HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Planning & Zoning Minutes "Hn.:IpOCM UBlI.:q:12lt) Xq pe::j.ou S-eM. p-eQH .::rep-em :rp<:3: uo L ::j.Soder!lli .::r-eeu .::reAT1I uO"j:::j.:)e.::r.:rns<l8: U"j: UU8q q.6P-I ::j.oo; S Xq 8p"j:M. :j.oo; 81: Xq .6uol ::j.oo; 001:1 -e 0::j.U1= leA-e.::r.6 .::reAp ;0 sp.::r-eX ;:)"j:qro OOO'v Xle::j.E'llf!:xo.::rdd-e ::j.:)TU:j.SUOO pu-e eAOll <Xj. senHp-ed ;:)Hqt'ld pu-e uon-e::j..:Iodsu-e.::r.r. ;0 ::j.ueuq..;rnd8(] -e)[s-eN ;0 e::j.-e::j.S eq+ Xq pelU s-e ::j.1=IlllOO -e .::ro; uon-e;:)Hdd-e u-e .6uW.::r-eoo.::r s.::reeU1=.6U3: ;0 sma;) Ai1w;z "S"O eq+ UIO.::r; 8;JnOU ;:)Hqnd 'S861 '81 .::reqwe;:)8(] "V : aJN:3:0N0dS3illlO;) " LU "pe::j.uese.::rd s-e peAO.::rdd-e pe.::r-el;:)ep e.::reM. se::j.nu"j:UI 'S861 'v .::req1.il8;:)8(] eq+ , suo"j:::j.elep .::ro suo"j:::j. "j:pp-e ' suo"j:::j.;:)e.::r.::ro;:) ou .6u"j:8q e.::req.r. :S~ dO 'N1\oodd'if "III Xqd;mw )[.::rel;) X:j."j:;) pu-e U1=+mw :j.U-e::j.s"j:SSV eAn --e.:I:j.S"j:U1lliP'ii '.::reXaJ.Ue;e"eq;:)S .::re.6-euew X::j."j:;) X:j.nd8(] :osl-e ::j.uese.::rd eH"j:ss-eM pu-e eu.::roq.r. 'Pu-el.::req:+ng 'uosuqo.r 'uosu-e.::rs: s.::reuo"j:ss"JUllIO[) pu-e ;;n.::rPOOM UEUU"j:"eq;) :e.::reM. ::j.uese.::rd : '1'1'Ii:) '1'100 " II "Hn.:rpoclM UEUU"j:"eq;) Xq "UI"d OE: L ::j.-e .::rep.::ro <Xj. pell-e;:) s-eM. uO"j:ss1J1ll1IO;) .6u"j:UOZ pu-e .6u"j:UU"eld X.::rOS"j:AW p.::r-eM.8g eq+ ;0 .6u"j:::j.eau .::r-eln.6e.::r '9861 '8 X.::r-enu-e.r eq.r. 1 3WfTI01\ 9861 ~ 'UI'd OZ: 6 :re pau.::rnofpB SBM. ~u}4aau allJ, :.llG~orav 'IX 'X'ISilOWIN\lN[l C13]]ffi\TJ CINV :iIffiIOHL XII C13GNOJ3:S SVl1 NOI.I.<:l-i 3:HL '1I3mlill1. 3:NUSIl:lID &)V1dillI ill E3:9W3:W 113:N V JmOddV ill TIJNilOJ iU.IJ 3:HL ~S3:ilb'.lli ill mI1\OW NOSNWII 'uo"j:ssmsW :l,:lol[s B ~1M.OnO.!l . .::raqtllau M.au B JO =lualQU"j:oddB IpunoJ =lsanbe.:I O=l .:Ial[=lal[M. .:IO pauFB=la.:I aq nnoqs .:IauolSS1J1IllOJ al[=l .:Ial[=lal[M. appap n-eqs s.laq,uau uolsS1J1IllOJ ~U"j:U"j:BUIa.:I al[=l 'uolSS1J1IllOJ al[=l JO s~U"j:=laau .:IB1~a.:I aA}4noasuoo aa.:Il[=l UIO.lJ aowsqB S ,.:Iacpan B ~1M.OnoJ =lBl[=l Sa=lB=lS l[oll[M. apoJ A=llJ p.:mM.8S al[=l JO (o)L~-z uo}4oas pBe.:I JJn.:Ipool1 'pasnoxaun uaaq PBl[ l[oll[M. JO "1 's~U"j:=laau .::r-el~a.:I 9 =lSBl al[=l JO ~ =luasqe waq pBl[ pue s~U"j:=laau .:IBl~a.:I ( =lSBl al[=l UIO.:IJ =luasqe uaaq PBl[ .:Iau.::ral1 .:Iauolss-pIllDJ =lBl[=l sp.:Iooa.:I aouepW=l=lB al[=l UIO.:IJ uOlss1J1IllOJ al[=l O=l pa=l.:Ioda.:I JJn.:IPool1 Zd 1: 0 3:Wfl'101\ ~861: '''1 E3:'iIWD3:G - ~NI~3:H WIlli)illI 8L( 3DVd 8LS 379 PAGE 379 REGUIAR MEETING - JANUARY 8, 1986 VOUJME 01 P&Z B. Notice of 3 vacant seats on the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning eormd.ssion was noted for information by Chairman WoodrUff. WoodrUff stated that the vacancies had been created by the resignation of eomnissioner Werner and the expiration of both his and eomuissioner Johnson's terms on the carmri.ssion. C. Woodruff also noted a rrerrorandum from Kerry Martin relative to the Airport Developrrent plan which had been distriliuted prior to the rreeting. v. PUBLIC HEARINGS: cuP lOTS A. Notice of public hearing as published and posted by law relative to a request for conditional use permit as filed by Jim parrish to restore 5 existing apartrrent units on the top floor of the Seward Harre :rnproverrent Center located on the south 7' 2" of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8, Block 10, original Townsite of Seward (225 Fourth Avenue), was noted and the public hearing was opened; no one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. eomnissioner Johnson stated that he would be abstaining from voting on this issue due to his direct financial interest in the project and added that in the absence of parrish he would answer any questions the eormd.ssion might have. Branson asked if it was possilile to provide for parking on the property in question. Johnson stated that the structure was built to the property lines, leaving no room on site for parking. WoodrUff objected to issuing the CUP, stating that parking in the downtown business district was already a problem and. this. use would only add to an existing problem. Johnson noted that apartrrents would impact parking during business hours lesS than any of the allCMed uses. Thome stated that the apartrrents should be "grandfathered". FollCMing further eormd.ssion discussion, BRANSON MJVED TO GRANT A CONDITIONAL USE pERMIT TO JIM pARRISH FOR EXISTING APARTMENTS ux::ATED ON THE TOP FL(X)R OF THE STRUCTURE ux::ATED ON THE SOUI'H 7' 2" OF IJJr 7 AND ALL OF IJJr 8, BLOCK 10, ORIGINAL 'lG'lNSITE OF SEWARD; THE MJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRlED WITH FOUR "YES" VOI'ES, ONE "NO" VOI'E (WOODRUFF), AND JOHNSON ABSTAINING. JLH ADD1F2/REZONE B. WoodrUff noted a request as filed by Kenneth Stout, Jack Bohlen, Joe Hayes, Jean Von Dohrmann and Roland Lynn to rezone Lot 2, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision Addition No. 2 fran Light eonrrercial (CL) to Multi-family Residential (R3) and to change the Land Use Designation fran Single-family Residential (Rl) to Multi-family Residential (R3). Administrative Assistant Martin explained that the property in question had been zoned CL at the request of the City several years ago. At that tine, the City was attempting to rmrket the property and thought that potential buyerS might be interested in placing a hotel on the land. Martin added that the present owners are interested in constructing multi-family housing. Martin further stated that the city would like to add the rezone of Lot 13, Jesse lee Heights Subdivision Addition No. 3 fran CL to R3 if there was no objection fran the applicants. (Lynn stated that he would consent to the addition.) Martin explained that roost of the allCMed uses in a CL zone would not be consistent with the type of developrent that is noW taking place in this area. 'N01oLIOmt NOHLW\lW ' ((: COOl ' (: (: , 61 SWI a:o :aNOZacI 3RL :!IL\.OOdcN X'I8W3:SSIi IDOOOOS: VIOSNIN3d DfNIDI 3RL oL'iiRL ON3WliDJIDI OJ, CJ:3:L\CW NOStMIs: o s~ua"F~ro atH .:roJ )[.:rnd 12 S12 ((: ~O'l trj:~a.:r <Xl- a.:raM SUl21d ~uasa.:rd ~l2lH papp-e aqs os~uaua.:r"Fnba.:r ape;:) ~aau o~ .:rap.:ro trj: uon wp12 atH o~ pai\alI aq <Xl- all.l2L{ PlnoM auoq DU"Fs.:rnu atH JO uon;:)as .:raplo atH trj: spaq atH JO v(: ~l2lH pa~~s aqs ( 0 DuWunJ ~12~S .:roJ ~sn atH uo tHv J.:nua.;r.mo s"F Ul2J.:alSClM) ouon;:)n.:r::j.SUQ;J pUl2 Dtrj:UUl21d .:roJ DUWunJ .:roJ DU"F)[OOl MaU S12M pUl2 ~~S atH UIO.:rJ paaN JO a~12;:)u~aJ 12 pall."Fa;:)a.:r Pl2L{ Ul2J.:alsaM ~l2lH pa~~s 'aI1DH DU"FS.:rrlN Ul2J.:alsClM JO .:r<Xl-12.:r~S"F -u""PllP'il 'q;:)lad pa.:rpnw 'UOSUl2.:rs: UIO.:rJ uO"F~sanb 12 o~ asuodsa.:r U1 opaSOl;:) S12M DU"F.:rnaq ;:)nqnd atH pUl2 p.:r12aq aq <Xl- .:rap.:ro trj: pa.:readd12 aSIa auo ON oauOH Dtrj:s.:rrw Ul2J.:alsaM JO uO"FsUl2dxa Ul2 Ul2q~ .:ratHo asn ;:)nqnd .:ratHo J.:Ul2 o~ ~a~qo PlnOM aqs ~l2lH ~aua.:r p.:rQ;Ja.:r atH ~l2lH pa)[S12 aqs oDu"FtH all.n"Fsod 12 S12M UO"FSU12dXa s~"F pUl2 J.:~"FurllWICX) atH .:roJ POOD uaaq p12q Ul2J.:alsClM ~l2lH ~laJ aqs 'P8)[;JOlq trj:12:J.unau atH JO Ma"FlI. .:raq all.l2L{ <Xl- qS"FM ~OU saop aqs anqM ~l2lH p~~s aqs 0((: pUl2 (:(: S~O'l UIO.:rJ ~aa.:r:j.s atH SSO.:r;:)12 J.:l~a.:r"FP saP"Fsa.:r aqs ~12tH pa~~s pUl2 uO"Fss"jUlIIQJ atH a.:roJaq pa.:rnadd12 'anUaN'if ~s.:r"Fa: 80S 'XCIN:3E:W Rffit! opauado S12M DU"F.:rnaq ;:)nqnd atH pUl2 pa~ou S12M M121 J.:q paqsnqnd pUl2 pa~sod S12 DU"F.:rnaq ;:)nqnd JO a;:)nON oUl21d asO PUl?'I atH trj: "d" pa~12U6"Fsap uaaq all.l2L{ s~ol asatH 'S.:rl2aJ.: n-(:1 ~sro 8tH .:roa: ouo"FSU12dxa pasodo.:rd s:J."F .:roJ Ul2J.:alsaM J.:q pa.:r"Fnb;:)12 uaaq Pl2l! ((: pUl2 (:(: s~O'l 0 It! aq O:J. ~01 atH UMOqS Pl2L{ DU"FddBlI trj: .:ro.:r.:ra Ul2 ~nq '(d) ;:)ngnd pauoz uaaq J.:nl2trj:Dpo Pl2L{ ~01 S"FL{oL oDuwnns: aJIOH Dtrj:S.:rrlN Ul2J.:alsaM u"FBlI 8tH JO a~"Fs ~uasa.:rd 8tH s"F 61 ~O'l ~l2lH pau"F121dxa trj:+:rnw 3:NOZ3:~ ouonww UOtH12.rE.W '((: '(:(: '61 S~O'l -- aNOZacI t!oa: oLSllillmI OJ lurrv NOH.LWVW o X'ISOCWIN'iiNfl CJ:3:nIffif.) NOIJCW 3RL COOl N01JCW NI\iW 3RL NJ CJ:3:'ITi(.) SliM N01oLSllilO 3RL o X'ISOCWIN'ilNO CJ:3:nIffif.) COOl illN'Itl3RLOS XS: CJ:3:GNOJ:3:S SliM N01JCW 3RL !rn OJ, It! w)tIa: ( oON N01oLIOmt N01SIAIOS:OS SoLID1illI :33'I 3:Ssar 'n WI a:o :aNOZacI 3:HL oLSllillmI S1HL NI 3:00'IJNI OJ, CI:3l\CW NOStMIs: o3:NHOHL XS: CJ:3:ONOJ:3:S SliM N01JCW 3RL !rn OJ, It! W)t!a: N01oL'iiN)1S3:0 3:S0 ONVI 3RL ~N'ilHJ OJ, X'1LN3'ffiI(lJNQJ COOl rn OJ, 'IJ WJCI.i[ '(: oON N01oLIOmt NOIS11\I08:OS SoLID1illI :33'I 3:Ssar '(: WI :aNOZacI IDOOOOS: VIOSNIN3d DfNIDI 3RL oL'iiRL ON3WliDJIDI OJ, CJ:3:L\CW 3:1'I1SSliM o~a~o.:rd 12 q;:)ns .:roJ spunJ 112.:rapaJ JO J.:~"Fnqen12l1.12 atH Dtrj::J.12D"F~Sall.trj: S12M aq :J.l2lH pUl2 12a.:rn P.:r12MeS atH trj: Dtrj:snoq aJIQ;Ju"F MOl .:roJ paau ~l2a.:rD 12 S12M a.:ratH ~l2lH paPP12 aH oDU"FJUl2trj:J JO knnqe -n12l1.e 8tH uodn pas12q aq PTnOM uO"Fs"F;:)ap ~BlI"F~Tn .:r"FatH ~l2lH paU"F12Tdxa SUIEnnM opaZn12trj:J uaaq ~OU p12q J.:Vado.:rd ~a~qns 8tH .:roJ SUl21d .:r"FatH ~12tH paU"F12Tdxa uuJ.:'I 'UOSUl2.:rs: UlO.:rJ uO"F~sanb 12 <Xl- asuodsa.:r ur opasop S12M Dup12aq ;:)nqnd atH pUl2 p.:rnaq aq o~ .:rap.:ro trj: pa.:rnadd12 auo ou !pauado S12M DU"F.:rnaq ;:)nqnd atH pUl2 pa~ou S12M M121 J.:q paqsnqnd pUl2 pa~sod S12 Dup12aq ;:)nqnd JO a;:)nON 10 3:WO'IOfl.. 9861 '8 XCI'ilf1N'ilf' - DN1.L3:3:W tlVIf1~ 08( 3:D1id Ol 381 PAGE 381 REGUIAR MEETING - JANUARY 8, 1986 VOLUME 01 FROM "Rl" TO "P"; THE MCfl'ION WAS SECONDED BY JOHNSON AND CARRIED UNANI- MOUSLY. PARKING/PH D. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO PARKING CX>DE -- Notice of public hearing as published and posted by law was noted and the public hearing was opened; no one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Folla.ving lengthy comnission discussion, the folla.vin9 changes were made to the proposed ordinance revisions as presented by Adminis- trative Assistant Kerry Martin: 1. Section 21. 78. 030 (E) The word "designated" was inserted before the word "parking" in the first line. 2. Section 21. 78. 200 (B) (8) -- The word "Public" was added to the beginning of the first line, to read "Public libraries..." 3. Section 21. 78. 200 (B) (9) -- Changed to read "Primary and secondary schools, public and private" . 4. Section 21.78.200 (B) (12) -- Changed to read "Vocational and music schools, dance studios, and other post secondary schools and colleges"; the phrase "one-half parking space" was added to the second part of Subsection 12 just before the phrase "for each student". 5. Section 21. 78.200 (B) (13) buildings (public and private), financial center or clinic, and other similar uses". Changed to read "office institutions, professional 6. Section 21. 78.200 (B) (18) -- Changed to read "Wholesale service or repair shop, retail store handling exclusively bulky merchan- dise such as machinery, furniture, household appliances, carpet, shaN- rcx::rn, etc.". 7. Section 21. 78.200 (B) (20) -- Changed to read "One parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, or one parking space for each four coin operated washing or dry cleaning machines, whichever is greater". 8. Section 21. 78.200 (D) -- The second sentence was changed to read "Such separate or abutting parking lot(s) is (are) allCMed provided that off-street parking lots are pennitted ...." 9. Section 21.78.200 (J) -- "1986" was deleted and the blank was filled with "adoption of this section". 10. Section 21.78.200(K) -- Arrended by adding "All vehicles in custody of the operator of the business for service, repair, storage, sale or other purpose shall be stored on the premises or on a separate vehicle parking lot and shall not be parked on a public right of way." 11. Section 21. 78.200 (L) -- The word "spaces" was added after the word "parking" in the first and second line. ~~~ oUIod Sv:6 ~E paumo~pE SEM. DUHaaJI al{J. :J.N3WNlli10.lXN oIX oSUOHDas.;ra:+ur UMO:j.UMOP :j.E X~~n<ns~lI. .;roocJ: alf-l. :j.noqe auop aq Plnol[S DU~lf-l.auOS ~Elf-l. pa~~s ClN\i'lli3RLf1S oanuall.V UEl.lq.aMg uo DUPl.;rOO paSEa.;rD -ur ~noqe SIDaDUOD auos PEl[ al[s :j.Elf-l. pa:j.~s aqS oaDUEurp.;ro DUPl.;rOO alf-l. JO uOH~uasa.;rd s~ uo urVEW pa:j.u~ldurcx:> :3:I'IISSVM :NOISSOJSIO NOISSIWWOJ oX aUON : SlliOc:l:lli ~I3DVNIiW XJ.IJ oXI oOOUEU~p.;ro u5~s M.au pasodo.;rd alf-l. SSnDS~p O:j. '9861 'Dc ~UEL' .;roJ palnpal[Ds uaaq PEl[ uo~ssas )[.;rOM. 1'1 :j.Elf-l. pa~ou urVEW oa ouo~ssas )[.;rOM. };,;rEnUEL' alf-l. :j.E aDUEu~p.;rO u5~s alf-l. SSnDS~p o~ a)[n PlnOM. aq :j.Elf-l. pa:j.~s aH oal~M. 1'1 .;roJ ..JJo ~nd.. aq sasn PUEl o:j. all.~~Ela.;r suo~s~lI.o.;rd apOD alf-l. :j.Elf-l. papuawroDa.;r u~VEW oV :SS:3:NIsna M:3:N oIII1\ auoN : SS:3:NISna mHSINIdNO 0 II1\ aUON :NOISSnJSIO ,SN:3:ZI.LIJ 011\ o X'ISnCWImtNQ CJ:3:D:ill\D QNI;f CiN'ii"lliIDI.ns xa O:3:0N0J:3:S SVM NOI.LCW :3:H.L !'I'ifl\OOdcN HOd :3:JN\lNIOOO f)NI}RNd :3:H.L OL S.LN:3:WCIN3WV CJ:3:SOdOOd :3:H.L IDflOOOO 'ifIf1SNIN:3:d Th'NIDI :3:H.L OL CR:l'ifMHOd 'IIJNOOJ XJ.IJ :3:H.L .LVH.L ON:3WW)J:3:H OL ~ NOSNWa opa~alap SEM. ..apE.;rD all.oqe ~aaJ 8 aSEal ~E.. asE.;rqd al{J. -- (N) DOc 08L"1c UOHDag oc1 10 3Wil101\ 9861 '8 XWnNVL' - f)NI.L:3:3W ~ c8t :3:f)Vd - .(, ~G 383 PAGE 383 REGULAR MEEI'ING - FEBRUARY 5, 1986 VOLUME 01 I. CALL TO ORDER: The February 5, 1986, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and zoning comnission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairperson Woodruff. II. roll., CALL: Present were: Chairperson Woodruff and Corrmissioners Branson, Johnson, Sutherland, 'I'horne and Wassilie Present also: Deputy City Manager Schaefenreyer, Administra- tive Assistant Martin, Kenai Peninsula Borough planners Cervantes and Fenner, Deputy City Clerk Audette III. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: There being no additions, deletions or amendrrents, Woodruff declared the January 8, 1986, regular rreeting minutes approved as presented. SPECIAL ITEMS: P&Z A. Audette administered the oath to newly-appointed Comnis- sioner Roland "Pete" Peterson and re-appointed conrnissioners Larry Johnson and John Woodruff (all 3-year terms), and they took their place on the dais and thereafter participated in the rreeting. P&Z B. BRANSON M)VED TO SELECT vmDRUFF AS CHAIRPERSON AND WASSILIE AS VICE-CHAIRPERSON; IT WAS SECONDED BY JOHNSON AND CARRIED UNANIM)USLY. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PH/SIGNS A. Notice of Public Hearing as posted and published regard- ing a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 6, Buildings, Seward City Code, to include sign standards, was noted. Woodruff then opened the public hearing. RUTH M:HENRY, 508 First Avenue, Seward, appeared from the audience and stated that she had been a participant in the developrrent of the proposed sign ordinance. McHenry explained that the main reason for setting sign standards is to limit distractions from the rrotoring public and therefore help to eliminate certain traffic hazards. McHenry expressed her support for the proposed ordinance. BRAD SNa-IDEN, 525 Sixth Avenue, Seward, appeared from the audience and expressed his opposition to the proposed ordinance as presently written. Snowden stated that signs were very effective in U1 A+rado.::rd alf.l- uo pa~:e;:)()1 ApEa.::rlE S{!1'\ "u:mq 12 SE 6"j:q SEll a6E.:m6 12 p= asnoq a6.:IEl -e :j.Elf.l- papp-e S"j:lI.-ea . 6U1)[.:IEd :j.aa~s-HO JO knHqEH-ell.-e i3q:]. :j.nOqE pau.::ra;;)UO;;) s-e1'\ p= ssau"j:snq -e O:j. :j.Xau all.n O:j. :j.=1'\ :j.OU p"j:p aqs :j.Elf.l- pa:j.E:j.S i3qS ':j.sanba.::r auoza.::r alf.l- O:j. UO"j::j."j:soddo .:raq passa.:rdxa p= i3;;)ua -"j:pn-e alf.l- UIO.:rJ pa.::r-eadd-e 'p.::r-e1'\aS 'anuall.V p.::r"j:ljJ, S09 'Sliwa WE: . pauado s-e1'\ 6u"j:.:IEaq ;;)nqnd aq:j. p= pa:j.ou s-e1'\ 1'\-el Aq paqsnqnd p= pa:j.sod SE 6upEaq ;;)nqnd JO i3;;)HON l-eP.:ratlllOJ pa:j.uapo-o:].nv O:j. (nIl l-eHuap"j:si3C[ A HUl1?J-aI6u"j:S p.:IE~ JO i34"j:s~ lEU"j:6pO '6E )[;:)()HI '0<:-61 S:]'OI auoza.:r U1+r-ew p= -euuoa Aq palH s-e :j.sanba.:r -e pa:j.ou Hru:pc>0M . ('D) UlO.::rJ '(SID) O:j. "j:)[sIEMO)I 'J IINOZ3}I/SJ.O ('Pi340U oSI-e SE1'\ auoza.::r alf.l- JO l-ell.O.::rdd-e 6u"j:pllal.lllJ(X)a.::r U1+r-ew UlO.::rJ +roda.::r JJE:].S '9861 'OE X.:rEn=.r) 'X'ISOCHIN'iiNfl C13:raIDD ON\? :;rNHOHL XII CI:!IaNCD3:S SVl>1 NOIJLW :illll ! Ea ill 1a WJlli[ 'NOI.LraCl\f 'I'im3:CI:!I.i[ '91 )O(JIII ' S- 1 S.LO'I 8NOZIDI IDOOClOO V'IOSNIN:3:d DtNIDI :illll .LVH.L CIN3WVDJ:31I ill O3lI.CW NOSNWII ':].sanba.:r alqEuos-ea.::r -e s-e1'\ :j."j: :].Elf.l- p= =ld aso PUE'I alf.l- If.l-"j:1'\ i3;;)UE\lUoJUO;;) o:j.u"j: A+rado.::rd alf.l- 6U1.::rq Pln01'\ auoza.::r alf.l- :j.Elf.l- pa:].uatn.UO;) a"j:Hss-eM p= JJn.:rpooM 'Pasol;;) s-e1'\ 6U1.:IEaq ;;)nqnd alf.l- p= p.:IEaq aq O:j. .:rap.:ro U1 pa.:r-eadd-e auo ou !pauado SE1'\ 6u"j:.:IEaq ;;)nqnd aq:j. p= pa:].ou s-e1'\ 1'\121 Aq paqsnqnd p= pa:j.sod s-e 6u"j:.:IEi3q ;;)nqnd JO a;;)HON . (rn) l-eHuap"j:si3C[-Al"j:UleJ-HltlW 0:]. (Ta) l-eH IINOZ -uap"j:si3C[ Al"j:UleJ-aI6u"j:S UlO.::rJ 'uo"j::j."j:pp\? l-e.::rapa.i[ '91 )[;;)OIII 'S-1 s:]'OI auoza.:r -lIE o:j. uaPII.O )[;;)"j:~-ed Aq palH s-e :j.sanba.:r 12 pa:j.ou Hru:pc>0M 'II ;erav 'IVElIalId . X'ISOCWIN'iiNfl CI:!IImN;) ON\? 3:I'IISS'ilM XII CI:!IONOJ:3:S S'ilM NOI.LCW :illll !SS8NISOII CI:!IHSINI.iINL1 IIi\ CI:3:HWflN WiLLI CI:3:0N0 3:JNVNIcmO IDIS CI:!ISOdOCld :illll NO NOISSmSra NOISSIWWJJ 3:flNI.LNOJ ill CI3:i\CM NOSNWII . pasol;;) SE1'\ 6u"j:.:IEaq ;;)nqnd alf.l- p= uO"j:ss-pulIOJ alf.l- a.::roJaq pa.:IEaddE aSIa auo ON . A:]. n"j:q"j:X8n A= ap"j:lI.O.:rd :j.OU saop pasodo.:rd s-e i3;;)=u"j:p.:ro alf.l- !A:j."j:Hq"j:xan auos uos.:radssau"j:snq alf.l- all."j:6 PlnOfo\. q;;)"j:l.j1'\ H;;)unOJ A:j."j:J alf.l- O:j. uO"j:spap :].Elf.l- l-eaddE O:j. uOHdo i3lf.l- If.l-"j:1'\ :].sanba.::r UOH;;)n.I:j.s -uoo u6"j:s q;;)-ea all.o.::rdd-esW .::ro all.o.::rdd-e p= 1'\a"j:lI.a.:r :j.ua.l.q..:rndap 6uWHnq s I A:j."j:J alf.l- :j.Elf.l- papua.wro;;)a.::r uapMOuS " (a;;)=u"j:p.:ro pasodo.::rd i3lf.l- .:rapun pa:]. "j:q"j:qo.:rd aq PlnOM. su6"j:s UDall.) all. "j::j.;;)-e~:j.-e p= Ul.I-e1'\ a.::ri3t'\ s:j.q6n uoau :j.Elf.l- :j.laJ Al1-euos.:rad aq :j.Elf.l- papp-e aH ':j.Elf.l- JO +rEd aq PlnOl'\ su6"j:s :].n p= s:j.q6n :].;;)adxa Plnoqs Ai3lf.l- UMO:j.UMOp pall.n Aalf.l- :]."j: ':j.nq !SpoOlol. i3q:j. U"j: all.n 0:]. uO"j::j.do alf.l- p-eq Aalf.l- ualf.l- su6"j:s :j.nolf.l-"j:1'\ all.n O:j. pa.::r.::raJa.:rd uos.:rad -e n :].Elf.l- pa:j.E:j.S oSIE aH "u6"j:s-H= s-e1'\ a;;)=uw.::ro u6"):s pasodo.:rd 8lf.l- JO :j.uaJrlolall.ap aq:]. pU"j:qaq UOH-ell.HQll aq:]. :j.-elf.l- :j.laJ uapMOUS 'P.:IEz-eq 6u"j:lI.pp -e :j.uasa.:rd :j.OU PW paads :j.Elf.l- :j.-e su6"j:s 6U11'\a"j:1I. :j.Elf.l- :j.TaJ p= :j."j:Uln paads .:rnoq .:rad aT"j:Ul S<: -e Aq pa:j.-elnOO.:r s-e1'\ A:]."j:;;) i3q:]. U1lf.l-"j:1'\ A-el'\P-eo.:r JO A:].pO~l2UI a6.:IET alf.l- :j.-elf.l- Pi34-e:j.s uapMOUS 'X.:ruaH2W Aq )[.:mu.ra.:r -e O:j. asuodsa.:r UI .UO"j::j. --e.::rado ssaU1snq S"j:q padlaq Ala:j."j:uHap p-eq (a;;)=uW.:ro pasodo.::rd aq:j. .::rapun Pi3t'\Ol1ESW aq Plno1'\ q;;)"j:q1'\) u6"j:s as"j:Ul<3.::rd-JJo s"j:l.j p= ssau"j:snq -e 6u"j::j.Qllo.:rd 10 3:WO'IOi\ 9861 's XWOClH3:.i[ - 8NIJ.'33W Cl'i:l'TIDlli v8E 3:::Wd )788 .385 pAGE 385 question and wondered where an antique shop could be built on the small open area remaining. RffiUL/'IR MEEI'ING - FEBRUARY 5, 1986 volllME 01 No one else appeared from the audience in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Woodruff noted a January 30, 1986, staff report from Martin reC(Jll'({eIlding the rezone in order to bring the parcel into confo:r:roance with the land Use Plan. WASSILIE MJVID TO RECCMMEND THAT THE KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH REZONE LOI'S 19-20, BLOCK 39, ars, FRCM R1 TO CL; THE MJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY stJ'l'HERLAND AND CARRIED UNANJM)USLY. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: ROLAND LYNN, BoX 6635, Kenai, Alaska, appeared before the eonroission and expressed concerns regarding the recent action taken by the SeWard Advisory planning and Zoning eonroission and the Seward City Council to increase the parking requirerrents for nDllti-family dwelling units. Lynn stated that 1. 5 spaces per unit would be rrore appropriate. He also recormended that the parking spaces be defined by total square feet. Lynn calculated that under the current requirerrents the parking spaces for a 4-plex unit VJQuld cost approximately $8,500; but, under the reC(Jll'({eIlded requirerrents the parking spaces for the sarre unit would cost approximately $13,600. (January 27, 1986, staff report fran Martin, which included a sumnary of a review he had conducted of parking ordi- nances fran around the country, was noted.) NarE: The rreeting was recessed at 8:35 p.m.; reconvened at 8:55 p.m. - VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. (Continued from Item Nunber V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (A)] February 1, 1986, staff rrerrorandum fran Martin explaining the background information on the deve1oy:xnent of the proposed ordinance was noted. Martin then recomrended to the eonroission a few housekeeping changes to the proposed ordinance. In response to questioning from the eorrmission, Martin stated that the Chamber of cormerce had received several notices of the proposed sign ordinance. woodrUff and Johnson stated that they were not opposed to neon lighting. Following a short discussion, the eomnission set February 10, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. for a special rreeting to take final action on the proposed ordinance. VIII. A. Martin reported that the Kenai Peninsula Borough had new official maps of the city. NEW BUSINESS: IX. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: 6U"j:puauE a;:xTeu"j:p.:rO pasodo.:rd at{-!. JO SUon. "j:pa paS"j:Aa.:r paq;:)"Eq:~:e t{-!."j:M. un.:rew uro.:rJ -epill?.:ra.ua.u '9861 '01 krnIUqaa: pill? 'L knm.:rqaa: ov :SSaNISOS: CBHSINIa:NO 0i\I allON :NOISSOJSIG S,NaZI~IJ 0111 a::rl-apnv )[.:raIJ A::j."j:J A::j.ndaa pill? u"j:+rew ::j.tre::l-s"j:SSV aAnE.:I::j.S"j:u1UW :oslE ::j.Uasa.:rd ( 0 ::j.uasuo;:) uO"j:s -s-pnuo;) q::j."j:M. ::j.uasqe SEM. au.:ro~ .:rauo"j:ss"JllllIOJ an"j:SSEM pill? Pill?I.:raq:j.ns 'uos.:ra::j.ad 'uosUl.{o.r 'UOSill?.:rs: s.:rauo"j:ss"JllllIOJ pill? JJn.:IpOOM uos.:rad.:r"j:t?qJ :a.:raM. ::j.uasa.:rd : Tli[.) 7100 0 II o Hn.:IpOOM UOs.:rad.:rP2l!J Aq ourod 80:S ::j.E .:rap.:ro o::t panE;:) SEM. UO"j:SS1J.UllIOJ 6u"j:uoz pill? 6u"j:=ld kIoS"j:AW p.:rEtolaS at{-!. JO 6unaau IE"j:;:)OOS '9861 '01 kI-eruqaa: a~ :IDImIO ill Tli[.) 0 I 1 3WfYIOf\ 9861 '01 XIDfO~8::3:..3: - DNI.I33W 'NIJ:3:dS :;!mid ~l~ !_'Ii-,...LL .. P.\~ :iO 31.b- '-4 .... ..( . ~~. "f ~~4" J' . <. .:~'..;,~'il' ." '"'-/;:;~ .... j..... :''" ."., ,0........ o. t; :'fI,Bas ~::j.' ':-;:,. "",""';. '3i--:. .J " ~ 'if ourod SS: 01 ::j.E pa=o~pE SEM. 6u"j:::j.aaII a~ : .LN3WNlli10rav 0 IX 09861 '01 kI-eruqaa: JO -epua6E 6unaau IEPOOS at{-!. uo pa;:)EId aq ::j.;:)a~qns at{-!. ::j.Et{-!. pa::j.sanba.:r uo"j:ss-pnuo;) a~ 0 sUIi3Iqo.:rd uO"j:::j.sa6uO:J pill? Sp.:rEZ-eq aI;:)"j:qaA pill? ill?"j:.:r::j.sapoo a::j.Eu~la dIaq O::j. uo"j:::j. --epuaJ.llIOOa.:r E a;:)npo.:rd ::j.q6"FUI CJ;:)HJQ ::j.SOd OSOO aq::j. ::j.E su.:ra::j.::j.-ed ;:)HJE.:I::j. aq::j. JO uO"j:ss"JllllIOJ at{-!. Aq M.a"j:Aa.:r E :naJ aqs ::j."E?t{-l. Pa::t-e::ts a"j:HssEM :NOISSOJSIG NOISSIWWOJ OX oS.:rai"Dd 6u"j:=ld 6uw.:r-e6a.:r uo"j:ss-pnuo;) at{-!. o::t Ja"j:.:rq ~)(ods .:rauuaa: o.:rauuaa: U"j:Aa)I .:ro::j.;:)a.:r"j:G 6uT=ld q6no.:ros: EInsUTuad "j:EUa)I pa.:r"j:q-AItolaU pa;:)npo.:r::j.u"j: UT::j.TeW ov 10 3WfYIOf\ 9861 's XIDfO~8::3:..3: - ~NI~:;:rw IDi'IflDffiI 98E ~d '.'9 . ,: 387 PAGE 387 SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 10, 1986 VOLUME 01 SIGNS Chapter 6, Buildings, Seward City Code, to include sign standards, were noted. In response to questioning from the Corrmission, Martin reported that Harry Drew, Chamber of Connerce Director, had received a revised copy of the proposed ordinance and had been asked for input. Martin then read through each change in the proposed revised ordinance. Following a short Cornnission discussion, SUTHERLAND M)VED TO TO RECCMMEND APPROVAL TO THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL OF THE FINALIZED VERSION OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, BUILDINGS, SEWARD CITY CCOE, TO INCIDDE SIGN STANDARDS; THE MOl'ION WAS SECONDED BY JOHNSON AND CARRIED UNANIMJUSLY. B. Wassilie distributed a rough drawing of the street layout surrounding the u.S. Post Office. The Conmission discussed the advan- tages and disadvantages of the options of repositioning the mail drop and the entrance and exit to the parking lot. The Conmission requested that the subject be placed on the regular meeting agenda of March 5, 1986, so that Martin would have time to secure an accurate plat map of the area in question. VI. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: XI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7: 03 p.m. . -"ilI_... . '. ,,~ 1. : d' . .......:+~ 1 '1~"J. ....... ;-. ".:" . '..' .Lr ~,. ....... ':>~ . "~OF A\..~ '-':-(<7"; PAGE 387' REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 5, 1986 1 jt{J John Woodruff Chairman . . VOLUME I. CALL TO ORDER: The March 5, 1986, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrmission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Vice-chairperson Wassilie. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Vice-chairperson Wassilie and Conmissioners Branson, Johnson, Peterson and Sutherland (Com- missioner Thorne and Chairperson Woodruff were absent with Comnission consent.) .sapo;) h+aJl?S 1.[+112aH pUt? DUwnns: ' ar!=d +all +1 pUt? asnot{ Jad 1.lIOCllp<3C{ auo 0+ pa+ 1J1I1:1 S12f11 +1 J1 +da::>uo::> lI+s12J)[l2aJ8: pUt? Paffll a1.[+ 0+ pasoddo +ou S12f11 at{ +121.[+ pa+12+S pUt? a::>ua1pn12 a1.[+ UIOJJ paJl2add12 '12aJl2 a)[E'I Jl2aff 'N'liWHON 'lli\f.) .U01+saDUO::> ::>UJ12J+ aTCf]:ssod S12f11 UJa::>uo::> upmr J1a1.[+ +nq +da::>uo::> at{+ 0+ pasoddo +ou aJafl1 ha1.[+ +121.[+ pUt? u01s1A1pqnS saJ::>V +saJOd a1.[+ U1 paAH 0l{J"\ a1doad JO haAJnS auot{da1a+ nl2llIS 12 pa+::>npuo::> Pl2t{ at{ +l2t{+ pavodaJ ha)[E'I .+da::>uo::> II+S12J)[l2aJ8: pUl2 Paffll a1.[+ JOJ Voddns s14 passaJdxa pUt? a::>ua1pn12 a1.[+ UIOJJ paJ12add12 ')[Jl2cI amH a11qc:w )[aaJ;) Jl2aff 'XIDWI 'N . DU1Jl2at{ ::>Hqnd a1.[+ pauado uat{+ aH1ss12M .a::>Ul2U1pJo pasodoJd a1.[+ pUl2 ape;) at{+ U1 pa+12+S h1+uasaJd S12 SU01+roro::>o amt{ DU1uuap a::>Ul2U1pJo a1.[+ DUWJl2DaJ pa+1nsuo::> uaaq Pl2t{ UOSPVul;i haUJO++V h+1;) +124+ pavodaJ OS112 JahauJaJal2t{;)8 . u01ss-plWO;) a1.[+ 0+ JahauJaJal2t{::>S UIOJJ vodaJ H12+S '9861 'a hJ12mqad pUt? 9861 'v(; hJ=qad JO DU1+aall Jl21nDaJ s+1 +12 n::>unOJ 0+ pa+::>aJ1P U1+rew UIOJJ vodaJ JJ12+S '9861 '81 hJ12mqad a1.[+ pa+ou a111ss12M .pa+ou S12f11 U01+roro::>o allot{ lI+s12J)[l2aJ8: pUl2 Paffll 12 JOJ S+UaIDJ1nOaJ 1.[+JoJ +as pUt? lI+s12J)[l2aJ8: pUt? Paffll JOJ u01+1uuap 12 apn1::>u1 0+ apo;) Dli"FliOZ +::>P+s10 U12qJO pJ12Meg a1.[+ 0+ s+~ualll2 pasodmd DU1 -pJl2DaJ pat{sHqnd pUl2 pa+sod S12 DU1Jl2aH ::>Hqna JO a::>nON .8: H'9H (.SJaUMO hVadoJd +ua::>12~p12 a1.[+ 0+ +uas sJa++a1 paJa+s1DaJ a1.[+ 0+ asuodsaJ JO u01+::>a~qo ou uaaq p12t{ aJa1.[+ +124+ pUt? Ul21cI asO P1l12'I a1.[+ 1.[+1f11 a::>1.feUUo;uo::> 0+U1 s+01 a1.[+ DU1Jq P1nOfl1 auozaJ a1.[+ +121.[+ pa+ou aH1ss12M) . X'ISOOWIN'iNO C!:3:nru:v.::> 0N'i CIWlli3HJJ1S X8: C!:3:0N0J:3:S S'i.M NOlJOO 3H.L : ~ OJ. Hi m&I 'mNMaS dO aLISNf.OL 'NNI8nIO '8(; )D)'I8: 'Ov 0N'i 6( S.L01 aNOZ:ill:I H80()l:IOO 'i'IOSNIN3:cI DiNIDI 3H.L JiiffiL CIN3WWO;):ill:I QL CJ:3:L\OW NOSNW8: .Pas01::> S12f11 DU1J12at{ ::>Hqnd a1.[+ pUt? pJ12at{ aq 0+ JapJo U1 a::>uawn12 a1.[+ tuOJJ paJl2add12 auo ou :DU1J12at{ ::>Hqnd at{+ pauado ua1.[+ aH1ss12M .pa+ou os112 S12f11 auozaJ a1.[+ DU1PualllilXlaJ uH.:l:l2W +u12+s1ssI;i aA n12J+s1U1lliP'i UIOJ; vodaJ H12+S '9861 'v(; hJ12mqad . ((;cl) 112nuap1s8H h11\lll2;-Ofo\L 0+ (HI) 112nuap1s8H h11\lll2;-a1Du1S \UOJ; 'pJ12f11aS ;0 a+1s~ 112U1DPO '8(; )[::>018: 'Ov pUt? 6( S+O'I auozaJ 0+ ;JoUt?~PPU\f 1Pn.r pUl2 121120 hq pan; S12 +sanOaJ 12 pa+ou aH1ss12M.V lINOn~/sJ.o : S8NnN3H ;)I'I8:OcI .f\. .aH1sS12M hq pa+ou S12f11 V pUl2 ( anL-J JaA-ru uaaJlq.aq JaA-ru u01+::>ams8H at{+ U1 PUl21s1 Ut? UIOJJ 'asn 1121::>JaI.IllD::> JO; '1121Ja+au ;0 SpJl2h ::>1qn::> 000' 001 h1a+12tu1xoJdd12 aDpaJp 0+ 'Ja;12t{::>S +Jaq"['i hq pan; S12 +~acI 12 JOJ uon12::>Hdd12 Ul2 DUWJl200J SJaaU1DU3: ;0 smo;) h1uI;i .S.O tuJo; a::>nON ::>Hqna '9861 '01 ~qad .V : :DN3:0N0cIS:illlliOO . ll.I pa+a1aa : SaLONIW dO 'N1\OOcIcI'i . III a++apnl;i )[Ja1;) h+1;) h+ndaa pUt? JahauJa;al2t{;)8 JaDl2U12W h+ 1;) h+ndaa : OS112 +uaSaJcI 10 :3WmOf\. 9861 's H:::Yd'iW - 8NI.L.'iI3W ID:l'Iill:ill:I 88( 88VcI 888 391 PAGE 391 REGUIAR MEETING - MARCH 5, 1986 VOLUME 01 WRITI'EN IN THE FEBRUARY 27, 1986, MEMJRANDUM FROM DARRYL SCHAEFERMEYER; SUTHERLAND SOCONDED THE MJTION AND THEN REI'RACI'ED HIS SOCOND; JOHNSCN SOCONDED THE MarION. Johnson and Wassilie agreed that by limi ting a "Bed and Breakfast" business to one bedroom you were essentially disallO<Ning that type of business since one bedroom would not be feasible. Branson disagreed and stated that by limiting a business to one bedroom you would be preserving the integrity of the residential neighborhood. Branson felt that the number of allO<Ned bedrooms could be limited to two instead of one and but that a parking space should be required for each bedroom. Johnson disagreed with the two bedroom restriction recornrend- ing three instead. Johnson reported that he had oontacted the Portland Association for the Northwest and that the Association had recorrmended as least three bedrooms be allO<Ned. Branson felt that the Corrmission should review "Bed and Breakfast" permits granted by the Administration stating that the neighbors had no opportunity for input otherwise. SchaefeTIlEyer stated that if a request met all the requirements, once those were established, a permit could not be denied. Wassilie and Branson expressed support for requiring a Conditional Use Permit for a "Bed and Breakfast" in the RR and R1 zones. Sutherland expressed his wish to see O<Nner-occupant striken in order to allO<N an occupant to operate a business. SchaefeTIlEyer, in response to questioning from Wassilie, stated that the City would not investigate lengths of stay by "Bed and Breakfast" custorrers unless a resident filed a complaint. Sutherland recornrended that the length of stay be changed from 7 days to 21 days. Johnson and Peterson stated that a "Bed and Breakfast" busi- ness should be "grandfathered" if it was in fact legal under the exist- ing Codes. FollO<Ning further discussion THE QUESTION WAS CALLED ON EACH PROPOSED AMENDMENI' TO THE MJTION AND ACTION OCCURRED AS FOLILW: (1) SECTION 21. 78.030 DEFINITIONS. (Add new definition) BED AND BREAKFAST MEANS A HOME CCCUPATION IN WHICH THE CCCUPANT RENTS OUT GUEST ROOMS TO TRAVELERS ON A SHORr-TERM BASIS. Arnendrrent----cARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (2) SECTION 21. 78.650 HOME CCCUPATION. (Add new section) 21. 78.651 BED AND BREAKFAST. NOIWITHSTANDING THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OI'HER SECTION OF THIS CHAPl'ER, BED AND BREAKFAST USE SHALL BE A:LLC:WED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE RR AND R1 ZONES AND BY ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT IN THE R2 AND THE R3 ZONES IF THE FOLLa'ITNG REQUIREI'1ENTS ARE r.1ET: Arnendrrent----cARRIED UNANIMJUSLY. :S.lliOd:illI 'd:;ID1iN'iiW x.r.I:) 'XI aUON :SS:lliIsoa ~ . III1\ . ...:roJ padoq aq liED SB poob SB.. SBM +noABl at{+ +Bt{+ pUB Ba.:rB +Bt{+ lIj: UOnSabUOO pUB ~U OUJB.:r+ alH paMa"j:Aa.:r p1?q .:raaU"j:bu:3: S .A+"j::) at{+ +Bt{+ pa+.:roda.:r .:raAaJllaJa1?qOS 'pa+ou SBM 8OUJO +SOd MaU aq+ punO.:rB ~U OUJB.:r+ aL{+ +nOC{\? bU"j:+aall UO"j:SS1illUOJ sno"j:Aa.:rd aL{+ +B passa.:rdxa su.:r8ouoo at{+ bU"j:p.:rBba.:r lIj:+.:rBW UlO.:rJ UlnpUB.:rauau 19861 181 X.:r=qad '''1 : SS:lliIsoa ClIDISINI.B:NO . IIL\ . ..+SBJ)[Ba.:rEl pUB paa.. bU"j:p.:rBba.:r AUalrpSa+ blIj:.:rBaL{ OHqnd 0+ asuodsa.:r S I UO"j:SS1illUOJ aL{+ U"j: +uaJ.I:l.U"j:oddBS"j:p S"j:L{ passa.:rdxa pUB UO"j:SS1IDJ1OJ at{+ a.:roJaq pa.:rBaddB Ip.:rBMaS IUO"j:S"j:A"j:pqns sa.:rO"l +Sa.:rod Ip.:rBAalnoa pUOll1?"j:O OOS2: IlDL"lH 3Nmi 'ou SBM asuodsa.:r S I UOSuqO[' . +oa~o.:rd +uaIDOlaAap bU"j:SnOL{ pBCJH L{SBN at{+ lIj: OU"j:p.:rrouag t{+"j:M .:ra~ B SBM UOSuqO[' J"j: pa)[SB pUB UO"j:SS-pllliOJ at{+ a.:roJaq pa.:rBaddB Ip.:rBMaS I s+ua.u:j..:mdif SlIj:)[lI'1l?H pUB ~.:rEl IIDi3'IOLSnnD Cl3J.'NM. :NOISSOJSIO .SmZI.1I:) 'IL\ 'X'lSf1CHIN'iiNO. Cl3:Dlli'\iJ .11 CIN'Ii NOlIDiI NDiW 3RL NO Cl3:'1'1"lJ SliM NOI.1S:IDO 3RL ON ~NIJDL\ :3:I'lISSIiM CIN'Ii NOStMIEl H.LIM Cl3:Dlli'IiJ---+uallpUaIl\l ('Sp.:rBpUB+S asat{+ L{+"j:M aOUB.!UoJuoo 0+lIj: +L{bno.:rq aq n"j:M pa+OBtia s"j: 8OUBUW.:ro s"j:t{+ alln at{+ +B bUnS"j:xa UOnB.:rado +sBJ)[Ba.:rEl pUB pag AU"l . pa~nB sasn bU"j:Ul,;[OJUOo-uou au a.:rB a.:raltL) .."j:.. .LN3W:3}fIOLffiI 3:.Ia'13:0 (L) ON ~NIJDL\ NOStMIEl H.LIM Cl3:Dlli'IiJ---+uaupUaIl\l 'SX"1O 12: CI33::)X3: JDN 'l'l"lHS X"1.1S dO H.L8N:n 3RL ..b.. (9) X'lSOCWIN'iiNO. Cl3:Dlli'If.)---+uaupUaul'ii '~TI:![M(] '1"lI.LN:!IOIS3tl 3RL 'dO.B: OIDImCXiffi asoH.L OL NOI.1IOO"l NI WOO'd .1S"l.Dru:illIEl CIN'Ii Cl3:El HJ"l:3: 'dO.B: Cl3:0I1'lO'8:d aEl OL SI :3:JildS ~NI)lli\fd .L:3:IDI.1S-.B:.B:O aNO .. P.. ( S) ON ~JDL\ NOStMIEl H.LIM Cl3:Dlli'IiJ---WaJIPUaul'ii . Cl3:ZI'lIJ.O aEl '1'1n~ SWCJO'8:Cl3:El :3:ffiIH.L J:."lH.L :;mew ON ..0.. (v) X'lSOCWIffiiNO. Cl3:Dlli'IiJ---+uaupUall"l ( '+UBdnooo-.:ra -~ UB aq n"j:M uonB.:rado altL) ..q.. .LN3W:3}fIOLffiI 3:.Ia'13:0 (0 10 awmOL\ 9861 IS lDIDiW - ~NI.rnaw ~ 2:6€ aDifd Z6f. 389 pAGE 389 BUZZ sAWYER, 2411 Cedar Street, Forest Acres SUbdivision (FAS), Seward, appeared from the audience and noted a petition, with 28 signatures representing 28 hones in the FAS, which had been previously distributed to the eorrroission. Sawyer then reviewed the four regulating conditions requested by the petitioners. Sawyer stated that the FAS was designated Rural Residential (RR) and as such rreant any developrrent was to be low-density single-family hones. sawyer requested the eonroission to preserve that basic concept. REGULAR MEErING - MARCH 5, 1986 volllME 01 DONNA GILES, 501 Ash Street, Forest Acres Subdivision, Seward, appeared fran the audience and stated that she had set up a "Bed and Breakfast" at her address and had done so under the Horre Occupation guidelines of the present Code. Giles stated that Shirley Nelson had operated, ;E~em 1'.!.E)he~aEjG, a 3-bedroom "Bed and Breakfast" in Seward for *** years. Giles, in reviewing the ordinance as proposed, stated that she had several off-street parking spaces available; agreed with the in- spection for fire safety, to not allow cooking in the rooms, and limit served rreals to one per day; was opposed to the seven day length of stay limit since the City had no way to rronitor the stays; and felt that it was unfair to not permit "grandfather rights" to currently operating "Bed and Breakfast" businesses. Giles also reported that there were no regulations prohibiting the "Bed and Breakfast" concept in Anchorage, Fairbanks or Seattle. LUDNIG pFLEGER, Mile 24, seward Highway, appeared from the audience and stated that he was in favor of a room and board business. pfleger reported that many of his flying service custoners, particularly the foreign travelers, requested information on the availability of a "Bed and Breakfast" facility in Seward. pfleger stated that he had stayed in several such facilities while visiting countries in Europe and had appreciated the contact with the local people. He felt that the businesses had not changed the lifestyle of the neighborhocrls. pfleger added that from his business standpoint "Bed and Breakfast" would be a "big plus". STEVE WILCOX, 603 Ash Street, Forest Acres SUbdivision, Seward, appeared fran the audience and stated that he did not think anyone was opposed to the "Bed and Breakfast" concept itself but it was matter of how to regulate those businesses. WilcOX stated that the specific residence (see testirrony by GILES) did not rreet the present Rural Residential Zoning Code requirerrents; it was neither a sin- gle-family use nor was it a low-density use and therefore could not be "grandfathered". WilcOX requested that the eonroission not sanction a use counter to the Codes. LINDA PFLEGER, Mile 24, seward Highway, appeared from the audience and stated that in her capacity at Harbor Air Service she served as the main contact with custoners. She reported that the pr:i1reXY question from travelers concerned overnight acc()l"(lT'Odations. pfleger expressed her support of the "Bed and Breakfast" business in seward. VIc:;FS. SIEGEL, owner of the lot directly South of the lot occupied by Donna Giles, appeared fran the audience and stated that their lots shared a 200 foot comron border. She stated that she had *** Deleted. See Minutes, Page 393, this Volume. ffii NOI.LdOCl'il tlO.i[ :;r;:)N\iNICRiO J.ffii.Dl'ir.illig ClN'if rng v lliXlOOOO 'Ii'IflSNIN3d DiNIDI ffiI.L ClN'if 'II;)NOCD X.LI;) ffiI\iM:3:S ffiI.L OL CIN3WW:'XY.lli OL CI3L\CM NOSNWg o auoz 11:q:-=\-uap1sa.:r l? JO asod:md Lu:urpd all-=\- UIO.:rJ -=\-:::>l?.:I+ap 0+ -=\-OU .:rap.:ro u-r asn ..-=\-Sl?J)[l?a.:rg pUl? paa.. ou-r-=\-l?ln.6a.:r a;JUl?U1p.:r0 Ul? pa-=\-sanba.:r Pl?ll UO-=\- HH .:raqwauH:JunO;) -=\-l?l!+ pa-=\-l?-=l-S .:IaKau.:raJal?l!:JS 0 sasn oU1UJ.:IoJuoouou JO uon=1wna .:roJ alnpall:)S al!+ ou-rp.:Il?oa.:r 09l 08L oIl uon:Jas pUl? SU01s1Ao.:rd al!+ JO asodmd aq-=\- OUW.:Il?oo.:r aPOJ oU1uOZ aq-=\- JO Ozo08L oIl uon:Jas pnoll? pl?EU I uosuqo.(' uro.:rJ ou-ru01-=\-sanb O-=\- asuodsa.:r u-r '.:raKau.:raJal?ll:JS oKHUIEJ-alOu-rs .:rou knsuap-l'lOl -=\-OU Sl?M ssau-rsnq UIOO.:rpaq .:moJ l? -=\-l?l!+ pUl? KI1UJl?J-alo -u1s K-=\-1suaP-l'lOl Sl? asn 1l?1-=\-uap1sdH 1l?.:rIlt[ saq-r.:r:Jsap apo;) -=\-uasa.:rd aq+ -=\-l?l!+ pa-=\-l?-=l-S 'an1SSl?M wo.:rJ oU1U01-=\-sanb 0+ asuodsa.:r u-r 'xo:JI1H 09861 '8 i\ren.:rqa.i[ oou1s os uaaq Pl?l! pUl? ssau1snq ..-=\-sl?J)[l?a.:rg pUl? pag.. .:rall .:roJ SUIOO.:rpaq .:moJ oUP1H-=\-n Sl?M Kl-=\-uasa.:rd alls -=\-l?l!+ pa-=\-l?-=l-S 'UOSUl?.:rg pUl? a111ssl?H uro.:rJ oU1u01-=\-sanb 0+ asuodsa.:r u-r 'sal1~ o S)[aaM aa.:Ill+ 0+ 0M:j. Kl?-=\-s sdl?ll.:rad pUl? l?a.:Il? auo u1 u01-=\-l?:Jl?A a.:r1-=\-ua .:r1al!+ Ul?ld PlnOM .:r0-=\-1s1A l? Klll?U01Sl?:J:)Q -=\-nq )[aaM l? .:raAO -=\-OU Kntmsn Sl?M Kl?-=l-s JO l!+oual al!+ pUl? SUIOO.:rpaq aa.:Ill+ O-=\- auo a.:raM adO.:rn:3: u-r oU1.:m0-=\- aHllM -=\-l? paKl?-=l-S all s-=\-uaJ.ll{snqe+sa aq+ -=\-l?l!+ Pa+l?-=l-S 'UOSUl?.:rg wo.:rJ ou-ru01-=\-sanb O-=\- asuodsa.:r u-r '.:raooUd oK lquIaSSV llono.:ros: all-=\- a.:roJaq .:ral!+oUl? pUl? u01ss1IDJ.IOJ oU1=ld llono.:ros: l?lnsu-ruad 1=a)I al!+ a.:roJaq auO--sou-r.:Il?all :Jnqnd a.:ran or1q -=\-sl?al -=\-l? aq PlnOM a.:ral!+ -=\-l?l!+ pa+.:roda.:r .:raKau.:raJal?l{:JS ou01s1Awqn8 sa.:r:JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ JO s-=\-uaP1sa.:r 8l uro.:rJ U01-=\-nad al!+ pnoll? pl?a.:r pUl? pa-=\-ou OSll? a1Hssl?M oU01-=\-IDl?A uro.:rJ U.:In-=\-a.:r .:rall uodn J1l?l!aq .:rall uo )[l?ads 0+ K-=\- 1un+.:roddo Ul? ou-r-=\-sanba.:r I u01s1A 1pqns sa.:r:JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ '-=\-aa.:r-=\-s llsV 10S -=\-l? K+.:rado.:rd all-=\- JO .:IaUl'lO 'ouw.:rrouaa a1uuO;) UIO.:rJ u01ss1WU!0;) al!+ 0+ .:ra+-=\-al '9861 'E ll:J.:rl?VJ l? pnoll? pl?a.:r a111ssl?H opagOl:J Sl?M oU1.:Il?all :Jnqnd al!+ pUl? a:Juawnl? al!+ wo.:rJ pa.:Il?addl? aSla auo ON o .. SUI.:IOM JO Ul?O l? dn uado.. PlnOM -=\-1 -=\-l?l!+ -=\-laJ pUl? ..ssau1snq .:rOJ auoza.:r.. l? -=\-su-rl?Ol? Sl?M all -=\-l?l!+ pa-=\-l?-=\-S pUl? a:Jua1pnl? all-=\- UIO.:rJ pa.:Il?addl? I p.:rl?1'\i3S 'OU1PHns: sUHMI?H pUl? Ul'lO.:rg '9 .:racprr1N -=\-uaJ.I:p1?~ 'tl33'IOLSItlHJ J.'NM o ssau-rsnq .. -=\-sl?J)[l?a.:rg PUl? pag.. al!+ uo su01-=\-l?-=l-1UI11 'pa+.:roddns pUl? u01s1A 1pqns sa.:r:JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ al!+ u1 alK-=\-sanl 1l?.:rn.:I JO 4nl?nb al!+ JO u01so.:ra anqns l? Sl?M a.:ral!+ -=\-l?l!+ pa-=\-l?-=l-s .:raq.:Il?g o-=\-da:Juoo ..-=\-sl?J)[l?a.:rg pUl? pag.. an.:r+ al!+ uro.:rJ Kl?MI? oU1-=\--=\-ao aq PlnOM s.:ra)[.:rOM u01-=\-:Jn.:r+suo:J .:ro s.:ra)[.:roM K.:rauuro ll?uosl?as Kq asn -=\-l?l!+ -=\-laJ .:raq:mg ossau1snq ..-=\-Sl?J)[l?a.:rg pUl? pag.. l? Kl.:Il?al:J Sl?M -=\-1 J1 -=\-da:Juoo ..-=\-Sl?J -)[l?a.:rg pUl? paa.. aq-=\- .:rOJ +.:roddns passa.:rdxa pUl? ooua1pnl? al!+ UIO.:rJ pa.:Il?addl? 'u01s1A1pqns sa.:r;JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ '-=\-aa.:r-=\-s uaa.:ro.:ra1>;R oon 'tl3ffiN8: 8L\VCI ol?a.:Il? sa.:r:JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ aq+ u-r 1..-=\-sl?J)[l?a.:rg pUl? pag.. l? Klamm '-=\-uaJ.ll{snqe+sa ssau-rsnq l? 0+ uOn1soddo .:rall passa.:rdxa la001S oK-=\- -1.:rOO+u-r 1l?.:rn.:I -=\-a1nb S-=\- 1 u-rl?-=\-u1l?UI PlnOM a.:roJa.:ral!+ pUl? 1l?nuap1sdH 1l?.:IIlt[ pauoz Sl?M u01s1A1pqns sa.:r:JV -=\-sa.:ro.i[ -=\-l?l!+ l?ap1 al!+ l!+1M -=\-01 .:rall pasl?l!:J.:md 10 3WO'IOA 9861 I S IDmiW - ~NIJ&3W tl'Ii'Iflm:H 06E 3:DVd ^:tH 393 PAGE 393 REGUIAR MEm'ING - MARCH 5, 1986 VOLUME 01 None X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: None XI. ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: The April 2, 1986, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7: 33 p.m. by Chairperson WJodruff. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairperson WJodruff and Corrmissioners Branson, Peterson, Sutherland, Thorne and Wassilie (Johnson was absent with Commission consent) Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and City Clerk Murphy III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Wassilie asked that the phrase "from Anchorage" be struck from Page 389, in order to clarify that Ms. Nelson had operated her Bed and Breakfast establishrrent in Seward. There being nor further additions, deletions or corrections to the minutes, WJodruff declared the minutes of February 5, February 10, and March 5, 1986, approved as corrected. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: A. March 13, 1986, letter from the u.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding a withdrawn application as received from P & B Enterprises, Seward, to excavate material to construct a salrrDn rearing pond and to provide a pad for a treatrrent plant at Mil 1.6, Nash Road, was noted. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. WJodruff noted the March 27, 1986, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Kerry Martin explaining that, due to "eleventh pe.612l1.rnp U: :paMOn-e aq P1noqS sp.:moq J:ap-eaJ: ~uatreUUac1 (1 :uon-eJ:ap1suoo 1l'!UOn1Pp-e pepaau .6u1MOnOJ ~ ~-eq~ ~1aJ ::iRl\tlDS I J:all.aMOH opassa.lp -p-e uaaq p-eq sUJ:aouoo s .ffiruBJS JO ~sau ~~ pu-e a1l.1~onpoJ:d lJ.all. uaaq PB.l U1:+=w lJ.J:a;I pu-e lJ.uaH:JW q~TIH ~ p'" .6unaan Xl'!pU.i[ a~ ~-e~ pe~-e~s I:!ffiI;iHJS JO all. n~uasaJ:daJ: pu-e 1~CW s. Xqilinw I NOSIJ.r;iid :Dxoe oan1-e1l. ~uauao-e1daJ: JO %OS ~ aJ:au o~ .6u1~unau-e a.612l1.rnp peu1-e~sns Xa~ n SuD1S .6u-p1UoJuoo ~P'" POO-e1daJ: aq SuD1S paJ:aq~-eJPu-eJ:.6 ~~ ~uau -aJ:1nOOJ: a~ o~ pa~oa~qo os1-e J:aUJ:ClM. o~J oOs e::€ o~ o~J oOs se:: UIOJ:J uD1S .6U1Pu-e~S aaJ:J -e JO aZ1s 1.lIIllJ.I]:xau a~ .6U1.6u-eqo I (-e) (e::) (q) 80tt-9 uonoas o~ ~uaupuaue u-e J:ap1suoo u01ss-p1ll.lO;) ~ ~-e~ pe)[s-e os1-e J:aUJ:aM 0 S~UaJlUIOO I s1~IUlfJ:S ~ pI. paaJ:.6-e I anuall.\f pJ:1l{.L S€S 'CI3ffil3M illITJ,snno opaX-e1dsw aq P1noo q01qM spJ:Clt>">. JO J:aq1.lIDu aq~ pa~ 1W11 pJ:-eoq J:ap-eaJ: a~ JO aZ1s a~ ~~ J:~J pu-e spJ:OM ~saMeJ aq~ ~1M as~ aJ:-e sa.6-essan pJ:-eoq J:ap-eaJ: a1l.1~aJJa ~sau a~ ~~ p~~s s1~IUlfJ:S ISJ:a1l.1.lp ~o-e~sW o~ pua~ spJ:-eoq J:ap-eaJ: ~~ JJrupo<:M UlOJ:J ~UaJllIOO -e o~ asuodsaJ: lfI 0 aZ1s pu-e u01~o~sUOO J:oJ sJ:a~au-eJ:oo OU1oads ~1M spJ:l'!oq J:ap-eaJ: ~uatreUUac1 MOn-e u01ss-p1ll.lO;) ~ ~~ pa~sa.6.6ns aqs 0 ann m ann UIOJ:J sa.6-essan pa.6Ul'!qo q014M uD1s ~uau -auJ:ac1 -e ~1q"j:qoJ:d O~ uos-eaJ: au aas P1noo ~nq pa~-eu1W11a aq P1noqs suD1s a1q-evod ~~ paaJ:.6-e aqs ~-eq~ ~~s snIUlfJ:s 1(0) L on-9 uonoas .6u1 -ouaJ:aJ<3H 0 sa.6Ul'!qo papuaJlUIOoaJ: a~ JO n-e Me111.aJ: m aoUl'!qo a~ p-eq ~ou p-eq sJ:aqurau 1-enp111.WU1 aq~ aou1s oou-eU1pJ:o aq~ UO X n~s-eq .6u1~-e ~su1-e.6-e u01sS1\llllCD a~ pau01~nro aqs 0 sJ:aq~o pu-e ::iRl\tlDS Xq passaJ:dxa SUJ:oouoo pu-e S~UaJllIO:) a~ m a1l.1suodsaJ: os uaaq p-eq ~~-p1ll.IO;) a~ ~~ u01~-e1o -aJ:dd-e J:aq passaJ:dxa lua.;mg u-el\ pu-e puooas 'SIJ.OWIS :3:I'Isa'I o pe.6Ul'!qO ~ou S-eM uD1S a~ s-e .6u01 s-e paJ:o~saJ: aq m a1q"j:.6na aq P1noqs ~nq Ipa.6au-ep aq ~ 1 P1nCX{s uD1s .6u-p1UoJuoo -e ~ 1M peO-e1daJ: aq o~ all.-eq ~ou P1noqs uD1S paJ:a~-eJPu-eJ:.6 -e ~~ pa~~s I X110.i[ s I pJ:-eMeS I ~S XNNIDI o-eaJ:-e 1-e1~uap1saJ: u1 pel'lOn-e aq P1noqs suD1s au ~-e~ pu-e s~o1~sW ssau1snq a~ m pa~1W11 aq P1noqs oou-eu1pJ:0 s~ ~~ pa~ou J:aq~J uapMOUS 0"a1l.1~o-e~~-e ~ou s1 pu-e s1 ~-eqM" ~l'!puau ~ou P1noqs U01~-e1s1.6a1 ~-eq~ papp-e pu-e aou-euWJ:o s14~ .6u1~J-e.lp u1 a1l.1~oaJ:1P s.11ounCD puoXaq auo.6 p-eq u01ss1\llllCD a~ ~~ papua~uoo aH 0 "aJ:-eJ1aM onqnd pu-e X~aJw 1~1-eaq" a~ ~o~oJ:d o~ aOUl?U1pJ:0 u-e as111.ap m S-eM u01ss-p1ll.lO;) ~ ~ a1l.1~oaJ:1P 1-eU1.61J:0 s. nounCD ~ ~~ p~~s I anuall.\f ~1S Se::S I N3:ClmJNS OWE! opauado S-eM .6u1J:-eaq onqnd aq~ pu-e p~ou S-eM pa~sod pu-e paqsnqnd s-e .6up-eaq onqnd JO OOnON o sa.6u-eqo pasodoJ:d aq~ q.6no~ u-eJ: XUapq u1VEW oonqnd a~ pu-e u01ss1J1lUOJ a~ Xq uon-eJ:ap1suoo J:oJ oou-eu1pJ:0 1l'!U1.61J:0 aq~ ~ s~uaupuaue l-eJ:all.as paJ:ooaJ:d p-eq aq '.6U1 -~aan s1~ JO ~lnsaJ: -e SB :OOUl?U1PJ:0 uD1s a~ .6U1~JB.lp U1 1B~UawnJ:~su1 uaaq pBq q014M aa~~1JllllIOO suaz1~1o 1l'!U1.6PO aq~ JO sJ:aqurau pu-e sJ:aqurau (::iRl\tlDS) ~uauqsnq-e~S:3: ~u-eJ:nB~S<3H pu-e la~oH l~aJ:BqI?J pJ:BMeS ~1M ~an pBq aq ~-eq~ pe~ou U1VEW osu01s111.aJ: alq"j:ssod pu-e .6u1J:-eaq onqnd lBUOnWp12 u-e J:OJ u01sS-pllllCD .6U1=ld aq~ ~ )[o12q ooUl'!U"j:pJ:o uD1S a~ J:aJaJ: o~ pa~a1a p-eq 110unCD X~ 1;) aq~ I aou-eu1pJ:0 pasodoJ:d aq~ o~ U01~ 1soddo "J:noq 1 0 :3:W11'IOl\ 9861 Ie:: 'ID:Id\f - ~NIJ.3::3W WIfl~X31I v6€ :3:::>\fd v6B PAGE 395 RmJLAR MEErING - APRIL 2, 1986 395 VOLUME 01 non-confonning signs should be repairable even if darrage arrounted to more than 50%; and 3) free standing lit signs in the downtown district should be allowed. JUDY ORAVEC, 518 First Avenue, stated that the intent of the ordinance was not to make advertising difficult for business people but to keep the Ci ty attractive. She also stated that reader boards are distracting by their nature and should not be allowed. Oravec also objected to signs which "create the idea of writing or which change intensity" as well as off premises signs. ELDON JOHNSCN, 537 Fifth Avenue, asked that the ordinance be arrended to give businesses on Third Avenue the sarre sign advantage (based on street frontage) as those businesses in the downtown area. He also stated that reader boards should be allowed. BRAD SNCWDEN stated that, while the Corrmission should be concerned with regulating safety, it should avoid trying to regulate aesthetics based on personal tastes and opinions. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. W::Jodruff stated that, while the members of the Corrmission do represent their own personal interests and ideas, they each have the corrmunity in mind. He added that this was a volunteer group and that the City had traditionally had a hard tine finding enough volunteers to fill the available seats. REX:ESS: The neeting was recessed at 9:15 p.rn.; reconvened at 9:22 p.m. WJodruff noted that Martin had distributed to the Corrmission a docurrent with both the original ordinance (on one side) and proposed administrative changes (on the other side) to facilitate the Corrmission's review of the ordinance. Woodruff, with the consent of the Cornnission, stated that the Commission would review the docurrent, page by page, and would vote on only those proposed arrendrrents to which there was objection. Page 1 -- Branson requested the deletion of the word "and" following the word "property" and the addition of the words "and aesthetics" following the word "welfare" in the first Whereas clause; there was no objection from the Canmission. Page 2 -- Approved without objection. Page 3 -- The Administration's recormended changes were approved with the following arrendrrents by Branson: 1) Section 6-11.1 (1) - Delete "and" and add "and aesthetics" after "welfare"; 2) Section 6-11.1 (3) - Add "historic charm, the natural beauty, and" just before the word "visual". Page 4 -- Approved without objection. "X'ISOc:wJMiNO. ill[IIDl'<;{.) ClN\l N0ffiffiI3:d XII CllClNCXX3:S S'ilM NOI.ICW 8RL !CllON3W'ii S'il 3;)N'ifNICRIO IDIS 8RL ao 'NAOOdd'if CJ.N:3WW:XEH ill NOIJ(W 8RL E:iIOISN<XXilli ill Cl3:L\.CW NOSNWII "U01:t12.:r8p1SUOO .:ratf-l..lllJ .:roJ u01ss1\llliOJ alJ:t o:t )[Ol2q aOU1?u1p.:r0 aq:t puas A1qeqo.:rd P1nOi'<\ nounD;) atH 'su.61s sas"jU.l8.:rd HO pU1? su.61s JOQ,;[ 'Sp.:r1?oq .:rapl2a.:r Sl2 tpns sanss1 P.:mll aq:t uo u01:t1?puauuooa.:r ou lJ:t1M 110unD;) alJ:t O:t aOU1?U1P.:ro alJ:t pau.:rn:ta.:r U01SS"JlllllOJ atH n :t1?lJ:t pau1121dxa u1+rew "X'ISOCWIN'IiNf.1 CllIIDl'<;{.) NOI.ICW 8RL ClN\l N0ffiffiI3:d XII CllCINO;:x;rS S'iiM. NOIJ(W 8RL ! NOISSIWWQ;) 8RL XII CI3:L\.'IOS'.lli .LON NHa:JNO;) ao S'ilIDN ao NOI.Lrl'IOS:ill:I V mLL.N ~dd'if 3H NOISSIWWQ;) 8RL XII CllON3W'ii S'il ~CRIO IDIS 3RL .LiiHL CIN3WWOJ:ill:I ill Cl3:L\.OW NOSNWII SNDIS "UOn:Ja~qo :tnoq:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- 81 af>1?d "UOnoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pal\.o.:rdd1i -- Ll af>1?d "UOnoa~qo :tnoq:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- 91 af>1?d "UOnoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- SI aEl1?d "UOnoa~qo :tnoq:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- vI aDl2d 'u01:t:Ja~qo +n0lJ:t1M palI.o.:rdd1i -- n aDl2d "UOnoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- n aDl2d "UOnoa~qo :tnoq:+1M palI.o.:rdd1i -- n aDl2d "UOnoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pal\.o.:rddl2 a.:raM saDU1?qo a1\.1:t12,;[:fs1lfJllil?12 .:raq:+o nv " (DU1P1-rnq 12 JO aun Joo.:r aq:t aAOqe su.61s Dun 1q-rqo.:rd) pa:tn:t nsqns aD1mDU1?1 112U1DPO aq:+ pU1? pa:ta1ap Sl2M :tuanpuaue papuaJ.lllIOoa.:r S I u01:t12,;[:fs1u1llip'i aq.r. "..oN" pa:tol\. a111ssl2M pU1? pU1?1.:raq:+ns 'UOSU1?.:rII pU1? "sax" pa:tOl\. JJIUpOCM pU1? au.:roq.r. 'uos.:ra:taa: ! :tuallpuaue pasodo.:rd alJ:t uo a:tol\. 12 pa+sanba.:r UOSU1?.:rII " DU1Pnnq 12 JO 8U11 Joo.:r aq:t alI.OqE? su.61s MOnl2 P1nOi'<\ qOlllM (1) S "n -9 uonoag o:t aDU1?qo a1\.1:t12.:r:ts1u1lliP12 alJ:t O:j. pa:t:Ja~qo UOSU1?.:rII -- 01 aDl2d "U01:toa~qo :tnOlJ:t1M pai\.O.:rddl2 a.:ral'\ saDU1?qo a1\.1:t12,;[:fs1u1lliP12 .:ralJ:to 1N ,,":t01 12 uo asn A.:rossaool2 U1? pa.:r8p1suoo a.:r1? su.61s 'sasod.:rnd 0111.10 .:rOJ nounD;) A:t 1;) atH Aq pal\.o.:rddl2 uaqM :tdaoX3:" :pl2a.:r 0+ papuaue Sl2M (12)S"n-9 u01:toag -- 6 aDl2d "UOnoa~qo :tnoq:t1M palI.o.:rdd1i -- 8 aDl2d 'Uonoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pai\.O.:rddl2 Sl2M aDw aq.r. .pa:t61<3p aq :tuallpuaue a1\.1:t12,;[:fs1u1lliP12 papuawJOoa.:r atH :t1?lJ:t pa)[sl2 u1:t.:rEW -- L aDl2d 'Uonoa~qo :tnolJ:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- 9 aDl2d "U01:toa~qo :tnot[:t1M pai\.O.:rdd1i -- S aDl2d 10 3WO'IOL\ 9861 '~ 'ITIId'if - ~J33W IDi'IllimI 96t: ~'ifd 96~ PAGE 397 REGULAR MEEI'ING - APRIL 2, 1986 J) 't~ t)}17 " VOLUME 01 THE QUESTION WAS CALLED rn THE ORIGINAL MarION TO RECCM1END APPROVAL OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE AS AMENDED AND THE MarION FAILED TO CARRy vITTH ALL PRESENT VarING "NO". WASSILIE MOVED TO RECESS UNTIL APRIL 9, 1986, AT 7:30 P.M. TO FURI'HER DISCUSS THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY PEI'ERSON AND CARRIED WITH FIVE "YES" VarES AND SUTHERLAND VarING "NO". RECESS: The rreeting was recessed at 10:45 p.m. REXXlNVENE: The rreeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 9, 1986, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present were Chairperson Woodruff; Corrrnissioners Branson, Peterson, Thorne and Wassilie, Adminis- trative Assistant Martin and City Clerk Murphy. (Commissioners Johnson and Sutherland were absent with Corrrnission Consent.) V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) A. W::lodruff noted that this was a continuation of the April 2, 1986, regular rreeting of the Planning Commission. In response to a question from Leslie Simutis, W::lodruff stated that the public hearing had been conpleted on April 2 and that the flcor 'hOuld not be open to public comrrent at this tirre. He added that, should the Corrrnission require further information fran those nembers of the public present, questions would be addressed by the Corrrnission. W::lodruff then noted the April 9, 1986, merrorandum from Kerry Martin recomrending the follcwing course of action: 1) Prior to dis- cussion, there should be a notion and a second to recoIlllEnd approval of the proposed ordinance as presented, incorporating the changes reoomrended by the Administration; 2) This should be follcwed by a page by page review of the ordinance with administrative input where neces- sary; 3) If there is objection to any reoomrended section or change, there should be a notion to arrend the ordinance with a vote on the arrendrrent at that time; and 4) Following a ccmplete review, there should be a call for the question on the ordinance as arrended. BRANSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CI'IY COONCIL THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 557 BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED WITH THE INCORPORATED ADMIN- ISTRATIVE CHANGES; THE MarION WAS SOCONDED BY WASSILIE. Page 1 -- No objection Page 2 -- No objection Page 3 -- Section 6-11.1 (a) was arrended without objection to read: "The protection of the health, safety, property and welfare of the citizens of Seward and the aesthetics of the conm.mity". No objection to the rest of the page. Page 4 -- No objection Page 5 -- No objection UOp08~qO oN -- n 8D12d "ur"d OV:8 :j.12 paU8AUOO8.:I , "ur"d 0€:8 :j.12 p8SS808.:I DU-q8all 8l!J, :SS3J:lli "U01:j.08~qO :j.noq:n~ paAo.:Idd12 8.:I8~ 11 8D12d UO SU01:j.:::>8S .:I8q:j.0 11V ["pa:j.unau ^1:j.U8UEUUOO 8.:Il2 ^8q:j. S12 DUOl S12 sp.:Il2Oq .:I8p128.:I tolO1112 o:j. S12~ :j.uaupuaue s1q:j. JO :j.o8H8 8l!J, "SuD1S p.:I12oq .:I8p128.:I 1112 P8:j.N1qO.:Id P12q (0) L TI-9 UOP08S] " X'ISflCl\JIN\iNO <ESSVd NOI.LCW aH.L ClN'if CIITI'I[.) S'iM NOIJ.s3TIO aH.L !NOffiill.L'3:d XI:! <EGNO:::Y.3:S S'iM NOIJOW aH.L ! SNOIJ.0:3:SffilS ~NIID1'I().i[ 'I'IV ~Nn:C3:aWflN:illI ClN'if (0) L" 11 -9 NOIJ.0:3:S ~.mrnG xa :[IN'\iNIClliO <ESOdO"lid aH.L CIN3VM QL CllL\CW 3:I'IISS'iM "aue.:IJ 12 U1 paSroU8 ^1:j.U8UEUUOO Sp.:Il2oq .:I8p128.:I 8SOq:j. DU1"~1112 .:I8P1SUOO u01ss-pnnOJ 8q:j. :j.l2q:j. Pffi[S12 pU12 Sp.:Il2oq .:I8p128.:I :j.U8UEUUOO SS8.:rpp12 :j.OU P1P Ul21d 8A1SU8l{8.:Iduo;:) 8q:j. :j.l2q:j. p8:j.l2:j.S oq~ sptulI1S 8HSe'I P8Z1uDo08.:I Hn.:rpC>CM -- 11 8D12d UOp08~qo ON -- 11 8D12d "U01:j.08~qO :j.noq:j.1~ p8AO.:Idd12 8.:I8~ SU01:j.08S .:I8q:j.0 1112 pU12 p8AO.:Id -d12 S12~ 8DU12qO papuawJO08.:I S I U01:j.12.:I:j.S1trj:Ulp'i[ 8q:j. , 8.:IOJa:I8l!J, "..ON.. ~NI.roL\ dMl"liGOOM ClN'if :!INHORL ' NOS"li8J.:3:d ClN'if ..~.. ~NI.roL\ 3:I'IISS'iM ClN'if NOSNWI:! RLIM G3:'IIV.il IDlJOW aH.L ClN'if Cl3:TNJ S'iM NOI.LS3:flO 3:RL "SS81 s1 .:I8A8qOllI~ ':j.qD18q :j.OO12.:I12d .:IO 8P12012J 8Un JOO.:I 8q:j. 8Aoql2 :j.88J .:moJ Ul2q:j. 8.:Iau .:IO ':j.1lli11 :j.qD18l{ DU1Pnnq 81qElI'J01112 uIDlIrpcEUl 8q:j. pa80X8 :j.ou op ^8q:j. n PaM01112 8q SuD1S qons :j.l2q:j. u01:j.12puawJO08.:I S I U01:j.12.:I:j.s1u1llIP'i 8q:j. aAO.:Idd12 u01ss"JilllIOJ 8q:j. :j.12q:j. papuawJOOa:I 8H "U01U1do s1q p8DU12qO p12q 8q '8Un JOO.:I 8q:j. 8Aoql2 pU8:j.X8 op q01q1'\ SuD1S DU1:j.S1X8 DU1^pn:j.s .:I8:j.J12 '.:I8AaMOq !SuD1S ..JOO.:I 8q:j. 8Aoql2.. O:j. p8soddo U88q ^11l2U1DPO p12q 8l{ :j.l2q:j. p8:j.12:j.S u1:j..:Il2W A:.:r.:r8}!: "3:I'IISS'iM XI:! <EGID:::Y.3:S SVM NOI.LCW aH.L !3:NI'I .ilOOO aH.L 3:I\Offil SNDIS ~NIGGIffil:O.il ~VfillN'ii'I 'WNwruo aH.L mtlli.S S.LI NI 3:.Lfl.LI.LSffilS ClN'if (1) S " T T -9 NO IJ.0:3:S QL ~N'iilD 3:L\I.Lw.:r.SINIWQI;l aH.L ~NI.mrnG XI:! 3:JN'ilNIClliO <ESOdO"lid aH.L CIN3VM QL G3:L\Clil NOSNWI:! "DU1Pnnq 12 JO 8Un JOO.:I 8q:j. 8Aoql2 suD1S - (1) S "11-9 UOP08S O:j. p8:j.08~qO UOSU12.:I1:! -- OT 8D12d UOp08~qo ON -- 6 8D12d UOp08~qO ON -- 8 8D12d U01:j.:::>8~qO ON -- L 8D12d UOp08~qO ON -- 9 8D12d TO 3:Wfl'IOL\ 986 T ' G 'II"licN - ~NI.L3:3:W IDI'IOD3:H 86€ 3:~Vd ~ 86f. 399 PAGE 399 REGUIAR MEEI'ING - APRIL 2, 1986 VOLUME 01 Page 14 -- Martin noted Christine werner's reoomrendation that Section 6-11.8 (b) (2) (a) be arrended by increasing the naximum allo.vable size of a free standing sign from 25 to 32 square feet. BRANSON MJVED TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BY DELETING "25" AND SUBSTITUTING "32" IN ITS STEAD IN S:ocTICN 6-11. 8 (b) (2) (a); THE MOTICN WAS SECONDED BY PETERSON AND CARRIED UNANJM)USLY. All other sections on Page 14 were approved without objection. Page 15 -- No objection (Martin noted that traditionally, internally illuminated signs have not been used daNI1taNI1 and that the purpose of Section 6-11.8 (c) (1) (a) was to maintain the historic nature of the daNI1taNI1 area. Therefore, the Administration was recomrending that the Conmission retain the prohibition against internally lit signs in the daNI1taNI1 district.) Page 16 -- No objection (Martin, with the Consent of the Conroission, deleted the Administration's recomrended change to Section 6-11. 9 (a) (6) which would have inserted the words "reader board" after the word "portable".) Page 17 -- No objection Page 18 -- No objection THORNE JVK)VED TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BY CREATING A NEW SECI'ICN 6-11. 5 (1) TO DEFINE AN AL.La^iABLE READER roARD; THE MClI'ION WAS SECONDED BY PETERSON AND THE MJI'ICN CARRIED WITH FOUR "YES" VOTES AND BRANSCN varING "NO". (The Comnission instructed Kerry Martin to word the new subsection to allo.v permanently rrounted reader boards wi thin the guidelines discussed by the Corrrnission and inoorporating the concerns expressed by the public.) PETERSON JVK)VED TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BY DELETING THE pARENTHEl'ICAL STATEMENT AT THE END OF THE DEFINITICN OF MARQUEE SIGNS ON PAGE 4; THE MJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED UNANIJIiK)USLY. WASSILIE MOlTED TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BY AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF FREE STANDING SIGNS ON PAGE 4 BY ADDING THE OORDS "PERMA- NENTLY MaJNTED" JUST BEFORE THE WORD "SELF-SUPPORI'ING"; THE MClI'ION WAS SFmNDED BY PETERSON AND CARRIED UNANIJIiK)USLY. PETERSON JVK)VED TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BY DELETING "AFTER PUBLIC HEARING" FROM SECTION 6-11.10 (c); THE MJI'ICN WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED WITH PETERSON, THORNE AND WCODRUFF varING "YES" AND BRANSON AND WASSILIE VOTING "NO". THE QUESTION WAS CALLED ON THE MAIN MJI'ION AS AMENDED AND THE MClI'ION CARRIED WITH FOUR "YES" VOTES AND BRANSON varING "NO". VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: None ~1W .ur.d SS:6 ~:e paumo~pE SEll'>. Dunaau aq,r. :.LN:3WNCIl1O.rcI'i[ . IX .SUO~:j.E1n.6a.I :j.SEJ)[1'.'a.I'iI pu-e pag O:j. aA~:j.E1a.I UO~SS-p1lllICO D~UUE1cI at[-l. JO SUo~:j.EpUaJ1lJOOa.I alf-l. a.Iou6~ O:j. uo~s~oap S I nounOJ alf-l. ~ pa:j.~oddES~ SEll'>. al{s :j.Elf-l. pa:j.E:j.S 3:I'IISS\lM .UOn -EllUOJU~ 1EUO~:j.~pE .IOJ :j.sanba.I S I a:j.E:j.S at[-l. O:j. spuodsa.I (U~::j.IeW) all SE UOOS SE UOnOE ~E:j. O:j. DUnnll'>. SEll'>. a:j.E:j.S alf-l. :j.Elf-l. pau.:rOJ~ uaaq PEl{ pu-e A1sno~Aa.Id a:j.E:j.S alf-l. O:j. ua:j.:j.~.IfI'>. pEl{ all :j.El{:j. pa~E1dxa ~:j..:r-ew . X'ISOOWIWNfl a::iInIIDlJ CINIi 8NHOHL X'iI a::iIGNO::ES S\lM IDIJffi ffiil ! SffiNCINIi.LS X'ifMHDIH 'IW:3:a::iI.iI CJNIi aL'if.LS dO NOIJ.'if'IOIi\ NI :lli'if .L'ifH.L CRNM3:S QLNI DNICl'iiIDl X'ifM dO .LHDnI X'ifMHDIH aL'if.LS ffiil NO SIDIS S3:SIWmIcI .il.ilO 'I'I'if dO '1'ii!lC.W!lli 8HJ, HLIM cmr;:Xm:cI NOIJ.'if.lliOcISN'imJ. dO .IN3W.Lmf&IO \DIffifN ffiil .L'ifH.L .LS:mlffiI OJ. NOI.LW.LSINIWCN 8HJ, 3:~ OJ. ~ NOSNW'iI 'a.IoJa.Iaq,r. . AEfI'>. JO :j.l{D~.I a:j.E:j.s al{:j. DU01E su6~s O:j. aA~:j.E1a.I SUO~:j.E1n.6a.I UMO s:j.~ ao.IoJua o:j. UonEDnqo s:j.~ uo pa.6aua.I PEl{ a:j.E:j.S alf-l. :j.Elf-l. pa:j.E:j.S NOSNW'iI :NOISSillSra NOISSIWW)J .X auoN : S.lliOcI:lli CI3:D'iN\iW X.LIJ .XI aUON :SS3:NISO'iI M3:N . lIIi\ (.UOn~w .IauqnE'} 'n )[OO1'iI '8-( S:j.O'I paoua.IaJa.I uonEonddE :j.~acI aso 1EUO~:j.~puOJ aq.r.) .9861 1~.I~ ~ )[aafI'>. :j.s.I~J al{:j. .Ia:j.JE P~1EAU~ pa.Iap~suoo aq P1nOfl'>. uO~:j.EonddE S I a1D~EO ..::LW '.Iaquraoaa ~ UO~:j.OE S I uo~ss1UlliOJ alf-l. uo pasEq pu-e a1D~EO UD.IJ UO~:j.EllUOJ~ 1EUO~:j.~ppE Au-e JO aouasqe alf-l. ~ ':j.Elf-l. pa:j.ou ~:j..:r-ew .pa1H SEll'>. :j.~ :j.Elf-l. a:j.Ep alf-l. urO.IJ Slf-l.uau X1s .IoJ pnEA ~-eura.I P1nOfl'>. uopEonddE S I aTD~Ea :j.El{:j. paa.:r.6E PEl{ UO~S -s1UlliOJ al{:j. 'S861 't> .Iaquraoaa JO D~:j.aau .:rETn.6a.I s:j.~:j.'if .S861 .Iaqura:+das u~ aTD~Ea TE~ Aq paTH SE :j.~ad asn TEUOp~UOO E .IoJ :j.sanba.I E o:j.aA~:j.BTa.I un.:r-ew X.:r.Ia)I uro.IJ urnpu-e.Ia.uau E pa:j.ou JJn.:rpoDM .'if :SS3:NISO'iI 03:HSINI.ilNO .IIi\ 10 3WO.'IOl\ 9861 I 2: 'IHlcI'if - DNIJ&3W mrIl.1D:lli oot> 3:D'ifcI 007 1 PAGE 1 REGULAR MEEI'ING - MAY 7, 1986 VOLUME 02 I. CALL 'ro ORDER: The May 7, 1986, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrroission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairman Woodruff. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairman Woodruff and Corrmissioners Branson, Johnson, Peterson, SUtherland, Thorne, and Was- silie Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and Deputy City Clerk Audette III. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: There being no additions, deletions or corrections, Woodruff declared the minutes of April 2, 1986, and continuation to April 9, 1986, approved as presented. IV. CORRESPrnDENCE: A. May 7, 1986, Public Notice from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding an application for a Permit as filed by the Alaska Departrrent of Transportation and Public Facilities to construct a salmon rearing habitat in the floodplains adjacent to Box Canyon Creek near milepost 1. 7 of Exit Glacier Road was noted by Woodruff. B. May 8, 1986, Public Notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding an application for a Permit as filed by Thomas Tressler to place gravel on wetlands to provide adequate foundation and landscaping for house or trailer lots adjacent to Mile 2 of Resurrection River between Old Nash Road and New Nash Road was noted by Woodruff. C. April 30, 1986, Public Notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding the withdrawal of an application for a Permit to dredge material from an island in the Resurrection River as filed by Albert Schafer was noted by Woodruff. D. May 2, 1986, letter from Kevin Fenner, Planning Director, Kenai Peninsula Borough, requesting the City of Seward to adopt new zoning and land use maps as the official zoning and land use maps for the City; and, to consider assurrption of the zoning powers from the Borough, was noted by Woodruff. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: None ~. ,,\,;70Zt?:~,~,\ ~ ," .', ,,\.,~"'t .,- :.: "r~, '{r,\. I.):V . ...-;c.~". '.., "~ \. .j! . ,~ } . : )[.;ra1;:) A':j.TQ A:j.ndwej ., :. .?-+lapn\l A:j.SJ.It.{J '~~~~cr~~I\'!}~J~~0 . f',. ~>i,t'r' ~ "'. J ' ,t:. ~ b-" .:: lJ~:. .' ~ y ~",. . 1f13S ~O'{}' <,~~ .m.d O/::: 8 :j.1? pau;mo~p1? S1?M oUT:j.aau al{,L :.LN:3WNllilO1'<N . IX .)[::>12Cf-l-as 1? UTlIHM pa~n1? aq :j.otn.re::> pue ue::> :j.1?l.lM oUT -uUap O:j.UT )[001 P1noqs uOTss"]IDllOJ alJ::j. :j.1?lJ::j. p8:j.1?:j.S CIN'imillRLflS :NOISSOJSIa NOISSIWWOJ .X .OUT:j.aau :j.xau aq:j. O:j. S11?sodo.;rd auoza.;r pa:j.saoons JO :j.sH 1? OUT.;rq OS11? P1nOM aq :j.1?lJ::j. p8:j.1?:j.S uT:j..;[1?W .ouT:j.aau .;r1?1nDa.;r :j.Xau s:j.T :j.1? uOTss"]IDllOJ alJ::j. O:j. pa:j.U8sa.;rd aq P1nClttl 11?sodo.;rd aq:j. JO STSA11?ue ue :j.1?l.l:j. pa:j.1?:j.S UT:j..J:1?W '( .a.1\I \U8:j.I aas) s.;ra~ oUTUOZ ~ s:j.T aunSS1? O:j. p.;r1?Mag .;roJ qooo.;rog aq:j. Xq :j.sanba.;r aq:j. O:j. asuodsa.;r ur .100q::>s p.J:1?MaS Mau 1? JO uOT:j.1?=1 alJ::j. .;roJ pasodo.;rd A:j..;[ado.;rd aq:j. :j.1?1da.;r O:j. .;roAai\.TIlS 11?::>01 1? q:j.TM P8:j.::>1?.;r:j. -uoo P1?ll A:j.TJ alJ::j. :j.1?l.l:j. pa:j..;[oda.;r OS11? UT:J..A1:?W .U::>unOJ A:j.TJ p.;r1?Mag alJ::j. Xq pa:j.::>1?ua uaaq P1?l.l a::>ueuTP.;ro uOTS aq:j. :j.1?lJ::j. pa:j..;[oda.;r uT:j..;[1?W :SolliOd3H ~~ A.LIJ .XI . X'ISOCMINliNQ a:3:nIIDfJ GNI;l :IT'IISSIiM X'tI C13ClNCXES SliM NOIJ.CM:mL .NOI.LW3:GISNOJ S .NOISSIWWOJ :mL ~Od CRNM.'3:S dO A.LD :3:RL OJ. m:J..LIW8TIS GNI;l J.N:3:WLCNd:3:a DNINN.'ifId IDfnlOO 'ii'IOSNIN:3:d DiNffiI :mL X'tI m:CN~d S\i Sd'iW :3:S0 CIWI ~ :mL GNI;l Sd'iW DNINOZ ~ :mL Sd'iW 'NIJIMO :3:RL S\i .Ld0ClV OJ. a:3:L\.CW NOSNW'tI .:j.U~aa oUTtn.re1d qOnillog 1?1ns -UTuaa T1?U8}I alJ::j. Xq pa.J:1?da.;rd S1? sd1?\U asn Pue1 ad.It.{:j. aq:j. pue sd= OUTUOZ ad.;rq:j. alJ::j. paA1?1dsw '.a.1\I \U8:j.I o:j. a::>U8.;raJa.;r UT 'uT:j..;[1?W .'tI .aPOJ oUTuOZ p.;r1?Mag aq:j. JO uOT:j.::>ag aso PU1?'I alJ::j. JO a:j.1?pdn pasodo.;rd 1? d01a1\.ap pue ss=sW O:j. '.m.d O(:L :j.1? '9861 '61 Aew .;roJ uOTssas )[.;rOM 1? pa1npaq::>s JJnapGqM 'uoTssTWWOQ alJ::j. JO a::>ua.;r.;r=uo::> alJ::j. lJ::j. TM .oUT.;r1?aq ::>Hqnd 1? .;roJ S:j.UaJIa.;rTrIDa.;r a::>nou aq:j. :j.aaJI O:j. .;rap.;ro UT SA1?p .;moJ :j.X8U aq:j. oUT.;mP pa1npaq::>s aq O:j. a1\.1?l.l P1nOM uOTssas )[.;rOM 1? ' oUT:j.aau uOTssTWWOQ .J:1?1nDa.;r :j.X8U alJ::j. :j.1? :j..;[1?l.l::> aso PU1?'I aq:j. O:j. 8:j.1?pdn pasodrod 1? uo OUp1?8q ::>Hqnd 1? P10lJ: O:j. paqSTM uOTssTU1llCD alJ::j. n :j.1?lJ::j. papp1? uT:j..;[1?W .s:j.uaupUaJI1? :j.UaJIa.;rTnb -a.;r OUT)[.J:1?d pue a::>ueuw.;ro uOTS 1? OUndop1? JO ssa=.;rd alJ::j. oUT.;mP P1aq sounaau pue soup1?aq ::>Hqnd 1?.;[:j.xa aq:j. O:j. anp papuedxa aq O:j. a1\.1?q P1nOM pa:j.1?pdn pue paMaT1\.a.;r apOJ OUTUOZ aq:j. a1\.1?l.l O:j. padoq P1?l.l uOTssTWWOQ alJ::j. q::>TqM uT4:+TM aJIE.;rJaJIT:+ pasodrod alJ::j. :+1?l.l:+ pauTl?1dxa uT+:r1?W .'1. :SS:3:NISO'tI M:3:N . IIIA aUON : SS:3:NISO'tI a:3:HSINI.ii:NO . IIA /::0 3WfYI01\ 9861 'L X'iiW - DNI.L:3:3W IDfIflD~ /:: :3:D'it"d (; q .) PAGE 3 REGUlAR MEETING - JUNE 4, 1986 VOLUME 02 I. CALL TO ORDER: The June 4, 1986, regular rreeting' of the Seward Advisory Planning- and zoning Coornission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Woodruff. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairperson Woodruff and Comnissioners Branson, Peterson, Sutherland and Wassilie (Coornission- ersJohnson and Thorne-were absent with Comnis- sion consent.) Present also: Deputy City Manager Schaeferrreyer, Administra- tive Assistant Martin and Deputy City Clerk Audette III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There being no additions, deletions or corrections, Woodruff declared the May 7, 1986, regular rreeting minutes approved as presented. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: None V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CUP/LEIRER SUB A. Notice of Public Hearing as posted and published by law regarding a conditional use permit request as filed by Seward Fisheries, Inc., to establish a tenporary carrpground on Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Leirer Industrial Subdivision (unrecorded), at the north end of the Seward Fisheries warehouse yard and east of the Seward Fisheries bunkhouse, was noted by Woodruff. A May 16, 1986, staff report as prepared by Martin reccmrending approval of the permit request subject to the approval of the City Council regarding camper parks within the city of Seward and the issuance of the annual permit by the City Clerk's office was also noted. Martin explained that the requested use is not specifically allowed or prohibited in the Zoning Code' s Land Use Sec- tion. Under Section 21.78.050 of the Zoning Code, the Coornission may allow an unlisted use by conditional use permit. The City Council will consider the introduction of an ordinance to arrend Chapter 21 of the City Code which now prohibits camping of the proposed type except within a camper park. Woodruff then opened the public hearing. With the consent of the Comnission, Woodruff stepped from the dais and spoke as a representative of Seward Fisheries, Inc. (SFI) in favor of the campground. woodruff stated that SFI would contract with a private firm to patrol the campground area to ensure that only errployees of SFI were camping within the area and to look for violations of the camping rules. The SFI night watchman would also patrol the area. Woodruff explained that a picket fence would' surround the camping area and that portable toilets would be installed. Shower facilities are available in the main bunkhouse near the proposed camping area. "UI"d St>: S Xq pauai\UO;)a.:I ! "UI"d Ot>: S :re passa;)a.:I SEM 6u"j::J.aau alIJ, ::3"JDN auoN : SSaNISnE! aIDIS1NI.ilNf1 "II1\ auON :NOISSfOS1G .SmZ1.11;) "I1\ "CI::iI.LcIClCN :iIE! SL "1(; ~ :iIOO;) DNINOZ .LJlliLSIO mmm CRruM:3:S :iIH.L OL N01.1'ilCLLS1NIWCl'il X.L1;) :iIH.L XE! G:iISOdOOd SV S.LN:3WCIN3WV :iIH.L .1'IiRL IDnOOOO 'lIOSNImd DfNIDI :iIH.L CIN'if 'II;)NOOJ X.L1;) :iIH.L OL GN:3WWJ::mI OL G:iIImN:) X'ISnCWIN'ilNO CIN'if NOSNWE! XE! G:iICIN<:X):iIS ':iI1'I1SS'ilM XE! ~ SVM.11 's:J.uaupUalIl? papuawKX)a.:I 6lf+ An.:Il?l;) 0:J. SUOnE.:Ie:J.1E otoq. a)[EllI CXj. snsuasuoo uo"j:ss1JwKy.) LR-"j:M 'UO"j:ssn:::>sW :J..:Ioqs E 6uP'Dll0.3: SEM 6up-eaq ;)Hqrul aLR- pUl? a;)U6wnE 6lf+ UIO.:IJ pa.:Il?eddE auo ON "paS01;) "6u"j:.:Il?at.{ ;)Hqrul aLR- pauooo U61.8 Hn.:rp<Jq.1 "s:J.uaupUalIl? apo;) 6U"j:uoz pasodO.:Id aLR- 6UW.:rnoo.:I u"j:+nIW Xq pa.:Iroa.:Id SE :J..:Ioda.:r H12:J.s '9S61 '6(; A-ew a1.8 pa:J.ou oslE Hn.:rp<Jq.1 "pa:J.ou SEM 'SuD"j:S 01(';"SL "1(; pUl? '6UP[.:IEd 00(; "SL "1(; 'S)[;)Eq=+as-az"j:S :J.0I-:J.q6"j:aH 6uwnna S1"SL "1(; 'asod.:Ina pUl? suon"j:U"j:J6G :J.;)P:J.s"j:G L1-E1"SL "1(; 'suon"j:unaa OEO"SL"1('; suon:::>as apo;) 6U"j:uoZ :J.;)P:J.s"j:G UEq.:In p.:IEf0\6S a1.8 O:J. s:J.uaupUalIl? pasodo.:Id 6u"j: -p.:Il?OO.:I paqS"j:lqrul pUl? pa:J.sod SE 6u"j:.:Il?aH ;)"j:lqna JO 6;)"j::J.ON "E! aao~ ~NINOZ/Hd "paU"j:E:J.sqe Hn.:rp<Jq.1 '1.3:S JO aaJ.:oldua Ul? S'<i ::3"JDN ".1Im:3:d V aru: SN01.11mro '1'N J3W SVH J:N\f.)1'Idd'if :iIH.L .1'IiRL DNIGNI.3: :iIH.L H.LIM. (:iIJ1.3:.3:0 S.)lli:iI'IJ X.L1;) :iIH.L XE! .1Im:iId 'M1NN'\l :iIH.L .3:0 :iIJN'ilnSS1 :iIH.L CIN'if mruM3:S .3:0 X.L1;) :iIH.L NIH.LIM. SmNd ~dW'ilJ DNI~ 'II;)NOOJ X.L1;) :iIH.L .3:0 'l'i1\OOdd'if :iIH.L OL .LJ:IDIDS S1 'l'i1\OOdd'if S1H.L JNH.L DNIJ.ON) S:iI:iIXC1IdW3: '";)NI ' S:iIllil3HS1.3: CRruM:3:S 'l\lNOS'il:iIS :iI.LVGCWWCXX)if OL ClNL1OaDdW'ilJ :iI.LV1\llid V aru: (G:iImI<XXlliNf1) OO1SI1\IGans 'IVlliLSnGNI ~1:n 'E )O)'IE! 'E JJ:JI .3:0 .L:iI:iI.3: SL ImION :iIH.L CIN'if (; JJ:JI .3:0 .L:iI:iI.3: S L RLflOS :iIH.L .3:0 :iIsn :iIH.L :iIL\OOdd'if OL DNINN.1Sffil .3:.3:naGOOM H.LIM. G:iIImN:) CIN'if CJNIllli:iIH.I. XE! G:iIGNOJ:iIS 'NOSNWE! XE! Cl:iIL\CW SVM .11 'uo"j:ssn:::>sW :J..:IOl{s E 6uP'D110.3: "pasOl;) SEM 6u"j:.:Il?at.{ ;)Hqrul 6lf+ pUl? 6;)U6WnE 6lf+ UIO.:IJ pa.:Il?eddE aSIa auo ON "s"j:l?p a1.8 uo 6;)Eld s"j:l{ paunsa.:I JJn.:rp<Jq.1 [ (V) III1\ UIa:J.1 aas] "SpunO.:Ifx:lum;) A.:IE.:Iodua:J. .:IoJ foIDllE CXj. a;)Ul?U"j:p.:Io pasodo.:Id a1.8 U"j: 1I1l?U0s-easlI 1.8"j:M pe:J.n:J."j::J.sqns eq 1IA.:Il?.:Iodua:J.1I p.:IOfo\ aq:J. :J.l?LR- pa:+sa66ns a"j:l"j:ssEM . ":J.ou e.:Il? sd.m?;) uO"j::J.;)n.:I:;j.S -uoo pUl? P.:IEf0\6S U"j: 4 H"j:;)EJ :J.U6urouOO E SEM 1.3:S :+l?LR- ! S.:Ia)[.:I<:lt'o\ S:J."j: .:IOJ d.m?;) E dn :+as p= UfoID:J. O:J. auQ;) CXj. sa"j:=ducxl UO"j::J.;)n.:I:J.SUO;) foIDl1E Plnoo q;)"j:l{/'\ :J.as aq :J.ou :J.u6p6;)a.:Id E :J.l?LR- U.:Ia;)uoo pessa.:Idxa aH"j:SSEM "Ufo/D:;j. JO SEa.:Il? papoOM at.{:J. :J.noq6no.:I1.8 as.:Ioos"j:p PlnOfo\ S.:Ia)[.:I<:lt'o\ aq:J. JO AtreUI Ea.:Il? 6u"j:d.m?;) E ap"j:i\o.:Id :J.ou seep 1.3:S n :J.l?LR- pa:J.OU OSlE HillpOOM "aun. :J.l?LR- 6upnp paAOldua S.:Ia)[.:IOfo\ lEUOSEas JO xnUU"j: q6"j:l{ a1.8 6:j.1?pO.llI.ICX);)E CXj. .:I6p.:I0 U"j: :J.S1 .:I~das p= :J.S1 A-ew U6allqaq AIUO uado aq PlnOfo\ W.:Il? aLR- :J.l?l{:J. paU"j:Eldxa Hn.:rp<Jq.1 "Ea.:Il? 6u"j:d.m?;) 6lf+ U"j:LR-"j:M pap"j:1\O.:Id aq CXj. paU=ld OSlE a.:IatI'l. sa:J."j:s UI.:IOJ:J.Eld :J.U6:J. uapoOM ot> p= s:J."j:da.:In 'S.:Ia:J.sdun(] (; 0 :iIWn'I01\ 9 S 61 't> 3NCl['. - DNI.L:iI:iIW IDl'IlliXlli t> :iImfd y 5 PAGE 5 REGUIAR MEEI'ING - JUNE 4, 1986 VOLUME 02 VIII. NEW BUSINESS: CAMPGROUNDS- A. May 28, 1986, rrerrorandum from Martin regarding a proposed EMP. ordinance to amend the City Code to include terrporary carrpgrounds was noted. Following a short discussion, IT WAS IDVED BY BRANSON, SECONDED BY SUTHERLAND AND CARRIED UNANlMJUSLY TO RECO~ THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE INTRCDUCTION AND PASSAGE OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 21 OF THE SEWARD CITY CODE TO INCLUDE SEASONAL CAMPGROUNDS. (It was the consensus of the Corrroission to substitute the word "seasonal" for "terrporary" and "year-round" for "permanent" when referring to canpground. ) B. May 29, 1986, rrerrorandum from Martin regarding a proposed classification of State land fran Unclassified to Forest and May 21, 1986, letter fran Margaret Hayes, Regional Manager, Depart:rrent of Natural Resources, requesting CCJITlreIlts on the proposed action, were noted. Martin explained that if the land was classified Forest it would preclude several other uses and reCCJITlreIlded that the Ccmnission request the State to classify the area for other uses as well. Following a short discussion, IT WAS MJIJED BY v;DODRUFF , SOCONDED BY PEI'ERSON AND CARRIED UNANlMJUSLY TO REX)UEST THE CITY ADMIN- ISTRATION TO RESPOND TO THE STATE RECOMMENDING THAT THE AREA IN QUESTION NORI'H OF SEWARD N0I' BE CLASSIFIED FOREST, BUT INSTEAD BE Kr LEAST PARrIALLY CLASSIFIED AS SErI'LEMENI' OR SOME OI'HER CLASSIFICKrICN THAT WOOLD .ALLCW FOR TIMBER HARVEST AS WELL AS .ALLCW FOR LAND SALES, LEASES AND TRANSPORI'ATICN/UI'ILITY EASEMENTS. C. May 29, 1986, rrerrorandum from Martin regarding proposed Zoning Code arrendrnents to the Land Use Chart was noted by Wxx'lruff. Martin requested that the Corrrnissioners please respond with any corrrcents on the proposed Land Use Chart arrendrrents to him by June 11th. IX. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: Schaefenreyer reported that a. meeting would be held in Soldotna on June 9th at the Borough building to discuss the Federal Flood Insurance Program and whether the Kenai Peninsula Borough should opt into the program or have no flood insurance. Schaefenreyer urged all who might be interested to attend. Schaefenreyer and Martin reviewed the Fort Rayrrond SUbdivision plat displayed for the Conmission followed by a short question and answer period. X. CCMITSSICN DISCUSSICN: was adjourned at l::~~~ Chairman "SUl6:l-1 aU11 11?':IaAaS O:j. S~Uaupuaue pa~SaDDns ap1?Ul 'snsuasuoo Xq 'pU1? apoJ DU1uaz aq:+ Ja lIpaM01N sasn PU1?'l 061"8L "IZ a1q1?J.1I ua p~sn wa:n l{::>1?a DU1ssa.:rpp1? Xq s~uaupuaue pasodmd aq:+ pafl\i31Aa.:r ua1ss-p.Ill.O;) al{J. "w"d SE:6 ~1? pauaAua::>a.:r !"w"d SZ:6 ~1? passa::>a.:r S1?lI\ DU1~aau al{J. :SS:Dill:I S1?lI\ DU1.:I1?al{ ::>nqnd aq:+ pU1? a::>uawn1? aq:+ wo.:rJ pa.:I1?add1? aua aN "pasap "Du1.:I1?al{ ::>nqnd aq:+ pauada uaq:+ Hn.:IpOOM "pa~ou S1?lI\ ~::>p~sW Xq Pato'Dl11? sasn PU1?'l - 061"8L "IZ uan::>ag 'apoJ DU1uaZ ~p~s1a U1?q.:rn P.:I1?Mi3S aq:+ O:j. s~uaupuaue pasoda.:rd DU1P.:I1?OO.:r lI\1?1 Aq pal{Snqnd pU1? p~sod S1? DU1.:I1?atl ::>nqna: Ja a::>nON "V :mo::J QNINOZ /Hd : St)NTffii3H ;)I'Illild " l'\. "Pato'Dl1aJ popad .:raMSU1? pU1? uansanb Japq V "100l{::>8 A.:I1?~uaua1:3: P.:I1?Mi3S lIIaU pasoda.:rd aq:+ .:raJ uD1sap ::>n1?UI -al{::>s aq:+ p~uasa.:rd pU1? ua1ss-p.Ill.O;) aq:+ a.:raJaq pa.:I1?add1? 'aA1~~uasa.:rda.:r ~::>1.:r~s1a 100l{::>8 1?1nsU1uaa 11?Ua}I , UEUI:.rai\() UDJ. pU1? '" ::>ur ' sa~1?1::>OSSV '9 U11oq..J )[U1?.:ra: '.:raDmrew ~a~a.:rd .:ra1uag '.:ra){1?.:rqaua~s ~ua.:rs: "V :NOISSOJSIG .SN:3:ZIJ.D "Ii\ "S.:Ia){1?ads UMIXl- Ja ~na a~1?pOillKX)::>1? O:j. .:rap.:ra Ja ~no ua~ S1?lI\ NOISSmSIG ,SN:3:ZIJ.I;) "Il'\. wa~I 1?puafilt '.:raXalUaJa1?l{::>S Ja ~sanba.:r aq:+ ~V : awN auaN : :3:JN3:GNOcIS3mI<X> "M auaN :S~IW a:0 'Nl\OOddV "III )[.:ra1;) kt1;) -1?~s1U""fUlP'l ~~apnv X~ndaa pU1? U1+rew ~~s1sSV aAn '.:raXalUaJa1?l{::>8 .:raDmrew X~1;) X~ndaa :aS11? ~uasa::rd ( "~uasuoo ua1ss"JlllIlD;) q:+1l1\ ~uasq1? S1?lI\ uosUl{or .:raua1ss1Ul -UIO;)) a1Hss1?M pU1? au.:ral{J. 'pU1?1.:raq:+ng 'uos.:r~ad 'uasU1?.:rs: s.:raua1ss-p11ll0;) pU1? JJIUpOOM uas.:rad.:r11?l{;) :a.:raM. ~uasa.:rd : Tn[.) 'I'IOO " II "HtupOOM uos.:rad.:r1"1?l{;) Xq "w"d OE: L ~1? .:rap.:ra O:j. pal11?::> S1?lI\ ua1ss"JlllIlD;) DU1uaZ pU1? DU1UU1?1d A.:rOS1APIf p.:I1?lI\aS aq:+ Ja DUnaan .:r1?1nDa.:r '9861 'z X1n[' al{J. : E3:ClClO ill Tn[.) " I Z 0 :!lWO'IOl'\. 9861 'z li.'Ifi[' - t)NI.L83W IDi'IfDlli 9 :3:t)Vd 9 '7 PAGE 7 REGUIAR MEEl'ING - JULY 2, 1986 VOLUME 02 BRANSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COONCIL APPROVE AND SUBMIT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SEWARD URBAN DISTRICT ZONING CODE, SECTION 21. 78.190 - LAND USES ALI.aVED BY DISTRICT, TO THE KENAI PENINSU- IA BOROUGH FOR ADOPTION. THE MJI'ION WAS S:OCOOOED BY SUTHERLAND AND CARRIED UNANIMJUSLY. PH/ZONING MAP B. (Added to Agenda by Schaefenreyer.) Notice of Public Hearing as posted and published by the Kenai Peninsula Borough regarding the new zoning nap for the city of Seward as prepared by the Kenai peninsula Borough Resource Planning Depart:mant was noted. W:xx1ruff then opened the public hearing. No one appeared from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Martin noted that the Corrrnission had reviewed and approved the new zoning map at its May rreeting but the Borough requested that a public hearing be held in the Seward area prior to final adoption. BRANSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH TO ADOPT THE NEW ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY OF SEWARD AS PREPARED BY THE KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH RESOURCE PlANNING DEPARIMENT. THE MOl'ION WAS SECONDED BY SUTHERLAND AND CARRIED UNANIIDUSLY. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None VIII. NEW BUSINESS: CEMETERY A. June 25, 1986, rrerrorandum from Martin regarding a proposed Seward cerretery ordinance to establish managerrent guidelines for the municipal cerretery was noted. Martin explained that the plan could only be partially put into effect as funding will have to be made available to clear the renainder of the cerretery property and to provide continued maintenance. The Conroission offered no corrrrent on the proposed ordinance. FT. RAY. SUB B. June 25, 1986, rrerrorandum from Martin regarding a proposed Land Use Plan for the Fort Rayrrond Subdivision, which was recently replatted in order to sell a portion of land to the Borough for a new elerrentary school site, was noted. Martin, using a displayed plat map, reviewed the proposed Plan with the Corrrnission. Folla<tling a short discussion, SUTHERLAND MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE KENAI PENINSUIA BOROUGH TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN FOR FORI' RAYMOND SUBDIVISION AS SUBMITTED BY MARrIN. THE MJTlrn WAS S:ocONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED UNANIM)USLY. C. (This Agenda item was added by Schaefenreyer.) June 10, 1986, letter from John J. M::>mrcich, Land Managerrent Agent, Kenai Peninsula Borough, soliciting corrrrents frcrn the City regarding a right-of-way request by Afognak Logging for the use of an existing gravel road across Borough property located with the NE% Section 28, ,,/~~ .", ,'t ,".~ t 311.,'" J\ ~ .' .... " ~,., -"I) " ?, 'J' .. ';.' o. .." '. 'B ~' ,..- ' , ~ . '; "; :=,i" 'UI'd 017: 01: :j:e pau.mo~ p-e S-eM oun,eau eq,r. : J.N3WNlli1O.rcN . IX 'ue1d paS1A8.::r pasodo.::rd alf-l. If-I.1M uaos n;:)unCY,) pue U01SS"jilllD;) alf-j. CY-j. oUllW;:) aq P1nOtY1 pue U01s.::raA pa:j.-epdn ue uo OU"j:)pOM S-eM '.::rCY-j.;Ja.::r1G S)[.::r-ed 'JJoue~PPll\l1pnf' :j.T2lf-I. !ue1d :j.1aquaa~ alf-l. pa:j.dop-e AH-ePHJO :j.OU pm.{ 1PunCY,) alf-j. :j.T2lf-I. pavoda.::r U1+rew 'S:j.uaJIaAO.::rd.!I1 };:j.1utllWKX) papuawJO;:)a.::r p.::r-eMo:j. )[.::r0tY1 CY-j. S};"eM :j.-e )[001 CY-j. s.::ra -u01ss11Jl.ID,) MOHaJ pa)[s-e pue aa:j.:j.-p1ll!CXl :j.uaJIaAO.::rd.!I1 };:j.1tml1llJ(X) a;J.::rawIO;) JO .::raq.ueq;) -e o:j. pa:j.U1odd-e uaaq Pm.{ aq :j.T2lf-I. pa;:)unouue CINVlli3RLf1S . HaM UI1q OU14S1M Sa:j.uei\..:Ia;) CY-j. :j.uas aq .::ra:j.:j.a1 -e :j.T2lf-I. pa:j.sanba.::r NOSmcrs: :NOISSnJSIG NOISSIWWOO 'X '100q;:)S CY-j. u.m:j.a.::r CY-j. .::rap.::ro U1 '9861: '8 :j.snOtl'q JO s-e OU1OO1sa.::r aq P1nOtY1 qono.::rO\I aq:j. JO sa:j.uei\..:Ia;) aAa:j.S :j.T2lf-I. paVoda.::r os1-e U1:j..TeW ')[=1S: OOS1: alf-l. JO qvou auoz 1-enuap1s2IH A11UIl2J-xa1dna pue 1-enuap1S2IH };11UIl2J-a10u1S alf-j. U1 :j.8aJ a::r-enbs OOS'L Ul2lf-I. .;[alf-j.-e.::r :j.8aJ amnbs 000' L CY-j. papuarre aq u01ss"jUlllO;J alf-l. };q pas1Aa.::r };1:j.ua;Ja.::r apCY,) OU1UOZ P.::r-eMaS alf-j. U1 :j.Ielj;) aZ1S :j.CYl UIrllll1'U1W 8q:j. :j.T2lf-I. qono.::rO\I alf-j. CY-j. papuaJlUICX)a.::r Pm.{ 1PunCY,) };:j.1J alf-l. :j.T2lf-I. pavoda.::r U"j:VT2W :SolliOdmI ~'\iN'iiW x.LIJ 'XI 'X'ISf'O\I - IN'iiNfl a:3:nRr<lJ 0N'Ii ~d Ji.t! a:3:rn::m:S S\iM NOIJ.CW:ffiL . saHJV .LS:lliOd HDfnlliL DNIOO N'iffiL E!ffiLiiCl '~S 'MUI 'NL.L '8Z NOI.L:l3:S %lli :3RL NIH.LIM ,X.]:.a:3:dO~d lli.'iiLillId or. SS:3:::xN' N'if S'\l a:3:sn :3:S: G'ilOO ~IJ'IfID .LIX:3: .L'IiRL IDnooOO :3RL or. .LS:3:fY.XlS or. CJ:!lL'Iail NOSmcrs: 'u01ssn;JsW voqs -e OU1MOHO,l ')[;:)n.:I:j. dunp Aq 1aA-e.::r0 Vodsue.;[:j. CY-j. .::rap.::ro U1 Pue1 a:j.-eApd JO sa.::r;:)-e 08 O:j. ssa;:);:)-e aP1AO.::rd P1nOtY1 };-eM-J0-:j.q01.::r eq,r. 'pa:j.ou S-eM 'P.::r-eMaS 'MUI I N1:.L ZO 3WfYIOA 9861: 'z X'Inf' - DNI.L:3::3W cl\i'InfXlli 8 :3:D\id s PAGE 9 REGULAR MEEI'ING - AUGUST 6, 1986 VOLUME 0 2 I. CALL 'ID ORDER: The August 6, 1986, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Ccmnission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Chairperson WJodruff. II. ROLL CALL: Present were: Chairperson Woodruff and Comnissioners Branson, Johnson, Peterson and Wassilie (Corrmissioners SUtherland and Thorne were absent with Comnis- sion consent.) Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and Deputy City Clerk Audette III. APPROVAL OF MINU'IES: There being no additions, deletions or corrections, WJodruff declared the June 4, 1986, and the July 2, 1986, regular rreeting minutes approved as presented. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: A. (Added to the Agenda by Martin. ) July 30, 1986, Public Notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding an application for a Permit as filed by the State of Alaska to place a seasonal rrooring buoy at Caines Head State Recreation Area was noted; the Ccmnission voiced no objection to the rrooring buoy. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: OTS Iv ARrANCE A. Notice of Public Hearing as posted and published by law regarding a variance request as filed by Larry Johnson to allo.r.r con- struction of a second story in the sane vertical plane as the existing structure which is encroaching three feet into the sideyard setback on Lots 19 and 20, Block 24, Original Townsite of Seward (OTS), was noted by W:::xJdruff. The public hearing was then opened. With the consent of the Comnission, Johnson stepped from the dais and spoke as a private citizen in favor of the variance request. Johnson reported that he had been planning the renovation for 2 years but had just discovered the encroachrrent with the completion of an as-built survey. Wassilie and Woodruff questioned Johnson on distance from property line to the next closest building and the roof overhang. Johnson resurred his place on the dais. No one else appeared from the audience and the public hearing was closed. July 28, 1986, staff report from Martin recomrrending that the variance request be approved was noted. Johnson, in response to' questioning from WJodruff, Wassilie and Peterson, stated that a cantilevered second story addition which would eliminate further encroachrrent into the sideyard setback was possible, but the appearance would not be as attractive as building WO&I ~ NJ1.LV.RlOdSN\ffi,L :3:~ (8 pill? ! SS:3:NISOS: '11VoTIillI HLIM SdOHS ~:nId :3:NISWO;) (L !~:rnmo .LJ:rn.r.SIG SS:3:NISOS: 'I\ffi.LN:D :3:H.L NI swm:snw t!{JfN (9 !.L;):rn.r.SIG SS:3:NISOS: 'I\ffi.LN:D :3:H.L NI .LIW8:3:d :3:S0 '"M'K)1.L1GNOJ XS: CIW ~:rn.r.n0 '1VIJH3WWO;) O.LOV :3:H.L NI SNJ1.LV,I,s S'iF.) t!{JfN (<; !SN01.L'iiZ1N'iimIO '1\iNH:3:.L'Ii&! HLIM S'Y.MI N01Nfl :3:NI8W<X> (v !:3:IDZ '1VIJH:3YK);) ~0ffil'iiH :3:H.L NIH.LIM :3:S0 '"M'K)1.L1Qt\KX) V S"i ~ W'I.i[ am (( !}]IDfd ~clVNJ H.LIM }]IDfd 1lli :3:NI8W<X> (( !DNI'1CIWH 'I'IlIillLL'iiW }l'1[lS: H.LIM JNii'1d ID.LVS: :3:NI8W<X> ((; !mDZ '1VI~ ~0ffil'iiH :3:H.L NIH.LIM :3:S0 TiiNOI.L1CINO;) V S"i X~ .LW am ("[ :06"['8L'"[(; :3:'1E\l.L CJ:3"IDI'N :3:S0 CIW'1 :3:00;) 8NINOZ QL S:3:8N'iiID 8NIIDI'IOd :3:H.L 'II;)NflO;) M1;) :3:H.L QL ~ QL mL\CW :3:1'11SS'IiM 'u01ssn;)sW oU1,v,onOd 'U1t?Ot? 8::>U0 81qE.L <:Jt.G Ma1A8J: u01ss-pillIa;) 81f-1. :j.t?1f-1. pepuaJllKX)8J: U1:J.J:12W '8UOZ It?1:JJ:aL1lIq) J:oqJ:t?H 81f-1. u1 sdOtIs U1t?:J.J:8:J JO UOn1q-rqoJ:d 8q:j. O:j. U01:j.:J8~qO P8:J10A p-eq Ipuna;) <:Jt.G :j.t?1f-1. p8:j.ou oSlt? U1:J.J:12W 'p8:j.OU st?l'I :j."jUUoo 8sn It?U01:j.wuo:J t? :j.no1f-1.1l'1 euoz J:edOJ:d <:Jt.G U1 s:j.u~t? :j.1un v pill? ( MOnt? O:j. :j.1 pepuaJIl? ueeq p-eq pill? ouneau 8(; Aln.r S:j.1 :j.t? n:Juna;) O:j. pe:j.uas8J:d ueeq p-eq :j.Jt?.:rp pepuauuOO8J: 81f-1. :j.-eq:j. P8U1t?ldxe q:JllIl'l 061'8L'"[(; 81qE.L pe,v,olN aso PU1?'1 8pq) oU1UOZ 81f-1. OUWJ:t?08J: U1:J.J:12W weJ:J umpill?J:aJIall '98"[6 '"[( Aln.r 'V 3:00::> ~NINOZ :SS:3:NISOS: cmIS1N1dNfl 'II1\ 8UON : N01SSrosIG I SN:3:Z1.L1;) . 11\ ( 's8:j.nUllli 0U1:j.8alI J:t?ln08J: '986"[ '"[ J:eqo:j.:JQ weJ:J 1IE:j.1 P8:j.t?18J: 888) (':j.S8J:8:j.U1 JO :j.:J1UUO:J t? O:j. 8np Peu1t?:J.SqE uosuqo.r ':j.ill?:Jnddt? 8q:j. SV) '8N1NN.LSffii NJSNHO.r CIW ON 8N1JD1\ NOSN\iHS: CIW :3:1'IISS'IiM H.L1M SS"id QL amNd CIW NJffiillJ.3:d XS: c.J:3:ONJJ:3:S S'IiM N01.LCW :3:H.L ':3:NI'1 X.Rl:3:dOOd :3:H.L QL md (; N'iiH.L ~SCJD XN'il ID'ilOO;)N:3: JDN S:3:00 8N'1ilRl:3:L\O dOOO :3:H.L .LVH.L c.J:3:aI1\O~d CIW ' SJD 'v(; }DJ'1S: '0(; CIW 6"[ SID1 NJ :3:JN\illNL\ arus H.LIM c.J:3:ffif.lliJNI JDN S1 ~S :3:H.L QLN1 .LN3WIDifOOJN:3: :3:H.L S"i 8NaI OS ~S CRNX:3:OIS V NIH.LIM ~O&S 8NIWHoa:NJ;)-NON V dO N01SN'IldX3: :3:H.L t!{JfN QL CBL\OW a:a:n~aro1 'u01ssn;)sW J:8q:J.J:nJ oU1MOnOd 'ouwnnq oUnS1X8 8q:j. weJ:J dn :j.q01t?J::j.s :j.nnq st?l'I uonTIlPt? 81f-1. st? OUOl St? )[:J-eq:j.8S PJ:t?Aep1S t? u11f-1.1l'1 8J:n:j.:JnJ::j.S oU"]UUoJuoo-uou t? puedxe o:j. p8:j.ill?m St?l'I :j."jUU8d 8:Jill?1J:t?1\ t? q:JllIl'l J:oJ '<;86"[ ':j.snOnv u1 'SID '(;( )[:J01S: 'VVI :j.01 UO 8J:n:j.:JnJ::j.S 8l{:j. J:oJ )[:J8d 80J:088 Aq ep= 8UO O:j. J:t?l1ID1s AJ:8A st?l'I :j.S8nb8J: S I uosuqo.r :j.t?1f-1. :j.no pe:j.U1od u1:J.J:12W 'S:j.uallpuaJIl? pill? l'\81A8J: J:oJ 81np8l{:JS 8q:j. uo kj. popd do:j. eq Plnoqs epa;) oU1uoZ 81f-1. JO u01:j.:J88 S8J:n:j.:JnJ::j.S oU"jUUoJUO:J-UON 81f-1. :j.-eq:j. pe:j.uauuo:J u01ss1J1IllOJ 8l{.L lAJ:O:j.S :j.sJ:H 8l{:j. IOCUJ dn :j.q01t?J::j.s :j.nnq st?l'I AJ:O:j.s puooas alA n pasBaJ::JU1 J:O paJ:8:j.1t? aq )[:JBC{+as a1f-1. 0:j.u1 :j.ualll..jpBOJ:;JUO ill? Pln~ 'a;JUE\lI.:IoJuoo-uou t? O:j. ast?aJ:;Ju1 ill? J:O u01:j.t?J:a:j.lt? OU-P1q-rqoJ:d u1 J:t?al;J :j.OU st?l'I ape;) 81f-1. :j.t?1f-1. p8:j.UaIlllOO SJ:8U01SS-PillIa;) It?J:8A88 'OSlt? 0u-eqJ:8AO JooJ: 8q:j. 8:j.818P Plnoo 8l{ :j.t?1f-1. p8Ppt? uosuqo.r 'AJ:o:j.s :j.sJ:H 81f-1. IllOJ:J dn :j.q01t?J::j.S ~O 3Wf1'101\ 986"[ '9 .LsmOV - 8N1.I.33W ~ 0"[ :Did 11 PAGE 11 REGULAR MEEI'ING - AUGUST 6, 1986 VOLUME 02 OUTRIGHI' TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE HARBOR CCMMERCIAL. THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY PEI'ERSON AND CARRIED UNANIIDUSLY. The Corrmission requested that Chairperson Vbodruff prepare a letter explaining to the Council the concerns the Corrrnission had when recorrnending that prior to the issuance of a building permit for a 3 or 4 plex a conditional use permit be obtained. VIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. July 31, 1986, nerrorandurn from Martin regarding the developrrent of a written policy on the issuance of vendor permits was noted. Martin stated he was soliciting input for the developrrent of a policy and welcomed any thoughts and recormendations from the Corrmis- sion. The Corrmission offered no corrrrent at this tine. OTS B. July 29, 1986, nerrorandurn from Martin recomrrending non-objection to the vacation of a portion of First Avenue lying west of lots 26-28, Block 12, ars, was noted. In response to questioning from Branson, Martin explained that the vacation request only included lots 26-28 because the C1Nl1ers of lots 26 and 27 had agreed to pay the total survey costs involved with the vacation (lot 28 is C1Nl1ed by the City and is used as a Tbt lot.) Following a short discussion, BRANSON IDVED TO RECCM1END TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO RESPOND TO THE KENAI PENINSUIA BOroUGH WITH A MarION OF NON-OBJECTION TO THE VACATION OF A PORI'ION OF FIRST AVENUE LYING WEST OF L0I'S 26-28, BIDCK 12, ORIGINAL 'IrnNSlTE OF SEWARD. THE MOrI(]\! WAS SEXDNDED BY WASSILIE AND CARRIED UNANIIDUSLY. IX. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: Martin reported that the ordinance regarding building height and lot size would be discussed during a public hearing at the Borough level on August 11, 1986. Martin also reminded the Corrrnissioners to post their house numbers in order to set an exarrple for the rest of the canmunity. Martin, in reference to Item V.A. Variance Permit Request, explained that by defeating the Jrotion to allow expansion of a non-conforming structure the applicant could not Jrove forward with any construction onto the existing building. OTS/VARIANCE Following a short discussion, BRANSON MJVED TO REC(]\!SIDER THE MarION REGARDING THE VARIANCE PERMIT RmUEST AS SUBMITTED BY LARRY JOHNSON. THE MJI'ION WAS SEXDNDED BY w:JODRUFF AND CARRIED WITH JOHNSON ABSTAINING. Following a short discussion, THE COMMISSION, BY CONSENSUS, AMENDED THE MarION REGARDING THE VARIANCE PERMIT RmUEST TO ALIOiJ CCNSTRUcrICN OF A SEmND STORY ON THE EXISTING STRUCTURE ON LOI'S 19 AND 20, BIDCK 24, ars, AS IDNG AS THE ADDITI(]\! IS NO CLOSER THAN FIVE (5) FEEl' FRCM THE SIDEYARD propERrY LINE. WASSILIE IDVED TO APProVE THE IDI'I(]\! AS AMENDED. IT WAS SOCONDED BY PEI'ERSON AND CARRIED WITH JOHNSON ABSTAINING. pasodO.:Id aq+ a.L\O.:Idde O:j. '9861 'zz .:IacpIa:j.das JO .6u-paau s:j."j: :j.12 n:Juno;) A:j."j:;) JO uon-epuaJ.J.lKX)a.:I an .6uW.:I"eDa.:I .:IaUUE?1d q.6no.:I08: 121nsU"j:uad "j:12ua)! O:j. Xqwrw )(.:Ia1;) A:j."j:;) UIO.:IJ .:Ia:j.:j.a1 '9861 'EZ .:IacpIa:j.das 0'1 ::DN:3:CW)dS8IDIO;) 0 L\I opa:j.uasa.:Id S12 pa.L\O.:Idd12 '9861 '9 :j.sn.6n'i JO sa:j.nu-p:u al.{:j. pa.:I"e1:Jap Hrupo<JM 'suo"j::j.:Ja.:I.:Ioo .:IO Suo"j:q.a1ap 'suo"j::j. Wp12 OU .6u"j:CJq a.:Iatj,L : s:!LLONIW .irO 'NAOl:Idd'il 0 III a:j.:j.apn'i )(.:Ia1;) A:j."j:;) kJ.ndaa pue U"j:+nw :j.ue:j.s"j:ssv: aAn -12.:I:j.s"j:U1lliP\:l '.:IaAaJUaJaaps .:Ia.6-euew A:j."j:;) A:j.ndaa :os112 :j.uasa.:Id ( O:j.uasuoo UO"j:SS"jUllIO;) q+"j:lY\ :j.uasqe S12lY\ UOS.:Ia:j.ad .:Iauo"j:ss-p:u --lllOJ) a"j:nSS12M pue aU.:IOtj,L 'pU"eT.:Ianns 'uosuqo.r 'uosue.:Ig S.:Iauo"j:ss"jUllIo;) pue JJrupo<JM UOS.:IaW"j:"et{J :a.:Iato\. :j.uasa.:Id : Tl'iiJ TIOO 0 II o Hrupo<JM UBlU"j:"et{J Aq ourod OE: L :j.12 .:Iap.:Io O:j. pan12:J S12lY\ UO"j:SS-PlllIDJ .6u"j:uoz pue .6U"j:UUE?1d A:Ios"j:i\W p.:I12lY\ag aq+ JO .6unaau .:I121n.6a.:I '9861 'I .:ICJqo:j.:J() atj,L :mrcmo QL Tl'iiJ 0 I _:_~~~__________~~~~_~~_:::~~_=_:~~_~___~~;L,~-3-.l-c ~, c, . . . .. v,( , " ~-t '~( '1 :i,1;' ", J' . .' ,'" ,?,..... .' -;0 " 'P ';;,a... ~ " " '2 .~. .,,~ -r .,.... :.~, ;{ '. 0 (ieikX:j.l;)') fs ",," ..... '". :4: ::; ,;: ''',jl>, '~,' fj '~?~it~~~~1 f-U'X~~~ ourod Z1:6 :j.12 paU.:Ino~p12 S12lY\ .6unaau atj,L :.LN3WNllilO.rcN 0 IX aUON :NOISSOOSIG NOISSIWWQ;) oX ( 0 sa:j.nu-p:u .6U"j::j.aau .:I"e1nDa.:I '9861 'I .:IaqO:j.:J() UIO.:IJ UIa:j.I pa:j.121a.:I <'lag) (; 0 8Wl1'IOl\. 9861 '9 .Lsron'i - DNIJ.'3::3W ~ ZI 8D'id (;1 13 PAGE 13 RmJLAR MEEI'ING - ~BER 1, 1986 VOLUME 02 partial vacation of Cotton~ Avenue and the replat of the Fort Raynond Subdivision was noted. OTS/VARIANCE B. August 21, 1986, rrenorandum from Martin regarding the action taken at the last regular meeting of the Catmission on the Johnson variance request was noted. (Therrenorandum explained that as stated in Section 21.78.250(F) of the Seward Zoning Code any residential structure or residential use that legally exists prior to June 6, 1978, shall be exerrpt from the general provisions pertaining to non-conforming uses. The structure in question has been in residential use since the 1950' s and is therefore exerrpt from the non-conforming section of the Code.) V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: None. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. VIII. NEW BUSINESS: TEEN CTR A. September 24, 1986, rrenorandum from Parks and Recreation Director Andrijanoff and Martin regarding site selection for a teen center was noted. Folla.ving discussion on the sites identified for possible location of a teen center, BRANSON MOVED, FOR PLANNING PURPOSES, TO REXX:M1END TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE SITE NORTH OF CITY HALL BE INVESTIGATED FURTHER AS A LOCATION FOR A TEEN CENTER. THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY WASSILIE AND CARRIED UNANIMJUSLY. B. At the request of Martin, the Catmission, by consensus, gave its approval for the Administration to initiate the process to rezone all public land to match the Land Use Plan zoning designations and zone all the unzoned areas which includes some private property. IX. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: Schaefermeyer reported on the status of the last two zoning code revisions. He also reported that Seward General Hospital Adminis- trator Carrq:>bell was proceeding with the permit system to solicit a fourth doctor for the Seward area but there was not enough working space in the present clinic for a fourth doctor. Because of that lack of space there \\DUld be the possibility that the Carmission would reviev.r a special use permit request for a terrporary rrodular office unit which would be located west of the present clinic. Martin, referring back to Item Nurrber IV. A., requested that the Carrnission take an actual vote on the proposed partial vacation of : ~CIOOdS:;nrnO;) o1\.I opa:j.uasa.:rd s-e pal\O.:rdd-e ' 9861 'I .:raqo:j.;J() JO sa:j.nu"jlli a1.{:j. pa.:r-eF)ap an1sS-eM 'su01:j.;)a.:r.:roo .:ro su01:j.alap 'su01:j.1PP-e ou 6u1aq a.:raljJ. : SaLONIW .i!O 'I'<il\C)idCN 0 III a:j.:j.apn'ii )[.:ral;) A:j.1;) A:j.ndaa pUt? un:rnw :j.Ut?:j.S1SS'ii aAn --e.:r:j.S1U1WP'ii '.:raAaJUaJamps .:ra6-euew A:j.1;) A:j.ndaa :oSl-e :j.uasa.:rd (o:j.uasuoo u01ss-p1lLIIO;) lr-nM :j.uasqe a.:raM JJrupoDM pUt? uos.:ra:j.ad .:rau01ss"jlli -UIO;)) au.:rOl!.L pUt? PUt?l.:raq:J.ns 'UOSUl[Of' 'uosu-e.:rs: s.:rau01ss"Jill.!I0;) pu-e an1sS-eM uos.:rad:q-eq;)-Cl;)Y\. :a.:raM :j.uasa.:rd : 'TI\[.) 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