HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 Planning & Zoning Minutes
PAGE 121
ADDN: (cont'd)
Lane, Knorr, Plunkett letter of November 28, 1978,
submitting application for conditional use permit,
including schematic plot plan
Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Ottesen's
memorandum dated January 3, 1979, submitting
facts of the application, analysis and staff
Lewis Robertson, Director, Housing Development and Construction, Alaska State
Housing Authority (ASHA), and Mike Plunkett, ASHA inspecting architect, appeared
from the audience, posted dimensioned plans of the proposed construction, and
spoke and answered questions on the planned 3-story, 34 foot building to be
located on resubdivided Lot 4A, containing approximately one acre. Robertson
commented that most activity from the complex would occur on the east side
of the building, therefore, should not cause a disturbance to surrounding
property owners. He stated there were adequate City utilities to service the
complex and that the site was the most feasible location for the housing
complex due to its proximity to the doctors' clinic, hospital, nursing home
and downtown shopping area. Further, he stated the proposed complex was in
harmony with the community plan. He stated that the structure would have an
approximate value of $1.7 million and most construction would take place on-
site, thereby creating a signjf:kant local job market. Plunkett stated parking
would be made available for 38 cars, the complex would have a sprinkler system
for fire protection, would contain a social area with kitchen, telescoping
hydraulic elevator, enameled steel roof, and that the 30 one-bedroom units
would each be approximately 550 square feet.
Bob McCabe, property owner on the south side of Jefferson Street,
appeared from the audience and spoke against the proposed 30-unit complex,
stating he would be less opposed to a 20 uni4 2-story structure with other
than a metal roof. He requested that ASHA submit a scale model of the proposed
construction which would also contain the surrounding homes in order to give
the property owners abutting the proposed development a better concept of the
Revelle Roach, Chairman of the Seward Senior Citizens, appeared and
spoke in favor of the construction, stating that a survey had been conducted
and it had been determined that there was a need for 30 units of elderly
housing. He commented that Seward was the home of 231 senior citizens, the
highest density of seniors in the State.
Bob White, Lot 10, Marathon Addition, appeared and spoke against
the construction, stating his lot was located to the west of the proposed
housing and the 3-story structure would block his view of the Bay and, thus,
have an adverse affect on his property value. Ottesen distributed pictures
which had been taken from Mr. White's lot, showing the abundance of vegeta-
tion east of White's property. He contended that the construction project
would not block White's view of the Bay because the presence of the vegetation
already effectively blocked any possible view. White stated he had not been
notified of this evening's public hearing. Admin. Asst. replied that a certi-
fied notice had been mailed to him at a Seward address as listed on the
,gu1uoza~ E-~ aq~ JO 1BAO~ddB o~ ~Ja~qns aq ~1lliQad asn 1BU01~1pUOJ aq~ ~Bq~ pUB
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aq~ 'U01U1do sIAaU~O~~V qgno~og aq~ q~1~ aJUBp~OJJB U1--
~pa~1Bdill1 aq ~OU 111~ A~~ado~d ~UaJB~pB aq~ JO an1BA aq~--
~~J1~~S1P A11illBJ-1~1nill A~1suap qg1q B 'A1aillBU
'auoz aq~ JO sasod~nd aq~ q~1~ ~ua~s1suoJ S1 U01~BJ11ddB aq~--
:gu1~0110J aq~ uodn pasBq 'uo1~1PPV UOq~B~BW
Z1 pUB 11 '~ '~ s~o~ uo xa1dilloJ gU1snoq A1~ap1a ~1un OE B JO u01~Jn~~suoJ ~oJ
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au~oql Aq papuoJas 'saAa~ Aq paAOill SB~ ~1 'uo1ssnJs1P gU1~o110d
's~1un ~Z-OZ q~1~ gU1P11nq A~O~S-Z B O~ ~Ja~o~d aq~ ~op a1BJs O~ aill1~ s1q~ ~B
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O~ anp '~Ja~o~d aq~ JO a~n~nJ aq~ O~ 1B~uaill1~~ap aq P1no~ ~1 pa~B~s uos~~aqo~
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aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o U1 aJua1pnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB aS1a auo ON
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pa~B~s aH 'silla1qo~d J1JJB~~ pa~Bd1J1~UB pUB s~a1A gU1~J01q uodn pasBq a~a~
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u01~Jn~~suoJ pasodo~d aq~ uo P1aq pBq p~BOg aq~ suo1ssnJs1P aq~ 11B u1 pa~B~s pUB
pa~BaddB 'p~BOg ailloH gU1s~nN uBAa1sa~ aq~ JO uBill~1Bq~ 'uos~~aq1V ua1B~
's~1un aq~ AdnJJo P1noJ suaz1~1J
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s~1un aq~ ~Bq~ '~aq~~nJ 'pUB 1aJ~Bd a~JB aq~ uo s~1un JO U01~B~~uaJuoJ qg1q
aq~ JO ~Bq~ SB~ u~aJuoJ U1Bill ~aq pa~B~s pUB pa~BaddB aqB~JW auuBOr
'pa~o11B SB~ xa1dillOJ A~1suap ~aqg1q B 'snq~ 'pUB UB1d aA1suaqa~dillo~
aq~ papuaillB ~JaJJa u1 'uB1d aA1suaqa~dillo~ aq~ ~a~JB pa~JBua 'aJuBu1P~O
gU1uoz aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~s qJ1q~ Aau~o~~v qgno~og aq~ Aq ~op papuBq uaaq
pBq U01u1do ua~~1~~ B ~Bq~ pa~B~s uasa~~o 'asuodsa~ ul 'pa~Jn~~suoJ aq P1noJ
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aq~ 11B a~ns a~Bill o~ pa~uB~ ~nq ~Ja~o~d u01~Jn~~suoJ aq~ ~SU1BgB gU1~Bads
~OU SB~ aq ~Bq~ pa~B~s pUB pa~BaddB 'anuaAV q~9 L1v 'S1~a~ UO~
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:s~Nl~vaH ~ngnd
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ZZT a~Vd
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PAGE 123
B. Public hearing was opened on Seward Chapel's request for contract
zoning from R-l to R-3 District in order to expand the existing church and con-
struct a school on Lots RR, GG and SS, Forest Acres Subdivision, and the follow-
ing items were noted:
"Public Notice - Seward Phoenix Log" noticing of
public hearing scheduled before the Planning and
Zoning Commission on January 10, 1979, published
two times in the local newspaper and mailed to
surrounding property owners
Vicinity maps of Lots RR, GG, and SS, Forest Acres
Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Ottesen's
memorandum dated January 3, 1979, analyzing appli-
cation, surrounding land uses and submitting
staff recommendation
Seward Chapel's application for contract zoning
dated November 10, 1978
The following items were distributed to the Commissioners:
Seward Chapel's Articles of Incorporation dated
March 11, 1976
Dimensioned plans of additional proposed
structures including private school and
assembly hall (posted for viewing)
A portion of the Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting minutes of September 10, 1975, at which
time Seward Chapel was granted permission to
place a temporary trailer on subject Lots GG and RR
A portion of the Seward City Council meeting
minutes of September 22, 1975, at which time the
Council moved to allow the temporary quarters
but specified that construction of a school on
the property was not allowed
A portion of the Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting minutes of April 14, 1976, at which time
a building permit was approved for Seward Chapel
to construct a church but it was specified that
a school would not be allowed
Paul Pichotta, Pastor and President of Seward Chapel, appeared from
the audience and spoke in support of and answered questions on the plans for
construction of an addition to the church and new construction of a Christian
school on the parcel of land containing 2.6 acres. He submitted two petitions
to the Commission: one bearing 30 signatures of individuals in favor of
Seward Chapel's proposed contract zoning and a second bearing 15 signatures of
individuals not opposed to the proposed contract zoning. Pichotta explained
'A~JadoJd A~lJ UO AB~-JO-~q~lJ
~aaJ~S aq~ ul uOl~JnJ~suoJ qJns ~oTTB o~ ~UB~ ~OU P1P uOlsslWilloJ aq~ ~Bq~
snsuasuoJ aq~ SB~ ~I 'uol~JnJ~suoJ qJns ~Ul~OTTB uo U01Uldos,JaU01SslillillOJ
aq~ JOJ pa~SB pUB 'AB~-JO-~q~lJ ~aaJ~S aq~ O~Ul ~no aU1T A~JadoJd aq~ illOJJ
papua~xa aJn~JnJ~S aq~ pa~B~s aH 's~aaJ~S aOJuow pUB uoslpBW uaa~~aq anuaAV
q~L uo ~lillJad ~ulPTlnq B ~noq~l~ pa~Bl~lul uaaq pBq qJlq~ sda~s pUB qJJod
B JO uOl~JnJ~suoJ ~ul~oqs UBTd ~oTd B pa~nqlJ~slP Ja~BUBW A~lJ 'v
:Sl~Oda~ ~a~vNVW X1IJ
's~aaJ~S TB1Ja~JB pUB TBU1~JBill
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aq~ illOJJ paJBaddB 'JOAaAJns pUB~ paJa~Sl~a~ 'SJaillillns ~Jaqo~ 'v
'(6L6T '~T AJBnJqa&) ~ul~aaill ~xau aq~ Tl~un paTqB~ aq ~Ja~qns aq~ ~Bq~
~uasaJd asoq~ TTB Aq palJJBJ ATsnoillluBun pUB aUJoql Aq papuoJas 'JaJla~
Aq paAoill SB~ ~l 'uolssnJslP ~Ul~oTTo& '~uluOZ ~JBJ~UOJ JOJ ~sanbaJ auo
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's~uaillaJlnbaJ ~Ul~JBd aq~ ~aaill PTno~ TadBqJ aq~ paillJ1JUOJ B~~oqJld
'aJuBUlpJO ~U1UOZ aq~ O~ ~uBnsJnd s~uaillaJlnbaJ ~Ul~JBd aq~ ~Ul~aaill JOJ aJBds
a~BnbapB SB~ aJaq~ Jl aUlillJa~ap O~ JapJO Ul ~sanbaJ aq~ JO TBAOJddB O~ J01Jd
'TTBq ATqillassB aq~ JO A~lJBdBJ ~ul~Bas aq~ O~ aAl~BTaJ ATTBJ1J1Jads 'U01~
-BillJOJUl aJOill papaau UOlsslillillOJ aq~ pa~B~s ~UOJT1~ 'pasoTJ SB~ ~U1JBaq J1Tqnd
aq~ pUB pJBaq aq O~ JapJO Ul aJualpnB aq~ illOJJ paJBaddB aSTa auo ON
'A~lunWillOJ aq~ o~ ~aSSB UB aq PTno~ TooqJS
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~ul~B~S '8U1UOZ ~JBJ~UOJ pa~sanbaJ aq~ JO ~Joddns ul a~ods pUB aJualpnB aq~
illOJJ paJBaddB 'U01~B1JossV TB1Ja~slulW pJB~as aq~ JO uBillJleqJ pUB Ja~slulill
~slpoq~aw 'qJBO~ aTTaAa~ pUB 'TadBqJ pJB~as aq~ JO SJaqillaill TTB 'uosJapuv
~TB~ pUB uapoN ~JBW 'a~~anbBd TnBd 's~aJpUV uOf 'uasana UBA Aa~l~
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o~ pa~uB~ SJa~o A~JadoJd aq~ ~Bq~ 8ul~B~s '8uluOZ ~JBJ~UOJ aq~ ~sulB8B a~ods
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JO s~uaplsaJ TTB '(~aaJ~S illTa) uasillBqBJqV AJUaH pUB aqBJJW auuBof '('PATH
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s8ulPTlnq ~au aq4 pa4B4s aq 'J1JJBJ~ 8U1PJB8a~ 'asn 8UlillJOJUOJUOU B ~OU SB~
qJJnqJ aq~ aJuBU1PJO 8U1UOZ ~au aq~ Ul sa8uBqJ O~ anp 'JaAa~oq ~~J1J~SlP T-~
B Ul asn 8UlillJOJUOJ B uaaq pBq 'pa~JnJ~suoJ ATTB1~lUl uaq~ 'qJJnqJ aq4 ~Bq~
:s~NI~aH JI~Hnd
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PAGE 125
A. Final plat for the resubdivision of Lot 00, Forest Acres
Subdivision, was noted. City Manager distributed and read in full staff
report dated January 10, 1979, setting forth the Borough Plat Committee and
City staff recommendations for approval of the plat, subject to various
stipulations. Robert Summers, engineer and registered land surveyor, appeared
from the audience and spoke against the Borough and City recommendation for an
additional street right-of-way dedication and the City recommendation that the
plat approval be contingent upon an agreement whereby the applicant would
provide City water to the six lots. He referred to a portion of the Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting minutes of May 12, 1976, at which time the
Commission determined that Spruce Street should have a width of 50 feet.
Following discussion, it was moved by Thorne, seconded by Keyes
and unanimously carried by all those present to approve the replat, subject
to the staff recommendations, with an additional note to be added to the
plat regarding the flood plain as set forth in "Flood Plain Information -
Resurrection River and Salmon Creek; Seward, Alaska" dated June 1975 and
prepared by the Alaska District, Army Corps of Engineers.
B. City Manager reported that under the new zoning ordinance
churches were no longer allowed in R-l Districts; therefore, many churches
which had been allowed to be constructed under the old zoning ordinance were
now nonconforming structures. He suggested the Commission consider an
amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow churches in the R-l District.
Mccauley stated he thought the Commission had purposefully omitted churches
from the R-l zone because of the lack of adequate parking spaces. City
Manager stated that churches would still have to meet the parking requirements
as contained in the zoning ordinance. Leirer, with Commission consent, sched-
uled the matter for further discussion at the meeting of February 14.
C. Leirer asked to be excused from the February 14, 1979,
Commission meeting.
D. In answer to an inquiry from Leirer, Admin. Asst. gave a report
on the two vacant houses on Third Avenue owned by the Army and Alaska
Railroad. He stated the Alaska Railroad house had been placed in the BLM
land selection pool and it appeared that the property would be selected by
a native corporation.
E. City Manager reported that the Council had authorized him to
draft an amendment to the current trailer ordinance to include a provision
for short-term camper vehicles and the draft ordinance would be presented
to the Commission prior to Council action.
F. Leirer reminded the Commissioners of the meeting scheduled
for Monday evening, January 15, 1979, at the elementary school regarding
Kenai area land management study and urged the Commissioners to attend.
G. Admin. Asst. gave a report on the Two Lakes Subdivision. In
answer to a question, Ottesen stated it was his opinion that Two Lakes
was an invalid subdivision because all the property owners did not sign the
resubdivision petition.
"pa~uasa~d SR sa~nulm ~ul~aam ~RTn~a~
'6L6T 'OT A~RnuRf aq~ paAo~ddR '~uasuoJ uOlsslillilloJ q~l~ 'ual~g,o
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"Z86T A~Rn~qaa Ul gUl~ldxa 's~RaA aa~q~ ~oJ UR~ sm~a~
~laq~ pa~ou SR~ ~I "~~aTJ A~lJ aq~ Aq pa~a~slulmpR SR aJ1JJo JO q~RO aq~
~OO~ uosTO puomAR~ pUR saAa~ TaluRG s~auolsslillillOJ pa~uloddRa~
:~NINOZ >g
AaTuRqs ~a~nsRa~l
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smR1TT1M pUR gUOJT1M 'au~oq1 'UOSTO 'AaTnRJJW~
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:11VJ 110~
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T 3Wfi10A
6L6T 'OT X~VfiNVf - ~NI133W EV1fi~3~
9ZT 3~Vd
PAGE 127
A. Kenai Peninsula Borough Plat Committee meeting minutes of January
8, 1979, at which time the resubdivision of Lot 00, Forest Acres Subdivision,
and the vacation plat of Lot 4A, Marathon Addition, were conditionally approved,
were noted for the Commissioners information and filed.
No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard.
A. Acting City Manager posted a copy of the map showing the proposed
Master Plan for the development of the 7th Avenue/Ballaine Boulevard greenbelt
area, extending from Railway Avenue north to and including the uplands of the
Small Boat Harbor area. He explained the Master Plan had been prepared by the
engineering firm of CH2M Hill pursuant to the City's receipt of a Coastal
Energy Impact Program grant. Further, he stated a public hearing on the pro-
posed Plan was tentatively scheduled for the City Council meeting of Monday,
March 12, 1979.
A. The following items were noted relative to Seward Chapel's request
for contract zoning of Lots RR, GG and SS, Forest Acres Subdivision, in order
to expand the church and construct a school:
Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Ottesen's
memorandum dated January 24, 1979, setting forth
findings to be made by the Commission, pursuant
to the zoning ordinance, prior to approval of the
requested rezoning, and giving staff recommenda-
Old Church Antique and Thrift Shop letter signed
by Willard Dunham, dated January 12, 1979,
voicing objection to the proposed contract
January 10, 1979, letter from Valerie and Casey
Danahy, objecting to the proposed subject re-
That portion of the Seward Advisory Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting minutes of January
10, 1979, at which time a public hearing was held
on the requested contract zoning
Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Ottesen's
memorandum dated January 3, 1979, analyzing
Seward Chapel's application, surrounding land
uses and submitting staff recommendation
~aTnb pue leInI aq~ o~ Ia~JeIeqJ uT IelTrnTssTP aq Plno~ qJTq~ uOT~sa~uoJ pue
A~TAT~Je 'asTou JO eaIe ue aJnpoI~uT Plno~ ~T ~eq~ ~JeJ aq~ o~ anp 100qJS
pasodoId aq~ ~suTe~e a~OA O~ aAeq Plno~ aq pa~e~s uaTIH.O
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leuoT~n~T~suoJ ITaq~ se~ ~T ~eq~ pue alqeIudasuT aIa~ 100qJS pue qJInqJ ~eq~
~laJ sIauoTqsTIed sTq pue aq pa~e~s aH 'uoT~e~TpaIJJe a~e~s ~aas ~ou Plno~
100qJS aq~ Aq~ uo pa~uaillillOJ pue 100qJS ueT~sTIqJ e JO uOT~TuTJap e aAe2 pue
aJuaTpne aq~ rnoIJ paIeadde 'aATIa uoq~eIew EOZ 'e~~oqJTd Ined
'~TrnIad Aq auoz (~~) leT~uapTsa~ leIn~ aq~ uT saqJInqJ ~olle
o~ aJueuTpIo ~uTUOZ aq~ puarne o~ 'qJInqJ aq~ IOJ ~UTUOZ ~JeI~UOJ e aAoIdde o~
ueq~ Iaq~eI 'pue 100qJS pasodoId aq~ Auap O~ ~nq qJInqJ aq~ JO uOTsuedxa ~olle
o~ uOTssTillillOJ aq~ IOJ uOT~epuaillillOJaI sTq 2UTpnlJuT '6L61 'EZ AIenuef pa~ep
rnnpueIornarn sTq uo a~ods uasa~~o Iauueld q~noIoH elnsuTuad Teua~
'dern aq~ o~ paqJe~~e se~ saIJV ~saIOa uT ~uTuozaI Aue O~ pasoddo aIa~ oq~ eaIe
aq~ uT ~uTPTsaI slenpTATpuT JO saIn~eu~Ts LZ ~uTIeaq uOT~T~ad e ~saIJV ~saIOa
uT ~UTUOZ ~JeI~UOJ Aue ~suTe2e aIa~ oq~ s~uapTsaI Aq pau~o S~OI pue s~ol ~ueJeA
pa~eu~Tsap qJTq~ saIJV ~saIOa JO dern A~TuTJTA e pa~nqTI~sTP aUIoqL IauoTssTillillOJ
s~OT ~Ja~qns
aq~ uo IalTeI~ AIeIodrna~ e aJeTd o~ uOTssTrnIad
pa~ueI~ se~ TadeqJ pIe~as arnT~ qJTq~ ~e '~L6T '01
Iaqrna~das JO sa~nuTrn 2uT~aarn UOTsSTillillOJ ~UTuoZ
pue ~uTuueld AIOSTAPV pIe~as aq~ JO UOT~IOd V
aq ~ou Plno~ 100qJS e JO UOT~JnI~SUOJ ~eq~
paTJTJads ~nq laJIed ~Ja~qns aq~ uo paJeld aq o~
sIa~Ienb AIeIodrna~ ~olTe o~ paAorn TTJunoJ aq~
arnT~ qJTq~ ~e '~L61 'zz Iaqrna~das JO sa~nuTrn
8uT~aarn ITJunOJ A~TJ pIe~as aq~ JO UOT~IOd V
pa~olle aq ~ou Plno~ TooqJS e ~eq~
paTJTJads se~ ~T ~nq qJInqJ e ~JnI~SUOJ
o~ TadeqJ pIe~as IOJ paAoIdde se~ ~TillIad
2uTPITnq e arnT~ qJTq~ ~e '9L61 '~T ITIdV
JO sa~nuTrn ~uT~aarn UOTsSTillillOJ 2uTuoZ pue
2UTuueld AIOSTAPV pIe~as aq~ JO UOT~IOd V
9L61 'IT qJIew pa~ep
uOT~eIodIoJUI JO salJT~IV s.ladeqJ pIe~as
8L61 'aT IaqrnaAoN pa~ep 2UTUOZ
~JeI~uOJ IOJ uOT~eJTTdde s.ladeqJ pIe~as
2uTuozaI pasodOId aq~
o~ pasoddo ~ou slenpTATpuT JO saIn~eu~Ts
~1 ~uTIeaq uOT~T~ad '8L61 'ZI IaqrnaJaa
2uTuozaI pa~sanbaI
aq~ JO IOAeJ uT slenpTATpuT JO saIn~eu~Ts
OE ~uTIeaq uOT~T~ad '8L61 'ZI IaqrnaJaa
T awn10A
6L61 '~1 X~Vfi~Haa - BNILaaW ~V1ilBa~
8Z1 aBVd
PAGE 129
nature of the neighborhood; the private school would be in operation on a week-
long basis thereby causing congestion on neighborhood streets during many days
of the year; and, the presence of a private school within an area zoned as Rural
Residential (RR) was contrary to the purpose of the district which was intended
to provide for a low density living environment for single family homes.
Following discussion, it was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Wilfong
but did not carry as follows to approve the application of Seward Chapel for
contract rezoning on Lots RR, GG and SS, Forest Acres Subdivision, from Rural
Residential (RR) to Multi-family (R-3) district with regard to the provisions
of a private school:
Keyes, McCauley, O'Brien, Olson and Wilfong
Leirer and Shea
Thorne and Williams
It was noted that Thorne and Williams abstained from voting due to the fact
that they owned property in the Forest Acres Subdivision.
It was moved by O'Brien, seconded by Wilfong and unanimously
carried by all those present that the application by Seward Chapel for a contract
rezone of Lots RR, GG and SS, Forest Acres Subdivision, from Rural Residential
(RR) to Multi-family (R-3) be tabled with regard to the provision of a church
until such time as the Commission considered agenda item "D" on the evening's
agenda; further, if the Commission determined it beneficial to amend the zoning
code to allow church uses in residential zones the matter would remain tabled
until such time as it is ultimately resolved by action of the Borough Assembly.
O'Brien stated the motion was not intended to prejudice the application by
Seward Chapel but was meant to allow the Commission the opportunity to resolve
the dilemma of church uses in residential zones on a City-wide basis rather
than piecemeal.
B. Acting City Manager, with Commission consent, requested that
discussion of the draft trailer ordinance be continued to the March 14,
1979, Commission meeting.
FOREST ACRES: C. The proposed Final Plat of the resubdivision of Lot J, Forest
Acres Subdivision (Velma Subdivision) was presented for Commission action.
Acting City Manager stated that pursuant to the City's subdivision ordinance
the administration recommended approval of the plat be subject to the subdivider
providing City water to the lots with a minimum of a 6 inch ductile iron pipe.
Following Commission discussion, it was moved by Keyes, seconded by McCauley
and carried as follows to approve the Final Plat of the resubdivision of Lot
J, Forest Acres Subdivision, with the condition that the subdivider provide
an adequate water supply to the property based upon the recommendations of the
City administration:
Keyes, McCauley, O'Brien, Olson and Wilfong
Leirer and Shea
Thorne and Williams
It was noted that Thorne and Williams abstained due to the fact that Williams
was the subdivider and Thorne his employee.
'~OE'SL'TZ uOl~~as 2ulP~B2a~ mnpUB~Omam sluasa~~o ul pa~B~S SB ~uam
-pUalliB a~uBulP~o 2ulUOZ B ~aplsuo~ o~ ~ap~o ul 2ul~aam uOlsslllillioJ ~xau aq~ ~oJ
paTnpaq~s aq 2ul~Baq ~lTqnd B ~Bq~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTB Aq pal~~B~ ATSnOmlUBun
pUB au~oq~ Aq papuo~as 'AaTnBJ~W Aq paAOm SB~ ~1 'U01SSn~slP uOlsslmmoJ 2Ul
-~OTTOd 'aTqB1Jl~Sn~ punoJ Jl pOl~ad aml~ q~uom X1S aq~ pua~xa O~ A~l~oq~nB aq~
U01SSlllilliOJ aq~ 2Ul~OTTB apBm aq ~uampUamB ~aq~~nJ B papUallilliO~a~ uasa~~o 'Ual~H.O
Aq U01~Sanb B 2Ul~OTTOd 's~lm~ad asn TBU01~lpUO~ ~OJ ~lmlT aml~ q~uom X1S B
qS1TqB~sa PTno~ ~uampUamB pasodo~d aq~ ~Bq~ pa~UallilliO~ uasa~~o
~OE'SL'TZ ';:las
'(J)OSZ'SL'TZ uOl~~as 2U1P~B2a~
mnpUB~Omam s.uasa~~o Ul pa~B~S SB ~uampUamB a~uBulP~O 2U1UOZ B ~aplsuo~ O~ ~ap~o
Ul 2Ul~aam U01SSlllilliOJ ~xau aq~ ~OJ paTnpaq~s aq 2ul~Baq ~lTqnd B ~Bq~ ~uasa~d
asoq~ TTB Aq pal~~B~ ATsnOmlUBUn pUB SaAa~ Aq papuo~as 'AaTnBJ~W Aq paAOm
SB~ ~1 'U01SSn~SlP 2Ul~OTTOd 'lIP~B~as JO A~lJ aq~ JO UBTd aAlsuaqa~dmoJ
pa~dOpB ATTnJ~BT aq~lI 2U1P~O~ aq~ 2Ul~~asUl Aq lIUBTd A~lUnmmo~lI aSB~qd aq~
AJ1~BT~ PTno~ ~uampUamB papUallilliO~a~ aq~ ~Bq~ paU1BTdxa uasa~~o
(J)OSZ'SL'TZ '~as
'OEZ'SL'TZ uOl~~as 2U1P~B2a~ mnpUB~Omam s.uasa~~o Ul pa~B~S SB ~uampUamB
a~uRulP~O 2U1UOZ R ~aplsuo~ O~ ~ap~o Ul 2Ul~aam U01SSlllilliOJ ~xau aq~ ~OJ paTnpaq~s
aq 2ul~Raq ~lTqnd R ~Rq~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTR Aq pal~~R~ ATsnOmlURun pUR au~oq~
Aq papuo~as 'AaTnRJ~W Aq paAOm SR~ ~1 'uolSSn~SlP U01SSlllilliOJ 2Ul~OTTOd 'S~OT
aTqRPTlnq ~OJ s~Uama~lnba~ ~OOJ a~Rnbs aq~ ~aam O~ ~ap~o Ul SUol~Bulqmo~ ~OT
aTdl~Tnm ~OJ ~OTTR PTno~ uOlslAa~ papUallilliO~a~ aq~ pa~R~S uasa~~o
UOT~RTn2a~ -- aZ1S -- S~OT 2Ulm~oJuO~-UON - OEZ'SL'TZ '~as
-pUamR a~uRulP~O 2U1UOZ papUallilliO~a~ aq~ paU1RTdxa uasa~~o 'pa~ou SR~ 'apoJ
2U1UOZ p~R~as aq~ O~ SuolslAa~ papuammo~a~ 2UTP~R2a~ '6L6T 'EZ A~BnURf JO
mnpUR~Omam s.uasa~~o ~auuRTd ~oluas q2no~oH RTnsuluad lRua~ '3
'6L6T '~T q~~RW JO 2ul
-~aam uOlsslllillioJ 2U1UOZ pUR 2U1UURTd ~xau aq~ ~OJ paTnpaq~s aq PTno~ s~uampUamR
a~uRulP~O 2U1UOZ aq~ UO 2ul~Raq ~TTqnd R ~Rq~ paU1RTdxa uasa~~o
'a~uRulP~O aq~ Ul ~OU a~R Aaq~ SR amRS aq~ pa~Ra~~ aq sasn
a~lA~as TR~aUnJ pUR sal~Rn~~om '~uampUamR slq~ Ul 'pUB ~sauoz Z-~ pUB T-~ '~~
aq~ Ul ~lm~ad Aq pUR sauoz ::JJ pUR '1J 'E-~ aq~ Ul ~q21~~no saq~~nq~ ~OTTR O~
~S~OT~Rd TR~aUnJ pUR sal~Rn~~om mO~J saq~~nq~ a~R~Rdas PTno~ q~lq~ a~uRulP~O
2U1UOZ A~lJ aq~ O~ ~uampUamR UR a~Bda~d O~ uasa~~o '~W ~~a~lP O~ ~uasa~d asoq~
TTR Aq pal~~R~ ATsnOmlURUn pUR SaAa~ Aq papuo~as '2uOJT1~ Aq paAOm SR~
~1 'uolSSn~SlP 2Ul~OTTOd '~lm~ad Aq sauoz TR1~uaplsa~ Ul saq~~nq~ ~OTTR
pUR aAl~~l~~sa~ ssaT aq PTno~ q~lq~~uampuamR a~uRulP~O 2U1UOZ R ~aplsuo~
U01SSlllilliOJ aq~ papUallilliO~a~ aH 'PTlnqa~ ~o pURdxa ~OU PTno~ s2ulPTlnq
aq~ ~nq anUl~UO;:l PTnO;:l asn aq~ ~Rq~ ~URam q;:llq~ 'sasn 2ulm~oJuO;:l-UOU
SR palJlsSRT;:l AT~ua~~n~ a~a~ q~Tq~ A~lJ aq~ ulq~l~ saq;:l~nq;:l S a~a~ a~aq~
pa~R~S uasa~~o 'pa~ou SR~ 'a;:lURU1P~O 2U1UOZ aq~ O~ ~uRns~nd 'p~R~as JO
A~TJ aq~ uTq~l~ saq;:l~nq;:l JO U01~R~OT aq~ 2UTP~R2a~ '6L6T 'OT A~RnuRf JO
mnpuR~omam s.uasa~~o ~auuRTd ~oTuas q2no~oH RTnsuluad lBua~ 'cr
T 3Wil'101\
6L6T '~T X~Vil~H3d - ::JNI~33W ~'1il::J3~
on 3::JVd
PAGE 131
P & Z:
(cont'd)Table 21.78.180
Ottesen stated that the proposed amendment would correct a
deficiency in the density formula for multiple unit construction. Following
discussion, it was moved by Wilfong, seconded by Keyes and unanimously carried
by all those present that Jeff Ottesen proceed with the proposed changes in
the ordinance concerning the square footage per number of units as stated in
Table 21.78.180 of the zoning ordinance.
Zoning Map
Ottesen reported that the new zoning code did not provide for
a CN zoning classification but, rather contained a similar classification
designated as a CL zone; the zoning map contained a CN zone. He recommended
that all property in the CN zone as designated on the map be reclassified to
the CL zone. Following discussion, it was moved by Keyes, seconded by McCauley
and unanimously carried by all those present to schedule a public hearing for
the next Commission meeting for the recommended change to the zoning map.
F. In answer to a question from O'Brien, Acting City Manager confirmed
that Seward Chapel could immediately apply for a conditional use permit and
proceed with the necessary public hearing and, if so granted, the permit could
be contingent upon the approval of the zoning ordinance amendment regarding
the zoning locations of churches. Ottesen commented on the legal distinguish-
ment between church activities and a school and stated some criteria would be
how many days it operated and if students were attending the "church" in lieu
of public school.
as adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Patrick O'Brien
Acting Chairman
PAGE 133
A dimensioned plot plan of Lot 3, Block 1,
Marina Subdivision, showing the proposed
expansion of the restaurant
Weeks stated that if he was to build he would like to stay within the
architectural lines of the existing building. He commented that Council
had recommended that the parking problem be solved by allowing the 78
required parking spaces to be located on Lot 5, Block 1. Questions arose
from the Commission regarding the 20 foot walkway between Lots 2 and 3.
Leirer, with Commission consent, stated that the walkway was needed for
hotel foot traffic. Following discussion, Leirer, with Commission consent,
scheduled the item for further discussion at the next Commission meeting.
P & Z
A. Public hearing was opened on various proposed Seward Municipal
District Zoning Ordinance amendments and the following items were noted:
"Public Notice - Seward Phoenix Log" noticing
of the March 14, 1979, public hearing before
the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission
"Proposed Amendments - Seward Zoning Ordinance -
Kenai Peninsula Borough - Title 21. 78," undated
Borough Planner Ottesen appeared and commented on each proposed amendment:
Sec. 21.78.030 (D) - Ottesen stated the proposed definition
would be necessary as a matter of clarification and was
directly related to the proposed amendment of Sec. 21.78.230.
Sec. 21.78.180 - Ottesen explained that the recommended
revision would change the density formula for multiple unit
Sec. 21.78.190 - Ottesen stated that the proposed revision
would allow churches in RR and R-l zones by approval of a
conditional use permit and would allow such use outright in
R-2 and R-3 zones.
Sec. 21.78.230 - Ottesen stated he recommended the reV1Slon
in order to allow property owners with two adjoining parcels
having an area of at least 4500 square feet to receive a
building permit without having to replat the parcels in order
to remove the interior lot line/so
Sec. 21.78.289 (C) - Ottesen stated that the recommended
revision would clarify the term "community plan".
Sec. 21.78.305 - Ottesen stated that the recommended reV1Slon
would provide a six month expiration date on conditional use
permits with the Planning and Zoning Commission having the
authority to grant extensions beyond that time frame.
U01SSllliillOJ aq~ illO~J a~uBl~BA B 8ul~sanba~
's~aaM .a sBT8noQ illO~J ~a~~aT '6L6T '~T q~~BW
:~alAa~ uOlssllliilloJ ~oJ silla~l 8Ul~oTTOJ aq~
pa~nql~~slP ~a8BUBW A~lJ .uolssllliilloJ 8U1UOZ pUB 8U1UUBTd aq~ illO~J a~uBl~BA
B ~aas O~ s~aaM paslAPB pBq Tl~unoJ aq~ pUB ZT q~~BW JO 8Ul~aaill Tl~unoJ A~lJ
aq~ ~B paSSa~ppB uaaq pBq ~a~~Bill aq~ pa~B~S ~a8BUBW A~lJ .UOlslAlpqns BU1~BW
'T ~~OTH '( ~Ol UO ~UB~nB~Sa~ UUI azaa~H aq~ JO UOlsuBdxa aq~ q~l~ paa~o~d O~
SUBTd slq uo a~ods pUB a~ualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB s~aaM sBT8noQ .V :HfiS VNI~VW
(~uasuo~ U01SSllliillOJ
q~l~ 'UB~lBqJ Aq ~ap~o JO ~no Ua~Bl)
. IlIA
auoN :aJNaGNOdS~~OJ
.ua~~l~~ SB '6L6T '~T A~Bn~qaa JO sa~nulill
8ul~aaill ~BTn8a~ aq~ paAo~ddB '~uasuo~ uOlssllliilloJ q~l~ '~a~lal
:salfiNIW ao lVAO~ddV
sillB1TT1M ~ 8uoJT1M 'au~oql 'uosTO 'AaTnBJ~W '~a~lal 'saAa~
: ~uasqv
:U01SSllliillOJ 8Uluoz
pUB 8U1UUBTd aq~ JO uBill~lBq~-o~ SB ual~H,o ~UloddB o~ s~oTToJ SB pal~~B~ pUB
SillB1TT1M Aq papuo~as 'AaTnBJ~W Aq paAoill SB~ ~I .a~uasqB s,~a~lal ul aA~as o~
pa~~aTa aq uB~lBq~-o~ B ~Bq~ pa~sa88ns ~a8BuBW A~lJ .uBill~lBq~ pa~BT~ap SB~
~a~lal pUB 8ulillo~q~~OJ a~a~ suol~BulilloU ~aq~o ou ~~a~lal pa~Bulillou AaTnBJ~W
.suol~BulilloU ~oJ ~ooTJ aq~ pauado ~a~lal .pa~ldxa pBq ~a~ ~BaA auo s.~a~lal
SB pa~uloddB aq o~ papaau uBill~lBq~ uOlssllliilloJ B ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~I :NSWOJ Z ~ d
: NV~IVHJ ao lNaWlNIOddV
. AI
.~~aTJ A~lJ 8Ul~~V aq~ Aq pa~a~sl
-ulillPB SB a~lJJo JO q~BO aq~ ~OO~ pUB pa~BaddB ~a~lal ~~a~ ~BaA aa~q~ B O~
~a~lal UBill~aH pa~UloddBa~ pBq Tl~unoJ A~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~I :NSWOJ Z ~ d
~apal ~a~nsBa~l
-~~aTJ A~lJ 8Ul~~V pUB uasa~~o ~auuBTd ~oluas
q8no~oH BTnsuluad lBua~ 'uosuqof ~a8BuBW A~lJ :OSTB ~uasa~d
(Baqs ~auolssllliilloJ SB~ ~uasqv)
SillB1TT1M pUB 8uOJT1M 'au~oql 'uosTO 'ual~H.O
'AaTnBJ~W 'saAa~ s~auolssllliilloJ ~~a~lal uB~lBqJ :a~a~ ~uasa~d
:llVJ 110~
.ill.d O(:L ~B ~a~lal uBill~lBqJ Aq ~ap~o o~ paTTB~ SB~ uOlsslillilloJ 8U1UOZ pUB
8U1UUBTd A~OSlAPV p~B~as aq~ JO 8ul~aaill ~BTn8a~ '6L6T '~T q~~BW aql
:~ailiO 01 llVJ
6L6T '~T HJ~W - DNIlaaW ~VlfiDa~
zn aDVd
'6L61 '11 11~dV aq4 04 panu14uoJ aq aJuEuIP~o ~a11E~4 4JE~P aq4
uOlsslllillioJ 4Eq4 pa4sanba~ '4uasuoJ uOlsslllillioJ q41~ '~a~EuEW A41J
JO UOlssnJslP
"PUa44E 04 s~auolsslllillioJ 11E pa~~n aq ~s~aaul~U~ 1E4uamuo~lAu~ J14J~V Aq
pa~Eda~d SE Apn4s A4111qlsEaJ ~~Ed 1El~4snpul Ea~E ~aa~J A1nr JO q4~ aq4 JO
4~oda~ A~Eulllil1a~d aq4 ssnJsIP 04 ~ap~o Ul '61 qJ~EW 'AEPUOW uo uOlssas ~~o~
E Ul ~u14aalli aq P1no~ 11JunoJ A41J aq4 pa4E4S ~a~EuEW A41J "J
"Z1 qJ~EW JO U014JE 11JunoJ Aq
papuIJsa~ uaaq pEq 'SU0141PPV ~auqnE1 pUE 1E~apaa aq4 JO SU014~od ~UIUIR4UOJ
'UOlslAlpqns sa~E1 o~ aq4 JO 4E1d aq4 4Rq4 pa4~oda~ ~a~EuEW A41J "H
"aJuEuIP~O aq4 JO 4ualli4JEua
04 ~ol~d suolssnJslP s.11JunOJ ~ul~np pa4EdlJ14UR uaaq 40U pEq s.ua~JR~JJW
SE qJns llia1qo~d E 4Eq4 pa4R4s pUR aJualpnR aq4 lliO~J pauEaddE aldsa111~
uqor "[~7 "ON aJuEuIP~O ul q4~OJ 4as SE s4ualliaAo~dllil aq4 ~UIPIAO~d
4noq41~ 'sa~JV 4sa~Oa '00 401 apIAlpqns 04 ua~JE~JJW ~oJ SUEalli 1E~a1 ou SE~
a~9q4 4Eq4 pa4E4s uasa440 'saAa~ lliO~J u014sanb E 04 ~a~SUE uI "V
"UE1d ~a4sRW
pasodo~d 41aquaa~~ anuaAV q4L aq4 ~uIP~E~a~ ~u14aalli 11JunoJ A41J '6L61 'Z1
qJ~RW aq4 4R P1aq ~ul~Raq Jl1qnd aq4 uo pa4~oda~ ~a~EuEW A41J "V
:S~~Od~~ ~~~VNVW A~IJ
"00 401 JO ~U144E1da~ aq4 04 ~Ol~d apElli aq 04 aAEq
P1no~ s4ualliaAo~dllil pa~lnba~ aq4 'a~OJa~aq4 ~asEJ s.ua~JR~JJW ul u014daJxa UE
~U14uR~~ ~oJ SUOlSlAO~d ou pauIE4uoJ aJuEuIP~o aq4 4Eq4 palli~lJuoJ uasa440
~auuE1d q~no~oH 'uolssnJslP ~ul~0110a "s~a4s1s slq pUE llilq ~OJ aA141qlq
-o~d A11EJllliouoJa a~a~ qJlq~ apElli aq s4ualliaAo~dllil A41114n 4Eq4 pa~lnba~
aJuEuIP~o uOlslAlpqns aq4 '1aJ~Ed slq uo ~uIP11nq JO suo14ua4ul ou pEq aq
q~noq41R 4Eq4 pa4E4s ua~JE~JJW "SUOlslAlpqns ~uIP~E~a~ [~~ 'oN aJuEuIP~O
p~E~as JO A41J JO ~-~Z pUE [-~Z 'Z-~Z suo14Jas 11nJ ul pEa~ ~~a1J A41J
~u14JV '4sanba~ slq uodfi "S1aJ~Ed aa~q4 04ul A11Enba papIAIP aq 04 SR~
qJlq~ 'sa~JV 4sa~Oa '00 401 A11lliRg aq4 ul ua~P11qJ aq4 uaAl~ pEq ~aq40lli slq
4Eq4 pa4R4s pUE aJualpnE aq4 lliO~J pa~EaddE ua~JEuJJW salliRr "H
" IIIh
oapoJ ~uluOZ aq4 Ul sa~uEqJ pasodo~d aq4 4dopE 04 4uasa~d asoq4 11R Aq pal~~EJ
A1snolliluEun pUE Aa1nEJJW Aq papuoJas 'uos10 Aq paAOlli SR~ 41 "pas01J SR~
~ul~Eaq Jl1qnd aq4 pUE p~Eaq aq 04 ~ap~o Ul aJualpnE aq4 lliO~J pa~RaddE aS1a
auo oN "uo14Jn~4suoJ 4ualli4~EdE uo aAEq P1no~ S4uallipualliE aJuEuIP~o ~uluOZ
aq4 4JaJJE aq4 ~uIP~E~a~ s~aaM sE1~noG lliO~J u014sanb E pa~a~suE uasa440
"saUOz J1 SE sauoz IN 11E ~UIAJlssE1Ja~ Aq aJuEuIP~o ~UluOZ
aq4 q41~ AUOlli~Eq 04ul dElli ~UIUOZ aq4 ~Ul~q 04 A~EssaJau SE~
uOlslAa~ papuallillioJa~ aq4 4Rq4 pa4E4s uasa440 - dEW ~uluoZ
:NSWOJ Z '1 d
(P,4UOJ) :S~NI~V~H JI1Hfid
81 :>IWfi10h
6L61 '~1 HJ~VW - ~NI~:>I:>IW ~V1fi~:>I~
~n ~~Vd
, VtL
PAGE 135
The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
H~rman Leirer
PAGE 135
The April 11, 1979, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning
and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Leirer at 7:30 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Leirer; Commissioners Keyes, McCauley,
Olson, Thorne, Wilfong, Williams (Absent were O'Brien, Shea)
Present also: City Manager Johnson, Kenai Peninsula Borough
Senior Planner Ottesen and Acting City Clerk-
Treasurer Ledet
Leirer, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting
minutes of March 14, 1979, as written.
Leire~ with Commission consent, amended the meeting agenda as
VI. Citizens' Discussion:
A. Bob Valdetta
VIII. Commission Discussion:
B. Conflict of Interest Statements
A. March 29, 1979, memo from Phillip Waring, Planning Director,
regarding the City planning, was noted for information and filed.
A. Public hearing was opened on Douglas E. Weeks and Juris
Mindenbergs request for a variance for construction of an addition to the
'O~ pa~a~pB a~B s~Uallia~1nba~ gU1~~Bd pUB
~~g1a~ gU1P11nq a~~;lB~~ pap1AO~d ~alli aq UBJ Sp~BpUB~S gU1UOZ 11V
'~J1~~S1P gU1UOZ a~~ JO sasod~nd
a~~ pUB aJuBu1P~0 S1~~ JO asod~nd a~~ ~~1~ ~ua~s1suoJ S1 asn a~l
:11nJ U1 SU01~1pUOJ gU1~0110J a~~ pBa~ ua~~ uasa~~o
's~Uallia~1nba~ ~JBq~as a~~ 11B ~alli ~1 ~B~~ pa~B~S aH '~aaJ a~Bnbs 0009
s1 aZ1s ~01 llinlli1u1lli a~~ pUB .V[ S1 ~~g1a~ gU1P11nq llinlli1xBlli a~~ ~B~~ pa~B~S
aH .gU1UOZ 1B1J~allilliOJ pa~1lli1l a~~ JO Slli~a~ a~~ ~apun SU01~BJ11ddB a~n~nJ
11B pUB U01~BJ11ddB S1~~ ~Ba~~ U01SS1llilliOJ a~~ ~B~~ papUallilliOJa~ aH .gU1UOZ
1B1J~allilliOJ poo~~oq~g1aN O~ p~Bga~ ~~1~ "~ua11s,, S1 apoJ gU1UOZ p~B~as a~~
~B~~ pa~B~S a~ ~J1~~ U1 U01SS1llilliOJ a~~ O~ Ollialli S1~ pa~1s uasa~~o
aAo~ddB O~ U01~BpUallilliOJa~ S1~ ~~1~
~1lli~ad aSn 1BU01~1pUOJ B ~OJ ~sanba~ S.~a~Ba a~~
gU1P~Bga~ 'uasa~~o JJaf lliO~J Ollialli '6L61 '~ 11~dV
u01~Jn~~suoJ ~OJ
Ba~B pasodo~d a~~ gU1~0~s SUB1d ~01d paU01SUalli1a
U01SS1llilliOJ gU1UOZ pUB gU1UUB1d p~B~as
a~~ a~oJaq gU1~Ba~ J11qnd '6L61 '11 11~dV JO
gU1J1~OU "gOl x1uao~d p~B~as - aJ1~oN J11qnd"
:pa~ou a~a~ sllia~1 gU1~0110J a~~
pUB a~ 1s~01 1BU1g1~0 'L ~J01a '[[ lJ.gm~~~ ~Z S~Ol uo gU111a~p
A11lliBJ-1~1nlli B JO u01~Jn~~suoJ ~oJ ~1lli~ad asn 1Bu01~1puOJ B ~oJ ~sanba~
s.~a~Ba ua~B~ pUB 'f ~~aqo~ uo pauado SB~ gU1~Baq J11qnd 'a
'U01s1A1pqns BU1~BW '1 ~J01a '[ ~Ol uo ~UB~nB~sa~ UUI azaa~a a~~
o~ u01~1PpB UB JO u01~Jn~~suoJ ~oJ sg~aquapu1W s1~nf pUB s~aaM sB1gnoa Aq
pa~sanba~ aJuB1~BA a~~ ~UB~g O~ ~uasa~d aso~~ 11B Aq pa1~~BJ A1snOlli1UBun
pUB gUOJ11M Aq papuoJas 'Aa1nBJJW Aq paAOlli SB~ ~1 'u01ssnJs1P gU1~0110~
'pas01J SB~ gU1~Ba~ J1Tqnd a~~ pUB 'Bu1~aalli sn01Aa~d a~~ ~B 2U1~~A~aAa
paU1B1dxa pB~ a~ ~B~~ pa~B~S pUB aJua1pnB a~~ lliO~J pa~BaddB s~aaM SBTgnoa
'pa1Js1~BS a~B aJuBu1P~0 a~~ JO s~JadsB ~a~~o 11B pUB aJuB1~BA a~~ ~OJ
paau a~~ pasnBJ ~OU aABq S~UBJ11ddB a~~ 'Ba~B a~~ U1 asod~nd J11qnd a1~~11
saA~as ~JBq~as a~~ ~B~~ spuno~g a~~ uo sg~aquapu1W/s~aaM O~ aJuB1~BA a~~
'BU1~UB~g papuallilliOJa~ a~ ~J1~~ U1 U01ss1llilliOJ a~~ O~ Ollialli s1~ pa~1s uasa~~o
u01~Jn~~suoJ ~OJ
Ba~B pasodo~d gU1~0~s UB1d ~01d paU01sualli1a
~sanba~ aJuB1~BA s.~aaM a~~
gU1P~Bga~ 'uasa~~o JJaf lliO~J Ollialli '6L61 '~ 11~dV
U01ss1llilliOJ gU1UOZ pUB 'BU1UUBTd p~B~as
aq~ a~oJaq gU1~Baq ;)11qnd '6L61 '11 11~dV JO
gU1;)1~OU "gOl x1uao~d p~B~as - a;)1~oN ;)1Tqnd"
:pa~ou SB~ U01~B~OJu1 gU1~0110J a~~ pUB
'U01s1A1pqns BU1~BW '1 ~;)01~ '[ ~Ol uo ~UB~nB~sa~ uUI azaa~a
(P.~UO;)) :S~NI~3:H JIland
1 3:WGlOA
6L61 '11 lI~dV - ~NIl3:3:W ~Vln~3:~
9ET 3:~Vd
PAGE 137
B. The value of adjoining property will not be significantly
impaired. Ottesen explained that the presence of a new, high value structure
would tend to enhance surrounding property values.
C. The proposed use is in harmony with the Community Plan. Ottesen
stated that in accordance with the Borough Attorney's opinion that the current
zoning ordinance modifies the Seward Comprehensive Plan to the extent that
they differ, the proposed use is in harmony as it complies with the zoning
D. Public services and facilities are adequare to serve the proposed
use. All requisite utilities are available to the site and sufficient capacity
exists to service the new units.
E. A more suitable site is not readily available. Ottesen stated
that this site is well suited to this use and it is unlikely that any other
location would be better suited.
Baker appeared from the audience and stated that he had met with the Commission
on a previous occasion, but found financing for the project difficult. He told
the Commission that he would not exceed the 34' height requirement and he
would provide the I ~ parking spaces. He further stated that he just wanted
to invest money into Seward as he was planning on making it his home in the
future. In anSYBTto a question from Keyes, Baker stated that they would
be average units, not exclusive, and would give a good eye appeal. No one
else appeared from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Following
discussion, it was moved by Keyes, seconded by Wilfong and unanimously carried
by all those present to find the application for a conditional use permit by
Robert J. Baker for construction of a multi-family apartment building on
Lots 25-33, Block 7, Original Townsite be approved subject to the following
A. That up to 24 units are constructed provided the applicant
demonstrate to the City Manager that sufficient additional parking would
available as required by the zoning code.
B. That the structure not exceed 34' in height.
C. That the lots be replatted, vacating the interior lot lines
thereby creating one single parcel.
Baker assured the Commission that these conditions would be met. No one else
appeared from the audience and the public hearing was closed.
A. Bob Va1detta, Seward, appeared from the audience and spoke about
the Seventh Avenue Greenbelt area. He stated that the Corp of Engineers did
not do the study after the earthquake which designated the area a "high risk
area". He told the Commission that the Scientific Task Force did the study.
He felt that the area was wrongly designated. He stated that industrial
developers had cancelled Seward off as a potential site for industry. City
Manager stated that the Corp of Engineers did pay for the study and there is
a possibility of having an updated study done. Valdetta told the Commission
that since he was not an official of the City he was having difficulty
'~Taquaa~o anUaAV q~uaAas aq~ q~l~ uOl~JauuoJ
ul '6L6T '~l Tl~dV uo s~aa~ O~~ ul uOlsslWilloJ ~U1UOZ pue ~uluueTd aq~
q~l~ ~aaill O~ a~lT PTno~ TT1H WlHJ ~eq~ pa~e~s ~a~euew A~lJ 'J
~sa~a~uI JO ~J1TJuoJ aq~ ~ulP~e~a~ palJl~ou uaaq ~ou peq pue ~ulqslJ se~ eaqs
p~e~as ~eq~ palJl~ou aq PTno~ JOdV aq~ ~eq~ pa~e~s ~a~euew A~lJ '~a~la'1 illO~J
uOl~sanb e o~ ~a~sue uI '~ul~aaill ~seT slq se~ slq~ ~eq~ ~a~~a~ daap q~l~ se~ ~1
pa~e~s ~a~la'1 'ua~PTlqJ ~uepuadap ~ulu~aJuoJ suol~sanb aq~ a~lT ~ou P1P
ATTeJ1J1Jads ~uoJT1M '~~o~ ~aded ssaTasn a~Oill ~sn~ se~ ~1 ~eq~ ~ul~e~s'~a~la'1
q~l~ pa~~nJuoJ uosTO pue ~uoJT1M 'a~oJaq ~uailla~e~s e aT1J o~ peq ~aAau
pue uOlsslWilloJ A~oslApe ue ATUO a~a~ Aaq~ aJuls ~leJun aq o~ slq~ ~TaJ aq
~eq~ pa~e~s aH 'pau~lsa~ pue ssaulsnq s,q~no~oa aq~ JO auou aq o~ slq~
~TaJ aq ~eq~ pa~e~s ~a~la'1 'Aepuow Aq paT1J aq ~snill Sill~OJ aq~ ~eq~ pa~e~s
~a~euew A~lJ 'pa~e~s aq 'TasunoJ Te~aT suolsslWilloJ saJ1JJO J1Tqnd e~seTV
aq~ Aq ~alAa~ uaaq seq uOlslJap slq1 'qgno~oa aq~ o~ pa~e~aTap ATsnolAa~d
s~a~od JO uOl~dillnsse s,uolsslWillOJ ~uluueTd aq~ illO~J s~Tnsa~ uOlslJap
slq1 'A~lTedlJlunill aAl~Jadsa~ ~laq~ JO ~~aTJ aq~ q~l~ s~uailla~e~s ~sa~a~uI JO
~J1TJuoJ aT1J ~ou ~snill suolsslWilloJ ~U1UOZ pue ~uluueTd ~ailloH pue p~e~as aq~ JO
s~aqillaill ~eq~ ~uailla~lnba~ aq~ ill~lJuOJ o~ pue 'q~9T Tl~dV anp a~a~ s~aJ1JJo
TedlJlunill JO s~uailla~e~s ~sa~a~uI JO ~J1TJuoJ aq~ ~eq~ A~lJ aq~ papulilla~ aq
qJlq~ ul su~na ~o~Ja~la aAl~nJaxa uOlsslillilloJ saJ1JJO J1Tqnd e~seTV JO a~e~s
aq~ illO~J ~a~~aT '6L6T '(l qJ~ew e TTnJ ul pea~ ~a~euew A~lJ 'a
'~uluoza~ aq~ ~ulP~e~a~
'6L6T '6 Aew uo ~ul~eaq J1Tqnd e aq PTno~ a~aq~ ~eq~ pa~e~s aH 'lelJ~aWilloJ
pa~lilll'1 o~ UOlslAlpqns s~q~laH aa'1 assai '( ~JoTa '6-T s~o'1 JO ~uluoza~
aq~ pa~el~lul peq T1JunoJ ~eq~ pa~e~s aH '(T-l1) Tel~uaplsal1 pauoz ~JeJ
ul a~a~ Aaq~ ~eq~ pue 996T ul saJl~d TelJ~aWilloJ ~e s~oT TelJ~aWilloJ se PToS
uaaq peq AaqJ, 'pauoza~ aq o~ papaau uOlslAlpqns s~q~laH aa'1 assai aq~ ul
s~oT aUlu ~eq~ pa~aAoJslP peq aq ~eq~ pa~~oda~ ~a~euew A~lJ 'V
: aallS Sl!
aa'1 assa1
eUl~ew aq~ ul A~~ado~d paseaT slq uo PTlnq ATqlssod PTnoJ Aaq~ ~eq~ illaq~
PTo~ pue s~aqillaill qnTJ aq~ o~ pa~Te~ aq ~eq~ pa~e~s pue aJualpne aq~ illO~J
pa~eadde '~ue~ne~sal1 uUI azaa~a 's~aaM seT~nOa '(~eolJ IIdll pue lIall uaa~~aq)
ea~epasodo~d aq~ ul ~ou ~nq 'p~e~as ul a~aq ~ulPTlnq e aAeq PTnoqs Aaq~
~eq~ ~TaJ aq ~eq~ pa~e~s AaTneJJW 'J~a 's~ul~aaill PToq '~ea~ a~o~s o~ s~aqillaill
qnTJ aq~ ~oJ A~lT1JeJ e PTlnq o~ A~lJ aq~ o~ Tesodo~d e pa~~lillqns peq
qnTJ ~qJeA p~e~as 'H illelTT1M aq~ ~eq~ pa~~oda~ ~a~euew A~lJ 'a
'pua~~e o~ s~auolsslWilloJ
TTe pa~~n aq pue "ill'd O(:L ~e '6L6T '( Aew uo uOlssas ~~o~ ~uailldoTaAaa
s~oq~eH pue s~~od e aq PTno~ a~aq~ ~eq~ pa~e~s ~a~euew A~lJ 'V
:Sl~Od311 113DVNVW 11IJ 'IIA
'uol~Je Teuolssa~~uoJ JO ~~os
aillOS a~e~ PTno~ slq~ ~eq~ pa~e~s ~a~euew A~lJ 'aTdoad ~q~l~ aq~ ~ulqJea~
T aW1l'10A
6L6T 'TT '1Il1dV - ONI1aaW 1IV'1110al1
PAGE 139
D. Wilfong reported that she had attended a meeting in Anchorage
called the Northwest Highways Conference in which tourism in Alaskan cities
was discussed. She suggested a representative of Seward attend this conference
E. Leirer suggested a earlier clean-up than the May 19th,
Super Saturday, because of the early spring thaw. City Manager stated that
the date could be moved up to some time during April.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Herman Leirer
o ty o'.SoE!.al)" ,,, .'-
.. \("'1.. ,\.:'.' ~'J1
The regu a eeting of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission scheduled
for Wednesday, May 9, 1979, was not called to order due to lack of a
quorum. (Those present were Commissioners Keyes, Williams and Thorne;
~i:~n:~~ff~~~~ting City Clerk-Treasurer Ledet, and Borough Senior
, . '()
PAGE 139
The regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning
Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Commissioner Keyes.
Present were:
Commissioners Keyes, McCauley, Williams, Thorne
Present also:
City Manager Johnson, Administrative Assistant
Schaefermeyer, Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior
Planner Ottesen, Acting City Clerk-Treasurer Ledet
"TR,J~ailllliO~ O~ T-~ mO~J UO,s,A,pqns
s~q8,aH aa~ assar 'E ~JoTH '6 q8no~q~ T s~o~ JO 8u,uoza~ aq~ aAo~ddR o~ ~uasa~d
asoq~ TTR Aq pa,~~RJ ATsnOm,URUn pUR au~oq~ AqpapUOJas 'AaTnR~JW Aq paAOm
SR~ ~, 'u01ssnJs,p 8u,~OTTOd "pasoTJ SR~ 8u,~Raq J,Tqnd aq~ pUR p~Raq aq O~
~ap~o u, aJUa1pnR aq~ mO~J pa~RaddR auo OU pUR 8u1~Raq J,Tqnd aq~ pauado SaAa~
"~Sa~a~u, J,Tqnd aq~ aJ,A~a!3 TT1~ ~, ~Rq~ pUR ~SaJ,A~aS pUR sa,~,T,JRJ
8U1~S,xa XR~ ATaA,SSaJXa ~OU TT,~ ~1 ~Rq~ ~8u,uoz ~ods a~n~,~suoJ ~OU TT,~
~, ~Rq~ ~asn PURT aq~ JO u~a~~Rd aTqR~1ns R u, s~Tnsa~ UO,~JR aq~ ~Rq~ s1SRq
aq~ uo 8u,uoza~ aq~ JO TRAO~ddR papUaillllioJa~ aq ~Rq~ pa~R~s uasa~~o "AR~q8,q
aq~ SSO~JR asn TR,~~snpu, aq~ pUR AR~q81q aq~ JO aSnRJaq asn TR,~Uap,sa~
~OJ pa~1ns TTa~ ~OU SR~ pURT aq~ ~Rq. pa~R~s uasa~~o "pa~~RTda~ uaaq ~aAaU
pRq S~OT aq~ ~Rq~ pa~R~S ~aq~~nJ aH "896T u, pauoz ATTR,J~aillllioJ SR PTOS pUR
TR1~uap1sa~ pauoz aq O~ punoJ uaaq pRq A~~ado~d aq~ ~Rq~ pau,RTdxa ~a8RURW A~,~
SU01~RpuailllliOJa~ s1q q~,~
uasa~~o JJar illd~J ~~oda~ JJR~S '6L6T '? ARW
Ra~R aq~ 8u,~oqs
SURTd ~OTd pauo,suam,p pUR ~adRds~au TRJOT
aq~ u, paqs,Tqnd SR 1I8U1~RaH J,Tqnd JO aJ,~oNlI
:pa~ou a~a~ sma~1 8u,~OTTOJ aq~ pUR
pauado SR~ TR1J~ailllliO~ pa~1m1~ O~ T-~ mO~J UO,S,A,pqnS s~q8,aH aa~ assar 'E ~JOTH
'6-T S~O~ 8U1uoza~ ~OJ ~sanba~ SIP~R~as JO A~,~ aq~ uo 8u,~Raq J1Tqnd "V
: S~NIWaH ~nHfld
"~JOp aq~ JO uo,sua~xa UR
papa au ATa~1u,Jap R~SRTV JO A~,s~aA,ufl aq~ ~Rq~ pa~R~s AaTnR~JW "uO,SS,millo~
aq~ illO~J s~uailllliOJ ~oJ pa~sR pUR Rap, po08 R SR~ s1q~ ~TaJ aq ~Rq~ paU1RTdxa
~a8RURW A~1~ "pa~OU SR~ 'TassaA qJ~Rasa~ R JO a8R~00ill ~OJ ARH u01~Ja~~nsa~ U1 ~JOp
,OE X ,O~T R JO 8u,~s,sUOJ sa,~1T,JRJ TRUO,~,ppR ~Jn~~suoJ O~ ~sanba~ SIR~SRTV JO
A~,s~aA1Ufl aq~ 8U1P~R8a~ lIAill~V JO ~Uaill~~Rdaa aq~ illO~J aJ,~oN J,Tqndll "V
"ua~~,~~ SR paAo~ddR aq '6L6T 'TT T,~dV
JO sa~nu,ill aq~ ~Rq~ UO,SS1illlliO~ aq~ JO snsuasuoJ TR~aua8 aq~ SB~ ~I
:sa~flNIW dO ~VAO~ddV
"URill~1Rq~ 8u,~JV aq~ SR saAa~
URa ~U10ddR O~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTR Aq pa,~~RJ ATsnOill,URun pUR au~oq~ Aq papuoJas
AaTnR~JW Aq paAOill SR~ ~1 'uo,ssnJs,p 8u,~OTTOd "URm~,eq~ 8U1~JV aq~ aq O~ saAa~
pa~Ru,illOU AaTnR~JW ~s~uaill~~,illlliOJ ~o,~d O~ anp pau,TJap saAa~ ~saAa~ URa pa~Ru1illOU
SillR,TT,M pUR sU01~eu,illOU O~ ~OOTJ aq~ pauado saAa~ "pau8,sa~ pRq URill~,RqJ ~aill~OJ
aq~ SR pa~u,oddR aq O~ papa au uR~,RqJ UO,SS,illlliO~ R ~Rq~ pa~ou SR~ ~I
SR~ uosP~RqJ1~ "~~aT~ A~1~ 8u1~JV aq~ Aq pa~a~s1u,illpR SR aJ,JJo JO q~RO aq~
~OO~ pUR aso~ ~a~TRM pUR UOillUI !8U1~aaill '6L6T '6Z ARW ~1aq~ ~R UO,SS1illlliO~
8U1UOZ pUR 8U,UURTd aq~ O~ ~a~TRM .~ Ta,URa pUR uosp~RqJ,~ "d ~~aqo~
'UOillUI "M ~J,W pa~u10ddR pRq T1Juno~ An~ aq~ ~Rq~ pa=lOU SR~ ~I
T :3:Wfl~OA
6L6T 'OE XVW - ~NI~a:3:W ~~fl~a~
O?T a~Vd
PAGE 141
B. Public hearing was opened on Jim McCraken's request for
rezoning of Lots 1 and 2, Block 23, Original Townsite from One-Family Residential
(R-l) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3) and the following items were noted:
"Notice of Public Hearing" as published in the local
newspaper and dimensioned plot plans showing the
area requested for rezoning
May 4, 1979, staff report from Jeff Ottesen with
his recommendations
Ottesen read his staff report and stated that the property is located at the southeast
corner of the intersection of Madison Street and Fifth Avenue. He further stated
that the lots involved amount to 6,000 square feet and due to the fact that his
request is to create an extension of an existing zone, namely the R-3 zone to the
west and east, the minimum one ~cre parcel size for rezoning action does not apply.
Keyes opened the public hearing and no one appeared from the audience and the
public hearing was closed. Following discussion, it was moved by McCauley, seconded
by Thorne and unanimously carried by all those present to approve Jim McCraken's
request for rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 23, Original Townsite from One-Family
Residential (R-l) to Multi-Family Residential (R-3).
A. Gary LeFlore's request of May 9, 1979, for remodeling the Orlander
building and a sketch of the proposed remodeling was noted. City Manager stated
that LeFlore was not present at the meeting, but he would have to apply for a
conditional use permit and a public hearing would have to be held on June 13th.
He read a section of LeFlore's request in which stated that the building would
be used for a retail and wholesale fish outlet. The retail area will be located
in front, with a glass wall to enable the public to see the back area where the
fish will be processed. An elevator in the back right hand corner should enable
easy access to the top floor where supplies and office will be, or to the basement
where a walk-in cooler will be built in the future. Keyes asked if anyone from the
audience had any comments and Pat O'Brien, Dairy Hill, appeared from the audience
and spoke in favor of the retail fish market. He stated that people around Seward
can't get fresh seafood when they want it and he thought it would go well.
No. one else appeared from the audience. The building is located on Lot 19, Block 10.
Original Townsite.
B. Pete Minio's request for construction of an addition to the Galley
Restaurant in the Small Boat Harbor and a dimensioned drawing,.was noted. City
Manager stated that this had to come before the Commission because the land was
leased. Minio appeared from the auuience and told the Commissioners that a fifteen
foot addition is what he would like to add to the south side of the building. In
answer to a question from McCauley regarding the type of material the addition would
be built out of, Minio stated that it would be concrete slab with plexi-glass
top and bottom and the roof would meet with the existing roof. It was moved by
Williams, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carriedby all those present to approve
Minio's request for construction of an addition to the Galley Restaurant in
the Small Boat Harbor as shown on the dimensioned drawing.
A. Thorne contract rezoning for Lot 5, Block 7, Federal Addition,
and the following items were noted:
'qdB~8B~Bd slq~ o~ ~UaillpUaillB ~OJ :sa~nu1W JO IBAo~ddV 'III ~~1 a8Bd aas ~~
pUB pa~oqs pUB a~ua1pnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB ApO~g UBSns '~~aro~d aq~ 0~U1 ~ua~
q~~Basa~ JO ~lq B a~lnb ~Bq~ pa~B~S uasa~~o 'q~OZ aunf uo doqs~~o~ ~11qnd B aq
Plno~ a~aq~ ~Bq~ PI0~ pUB S~UaillillO~ aq~u01ss1illillO~ aq~ illO~J a~11 Plno~ aq ~Bq~
~Bq~ pa~B~S ~aq~~nJ aH 'pa~Bda~d pBq aqs saA1~Bu~a~lB aillOs ~uasa~d o~ aill1~ uaA18
aq Ba~B p~B~as aq~ JO asn pUB 1 pasodo~d aq~ Apn~s o~ A~l~ aq~ Aq pa~lq ill~lJ
8u1~lnsuo~ B '111H WZH~ JO ApO~g UBsns ~Bq~ pa~sB ~a8BuBW A~l~ 'V
z >g d
:SL~Od~~ ~~~VNVW AlI~
'u01~~nB ~11qnd ~OJ dn pa~Bld aq o~ u01~lPPV JJ11~ '9 ~~olg '9 ~Ol ~OJ ~sanba~
s,ua1~g,o ~Bd JO aAo~ddB o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIB Aq pa1~~B~ Alsnoill1uBun pUB SillB1111M
Aq papuo~as 'AalnB~~W Aq paAoill SB~ ~1 'u01ssn~slP 8U1~0110d 'A~~ado~d slq o~
ssa~~B ill1q aA18 Plno~ Slq~ pUB s~Ol 8U1U10rpB O~~ aq~ pa~o aq asnB~aq A~~ado~d
aq~ pa~uB~ aq ~Bq~ pa~B~s ua1~g,o 'pBO~ I11H A~lBa uo Sl q~lq~ ~B~ xoq aq~
aAoqB SB~ A~~ado~daq~~Bq~ pa~B~s pUB a~ua1pnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB ua1~g,o ~Bd
'pa~ou a~a~ 'u01ss1illillo~ 8U1uoz pUB 8U1UUBld aq~ a~oJaq ~BaddB ua1~g,o ~Bq~ 8u1puaillillo~a~
sa~nu1ill 8u1~aaill 11~uno~ A~l~ '6L61 '€Z 11~dv pUB 'u01~~nB ~11qnd ~oJ dn
'u01~lPPV JJ11~ '9 ~~olg '9 ~Ol 8U1~Bld ~oJ ~sanba~ s,ua1~g,o ~Bd 'V
:SS~NISl1g M~N
saAa~ 'sillB1111M '~a~lBM 'AalnB~~W 'uOilluI
'Ba~B aq~ a~lA~as o~ a~BnbapB a~B sa1~111~n pUB Ba~B 8U1puno~~ns aq~ q~l~
~ua~slsuo~ sl ~1 ~Bq~ a~ns a~Bill pUB Aau~o~~v q8no~og aq~ Aq papuaillillo~a~ SB
~UBuaAO~ B al1J aq ~Bq~ ~uailla~lnba~ aq~ ~~asu1 pUB ~noJ ~aqillnu illa~l ~ap1sUOJa~ O~
s~0110J SB pa1~~B~ pUB sillB1111M Aq papuo~as 'AalnB~~W Aq paAOill SB~ ~I 'U01ss1illillO~
aq~ Aq q~~OJ ~as SU01~lpuo~ aq~ q~l~ a~UBp~O~~B U1 A~~ado~d aq~ JO asn
aq~ s~lill11 Al1~B~unloA aq u1a~aq~ ~UB~11ddB aq~ Aq pal1J aq ~UBuaAO~ B ~Bq~
papuaillillo~a~ AaU~O~~B aqL 'sa~lnba~ a~uBu1P~0 aq~ q~lq~ s8U1~oqs ~lJ1~ads
aq~ 8U1P~B8a~ ~~BJ JO 8U1pU1J IBill~OJ B q~Ba~ ~OU P1P a~ SB q~ns sa1~ua1~lJap
IB~npa~o~d JO as~~~aq U01ss1illillO~ 8U1UOZ pUB 8U1UUBld p~B~as aq~ O~ ~sanba~ ~~
aq~ pau~n~a~ uaq~ AaU~O~~B aqL 'a~uBu1P~0 UB JO U01~B~Bda~d ~OJ Aau~o~~v
q8no~og aq~ O~ pap~B~~OJ SB~ ~sanba~ aq~ uaq~ !U01ss1illillO~ 8U1UUBld p~B~as aq~
JO u01s1~ap aq~ paill~lJJB Aaq~ a~aq~ U01ss1illillO~ 8U1UUBld q8no~og aq~ Aq 8u1~Baq
~11qnd B SB~ da~s ~xau aqL '8u1uoza~ aq~ paAo~ddB Alqillassv aq~ J1 ~UB~11ddB
aq~ uodn 8U1pU1q aillo~aq Plno~ q~lq~ SU01~lpuo~ JO ~aqillnu aq~ O~ ~~arqns
~sanba~ aq~ paAo~ddB U01ss1illillO~ aq~ aill1~ aq~ ~V 'doqs AqqOq B 8U1~B~ado JO
asod~nd aq~ ~OJ pa~lillll IB1~~aillillo~ O~ 1-~ illO~J A~~ado~d auoza~ ~~B~~UO~
O~ au~oqL Aq ~sanba~ aq~ uo Plaq SB~ 8u1~Baq ~11qnd B '6L61 '€1 ~aqilla~das
U1 ~Bq~ pa~B~s aq q~lq~ U1 Oillaill '6L61 'O€ 11~dV slq IlnJ U1 pBa~ uasa~~o
O~ ~Bl1ill1s aSB~ lapOill B JO Ado~ B pUB auoza~
~~B~~UO~ au~oqL aq~ 8U1P~B8a~ ~aAa~aJaBq~s 'a
O~ uasa~~o JJaf illO~J Oillaill '6L61 'Sl A~Bn~qad
~~B~~UO~ aq~ JO 8U1~UB~8 aq~ 8u1~oqs u01ss1illillo~
aq~ JO sa~nu1ill '9L61 '€1 ~aqilla~das aq~ 8u1pnl~u1
uasa~~o JJaf illO~J ~~oda~ JJB~S '9L61 '€1 ~aqilla~das
s8U1PU1J JO ~a1Aa~ aq~
8u1P~B8a~ uasa~~o JJaf illO~J Oillaill '6L61 'O€ 11~dV
(PI~UO~) :SS~NISl1g a~HSINldNl1
I ~wmOA
6L61 'O€ AVW - ~NIL~~W ~Vll1~~~
ZH ~~Vd
'J' +tL"
PAGE 143
explained four alternative concepts the City could follow. Keyes recessed the
meeting for 10 minutes in order for the Commissioners to study the maps.
*RECESS AT 8:30 to 8:40 P.M.
City Manager asked for comments from all the commissioners.
B. City Manager extended a welcome to the new commissioners and
assured them that his office was open to them.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
PAGE 143
ing and Zoning Commission regular meeting scheduled
79, was cancelled due to lack of business.
PAGE 143
The July 11, 1979, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Chairman ~eyes.
Present were: Acting Chairman Keyes; Commissioners Inmon, McCauley,
*Richardson, Thorne and Walker (Absent, with Commission
consent, was Williams)
Present also: Acting City Manager Schaefermeyer, Borough Senior Planner
Ottesen and City Clerk Shanley
:pa~ou aJa~ silla~l 2Ul~0110J aq~ pUB 'UOlslAlpqns BU1JBW '1 ~Jola
'l ~o~ uo uOl~lPPB UB JO uOl~JnJ~suoJ aq~ aTqBua o~ JapJo Ul 'aJuBU1PJO 2uluOZ
aq~ JO OST'SL'Tl uOl~Jas o~ ~uBnsJnd '~TB~apls aq~ illOJJ ~aaJ ua~ paJlnbaJ aq~ :ldaa
JO pBa~sul ~JBq-~as ~OOJ aA1J B JOJ ~oTTB o~ IIAaTTB~ aqlll Bjqjp '01U1W a~ad ~NIa~Iila
illOJJ paAlaJaJ ~sanbaJ aJuB1JBA aq~ uo pauado SB~ 2U1JBaq J1Tqnd 'V failS VNI~VW
: S~NI~vaH Jnaild
auoN :aJNaaNOdSa~~OJ
'2ul~aaill aq~
pa~JaJ1P Ja~JBaJaq~ pUB UBillJ1BqJ SB ~Bas slq ~OO~ UOSPJBqJl~ 'U01SSlillillOJ
2U1UUBld AJOS1APV pJB~as aq~ JO UBillJ1BqJ pa~uloddB aq UOSPJBqJl~ qoa ~Bq~
'2U1U1B~sqB UOSPJBqJl~ q~l~ '~uasaJd asoq~ TTB Aq palJJBJ ATsnOilllUBun pUB
UOillUI Aq papuoJas 'AaTnBJJW Aq paAOill SB~ ~l 'uolssnJS1P 2Ul~OTTOd 'UBillJ1BqJ
~UaUBillJad B JOJ SU01~BUlillOU JOJ palTBJ saAa~ 'ATUO A~lJBdBJ AJBJodilla~ B
Ul U01SSlillillOJ aq~ JO UBillJ1BqJ SB 2Ul~JB SB~ saAa~ ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~I :NSWOJ Z ~ d
: ~IVHJ dO lNaWlNIOddV
'2Ul~aaill aq~ ul ~JBd ~OO~ Ja~JBaJaq~ pUB SlBP
aq~ ~B pa~Bas SB~ '~JaTJ A~lJ aq~ Aq paJa~SlUlillpB SB aJ1JJO JO q~BO aq~ ~OO~
'aJualpnB aq~ illOJJ paJBaddB UOSPJBqJl~ 'U01SSlillillOJ aq~ uo AJUBJBA B TT1J O~
UOSPJBqJl~ ~Jaqo~ pa~uloddB pBq T1JunoJ A~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~ou SB~ ~I :NSWOJ Z ~ d
'pa~JaJJoJ SB sa~nulill 2ul~aaill JBTn2aJ '6L61
'OE ABW aq~ paAoJddB '~uasuoJ uOlsslillillOJ q~l~ 'saAa~ 'uolssnJslP 2Ul&OTI0d
SillB1TT1M pUB Ja~TBM 'AaTnBJJW 'saAa~ 'UOillUI
:BaJB aq~
aJ1AJas O~ a~BnbapB aJB sal~lTl~n ~Bq~ pUB BaJB 2U1PUnOJJns
aq~ q~l~ ~ua~slsuoJ Sl asn aq~ ~Bq~ PU1J pUB AaUJO~~V q2noJoa
aq~ Aq papuaillillOJaJ SB ~UBuaAOJ B aT1J aq ~Bq~ ~UaillaJlnbaJ
aq~ ~JaSUl pUB 'XI Jaqillnu illa~l Bpua2v JaplsuoJaJ o~ s~olToJ
SB palJJBJ pUB SillB1TT1M Aq papuoJas 'AalnBJJW Aq paAOill SB~ ~I
'U01SSlillillOJ aq~ Aq q~JOJ ~as SU01~lpUOJ aq~ q~l~ aJUBpJOJJB Ul
A~JadoJd aq~ JO asn aq~ S~lillll AT1JB~unTOA aq UlaJaq~ 'PUBT
aq~ q~l~ 2UluunJ '~UBJ1TddB aq~ Aq paT1J aq ~UBuaAOJ B ~Bq~
papuaillillOJaJ AaUJO~~B aq~ 'Jaq~Jnd 'SaJlnbaJ aJuBUlpJO aq~
qJlq~ s2Ul~oqs J1J1Jads ~ aq~ 2UlpJB2aJ ~JBJ JO 2U1PU1J
TBillJOJ B ~OU SB~ aJaq~ asnBJaq salJualJ1Jap TBJnpaJoJd
JOJ U01SSlillillOJ 2U1UOZ pUB 2U1UUBTd pJB~as aq~ O~ ~sanbaJ
(OT aUl~ '~ qdBJ2BJBd 'l~1 a2Bd)
:S~OTTOJ SB '~Ja~qns aq~ uo U01~Oill pUB UOlssnJslP aq~ AJ1JBTJ O~ JapJO Ul
'U01~lPPV TBJapad 'L ~JOTg '~ ~O~ JOJ 2U1UOZ ~JBJ~UOJ JOJ ~sanbaJaUJoql
aq~ 2UlpJB2aJ ~xa~ aq~ JO 2U1PJO~ aq~ 2ulpuaillB aAoJddB U01SSlillillOJ aq~ ~Bq~
pa~sanbaJ aH 'l~T a2Bd uo 'V illa~l 'ssaulsng paqslulJUil 'XI '6L6T 'OE ABW JO
sa~nUlill 2Ul~aaill aq~ O~ uOl~ua~~B .SJaUOlsslillillOJ aq~ palTBJ uasa~~o
:salilNIW dO ~VAO~ddV '111
1 awn~OA
6L6T 'Tl A~ilf - ~NIlaaW ~V~il~~
~~T a~Vd
PAGE 145
"Notice of Public Hearing" - July 11, 1979 - as posted,
published two times in the local newspaper, and mailed
to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the
subject property, pursuant to the zoning ordinance
"Application For a Variance" received June 19, 1979,
with attached dimensioned plot plan
No one appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing
was closed. Ottesen recommended approval of the variance request. Following
discussion, it was moved by McCauley, seconded by Thorne and unanimously
carried by all those present to approve Agenda item VII. A., the variance
request from Pete Minio to waive the set-back requirement for his building
B. Public hearing was opened on the variance request received from
Jack and Iris Johnson to allow for a six foot front yard set-back instead
of the 20 feet as required by Section 21.7S.1S0 of the zoning ordinance,
in order to enable construction of an extension to the existing patio on
Lot IS-A, Block 32, Original Townsite, and the following items were noted:
"Notice of Public Hearing" - July 11, 1979 - as posted,
published two times in the local newspaper, and mailed
to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the
subject property, pursuant to the zoning ordinance
"Application For a Variance" received June 26, 1979,
with attached as-built survey
Ottesen recommended approval of the variance, stating that in most instances
zoning ordinances excluded reference to structures such as decks and patios.
He stated the Commission might want to consider a zoning ordinance amendment
to exclude similar ground structures from set-back requirements. Following
discussion, it was moved by Keyes, seconded by McCauley and unanimously
carried by all those present to approve the variance as requested on the
premises of Lot IS-A, Block 32, Original Townsite, in order to allow a six
foot front yard set-back instead of the required 20 feet.
C. Public hearing was opened on the Preliminary Land Use Plan as
prepared by the engineering firm of CH2M Hill for the City of Seward, with
financial assistance for the project provided by the Borough. Ottesen
spoke on the process which was followed with the project--the completion of
a land use inventory, a public mail survey and the presentation of different
land use alternatives to the public in previous hearings--all culminating
in the Preliminary Land Use Plan map presented that evening for discussion.
Susan Brody, project coordinator for CH2M Hill, appeared and spoke and answered
questions on the various maps which were displayed, showing the current city
zoning, land use constants, land use alternatives and the Preliminary Land
Use Plan.
RECESS: The meeting was recessed from S:09 p.m. to S:2l p.m. in order to
allow the Commissioners and members of the audience time to closely
review the maps.
Brody distributed and spoke and answered questions on handouts related to the
.aAl~lsod pa~ool a~n~nJ aq~ ~nq Sa~B~S
l~Bullll1a~d aq~ ul a~a~ SUBld aq~ ~Ul~B~s 'p~Bl dlqs pasodo~d aq~ uo ~~oda~ B
aAB~ ~a~BuBW l~lJ ~ul~JY '~a~IBM llO~J uOl~sanb B O~ asuodsa~ uI .a
.Ba~B ~aa~J llnf JO q~v aq~ ~OJ pauuBld p~Bl
dlqs aq~ JO ~q~ll ul a~n~nJ ~q~l~q B pBq p~B~as ~Bq~ Jal1aq slq paJ10A pUB
l~lJ aq~ q~l~ ~Ul~~O~ a~nsBald B uaaq pBq ~l pa~B~S uasa~~o .U01SSlillillOJ
aq~ O~ aJuB~slSSB slq ~OJ uasa~~o O~ S~UBq~ papua~xa sala~ .Y
.l~lJ aq~ uaAl~ pBq aq aJuB~slSSB ~U1UUBld aq~ ~OJ uasa~~o pa~uBq~ 'U01~B~~Sl
-UlllPB aq~ JO JIBqaq UO 'pUB '6L61 'It llnf aAl~JaJJa 'q~no~oa aq~ JO lOldlla
aq~ ~ulABal aq Plno~ uasa~~o ~Bq~ pa~~oda~ ~a~BuBW l~lJ ~ul~JY .Y
au ON :SS~NISna M~N
auoN :SS~NISna G~RSINldNn
.p~Baq aq o~ ~ap~o ul alll~ slq~ ~B aJualpnB aq~ llO~J pa~BaddB auo ON
au~oqL pUB uOSP~BqJl~ 'lalnBJJW 'sala~ 'uOllUI
:pa~uasa~d SB UBld asn pUBi pasodo~d aq~ aAo~ddB
I1JunoJ l~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ pualllloJa~ o~ s~olloJ SB pal~~BJ pUB au~oqL lq papuoJas
'lalnBJJW lq paAoll SB~ ~I .6L61 'tZ llnf JO ~ul~aall I1JunoJ aq~ ~oJ UBld aq~ uo
~ul~Baq Jllqnd B alnpaqJs Plno~ aqs pa~B~s ~~alJ l~lJ aq~ 'dBll aq~ uo ~ul~Baq
plaq-llJunoJ l~lJ B ~oJ aJua~aJa~d ~U1JloA uOlssnJslP uOlssllllloJ ~Ul~ollod
.qJns ~sanba~ PlnoJ uOlssllllloJ aq~ '~aAa~oq ~pa~lnba~ ~ou SB~ I1JunoJ l~lJ aq~
a~oJaq ~ul~Baq Jl1qnd B pa~B~s ~a~BuBW l~lJ ~Ul~JY 'uol~sanb uOlsslillilloJ B o~
asuodsa~ uI .pasolJ SB~ ~ul~Baq Jl1qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul aJualpnB
aq~ llO~J pa~BaddB aSIa auo ON .pa~uasa~d SB UBld asn PUBi l~Bullll1a~d aq~ JO
~~oddns ul a~ods pUB aJualpnB aq~ llO~J pa~BaddB saAoN pa~JlY pUB aldsalllB uqof
.dBll UBld asn PUBi aq~ lUBdllOJJB o~ pa~Bda~d aq Plno~ ~xa~ ua~~l~~ B
~Bq~ pall~lJuoJ lpo~a .s~uallnJop O~~ aq~ JO J1J1Jads a~Oll aq~ ~ulaq dBll ~UluOZ
aq~ 'UBld asn pUBi aq~ q~l~ aJuBll~oJUOJ ul aq Plnoqs dBll ~ulUOZ aq~ pa~B~s
aR odBll ~U1UOZ ~UlluBdllOJJB pUB aJuBulP~O ~U1UOZ aq~ ~oJ slsBq aq~ 'uBld
aAlsuaqa~dlloJ IIB~aAo s,l~lJ aq~ JO ~~Bd alloJaq Plno~ UBld asn pUBi aq~ ~Bq~
paulBldxa uasa~~o .uBld aq~ ~JBua o~ aJuBulP~o ~ul1qBua UB JO a~BssBd aq~ ~oJ
llqllassy q~no~oa aq~ o~ pa~~lllqns aq Plnoqs UBld aq~ uaq~pue'IBAo~ddB s~l
~oJ I1JunoJ l~lJ aq~ o~ UBld aq~ P~B~~OJ o~ alqBslAPB aq Plno~ ~l UBld aq~
JO paAo~ddB uOlsslillilloJ aq~ Jl pa~B~s aR .uBld asn pUBi aq~ ~dOpB lllB~al
o~ ~olloJ Plnoqs uOlssllllloJ aq~ a~npaJo~d aq~ paulBldxa uasa~~o .dBll ~U1UOZ
~uaJ~nJ aq~ ~apun ~uasaJd ~OU aJa~ ueq~ 3ul~slxa sasn 3UlllJoJuOJ-uou Ja~aJ
aq Plno~ a~aq~ 'l~lJ aq~ ~oJ dell ~U1UOZ aq~ o~ul UBld asn pUBi aq~ u~n~ o~
pa~do l~lJ aq~ Jl ~Bq~ pa~e~s ApO~a ."lpn~s ~aq~~nd ~oJ sanssI asn PUBi" pUB
"sa~B~uBAPBS1G pUB sa~B~UBAPY" '"saFll1od" pal~l~ua l~lJ aq~ ~oJ UBld asn pUBi
(PI~UOJ) :SBNI~y~R Jliand
1 ~wniOA
6L61 '11 Ainf - BNIL~~ ~YinB~
9vZ ~BYd
(p I ~uoJ)
PAGE 147
was adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
~~~/, ~
bert F. Richa~
PAGE 147
The September 12, 1979, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory
Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman
Present were: Chairman Richardson; Commissioners Inmon, Keyes,
McCauley, Thorne, Walker and Williams
Present also: City Manager Johnson, Borough Planning Director
Waring, Admin. Asst. Schaefermeyer and City Clerk
Richardson, with Commission consent, approved the July 11, 1979,
regular meeting minutes as written.
P & Z:
A. August 14, 1979, memorandum from the Kenai Peninsula Borough
Planning Department, transmitting Borough Ordinance No. 78-37, "Revising
Chapter 20 of the Planning and Subdivision Regulations of the Borough Code
Governing the Subdivision of Land Within the Borough", was noted for information
and filed.
B. August 16, 1979, letter from Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning
Analyst Gabler, transmitting Borough Ordinance No. 79-42, "Rezoning Lots 1
and 2, Block 23, Original Townsite of Seward, From One-Family Residential
District (R-l) to Multi-Family Residential District (R-3)", was noted for
information and filed.
JESSE C. August 16, 1979, letter from Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning
LEE Analyst Gabler, transmitting Borough Ordinance No. 79-41, "Rezoning Lots 1
HTS Through 9, Block 3, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision, City of Seward, From One-
SUB: Family Residential (R-l) to Limited Commercial (CL)", was noted for information
and filed.
uOl~BJBA ~aa~~s slq o~ uOl~BTa~ ul a~no~ SSaJJB a~Bu~a~TB pa~sa~~ns slq pUB
AB~-JO-~q~l~ anUaAV ~S~ld aq~ JO aT1JO~d pUB dBill A~lU1J1A B paABTdslP ual~H,o
'~alAa~ aJUalpnB pUB U01SSlillillOJ ~Od 'pa~ou SB~ 'a~ls~OL p~B~as aq~ O~ U01~lPPV
JJ1TJ aq~ JO ~BTd pap~oJa~ aq~ UO pa~BJlpap pUB u~oqs SB 's ~JOTH 'ST pUB L-Z
S~Ol pUB L ~JOTH 'S-Z S~Ol uaa~~aq ~U1AT 'anUaAV ~S~ld SB ~OU~ AB~-JO-~q~l~
~OOJ OS aq~ JO U01~~od ~Bq~ a~BJBA O~ U01~1~ad aq~ uo ~ul~Baq J1Tqnd '6L6T
'~Z ~aqilla~das JO aJl~ou aa~~lillillOJ ~BTd q~no~oH BTnsuluad lBua~
'~sanba~ ~Uluoza~ S,Ual~H.O aAo~ddB O~ SB~ a~lsap aq~
Jl UBTd aq~ pUaillB O~ ~JB s~auolsslillillOJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~sa~~ns ~Ul~BM 'pa~lnba~
~OU SB~ UBTd aq~ O~ aJUa~aqpB ~Jl~~S pUB aU1Tapln~ B ATUO SB~ UBTd aSn PUB1 aq~
~Bq~ U01Uldo aq~ paJloA s~auolsslillillOJ SnOl~BA '9S-6L 'ON uOl~nTosa~ Aq paAo~ddB
SB dBill UBTd aSn PUB1 aq~ O~ ~OJUOJ ~OU P1P ~sanba~ S,ual~H.O ~Bq~ pa~ou aH
'U01~1~ad ~U1UOza~ aq~ uo ~~oda~ JJB~S aq~ q~~OJ ~Ul~~aS '6L6T 'ZT ~aqilla~das
pa~Bp illnpUB~Oillaill pa~nql~~slP ~Ul~BM ~o~Ja~la ~U1UUBTd q~no~oH
'anssl aq~ SSa~ppB O~
a~n~nJ ~BaU aq~ Ul pa~JB~p aq PTno~ aJuBulP~O UB paill~lJuoJ aq '~uasuoJ U01SSlillillOJ
q~lM 'asnoq~o~ B SB qJns XaTdillOJ ~lUn-aTdl~Tnill B ~OJ ~Uailla~lnba~ ~Bq~ illO~J
U01~dillaxa UB ~OJ apBill uaaq pBq U01S1Ao~d OU pUB ~aaJ a~Bnbs 0009 JO aZls ~oT
illnilllulill B pa~lnba~ aJuBulP~o ~U1UOZ ~ua~~nJ aq~ ~Bq~ ~JBJ aq~ o~ anp illaTqo~d B
pasod xaTdillOJ asnoqu~o~ pasodo~d s.ual~H.O pa~B~s ~a~BuBW A~lJ
'Ba~B ~Ja~qns aq~ ul pa~Jn~~suoJ
ATTBJlillouoJa aq ~OU PTnoJ saJuaplsa~ ATlillBJ-auo 'Ba~B aq~ o~ sal~lTl~n aq~
~ulpua~xa JO ~SOJ aq~ pUB s~OT aq~ JO ulB~~a~ daa~s aq~ o~ anp ~Bq~ pa~B~s aq
'S-~ o~ T-~ illO~J ~uluoza~ pa~sanba~ slq JO ~~oddns UI 'xaTdilloJ aq~ aJ1A~as o~
~ap~o Ul ua~nH UBA illO~J aU1T ~a~as aq~ pua~xa pUB sal~lTl~n puno~~~apun aplAo~d
o~ illlq ~OJ aTqlsBaJ ATTBJlillouoJa aq PTno~ ~1 'xaTdilloJ ~lun-aTdl~Tnill B qJns
~ul~Jn~~suoJ Aq 'pUB s~alA ,s~uaplsa~ ~Ul~slxa AUB ~Jn~~sqo ~OU PTno~ xaTdillOJ
aq~ pa~~oda~ aH 's~lun OS-OS JO ~Ul~SlSUOJ '~daJuoJ asnoqu~o~ aq~ JO aq PTno~
pa~Jn~~suoJ aq O~ pasodo~d ~Ja~o~d aq~ pa~B~s aH '~Uluoza~ pa~sanba~ slq uo
sU01~sanb pa~a~sUB pUB JO ~~oddns Ul a~ods pUB aJualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB ual~H.O
UOlss1illillOJ ~U1UUBTd q~no~oH
aq~ a~oJaq ~ul~Baq LT ~aqilla~das pUB UOlsslill
-illOJ ~U1UUBTd p~B~as aq~ a~oJaq ~ul~Baq ZT
~aqilla~das JO ~U1Jl~OU '~adBds~au TBJOT aq~
Ul sailll~ O~~ paqslTqnd SB aJl~ou J1Tqnd
sTaJ~Bd ~Ja~qns aq~ JO SdBill A~lU1J1A
aq~ ulq~l~ ~Ul~~BTda~ pUB ~Uluoza~
'U01~BJBA pBO~ ~OJ ~U1U01~1~ad '6L6T
'ST ~sn~nv JO ~a~~aT s.ual~H.O ~Jl~~Bd
:pa~ou a~a~ silla~T gUT~OTTOJ aq~ pUB 'uaT~H.O '0 ~JT~~Bd
Aq pa~sanba~ SB (S-~) ~Jl~~s10 TB1~uaplsa~ ATlillBd-l~Tnw O~ (T-~) ~Jl~~s10
TB1~uaplsa~ ATlillBd-auO illO~J 'U01~lPPV JJ1TJ 's ~JOTH 'ST pUB L-Z s~Ol pUB
'L ~JOTH 'S-Z s~Ol JO ~Uluoza~ aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~ul~Baq J1Tqnd 'v :Naav ddI1J
T awnloA
6L6T 'ZT ~aHwaLdas - ~NILaaW ~lnQa~
S~T aQVd
PAGE 149
No one else appeared from the audience in order to be heard and
the public hearing was closed. City Manager recommended that if the Commission
wished to approve O'Brien's request they simultaneously act to revise the Land
Use Plan and approve O'Brien's rezoning request contingent upon the related
amendment of the Plan.
RECESS: The meeting was recessed at 8:25 p.m. in order to allow the Commissioners
the opportunity to review the map of the subject area in relation to
recommending an amendment to the Land Use Plan; the meeting was reconvened
at 8:39 p.m.
It was moved by Keyes, seconded by Williams and unanimously carried to alter
the current Land Use Plan to reflect the following change:
That that land north of Van Buren and south of
Mill Road, bounded on the west by First Avenue
and on the east by Second Avenue, Government
Road and Lots 1-5, Block 7, of the Cliff Addition,
be changed to Multi-Family Residential District
from its current designation as Neighborhood
Residential District.
It was moved by Keyes, seconded by Walker and unanimously carried to rezone
Lots 2-5, Block 7, and Lots 2-7 and 15, Block 8, Cliff Addition, from One-
Family Residential District (R-l) to Multi-Family Residential District (R-3) ,
contingent upon the approval of the revision of the Land Use Plan by the City
It was moved by Richardson, seconded by Inmon and unanimously carried to recommend
the vacation of that portion of First Avenue which lies between Blocks 7 and 8
of the Cliff Addition, through the subject lots, and the City provide whatever
the standard easement is in width (50 or 60 feet) from Kelly Street east to
the alley between First and Second Avenues.
A. John Gillespie appeared from the audience and posed various
questions on how the zoning ordinance and building codes would affect a parcel
of land he was in the process of purchasing. He stated he would appear before
the Commission at a later date with a formal rezoning request.
A. In answer to a question from Walker, Williams confirmed that the
building he was constructing in the Forest Acres Subdivision was a one-family
residence with a large garage, not a shop.
:aJNaaNOdsa~OJ "AI
se sa~nullli 2ul~aalli ~RTn2a~ '6L6T 'ZT ~aqllia~das a~~ aAo~dde o~ uosp~e~Jl~
Aq pa~ap~o os pue uOlliuI Aq papuoJas 'au~o~L Aq paAolli se<'\. ~I
:saLJ1NIW dO '1VAO~dcN 'III
~~aTJ A~lJ pue 2ul~eM ~o~Ja~la 2uluueTd ~2no~oH
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AaTneJJW 'UOlliUI s~auolss1llilliOJ ~uosp~e~Jl~ uelli~le~J :a~a<'\. ~uasa~d
:iiVJ iiO~ "II
"UOSP~R~Jl~ ue~le~J Aq "lli"d O(:L ~e ~ap~o o~
paTTRJ se<'\. '6L6T 'OT ~aqo~JO lliO~J paTnpa~Jsa~ SR '~ ~aqo~JO JO UOlsSlllilliOJ
2ulUOZ pUR 2uluueTd A~OSlAPV p~e<'\.as a~~ JO 2ul~aalli ~eTn2a~ a~L
:~a@o OL i1VJ
T aWfl10A
6L6T '~ ~aHOLJO - DNILaaW ~1nDa~
O~T aDVd
"lli'd Z~:8 ~R pau~no~pR
UOSP~R~~ . d ~~aqo~ t'
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://, " I' /7,',
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paTnpa~Js~~ aq aT ~aqo~JO ~oJ paTnpa~Js uOlsslllillioJ a~~ JO 2ul~aalli ~R1n2a~
a~~ ~e~~ papuallillioJa~ '~uasuoJ uOlsslllillioJ ~~1<'\. '~a2RuRW A~lJ 'V
1 awn10A
6L61 'ZT ~aHwaLdas - DNILaaw ~1nDa~
0~1 aDVd
PAGE 151
PLANNING & A. Public hearing was opened on a proposed change in the Land Use
ZONING: Plan of Seward, to amend a certain single family residential area within the
Cliff Addition to a multi-family residential aree, and the public hearing notice
as published two times in the local newspaper was noted. No one appeared from
the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Richardson
confirmed this matter had been discussed at the Commission meeting of September 12.
Following discussion, it was moved by Inmon, seconded by Thorne and unanimously
carried by all those present to amend the current Land Use Plan so that that
certain land north of Van Buren and south of Mill Road, bounded on the west by
First Avenue and on the east by Second Avenue, Government Road and Lots 1-5,
Block 7, of the Cliff Addition, be changed to Multi-Family Residential District
from its current designation as Neighborhood Residential District.
B. Public hearing was opened on a proposed amendment to the Seward
zoning ordinance to provide for the construction of townhouses and condominiums,
upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit, in certain zoning districts, and the
following items were noted:
"Public Notice" as published two times in
the local newspaper, noticing of the hearing
scheduled before the Commission
September 20, 1979, draft of proposed Seward
zoning ordinance Sec. 21.78.650 Townhouses.
No one appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing
was closed. Borough Planning Director Waring submitted the following amendments
to the draft of Sec. 21.78.650:
B. A detailed development plan is submitted with
the application for a conditional use to in-
clude a site plan, drawn to scale. Such site
plan shall include, but shall not be limited
to the topography and drainage of the proposed
site, the location of all buildings and
structures on the site, courts and open space
area, circulation patterns, ingress and egress
points, parking areas (including the total
number of parking spaces provided) and a general
floor plan of the principal buildings, together
with other such information as the Planning and
Zoning Commission shall require. The number of
contiguous units allowed shall depend upon the
topography and the design and shall be subject
to the limitations of the Advisory Planning
C. Not more than 6 contiguous townhouses shall be
built in a row with the same or approximately
the same front line.
'sa~lBuuOl~sanb asoq~ ~alAa~ PTnoJ sl~ai 'S~W pUB UBTd aSrr PUBi
pasodo~d aq~ ~OJ slsBq B SB pasn pUB illaq~ Aq paAlaJa~ uaaq pBq qJlq~s~lBuU01~Sanb
J1Tqnd aq~ TTB A~lJ aq~ O~ 8U1P~B~~OJ aq PTno~ TT1H WlHJ paill~lJuoJ ~UB~SlSSV
aAl~B~~SlUlillPV 'Ba~B ~aq illO~J paAlaJa~ uaaq pBq asuodsa~ ou ~Bq~ pa~BJlpul
paAlaJa~ sasuodsa~ aq~ JO ATTB~ S,ill~lJ aq~ pa~B~S aqs '~aAa~oq ~a~lBUU01~Sanb B
pau~n~a~ pUB ~no paTT1J pBq aqs pa~B~S sl~ai 'TT1H WlHJ JO ill~lJ 8Ul~aaU18ua
aq~ Aq pa~JnpuoJ AaA~nS U01Uldo J1Tqnd UBTd aSrr PUBi p~B~as aq~ JO U01~~od B JO
A~lP1TBA aq~ paU01~Sanb pUB aJualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB sl~ai A~BW 'V
'papuaillB SB 'SaSnQqu~oL
O~9"8L"Tl 'JaS aJuBulP~O 8U1UOZ p~B~as aAo~ddB O~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTB Aq pal~~BJ
ATsnOilllUBun pUB UOillUI Aq papuoJas 'AaTnBJJW Aq paAOill SB~ ~1 'uolssnJslP 8Ul~OTTOa
"pa~uasa~d SB S~UaillpUaillB pUB ~JB~P aq~ JO ~daJuoJ aq~ JO TBAO~ddB U01SSlillillOJ
pa~sanba~ aq '~aAa~oq ~TBAO~ddB ~OJ ill~OJ aJuBulP~O Ul pa~~lillqns aq Plno~
SB 8U1P~O~ ~JBXa aq~ U1B~UOJ ~OU P1P S~UaillpUaillB ~JB~P aq~ pa~B~S ~a8BUBW A~lJ
, a8B~aAOJ
~OI ~uaJ~ad Ov aq~ ~SU1B8B ~unoJ ~OU TT1~
S~~Od~BJ "SU01~BJlpap ~aa~~s pUB S~OI 8Ul~~Bd
Ul sauBl J1JJB~~ 'SAB~aAl~p JO aAlsnTJxa
~lun 8Ul1Ta~p ~ad saJBds ~l'l JO a~B~ illnilllulill
aq~ ~B paplAo~d aq IIBqs Ba~B aJBds 8Ul~~Bd 'V
LIWO of:
'~uaJ~ad Ov aq TTBqS
s8ulPl1nq TTB Aq a8B~aAOJ ~OT illnilllxBill aqL
:8Ul~OTTOJ aq~ o~ ill~OJUOJ ~snill ~Jaro~d
asnoqu~o~ aq~ pUB ~aaJ a~Bnbs OOOl aq IIBqs
~lun asnoq~o~ qJBa ~oJ Ba~B ~ol illnilllulW '~
:O~9'8L'Tl "JaS JO ~JB~P aq~ o~ s~uaillpuaillB pasodo~d aq~ q~l~ panul~uoJ 8Ul~B~
'~aaJ II
Sl asnoq~o~ IBnplAlpul UB ~oJ q~Pl~ ~ol illnilllulW 'a
SillBl111~ pUB ~a~IB~ 'saAa~
uOSP~BqJ1H pUB AalnBJJW 'uOillUI
:~aaJ IT ~B q~Pl~ 8ulPl1nq illnilllulill aq~ ~as o~ s~olloJ SB
pal~~BJ pUB uOillUI Aq papuoJas 'AalnBJJW Aq paAoill SB~ ~1 'uolssnJslP 8Ul~olloa
>g ~NINNVld
: S~NIHWH JIllIrrd
1 awmOA
6L61 'v HalIOLJO - ~NILaaW HVirr~aH
l~T a~Vd
PAGE 153
A. City Manager stated a public hearing would be scheduled before
the Advisory Planning Commission meeting of November 14 in order to discuss
the proposed amendment to the Seward zoning ordinance to remove the permitted
use of public schools in RR, R-l and R-2 zoning districts within the City,
thereby making identical those districts in which public and private schools
would be allowed.
C.~>. :~'Th,,,,~n;~~ tifl,g
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adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
) " "--7
PAGE 153
The regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission
of November 14, 1979, was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Acting Chairman Keyes.
Present were: Acting Chairman Keyes; Commissioners McCauley, Thorne,
Walker and Williams (Absent, with Commission consent,
were Chairman Richardson and Commissioner Inmon)
Present also: Administrative Assistant Schaefermeyer, City Engineer
Small, Borough Senior Planner Labahn and City Clerk
4u3illd013A3P 3snoqu~04
3q4 04 3np AB~pBOJ 3q4 uo J1JJBJ4 pasBaJJul
aq4 pUB Sq4UOill Ja4Ul~ ~U1Jnp 4aaJ4S l11W JO
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6L61 '~Z Jaq04JO uo UalJH,O
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:S~NI~H :)IIHl1d
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UalJH,O )jJ1J4Bd Aq pa441illqns SB~ 4BldaJ aq4 pa4B4S JaAaillJaJaBqJS "pa40U SB~
'U014BJBA pBOJ pa4BlaJ pUB 1 "ON 4Blda~ u0141PPV JJ11:) aq4 JO 4Bld IBulJ aq4
paAoJddB AIIBU0141PUOJ aa441Willo:) aq4 aill14 qJlq~ 4B '6L61 'zz Jaq04JO pa4BP
lluo14JV aa441illillo:) 4Bld JO aJ140NIl q~noJoH Blnsuluad lBua)J: "H :NUGV ddIl:)
"Ja)jBH UaJB~ pUB qOH Aq pasodoJd SB
X31dilloJ 4Uaill4JBdB aq4 JOJ AJBSSaJaU 'saul1 401 JOlJa4ul aq4 ~U1AOillaJ 'a41s
-U~Ol IBU1~lJO 'L )jJoIH '((-~Z s401 JO 4BldaJ B SB~ uOlslAlpqns ~alABas 4Bq4
paillJ1JuOJ JaAaillJaJaBqJS "pa40U SB~ 'UolslAlpqns ~alABas JOJ 4Bld AJBUlilll1
-aJd 3q4 paAoJddB AIIBuo141pUOJ aa441Willo:) aq4 aill14 qJlq~ 4B '6L61 '8 Jaq04JO
P34BP lluo14JV aa441Willo:) 4Bld JO aJ140NIl q~nOJOH Blnsuluad lBua)J: 'V
: a1 I SNt101
. AI
"ua441J~ SB sa4nulill ~u14aaill JBln~aJ
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:sal11NIW dO IV1I.O~ddV "III
1 aW11101l.
6L61 'vI ~aHW3:1I.0N - ~NI1aaW ~ll1~a~
v~l a~Vd
V:J l
PAGE 155
November 14, 1979, memorandum from the Borough
Planning Department staff, siting background
information, staff comments and recommendations
relative to the project
Text of the townhouse ordinance, under considera-
tion by the Borough Assembly
Patrick O'Brien appeared from the audience and spoke and answered questions on
his proposed townhouse complex, to be completed in three stages, and referred
to the "Cliffside Townhouses" maps as posted for Commission and audience review.
Thd maps displayed the building elevations, a typical 2-story, 2-bedroom unit,
and included a topographic survey and a display of the development placement
on the parcel. O'Brien confirmed that sewer and water services would be
extended to the project as well as underground electric and telephone services.
He stated the development would cover 26 percent of the total square footage
of the parcel.
Administrative Assistant Schaefermeyer stated that O'Brien planned
to provide access to the project via the 20-foot wide alley lying east of the
project. He stated the City administration did not find such a proposal to use
an alley as the major access to such a large project acceptable due to maintenance
and safety problems. O'Brien stated he would be agreeable to widening the alley
to 30 feet; however, if he was required to make it any wider he would not have
enough room on the parcel for the 46 units and required parking. City Engineer
Thomas Small spoke on the need for a wider access route to the project due to
the fact that a drainage ditch would be required on both sides of the alley and
some pedestrian access should also be provided. No one else appeared from the
audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Borough Senior Planner Labahn reviewed the staff report as dis-
tributed that evening and spoke on the recommendations and conditions the
Borough Planning Department would recommend the City Commission place on issuance
of the conditional use permit. Labahn explained that the conditional use permit
would not be valid until the Borough had approved the Seward Land Use Plan, the
townhouse ordinance and rezoning of the parcel from R-l to R-3. O'Brien spoke
against making issuance of the conditional use permit contingent upon approval
of the Land Use Plan, citing the lengthy time frame likely to be involved in
the Borough's enactment of the Plan and the necessity for him to proceed as soon
as possible with his financing package for the project. Administrative Assistant
stated the City administration would be amenable to directing correspondence to
any potential lender, explaining the conditions which had to be met prior to issuance
of the permit and the Citysoptimistic opinion that the Land Use Plan would be
enacted by the Borough in the near future. Keyes stated it might be helpful to
have the Borough submit a similar letter since it appeared that most of the
conditions which had to be met by O'Brien depended upon pending Borough Planning
Commission and/or Assembly action.
Schaefermeyer recommended that the Commission continue any action
on issuance of the conditional use permit until the Commission's December meeting,
and to move the regular meeting from December 12 to December 5. He stated the
additional time period would allow the City administration and O'Brien to develop
an acceptable road access plan, drainage plans, and necessary clarifications on
'7]1t/' ,
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0(:6 :)B paUJ:no~PBfslO1~1 ~u1=:)aaUl .aq;t g
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aa;rq:) paTTB:)O:) 'pasn::>xaun pUB pasn::>xa 'sa::>uasqe JO ;raqUlnu TB:)O:) aq:) uaq~ :)Bq:)
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~::>eT 0:) anp aunf a::>uls ~ul:)aaUl B uaaq :)OU pBq a;raq:) a;raq~ UOlsSlUlUlOJ ;roq;rBH
aq:) q:)l~ :)ua;rBddB fTTBl::>adsa 's;rauolsslUlUlO::> pa:)uloddB aq:) JO a::>uBpua:):)B
;rBTn~a;r JO ~::>BT aq:) JO UlaTqo;rd aq:) passa;rppB pBq Tl::>unoJ f:)lJ aq:) pa:)B:)s
:)uB:)slssV aAl:)B;r:)slulUlPV 'pa:)ou SB~ :)uasa;rd aq:) 0:) '8L6T 'TT ;raqo:)::>o UlO;rJ
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IV'?? I/! ,-:r,
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JO :)BTd f;rBUlllI1=Ta;rd aql 'V
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PTno::> UOlsslUlUlOJ ~UlUOZ pUB ~UlUUBTd f;roslApv p;rB~as aq:) a::>uBulP;ro ~UluOZ
p;rB~as aq:) 0:) :)uBns;rnd :)Bq:) pa:)B:)s ;rafaUl;[aJaeq::>s 'q~no;roH aq:) 0:) TB:):)lUlsuB;r:)
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TBUlJ aq:) fq~ pauol:)sanb pUB a::>ualpnB aq:) Ulo;rJ pa;rBaddB aldsaTTl~ uqof
'~ ;raqUla::>aa 0:) ZT
;raqUla::>aa Ulo;rJ a:)Bp ~ul:)aaUl ;rBTn~a;r S,uolsslUlUlOJ aq:) ~UlAOUl '~ul:)aaUl ;raqUla::>aa
aq:) 0:) ;ra:):)eUl aq:) anul:)uo::> 0:) :)uasa;rd asoq:) TTB fq pal;r;rB::> fTsnOUllUBun pUB
;ra~TBt1 Aq papuo::>as 'SUlB1TT1t1 Aq paAOUl SB~ :)1 'u01ssn::>s1P 3U1~oTTod 'a::>uBu1P;ro
asnoqu~o:) aq:) pUB ~Uluoza;r aq:) uodn :)::>B 0:) f:)lun:);roddo aq:) pBq aABq PTno~
q~no;roH aq:) ~ ;raqUla::>aa fq :)Bq:) pa:)ou aH ':)uaUldoTaAap aq:) U1=q:Jl~ fB~pBo;r aq:)
Ulo;rJ sTTB:)S ~Ul~;rBd aq:) JO UOl:)BaulTap :)::>Bxa UB apnT::>ul 0:) dBUl :)uaUldoTaAap aq:)
: S~NI~H JrIHlld
T 3:Wll'IOA
6L6T 'i?T ~aHW3:AON - ~NU3:3:W ~\l1l~3:~
%T 3:~Vd
PAGE 157
The December 12, 1979, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory
and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Acting
Present were: Acting Chairman Keyes; Commissioners Inmon,
McCauley, *Thorne, Walker and Williams (Absent
was Chairman Richardson)
Present also: Admin. Asst. Schaefermeyer, Borough Senior Planner
Labahn and City Clerk Shanley
Keyes, with COImnission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes
of November 14, 1979, as written.
No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard.
A. Discussion, which began at the November 14, 1979, meeting, continued
relative to Patrick O'Brien's application for a conditional use permit for con-
struction of a townhouse complex on the Cliff Addition Replat No.1. November 16,
1979, memorandum from Borough Senior Planner Labahn was noted; Labahn also dis-
tributed December 6, 1979, memo which confirmed that the Borough had acted to
rezone the subject property in the Cliff Addition to an R-3 district and, further,
noted that the townhouse provisions had been added to the Seward Zoning Ordinance.
O'Brien appeared from the audience, displayed a map showing his revised develop-
ment plan, and spoke and answered Commission questions on his proposed project.
He stated the initially-proposed 46-unit complex had been reduced to 34 units in
order to accommodate two parking spaces per unit and a 50-foot road right-of-way
running north-south along the west side of the project. He spoke on the parcel's
drainage and snow removal as well as location of the water and sewer mains.
Following discussion, Administrative Assistant recommended that the Commission
approve the application for a conditional use permit from Patrick D. O'Brien
for a 34-unit townhouse project for Cliff Addition No.1, with the following
findings and conditions:
:sl~Oda~ ~aBVNVW XIIJ
:ssaNIsnH MaN
aA1~R~~S1U1illPV Aq pa~uasa~d SR
'ua1~H.O ~~1~~Rd ~oJ ~1ill~ad
Aq pa1~~R~ ATsnOill1uRun pUR
'~aAaill~aJaRq~s ~UR~S1SSV
SU01~Rpuaillillo~a~ S.U01~R~~S1U1rnpR aq~ O~ ~uRns~nd
asn TRU01~1puo~ aq~ aAo~ddR O~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTR
SillR1TT1M Aq papuo~as '~a~TRM Aq paAOill os SRA ~I
'ATqrnassv q2no~oH RTnsu1uad
1Rua~ aq~ Aq pa~~Rua aq p~RAas JO
A~1J aq~ ~OJ pasodo~d URTd asn pUR~ aql (a)
pUR ~A~1J
aq~ Aq A~Rssa~au paillaap SU01~R~1J1~ads
aq~ o~ 2U1P~0~~R a~1A~as TR~1~~~aTa
pUR ~aAas '~a~RA ap1Ao~d ~UR~1TddR aql (p)
~A~1J aq~ Aq A~Rssa~au
paillaap SU01~R~1J1~ads aq~ o~ 2U1P~0~~R
pRO~ ssa~~R aq~ ~~n~~suo~ ~UR~1TddR aql (~)
~~~aro~d aq~ o~ pRO~ ssa~~R ~ooJ
-OS R ~oJ ap1Ao~d o~ S~~R~~ aq~ JO ap1s
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:~aill aq suo1~1puo~ 2U1AOTToJ aq~ ~Rql '9
pUR ~punoJ AT1pRa~ ~OU s1
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~~~1~~STP AT1illRJ-1~Tnill 'A~1suap q2Tq R
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8ST aBVd
PAGE 159
A. Inmon spoke in support of Patrick O'Brien's townhouse development
project but urged the administration to follow through with utility requirements
which would adequately provide for future development plans of the area.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
PAGE 159
The January 9, 1980, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning
and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairman Richardson.
Present were: Chairman Richardson; Commissioners Inmon, Keyes,
McCauley, Thorne and Williams (Absent was
Commissioner Walker)
Present also: City Manager Johnson and City Clerk Shanley
Richardson, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting
minutes of December 12, 1979, as written.