be considered by the Commission. Upon the request of Lewis, Leirer directed the Clerk to read in full various portions of Ordinance No.3l4 as designated by Lewis, pertaining to the present application. In conclusion, Lewis requested Commissioners Leirer, O'Brien and Williams abstain from voting due to possible conflicts of interest. Lewis Hasty appeared from the audience and spoke against the roof extension on the proposed building, stating it might cause snow to drop into the adjoining alley. Miller gave the dimensions and slope of the roof and stated there would be parking spaces behind the building which would need to be kept clear of snow, therefore, the owners would be responsible for snow removal around the building and the snow would not block the alley. John Gillespie appeared from the audience and noted objections had been voiced to the multi-family construction by single family residential owners in an area which was zoned R-3 and stated the question should be asked as to who was nonconforming. No one else appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Following discussion, Leirer, with Commission consent, recessed to executive session from 8:28 p.m. to 9:03 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:03 p.m., at which time Leirer stated the meeting would recess until Thursday, June 8, 1978, commencing at 7:00 p.m. in order to allow the Commissioners adequate time to review all the information sub- mitte~ including previous documents on file. JUNE 8, 1978 The special meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission as recessed June 7, 1978, reconvened June 8, 1978, and was called to order by Chairman Leirer at 7:03 p.m. Leirer noted that those Commissioners present on June 7 were also present at this time. It was moved by McCauley, seconded by Olson and carried as follows that the variance be granted from Section 6, paragraphs C.2.(e), E.l. and F.l.; and Section 14, paragraph A.l.a.(l) of Ordinance No. 314 as requested by Daren E. Miller, 7261 East 22nd, Anchorage, on May 22, 1978: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: Leirer, McCauley, Olson, Thorne and Williams None O'Brien Jelsma, Tillotson and Wilfong Leirer".3J;ij,J~8 );he written decision of the Commission would be prepared the fol;LoWing weE:k;'0, r, ",. '<..E--: -({~) The meetin was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. , &' " / , /'~tf/t-t1 Herman Leirer Chairman Z-?VLL-z 'pBO~ aq~ as01J P1no~ aq pa~BJ1Pul ~a8BUBW A~lJ 'uolssnJslP 8ul~0110a '~Oq~Bq aq~ illO~J sal~aqsla aq~ o~ paplAo~d ~l SSaJJB ~alsBa aq~ o~ anp uado ~Ja1 8ulaq pBO~ aq~ JO ~~oddns Ul a~ods ual~HIO 'pas01J aq P1noqs AB~pBO~ aq~ ~Bq~ paa~8B pUB ~a~~Bill aq~ passnJslP pBq U01SSlillillOJ aq~ ~sBd aq~ Ul ~Bq~ pa~B~S aq '~aq~~na 'pBO~ aq~ as01J ~a8BUBW A~lJ aq~ pa~sanba~ pUB J1JJB~~ aq~ Aq paSnBJ SB~ illa1qo~d ~snp B pa~B~S aR 'anUaAV P~( O~UO ~no 8U108 ~noq~l~ sal~aqsla p~B~as O~ anUaAV q~~ illO~J Ba~B ~Oq~Bq aq~ q~no~q~ ~nJ ~~oqs aq~ 8ulsn U1B8B SB~ J1JJB~~ pa~B~S ~a~la~ 'H :lIOHlIVR 'palJl~ou aq os P1no~ q8no~oH aq~ pUB ~UaillnJOp aq~ Ul punoJ uaaq pBq s~o~~a ~Bq~ pa~B~S ~aq~~nJ pUB q8no~oH aq~ Aq pa~JBUa uaaq A1~uaJa~ pBq aJuBulP~O aq~ pa~B~S ~a8BUBW A~lJ p~B~as JO A~lJ aq~ JO sal~BpunOH 1BdlJ1Unw aq~ ulq~lM Ba~v ~BqL ~OJ apoJ 8U1UOZ aq~ 8U1S1AalI aJuBulP~O UV :pa1~1~ua :~NINOZ 9Z-8L 'ON aJuBulP~O q8no~oH B1nsuluad lBua~ pa~nql~~slP ~~a1J A~lJ 'V ~ ~NINNV~d :SJlIOdalI lIa~VNVN XJIJ 'IIA 'p~Baq aq o~ ~ap~o ul ailll~ slq~ ~B aJualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB auo oN :NOISSfiJSIU .SNaZIJIJ 'IA auoN :S~NI1IVaR JI~Hfid 'A 'pa~ou a~a~ '8L61 '9 aunr JO sa~nulill 8ul~aaill aa~~lillilloJ JOR PV suol~B1alI J11qnd 'V :aJNaaNOdSalIlIOJ 'AI 'ua~~l~~ SB '8L61 '01 ABW JO sa~nulill 8ul~aaill aq~ paAo~ddB '~uasuoJ uOlsslillilloJ q~l~ '~a~la~ :saJfiNIW ao ~VAOlIddV 'III ~aAaill~aJaBqJS ~uB~slssV aAl~B~~SlulillPV pUB Aa1uBqS ~a~nsBa~J-~~a1J A~lJ 'uosuqor ~a8BuBW A~lJ :OS1B ~uasa~d (U01~Bu8lsa~ slq pa~~lillqns pBq Bills1ar ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~l ~uos~0111J SB~ ~uasqB oS1B ~au~oqJ SB~ '~uasuoJ U01SSlillillOJ q~l~ 'pasnJxa) SillB1111M pUB 8uOJ11M 'uOS10 'ual~H.O 'Aa1nBJJW s~auOlsslillillOJ ~~a~la~ uBill~lBqJ :a~a~ ~uasa~d : ~~VJ ~~OlI ' II '~a~la~ uB~lBqJ Aq 'ill'd O(:L ~B ~ap~o O~ pa11BJ SB~ '8L61 '~1 aunr JO U01SSlillillOJ ~UluoZ pUB 8uluUB1d aq~ JO 8ul~aaw ~B1n8a~ aqJ :lIaUlIO OJ ~~VJ 'I 1 aNfi~OA 8L61 '~1 aNfir - ~NIJaaW lIV~fi~alI Z01 a~Vd . (, t) L PAGE 103 REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14, 1978 VOLUME 1 103 o T: VIII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Proposed replat of Lots 31-40, Block 22, Original Townsite, as submitted by Chugach Development Corporation, was noted and the Commissioners examined the plat as posted in the Council Chambers. Leirer stated both plats as presented for approval this evening showed Lots 26-30 as combined into Lot 26A. He stated the replat of the lots had been approved in July of 1977; how- ever, the plat had not yet been recorded. He requested any motion to approve the plats as presented that evening be subject to the prior recordation of the replat of Lots 26-30. Following discussion, it was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Williams, but later withdrawn to approve the replat of Lots 31-40, Block 22, Original Townsite, as requested, subject to proper filing of the replat of Lot 26A as approved last July. Following further discussion, it was noted that the plat contained the wrong dimensions and instead of the subject parcel being 450 feet by 100 feet, it should be noted as 300 feet by 100 feet. It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Williams and unanimously carried by all those present to table any action on the replat until the plat is correctly drawn. o T: B. Proposed replat of Lots 1-10, Block 22, Original Townsite, as submitted by Chugach Development Corporation was noted and the Commissioners examined the plat as posted in the Council Chambers. It was also noted that the same error in dimensions was present on this plat as the previous plat submitted. It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Wilfong and unanimously carried by all those present to table any action on the replat until the plat is correctly drawn. Leirer directed the City Clerk to notify surveyor Robert Summers and the Borough of the action to table and, further, to advise Chugach Develop- ment Corporation that the plat for Lot 26A, Block 22, Original Townsite, should be recorded prior to the resubmittal of the two plats regarding Lots 1-10 and 31-40, Block 22. C. City Manager and Administrative Assistant spoke on the expected arrival of Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus in Seward on July 11 and stated the administration was in the process of organizing a town meeting for that evening in order to discuss the (d)(2) issue and possibly receive some news coverage of Sewardited feelings on the issue by the news media who would be traveling with the Secretary. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting }),-C"I"'"" ..(....,:,. '" -.<, ,.-',) =-:<:.) i" "~\ " was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. ,J 0 ne E. Shanley ) ',} "" City Clerk-Treasure~'l '~~tYS~al) .~l ;;...': .' ,J) ,.~~_., / 4vYht'dM i Ff Herman Leirer Chairman ~~/, r" V. / t/lL>7 ~- uBa1J pUB qsn~q pUB S~ap1B aq~ aAOllia~ O~ paaJo~d O~ a~11 P1no~ aq '~aAa~oq ~aUl1 A~~ado~d aq~ lliO~J ~OOJ auo A1UO pa~Bn~ls SB~ 2ulP11nq aq~ ~Bq~ pa~aAOJ -SlP A1~UaJa~ ~nq 2ulP11nq aq~ JO apls q~nos aq~ uo 2UldBJsPUB1 alliOS op O~ pauuB1d A11B}~lUl pBq aq pa~B~s ~aq~~nJ aH 'EZ ~ol uo Ba~B 2ul~~Bd aJBJ~ns ~Jos ~ooJ OE X OE 1BU01~lPpB UB pUB ZZ ~Ol UO Ba~B 2U}~~Bd aJBJ~ns p~Bq ~OOJ OE X OE B 2Ul~Jn~~suoJ '2ulP11nq aq~ JO ~ol~a~xa aq~ 2U12uBqJ ~noq~l~ 1Z ~Ol uo pa~BJ01 a~n~Jn~~s aq~ 2Ul~BAoua~ paA10Aul qJlq~ ~sanba~ slq uo suol~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB JO ~~oddns Ul a~ods pUB aJualpnB aq~ lliO~J pa~BaddB ssnH ua~~BM S1Bsodo~d 2Ul1apOllia~ ~Ol~a~u} JO ~S}1 pUB UB1d ~01d paUO}SUalli}p paqJB~~B q~}~ ssnH 's~W pUB '~W Aq pa~~}lliqns UO}~BJ -}1ddB ~llli~ad asn 1BUO}~}PUOJ '8L61 'EZ aunf A~~ado~d ~Jarqns aq~ JO snlpB~ ~OOJ OOE U}q~}~ s~au~o A~~ado~d O~ pa1}Blli pUB ~adBds~au 1BJ01 aq~ U} Salli}~ O~~ paqS}1qnd SB 112Ul~BaH J}1qnd JO aJ}~ON UO}SS}llilli08 j'lU}UOZ pUB 2U}UUB1d p~B~aSII :pa~ou a~a~ Sllia~} 2U}~0110J aq~ pUB 'a~}SU~Ol 1Bu}21~0 'EZ ~J01H '8Z-1Z s~Ol uo xa1dlliOJ ~ualli~~BdB/aJ}JJo 1B~uap B JO UO}~BJ01 ~OJ ssnH ua~~BM 'S~W pUB '~W Aq pa~~}lliqns SB ~}lli~ad asn 1BUO}~}PUOJ B ~OJ UO}~BJ}1ddB aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~U}~Baq J}1qnd 'V : '1'0 : ~NnN3:H 8IlHfid 'A (uo}ssnJs}p ~OJ 'V 'Ill. aas) 'pa~ou SB~ 'U01~}PPV 1B~apad 'L ~J01H '~ ~ol ~B aJuBU}p~O 2u}uoz aq~ JO UO}~B10}A 2U}p~B2a~ au~oql ~a~saq8 's~W pUB '~W O~ ~a2BUBW A~}8 lliO~J ~a~~a1 '8L61 'E A1nf 'H :NGGV lVH3:G3:d, 'pa~ou a~a~ '8L61 'LZ pUB Oz 'E1 aunf JO Sa~nU}lli 2U}~aalli aa~~}llilli08 JOH PV SU01~B1a~ J}1qnd 'V :3:8N3:GNOdS3:~~m , AI 'ua~~}~~ SB '8L61 '~1 aunf JO Sa~nU}lli 2U}~aalli ~B1n2a~ aq~ pUB L aunf JO Sa~nU}lli 2Ul~aalli 1B}Jads aq~ paAo~ddB '~uasuoJ UO}SS}llilli08 q~}~ '~a~}al :S3:1fiNIW dO lVAO~ddV 'III Aa1uBqS ~a~nsBa~l -~~a18 A~18 pUB uosa~~o '~ssV 2U1UUB1d q~no~oH '~aAa~aJaBqJS '~ssV 'U}lliPV 'uosuqOf ~a2BUBW A~}8 :os1B ~uasa~d (UOS~01111 SB~ ~uasqv) SlliB}111M pUB ~UOJ1}M 'au~oql 'UOS10 'Ua}~H.O 'Aa1nB8JW s~aUOlsS}llilli08 ~~a~lal UBlli~}Bq8 :a~a~ ~uasa~d :llV8 1l0~ 'II '~a~}al UBlli~}Bq8 Aq 'lli'd 1E:L ~B ~ap~o O~ pa11BJ SB~ '8L61 'Z1 A1nf JO UO}SS}llilli08 2u}uoZ pUB j'lU}UUB1d aq~ JO ~U}~aalli ~B1n2a~ aql :~3:G~O 01 llV8 'I 1 3:WfilOA 8L61 'Z1 Xlfif - ~NIl3:3:W ~lfi~3:~ ~01 3:~Vd vOL 105 PAGE 105 REGULAR MEETING - JULY 12, 1978 VOLUME 18 V. PUBLIC HEARING: (cont'd) O.T.: up the area with Commission approva~ although it was City property. No one (cont'd)else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Follow- ing discussion, it was moved by O'Brien, seconded by McCauley and unanimously carried by all those present to grant the conditional use permit as requested. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: FEDERAL ADDN: A. Raya Shott appeared from the audience and spoke on agenda item IV. B. requesting that the Thorne's business at Lot 5, Block 7, Federal Addition, be allowed to remain open since they were in the process of requesting the necessary variance. Otteson stated that since the new ordinance was in affect, a rezoning would be required rather than a variance; further, because the Thorne's did not have the needed square footage to rezone, the only option open to them would be to submit a request for contract zoning. John Gillespie appeared and asked that the Commission reconsider his earlier suggestion to zone all the area along Third Avenue as commercial. Following discussion, Otteson told Shott to contact him after the meeting and the previously-submitted applica- tion for a variance could be reworded to request contract zoning. VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City Manager asked that the Commission approve reopening citizens' discussion in order to allow comments regarding the City's submittal of a proposal to ALPETCO for the location of an oil refinery and petro-chemical plan at 4th of July Creek. Leirer reopened citizens' discussion and, in answer to a question from Judy Steeves, City Manager stated that one of the requirements made by the State was that the oil would be refined within the State. Otteson spoke on the advantages Seward had over Valdez and Kenai. VIII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: O.T.: A. of Lots 1-10, Corporation: The following items were noted relative to the proposed replat Block 22, Original Townsite, as submitted by Chugach Development Letters dated June 15, 1978, to Robert Summers, Chugach Development Corporation and Kenai Pen- insula Borough Planning Director from City Clerk, notifying of Commission action on replat submitted June 14, 1978 A portion of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Plat Committee meeting of June 19, 1978, showing action taken on the proposed replat Robert Summers, registered land surveyor for the project, appeared from the audience and stated the errors in the previous drawing had been corrected. In answer to a question from Leirer regarding the Commission's stipulation that the replat of Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, be recorded prior to resubmittal of the present plat, Admin. Asst. stated delay in recording of the Lot 26A plat had been due to an error by the title company. Following discussion, it was moved by McCauley, seconded by Williams and unanimously carried by all those present to approve the replat of Lots 1-10, Block 22, Original Townsite, as corrected. 'UOlssnJslP ~Ul~OTTOj "~J1J~SlP T-~ ~uaJJnJ aq~ Japun ulBwaJ Jaq~BJ PTno~ oq~ sTBnplAlpul Aq pau~o sTaJJBd apnTJul o~ ~J1J~SlP ~~ aq~ JOJ salJBpunoq pasodoJd ~ulqslTqB~sa uOlsslwwoJ aq~ o~ uOl~Ja~qo paJloA pUB aJualpnB aq~ WOJJ paJBaddB aldsaTT1~ uqor pUB SJaWWns ~Jaqo~ "SaJJV ~SaJOj Ul ~U1UOZ ~~ aq~ ~OTTB 'snq~ 'pUB aJuBUlpJO aq~ q~l~ aJUB1TdwOJ O~Ul ~1 ~U1Jq O~ JapJO Ul dBW ~U1UOZ aq~ pUawB o~ pBq uOlsslwwoJ aq~ ~nq '~J1J~SlP T-~ UB ul UBq~ s~oT Ja~JBT aJlnbaJ PTno~ qJlq~ ~J1J~Sla (~~) TB1~uaplsa~ TBJn~ B pa~BJodJoJUl pBq aJuBulpJO ~U1UOZ ~au aq~ pa~B~s "~SSV "U1WPV "UOlslAlpqns saJJV ~saJoj ul ~ulPTlnq TB1~UaplSaJ ~au JOJ paJlnbaJ aq aJJB JTBq-auo UBq~ ssaT ~ou JO ~OTd wnwlulw B ~Bq~ ~Ul~SanbaJ 'SaJn~BU~ls 8? ~U1JBaq '~~oqS BAB~ Aq pa~~lwqns SB U01~1~ad 'LL6T '? ~sn~nv aq~ JO AdoJ B pa~nqlJ~SlP "~SSV "U1WPV "~ :S~~JV lS~~Oj "a~Bp Ja~BT B ~B ~JBq ~JodaJ pUB U01SS1WWOJ ~U1UUBTd aq~ q~l~ anssl aq~ ssnJslP PTno~ aq paWJ1JUOJ pUB TaAaT q~nOJog aq~ ~B paTpuBq aq Ja~~aq ~q~lW waTqoJd aq~ ~TaJ aq pa~B~S uosa~~o '~Ul~~BTdaJ JO ~SOJ aq~ ~UlpJB~ -aJ uOlssnJslP ~Ul~OTTOj "OS Op O~ PUBT JO TaJJBd pa~JaJJB UB uo PTlnq O~ paqsl~ oq~ SJaU~O A~JadoJd asoq~ ~OTTB O~ pa~aJdJa~Ul aq PTnoJ aJuBUlpJO aq~ ~Bq~ ~TaJ aq W1Ja~Ul aq~ Ul 'JaAa~oq ~dn paJeaTJ aq PTnoqs A~ln~lqwB aq~ ~eq~ ~TaJ aq pa~B~S uosa~~o "J~a 'spaap 'S~eTd uo papJoJaJ SB STaJJBd O~ paJJaJaJ ~aaJ aJBnbs 0009 o~ OO~? WOJJ S~OT ~UlpJB~aJ asneTJ "pJoJaJ JO" aq~ Jaq~aq~ o~ SB uOl~JaJ1P J1J1Jads ou SB~ aJaq~ pa~B~S pUB S~OT ~U1WJOJUOJ -UOU ~U1PJe~aJ apoJ ~U1UOZ pJB~as aq~ JO 0(Z"8L"TZ uOl~Jas q~l~ waTqoJd uOl~B~aJdJa~Ul UB padoTaAap peq aJaq~ pa~e~s "~SSV "U1WPV "a "S~Ul~aaw UOlsslWWOJ ~Ul~~eTd pue ~U1UUBTd q~nOJmg aq~ lB A~lJ aq~ ~uasaJdaJ O~ paJaa~UnTOA '~uasuoJ UOlsslWWOJ q~l~ 'aUJoql ~aqJ 'uOlssnJS1P ~Ul~OTTOj "S~Ul~aaw aq~ JOJ BU~OPTOS O~ TaABJ~ O~ aAl~B~UasaJdaJ pJB~as aq~ P1Bd U01~BsuadwoJ aq~ uo a~ods uosa~~o "SU01SS1W -WOJ ~Ul~~BTd pUB ~U1UUBTd q~nOJog aq~ uo AJUBJBA aAl~B~UasaJdaJ pJe~as aq~ TT1J O~ apew aq O~ pBq ~uaw~UloddB UB ~Bq~ pa~ou JaJla1 "AJueJeA aq~ TT1J O~ pa~UloddB ua;'N,pRq Baqs pJB~as 'UJunoJ AHJ aq~ JO ~unaaw OT ATnr aq~ ~~ pa~B~s Ja~euew A~lJ "pa~OU SB~ 'JadBds~au TBJOT aq~ Ul sawl~ O~~ paqslT -qnd SB "UOOj:SS1WWOJ ~U1UOZ pUB ~uluueTd - AJUBJB1\ JO aJl~oN" "J :NSWOJ Z "I d "pa~JaJJoJ SB 'a~lsu~Ol TBU1~lJO 'zz ~JOTg 'O?-T( S~01 JO ~BTdaJ aq~ aAoJddB O~ ~uasaJd asoq~ TTB Aq palJJBJ ATsnowlueun pue ~UOJT1M Aq papuoJas 'AaTnBJJW Aq paAom SB~ ~I "~BTd OT-T S~01 aq~ UO q~JOJ ~as asoq~ SB ~BTd O?-T( S~01 aq~ uo pa~JaJJoJ pUB apBm uaaq pBq SJOJJa ames aq~ pa~B~S SJawwns ~BTdaJ pasodoJd aq~ uo ua~B~ U01~JB ~Ul~oqs '8L6T '6T aunr JO ~ul~aam aa~~lwwoJ ~gTd ~~nOJog'BTnSUluad lBua~ aq~ JO U01~Jod V 8L6T '?T aunr pa~~lmqns ~BTdaJ UO uOT~Je U01SS1WWOJ JO ~U1AJ1~OU '~JaTJ A~lJ mOJJ JO~JaJla ~U1UUBTd q~nOJOa BTnsuluad lBua~ pUB U01~eJodJoJ ~uamdoTaAaa qJB~nqJ 'SJamwns ~Jaqo~ O~ '8L6T '~T aunr pa~Bp SJa~~a1 :UOT~BJodJoJ ~uam -dOTaAaa qJB~nqJ Aq pa~~Tmqns se 'a~Tsu~ol TBU1~lJO 'zz ~JOTg 'O?-T( S~01 JO ~BTdaJ pasodoJd aq~ O~ aAl~BTaJ pa~ou aJa~ sma~l ~Ul~OTTOJ aql "g : "1"0 (P.~UOJ) :NOIssnJsIa NOISSIWWOJ "II 11\ T ~il101\ 8L6T 'ZT X1nr - ~NI1~~W ~V1n~~~ 90T ~~Vd _~vl PAGE 107 101 REGULAR MEETING - JULY 12, 1978 VOLUME 1 FOREST ACRES: (cont'd) VIII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: . (cont 'd) it was moved by McCauley, seconded by Wilfong and unanimously carried by all those present to proceed to set a public hearing regarding the matter of re- zoning the east portion of Forest Acres Subdivisio~ east of Maple Street, to Rural Residential zoning. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. PAGE 107 ../ . ./( ~~~td4t ;:;~A/'2-?f Herman Leirer ' Chairman REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 9, 1978 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission of August 9, 1978, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Leirer. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners McCauley, O'Brien, Olson, *Shea, Thorne, Wilfong and Williams (Absent was Commissioner Tillotson) Present also: Acting City Manager Schaefermeyer, Borough Planning Aide Otteson and City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of July 12, 1978, as written. IV. SWEARING IN OF NEW COMMISSIONER: * Newly appointed Commissioner Seward Shea appeared, took the oath of office, was seated at the dais and thereafter took part in the meeting. V. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Public Relations Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of July II, 18, 25 and August I, 1978, were noted for information only. "~TWJad asn TBuoT~TpuOJ aq~ JO Ja~~BW aq~ ssnJsTP Jaq~JnJ o~ uOTssas aAT~nJaxa o~ ssaJaJ o~ ~uasaJd asoq~ TTB Aq paTJJBJ ATsnOWTUBUn pUB 2uOJTT~ Aq papuoJas 'UaTJa.O Aq paAOW SB~ ~T 'JaJTa1 JO ~sanbaJ aq~ ~V "A~TJ aq~ O~ paUJn~aJ 2uTaq saJT~ou paWTBTJun AUB TTBJaJ ~OU PTP aq pa~B~S pUB SnTpBJ ~OOJ oor B uTq~T~ SJau~o A~JadoJd 2UTPUnOJJns o~ TTBW paTJT~JaJ Aq ~uas uaaq pBq 2UTJBaq JTTqnd aq~ JO aJT~ou pa~B~s Ja2BUBW A~TJ 2UT~JV 'JaJTa1 WOJJ uOT~sanb B o~ Ja~SUB U1 "pasoTJ SB~ 2UTJBaq JTTqnd aq~ pUB pJBaq aq O~ JapJO UT aJuaTpnB aq~ WOJJ paJBaddB aSTa auo ON "2UTUOZaJ aq~ pa~sanbaJ pUB asnBJ .sT~al q~T~ paaJ2B TTJunoJ A~TJ aq~ JO uOTssTwwoJ 2UTUOZ pUB 2UTUUBTd aq~ JT sT paaJoJd PTnoJ ~sanbaJ B qJns AB~ ATuO aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~s aR "TBAOJddB sTq ~noq~T~ A~JadoJd s.JaTTTW auozaJ o~ uOT~T~ad ~OU PTnoJ SJau~o A~JadoJd 2UTPUnOJJns asnBJaq ~sanbaJ apTJ BUOq B ~OU SB~ ~Twqns o~ paqsT~ sT~al uOT~T~ad aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~s apTV 2UTUUBTd q2noJoa "pa~BT~TuT aq PTnoJ s~uawpuaWB 2UTUOZ qJTq~ uT JaUUBW aq~ JO uOT~B~aJdJa~UT S.UOT~BJ~ -sTuTwpB aq~ pauTBTdxa pUB aJuBuTpJO 2UTUOZ pJB~as aq~ JO OL~"SL"TZ uOT~Jas pa~aTAaJ Ja2BUBW A~TJ 2UT~JV .UOT~JB JOJ TTJunoJ A~TJ aq~ o~ A~JadoJd aq~ aUozaJ o~ UOT~T~ad B ~Twqns o~ A~TUn~Joddo aq~ pBq SJau~o A~JadoJd 2UTPUnOJJns aq~ TT~un ~sanbaJ aq~ uo UOT~JB aAT~BWJTJJB AUB auod~sod UOTssTwwoJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~sanbaJ sT~al "sassaJJB pJBA JBaJ pUB apTs aq~ uTq~T~ pa~BJoT aq PTnoJ ~nq s~UawaJTnbaJ ~JBq-~as pJBA ~UOJJ aq~ uTq~T~ pa~BJoT aq ~OU PTnoJ 2UT~JBd qJns ~Bq~ pa~B~s pUB aJBds 2UT~JBd ~aaJ~s-JJo UB JO uOT~TuTJap aq~ pBaJ apTV 2UTUUBTd q2noJOH 'SuoT~BTn2aJ 2UT~JBd 2UTPJB2aJ sT~al WOJJ uOT~sanb B o~ Ja~SUB u1 "awT~ sTq~ ~B pa~~TWpBaJ aq pJoJaJ aq~ JO ~JBd SB pa~~TwpB ATsnOTAaJd aJuapTAa TTB ~Bq~ '~uasuoJ uOTssTwwoJ q~T~ 'pa~sanbaJ pUB xaTdwoJ ~uaw~JBdB ~Tun 9T pasodoJd aq~ ~SUTB2B a~ods pUB aJuaTpnB aq~ WOJJ paJBaddB sT~al AJBW "2UTJBaq pUB UOT~BJTTddB ~uaJJnJ aq~ JOJ pJoJaJ aq~ JO ~JBd apBW aq ~TWJad aq~ JO ~Joddns UT A~TJ aq~ O~ pa~uasaJd ATSnOTAaJd uaaq pBq qJTq~ s~uawnJop TTB ~Bq~ '~uasuoJ UOTSSTWWOJ q~T~ 'pa~sanbaJ aR "~aw uaaq pBq '~TWJad asn TBUOT~TpUOJ B JO aJUBnssT 2UTPJB2aJ OSZ"SL"TZ uOT~Jas aJuBuTPJO 2UTUOZ pJB~as UT q~JOJ ~as SB SUOT~TPUOJ TTB ~Bq~ paTJT~sa~ aR "~TWJad asn TBUOT~TPUOJ aq~ 2UT~UBJ2 UOTsSTWWOJ aq~ JO ~Joddns UT a~ods pUB aJuaTpnB aq~ WOJJ paJBaddB 'JaTTTW JOJ TasunOJ TB2aT 'pJBAaTnOa ~JBd ssauTsna L6L~ 'pOO~ uqor a~Tsu~ol TBUT2TJO 'zz ~JoTa 'Or-9Z s~ol - saTJTqaA OZ JOJ saJBds 2UT~iBd 2UT~oqs UBTd ~OTd pauoTsuawTG AUBdwoJ JaTTTW B/q/P 'JaTTTW "~ UaJBG Aq pa~~Twqns SB UOT~BJ -TTddB ~TWJad asn TBUOT~TPUOJ 'SL6T '~ ATnr UOTssTWWOJ 2UTUOZ pUB 2UTUUBTd aq~ aJoJaq 2UTJBaq 'SL6T '6 ~sn2nv JO 2UTAJT~OU 'A~JadoJd ~Jarqns aq~ JO SnTPBJ ~OOJ oor B uTq~T~ SJau~o A~JadoJd 2UTPUnOJJns o~ paTTBw pUB 'pa~sod 'JadBds~au TBJoT aq~ uT sawT~ O~~ paqsTTqnd SB 112UTJBaR JTTqnd JO aJT~oNII :pa~ou aJa~ swa~T 2UT~OTToJ aq~ pUB 'a~Tsu~ol TBUT2TJO 'zz ~JoTH 'Or-9Z s~ol uo xaTdwoJ ~uaw~JBdB ~Tun 9T B JO uOT~JnJ~suoJ JOJ ~TWJad asn TBuoT~TPuOJ B JOJ ~sanbaJ s.JaTTTW "~ UaJBG uo pauado SB~ 2UTJBaq JTTqnd "V :~l1SN~Ol IVNIDnlO : S~NnlV~R JIlHfld "1A T ~WmOA SL6T '6 lSfl~flV - ~N1l~~W ~Vlfl~~~ SOT ~~Vd 801 109 PAGE 109 REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 9, 1978 VOLUME 1 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) O.T. : (cont'd) An executive session was held in the City Manager's office from 7:50 p.m. to 8:11 p.m., after which time the Commissioners returned to the Council Chambers and reconvened the regular meeting. It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by McCauley and carried as follows to grant the conditional use permit to Daren Miller for construction of a 16 unit apartment complex on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite, with the condition that parking be provided at l~ spaces per unit: Ayes: Leirer, McCauley, O'Brien, Olson, Thorne, Wilfong and Williams None Tillotson Shea Noes: Absent: Abstain: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard. VIII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Acting City Manager spoke on the City's submittal of a proposal for Alaska Petrochemical to locate its proposed oil refinery and petrochemical facilities at the 4th of July Creek area. IX. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: FOREST A. Preliminary plat for the resubdivision of Lots AV-AZ, BA, BD-BI, ACRES: BK-BZ, CA-CB and CD-CZ, Forest Acres Subdivision, as requested by Daren E. Miller and Associated Investors, was noted. Acting City Manager read in full letter dated August 4, 1978, from City Manager Johnson to the Borough Planning Department, listing the City administration's recommendations for amendments to the proposed plat. Robert Summers, registered land surveyor for the project, appeared from the audience and spoke on the proposed plat. Borough Planning Aide spoke on the requirements already established by the Borough which would need to be incorporated in the final plat. Following discussion, it was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Williams and unanimously carried by all those present to approve the resubdivision subject to the following conditions: That the developer provide 1. a sewer engineering plan acceptable to the City, including location provisions for any required facilities; 2. a water engineering plan acceptable to the City, including location provisions for any required facilities; 3. a 20 foot utility easement down the lot lines running north and south between streets where adjoining lots meet; and 4. a 30 foot street right-of-way established along the north boundary of the subdivision. .. '~a~~~nJ pa~B21~saAul aq Plnoqs 2Ul~~Blda~ qJns 2ul~lnba~ JO S~SOJ pUB SU01~BJ1J -lllB~ IB2al a~~ pa~B~S '~uasuoJ U01SSlillillOJ ~~1~ '2uOJl1~ 'PUBl JO alBs JO an~~lA Aq ~01 2Ulll~OJUOJ-UOU B a~Ba~J ~OUUBJ nOA ~B~~ ~JaJJB a~~ 0~2UPB~S aJuBulP~O 2U1UOZ a~~ O~ ~UallpUaillB ~au B dn ~B~p O~ pa~Ja~lP aq ~2no~oa a~~ ~B~~ 'puoJas B JO ~JBl ~OJ palP ~nq 'Ual~a,O Aq paAOll SB~ ~1 'uolssnJslP 2Ul~0110a 'pa~lsap OS U01SSlillillOJ a~~ Jl Ba~B p~B~as a~~ ~OJ ~Ualla~lnba~ B ~Jns aAo~ddB Plno~ ~2no~oa a~~ ~laJ a~ pa~B~S '~aAa~oq ~A~BSSaJaU aq Plno~ U01~Bln2a~ ~Jns ~a~~a~~ uo SU01Uldo paxlll pB~ JJB~S 2U1UUBld ~2no~oa a~~ pa~B~S aH 'p~B~as P1P SB S~OI IIBllS ~~1~ llalqo~d B JO snol~as SB aABq ~OU P1P sal~lJ ~a~~o aSnBJaq apl~-~2no~oa aq ~OU Plno~ ~Ualla~lnba~ B ~Jns pa~B~S aplV 2U1UUBld q2no~oa 'saul1 ~01 SSO~JB 2Ul~Jn~~suoJ O~ ~Ol~d ~01 auo O~Ul PUBl JO laJ~Bd B ~Blda~ O~ s~au~o A~~ado~d 2Ul~lnba~ JO Sn~B~S aq~ paU01~Sanb Ual~a,O 'a 'a~Bp O~ paAo~ddB uaaq pB~ ~Jl~~ s2U1UOZa~ IIB pa~B~od~oJUl pUB dBll 2U1UOZ IBU121~0 a~~ uo pa~s11qB~sa SB S~Jl~~SlP a~~ IIB pa~Bu21Sap dBll a~~ pa~B~S aH 'pa~Bda~d pB~ ~2no~oa a~~ qJl~~ dBll 2U1UOZ ~BIAll pa~Bpdn a~~ paABldslP aplV 2U1UUBld ~2no~oa 'a 'auoz (J~) IB1J~aillilloJ pa~llll~ a~~ JO s~ualla~lnba~ a~~ Aq pa~B~J1P aq 111~ ~Jl~~SlP IN a~~ 'pa~Bullll1a Sl auoz IN a~~ pUB pa~daJ~B Sl dBll 2U1UOZ ~au a~~ 11~un pOl~ad lll~a~ul aq~ ~OJ ~B~~ ~JaJJB a~~ O~ aJuBulP~O 2U1UOZ a~~ O~ ~uallpuallB UB a~n~l~sul O~ ~uasa~d aso~~ IIB Aq pal~~BJ AlsnOlllUBun pUB AalnBJJW Aq papuoJas 'ual~a,o Aq paAOll SB~ ~1 'UOlssnJslP 2Ul~0110a '~xa~ 2U1UOZ ua~~l~~ a~~ Ul O~ pa~~aJa~ SB~ dBll a~~ UO u~oqs SB auoz IN ~ua~~nJ a~~ ~B~~ a~nsul O~ ua~B~ aq Plno~s a~nSBall dB2-do~s B ~B~~ paU1Bldxa uosa~~o '~Jl~~slP B ~Jns SU1B~UOJ 'paslAa~ uaaq ~aA ~OU SBq ~Jl~~ 'dBll 2U1UOZ a~~ sBa~a~~ 'auoz (IN) IB1J~aillilloJ poo~~oq~21aN B o~ aJua~aJa~ au pB~ aJuBulP~o 2U1UOZ ~ua~~nJ a~~ ~B~~ ~JBJ aq~ uo pa~ualllloJ ~a2BuBW A~lJ 2Ul~JV 'U :Z "I d '~uallpuaillB aJuBulP~o 2U1UOZ pasodo~d a~~ ~oJ 2Ul~Ba~ Jl1qnd B JO 2ul1npa~Js a~~ ~~1~ paaJo~d ~uall~~Bdau 2U1UUBld ~2no~oa a~~ ~B~~ ~sanba~ o~ ~uasa~d aso~~ IIB Aq pal~~BJ AlsnOlllUBun pUB sllBl111~ Aq papuoJas 'AalnBJJW Aq paAOll SB~ ~I 'AB~-Jo-s~q21~ Jl1qnd 2Ul~daJxa dl~s~au~o UOllllOJ ~apun PUBl JO s~lun snon2ul~uoJ O~ IIP~oJa~ Jail s~OI llO~J a2Bn2uBl a~~ a2UB~J Plno~ ~aaJ a~Bnbs 0009 pUB OO~~ uaa~~aq s~OI JO ~ualldolaAap alqB~ollB 2U1P~B2a~ ~uallpuaillB pasodo~d a~~ ~B~~ paU1Bldxa aH 'SU01~Bln2a~ pUB aZls 's~OI 2Ulll~OJUOJ-UOU 2U1P~B2a~ OEZ'8L'1Z uOl~Jas 'aJUBU1P~O 2U1UOZ p~B~as aq~ O~ ~uallpuallB pasodo~d aq~ pa~nql~~slP aplV 2U1UUBld ~2no~oa 'J :Z "I d sllBl111~ pUB au~o~l uos~01111 auoN 2uoJl1~ pUB Ba~s 'uosI0 'ual~a,O 'AalnBJJW '~a~la~ : ulB~sqV :~uasqv :saON :saAV :Ba~B a~~ JO 2Uluoza~ pa~sanba~ a~~ ~OJ 2Ul~Ba~ Jl1qnd B alnpa~Js ~2no~oa a~~ ~B~~ ~sanba~ O~ s~0110J SB pal~~BJ pUB ual~a.O Aq papuoJas 'AalnBJJW Aq paAOll SB~ ~1 'UOlssnJslP 2Ul~0110a 's~aU01~1~ad a~~ Aq pau~o slaJ~Bd a~~ 2Ul~Bu21sap dBll B pUB sa~n~Bu21s IBU01~lPPB ~ 2ul~Baq U01~1~ad B pa~~lllqns pUB aJualpnB a~~ lliO~J pa~BaddB ~~oqS BABE 'pa~ou SB~ '~Jl~~slP (~~) IB1~uaplsa~ IB~n~ o~ pauoza~ aq ~aa~~s aldBW JO ~sBa uOls1A1P -qns ~Bq~ JO U01~~od B 2ul~sanba~ 'uOlslAlpqns sa~JV ~sa~oa a~~ ul s~au~o A~~ado~d 8Z Aq pau21s pUB '8L61 'E ~sn2nv paAlaJa~ uOl~l~ad 'a :sa~Jv lSa~Oa (PI~UOJ) :NOISSilJSIU NOISSIWWOJ 'XI 1 awn~OA 8L61 '6 lSilBilV - BNIlaaw ~~ilBa~ on aBVd Vll 111 PAGE 111 REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 9, 1978 VOLUME 1 IX. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: (cont' d) P & Z: G. In answer to a question from O'Brien, City Clerk confirmed that Rick Tillotson had been absent from 3 consecutive regular Commission meetings. It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Shea and unanimously carried by all those present to direct the City to write Rick Tillotson a letter and request his resignation. X. ADJOURNMENT: _c&~~~-i~~adjOUrned i,f~ -1. i:Y >, , J?) ~\ //':; \~~ L~~') " at 9:45 p.m. / /n i.Z~Hd?,/ Herman Leirer Chairman a ;} -, ~ , "0"'/ '" ':'. '. .)) "'(J," ,--. fo. " --------~~~y;~p~t~------------------------------------___________ P AGE III REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 VOLUME 1 1. CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission of September 13, 1978, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Chairman O'Brien. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Acting Chairman O'Brien; Commissioners McCauley, Olson, Thorne, Wilfong and Williams (Absent, with Commission consent, were Chairman Leirer and Com- missioner Shea) Present also: City Manager Johnson, Borough Planning Aide Otteson, Admin. Asst. Schaefermeyer and City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: O'Brien, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of August 9, 1978, as written. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Public Relations Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of August 15 and 29, 1978, were noted for information. FOREST ACRES: B. "Notice of Platting Committee Action" of August 7, 1978, conditionally approving the preliminary plat for the resubdivision of Lots AV-AZ, BA-BZ and CA-CZ,Forest Acres Subdivision, was noted. Baqs pUB J:axj:a'1 aUJ:oql auoN SillBl111~ pUB gUOJl1~ 'uosI0 'ualJ:H,O 'AalnBJ~W :=luasqV : ulB=I sqV :saoN :saAV :=laaJ:=lS a~nJ:ds 0=1 laJ:nB'1 illOJ:J AJ:Bpunoq =ISBa aq=l aAOill 0=1 ua~~BJ:J~W 'J:W JO =lsanbaJ: J:a=l=lal aq=l Aq papuaillB SB gUluozaJ: aq=l aAoJ:ddB 0=1 s~olloJ SB palJ:J:B~ pUB uosI0 Aq papuo~as 'AalnBJ~W Aq paAOill SB~ =11 'UOlssn~slP uOlsslillilloJ gUl~ollod 'S=laaJ:=lS a~nJ:ds pUB J:adlunr 'laJ:nB'1 '~0111~ Aq papunoq BaJ:B aq=l Ul sJ:au~o A=lJ:adoJ:d alos aq=l aJ:a~ JUJ pUB ua~~BJ:J~W =lBq=l pa=lB=lS aldsall1~ 'ualJ:H,O illOJ:J uOl=1Sanb 1'1 0=1 J:a~SUB Ul 'J:adlunr pUB ~0111~ uaa~=laq =laaJ:=lS a~nJ:ds 0=1 laJ:nB'1 illOJ:J AJ:Bpunoq UJ:a=lSBa aq=l puaillB 0=1 =lsanbaJ: s,ua~~BJ:J~W pa=lJ:oddns JUJ =lBq=l pa=lB=lS pUB =lUagB S,U01=1BJ:odJ:oJ aq=l SB~ aq 'J:a=l=lBill J:Bln~l=1J:Bd slq=l uo (JUJ) U01=1BJ:odJ:oJ =luailldOlaAau q~BgnqJ JO JIBqaq UO ~Bads 0=1 A=llJ:oq=lnB ~lJl~ads aABq =IOU P1P aq qgnoq=llB =lBq=l pa=lB=lS pUB a~ualpnB aq=l illOJ:J paJ:BaddB 'AUBdillOJ a=lB=lSa IBa~ pJ:B~as 'aldsall1~ uqor ,gUluozaJ: aq=l JO J:OABJ Ul a~ods pUB a~ualpnB aq=l illOJ:J paJ:BaddB =I=IoqS BAB~ '~alAaJ: J:OJ illlq 0=1 =11 papuBq aplV gU1UUBld qgnOJ:OH pUB uOl=11=1ad IBUlglJ:O aq=l JO Ado~ 1'1 aas 0=1 pa=lsanbaJ: ualJ:H,O =laaJ:=lS a~nJ:ds 0=1 papuaillB aq gUluozaJ: pasodoJ:d JO AJ:Bpunoq UJ:a=lSBa gUl=1SanbaJ: ua~~BJ:J~W illlr illOJ:J J:a=l=lal '8L61 '9 J:aqilla=ldas BaJ:B gUluoz -aJ: pa=lsanbaJ: gUl=1Buglsap SdBill A=llUl~lA UOlsslillillOJ aq=l aJ:oJaq palnpaq~s gU1J:Baq JO gUl~l=1oU '8L61 'L J:aqilla=ldas pUB 1( =lsngnv uo paqsl1qnd SB IIg0'1 xluaoqd pJ:B~as - a~l=10N ~11qndll :pa=lOU aJ:a~ Silla=ll gUl~0110J aq=l pUB (~~) =I~1J:=lS1U IB1=1uaplsa~ Al1illBd auO IBJ:n~ 0=1 (1-~) =I~1J:=lS1U IB1=1uaplsa~ Al1illBd auO illOJ:J =laaJ:=lS aldBW JO =ISBa pa=lB~OI sl q~lq~ UOlslAlpqns saJ:~V =lsaJ:od JO U01=1J:od =lBq=l auozaJ: 0=1 U01=11=1ad aq=l uo pauado SB~ gU1J:Baq ~11qnd 'V :S~Nl~vaH JI'1Hnd 'U01=1BillJ:OJUl J:oJ pa=lOU SB~ "ill'd O(:L =11'1 gUl~uaillillo~ '8L61 '11 J:aqo=l~O uo uOlsslillilloJ aq=l aJ:oJaq U01=1B=lUasaJ:d s=ll gUlillJ:1JUO~ 'aa=l=llillilloJ Apn=lS J:a=lB~ B~SBIV aq=l illOJ:J J:a=l=lal '8L61 'O( =lsngnv 'U '8L61 '6 J:aqO=l~O JO gUl=1aaill S=ll =11'1 =luamaJBTdaJ B =lUloddB PTno~ T1JunoJ pUB pasl=1JaApB aq 0=1 SB~ A~UBJBA aq=l '11 J:aqilla=ldas JO gUl=1aaill S=ll =11'1 11~unoJ Aq pa=lda~~B uaaq pBq uOl=1BuglsaJ: aq=l =lBq=l pa=lJ:odaJ: ~J:alJ A=llJ 'pa=lOU SB~ 'uos=loITll ~~1~ JauolsslillilloJ Aq pa=l=llillqns SB U01=1BuglsaJ: JO J:a=l=lal '8L61 '9 J:aqilla=ldas 'J (p,=lUO~) :aJNaaNOdSa~~OJ 1 awmoA 8L61 '(1 ~aHWaldaS - ~Nllaaw ~V'1n~a~ zn a~Vd :sa~Jv lSa~Od 'A :~NlNOZ ':? ~NlNNV'1d 'AI Z11 113 PAGE 113 REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 VOLUME 1 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) FEDERAL ADDN: B. Public hearing was opened on the petition as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thorne for contract zoning for Lot 5, Block 7, Federal Addition from One Family Residential District (R-l) to Limited Commercial District (CL) in order to allow use of the structure as a hobby shop (Celt a Plaza), and the following items were noted: "Public Notice - Seward Phoenix Log" as published on August 24 and 31, 1978, noticing of hearing scheduled before the Commission Vicinity maps designating requested rezoning area July 14, 1978, letter from Mr. and Mrs. Thorne requesting subject contract zoning Letters received September 13, 1978, from Roberta Anderson, Robert and Karen Swartz, and Pamela F. Oldow, surrounding property owners of the subject parcel, supporting Commission approval of the requested zoning Borough Planning Aide distributed and read in full "Staff Report" dated September 13, 1978, setting forth his analysis of the request and the philosophy of the Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth in past actions. He stated that action on the request would have profound implications for the future growth and development of the Seward business district and stated if the request wereapprove~ if would be difficult for the Commission to deny similar rezoning requests along Third Avenue. He voiced concern that the granting of the request would set a precedent and lead to the development of a strip business district along the City's main arterial and the community would see a deterioration of its cohesive, core commercial district. In conclusion, he recommended that the Commission deny the contract rezoning. Raya Shott, John Gillespie and Judy Steeves appeared from the audience and spoke in favor of the requested rezoning. Christine Wasson appeared and objected to the request. No one else appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Following Commission discussion, it was moved by Williams to grant the contract rezoning with the following stipulations: 1. any remodeling to be held to the present build ing; 2. there could not be a change to any other retail-type store; 3. the exterior size of the building cannot be increased; 4. the contract cannot be transferred to other owners; and 5. the proper amount of parking as required in the zoning ordinance must be provided at four off-street parking spaces. "m"d 0(:8 ~B paUJnO~pB UBmJ1Bq::J ~U1~JV ua1JH,0 ~J1J~Bd '~~r&(} f1Pd :~NaWNRaOfav "XI "aUOz IB1JJammoJ ~u14S1xa UB 04 snon~14uoJ SB~ 41 asnBJaq paAoJddB uaaq pBq (u0141PPV IBJapad '81 ~JOIH) anuaAV PJ1q~ uo B~SBIV JO ~uBH IBU014BN aq4 JOJ ~u1uozaJ IB1JJammoJ aq4 4Bq4 pau1Bldxa ua1JH,0 'AalnB::JJW mOJJ u014sanb B 04 Ja~SUB uI "V :NOISSil::JSIU NOISSIWWO::J "IlIA "41aquaaJ~ anuaAV q4L aq4 JO 4uamdolaAap pasodoJd aq4 uo aA1aJaJ 04 JapJo u1 SJaqmBq::J I1Juno::J aq4 u1 "mOd O(:L 4B ~U1JBaq J11qnd B Ploq Plno~ I11H WZH::J pa4B4s Ja~BUBW A41::J 4ndU1 J11qnd i;11 Jaqma4das "H "SJaqmBq::J I1Juno::J aq4 u1 "m"d O(:L 4B aJuammoJ o~ ~u1~aam aq4 ~s4uaillilloJ J11qnd aA1aJaJ pUB U014B~uasaJd J11qnd B a~Bm 04 JapJo u1 lZ Jaqma4das UO pJB~as u1 aq Plno~ saA14B4UasaJdaJ O::J~ad1V 4Bq4 pa~B4s Ja~BUBW A41::J "V :S~~Oda~ ~a~VNVW A~I::J "IIA "pJBaq aq 04 JapJo u1 am14 slq4 4B aJua1pnB aq4 mOJJ paJBaddB auo oN :NOISSil::JSIU ,SNaZI~I::J oIA Baqs pUB JaJ1a'I aUJoq~ ua-PH 10 smB1111M pUB ~UOJI1M 'UOSI0 'AalnB::JJW :4uasqV :U1B4sqV : saoN :saAV (p,~UOJ) :NUav 1V~aUad :s~0110J SB pa1JJBJ pUB AalnB::JJW Aq papuoJas SB~ U0140m aq~ (P,4UOJ) :S~NI~VaH ::JI'IHild "A 1 aHmOA 8L61 '(1 ~aHWa~daS - ~NI~aaW ~'Iil~a~ i;111 a~Vd tll 1" ]"f} PAGE 115 REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 11, 1978 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: The October 11, 1978, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Leirer. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Keyes, McCauley, O'Brien, Olson, Shea, Thorne, Wilfong and Williams Present also: City Manager Johnson, Admin. Asst. Schaefermeyer and City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley III. SWEARING IN OF NEW COMMISSIONER: P & Z COMSN: Newly appointed Commissioner Daniel Keyes appeared from the audience, took the oath of office as administered by the Clerk and thereafter took part in the meeting. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: O'Brien noted on Page 112 of the September 13, 1978, meeting minutes, item V. Public Hearings: A., the vote should have listed Thorne as abstaining and Leirer and Shea as absent. There being no other corrections, Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the September 13, 1978, regular meeting minutes as corrected. PRESENTATION: Dan Wilkerson, member of the Alaska Water Study Committee Management Team, appeared and gave a slide presentation on the purposes and goals of the Southcentral Water Resources Study. V. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Public Relations Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of September 26, 1978, were noted for information. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard. VIII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: ORIGINAL TOWNSITE: A. Admin. Asst. read in full letter dated October 5, 1978, from Kenai Peninsula Borough Clerk Brymer notifying of action taken by the Borough Planning Commission on the appeals Lewis vs. C.E. Johnson and Lewis vs. Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission relative to Daren E. Miller's property on Lots 26- 40, Block 22, Original Townsite. He stated the Borough was requesting the City Commission introduce a motion at a regular meeting which would certify the action taken by the Commission at its meeting of August 9, 1978, approving the conditional use permit requested by Miller for construction of a 16 unit apartment complex on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite. It was moved by McCauley, seconded (TBas AnJ) ...,.~-1:~,.j~ '~"-"'-"-L~~:':"h r~'/ '_~",~'~ ~O _'::1 "./,z' "<~;}~fns;;'8'. ,:uc.~.;~~,l" ~ .A'T" I) " . c'. ... '" '\ ,., - -+. J ~ :,. };aTUB1{ S ' 3, _ auuyo f , ')jl / ;>-:1;r/'" -.L, ?>4vft";.!,y ....) I'S I L ,. JO ~~BT O=l anp pauaAUO~ =lOU SB~ 'SL6T 's 'uOlsslllillioJ ~U1UOZ pUR ~U1UURTd AJOS1APV _ . . . _;Uln.Ionb R Ja qUlaAoN 'ABP SaUll<lfl'lo)- :papl p~tp S pJR~as aq~ JO~~~~'~- ~~j~~ aql ~'-"<)./'I":"'(r""-'''~'--'-~')-'- T IIWfl'lOA SL6T 's ~IIHWIIAON - ONIIIIIIW ~lilOII~ 9n IIOVd -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?;?f?/}:?~/ '-/,'i ~ //./ /:/ URUlJ1RqJ JaJlal URUlJaH /J/ <";". . ,)'-' -. o/I1j:JS"'jO .~,~/ co, ,_ ..-oj)- 'Ul'd OV:S ~R paUJnO~pR SR~ 2uiiB~u&ql :lNIIWNtlilOfcrv 'X 'SJa~JO~ JJVX aq~ JOJ s~~a~oJd Ja~Ul~ ~UlpJR~aJ a~lAJas ~saJO~ aq~ JO Ul=lJRW AJJa~ ~~R=lUO~ U01~RJ~SlU1UlPR aq~ pa~sanbaJ ualJH.O 'J 'apoJ A~lJ pJR~as aq~ q=ll~ a~URpJO~~R Ul SJaqUlaUl aUlu JO pa~Slsuo~ U01SSlllilliOJ ~U1UOZ pUR ~U1UURTd aq~ pa=lR~S Ja~RURW A~lJ 'ualJH.O UlOJJ uOl~sanb R O~ Ja~SUR UI 'H 'A~JadoJd JO sa~ald q~oq UO aJOSaAa aq~ a~R1Aa1TR O=l auop aq ~ulq~aUlos ~Rq~ puaUlUlO~aJ pUR ~ua~ul Jlaq=l O~ SR Ulaq~ uOl~sanb pUR sal~JadoJd aq~ JO SJap10q aT~T~ JO SJau~o ~~aJJO~ aq~ aU1UlJa~ap Ja~RURW A=llJ aq~ ~Rq~ palJJR~ A1snOUllURun pUR SUlR1TT1M Aq papuo~as 'AaTnRJ~W Aq paAOUl SR~ ~1 'uolssn~slP ~Ul~0110~ 'SJau~o aq~ Aq saJn~~nJ~S aq~ aAOUlaJ JO a~RAOUaJ O~ aJn~nJ JRaU aq~ UT ua~R=l ~OU SR~ U01=l~R Jl s~ulpaa~oJd UOl=lRUUlapuo~ a~Rl~lul P1noqs A~lJ aq~ pa~R~S pUR--PROJ11Rtl R~SR1V aq~ Aq Jaq~o aq~ pUR a~JO~ J1V aq~ Aq pau~o auo--(U01~lPPV 1RJapa~ '€ ~~01H 'z pUR 1 s~ol) s~aaJ~S V pUR PJlql JO JaUJO~ ~sa~q=lnOS aq~ UO sasnoq pa~RPTdRT1P O~=l aq~ UO pa~uaUlUlO~ JaJlal 'V : NOIlI Qcrv l~IIQII~ :NOISSilJSIQ NOISSIWWOJ 'XI Raqs pUR saAa~ SUlR1TT1M auoN pUR ~uOJ11M 'auJoql 'uos10 'ualJH.O 'Aa1nRJ~W 'JaJTa1 :U1R~sqV :saoN :saAV :UOlsS1UlUlOJ ~uluURTd AJOS1APV pJR~as aq~ JO uOlsl~ap aq~ pUR ~~RJ JO S~U1PU1J aq~ SR palJl~Ja~ aq '8L6T '6 =lsn~nv pa~Rp '~TUlJad asn TRuol~lpuo~ R JOJ JaT11W 'II UaJRQ JO U01~R~lTddR aq=l JO Ja~=lRUl aq~ Ul UOlsl~aQ JO UlnpURJOUlaw aq~ ~Rq~ S~01TOJ SR palJJR~ pUR SUlRT1T1M Aq (P.~UOJ) :IIIISNMOl lVNIOItlO (P.~UOJ) :SltlOdlItl tllIOVNVW XII;) 'IlIA 1 IIWillOA SL61 '11 tllIHOlJO - ONIIIIIIW ~ilOlItl 9n IIOVd 911 ~ .' ~ .-.-- 117 PAGE 117 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 13, 1978 VOLUME 1 1. CALL TO. ORDER: The December 13, 1978, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Chairman Leirer. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners O'Brien, Olson, Wilfong, Williams and Keyes (Absent, with Com- mission consent, were Shea and Thorne; also absent was McCauley) Present also: City Manager Johnson, Borough Senior Planner Ottesen, Admin. Asst. Schaefermeyer and City Clerk-Treasurer Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the October 11, 1978, meeting minutes as presented. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Public Relations Ad Hoc Committee meeting minutes of October 21, November 14 and 21, 1978, were noted for information and filed. B. Alaska State Housing Authority's October 30, 1978, letter and Invitation for Development Proposals for the Seward Senior Citizens housing project was noted for information and filed. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: LaC ORGS/ MARATHON ADDN: A. Public hearing was opened on the request as filed by the City of Seward to rezone Lots 4, 5, 11 and 12, Marathon Addition, from One Family Residential District (R-l) to Multi-family Residential District (R-3) and the following items were noted: "Revised Public Notice - Seward Phoenix Log" noticing of public hearing before the Seward Commission on December 13, as published two times in the local newspaper and mailed to surrounding property owners as required by ordinance Vicinity map of the area to be rezoned September 7, 1978, letter from City Manager Johnson to Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Director Waring, requesting the commencement of rezoning procedures as authorized by the Ci ty Council Minute order of the Seward City Council meeting of August 28, 1978, at which time Council authorized the City Manager to pro- ceed with the rezoning of the subject lots "~JaJJa 1~~uaID1J~ap ap1~ -q~noJOa ~ aA~q Plno~ ~U1uozaJ pasodoJd aq~ ssalun U01SS1IDIDOJ ~u1uu~ld I~Jol ~ JO u01s1Jap ~ ~U1UJn~JaAO pU~ ~u1~a1AaJ IDOJJ U01SS1IDIDOJ ~U1uu~ld q~noJOa aq~ ~1ID11 Plno~ 'paAoJdd~ J1 'qJ1q~ aJu~u1pJO ~U1UOZ aq~ o~ SU01~~J1J1pOID ~U1~J~JP SB~ aq pa~~~s aH .SJ1BJJV IBu01~a~ pu~ A~1UnIDIDOJ JO ~uaID~J~daa a~~~s '~U1uu~ld A~1unIDIDOJ JO U01S1A1a aq~ Aq pa~nq1J~S1P S~ ~alqdIDBd lIsa1~11Bd1J -1unW B}].sBIV JO sJa~od ~U1UU~ldll pUB '~U~OPI0S U1 Z JaqIDaJaa PIal[ doqs}].Jo~ U01~BJ~S1U1IDpB ~u1uOZ aq~ JO sa~nU1ID aq~ pa~nq1J~S1P uasa~~o "V :S~~Oda~ ~a~VNVW X~lJ "IrA "ID~J~OJd ~U1snoq aq~ JOJ alq1~11a aq Plno~ oq~ SJo1uas I~Jol OV aJa~ aJaq~ ~Bq~ pau1IDJa~ap uaaq pBq ~1 pUB pa~JnpuoJ uaaq p~q AaAJnS B pa~B~S UOS~Jaqo~ 'aqBJJW qoa IDOJJ uOT~sanb ~ O~ Ja~SUB Ul .U01~1PPV UOq~~JBW aq~ U1 pa~JnJ~suoJ aq O~ ~JarOJd ~U1snoq J01uas ~1un-Or pasodoJd aq~ UO a}].ods pu~ aJua1pnB aq~ IDOJJ paJ~addB 'A~1Joq~nv ~U1snoH a~~~s ~}].s~IV ~U1~UasaJdaJ 'UOS~Jaqo~ s1no~ "V :NClssnJSla .SNaZl~lJ " 1A aUJoq~ pu~ Baqs 'Aaln~JJW ua1Ja,O SIDB1111M pUB ~UOJI1M 'uosI0 'JaJ1a~ 'saAa~ : ~uasqv :saON :saAV :~saJa~u1 J11qnd aq~ U1 aq Plno~ pu~ 'saJ1AJaS pUB sa1~111J~J J11qnd ~U1~s1xa aq~ x~~ AlaA1ssaJxa ~OU Plno~ '~U1UOZ ~ods a~n~1~suoJ ~OU Plno~ '~aJ~ aq~ U1 sasn PUBl Jaq~o aq~ q~1~ alq1~~dIDoJ aq Plno~ ~U1UOZ r-~ aq~ ~~q~ aJB ~U1uozaJ aq~ JO I~AOJdd~ JOJ SUos~aJ aq~ ~auoz [_~ O~ 'UOT~1PPV uoq~~J~W '[ ~O~ JO U01~1PpB q~1~ 'ZI pUB 11 's 'v s~o~ JO ~u1uozaJ aq~ ~U~J~ o~ s~olloJ s~ pa1JJ~J pUB saAa~ Aq papuoJas '~UOJI1M Aq paAOID s~~ ~1 'u01ssnJs1P ~U1~OI10d .pasolJ s~~ ~U1JBaq J11qnd aq~ pu~ pJBaq aq O~ JapJO U1 aJua1pnB aq~ IDOJJ paJ~addB aSIa auo ON .s~1un 8 Ala~BID -1XOJdd~ JO xaldIDoJ ~U1snoq BO~ paJnpaJ s~1un or JOJ l~sodoJd aq~ aas o~ a}]'11 Plno~ aq l~sodoJd aq~ ~SU1B~B Al~uaIDaqaA ~OU s~~ aq q~noq~l~ ~Bq~ pa~B~s aH "~aJB aq~ U1 ~U1P~OJJJaAO U1 ~lnsaJ Plno~ laJJ~d pasodoJd aq~ uo S~1un o[ ~~q~ UJaJuoJ paJ10A pu~ aJua1pnB aq~ IDOJJ paJBadd~ 'A~1u1J1A aq~ U1 Jau~o A~JadoJd 'aqBJJW qoa "~J1J~S1a J11qnd o~ pauozaJ aq o~ pa~sanbaJ Al~uanbas -qns JO aID1~ s1q~ ~~ papnlJu1 aq oSI~ [1 ~o~ ~~q~ pUB U01~BJ11ddB aq~ O~ [ ~O~ JO U01~1PpB aq~ q~1~ ~sanbaJ ~U1uozaJ aq~ aAoJdd~ U01ss1IDIDOJ aq~ ~Bq~ U01~BpuaIDIDOJaJ s,JJ~~s q~nOJOa aq~ pa~~1IDqns aH "J1U11J ,SJO~JOp pUB aIDoq ~U1sJnu 'IB~1dsoq aq~ .a.1 'sasn PU~1 ~uaJ~rp~ aq~ q~1~ alq1~BdIDoJ aq Plno~ ~J1J~S1P r-~ UB O~ s~OI aq~ JO ~U1uozaJ ~~q~ pa~B~s aH .8L61 '[1 JaqmaJaa paA1aJaJ ~Joda~ JJB~S q~noJOa aq~ uo a}].ods pUB pa~nq1J~s1P uasa~~o "A~1Joq~nv ~u1snOH a~~~s ~}].sBIV aq~ Aq pa~JnJ~suoJ aq O~ ~JarOJd ~u1snoq J01uas aq~ JO a~1s pasodoJd aq~ SB~ paUozaJ aq O~ pa~sanbaJ A~JadoJd aq~ ~~q~ pa~ou s~~ ~l ~u1uozaJ pasod -oJd aq~ o~ ~U1~Jarqo 'uo1~1PPV UOq~~JBW '01 ~o~ JO SJau~o 'a~14M ~uB1a pUB ~Jaqo~ IDOJJ '8L61 'OS JaqIDaAoN paA1aJaJ Ja~~a~ (P,~UOJ) :Naav NOH~~VW /S~~O JO~ (PI~UOJ) :S~Nl~VaH Jl~and "A 1 awn~oA 8L61 '[1 ~aawaJaa - ~Nl~aaW ~v~n~a~ 811 a~Vd 3Hl 119 PAGE 119 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 13, 1978 VOLUME 1 VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (cont'd) B. Ottesen stated he was drafting amendments to the City zoning ordinance regarding nonconforming lots and limited land uses. He further stated there appeared to be a problem in the zoning ordinance regarding the location of churches in that they were only allowed with a conditional use permit in R-2, R-3 and LC Districts and not permitted outright in any district. He stated that there were many churches located within the City which were now considered nonconforming uses and, although the use could be continued as long as the structure stood, the churches could not be expanded or rebuilt. Leirer, with Commission consent, requested that discussion of location of churches be scheduled for the next Commission meeting. C. Ottesen spoke on the City of Seward Comprehensive Plan as prepared in 1968 by the Alaska State Housing Authority and adopted by the Borough Assembly in 1974. He stated the Plan was not in concert with the current zoning ordinance and that the Borough had allocated $15,000 for the employment of a consultant to update the Plan, specifically the land use provisions. VIII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. In answer to a question from O'Brien, Ottesen stated that any zoning map revisions should be held in abeyance until after the Comprehensive Plan had been revised. B. In answer to a question from O'Brien, City Manager and Ottesen commented that the issuance of conditional use permits pursuant to the present zoning ordinance was legally questionable depending on whether the courts ruled that the Comprehensive Plan or the zoning ordinance took precedence. C. In answer to a question from O'Brien, Admin. Asst. spoke and answered questions on the municipal land selection nominations as made by the City in the Fourth of July Creek area. D. In answer to a question from Williams, City Manager spoke on the recent action of the Seward City Council, sitting as a Board of Adjustment, in overturning the Borough Planning Commission's denial of a conditional use permit to Daren E. Miller for construction of a l6-unit apartment complex on Lots 26-30, Block 22, Original Townsite. IX. ADJOURNMENT: 1'(l....."....,'-..,..O'i...\..,)::;c.. Th.~<mee.ting..W5.S adjourned at 8:47 p.m. " \.' ..-' 0,:,:;:., , . '~~ / ~// #vr~ ~;~~ Herman Leirer Chairman