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City of Seward, Alaska
January 6, 2004
City Council Minutes
Volume 5, Page 407
Call to order
The January 6, 2004 regular meeting of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair, Marianna Keil.
Opening ceremony
Tom Smith led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Roll call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Lynn HoW
Carol Griswold
Tom Smith
Kristi Larson
Sandra Roach'
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Jean Lewis, City Clerk
Absent Nina Daley - excused
Special Reports & Presentations
City Administration Report. City Planner Malcolm Brown advised the Commission of
the following business that was pending:
o The street addressing by hired GIS consultant, Alaska Map Company, had finished Phase
One, which scanned the old street address maps, and referenced images.
o The comprehensive plan was not back from the consultants yet.
o Godwin Glaciers had yet to remove their temporary office and had not applied for a building
permit. A letter would go out to the Railroad since they owned the land, to try and resolve
the code violation.
o Received the appraisals for the 10-year leases on the Army and Air Force Recreation Camps.
Every seven years, new appraisals were conducted to set the rental rate for the next 10-year
o An amended grant for the historic trolley tour was submitted since the Chamber sold the
trolley and the City could no longer team up with them.
o Preliminary approval for a Historic Preservation FY04 grant to construct a website on the
historical sites of the community was received.
o The Historical Structure Report on the Jesse Lee Home by the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) was sent to the legislature, but the Governor did not include the emergency
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City of Seward, Alaska
January 6, 2004
City Council Minutes
Volume 5, Page 4 0 9
allowed in the easement as long as the owners knew the City had the right to maintain or get into the
area. Schafer felt restricting vehicles would prohibit a property owner the ability to cut down a
cottonwood tree on their property. He stated the City of Seward did not have a ROW, they had an
easement. He further stated his father, AI Schafer, gave the city that easement. Schafer asked why
anyone would buy property that they could not have a four wheeler or a horse on? He felt ifthe City
wanted a ROW they should buy it.
In response to questions by HoW, Schafer stated he was not sure how big the levee was. He
believed it was narrower than 100 feet. He wanted to transfer the tax burden from himself to the
property owner. Schafer felt condition #2 was too restrictive on the future landowners.
Manager of Engineering Gerry Welsh, stated the levee was built on an easement not a
ROW. After speaking to Bill Neko, the design engineer, Welsh found the levee was not designed as a
roadway, but trucks could be allowed to drive on it. This was surprising to find out, and was allowed
only because the easement did not specifY vehicles could not be driven on it. Welsh agreed the City
should have purchased the ROWin the beginning. He disagreed that anything other than maintenance
vehicles should be allowed on the levee. Some organics and things were detrimental to the levee. He
felt the levee should be maintained as a rock structure, and not allowed to have brush grow up on it.
Welsh expressed that off-road vehicles had the potential to damage the levee, and warned it was not
built for that kind oftraffic.
In response to HoW, Welsh assessed it was an unusually worded levee easement agreement.
The easement was 100 feet wide, with about 50 feet being on the top. He was not sure that it was
centered and felt it meandered a bit from center. Welsh was concerned with heavy construction
vehicles being driven on the top because it was not conducive for automotive traffic. He did not see
any reason, other than maintenance, why any vehicles should be allowed on it.
In response to Keil and Smith, Welsh stated the only times city personnel had driven on it was
during times of flooding.
Schafer did not want the levee or the easement, and did not want to pay the taxes on it. He
felt property owners should be able to go into the footprint of that easement.
Welsh stated it was an issue of public safety. A property owner could ask the City if they
needed something done in that ROW. It was unfortunate the original levee easement was worded as
it was. He felt condition #2 would restrict activities that would affect the integrity of the structure.
In response to HoW, Welsh stated it may be reasonable to limit the restriction to the levee
itself. The demarcation of the easement was clear and distinct, where the demarcation ofthe slope
was not necessarily so. He felt that would be a reasonable compromise.
Bob Valdatta indicated it made common sense that the City should buy that portion to
control vegetation and address maintenance needs along the dike.
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City of Seward, Alaska
January 6, 2004
City Council Minutes
Volume 5, Page 411
Welsh stated there were standards that dictated how subdivision agreements are done. That
agreement would be negotiated between the developer and the City. He anticipated electricity, and
telephone would be underground, and the code did require lighting. This action could be a
redundancy if no subdivision agreement could be reached.
Brown stated the developer had not applied for RR zoning as yet.
HoW wanted to make the Commission aware that the KPB Planning Commission would
eventually need to know certain things like the topography line and flood line.
Amendments Passed
Yes: Larson, Smith, Roach, Hohl, Keil
Abstain: Griswold
Main Motion Passed
Unfinished business
Resolution 2004-03, a resolution ofthe Seward Planning and Zoning Commission ofthe City of
Seward, Alaska, recommending City Council authorize the City Manager to obtain an
appraisal and negotiate the purchase of U.S.S. 1931, containing approximately 29.16 acres,
located on the west boundary of Two Lakes Park.
Brown stated the owner wanted the City to buy the land. He stated this exceptional situation
would assist with three things. It would preserve the view shed, expand the Two Lakes Park, and
provide emergency access in times of disaster. He thought an appraisal was appropriate.
Motion (Griswold/Smith)
Approve Resolution 2004-03
Griswold supported the Two Lakes Park trail 100%. She noted there was degradation by
vehicles throughout the park, and wanted to start the process with the intent to purchase. She had
the idea that possibly non-profit agencies could help and could invest. Griswold wanted to get the
appraisal and seek funding with the intent to purchase.
Amendment (Hohl/Roach)
Change sth WHEREAS to read;
"WHEREAS 1 Y, to 2 acres could
conceivably be developed for residential
purposes due to topography and the lack of
utilities"; and
Add "WHEREAS, development of this
parcel could harm the integrity of Two
Lakes Park"; and
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GII7 a'iJvd 'I; awnJOA
samu/w n;JUnoJ NO
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tJlfsv/V 'p.woWS fo NO
City of Seward, Alaska
January 6, 2004
City Council Minutes
Volume 5, Page 413
Informational Items and Reports (No action required)
A. Copy of the memorandum from the P&Z Commission, presented to City Council in
support of the Community Development Office.
B. Correspondence from Alaska Department of Transportation regarding the development of
the land purchased on the West side of the Seward Highway to be used for the pedestrian underpass.
C. Letter from Alaska Sealife Center re: Intern Housing.
Commission comments
Larson referencing intern housing issues, stated citizens had brought forward a concern about
the bunkhouse of Major Marine in the same area before they were shut down. She appreciated the
City Clerk giving up her Tuesday to take minutes.
Griswold thanked the city clerk for the orientation packet. She was impressed with the
economic impact that the Alaska Sealife Center interns had on the community. Griswold hoped to be
able to accommodate their housing needs, and felt the situation was different than Major Marine,
because they were not operating a refrigeration/compressor unit. She also wanted the Commission to
work on a subdivision packet so there would be guidelines to follow, and wanted to see what
happened once items went to the KPB Planning Commission.
Roach was glad to move forward on lot line vacations. She felt that would help property
Hohl stated the new GCI parking lights were directed into the street against City Code, and
needed a cover over them. Her recent broken leg had her paying attention to ADA accessibility
needs, and she wanted to make sure the ADA Transition Plan was still on the list. She requested to
see the parking plan for A VTEC. Parking was pulling out into Jefferson Street. Hohl also thought
the Van Guilder hotel sign was illegal. She noted it was on property owned by the Van Guilder, but
was an off-premises sign and it was the only thing on that property.
Smith thanked the City Clerk also for the orientation packet. He also wanted a standard form
with guidelines to add different whereas clauses, etc.
Keil thanked all for coming out on a cold night.
Citizens' comments - None
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments
Brown stated the Land Use Plan was worked on at the last work session. He thought the
Commission had put together a good scope of work on what they wanted to accomplish.
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City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 415
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
Special Reports & Presentations
City Administration Report. City Planner Malcolm Brown advised the Commission of
the following business that was pending:
a The GIS consultant, Alaska Map Company, continued the work on Phase II of automation of
the Seward street addressing system.
a The Seward Comprehensive Plan was currently scheduled as a Public Hearing for the March
meeting according to the consultants, URS.
a Several issues of code enforcement had been handled; however the non-compliance issue with
Godwin Glacier, CUP temporary office had not been resolved. He noted that a request for a
building permit had not been submitted. Efforts to contact the office in Scottsdale Arizona
had continued unsuccessfully.
a The attorney continued to review certificates and assurances on whether the community was
able to meet the criteria for acceptance into the Federal Transit Administration Program.
a The Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area had set the meeting date as the first Monday of
each month.
City Council Liaison Report. - None
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl.
Commissioner HoW submitted a written report of the recent Borough Planning Commission
meeting. She noted that the Planning Commission recommended that the Assembly amend their
Ordinance to purchase an additional eight acres for the new Seward Middle School project using land
bank funds.
Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations.
Multi Agency Facility update by Anne Castellina
Castellina stated that the National Park Service and Forest Service were in the process of
acquiring the properties that were identified in the Seward Waterfront Study report, August 15,2003.
She noted that the Portico group planned to hold public meetings on the building design commencing
the end of February. Castellina stated that the plan was to have complete construction documents by
the end of2005, construction in 2006 and be into the building by 2007. She noted that the total cost
of the facility was 14 million dollars; of that 10.5 million was Federal dollars and the rest from other
sources. She stated that the building was to house the Park Service, Forest Service, State Parks, a
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to-tOOl uonnlosaH aAOJddy
"P:lSOl:> StlM illl!.m:ll[ :>!{qnd :ll[l pUll p.m:ll[ :l<\ Ol p:llS:lnb:ll :lUO oN "p:lu:ldo StlM illl!.m:ll[
:>!{qnd :ll[l pUll p:llOU StlM Mtll Aq p:ll!nb:ll Stl p:ll[s!{qnd pUll P:llSod illl!:lq illl!.m:ll[ :>!{qnd JO :l:>!'ON
"l!Ull:ld :lSflltlUO!l!PUO;)
Aq P!llS!P illl!UoZ Anumd :llilll!S :ll[lll! p:lMOrrtl :ll:lM syOOl[:>S ltll(l P:llOU:lH "AJl:ldOld :ll[l :lUOZ:ll Ol
Ull{d ou AllU:llID:> StlM :ll:ll[lltll[l p:lltllS UMOlg 'uO!SS!UJlUO;) :ll[l WO.Y suo!,s:lnb Ol :lSUOdS:ll UI
"p:ll!nOOllOU StlM lU:lW:l:lliltl UO!S!A!pqns tlltll[l pUll S:l!l!l!ln :>!{qnd fill Ol SS:l:>:>tl ptll[ AllU:llln:> AJl:ldOld
:ll[lltll[l p:lltllS:lH "UO 100l[:>S :llPP!W p.mM:lS M:lU p:lSOdOld :ll[l PUnq Ol y Ptlll p:lSOdOld :ll[l
JO S:ll:>tl :lAI:lMl l[JlON :ll[l p:lstll(:>md Ptll( (gd)!) l[ilnOlog tllnsll!U:ld !tlU:l)J :ll[lltll[l P:lJQU:lH "ltlld:ll
:ll[lJo tl:l.m :ll[l Uo UO!SS!UJlUO;) :ll[l P:llU:l!lO pUll dmu tl P:lAtllds!p 'UA\OJlI WI031BW JauuBld
"P:ll:lldwo:> StlM :lnSS! :ll[l mun WOOl :ll[llPl pUll S!tlp :ll[l WO.yJl:lSl:ll[ P:lAOW:ll :ll[S pUll P!lJUO:> tl
ptll( PIOMS!lD p:lJlll StlM H "p:lAOlddtl :ll:lM P:lfOld 100l[:>S :llPP!W M:lU :ll[llOJ l!Ull:ld :lSflltlUO!l!pUO;)
:ll[l pUll ltlld:ll :ll[l J! ll!tlil {tl!:>utmg: :lAtll( PlnoM :ll[S p:l.mJ:>:lp :ll[S ":ll!S 100l[:>S :ll[l lOJ P:lUUllld
AJl:ldOld :ll[lJO l:lUMO :ll[l StlM :ll[S Stl 'lS:ll:llll!JO PHJUO:> tl P:l.mI:>:lP PIOMS!lD l:lUO!SS!UJlUO;)
Y f;)BJ.L 'lBldaH lId)l t981 'S'S'IlJO A\a!AaJ lBld A.lBu!w!(aJd
aql JO IBAOJddB qjnOJOll Blnsu!uad !Bua)l ju!pUaWW03aJ 'to-tOOl uonnlosaH
sjU!JBaH 3!(qnd
tlpU:lily lU:lSUO;) :ll[l UO p:lAOlddtl :ll:lM
S:llnll!W illl!l:l:lW .mlnil:l"M vOOl '9 mnUllf :ll[l pUll toOl 'l l:lqW:l:>:lG :ll[l p:lltllS l!tll[;) :ll[l
luasuo::> snow!uBuIl
passBd uOHoW
'BpuajB aql aAoJddy
BpuajB luasu03 pUB BpuajB JO IBAOJddy
:lUON - 'jupBaq 3!lqnd JOJ palnpaq3s SWal! asoql lda3xa l3afqns AUB uo sluaWW03 ,suazm::>
":l:>!AJ:lS lS:llOd :ll[llOJ l:lilUll"M P!llS!G p.mM:lS M:lU 'l:ldoo;)
q:lG p:l:>npOllll! tlU!f(:llStl;) "p.mM:lS JO Al!;) :ll[l pUll l:llU:l;) :lJ!ltl:lS mlstlIV :ll[l JO lunOu.m rrmus
9lP a2vcl 's; aUlnzoA
s,nnu!w UO!SS!U1UlO:J 2u!UUVlcl
rOOZ '[ .(,JVn.lqag
WfsvlV 'p.lVM.aS fo to!;)
City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 417
Resolution 2004-05, granting a Conditional Use Permit to the Kenai Peninsula
Borough to construct and operate a new Seward Middle School on twelve acres
located on the North boundary of the Seward High School
Brown orientated the public and the Commission to the twelve-acre parcel located north of
the current Middle/High School. He stated that the proposed new Middle School was planned for
construction on that site. He noted that staff had concerns with both the current and future traffic
flow and road congestion of the proposed project. Brown stated that staff recommended a public
access road through the property and that the City engineer had recommended that the road be
designed to a 35 mile per hour design criteria. Brown explained that the request for the 35-mile per
design criteria was only a design criteria and not a speed limit proposal.
Commissioner Keil requested the cost difference in a 35-mile per hour road and a 20-mile per
hour road. Brown referred the question to the project engineers. Gary Cain, Civil Engineer, with
Enterprise Engineering; stated that he felt the change would not create a major dollar amount; he
noted that the site had already required an extreme amount of earth work to complete the project.
He stated that a rough estimate might be $50,000.00.
Further requests from the Commission as to why the City and City staff requested the road be
built to a 35 mile per hour (mph) design were referred to the City Engineer. City Engineer Gerry
Welsh, stated that the City and City staffhad requested that the road between the schools be built to
a 35 mph design standard to accommodated the future possibility of the road continuing from
Swetmann through to Sea Lion Avenue. Welsh continued by stating a road designed and
constructed to a 35 mph design standard was a much safer road than one designed to a 20 mph
standard. He noted that there were several issues to consider when designing the road beside the
speed limit; such as safety, drainage issues and aesthetics. He stated that because the road had not
currently been built, the City and City staff had requested the 35 mph design speed to keep options
open for future needs.
HoW questioned if the City and City staffwere aware that any changes with costs required
that something else be left out of the building. She noted that the $50,000.00 increase was
approximately the amount of the bleachers that had to be left out.
Welsh stated he was unaware and surprised that the request for the 35mph design speed
increased the cost that much. He noted that he had not been made aware of the issue and that
perhaps some design exception might have been discussed.
The KPB engineer stated that the borough had not currently applied for a building permit and
that the design exceptions could still be granted.
Keil noted that the City, City Staff and the KPB engineer might work together on the design
"SHUll aql palloddns 'Al!:J aql ap!sli! '^"SUBUS1U)I BUUY
"wa:>uo:> li!mn aql
SUM AlaJBS palBlS aqs "lB pa)[OOI aq q:>BOJddB lUaJajJ!p B lBql palSa~~nS aqs pUB 'sIooq:>S aql uaaMlaq
lI!nq aq lOU pBOJ aqllBql palSanbaJ aqs 'luarud B SB a)[ods 'Al!:J aql ap!Sli! 'uos.J3ddy 3!UUOH
"sanSS! AlaJBS aql ~li!lBlS 'Iooq:>S aIPP!V\! pUB ArulUawaI3 aql uaaMlaq SSa:>:>B pBOJ AUB lSli!B~B
a)[ods aqs 'luarud B SB pUB SHBJl aql JO JaSn B SB a)[ods 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO 'UOX!G q1UOq3(1
pBOJ aqllSli!U~B pUB SWalSAS HUJl alH Ol a)[ods 'lpBO:> pruMaS 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO 'UOX!(I 'u.l3f
"Ssa:>:>B pBOJ aqllSli!B~B
a)[ods "Iooq:>S aqllB SWalSAS HUJl aql palloddns ~luapnlS 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO '3.100W .I3J1BM.
"Baru Iooq:>S aql q~nOJql pBOJ B ~li!lloddns aJoJaq
SanSS! AlaJBS aquo UO!lUJap!SUo:> ITlJaru:> JOJ pa)[SB 'warud 'Al!:J aql ap!Sli! 'lSnB.>I PIO.lBH
"Baru HUll aql q~noJql pBOJ B lSli!B~B a)[ods ~luapnls 'Al!:J aql ap!Sli! '.I!BIH nBW
"SIooq:>S aql JOJ SHUll aJBs JOJ paau aql Ol a)[ods ~luapnls 'Al!:J aql ap!sli! '.I!BIH WOL
"SIooq:>S JOJ SI!BJl aql palloddns ~luapnls 'Al!:J aql ap!Sli! 'u3s13N !SS3f
"SIooq:>S aqllB
surual ~s pUB ~ aql JOJ SI!BJl aJBs JOJ a)[ods ~luapnls 'AlD aql ap!SlnO '3SUBH pnWBS
"Iooq:>S AruluawaI3 aql Ol Iooq:>S aIPp!V\! aql wo.:g q~noJql
~li!o~ pBOJ U lSli!B~B a)[ods ~Jals!lI!WPV ~li!PHnH Iooq:>S aIPP!V\! 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO '3l0:) uqof
"Iooq:>S Aruluawam aql pUB sIooq:>S
q~!H/aIPP!V\! aql ~li!pauuo:> pUOJ B lSU!B~B a)[ods ~luarud 'Al!:J aql ap!Sli! 'jU!W31.>1 BqJ.lBW
"asn Ol IIB JOJ SI!BJl aJBs palSanbaJ ~luapnls 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO 'UOX!(I .I3dAd
"paJap!suo:> aq ~li!lq~!{ JadoJd pUB s)[luMap!S luql palSanbaJ aqs "SIooq:>s aql uaaMlaq
IaABJl luapnls aql Ol a)[ods ~uaZ!l!:> pawa:>uo:> pUB luarud 'Al!:J aql ap!sli! 'puoH 3!qq3(1
"SIooq:>S pruMaS aquo sJa!)[s
pUB SJaUUTIJ aql JOJ SHUll aJUs JO lloddns li! a)[ods ~luapnls 'Al!:J aql ap!SlnO '.I3SBI~ 3!IOf
"pauado SBM ~li!ruaq
:>!{qnd aql pUB palOU SUM MBI Aq paJ!nbaJ SB paqs!{qnd pUB palsod llli!aq llli!ruaq :>!{qnd JO a:>!lON
8117 a2vcl '~ aUln/oA
salnu!J'V UO!SS!UJUJo:J 2u!UUVlcl
FOOZ 'f tCtvn./qag
VJfsvlfI 'p./vMaS Jo N!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 419
Kipp Dixon, outside the City, supported the safety of the trail system.
David Apperson, inside the City, spoke against the road access.
Sarah Glaser, outside the City, supported the trails without a road across it. Safety was the
important issue.
Steve Pautz, outside of the City, principal of the Seward High School, stated he supported
the public comments, he noted that safety was the main concern. He spoke against any future road
through the school campus.
Bob Valdatta, inside the City, supported the 35-mile per hour design speed. He stated that
for safety and emergency access the road needed to be built at the higher design standards.
Chad Adams, outside the City, spoke against the road through the school campus. He
supported the trail system.
David Kingsland, inside the City, principal of the Seward Elementary School, spoke against
the road; he stated that he was concerned about stop signs and adequate lighting.
Matt Adams, outside the City, supported the trail system and was against the road. He noted
safety was the number one concern.
Sandy Wassilie, inside the City, spoke as a member of the school board, spoke to the safety
issues ofthe proposed school. She noted that the Borough Assembly had voted to purchase the 12
acres for the new school; she stated it was important that they also purchase the additionally needed 8
Kevin Lyon, Kenai Peninsula Borough, spoke as the project manager for the borough; he
spoke of the efficiency of the road, stating the road provided access for emergency vehicles. He
noted there was a constraint on the budget, which made it difficult to build trails.
Dave Moore, Kenai Peninsula Borough, spoke as the project architect, he spoke to the
general safety of schools and the way schools were typically designed. He stated the design was
proposed to separate the bus traffic from the vehicular traffic. He noted the problem was lack of
land, not lack of money.
Rawlins Apperson, inside the city, inquired about a bad weather access between the high
school and the middle school, it was stated it was not included in the budget.
Marlin Atkinson, inside the city, asked for clarification as to why only 12 acres had been
purchased for the middle school when the Department of Education site selection criteria states 20
acres for a middle school of 100 students was required.
No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
o~UHq~!1 'SlIlllA\ SSO.l3 '~U!3U3J '3~llU~!S
'SlIlllA\ 3P!S 3pnpU! AllW JllqJ p3SS3.1ppll 3q
II!A\ SJU3W3.1!nb3.1 AJ3JllS op1l3.1 OJ f .I3qwnu
(UOS.lll'I/q31l0H) UO!JoW
P3SSlld uOHoW
o "p.l1lA\3S JO AJ!;:) 3qJ Aq p3AO.lddll
Sll 3!lJll.lJ 3P!q3A A3U3~3W3 3qJ J.loddns
AI3JllS OJ p3.133U!~U3 pUll P3U~!S3P 3q 1I1lqs
AllA\3A!.Ip 3ql.." 'p1l3.1 OJ3~Ullq3 oz .I3qwnN
o.oJ UO!J33S 'sO-"OOt UO!JnIOS3H PU3WY
(UOS.lll'I/lqou) uOHoW
P3SSlld uOHoW
.uo!l:laUUO:l looq:lS
q'am aql 'alI!^owal Aq AuoUl!lsal :l!Iqnd aql passaldxa luawpuaurn aqllla] aqs palBlS fqoH
1!1l.IJ p3Z!.IoqJnllI00q3s ~u!.Inp Jd33X3 SS3331l
3!1qnd OJ u3do aq 1I1lqs 100q3S 3IPP!W
3qJ OJ 100q3S A.lllJU3W3I:1 3qJ ~UH33UU03
AllA\3A!.IP aql.." :plla.l OJ a~Ullq3 ol.laqwnN
0.!J: UOH33S 'sO-tOOZ uOHnloS3H PU3WY
(qJ!WS/lqou) uOHoW
pass lid uOHoW
A3ua~3wa .IoJ 100q3S q~!H aqJ OJ 100q3S
A.lllJU3W3I:1 3qJ WO.lJ ~u!uun.l SndW1l3
100q3S 3!lqnd aqJJnoq~no.lqJ AJ!AH3aUU03
P3J3!.IJsa.l ap!Ao.ld II!A\ pUll" plla.l OJI00q3S
alPp!w ~U!A\OlloJ 33U3Juas JSlll 3~Ullq3
0:>( uOH3as '50-tOOZ uOHnloS3H puawy
(UOS.lll'I/lqou) uOHoW
.walsAs sf!Bll aql 'alI!dopAap
ql!M pa)[sBl SBM aan!WWO:l SI!Bll aqlwql palOU aqs ~pafold aqllO] lloddns pa:l!OA UOSlB'1
50-tOOZ uOHnloS3H 3AO.lddy
(qJ!WS/UOS.lll'l) uOHoW
Wd 0€:6 - OZ:6 .)[Balq alnlI!lli-OI B palsanbal uo!ss!wwo;)
azp a'8vcl 's- aUln/oA
saJnu!J"{ UO!SS!WUW:J '8U!uuv/cl
tOOl '[ ,ClVn.lqa.>[
w/sv/V 'p.lVM.asJo rfJ!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 421
Commission discussed the motion. Smith stated that safety concerns were addressed as
standard requirements of the project. It was stated that the motion caused confusion. Commissioner
Daley clarified again with staff that these items were already required.
Motion Failed
Yes: Roach', Hohl, Keil
No: Smith, Larson, Daley
Abstain: Griswold
Vote on main motion as amended
Motion Passed
Yes: Daley, Smith, Roach', Hohl, Larson,
No: None
Abstain: Griswold
Commissioner Griswold took her seat at the dias.
Resolution 2004-06, recommending that City Council amend the Seward City
Code, Table 15.10.220, Development Requirements, to decrease setbacks in the
Industrial Zoning District
Brown read and reviewed the Resolution and Agenda Statement for the public. He noted that
the current recommendations were to decrease the setbacks as follows:
Front Setback, 20 down to 10;
Side Yard Setback, 10 down to 5;
Side Yard Adjacent to Street, 20 down to 10;
Rear Yard Setback, 10 down to 5.
Brown noted that the City attorney had reviewed the Agenda Statement and the Resolution and had
noted that the City had pending litigation on the subject and that change to the setbacks at the current
time could give the appearance of preferential treatment.
Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public
hearing was opened
Jerry Waliezer, outside of City, spoke in support of zero setbacks in the Industrial Zoning District.
He stated that he felt City administration was working against the businesses in the Industrial district.
Steve Leirer, Anchorage, spoke in support of the reduction of setbacks in the Industrial Zone. He
noted that several businesses in the Industrial district had grown and needed to use more oftheir land.
He encouraged the City and the administration to show more support for the businesses in the
Industrial District. He stated that snow removal was the land holders responsibility.
.ls;mb;)l ;)ql Ol P;);)l~U pun p;)SSmS!p UO!SS!W1UO;)
.UOnOUl Innp!^!pU! un su P;)SS;)lPPU ~ SU;)l;)l!h\ q:>U;) lUql p;)lS;)nb;)l A;)luG l;)UO!SS!W1UO;)
'S1I3.13qA\ q,S pUll q,t
'",f 3ql U! "AlIW" Olll!M Sp.lOM 3ql 3jUlIq:J
(UOS.lll'I/PIOMS!.I~) uOHoW
p3SSlId UO!lOW
"SPUlIl P3UMO Ap!lqnd .I3qlo pUll
P3UMO Al!:J 'p3UMO Al3lllA!.Id )0 IllHu3l0d
J!WOUOJ3 3ql 3S1I3.1JU! II!M SlJJlIql3S
3ql jU!S1I3.1J3p 'S1I3.13qA\" ql!M 3JlIld3.1
pUll S1I3.1OlqA\ q,S 3lOlpP '3JUlIU!P.lO PU3WY
(UOS.lll'I/AOllllU) uOHoW
.S){:>uql;)S ;)qlJo uOn:>np;)l ;)ql p;)lloddns ;)qS llUlS ;)qllOJ lloddns P;):>!OA 140H
.;)nSS! S!4l11oddns lOU P!P ;)qs P;)lUlS ;)qS .S){:>uql;)S lU;)lln:>
ql!M U;)A;) ;)~UIOlS MOUS 10J SAUN-.. -JO-l~ru ;)ql ~U!sn Aq ;):>un!ldUlO:> JO lno S;)!ll;)dold AUUUl punoJ
;)qs luql P;)lOU pun u;)m IBPlsnpuI ;)ql ;)Al;)sqo Ol q~noIql ;)APP U ;)UOP puq ;)qs luql P;)lUlS PloMsPD
.;)UOZ luplsnpul ;)l!lU;) ;)qlJo UO!llod rrnws U SUM u;)m 1;)l!;)1 ;)qlluql pun PPlS!G ~U!UOZ luplsnpuI
;)ql JO lIB Ol p;)!lddu ;)~unq:> Aun luql P;)lOU ;)qS .u;)m luplsnpuI 1;)l!;)1 ;)ql U! Sl;)Ploq All;)dold
;)ql UlO.g ;)Uffi:> S){:>uql;)S JO uO!pnp;)l ;)qllOJ lloddns AJUO ;)qllBql w;):>uo:> P;):>!OA PIOMS!lD
'uoS.l1l1'lqoH 'qJlIo'H 'ql!WS 'A3111U :S3,\
p3SSlId uOHoW
'lOl3j (OJ) U3l uUlIl SSOlI 9U
et Oll313P 'S1I3.13qA\ q,L '3JUlIU!P.lO PU3WY
(ql!WS/AOllllU) uOHoW
.S){:>uql;)S ;)ql ~U!:>np;)l ql!M W;):>UO:> Al;)JUS P;):>!OA ,q:>uo"}l
.PplS!G ~U!UOZ IU!llSnpuI ;)ql U! S){:>uql;)S JO uOn:>np;)l ;)ql JO lloddns U! ;)){ods A;)luG
90-tOO, uOHnlos3'H 3AO.lddy
(UOS.ltI'I/A3111U) uOHoW
.P;)SOI:> SUM ~U!m;)q :>nqnd ;)ql pun pm;)q ;)q Ol p;)lS;)nb;)l ;)SI;) ;)UO ON
.UO!SP;)P u 10J l!:>unO;) AlD Ol p;)pmM.loJ SUM UOnUpU;)UlUlO:>;)l
l!;)ql pun UOnupU;)UlUlO:>;)l ;)ql ;)PUUl UO!SS!W1UO;) ~U!UOZ pun ~U!UUUld ;)qllBql P;)lUlS ;)q 'UO!SS!W1UO;)
;)ql Ol SUOnUpU;)UlUlO:>;)l ;)A!~ 10 ;)){UUl OllJUlS 10J ;)lUpdOldduU! Al;)A SUM l! ll;)J ;)q luql P;)lOU ;)q
l! luql p;)lS;)nb;)l;)H .S){:>uql;)S ;)qlJO UO!pnp;)l ;)qlJO lloddns U! ;)){ods 'Al!;) ;)ql ;)p!SlnO 'S.I.ltlW llld
.uonnIOS;)l ;)qllOJ lloddns P;):>!OA pun ;)nSS! )(:>uql;)S ;)ql uo lU;)ds
U;)~ pnq lBql ){lOMJO smoq AUUUl ;)qllOJlJUlS pun UO!SS!W1UO:J ;)ql P;)){UUql 'pmM;)S '.I3UqJ31 jnou
zZt il2vcl '~ ilU./nZOA
Sillnulf'{ UOISSIUlUlO;J 2UIUUVlcl
rOOl '[ tC.lVn.lqild
WfsvlTf 'p.lVM.ilS fo N!;J
City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 423
Change the word will to "may" in the 3rd
Keil stated she did not support the change, she preferred the positive statement.
Griswold stated the Whereas was untrue with the use of the word will, she noted that by
reducing the setbacks there was no guarantee that the statement would happen.
Motion Passed
Yes: Griswold, Larson, Daley, Smith,
Hohl, Roach'
No: Keil
Change the word will to "may in the 4th
Motion Passed
Yes: Smith, Larson, Daley, Hohl, Roach',
No: Keil
Change the word will to "may in the 6th
HoW stated that she felt the City code supported the orderly and stable development in the
Industrial Zoning District; therefore the word will should remain.
Motion Failed
Griswold, Daley, Smith, Larson,
Hohl, Roach', Keil
Motion (Daley/Smith)
Amend Ordinance, delete 4th Whereas
Daley stated the Whereas was a repeat of the 3rd Whereas.
Motion Passed
Motion (Daley/Hohl)
Amend Ordinance; 1st Whereas, change to
"Whereas various Industrial property
owners and lease holders have requested
decreasing the setbacks in the Industrial
Zoning District."
Daley expressed concern that the use ofthe personal name Steve Leirer implied that only the
Leirer Industrial Area was being addressed in the Ordinance.
.wd 00: II JO :lpo:)
l:lSUTlS :ll{l Ol :lnp p.I1l:ll.[:lq Plno:) lU:lWWO:) :)ITqnd lm.[l os :lUOllJOJ :lJ:lM SlU:lWWO:) UO!ss!WWoJ
SlU3WWO:::> UO!SS!WWo:::>
:lllnp~ :lJITPTIA\ IllUO!lllN !llU:l)J :l:)!AJ:lS :lJITPUA\
pUll l.[sH .s.n :ll.[l Aq :lllnJ:l~ :lJ!IPUA\ IllUO!lllN !llU:l)J :ll.[l JOJ Ullld UO!lllAJ:lSUOJ
:lA!su:ll.[:lJdwoJ :ll.[l UO llll!l:l:lW :lSnOH u:ldO 1700l 'L I AillnJq:l..J :ll.[l JO :l:)!lON
(p3.1!nb3.1 uOHa8 ON) SJ.lOd3l{ PU8 sW3H 18uOH8W.lOjUI
.UO!SS:lS )[1OM 1700l 'L I
A.rnnJq:l..J :ll.[l Ol :)!dOl :ll.[l :lAOW Ol SllM UO!ss!WWoJ :ll.[lJo snSU:lSuo:) :ll.[l mol.[ :lllll :ll.[l Ol :lnG
SU~!S ~U!PU8lS33.1j .I0j suo!l!puoa ~U!U.l3aUOa
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jO I!auno:::> 4!:::> 3qljO 3aU8U!p.lO lj8.l{l ~U!lI.lOA\ 3qljO uo!ssnas!p PU8 A\3!A3l{
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JOJ MOlIll PlnoM )[:)llql:lS :lp!S lOOJ ~ II J! Ol SlllllllS WO.IJ UO!lll:)y!.I1lP II p:llS:lnb:lJ 1l.[:)llO~
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SJJnU!J'v UO!SS!UlUlO:J gU!uuvlc/
frOOZ 'f ,uvn.lqJd
VJ!sv/V 'p.lVMJS Jo N!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
February 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 425
Citizens' Comments
Pat Marrs, Seward, stated that as a businessperson he felt the staff and the City was difficult
to work with. He noted that his comments were not meant to be personal.
Bob Valdatta, Seward, noted that property lines should be verified and certified at the time of
construction, to eliminate building into setbacks and Rights-of- Ways.
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments
The meeting was adjourned at 11 :07 p.m.
2~ cf ~
Planning Assistant
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M~anna Keil .
Ch ir
City of Seward, Alaska
March 2, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 425
March Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was Canceled
Donna Glenz ...::.\ Of SI2v?',r"
Planning Assist~,'\-:-l............ ~-9. ' "
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.J;Jp.JO OJ liB;)
9(;17 aZTJJ '~aUlnJOA
pOOl '9 ]!.ldV
City of Seward, Alaska
April 6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 427
* Ultimate Tours dba Godwin Glacier Dogsled Tours had continued to be unresponsive
to the attempted contacts for code violations.
Brown noted that there had been a clerical error on the Agenda. He stated that item lOA was
a standard interior lot line vacation and requested that it be placed on the Consent Agenda.
City Council Liaison Report. - None
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl.
Commissioner HoW submitted a written report of the recent Borough Planning Commission
meeting. The Commission discussed item number five on the report, regarding an encroachment into
the setback and Right-of-Way on Cherrywood Lane.
Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations. None
Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing. - None
Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda
HoW requested that item 10 C, the February 3,2004 meeting minutes be removed from the
Consent Agenda; and item lOA, Resolution 2004-07 remain on the Agenda under New Business for
Motion (Hohl/Roach')
Approve the Agenda as amended
Motion Passed
Unanimous Consent
Special Items
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Keil opened the floor for nominations for Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Larson nominated Keil for Chair. Smith supported the nomination
Motion (Smith/Griswold)
Close the nominations for Chair and elect
Commissioner Keil as Chair for the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion Passed
Unanimous Consent
Keil opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chair for the Planning and Zoning
HoW nominated Smith for Vice-Chair.
p;l.mSU;lW ;lq lIuqs ;lPO;) ~U!UOZ P.l8A\;lS
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S 'ON uomppy
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UUld ;)A!Su;lq;l.ldwo;) P.l8A\;lS JJU.lQ ;lqJ JO uo!ssnJs!p puu A\;l!A;l'H
SS;lU!Sna p;lqS!oyuIl
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I!:>unOJ Al!J ;}ql 'UPU;}lly ;}qlJO H v Ul;}l! Ol Ulnl;}l puu p;}pu;}dsns ;}q S;}In1 ;}ql p;}lS;}nb;}l rqoH
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samU!F{ UO!SS!WWO;] 3u!uuv/J
frOO~ '9 l!,/dV
vJfsvW 'p'/VM.asJo N!;]
City of Seward, Alaska
April 6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 429
from the western edge of the 40 foot
roadway easement.
HoW stated that it was her understanding that it was the City's intent that the setback start
from the westerly edge of the 40 foot road easement along Block 3 of the Jesse Lee Subdivision. The
Commission held a lengthy discussion on the subject. It was noted that many properties within the
City contained roadway easements.
Motion (Hohl/Griswold)
Postpone Resolution 2004-07 until the next
regular meeting, requesting a ruling from
the City attorney on the proposed
amendment and research by staff of the
history of development for Block 3, Jesse
Lee Heights Subdivision.
Smith supported the Postponement to allow for review of other development currently on
Block 3 and to allow for attorney review ofthe roadway easement as a Right-of-Way.
Motion Passed
Yes: Hohl, Griswold, Larson, Daley, Smith
No: Roach', Keil
Griswold requested that the issue be expedited and a special meeting be called following the
ruling from the City attorney. The Commission discussed a special meeting. It was determined to
call a special meeting before the April 20, 2004 work session at 6:30 pm.
Discussion of April 20, 2004 Work Session
HoW requested that the driveway width in the City Code be addressed at the next work
Brown noted that the City Clerk had a request on the Council Agenda of April 12, 2004 to
schedule the annual work session with Planning and Zoning for April 20, 2004.
February 3, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes
Motion (Roach'/Hohl)
Amend the February 3 2004 meeting
minutes by adding discussion "Roach asked
administration if a 5 foot set back would
allow for laddering. Administration
response was, No."
Roach' requested that Commission discussion be added on page 428 of the February 3,2004
minutes, under the motion to amend the Table by returning the side yard setback to 10 feet. She
stated she felt it was an important point of information regarding a safety issue.
SJU3WWO;) ,SU3Z!J!;)
"{!:lunoJ ;}ql ql!M UO!SS;}S ){lOM ;}ql Ol plRMlOJ 'ilU!){001
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31np3q3S ~UH33f\[ AUf\[ uo OW3f\[lJUJS
(p3.1!nb3.1 UOH3B oN) SJ.lod3H pUB SW3H IBuoHBw.loJuI
p3SSBd uOHof\[
"SlU;}WPU;}WU1OJ sUOPUPU;}WWO:l;}ll!Wqns pUll S;}dUl ;}quo M;}!A;}l
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l;}q qs!uy Ol ;}Jquun U;};}q puq pUll 'ilU!lR;}H :l!Jqnd ;}ql JO ;}dUl ;}ql 'ilU!M.;}!A;}1 srnoq OMllU;}ds puq
;}qs lllql P;}JQu ;}qS "'ilU!lR;}H :lHqnd 100q:lS ;}IPP!W ;}quo S;}lnU!W ;}ql U! P;}P;}IP1 U;}~ lOU Pllq luql
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pOOl '9 l!.IdV
oJfsoW 'p.lOMaS Jo Ail;)
City of Seward, Alaska
April 6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 431
Bob Valdetta, inside the City, stated that requiring a verified property line at the time of
construction for the new Safeway project would be a good option. He proposed an ice-rink as an
option for the commons area of the proposed Multi-Agency project. Spoke to the idea of the natural
gas pipeline; he noted that Sandy Wasillie was working on an impact statement.
Kevin Clark, inside the City, thanked the Commission for recognizing the need for moving
the Jesse Lee Heights, replat along quickly. He suggested the idea of a liaison from Planning and
Zoning go to the Council meetings as well as a liaison from Council to Planning and Zoning. He
noted he looked forward to the work session between P & Z and Council.
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments
HoW noted that years ago one of the Planning and Zoning Commissioners had suggested that
a requirement be enacted to require foundation locates at the time of construction.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Donna Glenz 0
Planning Assistant
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"UOHU::lOpl doqs Al!;) aql uo Plaq uaaq puq uo!ssas ){lOM Y {1
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"pOOl 10J panss! AIlUalln::l uaaq puq Sl!Ullad 'ilU!pI!nq uaalIDod {1
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.Iap.lo OJlIll;)
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pOOl '9,(vJV
v'JfsvlV 'p.1VM<1S Jo N!;)
City of Seward, Alaska
May6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 433
City Council Liaison Report. - None
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl.
Commissioner HoW submitted a written report of the recent Borough Planning Commission
Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations. None
Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing. - None
Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion (Smith/Hohl)
Approve the Agenda as amended
HoW requested that item 9 C, the February 3,2004 regular meeting minutes be removed from
the Consent Agenda.
Motion Passed
Unanimous Consent
The Chair noted the approval ofthe following consent agenda items:
Resolution 2004-09. recommending the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval ofthe preliminary
replat, Seward Original Townsite Blankenship Replat, a resubdivision of Lots 17 and 18,
Block 36
April 6, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Hearings
Review of Seward's All Hazard Mitigation Plan (Draft)
Notice of the public hearing as posted and published as required by law was noted, and the
public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Dave Squires, City Fire Chief reviewed the draft All Hazard Mitigation Plan. He noted that
in 2000 the Federal government had passed an act called the Disaster Mitigation Act of2000. The
Act required as a condition of receiving federal disaster mitigation funds, local governments to
develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan. Chief Squires noted that he was requesting feedback from the
Commission and the public on the draft plan. He stated that the plan was on the May 10, 2004 City
Council agenda for review and public input.
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City of Seward, Alaska
May6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 435
the Fourth (4) amendment to Resolution
Motion Passed
Roach', Hohl, Griswold
Smith, Keil
Amend the February 3, 2004 minutes to
add "Hohl asked whether a recommendation
to the Borough to buy the additional eight
acres was appropriate now or at our next
meeting. The Chair responded that could be
addressed in a letter at the next meeting" to
the Commission discussion following the
vote of the Fourth (4) amendment to
Resolution 2004-05
Motion (Hohl/Smith)
Griswold requested a conflict of interest ruling as to whether she was allowed to vote on the
amendments to the minutes since she was out of the Council Chambers when the discussion took
place regarding the Seward Middle School and that she had been the property owner.
Chair Keil ruled that Griswold did have a conflict of interest. The Commission discussed the
ruling and requested a vote. The Commission stated that there was no conflict because the
amendments were only to the minutes, not to the ruling on the Resolution. The Chair ruled that a
vote be taken on the conflict of interest for each amendment.
Vote for the first amendment:
Vote Passed
Griswold had a conflict of interest
Griswold had no conflict of interest
Smith, Roach', Hohl
The Commission discussed the conflict issue for the second amendment. Chair Keil stated
that since it was voted as no conflict for the first amendment then she felt there was no conflict for the
second amendment.
Vote for the second amendment:
Vote Failed
Griswold had a conflict of interest
Griswold had no conflict of interest
Hohl, Keil
Smith, Roach'
Commission discussed submitting a letter or a Resolution of support for the purchase of the
additional eight acres adjoining the Seward Middle School property. It was suggested that the
motion and the second be withdrawn and a Resolution be brought forward at the June meeting.
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9E17 a'8vd '~ aUlnlOA
tOOl '9tWW
tYJfsvlV 'p.JVM.as Jo iCJI:J
City of Seward, Alaska
June 1, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 43 7
Call to order
The June 1, 2004, regular meeting ofthe Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called
to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Mariana Keil.
Opening ceremony
Commissioner Roach' led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Roll call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Carol Griswold Kristi Larson
Sandie Roach' Tom Smith
comprising a quorum of the Council; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
Lynn Hohl- Excused
Nina Daley - Excused
Special Reports & Presentations
City Administration Report. City Planner Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of
the following business items:
)> Noted the continued work with the mapping technician for the automation of Seward
street addressing system.
)> Continued efforts of code enforcement.
)> Noted that Barb Seaman with the Kachemak Heritage Land Trust planned to give a
presentation at the July 6, 2004 P&Z meeting.
)> The Multi-Agency Facility parking plan review had been submitted. It was noted that
the Beach Front Park/snow dump site was currently shown as being used for parking.
)> Linda Murphy, Borough Clerk planned to give a parliamentary procedure workshop
on July 27,2004
)> Work continued on the feasibility of annexation. Brown noted a work session was
scheduled for July 26, 2004
)> The Historic Preservation Commission had applied for the "Save America's
Treasures" grant for restoration for the Jesse Lee Home.
City Council Liaison Report. Senior Council Member Margaret Anderson - no report
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hobl - No report submitted
'S!UP :'llIl UlO.y JpSJ;;ll{ p;;lAOUl;;lJ ;;ll{S pUU P!UUO:l U pUll PIoMs!lD P;;lInJ SUM n ';;l:lUId ;;l)[Ul Ol ;;lJ;;lM
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l.Ioddns B;}uno;) An;) 1Bq1 ~U!PU:lUlWO;}:l.l pUB ~uH.loddns 'OI-tOOl UOHnIOS:lll
SS:lu!snq M:lN
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pun M;;l!MJ Ol P;;lPUllUO:l U;;l;;lq pUll l3U!l!lM. ;;lP!.L l{l3m ';;l!I!SSUM. APUUS lUl{l P;;llOU UMOJ8.
II :lwnlO A pUB I :lwnlO A (UB.I(I) (OlOl) UBld :lA!SU:lq:l.ldwo;) p.lBM:lS :lq1 JO M:l!A:lll
;;lUON - SS:lu!sng p:lqS!uguil
;;lUON - S~U!.IB:lq ;}nqnd
.U:l>>!.IM SB S:llnU!W ~UH:l:lW Z28d tOOl '9 ABW :lq1 JO IBAO.lddy
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;;lUON - ~U!.IB:lq ;}nqnd .I0J p:llnp:lq;}s SW:ln :lSoq11d:l;}X:l :J;}:lfqns AUB uo SlU:lWWO;} .SU:lZ!l!;)
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VJ[SVW 'p.lVMaS fo NO
City of Seward, Alaska
June 1, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 439
Brown stated that the twelve acres that the new Seward Middle School was currently being
built on was not large enough to support the trail system needs of the school. He noted that the
resolution of support was to go to Council then on to the Borough Assembly.
Motion (Smith/Roach')
Approve Resolution 2004-10
Smith supported the Resolution. He noted that perhaps emergency evacuation trails and the
trail system for the school could be combined to allow more use of the lands.
Motion Passed
Griswold returned to the dias.
Informational items and reports (No action required)
A. Notice of Decision, Kenai Peninsula Borough Plat Committee, Jesse Lee Heights
Addition No.5, Preliminary Plat (Safeway Replat)
B. Status update from the Kenai Peninsula Borough to Cliff Baker of Integrity Surveys,
regarding the Ennis/Bernardino/Carlson replat
C. May 19, 2004 Seward Zoning Code violation letter to Ultimate Tours, dba Godwin
Glacier Dogsled
Commission comments
Griswold asked ifthe City had started zoning enforcement requests against ERA Aviation for
the sign code violations.
Roach' noted that the Commission had discussed trying to do some public education on the
sign code. She stated that perhaps education through the Seward Log would be beneficial.
Citizens' comments -
Margaret Anderson, inside the city, stated that Steve Leirer was in the process of replating
his property to the west of the horse pasture at the base of Dairy Hill. She hoped to see some type of
access looked at that would allow traffic to travel without getting out on the Seward Highway.
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments - None
a Glenz
Planning Assistant
;J )I:f~
,,-,' I , .
., IlJtuA ~/rz/fI /- ' .~- '
MarJanna Keil -
(City Seal)
. .
'AllA\-JO-lll~m laallS UO~U!llsllA\
alll JO UO!lll:JllA II pUll ~uqllld Sll al!S dump M.ousPIllld lUOld ll:Jllag alll pasn llllll
Ullld ~uqllld II M.OllS 01 panu!luo:J Ullld alllllllll palOU aH 'Uld 6-L UlO.l] ~u!p{!nq SWI
allllll VOOZ 'L Alnr ~u!laaUl :J!Iqnd II Ploll 01 alnpall:Js SllM. Al!I!:Jlld A:Jua~Y-!lInw alll. ~
'a:Jull!IdUlo:J 10J SlllOl. paIs~oa
la!:JllID U!M.POD 01 UO!Sualxa Allp Ot II palull~ pllllla~llUllUl Al!:) alllllllll paloN ~
alll U! ~U!UM.ll alll uo uo!spap llno:J alll paIlladdll Pllll alllM.plllH tDY llllll palOU SllM. n ~
'vooz 'a Alnr 10J palnpall:Js SllM. {!:Juno:) 1ll!M.
uo!ssas )[lOM. :J!Iqnd llllllll palOU aH JJlllS alllloJ Al!lo!ld dOlll uaaq Pllll uO!lllxauuy ~
~u!Ssa1ppll laalls plllM.as alll JO uO!lllUlolnll allllOJ )[1OM. panu!luo:J alllpoUlUlo:J:Jll
01 papll~dn uaaq Pllll alllM.Yos ~u!ddllUl a:J!J]o luaUldopAaa Al!unUlUlO:) alll paloN ~
:SUlal! ssau!snq ~U!M.OIIoJ alll
JO UO!SS!UlUlO:) alll palllpdn UMO.lg UlIOJIBW .IauuBld Al!:) opodall UOnB.llSlulUlPY All::>
SuOnB1UaSa.ld W spodalllBpads
pasn:Jx't[ - ,1l:Jlloll a!pUllS
lUlllS!SSY ~U!UUllld 'zuaID llUUOa
laUUllld 'UM.Olg Ullo:JIllW
pUll ~{!:Juno:) allljo Ullllonb II ~U!S!ldUlO:J
AaIlla llU!N
1l1!UlS UlOl. IlloH uuAl
UOSllll !ls!l)I PIOM.s!lD IOlll:)
pUll '~u!P!sald I!a)lllUUll!lllW
:luasald alaM. alalll.
IIBJ 1I01l
'~llJJ alll 01 a:JUll!~aIIY JO a~pald alll pal AaIlla laUO!SS!UlUlO:)
AUOUla.laJ ~uluado
'{!a)lllUll!lllW l!llll:) Aq 'Ul'd Ot:L llllaplo 01
paIIll:J SllM. UO!SS!UlUlO:) ~U!UOZ tfl ~U!UUllld plllM.as al{lJo ~U!laaUllllln~al 'VOOZ '9 Alnr al{l.
.Iap.lo 01 liB:)
01717 a3vc! 'r; aUJnfOA
sa/nu!F{ UO!SS!U1U1O:J 3u!uuvZc!
POOZ '9 tfznf'
v1fsvlJI 'p~vMas fo NO
City of Seward, Alaska
July 6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 441
~ He noted that a request had been received from the Seward Racing Lions to operate a
race track on approximately 10 acres at SMIC. He noted that the issue was scheduled
for the August Planning and Zoning meeting.
~ Linda Murphy, Borough Clerk planned to hold a parliamentary procedure workshop
on July 27,2004.
~ The Rasmuson Foundation had held a meeting with a representative of the Historic
Preservation Commission, City staff, DNR staff, Alaska Children Services and
Senator Stevens' staff on the Jesse Lee Home. He noted that the concerns from
Senator Stevens' staff were that the Jesse Lee Home had not been given high priority
by the City of Seward.
~ Staff continued to work on Floodplain Development Permits.
City Council Liaison Report. - Margaret Anderson
Anderson stated that Council was working on moving the City shop. She noted that a
Resolution to obtain an appraisal of the interested properties was planned for the July 12, 2004
Council meeting.
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl
Hohl stated that the Borough report had been emailed to each Commissioner before the
meeting. She commented that she had been told that the Seward Scenic Byways Committee had
dissolved. She noted that the Sterling area Scenic Byways had received grant money and suggested
the Seward Scenic Byways area look into doing the same.
Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations
Barb Seaman, Kachemak Heritage Land Trust
Seaman gave an over view ofthe Kachemak Heritage Land Trust (KHLT). She noted that
the trust was based out of Homer but served the entire Kenai Peninsula. She noted of particular
interest to the community of Seward was an "In Lieu Fee Agreement" that KHLT had negotiated
with the US Army Corps of Engineers. The fee-based compensatory mitigation program was
allowed for under Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act. This agreement had allowed KHL T to act as
passive recipient of fees provided by the Alaska Railroad to mitigate work done in Resurrection Bay
on the new dock. She stated that the fees were intended to contribute to the preservation of wetlands
and aquatic habitats in the area. The use ofthe fund for compensatory mitigation may only be used
after the relevant activity had complied with the Corps regulations and policy regarding wetlands
avoidance and minimization. KHLT currently holds approximately $59,000.00 in the "In Lieu Fee
Agreement" account. Seaman stated the KHL T was asking for input from the community of Seward
regarding the most beneficial use ofthese funds.
Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing - None
OO~'O 1 APlUUl!XOlddU P;}U!UlUO::l pun IUnU;}p!S;}lI ;}::lYJO P;}UOZ SUM All;}dOld ;}qllUql P;}lUlS UM018
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ssau!snq MaN
'llunaaUl1700Z 'L laqUlaldas
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'UO!Ssas ){lOM 1700Z '~I ;}unf paInpaq:>s aqllu Ulillonb U uaaq lOU puq alaqlwql palou
UM018 'unId as[l pun'] aql alaIdUlO::l Ol uo!ssas ){lOM U 10J alup U las UO!SS!UlUlO::> aqlluql palsanbal
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;}H 'UO!SS!UlUlO::> ;}ql ;}lopq SUM II au.mIo A pun I ;}UlnIo A OWl YUlQ aqlluql palou UM018
II amnlo A pUB I amnlo A (UU.lU) (OZOZ) uUld aA!suaqa.ldmo;) P.lUMaS aql JO Ma!AaH
auoN - ssau!sna: paqs!ugun
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'uan!lM su SalnU!UlllU!laaUl Z18d tOOl 'I aunf ;}qlJo IUAOlddy
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frOO, '9 iCfnf'
v'IsvlV 'p.lVM.as fo N!:)
City of Seward, Alaska
July 6, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 443
square feet. The property was currently served by existing public utilities and did not require a
subdivision agreement.
Motion (Larson/Griswold)
Approve resolution 2004-11, as written.
Griswold expressed concerns that the applicant be informed of the current nonconforming
issues and that any additions to the existing structures must meet current zoning setback codes.
Griswold also suggested that the Commission review the Borough platting check list before sending
any plats on to the Borough.
Brown stated that Mary Toll, Borough Platting Officer planned to hold a training work
session with the Commission in the fall of 2004.
Motion (HobVGriswold)
Amend Resolution 2004-11, to add
"WHEREAS, tbe existing structures were
built prior to 1968 and are nonconforming
structures according to ~15.10.315. (c) and
subject to 15.10.315 (1)"; and
Hohl stated that the amendment was additional information and gave the property owner a
reference point in the City Code to review that affected their lots.
Motion Passed
Informational items and reports (No action required)
Kenai Peninsula Borough Plat Committee, Notice of Decision for the Marina Subdivision
Mindenbergs Replat
Zoning Enforcement Action with ERA Aviation
Zoning Enforcement Action with Godwin Glacier Dogsled Tours
Commission comments
Hobl, stated that Borough minutes contained more detail and she had intended to bring a
copy as an example.
Griswold, thanked Barb Seaman for her presentation to the Commission.
Daley, also thanked Seaman.
Keil, expressed frustration with current building code that was adopted by Council. She
noted that when the International Building Code was adopted by Council the Temporary Office
portion of the code been removed; therefore not allowing Temporary Offices within the City.
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City of Seward, Alaska
August 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 36, Page 445
Call to order
The August 3, 2004, regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Mariana Keil.
Opening ceremony
Commissioner Daley led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Roll call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Sandie Roach'
Lynn HoW
Nina Daley
Kristi Larson
Tom Smith
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
Carol Griswold - Excused
Special Reports & Presentations
City Administration Report - City Planner Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of
the following business items:
>> Annexation had continued to be a top priority for the staff. He noted that copies of the
study were available for review at the Clerks office.
>> Noted that the City manager had granted a 30-day extension to Godwin Glacier
Dogsled Tours for compliance. The applicant had come into the office but had not
submitted a Conditional Use Permit application.
>> The Multi-Agency facility was requesting comments on their environmental assessment.
>> Brown reviewed the ingress and egress to the City Building during the dispatch remodel
>> The parliamentary procedure workshop with Linda Murphy, Borough Clerk was to be
City Council Liaison Report. - Margaret Anderson
Anderson was not present for a report.
'U:)H!JM S~ S:)lnll!W ZilI!l:):)W Z~d tOOZ: '9 Arnf :)l{lJo ~AOlddV
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3ql Ol SS30!Sng Al3N: "3pon 0;) W3l! ppy
8pU33y lU3SUO;) PUlJ lJpu33y JO IlJAO.Iddy
(OOS.lU'I/Ql!WS) uOHoW
upu338 l03S00a pOlJ 8p033u JO IlJAO.Iddy
'uo!ssn:>s!p lOJ ~pu~~~ :)l{l uo :)nss! ~l{l
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ollnop~ tl p;)p!Aold ~l{S 'ss~OJd ~:)r ~ql ~lJ!IDP 101 -'1766 1 uO!lnros~"M lI! p~urrlno Stl 's~mp~:>old
pw A:>!{Od ~~'l UMO Sl! P:)MoIIoJ lOU ptlq Al.!;) ~qllPJ ~qs P~lUlS ~S 'loqmH ~og ~S pmM~S
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;)l{ll~l P:)l~lS:)H 'suon ZilI!:)~"M pmM:)S :)ql ~lI!lU:)s:)ld:)l :))fods 'Al!;) :)ql :)p!SlnO '3"1qaS!Su)I uUlla
3u!.Iuaq anqnd "oJ p3(npaq3s SW3J! 3soqlld3ua la3fqns AOu uo quawwoa .suazH!;)
:)UOU - suoHUlU3S3"d pUB sluaW3aunouuy 'sl.lodaH ..3qJO
':>!{qnd ~ql pw
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tOO l . f JS1IlJlI V
UJfSVW 'p.JVM3S fo N/:J
City of Seward, Alaska
August 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 36, Page 447
Public hearings
Resolution 2004-12 granting a Conditional Use Permit to Richard and Melody
Jordan to construct (interior remodel) and operate a five (5) unit hotel, Lots 1,
2, & 3, Block 14, Original Townsite of Seward, 335 Third Avenue
Brown stated that the property currently contained a building that had previously supported
retail sales, he noted that the applicants had requested a Conditional Use Permit to remodel and
operate a five (5) unit hotel within the current structure. He reviewed the conditions requested by
staff. He noted that the applicants were currently in the process of vacation of the interior lot lines as
required by City Code.
Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and
the public hearing was opened.
Melody Jordan, outside the City, stated she was the co-owner of the property and was
available to answer any questions from the Commission on the project.
No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Motion (Daley/Smith)
Approve Resolution 2004-12
Daley stated that the current sign was a non-conforming sign used for the previous business
and had to be removed per the Seward Sign Code. She voiced concern regarding the non-existent
driveway curb cut access to Jefferson Street. She noted the lack of a landscape plan in the project.
Roach' questioned the lack of sidewalks around the building on the site plan.
The Commission suspended the rules to ask questions of the applicant and the builder.
Dave Hayes, contractor for the project. Hays noted that there were currently sidewalks on
three sides of the building. He stated he would work with the City on the curb cuts on the North side
of the property. He explained that approximately fifteen (15) years back the Jefferson Street Right-
of- Way had been increased and currently was very close to the North side ofthe building; however
the current access to Jefferson Street was further north. He questioned being able to address the curb
cut issues within the Right-of-Way. Hays noted he would work with the City staff on the driveway
access to Jefferson.
Motion (DaleylLarson)
Amend Resolution 2004-12, add condition;
"Existing non-conforming sign be removed
in accordance with the Seward City Code
Motion Passed
Yes: Larson, Daley, Smith, Hohl, Keil
No: Roach'
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"ooz 'f IsniJnV
t7J(svW 'pJ.VM3S fo N!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
August 3, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 36, Page 449
Brown stated that the Seward Racing Lions had presented a proposal to City Council to lease
approximately 12 acres in the Seward Marine Industrial Center (SMIC) area to operate a racetrack.
Council had referred the request to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and
recommendation. He noted that the Seward City Code did not currently allow for racetrack activities
in the Industrial Zoning District. Staff recommended that the Commission review and discuss a
possible Code change to allow "race tracks" by Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in the Industrial and
Resource Management Zoning Districts. He noted that a letter had been sent to the Racing Lions
requesting more information for a site development plan but he had not received anything back from
the applicant at this time.
Commission suspended the rules to ask questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Daley voiced concerns regarding the dust, emergency burden, and security
concerns for the Spring Creek Correction Center, HoW voiced concerns with sanitary facilities and
other infrastructure. HoW stated that she would not support allowing racetracks in the Resource
Management Zoning District. The Commission concurred and recommended that the use be allowed
by CUP in the Industrial Zoning District only. The Commission discussed the issue and
recommended that staff continue to work with the applicant on a complete site plan and proposal for
lease. Also continue to review and bring forward the needed zoning code changes.
Discussion of Lease Policy and Procedures
The Commission suspended the rules and held a discussion with Tanya Sandefur regarding her
testimony. She felt the City had not followed the City's own Lease Policy and Procedures in
Resolution 1994-101 during the lease of the South portion of Lot 1, Block 6, Small Boat Harbor
Followin~ a lengthy diSfussion on the City Lease Policy and Procedures the Commission
unanimously recommended that a l~tt~r be sent to the City Council noting that the issue had come
before the Cpmprission and had raise4 concerns and that the Commission requested the Council
review the actions that had occurred. Commissioner Smith volunteered to draft the letter.
Informational Items and Reports
Rescheduling of Parliamentary Procedure Training by Linda Murphy
The Commission discussed the possible training dates supplied by Borough Clerk Linda
Murphy and set the training for September 28,2004 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers.
Commission Comments
Daley, thanked Malcolm Brown for the excellent job he did on the information for the
annexation study.
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lJ1fSlJfV 'p.J1JMaS fo tCJ!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
September 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5 Page 451
Call to order
The September 7, 2004, regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Mariana Keil.
Opening ceremony
Commissioner Griswold led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Roll call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Carol Griswold
Lynn HoW
Nina Daley
Kristi Larson
Tom Smith
Sandie Roach'
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
Special Reports & Presentations
City Administration Report.
City Planner Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items:
~ Brown noted that the Community Development Office had discussed a scope of work
with Gary Greenberg, of Alaska Mapping Company to produce the current needed
maps for the Comprehensive Plan and the continued mapping for the Seward address
~ The office had just completed review of building permit number 49 for the year.
~ Seward Library was continuing work on site selection for a new facility.
~ Historic Preservation updates: The 2004 Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
grant to update the Historic Preservation Plan was currently before Council for
acceptance and matching funds. The 2005 DNR grant application was available and
was being looked at to hire a contract person to work as a liaison and grant writer for
the Jesse Lee Home.
City Council Liaison Report. - Margaret Anderson
Anderson addressed the Commission with updates from the August 9 and 23, 2004 Council
meetings. She noted that Council had reconsidered and failed Ordinance 2004-01, decreasing the
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UO!ss!lliWoJ aq~ 'd[lJ ;lqllOj ;ll!S S)[oo~J aqll!S!^ Ol uo!ssas )[lOM U p;llsaob;ll PIOA\S!.ID
'UO!l!PPU lUUIDU}Sa"M S,)[oo~J aqllOj UO!lU:l!Iddu l!Wlad ;)S[l luuo!l!PUOJ
aql lUaq OJ tOOL 'Oll;)({Waldas lOj palopaq:lS ~U!la;)W ~aH :l!Iqod IU!:l;)dS aql pa:luoouuu UA\O.lg
wd OO:L lU tOOL 'Ill;)({Waldas uo uuld ;lA!SUaqaldwoJ ;lqllOj asooH uadO aql pa:luoouuu I!a.,.
SUOH8lU3S;Ud pUll Slu3w33unouuy 'SJ.lOd3H .I3qlO
':l!Iqod ;lql puu UO!ss!lliWoJ
;lqllOJ SU llod;ll UO!ss!lliWoJ ~U!Ullu{d q~oOlOg ulosll!llad !UU;l)l U;lll!lM. U P;lll!Wqos NOH
IqoH UUA'} Aq J.lOd3H UO!SS!WWO;) lIu!UUllld gd.,.
'~ll!l;l;lW lX;lU ;lqllu ;lOSS! ;lqll!S!^;ll Ol ;lPUW u;l;lq puq uO!low U puu P;lI!uj puq ;l:lUUld;l:l:lU
p;lfold M;ll S;ll:lV lsalo.1 qllou aqlluql P;llOU aqs 'P!llS!G ~ll!llOZ IU!llSOpuI aql ~l!M S)[:luqlas
pOoz 'L .IaqUlaJdas
UJ(SVlY 'p.lViKiJs!o ND
G S v a3vJ ~ aUlnlo A
sa}nU!W UO!SS!UlUlOJ $U!uuv/J
City of Seward, Alaska
September 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5 Page 453
Brown noted that the property was owned by the City and currently contained the City
parking lot to the North on lot 2A and Lot lA, to the South was leased to the applicant and contained
retail business, The property was zoned Harbor Commercial (He). The lots met the current
minimum lot size and width and were serviced by municipal water, sewer and electric; therefore a
subdivision agreement was not required. Brown noted the following requested conditions:
1. An as-built survey verifYing that the North lot line does not create an encroachment; and
2. The spelling ofthe "Pruit" name shall be corrected to "Pruitt. Staff recommended approval of
the subdivision replat.
Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and
the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was
Motion (Smith/Hohl)
Approve Resolution 2004-13
Larson noted that the surveyor, Integrity Surveyor, had the City manager listed incorrectly on
the "Certification of Ownership and Dedication" on the plat. The Commission requested staffaddress
the correction with the surveyor.
Motion (Hohl/Griswold)
Amend Resolution 2004-13; add following
encroachment in recommendation 1. "into
the City set-back"
Motion Passed
Vote on main motion
Motion Passed
Resolution 2004-14 recommending the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of
the Clear View Subdivision No.6
Brown stated that the property was currently zoned Two Family Residential (R2), that the
developer and the City Building Official were currently working on the subdivision agreement. He
noted that there was a correction to the Agenda Statement that an additional fire hydrant was
required to meet current code. He noted that a portion of the property was in the 1 OO-year floodplain
according to the FEMA flood maps. Brown noted that the recommendation of staff had changed
from the time of printing the packet for the Commission. He stated that several infrastructure
departments had concerns that were currently being worked on. Brown recommended that the
Commission postpone the approval of the replat until further study was completed and worked on
with the developer.
'UO!Ssms!p JOJ PlOM;lJOJ
Ul;ll! ;lql ilupq Ol ;lpmu U;l;>q PUll lS;lnb;ll g lUlll P;llglS P;llOU;lH 'Sg;lm ilU!U!ofpg Pug S;ll:)V lS;llOd
;lqllOJ p;>ssn:)S!p ilU!;>q AIlU;lllll:) ;ll;lM sp;lfold lU;lUldo{;lA;lP SnOl;lUInU lUlll P;llglS UMO.lg
SB3.1Y ~u!u!ofpy 3ql pUB S3.13Y lS3.10~ JO SW33UO;) lU3wdoI3A3U JO UO!SSn3S!U
SS3U!Sng M3N
;lUON - SS3U!Sng p3qS!UYUIl
(1'00, 'f. .I3qOl30) ~Un33W .IBln~3.1
lX3U 3ql mun 1'1-1'00, uOnnlos3H 3uodlSOd
(lqOH/UOS.lB'l) uonoJ\I
f'l-f'OO, uonnloS3H 3AO.lddy
(ql!WS/UOS.lB'l) uonoJ\I
"P3S0P SBM ~U!.IB3q 3!lqnd 3ql pUB p.IB3q 3q Ol p3lS3nb3.1 3S13 3UO ON:
';lP!M l;l;lJ o( ;>q SAgM;lA!lP ;lql ilU!l!nb;ll
Aq P;lSS;llppg ;>q lqil!Ul ;lnsS! sS;llil;l Pug sS;llilU! ;lqllUlll p;llnls 'AlD ;lql ~l!M 'PIBUOU3J\I W!.L
';lnSS! S~l SS;llPpg l;ldOI;lA;lP ;lqllUlll p;llS;lnb;ll ;lqS 'l;l;lJ 009 uuqll;liluoI S){:)oN U! AgMqlgd
ug!llS;lP;ld g ;lP!AOld Oll;ldoI;lA;lP ;lql ilU!l!llb;ll p;llsp';l ;lpO:) qilnoJOH n 19q1 P;llglS NOH
UOHwil!S;lP ;lql ;lAUll Ol VW3d ql!M ){lOM Ol P;lPU;llU! ;lq P;llOU;lH 'UO!lguil!S;lP U!gIdpoo{J lU;lllll:)
;lql ql!M ;l;llilg lOU P!P l;ll!;l'1 'UO!pg ilU!ngId ;lql ;luodlsod Ol P;l;llilg ;lq lUlll P;llQU;lH 'P;lSS;llPpg
;>q Ol S;lnSS! JO lS!I g ;lP!AOld ~lS p;lls;lnb;ll ;lq ~AOlddg ;lql ;luodlSOd Ol SgM UO!ssrunuO;) ;lql
J! lUlll P;llglS l;ll!;l'1 o;lUJ!l ~llg ZZ Pug 1 Z 'oz SlO'1lU;lllll:) ;lqlJO UOHW!Ul!I;l ;lql U! P;llS;ll;llU! sgM
;lq P;llms;lH opgO~ X!lI;loqd uo dOl){:)gN ;lqlJO ;lilp;l ;lql UlO.IJ l;l;lJ (17) mOJ A{;ll1ruJ!XOlddg ;ll;lM S;l~lS
l;lWO:) ;lqllUlll P;llOU;lH 'Av;)dOld ;lqlJO l;ldoI;lA;lP ;lql sg ;l){ods ';lilglOq:)UV '.I3.1!3'l3A3lS
"p3U3do SBM ~U!.IB3q 3!lqnd 3ql
pUB P3lOU IIBM MBI Aq p3.!!nb3.1 SB p3qll!lQnd pUB p3ls0d ~U!3Q ~U!.IB3q 3!IQnd JO 33noN
'P;lSg;ll:)U! AIIg:)HSglp PUll g;lm ;lql U! lU;lUldo{;lA;lP lUlll P;llOU;lH oM;l!A;lll;lqll11J lOJ p;luodlsod
;lq WId Wql p;lls;lnb;ll Pug g;lm 19q1 U! Al;lJgS JOJ SW;l:)UO:) PUll OS~ ;lq 19q1 P;llglS A3SB;)
Al"Jgs "ql Ol ~;)ds lOp;ll!G S){101\\ :)!Iqnd ',(;)sg;) 0;)01\\ lUlll p;llS;lnb;ll "qS o:)!Iqnd "qllOJ SW;l:)UO:)
Al;lJgS PUll ;lqS Pug l;lWO:) purrq g UO SgM g;lm ;lql 19q1 P;llglS ;lqs 'pgO~ X!lI;loqd Ol OZ lO'1 UlO.IJ
SS;l:):)g ;lql ilU!pmil;lllU;lUl~d;lG S){101\\ :)!Iqnd ;lql Ol W;l:)UO:) P;lSS;lldx;l PUll ;lqs P;llQU I!;l)l
v S V a3vcl [; aUJnfO A
l>amU!W UO!I>I>!UJUJO;) 3u!uuv/cl
rOOl 'L .JaqUJaldas
tn{I>VW 'p.JVM2S 10 N!;)
City of Seward, Alaska
September 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5 Page 455
Keil stated that perhaps it was time to start discussing the issue of adding a stop light at the
Seward Highway and Sea Lion Avenue intersection,
HoW noted that the current RV parking area off of Dimond Boulevard was extremely
dangerous. She noted that the RV's backed out onto the road. The follow was added to the minutes
by a Hohl amendment: "indicate concern for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling along Dimond
Boulevard with RV's on one side and the Resort on the other. Some of the RV's in the City run
parking area were noted as extending into the roadway over the fog line."
Roach' noted that she had been involved in safety discussions for school bus drivers in the area
and one issue that continued to be brought up was the Department of Transportation (DOT) had
again changed the speed limit on the Seward Highway back to 55miles per hour (mph) at the City
limit point. She stated that southbound drivers coming from the 55-mph zone had to immediately
drop to 35-mph causing an unsafe clustering effect on the traffic in that area.
Following a lengthy discussion the Commission supported further discussion and work on the
development concerns for the Forest Acers area at a feature work session.
August 3, 2004 Regular Meeting Minutes
Pulled from the Consent Agenda by Commissioner Griswold. Griswold noted that she was
not in attendance at the August meeting and the spelling of Dave Hayes was incorrect. Roach' noted
that she was in attendance at the meeting. Daley noted that a miss spelling of her name existed on
page 25 ofthe packet. Staff apologized for these errors and noted the corrections.
Motion (Griswold/Smith)
Approve August 3, 2004 meeting minutes
as amended
Motion (HohI/Larson)
Amend minutes under Unfinished Business,
item 1; "Commissioner Hohl apologized for
missing the work session. The meeting was
not listed on the calendar contained in the
Commission Packet."
Motion Passed
Vote on main motion
Motion Passed
Review of the 9/712004 work session and plan of action for the Seward
Comprehensive Plan - 2020 (Draft)
"It(.J!l :)!JJR1l ~ ~ll~ W::l:)uo:) ::l:)!OA::lH "A~Mt(.J!H pmM::lS ::lql p~ p~O"M qsuN
uo p::l::lds ::lql UO UOS1::lPUY umuOMl!:)unO;) ql!M P::l.I.ffi:)uo:)::lH "lU::lWU:)op ::lyq~sn Al::lA ~ S~M l! p::llOU
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qllou llU!nU!luo:) ::lUOZ qduI Sf ::lql OlU! ){OO{ p{nOM ::lqs p::lltllS 'umuOMl!:)unO:) 'uouapuv l<l.lBs..BW
Sluawwo;:) .suaZ!l!;:)
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"~AOUl::l1 llU!;)({ ::ll::lM S::l::lll p~ p::lITY
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"SlU::lUldO{::lA::lp p~ SUO!S!^!pqns
S~ ql!M pmM::lS JO ::lA!llOddns OS llU!;)({ 10J 1::ll!::l'1 ::lA::llS p::l~l ::lqS "UO!SS!UJUlO;) ::lql Ol l::lSStl
::lllnq 13 U::l;)({ ptll{ A::l{tlQ l~l ::llOU ::lqs UO!SS!UJUlO;) ::lql uo A::l{~QJO SSO{ ::lql Ol MOllOS ::l:>!OA UOUB'}
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"loqmH l~Og llrolS ::lql U! All::ld01dJo ::lSU::l{ lU::l:)::ll ::lql10J S::lmp::l:>old p~ S::l!:)!{Od ::lS~::l'1
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"p::l~{d SUM ::llOUllqllnoql p~ p::lpp~ U::l:xt p~ Al:xtqmqs
pW {!OSdOl ::lUlOS Wql p::llOU uosm'1 "llU!P{!nq ::l{q~;) I;)D ::ll{llOJ llU!d~:>spW{ ::lqllUoq~ p::l){S~ . qJBOH
Sluawwo;:) UO!SS!WWO;:)
::lUON - sJ.lodaH pUB swan IBUOHBw.lOJUI
"p::lp!A01d Sl::l::lqs lU::lUlUlO:> pw lno p::ll~md::ls ;)({
SUl::ll! UO!P~ pw S{tlOll ::lqljO q:>~:ll~l{l p::llS::lnb::l1 pw 170Q(:: '{ Z; l:xtUl::lld::lS 10J p::l{fip:lq:>s ::lsnoq U::ldo
::lqll~ ::lyq~{!~A~ ;)({ Sdrol llU!liOZ lU::l.I.ffi:) pw d~W ::lSfl P~'1 ::lqll~l{l p::llS::lnb::l1 UO!SS!UJUlO;)
9 S V o$vJ ~ outn[OA
SolnU!W UO!SS!UJUJO:J $U!uuv/J
frOOZ 'L JoqUJoldoS
DlfSVZV 'p"IDM3S 10 ND
City of Seward, Alaska
September 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5 Page 457
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments
Brown stated that staff had been advised by the City attorney to not comment on the Floodplain issue
on the Schafer property at this time.
The Commission thanked Councilwoman Anderson for her attendance and support.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm.
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"J.lod31I UO!lB.lJS!U!Wpy Al!:)
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AUOW3.13;) ~u!u3dO
"t[l!WS wOll!'BqJ-;}O!A Aq "w"d O€:L lU l;}PlO Ol p:l[['So
S'SM UO!ss!WWoJ ilIl!lloZ "fl iJII!llU'S[d pmM;}S ;}t[lJo ~l;};}W lU(m/;}l 'tOOZ 'L l~W;}ld;}S ;}l{l
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t:n{solY 'p.JOMdS 10 An;)
8 S l7 alloc! 'f; aUJn/O A
sa]nu!w UO!SS!UJUJO;) lIu!uuolc!
City of Seward, Alaska
October 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 459
HoW requested copies ofthe letter for the Commission since the letter was relevant to items before
the Commission."
City Council Liaison Report - None
KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl
HoW stated she did not have a written Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission report.
She noted that the Borough Comprehensive Plan was available for review and an open house was
scheduled for sometime latter in the month. She stated she planned to email a copy of her report to
the Commission.
Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations - None
Citizens' Comments on Any Subject Except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing -None
Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda
Motion (Larson)
Moved for Unanimous Approval of Agenda
and Consent Agenda
Motion passed
Unanimous Consent
Public Hearings
Resolution 2004-14 recommending the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of
the Clear View Subdivision No.6. [Postponed from 9/7/2004]
Gifford stated that the developer had been away on vacation and unable to work out the
problems with the subdivision. He noted that the administration and the developer recommended the
Resolution be postpone until the concerns had been worked out and the plat was resubmitted.
Glenz reminded the Commission the Resolution was currently on the floor for approval. She
noted that she had spoken with the developer and a meeting had been scheduled for October 13,2004
with staff to review and work on the list of concerns. G1enz stated that the developer had requested
that the action be postponed until he was able to resubmit a new plat.
Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and
the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was
Motion (LarsonlRoach')
Postpone Resolution 2004-14 until the
developer and staff resolve the concerns
and the platting action is brought back
;;lql SUM All;;ldOld ;;lql Ol SS;;l;);)U qlloU lU;;llltl;) ;;lqllUql P;;llUlS ;;lqS 'I;;l;).rnd ;;lSU;;lI J;;lq]O PU;;l qllOU ;;lql
uo ~u!p{!Tlq lOO] <;L X <;Z U pf!nq Ol P;;lUUUId ;;lqS luql P;;llUlS HnuJJ;;llIV 'PIOMS!JD Ol ;;lSUOdS;;lJ UI
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City of Seward, Alaska
October 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 461
proposed site for the new building. Altermatt noted that the access currently being proposed was to
the south of her proposed building.
Patrick Kelly, spoke as a representative ofthe ARRC. He noted that the proposed access
and fire lane would cause the loss of21 parking spaces within the area. He also noted that the south
access was through the middle ofthe Coast Guard conex "storage container" parked behind the Coast
Guard building.
The Chair read a letter submitted by Tanya Sandefur for the public record. She wrote against
the platting action and requested the Commission review carefully the minimum emergency access
No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Motion (Daley/Larson)
Approve Resolution 2004-15
Hohl requested to suspend the rules to speak to Fire Chief Dave Squires.
Unanimous Consent
Rules suspended
Fire Chief Squires addressed the Commission. He noted that the Fire Department had setup
the proposed access turning radius with traffic cones at the airport. He stated that the proposed
access was 20 feet wide with 87 feet between each access. He noted that the driver was able to make
the turn; however several cones were knocked down. He expressed concern that the proposed plan
was the minimum required. Squires also expressed concern for the access of deliveries to the existing
businesses. He stated that the current fire lane access was located on the City parcel recently leased
to Altermatt.
Commission Back on the Rules
Hohl requested to suspend the rules to speak with Mary Toll, Borough Platting Officer
Unanimous Consent
Rules suspended
In response to HoW, Mary Toll stated that an exception would be required by the Borough
Platting Commission to provide access to the ARRC lease parcel area land locked by Lot 1, Block 6
of the Small Boat Harbor Subdivision. She also noted that she felt the approval would be contingent
upon the platting action of Lot I, Block 6 Small Boat Harbor Subdivision. She suggested that the
Commission recommend the Borough Platting Commission review the access and grant an exception
for the access.
In response to HoW, Toll also noted that an exception was required for the Tract B area ofthe
plat since the ARRC was not allowed to dedicate Right-of-Ways.
p3SS8d uOHoW
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SlfJOM. 3!lqod 'A3S8;J 0;J oM. qJ!A\ "83ds Ol s31DJ 3qJ pU3dsos OJ P3JS30b3J IqoH
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City of Seward, Alaska
October 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 463
Motion (Griswold/Hohl)
Amend Resolution 2004-15, Condition 5,
Section 1; "The boardwalk on Lot 2 be
realigned to that proposed of Lot 3.
Daley spoke against the amendment. She noted that she felt it was inappropriate to require an
adjacent lot leaseholder to increase their lease and to rebuild the current boardwalk. She also noted
that the action was not appropriate for a platting action.
Motion Failed
Griswold voiced concern for public safety by allowing the proposed minimum fire access lane
on the property.
Vote on the Main Motion, as amended
Motion Passed
Hohl, Larson, Daley, Smith
Griswold, Roach'
Unfinished Business
Review of the 9/21/2004 open house and plan of action for the Seward
Comprehensive Plan - 2020 (Draft)
Glenz noted that all comments submitted by the public had been filed and were available for
review by the Commission at a future work session. She requested that the Commission set a work
session date.
Commission requested that staff provide a copy of all public comments to each Commissioner
for review.
Commission set October 27, 2004 at 6:30 for the Comprehensive Plan work session and
cancelled the scheduled October 19, 2004 work session.
Following a lengthy discussion by the Commission the official cut off for written comment on
the Comprehensive Plan was upheld as October 7, 2004.
New Business - None
Informational Items and Reports - None
Commission Comments
Daley thanked the Commissioner for the experience she had of working with them. She noted that
she would continue to be involved through the public comment process.
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City of Seward, Alaska
November 4, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 465
Call to order
The November 4, 2004, regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 p.rn. by Marianna Keil, Chair.
Opening Ceremony
Commissioner Larson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Roll Call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Carol Griswold
Lynn HoW
Tom Smith
Kristi Larson
Sandie Roach'
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
One seat remained vacant
Special Reports & Presentations - None
City Administration Report
Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission ofthe following business items:
* Library/Museum Design Board had held a public meeting to review design concepts,
* Council denied Resolution 2004-93, the acceptance of the Department of Natural
Resources 2005 Historic Preservation Grant to update the Seward Historic
Preservation Plan, Phase III.
* Brown noted he had continued to work with the GIS consultant on producing the
maps required for the Comprehensive Plan.
City Council Liaison Report - None
Keil noted that the City attorney had presented a question to Council regarding the liaison
being present at Planning and Zoning meetings and the possibility of being compromised should a
decision be appealed to Council. Brown noted that no decision of attendance by the liaison had been
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City of Seward, Alaska
November 4, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 467
HoW requested that all items be removed from the Consent Agenda.
Motion passed
Unanimous Consent
Public Hearings
Resolution 20fH 16 reeommending City Council and the Kenai Peninsula
Borough approval of the Lot 1, Block 6, Seward Small Boat Harbor
SuMy:ision, replat [Item pulled from the Agenda by the applicant.]
Unfinished Business
Reschedule date of the Comprehensive Plan Work Session postponed from
October 27, 2004
Following a discussion by the Commission the work session was scheduled for Monday,
November 15,2004 at 6:30 pm.
New Business
Resolution 2004-17 recommending the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of
the Lots 1,2 & 3, Block 14, Original Townsite of Seward, Jordan Replat
Brown stated that the replat was an interior lot line vacation which created a single 9,024
square foot lot. The interior lot line vacation was a requirement ofthe Conditional Use Permit for the
re-model ofthe existing building to a 5 unit hotel. Brown noted there was an existing right of way
encroachment on the north side of the building. He stated that staff was currently working with the
property owners to issue an encroachment permit on the existing encroachment.
Griswold questioned the notation on the as-built survey that stated "sign post onright-of-way
line". Brown suggested that staff review the question during the sign permit review process.
HoW stated that she believed a gable had been added to the north encroachment and requested
that staff review the possible increase. She also noted that insurance was required for encroachments.
HoW requested that staff review the ')oint use driveway with Lot 4" notation on the as-built
during the parking plan review.
Motion (Hohl/Smith)
Approve Resolution 2004-17
Motion Passed
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tOOZ 't ~aqUlai\oN
VJfsvrr 'p~viltas /0 NO
City of Seward, Alaska
November 4, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 469
Vote on main motion to approve the October 7, 2004 minutes, as amended.
Motion Passed
Informational Items and Reports
October 26, 2004 Letter to Council regarding the lease ofthe southern portion
of Lot 1, Block 6, Seward Small Boat Harbor
Commission Comments
Roach' requested that administration bring forward the request from the Seward Racing Lions for the
proposed race track.
Hoh, suggested that the race-track issue be brought forward as a Conditional Use not as a Outright
Use. She expressed concern of the appearance after viewing the race-track in the Soldotna area She
requested that the ARRC letter and the newspaper articles be included in the next packet. She stated
that the requested letter and articles were relevant to the platting action. She asked about training
offered by the City attorney. She suggested a work session on the Borough Comprehensive Plan.
HoW requested that any and all of her packets always be mailed. HoW read a newspaper ad that had
been printed in the Peninsula Clarion requesting citizens remove items from the right-of-way and
suggested that the City post a similar add for the Seward area.
Smith noted that he had received an email from a tenant of Tanya Sandefur, on the Lot 1, Block 6,
Seward Small Boat Harbor replat just before the meeting. He requested that everyone receive a copy
ofthe email. He commented that anyone requesting that the Commission read a letter regarding an
item before the Commission should present the letter to the Commission and not expect that it be read
in the newspaper.
Griswold commented that a letter she had submitted to the news paper had been printed with her
Planning and Zoning Commissioner title and she had not submitted the letter in that form. She voiced
concern that railroad box cars had started showing up around town. She also noted that boat storage
had started showing up where it was not allowed. She requested that staff look into these issues and
enforce the code.
Keil expressed appreciation to have Brown back from military duty.
Citizens' Comments
Dwayne Atwood, Seward Phoenix Log Journalist; expressed admiration and appreciation to the
Commission for the time and effort they all put into the many issues that came before them.
Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments
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City of Seward, Alaska
December 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 471
Call to order
The December 7, 2004, regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair.
Opening Ceremony
Commissioner Griswold led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Roll Call
There were present:
Marianna Keil presiding, and
Carol Griswold
Sandie Roach'
Tom Smith
comprising a quorum of the Commission; and
Malcolm Brown, Planner
Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant
One seat remained vacant
Absent Excused:
Lynn HoW
Kristi Larson
Special Reports & Presentations - None
City Administration Report
Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items:
* Brown stated he was presenting the 29 acres west of Two Lakes Park on Mt
Marathon currently in private ownership and up for sale, to Council in January.
* Brown noted he had continued to work with the GIS consultant on producing the
maps required for the Comprehensive Plan.
* He noted that no application had been received for the vacant positions on the
Planning Commission or the Historic Preservation Commission.
City Council Liaison Report - Linda Amberg - None
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tJJ[SDIY 'p.lDM.<JS /0 NO
City of Seward, Alaska
December 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 473
Cole Peterson, member ofthe SRL. He stated he supported the racetrack and was available
to answer any questions from the Commission.
Dean Kasischke, outside the City, supported the racetrack. He was available to answer any
questions from the Commission. He supported the Conditional Use Permit and was willing to work
with staff on the conditions.
Keil requested to suspend the rules to ask questions on noise. No objections.
Rules Suspended
In response to noise issue questions from Keil, AI McCarty stated that the noise produced by
the racing machines was similar to the noise produced by sand blasting and other industrial uses. He
stated the sound from the machines was loud.
Back on Rules
No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Motion (Smith/Roach')
Approve Resolution 2004-20.
Smith stated that the only issue before the Commission was to change the Code to allow a
"Racetrack" as a Conditionally Permitted Use in the Industrial Zoning District within the Land Uses
Allowed table ofthe Seward Zoning Code and to provide a definition of "Racetrack" . He noted that
the specific Seward Racing Lions proposed racetrack was not included in the item currently before
the Commission.
Roach' questioned whether performance standards or condition were needed as part ofthe
Code change. Brown stated that there were two ways to look at the issue. One was to require
conditions and performance standards based on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application and
site location at the time of the CUP review, thereby rl;:quiring a CUP for a racetrack. The other way
to look at the issue was to write performance standards to the Code that fit for all racetracks.
Griswold stated that a change to the Code based on a particular site or applicant had backfired
in the past. She supported requiring conditions of the individual site through the CUP process with
all the information available. She cautioned that allowing a racetrack in the Industrial Zoning District
would not just the area requested by the Seward Racing Lions in the SMIC area but the entire
Industrial Zoning District.
Smith supported Griswold's comments that the place for the conditions was on the specific
Conditional Use Permit were the conditions were tailored to the particular site and application. He
supported keeping the change to Code as open as possible.
'P!llS!P ~tJ!UOZ IR!lU:lP!S:ll R Ol All:ldOld :lql Ulnl:ll pUR R:llR lRql U! SU:lZ!lP
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"URId :lA!SU:lq:lldwo;) :lql U! p:lpnpU! :ll:lM sdRill
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City of Seward, Alaska
December 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 475
Mark Kansteiner, within the City, also voiced concerns with the Land Use Map. He
supported Brittain's comments. He noted that when he moved into his home on Ballaine in 1979 the
area was zoned residential and he supported the zoning be returned to a residential zoning district.
He reviewed the history ofthe zoning change from residential to CBD for that area noting the special
interest and spot zoning that had taken place. He recommended that the Commission follow the
wishes of the local residents and return the area to a residential zoning district. One concern he
voiced with the CBD zoning was the zero lot line development and zero on site parking requirements.
Kansteiner stated that he felt the Commission had once again been influenced by one party from out
oftown that had requested the area remain CBD.
Linda McSwain, Anchorage. Spoke as the owner of the property in the area and she
strongly supported the property at the comer ofBallaine and Railway remain CBD. She noted that
she fully intended to provide on site parking for any planned development.
No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed.
Motion (Smith/Roach')
Approve Resolution 2004-18
Motion (Smith/Roach')
Postpone Resolution 2004-18 and hold a
second public hearing at the January 4,
2005 regular meeting.
Griswold requested that staff bring the recommendations for including the maps and City
utilities forward to the January 4, 2005 meeting.
Motion Passed
Resolution 2004-19, a resolution of the Seward Planning and Zoning
Commission ofthe City of Seward, Alaska, recommending that the City Council
amend Seward City Code, 15.10.410, Appeals, Generally.
Brown noted that the City attorney had brought the recommendation to change to the City
code forward following a litigation issue where the judge had concerns with the appeals test. The City
wished to clarify the language in the Appeals process. It was requested that under section ~ 15.10.410
Appeals of the City code the words including interpretation and enforcement be added to Item A.
The Commission held a lengthy discussion on the issue of staff bringing forward an
amendment to the City Code. It was noted that the staff recommends and brings forward the
information and the Commission brings forward and takes action by presenting motions, which was
an activity staff was unable to do.
Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the
public hearing was opened.
<lUON- SS3U!Sna M3N
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P3H8.![ uOHoW
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JU!UU8Id p.l8M3S 3qJ PU8" S83.13qA\. Jug
3lfJ OJ pP8 OJ 6I-tOO, UO!JnIOS3H pU3WY
6I-tOO, uOHnlos3H 3AO.lddy
.P3S01;) S8M JU!.J83q ;)uqnd 3qJ PU8 p.I83q 3q OJ p3Js3nlr.J.J 3Sp 3UO ON
<lql U! llU!pu<ld SBM 19q1 UO!pg Aug spmMol 109 <lmp<looJd ~<lddy <lql Ol SgM <lllugqo p<llS<lnb<lJ
<lqlluql P~lglS UMOlH 'SlJUO:l ~ql ~lOJ::lq IIHS SBM .sU!P~<loOJd Igll<lI g <l{!qM ;)po::> AlD <lql Ol <lllugqo
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9 L V <J8/Jd'~ <JUJn/OA
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tOOl 'L .J<JqUl<J:J<Ja
/JJ[s/J/JI' 'p.J/JMES fo AI!:J
City of Seward, Alaska
December 7, 2004
Planning Commission Minutes
Volume 5, Page 477
Informational Items and Reports
Seward Small Boat Harbor, Pruitt Replat, Kenai Peninsula Borough Plat
Committee Notice of Decision, November 8,2004
Two conceptual plans for the new fill area, the new five (5) acres along the
South end ofthe Small Boat Harbor, submitted by Tryck, Nyman, Hayes, Inc.
Commission Comments
Griswold stated she was unhappy with the minimal amount of information provided in the
packet on the very important issues. She noted that she had not received her packet in a timely
manor. She requested more information on allowing a racetrack in an Industrial Zone. Griswold
stated she felt the Comprehensive Plan was not complete and was not ready to be approved. She
suggested that the public comments be included in the packet.
Smith also had problems receiving his packet. He noted the logistics of the new security
system for the City building still had problems.
Roach' noted that the office assistant, Nanci Richey had apologized for the misunderstandings
on the availability ofthe packets.
Glenz apologized for her absence dealing with a family emergency and the missed
communications regarding the packets. She assured the Commission that every effort would be made
to get the future packets out and to each Commissioner as early as possible.
Smith noted that the department was understaffed and not always able to have the packets
available early. He suggested that this subject be discussed at a work session.
Griswold and Roach', dittoed Smith comments.
Citizens' Comments
Steve McSwain, Anchorage stated that he was born in Seward and his plans for his property
at the comer of Ballaine and Railway included parking. He stated that any development would
enhance the area and not be built lot line to lot line.
Mark Kansteiner, within the City, noted that the property in question had a Commercial
Property sign on it indicating that the property was for sale. He commented that the developer could
not control what a new developer might plan for the property.
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