HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 Planning & Zoning Minutes PAGE 49 REGULAR MEEI'ING - JANUARY 6, 1988 VOLUME 02 1. CALL TO ORDER: The January 6, 1988, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrmission was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Acting Chair Margaret Branson. II. OPENING CEREM:lNY: Waived III. ROLL CALL: Present were: Acting Chair Branson and Corrmissioners Authier, Lindsey and Sutherland (Johnson, Thorne and Woodruff were absent) Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and City Clerk Murphy IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. SUTHERLAND MJVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 4, 1987, MINUTES AS WRI'ITEN; THE IDl'ICN WAS SEX:ONDED BY AUTHIER AND CARRIED WITHOUT OBJECI'ION. V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: The regular meeting agenda was approved without objection. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Novenber 20, 1987, letter from Vera Dance, President of the Lowell Canyon Townhouse Association, requesting assistance in delaying the construction of any additional low-income or subsidized housing projects in the Seward area was noted. Sutherland stated that there is currently a 50% vacancy rate in the lDwell Canyon 'I'odnhouses. He added that as long as such housing was available, no new subsidized housing should be constructed. V. PUBLIC HFARINGS: A. Notice of public hearing as posted and published by law relative to a proposed Seward Urban District Zoning Code amendrrent changing the minimum lot size in the Harbor Cornrercial (HC) zone from 8,000 S.f. to "no minimum" was noted and the public hearing was opened; no one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Martin noted that all of the lots in question are owned by the city which would allow the city to set the standard for the type of develor:;nent in the HarlJor. He stated that 49 PUBLIC HEARINGS/ ZONING CODE/HAR- BOR COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: (Amend. minimum lot 5Z.) :SSillITsmI ClIDIS1NIdNfl " 1IIL\ "X'ISOCWIN'iiNO CJ:3:ICRruJ CJN'i[ x:3:SGNI'I xa CJ:3:aNO:E:S SVM N01.LCW :lliL !:mOZ 'NffiLSOGNI :lliL NI .LH~1IDI ~NImroa WOWIXIlW :lliL 8NIJ:.'!l'I:![0 xa 3:0m 8NINOZ .K>:rn.LSIO N\fffiill CRNM3:S 3:H.L CIN3:W'if X'IHW3:SSV ad){ :lliL .L'iffiL CIN:3WWJ;Y.;RI ill CJ:3:L\CW CIWlli3:H.LOS "pas01::> SE"" DU1.reaq ::>Hqnd aq+ pu-e p.reaq aq 0+ .::rap.::ro U1 pa.readdE auo au !pauado SEfo\. DU1.reaq ::>nqnd aq:+ pu-e pa+ou SE"" auoz (I) 1E1.::r+snpUI aq+ U1q+1"" UOnE+1lli11 +qD1aq Duwnnq llIIll.lT]:Xl?UI aq+ DU1+a1ap +uanpuauE apoJ DU1UOZ +::>1.::r+s10 u-eq.::ro p.refo\aS pasodo.::rd E 0+ aA1+E1a.::r ""E1 Xq paqS11qnd pu-e pa+sod SE DU1.::rEaq ::>11qnd JO a::>1+ON "0 "X'ISOCWIN'iiNO CJ:3:ICRruJ CJN'i[ a3:1HLfN xa CJ:3:ONOO3:S SVM N01JDW :lliL ! S3:NOZ WH CJN'i[ ~O 3:H.L NI .LIWH3:d 3:S0 TIlN01.L1ONCX) xa CJN'i[ SaNOZ JH CJN'i[ aJ ' ':N. :lliL NI .LH~ru.LOO CJ:3:IDI'N X.L1.LN:3: 3:.L1iWd3:S 'i SV dOHS JJI8 ~NIClCl'ii CJN'i[ 8NI.LS1'I SSillITsoa 'II'iJ.'lli :lliL ViDllil dOHS JJI~ ~NIJ:.'!l'I:![O xa 3:am ~NINOZ .LJlli.LSIO N'iiffiffi CRNM3:S :lliL NI 3:'IH'i.L CJ:3:IDI'N sa:SO ClN'ii'1 :lliL CIN3:W'if X'IHW3:SSV ad){ :lliL .L'iffiL CIN3:WWXlffiI ill CJ:3:L\CW CIWlli3:H.LOS "pas01::> SE"" DU1.reaq ::>nqnd aq+ pu-e p.reaq aq 0+ .::rap.::ro u1 pa.readdE auo ou !pauado SE"" DupEaq ::>Hqnd aq+ pu-e pa+ou SEfo\. sauoz (WH) +uauaDEUEW a::>.::rnos~ pu-e (~O) 1EnUap1s~ 8::>UJO aq+ U1 +1Ullad aso 1l?UOn1puO;) Xq pu-e 'sauoz (JH) 1E1::>.::raJ.DlIO;) .::roq.Il?H pu-e (aJ) +::>P+s10 ssau1sng 1E.::r+U8;) '(J'i) 1Ep.::raJ1JIO;J o+n'i aq+ U1 +qD1.::r+no ..sdoqs +J1D.. DU1J1'1011E 'a1q-e+ ..paJl'1011'i saso PUl?'I.. aq+ U1 41+ua a+E.redas E SE ..doqs +J1D.. DU1PPE pu-e DU1+sn ..ssau1snq 11E+a.::r.. aq+ wo.::rJ ..doqs +J1D.. DU1+a1ap +uanpuaue apoJ DU1uOZ +::>1.::r+s10 u-eq.::rO p.::rEfo\aS pasodo.::rd E 0+ aAnE1a.::r ""E1 Xq paqs11qnd pu-e pa+sod SE DU1.reaq ::>11qnd JO a::>1+ON "J "X'ISOCHIN'iiNO CJ:3:ICRruJ CJN'i[ x:3:SGNI'I xa CJ:3:0N0:E:S SVM N01.LCW IDI.L !.L3:3:d O( ill .L3:3:d 08 ViDllil 3:NOZ 'I'iI;)(I3VKX) ~0ffiMI :lliL NI HLOIM JO'I WflWINIW :lliL 3:~ ill CJN'i[ ..WflWINIW ON.. ill .L3:3:d ~oOS 000' 8 ViDllil 3:NOZ 'I'iI:J1I:3WW();) ~08.IDiH 3:HL NI 3:Z1S JO'I WflWINIW 3:H.L ~NI~ xa 3:0m 8N1NOZ .K>1&SIO N'iiffiffi CRNM3:S :lliL CIN3:W'if X'I\3W3:SSV H~11OO00 :lliL JNH.L ~ ill CJ:3:L\CW a3:1HLfN "apoo +ua.::r.::rn::> aq+ JO U01+E101A u1 a.re s8SEa1 a+1S )[1"~""p.reog HE +Eq+ Pa+E+s un.::r-ew "pas01::> SE"" DU1.reaq ::>nqnd aq+ pu-e p.reaq aq 0+ .::rap.::ro U1 pa.::rEaddE auo ou !pauado SE"" DU1.reaq ::>11qnd aq+ pu-e pa+ou SE"" +aaJ O( 0+ +aaJ 08 WO.IJ auoz (JH) 1E1::> -.::rawIO;) .::roq.:rEH aq+ U1 q+P1"" +01 llIIll.lT]:u1W aq+ DU1Du-eq::> +uanpuauE apoJ DU1UOZ +::>1.::r+s10 u-eq.::rO p.::rEfo\aS pasodo.::rd E 0+ aAnE1a.::r ""E1 Xq paqs11qnd pu-e pa+sod SE DU1.::rEaq ::>11qnd JO a::>1+ON "a "UOn::>E pu-e uonau .::roJ DU1J1'lOHOJ aq+ q+1"" +uaupuaue pasodo.::rd s1q+ aU1qwo::> P1nOl'l aqs +Eq+ pa+E+s uosu-e.::ra "apo::> DU1+S1X8 aq+ JO uonE101A U1 a.re sasEa1 a+1S )[1Efo\p.reog +ua.::r.::rn::> 2:0 :!IWO'IOL\ 8861 '9 XIDlflN'ii.r- - ~NIJ33:W ~ OS 3:mid (+qDq Duwnnq wnw1xEw a+a1ao) :3:NOZ 'I'i1~.LSOO -N1/3:00J ~N1NOZ /S~N1~'i3:H J1'IHOd (..a1qE.L pa""011'i saso.. puaw'i) :3:00J ~N1NOZ /S~N1~'i3:H J1'IHOd (q+P1"" +01 "U1W "puaWV) :.LJ1~.LS10 'I'i1J~3:WWOJ ~oa -~'iH/3:00J ~N1NOZ /S~NI~'i~H JI'IaOd us PAGE 51 REGULAR MEEI'ING - JANUARY 6, 1988 VOWME 02 A. SUTHERLAND MJVED TO APPOINI' MARGAREI' BRANSON AS VICE CHAIR OF THE COMMISSION TO SERVE THROUGH FEBRUARY 1988~ THE MJI'ICN WAS SECONDED BY AUTHIER AND CARRIED WITHOUT OBJECTION. IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Sutherland requested discussion of the Hyett- Palma report which had been received by the Corrrnission. Martin stated that, at this tine, he could see no reason to involve the Camlission directly, but felt that, if approved by Council at the January 11, 1988, neeting, the Camlission should at least be aware of what the business conmu- nity wants to do. He stated that, if the Downtown Enhancerrent Plan goes forward, the Camlission may be required to take another look at the Cor'rprehensive Plan and the Land Use Plan. The EnhanceIl'ent Plan would also probably involve sorre work in the Historic District, and as the Historic District Commission, the Planning Camlission would probably be asked to cOIlll'ent or act. He advised the Camlission to lobby the Council if the rrembers wanted to see the Hyett-Palma contract approved. Martin stated that he felt the $56,000 would be well spent since it would be an extension of the Cor'rprehensive Plan and would bring diverse groups together in a way that the city or the Chamber of Comrrerce would be unable to do. Sutherland stated that if Hyett-Palma is ultimately retained by the city, he hoped to see rrore fran the contract than what was received in the initial report. He noted that the consultants' report was rrerely a "secretarial job". Sutherland also stated that the Enhancerrent Plan should be a community, not a city or chamber, project. Lindsey agreed that it was tine to do sorrething with the Dcwnto.vn District. Authier concurred. AUTHIER M:>VED TO RECa.1MEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONTRAer WITH HYEI'T-PAIMA~ SUTHERLAND SECCNDED AND ASKED THAT Aill'HIER ACCEPT AS A "FRIENDLY AMENDMENT" NEW WJRDING TO READ "THAT THE CXM1ISSION SUPPORl'S THE CClN"CEPT OF PLANNING FOR ECONCMIC ENHANCEMENT AND RECa.1MENDS THAT THE COUNCIL FUND SUCH AN ENDEAVOR~ AUTHIER AGREED TO THE AMENDED FORM OF THE M:>TION. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED AND THE MJI'ION CARRIED UNANI- MJUSLY. X. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Martin noted that the Borough Planning and Zoning Corrrnission had approved the large city-requested zoning package as recomrended by the Comnission with one exception~ the KPB Corrrnission had arrended the package by zoning the 3 lots the Seward Commission had left unzoned. XI. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: :'1 ,J,,,. PLANNING COMM: (Branson apptd. temp. Vice-Chr.) COMMUNITY DEV: (Recommend that Council fund a community en- hancement endeav- or) : Sa.Lf1NIW dO 'N.I\OOddli . 1\1 Xl.jdmw )[.:Ia1;:) X~1;:) pue unxew ~ue~s1SS\i a.l\.n -l?.:I~S1U1IDP\f '.:IaXauuaJal?l.j:JS .:Ia.6mrew: X~1;:) :os1l? ~liasa.:Id au.:rol[J. pue pue1.:Ia~ns , XaSpU1'I 'UOSUl.jo(' 'uosue.:I8: ' .:Ia1~ -tlif S.:Iali01ss-pillIO;:) pue HtupOOM UEUU1l?l.j;:) : a.:IaM ~uasa.:Id : 'I'N;:) '1'100 . III pa.l\.1l?M :~;:) ~NIN3dO 'II 'HtupOOM UOS.:Iad.::ql?l.j;:) Xq '\U'd 9E:L ~l? .:Iap.:Io ~ panl?:J Sl?M u01ss1UJlIK.Y.) .6U1UOZ pue .6U1UUl?1d X.:IOS1.1\.P\i p.:It?Mag a~ JO .6unaau .:Il?1n.6a.:I '8861 '9 1Pclv al[J. :"8:3:ClliO OL 'I'N;:) . I ZO 3WfTIOll 8861 '9 'IDidli - ~NI.ra:3W ~ ZS --- t'''''''', ...... r'f. C l, :.i;':' ". , _0_ ~.:^ . '~:f" ~ 'Y.: ,,~) , . .... ..... ...~.I);.. '.;' '. ty...."'n..w.. )--- /, . '~'::.;~SY" '\U'd n:8 ~l? paU.:Ino~pl? Sl?M .6U1~aau alj,L :~O.rcN 'llIX auoN :S.LN:3WWQ;:) ,SN3ZIJ.I;:) OL :3:SNOdSIDI 'NIWCN CIN'il NOISSIWWQ;:) 'IIIX aUGN : NOISSf1;:)SIQ I SN3ZIJ.D . IIX 'a~~1lllliOJ X.:IOS1.1\.P'if ~1S :J1.:I0~S1H ~~S a~ o~ ~uas aq sa:Jl?1d :J1.:I0~S1H JO .:Ia~s1.6~ 1l?UOnl?N a~ ~ a.:Io~s sU1)[Ml?H 'S UMO.:I8: aLf-l. JO UOnl?u1\llou aq~ .:IoJ ~oddns JO .:I~~a1 l? ~~ pa~sanba.:I OS1l? al.jS 'asn l? l.j:Jns .:IoJ U01SS~ ~ue.:I.6 ~ou PW u01ss"JID.!D;:) a~ Xq pai\O.:Iddl? ~1\ll.:Iad aso 1l?UOnWuOJ a~ ~~ .6U1~ou ')[.:Il?d l\Cl SP.:IO~d 1l?lia}! a~ \UO.:IJ paAall snq a~ aas ~ a)[H P1nO'l. aqs ~l?l.j~ pa~~s NOSN'iiCl8: ZO 3WfTIOll 8861 '9 XWflN'ifL' - ~NIJ.:3::3:W ~ ZS :3:~d 2;S PAGE 53 REGUIAR MEEI'ING - APRIL 6, 1988 VOLUME 02 The January 6, 1988, regular rreeting minutes were approved as presented without objection. SPOCIAL ITEM: Murphy administered the Oath of Office to re-appointed Crnmissioners Kurt R. Lindsey and Donald Sutherland for terms to expire in February 1991. V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: Martin requested the deletion of Agenda Item IX(C). THE REGULAR MEEI'ING AGENDA WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED WITHOm OmION. VI. CORRESPONDEl\ICE: A. March 16, 1988, letter from the city to Fishing Corrpany of Alaska regarding a zoning violation was noted for information and filed. B. Woodruff noted a letter from Depart.rrent of Natural Resources regarding the placerrent of the Brawn and Hawkins building on the National Register of Historic Places. Branson asked if a letter in support of the Brawn and Hawkins building nomination as an historic building had been sent as requested at the January rreeting. Murphy stated that she would research this and see that a letter was sent if one had not gone out already. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Notice of public hearing as posted and published by law regarding a request for conditional use permit as filed by 'Ibm Dwinnel and Marsha Ambacher, dba Lil' Kritters Day Care, for operation of a day care center at 1001 Third Avenue (Lot 7, Block 2, Oceanview Subdivision) was noted and the public hearing was opened; no one appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. SUTHERLAND OOVED TO GRANT A CXlIDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO TOO IMrNNEL AND MARSHA AMBACHER, DBA LIL' KRITTERS DAY CARE, FOR THE OPERATION OF A DAY CARE CEl\ITER Nr 1001 THIRD AVEl\IUE, PROVID- ED THAT THE DAY CARE CEl\ITER IS LAID OUT ESSEl\ITIALLY AS SHCMN IN THE ACCG1PANYING PLAN AND THAT ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LCCAL PERMITS AND LICEl\ISES ARE KEPT CURRENT; THE IDI'ION WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED UNANIIDUSLY. B. Notice of public hearing as posted and published by law regarding a request for conditional use permit as filed by the William H. Seward Yacht Club for construction and opera- tion of a clubhouse at 1400 Fourth Avenue (Block 6, Oceanview Subdivision) was noted and the public hearing was opened. 53 PUBLIC HEARINGS/ CUP/OCEANVIEW SUB: (Day care use approved) PUBLIC HEARINGS/ CUP/OCEANVIEW SUB: (Yacht Club ap- proved) <:qa1duoo CJ:l. pedal[ .:mJapues pue al[ :j.-et.]1. p8:j.E:j.S .:Ia"j:uep.:I~ olll8:j.SAS UlOO.:I8:j.U]: ue pue aUOl[da1a:j. .:IoJ p8.:I"j:M eq P1nQYI pue k+ "j:o"j:.:;[:j.oa1a pue .:IeMas ' .:Ia:j.EM aAEl[ P1n()/o\ p8:j.On.:I:j.SUOO sa.:m:j.on.:I:j.s 1Enp"j:A - WU]: 1112 '.:IaAelIJOH 0 xa1ducx:> 8l[:j. U]:l[:j."j:M uO"j::j.E.:Iedo eo"j:A.:Ias POOJ 12 6uWn10U]: .:IoJ sue1d :j.uasa.:Id au PEl[ Aal[:j. :j.-et.]1. p8:j.E:j.S .:Ia"j:uep.:I~ opa:j.E6nqo sas-ea1qns 8:j.-e.:rndas S aAEl[ AHuallno Aal[:j. :j.-et.]1. p8:j.E:j.S Aal[,1 oaAEl[ :j.l[6"FUl uO"j:ss"]lllllOJ al[:j. suoHsanb Aue O:j. puodsa.:I O:j. Addel[ eq P1tlC)11.1 Aal[:j. :j.El[:j. p8:j.E:j.S 'anueAV 8U"j:E11ES: SC-:S 'llil&IClN'iiS VXN'if.L pUl? 'PEOH .:Ia"j:oE1~ :j."j:x:3: 'I aHW 'mrrN'iCRIOO a:3.'I 'p8uedo SEM 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd al[:j. pUl? p8:j.ou SEM (UO"j:S"j:A wqnS Ma"j:AUl?a;:)() '9 )[001\::0 anueAV l[:j..IDOd 90vl :j.E X81duroo 6u"j:ddOl[s 12 JO Waud01aAep .:IoJ (pA.:IddE xaId 'aU]:.:IEIll SUOSEeS .:mad Eqp '.:Ia"j:uep.:I~ a<1I pue .:In;j:apues EAUl?.L Aq -iliOJ 6u"j:ddol[S) p8HJ SE :j."FUl.:Ied asn 1EuoH"j:puOO .:IoJ :j.sanbe.:I 12 CJ:l. aAHE1a.:I ME1 Aq:s:OS M:3:1lI.NV:3:JO/dOJ p8l[snqnd pUl? pa:j.sod SE 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd JO aOHoN oa /S~Nn[V:3:H J1'IS:Od o X'ISrmIN'iiNO G:3::ruID[.) CIN'ii I'DSNHO.r Xs: G:3:CINa:X3:S S'iM I'D1JOW :3:H.L ! :3:.LvrndOOdd'if S'il G:3:NN.LNI'ilW CIN'ii G:3:H1OOJ'il :3:W 8.1~d ~G:3:d CIN'ii :3:.LV.LS ''l'ir.:xJI :3:'I8:'ilJ1'Idd'if 'I'I'il .L'ilH.L GN\l S.LJ:3:dS:3:H 'I'I'il NI OL G:3:H:3:HCl\f :3:W 'I1JNOOO M1J mruM:3:S :3:H.L XS: CI3l\OHdd'if :3:S'il:3:'I :3:RL dO SN01.LIaIDJ 'I'I'il .L'ilRL G:3:aIl\CJHd 'Cl\fOCl HffiiN 's L 0 V :3:'IIW .LV :3:.LS'iM GN\l S.LJOaOOd - Xs: ~NISS:3:JOCld CIOOM dO 'I'ilSOdSra :3:RL IDllCIRL CI:3:MJd :3:.L'ilCI:3:N:3:~ OL .LN\l'Id N01~J V :3:CIO'IJNI OL TIIW 8.1JOGOOd aOOM V dO NOI.L'ilCI:3:dO GN\l N01.LJOCI.LSNOJ :3:H.L Clad NOI.LWOdCIOO .LN:3:WdCJI:31\3:a 1ffiS'il'I'il IDIiDOHJ OL .L~d :3:S0 'I'ilNOI.L1GNOO V ~ OL CI:3:L\CW ClN'il'lli:3:HL opas010 SEM 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd al[:j. pUl? p.:IE8l[ eq CJ:l. .:Iap.:Io U]: p8.:IEeddE auo au !pauedo S-eM 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd al[:j. pue p8:j.ou SEM '(8C-:8v SSO) PEOH l[SEN 'SL Ov aHW :j.E 11"FUl s:j.onpo.:Id pOQYl 12 JO UOHE.:IedO pUl? UOHOn.:I:j.SUOO 8l[:j. .:IoJ UOHE.:Iod.:IOJ :j.uaud01aA8Q l[0-e6nl[J Aq paIH SE :j."FUl.:Ied asn IEUoHWuOO .:IoJ :j.sanbe.:I 12 6uW.:IE6a.:I ME1 Aq p8l[Snqnd pUl? pa:j.sod SE 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd JO eoHoN oJ ("[1"j:Ul s:j.onpo.:Id pOOM a:j.E.:Iado '9 :j.on.:I:j.suoo O:j. paz"j:.:Iol[:j.n-e l[0-e6 -nl[J) :S'I:3:JClVd a:3:a1lI.1aS:OSNO/dOJ /S~N1ClV:3:H J1'IS:Od o X'ISOCWIN'iNO G:3::ruID[.) CIN'ii X:3:SGNI'I XS: G:3:GN00:3:S S'iM NOIJOW :3:H.L ! .LN\lJ1'Idd'if :3:H.L dO :3:SN:3:dX:3: :3:H.L .LV :3:S: TI1M S:3:NI'I M1'I1.LO dO N01.L'ilJO'I:3:H XN'if .L'ilH.L G:3:GI1I.OCId CI:3:HJ.lli1i[ GN\l '~NImIOS: :3:S00Hs:mJ :3:H.L dO :3:GIS :3:HOHS :3:H.L I'D CIN:3:.LX:3: X'iiW ~ :3:H.L .L'ilRL .Iil:3:JX:3: '.LIDCldCI:3:.L'ilM :3:RL ~ID'I'il G:3:dCJI:31\3:a ~NI:3:S: S1 .L'ilH.L }['1'ifM -<lIDi08: :3:H.L dO N01.LifON1JNCX) V :3:.L1S G:3:S'il:3:'I 8.11 NO .LJffiLLSNOO .LSOW .LN\lJ1'Idd'if :3:H.L .L'ilH.L G:3:aI1l.OCId :3:ON:3:1I.V HJ.llilO.i[ OOVl .LV :3:S00H8:0'IJ V dO N01.LifCI:3:dO CIN'ii NOI.LJilli.LSNOO :3:H.L ClOd 8:O'IJ .LID'ilX CRNM:3:S oH W'liITIIM :3:RL OL .L~d :3:S0 'I'ilN01.L1GNOJ V .LN'iili~ OL Cl:3:1I.CM NOSNWS: opasop SEM 6u"j:.:IEal[ onqnd 8l[:j. pUl? p.:IEal[ eq CJ:l. .:Iap.:Io U]: p8.:IEeddE asIa auo ON: oEa.:IE 6u"j:)[.:rnd onqnd al[:j. UlO.:IJ seoEds 6u"F)[.:IOO JO .:Ieqwnu +SE81 8l[+ 6u"j:1\.Cllia.:I snl[.t '81Q"j:ssod SE tpEaq 8l[+ 0+ as010 SE a.:m+on.:I:j.s 8l[.t eoEId CJ:l. qnIJ :j.l[OEX 8l[:j. 6upla11E 'a:j."j:s no eq P1nQYI 6U"j:)[.:rnd :j.-el[:j. pa:j.E:j.S SUIEnHM 'UOSUl?.:IS: UO.:IJ uOHsanb 12 O:j. asuodsa.:I U1 oaAEl[ :j.l[6"FUl uo"j:ss"]llllloJ al[:j. SUO"j:+S8nb AUl? .:IeMSUl? PInQYI 8l[ :j.-et.]1. p8:j.E:j.S 'a8:j.:j.-rmua.:> :j.uaud01aA8([ asnOl[qn1J 8l[:j. JO UEIll.:I"j:El[J 'a6E.:I0l[0U\f 'aA"j:.:Ia .:IepueA:3: lOLL 'SW'IiITIIM)lli'iiW C-:O :3:WO'IOll. 8861 '9 'IICId'if - ~NI.L:3::3:W IDi'IfmCI vS :3:~Vd :r-,n \I;;;' PAGE 55 REGULAR MEEI'ING - APRIL 6, 1988 VOLUME 02 tbe groun~rk this year, construct buildings next winter and be ready for operation on May 1, 1989. In response to a question from Branson, Sandefur stated that the first concept drawing had been prepared by a local artist and was not a true depiction of what they intended to construct. Gordanier stated that the individual structures would be similar to the small buildings at the southern end of the Boardwalk. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. AUTHIER IDVED TO GRANT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO SANDEFUR AND GORDANIER, DBA FOUR SEASONS MARINE, FOR DEVEIDPMENT OF A SHOPPING COMPLEX AT 1406 FOURI'H AVENUE, ON THE CONDITION THAT, PRIOR TO APPLYING FOR BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURES, THE APPLICANT MUST COME BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMIS- SION FOR ARCHITECl'URAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF BUILDING PlANS, AND PROVIDED THAT THE APPLICANT MUST CONSTRUCT WITHIN THE LEASE SITE A CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC BOARDWALK EXTENDING ALONG THE HARBOR WATERFRONT, AND THAT ANY RELCX:ATION OF UTILITY LINES WILL BE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVEIDPERi THE KJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY JOHNSCN. Lindsey asked if the city intended to upgrade the drainage in that area, noting the damage sustained there during the October 1986 flood. Martin stated that there are ongoing discussion with the Highway Department to enlarge the culvert from the Lagoon to the Bay. THE QUESTION WAS CALLED AND THE KJI'ION CARRIED BY UNANIIDUS VCY.I'E OF THE CCMMISSION. VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. WCXlDRUFF APPOINIED MARGARET BRANSON TO SERVE AS VICE CHAIR OF THE CCMMISSION UNTIL FEBRUARY 1989. RECESS: The rreeting was recessed at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened at 8:50 p.m. B. Martin reviewed the proposed parking plan for the Small Boat Harbor. He noted that an ordinance authorizing the parking designations identified in the plan would be introduced at the April 11 Council rreeting, with public hearing and enactrrent of the ordinance scheduled for April 25. Following approval of the ordinance by the Council, the adminsitration would be free to inplerrent the proposed plan. He added that the designated areas would be signed and the parking regulations would be enforced this surrrrer. [" C' <);) PLANNING COMM: (Branson apptd. V-Chair until 02/89) '. 'ur'd v~:6 ::j:e pau.:mo~p-e s-el>'1 oU1::j.aau altL :.LN:3WNHOorav . L\.IX aUGN :S.LN3WWJ;) .SN:3:ZI.LI;) or. 3:SNOdsaH 'NIWCN '9 NOISSIWWCD 'IIIX aUGN :NOISSOOSIO .SN:3:ZI.LI;) 'IIX aUGN :NOIssmsra NOISSIWVDJ 'IX . sounaau al.f-l. pua::j.::j.-e O::j. s.::rauo-rss-pauQJ pa::j.sa.::ra::j.U1 pao-e.:mooua aq pu-e 'v1-n 1Pd\i' saA""q-e::j.uasa.::rda.::r -eurr-ed-::j.::j.a4! l.f-l.1l>'1 ounaau aq P1nGl'\ u01::j.-eP -asS\[ ::j.UanaDU1?l{U3: p.::r-el>'1ag al.f-l. ::j.l?L[::j. pa::j.ou oS1-e NIJIDiW 'ou1 -::j.eaJI ::j."el.8 ::j.-e p8onpo.:I::J.U1 os1-e s-el>'1 aou-euW.::ro )[oo::j.sanH aq::j. ::j."el.8 pa+-e::j.s aH . ounaau ltqwasS\[ qonO.:I08: '8861 's 1Pd\i' al.f-l. ::j.-e paonp -0.::r::j.u1 s-el>'1 05-e .::r-eaX auo X1a::j.-euIJ:xo.::rdd-e pa::j.-en1U1 uaaq p-eq q01l{i'\ a01?)[ooo auoza.::r pa.::rosuods-X::j.p al.f-l. ::j.l?L[::j. pa::j.-e::j.s NIJIDiW : SJBOd:3li ~D\fNVW .x.LI;) . X zo 3WfTIOL\. 8861 '9 'IHld\i' - DNIJ33W mt'IflD:ill:I 9S 3:DVd 99 57 PAGE 57 REGUlAR MEETING - JUNE 8, 1988 VOLUME 02 I. CAlL 1'0 ORDER: The June 8, 1988, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Conrnission was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Chairperson Woodruff. II. OPENING CEREMONY: Camnissioner Sutherland led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. III. ROLL CAlL: Present were: Chainnan Woodruff and Camnissioners Au- thier, Branson, Jomson, Lindsey and Sutherland (Thome was excused.) Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and Ci- ty Clerk Murphy IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: BRANSON MOVED 1'0 APPROVE THE APRIL 6, 1988, MINUTES AS v1RITIEN; THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY AlITHIER AND CARRIED WITHOur OBJECTION. V. APPROVAL OF REGUIAR MEETING AGENDA: SUTHERLAND MOVED 1'0 APPROVE THE REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA AS PRESENI'ED; THE MJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY LINDSEY AND CARRIED WITHOur OBJECTION. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: None VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Martin stated that the Borough has developed a working draft of the Coastal Zone Management Plan and has designated Seward as an "Area Meriting Special Attention". He stated that the draft plan would cone up for public conrnent this Fall (by September), and as money becanes available, the Borough will develop a final plan for the areas rreriting special atten- tion. He introduced Kathryn Carrsow, tmder contract to the Borough to develop plans for the AMSA's within the Borough. ,<'I'" " J [,Uj~." 'J.cc~. tY;r- ~')" . ". .," ',.\-"'11 .t<.~J J. "'" ,;~~,y c..;" " . I.~..I ._~ ,,> ...)..... .~" ~ r:~. . - , "', ,:, ''':', ,.,.. -,:\ "'.. > ~ '1,'\!~ .... ....""... 'urd Zi}:6 :re pau:mO~pB SBM. furJ;:+aau a1.U ~ '"i ", r.... " . " ,"'" ^ '0". j;.j'.: . ".. ,", . r-.. 0""',,' ",."...:-' . '"-1'.,.",, ~/C'!" ~b' "Q;!!,. 't-Y 11 3 S ~'0 0:0 ~r;Y'lJ'!J"f1f1' : .IN3mllilOfCN '1\IX aooN : S,LN3vNX) I SN3ZUI:::> OJ. 3SNOdSffil 'NIWCN '3 NOISSIWWOO 'IIIX aooN : S.LN3WVD:::> I SN3ZUI:::> 'IIX aooN : NOISSl1JSIG NOISS1JtH):::> 'IX allON : SI.'B0dffil WD\i'N\IW lll:::> 'X (;;:+1'::> 0+ 'X'!SilOWINVNfl C!3IIDf\f.) CIN\1 NOSNWH XH C!3CINOJ:3:S SVl1 s.::r aM.od J 0 .::r a J NOUOW 3J:U !mI\ft13:S .!IO MI:::> 3J:U OJ. IDilmIOO VIllSNIN3cl IVNIDI 3J:U -SUB.::r+ +sann m'B.!l MI'BOHLlW DNINOZ CIN\1 DNINN'<fId .!IO W.!lSNW.L 3J:U IDilO'BOO VI - a.::r 11' ::>uno;) -ilSNIN3cl I'VNIDI 3J:U ~ J.S:3:ilbffiI X~O.!l CffiVt13:S .!IO MI:::> 3J:U J.\fH.L +Blp 'lUo::>a~I) '!1:::>NnOJ lll:::> mI\ft13:S 3J:U OJ. aN:illW:::>ffil OJ. Cl31\CM WIH.IDV : f)NINOZ ~ f)NINNV'Id 'S:+uaupuane aSil PlWI pUB saooza.::r .::roJ pa.::rlUba.::r alUp atp a::>npa.::r ApBa.:ill PlnoM. lo.::r:+uo~ IB~ol ~SSB :+mp pa:+ou aH ('la./\al IB~ol aq:+ :+B UB1d aSil pUB,! alp 0:+ sa~ump a~ 0:+ A:+poq:+nB aq:+ apnPUJ PlnoM. s.::raM.od ~UJuueld pa:+1'lll1''!) '~no.::rog all4 wo.::rJ s.:1aMOd ~UJuueld pa:+1'lll1'1 pUB ~u1ooz ~1.:11nb~B JO ssa~o.:1d all4 UJ~aq 0:+ cnn:l p~OM. aq :+Bq4 pa:+B:+s UJ:+.:1BW .:::> 'a./\1:+~1.:1:+sa.:1 ssal saInpa~o.:1d a~UB1.:1B./\ W1S all4 a~ 0:+ a~ueu1P.:1o UB a.:1Bda.:1d 0:+ u1:+.:1BW pa -:+~:+sUJ oo1ss'JliIID:::> aq:+ 'u01ssn~s1P q~tllll .:1a:+j:\f 'u01ss1JllllO:) aq:+ Aq passaxppB aq Plnoqs q~~ SBa.:re :+no :+UJod 0:+ SW1s IB~ol JO adB:+ oap1.l\ :+.:1oqs B paABld aH 'oo1S1.I\a.:1' Alq1ssod 'pUB M.a1./\a.:1 JO paau UJ SBM. a~UBUJP.:1Q W1S aq:+ :+Bq:+ pa:+B:+s UJ:+.:1BW 'H ':+uau -mop lBUJJ aq=l UJ oo1snpUJ .:1oJ .:1aq O=l UTal,p =la~ P1no~ aq =lBq=l os U14.:1BW 0:+ 00 lUaq:+ sSBd pUB :+JBXP IB141UJ .:1aq UJ su01ss1\110 .:10 S.:10lla AUB a:+ou 0:+ oo1ss'JliIID:::> aq:+ pa~sB aqs . sapua~B IB:+UaIl -U.:1a./\o~ sn01.:1B./\ JO :+.:1oHa pa:+BUJp.:1ooo B pUB oo14B.:1adoo~ .:1oJ nB~ :+Bq:+ UBld a./\1suaqa.:1d1oo:::> aq:+ UJ passaxppB sanss1 a~IDOSa.:1 IB:+sBo~ :+B ~001 0:+ "UBld B .:1oJ UBld" B AnBn:+~B SBM. u01ss'JUIllO:::> aq:+ 0:+ pa:+uasa.:1d :+uawn~op :+JBXP aq:+ :+Bq:+ pa+B4s l'lOSllB:::> Z 0 3Wrn01\ 8861 '8 3Nflf - DNIJ.:3:3W WIODffil 8~ :3:f)Vd Cjf~ 0~ PAGE 59 REGUlAR MEETING - JULY 13, 1988 VOLUME 02 I. CAlL TO ORDER: The July 13, 1988, regular meeting of the Seward Advisory Plarming and Zoning Ccmnission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Woodruff. II. OPENING CEREMONY: Commissioner Branson led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. III. ROll... CAlL: Present were: Chainnan Woodruff and Commissioners Au- thier, Branson, Lindsey and Thome (Jormson and Sutherland were excused) Present also: Administrative Assistant Martin and Ci- ty Clerk Murphy IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: BRANSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 8, 1988, MINUTES AS WRITIEN; THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY AUTHIER AND CARRIED UNANI- MOUSLY. V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: Woodruff noted two additions to the Regular Meeting Agenda - Update on assumption of zoning powers (City Manager Reports), and Petition to vacate and replat Seward Industrial Park (New Business, Item "A"). BRANSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA AS AMENDED; THE MarION WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED UNANI- M:lUSLY. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: None VII. PUBLIC HE'ARINGS: A. Woodruff, noting his conflict of interest regard- ing this agenda item, passed the gavel to Vice Chaiman Branson who officiated during the remainder of the meeting. Notice of public hearing as posted and published as required by law regarding the conditional use permit application as filed by Seward Fisheries, a division of Icicle Seafoods, Inc., for expansion of a seafood processing plant within the Harbor Carmercial Zone at 601 Old Airport Road (Lots 10, 11 and proposed vacated boatlift dock right of way, Seward Industrial Park) was noted and the public hearing was opened. !.:Cl ..hI CUP: (SFI Lease Expansion) : SS:!IN1SnH t1:!IN . XI eooN :SS:!INISnct! CI3HSIN1..rnn . III1\. . :JNINIVl.SHV .i!.ffi"}JOmi CINV SaLOA "S3X., , "}JG(li HLlli O::rrmN:) NOIlrn 3HL CINV CI3'Tl'<J:) SW1 NOIl.S3flO 3HL . A 100 E'e.:lE' oo1suedxe elp 04 peUj:E'4 -.:led unpill?.:lanaIl e1.14 Uj: oo-PBpuauuo;)e.:l eq4 4E'q4 pe4E'4S Uj:4.:lBW .401 '3uJ:~.:lE'd ~Uj:4s1xe eq4 eAE'd 04 elqE'un eq Plnot-l 4nq 'U01Sill?dxe elp 04 4lle;)E' ~pE' pe4W.:l;) eq 04 W.:lE' '3u1~.:lE'd t-laU eq4 '3u1AE'd UldlqO.:ld ou eAE'q PlnQtol epPl 4E'1p pe4E'4S JJrUPoot1 ."}J:!lIHJilV },.H Q:!lONOJ:3:S SVt1 NOI.LOW 3HJ. ! NOISNVCIJG Q:!lSOdOOd 3HJ. lli.VOOYW:l::XW or. S:3:Il.I'IIJIl :)I'IHnd :JNl - J.v::>o1IDI .ilO J.SOJ 3HJ. "}JO.il :nH1SNOdSillI Sl aaLLIYffiad . ( CINV !:!l:illI.i[ J.sna CINV '"}Jlli.Vt1 :JNIONVl.S CINV CJflW .ilO :!l:illI.i[ 'Q:!lJV.lliflS KIHVllilO :3:H TIlli SJ.01 :JNDffiVd arvs CINV ':3:0OJ :JNINOZ 3HJ. .ilO SJ.NID{3}lmQ:;rn RLlli JNaL -SlSNOO :JNDffiVd aaAa1dW3: :3:0I1\.O"}Jd TIlli aaLLIW8:!l:d . Z ! OVOO J."}JOcffilV mo RLlli NOIJ.:::>aSBaLNl CINV NOISNaI.X!I aIDOO 3flN:!l:AV RL"}JG(li aLVffi!aL'N NV .ilO :JNIJ..LV1d CINV ' SS:3::):)V :)I'IHnd lli.Vffi!aL'N NV .ilO :JNIJ..LV1d 'WOO 3HJ. or. aIDOO SS:3::):)V :)I'IHnd 3HJ. .ilO NOIJ.VJVA ~lan'1JNI 'NOISNVCIJG CI:!INNV1d 3HL lli.VOCNID:)V or. SJ.01 Q:!lSV:IT :JNIJ..LV1dillI .ilO SJ.SOJ "}JO.il :nH1SNOdSillI :3:H TIlli aaLLIYffiad .1 : SNOIJ.IONOO :JNIffiTI(li 3HL or..I.Jlli1lilS 'AJ.1TI:)V.il :JN1SSaJO"}Jd OCXllWS SJ.l .ilO NOISNVCIJG "}J(li SOCXllWS :nJl:)l },.H Qlli.S3flQ:;rn SV J.IYffiad :3:sn TVNOIJ.IONOO V aAO"}JddV or. Q:!lAOW AaSONI'I .ooLS -s1lJlllOJ eq4 Aq 41JlUed esn lBUO-P1poo;) eq4 JO lE'Ao.:lddE' 4noq4~ e;)E'ld e~4 40mre;) oopill?dxe 4nq 'U01Sill?dxe eq4 e4BpOlWJO;);)E' 04 eSE'el t-leu eq4 peAo.:lddE' SE'q lpuno:) 4E'q4 pe40u U-p.:lBW .S1Bp elp 00 4WS s1q 04 peU.:In4e.:l JJtupOOt1 .pesop SE't-l '3upE'eq ;)l1qnd eq4 pill? p.:lE'eq eq 04 .:lep.:lO Uj: pe.:lE'eddE' eSle eoo oN . .:loq.:lBH 4E'09: 11WIS eq4 Uj: A=I.:ledo.:ld klp 00 e~E'.:lo=ls =lE'oq 11E' e=lE'U1:urne A11Bn4lleAe 0=1 =llle=lu1 S ,klp eq=l SE't-l =11 =lE'q=l peppE' eH .pe=lmrp1I1:1e eq PlnQtol oo-psenb 1.11 WE alp 1.11 e~e.1o=ls =leoq ne Ane-plleSSe =lev pa1.11e1dxe U1=1.1BW '.:la1q=ltl\i' WO.1J oo1=1sanb e 0=1 asuodsa.:l Ul . saUj:l ~U1mre;) 1.KX111es t-lau OM:l .10 aoo a=lBpOlWJO;);)e 0=1 kll1peJ ~Uj:=lS1xe s=l1 pill?dxe 0=1 peqs1t-l apPl =lE'q=l pe=le=ls JJtupoot1 .uo-pe;)l1dde dflJ aq=l '3uJ:p.:le~a.:l u01ss1lJlllOJ elp pesse.:lppE' pill? s1Bp eq=l UlO.:lJ UMOp pedda4s 'spooJWS epPl '3uJ:4llese.:lde.:l '.i!.ffi"}JOmi NHOr ZO :i!Wfl'IOA 8861 'n KIfli' - :JNm:!lW WIflDillI 09 a:JVd 09 PAGE 61 REGULAR MEETING - JULY 13, 1988 VOLUME 02 A. Martin noted his July 8, 1988, merrorandum which had been distributed prior to the rreeting. He stated that the Icicle Seafoods' planned expansion would necessitate the vaca- tion of a part of a public access and replatting of the leased property. In addition, the existence of several different small subdivisions within the Small Boat Harbor created public con- fusion and replatting of all of the Harbor property into one subdivision (Marina Subdivision) would solve Satre problems in the area. AlITHIER MOVED TO REQUEST THAT COUNCIL RECCM1END APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT PRELIMINARY PlAT OF LarS 10-16, SE.WARD INDUSTRIAL PARK, AS lDTS 1-5, BLOCK 2, MARINA SUBDIVISION; THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY THORNE AND CARRIED tJNANIM)USLY. X. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: MARTIN noted that the Cmmcil had enacted Ordinance No. 606, requesting assumption of zoning and limited planning powers from the borough. He stated that this would require a rewrite of the City Code to include a chapter on planning and zoning and suggested that the best approach would probably be to refonnat the borough code into city code fonnat. In response to a question from Authier, Martin stated that Borough Planner Kevin Fermer had voiced his support for transfer of limited planning powers to allow the city to act on land use changes locally; however, the borough would insist on retaining compre- hensive planning powers. Martin stated that completion of the transfer would probably not take place nntil September or October. MARTIN stated that he 'intended to schedule discussion of the sign variance procedures at the next rreeting and would have a test case to present at that tine. XI. CCl-1MISSION DISCUSSION: None XII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: None XIII. ca.1MISSION & AIMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENl'S: None XIV. ADJOUlW1ENl': The rreeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. S. ! Ct Cl j : ""~' "\ L \ . (eity~'Sea:t.) :.\. .....- ; "} .... ""(" ,...."'.... ~'. " ", lt~. . '\: ,"-,-" ~. "l' ','<: ..., " ~..,. '~c,:~~f' OF' '~~~.() / ..., '7;-";m:."t"!rrrn! . 61 SEWARD INDUSTRIAL PARK/MARINA SUB: (Request prelim. approval of re- plat of Sew. Ind. Park Sub to B 2, Marina Sub) 'UO-pB;)B1\. ro~ pUB :lBlda.:I alp UO :lua~uPUO;) SBf-l :luawdola1\.ap pamreld alp :lmp pa40U upxeW 'SUBld S . al~1B(] U1 paqp;)s -ap SB 1i.Bf-l JO :It@p B JO UO-PB;)B1\. puawJO;)a.:I O:l pUB 1i.4.:Iado.:Id alp JO :lBlda.:I B JO IB1\.O.:IddB pUauIUO;)a.:I O:l SU01:lCXll .:Iap1suQ;) U01SS-pIlllO:) aq:l :lBq:l pa~SB .:Iaq:l.:ug aR ':l1llllad asn lBUO-PWUO;) aq:l :lUB~ U01SS1JllOO:) aq:l :lBq:l papUauIUO;)a.:I aR 'lI:luaudOla1\.a(] :l1Ufl pamreldll B JO UO-P1U1Jap S I apo:) aq:l .:Iapun :lH PlnOf-l :luaudOla1\.ap pamreld O4:l :lBq:l palIplUa:lap pBq U1:l.:IBW 'q;).:IBaSa.:I auos .:Ia:lTv' 'SBa.:IB .:Iaq:lO U1 uaJlllO;) a.:IB asaq:l t@noq:llB IIs:luawdOla1\.a(] aU1'I :l0'l O.:IaZIl O:l .:IaJa.:I :lOU saap apo:) aq:l 'U01:l1PPB UI 'lIasnoqut10111 JO UO-P1UUap s. apo:) t@no.:IOH alp O:l UUOJUO;) :lOU P1P sa.:In4;)n.:I:lS :l1un-Z .:IOJ SUBld s1q '.:Ia1\.aMOR 'UO-P1PPV .:Iauqn-err 'n ~;)OlH '(1-( S:lO'l UO xolduJo;) asnoqut1O:l B JO UO-P;)n.:I:lSUO;) MOnB O:l :l1llllad asn lBUO-PWUO;) B .:IOJ UO-PB;)nddB UB paUJ pBq al~1B(] IB~ :It?l.p pa:lB:lS U1:l.:IBW 1i.ua)l :lUB:lS1SSY a1\.-pB.:I:lS1UJIDPV 'V : SDNnI\I3H :)I'Illild 'IIA auoN : :>I:::lNaGNOdS3mIOO '11\ 'NOIJ.:)lli'HO 1Il0HJ.J11 cmlmrv::> NOI.LOW :lliL ! CJaLN:ilSillld SV VCIN3DV DNI.IZ3W mrTIlDffiI :lliL :!li\mIddV OJ. Cill1\OW NOStMIH :VCIN:iflV DNI.I.3:3W WIillmI IIO TV1\mIddV '1\ , NOIJ.:)lli'HO 1Il0HJ.J11 a:umrv::> CJNV NOStMIH AH CJ:3:GNOO3:S SVI1 NOIIDW:lliL ! N3.1LI~ SV SlliDNIW '8861 '(1 KIM :nu :!li\mIddV OJ. Cill1\OW A3:sGNI'I : SlliDNIW IIO TV1\mIddV '1\1 1i.qd.:If'W ~.:Ial:) 1i.:l1:) pUB U-p.:IBW :lUB:lS1ssy a1\.-pB.:I:ls1UJlll -PV '.:Ia1i.a1UaJaBq;)S .:Ia~mrew 1i.:l1:) urpa:luI : oSlB :luasa.:Id a.:Ii3f.l amoqJ, pUB uosuqO[ pUBp04:lns pUB 1i.aspU1'I s.:Iou01ss-pIlllo:) pUB JJn.:IPool1 (pasn;)xo '.:Ia1q:lnv) 'UOSUB.:IH UBUll1B4:::l :a.:Iaf-l :luasa.:Id :TI\IJ 'I'IO~ 'III a2pald aq:l pal 1i.asPU1'I .:Iauo1ss1JllOO:) '~BIJ aq:l O:l a;)UB1~allB JO : J.NClVffiI:>I:::l DNlNadO ' II 'JJn.:IP0011 UOS.:Iad.:I1B4:::l 1i.q 'Ul'd 0(: L :lB .:Iap.:Io O:l panB;) SBf-l uo1ss1JllOO:) ~1UOZ pUB ~U1mreld 1i..:Ios1L\PV p.:IB~S aq:l JO ~U1:laau .:IBl~a.:I '8861 '( :lsrnnv aqJ, : E3:ffiIO OJ. TI\IJ ' I Z 0 3Wfl'I01\ 8861 '( lsmnv - DNI.I.3:3W mrmDmI Z9 ~Vd (pa1\.o.:Iddv '1\.O ~1UO pauu~ld .::LO] dO;) alf>1~0) :OOV CI:3:NS:OV'I/dO;) /~NICIV:3:H ;)I'IS:Od (';9 en 0,:) PAGE 63 REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 3, 1988 VOLUME 02 Notice of public hearing as posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing concerning Daigle's request for a conditional use permit was opened. REAL DAIGLE, Anchorage, agreed to answer any questions the Conmission might have about the planned developrrent. The Conrnission had no questions at that time. BRAD SNOWDEN, 525 Sixth Avenue, stated that he had two concerns. He stated that he would like an assurance, in writ- ing, that he could tie into the water and sewer system which Daigle would be required to construct. (Snowden awns property adjacent to the subject site.) He also questioned the need for RCM vacation to allow access to the property. He stated that Juris Mindenbergs had agreed to provide access when he had received permission from the Conmission for development of the property ten years ago. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Martin stated that once the utilities to the property have been constructed and accepted by the city, they become city utilities and Mr. Snowden and other property owners would be allowed to "tie into" the system at the standard city rate. In response to Snowden's claim that Mindenbergs had agreed to provide access, Martin stated that the minutes for the meeting in question do not refer to any access agreement. In addition, the property has since been sold and, without a written agree- ment, the alleged easement would be invalid. BRANSON M:)vED TO GRANT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REAL DAIGLE FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENl' ON LOTS 3-13, BLOCK 11, LAUBNER ADDITION, TO INCLUDE 11IREE 'lVK)-UNIT STRUCTURES AND 'lVK) SINGLE UNIT STRUCTURES, SUBJECT TO THE FOLI..CMING CONDITIONS: 1. THAT THE REPlAT OF THE PROPERlY, AS PROPOSED, IS APPROVED ; 2. THAT THE LAND TRADE, AS PROPOSED WITHIN THE REPlATTING PROCESS, IS APPROVED; 3. THAT MR. DAIGLE EXECUTE A SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT WITH THE CIlY; AND 4. THAT MR. DAIGLE REPlACE OR RELOCATE THAT PORTION OF THE TVl) LAKES TRAIL 'mAT IS COVERED OVER BY THE ROAD. THE MJI'ION WAS SECONDED BY LINDSEY. In response to a question from Woodruff, Martin stated that fire access would not be a problem. Woodruff stated that he agreed that a property owner should be allowed to develop his property if allowed by Code, but he was concerned that this '"ON.. DNIJD1\ <INVTl:I:3RIIlS ONV NOSNWH ONV ..S3X.. DNI.L01\ MflClaOOI1 CIN\f X3SaNI'I HJ.It1 CUnIV~ NOIJrn illJ.L CIN\f a:rroo SVl1 NOI.LS:mO 3R1 'pa.:un;)uo;) puepal.pns '.A:l.Iado.Id s1uua aq:l a1\.Oqe A:l.Iado.Id alp O:l SSa;);)B ~upBUJUI!:la O:l pa:l;)a ~qo oSIB a1.18 'A:lP alp O:l uonBsuadwo;) :lnm:p"]:& Ilmp1A1Pll1 W O:l :l01 nrg B O:l pa:lurtOOIB :lBl.lM- ABfliB ~U1A1~ O:l pa:l;)a~qo UOSW.IH 'X3SaNI'I AH a3:aNWaS SVI1 NOIJDW illJ.L ! SINN3: NOO 'c[w ~O ClO1\ V~ NI 'NOI.Lraav ":MffiaM ' ZZ )JJ()'1H '1 JD'I ONV '91 )JJ()'1H '9 un N3:3:tll.3H AVI1 ~O JErm J.3IDIJ.S "a.. 3R1 ~O NOI.LVJV1\ illJ.L <lN3YNXl:!ffi ill aa1\CW NOSNWH 'V : SSaNISllH l13:N ' XI 'Ul'd 117:8 :lB paua1\.uo;)a.I pw 'Ul' d ~t: 8 :lB passa;)a.I SBtII. ~:laau al.ll : SS3:J:!ffi auoN : SSaNISllH CJ:3HSINBNll , III1\ 'A'lSllOWIN\lNfl a3:nnIVJ CIN\f X3SaNI'1 AH a3:aNwas SVI1 NOIJDW illJ.L ! 'NSOdO&r S. :n:nVCl NI HJ.Cllli .L3:S aavaL <JNV'1 a3:SOdOCld 3R1 3:1\OOdcIV TI:JNllW 3R1 .LVHJ. <lN3YNXl:!ffi ill aa1\CW NOSNWH 'A'lSllOWIN\lNfl a3:nnIVJ CIN\f <1N\fnlillllilS AH a3:aNwas SVI1 NOIJDW 3R1 ! SNVld J..N:3WdO'13:1\3:a S ,:il'"E)IVCl NI a3:SOdO&r SV NOI.LVJV1\ AVl1 ~O JIDICl 3R1 ~O 'N1\OOcIcN CIN3VH):J:!ffi ill aa1\CW NOSNWH 'A'lSllOWIN'VNfl a3:nnIVJ CIN\f CIN\I'"lli3HJJl AH a3:aNwas SVI1 NOIJ.CW illJ.L ! SNVld .I.N3WdO'13:1\3:a SIR NI a3:SOcIOOcI SV A.LCl3:cIOOcI :il'"E)IVa illJ.L ~O .LV'1cI:!ffi V 3:1\OOdcIV TI:JNllO'J A.LI:J 3R1 .LVHJ. CIN3VH):J:!ffi ill aa1\CW NOSNWH '..ON.. DNIJ.Oi\ CIN'<.I"lli3RLS CIN\f S3:JD1\ ..S3X.. am HJ.It1 aaImNJ NOIJrn 3R1 ONV a:rroo SVI1 NOI.LS:mO 3R1 'pa1\.O.IddB AIsn011\.a.:ld WId alp .Ia1\.O :lUaIJa1\.O.IdirrJ: aIqe.Ii3p1sUO;) B SBtII. U01SS"j:UIDO:J alp a.IoJaq WId alp :lBl.p pa:lB:lS UOSW.IH 'P.IBZBll B awa.I;) PInOl>l lp1qt'l. ~PI.IBd i3p1s :laa.I:lS a~B.:mo;)Ua PInOtll. s1lp :lBq:l pa:lB:lS aH '~U1~.IBd ..ap1s Aq ap1s.. UBq:l .Iaq:lB.I ..pua O:l pua.. .IoJ panB;) q;)1qt'l. S:lUaua~uellB ~~.IBd aq:l :lnoqB pama;)uo;) nns SBtII. :lnq 'A:l1suaP pa;mpa.I lp"]:& IBsodo.Id Baas O:l AddBq SBtII. a'll :lBq:l pa:lB:lS aH 'A:l.Iado.Id s1q:l UO S:l1un a.I<Xll .IoJ panw q'J1qt'l. ueId .Ia1pW S ,aI~1Ba pa1\.O.IddB pBq uops"j:UIDOJ aq:l :lBq:l pa:lB:lS puepaq:lns ':luawdOIa1\.i3p B q;)ns .IoJ :la~.IBUl B SBtII. a.Iaq:l n pauonsanb pue Plosun nns a.Iatll. SUJn1upnopuO;) S:l~1'1 .Ioq.IBH i3q:l :lBq:l ~UnB:lS ':l;)a ~O.Id aq:l JO s;)-pIlOuo;)a aq:l :lnoqB ma;)uo;) passa.Idxa oSIB aH '~.IBcI s~ OMJ.. i3q:l uo q;)BO.I;)Ua PInOl>l :luaudOIa1\.i3p ZO 3:Wfl'101\ 8861 't .LSmllV - DNI.La3W 1:J.\1"Im:!ffi 1]9 aDVcI (a:!I'IIVd +sano,?CI.s1UU3) : SNOI.LV;JVA MOCI jaav 'IW:!Ia:!Id (ap'E.I,L PU'E'I JO '11\..:rddv '\uo:JaCI) :aav CI:!INHOV'I (T1\..:rddV '\Uo:JaCI) :SNOI,LV;JVA MOCI jaav CI:!INHOV'I (papua\U\Uo:Ja.:r '11\..:rdd'E +'E1daCI) :aav CI:!INHOV'I ::>"Ol VO] PAGE 65 REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 3, 1988 VOLUME 02 B. LINDSEY MOVED TO RECCM1END THAT THE CUY SEND A LETTER OF SUPPORT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENI' OF A SEA URCHIN FARM ON FOX ISLAND; THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SUTHERI.AND. VOJDRUFF MOVED TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL MOTION BY RE- QUESTING THAT THE OWNER BE REQUIRED TO POST A BOND TO ASSURE THAT THE AREA IS CLEANED UP SHOULD THE BUSINESS FAIL; LINDSEY AND SUTHERLAND AGREED TO THE AMENDMENI'. THE QUESTION WAS CAlLED AND THE MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED UNANIM)USLY. X. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: None XI. CCM1ISSION DISCUSSION: WOODRUFF stated that the house next to Wesleyan Nursing Home is being used as a Taxi Office and he complained about the aroount of traffic generated by the business and the excessive speed of the taxis. BRANSON recarmended that the city include a stipu- lation in its leases that subleased property be put in "proper condition", citing Mindenbergs' T-Shirt shop as an example. Branson added that the Boat Harbor looks considerably better this year than last. XII. CITIZENS I DISCUSSION: None XIII. COMMISSION & ArMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: None XIV. ADJOURNMENI': The rreeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ~n Cit ,,}; S 'J~&I"?}; ~ ,,' ,'~(~"'~.<9/fo .: i,:;~.1 4'.0' ./t ,"""'''~ '~'. \;.' ~.:'" ~ L ~" ,) IlJ .~ . .,.,..<111- ,"'(I, ~"t."''''' .. 'S".It<t t,~...'.J.." , ~ . .' c..'" .. /-1 ...... ~'" "'>);!/ Of p..\. .>' 65 INDUSTRIAL DEV: (Letter of Sup.- Sea Urchin Farm) : SDNnI\I3H :)I'1ffild "fI. "oo-p-euuOJUJ .:IoJ P8:lQU SBM. oosuqor A.:uB'} .:I8OO1SS-PWD:) UIO.:IJ OO-P-eUd1S8.:I JO .:I8:U81 '8861 '61 .:I8q04;J0 ':) "UO-p-euuOJUJ .:IOJ P840U SBM. 'oo1s1A1PqnS s4q'B18H 8a'} 8SS8r ''19 4CYl 4B P84B;JOl Kl.:I8do.:Id :p-ernpoo3: 8lp .:IoJ 8;JuePBfI. .:IoJ 4Sanb8.:I B ans.:md 04 p8l[S}M. .:I8~ool au 8l[ 4Bl[4 ~U-pB4S .:I.:IB:) lnBd UIO.:IJ .:I84481 '8861 '61 .:I8q04;J0 'S: 'oo14-euuOJU1 .:IoJ P840U SBM. S1lID:il UO(! Aq P84Sanb8.:I SB 488.:I4S "a" JO oo14B;JB1\ 8l[4 ~U1m8;Joo;J .:I8UU03: U1AO){ .:I8uueld S:cDl 04 .:I84481 '8861 'ZI .:I8cpr84d8S ''1 : aJNaGNOdSamIOO " 11\ 'oo14;J8rqo 4nOl[4}M. P84UOS8.:Id SB p81\O.:IddB SBM. -epU8~B ~n8au .:IBln38.:I 8tU, :VGNaDV DNI.I.a3W WWillI 3:0 '1\7f1.00da:v 'fI. . NOIJ.J:mIO IDOHLIt1 GarffiIItJ CIN.\1 l3SGNI'1 XCii GaGNOO:ilS SVt1 NOIJOW 3H.I. ! NaLLTIIt1 SV SaIDNIW ' 886 I 't ~smnv 3H.I. alI.OOda:v ill aalI.CW NOSNWS: : SaIDNIW 3:0 '1\7f1.00da:v "fl.I Al[d.:mw )}t81:) Kl1:) pue UJ4.:IBW 4ue4S1SSY 81\14B.:I4S1UJWPV 'uosp11\.:IV Aam044V A41:) '.:I8AaIl.:I8J8mpS .:I8~-eu-ew A41:) Klnd8a '81AOR .:I8~-eu-ew A41:) '.:I818S81D .:IOABW :oslB 4tiaS8.:Id 8motU, pue Puel.:I0l[4nS 'A8SPUJ'I 'oosue.:IS: '.:I81l[4 -nv S.:I8U01ss"JlIlOO:) pue JJn.:IPoot1 ua.u:qBl[J : 8.:I8M. 4U8S8.:Id :'I1V'J TIO~ . III "~BU 8l[4 04 8;Jue1~811B JO 8~P81d 8l[4 P81 .:I81l[4nV .:I8U01SS"JlIlOO:) : ANOYffiill:) DNlNadO " II "HIUpoot1 UBUU1Bl[J Aq 'lll'd Ot: L 4B .:I8p.:I0 04 p8nB;J SBM. uo1ss-pwDJ ~U1UOZ pue ~UJuueld hos11\PV p.:IBM.aS 8l[4 JO ~48au .:IBln38.:I ' 886 I 'z .:I8cpr81\ON 8tU, :E3:ffilO ill 'I1V'J "I ZO 3Wn'IOA 886 I 'z E3:HW3l\ON - DNI.I.a3W mrITlDillI 99 aDVd "NI:3:.LS -.L.LOD-~~VJ ~O .LS:3:0a:3:~ .LV a:3:~~:3:JNVJ SVM DNI.L:3::3:W 2: :3:WO~01\. 8861 'L '.Ld:3:S - DNI.L:3::3:W ~V~OD:3:~ 99 :3:DVd (UOT=+l?UD1S -8.:I uosuqo.r) :NOISSIWWOJ Z~d V~ PAGE 67 REGill.AR MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1988 VOLUME 02 A. Request for CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Frank Irick (Lots 1, 2, 3 and l5A, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision): Woodruff noted an October 31, 1988, lTIel'OOrandum from Martin which had been distributed to the Comnission prior to the meeting. The memo- randum contained additional infonnation regarding the proposed subsidized apartment complex which was the subject of the upcoming public hearing, including a review of the Farm Home Administration (FInHA) program. Martin displayed architectural drawings and briefly outlined the proposed 24-tmit apartment complex project. Notice of public hearing as posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Woodruff read into the record the names of the following indi- viduals who had submitted letters objecting to the proposed project: Dan Campbell Galen Albertson Theda Cagle Mary A. Harris 'Everett P. Diener Brenda 0 I Brien Sally Martin Barbara Shea Eileen M. Kulin Marilyn Reynolds David Dance Roger Sampson John C. Eads Dala Andrij anoff lID:Jy Pearce Melvin Deck Eileen Albertson Jim Parrish Earl D. Cagle Ethel C. Bottcher Seward Property Owners Assoc. Virginia Darling C. Keith Campbell Lee McAnemey Jayne A. Noll Arlita S. Hribemick Vera Dance Joyce Simpson Lawrence Urbach Gail Sela Margaret Deck Woodruff also noted that the Comnission had received one letter in support of the project, from Christy Audette. FRANK IRICK, 1518 D Street, Anchorage, reviewed for the Comnission the history of his involvement in the subject property and his various attempts to develop it. He stated that the only financing available for multi-family housing was through FInHA. Irick indicated that the original project had been scaled back from forty-four to twenty-four tmits, with lots of open areas and playgrotmds for children. He stated that the project would be attractive and an asset to the neighborhood. Irick noted that FnHA required a clenx:mstration of need for the project prior to loan approval, adding that he had submitted approximately eighty applications (fifty from prison employees) from area -residents desiring to reside in the apartment complex. Irick noted that his plans did not provide the re- quired forty-eight parking spaces; however, he stated that the forty-five spaces in his plans should be rrore than adequate C'-7 b' PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Irick/Seward Associates CUP - Action postponed until 12/07/88) O~ a1\n;)B;q~Bun ~a~XBlll 1B~ua.I alp fulprBlll '~a~.IBlll paz1Pls -qnsuou '.Io~;)as a~B1\l.Id aq~ U1 .:rn;);)0 O~ punoq a.IB Sal;)UB;)B1\ JO .Iaqumu a~.IB1 B 'p.IBMaS U1 pa~;)1U~SUO;) a.IB s~lun ~snoq paz1Pls -qns ~llilUllUa1\O~ a.IOlll SB '~BV pa~B~s .Iaq~.ng aH 'p.IBMaS ul sal~.Iado.Id ~~slxa U1 A~11\n;)B sa1Bs ou uaaq pBq a.Iaq~ 'SaUlOq ABMa~BD aq~ JO ~uauJd01a1\ap aq~ a;)uls ~Bq~ pa~B~s pBq OU1pXB;)uag: a"JUUOJ .IO~1Ba.I 1B;)01 ~Bq~ pa~.Ioda.I uaq~ uosdrneS 'BaE aq~ U1 ~U1snoq JO s~lun aUlu-A~uaM:l pUB pa.Ipunq auo ~uas -a.Ida.I Aaq~ ~Bq~ ~U1PpB 's~U1~aan UOnBpossv sp.IOlPllB'1 p.IBMaS a~ papua~~B A1.IB1~a.I a1\Bq a1doad ua1\a1a O~ aUlu ~Bq~ pa~B~s uosdrneS 'JJrUPOO[1 wo.IJ uonsanb B O~ asuodsa.I uI 'l@no.:wq aq~ pue A~p a~ O~ sanua1\a.I XB:+ sa1Bs .IaM01 ueaUl p~OM. s~ua.I .IaM01 pue 'sanua1\a.I X"Eq ~.Iado.Id .IaM01 ueaUl P1na-l San1B1\ passas -SB pa.Iatl101 ~Bq~ pa~ou uosdrneS 'BaE B1nsU1uad ~SB:!I a~ .IoJ San1B1\ ~.Iado.Id llB .IaM01 A1qeqo.Id Plna-l pue 'BaE a~B1PallllIJ aq~ Ul A~.Iado.Id llB JO San1B1\ aq~ .IaM01 AP~lUHap PlnOM. ~uauJd01a1\ap pasodo.Id slq~ ~Bq~ pa~B;)lPU1 pBq BlllSJBBq;)S 'uosdrneS o~ ~U1p.IO;);)V '~lutl1lll1O;) aq~ U1 San1B1\ A~.Iado.Id uo a1\Bq ~q~1lll ~uauJd01a1\ap slq~ s~;)aJP aq~ ~U1u.:ra;)UO;) s.IaslB.IddV BlllSJBBq;)S pUB 1ll1oq)fA.:rj JO BlllSJBBq;)S '.lW pa~;)B~UO;) pBq aq ~Bq~ P1BS uosdrneS . .IBaA slq~ XBJ snq~ p.IBMaS ul lIa1\oqe pue saxa1d-.:rnOJII uo a~B.I a.Ins01;)a.IoJ ~ua;).Iad aa.np -~.IOJ B uaaq sBq a.Iaq~ ~Bq~ pa4Qu uosdrneS '~ua;).Iad A~JH UB~ a.IOlll O~ aSl.I P1nOM. .Iaqumu aq~ '1Bsodo.Id ~l.II aq~ JO UOl~;)1U~S -UO;) pue 1B1\O.IddB uodn pue ! ~ua;).Iad ua1\as-~.IoJ o~ aSl.I P1nOM. .Iaqumu slq~ '~uauJd01a1\ap ABMa~BD aq~ JO UOna1chuo;) uodn ! sue01 .IO s~ua.I paz1Plsqns .IO aUlO;)Ul-M01 .IoJ a1qenB1\B a.IB p.IWlaS U1 s~1lll1 llB JO ~ua;).Iad ~-A~.IOJ ~Bq~ pa~~s oS1B uosdU1eS 'san.Ia -do.Id AnunQ-n1nIl pue AnureJ a1~uls JO San1B1\ o~ 1B~uaUl1.I~ap aq Plno;) ~uauJd01a1\ap pasodo.Id s I ~;)l.II pue 'p.IBMaS U1 San1B1\ A~.Iado.Id A11llIl1J a1fulls UO ~;)aJJa as.Ia1\pB ue a1\Bq A1qlssod Plno;) ~uauJd01a1\ap fullsnoq MaU U01Sl1\lPqnS ABMa~BD aq~ ~Bq~ pa~B;)1PU1 oS1B pBq ~.IBqoH ~Bq~ pa~B~s aH 'p.IBMaS U1 san.Iado.Id 1B~ua.I JO an1B1\ passassB uo ~;)aJJa as.IaApB ue aSnB;) P1na-l sa~B.I A;)ue;)B1\ ~BV q~O.Ioq aq~ Aq paA01dU1a uaaq pBq aq ~Bq~ s.IBaA ~l@la aq~ U1 ann ~S.I1J aq~ SBf.\ slq~ ~Bq~ pue '8861 A.:r-enuer U1 ~ua;).Iad a1\H-~uaM:l JO a~B.I A;)ue;)B1\ a~B.Ia1\B llB.Ia1\o ue pBq p.IBl>li3S ~Bq~ ~~B;)1PU1 ~BqoH Allar .Iossassv g:c:DI wo.IJ .Ia~~a1 '8861 'n: .Iaqo~;)o ue pa1\la;)a.I pBq aq ~Bq~ pa~B~s aH '~uauJd01a1\ap pasodo.Id aq~ o~ UOnlSoddo U1 ~ods 'U01~BPOSSV SP.I01PllB'1 p.IBl>li3S aq~ ~U1~uasa.Ida.I 'ABMll~lH p.IBl>li3S 'Z' 9 anN 'NOSc:IWVS ~ . .IBaA o~ EaA wo.IJ A.:rB1\ ~q~1lll .Iaqunu ~Bq~ ~nq 'paz1FJ:sqns aq PlnOM. s~1un a~ JO .Iaqumu pa~1llln B A1uo ~Bq~ pa~B~S ~l.II 'uosue.Ig: UlO.IJ uol~sanb B o~ asuodsa.I UI 'as1f.\~n op o~ pa.Ilnba.I ~ou a.I~ S.IaUMO ~.Iado.Id .Iaq~o Jl q~Bd ~q .IO ~1Bl>li3pls B ~;)1U~SUO;) aq ~Bq~ ~uaura.Ilnba.I B o~ pa~;)arqo oS1B aH 's~uaJI:l.IBdB UlOo.:rpaq-1 a.Iaf.\ s~lun aq~ JO ~q~la a;)U1S ZO 3Wfl'IOi\ 8861 'z 1ill9WiIi\ON - DNIJ.33W WImffiI 89 :!IDVd 89 69 PAGE 69 REGULAR MEEI'ING - NOVEMBER 2, 1988 VOLUME 02 businesses. He warned that this climate IDu1d cause many private investors to exit the rental market. Sutherland noted that nonavailability of conventional financing for construction of residential properties was usually an indication that it was not the time to invest in this type of developrrent. KEITH CAMPBELL, 1910 Forget-Me-Not Circle, stated that the whole cormn..mity had been ''blind-sided'' to wake up and find that the Gateway project was a subsidized housing project. He stated that the city's deal with the developers in Gateway had effectively lowered the value of all land in the city by fifty percent. He stated that the cormn..mity needs to know "what the rules are" and the exact number of existing vacancies before a decision is made on this request for conditional use pennit. Campbell also noted that the last two major subsidized housing projects in Seward, including Bear M01.mtain Apartments, were to have made "payrrents in lieu of taxes" (PILT's) to the city since they were exempt from all property and sales taxes. However, each year the projects always manage to show a loss and therefore were not required to make the PILT payrrents. Woodruff noted that the FrrHA loans are not subsidized locally and are not exempt from either real or sales tax. Martin concurred, noting that the Bear Mountain Apartments are a HUD project and, there- fore, are considered a federal property. F1:nHA projects, on the other hand, are developed and owned by a private developer and are subject to payrrent of full tax value. Woodruff asked Campbell if he IDuld object to the development if it were not "low incom=". Campbell stated that this was not the issue. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. RECESS: The meeting was recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:55 p.m. Woodruff noted that several of the Comnissioners were landlords and could have a conflict of interest. He stated that he was a one-quarter partner in a building with three housing units. VICE CHAIRMAN BRANSON RULED THAT WOODRUFF DID NOT HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL CONFl..ICT, THAT !illY POTENTIAL CONFl..ICT HAD BEEN DISCLOSED, AND THAT HE COULD, THEREFORE, PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON THE ISSUE BEFORE THE COMMISSION. Sutherland stated that his spouse owned rental proper- ty, but he was not personally involved. WOODRUFF RULED THAT SU'IHERLAND DID NOT HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL CONFl..ICT AND COULD, THEREFORE, PARTICIPATE IN AND VOTE ON THE ISSUE BEFORE THE CCM1ISSION. ! S:l -rnsa.J: AaAmS \1Hllid 01 :U014BUUOJU!: zm1MDnOJ alp aXj:nba.J: P1nat>l U01SS"JllllD:J alp 'U014;)B zmPl1:q a.J:oJaq ':lBlp pa:lB:lS JJlUPOOI1 01i.'1SilOWINVNrl CL3ImN'J GNV Eil1RLflV 1i.H CL3:ClNo::mS SVI1 NOIIDW :3RL ! NOU\%IOilN1 Cl3J.S3flOa-a '1\INOIlIacrv HJ.I11 CL3:GIAO&I S1 NOISSmwOJ :3RL TI.LNO 110 DN1.I33W EilHW3:mG :3RL TI.LNO lIWH3:d aSil '1\INOIJ.IClNOJ lIffi lS3flOa-a :3RL NO NOI.LJV aNOd.LSOd OJ. illIL\CW NOSN'VaH 0UIJl.l q;)Ba.J: O:l alqmm ooaq p-eq :lnq SABp IB.J:ai\as :lsBd aq:l .J:oJ ZUlUj 0.J:W :l;)B:lUO;) O:l Zlu1ll:l uaaq p-eq aq :l-eq:l pa:lB:lS u14.J:BW .\1Hllid .J:oJ pa:l;)llpUO;) ooaq pBq q;)1qt'l. AaAmS S I ZUB.J:j ..J:W JO Ado;) B .J:oJ pa~sB amoq.r. . aa.:r'ilB :lOU P1P 111:lS Sa2B:lUa;).J:ad aq:l :lBq:l pa:lB:lS JJlUPool1 .slB:lua.J: Al1illBJ a12U"j:s :llmO;J :lOU P1P A:lP aq:l :l-eq:l pa:lOU aH 0 S:lllm :lq21a-A:laU"j:u pa.:rplmq aa.J:lp JO IB:lO:l B .J:oJ 'Ul'l0:l JO CJP1s:lno :lsn~ uaa:laU"j:u IBuo141PpB Ull q:l1l'l Ul'lO:l U"j: S:l1lm paZ1P1sqnsuou aa.J:q:l-A:lJU pa.:rplmq 0M4 JO IB:lO:l B pUll S:l1lm paz1P1sqns X"j:s-A4uaM4 pa.:rplmq auo JO 11:1:l0:l B paMDqs AaAmS A4P aq.r. . S ,uosdureS UJO.J:J :lOO.J:aJJ1P 00:l :lOU a.J:aM. s.J:aqrnnu S ,A:lP alp :lB1.p pa:lB:lS U14.J:BW ouoscTureS Aq pa:loosa.J:d sauo aq:l q:l1l'l aa.:r'ilB :lOU P1P s.J:aqrnnu S ,A4P <'lq:l Aqt'l. JO U014-eueldxa Ull a~n PlnOM. aq :lBq:l pa:lB:lS OSlB aH .sai\las -Uldq:l S:lUi3l.Ud:lB:lS .J:1aq:l a)fE1W O:l U01SS1JlIUO:) aq:l a.J:oJaq maddB Plnoqs Aaq:l .J:O 'Zlu1:l1~ U"j: s.J:aq:lO pUll BIllSJBBq;)S O:l pa:lnqp:l:lB S:lUi3l.Ud:lB:lS ai\-eq Plnoqs pUll uosdureS Aq panddns U014BUUOJU!: pu-eq puo;)as uo Ala.J: :lou Plno;) U01SS"JlllllO:J alp 'U0141PpB U1 o :l;)B O:l pa~SB SBM. :l1 a.J:oJaq U01SS"JllllD:J <'lq:l O:l map aq Plnoqs suo14Bln2a.J: \1Hllid alp :l-eq:l pa:lB:lS aH o:l-p1Uad asn lBU0141PUO;) B .J:OJ :lsanba.J: s1q:l uo :l;)B Plno;) :l1 a.J:oJaq U014BUUOJU!: IBuoH1PpB awns papaau U01SS"JlllllO:J aq:l :l-eq:l pa:lB:lS JJlUPOOI1 OEilIH.LflV 1i.H CL3:ClNOJaS SVI1 NOI.LCW:3RL !E3:.LVI CL3:Gcrv aH OJ. SNOIJ.IClNOO IDilS 'NOISSlWWo:) DNINOZ ClN\1 DNINNV1d :3RL 1i.H mnnilOIDI SV SNOIJ.IClNOJ 'NI:JadS N1VlEilJ OJ. .LJill1illS S:3:.1VIJOSSV mNffiS OJ. lIWH3:d aSil '1\INOIl1ClNOO V ~ OJ. illIL\CW NOSN'VaH o NOISSlYNX) :3RL IDIffiaH 3flSS1 :3RL NO :3:.10A ClN\1 N1 :3:.1Vd1:JUWd 'IDIffiIDI:3RL 'mnoo ClN\1 .LJ1'1a:NOJ 'NIl -N\1.LSHilS V :3:AV'H IDN GIG :!OOIOH.L lVH.L CL3:'1il1l MilllGOOI1 .a;)oop1sa.J: Al1illBJ a12U"j:s B 'lB:lua.J: auo p-eq aq :lBq:l pa:lB:lS amoq.r. o :l;)nJUO;) OU p-eq a.J:oJa.J:aq:l pUll p.J:B~S U1 A:l.J:ado.J:d IB:lOO.J: AUll l.ll1O :lOU P1P aq :lBq:l pa:lB:lS .J:a1q:lnv o NOISSIYKD :3RL IDIffiaH 3flSS1 :3RL NO :3:.10A ClN\1 N1 :3:.1Vd1:JUWd 'IDIffi:ffi:3RL 'mnOJ ClN\1 .LJ1'1a:NOO V :3:A V'H .Im GIG 1i.:3:SClNI'1 lVH.L CL3:'1il1l MilllG<:x11 . :luawdolai\ap pasodmd aq:l JO :laaJ pa.:rplmq aa.J:q:l u"j:q:l1l'l pa:lB;)Ol SBM. a;)oop1sa.J: s1q :lnq 'A:l -.J:ado.J:d IB:lOO.J: AUll Ul'lO :lOU P1P aq :l-eq:l pa:lB:lS Aaspu1'1 zo 3Wfl'10A 8861 'z EilHW:3:AOO - DNI.I33W WIflDIDI OL aDVd Ok PAGE 71 REGlIT...AR MEETING - NOVEMBER 2, 1988 VOLUME 02 2. True and correct percentage of subsidized tmits (32% or 43%); 3. Rules governing FnHA loans, including the numbers of low incorre or subsidized tmits (and can this number change?); 4. Written corrnents from Schaafsma, Hobart and Bencardino; 5. Current vacancy rate for Seward; 6. Percentage of foreclosures this year, including size of properties and the sale price versus appraised value; and present, layout. 7 . Any additional information Irick might want to including a corrected artist's sketch of project VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Lee Gordanier, 218 Marathon Drive, noted that the Conrnission had granted Four Seasons Marine a Conditional Use Permit on April 6, 1988, to construct a small shops and board- walk canplex in the Small Boat Harbor. A condition of the permit was that Gordanier return to the Comnission for approval of the architect's plans for the buildings. In addition, he was requesting a six-roonth extension of the permit. Woodruff noted that the administration was also requesting the addition of a condition that the permittee restripe the parking lot following construction. Gordanier stated that the individual buildings would measure 15' x 20', and each would have water and sewer hook-ups. He displayed the architect's drawings of the building designs. He said that he and his partner were concerned about how well his development would blend with the yacht club building which has just been placed next to their development site. He noted that the yacht club was quite tall, and he might want to raise the height of sorre of his buildings to make them rrore compatible with their neighbor. Woodruff stated that he would not object to sorre two-story structures, but he would like to limit their number. BRANSON MOVED 'ill EXTEND THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS ISSUED 'ill FOUR SEASONS MARINE FOR SIX M:lNI'HS, OR UNTIL MAY 5, 1989; THE mrION WAS SECONDED BY LINDSEY AND CARRIED UNANJM)US- LY. LINDSEY M:lVED 'ill ADD A CONDITION 'ill THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT THAT THE PERMITTEE BE REQUIRED 'ill RESTRIPE THE PARKING LOT FOLI..CMI.NG CONSTRUCTION; THE mrION WAS SECONDED BY AUTHIER AND CARRIED UNANJM)USLY. 71 CUP: (4 Sea sons Marine CUP - Ex- tended for 6 mo, arch. drawings approved w/one height condition, & condition that permittee must restripe parking lot added) .,J.'t;"~o' a~4:.' <Y':~"';4 ,~. '~.J. i.~~. -0J .....{.';) '"." '~.~. o..)~.l'''' Jj \ (,'.' 'f'.' .:\. . ....~.~,.. ",C ,'I "",' All! ']" . ,. 'f ,.." /, ,. (Tl'1as A:rJ::)):~ · _.- . \ " 1.V'3S" ....... ,,: ',@... ~!}.: I)' O'.~~., . . fir'. .', ;.' \ 'O;~. d/;;.;t,!'1&,~1Y,O'" ,.'>...x.:: -::-><?- . rl .3 S j v.flf/ \ ''''~!'/','7'''!:rJO:V ~ 'Ul"d 00:01 :re pau.:mo~p-e s-eM. :3UJ::4aau allJ, : JN3WNllilOfCN '1\IX <JUON : SJ.N3l.MX) I SN3ZUIJ OL aSNOdSmI 'NIWIV ~ NOISSIWVDJ 'lUX ':4uaudOla1\ap aUJ:.:r-ew suosws mo.:1 al.p :4noq-e passa.:rdxa smaoum pw suo-psanb alp 00 oo1ss-pIlID:) al.p pa:4ualIJ:ldmoo 'anUaN? q:4X1S ~ZZ 'SmON}:.3}I NX'1nIVW :NOISSnJSIG ,SN3ZIIIJ '1lX aooN : NOISSnJSra NOISSIWWO:) 'IX aooN : SI'HOdIDI 'HaD'VN\1W 1.LI:) 'X 'X'1SncmNVNfl @1'dWJ CINV ClN\I12IIDllilS X'd @QNOOaS S\fM. NOIJDW illll ! DI&Sra '1\fI'HlSnGNI illll CINV 3:GOO DNINOZ ffiNM3:S illll .:10 .I.NaI.NI ffiJ.L filM. lN3lSISNOO asn aLV'nIdUl:IddV' NV' illI\I' NOIIV'.1S DNIKllIM.S CINOmID 3AOOV CINV 3.'1HV':> SNOUV':>INllWVUX!l1aL :)UdO 'Ha'dB CUII'Hll'd V' IV'HJ. GNB OL G3ACW NOSNV'l:I'd ':40P:4S1G l-eP:4stlpul al.p UJ: asn a:4-epdo.:rdd-e w s1 alq-eo puno.:r:3.:raptm w :4-el{:4 oo1ss-pIlIDJ aq:4 Aq :3u1PUJ:J -e :3UJ::4sanba.:r s-eM. oo-p-e.:r:4S1uJUIp-e aq:4 'alq-eo puno.:r:3.:raptm ssa.:q>pe :40U P1P apo:) :3UJ:UOZ P.:r-eM.aS aq:4 aoUJ:S 'p.:r-eM.aS UJ: a:4-eool PlnoM. AWdmoo aq:4 'pa:4w.:r:3 a.:raM. s:4-pu.:rad pa.:rvma.:r al.p J1 ':4-el{:4 UJ:-e:4.:rao :4sOllI{-e S1'1M. :41 '.:ra1\aM.Oq !P.:r-eM.aS U1 a:4-eool 0:4 ";)UI 'alq-eJ lIDoalal OH1Ol'ld aq:4 lID.:rJ l-esod0.:ld -e pa1\1aoa.:r :4aA :40U p-el{ A:410 aq:4 :4-el{:4 pa:4-e:4s UJ::4.:r-ew 'V' (apo;) nU1uoZ/M. +ucQ818UO;) aq 0+ punoJ '+810 'pur u1 a1q'E?;) punO.:In.:IapUn) :3:00;) ~NrNOZ : SSaNISn'd M.3:N 'XI 'NOISSIYWX> illll .:10 3:JD1\ snOON\lNfl X'd @1'dWJ II CINV NOI.LCW NIVW ffiJ.L NO <:l3.'T1\r.) S\fM. NOIIS:>rnb illll , A'1SnCWIN\1Nl1 CUII'dWJ CINV A3:SGNI'1 X'd @GNooas S\fM. NOI.LCW illll ! .LIDI:lli NI .uI:3:d aNO- XJ.N3l1.L Cl33:JX3: X\IW aNON GNV JEH3H NI J.1a!I N:3:3.I.N31\3S ~X3: XVW 'HllCH NVRL mICW ON 'G3AmIddV' SDNlmrn'd 3A'13ill illll dO IV'HJ. NOIIIGNOO V' DNraav X'd <IN3W\7 OL G3ACW Mll'HG<XX1 'A3:SGNI'1 X'd @GNOOaS SV'M. NOI.LCW illll ! SDNImrn'd illll .:10 NDISaG ~1H:)W illll 3AmIddV' OL G3ACW 'Ha1HJ.llV' ZO 3Wll'101\ 886 I 'z 'Ha'i:lYru\ON - DNI.L:iI3W 'R\I'1f1DmI ZL 3DV'd Zl PAGE 73 REGUlAR MEETING - DECEMBER 14, 1988 VOLUME 02 I. CALL TO ORDER: The December 14, 1988, regular rreeting of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Coornission was called to order at 7 : 30 p. ffi. by Vice Chainnan Branson. II. OPENING CEIDMONY: Waived III. ROIL CALL: Present were: Vice Chainnan Branson and Carrrnissioners Authier, Lindsey and Sutherland (Thorne and Hoodruff were excused) Present also: Deputy City Manager Schaefermeyer, City Attorney Tans, Administrative Assistant Martin and City Clerk Murphy IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SUTHERlAND MJVED TO APPROVE THE IDVEMBER 2, 1988, MINUTES AS WRITTEN; THE KYI'ION HAS SECONDED BY LINDSEY AND CARRIED WITHOUT OBJECTION. V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WAS APPROVED WITHOUT OBJECTION. VI. CORRESPONDENCE: None VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Branson noted that Seward Associates' request for a conditional use permit to construct a 24-unit apartment complex in Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision had been the subject of a public hearing at the last meeting. Action on the CUP had been postponed at the request of the Carrrnission, and a second public hearing had been scheduled for this rreeting. She re- quested those speaking under public hearing to limit their remarks to five minutes. Public hearing was opened. KEN STOUT, Anchorage, owner of property adjacent to the site of the proposed development, spoke in opposition to the CUP. He stated that there was no need for additional low income and subsidized housing in Seward. He stated that the proposed development YK:luld offend adjacent property owners and added that, in his opinion, the highest and best use of this property was single family developrnent. Stout stated that he has a buyer for his property who is interested in constructing quality 73 CUP: (JLH ADD #4, Seward Assoc. - DENIED) aq:j. papU]:llli3.:l aH 'punoJ aq :j.OU Plnm s:j.rnma:j. asne;)aq a.:lnsopa.:loJ U1 a.:lat-l :j.Bq:j. :j.uamdolaAap :j.1un-Z1 aq:j. pUB saxald-1] aAU aq:j. ApX8H UlWqS aABq Plnm aq 'pa:j.;)B:j.UO;) uaaq aq pBq ':j.Bq:j. pappB aH 'paau ~u1snoq aq:j. SSaSSB O:j. UlW:j. U1 SBt-l aq ua~ S:j.ua~B a:j.B:j.Sa lBa.:l 0M:j. S ,A:j.p aq:j. JO .:laq:j.1a paq;)BO.:lddB :j.ou pBq Ap.:lBH :j.Bq:j. ~u1:j.oU 'Apn:j.s S,AP.:lBH JO A;)B.J:n;);)B aq:j. pauo1:j.sanb oSlB a1dsall1~ ':j.all uaaq aABq O:j. pa.:lBaddB p.:lBl"laS U1 paau aq:j. '.:laA<ll"lOq ! :j.sBd aq:j. U1 :j.1 JO .:lOAeJ U1 ua)[ods An-em;)B SBq pUB ~u1snoq paz1P1sqns O:j. pasoddo :j.OU s1 aq :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.S aH ':3u1snoq paz1P1sqns uo aUl1 aq:j. SMIUP fQP aq:j. a.:la~ pa.:lapuot-l :j.nq 'A:j.1SUap .:l0 's:j.uaUJiU1nba.:l ro1)[.:lBd '~U1uoz aq:j. ~U1UOnsanb :j.ou SBt-l aq :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.S a1dsan1~ . dO:) aq:j. O:j. UOn1Soddo U1 a)[ods 'AUBdruo:J a:j.B:j.S3: lB<l/:I p.:lBl"laS JO .:l<l)[O.:lq/ .:laUlW 'anuaA'if q:j.JM 1]09 '3:IdS:3.TII~ NHOf 'S:j.1un :j.q~1a-A:j.uaM:j. JO lB:j.o:j. B .:loJ 'A:j..:ladO.:ld aq:j. uo saxald-.:lnoJ uaAas O:j. dn :j.;)m:j.SUO;) 'lBAo.:lddB .:lOJ A:J.1;) aq:j. O:j. ro1lID;) :j.noq:j.1L>l 'Plnm .:ladolaAap aq:j. 'UOn1PpB UI 'PUBl JO la;).:lBd s1q:j. uo S:j.1un (gs-) X1S-A:j.JU SB Auelll SB MOnB An-em;)B Plnoo apO;) ~U1UOZ aq:j. '.:laAaMOq !:j.uamdolaAap aq:j. JO A:J.1suap aq:j. pauo1:j.sanb pBq S:j.llap1sa.:l lB;)Ol awos :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.S U1:j..:lBW ';):j.a '~U1)[.:lBd 'sPuno~ABld 'S:j.Ualla.:l1nba.:l a;)Bds uado SB lpns 'uo1ss1JWIO:J aq:j. Aq :j.as suon1PUO;) lBpads .:laq:j.o AUB Aq ap1qB O:j. ~U1n1L>l oSlB SBt-l Z:j.UB.:l.i{ :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.S U1:j..:lBW . S:j.1un woo.:lpaq auo aq:j. O:j. suaz1:j.P .:l01uas :j.;)B.:l:j.:j.B O:j. padoq aq a;)u1s 'S:j.1un An:unq aq:j. WO.:lJ a:j.B.:lBdas :j.da)[ a.:lat-l s:j.1un woO.:lpaq-auo nB SB ~uol SB uo1ss1JWIO:J aq:j. :j.1ns O:j. :j.;)a~o.:ld aq:j. JO :j.ooABl aq:j. a~ueq;) O:j. ~U1n1L>l SBt-l '.:ladolaAap aq:j. 'Z:j.UB.:l.i{ A:J..:lBW aq:j. :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.s aH . :j.uamdolaAap all:). .:loJ pauoz Apado.:ld SBt-l pauonsanb u~ A:J..:ladO.:ld aq:j. :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.s U1:j..:lBW ':j.;)a~o.:ld pasodo.:ld aq:j. JO l"la1A.:laAO Ja1.:lq B aA1~ O:j. U1:j..:lBW All<l)I :j.UB:j.s1sSV aA1:j.B.:l:j.s1upnp'if pa)[SB UOSUB.:l'iI 'paau all:). ssaSSB O:j. U1 :j.q~no.:lq SBt-l aq ':j.lnsa.:l B SB 'pUB p.:lBl"laS u1 ro1snoq lB:j.ua.:l .:loJ paau aq:j. :j.noqB SU.:la;)uo;) passa.:ldxa AnBn1U1 p-eq 'ifHUW :j.Bq:j. pa:j.ou AP.:lBH 'p.:lBl"laS U1 ro1snoq ana;)U1 MOl .:loJ paau :j.Ba~ B SBt-l a.:laq:j. :j.Bq:j. uo1snPUO;) aq:j. O:j. ana;) p-eq aq 'aldoad lB;)Ol pa.:lpunq auo ueq:j. a.:lOOl ll:).1L>l Sl"laVUa:j.u1 s1q pUB .:lalllBd U1 a;)UJo 'ifHUW a:j.B:j.S aq:j. q:j.1L>l SUOnBS.:laAUO;) ~U1MDnoJ '.:laAaMOH 'paau awo;)U1 MOl baA aq:j. :j.B ro1)[001 uaaq :j.ou pBq 'AnBn1U1 'pUB :j.uamdolaAap AUuJeJnlt1lll B JO A:J.1Uq1sBaJ aq:j. :j.noqB sBap1 paA1a;) -uma.:ld AUB :j.noq:j.1L>l :j.;)a~o.:ld aq:j. paq;)Bo.:lddB pBq aq :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.s aH 'p.:lBl"laS U1 s1sA1BUB :j.a)[.:lBlll B :j.;mpum o:j. .:ladolaAap aq:j. Aq pa.:l1q uaaq pBq aq :j.Bq:j. pa:j.ou aH . dO:) aq:j. JO .:lOAeJ u1 <l)[ods '.:ladolaAap aq:j. ~U1:j.uasa.:lda.:l 'qe:j.n 'A:J.1:J a)[8'I :j.1BS 'l.ffil\/H S3:WVf . .:lauuew s1ll:). U1 pa:j.;)aHB ~u1aq .:la~uol ou s1 :j.a)[.:lBlll aq:j. U:j.un :j.uawdolaAap q;)ns a.:lall AUB UB:j..J:n;) o:j. uops1JWIOJ all:). pauo1:j.nB;) aH . .:laJJHs o:j. :j.a)[.:lBlll a:j.B:j.sa lBa.:l aq:j. ~U1snB;) 'p.:lBl"laS U1 :j.unq-.:laAO uaaq s-eq ~u1snoq paz1P1sqns :j.Bq:j. pa:j.B:j.s :j.no:j.S 'alBs s1q:j. asol Plnoo aq pUB A:J..:lado.:ld s1q U1 :j.saAu1 o:j. ro1111L>l aq :j.OU Plnot-l .:laAnq s1q 'paAo.:lddB aq uo1ss-ros1P .:lapun :j.uamdolaAap AUuJeJnlt1lll aq:j. nnoqs ':j.-eq:j. P1BS aH 'sanaq An:UItq al~u1s ZO Nl'IOi\ 8861 '1]1 1ill'iIH'I:J3:G - ~NI.I.3:3W W1ffi31I 1][ ~'ifd vl 15 PAGE 75 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 14, 1988 VOLUME 02 Conmission that the CUP could not be granted if this developrrent IDuld adversely affect surrotrrlding property values, and stated that in his professional opinion, this development would ad- versely affect all property values in Seward, especially the struggling rental corrmunity. Gillespie also objected to the federal government competing with the private sector in this manner. CONNIE BENCARDINO, 519 Fifth Avenue, owner/broker of Eagles Nest Realty, spoke in opposition to the CUP. She stated that she could show how overbuilding nultifamily units had already adversely affected local property values. She indicated that twelve 4-plexes had been constructed in Seward since 1984. Of these, nine have been through foreclosure, and within the last mmth a 13-unit structure and another 4-plex have entered foreclosure. She noted that there is currently a thirty percent (30%) vacancy factor in the private rental market. She noted that the 4-plexes in foreclosure had failed because tenants could not be found to make $650 per mmth rental payrrents (including heat). The banks had offered the sarre apart:trents at $500 per mmth, including heat, and could not find tenants. Bencardino also noted that the 4-plexes in question had ap- praised at $254 ,000 in 1985, and the owners were carrying $222,000 rrortgages on them. Those same 4-plexes now sell for $145,000 - $156,000. She noted that four-plexes have suffered a greater than twenty-five percent (25%) reduction in value, and the private sector investor has been struggling just to make its rrortgage payrrents. Bencardino stated that there are approximately one hundred fifty new people in town, with rrost being prison employees who have homes in Anchorage which they carmot sell. She noted that Seward is currently in better shape than Anchorage, but continued nultifamily development was pushing the city in that direction. She stated that she would not object to a nonsubsidized development since this would represent fair competition to the private sector rental market. JOANNE MCCABE, 211 Lowell Canyon Road, part owner of ten rental units in Seward, questioned the need for additional rental units of any kind. She stated that when supply exceeds the demand for housing, the private sector property owner must subsidize his rental units through lowered rents or because of lack of tenants. PAT O'BRIEN, 209 Ravina, representing the Seward Property Owners Association, spoke in opposition to the CUP. (Branson noted that, since O'Brien was speaking for a large group of individuals, he would be allowed fifteen minutes to make his presentation.) O'Brien noted that he and the other rrernbers of the SPOA were interested in their own incomes, but they were also concerned about the future of the corrmmity and the survival of the rental industry. He noted that this devel- oprrent appeared to be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan since that plan called for higher density developments to be located near the downtown core. He also asked if the city had AFl.I1U: pt?q pUt? SU01SS1JIIllO:J ~Ulffi1d JO 401 t? a.:roJaq pa.:rt?addt? pt?q aq :lBq:l pa:w~s 'aurp puo;Jas t? fuq~ads 'XmNH S3W\1r 'as.:rof.\ UIa1qo.:rd s1q:l <31tb'lll PlnOM. :luawd01a1\.ap s1q:l :lBq:l paW:ls put? t?a.:rt? aq4 ll1 ;JHJt?.:r4 past?a.:r;Jll1 aq4 04 pa::parqo OS1t? aqs '~snoq awo;Jll1 fJlO1 .:roJ a4t?4sa 1t?a.:r CAllpd JO asn aq4 fuqpnpll1 's.:rt?aA aq4 .:ra1\.O t?a.:rg S1q4 ll1 S~4S1lli JO 401 t? apb'lll pBq A4P aq:l 4Bq4 pa4t?4s aqs '9961 a;Jll1s s4QG1aH aa1 assar ll1 A:4.:rado.:rd paUMO pt?q aqs 4Bq4 pa4t?4S 'a1\.PO 1.Il.I8lmatolS 0181 ')D:i[0 ~~'dVW 'A:41urnII1O;J alp 04 uopWpt? a1\.p;Jt?.:r44t? Ut? aq PlnOM. 4uawdOla1\.ap pasodo.:rd S1q4 4Bq4 pa4t?4s 4nq 'alq1.:r.:ra4 a.:rg ut-\04 ll1 pa4;Jn.:I4SUO;J uaaq a1\.Bq q;J1qt-l saxa1d-.:rnOJ aq4 JO alIOS 4Bq4 paa.:6lt? aH '4;Jaro.:rd s1q 04 uop;Jarqo s. ;Jnqnd aq4 pUt?4s.:rapun 40U PlnQ;) aq '4;Jt?J 4Bq4 ua1\.1~ 'pUt? 'U01S11\.WqnS At?Ma4t?D ll1 sasnoq alIO;Jll1 fJlOl a1\.H-A4Uaf.\4 aq4 JO U014;Jn.:I4SUO;J aq4 pazW1sqns '4;Jana ll1 'pBq s.:raAt?coo:q A4P aq4 4t?q4 pa4t?4s aH '.:ra4t?f.\ pUt? .:raMaS paZ1s.:raAO ~U"JPnPU1 'A4.:rado.:rd aq4 04 apb'lll pt?q aq q;J1qt-l S4uaJIa1\.0.:rdurJ: aq4 pa40u aH 'A4P aq4 wo.:rJ 41 pasBq;J.:rnd 4s.:rH 04 uaqt-l It?P.:rau.oo:J 4q~11 pauoz st?f.\ uopsanb ll1 A:4.:rado.:rd aq4 4Bq4 pa4t?4s 'a~t?.:roq;JUV '4aa.:r4S Q 81~1 ')DDU )IN\7&f 's4UCJl.lI4.:rt?dt? JO an1t?1\. 4a)'[.:rb'lll aq4 uo 4;JaJJa as.:ra1\.pt? ill? a4t?.:raua~ 04 .:r04;Jt?J A;JUt?;Jt?1\. q~noua a~.:rt?l e st?f.\ a.:raq4 'p.:rt?l'laS ll1 A:4.:rado.:rd ~1S1t?.:rddt? uaaq sBq aq s.:rt?aA 4q~1a aq4 ll1 0W14 4s.:r1J aq4 .:rOJ 4t?q4 pa4t?4s q;J1qt-l .:ra4:la1 '8861 '1 .:raqm1\.oN s I 4.:rt?qoH Aua r .:ras1t?.:rddt? q~no.:roq pa40u uaq4 ua1.:r\I. 0 'p.:rt?MaS ll1 q4UClli It?4ua.:r 4sa1snq aq4 AnguoPWt?.:r4 S1 q;J1qt-l lpUOll t? '4~ny 4st?d S1q4 p.:rt?MaS ll1 s4llall4.:rt?dt? 4Ut?;Jt?1\. auo-A4.:rOJ a.:raf.\ a.:ralp 4Bq4 pa4t?;JWll1 q;J1qt-l uo1ss-pilllO:J aq4 04 Ulrl.pUt?.:rUUOUl , 8861 ' n: .:raq04;JO s . uP.:rBW pa40u .:raq4.:lTlJ aH 't?U40PlOS u1 %6 pill? 1t?U0)l U1 %n 'p.:rt?MaS ll1 %1]( - ~OPloS pUt? 1t?ua)l ll1 asoq4 q41!o\ p.:rt?MaS ll1 s41un It?4ua.:r pazW1sqns JO s.:raqwnu aq4 ~ll1.:rt?dwo;J 'AUt?dwo:J It?S1t?.:rddy b'lllSJt?Bq;JS ~ 1lIT0q)'[A.:r.i[ ~ll14uasa.:rda.:r .:ras1t?.:rddt? 'b'lllSJt?Bq;JS 4.:raqaa wo.:rJ .:ra44al t? pa40u ua1.:r\I.O 'Auaupsa4 ;Jnqnd S1q4 04 4q~1af.\ 4t?a.:6l a1\.1~ 04 uo1ss-pilllo:J alp pa~t?.:rnO;Jua aH 'p.:rt?aq aq 04 a;JUBq;J t? ;Jnqnd aq4 a1\.1~ 04 .:rap.:ro ll1 dn:J t? JO ~ll14Ut?.:6l aq4 04 .:ropd pa.:r1nba.:r s1 ~upt?aq ;Jnqnd 4Bq4 pa=lOU uaP\I.O 'pa1\..:Iasap 41 lp1qt-l 4QG1af.\ aq4 AUCXlI14sa4 S1q4 a1\.1~ 04 u01ss-pilllO:J aq4 pa~t?.:rno;Jua aq pUt? 'sanlt?1\. A:4.:rado.:rd A41;J UO a1\.Bq PlnOM. 41 4;JaJJa It?4~.:r4ap aq4 JO asnt?;Jaq 4;Jaro.:rd alp 04 pasoddo nt? '.:ras1t?.:rddt? t?lnsll1uad t? pUt? .:rossasst? q2no.:roq aq4 's.:r041t?a.:r It?;JOl 0M4 aq4 wo.:rJ AU0Wl4sa4 4.:radxa pa1\.1a;Ja.:r pt?q U01SS-PilllO:J aq4 4Bq4 pa40u ua1.:r\I.O 'uo1ss-pilllo:J aq4 04 4uasa.:rd 04 uop1soddo JO s.:ra44al (LL) Uaa4Ua1\.aS It?uoPWpt? Ut? pt?q aq 4Bq4 pappt? aH '4Ut?;J11ddt? aq4 JO .:r01\.t?J ll1 past?1q auoalIOS wo.:rJ awB;J 4.:roddns JO .:ra44al auo aq4 4Bq4 pa4.:rasst? aq pUt? '4.:roddns u1 auo AlOO 4nq '4uawdOla1\.ap pasodo.:rd aq:l 04 UOP1soddo u1 s.:ra44a1 (90 XFS-A4.:l1q=l pau1t?=lUO;J =la)[ot?d S I uo1ss-plllDJ aq=l =lBq=l pa=lou uap\I.O 'slooq;JS A=lP 04 A:4-pIl1xo.rd asop aq:l ~ll14P 'ua.:rpnq;J 10oq;JS O:l p.:rt?zgq A4aJt?S t? :luasa.:rda.:r PlnOM. o1JJt?.:r:l past?a.:roll1 s1q:l 4t?lp pa40u .:raq:l.:rn;j: pUt? ;JHJt?.:r:l past?a.:roll1 aq4 a4t?pauoo;J;Jt? P1nO;J s4aa.:r:lS ~ps1xa O4:l .:raq4aqt-l pauopsanb aq 'UOPWpt? ul '.\:l -.:rado.:rd aq4 04 .:raf.\od pUt? .:raf.\as '.:ra4t?f.\ JO A;Jmbapt? aq4 4t? P<31tool ZO 3WO.lm 8861 '1]1 lUI\IW3::J3:Q - DNI.I33H W1flD:lli 9L 3:DYd 9l 77 PAGE 77 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 14, 1988 VOLUME 02 seen local landlords applauding the construction of subsidized housing. Referring to Frantz's roost recent letter to the Conrnission explaining the fonnula for determining rents, Hardy stated that those renters who would qualify tmder the FmHA program VJOUld not be able to afford conventional housing. PAT 0' BRIEN was also allowed a chance to speak a second time. He stated that Mr. Hardy might be an expert in Utah, but his test:iroony should not be given roore weight than that of local experts. CONNIE BENCARDINO, appearing for a second time, stated that the FmHA houses which had been constructed in Gateway Subdivision should take care of those residents of Seward in the very low incorre range. JOHN GIlLESPIE also spoke a second time, and concurred with staterrents made by Bencardino and O'Brien. KEN STOur spoke a second time, reiterating that this project would definitely lessen the value of his property, located adjacent to it. No one else appeared in order to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Sutherland asked for a show of hands from the audi- ence; two voted in favor of the CUP and eleven voted in oppo- sition to it. Branson read the names of the following individuals who had submitted letters of opposition since the last meeting: Violet J. Larson Brad Snowden Howard Sweatt Terri Parrish Patrick D. O'Brien C . Alvin Lakey Jack S. Anderson Hilliam L. Fox The following letters of opposition were signed by Carmie Bencardino a representative of those named: Karlyn Abrahamson Stan Brown Martin Leichtung Gordon Facer Richard Davis Sue Kaanta Dwayne Anderson Roger Sampson Ron Brittan Clmck Sassara Richard Johnson Midtown Apartments Kaye Buckingham John Allen Joanne McCabe Sl.ffiIERlAND MJVED TO BRING TIlE MJTION TO APPROVE TIlE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BACK TO TIlE FLOOR; TIlE MarION HAS AP- PROVED BY THREE "YES" VOTES AND Sl.ffiIERlAND VOTING "NO". (Note: There was no second to the rrotion; however, since the agenda auoN : SS3NISnH mIHSINBNfl . III1\ . sanlBi\. Kl..:1ado.:1d ::paJJB A las.:1a1\PB Plt100 xaldruo;) :n:un-1],l B JO UOn:nu4SUO;) aq4 'U01U1do .:11aq4 U1 ..ON.. awi\. Aaq4 4Bl:[4 pa4B4s AaspU1'! pue puepaq4ns 4UaUr:j..:lBdB , asnB;)aq . ..ON.. DNIJ.01\ ONVlli3lllilS GNV i\3:SGNI'I CINV ..S31.... DNLL01\ '83:IH.Ll1V CINV NOSN'tHH HLIt1 <Ul'1IV.!l NOIJ.OW 3HL CINV 3WIJ. '83:J.VI V J.V a:mcrv 3:H mnOl1 IDIHM. SNOIJ.IGNOJ NIV'J.lIID ar. .r.::Y.3:fHIlS J.IYffi3:d 3:Sn '1\INOLLIGNOJ 3HL 3:1\mIddV ar. NOI.I.OW 3HL NO CJTI'l\I'J SVl1 NOIJ.S3:ilO 3HL 'dil::> B &11Auap .:10 ~U14ue.lil a.:1oJaq .:1ap1sUO;) 4SnuI uo1ss1Ulli0::> aq4 q;)1l:[l'l apo::> qanO.:1OH aq4 JO SUOn;)as aq4 pau11400 SUBJ. 'ai\.n;)B.:14W aq Plnol'l 4uawdolai\.ap aq4 Wq4 pa.:lnSSB aq Plnm Kl.P aq4 pue 'SBa.:1B uado pue sPuno.lilABld '~U1dB;)sPuel SB q;)ns suon1PUO;) U1B4.:1a;) a.:11nba.:1 Plno;) u01ss-pilllO::> aq4 'q;)Bo.:1ddB dill aq4 q41l'l '4Bl:[4 wasa.:1d asoq4 papUPlliU oSIB aqs '4;)a~0.:1d <3l:[4 pai\.O.:lddB 4aA 40U sBl:[ \i'Hilld 4Bl:[4 pa40u uosue.:1H 'auo UIJ:.lil B SBl'l 'IBi\.o.:1ddB Kl.P 4noq41l'l arrp Aue 4B 4nnq aq Plno;) q;)ll:[L"l 'saxald -.:lnoJ uazop JIBl:[-auo JO ai\.nBU.:la41B aq4 4nq 'Ba.:1B a4B1P<3llllI1 aq4 U1 &111\.11 aldoad <3l:[4 JO s~U1laaJ <3l:[4 p004S.:1apun aqs 4Bl:[4 pa4B4s aqs '4uawdolai\.ap ~lsnoq <3\llO;)U1 l'lOl B .:1oJ SBl'l IBsodo.:1d al:[4 4Bl:[4 4;)BJ <3l:[4 Aq pa4B.:1aUa~ a.:1al'l ;)nqnd aq4 Aq passa.:1dxa S~U1 -laaJ al:[4 4Bl:[4 paU.:la;)uo;) SBl'l aqs 4Bl:[4 pa4B4s uosue.:1H '4uaI!dolai\.ap aq4 pasoddo aq 4Bl:[4 P1BS aR . A11B;)OI sanlBi\. Kl..:1ado.:1d aSBa.:1;)ap .:1aq4.:lnJ PlnOl'l 4uaudolai\.ap slq4 4Bl:[4 paU.:la;)uo;) SBl'l aq 4Bl:[4 pa4B4s aR 'adBl:[s poo~ Kl.4a.:1d u1 SBl'l p.:1Bl'laS '~U1~ads A11B.:1aUa~ '.:1ai\.al'loq !liIalqo.:1d ap1l'la4B4s B SBl'l a.:1aq4 4Bl:[4 Auap 40U P1P aq 4Bl:[4 paW4s puepaq4ns 'a;)ua.:l.:ln;);)O IB;)OI AlW 04 40U pue Uli31qo.:1d ap1l'la4B4s B 04 pa4nq1.:144B aq Pl00;) p.:1BMaS U1 sanlBi\. Kl..:1ado.:1d u1 <3U1pap Aue 'uo1u1do s1"4. U1 '4Bl:[4 pappB aR '41 AUap 04 UOSBa.:1 OU aas Plno;) aq pue ueld asn pue,! aq4 JO S4ueua4 ;)lsBq aq4 41J uo1ss-pilllO::> aq4 a.:1oJaq IBsodo.:1d aq4 4Bl:[4 pa4B4s .:1a1q4nv 'Ul'd 90:6 4B pauai\.uo;)a.:1 pue 'Ul'd Z~:8 4B paSsa;)a.:1 SBl'l ~4aau al:[J. :SS3:Jill:I '<3\llO;)U1 l'lOl bai\. aq4 04 S41un (90 XlS-A4.:11q4 s:n JO 11B ~u1uado 'ure.lilo.:1d a;)ue4s1ssB IB4ua.:1 aq4 ~U1.:1a4ua aq PlnOl'l S4Uall4.:1BdV ap1SABH 4Bl:[4 paU.:lBal pBq aq 'uop1PPB UI 'uoos a4B;)Bi\. 04 anp 0l'l4 .:1aq40ue q41l'l 'sa1;)ue;)Bi\. ~4s1xa Xls punoJ pBl:[ pue AtIp aq4 U1 .:1a1pBa p.:1BMaS U1 san1 -TPBJ AUureJPlnuI paz1P1sqns aq4 JO q;)Ba pa~;)aq;) peq aq 4eq4 pa4e4s U14.:1t1W 'Aaspu1'! UlO.:1J uonsanb B 04 asuodsa.:1 uI ( , bes sa;)au 40U SBl'l alqB4 aq4 uo ~;)eq Uli341 <3l:[4 400 04 uopau e '..palqBJ... 40U pue ..u1e4.:1a::> aJIFJ. B 04 pauod4sOd.. SBl'l uo14sanb U1 Uli341 ZO 3Wfl'!01\ 8861 '1]1 '83:HW!IJ3:G - DNLL3:3W Wffiill:I 8L 3:DVd l.u! ,)"-1 79 PAGE 79 REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 14, 1988 VOLUME 02 IX. NEH BUSINESS: None X. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: None XI. COMHISSION DISCUSSION: None XII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: A. James L. Knudson had requested an opportunity to address the Corrrnission conceming the proposed rep1atting and rezoning of property located near Hemlock Street and Spruce Street, but he did not attend the ~eting. XIII. COMMISSION AND AlliIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS 1 CCM1ENTS: None XIV. ADJOURNMENT: The ~eting was adjoumed at 9:20 p.m. ~~ '1 ;':')' .-..:\.';' !., i " ",\, t~:. ',,"'- ." .~'; '_1'"", .'1;'1;_ .~. ,~. ~~-'YE 1" ,. ':~'-.J\"..1~ ~-,-':'/-,.,,," . ,\ y, ..(' '.'CC..~i r,.. 0" p...v..,'" "-t{;J:O t: ,'. '! .,-(:r(". ->zr:r-r'^'., , --------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 79 REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 4, 1989 VOLUME 02 A quorum was not present and the to order. (City Seal) meeting was not called /l i Gf,lJi..////t. .,0-". ""''''':';' !'. ;j;, 'Sf'~ <, " "u ~1 ~lt'~ ~1.p1') ". >.9 """",v,, \' ;,;", ~', '2, ''';':'{ --...,...... .~ ~ S{~~~L .J'J~ il,. .. .\.>i;),.... ~ \ i~, -.' ~'+, \"J ,,~ ., ~\-r' -{, :1..<(1.-(<1 il .