HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 Planning & Zoning Minutes auoN :SS/INISfla t1/IN 'IIIA auoN :SS/INISfla a/IHSINlaNfl 'IIA . p;I1~aq aq o~ ~ap~o ul aWl~ slq~ ~B aJualpnB aq~ wO~J paJBaddB auo ON :NOISSflJSla ,SN/IZILIJ 'IA aUON :SDNI~V/IH JI1afld 'A . DNIL/I/IW /IHL NI L~Vd ~OOL ~/ILaV/I~/IHL aNY 'W'd EE:L LV a/IAI~~V ~/IINVdS ~/INOISSIWWOJ~ 'pa~ou SB~ Ja~1Bt1 ~auolsslwwoJ wO~J UOl~Bu21sa~ JO ~a~~a1 '1861 's AJBnuBf'J ~~ 'U01~BW~OJUl uOlsslwwoJ ~oJ pa~ou a~a~ '0861 '8 ~aqwaJaa pa~Bp lI~uaw2pnfll pUB !q~no~oa B1nsuluad lBua~ pUB 'B~SB1V 'p~B~as JO A~lJ 'SA 1B ~a '1adBqJ p~B~as ul '0861 'oz ~aqwaAoN uo B~SB1V JO ~~noJ ~OlJadns aq~ Aq pa11J SB II~B1 JO suolsn1JuoJ pUB ~JBa JO s2UlpUlall 'a :S/I~JV LS/I~Oa 'paAo~ddB uaaq pBq ~B1daJ aq~ pUB spUBwap s,U01~B~~SlU1WPB q2no~oa aq~ q~l~ A1dwOJ O~ ua~B~ uaaq pBq sda~s pa~lnba~ aq~ '~Joda~ aAl~BJ~SlU1WPB 1 ~aqwaJaa aq~ aJuls ~Bq~ pa~B~S pUB aJualpnB aq~ WO~J paJBaddB '~B1daJ aq~ JO JOAaA~ns 'SAaA~ns PUB1 B~SB1V 'ssa2~na pUOWAB~ 'pa~ou SB~ 'UOlslAlpqns ~alAUBaJO 'V ~Jo1a '6 ~01 JO ~B1da~ pasodo~d :aflS aq~ JO 1Bluap aAl~BJ~SlU1WPB JO aJl~ou '0861 '1 ~aqwaJaa oV t1/IIANV/IJO :/IJN/IaNOdS/I~~OJ oAI 'ua~~l~~ SB '0861 '61 ~aqwaAoN JO sa~nulw 2ul~aaw ~B1n2aJ aq~ paAoJddB '~uasuoJ uOlsslwwoJ q~l~ 'sWB1111t1 :S/ILflNIW ao 1VAO~ddV '111 Aa1uBqS ~~a1J A~lJ pUB uosuqof Ja2BUBW A~lJ :OS1B ~uasaJd (~a~1Bt1~~ pUB uasuBH s~auolsslWWOJ a~a~ ~uasqv) aUJoqL pUB JalUBds~ '~~oqS 'UalJa,O SJaUOlsslWWOJ !SWB1111t1 UBw~lBqJ :a~a~ ~uasa~d :11VJ 110~ 'II . SWBnUt1 Aq 'w'd OE:L ~B ~ap~o O~ pa11BJ SB~ U01SS1WWOJ 2U1UOZ pUB A~OSlApV p~B~as aq~ JO 2Ul~aaw ~B1n2aJ '1861 'v1 A~BnuBf aqL UBWXj:BqJ 2UluUB1d :~/I@O OL 11VJ '1 1 /IWfl10A 1861 'v1 X~VflNVf - DNIL/I/IW ~V1flD/I~ Z61 /IDVd 7,6t 193- PAGE 193 REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 14, 1981 VOLUME 1 IX. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City Manager gave a verbal status report on the 4th of July Creek marine industrial park development. B. In answer to a question from O'Brien, City Manager reported on the status of the Seward Chapel law suit, stating Seward Chapel had retained a new attorney and was proceeding with an appeal of the Superior Court's decision and judgment. C. City Manager spoke briefly on the City's plans to resubdivide the Terminal Addition. D. City Manager reported that the City was filing a grant application to develop a portion of the 7th Avenue greenbelt. X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: JACKSON SUB: A. Kenai Peninsula Borough notice dated November 26, 1980, regarding the request received from Alaska Barge and Salvage to approve the Jackson Subdivision plat, was noted. City Manager stated the only comment the City administration would make is that access to the interior lots should be assured prior to subdivision approval. Raymond Burgess, Alaska Land Surveys, surveyor of the subdivision, appeared from the audience and spoke on the proposed subdivision. Following discussion, it was moved by Spanier, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carried by all those present that a condition of approval of the Jackson Subdivision be that a dedicated right-of-way or access be provided. OCEANVIEW SUB: B. December 1, 1980, letter from the University of Alaska regarding the development of Lots 1-3, Block 5, Oceanview Subdivision, was noted. City Manager stated the parcel was presently zoned "Industrial"; the Land Use Plan designated the parcel as "Public", and the City supported the University's request that the parcel be rezoned to "Public". Following discussion, it was moved by Spanier, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carried by all those present that the City act to have Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 5, Oceanview Subdivision Addition No.1, rezoned to public use. PKS & REC: C. City Manager requested that the Commission take action to rezone the 7th Avenue greenbelt area to a "Public" designation. Following discussion, it was moved by Spanier, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carried by all those present that the area designated as the 7th Avenue greenbelt be rezoned to "Public" designation. P & Z COMSN: D. It was noted that the Commission terms of O'Brien and Thorne expired in February 1981. O'Brien stated he would be resigning from the Commission; Thorne stated he would seek reappointment. P & Z COMSN: E. O'Brien and Williams questioned why Jeff Labahn, Senior Planner from the Kenai Peninsula Borough assigned to the Seward area, was not in attendance. City Manager reported that the new Borough Mayor had discontinued planning aid for Seward, as well as other cities within the Borough. O'Brien stated a letter of protest from the Commission should be sent to the Borough Assembly. Following discussion, Spanier, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USUl,l"J:1'lqJ SUlsllllt1 usaa ...~._--. --7:7'~~----?~J /- " , / 'I II ,. c 1 3:WD.'IOA 1861 '11 x~vn~g3:a - ~NIl3:3:W ~V'In~3:~ ~61 3:~Vd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USUl.:llsqJ SUlsllllt1 usaa ----.--7~//c?-----:r/ t /1; , 'U1'd ~Z:8 ~s pau.:lnOrpS ss~ 2ul~aaUl alll :lN3:WN~nofav 'IX '~lun aq~ ul 2ulAll ss~ auoaUlos pa.:lsadds ~l pa~s~s aq !uol~S~s oJsxal aq~ pUlqaq pa~sJol .:lalls.:l~ aq~ a~s2l~saAul U01~S.:l~SlU1UlpS aq~ ~sq~ pa~sanba.:l ual.:lH,O 'a 'aJue~slsse ~uluueTd TSJoT JO ~Jel aq~ o~ Al~UO.:l~S ~ul~Jarqo 'AlqUlassV(PI~uoJ) q2no.:log elnsuluad lsua~ aq~ o~ .:la~~al e ~Ja.:llP uOlsslUJUJoJ 2U1UOZ pus : NSWOJ ~uluueld leJol aq~ JO USUl.:llsqJ aq~ ~sq~ pa~sanba.:l '~uasuoJ uOlsslUJUJoJ q~l~ Z ~ d (p,~UOJ) :NOIssnJSIa NOISSIWWOJ 'X 1 3:WD.'IOA 1861 '~1 x~vnNVf - ~NIl3:3:W ~V'In~3:~ %1 3:~Vd , .v6T 195 PAGE 195 REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 11, 1981 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: The March 11, 1981, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Williams. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Williams; Commissioners Shott and Thorne; *newly-appointed Commissioners Ikerd, McKinney and Woodruff (Absent was Commissioner Spanier) Present also: City Engineer/Utility Manager Small, Borough Senior Planner Labahn and City Clerk Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Williams, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of January 14, 1981, as written. IV. SWEARING IN OF NEW COMMISSIONERS: P & Z *COMSN: City Clerk administered the oath of office to reappointed Commissioner Chester Thorne and to newly-appointed Commissioners Ben Ikerd, Tom McKinney and John Woodruff. V. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN: P & Z OMSNo It was moved by Shott and seconded by Ikerd that Dean Williams ~e nominated to serve for another year as Chairman of the Commission. There being no other nominations and no objection voiced, Williams was appointed as Chairman of the Commission by acclamation, with the term expiring in February 1982. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: FOREST ACRES: A. "Memorandum Decision" in the Superior Court for the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, dated February 19, 1981, regarding Seward Cha~ v. City of Seward et aI, was noted for information and filed. 4TH OF JULY B. February 10, 1981, "Public Notice" from the Corps of CREEK Engineers regarding the City's application to construct an Industrial AREA: Marine Park at the Fourth of July Creek area, was noted for information and filed. Jeff Labahn presented the City Clerk with a copy of a letter dated March 9, 1981, wherein the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning and Zoning Commission submitted its non-objection to the Corps of Engineers relative to the City of Seward's application. P & Z COMSN: C. January 20, 1981, letter from Chairman Williams to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly, and Mayor Stan Thompson's response dated February 2, 1981, regarding the Borough planning function, was noted for information and filed. "sa1l.1aSlllaq~ aZJ~BJIJlllBJ Plnoqs s~auoJssJ1ll1lloJ aq~ qJJq~ q~J~ s~ualllnJop ~aq~o pUB 'UBla aSil PUBi aq~ 'aJUBUJP~O ~UJUOZ p~B~as aq~ q~J~ s~aqlllalll ~au aq~ ~uJBnbJB O~ UqBqBi ~OIIB O~ ~ap~o UJ Sllla~J BpUa~B aq~ JO uOJ~aldllloJ ~UJ~0110J UqBqBi q~J~ ~aalll ~uJuall.a ~Bq~ UJ U~O~S s~auoJssJ1ll1ll0J ~au aa~q~ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~sa~~ns pUB aJUaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB uaJ~HIO ~JJ~~Ba "V :NOISSilJSIG ISN~ZI1IJ "IIIA "JJlqna O~ IBJj~a1ll1lloJ IB~aua~ pUB IBJ~~snpuI 1ll0~J '1 "ON uOJ~JPPV uOJsJlI.Jpqns ~aJlI.UBaJO '~ ~JoIH '( pUB Z '1 s~oi auoza~ o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIB Aq paJ~~BJ AlSnOlllJuBun pUB au~oql Aq papuoJas '~~oqS Aq pa1l.01ll SB~ ~J 'uoJssnJsJP UOJSSJ1ll1ll0J ~UJ~0110& "paSOlJ SB~ ~UJ~Baq JJlqnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o UJ aJUaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB aSIa auo ON "~JJ~~sJP ~uJuoz JJlqna B uJ asn ~uJlll~oJuoJ B pa~apJsuoJ aq Plno~ '~uJsnoq A~Js~all.Juil ~oJ pasn pUB A~Js~all.JUil aq~ Aq dJqs~a~o UJ panuJ~uoJ JJ 'xaldllloJ ~ualll~~BdB aq~ uOJuJdo SJq UJ ~Bq~ pa~ua1ll1lloJ uqBqBi 'uoJssnJsJP ~UJ~OIIO& "( ~Oi uo pa~BJol ~uJPIJnq ~ualll~~BdB ~uJ~sJxa aq~ uo all.Bq Plno~ 'pall.o~ddB JJ '~uJuoza~ aq~ ~JaJJB ~Bq~ pauoJ~sanb pUB aJuaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB uaJ~H,o ~Ba "~sanba~ ~uJuoza~ aq~ all.o~ddB UOJSSJ1ll1ll0J aq~ ~Bq~ UOJ~BpUa1ll1ll0Ja~ JJB~S SJq pa~~Jlllqns aq pUB UBla aSil PUBi p~B~as aq~ UJ q~~OJ ~as UOJ~BJJJJSSBIJ asn aq~ q~J~ ~ua~sJsuoJ SB~ ~uJuoza~ pasodo~d aq~ pa~B~S aq qJJq~ UJ '1861 '11 qJ~BW pa~Bp lllnpUB~Olllalll SJq pUB ~sanba~ ~uJuoza~ aq~ O~ all.J~Bla~ UOJ~Blll~OJUJ JO ~a~JBd B pa~nqJ~~sJP UqBqBi "~uJuoza~ pa~sanba~ aq~ JO IBlI.o~ddB UOJSSJ1ll1ll0J ~uJ~sanba~ '~uJuoza~ aq~ ~OJ s~uB~lnsuoJ IBJJuqJa~ 'pa~B~od~oJUI SJJuo~Jal 1ll0~J '1861 '~ qJ~BW pa~Bp ~a~~al B pa~ou ~~alJ A~JJ "pa~ou SB~ '~adBds~au IBJol aq~ UJ salllJ~ O~~ paqsJlqnd SB '~uJ~Baq palnpaqJs aq~ o~ all.J~Bla~ lIaJJ~oN JJlqnall aq~ pUB '~JJ~~SJP ~UJuoz (a) JJlqna O~ '(z ~Oi) (~J) IBJJ~a1ll1lloJ IB~aua~ pUB (( pUB 1 S~Oi) (I) IBJ~~snpuI 1ll0~J '1 "ON uOJ~JPPV uOJsJlI.Jpqns ~aJlI.UBaJO '~ ~JoIH auoza~ o~ p~B~as JO A~JJ aq~ Aq palJJ SB uOJ~J~ad aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~uJ~Baq JJlqna "H : HilS M.~IANV~JO "asn (a) JJlqna o~ (I) IBJ~~snpu1 1ll0~J Ba~B ~laquaa~~ anuall.V q~L aq~ auoza~ o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIB Aq paJ~~BJ AlsnOlllJuBun pUB au~oql Aq papuoJas '~~oqS Aq pa1l.01ll SB~ ~J 'uoJssnJsJP UOJSSJ1ll1ll0J ~UJ~0110& "paSOlJ SB~ ~UJ~Baq JJlqnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o UJ aJuaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB aSIa auo ON "slaJ~Bd ~Ja~qns aq~ uo UOJ~JB al~J~ ~aJnb q~J~ ~uJpaaJo~d SB~ A~JJ aq~ palll~JJuoJ aH "S,0061 Al~Ba aq~ aJuJs slaJ~Bd aq~ uo saXB~ ~UJABd uaaq pBq auo OU pUB sal~J~ papnolJ pBq A~JJ aq~ Aq pa~o ~OU A~~ado~d AIUO aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~S ~aauJ~u~ A~JJ "paUoza~ aq O~ A~~ado~d aq~ JO dJqs~a~o aq~ pauoJ~sanb pUB aJuaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB uaJ~HIO ~Ba "Ba~B aq~ UJ dB~ dJ~ aJBld O~ A~JJ aq~ pa~~n pUB lllalqo~d uOJso~a all.JSSBlll B ~uJJuaJ~adxa SB~ Ba~B ~laquaa~~ aq~ ~Bq~ u~aJuoJ paJJoll. q~oq '~all.a~oq ~~uJuoza~ aq~ JO ~~oddns UJ a~ods pUB aJuaJpnB aq~ 1ll0~J pa~BaddB Z~~B~S ua~B~ pUB SlllBJIIJM. ~Ba "~sanba~ ~uJuoza~ aq~ all.o~ddB UOJSSJ1ll1ll0J aq~ ~Bq~ UOJ~BpUa1ll1ll0Ja~ JJB~S SJq pa~~Jlllqns aq pUB UBla aSil PUBi p~B~as aq~ UJ q~~OJ ~as UOJ~BJJJJSSBIJ asn aq~ q~J~ ~ua~sJsuoJ SB~ ~uJuoza~ pasodo~d aq~ pa~B~S aq qJJq~ UJ '1861 '11 qJ~BW pa~Bp lllnpUB~Olllalll sJq pa~nqJ~~sJP UqBqBi "pa~ou SB~ '~adBds~au IBJol aq~ uJ salllJ~ O~~ paqsJlqnd SB '~uJ~Baq palnpaqJs aq~ o~ a1l."nBp~ lIaJJWN Jnqnall aq~ pUB 'PJ~~SlP 2U1UOZ (a) Jllqna O~ (1) IB1~~snpu1 1ll0~J Ba~B ~laquaa~~ anuall.V q~L aq~ auoza~ O~ p~B~as JO A~JJ aq~ Aq pal1J SB U01~1~ad aq~ uo pauado SB~ 2ul~Baq JJlqna "V :J~~ ~ s~a :S~N1~V~H JIiHila "IIA 1 ~mOA 1861 '11 HJ~VW - ~N1l~~W ~Vlil~~~ 961 ~~va -961 197 PAGE 197 REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 11, 1981 VOLUME 1 IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None X. NEW BUSINESS: None XI. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City Engineer/Utility Manager reported that the City Manager was not in attendance at the meeting due to meetings in Anchorage the City administration was having with representatives of VECO regarding the 4th of July Creek shipyard development. He spoke briefly on the status of various projects relating to the overall development of the 4th of July Creek area. B. City Engineer/Utility Manager commented on the beach erosion taking place along the 7th Avenue greenbelt area and stated the City administration was aware of the problem, rip rap was planned to be placed in the area, and a budget item for Council consideration for the coming fiscal year would be measures to stabilize the area. XII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: OCEANVIEW A. The preliminary plat for the resubdivision of Block 5, SUB:Oceanview Subdivision Addition No.1, was noted relative to the request as filed by the University of Alaska to resubdivide the parcel, in effect removing the interior lot lines which presently apportion the block into three lots. Labahn distributed his memorandum dated March 11, 1981, and attachments, regarding the proposed resubdivision and commented that the Borough Planning and Zoning Commission had approved the plat subject to the correction of certain minor technicalities and, further, subject to City of Seward Planning and Zoning Commission approval. City Engineer/ Utility Manager confirmed the City administration had no objections to the plat as submitted. Following Commission discussion, it was moved by Shott, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carried by all those present to approve the resubdivision of Lots 1 - 3, Block 5, Oceanview Subdivision Addition No.1. TERMINAL B. Howard Holtan of QUADRA Engineering, appeared from the ADDN: audience and distributed a handout entitled "Clippership Heights, a Resubdivision of Terminal Addition in Seward Alaska." Holtan spoke on the information as contained in the narrative and posted various conceptual drawings of the proposed resubdivision. He stated the 8 percent sloping grade of the area posed street grade problems; however, the teardrop cul-de-sacs as displayed on the drawings appeared to be a solution to the problem, allowing 5 to 6 percent street grades and the storage of snow in the center of the cul-de-sacs in the winter months. Holtan presented two options for development of the subdivision--one a wholly neighborhood residential area, and the other a mixture of neighborhood residential and multi-family residential, with the latter being located in the southern portion of the development. Holtan reported the second option more consistently followed the scheme of the Land Use Plan. "pa=lsanba.1 SB 'ATUO ;:J"j:JJB.1=l ABt1.-aUO .1OJ AaTTB aq=l 2u"j:=lsod =luam=l.1Bdap a;:J"j:Tod A=l"j:J aq=l O=l suo"j:=l;:Jarqo OU pBq uO"j:ss"j:mmoJ aq=l pa=lB=lS '=luasuo;:J uO"j:ss"j:mmoJ q=l"j:t1. 'smB"j:TT"j:~ 'pa=lOU SBt1. 'q=l.1OU O=l q=lnOS 2u"j:uun.1 ;:J"j:JJB.1=l ABt1.-aUO .1OJ pa=lBu2"j:sap aq s=laa.1=lS ao.1uow pUB UOS"j:pBW pUB SanUaAV q=lV pUB p.1( Uaat1.=laq AaTTB aq=l =lBq=l 2u"j:=lsanba.1 '.1aqooH .1o=l;:Ja.1"j:G .1a=luaJ TT"j:~S B~SBTV aq=l mO.1J .1a=l=laT 'T86T 'V q;:J.1BW "J : SM1H 'scrn , SJ.3:lnIJ. S "am"j:=l S"j:q=l =lB pa=lBu2"j:sapun U"j:Bma.1 uO"j:=l.1od u.1aq=lnOS =lBq=l papuammo;:Ja.1 =lnq 'UO"j:S"j:A"j:pqns aq=l JO uO"j:i.1od q=l.1OU aq=l .1OJ UBTd TBn=lda;:Juo;:J S.YMGVilO .1OJ =l.1oddns pa;:J"j:OA '=lUasuo;:J uO"j:ss"j:mmoJ q=l"j:t1. 'smB"j:TT"j:~ 'uo"j:ssn;:Js"j:p 2u"j:t1.0TTOd "papUBmap =la~.1Bm aq=l =lBqt1. aas O=l am"j:=l pUB =luamdOTaAap S=l"j: U"j: A=l"j:T"j:q"j:xaTJ amos JTas=l"j: 2u"j:t1.0TTB SBt1. 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A=l"j:J aq=l pa=lB=ls .1a2BuBW A=l"j:T"j:=lil/.1aau"j:2u3: A=l"j:J "Ba.1B aq=l u"j: 2u"j:snoq q;:Jns .1oJ paau B 2u"j:=l"j:;:J 's=l"j:un TB"j:=lUap"j:sa.1 AT"j:mBJ-"j:=lTnm .1oJ pa~.1Bm.1Ba 2u"j:aq =luamdoTaAap aq=l JO uO"j:=l.1od B JO =l.1oddns u"j: a~ods smB"j:TT"j:~ "uado SBt1. dmB;:J aq=l uaqt1. sq=luom aq=l 2u"j:.1np Ba.1B dmB;:J aq=l q2no.1q=l 2u"j:uun.1 ABt1.-JO-=lq2"j:.1 pBO.1 B O=l aTqBuamB =lOU a.1at1. STB"j:;:J"j:JJO dmB;:J uO"j:=lBa.1;:Ja.1 aq=l pa=lB=lS .1a2BuBW A=l"j:T"j:=lil/.1aau"j:2u3: A=l"j:J "SdmB;:J uO"j:=lBa.1;:Ja.1 A.1B=l"j:T"j:m aq=l B"j:A ABt1.q2"j:H p.1Bt1.as aq=l q=l"j:t1. Ba.1B Tooq;:JS q2"j:H p.1Bt1.as aq=l =l;:Jauuo;:J O=l pBO.1 ssa;:J;:JB UB =l;:Jn.1=lsuo;:J O=l pasodo.1d a;:Juo pBq A=l"j:J aq=l =lBq=l paTTB;:Ja.1 smB1TT"j:~ "STa;:J.1Bd TB"j:=lUap"j:sa.1 AT"j:mBJ-aT2u"j:s o=lu"j: UO"j:s"j:A"j:pqns a.1"j:=lua aq=l JO =luamdoTaAap pa=l.1oddns p.1a~I "pa=l;:Jadxa SBt1. t1.0TJ ;:J"j:JJB.1=l .1a"j:ABaq B J"j: pau2"j:sapa.1 aq PTnoqs 'sasod.1nd A=laJBs .1oJ 'q;:J"j:qt1. suo"j:=l;:Jas.1a=lu"j: pa=l;:Jn.1=lsuo;:J AT.1ood =lB ABt1.q2"j:H p.1Bt1.as aq=l pau"j:OrpB =luamdoTaAap aq=l JO q=lnos aq=l O=l s=l"j:xa SB pasn aq PTnot1. q;:J"j:qt1. SpBO.1 0t1.=l aq=l =lBq=l pa=luammo;:J aH "s=l"j:un TB"j:=lUap"j:sa.1 AT"j:mBJ -"j:=lTnm o=lu"j: padoTaAap a.1at1. UO"j:s"j:A"j:pqns aq=l JO uO"j:=l.1od B J"j: os ATTB"j:;:Jadsa 'UO"j:s"j:A"j:pqns aq=l JO q=lnos aq=l O=l 2U"j:AT SBa.1B TB"j:=lUap"j:sa.1 aq=l =l;:JBdm"j: AT"j:ABaq PTnot1. q;:J"j:qt1. sU.1a=l=lBd ;:J"j:JJB.1=l aq=l .1aAO u.1a;:Juo;:J pa;:J"j:oA p.1a~I "YMGVilO Aq pa=l=l"j:mqns SB TBsodo.1d aq=l uo S=luammo;:J ,s.1auo"j:ss"j:mmoJ aq=l pa=l"j:;:J"j:Tos aq pUB UO"j:S"j:A"j:pqns aq=l JO =luamdOTaAap .10] A=l"j:J aq=l O=l uado suo"j:=ldo AUBm a.1at1. a.1aq=l pa=lB=lS UB=lTOH 'uo"j:snT;:Juo;:J uI "sq=lp"j:t1. ABt1.-JO-=lq2"j:.1 pBO.1 aq=l SB TTat1. SB Ba.1B aq=l O=l sa"j:=l"j:T"j:=ln JO ATddns aq=l uo pa=luammo;:J UB=lTOH (P.=lUO;:J) :NGav 1VNlwa3:J. (p,=lUO;:J) :NOISSilJSIG NOISSIWWOJ "IIX T 3:Wil10A T86T 'TT HJ~VW - ~NIJ.3:3:W ~V1il~3:~ 86T 3:~Vd . . tit> l 199 PAGE 199 REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 11, 1981 VOLUME 1 XII. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: (cont'd) P & Z COMSN: D. Williams stated the Corrnnission needed to appoint one of its members to serve for the coming year on the Borough Planning and Zoning Corrnnission. He stated Corrnnissioner Thorne had served during the past few years. In response to a question from Williams, Thorne stated he would be willing to serve for an additional year. It was moved by Shott and seconded by Ikerd that Chet Thorne again represent the City on the Borough Planning and Zoning Corrnnission. There being no more nominations and no objections, Thorne was appointed by acclamation to represent the City of Seward on the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning and Zoning Corrnnission. XIII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. ~,', dC_--bdLL Dean Williams Chairman " (city Seal) PAGE 199 REGULAR MEETING - APRIL IS, 1981 VOLUME 1 1. CALL TO ORDER: The April IS, 1981, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrnnission was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by Chairman Williams. * II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Williams; Corrnnissioners Ikerd, McKinney, Shott, Spanier and Woodruff (Absent with Corrnnission consent was Corrnnissioner Thorne) Present also: Administrative Assistant Schaefermeyer, Borough Senior Planner Labahn and Deputy City Clerk Ledet III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Williams, with Corrnnission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of March 11, 1981, as written. * "NOTICE OF APRIL MEETING DATE" as published two times in the local paper and posted, noting that the April meeting had been rescheduled from April 8 to April IS, was noted. :S:lUBUaAO;) :luamdoTaAap :l;)1~:lS :las O:l pUB a~npa;)o~d :luamdoTaAap aq:l SB (S:l1un AT1mBJ-1:lTnm pUB aT2u1S JO U01:lBu1qmo;) B) ..II.. a:lBu~a:lTY :ldOpB O:l Sl10TTOJ SB pa1~~B;) pUB JJn~pooM Aq papUo;)as '~a1UBds Aq paAom SBl1 :l1 'U01ssn;)S1P 2U1l10TTOa 'Ba~B p~Bl1as alp U1 sa:l1S amoq JO paau paSBa~;)U1 2u1puad aq:l :laam O:l u01s1A1pqns aTqBp~oJJB UB dOTaAap O:l SBl1 :l;)aro~d aq:l JO asod~nd aq:l pa:lB:lS ~aAam~aJaBq;)s 'aA1:lBU~a:lTB U01:lBu1qmo;) AT1mBJ-1:lTnm pUB aT2u1s aq:l JO ~OABJ u1 a~ods JJn~pooM pUB AaUU1~;)W ':l:loqS 'smB1TT1M 'sa;)uap1sa~ AT1mBJ-aT2u1s ATuO ap1Ao~d PTnol1 q;)1ql1 aA1:lBU~a:lTB aq:l JO ~OABJ u1 a~ods aR ';)1JJB~:l pasBa~;)u1 aq:l q:l1l1 pau~a;)uo;) ApBa~TB a~al1 Ba~B aq:l u1 s:luap1sa~ aq:l pUB ;)1JJB~:l JO amnToA aq:l aSBa~;)u1 AT:lBa~2 PTnol1 :l1 aSnB;)aq u01s1A1pqns aq:l u1 s2U1TTal1p AT1mBJ-1:lTnm JO :luamdOTaAap aq:l O:l pa:l;)arqo p~a~I ':lOT ~ad 00['6T$ JO :lSO;) :luamdOTaAap :lau B q:l1l1 ':l;)B~:l padoTaAapun UB u1Billa~ O:l u01s1A1pqns aq:l JO U01:l~od q:lnos aq:l 'S:loT AT1mBJ-aT2u1s 8lT ([ pUB :l1un ~ad 008'TT$ JO :lSO;) :luamdOTaAap :lau B q:l1l1 S:l1un AT1mBJ-1:lTnm 6lT pUB S:lOT AT1mBJ-aT2u1s 8lT (l ':lOT ~ad 008'9T$ JO :lSO;) :luamdoTaAap :lau B q:l1l1 S:lOT AT1mBJ-aT2u1s ~8T (T :saA1:lBU~a:lTB :luamdoTaAap aa~q:l papnT;)u1 q;)1ql1 s:luamaAo~dm1 ~oJ :lSO;) :luamdoTaAap aq:l uo a~ods UB:lToR 'ST1B~:l 2U122or pUB 2U1~1q ~OJ apBm uaaq pBq SU01S1AO~d :lBq:l pa:luammo;) aR 'u01s1A1pqns aq:l :lnoq2no~q:l pap1Ao~d aq PTnOl1 q;)1ql1 Sa;)1A~aS auoqdaTa:l ~ TB;)1~:l;)aTa '~al1as '~a:lBl1 aq:l uo a~ods OSTB aR 'd1~:lS 2u1ABd ap1l1 :lOOJ-~l B JO :lS1SUO;) PTnOl1 S:luamaAo~dm1 pBO~ pa:lB:lS UB:lTOR ':laa~:lS qsy q:l1l1 2u1:l;)auuO;) 'sa~;)y :lsa~Oa O:l q:l~OU pa:l;)n~:lSUO;) a:lno~ a:lBu~a:lTB UB q:l1l1 aA1~a ~BaII pUB anuaAY :lS~1a JO U01:l;)as~a:lU1 S:lq21aR aa~ assar aq:l q2no~q:l aq PTnol1 u01s1A1pqns aq:l O:l SSa;);)B aq:l pa:l~oda~ aR 'asn AT1mBJ-1:lTnm ~oJ p~1q:l-auo q:lnos aq:l pUB asn TB1:luap1sa~ ~oJ pauoz u01s1A1pqns aq:l JO sP~1q:l-0l1:l q:l~ou aq:l aABq O:l UBTd B pa:l~oddns 2U1:laam 'T86T '[l q;)~BW aq:l :lB snSuaSUO;) s I T1;)uno:::> aq:l pa:lB:lS aR 'Ta;)~Bd aq:l ~oJ pa:laTdmo;) uaaq pBq q;)~BaS aT:l1:l B :lBq:l pUB 'aTqBdoTaAap a~al1 q;)1ql1 JO Sa~;)B ~8 'U01:l1PPV TBU1m~aL U1 Sa~;)B ~[T ATa:lBm1xo~ddB a~al1 a~aq:l :lBq:l 2U1:lB:lS ':lnopuBq aq:l U1 U01:lB~OJU1 aq:l UO a~ods PUBU01s1A1pqns pasodo~d aq:l JO 2U1l1B~p TBn:lda;)uo;) B pa:lsod UB:lTOR ..T86T '~T T1~dV - 'B~SBTV 'p~Bl1as 'A:l~ado~d U01:l1PPV TBU1m~aL aq:l ~OJ A2a:lB~:lS :luamdoTaAaa pUB 2U1UUBTd TBn:lda;)uo:::>.. paT:l1:lua :lnopuBq B pa:lnq1~:ls1P pUB a;)Ua1pnB aq:l mO~J pa~BaddB '2u1~aaU12ua vaavne 'UB:lTOR P~Bl10R 'y : NOUIaaV ~VNIffi[al :ssaNISilII aaRSINIaNil 'IIA 'auoza~ :lq21~:lnO UB ~OJ AJ1TBnb O:l apo;) 2U1UOZ aq:l Aq pa~1nba~ Ba~B PUBT aq:l aABq :lOU P1P aqs aSnB;)aq A:l1:::> aq:l q:l1l1 auoza~ :l;)B~:lUO;) B ~OJ ATddB O:l aABq PTnOl1 aqs :lBq:l paU1BTdxa UqBqB~ 'xaTdnp B JO U01:l;)n~:lsuo;) a~n:lnJ ~OJ l-~ O:l A:l~ado~d aq:l auoza~ O:l pa:lUBl1 aqs pUB UBTd aSil pUB~ aq:l U1 paAo~ddB SB U01:lBU21Sap pa:lua1~O O:lnB B pBq A:l~ado~d ~aq :lBq:l a~Bl1B apBm uaaq AT:lua;)a~ :lsnr pBq aqs :lBq:l pa:lB:lS pUB a;)Ua1pnB aq:l mO~J pa~BaddB ~nuaAV P~1ql ~[~ '~aua~aM aU1:ls1~q:::> 'V : NOISSil:::>SIa .SNaZIJ,I8 "IA auoN :SflNI~vaR :::>I1IInd 'A aUON :a:::>NaaNOdS~~OJ 'AI T aWmOA T86T '~T ~I~dV - flNILaaW ~V~nfl~ OOl aflVd 00(; TERMINAL ADDITION: {cont'd) lRIGINAL :OWNSITE: 'LANNING & ~ONING : 201 PAGE 201 REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 15, 1981 VOLUME 1 VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (cont'd) AYES: NOES: ABSENT: McKinney, Shott, Spanier, Woodruff and Williams Ikerd Thorne VIII. NEW BUSINESS: None IX. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Schaefermeyer reported on the appeal of the National Bank of Alaska from the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission's action of November 19, 1980, to deny the variance request for Lots 15-18, Block 28, Original Townsite, and the following items were noted: '~eward City Council Notice of Board of Adjustment Meeting - April 13, 1981" as posted in three public places and published two times in the local paper April 13, 1981, minutes of the Seward City Council, meeting as the Board of Adjustment, on the NBA appeal Schaefermeyer stated that the Council was expected to announce their decision at the April 27, 1981, meeting. X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance No. 81-2, "Delegating Municipal Planning and Zoning Powers to the Cities of the Borough", was noted. Schaefermeyer stated the proposed ordinanc~ if enacted, would transfer planning and zoning powers to the cities without the corresponding financial assistance. April 1, 1981, letter from Kenai City Clerk Whelan, noticing of action taken at the March 31, meeting of the City Managers and Mayors of the Borough, and April 3, 1981 letter from the Borough Mayor Thompson, in reference to the March 31 meeting and the proposed ordinance, were noted. Schaefermeyer read from a letter dated April 6, 1981, from City Attorney Richard O. Gantz to City Manager Johnson, which stated that the Borough was violating legislative intent by attempting to transfer the planning and zoning functions. He stated,"that the proposed Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance 81-2 exceeded the power to delegate granted by state statute in that it essentially abdicates the borough's responsibility to plan and zone on an area wide basis; in that it attempts a delegation which may not be made without the consent of the delegee and in that it attempts a delegation without providing funds to implement that delegation." Schaefermeyer stated the Borough would conduct a public hearing on the proposed ordinance on April 2~ and, a meeting had been scheduled for April 23 in Seward for mayors and managers of the cities within the Borough to formulate their actions on the ordinance. "ua~~l~~ SE '1861 '~1 11~dV JO sa~nulm j3ul~aam ~Elnj3a~ aq~ paAo~ddE '~uasuoJ uOlsslilllloJ q~l~ 'smEl11H1 :S~~ilNIW dO 1VAO~ddV "III ~apa1 ~~alJ A~lJ A~ndaa pUE UqEqE1 ~auuEld ~oluas qj3no~oH '~aAam~aJaEqJS ~UE~SlSSV aAl~E~~slulmpv 'uosuqO[ ~aj3EuEW A~lJ :OSIE ~uasa~d JJn~pooM pUE au~oq~ '~alUEds~ '~~oqS 'AaUU1~JW 'p~a~I s~auolsslillllOJ ~SmEl111M UE~lEqJ :a~a~ ~uasa~d :lLVJ 110~ "II "smEl111M uE~lEqJ Aq '"mOd O(:L ~E ~ap~o o~ pallEJ SE~ uOlsslmmoJ j3uluoZ pUE j3U1UUEld A~OSlAPV p~E~as aq~ JO j3ul~aam ~Elnj3a~ '1861 '(1 AEW aq~ : ~~@O 01 llVJ "I 1 ~WmOA 1861 '(1 XVW - ~NI~~~ ~V1il~~ lOl ~~Vd uEm~lEqJ smEl111M UEaa , 7//;7 /77 -----~)J-:>../ / " ,. ? . /7 ,,---- / (I d " ~ . Ii\. ' '. ') . ~\ \ ;.~.t', .,_.,,' y') 'C;':' " \ S" ",.t;:)., "mOd 01 W pau~nOrpE SE~ j3una~'Itt~~~" .\ i .-- :~N~~ilO[aV "IX "U01~lPPV JJ11J aq~ ul U01~EJEA aq~ JO lEAo~ddE ~UE~j3 o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIE Aq pal~~EJ AlsnomluEun pUE AaUU1~JW Aq papuoJas '~alUEds Aq paAom SE~ ~I "UOlsslillllOJ j3UluoZ pUE j3U1UUEld p~E~as aq~ mO~J UOl~EpuailllloJa~ lEU1J E papaau UOlsslillllOJ j3U1UUEld q2no~oH aq~ 'pUE ~AlaAl~Jadsa~ s~~F~aam'0861 'Ll AEW pUE '0861 'VI AEW ~laq~ ~E U01~EJEA aq~ paAo~ddE AlsnolAa~d pEq I1JunoJ pUE UOlsslillllOJ ~q4 4Bq4 paU1Bldxa uqBqB1 "pa4nq1~4s1P SB~ 'v ~J01g '1 401 pUB E ~J01H '9 ~01 JO ~B1da~ E Sl qJ1q~ anuaAV JJ11J JO U014BJBA pEO~ E ~OJ 4sanba~ B j3u1P~Bj3a~ 4B1d A~EU1m11a~d pUB UqEqE1 mO~J owaw '1861 '~1 11~dV "H : Naav d.i!IlJ (PI~UOJ) :NOISSilJSla NOISSIWWOJ "X "W"d ~v:6 ~V ~NI~~~W ~H~ a~~~Vd~a aNY ~~OHS O~ ~~AO ~IVHJ ~H~ a~~il~ SWVI11I~ 1 ~lOA 1861 '~1 1I~dV - ~NI~~~W ~V1il~~~ lOl ~~Vd . '(~V (, PAGE 203 REGULAR MEETING - MAY 13, 1981 VOLUME 1 203 IV. CORRESPONDENCE: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORIGINAL A. Public hearing was opened onfue application for a conditional TOWNSITE: use permit as submitted by Mr. Phillip H. Bruce and Georgia McConnell, d/b/a Kenai Funeral Home, in order to allow the location of a funeral home on Lots 34-37, Block 7, Original Townsite, and the following items were noted: "Application for a Conditional Use Permit" as filed by Kenai Funeral Home on April 17, 1981 "Notice of Public Hearing" as posted and published two times in the local newspaper Letters from property owners within the 300 foot radius May 4, 1981, letter from William D. Norris, 236 6th Avenue, objecting to the funeral home May 7, 1981, letter from Donald L. Mai, 212 5th Avenue, opposing the funeral home May 5, 1981, letter from Mary V. Sims, 226 1/2 6th Avenue, objecting to the funeral ho~e May 8, 1981, statement of objection from Mr. and Mrs. V.C. Anderson of 313 6th Avenue May 8, 1981, statement of non-objection from Charles and Mary Lechner, 235 6th Avenue May 13, 1981, Memorandum from Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Labahn, regarding the Kenai Funeral Home's request for a Conditional Use Permit with his recommendation for approval Labahn sited his memo in which he recommended granting the conditional use permit to Kenai Funeral Home because they had met all of the conditions required by the Seward Zoning Ordinance, excepting the dimensioned plot plan showing the location of the proposed funeral home. He stated that the existing zoning was (CL) Limited Commercial, which would allow for the location of a funeral home. He explained that the site consisted of four lots totalling 12,000 square feet and that no additional structures would be built. *COMMISSIONER SPANIER ARRIVED AT THIS TIME AND HEREAFTER TOOK PART IN THE MEETING Mark Kansteiner, 239 Seventh Avenue, appeared from the audience and spoke in opposition to the funeral home. Labahn, in answer to Kansteiner, stated the property values in the area would not be adversely affected. City Manager stated that the parking for the funeral home would be one parking space for every four seats at maximum capacity. Donald Mai, 212 Fifth Avenue, who had earlier submitted a letter, stated he was not aware that the area was zoned commercial. John Gillespie, representing Bruce and McConnell appeared from the '~T1nq aq PTno~ '~EaA ~ad SUO~ uOlTTlill ~T o~ ua~ aTpuEq PTnoJ qJ1q~ A~lT1JE~ TEOJ aTEJs PT~o~ E TEOJ ~O~ ~a~~ ~a~~Eill aq~ SE uaq~ ~s~l~ ~E ~EaA ~ad TEOJ ~o suo~ u01TT1ill aa~q~ o~ auo ATa~Eill1XO~ddE d1qs PTno~ qJ1q~~oTTa~-uEillTTnd Aq pa~Jn~~suoJ aq O~ A~lT1JE~ TEOJ pasodo~d aq~ uo pa~~oda~ ~a~EUEW A~lJ 'J .Ea~E ~aa~J ATnf ~O q~~noa aq~ ~U1U~aJUOJ ~uailldoTaAap ~O sasEqd Sn01~EA uo pa~~oda~ ~a2EUEW A~lJ 'H 'Ea~E ~aa~J ATnf ~O q~~noa aq~ U1 SE~ pUET q2no~oH aq~ ~dillnp aq~ o~ ~uaJE~pE pUE a~ls TooqJS aq~ ~E pa~EJoT a~a~ STaJ~Ed A~lJ aq~ ~Eq~ pa~E~S aR 'q2no~oH ETnsu1uad 1Eua~ aq~ q~l~ pUET ~o dE~S E ~O~ pa2uE~~E pEq A~lJ aq~ ~Eq~ pa~E~s ~a~EuEW A~lJ .V :Sl~Odaa ~~~VNVW X1IJ 'XI auoN :SS~NIsnH M~N 'IIIA auoN :SS~NIsnH a~RSINlaNn 'IIA 'aill1~ aq~ TTE 2u1AToAa sl ~Eq~ 2u1q~aillos SE~ UETd asn pUE~ aq~ ~Eq~ pUE sa2uEqJ ~O~Eill aa~q~ ~sEaT ~E a~a~ a~aq~'8L6T u1 pa~dopE uaaq pEq UETd asn pUE~ aq~ aJu1s ~Eq~ pa~E~s aR .pa~a1Aa~ aq aJuuE1P~o 2U1UOZ aq~ ~Eq~ ~SE o~ ~q21~ E sEq uaz1~lJ AUE ~Eq~ pa~E~s ~a2EuEW A~lJ 'uo1~sanb slq o~ ~a~SUE U1 pUE aJua1pnE aq~ illO~~ pa~EaddE 'uasuER PTEUOa 'J 's~q21~ s,aTdoad uo a2u1~~u1 PTno~ ~1 ~Eq~ pa~E~s OSTE aR 'Uo1~Eu21sap 2u1uOZ TE1J~aillilloJ aq~ ~o a~lds u1 TE1~uap1sa~ ATa~l~ua sl aq PTno~ ailloq TE~aun~ pasodo~d aq~ a~aq~ Ea~E aToq~ aq~ ~Eq~ pa~E~s pUE aJua1pnE aq~ illO~~ pa~EaddE 'lEW .~ PTEUOa 'H 's~au~o aq~ ~o u01~E~nda~ aq~ SE qJns 'U01~EJoT aq~ UEq~ ailloq TE~aun~ ~OTE sl a~aq~ ~Eq~ ssa~~s o~ pa~uE~ aqs anss1 ailloq TE~aun~ aq~ u1 ~Eq~ pa~E~s pUE aJua1pnE aq~ illO~~ pa~EaddE 'SillE1TT1M ~Ed 'V E O~ a~Oill O~ p~E2a~ :NOIssnJSla ,SN~ZI1IJ 'AI 's~uailla~lnba~ apoJ A~lJ TTE q~l~ dJUBlliXOJUOJ TTn~ ~a2EUEW A~lJ aq~ o~ a~E~~sUOillap ATa~EnbapE ~UEJ1TddEaq~~Eq~ pap1Ao~d ~lill~ad asn TEuo1~lpUOJ aq~ aAo~ddE O~ ~uasa~d asoq~ TTE Aq pa1~~EJ ATsnOill1UEun pUE '~~n~pOOM Aq papuoJas '~a1UEds Aq paAoill SE~ ~1 'uo1ssnJs1P ~U1~OTToa 'UETd ~oTd pauo1suaill1P aq~ uo aq PTnoqs TTE s~uailla~lnba~ ~JEq-~as aq~ pUE 2U1~~Ed '2U1~~as TEuo1~EJOT ~Eq~ pa~E~s UqBQB1 's~aU01SSlillillOJ aq~ illO~J suol~sanb o~ ~a~SUB UI 'uaa~xls ~B pa~Billl~sa SE~ illnill1xEill A~lJEdEJ 2u1~Eas aq~ pUE a~n~Jn~~s 2U1~slxa aq~ ~o ap1s ~aq~la uo ~o ~JEq U1 2U1~~Ed ~O~ illOO~ SE~ a~aq~ pa~E~s a1dsaTT1~ 'SillE1TT1M illO~~ U01~sanb E o~ ~a~sUE UI 'pasoTJ SE~ 2u1~Eaq J1Tqnd aq~ puu p~Eaq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul aJua1pnE aq~ illO~~ pa~EaddE aSTa auo oN '~lill~ad asn TEuo1~lpuOJ aq~ ~O~ s~uailla~lnba~ TTE gU1~aaill papua~u1ATTn~ Aaq~ ~Eq~ pa~E~s pUE aJua1pnE (PI~UOJ) :~lISNMOl ~VNI~I~O (p,~UOJ) :~NI~V~R JI~Hnd 'A T ~~OA T86T '(T XVW - ~NI1~~ ~v~n~~~ ~OZ ~~Vd vOZ PAGE 205 REGULAR MEETING - MAY 13, 1981 VDLUME 1 205 X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. In answer to a question from Williams, City Manager explained the coal facility further. XI. ADJOURNMENT: adjourned at 8:23 p.m. ?L ----~~ Dean Williams Chairman PAGE 205 REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 10, 1981 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: The June 10, 1981, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m., by Chairman Williams. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Williams, Commissioners Ikerd, McKinney, Shott, Thorne and Woodruff (Absent,with Commission consent, was Spanier) Present also: Administrative Assistant Schaefermeyer, Borough Senior Planner Labahn and Deputy City Clerk Ledet III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Williams, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of May 13, 1981, as written. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: PARKS & REC/OCEAN- VIEW SUBD: A. May 27, 1981, letter from Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Analyst Gabler, noticing of Borough Assembly enactment of Ordinance No. 81-41, "Rezoning Certain Lands Within the City of Seward Lying in the Area Known as the Seventh Avenue Greenbelt Area from Industrial (I) District to Public (P) District"; and Ordinance No. 81-42, "Rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 5, Ocean- view Subdivision Addition No.1, City of Seward, from Industrial and General Commercial to Public District", was noted for information and filed. B. May 12, 1981, letter from Borough Mayor Stan Thompson regarding Borough planning functions, was noted for information and filed. ~ap~o ul ~lill~ad aq~ ~oJ 2ul~1~~ uaaq pBq A~lJ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~S aH 'ulB~qo o~ u01111ill ~'$ pUB ~BaA B ~aAO Ua~B~ pBq qJlq~ Ba~B ~aa~J A1nf JO q~~noa aq~ JO ~uailldOlaAap aq~ ~OJ ~lill~ad S~aaU12u~ JO d~oJ aq~ u21s O~ 3U1U~Oill 2Ul~Ol10J aq~ a2B~oqJUV Ul aq Plno~ ~a2BUBW A~lJ aq~ pa~B~S ~aAaill~aJaBqJS 'H 'sal~lJ SSBIJ ~S~lJ ~aq4o aq4 ~OJ OSlB 4nq p~B~as ~OJ ~snr ~OU 's2ul~aaill U01SSlillillOJ 2U1UOZ pUB 2U1UUB1d pUa~~B O~ UqBqB~ ~OJ ~Uaill~~Bdap 2U1UUBld aq~ ~OJ ailll~~aAo JO s~noq OO? pazl -~oq~nB pBq q2no~oH aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~S OSlB aH 'U01~~od 2U1UUBld aq~ Ul uOl~Jnpa~ ~UBJ1J1U21S B.pBq pUB pa~dOpB SB~ ~a2pnq Z8-18. ~Bax IBJSla q2no~oH B1nsuluad lBua~ aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B~S ~aAaill~aJaBqJS ~UB~SlSSV aAl~B~~SlUlillPV 'V :s~nIOdaa R~:)vN\IW X1IJ 'XI auoN :SS~NISilH M.~N 'IIIA auoN :SS~NISilH G~HSINlaNil 'IIA 'p~Baq o~ ~ap~o ul ailll~ slq~ ~B aJualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB auo ON :NOISSilJSIG .SN~ZI1IJ 'IA '~J o~ (-R illO~J 'a~lsu~ol IBU121~0 '6 ~J01H 'oz q2no~q~ Ll s~o~ auoza~ o~ ~sanba~ aq~ aAo~ddB o~ ~uasa~d asoq~ lIB Aq pal~~BJ AlsnoillluBun pUB p~a~I Aq papuoJas '~~oqS Aq paAOill SB~ ~1 'UOlssnJslP 2Ul~0110a 'pasolJ SB~ 2ul~Baq J11qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul aJualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB auo ON 'aJuBulP~O 2uluoZ p~B~as aq~ ul ~q21~~no pa~~lill~ad asn B SB~ suol~BpoillilloJJB ~q21u~aAo UB pUB a~o~s ~onbl1 '~Bq B JO asn PUBl pasodo~d aq~ '~aq~~na 'dBill UBld aSil pUB~ p~B~as aq~ Ul pa~Bu21sap SB U014BJ1J1SSBIJ ~Jl~~SlG ssaulsnH IB~~uaJ aq~ q~l~ ~ua~slsuoJ SB~ ~Jl~~slG (~J) IB1J~aillilloJ 1B~aua~ O~ (a~lSU~Ol IBU121~0 '6 ~Jo1H 'oz q2no~q~ Ll s~o~) pauoza~ aq o~ pa~sanba~ Ba~B aq~ asnBJaq uOl~BJ11ddB aq~ 2ul~uB~2 papuaillilloJa~ aq qJlq~ Ul Oillaill '1861 '01 aunf slq pa~nql~~slP UqBqB~ pauoza~ aq o~ Ba~B pasodo~d aq~ 2ul~oqs UB1d ~old pauolsuailllG V ~adBds~au IBJol aq~ Ul sailll~ O~~ paqsl1qnd pUB pa~sod SB '2ul~Baq Jl1qnd '1861 '01 aunf JO lIaJl~oN Jllqndll J1UBH '1 uBqof Aq '1861 'LZ 11~dV pal1J U01~BJ11ddV 2uluozaR q2no~oH Blnsuluad lBua~ :pa~ou a~a~ silla~l 2Ul~011oJ aq~ pUB '~Jl~~SlP (DJ) 1B1J~aillilloJ IB~aua~ O~ ~Jl~~slP (E-R) TB1~uaplsaR Al1illBJ-l~lnw illO~J 'a~ls~ol IBU121~0 '6 ~JoIH 'OZ-LT s~o~ auoza~ o~ JluBH '1 uBqof illO~J '186T '6Z 11~dV paAlaJa~ ~sanba~ aq~ uo pauado SB~ 2ul~Baq J1Tqnd 'V :S~NIW~H JI~Hild 1 ~W!l~OA 1861 '01 ~Nilf - ~NI1~~W RV~il~~R 90Z ~~Vd :V~RV ~~~J nilf ao H1Riloa : ~lI SNM.OJ. ~VNI~IRO 'A - '::'1 U (, 207 PAGE 207 REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 10, 1981 VOLUME 1 IX. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (cont'd) to begin the Fourth of July Creek Industrial Park dredging, breakwater construction and the lagoon mitigation. FOURTH OF JULY CREEK AREA: {cont'd) C. In answer to a question from Williams, Schaefermeyer stated that the City was not in a position to subsidize Labahn's overtime for attendance at local meetings since the City was paying 2.5 mils in taxes to the Borough for the service. Labahn stated that upon request the cities will receive planning assistance from the Borough. D. Schaefermeyer spoke on the recent land sale lottery and stated that two Seward residents had been successful bidders for two of the 15 parcels. E. Labahn stated that Commissioner Chester Thorne had been recommended to the Borough Assembly to serve for a three-year term on the Borough Planning Commission and would be appointed at the next regular Borough Assembly Commission meeting. F. In answer to a question from Ikerd, Schaefermeyer stated that Wilder had been awarded the contract for paving construction of the Nash Road extension to the Fourth of July Creek area. X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. Ikerd asked to be excused from the next meeting. XI. ADJOURNMENT: was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. ti- /'~ ~z:/~ Dean Williams Chairman '- (Ci~~':Seal) . .,.:?;~~):-' ; ~ /. ....<.-;i,i/).' J;;~meetings Octobe~~(~~'SW~/,io~~k of ,:5;: /, ,>~.,. ' "', ~(~ ~>~' ., t ," were not held in July, August, September and business to come before the members. (/ ":', (Ci ty s~iH) ''ilU"j:UOZ 4~S~4UO~ eq4 eAo~dds UO"j:SS"j:WillOJ eq4 4Sq4 UO"j:4SpUeWillO~e~ s 'ilU"j:44"j:mqns pus '4~SJ JO s'ilU"j:PU"j:J eq4 'ilU"j:~e"j:Ae~ ''ilU"j:UOZ 4~S~4UO~ pe4senbe~ eq4 'ilu"j:ssn~s"j:p '1861 '11 ~eqmeAoN pe4sP 4~ode~ JJS4S E pe4nq"j:~4s"j:P UqSqE~ 1e~~sd 4~e~qns eq4 JO sdsm A4"j:U"j:~"j:A UO"j:SS"j:WillOJ 'ilu"j:UOZ pus 'ilu"j:uus1d A~OS"j:ApV p~s~es eq4 e~oJeq pe1npeq~s 'ilu"j:~seq ~"j:1qnd eq4 JO 'ilU"j:~"j:40U '~edsds~eu 1s~01 eq4 u"j: sem"j:4 0~4 peqs"j:1qnd ss lle~"j:40N ~"j:1qndll uesusH P1suoa Aq pe1"j:J ss 'ilu"j:uoz 4~S~4UO~ s ~oJ uO"j:4s~"j:1dds '1861 'z ~eq04~O :pe40U e~e~ sme4"j: 'ilu"j:~0110J eq4 pus 'sesnoqe~s~ e'ils~04s-J1es 0~4 JO uO"j:4s~edo pus uO"j:~~n~~suo~ ~oJ '1 "ON uO"j:~"j:PPV UO"j:S"j:A"j:pqnS ~e"j:Ause~o '~ ~~01g 'g-6 ~o~ JO 'ilu"j:uoz ~~s~~Uo~ s ~oJ uesuEH :gnS uoa lq pe1"j:J ss uO"j:~"j:~ed eq~ uo peuedo ss~ 'ilu"j:~seq ~"j:1qnd 'V MaIANvaJO : S~JNnrvaH Jngnd 'IA 'pe1"j:J pus pe~ou ss~ Aeuu"j:~~W ssmoq1 ~euo"j:ss"j:WillOJ mO~J UO"j:4su'il"j:se~ JO ~e~~e1 '1861 'S1 A1nf 'V : NSWOJ Z ':? d : aJNaaNOdSmnIOJ "A ''ilu"j:~eem eq~ u"j: ~~sd ~004 ~e~Jse~eq~ pus s"j:sp eq~ uo e~s1d S"j:q ~OO~ eq 's~dsJ 04 e~"j:JJo JO q4S0 eq4 pe~e~s"j:u"j:mpE ~~e1J A~"j:J "Aeuu"j:~~W ssmoq1 ~eqmem 'ilu"j:u'il"j:se~ e~s1de~ o~ s~dsJ sS1'ilnoa pe~u"j:odds psq 1"j:~unoJ A4"j:J p~s~es eq~ ~sq~ pe40u ss~ ~I ,. , : NSWOJ Z ':? d :~aNOISSIWWOJ MaN ~o NI BNI~vaMS "AI "ue~~"j:~~ ss '1861 '01 eunf JO se~nu"j:m 'ilu"j:4eem ~s1n'ile~ eq~ peAo~dds '~uesuo~ UO"j:SS"j:WillOJ q4"j:~ 'sms"j:11"j:M :sa1nNIW ~o ~VAO~ddV 'III Ae1usqS ~~e1J A~"j:J pus 'uqsqs~ JJef ~euus1d ~o"j:ues q'ilno~og s1nsu"j:ued "j:Eue~ 'uosuqof ~e'ilsusw A4"j:J :os1s ~uese~d (p~e~I ~euo"j:ss"j:WillOJ ss~ '~uesuo~ UO"j:SS"j:WillOJ q4"j:~ '~uesqv) JJn~pooM pus eu~oq1 '~40qS 's~dsJ~ s~euo"j:ss"j:WillOJ ~sms"j:11"j:M US~"j:EqJ :e~e~ 4uese~d :~~VJ ~~O~ 'II 'sms"j:1HM Aq "m'd zr:L ~s ~ep~o o~ pe11s~ ss~ UO"j:SS"j:WillOJ 'ilu"j:UOZ pus A~OS"j:ApV p~s~es eq4 JO 'ilu"j:~eem ~s1n'ile~ '1861 '11 ~eqmeAoN eq1 usm~"j:sqJ 'ilU"j:uUS1d :~a@o 01 ~~VJ 'I 1 awmOA 1861 '11 ~agWaAON - BNI1aaw ~~nBa~ 80Z aBVd 802 209 PAGE 209 REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 11, 1981 VOLUME 1 VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) OCEANVIEW SUB: (cont'd) City Manager suggested the possibility of rezoning the subject parcel and surrounding property rather than proceeding with a contract zoning. City Manager stated that all the parcels to the south within the same block were being used for commercial purposes although all were designated on the zoning map as R-2 uses. He stated that to meet the zoning ordinance requirements of one acre for any rezoning action, some or all of the City-owned lots to the north of Hansen's property--presently in use as a ball field--could be considered in the rezoning petition. Don Hansen and John Gillespie appeared from the audience and spoke in support of proceeding with rezoning the entire area rather than contract zoning one parcel. No one else appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Following discussion, it was moved by Woodruff, seconded by Capra and unanimously carried by all those present to hold a public hearing next meeting to rezone Lots 7, 8, 9-A and 9-B, Block 4, Oceanview Subdivision Addition No.1, and all or part of Lots 8-12, Block 19, Federal Addition, as Limited Commercial. VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: A. John Gillespie appeared from the audience and commented on the zoning of Lots 9 and 10, Block 17, Original Townsite. He stated the parcel was located on the west side of 6th Avenue between Adams and Jefferson Streets. Although the surrounding area was comprised of single-family residences, the area was zoned Neighborhood Commercial, which prohibited the construction of a single-family residence on the parcel. He commented he had been contacted by a party interested in constructing a home on the two lots and questioned if a contract rezoning request would be met with a favorable reaction from the Commission. Following discussion and review of the ordinance provisions for contract rezoning, City Manager and Labahn stated it appeared that the case presented by Gillespie met the criteria for contract rezoning. In answer to a question from Capra, Labahn stated that a contract rezoning constituted an agreement between the petitioner and the City and was attached to the land; therefore, the contract would not be terminated by sale of the property or destruction of the original structure. VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None IX. NEW BUSINESS: None X. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City Manager reported on the progress of the Terminal Addition resubdivision and development and stated as soon as the boundary survey had been completed, the administration would be requesting approval of a rezoning of the area to accommodate a combination of single and multi-family units. ../., / ~//. / /' ~/~ ~/ ""/~ ~ / UBIU.1 P?q;) SIUB1111M. UBau 7?/~? 'lU'd 8~:8 ~B paU.1nOrpB SB~ ~U1~aalU aq~ :~N~~ilOfUV 'IIX 'u01~sa~~ns S,B.1dB;) pa~.1oddns '~uasuoJ U01SS11U1U0;) q~1~ 'SIUB1111M. 'S.1aaU01d asaq~ .1a~JB palUBU aq ~q~11U U01~1PPV IBu11U.1a~ ~au aq~ u1 s~aa.1~S aq~ ~Bq~ pa~sa~~ns pUB ~U1~aalU ~xau aq~ ~B S.1al~~aS p.1B~as Al.1Ba aq~ JO alUos JO sa1qdB.1~01q ~.1oqs ~1lUqns O~ pa.1aa~UnloA aH 'p.1B~as JO SABp Al.1Ba aq~ JO qJ.1BaSa.1 alUos U1 paAloAu1 SB~ pUB A~a1JOS IBJ1.10~S1H aq~ q~1~ ~U1~.10~ uaaq pBq aq pa~B~S B.1dB;) 'g 'paS1~.1aApB ~u1aq Al~Ua.1.1nJ SB~ AJUBJBA U01~1sod aq~ pUB Ba.1B p.1B~as aq~ 1U0.1J paAOIU pBq .1a1UBds .1aU01SS11U1U0;) ~Bq~ palU.l1JuoJ ~.1al;) A~1;) 'V :NOISSil;)SIU NOISSIWWO;) 'IX 'A~1;) aq~ ~noq~no.1q~ u01~Jn.1~suoJ .1apun s~Jaro.1d ~ualUaAo.1dIU1 IB~1dBJ Sn01.1BA aq~ uo ~.1oda.1 IBq.1aA B aAB~ .1a~BUBW A~1;) 'u '~U1~aalU ~xau aq~ ~B ~1lUqns o~ salUBU ~aa.1~S alUos aABq pUB slUa~1 asaq~ ~noqB ~U1~U1q~ aq S.1aqlUalU U01SS11U1U0;) aq~ ~Bq~ pa~SB aH 'S~UBUaAOJ JO ~ualUqs11qB~sa pUB S~aa.1~S JO ~U1IUBU aq~ papnlJu1 qJ1q~ 'II aSBqd 'U01s1A1pqnSa.1 u01~1PPV IBu11U.la~ aq~ uo a~ods .1a~BUBW A~1;) ';) ('V 'A 'llZ a~Bd aas) 'lB1.1~snpuI o~ 'M.Ta 'Sl~ '(1 pUB Zl su01~Jas pUB '~1~ 'Sl~ '81 pUB Ll '91 '6 8 'L su01~Jas 'Ba.1B ~.1Bd IB1.1~snpUI Alnf JO q~v aq~ auoza.1 o~ ~uasa.1d asoq~ lIB Aq pa1.1.1BJ AlsnOlU1UBun pUB B.1dB;) Aq papuoJas '~~oqS Aq paAOIU SB~ ~1 'uolssnJS1P ~Ul~Olloa 'M.l~ 'Sl~ '(1 pUB Zl suol~Jas pUB ~I~ 'Sl~ '81 pUB Ll '91 '6 '8 'L suol~Jas .1oJ UOl~B~lsap ~U1UOZ IB1.1~snpuI UB JO IBAo.1ddB UOlSS11U1U0;) pa~sanba.1 pUB ~ualUdolaAap ~.1Bd IB1.1~snpUI aUl.1BW ~aa.1;) Alnf JO q~v aq~ uo a~ods .1a~BUBW A~l;) 'g Xlilf :ww )l~~~;) ao mv (p,~UOJ) :S~~Od~ ~~~VNVW X~I;) 'X 1 ~lOA 1961 '11 ~~HW~AON - 8Nl~~~W ~Vlil8~~ 01Z ~~Vd c',U lG 211 PAGE 211 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 9, 1981 VOLUME 1 I. CALL TO ORDER: Planning Chairman The December 9, 1981, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Williams. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Williams; Commissioners Capra, Ikerd, Shott, Thorne and Woodruff Present also: City Manager Johnson, Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Jeff Labahn and City Clerk Shanley III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: City Clerk noted the following change in the November 11, 1981, minutes, on Page 209, VI. Public Hearings, line six, " . . . ordinance requirements of onef~itt acre for any rezoning action, some or . . ." There being no further corrections, Williams, with Commission consent, approved the regular meeting minutes of November 11, 1981, as corrected. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: ~one V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 4TH OF JULY A. Public hearing was opened on the petition submitted by the CREEK Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone Sections 7, 8, AREA: 9, 16, 17, and 18, TIS, RlE, Seward Meridian, and Sections 12 and 13, TIS, RlW, Seward Meridian, all within the 4th of July Creek area, to Industrial (I) district, and the following items were noted: "Public Notice - Seward Phoenix Log", received November 20, 1981, noticing the scheduled public hearing, as published two times in the local newspaper A portion of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes of November 11, 1981, at which time the Commis- sion requested the subject rezoning Vicinity maps showing the sections proposed for rezoning December 1, 1981, memorandum from Kenai Peninsula Borough Senior Planner Labahn, reviewing the rezoning request and submitting findings of fact and a recommendation to approve the rezoning oAlqillassv q~no~o[ aq~ o~ o~ uaq~ Plno~ ~sanba~ aq~ pUB ~1 ~aqilla~aa UO anssl aq~ uo ~ul~Baq ~11qnd B ~~npuo~ Plno~ U01SSlillill08 ~U1UUBld q2no~0[ aq~ ~Bq~ paill~lJuo~ aH o~sanba~ ~U1Uoza~ aq~ JO IBAo~ddB papUaillillO~a~ pUB anssl aq~ uo paAla~a~ uaaq pBq Auoilll~sa~ ua~~l~~ ~O IBq~aA OU pa~B~S aH oBa~B aq~ Ul ~ul~~n~~o Al~Ua~~n~ sasn ~ul~slxa aq~ JO lIB ~o1IB Plno~ ~~l~~slP (18) IB1~~aillill08 pa~lilll1 o~ 2uluoza~ pasodo~d aq~ pa~B~s uqBqB1 .splalJ IIBq A~18 aq~ JO U01~~od B papnl~ul Ba~B ~~a~qns aq~ ~Bq~ pa~lJuo~ aH .IBl~~aillillo~ pooq~oqq~lau Ala~Bulillopa~d SB~ asn pUBl ~ul~slxa aq~ '~aAa~oq ~€-~ ~o z-~ pauoz Al~ua~~n~ SB~ uOl~sanb ul pUBl aq~ pa~B~s aH oillnpuB~oillaill 1 ~aqilla~aa slq pa~alAa~ AIIBq~aA UqBqBl ~Uluoza~ aq~ aAo~ddB o~ uOl~Bpuaillillo~a~ B pUB ~~BJ JO S~U1PU1J 2ul~~lillqns pUB ~sanba~ ~U1Uoza~ aq~ ~Ul~alAa~ 'uqBqB1 ~auuBld ~oluas q~nO~O[ Blnsuluad lBua~ illO~J illnpuB~oillaill '1861 '1 ~aqilla~aa ~Uluoza~ ~oJ pasodo~d sla~~Bd aq~ ~ul~oqs SdBill A~lUl~lA ~Uluoza~ ~~a~qns aq~ pa~sanba~ uOls -Slillill08 aq~ ailll~ q~lq~ ~B '1861 '11 ~aqillaAoN JO sa~nulill ~ul~aaill uOlsslillill08 ~U1UOZ pUB ~U1UUBld A~OSlAPV p~B~as aq~ JO U01~~od V ~adBds~au IB~OI aq~ Ul sailll~ O~~ paqsl1qnd SB '~ul~Baq ~11qnd palnpaq~s aq~ 2ul~1~oU '1861 'oz ~aqillaAoN paAla~a~ ,,~01 xluaoqd p~B~as - a~l~oN ~11qnd" :pa~ou a~a~ silla~l 2ul~0110J aq~ pUB '~~l~~SlP (18) IB1~~aillill08 pa~lilll1 o~ '~aa~~s "a" pUB anuaAV q~~ JO uOl~~as~a~ul aq~ pUB 1 .ON ~Blda~ ~alAuBa~o '~ ~~01[ '[6 ~01 uaa~~aq ~U1Al ~~B~~ ~Bq~ pUB ~6 .ON ~01 JO ~Blda~ uOlslAlpqns ~alAuBa~o '~ ~~01[ '[6 pUB V6 s~Ol pUB ~1 .ON U01~lPPV uOlslAlpqns ~alAuBa~o '~ ~~01[ '8 pUB L s~Ol auoza~ O~ UOlsslillill08 2uluoZ pUB ~U1UUBld A~OSlAPV p~B~as aq~ Aq pa~~lillqns uOl~l~ad aq~ uo pauado SB~ ~ul~Baq ~11qnd.[ :[ns ~aIANVa80 .IBl~~snpuI O~ suol~~as paql~~sap aq~ auoza~ O~ pal~~B~ AlsnOilllUBun pUB au~oqL Aq papuo~as 'JJn~poo~ Aq paAOill SB~ ~I .pasol~ SB~ ~ul~Baq ~11qnd aq~ pUB p~Baq aq O~ ~ap~o Ul a~ualpnB aq~ illO~J pa~BaddB auo ON oAlqillassv q~no~o[ aq~ o~ 02 uaq~ Plno~ anssl aq~ pUB ~1 ~aqilla~aa UO ~uluoza~ aq~ uo ~ul~Baq ~11qnd B ~~npuo~ Plno~ UOlsslillill08 ~ulUUBld q~no~o[ aq~ ~Bq~ paill~lJuo~ aH .~sanba~ ~Uluoza~ aq~ JO IBAo~ddB papuaillillo~a~ pUB anssl aq~ UO paAla~a~ uaaq pBq Auoilll~sa~ ua~~l~~ ~O IBq~aA OU pa~B~s uqBqB1 oa~ls ~aa~8 Alnf JO q~~ aq~ ~B sal~111~BJ IB1~~snpul pa~Bla~-aul~Bill ~OIIB O~ ~ap~o Ul pa~sanba~ SB~ ~Uluoza~ aq~ ~Bq~ paill~lJuo~ aH opa~~aJJB 2ulaq s~a~o A~~ado~d a~BA1~d ~aJ B AluO q~l~ 'a~B~S ~O q~no~o[ 'A~18 aq~ Aq pa~o SB~ a~Ba~~B aq~ JO A~l~O~Bill aq~ pUB palJlssBl~un Al~ua~~n~ SB~ U01~sanb Ul PUBl aq~ pa~B~s aH oillnpuB~oillaill 1 ~aqilla~aa slq pa~alAa~ AITBq~aA uqBqB1 :va~v ~aa~8 Alilf ,>[0 HL ~ (PI~UO~) :sDNI~vaH 8Il[nd oA 1 awmOA 1861 '6 ~a[Wa8aa - DNILaaw ~V1nDa~ nz aDVd ZlZ PAGE 213 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 9, 1981 VOLUME 1 ?~3 ~l V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont'd) OCEANVIEW SUB: No one appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Following Commission discussion, it was moved by Woodruff, seconded by Thorne and unanimously carried to approve (cont'd) the petition to rezone the described area as Limited Commercial. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: No one appeared from the audience at this time in order to be heard. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None VIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Labahn distributed copies of Kenai Peninsula Borough Ordinance 81-2 (Substitute), scheduled for introduction at the Assembly's December 15, 1981, meeting, and entitled: Delegating Municipal Zoning Powers to the Cities of the Borough at the Option of Each Municipality Labahn reviewed the text of the ordinance and answered Commission questions on the proposal to allow the municipalities within the Borough to assume zoning authority. City Manager stated the City administration opposed the ordinance because of the lack of financial support to the cities for providing a function which the State Statutes delegated to the Borough, and the clause which allowed the Borough to revoke the local option at any time. He stated he believed cities should have planning and zoning power but not under the conditions established in the proposed ordinance. IX. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. City Manager gave a verbal status report on the various capital projects. X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: A. City Manager requested Commission input on the subdivision and street names as well as protective covenants for the Terminal Addition resubdivision. Following discussion, Capra stated he would compile a list of names for Commission review in January. City Clerk confirmed she would supply the Commissioners with copies of the covenants for Jesse Lee Heights and Forest Acres. B. Labahn stated time was approaching for the Commission to review the Seward Comprehensive and Land Use Plans, as required by State Statutes on a bi-yearly basis. auoN : :a:::>N:a:aNOdS;;nUlO::> 'I\. ,gu1~aaill a~~ U1 ~~ed ~OO~ ~a~~ea~a~~ pue s1ep a~~ uo aJe1d s1~ ~OO~ a~ :11a&~Je1H o~ aJ1~~o ~o ~~eo a~~ pa~a~s1u1illpe ~~a1::> A~1::> '~a1ueds se1gnoa ~aqillaill gU1ug1sa~ aJe1da~ o~ 11a&~Je1H u~or pa~u1odde pe~ 11Juno::> A~1::> p~e&as a~~ ~e~~ pa~ou Se& ~I :z ~ d :~:a:NOISSIWWO::> ~:a:N ao NI ~NI~V:a:~S '1\.1 'ua~~1~& se 'lS61 '6 ~aqillaJaa ~o sa~nU1ill gU1~aaill ~e1nga~ a~~ paAo~dde '~uasuoJ u01sS1illillO::> ~~1& 'sille1111~ :s:a:1nNIW ao 1V1\.0~ddV 'III A~d~nw ~~a1::> An::> A~ndaa putJ Aa1ue~s ~~a1::> An::> 'U~tJqtJ1 ~~ar ~auutJ1d ~o1uas ~gno~oH tJ1nsu1uad 1tJua~ :os1e ~uasa~d stJ& ~uasqv) '11a&~JtJ1H~ (au~o~l ~auo1ss1illillO::> '~~n~poo~ putJ silltJ1111~ 'p~a~I 'tJ~dtJ::> s~auo1ss1illillO::> :SilltJ1111~ utJill~1tJ~::> :a~a& ~uasa~d :11V::> 110~ 'II , SilltJnn~ Aq 'ill'd 1 (: L ~e ~ap~o o~ pa11tJJ stJ& u01ss1illillO::> gU1uoz putJ A~OS1APV p~tJ&as a~~ ~o gU1~aaill ~tJ1nga~ 'ZS61 '(1 A~tJnutJr a~l utJill~1tJ~::> gU1uutJ1d :~:a:a~o 01 11V::> 'I 1 :a:wn101\. ZS61 '(1 x~nNVr - ~Nl1:a::a:w ~V1n~~ vTZ :a:~Vd 'ill'd (z:s ~tJ pau~no~ptJ : ;.."..'..~_')JJ! uQljZt':' 'oyyY~'1 \ <J,J,C) ?riP) A~ 1::>) i'~'~<"'~'~' ,or ..)'/,,;,<,.' 'J1'~t: , '.-'.,., "ll;3T" ~ l:" . ~.. ~1 '~.J h:-a..J ::>w::> 'Acjtl1t!~s ':a: ',auu , r , VJr'~ ~i[A.Ui '. ., 0' C'/ Ii.~ " ,-, ,,"'; \"" \, "~,. V/~~,' a.?9 "~:,,0" d(,Y'(m~L utJill~1tJ~J silltJ1111~ utJaa --:-- ~?-.9--~ /' \ t : 1N3:WN~norav 'IX 1 :a:wn101\. 1S61 '6 ~:a:Hw:a:::>:a:a - ~NI1:a::a:w ~V1n~:a:~ vTZ :a:~v d ru: