HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 Planning & Zoning Minutes City of Seward, Alaska January 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 479 Call to order The January 4, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Griswold led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Caro I Griswold Sandie Roach' Lynn HoW Tom Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant One seat remained vacant Absent Excused: Kristi Larson Special Reports & Presentations - None City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * DOT draft Airport Master Plan was distributed to each Commissioner. * The GIS consultant worked on the draft Land Use Plan and the current Zoning Map during December and January. * Brown noted that staff continued to work on support for the purchase of the 29 acres adjacent to the Two Lakes Park to assist with the emergency access route and the emergency preparedness program. He noted that staff had suggested a future work session with Council. Griswold requested a copy of the final determination letter for the Floodplain Appeal Hearing for Afognak Construction. She also commented that the vacant position on the Commission had been .pauado SRM ~U!JRaq 3!lqnd aqJ pUR paJou SRM MRI Aq paJ!nbaJ SR paqS!lqnd pUR paJsod ~U!aq ~upRaq 3!lqnd JO a3HoN ."rrqnd ;)qllOj I1tlM ;)ql uo P;)lSOd StlM pUll Ullld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwo:) ;)qlll! p;)pnpll! StlM dtlW UtlJd ;)Sfl PUll1 P;)SOdOld ;)qlltlql P;)lQU UMOlH .:)l;) 'UO!ltlWloJu! :)~dtll~OW;)P 'S;)SS;)ll!snq lOj ApnlS UO!P;)I;)S ;)l!S Amll!WIT;)ld pUll ~ll!l!JM lUll~ lOj p;)Sn <'Xl Plno:) ltlql uO!ltlWloJU! Sll!tllUO:) II ;)UIDIO A .SW;)l! UO!ptl pUll S;)A!p;)fqo 'SltlO~ ;)ql ql!M Al!ltlW!ld Itl;)P Ol P;)U~!S;)P StlM I ;)UIDIOA ltlql P;)lOU;)H .S;)UIDIOA (z) OMl Olll! P;)P!A!P StlM Ullld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwoJ OZOZ pltlM;)S ;)qlltlql P;)ltllS UMOlH .~ll!l;);)W tOOZ 'L l<'XlW;):);)G ;)ql wOlJ lOOg ;)ql UO P;)ll!tlW;)l 81-tOOZ uO!lnlos;)lI ltlql P;)lOU l!;))I laU!1~;JlU tOO, 'L .J~qUl~;}~a ~1f1 UlOJ/ p~uodIS0J] URld aA!suaq,lJdwo:) O'lOl pJRMaS aqJ aAoJddR 1!3uno:J AJD aqJ JRqJ ~U!puawwo;);}J 81-t'OOl uOHnlosaH S~U!JRaH 3!lqnd snOW!URUfl passRd uOHoW .~ooz lOj ;)Inp;)q:)s ~ll!l;);)W ~lJ!UOZ pUll ~lJ!UUtlld ;)ql .S;)lnll!W ~ll!l;);)W ltlln~;)l tOOZ 'L l;)qW;):);)G ;)ql pUll tOOZ '17 l~W;)AON;)~ :ltlAOlddtllOj tlpU;)~y lU;)SUO:J ;)ql uo p;)pnpll! SW;)l! ~U!MoIlOj ;)ql ptl;)l )j"l;)lJ Rpua~y Juasuo:J pUR Rpua~y JO IRAOJddy (qHWS/PIOMSPD) UOHOW Rpua~y Juasuo:J pUR Rpua~y JO IRAOJddy ;)UON - ~UpRaH 3gqnd JO.i palnpaq3S swan asoq.1 Jda3X3 J3afqns AUY uo sJuawwo:J .suazm:J ;)UON - SUOHRJuasaJd pUR sJuawa;)unouuy 'sJ,lodaH JaqJO . ~OOZ 'Il!ldy pUll It q:)ltlW StlM ;)ltlp ;)qlltlql ;):)!lOU P;)A!;):);)l Ptlq ;)qs ltlql P;)lOU I!;))I .q:)ltlW lOj doqs )j"lOM ll!tlldpoog tl P;)UUtlld q~nolOH ;)qlltlql P;)lOU yqoH .~ll!l;);)W UO!SS!WWO:) ~lJ!UUtlld q~nolOH lU;):);)l ;)qlJO llod;)l U;)ll!lM tl p;)ll!Wqns yqoH l;)UO!SS!WWO:) IqoH UUA'] Aq J,lodaH UO!SS!WWO:J ~U!UURld Hd)l ;)UON - ~aqwy RpU!'] - J,lodaH UOS!R!'] Ipuno:J AJD .;)nSS! ;)ql Olll! )j"OOI PlnOM ;)q P;)ltllS UMOlH 'UO!SS!WWO:) ;)qlJO UO!Ssn"s!p tl ~ll!MOHOd .sl!W!1 All:) ;)ql ;)p!SlnO wOlJ ;)A!ltllU;)S;)ld;)l tl Aq ppq <'Xl UO!ss!WWo:J ;)ql UO ltl;)S ;)UO MOHtl Ol ;)po:) ;)ql ~ll!~Ullq:) lnoqtl P;))j"Stl ;)qS .sqlUOW ;);)Jql AIltl;)U lOj u;)do 0817 a'iJvJ '~ aUJn/oA sa,nu!}'V UO/SS/UJUJO,J 'iJu/uuv/J moz 'p tC~vnuvf Vlfsv/V 'p~vM.as fo N!:J January 4, 2005 Pln....V1j....rr r..............i{""jro.... AJtilltHtfll' -. ......0 - -- -----.-".-; -'-'--"'.--'-".."'--" Volume 5, Page 4 81 {'rh. nt(!m....-..",l Aln..fr.. - U,/ -J __. .. _.. u, --...-.... r,.rl N"rm,.n~ cmt"irlp thp ritv 'HlVP" hi"tnrv rpviPUT nfthp nrnnprtv )n('"tprl "t thp ('nrnpr nf - .-. - - . -- - ----~-; ----...---- -. -- - -".i v'-- - _.- -- ...... "'.i - - - -- -- .- - . .-- i" --...--- ""j .- -..--.. --- __.0 - ..- --.. _.~- -". Ballaine and Railway currently zoned Central Business District. He supported the current owners request that the property remain zoned Central Business District on the proposed Land Use Plan. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion on the floor from the December 7, 2005 meeting. Motion (SmithlRoach') Approve Resolution 2004-18, as amended. The Commi""ion discussed, reviewed and made the following amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission noted to staff that the Title on the cover na!>e needed to contain the Seward . u 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Griswold nronosed thflt the Plfln include an flddendum/annendix to include the State and .I. ... J.... Federal Legislative Priorities each year as approved by Council. Following a discussion the Commission agreed that an appendix containing the priorities be added and updated each year. Motion (Griswo!d/Kein , , (1) Amend Resolution 2004-18. na~e 13. , , , . ~ add a bullet under Health Care, "Support lndenendent Livin~ Center. SeaView . ~, Community Services and Seward Senior Center and other similar organizations" Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Smith) (2) Amend Resolution 2004-18. nllfJe 26. ,-" -------- ------------- -- - - --, .---0- --, 3.7.3, add a bullet to read, "Continue to revise and update Seward Code book." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion ((;riswoldfRoach') , , (3) Amend Resolution 2004-18, page 26, 3.7.3 add a bullet to read, "Adopt a community impact review process for proposed retail developments over 15,000 square feet." Roach' spoke against the amendment. She noted that large businesses were constrained in what they build because of the size ofthe lots available. .UOnOW ~qlJO lloddns II! AIIluollS ~){ods PloMsPD . "l8l!q8q qJ83q 3ql]0 UO!lJ3lO.ld S3.10SU3 PU8 'sqwqs PU8 S33.1l 3A!l8U JO ~UHU8Id S3POPU! J8qJ SpUOO.l~dW8J AlP .IoJ u81d 3d8JSPU81 8 d013A3{1" p83.1 Ol l3110q 8 PP8 '[T9.[ SZ 3~8d '8[-f'OOZ UOHOIOS3}1 PU3WY (L.) (lqoH/PIOMS!.I~) UOHOW ql!WS :oN IP)f 'PIOMS!.I~ 'lqoH '.qJ80}l :83..\ P3SS8d UO!lOW .l~lllI uon:>~s ~IoqM II Sll p~SS~lppll pUll p~uodlsod ;>q UO!lll:)l:):)l pUll s){llld Ilti!PlllIl~l slU~wpU~Ulll ~ql lllql P~ls~IlIlns NOH .Ullld ~A!SU:)q:)ldwoJ ~ql U!ql!M sl~IInq {Bnp!A!pu! lOU 'Ullld lU~wdoI~A~P s){llld l~lSllW ~qllOJ lloddns P~llllS ql!WS . "lU3WAOfU3 18UOH83.1J3.I .I0J 83.18 11UOJllU pUll ;)!U3;)S 3A.!3S3.1d pUll 'J;};}Jo.ld 'A}!lU3PI" p83.1 Ol l3110q 8 PP8 'IT9.[ 'sz 3~lld '81-f'OOZ UOHOIOS3}1 PU3WY (9) (lqoHlPIOMS!.I~) UOHOW ,q;)80}l :oN 1!3)f 'PIOMS!.I~ 'lqoR 'qnwS :S3..\ P3SS8d UOHOW .UO!lOW :)qllSU!llIlll ~){ods ,q:)llO~ 'UOnOW :)A!llllU~A~ld II SllM UO!lOW S!4l P:)llllS PloM5pD ,;Al!UOWWO;) pUll l-Iod 33.1J lll.l 11 ~U!qS!lqllJS3 suoHlllo~.1 ldopy" p83.1 Oll311oq 8 pP8 'AJ3J8S J!lqod 'f'[ 3~8d '8[-f'OOZ UO!JOIOS3}1 PU3WY (S) (ql!WS/PIOMS!.I~) UOHOW SOOW!U8Uil P3SS8d uOHoW ".W1U~O.Id Al!UOWWOJ 3J8S .I113D: S,3W8~ pUll qS!.!I JO lU3Wl-Illd3{1 1l1lSlllY l-IoddoS" p83.1 Ol l3110q 11 pP8 'AJ3J8S J!lqod 'f'l 3~lld '8[-f'OOZ UOHOIOS3}1 PU3WY (f') (lqOH/PIOMS!.I~) uOHoW ql!WS '.qJ80lI :oN 1!3)J 'PIOMS!.I~ 'lqoH :S3..\ P3SS8d uOHoW Z8v ;,3vJ '~;,umloA salllulW uOlsSIUJUJO,) 2UIUUV/J ~ooz 'f'tUvnuvf V1fSVfY 'p.iVillUS fo ,00 City of Seward, Alaska January 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 483 Smith reiterated support for incorporating the support statements in a master parks and recreation plan. Hohl suggested that the section on parks and recreation be reviewed at the end of the Comprehensive Plan, dependent on time. Motion (Keil/Roach') (8) Postpone review and amendments on parks and recreation section until end of this meeting or the next P&Z meeting. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Hohl) (9) Amend Resolution 2004-18, page 26,, add Bullet 1. "Support the life-long learning needs of community residents through a variety of formal and informal educational opportunities." Bullet 2. "Provide opportunities for integrating arts and culture in developments throughout the community." Bullet 3. "Encourage the year-round use of public schools as neighborhood and community centers". Bullet 4. "Support the design, funding and construction of a new library/museum facility." Motion Passed Unanimous Griswold suggested that 3.7.2, "Promote community safety from natural disasters through mitigation measures and preparedness training". And "Plan and prepare for disaster." through be relocated to 3.8 "Natural Hazards". Commission agreed, requested the change as an administrative action. Motion (GriswoldlHohl) (10) Amend Resolution 2004-18, page 27, 3.7.4, add bullet to read "Support Kenai Peninsula Borough purchase and use of air curtain destructor to efficiently burn wood waste at borough landfill, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving air quality." Motion Passed Unanimous -AlP JO WO!-lOltuOW ~U!Pl!oq qsUq8ls3" p83.1 Ol I' .I3qWOU l3110q 3~U8q3 'ITS"f 'N 3~8d '81-1'00, uOHoloS3H PU3WY (tJ) (PI0M.S!-I~/I!3)J) uOHoW lU3SU03 SOOW!U8Uil P3SS8d uOHoW "~UH33W lX3U mUO .10 UO!SS03S!P U81d 3A!SU3q3.ldwo:) JO PU3 mUO l8l!q8H uo UO!SS03S!P 3uodlSOd (0) (PI0M.S!.I~/I!3)J) uOHow omId ;)A!su;)q;udwo;) ;)ql Ol P;)Ppg ;)({ 19lNgH uo uon:>;)S g 19q1 P;)lS;)ub;)l PIoMsPD '";)J!TIb;)~,, Ol "s;)J!TIb;)~" ;)gugq:> l;)IIuq puo:>;)S '(OZ06000 octAl P;)lOU PIoMS!JD SOOW!U8Uil P3SS8d uOHoW ,,"S3IQ8I3A33.1 JO dml3!d 3P!Sq.l03 3P!~P 3l8018A3" "8l3110a ""Sd!q3 pOOM. .IoJ ~U!I3A33H 33.1.1. S8WlS!-Iq:) l.Ioddos" "f. l3110a ""sdfl u83D Al!uowwo:) .I33luol0 A UOH83.133H PU8 lnI.I8d l.IoddoS" "9 l3110a ",,(}IV d'lY) ~U!I3A33H PU8 UO!lU3A3.ld .I3nn .IoJ sutOfSBIY 3ql J.loddoS" "Sl3110a ,,"SUOHOmSU! .I3qlO PU8 SI00q3S U! ~U!I3A33.1 PU8 '3S03.1 'UOH30p3.1 3lS8M. l.IoddoS" "t l3110a ""S3X3UU8 PU8 118H AlD U! ~UU3A33.1 PU8 3S03.1 'UOH30p3.1 3lS8M. l.IoddoS" "f l3110a ""wtu~o.ld ~U!I3A33.1 3A!SU3q3.1dw03 '3Iq8U!8lS0S 8 JO UOH83.13 l.Ioddos" ", l3110a ",,3I3A33H '3S03H '330p3H s,Hf" lU3W3~8U8W 3lS8,\\ P!IOS 3~tuOO;)U3 PU8 l.IoddoS " "I l3110a ~U!M.OlloJ 3ql PP8 IT6"f 'Of 3~8d '81-tOO, uOHoloS3H PU3WY (,J) (,q;)80H/PI0M.S!.I~) uOHoW SOOW!U8U fl P3SS8d uOHoW ""II!JPU81 uo p8dw! PU8 .I3n!l330p3.1 Ol Sl.IOlJ3 ~UU3A33.1 3S83.13UI" 'p83.1 oll3110q lU!J p.lOM.3.I l"6Tf 'Of 3~8d '81-1'00, uOHoloS3H PU3WV (n) (lqOHlPIOM.S!-I~) uOHoW o ";):>mqu;),, Ol "s;):>mqu;)" plOM ::It{lZ060( '6Z ;)ggd uo ApAn~llS~ p::lIpmt{;)({ Ol octAl ~ P;)lOU PyoMsPD 17 817 a'EvJ'~ aUJn/oA salnulW UOISSIUJUJO;) 'Euluuv/J ~ooz 'frtUvnuvr VlfsvfV 'p.Jv,HaS fo ,V!;) City of Seward, Alaska January 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 485 owned land in the Harbor Commercial Zoning District. Motion Passed Unanimous Keil noted that the word "lobby" was to be taken out ofthe Comprehensive Plan and replaced with the word "advocate". Commission moved to the Land Use Plan portion of the Comprehensive Plan. Motion (KeillRoach') (15) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Land Use Plan; Change the lots located from the northeast corner of Fifth & Jefferson, east to the alley, north to the Post Office alley from Urban Residential to Office Residential. Motion Passed Unanimous Griswold requested that administration review and be sure that the lot located north ofthe HospitallWesley Rehab Center that was currently in private ownership be changed from Institutional to Single Family Residential (505 First Avenue). Motion (Roach'fHohl) (16) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Land Use Plan; Change the lots located from the northeast corner of A Street and Second Avenue, east to the alley, north to Van Buren Street from Single Family to Two- family Residential. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (KeiVSmith) (17) Postpone the final vote on Resolution 2004-18 until the end of the meeting. Motion Passed Unanimous Commission requested a 5 minute recess Resolution 2005-01 recommending the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of the revised and resubmitted Clear View Subdivision No.6 Brown noted that the subdivision developer, Steve Leirer had worked with the City staff and several changes had been made to the plat. He noted that the developer had added 'uondopU JOJ Joog ;Jl{l UO ApU;J.Lll1J SUM. p;JpU;JUlll su '8 I -1700Z uOnnlos;J"}IlUl{l UO!SS!WUJoJ ;Jl{l p;JpU!W;JJ I!;J){ [fJU!I~~1U ~1f1 U! .J~!l.Jv~ IUO.Jj p~uodlS0J] URld aA!suaq.l.Idwo;:} 0,0, p.lRMaS aqJ aAo.lddR !!3Uno;:} AJD aqJ JRqJ ~u!pUaWW033.1 81-tOO, uOHnlosaH ~U!.IRaH 3!1qnd pauodJSOd aqJ OJ u.lnJaH ;JUON - sJ.lodaH pUR swan IRUOHRW.lOJUI ;JUON- ssau!sna MaN ;JUON - ssau!sna paqs!uyufl snOW!URUfl passRd uOHoW 'UO!SS!WillOJ ;Jl(lJo SW:lJUOJ :ll(l SS:lJppU Ol J:ll(l:lZlol IT:lM. OS ZluppoM. JOHJUlS pun J:ldOI:lA:lP :ll(l l(loq Ol Uonup:lJddu p:lss:lJdx:l TI:l)f yo-soo, UO!JnlosaH 3Ao.lddV (lqOH/qJ!WS) uOHoW 'pasol3 SRM jU!.IRaq 3!1qnd aqJ pUR p.lRaq aq OJ paJsanba.l aSia auo oN 'UO!SS!WillOJ :ll(l WO.IJ SUO!lS:lnb Aun JOJ :l{qUTIUAU SUM. :ll( P:llUlS:lH 'suo!l!PUOJ p:lpU:lWUJOJ:lJ MUlS :ll(l l(l~ :llqupoJWOJ :lJ:lM. J:ldO{:lA:lp :ll(l puu :ll( l(loq lUl(l p;JlOU ;JU!/J 'M.;J!A;JJ J;Jqw;Jld;JS :ll(l lU UO!ss!WilloJ :ll(l WO.IJ SW:lJUOJ :ll(l UO p:lsuq lUld :ll(l Ol s:lZluuqJ uZl!s:lp :ll(l p:ll(s!{dwOJJU pUl{ J;JdO{:lA;Jp ;Jl(llUl(l p;JlOU 'luld :ll{lJo JOA:lAmS :ll(l su :l){ods 'AlD :ll(l :lp!sU! ';JU!/J ){J!N 'pauado SRM jU!.IRaq 3!1qnd aqJ pUR paJou SRM MRI Aq pa.l!nb3.1 SR paqs!lqnd pUR paJsod ju!aq jU!.IRaq 3!1qnd JO a3HoN '"PJUM.:lSJO Al!J :ll(l Aq p:lAOJddU:lq ITUl(S IZ puu OZ SlO'1 JOJ SUOnUJOI AUM.:lA!lG" :SM.OITOJ SU p;JpU;JUlll;Jq ITuqs 17# :llOU lUld 'z " 'lU:lwdOI:lA:lP Ol JO!ld p;Jl!nb:lJ ;Jq AUW Ap;JdOJd :ll(lJO UOnUA;JI;J ;Jl(l ;JU!WJ;Jl;Jp Ol A;JAmS V 'suonurnZl;JlI lU:lW;JZluuuV\I U!llldpoOL.J PJUM.;JSJO AlD ;Jl{l l(l!M. AldWOJ lsnw lU:lwdOI;JA;Jp ';Jsm ;Jl(l S! S!l{l JI 'U;JJU p.rnzuq poog p;JluuZl!S;Jp VWtld U U!4l~ P:llUJOI ;Jq AUW UO!S!A!pqns S!l{l U!4l!M. SlO'1" :SM.OIIOJ SU p:lpU:lUlll ;Jq lIul(s t# ;JlOU lUld '1 :SUO!l!PUOJ ZlU!M.oIToJ ;Jl(l Ol p;Jfqns 9 'oN UO!S!A!pqns M.;J!A .Ill;JIJ ;Jl(lJo IllAO.lddll l(ZlnoJOH lllnsu!u;Jd !llU;J){ :3U!PU;JWUJOJ;J.I UO!SS!wwoJ ;Jl(l p:llJOddns UOnUJlS!U!WpU :ll(lluql p;JlUlS;JH 'p;Jl(s!{dwOJJU puq J;JdOI;JA;JP :ll(l pun 'yUlS luql s;JZluuqJ ;Jl(l P:lM.:l!A;J.I UMO.lH 'UO!s!A!pqns :ll(l JO pU;J l(pou ;Jl(llU l(lud UU!.IlS:lp;Jd ;Jp~ lOOJ (8) ll(:3!:l :ll(l moz 'pMvnuvf UlfSVW 'p.1v.!tas fo All;) 9817 a:iJvd'~ aUJnJOA samu!yv UOISSIUlUlO;) gUluuv/d City of Seward. Alaska January 4,2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 487 Motion (Hohl/Roach') (18) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Volume II, page 24, section 3.2.3 Zoning Districts. Strike the first sentence "ScwllFd hils Ilft uftusulllly Illrge Bumber afzaftiftg distriets far sueh a small tawB". Motion Passed Unanimous Commission requested a five minute break. Back on the record Commission discussed the Parks and Recreation Plan. Motion (Griswold/Smith) (19) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Volume I, Section 3.6, Recreation. Add to the end of Bullet 1 under "Addressing the fOllowing iteQls" (a.) Identify ~nd maintain pnblic access to beaches by conti""ing City ownership of lidelands and uVlll"~ ltffess points. (b) Develop an acquisition iitnttegy to identify and secure sufficient and suitable public lands for p~rks, sports fields, greenbelts, P~~" W~fe, trails, trailhead parki~g an~ ot~fr ~ublic facilities, incl~<<lhl~ easewe~m .w. access these public haMs. (c) f"sUre that MunicipallaQ\l ~cquired ~~f. ~..l~ ~~'nrted to long-term or permane~t q~rk or recreational "SfS shalf ~e officially dedicated as park land; Note: In this section the Commission also includes approved amendment number 6. "Identify, protect, and preserve scenic and natural area for recreational enjoyment" and the postponed amendment number 7 "Develop a landscape plan for city campgrounds that includes planting of native trees and shrubs, and ensures protection of the beach habitat" within this amendment. Motion Passed Unanimous SDOW!U8Un pilSS8d UOnOw "lUilWdolilAilQ IIYU}" )0 lUillUOJ qd1l.l~1I.I8d ilql ilJf!-JlS 'SZ il~8d 'n ilWDlo A '81-t'OOZ uonDloSilH PUilWY (fZ) (.qJ80HlPIOMS!-J~) UO!lOW SDOW!U8U n pilSS8d uonow ,,~U!d8JSpU81 J!.I0lS!q )0 UOn8A.1ilSil.ld il~1I.IDOJUa" '6Z il~8d 'ZT6'f 'lilllDq MilU 8 PPY 'I ilWDIOA '8I-t'OOZ UOnDIOSilH PUilWY (ZZ) (ql!WS/lqOH) UO!lOW "PlUM;lSJO UO!lUl;lll;lA :>pOlS!ll ::llIJJO SS::lU::llUMU llll!PTITIq pun 2ilJ!Al::lS::lldJo S::mSS! p::lSSn:'>S!P UO!SS!llflUOJ SDOW!U8Un pilSS8d UOnOw ,,'SilpUil~8 ,uOl8ID~.1 '1I.IilPil.l:l PU8 'ill8lS 'q~DO.IOH ql!M Sill8U!p.l00J l8ql w1I.I~o.ld 18S0dS!p 18!-Jill8W SDOp.l8Z1lq 8 ilJ.lOjUil .\filA!lJ8 PU8 U!8lU!8W" 'LZ il~8d 't''L"f 'UOnJilS MilU 8 PPY 'I ilWD,OA '8I-t'OOZ UOnD,OSilH PUilWY (IZ) (p'OMS!.I~/ql!WS) UOnOw "!;Z ;lllud 'S::l:>!Al;lS pun S;l!l!l!:>Ud :>!rqnd UO!P;lS ;lql p::lSSn:>S!P UO!SS!llflUOJ "P;l;ll2iU UO!SS!llflUOJ ";l:>U::llU::lS lSl!J ;lqUO PU;l ;lqllU lnO Y;ll SUM l;)I1nq 13 'l;lIlnq PUO:>;lS 'oz ;)llUd "UU\d ;)ql Ol UOp:>;)llO:> ;lAHUllS!ll!illPU UU P;)lOU I!;))l snOW!U8Un pilSS8d UOnOw '"lJ!.IlS!P A81.1ilAO UO!l8A.1ilSUOJ dOI<lAilQ" PP8 Will! lilllDq 8 S8 PUY '"S8il.18 il)!lPI!M .IilqlO PU8 SPU8HilM 'SW8<l.1lS SDOWO.lP8U8 'S8il.l8 ~UnSOO.l PU8 ~UnSilU ill~8il S8 qJnS Sl8l!q8q AJnUilPI" 'n il~8d f'rf .IilpUD UOnJilS MilU 8 PPY 'I ilwn,oA '8I-t'OOZ uonn,oSilH PUilWY (OZ) (ql!WS/lqOH) Uonow "U;llU S;lSn pun! 'Z"t ;lql Ol UO!l:>;lS l;lqloun llll!PPU P;lSsn:>s!P UO!ss!llflUoJ 88 V a'fJvJ " awn/oA SalnU!W UO!SS!WWO:J 'fJu!Uuv/J ,OOl 't tUvnuvr lJJfSVfV 'p.JVdldS fo NO City of Seward, Alaska January 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 489 Motion (HohllRoach') (24) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Volume II, page 25. "Inlill Development". "There is a need to concentrate and enhance existing development in conformance with the Land Use Plan." Motion Passed Unanimous HoW suggested the highway traffic study be added as an appendix to Volume II. The Commission agreed that the highway traffic study supplied by the Department of Transportation be added to the Comprehensive Plan as an appendix and updated each year. Roach' noted that the verbiage located in Volume II, page 26, Section 3.2.4 page 26 needed to be updated and corrected to correspond with the approved Land Use Map. Motion (Hohl/Smith) (25) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Volume II, page 25. add bullet to "Inlill Development" "Limit unguided expansion of land uses throughout the community". Motion Passed Unanimous HoW requested that a review of all the credits and title page information be updated. She requested that Nina Daley be added and given special thanks. The Commission unanimously agreed that the URS Corporation not be credited. Motion (Hohl/Smith) (26) Amend Resolution 2004-18, Volume I, page 27. Section "Implement an ADA transition plan for all City owned facilities and programs". Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on Main Motion: Resolution 2004-18, as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Commission Comments Griswold questioned the tax base received from properties. She noted that a large portion of Seward properties were tax exempt. Smith expressed appreciation for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan and hoped that the Council would approve the plan in a timely fashion. He encouraged Parks and Recreation to ""nUll", ,#-(0"-0 .Jt) '::'PI!.,!". ..~. . ,,,.; ~-., ::..~;:.; ~- ~':.~ ( .~"..~'<' .....:....,. 'A. t: ..".. ~ t ::' - ...~..." ...... v'" t:' ....... \j\ fI> ..4Vn 0..." ~\,,~ If~ :_~ )~"'? 1/1 " ":~ ., \.-e-- ... ':~ :.~ a . "" :~ .. 1"T\.1r;Tg : G ~~ ~, t~: . 1. ....,. t!'.l . ~ t" 1lI \. . i4 ~:. \ '.. ^ ----- ,$:' : ;/" "... \..",,~ _ ('~."",' ,,.;f <~\ t"':<1.~Od~!$') ',. ~"'O<>'" ,~".,"', .,~* ~'t ''<'<, ,'" ('7<:,7 ~'t'" J, () " .... ~';'I.'1fi .;' . ~7;:';J \~",\ 1';""11"\\' lUUlS!SSV 8lI!UlIDId ~~B 'wd L5;:O I lB p~wnOfpB SBM 8lI!l;};}W ;}ql JU3WU.IDOfpv ;}UON - SJU3WW03 .SU3ZHP OJ 3suodS3J UOH'UJS!U!WPV pUll UO!SS!WWO;) ;}UON - SJU3WWO;) .SU3ZH!;) '{!ounO;) ;}ql ql1A\ SUO!lUO!llnURUOO p:mU!lUOO puu ){J~I;) Al!J ;}ql WO.lJ ~suodS;}J JOj P;};}U ;}ql p;}lJoddns 1!3)f 'SWId Al!;) J;}qlO jO ;}rapdn puu M;}!A;}J AI;}W!l puu lU;}JJnO B JOj P;}~U ;}ql p;}lJoddns OSIB ;}qS 'UUId ;}A!SU;}q;}ldwoJ ;}qlJO UO!PIdwoo ;}ql ql1A\ UO!PBjS!lBS p;}SS;}ldx;} ,Q31l0H 'l;}UO!SS!URllOJ qOB;} lOj ;}PBID;}q s;}!doo lBql p;}lS;}nb~l ;}qS 'PBlUOO ;}lJBd X;} p~8;}IIB 8lI!pm8;}l 8lI!I!WI s ,){l;}[;) Al!J ;}ql Ol ;}SUOdS;}l U;}H!JM l;}qjO Adoo B l!Bqo ;}ql P;}lU~S;}ld IqoH 'Al!llnURUOO ~ql Ol sqof punOl m;}A '8U!hBd q8~ p;}nddns S~!lJ;}dOld ldUI;}X~ XBl ;}qlJO AUBW lBql P;}lBlS OSIB ql!WS 'UBId UO!lB;}lO;}~ pUB S){llld ;}ql ;}lBpdn pUB M;}!A;}l mOl 'frtUVnUvF t7l{svIY 'p,iViIt3S fo N!:J 06 V a2vJ " awn/oA sa/nu!w UO!SS!WWO:J 2u!uuv/J City o/Seward, Alaska February 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 491 Call to order The February 1, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.rn. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Kristi Larson Lynn HoW Tom Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant One seat remained vacant Absent Excused: Sandie Roach' Special Reports & Presentations - None City Administration Report Planning Assistant, Donna Glenz updated the Commission of the following business items: * Malcolm Brown was out on military duty until February 15,2005. * Special meeting of Council for 2/7/05 to accept the resignation of Phil Shealy, City Manager. * Council work sessions schedule, 2/3/05, sale versus lease ofthe harbor property. 2/7/05 Chamber work plan, 2/14/05 purchase ofthe 29 acres at Two Lakes Park for the eventual emergency access route. * It was noted that on 2/17& 18/05 a work sessions with the Multi-agency facility, Park Service and a City representative was scheduled to update and select a design concept. pull UO!S!A!pqns S~l:lY :jS;uod ~ln U! Sl~PI01[ A:j.I~dOld fBl~A~S lm:[l P~lOu ~1[S o~U!Uoz IU!lu~P!S~"}! IUID"}! Ol P!llS!P ~OZ AJ!UIDd ~I~U!S ~1[l U! S~:lU~l~'y!P A.mUI!ld ~1[l P~M~!^~l OSIU ~1[S OUO!SS!UlUlO:J ~1[l pUU :lTIqnd ~1[llOJ sduur P!U fBTIS!^ p~P!^old ~1[l UO ~UOZ~l p~SOdOld ~1[Uo u~.m ~1[l P~M~!A~l zu~ID "(Irn) IBHuap!saH l&lnH OJ (I-H) IBHuap!saH At!WB.i( al~U!S WO.lJ (JBld A.lBu!w!la.ld) I "oN: UO!S!A!pqnS sa.l3Y }fBU~OJY a1[J U! sJol (to uaaJ,lnoJ aqJ auoza.l pUB UBld asn pUB'] aqJ puaWB IJ!M q3!qM '--SOOl a3UBU!P.JOJO IBAO.IddBlpuno:) AJ!:) ~u!puaWW03a.llO-SOOl UO!JnlosaH s~u!.IBaH 3!1qnd OS~lnU!Ul ~U!l~~UI .mln~~l !>om:; '17 A.mnUU[ ~1[l p~pnpU! upu~~y lU~SUO:J ~1[l P~lOU l!m:[:J ~1[.l snOW!UBUn passBd uOHoW Bpua~y Juasuo:) pUB Bpua~y JO IBAO.lddy (lqOHlUOS.lB']) UOHOW Bpua~y Juasuo:) pUB Bpua~y JO IBAO.lddy ~UON - ~U!.IBaH 3!1qnd .I0.i( palnpaq3S swan asoql. Jda3X3 pafqns AUY uo sJuawwo:) ,suazH!:) ~UON - SUOHBJuasa.ld pUB sJuawa3unouuy 'sJ,lodaH .IaqJO O!>OOl 'I I!ldy puu I € o1[:l.mW lOJ d01[s )[lOM U!Uldpooy U p~UUUJd 1[~nOlOH ~1[llU1[l P~lOU J1[OH .~U!l~~UI UO!SS!UlUlO:J ~~Id 1['ilnolOH lU~:l~l ~1[UO :j.IOd~l U~H!lM 11 p~H!UIqns J1[OH l~UO!SS!UlUlO:J IqoH UUA'] Aq J,lodaH UO!SS!WWO:) ~U!UUBld Hd)( ~UON - ~aqwy BpUn - J,lodaH UOS!Bnlpuno:) AJ!:) O)[l~l:J Al!:J ~1[l Aq P~A!~:l~l u~~q Pm:[ UO!SS!UlUlO:J ~1[l uo suoH!sod lUU:lUA ~~.nn ~1[llOJ suo!lU:lTIddu OM.l -'V' o!>OOl/€/l uo 'ill:KlU~~lD A.mD puu Al!:J ~1[l1[l!M 'ilU!l~~UI SUM 1['ilnolOH ~1[l UIOlJ ~A!lUlU~S~ld~ll1lU1[l P~lON oUI~lSAS 'ilU!SS~lppU ~1[l uo 'lUUHnSUO:l SID ''ill~qU~~lD A.mD 1[l!M )[lOM p~nU!lUO:l ~1[l JO ~lupdIl -'V' oUOSl~lP[ puu Pl!1I.lJO l~WO:l ~1[llU A:j.I~dOld UUPlO[ ~1[llOJ p~plO:l~l puu p~u'il!S U~:Kl Pm:[ l!Ull~d lU~urq:lUOl:lU~ AUMJO l1['ilrn -'V' o)[JUMp.mOq ~1[l ~:lUld~l Ol P~fOld ~1[l UO )[lOM Ol ~nU!lUO:) qnl:J A.mlO"}! puu :j.I~AIU:J ~A11a fB!:lillO 'ilU!pI!nH 'uoo'ilUl ~1[l U! )[JUMP.mOH oSS~:l:lU :lTIqnd lOJ p~u'il!S Ap~dold :Kl Ol ~l~M S~lU'il 'illl!MS ~Jqnop lm:[l P~lOU ')[fBMP.mOH :lTIqnd loq.mH JO pu~ 1[lnos oSlU~UI~l!nb~l 'ilU!)[.md dIl:J ~1[l JO M~!^~l 'l~lOH lOq.mH H!nld ~1[llU 'ilU!)[.md .p~SS~lpp11 ~l~Mllms Ol PIOMS!lD l~UO!SS!UlUlO:J UIOlJ SW~:lUO:J -'V' mOL '[ICwn.lqad V1fsvfV 'p.lVM.asJo N!.J 66 V agvd '~awn/oA sa/nu!1'v UO!SS!wwoJ gU!UUVlcl City of Seward, Alaska February /, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 493 expressed support for the rezone. Glenz stated that administration supported the approval of Resolution 2005-02 recommending the rezone and the amendment to the Land Use Plan. In response to Griswold, Glenz stated that the area to the north of Afognak Acres was also owned by the applicant and that it had not been included in the current rezone application. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Griswold requested a conflict of interest ruling as an adjacent property owner. Chair ruled that no conflict existed. Motion (SmithlLarson) Approve Resolution 2005-02 Hohl stated she had made contact with the Borough platting office regarding the status of the preliminary Mognak Acres Subdivision Plat. She stated the preliminary plat had been before the Borough Platting Commission several years prior. She stated it had been postponed and that no action had been brought back forward. She stated she was concerned with the use of the legal description ofthe Mognak Acres Subdivision, she noted it was currently not a legal subdivision. She supported the rezone but cautioned the legal identification. Glenz noted that the preliminary plat had come before the Commission in January of2004 and that administration had not received any notification from the Borough. She noted that the Mognak Acres Subdivision preliminary plat had been held up pending the completion of the subdivision agreement but that the agreement had been signed and recorded before the end of 2004 and that administration expected the plat to continue. Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Postpone Resolution 2005-02 until the preliminary Subdivision was approved. Motion Failed Yes: Griswold No: Smith, Hohl, Larson, Keil Motion (Larson/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-02, Ordinance 2005-xx, Section 2, to read: "This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days following enactment, or upon recordation of proposed plat whichever occurs later." Motion Passed Unanimous O~Up:l:llli POOl 'L l:lqlli:l:>:lG :lql lliO.y lOOp :lql UO p:llI!Ulli:ll Ol-POOl uopnIos:l"M lBql p:lWU IP)I :JU/liJiJJf :Ju/uoZ puo :Ju/uuolJ 1'00t 'L .JiJqlUiJ;JiJ([ iJlfllUO.JjPiJuodlS0JI ",'-'PlUJ33lU" .I0j UOmU!pp 8 3P!AO.ld OJ PU8 P!.IJS!U :fU!UOZ 18!.1JSDPUI 3qJ U! 3Sa 18UOmpUO::> 8 S8 "}J3lUJ33lU,, A\01l8 OJ 'P3A\0IlY S3Sa PU8'] "SZZ"OrSI 31q8.L 3pO::> AJ!::> P.I8A\3S PU3W8 IPUDO::> AJ!::> 3qJ J8qJ :fU!pU3WW033.1 'OZ-tOOZ UOHDIOS311 :fU!.I83H 3!lqDd 8 :fU!.I!Db3.1 SS3U!SDg p3qS!U!JUa PIOA\S!.I~ :ON: PIOA\S!.I~ 'UOS.l8'] 'lqOH 'qJ!WS :S3,\ p3SS8d UOHOW P3PU3W8 S8 ZO-SOOZ UOHDIOS311 'UOfJOW UfUW 3qJ uo 3JO A SDOWfU8Ua p3SS8d uOHoW odmpBq SB p:lp:l:lU UO!lBlU:lurn:>Op :lqll:l~UOI ou SBM. lBId A.mlI!lli!I:lld :lql 'l UO!P:lS OllU:lUlpU:lum :lql ql!M. lBql p:llBlS IQoH ""OJ3.13q p3q38JJ8 'y Hqfqx::>I uf P3A81dsfP S8 (lold S.JOU/lU/liJ.Jd)" Sp.lOA\ 3qJ 3}Jf.lJs :33U8UfP.lO 3qJjO I UOH33S 'ZO-SOOZ UOHDloS311 PU3WY (UOS.lU'1JIqoH) uOHoW SDOW!U8Ua p3SS8d uOHoW OSU:llB :ll:lM. lnq 'sp:>lBd p:lU!;PP lOU :ll:lM. SB:ll:llfA\ :lqllI! p:llOU SU:llB :lqllBql P:llUlS IQoH ""OiJ.JO" qJ!A\ "(33.1ud,, 33Uld3.1 :33UUU!P.lO 3qJ jO S83.13qA\. q1t 'ZO-SOOZ UOHDloS311 PU3WY (UOS.l8'1J1qOH) uOHoW SDOWfUuua P3SSUd uOHoW OlS!X:lWU P!P sloI :lql p:lAOlddu SBM. lUId :lql I!lUn oABM.JO ll/~!l :>nqnd B uo lUO.y lsnlli lOI U P:llUlS l/:>!l/M. 'WI U JO uOp!lI!J:lp U pBq :lpo::> plBM.:lS :ll/llUl/l p:llBlS IQoH "10lJ S.JOU/lU!liJ.JJ Sp.lOA\ 3qJ "IoN:" :fU!A\OIlOj J.l3SUf pUU "Uf SJOI" 3}J!.IJS :33UUUfP.lO 3qJ jO SU3.13qA\. qlS 'ZO-SOOZ UOHDIOS311 PU3WY (UOS.lU'1JIqOH) UOHOW 17 617 iJ'fJvd " iJUJn[OA SiJJnU/W UO/SS/UJUJOJ 'fJu/uuv/d ,OOf '[ AomnJqiJd l7JfSVfY 'pJV~S fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska February 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 495 Glenz noted that several members of the community had presented a request to lease 12 acres of City land in the Industrial Zoning District to operate a racetrack. She noted that the current Land Uses Allowed table did not allow a racetrack within the City limits; therefore an amendment to the City code was required to allow the requested use. Resolution 2004-20 had been presented to the Commission at the December 7, 2004 meeting. The Commission had amended the Resolution and postponed action until after a work session with the applicants on January 18, 2005. Glenz stated that during the work session held with the applicants the Commission had prepared draft definitions for Motorized Vehicles and Racetrack. The Commission also had drafted development requirements for racetracks as a Conditional Use in the Industrial District. She affirmed that staff had incorporated the requested changes to Ordinance 2005-xx and had presented it to the Commission for review and approval. Glenz noted that the motion to approve Resolution 2004-20, as amended was currently on the floor by Smith and Seconded by Roach'. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Jerry Dixon, outside the city. He reviewed the history of work he had been involved with for the cleanup of the Fourth of July beach. He cited lack of available law enforcement due to limited man power. He voiced strong opposition to the request to allow racetracks within the City limits. Craig Turnbull, outside the city. Spoke before the Commission as a private citizen and not as the administrator of the Spring Creek Correction Facility. He voiced concerns for safety and security in proximity of the maximum security prison. He noted that the prison was located in an area away from the public, to be inconspicuous. He stated that a racetrack could attract a large number of citizens to the area. Turnbull voiced strong concerns against allowing a racetrack in the Industrial District at the Seward Marine Industrial Center. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Keil read the recommended minimum conditions from the January 18, 2005 work session. Griswold reminded the Commission and the public that the current issue was to allow a racetrack as a Conditional Use in the entire Industrial Zoning District. She stated that the area currently zoned Industrial was a very large area which included not just the area a Seward Marine Industrial Center (SMIC) but also the entire Alaska Railroad and the Leirer Industrial areas north of Port Avenue out to include the Seward Airport. She also noted there was a large area of industrial land off of Nash Road, near the head of Resurrection Bay. Motion (Griswold/Larson) Amend Resolution 2004-20, Page 2 of Ordinance 200S-xx, (1) add the following words following subiect to "Commission approval of". Motion Passed Unanimous 'Ullld ~A!SU~q;:udWO;) ~ql U!lll!M p~U!Ilno ~J!JJO Al!llmb lOJ SW~:)UO:) ~ql OlU! ~lUlOdJO:)U! ollIn:)!lJ!p A.I~A SUM ~sn ~qllUql P~lOU ~qS 'S~:)unlS!P lU~llll0J pre~q aq pun oq:)~ PInoM ~S!OU ~qll~lUM ~ql Ol Al!W!XOld ~ql pun SU!Ulunow ~quo ~snu:)aq lUql pun ~:)uds U! P~l!W!I SUM preM~S luql P~lUlS ~qS '0(:-1700(: uopnIos~"M llU!MOnu lSU!UllU AIllUOllS ~){OdS PIOMS!lD p3SS8d UOHOW p3SSBd UOHOW "P!.iJS!([ /V!.iJsnpu/ iJl{J U! VfIP 011 S! l{;)!l{iH" Sp.lOA.\ 3q} 311!.IJS '(J) (J) W3n .xx-sooz a3UBU!p.lO 'OZ-tOOZ UOHnlOS3H PU3WY (PIOA.\Sf.I~/lqoH) UOHOW snOW!UBUfl p3SSBd UOHOW ."U8Id 3suodS3.1 A3U3~3W3 U8 JO I8n!wqns" '01 .I3qwnu pP8 'xx-SOOZ 33U8U!P.lO 'OZ-tOOZ uOHnloS3H PU3WY (qHWS/PIOA.\S!.I~) uOHoW snOW!U8Ufl pass8d uOHoW "Uo!ssn:)s!p AqlllU~I U p~nU!luo:) uo!ss!wwo;) ~q.l ':)!Jqnd ~ql Ol u~do lOU pun qnp ~lUA!ld U !roM u~re ;)!WS ~qllOJ p~SOdOld llU!aq AnU~lffi:) ){:)Ull~:)Ul ~ql P~lUlS OSJU ~qS "Al!A!PU JUUOpU~l:)~l U SUM ){:)Ull~:)Ul U luql P~lUlS ~qS 'IU!llsnpU!JO ~:)UId U! P!llS!G ~OZ 'Ired ~ql U! dfl;) U !ro ){:)Ull~:)Ul MOnu Ol u~re llU!Uoz ~l(lllU!lluuq:) P~lS~llllnS PIoMs!lD 'u~re :)y!:)~ds ~l(l pun ~sn ~l(Uo Al!I!q!lUdwo:) ~l(l M~!A~l PInoM U~l(l UO!ss!WWO;) ~ql pun lJUlS 'uopu:)oI :)yp~ds U U! ~sn ~ql MOlIu Ol ~llunl(:) llU!Uoz U p~ls~nb~l PIno:) l~doI~A~P ~l(l u~re :)y!:)~ds U lOJ p~SOdOld SUM ~sn :)!Iqnd-!snnb lO :)!Iqnd U U~l(M luql P~lUlS IlfOH OJ3!.IJS!<I ~U!UOZ 18uoHnmSUI aqJ U! 3SflI8UOH!PUO;) B S8 1I3B.I}338.1 A.\01l8 OJ 3~U8q3 'xx-SOOZ 33U8U!P.lO 'OZ-tOOZ UOHDIOS3H PU3WY (UOS.l8'1/1qOH) UOHOW ',,~sn :)!Jqnd !snnb lO ~sn :)!Iqnd" U su p~sn AIIUl~U~ll SUM ~oz }UUO!lnlPSU! lUlfl P~lUlS ~l(S 'P!llS!G llU!UOZ IUUO!llll!lSUI ~l(l U!lll!M (dfl;)) ~sfl JUUopnmSUO;) Aq S){:)Ull~:)Ul MOIIU Ol u~re llU!UOZ ~l(lllU!lluuq:) lU ){OOI UO!ss!WWO;) ~l(lluql P~lS~llllnS IlfOH ':)!Jqnd ~l(UO SlaqwnU ~llreI Aq ~:)uupu~nu p~llUJnO:)U~ lUl(llU~A~ Aun lOJ w~JqOld U SUM Al!Jn:)~S luql P~lOU UO!sS!WWO;) ~l(.l '){:)Ull~:)Ul U JO UOPU:)OI Aun lOJ S~!ll~dOld pun s~ss~U!snq llU!punOlffiS ~l(llOJ unId Al!Jn:)~S U lOJ SUl~:)UO:) p~:)!OA PIOMS!lD 9 6 V iJ'iJVJ '~ iJuJn/O A SiJmu/w UO/SS/UJUJO,J 'iJu/uuv/J ~ooz 'I tCivn~qiJd lJJfsvfV 'p~VM.iJSfO ND City of Seward, Alaska February I, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 4 97 Vote on Main Motion, Resolution 2004-20 as amended Motion Passed Yes: No: Smith, Hohl, Larson, Keil Griswold Unfinished Business - None New Business -None Informational Items and Reports - None Commission Comments Larson, supported the racetrack proposal in Seward provided all the criteria was met. She thanked the Commission noting that it was her last meeting. Griswold, thanked Larson for the many years of expertise. She thanked the staff for the research and providing answers to her questions. She expressed concern about the remaining Single Family Zoning area north of Afognak Acres, she encouraged the owners to bring that area forward to have included in the Rural Residential. Smith, concurred with Griswold in thanking Larson for her time and her experience on the Commission. He noted that he felt the security ofthe prison and grounds was the responsibility of the prison itself Hohl, thanked Larson and noted that her expertise was going to be missed. She requested procedures for adding an item to the P&Z Agenda. The Chair responded to HoW with several options and HoW requested the section or procedure. The Chair called for a recess to locate the information. Following a 5 minute recess the Chair was unable to locate the procedures and noted she would provide them following the meeting. She noted the Commission was back on the record. Keil, expressed wishes that the prison had been involved and participated during the work sessions with the racetrack proposal. Citizens' Comments - None Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments - None lIBlJ:) /\ I!~)J mnmi.qfw ~... ......~ 7nv..W/... ' -~..~-, . .... " /~, ! ~/ ( ~,,~'~t{1rJ',,~.. ....J. ;:-..""~'~~ t~~ ~ ."".t'#".:,^",,~_f....!!;-;.\.-~.. :; hi ,o~lJ" ~ ;'tVti'o'{,) -:. .'? 4'i._. Cj"..tO''' :It '.. ~ j~;- ~' --- ~ ~ *,,:, ~ . t:t;l :" ')~, rFNIS i 0 ~ (IB~S Al!:)) \~. ';" "") ....eo- ~: .: '. "~~"> D'/:: '.,_ t '. '":..(1,,," .....0 00 I') :: '0,,.. .....' .1.. '. ......tfOdC.... '-~ :t. "'*" "'-'"'~'" ~"".".... )0-7 ,_~.... ........: '~t18 ~() \">..~.. "1."fllI~'\\ lUUlS!SSy'Bll!illillld ~ _0 mruoq / , ,~trrD "wd O~:6 lB p~umOfpB SBM 'BlI!l~~W ~l{l JU;Jwwnofpv 8617 a'ifD,j'~ aUJnlOA samU!Jf UO!SS!UJUJOJ 'ifU!UUD/J >OOl 'I tf.l1JnJQad UlfSDfY 'pJDM3SfO iCJ!J City of Seward, Alaska March 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 499 Call to order The March 1, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.rn. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony City Clerk, Jean Lewis administered the Oath of Office to the new Commissioner Steve Schafer. Schafer took his seat at the dais. Commissioner Schafer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Sandie Roach' Steve Schafer comprising a quorum ofthe Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant One seat remained vacant Absent: Lynn Hohl- arrived late Excused: Tom Smith City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * Introduced the Interim City Manager, Clark Corbridge * Brown reviewed the continued complications with the Borough regarding the automated addressing system. He noted that the City continued to work with the mapping consultant and progress had continued to be made. * It was noted the work session with Council was scheduled for March 15, 2005, 6:30 pm to review the Comprehensive Plan. * He expressed desire to review areas ofthe Department of Transportation Airport Master Plan relevant to the Land Use Plan. * A work session was held with Council on the proposed emergency evacuation route across a portion ofthe 29 acre parcel ofUSS 1931. Council directed the OAlJ~dOld s!lI Ol SS~:>:m puOl ~P!Aold Ol Al!:) ~ql wO.IJ hlJ~dOld ~ql ill1!ls~nb~l SUM. ~q puu puo"H qsuN ~ql puu AlJ~dold S!q U~~M.l~q SUM. H PUllluql P~lOU SlJ~qo"H oAlJ~dOld S!lI uo ~:>U~P!S~l AI!W13J ~Iill1!s 13 pf!nq Ol P~uuuId ~q luql puu H pUll JO lS~M. ~ql Ol AlJ~dold ill1!l1!ofpU ~ql p~UMO ~q P~lUls ~H ozooN UO!S!A!pqnS )(~~l:) AInf JO qlJfiOd 'H pUll p~UMO Al!:) ~quo UO!lJod 13 ~uq:>md ol Iusodold ~ql ill1!PlUil~l UO!SS!WWO:) ~ql Ol ~)(OdS 'Al!:) ~ql ~P!SlnO 'SJ.I<lqOH <lp8M. O)[lUd lUO.IJl~lUM. ~ql ol ss~:>:>u :>!Iqnd JO )[:>131 puu 'ill1!)[lUd 's~nss! Al!m:>~S 'U~lU lIaqu~~lil - ){lUd ~qll1! uonul~do ~qlJo ~Z!s ~ql ql!M. W~:>UO:> p~s~ldx~ ~H op~fOld )[:>op UMOlUMOp p~SOdOld ~ql Ol UO!l!soddo ilUOllS l1! ~){OdS 'AlD ~ql ~P!SUI 'uOS3!-13 }(3!H ~UON - ~u!-I8<lH 3!1qnd JO~ p<llnp<lq3S SW<lH <lsoqlld<l3X3 J;)<lfqnS AUV Uo SlU<lWWO:) ,SU<lZm:) <ll81 P<lA!-IJUlqoH J<lUO!SS!wwo:) ;<llON: os~ilUlS 'iJlJ!UU!il~q AJ~A ~qll1! SUM. P~fOld ~ql P~lUlS ~H O)[lUd lUO.IJl~lUM.-lIaqu~~l'iJ ~ql Ol pudUl! IUllJ!ll!W 'UMOlUMOP ql!M.l1! lY Ol ~Z!s puu ~IAlS ~ql 'UMOlUMOP Ol ~sop UO!lu:>oI ~ql 'qlnos puu qlJou P~lu~pO ill1!){:>op ~ql :ilupOIdx~ Allu~lln:> SUM. ~q suo!l!puo:> {Ul~A~ P~lOU ~H ouo ill1!)[lOM. SUM. ~q Iusodold Alm:>UJ ill1!){:>op UMOlUMOp ~quo M.~!Al~AO lJoqs 13 p~P!Aold U~pM.OUS pUla 18S0dOJd }(30P UA\OlUA\OP 8 JO U<lpA\OUS P8JH Aq UO!l8lU<lS<lJd OurnlilOld ~ql ql!M. lS!SSU Ol ill1!illM. puu ~IqUI!UAU SUM. ~urnO puu qS!dJO lU~WlJU~a U)[lm{V ~qlluql P~lUlS ~H osp~~u ~A!lUllS!lJ!WPU puu SIUP~lUW l~qlO puu lU~wd!nb~ '~iluuil!s lOJ ~IqUI!UAU ~q AUW spury lUUlilluql P~lOU S!M.~'l ournlilold ~qll1! P~AIOAl1! ~Wo:>~q Ol Al!unwwO:> ~ql p~ilumo:>u~ ~H 0 "Al!unwwO:) UO!lUAl~SUO:) ~J!IPI!&" 13 JO urnlilOld ~ql uo UO!lu:>np~ :>!Iqnd P~lU~~ld puu UO!luil!l!W ~J!IPI!M. p~M.~!A~l ~H ournJilOld "Al!llnWWO:) UO!lUAl~SUO:) ~J!IPI!&" ~ql JO M.~!Al~AO UU P~lU~S~ld ~urnO puu qs!.>! JO lu~wlJUd~a U){SUIV ~ql JO S!M.~'l Alm'l <lW8~ PU8 qS!~JO lU<lWJ.l8d<lQ 8}(S81V <lquo S!A\<l'] AJJ8'] Aq UO!l8lU<lS<lJd UO!l8~mw J8<lH SUO!l8lU<lS<lJd PU8 SlU<lW<l3UnOUUV 'SJ.lod<lH J<lqlO opU~nU Ol P~l!Al1! SUM. UO!SS!WWO:) ~l!lU~ ~qlluql P~lOU PIOM.SPO opmM.~S l1! ~l~q '~OOZ 'I f!ldV puu If q:>mw lOJ p~UUU{d doqS )(1O& lJ!UId poo{d ~quo UO!ss!WWo:) ~ql UllO]U! PI0M.SPO l~UO!SS!WWo:) p~ls~nb~l ll{oH o~yqUJ!UAuun SUM. lJOd~l UO!SS!WWO:) illJ!UUUld ad)! ~ql -lqoH uUA'] Aq J.lod<lH UO!SS!wwo:) ~U!UU8Id Hd)[ lU~S~ld lON - fu<lqwV 8PU!'1- J.lod<lH UOS!8!'11!3uno:) Al!:) oP~fOld ~qllOJ SlUUli'l lOJ )[001 puu ~lunoi'l~u Ol ~nl1!luo:> Ol ..g:UlS puu l~i'lUUUW Al!:) o OS a3vcl 'f aum[OA salnuWi UO!SS!U/U/O;] 3u!UUVlcl moz '[lp.JVW V1fsvfV 'p.JvM3sfo N!;] City of Seward, Alaska March 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 501 Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda and exchange the order of Item 2 A and 2 B. Motion passed Unanimous The Chair read the titles of the following consent agenda items approved by the Commission: The February I, 2005regular meeting minutes were approved as written. Resolution 2005-05, recommending Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of the Lots 3-6, Block 18, Federal Addition, Orr Replat. Public Hearings Resolution 2005-03 recommending City Council approval of Ordinance 2005-_, which will amend the Land Use Plan and rezone the area north of the Afognak Acres Subdivision No.1 (preliminary plat) and east ofthe Japanese Creek dike within a portion of Section 33, Govt. Lot 1 and the NE V4 of the NE V4 Section, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, from Single Family Residential (R-l) to Rural Residential (RR) Schafer requested a conflict of interest ruling as the property owner. Chair ruled that ruled Commissioner Schafer had a conflict and he removed himself from the dais to take a seat in the audience until the issue was completed. Brown reviewed the area of the proposed rezone on the visual aid maps provided for the public and the Commission. He stated that the Japanese Creek dike was the west boundary and the section line was the east boundary. He reviewed the primary differences between the Single Family zoning and the Rural Residential zoning districts. Brown stated that administration supported the approval of Resolution 2005-03 recommending the rezone and the amendment to the Land Use PIan. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Steve Schafer, spoke as the owner of the property. He stated that he had requested the rezone to allow for larger lots and to keep the development to a country setting. Schafer noted that the area currently being reviewed was inadvertently left out of the Planning and Zoning rezone approval at the February meeting. .l~~J 09 SUM wnUl!ll!W qllnolOH ~ql SU~l~qM 'lu~w~I!nb~l ~PO;) Al!;) lU~lln:> ~ql SBM q:>~M l~~J O~ JO qlP!M ABM-JO-lqllp pBOl ~ql P~ld~:>:>B puq qllnolOH ~ql pUB Al!;) ~ql SlB~A lU~:>~lll! lBql P~lOU ~ll!1;) .lS~nb~l UO!s]A!pqns ~qllOJ lOA~AlnS ~ql SB ~)[OdS 'Al!;) ~ql ~P!Sll! '3U!1;) JP!N .p3U3do S8M. ~U!-I83q 3!lqnd 3qJ PU8 P3JOU S8M. M.81 Aq p3..!nb3.. S8 P3qS!lqnd PU8 p3Jsod ~U!3q ~U!-I83q 3!lqnd JO 33HON I-AnH l01 WOl] l~~llS qsy Ol SS~:>:>ululn:>~~A OU ~ UBqS ~l~q.L .Z pUB 'SAUM-JO-Slqllp ~ql U~P!M Ol PUBl JO UO!lU:>!P~P Ol ~np '1- AnH lO1l0J ~ I ~nn ll! Slu~w~I!nb~l ~Z1s lOl UffiUl!ll!W ~ql Ol UO!ld~:>x~ UB P~lUBlll UO!ss!WWO;) llU!UOZ pUB llll!UUBld pmM~S JO Al!;) ~q.L .1 :S~lOU lUld pUB ~~1O"~0.9I ~PO;) Al!;) pmM~S l~d SU 'luyd ~qlJo luAolddulmry OllOpd pmM~S JO Al!;) ~ql ql!M lU~W~~lllU UO!lUITUlSU! UO!S!A!pqns U Olll! l~lU~ lSnw l~P!A!pqns .1 :uoH!pUO;) :suoH!puo:> llll!MOUOJ ~ql Ol p~fqns lUld~l ~qlJo luAolddu p~pu~wwO:>~l.lJUlS "AUM-JO-lqll!lJO UO!lB:>!P~P ~ql Ol ~np SUM ~llUllOqS ~ql U~qM ~pO:> Aq p~MOUU SUM lOll~UtlWS ~ql P~ll!Bldx~ ~q l~A~MOq ~~Z1S lOl UffiUl!ll!W lU~llD:> ~ql !ElW 109 P!P lO! 1- AnH p~lS~nb~l ~qlluql P~lOU SUM H .SlO! ~~Jql Olll! SlOl OMl ~p]A!pqns Ol SUM luyd~l ~qlJO lU~lll! ~qllUql P~lUlS UMOlH Z"3QwnN J81d3H ....0 S3..3Y JS3..0.!l 'All 1fl all sJo'l UO!S!A!pqnS A.i8U!W!13"d 3qJ JO 18AO..dd8 q~no"oll 8lnsu!U3d !8U3)( 3qJ ~U!PU3WW033" t'O-500Z uOHnloS3H SnOW!U8Ua p3SS8d uOHoW P3PU3W8 S8 fO-500Z uOHnloS3H 'uoHoW U!8W 3qJ UO 3JO A SnOW!U8Ua p3SS8d UO!JoW .~:>UBll!plO ~ql pUB uO!lnlos~"}I ~qllnoqllnoJql P~l:>~llO:> ~ Ol SUM lU~WPU~um ~qlltlql p~y!mp yqoH 3U!1 JU3W3S83 33A3Ilf33":J 3S3U8d8f aqJ JO A.i8punoq JS3M. aqJ JO UOH83YHu3P! 3qJ 3~u8q3 OJ fO-500Z uOHnloS3H PU3WY (lqOH/PIOM.S!-I~) UO!JoW fO-500Z uOHnlosaH aAo..ddy (lqOH/,q380H) UOHOW .pasop S8M. ~Up83q 3!lqnd 3qJ PU8 P"83q 3q OJ p3Js3nb3.. 3UO ON .~)[!P ~ql JO l~lOOJ lS~M ~ql Ol SUM ~'Buuq:> llU!UOZ p~ls~nb~l ~qllBql p~y!mp ~qS "~)[!P )[~~l;) ~s~UBduf ~ql p~pnpll! ls~nb~l ~UOZ~llU~llD:> ~ql pUB UO!S!A!pqns S~l:>Y )[BUllOJY ~qlluql p~ltllS l~Juq:>S yqoH Ol ~SUOdS~l UJ Z 0 S iJ3vJ '~iJUJn[OA SiJ/nu!y{ uOIsSIUJUJO;] 3UIUUV/J moz '['p.JvJ'{ "'fsvfY 'p.JVM3sJo NI;] City of Seward, Alaska March 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 5 0 3 In response to Hohl, Cline reviewed and pointed out several of the 5 foot right-of-way dedications that had been accepted by the City and the Borough in the Forest Acres Subdivision. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Roach'/Schafer) Approve Resolution 2005-04 Motion (Hohl/ Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-04 Delete Plat note 1 and rewrite the 4th Whereas to read, "Whereas the Commission concurs that a variance is not required since the subdivision meets the intent of the code 15.10.220, note 2C. HoW stated she did not agree that the Commission had the authority to grant an exception and felt the statement belonged in the Resolution not on the plat. She noted that anyone looking at the plat in the future would assume that the plat met the code at the time of approval. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-04, Add to Plat note 2 the following; "and BUV-3". HoW noted that both of the lots had less than I 00 foot frontage on Ash Street as required by code for a front designation. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (GriswoldlHohl) Amend Resolution 2005-04, Add to Condition 1, "including extension of utilities to BUV-l" Griswold noted that several staff had requested ~orthe extension of utilities in their staff reVIews. Schafer stated that he, as the property owner of Afognak Acres Subdivision was currently working with the City on the extension of the utilities to serve the new Afognak Acres Subdivision. He stated that the water line was already in Ash Street and that the extension of the sewer and electricity was planned in the agreement he had with the City for the Afognak Acres Subdivision. In response to Keil, Brown stated that the details of who, how, what and where were some of the particulars that were worked out during the subdivision agreement process. Motion and Second withdrawn by Griswold and Hohl. .S31D.1 3qJ UO 1I31lg 'lU:'lW:'lSU:'l SS:'l:xm un lnoqu :'llOW llU!MoIDIlnoql!M p:'lp:'l:'lU :'lq lUqM WJq :'lpJAold PInOM H PUll SSOl::>U lU:'lW:'lSU:'l SS:'l::>::>U uu J! :'lmSUn SUM:'lH 'uoos All:'ldOld SJq uo :'lWoq U PI!nq Ol p:'ldoq :'lq p:'llUlS:'lH 'p:'llUpdn SUM UUId lU:'lW:'lllUunW spun'] IudpJUfiW :'lql {!lun l!UM lOU pun UO!lllpU:'lWWO::>:'ll U :'l){RUl UO!SS!WillO;) :'lqllllql p:'llS:'lnb:'lllun::>!Iddu :'lql {qoH Ol :'lSUOdS:'ll uI snOW!UIlUfl p3SSIld uOHoW .Jull3!1ddll 3qJ JO suoHs3nb lIsll OJ s31nH 3qJ pU3dsns (1!3}1fPIOMS!-I~) uOHoW 'p:'llUpdn pun p:'lM:'l!A:'ll SUM unId lU:'lW:'lllUUUW spuu'] Iudp!unW :'lql I!lun uon::>u AUU :'luodlSod Ol SUM UOnUpU:'lWWO::>:'ll S!H '(~66 {) unId lU:'lW:'llluunW spun'] {lld!::>JUfiW :'lql UJ p:'lpnpUJ U:'l:'lq lOU puq sp::>lUd p:'lUMO Al!;) l:'lqlo AUUW pun uons:'lnb UJ All:'ldold lU:'llln::> :'lqllllql p:'llUlS UMOlg 'All:'ldOld p:'lUMO Al!;) :'lql JO :'l{lls :'lIq!ssod :'lqlllUJplUll:'ll SW:'l::>UO::> p:'lss:'lldx:'l puq Sl:'lqW:'lW ltUlS :'lmpfillsu.ytl! IUl:'lA:'lS luql p:'llOU:'lH 'UO!S!A!pqnS AInf JO qllDod 'H PUll p:'lUMO-Al!;) :'lqlJo UO!llod U :'lsuq::>md Ollun::>!Iddu ;)ql Aq Iusodold ;)ql P:'lM;)!A:'ll UMOlg Z.ON UO!S!A!pqnS 1I33.1;) ,\for JO qJ.lno.!l '0 J38.1.1 P3UMO-AJ!;) JO UO!J.lod II 3sIlq3.1nd oJ SJ.l3qoH 3Pll A\. pUll 10.111;) Aq Illsodo.ld II JO UO!SSD3S!G SS3U!Sng M3N :'lUON - SS3U!Sng p3qS!UYUfl snOW!UIlUfl p3SSIld uOHoW P3PU3WIl SIl 't'O-SOOZ uOHnlos3H 'uOHOW U!IlW uo 3JO A 'lUId :'lql UO AIl::>:'lllo::>UJ P:'lIpds SUM II:'lZZJlD luql P;)lQU ;)qS 'luId :'lql Ol UO!P;)llO::> "llUJd;);))psnoq" U lno P:'llUJod PIOMS!lD 1!3)1 '.I3Jllq3S '.q31l0H :oN PIOMS!-I~ 'lqoO :s3A p31!Il.!l uOHoW 'l;):'lJ 0 I p;)lS:'lnb;)l UO!SS!WillO::> :'lql S:'lSl;)A lU:'lw:'lllnb:'ll uonu::>!p:'lp AUM-JO-lqll11 lOOJ ~ lU:'llln::> :'lql llUJPlUll;)l PI;)q SUM Uo!ssn::>s!p AqlllU:'lI V .J33.1JS qsy pUll 3U!d 'lIIlO uo JooJ (oJ) U3J OJ UOHIl3!P3P AIlM )0 lq~!J 3ql 3~ullq;) 'SIl3.13qA\. PU033S 't'O-SOOZ uOHnlos3H PU3WY (PIOMS!.I~/lqoO) uOHoW l7 0 c; a$vcl 'f; aUJnJOA samu!J'V UO!SS!UJUJO:J $U!uuvlc/ moz 'f Ip.l.VW VlfSVlY 'p.l.VMas fo AI!;) City of Seward, Alaska March J, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 505 Motion (HohVSchafer) Commission move forward at the next meeting to develop the Pros and Cons and make a recommendation to Council for the disposition of the property. (Tract H, Fourth of July Subdivision) Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-06, recommending the Planning Commission priorities for 2005. Brown stated that the Commission had held a work session to establish the Commission's project priorities for 2005. He noted that each year in the spring the Commission plans to meet with Council and review the priorities list. Motion (Roach'/Hohl) Approve Resolution 2005-06 Motion (HohVGriswold) Amend Resolution 2005-06, add number 6 under Code Revisions, Amend Land Use ordinance related to parking to be in compliance with ADA. Hohl noted that the City Code does not currently comply with Federal ADA standards. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (HohVGriswold) Amend Resolution 2005-06, under Planning Projects, Number 4. Add following the Title. "ADA Transition Plan needs to be completed" and ADA review. . . . . Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Roach'/Schafer) Amend Resolution 2005-06, Add number 9 under Planning Projects, State lands and ROW Recommendations. Become more involved and provide recommendations to Council on local DOT projects. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (HohVGriswold) Amend Resolution 2005-06, Add number 10 under Planning Projects. Make 'UI1lnlOJd uonu3mw 31!IPITM 3qllI! lS:lJ:lllI! pun :lllI!l .l!3ql JOJ UO!SS!lliIllO;) :lql p:l){Ulllll :lUI1lD pun qSBJo lU:lwpud3G U){SU{V 3ql JO 1l!A\3'l A.I.lll'l SlU3WWO;) ,IlU3Zl}!;) '3lI!l:l3W 3qllI! 3lI!lUd!:l!pud pun 3lI!PU3HU JOJ :lTIqnd :lql p3){Ulll1l pun UO!lu3!l!Ill :lJ!IPI!M uo UO!lUlU3S3Jd 3ql JOJ S!M3'1 A.Lrn'1 p3){Ulll1l '1!3)( J:l]uq:lS p:lWO:lpM OSIU :lqS "I!:lunO;) ql!M UO!SS:lS ){JOM ~OOz: '~l q:lmV\1 :lql JO] lU;}S:lJd ~ lOU P{fiOM :lqs p:llOU :lqS "UUlOPIOS wol] 3UfWnl:lJ :llUI3lI!:lq JO] P:lZ!3olodu 'lqoH 'UO!SS!lliIllO;) :lql :lJO]~ lq3noJq sp:lfoJd JO] sduw pun I!Ul3P :lJOW :lp!AOJd.YUlS luql p:llS3nb:l~ 'J3Juq:lS p:lWO:lpM oSlu 'PIOA\s!.ID "J:l]uq:lS J:lUO!ss!lliIllO;) P:lWO:lI:lM ',q31l0H llJU3WWO;:) UO!IlIl!WWO;:) snns3H W3lSAS ~UHllH Al!unwwo;:) U!llldpoOI.>l S,p.l1lA\3S jO All;:) (pa.l!nba.l UO!l:JV oN) -1l:J.Iod3H PUll11W3H 11lUOHllW.lOjUI snOW!UllUfl P3SSlld uOHoW P3PU3Wll111l '90-S00Z uOHnl01l3H uo 310 A llnOW!UllUfl .Ullld lU3W3~llUllW 3UOZ Illl111l0;:) 3ql uo q~no.loH 3ql Ol SUO!lllPU3WW033.l3)(llW 'Ullld lU3W331lUllW 3UOZ IlllS1l0;) 'Sl33fo.ld ~U!UUllld .I3pUn II .I3qwnu PPY '90-S00Z uOHnl01l3H PU3WY p311Slld uOHoW (PIOA\Il!.ID/lqOH) uOHoW PIOA\Il!.lD 'lqoH :1l3 A- 1!3)( '.I3Jllq3S 'q31l0H :oN P31!1l.>l uOHoW .UOH1l3np::iJ. .I3pUn 3PO;) Al!;:) 3ql jO SZZ.Of.Z ppll 'lU3W33.10jU::iJ. .I3pUn L .I3qwnu 11 ppll '90-S00Z UO!ln101l3H PU3WY llnow!ullufl (PIOA\Il!.lD/lqoH) uOHoW p31111lld uOHoW .Ullld 3A!SS3.1dwo;:) q~no.loH 3ql uo SUOHllPU3WW033.1 90S a'3vc/ '~aumloA samUIW UOISSIUlUlOJ '3uIUUVlc/ >DOl 'llf;J~VW VJfsvfY 'p~VM3S fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska March 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 507 Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments - None Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 pm. .'1.4~ Donna Glenz Planning Assistant ~'4f- (// ' ------.---- ~ ,A./iU. @~ Keil . Chair (City Seal) ~~"'="",", F ", o Sf:::,~ ",OA '.4>"r1.1' ___. ~. CJ'~ ......... . ;''f. ~. tI ~.-:nWi'o;:;:... .<,? <:,. ~ .. r ...,_~~. t~~ .:" "." 'A..".cJ .,~ It ~ - '0". '" .. . "-' ::: .0. S~ A L ': ".:~' . ril:,.".,1J;). - . n ,~:.J ...~ ~' I"" ~' , . , ,.,.., f!) t." ~('~~.~'!1. '\9~.:' ;'~ -'", .....~.,1.;:'... -~- '-.~tl".')" ~ ~1i3H:;'IY' '~OOZ lOJ ZI l~qwnu uo ~upjlOM Allu~lln:J SUM lU~wt.rnd~p ~ql ~p~SU~l:Jlf! pnq M~!A~l l!Wl~d ~lf!PHng ~ "~OOZ 'I Hldy puu ISlE q:Jmw pmM~S If! PI~q dOqS)[lOM U!UldpooLJ U pU~llU Ol ~{qu ~l~M Sl~UO!SS!WWO;) ~ql JO Im~A~s lnql P~llod~"H ~ "P~l~Idwo:J U~::l'llOU pnq lOqmq ~qllf! l~lUM)[U~lq JO S~l:JU ~"E ~qlJo ~sn ~ml11J ~ql ~lf!pm~~l Sl~~lf!~3 JO dlo;) AWlV ~ql wo.g: llod~l ~qllnql P~lOU UMOlg ~ "~OOZ '~Z Hldy uo Ipuno;) Ol p~pmMloJ ~q Ol P~UUUld SUM I E61 ssn JO p:Jmd ~l:JU 6Z ~ql JO UO!llOd U lO S~l:JU 6Z ~ql JO ~snq:Jmd ~qllOJ lloddns JO UO!lnlos~"H 'illf!UOZ pUU 'ilU!UUUfd ~ :SW~l! SS~U!Snq 'ilU!MOIIOJ ~qlJO UO!SS!WWO;) ~ql p~lUpdn UM.OJg WI0311lW 'J<tUUllld lJod<tll UO!JllJJS!U!WPV AJD ql!WS wOl :p~sn:Jx3 - lu~sqy lUU:JUA P~lf!nw~l lU~S ~uQ lUUlS!SSY 'illf!uuuld 'zu~ID nuuoa l~uuuld 'UMOlg Uf(o:JluW pUll ~UO!SS!WWO;) ~qlJo wruonb U 'ilu!spdwo:J ,q:JUO"H ~!PUllS l~JUq:JS ~A~lS IqoH uuA'1 PloMsPD 10m;) pUll ''illf!P!s~ld H~)J uuuupuW :lU~S~ld ~l~M ~l~ql 1111;) 1I01l "IUA!llU )[l~I;) Al!;) {!lUll p~uodlSOd '~:J!lJQ JO qlUQ ~qll~lS!lf!WpU Ol ~IquHuAnun SUM S!M~'1 UU~f ')[l~I;) Al!;) "pss<tA\. AqJOJOa J<tUO!SS!WWO:) M.<tU OJ <t3IDO)0 qJllO o'ilUlJ ~ql Ol ~:JUu!'il~IIV JO ;)'ilp~Id ~ql P~I ,q:JUOlll;)UO!SS!WWO;) AUOW<tJ<t:) ~u!u<tdO "l!nq;) 'H~)J nutro!mw Aq "w"d Ot:L lU l~plO Ol P~IIU:J SUM UO!SS!WWO;) 'illf!UOZ '8 'illf!UUllId pmM~S ~qlJO 'illI!l~~W lU{n'il~l ~OOZ '~ Ipdy ;)ql J<tpJO OJ 1I1l:) 80S a'ivJ'~ aUJn/oA samulW uOlsslUlUlo:J 'iU1UUV/J ~ooz '~ /l.ldr WfsvlJi 'p.lVM.aS fo ND City o/Seward, Alaska April 5, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 509 City Council Liaison Report - Kevin Clark Introduced himself to the Connnission and the public. He noted that Council had not forwarded any communication back to the Connnission. KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl Commissioner HoW submitted a written report ofthe recent Borough Planning Connnission meeting to the Connnission and the public. She noted the deadline for comments and the public hearing regarding the Borough Comprehensive Plan was May 3, 2005 in Seward. Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations Griswold and Schafer gave a short review ofthe floodplain workshop held in Seward March 31 and April 1, 2005. Citizens' Comments on Any Subject Except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing Wade Roberts, outside the City, spoke to the Connnission regarding the proposal to purchase a portion of the City owned Tract H, Fourth of July Creek Subdivision No.2. He voiced disappointment with his request to purchase a portion of Tract H having been pulled from the agenda due to time constraints. Claudia Neklason, inside the City, expressed displeasure with the current atrocity in the Small Boat Harbor. She requested that administration learn to say no to the minority to protect the future quality of life for the majority. Jim Pruitt, inside the City, spoke to the New Business item on the agenda concerning the review of the CUP for the Harbor Hotel. He stated that the site plan, the footprint, and the parking of the hotel were the same and had not changed from the original approval. He noted that the hotel contained 82 rooms. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Griswold requested that item 8 A, (Resolution 2005-07) be moved to the bottom of the public hearings. HoW requested that item 9 A, (Request by Roberts to purchase Tract H, Fourth of July Subdivision) be reinstated to the agenda. Griswold requested adding item 10 D under New Business; discuss a liaison to the SewardlBear Creek Flood Board. HoW removed item 10 C, (March Planning and Zoning minutes) from the Consent Agenda. HoW added item 10 E, Borough Comprehensive Plan discussion. HoW requested item 2 B (Oath of office) moved to the arrival of the City Clerk. Motion passed Unanimous 'SOlOlfd HUM ;}lfl llU!sn uo!ssn:>s!p JO U;}.ffi ;}lfl Ol :>!Iqnd ;}lfl pun UO!ss!WWO;) ;}lfl P;}lUlU;}!lO;}H 'l;}Affi UO!P;}JmS;}~ ;}lflJo ;}P!S lfllOU ;}lfl wo.:g: I;}AU1lll:>U1lX;} Oll!Wl;}d ;}Sflluuo!l!PUO;) U 10J p;}!Iddu PUlf Slun:>!Iddu ;}lfllUlfl P;}lUlS UM01g 'P;}l;}ldwo:> SUM ;}nSS! ;}lfll!lun ;}:>U;}!pnU ;}lfl U! lU;}S U ;}){Ul Ol S!UP ;}lfl WO.:g:Jl;}SW!lf P;}AOW;}l ;}If pun PffiUO:> U pUlf l;}JUl{:>S l;}UO!SS!WWO;) lUlfl P;}lnJ l!Ulf;) 'UPU;}llU ;}lfl uo W;}l! .ffil!W!S U PUll pun SS;}U!snq.ffil!W!s U P;}UMO;}lf P;}lOU;}lf SU llU!fnJ lS;}l;}lU!JO PffiUO:> U p;}lS;}nb;}ll;}JUlf:>S St-OfO-tl PU8 tt-OfO-ttl 'n-OfO-ttl S,# PJJ8d X8.L q~nOJOH 8InSU!U3d !8U3)( 00 J3A!lI 00HJ3JJnS31I 3ql WOJj 13A8J~ J;l8JJX3 OJ J3JSO,j A3J8;) '!1 )fJ8f OJl!WJ3d 3SflI800!J!POO;) 8 jO I8AOJdd8 ~0!P03WWOJ3J 'SO-SOOZ 00HnlOS31I S~0!J83H J!lqnd J03S00;) SnOW!OBOfl p3SSBd oOHoW "OO!SS!WWO;) ~O!OOZ pOB ~0!OU8Id 3qJ jO J!Bq;) -3J!A S8 ql!wS JJ3p pOB SOOHBU!WOO 3S01:J (J3jBqJS/PI0A\S!J~) oOHoW "l!Ulf;)-3:>!A 10J lfl!WS P;}lUU!WOU 1ll0H 'UO!SS!WWO;) ~OZ pun lllJ!UUllld ;}lfl 10J l!Ul{;)-;}:>!A 10J suoHUU!WoU 10J 100y ;}lfl p;}u;}do IP)I J03SUO;) snow!08ufl p3SS8d uOHoW J!8q;) JOj SOO!J80!WOU 3qJ 3S01:J (lqOH/PIOA\S!J~) oOHoW "OO!SS!WWO;) ~U!OOZ p08 ~O!OOBld 3qJ JOj J!Bq;) SB 1!3)( J300!SS!WWO;) JJ3m (,qJBOlI/lqOH) oOHoW 'UO!SS!WWO;) lllJ!UOZ pun lllJ!UUllld ;}lfl JO l!Ulf;) 10J SUO!lUU!WOU 10J 100y ;}lfl p;}u;}do l!;})I J!Bq;)-3J!A pOB J!Bq;) jO 00HJ3m SW3H 18P3dS J03S00;) snow!oBofl p3SS8d uOHoW "PSS3M AqJOJOa 'J300!SS!WWOJ A\3U OJ 3J!lJO jO qJBO 3qJ 3nSS! OJ S!A\3'l 'ltJ31:J 4!;) JJBJOOJ OJ )f83Jq JJoqS (J3jBqJS/I!3)() uOHoW fOOZ 'f /!.Jdr tJJfsvfV 'p.JVM.<JsJo ND 01<; <J'ilvJ 'f <JUJn[OA sajnU!W UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'ilU!uuvlJ City of Seward. Alaska April 5. 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5. Page 511 HoW requested that Brown orient the property on the Floodplain map. In response to HoW Brown noted that the parcels were within the floodplain. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Roach'/Hohl) Approve Resolution 2005-08 HoW noted that she had spoken with the Borough Floodplain office and was told that the applications for the permits from the Borough had been referred to the Borough engineer for a water conveyance study; however the study had not been completed at this time. In response to Roach', Brown stated that Fosters had been issued a Seward Floodplain Development Permit. He noted that he was unaware of what the Borough had or had not issued. Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-08, Section F, item number 2, change the word riverbank to "riverine" . Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Keil/Roach') Amend Resolution 2005-08, Section I-F, item number 4 to read, "Adequate public sanitation facilities, such as portable latrines, shall be on site and removed during periods of non-operation" Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Roach') Amend Resolution 2005-08, Section I-F, item number 4, strike the word "public". Griswold noted that the latrines were not for public use but the work crews. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Roach'/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-08, Section I-F, item number 6 to change the five (5) years to three (3) years. Motion Passed Unanimous ,;4!unwwoJ aqJ OJ ltepyauaq S! pAteJ~ ~U!:JJteJJX3" 'aJuaJuas aqJ aAOWaJ '3 ~U!PU!.iI '80-S00l uO!lnlosall puawy (,qJteOlllPIOA\s!J~) uO!loW 'lOU JO {U!:JYOJU~ SUM UO!PUllXOJ {OJAUllj J! OJlJ!lWOJ1OJp 01 AUM OU SUM OJ1OJl/1 'lOJArn UO!POJJJnSOJ"}I OJl/llOJ UU{d lOJ1SUUl U 10U SUM OJ1OJl/1 OJ:JU!S 1uql pOJ10U OJl/S '3 ljU!PU!d uo uo!ssn:Js!p U pOJlsOJnbOJl P{OMS!.ID snow!uteufl passted uO!loW '"JteaA qJtea JO qjSI JaqwaJdas JaJjte aHs uo JPI aq JOU llteqs sand a~teJoJS" 'JaqwnuaJ PUte S Jaqwnu te Jjasu! '.iI-I uO!l3aS '80-S00l uO!lnlosall puawy (PIOA\S!J~/lqOH) uO!loW na)l',qJteOll- oN: PIOA\S!J~ 'lqoH - sa,\ pante.il uO!loW Juawpuawte aqJ uo aJo A 'UOnn{osOJ"}I OJl/11nOl/ljnOJqllOJArn UO!POJJJnsOJ"}I JO lUOlJ U! "SlUq {OJAUllj pOJ1OJ1UMOJp" PPu pun pOJllO:J lfU1S luq1 pOJOJlljU pun pOJlOU UO!ss!llfiUoJ ,q3teOll- ON: l!a)l'PIOA\s!J~ 'lqoH -sa,\ passted uO!loW 'JaA!lI uO!lJaJJnsall aqJ JO JUO.lJ U! "S.lteq laAteJ~ paJaJteA\ap" ~U!Ppte Aq Juawpuawte aqJ puawy (lqOH/PIOA\s!J~) uO!loW 'UO!POJl!P U! OJnljuA SUM l! 1uql ljU!lOU '"A{lOJdold" pJOM OJl/1l/1!M WOJ:JuO:J pOJ:J!OA ,l/:Juo"}l 'SY3113HA\. ~U!A\OlloJ "A(JadoJd" pJOA\ aqJ ~U!Ppte Aq steaJaqA\. qJj!.iI'80-S00l uO!lnlosall puawy (PIOA\S!J~/lqoH) uO!loW snow!uteufl pante.il uO!loW .{U!:JYOJU~ SUM UO!PUllXOJ {OJAUllj luql U!tlllOJ:J ~ 01 OJ{q!ssodUl! SUM 1! U!tl{dpoOIJ OJl/l JO UU{d lOJlSUUl U pun ApnlS lS!ljO{OlpAl/ U 1nol/1!M luq1 pOJlOU OJl/S '{U!:JYOJU~ SUM UO!PU1lXOJ {OJAUllj UU lOU luql POJ1U1S P{OMS!lD 'steaJaqA\. qJj!.iI aqJ all!JJS '80-S00l uO!lnlosall puawy (JqOH/PIOA\S!J~) UO!lOW ~ooz '~ lI./dV VJfsvfV 'p./vMasJo NO Z 1 <; a;]vcI '~ aUJn/o A samuwo[ UO!SS!UJUJo:J ;]U!UUV/cI City of Seward, Alaska April 5, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 513 Griswold stated that without an engineered master plan the Commission had no way of knowing if extraction of gravel was beneficial. Motion Failed Yes - Roach', Griswold No - Hohl, Keil Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Amend Resolution 2005-08, Finding E, add "dewatered gravel bars" before the Resurrection River. Motion Passed Unanimous The Commission reiterated that staff correct and add "dewatered gravel bars" in front of Resurrection River through out the Resolution, Vote on the main motion, Resolution 2005-08 as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-09, recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to Afognak Construction and Excavating, Inc., for gravel extraction from the Resurrection River and aspha't plant operations on Kenai Peninsu,a Borough Tax Parcel #'s 144-030-46 an" 144-030-03 Brown oriented the Commission to the location of the project and stated that the applicant had applied for a Conditional Use Permit for gravel extraction and asphalt plant operation. He noted that the City staff had requested a traffic control plan as one of the conditions. Brown noted that the current CUP project was very similar to the previous approved CUP. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Tom Shirk, outside the City, spoke representing the Wind Song Lodge. He noted that the lodge was located directly across from the proposed CUP site. He voiced concern for the noise and smells produced by the proposed asphalt plan. Clinton Paul, inside the City, spoke as a homeowner in the Forest Acres area. He supported the gravel extraction. He encouraged the Commission to review the proposed asphalt plant operation in less than the five years as proposed in the resolution. Steve Schafer, inside the City, spoke as the applicant. He reviewed the project and stated that he had applied for and received the needed Department of Natural Resources and the Kenai "wd O[ OJ WB L. P333X3 JOU IIBqs uO!Jtu3dO JO S.lnoH" Z W3l! A\3U '.11-[ UO!J33S '60-S00Z uO!JnIOS311 PU3WY (PIOA\S!J~/lqoH) uO!JoW snOW!UBUil p3SSBd UO!JOW "ABA\q~!H pJBA\3S 3qJ WOJJ pUB OJ J33JJS 1I30lW3H 3Sn IIBqs Slf3nJ.L" '.II-[UO!J33S '60-S00Z uO!JnIOS311 PU3WY (PIOA\S!J~/lqOH) UO!JOW snOW!UBUil p3SSBd UO!JOW 'uoplllado llIUld lluqdsu aqlJo aSnU:laq palQU aqs 'dflJ lua.un:l aql10J alupdOlddu SUM s.maA OMlluql palOU yqOH 'sluaA (z) OMl alaM ua.m p.mMaS aql ~l!M spa!Old ~lJ!Aud papa!Old lua.un:l aqlluql palOU aqs 'llIUld lluqdsu aql uo )[Uads Ol AlrutlllOddo aql aAuq Ol :l!lqnd aql pallIUM aqs luql palulS ,q:lUO~ .S.lB3A (Z) OA\J oJ S.lB3A (S) 3AY 3qJ 3~UBq3 OJ O[ W3J! '.11-[ UO!J33S '60-S00Z uO!JnIOS311 PU3WY (PI0A\S!J~/,q3BOll) UO!JOW snOW!UBUil p3SSBd UO!JOW " .UO!IV.JiJdo-uou fo spO!.JiJd :fU!.Jnp piJltOlUiJ.J pUV iJl!S uo iJq llVI{S 'SiJU!.IIV/ iJ/qVI.Jod sv I{:ms 'SiJ!1!/!:Jvf UO!1VI!UVS iJlVnbiJpv" pB3J oJ 'L. J3qwnN: 3~UBqJ .".JViJi I{:JViJ fo y,) [ .JiJqlUiJldiJS .JiJifv iJl!S uo ifiJ/ iJq IOU llVI{S siJ/!d iJ:fv.JOIS" 'J3qwnU3J pUB S J3qwnu B JJ3SU! !"iJU!.JiJlt!.J" 01 1fuvq.JiJlt!.J p.JOiK iJl{l iJ:fuvl{:J 'z J3qwnu W3J! '.11-[ UO!J33S '60-S00Z UO!JnIOS311 PU3WY (lqOH/PIOA\S!J~) uO!JoW 60-S00Z uO!Jnlos311 3AOJddy (lqOH/PIOA\S!J~) uO!JoW .p3S0p SBA\ ~U!JB3q 3!lqnd 3qJ pUB pJB3q 3q OJ p3JS3nb3J 3Sp 3UO ON: 's.mq pAUl~ palaluMap UO aq Ol SUM UO!pllllXa UU luql plIu al!S aql OlluaM PUOl lua.un:l aqlluql paUUYUO:l laJuq:lS 'yqOH Ol asuodsal uI 'UUJd 10llUO:l :lmUll U JO lUatual!nbal aql palloddns aH 'S!suq lunuun -!lias 10 lunuun U uo SllIUld SlIuqdsu aql JO Ma!Aal aql palloddns aH 'sl!illlad q~n01OH ulnSU!Uad 171 <; agtJd '~ aUln/oA samU!W UO!SS!UJUJO:J gU!uutJ/d moz '~/!Jdv tJ1fStJ/V 'pJtJM3S fo N!:J City of Seward. Alaska April 5. 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 515 Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-09, Sectionl-F, "The asphalt plant shall be situated as close to the southwest corner of parcel 14403003 as practical" Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Amend Resolution 2005-09, throughout, anywhere that "in the Resurrection River" is stated be changed to "dewatered gravel bars of the Resurrection River" Motion Passed Unanimous HoW requested the record reflect she voiced safety concerns because of the forty (40) foot right-of-way, number of children in the neighborhood, that the traffic control plan reduces the speed limit of the trucks, The Commission stated that it was not within the powers of the Commission to control traffic speed. Vote on Main Motion, Resolution 2005-09, as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-10, recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to Afognak Construction and Excavating, Inc., for gravel extraction from Japanese Creek and gravel pit operations at Lots CL and CM, Forest Acres Subdivision Brown again oriented the Commission to the area proposed by the application. He noted that the requested conditions were very similar to the previous CUP for gravel extraction and asphalt plant operations. Brown provided the visual location on the Borough Historic Flood map. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened Steve Schafer, inside the City, spoke as the applicant. He noted that the current Japanese Creek gravel extraction and pit area of Lots CL and CM had been in operation since before the 1964 earthquake. In response to HoW, Schafer stated that no extraction was planned for the gravel pit area of Lots CL and CM, only sorting and the proposed asphalt plant operation. He stated since Afognak Construction had owned the parcel an asphalt plant had been set up twice on the site. 'p~~l~U UO!SS!illillO;:) ~l{l 'UO!lnIos~lI ~l{llnol{~noll{l ~lt!!ldOlddu ~l~l{M )[~~l;:) ~s~uudUf ~ll!MoIIoJ ,,~~A~I ~l{lJo lS~M" SplOM ~l{l sll~Sll! lJUlS "~ll!d~~)[~nol{,, St! lUl{l p~ls~nb~l NOH snOW!UBUil p3SSBd uo!'ow ,:s.l3UA\0 413do.ld jU!.I0qqj!3U 3ql WO.lJ p3AP33.1 SlU3WW03 3!1qnd 3A!'Bj3U AUB U33q 109 3ABq 3.13qJ." :33U3lu3S lSBI 3}f!.IlS 08"-1 UO!'33S 'OI-S00l UO!lnlos311 PU3WY (, q3BOll/lqoH) uo!'ow snOW!UBUil p3SSBd uo!'ow ,:UO!l3B.llX3 13AB.I~ .IoJ .I3A!1I uO!'33.1.1ns311 ~UOIB S3!J.l3do.ld .I3qlo 3sn Ol SIBsodo.ld 3.IB 3.13ql pUB AJ!A!,3B .IBf!W!S B .I0J p3sn ~U!3q 3.IB WB3.1lSUA\OP S3!J.l3dO.ld SB" 3l313P pUB }f33.1;:) 3S3UBdBf ~U!A\OIlOJ ,,33A31 3ql JO lS3A\" J.l3SU! 'S~U!PU!.>I '8"-1 UO!'33S 'OI-S00l uo!'nlos311 PU3WY (PIOA\S!.I~/lqOH) uo!'ow snOW!UBUa p3SSBd uo!'ow "pUB :SA\OU .I3lBA\ pOOU .I0J 3IqBI!BAB B3.1B 3ql ~U!SB3.13U! Aq ~U!pOOU 3lB~mW sdpq 33A31 3ql JO lS3A\ }f33.1;:) 3S3UBdBf JO S}fUBq 3ql WO.lJ pAB.I~ ~U!,3B.llX3 SB3.13qA\. " pB3.1 Ol 9 SB3.13qA\. 'OI-S00l uo!'nlos311 PU3WY (.q3BOll/lqoH) uo!'ow snOW!UBUa p3SSBd uo!'ow ".IViJS If:JViJ fo y,H .JiJqlUiJldiJS .JiJlfV iJI!S uo ifiJI iJq IOU llvlfs SiJI!d iJ:JV.JOIS" .Iaqwnu A\3U B J.l3SU! :" OUO!IV.JiJdo-uou fo spo!.JiJd :JU!.Jnp PiJ,tOlUiJ.J puv" 9 W3l! Ol pPB :"lUd Of OIIUV L PiJiJ:JXiJ IOU llvlfs uO!lv.JiJdo fo s.JnoH" l W3l! A\3U '.>1-1 UO!'33S .OI-S00l uo!'nlosall PU3WY (lqoHlPIOA\S!.I~) uo!'ow 01-S00l uo!'nlos311 aAo.lddy (,q3BOll/PI0A\S!.I~) uo!'ow p3S0p SBA\ ~U!.IB3q 3!lqnd 3ql pUB p.lB3q 3q Ol p3lS3nb3.1 3S13 3UO ON. I;OOZ 'I; l!.ldV IJ1fstJ/V 'p.ltJM.aS fO N!:) 91 S aStJJ 'I; aUlnJOA sa/nu!w UO!SS!UJUJOJ SU!uutJ/J City of Seward, Alaska April 5, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5. Page 517 Vote on Main Motion, Resolution 2005-10, as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-11, recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to Afognak Construction and Excavating, Inc., for asphalt plant operations at Lots CL and CM, Forest Acres Subdivision Brown oriented the Commission to the Lots CL and CM of the Forest Acres Subdivision He stated that the applicant had applied for Conditional Use Permit to allow an asphalt plant operation on the site. He noted that in general the conditions were similar to the other asphalt plant operations reviewed previously in the evening. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Regina Paul, inside the City, spoke as a homeowner in the Forest Acres area. She spoke against allowing an asphalt plant in the neighborhood. Ann Wright, inside the City, spoke as a homeowner in the Forest Acres area. She voiced concerns of the noise, pollutions smells and the possible traffic increases with an asphalt plant. She noted that the wind generally blows into the area of the homes and she voiced health concerns for the people of Forest Acres. Clinton Paul, inside the City, spoke as a homeowner in the Forest Acres area. Concurred with the previous speakers. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed Motion (Griswold/Roach') Approve Resolution 2005-11 Griswold challenged the finding of Section I, Item B. She felt that the adjoining properties could be significantly impaired by the requested location of an asphalt plant. Keil suspended the rules to ask a question of the applicant. Keil asked the applicant why he needed two asphalt plants. In response to Keil, Schafer stated the distance of travel and the option oflocation for set-up site to the plant owner. Keil asked the applicant "ifhe could be satisfied with one asphalt plant location," he responded that he could. The Commission discussed the option to table the resolution indefinitely. ;:lql p;:llS;:lnb;:ll OSIU puq lUU::l!lddU ;:lql . AJl;:llS;:lM l;:l;:l] (0 J) U;:ll P;:lAOUl ;Jq 6 I puu 8 I slol U;:l;:lMl;Jq ;:lU!I 101 AJl;:llS;:lM ;:lql p;:llS;:lnb;:ll PBq lUU::l!Iddu ;:lqllBql ~U!lOU ltr[d;:ll p;:llS;:lnb;:ll ;:lql P;:lM;:l!A;:ll UM01g 181d3}1 J81da.l.D38.1fut3a!(l 'UOmpPV.D!I:J '8lf3018 '61 1J181 sJo'] :Jo UOH838A JuaW3S8a AJ!I!JD 8 qJ!M 'UO!S!A!pqns3.1 8 S! S!ql. .Z .ON: J81d3}1.D38.1fut3a!(l UOmpPV.D!I:J aqJ JO 18AO.ldd8 q~DO.lOg 8IDSU!Uad !8U3)1 ~U!pUaWW033.1 'L.O-SOOZ UOHDIOS3}1 1!3)1 'PIOMS!.I~ 'lqOH ',q380}l :ON: pal!8.i uOHoW 'UOHOW U!8W 3qJ UO 3JO A '~U!Inl U puu UO!Ssn::lS!p 10] ;:lJqUl ;:lql uo I I -~00z: uO!lnlos;:l~ ~::lUld U!U~ ';:lUOdlSod 01 UO!lQUl ;:lql M31pql!M ,q::lUO~ puu JqoH uo!ssn::lS!p uo!ss!llJulo:J ~U!MoIIOd :S3JON: ,q380}l PU8 IqoH Aq UM8.1pqJ!M uOHoW '~U!!nl U puu uo!ssn::ls!p 10] UO!SS!llJUlO:J 3ql ;:l1O];Jq )puq dfl:J ;:lql10] UO!lnIOS;:l~ ;:lql ~U!lq 01 ;:lsooq::l Plno::l lJU1S PUU1UU::l!Iddu ;:lql U!Ull;:l::l ;:lUl!1 U 01 ~U!Uodlsod Aq lBql P;:llU1S JqoH ..D8JS Aq U!8~8 UO!SS!WWO:J 3qJ 3.10J3q Jq~no.lq mUD n-sooz UOHDlosa}l 3uodJsOd (,q380ll/lqOH) uOHoW 'UO!Ssn::lS!p P3U3do-;:l1 puu ;:l!qul ;:lql UlO.lj UO!lOUl ;:lq1 P3AOUl;:l1 UO!SS!llJUlO:J ;:lql Al!lOfUW U 31nl!lSUO::l 10U P!P ;:lA!lU~3U (I) ;:lUO puu ;:lA!lmILIgJU (() ;:l;:lJqllBq1 P;:llOU 3H 'S!UP ;:lqllu Sl;:lUO!SS!llJUlo:J mOl puq AIlU3lm::l UO!SS!llJUlO:J 3q1luql puu S;:llOA ('17) mOl SUM UO!SS!llJUlO:J ;:lquo A1Pofuw U 1Bql P;:llQU;:lH 'UO!lOUl U 3JqU1 01 ;:llQA Alpofuw U ;:lABq 01 p;:ll!nb;:ll SUM l! lBql P3S!APU IpunO:J A1!:J UlO.lj UOS!U!I ;:lq1 :lfU31q ;:lql ~U!ma :;:llON JU3SUO:J SDOW!U8Ufl p3SS8d uOHoW lf83.1q OJ aJDU!W 01 (lqoHII!3)1) UO!JoW ,q380}l :0N: I!a)l 'lqoH 'PIOMS!.I~ :S3,\ p3SS8d uOHoW "3JqU1 01 UO!lOUl ;:lql10 10] SUOSU;:ll ;:lqllloddns 10U P!P 3qS p;:llJ;:ll s;:llnU!Ul ;:lqllBql p;:llS3nb;:l1 ,q::lUO~ "Ul;:lql ;:llOpq SUO!ldo 3ql p;:lssn::ls!p UO!SS!llJUlO:J ;:lql 'PU;:l ;:lq1 U! l! TIU] 01 AJUO uO!lnlos;:l~ 3ql q~noJql "'110M puu PU;:lWU 01 ;}Ul!l SUO!ss!llJUlo:J ;}ql JO 3sn ;:llUpdOlddUU! UU SUM l! luql P31U1S TI3)l At3J!UY3PU! n-sooz UOHDloS3}1 31q81. (PIOMS!.I~/lqOH) uOHoW moz '~ l!Jdv mtSv/V 'pJVM.iJsJo iC1!:J 81 <:; iJ'fJvd '~ iJUJnlOA SiJJnUiJ'V UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'fJU!uuv/d City of Seward, Alaska April 5, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 519 vacation of the unused utility easement on the same westerly property line. Brown stated that due to the topography ofthe land the public utilities had been placed in the Hulm Circle right-of-way and the panhandle portion oflot 19. The applicant had granted utility easements to the utility corridors over the panhandle portion of lot 19 which covered all current utilities to the Dieckgaeff Subdivision. Commissioner Schafer requested clarification on the existing 40 foot right-of-way (ROW) for Hulm Lane. He noted that City code requires a minimum 50' ROW. Staff noted that the surveyor had submitted a letter of explanation, which was included on page 11 ofthe packet. The surveyor had explained that the ROW width of 40 feet had been accepted by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission and granted an exception on the original subdivision plat by the Kenai Peninsula Borough Platting Commission because of the 1) terrain limits for developable ROW area; 2) Hulm Circle directly abuts Hulm Lane; 3) Seward Fire Chief recommended approval of the 40 foot ROW; and 4) the proposed dedication matches that of the ROW to the south. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Hohl/ Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-07 Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business Develop PFOS and Cons fOF the reeommendation to COBneil on the pFoposed pBFt!hase by CaF61and Wade Robert~ of the City owned TFaet D, FOBrth of JBIy Creek SBbdivision No.2 [Pulled from the agenda by staft] HoW had placed the item back on the agenda for discussion. She requested a report from staff as to the progress with this issue. Brown stated that staffhad to prioritize the time available. He reviewed that the Community Development office had received four (4) very involved Conditional Use Permits and a Subdivision replat to schedule on the current agenda. He prioritized the workload by the fact that the properties involved were currently owned by the private individuals and deemed it unfair to delay action for properties of private ownership. He also noted that continued staff time had been required for the review of the five (5) properties requested for the racetrack and for the review of the current CUP for the New Harbor Hotel; both of which were on the schedule before the Roberts request. He stated that with the daily activities of the office and the agenda for the current meeting the Community Development Office simply ran out of time. Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Place the request to purchase City owned Tract H on the agenda for the April 19, O){(UMpllloq ;:lqlJO UO!lUnU!lUO;) ;:lql ~U!.I!nb;:l.l UO!l!PUO;) ;:lql JO M;:l!A;:l.l ~U!lS;:lnb;:l.l UO!sS!lliWoJ ;:lql Ol P;:llU;:ls;:l.ld U;:l~ puq .I;:lUMO Al.I;:ldo.ld P;:lW;:l;)UO;) U WO.IJ .I;:ln;:ll UMOp AUI U luql P;:llOU ;:lqS O){(UMpllloq ;:lqlJO UO!lUllU!lUO;) ;:lql UO UOHUW.IoJU! p;:llS;:lnb;:l.l JqoH Ol!UlllS;:ln~ .I;:ld P;:lp!AO.ld SUM ;:l;)UdS ~up(llld ;:llUnb;:lpu ;:lUO luql ~mssu .I;:ldOI;:lA;:lP ;:lql ql!M )j:.IOM OllJUlS p;:llS;:lnb;:l.l poo dflJ ;:lqlJO lU;:lW;:l.I!nb;:l.l ;:lql p;:lSSn;)S!p UO!SS!WWOJ ;:lq.l OS;:l~uuq;) loo;)mu~!S ;:l.l;:lM SlU;:lW;:l.I!nb;:l.l oold ~)j:llld ;:lql poo A;)oodn;);)o ;:lqlll;:lJ ;:lqS oM;:l!A;:l.l lnoql!M oold ;:ll!S .I!;:lql ;:l~;) Plno;) ;:lUOAoo luql ;:l;)U;:lp;:l;);:l.ld U ~U!n;:lS SUM UO!sS!lliWOJ ;:lql UUJd ;:ll!S ;:lql Ol S;:l~uuq;) ~l;);)[;:l.l.lO ~U!Ao.lddu poo ~U!M;:l!A;:l.l lOU Aq luql W;:l;)UO;) P;:l;)!OA ;:lqS oploq ;:lql.lOJ M;:l!A;:l.l ;:lqlJo ;:lUf!l ;:lqllU P;:llU;)S;:l.ld SUM luql OOld ;:ll!S ;:ll!l dflJ Aq p;:lAo.lddu puq UO!sS!lliWoJ ;:lqlluql P;:llUlS JqoH oplOq ;:lql Ol SWOO.lJo suomppu lU;:l.Im;) ;:lqlJo Slu;:lW;:l.I!nb;:l.l ~u!)j:llld ;:lqll;:l;:lW lOU P!P lU;:lW;:l;:l.l~U ~u!)j:llld ;:ll!S lJo ;:lql ~pnpU! UUJd ~up(llld lU;:l.Im;) ;:lqlluql P;:llUlS UMO.lf{ 'I!;:l)l Ol ;:lsuods;:l.l uI O~u!)j:llld.lOJ P;:l;:lU ;:lql P;:lM;:l!A;:l.l UMO.lf{ o;:l;)UJd U;:l)j:Ul puq M;:l!A;:l.l ou luql poo (AUpOl) ~OOl '~ IpdV ;:l;)!lJ0 lU;:lwdOPA;:lG Al!UllWWOJ Aq P;:lA!;:l;);:l.l U;:l~ puq UUJd ;:ll!S M;:lU U luql P;:llUlS UMO.If{ oSl!lln-l8 .IoJ SUUJd IU;:lA;:l.l .I;:ldOI;:lA;:lP ;:lql ql!M UOHUS.I;:lAUO;) poo sl!lln-08 SMOqS UUJd ;:ll!S lU;:l.I.In;) ;:lql 'l;:llOq l!Ull -6L U .IoJ p;:lnss! SUM dflJ ;:lq.l oSMOnOJ SU UO!SS!lliWOJ ;:lql.lOJ UO!lU;)!t!pOW ;:lql P;:lM;:l!A;:l.l ;:lH OdflJ ;:lql PU;:lUlll Ol P;:l;:lU ;:lql.lOJ UO!SS!WWOJ ;:lql WO.IJ UO!S!;);:lP U p;:llS;:lnb;:l.l poo loo;)mu~!S ;:lWO;)~ puq SUOHU;)y!poW ;:lql luql lPJ Allu;:l.I.In;) .I;:lA;:lMOq UMO.lf{ OUO!ss!WWoJ ;:lql Aq M;:l!A;:l.l U loo.I.IUM Ol q~nou;:l loo;)mu~!S U;:l~ lOU puq OOld ;:ll!S ;:lql Ol S;:l~uuq;) ;:lql AIIU.I;:lU;:l~ luql P;:llOU UMO.lf{ oP;:l.Im;);)O puq S;:l~uuq;) P;:lAIOA;:l puq p;:l[O.Id ;:lql SU luql P;:llOU;:lH 0 AUlds!p .IoJ nUM ;:lql uo SUM UO!SS!WWOJ ;:lql Aq p;:lAO.lddu U;:l~ puq luql OOld ;:ll!S ItlUY ;:lqlluql P;:llOU;:lH OUO!PrulSUO;) ~U!lll!l!ll! ;:l.lOJ;:lq IUAO.lddu ItlUY poo M;:l!A;:l.l .IOJ UO!SS!WWOJ ;:lql ;:l.lOpq ;:lWO;) lsnw UOH!PUO;) P;:ly!lU;:lP! nu ~U!lU.lod.IO;)U! UUJd ;:ll!S ItlUY ;:lqlluql PU;:l.l t 1 .I~umu UO!l!PUO;) luq.l omOl ;:lunf U! p;:lnsS! SUM l!ll.I.l;:ld ;:lSfl JUUO!l!PUOJ lllU!~po ;:lqlluql P;:llUlS UMO.lf{ UO!S!A!pqnS .lOq.lllH '1l0a 1I1lWS p.lllMas aq, U! p,oq ,!un-6L 11 ,;JO.I,SUO;J 0' 'mO.ld sawllf 0' panss! TO-toOl dilJ jO UOHll;J!J!POW ~u!U.Ia;Juo;J uOHllpuawwo;Ja.l altllW PUll Ma!AalI ssau!sna Ma~ snOW!UllUil paSSlld uOHoW '~uHaaw SOOl 't AllW aq, '11 UOH;Jll .I0j UO!SS!WWOJ aq, a.lojaq aWO;J wa,! aq, 'llq, ,ua,u! aq, q,!M 'uo!ssas It.lOM SOOl o z S a'fJod 'r; alUnlo A sa/nuIJ'l UO!SS!IUIUO:J 'fJU!uuv/d r;ooz 'r; l!.ldV rJJfsoW 'p.lOM3S fo N!;] City of Seward, Alaska April 5, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 521 Motion (Keil/Schafer) Suspend the rules to ask questions of the developer Motion Passed Unanimous James Pruitt, inside the City, developer of the harbor hotel. Pruitt stated that he was aware ofthe condition 6 requiring the continuation of the public boardwalk along the entire east side ofthe applicant's lease parcel and connection to Fourth Avenue. He noted that the boardwalk along the east side of the hotel was ten (10) feet wide as approved by the fire chief. He stated that the boardwalk will be the same width as the public boardwalk where it ties into the public boardwalk on the south at the "J" dock access. Motion (Keil/Schafer) Commissions rules that the changes to the development ofthe harbor hotel be handled by administration. Motion Passed Unanimous Review of a proposed racetrack as an unlisted use in the Industrial Zoning District and recommendation to Council for lease City owned land by Seward Racing Lions Brown stated that a rough draft of a resolution was included in the packet for the Commissions review and recommendations. The intent was for the Commission to review and submit comments on the draft resolution. The resolution was then to be brought before the Commission for action at the May 4, 2005 meeting. The Commission discussed the unlisted use option of the City Code and requested more information from the attorney review of the Institutional Zoning option that had been previously moved forward. Motion (Keil/Griswold) Postpone item C. March Planning and Zoning minutes; item D. discuss a liaison to the Seward/Bear Creek Flood Board; item E. Borough Comprehensive Plan discussion, until the next meeting. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Informational Items and Reports- (No action required) i -;"'\\3.;:((', .. R' ',;_ ."'\ :;. ~:'.-~~'1i:"i}.:';;~. -,~~ _.",?' ~", ~ 'o\. ......'/[)~, ',.:'\ -, ,;~ ~(.l 'f ' If/) \; .~,\ ". . \.~ ~~1: ..._~ ~ ~~ ~~ : . (~ ~~ 0: r-r<",:::' ':r{~~ C1 : e ~~ ~;~ ~ Jl "./ L:'-~~ i ;; :~ '.0 ~ ~: :: ~\ .."...,'oa~/ D .,' ~ ';., 'V.' .,;I>1-tOd\o:!.O... ~ .~. ~\,,:t,~'.7:!r~,,!I...~.u.'"'' ,,">= ~y <l'....~",w..tr13~ ""'10 -.:.~,..~ ~illilii'~. ;':l'r~\\~. ({l1::lS Al!J) ~ ~J TI::l)lllUlrn!JllW .' l T/ ~/? Yr~y_ ./ '/' (r'./.. .- '-.... ,,) // I' j. ~/ 7(/ !/ l{x( . / I . \ I j" /':1 \, / ' lUlllS!SSV ~U!llUllld ZU::lID llUUOa , P2?}I//'/ X ,,-) L..---/ 'wd z: I: II III p::lWnOfpll SllM ~U!l::l::lW ::lql JU;lwu.lDofpv ::lUON - SJU;lWWOJ ,su;lzHP OJ ;lsuods;l.l UOH'UJS!U!WPV pUB UO!SS!WWO;:) ::lUON - SJU;lWWO;:) .SU;lZ!l!;:) 'S::l!l!UllWWO::l A11M::ll11~ lOJ S::ld11::lSpUllI ::lnb!Un uo ::l1::l!Jlll U11 pll::ll Pllq ::lqs p::llOU 'PIOA\S!.I~ 'SW::ll! dflJ P::lAloAU! ::lffilty: AU11lOJ ~U!l::l::lW ::lqllll UO!Pll pUll M::l!A::ll ::lql ::llOJ;}([ sdPl PI::lY: ::ll!S uo pnpuo::l UO!sS!illllioJ ::lql lllql p::llS::lnb::ll ',qJBOH 'UO!SS::lS )[lOM lX::lU ::lqllll Ullld ::lA!SU::lq::lldwoJ ~nolOg ::lql uo )[lOM UO!ss!illilloJ ::lqll11ql p::lls::lnb::ll 'lqoH SlU;lWWO;:) UO!SS!wwo;:) zz<; iJ'ivJ'~ iJl1/nlOA SiJ]nI1!W 110!SS!/lJ/lJO;) 'i11!I1I1V/J ~ooz .~ l!.ldV WfSVfV 'p.lVM.iJS!o ND City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 523 Call to order The May 5, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Roach' led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Lynn HoW Steve Schafer Sandie Roach' Tom Smith comprising a quorum ofthe Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant One seat remained vacant City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * Library/Museum Design committee met in April. The committee was in the process oflooking for funding. * The recommendation to purchase the 29 Acres on Mt Marathon went forward to Council. * Historic Preservation meeting scheduled for May 11, 2005 * Brown noted a presentation to the CIRl Corporation on May 18, 2005 on the Jesse Lee Home was planned. * Zoning maps were available in digital format * The Building Department issued a stop work order on the Mariners Landing project in the Small Boat Harbor based on the Board of Appeal decision. Mariners Landing had filed an appeal of the decision. The appeal was scheduled before Council on May 19, 2005 at 9:00 am. * Brown noted that the street addressing had been completed for the Seward Small Boat Harbor. Griswold expressed a desire to have the Zoning Map sent to her computer. ;)({ PunI ::llfl PInolfs ~sMoIIoJ su ::ll::lM uO!lnIos::l"M ::llflJo sp::ldsu ::llfl P::llUlS::lH 'suon 'i3up~ pmM::lS ::llfl Aq P::llUl::ldo ;)({ Ol ){:lUll::l:J1ll U SUM ::lsn p::lSOdOld ::llfllUlJl P::llQU::lH "(:JIWS) l::llU::lJ IuplsnpuI ::lupllW pmM::lS ::llfl ll! ){:lOa Ala d!lJS PlUM::lS ::llflJO lSU::l ::llfl Ol P::llU:lOI S::ll:lU z:I AI::llUUlPWlddu JO SlOI p::lUMO Al!J (~) ::lAY ::llfllOJ ::lSU::lI ::llflJO IUAOlddu P::lPU::lUlUlO:l::lllJUlS lUlJl P::llUlS UMOlS lIaolH 1 WI ::nws .qnS lIaa.l;) .\tnr JO ql.lno.!l '6ZOtfStl puu !9 lIaolH f WI 1 .0N: .upPV ;)IWS .qns lIaa.l;) .\tnr JO ql.lno.!l 'ftOtfStl !9 lIaolH z: JO'l 1 .ON: .upPV ;)IWS .qns lIaa.l;) .\tnr JO ql.lno.!l 'z:tOtfStl !9 lIaolH JO .lapu!uwa.l pap!A!pqnsun .qns ;)IWS .qns lIaa.l;) .\tnr JO ql.lno.!l 'ttOtfStl !(;)IWS) .laJua;) IU!.IJsnpuI au!.luw p.l8A\as .qns lIaa.la .\tnr JO ql.lno.!l 'SZ:OtfStl :Jo suoHd!.lasap IU~I aAuq spuul aqJ.. .asn paJsnun uu su 'OfrOrSl uOHaas 'apo;) AJ!;) p.luM.as qJ!M. aauup.loaau U! lIa8.lJaau.I u su asn .loJ spuul pauM.o AJ!;) (S) aAgJo asual aqJjo IUAO.lddu ju!puawwoaa.l 'fl-SOOZ: uOHnlosaH sju!.luau a!lqnd JuasuoJ snow!uuufl passud UOHOW 's Ul::lH Ol UOnUpU::lUlUlO:l::ll Iusods!p PUll{ H pUll pun V Ul::lH ol ){:J1lll::l:l~ ::llfl ::lAOUl pun 'i3ll!m::lH :l!{qnd l::lpUn J Ul::lH Ol AlmnO Al!J ::llfllOJ dIlJ 'z I -~OOZ UOnnIos::l"M ::lAOW 'P::l'i3unlf:l;)({ SUl::lH 'i3upll::lH :l!fqnd ::llflJo l::lplO ::llfllUlfl p::llS::lnb::ll PIOMS!lD 'unId lU::lUl::l'i3uunW ::lUOZ IUlSUOJ '3 Ul::lH lSn S::l!l!lO!ld 'i3U!llOZ pun 'i3ll!llUtlId PlUM::lS 'a Ul::lH 'u'i3!S IuuonUUlloJU! IOOlf:lS If'i3m pmM::lS ::llfl 'J Ul::lH 'UO!S!:l::la IU::lddV ::llfl JO uo!ssn:lS!a 's Ul::lH 'uo!ssn:ls!p lOJ sS::lll!sns M::lN l::lpun SUl::ll! p::lppU NOH upuajv JuasuoJ puu upuajV aqJ aAo.lddv (PIOM.S!.l~/lqou) uOHoW upuajv Juasuo;) puu upuajV JO IUAO.lddV ::lUON - jU!.luaU a!lqnd .lo.!l palnpaqas swan asoqJ.. Jdaaxa Jaafqns AUv uo sJuawwo;) ,suaz!}!;) ::lUON - suoHuJuasa.ld puu sJuawaaunouuv 'Sl.IodaH .laqJO 'unId ::llfl UO SlU::lUlUlO:l M::l!A::ll ::lp!AOld Ol UO!ss!UlUloJ ::llflJo Almq!suods::ll U SUM l! lUlJl p::llOU ::llfS 'unId lU::lUl::l'i3uunW ::lUOZ IUlSUOJ ::llfl Ol UO!lU::lllU llf'i3noJq NOH ':l!fqnd ::llfl pun UO!ss!UlUloJ ::llfl Ol 'i3ll!l::l::lUl UO!ss!UlUloJ 'i3ll!llUtlId l{'i3nolos lU::l:l::ll ::llflJo llod::ll U::lll!lM U p::lll!lliqns NOH l::lUO!SS!UlUloJ IqoU UUA'I Aq l.IodaH UO!SS!WWO;) jU!UUUId Hd)l llod::ll U ::lp!AOld Ol ::lIqurruAuuIl lIUI;) U!Aa)l - l.IodaH UOS!u!'llpunoJ AJ!J V Z's aJJvcl '~aUJnJOA sa/nu!J'V UOISSllUlUO:J JJuluuvlcl ~ooz 'r tfvw V1fSV/V 'PJVAtas fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 525 leased, and what conditions should be attached to the unlisted use? He noted that staffhad received numerous citizens' comments both in support and opposed to the racetrack Keil requested a verbal recount ofthe comments from the City attorney on the unlisted use. Brown said the question had been "How similar was the unlisted use to a Conditional Use Permit." He read the criteria that was currently listed under Section 2 of the Resolution. "The use is not specifically permitted in any other district; The use is not more appropriate in another district; and The use is consistent with the purpose ofthe district in question, and is similar to other uses permitted outright." HoW requested a verbal recount of the comments from the City attorney on the Commissions recommendation to amend the City Code to allow a racetrack within the Institutional Zoning District as a Conditional Use. Brown stated that the recommendation from the attorney had been to rescind the resolution making that recommendation because of conflicting issues within the City Code. Brown stated he planned to bring that recommendation forward to the Commission at a later date. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Jerry Dixon, outside the City. He spoke strongly against the racetrack being allowed in the SMIC area. He noted that he had previously submitted photos ofthe area showing other recreational damage. He voiced concern for the lack of enforcement currently available and if more people were encouraged to the area the need for more enforcement would increase. He voiced concern for the possible increase in ATV's using the beach and restricted areas. Greg Swanson, outside the City, spoke representing the Seward Ship Dry Dock. He stated that the Dry Dock supported the concept of the racetrack and felt it would be an asset to the community. However he spoke strongly against the location of the proposed racetrack. He noted that the only direction for the ship lift rails to expand was to the east. The Dry Dock recommended the racetrack be located north of the east/west boundary of the ship lift and urged the Commission to not approve the Resolution 2005-13. Allen McCarthy, inside the City. Thanked the Commission for the work that had been done on this proposal. He noted that the purpose ofthe Racing Lions was to provide adult supervision and leadership to teach riding responsibly. He stated that the Racing Lions would be doing policing ofthe area because it was the Lions reputation that was at stake. He addressed the environmental issues of oil and fuel. Craig Turnbull, outside of the City. Spoke as the Superintendent of Spring Creek Correctional Center (SCCC). He stated that SCCC strongly supported the Racing Lions. He noted both personally and professionally he supported the racetrack and everything the Racing Lions stood for. He just was not in support of the location. He stated the fence was three tenth of a mile from the track by road. He continued to voice very strong objections to the location of the racetrack and encouraged the Commission to vote against the Resolution. pUll U<lltl <ll/l Ol U<llprrq:l ~unOA fur!~lI!lq JO lU<lW<l~UIDO:lU<l <ll/l l/l!M P<lW<l:lUO:l ApW<lllX<l SUM <ll/S lUl/l p<llOU <ll/S .pU l<llUM pUll J!U Ull<lp <ll/ll/l!M <l:llrn!ldwO:llOJ U<lltl <ll/l ~lI!lU~!lS<lAlI! AIlU<llm:l SUM Y dtI <ll/l pUll ::ma <ll/l lUl/l P<llUlS <ll/S "){:lOa Ala d!l/S pltlM<lS <ll/l lU P<llSUN puus ~upq AIlU<llm:l <ll<lM lUl/l sd!l/s <ll/ljo'yo ~lI!WO:llSnp <ll/llOJ SW<l:lUO:l pUll <ll/s lUl/l P<llUlS PloMs!lD "P<llOIdX<l ~ Ol p<lp<l<lU UMOljO lno SU<lltl lUl/llI<lJ <ll/S .uo!lU:lOI <ll/llOU lnq ld<l:luo:l <ll/l p<llloddns NOH "U<lltl <ll/ljo <l~Usn P<lIIOllUO:l <ll/l p<llloddns ,l/:luo"M "SlInpu Aq IOllUO:llOJ p<l<lU <ll/l ~lI!ss<lldx<l l<lJUl/:lS P<lol/:l<l l/l!WS "All<ldOld <ll/l <llU:lUA PlnoM A<ll/l <lIDltlJ <ll/llI! PlUMlOJ <lU.Itl:l puuI <ll/ljo <lsn l<lH~ pUlll<)~!l/U U<ll/M lUl/l p<l<ll~U PUll suon ~lI!:lU"M <ll/llUl/l p<llOU l<lJUl/:lS "SU<lltl <ll/ljo SW<lIqold <ll/ljo <lWOS l/l!M dI<ll/ AUW UO!S!Al<ldns pUll UO!lU:lnp<l lUl/l <ldol/ p<lss<lldx<l pUll W<lN old U <ll<lM Sl<lp!l Al Y {Y.lS!Al<ldnsun lUl/l p<l<ll~U <lH "lU<lA<l p<lZ!Ull~lO Ull SU ){:lUll<l:lUl <ll/ljo lloddns lI! <l){ods l<lJUl/:lS n-SOOl UOnOIOSOl}l OlAO.lddy (.IOlJ8q3S/,q380}l) uonow "UO!SS!WWO;) <ll/l Ol SUMOp AUf su p<lH!Wqns U<l<lq PUl/ uO!l!soddo JO Sl<lH<lI OMl lUl/l S<llnlI!W <ll/l lI! p<llOU ~ l! lUl/l p<llS<lnb<ll NOH .pOlSOp S8A'- jU!.l8Olq 3!(qod OlqJ PU8 p.l8Olq Olq OJ pOlJsOlobOl.l olSp OlUO ON: "SlInpu pUlll/lnoA <ll/llOJ su.rnl~Old uO!lu:lnp<l <lnlI!luO:l Ol UUfd pUll uO!lu:lnp<l lloddns AIItlJ suon <ll/l "SlU<lA<l lOJ SPU<l){<l<lM puu <l:l!l:lUld lOJ ~lI!U<lA<l <ll/l lfu!.mp u<ldo ~ Ol Ullld A<ll/l "UMOljO lno ){:lUll<l:lUl <ll/l <llU:lOI OllUllM lOU P!P AIlU<llm:l suon ~lI!:lU"M pltlM<lS <ll/llUl/l p<llOU <ll/S "){:lUll<l:lUl U ~lI!sn <lIdo<ld <ll/l pUll spunol~dU.Itl:l <ll/l ~lI!sn AIlU<llm:l <lIdO<ld <ll/ljo Al!ID:l<lS lOJ p<l<lU <ll/llI! <l:lU<ll<l.lJ!p <ll/l p<llS<lnb<ll <ll/S "Al!;) <ll/l <lp!slnO 'SOlJs3 8UOlf "SUOn ~lI!:lU"M <ll/l Aq P<llU:lUA ~ Ol SUM All<ldOld <ll/l U<ll/l All<ldOld <ll/llOJ <lU.Itl:l <lsn l<lH~ lO/pUlll<ll/~!l/ U U<ll/M lUl/l SUM PUUf <ll/llOJ Al!;) <ll/ll/l!M lU<lW<l<ll~U <ll/llUl/l P<llUlS <ll/ NOH Ol <lSUOdS<ll ur "SW<lNOld <llOW fur!snU:llOU U<lltl <ll/l dn ~lI!Ull<lp pUll ~lI!:l!Iod ~ PIn OM SUon <ll/llUl/llPJ 'SlU<lA<l <l<l.l] IOl/O:lIU pUll ~rup lOJ P<lUUllld SUon ~lI!:lU"M <ll/llUl/l P<llUlS <lH "P<lfOld <ll/llloddns Ol UO!ss!WWO;) <ll/l p<l~UIDO:lUtI "Al!;) <ll/l <lp!SlnO 'Olllq3S!S8)1 U80la "All<ldOld P<llUfOS! <llOW lOJ UMOljO lno ){OOI Ol suon fur!:lU"M pltlM<lS <ll/l p<l~UIDO:lUtI "<lnss! <l~ltlI Al<lA U SUM ;););)S <ll/ljO Al!ID:l<lS lOJ SW<l:lUO:l <ll/l "l,uPlnol/s A<ll/l <ll<ll/M ~lI!P!l <lIdo<ldJo "l<lAOmds" <ll/llOJ SW<l:lUO:l <l:l!OA <lH "){:lUll<l:lUl <ll/llSlI!U~U <l'lodS "Al!;) <ll/l <lp!SlnO 'IP.lJO'lll.l8W ";););)8 <lql ql!M s<lnsS! ^l!Jn:l<lS ou ::ll::lM ::ll<ll/l pUll U::lltl ){<l<ll;) ^Inf JO l/pnod ::ll/l p<lsn ^IlU<llm:l <lIdo<ld lUl/l P<llQU <lH "UO!lU:lOI <ll/l pUll ){:lUll<l:lUl <ll/l p<llloddns "Al!;) <ll/l <lp!SlnO 'UOS.lOlJOld OliO;) 9 Z<:; o2vJ'~ oUJn/OA SolnU!JV UO!SS!lUlUO:J 2u!uuv/J ~ooz 'r tvw VlfSVfY 'p.JVMosJo N!;] City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 52 7 allowing them to race on a dirt track that might stir up possible contaminants. She felt it was irresponsible to encourage children into an industrial zone with possible pollutants. Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Suspend the rules to ask a question of the Seward Racing Lions Motion Passed Unanimous Consent HoW stated that the resolution stated that unlicensed vehicles were to be trailered to and from the racetrack. The Racing Lions had stated that the intent was for all vehicles to be trailered to and from the track. Keil noted that it was the attorney's opinion that the Commission was unable to restrict legally licensed vehicles from being on the road. HoW disagreed, noting the Lion Club could simply not allow untrailered vehicles to race and felt that the restriction should be part of the conditions. Motion (Hohl/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-13 Section 3, item (e). remove the word "unlicensed". Motion Passed Yes: Griswold, Schafer, Smith, Roach, Hohl No: Keil Motion (Hohl/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-13, 6th Whereas; remove the words "from the Resurrection River area, which has a variety of habitat which is not compatible with the ofT road vehicles"; HoW stated that the illegal use of the Resurrection River had nothing to do with the Resolution. Schafer stated that by providing a controlled area with the proposed education may encourage responsible use of the racing vehicles and help to get them out of the river beds. Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Roach', Hohl, Griswold No: Schafer, Keil Motion (Hohl/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-13, 5th Whereas; remove the words ''will limit the use of racing vehicles to the habitat in the Resurrection River area"; SS3338 ~UmOJlU03 JOj U81d Y (u) uOH!puO;) PP8 'f UOH33S 'n -SOOl uOHnloS311 PU3WY (PIOMS!J~/lqOH) uOHoW PIOMS!J~ :0N. 1!3)1 'ql!WS 'J3j8q3S 'lqoH '.q38oll :S3,\ p3SS8d uOHoW "P3lsod 3q mM 83J8 3q.L" 3ql qHM "vtJ.Jv" puv ,,8uputJf Mf.ln:JtJS" ~UP8Id3J Aq (r) UOmpUO;) 'f UOH33S 'n -SOOl uOHnloS311 PU3WY (J3j8q3S/lqOH) uOHoW "U:l.ID :lql :l:lU:l] MOUU spury su AUlmlU:lA:l Ol p:lpU:llU! A:lql P:llUlS suon ~U!:lU1l :lql rqoH Ol :lSUOdS:l1 UI lU3SUO;) snow!u8uIl p3SS8d uOHoW ~UpU3j P3UU81d lnoq8 suon ~Up811 3ql '1S8 Ol S31nJ 3ql pU3dsns (.q380ll/lqOH) uOHoW (!3)1 'ql!WS 'J3j8q3S 'lqoH '.q38oll :0N. PIOMS!J~ :S3,\ P3(!8.o1 uOHoW UOHnllOd P3~3118 '130(( AJ(( d!qs pJ8M3S 3qJjO UOH8~HS3AU! J!3ql P;,l31dw03 3A8q Y d:>l3ql PU8 ;):>1(( 3ql mun n-SOOl UOHnlOS3113UodlSod Ol 3AOW (lqOH/PIOMS!J~) uOHoW 1!3)1 '. q380ll :0 N. ql!WS 'J3j8q3S 'PIOMS!J~ 'lqoH :S3,\ p3SS8d uOHoW "dn UU:lp lO UO!lul!l!qTIq:l1 :lql1:lAO:l Ol :l:lUU1nsU! 10 puoq U ~U!l!nb:l1 U:l:lMl:lq :l:lU:l1:l'y!p :lql1:lAO UO!Ssn:lS!p Aql~U:lI U ppq UO!ss!WWO;) :lql ,;mds JO lUOlA3 pJ8Z8qO!q jO 3S83 3ql U! dn U83p JO uOH8lmq8q3J jO lS03 JOj puoq 8 jO lU3W3J!nb311" :J3n31-3J PU8 ('I) J3n31 M3U 8 pP8 'f UOmpUO;) 'n -SOOl UOHnlOS311 PU3WY (.q380WPIOMS!J~) uOHoW "Al!A!PU ~MOUO] ,JTIql" p10M :lql ppu puu "S:lPlA01d" Ol :l~uuq:l ~U!PlA01d plOM :lql ~SU:l1:l4A\ ql~ :lql U! :l~uuq:l ~d:l:l){:lsnoq U p:llOU PloMs!lD snOW!U8UIl p3SS8d uOHoW 8 GS a'Jvd " aUlnlOA swnu!J''l UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'JU!UUVld ,OOZ 'r tCvw tJJfSVfV 'p.lVM.as fo NO City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 529 beginning with the North and East boundaries be submitted for approval by the administration. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-13, Section 3, Condition (d), Add the word Security Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on the main motion, as amended Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Roach', Schafer, Keil No: Hobl, Griswold 10 minute recess of the Commission Resolution 2005-14, recommending a status for disposal ofland owned by the City, which has a leglll ~escription of Tract H, Fourth of .fuly Creek Subdivision No.2 Brown reviewed the request to the City to purchase a portion of Tract H by Carol and Wade Roberts. The applicant had purchased Lot 2, U.S. Survey 3294. Lot 2 currently did not have access to Nash Road. He explained that two options were before the Commission. Brown noted that one option was to allow an access easement across City owned Tract H in return for public access to the beach across the Roberts Lot 2. Another option was to sell the portion of Tract H directly east ofthe Lot 2 property. Brown stated that with the option of selling the property staff recommended the property go through the Request for Proposal (RFP). Brown continued by reviewing the concerns from the utilities, fire department and other City staff. He noted that other City departments had done a very preliminary reviews and a cost projection was not available. He stated a few of the initial concerns by staff were emergency access to the property, possible future widening of Nash Road, electric transmission line clearance and cost involved to provide service. In response to Griswold's request for information on the width of the Nash Road Right-of- Way and how additional road right-of-way easement could affect the property, W.e. Casey Public Works Director stated that without a survey that showed exactly where the current right-of-way was located he had no way of answering that question. In response to HoW Brown noted that staff currently did not have a plat the showed the utility easements or right-of-way lines on the City owned Tract H. JuaSUO;) SnOW!U8U[l pass8d uOHoW "PU8 !18sodo.ld .I0J JsanbaH aqJ q~no.lqJ Af.l!8J JSOW auop aq U8~ PU81 AJ!;) aqJ JO 18Sods!p aqJ 'S8a.laq,\\" .p8a.l OJ L .Iaqwnu s8a.laq,\\ ppy 'tl-SOOZ uOHnlosaH puawy (lqOH/PIOMS!.l~) UOHOW ';)IUS ;)ql ;)IPuuq Ol AUM lS;)l!UJ ;)ql SUM sS;);)Old d..nI ;)qllPJ AIIUl;)U;)~ UO!SS!WIllO;) ;)ql 'ss;);)old pun SlU;)W;)l!nb;)l d..nI ;)ql uo uo!ssn;)s!p ;)ql p;)nll!lUO;) UO!SS!WIllO;) ;)ql 'd..nI lO ';)IUS lq~!llno 'lU;)W;)SU;) SS;););)U Aq 'MOq OS J! pun Punl ;)qlJo Iusods!p ;)ql uo IpunO;) Ol UO!lUPU;)WWO;);)l U SUM uO!lnlos;)l ;)qlluql P;)lUlS UMOlH 'JqOH Ol ;)SUOdS;)l uI 'sS;);)Old d..nI ;)ql ~ll!sn lOJ lS;)l;)lll! ;)!Iqnd ;)ql P;)lOld Ol pun P;);)U ;)ql p;)ssn;)s!p UO!SS!WIllO;) ;)ql tl-SOOZ UO!JnlosaH aJnmsqns aqJ aAo.lddy (PIOMS!.l~/qJ!WS) uOHoW .pasop S8M ~U!.I8aq ~!lqnd aqJ PU8 p.l8aq aq OJ paJsanba.l aSia auo ON 'lS;)l;)lll! ;)Jll!l Al;)A ;)q PlnoM ;)l;)qlluqlll!UlJ;)l ;)ql Ol ;)np ll;)J;)H 'd..nI lOJ p;);)UJd ~ l! Plnoqs p;)md ;)qlll! P;)lS;)l;)lll!;)q lq~!W ;)SI;) OqM U;)P! OU puq;)q P;)lUlS Sll~Oll 'I!;))J Ol ;)SUOdS;)l uI 'S;)l;)U ;)AlJ APlUW!XOlddu SUM I;);)md p;)ls;)nb;)l ;)ql P;)lUlS Sll~Oll 'l;)Juq;)S Ol ;)SUOdS;)l UI 'SUO!SU;)lX;) ;)ll!1 All;)dold JO UO!lU;)OI PUX;) ;)qlJo A;)AlnS U lnoql!M Al!l!qu s~Jo lS~ ;)ql Ol uopd!l;)s;)p All;)dold ;)qlJo uO!l!Ppu ;)ql P;)lOU ;)H 'ls;)nb;)l d..nI ;)ql JO IUAOW;)l pun ;)IUS P;)l!P ;)ql P;)lOU ;)q ~Z; lOl SSOl;)U SS;););)U ;)!Iqnd JO ;)PUll ;)ql pun lU:lUI;)SU;) SS;););)U ;)ql JO UO!lUll!W!l;) ;)ql P;)lOU Sll~Oll UO!ss!WIllO;) ;)ql Ol p;)ll!Wqns uO!lnlos;)l ;)llll!lsqns ;)qlJo M;)!A;)l UI 'UOPUl;)P!SUO;) lOJ UO!SS!WIllO;) ;)ql Ol uO!lnlos;)l ;)lnl!lsqns U lU;)S;)ld Ol p~puu~ puq pun ;)~P!lqlO;) "'Iml;) 'l;)~UUUW Al!;) ql!M U;)"'Iods puq;)q P;)lUlS;)H 'lU;)W;)SU;) SS;););)U uu ql!M "'IlOM lOU Ol P;)lJ;)J;)ld pun H PUll JO UO!llod U ;)suq;)md Ol p;)lS;)nb;)l puq lun;)!Iddu ;)ql luql P;)lOU;)H 'Z; lOl P;)UMO AI;)lUA!ld ;)ql q~noql u;)m q;)U~ ;)ql Ol SS;););)U ;)!Iqnd MOllu Ol AmSS;););)U SUM l! lPJ l;)~UOI ou lun;)!Iddu ;)qlluql P;)UIl!lJU;)H 'H PUll P;)UMO Al!;) SSOl;)U qlnos ;)ql Ol S;)SS;););)U SnOl;)UIDU pun Z; lOl JO qllou ;)ql Ol SS;),,;)U punOJ ;)q luql P;)lUlS;)H 'q;)U~ ;)ql Ol SS;);)"U ;)!Iqnd ;)ql ~ll!lU;)OI H PUll P;)"'IJUM puq ;)q ;)UJ!lluql ;);)ll!S luql pun UO!SS;)S "'IlOM ;)qllu P;)SSn:JS!P U;)~ puq SS;),,;)U luql P;)lUlS;)H 'u;)m ;)qlJo SOloqd IUl;)A;)S pun uO!lnIOS;)lI ;)lnl!lsqns U ql!M UO!SS!WIllO;) ;)ql P;)P!AOld;)H 'lun"!Iddu ;)qlJo ;)APUlU;)S;)ld;)l ;)ql SU ;)"'Iods 'Al!;) ;)ql ;)p!SlnO 'Sl.laqoH ap8,\\ .pauado S8M ~U!.I8aq ~!lqnd aqJ PU8 paJou S8M M81 Aq pa.l!nba.l S8 paqs!lqnd PU8 paJsod ~u!aq ~U!.I8aq ~!lqnd JO a~HoN DES iJ2Vd'~ iJUJn]oA SiJ/nU!J'l UO!SS!UJUJO:J 2u!uuv/d moz 'p !CvW tJJfsvlY 'pJVAtiJsJo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 531 Motion (HohllKeil) Amend Resolution 2005-14, Add Whereas number 3, "Whereas the Planning and Zoning Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding the pros and cons of disposing of a nominated parcel as provided for in the Seward Lease Policies and Procedures" Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Smith/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-14, Add a new Section 3 "The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the Request for Proposal process is in the best interest of the City and, in consideration for the applicant, recommends that an abbreviated and expedited RFP process be followed" Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The Commission discussed the RFP process and noted that access was required to be provided to the land locked parcel of Lot 2 owned by the Roberts. Motion (Hohl/Schafer) Amend Resolution 2005-14, Add Whereas number 8 "Whereas access to Lot 2 would be provided in the subdivision at the time of sale." Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on Main Motion, substitute Resolution 2005-14, as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-12 granting a Conditional Use Permit to the City of Seward for asphalt plant and gravel operations at Tract C Fourth of July Creek Tracts, commonly known as the "City Quarry" Schafer requested a conflict of interest ruling as a business owner of the same type of business. Chair ruled that Commissioner Schafer had a conflict and he removed himself from the dais to take a seat in the audience until the issue was completed. Brown oriented the Commission to the City Quarry and the proposed asphalt plant site. He noted the location as the east side of the Seward Marine Industrial Center (SMIC) on anapproxirnate "P3S0P SliM ~U!J1I3q 3!1qnd 3ql pUll pJ1I3q 3q Ol p3lS3nb3J 3UO ON "P3U3do SliM ~U!J1I3q 3!tqnd 3ql pUll P3lOU SliM MlIt Aq p3J!nb3J SlI p3qs!lqnd pUll P3lSod ~U!<lq ~U!J1I3q 3!1qnd JO <l3!lON 'A.utmb ;)qlJO S;):>mOS;)J ;)ql JOJ ;)nIUA wnUJ!XUlU ;)ql ~U!A!;):>;)J AIlU;)JJn:> lOU ;)J;)M A.r.mnb;)ql UMO luql PJUM;)SJO SU;)Z!l!:> ;)qlluql P;)lUlS A;)SU:J . AlJ;)doJd Al!:J ;)quo ;)nIUA ;)ql ;)zrw!Xuw Ol ~U!AJl SUM Al!:J ;)ql df1:J S~l q~noJqlluql P;)lUlS SUM H 'AJJunb ;)qllU lUUld U dn l;)S Ol ;)J!S;)P PITIOM JOlUJOOO J;)qlO AUU luql AI;)){!IUTI SUM l! U;)JU PJUM;)S ;)ql U! p;)fOJd U P;)pJUMU U;);}({ puq JOlUJ;)dO lUUld lluqdsu ;)ql SS;){UTI luql P;)lUlS A;)SU:J 'SS;):>OJd IUSOdOJd JO.'llS;)nb;)~ U JO Almq!SSOd ;)ql P;)lOU ;)qS 'JOlUJ;)dO lUll{d l{uqdsu ;)ql JO UOn:>;)I;)S JOJ SS;):>OJd ;)ql UO UO!lUUJJOJU! p;)lS;)nb;)J I;)!)J 'lluqdsu U! ;)Sn JOJ IU!l;)lUW lU;)II;):>X;) SUM A.utmb ;)qllU Ill!J;)lUW ;)qlluql P;)lOU;)H 'A.utmb ;)qlJO ;)nIUA ;)ql ~U!Z!llJ!xmu JOJ {U!lU;)lOd pUU lU;)WdOI;)A;)P ;)ql ~U!J;)P~ AIlU;)JJn:> SUM luql IU!l;)lUW P;)!J!ssupun JO SpJUA :>!qn:> OOO'~L IJO SS;):>X;) U! puq AJJun() ;)qlluql P;)lUlS 'JOP;)J!O S){JOA\. :>!{qnd 'A<lSlI;:) ";:) "M ';)l!S ;)ql Ol S;)mI!ln JOJ lU;)WdOPA;)P JO lSO:> ;)qllJoddns lOU P!P ;)qs P;)lUlS ;)qS ';)S!JdJ;)lU;) ;)lUA!Jd ql!M ~U!l;)dwo:> SUM Al!:J ;)qlll;)J I!;))l 'J;)UUUW ;)lUUS;)ql U! p;)nsS! U;);}({ puq SlUUld nuqdsu JOJ Sl!lUJ;)d ;)Sn lUUO!l!PUO:> p;)nSS! AIsno!A;)Jd ;)qlluql P;)lOU SUM H '){:>OJ P;)UMO Al!:J ;)SBq:>md pUU A.utmb P;)UMO Al!:J ;)ql U! lUUld lluqdsu UU dn-l;)S Ol JOl:>llJlUO:> U Ol ;)l!S ;)ql ;)SU;)I Ol AlmqU ;)ql J;)AO:> Ol df1:J U JOJ ~U!Alddu SUM pUU PUUI ;)ql SUMO AIlU;)JJn:> Al!:J ;)q.L 'Wid lluqdsu UU ~U!UM0 JO UOnU;)lU! ou puq Al!:J ;)qlluql P;)WlS UMOJH 'ql!lUS Ol ;)suods;)J UI 'p;)H!lUqns U;);}({ lOU puq Ull{d ;)l!S P;)I!Ul;)P U luql SW;):>uo:> puq ;)qs luql P;)lUlS I!;))l 'UOnUpunU! poolJ ou MOqS sduW pooH q~noJOH 966 I puu ~86 I ;)ql puu U;)JU luql SS;)JPpu lOU P!P sduw poolJ YWtH ;)qlluql P;)lUlS UMOJH 'UO!lu:>ol U!uldpoolJJo {qoH Aq SW;):>uo:> Ol ;)suodS;)J UI 'UO!lU:>!Iddu df1:J ;)ql Aq p;)J!nb;)J su uuld ;)l!S U JO SlU;)W;)J!nb;)J ;)qll;);)W lOU P!P puu ;)lunb;)puU! SUM UOnU:>OI ;)quo OlOqd Ill!J;)U ;)qllPJ {qOH 'UOnUpU;)UJ(UO:>;)J ~U!d;);)){;)snoq U SU P;)IPuuq ;)({ luql P;)PU;)UJ(UO:>;)J pUU ;)~:> p;)lS;)nb;)J ;)ql P;)lOU UO!SS!lUlUO:J ;)q.L "lJUlS Aq P;)lU~!l!lU ;)({ Ol ;){qUUTI ;)JU spudUJ! ;)SJ;)APU U;);)S;)JOJUTI J! UO!SS!lUlUO:J ~OZ pUU ~U!UUllId ;)ql Aq M;)!A;)J Ol p;)fqnS;}({ AUW SUO!WJOOO lUll{d lluqdsu ;)q.L ';):>uunSS!JO SJU;)A Z ~l!M P;)M;)U;)J;}({ lSnW l!lUJ;)d ~.L" '.'1 UO!P;)S Ol UOmpUO:> ~U!SS!lU ;)ql ppU UO!SS!lUlUO:J ;)ql p;)lS;)nb;)J;)H 'uO!lnIOS;)~ ;)ql uo SUOmpUO:> JO lS!1 ;)l.JHJO lPI U;);}({ puq UOn!pUO:> u lUql P;)lOU UMOJH '"AJJun() Al!:J" P;)UMO Al!:J ;)ql ~l!M lUUld lluqdsu UU ;)lUJ;)dO pUU dn-l;)S Ol JOPUJlUO:> lluqdsu UU pUU UO!lUJ;)dO I;)AUJ~ MOIIU Ol (df1:J) l!Ull;)d;)Sf1 {UUO!l!PUO:J u JOJ ~U!Alddu SUM Al!:J ;)qlluql P;)lUlS;)H 'pUll{ P;)UMO Al!:JJO p:>JUd ;)J:>U-09 moz 'f- tCvw V1fsvfV 'p.JVM3S fo N!:J 2TS aJ1vd'~ aUJn/oA samu!w UO!SS!UJUJOJ 3u!uuv/d City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 533 Motion (Smith/Roach) Approve Resolution 2005-12 Motion (Roach'/Hohl) Move to postpone until all information requested was received on the application. HoW requested a drawing or site plan of the quarry including the Borough Flood map. Motion (Hohl/Smith) Suspend the rules to speak with the Public Works Director regarding the time deadline needed for the CUP. Roach' spoke against the motion noting that the time issue was not important if the CUP application was not complete. Smith noted that time was a factor for setting a special meeting if the original motion was postponed. Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Hohl, Griswold No: Roach', Keil Rules suspended HoW questioned W.e. Casey about the time sensitivity for the CUP. He apologized for not including a site plan ofthe quarry. He stated he had drawings available and would present them to staff. In response to Hohl he stated that postponing to a special meeting two weeks out would allow plenty oftime. Back on the record Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend the motion to postpone to add until a time certain, May 17, 2005 special meeting to consider Resolution 2005-12. Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on motion to postpone Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The Commission welcomed Commissioner Schafer back to the dais Unfinished Business March 1, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes [Postponed from the April 5, 2005 meeting] "silu"fl::l::lW ::lql Ol lS!l ::lql ilupq Sl::lUO!SS!UIUlo:) ::lql p::llS::lnb::ll puu A.msS::l:l::luun SUM lUql P::llUlS ,q:lUO"M "qlUOW A.I::lA::ll::l)[:lUd ::lqlll! p::llll!ld ::lq lS!l ::lqlluql p::llS::lnb::ll NOH JSn s3H!.I0Pd ~U!UOZ PU8 ~U!UU8Id P.l8A\3S "All::ldOld l!::lql uo uil!s ::lqlJo UO!lU:lOPl ::lql MOnU Ol illl!IT!M l::lUMO All::ldOld ::llUA!ld U pug: Ol ::ll::lM 100q:lS qilm ::lqlJ! ::l::lJ lS::lnb::ll ::l:lUUPUA ::lql illl!AUM lloddns uo!ss!uIulo:) ::lql p::llS::lnb::ll NOH U~!S 18UOH8lU.10JU! 100q3S q~!H P.l8A\3S 3ql. "!;OOZ: 'L I AUWJO illl!l::l::lW IU!:l::ldS ::lql MOnOJ Ol UO!SS::lS )[lOM ::lqllOJ upu::lilu ::lql Ol p::lppU ::lq SUO!S!:l::lQ illl!lU::lH IU::lddy uo ::lmp::l:loldJo s::lln"M luql p::llS::lnb::ll UO!SS!UIUlO:) UO!SP3Q 183ddy 3qJ JO UO!SSn3Sm "U::l)[Ul UO!PU AUU SUM lOU UO!PU lOJ lOOY ::lql uo p::l:luyd lOU SUM !;l-!;OOZ: UO!lnIOS::l"M :3JON: "::lUJ!lluqllU P::llU;:lS::lld ::lq PlnO:l SUomppu P::lPU::lWWO:l::ll puu upU::lily l!:luno:) Al!:) !;OOZ: '6 AUW ::lql UO SUM UUld ::lA!SU::lq::lldwo:) lfilnOlOH ::llflluql p::llOU SUM H "SUO!lUPU:lUIlUO:l::ll ::l)[mu puu M::l!A::ll Ol p::lp::l::lU ::lUJ!l ::llfl p::lSsn:lS!P UO!SS!UIUlO:l ::llfl "UO!lnIOS::ll ::llfl JO lU::lW::luodlSod ::llfl luql P::llS::lililns puu mOlf ::llUI ::llfl p::llOU lfl!WS l::lUO!SS!UIUlo:) "!;OOZ: 'L 1 AUW ::llfllOJ p::llnp::llf:ls SUM M::l!A::ll puu illl!lU::llf :l!lqnd l::llflOUU luql P::llOU::lH "UUld ::llfl p::lM::l!A::ll puu illl!lU::llf :l!lqnd U PPlf A::llfl ::ll::llfM !;OOz: 't: AUW plUM::lS ll! l::lW AyqW::lSSY lfilnOlOH ulnSU!ll::ld !UU::l){ ::llfl P::lll!UldX::l A::llfl puu JrUlS illl!llllUld lfilnOlOH ::llfllfl!M U::l)[ods puq ::llf luql P::llUlS UMOlH SJU3WW03 JO UOH8.13P!SU03 .I0J JS3nb3.1 qJ!A\ U81d 3A!SU3q3.1dwo:) q~no.log 8InSU!U3d !8U3)1 3qJ JO 18AO.ldd8 ~U!PU3WW033.1 SI-S00Z UOHnlOS3H SS3U!Sng A\3N: JU3SUO:) snOW!U8Ufl p3SS8d UOHOW "JU3SU03 SnOW!U8Un Aq S3JnU!W ~UH33W SOOZ '1 q3.18W 3qJ p3AO.lddy (.I3J8q3S/PI0A\SP~) uOHoW "::lpmu ::lq PlnoM IUAplU JO ::lUJ!l ::llfl JO UO!P::lllO:l illl!d::l::l)[::lSnolf U luql p::llOU lJUlS "p::lP::lllO:l ::lq l! luql p::lls::lnb::ll ::llfS "s::llnll!W ::llflll! luql p::llOU lOU puq )[l::lp ::llfl puu illl!l::l::lW ::llfl Ol ::llUI p::lA!llU pUlf ::llfS p::llOU NOH ~ooz '(7 tfvw t71fSVfV 'p.lVMiJS fo tfl1:J V t: <; iJ'ivJ '~ awn[o A sa,nu!w uo!ss!wwo:J 'iU!uuv/d City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 535 Smith requested the list be reviewed at the work session, Coastal Zone Management Plan HoW suggested that the plan be added to the May 17, 2005 work session. Informational Items and Reports- (No action required) Commission Comments Smith, thanked the audience for attending and staying until the late hour. Griswold, echoed Smith. She voiced strong disappointment that the Commission approved the recommendation of the Racetrack in the SMIC Industrial area Roach', supported the concerns from Griswold for clean environmentally safe air. Citizens' Comments - None Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments Brown, noted that the Commission had scheduled the review ofthe Appeal Procedures, the review and update of the Planning and Zoning Priorities List and the review of the Coastal Zone Management Plan for the work session following the May 17, 2005 Special Meeting. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 pm. Donna Glenz Planning Assistant ~. J?J,(~1J M ianna Keil Chair (City Seal) \\\\\l;; 'S' ':.'III~ "'.... ~ Or- I;;t1,'.t,.. ,~~ ........ """~7o ""'" .,:. 6' ...oV\POJiq.....7v ~~~ ~ ..'~v '~"D v~ ... . ~ '0." ... :""-0: --0- . ~!11 : : S \ = := e i El\L: 0 ~~ Iif;" . . _ ~ ", --.- .::: ';,r... ~ I",V/. "'~' ::,''' .~, ~, ;>0..' .,.vAt/,:: 1 ,\~".... to;r..: .,~... '" .... I, r.... I II ...."'1;,- ~.. '~~;}?"i(.iF ~~.J~';'~;:- '" ,..,.' Il'::.sIIji.~:;;!JI. \""Urr",, ,.,,,'J."'<:1:10 ,',.. ....f,. c~ \ . '':':l ,!.\ ".~I," ,.~." ."l...... ,(,... .'"' ~ -'." I-.~ t'.....$O.~ ~ ...;.~\' :l/~~... v{.n \~ :: .' 'U . '.n'.. " .. = l --"- .~ ~ ., . . .. : c>: rrv~7r.Q :" g ~ ~ lII..,.i;,.tJ:::: .. '0 --0-- :-..,,: '" .. . ',"" ~. II&- .,. ..~\' r-;..... ~ -;. (\ ",~!>-l ...1O-:..!).,: ". "';'.' ..... l.iOd'O.....'i,: " "~:"4;}~;3S'~O\~";"""" (Ju~s Al!;)) "ill'II!"'~\'l. l!Ul{;) //\ ~ I!~~ uuuu~w ~.,/..l< Y7(~-Yr[).(.. / 7'\ ....._,.~ -- ..- "~ .-" ./ '" /'j' / I. I' ~-'/';~\ lUUlS!SSY lllJ!UUUld zu~ID UUUO~ )'/"'.'}') , , ,r" \.../ 'MOIIOJ Ol UO!SS~S llOM U ql!M 'w'd ZS:L lU p~wnorpu SUM llll!l~~W ~ql ~lOJ~l~ql ~lU~S~ld lOU SUM UO!SS!illillO;) ~qlJO wruonb Y lUU:JUA P~ll!UW~l lU~S ~UO l~JUq:JS ~A~lS ql!WS WOl JqOH UUAi :~l~M lu~sqy lUUlS!SSY lllJ!UUUld 'ZU~ID UUUOG l~UUUld 'UMOlH UlJO:JIUW ,q:JUO'}l ~!PUUS PIOMSPD 10m;) pUU 'llll!P!S~ld n~~ UUUU!lUW :lU~S~ld ~l~M ~l~ql 118;) 1I01l 'l!Ul{;) 'I!~~ uuuu!mw Aq 'w'd 05;:L lU l~plO Ol P::lIIU:J SUM UO!SS!WillO;) 'illl!lloZ '8 'illl!llllUld pmM~S ~qlJo llll!l~~W lup~ds s;om:: 'L I AUW ~ql J3pJO OJ 118;) 9E<; a'iJvJ'~ aUJnJOA samU!W UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'iJU!uuv/J ~ooz 'L [ AVW VlfSVlY 'pJVM.asfo N!:J City a/Seward, Alaska June 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 537 Call to order The June 7, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Schafer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Lynn Hohl Steve Schafer Tom Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant absent was: Sandie Roach' - excused One seat remained vacant City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * The focus for the 3.5 acres of newly created land in the Small Boat Harbor was noted to be day parking. No overnight camping. * CIRl hosted a presentation on the focus of the Jesse Lee Home. A bank account for donation was to be set up. * Historic Preservation Commission set up a committee to work on the historic name designation for the Park Tract in the Meridian Subdivision. Hohl requested a written copy of the Council decision on the Mariners Landing Appeal. City Council Liaison Report - Kevin Clark Unavailable to provide a report City Clerk City Clerk, Jean Lewis updated the Commission of the following business items: - ~OpB3H 3!1qnd .I0~ P31np3q3S SW3n 3S0qJ.. Jd33X3 J33fqnS AOV DO SJ03WWO:J .S03Z!J!:J 'mfsufV jO lSUO:> lS::lMqlJOU ::lql AIllll::lU::l8 U::l::lq puq W::l:>UO:> jO U::llU ::lqllUql p::llJOd::ll ::lqS "8upll::lq lU::lW::l8uunW ::lUOZ flllSUO;) ::lqllOjlU::lWWO:> :>!lqnd ::lql Ol P::lU::llS!l puq ::lqs p::llOU {!::l)ll::lUO!SS!WWO;) "UU!SUO.l Ollno ){::l::ll;) Aytlf jO qlillO..I WOl] A::l1111A UO!p::llffiS::l"M ::lql punom SUlU::lllS ::lql1111 p::lZ!HlO!ld pun p::lM::l!A::ll puq pmog ::lqlluql P::llUlS l::lJllq:>S "lS!l S::l!l!lO!ld ::lql p::lqs~y Alm::lU puq pmog ::lql luql P::llOU::lH "pmog U::llV ::l:>!Al::lS pOOl.'! ::lql uo lJOd::lllJOqs U ::lAu8 l::lJllq:>S l::lUO!SS!WWO;) - SOOHBJ03S3.1d pOB SJ03W330nouov 'SJ.lOd311.13qJO "Apmdo::lfu! ::lq Plno:> uytlsU~::ld qlnos ::lql Ol ::l:>!Al::lS All::lj::lql ::l:>!Al::lS All::lj pmM::lS ::lql8u!lJoddns Aq luqllPj Ulnsu~::ld W::lqlnos ::lqllUql p::llOU SUM n "P::ll~j UonOW ::lqll::lA::lMOq ~pmM::lS U! ::l:>!Al::lS All::lj lU::llffi:> pun :>!lOlS~ ::lql lOj lJoddns 8unS::lnb::ll UO!SS!WWO;) 8u~oZ pun 8U!UUUld pmM::lS ::lql WOl] SUOnUpU::lWWO:>::ll ::lql ::lpnl:>U! Ol UO!lOW U pmMlOjlq8nOlq puq ::lqs luql p::lllllS ::lqS 'unld ::lA!SU::lq::lldwo;) q8nolOg UlnSU!U::ld !UU::l)l ::lql8u!pm8::ll S::llOU ::lql Ol UOnU::lUU lq8nOlq lqoH "unld ::lA!SU::lq::lldwo;) q8nolOg ::lql UO lU::lWWO:> Hwqns Ol ::lyqu Ilns AllU::llffi:> SUM UO!SS!WWO;) ::lqllUql P::llQU lqoH ":>!lqnd::lql pun UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql Ol8U!l::l::lW UO!SS~O;) 8U!UUUld q8nOlog lU::l:>::ll ::lqljO lJOd::ll U::lU~ U p::lu!wqns lqoH l::lUO!SS!WWO;) IqoH OOA'} Aq J.lOd311 OO!SS!WWO:J ~O!OOBld lid){ "){lOM pmq pun WS!lUUO!SS::ljOld l!::lqllOj UO!SS!WWO;) 8u~oZ pun 8U!UUUld ::lql p::lS!llld pun ::l:>Y10 ::lql OlU! ::lWO:> puq :>!lqnd ::lqljO Sl::lqW::lW mOjlUql UO!SS!WWO;)::lql p::lUllOjU! ::lqS '::lnSS! 8U!Punl Sl::lUpllW ::lql UO ){lOM pun lJO!J::l '::lWn lU::l8mp lpqllOj UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql p::l){Ullql ::lqS ~ 'dn){:>uq ::ldUl::lql ql~ p::llffi:>:>O puq SW::lyqOld lsud lU::l:>::ll ::lql U! S::lWn 11ll::lA::lS luql p::llOU ::lqS 'UllOj U::lU~ U! p::lu!wqns ::lq s8un::l::lW ::lql 8u~p ::lpUW SlU::lUlpU::lUlU 1111 lUql lS::lnb::ll ::lql P::llUl::lH::ll ::lqS ~ "SPlO:>::ll Al!;) :>!lOlS~ ::lql jO 111A::l~::ll pun 8U!A~:>m pun 8u~:>s MOIlu pytlOM luql W::llSAS l::llndwo:> U ::lsuq:>md Ol SUM ::l:>Y10 S,){l::ll;) ::lqljO UO!SS!W U luql UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql Ol P::lU~ldX::l ::lqS ~ 'UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql Ol p::llnq~S!p ::lq PlnoM UO!Sl::lA p::llUpdn ::lqlluql pun p::llllpdn U::l::lq puq ::lmp::l:>oldjO S::lln"M {!:>unO;) ::lqlluql p::llOU ::lqS ~ '8U!l::l::lW IpunO;) ::lql Ol ::lAnlllU::lS::lld::ll u PU::lS SUO!SS!WWO;) pun spmog ::lqllllql p::llS::lnb::ll l!:>unO;) "s8U!l::l::lW ::llOW PU::lUU Ol ::llnp::lq:>s l!::lql U! ::lUJ9 ::lAUq lOU P!P A::lqllUql p::lU!Ull::ll::lp puq pun SUO!SS!WWO;) pun spmog lU::ll::l!J!P ::lql wOl] uos~n U lOjlS::lnb::ll ::lql uo uo!ssms!p U Pl::lq puq IpunO;) lUql P::llQu ::lqS ~ 'UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql uo A:>un:>UA ::lql IlY Oll::lUO!SS!WWO;) M::lU U lJU!l!nl:>::ll U! lndu! p::llS::lnb::ll pun U::l){lll suon:>u ::lql p::lssms!p ::lllS ~ "UO!SS!WWO;) ::lql Ol pm:> lsod pmM::lS jO Al!;) M::lU ::lql p::llnq!llS!p ::lqS 'V- 8 E S aJivd '~auln/oA sa/nu!w UO!SS!UJUJO:J JiU!uuv/d moz 'L aunf' v'JfstJlV 'pJVMasJo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska June 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 539 Scott Bald, inside the City, spoke to the Commission as the owner of the Marina restaurants. He stated he planned to expand the harbor restaurant and add a second story for employee housing. He requested support from the Commission and staff to assist him in working through the City code. The Commission supported his plan to provide employee housing and encouraged him to work with City staff to find a way through the process. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Griswold added item 9F, Discussion of Liaison to the Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board and item 9G, Discussion of Liaison to the City Council. Hohl removed items C and D, the April and May meeting minutes from the Consent Agenda. She added item 9H, Discussion of the Appeal Procedure Process. Motion (Griswold/Schafer) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearings Resolution 2005-12 granting a Conditional Use Permit to the City of Seward for asphalt plant and gravel operations at Tract C Fourth of July Creek Tracts, commonly known as the "City Quarry" [Postponed from the May 4, 2005 meeting and the May 17, 2005 Special Meeting] Schafer requested a conflict of interest ruling as a business owner of the same type of business. Chair ruled that Commissioner Schafer had a conflict and he removed himself from the dais to take a seat in the audience until the issue was completed. Brown reviewed the history of Resolution 2005-12. He noted that the resolution was currently on the floor for adoption and had been postponed from the May 4, 2005 regular meeting and rescheduled following the May 17,2005 special meeting canceled for lack of a quorum. Brown stated the City owned quarry was located on an approximate 60-acre parcel of City owned land within the Fourth of July Subdivision. He reviewed the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application stating that the applicant had applied for a CUP to allow gravel operation and the ability to allow an asphalt contractor to set-up and operate an asphalt plant within the City quarry. Brown reviewed the conditions contained in the CUP. Brown reviewed the Historic Borough Flood map displayed on the wall. He noted that the quarry was not within the mapped FEMA flood map. HoW requested WC Casey, Director of Public Works show the location of the quarry on the Borough Flood map. ;JP!SJOO Juuld nuqdsu ;JqJ ;JJU30I OJ SUU;JW ;JlqUUOSU;J.I ;JSO lIuqs AJ!:) ;Jq~" 'pU;J.I OJ UOH!PU03 ppU ''l1-S00Z UOHOIOS;JlI pU;Jwy (PIOMS!.I~/lqOID UOHOW SOOW!UUUfl P;JSSUd UOHOW "SdflJ J{llqdsll SnO!A:lld :lqJ JO p:ll!nb:ll U:l:lq JOU pm{ JllqJ sJu:lw:ll!nb:lllllUO!J!PPll U! SW:l:)UO:) P:l:)!OA UO!SS!WUlOJ :lql ".;J.lOJ30.1JS pUU UOHB.I;Jdo ;Jquo sS;Ju;Job!uo ;JqJ JU0033U OJU! ;J'IUJ lIuqs JU;JWJ.lud;Jp ;J.lY ;JqJ Aq UUld AJ;JJus ;J.lY ;JqJ JO M;J!A;J.I ;Jq~" 'pU;J.I OJ UOH!PU03 ppu ''l1-S00Z UOHOIOS;JlI pU;Jwy (lqOH/qJ!WS) UOHOW SOOW!UUUfl P;JSSUd UOHOW ".UUld JU;JW;J~UUUW .I;JJUM W.lOJS U JO IUAO.lddu pUU UO!SS!wqos ;J.I!ob;J.I lIuqs nW.l;Jd S!q~" 'pU;J.I OJ UOH!PU03 ppu ''l1-S00Z UOHOIOS;JlI pU;Jwy (qJ!WS/PIOMS!.I~) uOHoW 'l1-S00Z UOHOIOS;JlI ;JAo.lddy (SOOZ 'to AUW) .1000 ;JqJ uo UOHOW .p;JSOp SUM ~U!.IU;Jq 3!lqod ;JqJ pUU p.lU;Jq ;Jq OJ p;JJs;Job;J.I ;JUO ON .p;JU;Jdo SUM ~D!.IU;Jq 3!1qod ;JqJ pUU p;JJOU SUM MUI Aq p;J.I!ob;J.I su p;Jqs!lqod pUU p;JJsod ~U!;Jq ~U!.IU;Jq 3!1qod JO ;J3HON 'A.mmb :lqJ wo.y p:l:)npold )[:)Ol p:lmpll.y :lql UllqJ SUO!Jll:)y!:):lds JU:ll:l1J!P JO SllM l:lA!1J: UO!P:lllnS:l~ :lqJ Aq p:l:)npOld 11l!J:llllW :lqJ lllqJ iiu!lllJS Aq p:lnu!Juo:) A:lSllJ . Alrnnb :lql U! lUllld :lql dn iiu!U:ls U! P:llS:ll:lJU! Al:lA :lq Jqii!W lOJ:mllUO:) II JJ;}J :lq 11l!J:lJllW :lqJ OJ 4!W!XOld :lSOp :lqJ JO :lSnll:):lg "ll:llll lll!JJsnpul :lqJ OJ :lnp 4!UllWUlO:) :lqJ uo J:mdW! lllw!U!W :lAllq pynOM UO!llll:ldo JUllld llllqdSll :lJq!ssod pUll A.mmb :lqJJo uO!lll:)ol:lqJ JJ;}J A:lSllJ "A.mmb:lqJ llllUllld:lqJ :llll:)ol Ol snO:liillJUllApll :lq Plno:) l! l:lA:lMOq ~)[:)Ol :lqJ lnllq pUll :ll:lqM:lSI:l lUllld :lqJ dm:ls Ol :lsoq:) pyno:) lOPllllUO:) :lqJ lllqJ p:llllJS :lH "X!W llllqdSll :lql JO uO!lll:)y!:):lds :lqllOJ p:l:)npold iiupq )[:)Ol :lqJ wo.y :lq PlnoM P:lllll:lU:lii :lnU:lA:ll :lqJ lllqJ P!llS:lH "SUO!llll:ldo lUllld J{llqdsll :lJq!ssod lOtpUll UO!llll:ldo l!d I:lAllm :lqJ P:lU!llldx:l A:lSllJ "lllld llllqdSll Ull :lllll:ldo Ol P:ll:JllllUOO OqM lOPllllUO:) AUll pUll 4!J :lqJ U:l:lh\l:lq dn UMlllp :lq pynOM lU:lW:l:lmlll:mlluo:) p:ll!lll:lp Al:lA II 'p:llUllm SllM dflJ II J! lllqJ P:lJOU:lH "UllJ lOOJ ~v JO oHs :liilllOlS II ql!M UllJ lOOJ ZZ SllM lUllld :lqJ lllqJ p:llllJS:lH "moq l:ld SUOl 0017 III p:lllll SllM lUllld p:lSOdOld lU:llln:) :lql "p:lllll:ldo 4!Jllllb lllqllURld :lqJ Ol Sl:lMSUR lOJ J{llqdsV 4!Jllllb qJ!M l:)llJUO:) U! U:l:lq pllq :lq p:llllJS:lH 'lURld llllqdSll UR JO UO!llll:ldo :lqJ iiU!plllii:ll SUO!lS:lnb 11ll:lA:lS p:lM:l!A:ll A:lSllJ 'PloMs!lf) Ol :lSUOdS:ll OJ 017S a'fJvJ 'rautnlOA salnu!J'{ UO!SS!UlUlO;:) 'fJU!uuv/J mOL 'L aunr v'Isv/V 'p.ltJM3sJo AI!;:) City of Seward, Alaska June 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 541 the area identified as having been affected by flooding within the past twenty years." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-12, Section 1, Item B. Second Sentence. Replace the word "has" with "may have" no noticeable impact. . . . Add "Additional property in the area includes State of Alaska lands used primarily for recreational purposes". "Other non-industrial uses in the SMIC area include a City operated campground at the mouth of an anadromous stream and a proposed public use racetrack." "Adverse impacts to adjoining properties or other properties in the area or the district may need to be mitigated". Motion (Smith/Hohl) Amend the Amendment by changing the words "may have" to "should have" . . . . Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-12, Seward Comprehensive Plan. Change to read "The activity is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan" Motion Passed Unanimous Housekeeping notation made to staff of date correction for additional public hearing held on June 7, 2005 not May 17,2005 within the last Whereas. Vote on main amendment as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Vote of Main Motion as amended Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Hohl, Griswold, Keil No: None Abstain: Schafer Unfinished Business SDOW!UBUfl p3SSBd uOHoW ,,"(3SS3 A q3.1B3S3l[ UO!~3l[ 3H3.1Y P3PUDJ AfIB.l3P3J '.I3~.IBI 3ql ql!A\ X!PH BqdlY 'pSS3A q3.1B3S3.1 ~U~B 3ql 33Bld3.1 Ol pUB SDdwB3 .I3lU3:) 3U!.IBW p.lBA\3S 3ql 3Z!U.l3POW Ol SJ.lOJJ3 S}fUBq.l!B.i 'B}JSBIY JO AJ!S.l3A!Ufl J.loddDS" 0(1 W3l! A\3U pPB 'UO!PY UOHBlU3W31dwI 'I 3AH33fqO 'ZOt IBOn 01 W3l! ,,:P3PU3WW033.1 3.IB SUOmppB ~U!A\OnOJ 3qJ.." 'z UOH33S A\3N: 'SI-SOOZ UOHDIOS3l[ PU3WY (1!3)1f11nWs) uOHoW "URld .1Ip Ol pappR aq SUOnRpuawwo:>aJ ilu!MOlloJ alp apmu pUR URld aA!suaqaJdwo;) qilnoJoH alp ssn:>s!p Ol panU!luo:> UO!SS!WWO;) aqJ., SDOW!UBUfl p3SSBd uOHoW OW3lSAS ABA\q~!H 3U!.IBW B}JsBIY 3ql Aq P.lBA\3S Ol33!A.l3S Au3J lU3.1.1D3 pUB 3!.10lS!q U!BlU!BW Ol 3.1!S3P AJ!UDWWO:) p.lBA\3S 3ql Sp3U3.1 UBld 3ql mUD UBld 3A!Su3q3.1dwo:) q~DO.l08 BIDSU!U3d !BU3)1 3ql JO IBAO.lddB PU3WW033.1 109 S30p UO!SS!wwo:) ~U!UOZ pUB ~U!UUBld p.lBA\3S 3qJ.. 'I UOH33S 33Bld3l[ 'SI-SOOZ UOHDIOS3l[ PU3WY (ql!WSII!3)1) uOHoW SI-SOOZ UOHDloS3l[ 3AO.lddy (qnwSIPIOA\S!.In) uOHoW "uan!JM. SR URId aA!suaqaJdwo;) qilnOJOH alp ilu!lJoddns lOU JO suondo alp passn:>s!p UO!SS!WWO;) aqJ., "RInsu!llad waqlnos alp Ol a:>!AJas AuaJ alp wmq PfllOM lJoddns JO lUaWalRlS aqllRqllIaJ RInsu!uad walpnos aqllRql palQu SRMlI "paJ!RJ pRq pmMas Ol a:>!AJas AuaJ :>!lOlS!q aql ilU!U!RlU!RW lJoddns olluawpuaum aqllRlp palou aqs "palda:>:>R aJaM OMl AJUO JaAaMoq ~pmM.JoJ sluawpuaum papuawwo:>aJ aaJqllqilnoJq pRq aqs lRlp palRlS IqoH Jauo!ss!WWO;) "{qOH Jauo!ss!WWO;) Ol sluawwo:> JO suonsanb AUR paJ!p UO!SS!WWO;) alp papuawwo:>aJ aH "!>OOl' I l aunf {!lun URId aA!suaqaJdwo;) alp uo ilUppOM anU!luo:> Ol SRM qilnoJoH aql W!q paUJJoJu! pllq IqoH Jauo!ss!WWO;) lRlp palou UMOJH [~UH33W SOOZ 't ABW 3ql WO.lJ p.lBA\.IOJ lq~DO.l8] SlU3WW03 JO UO!lB.l3P!S003 .I0J lS3nb3.1 ql!A\ OBld 3A!So3q3.1dmo:) q~no.l08 BIDSU!U3d !BU3)13ql JO IBAO.lddB ~U!pU3Wm033.1 SI-SOOZ UOHDloS3l[ ZIlS a'iJvd '~aumloA samUllf UOISSIUJUJOJ 'iJuluuvld ~ooz 'L aunf' V1fSVfV 'p.JVM3S!o NIJ City of Seward, Alaska June 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 543 Motion (DohI/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-15, New Section 2, item 2, Goal 4.5, Objective 1, add new item C. "Support comprehensive health care services in the Eastern Kenai Peninsula." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-15, New Section 2, item 3, Goal 7.7 and Objective 1 add the word "planf' following fish. And add new item D. "Consult with government agencies on rare plants, plant species of concern, invasive plant species, and encourage public awareness." Motion Passed Unanimous Housekeeping notation made to staff of date correction for Resolution 2005-15. Vote on Main Motion as amended Motion Passed Unanimous New Business Resolution 2005-17, recommending to Council the Planning and Zoning Commission's priorities for 2005 Motion (Smith/Keil) Approve Resolution 2005-17 Motion (Do hI/Schafer) Amend Resolution 2005-17, Delete and replace the first Whereas with, "Whereas the City Council Rules of Procedure, adopted March 14, 1994, state that the Council should meet in an annual joint work session with the Commission every March to address areas of mutual concern." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-17, Second Whereas, delete everything following the word "priorities". SDow.'fi\luA P3PU3W8 S8 'uoHoW U!8J\I ilo ~.o A . "P3~~3U S8" pP8 PU8 "AU8W }O" 3J3pp t' ~"'~U !sUO!S!A311 3PO;) 'L l-SOOZ uOHDlos311 pU3WV (qJ!WS/lqOID UOHOW SDOW!U8UIl p3SS8d uOHoW p.lOM. 3PO;) 'W3H J3lfDq 3qJ S8 "~uPI.l8d,, 3qJ PP8 '9 .I3qWDN: 'SUO!S!A3H 'L [-SOOZ UOHDIOS311 pu~tUv (qJ!WS/PIOM.S!.I~) uOHoW -.loa 8u!MoIIO] (sjnm::m.'l :)!(qnd) ,dd,,]O uomppulJu!daa:>[jsnoq u p;nou (l[oH SDOW!U8UIl p3SS8d UOHOW " '900Z ~u!.Ids Aq 1!;)U1lO;) OJ u81d p3pUllWlD033.1 3qJ p.l8AUO~ 'A3u8dnjjb jO Jt1l3Y9.l3;) 3qJ }O 33U8nSS! ~D!pnpu! SS330.ld HW.l3d ~u!PI!nll 3qJ }O S3S8qd 118 ~U!.Inp M.3!A3.1 vav }O UOmpp8 qJ!M. UOH31dw03 U81d PU3WW033.1 'S3W8f (3q3811.13ndnld .I3W.10} Aq p3M.3!A3.1 JS81 S8M. JjU.((J U81d tIomSU8.1.l vav - U81d UomSUU.ll. vav" p83.1 OJ t' W3J! 3381d3.1 'L[-SOOZ UOHDIOS311 PU3WV (PIOM.S!.I~/lqoID UOHOW snOW!U8UIl p3SS8d uOHoW . ,.JU3WW03 PU8 M.3!A3.1" OJ "18AO.ldd8,, p.lOM. JS813qJ.r.lU8q3 '[ UOH33S 'LI-SOOZ uOHnloS311 PU3WV (PlOM.S!.I~/lqOID uOHoW snOW!U8UIl p3SS8d nOHOW '"UO!SS!WWO;) ~U!UOZ PU8 ~U!UU8Id 3qJ Aq p3dol3A3p s3m.lo!.ld 3qJ uo PU8 SJU3WW03 3P!AO.ld pu8 M.3!A3.1lpuno;) 3qJ sJs3nb3.1 Alfnp33ds;J.I Uo!ss!wmo;) 3qJ S83.13qA\" 'qHM. S83.13qA\ P.l!qJ ;JqJ 3381d3.1 PU8 3J313([ 'L[-SOOZ UOHDloS311 PU3WV (PIOM.S!.I~/lqoH) UOHOW snOW!UUUIl p3SS8d uOHoW v v S a'iJvd 'I; awn[OA samu!J''l UO!SS!WWO:J 'iJU!uuv/d mo, 'L aunf V'fSVfV 'p_LVM3SJO NO City of Seward, Alaska June 7. 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5. Page 545 Resolution 2005-16 rescinding Resolution 2004-20, allowing a Racetrack in the Institutional Zoning District by CUP Brown noted that Resolution 2004-20, as amended, had been brought forward and approved at the February 2005 regular meeting. Resolution 2004-20, as amended had recommended an Ordinance change to Council to allow "racetrack" in the Institutional Zoning District by Conditional Use Permit. Resolution 2004-20, as amended and the accompanying ordinance were sent to the City attorney for review prior to forwarding to Council. The review revealed numerous conflicts with the Seward City Code, therefore staff and the City attorney recommended Resolution 2004-20, as amended be rescinded and that a different course of action be taken to deal with allowing "racetrack" within the City limits. Motion (Schafer/Smith) Approve Resolution 2005-16 Motion (HohIlSchafer) Amend Resolution 2005-16, Second Whereas, strike the word "many". HoW stated that she did not feel there were many conflicts in the Resolution as it was approved. Motion Passed Yes: Schafer, Smith, Hohl, Griswold No: Keil Vote on the Main Motion, as amended Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Griswold, Schafer, Keil No: Hohl April 5, 2005 Regular Meeting HoW stated that she removed the minutes to correct the discussion held on the safety concerns on Dimond Boulevard in Forest Acres during the debate on Resolution 2005-09 of the April minutes. Motion (HohIlGriswold) Amend the April minutes, change the word "reveal" to "reflect" in the Hohl discussion before the vote on the main motion. Add following safety concerns; "because of the forty (40) foot right-of-way, number of children in the neighborhood". Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Hohl, Griswold, Keil Abstain: Schafer Motion (HohIlGriswold) Amend the April minutes, add the word 'SlUel! llJ>Ue~R ~U!U!RlUeJ eIp pessn:JS!p UO!SS!lUlUOJ eIp SlU!RJlSUO:J elUn Ol eno snOW!U8Uil pilSS8d uOHoW .pilpUilW8 S8 sillnD!w jU!JililW SOOZ: 't A8W ilql pilAO.lddy (.IilJ8q3S /I!il)l) uOHoW lUilSUO:) snow!u8uil p3SS8d uOHoW . "lSil.lillU! 3!)qnd 3qll33l0.ld Ol" Ol "33U8.183dd8,, 3jU8q3" ~lsilnbil.l ,\J.I3do.ld SJ.lilqoH ilP8M. ilql JO UO!SSn3S!p uo!ss!wwo:) ~SillnU!W SOOZ: 't A8W PUilWY (ql!WS/lqoH) uOHoW snOW!U8Uil pilSS8d uOHoW . "il38.1 Ol SilP!qilA Pil.lilU8.1l -un MOll8 109 Aldw!s Pln03 qnl:) suo!'] ilql jU!Jou" 'P33.1j8S!P jD!MOIIOJ PP8 ~lf38.1lil38.1 ilql Ol S3P!q3A P3.13U8.1l-Un JO UO!SSn3S!p IqoH ~S3lnU!W SOOZ: 't A8W PUilWY (PIOMS!.I~/lqOH) uOHoW Uil)l 'ql!WS '.IilJ8q3S :oN PIOMS!.I~ 'lqoH :Sil A pilU8.i( uOHoW "UOS!.Id ilql Ol SSil338 AS83 AJilAH81il.l PU8 AJ!w!xo.ld ilSOp ilql jUH8ls UO!SS!WW03 ilql Ol Sqd8.1joloqd PilP!AO.ld IInqu.ln.L" PP8 'AuowHs3l IInqwn.L j!8.1:) ~SillnU!W SOOZ: 't A8W PUilWY (PIOMS!.I~/lqoH) uOHoW Uo!ssn:JS!p JOJ llJ>ue~R lueSUO:J eIplUo.y: SelnU!lU eql peAOlUeJ yqoH :eloN SillnU!W jUHililW .l8lnjilH SOOZ: 't A8W snOW!U8Uil p3SS8d uOHoW PilPU3W8 S8 S3lnU!W jU!JililW .I81njil.l SOOZ: 's f!.Idy ilql pilAO.lddy (.IilJ8q3S/I!il)l) uOHoW snOW!U8Uil p3SS8d uOHoW .UO!SSn3S!p SlU3WW03 3ql JO 33U3lUilS lS81 ilql illf!.llS .UOS!8!)U3uno:) ilql Aq 3p8W lUilWW03 ilql Ol "illON" 9 v S aiJIJcl '[; aUJnfOA samuw'l UO!SS!UJUJOJ iJU!UUIJlcl mOl 'L aunr /JJfSIJ/y 'pJIJM3sfO AJ!J City o/Seward, Alaska June 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 547 Motion (Schafer/Smith) Move item 9F, Discussion of Liaison to the Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board; item 9G, Discussion of Liaison to the City Council; and item 9H, Discussion of the Appeal Procedure Process, forward to the next agenda. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Informational Items and Reports- (No action required) - None Commission Comments Schafer, requested that staff provide more technical information on items before the Commission. He voiced serious concerns over the City Parking Code. He noted that parking and maneuvering of a full size vehicle in the legally stripped Safeway parking lot was extremely difficult. Griswold, noted there were several items within the parking code that needed review. Hohl, "In response to a suggestion by the City Council liaison that perhaps the commission was subject to 2.10.040.B requiring the vote of four members for council action. Hohl read section 2.30.220.B of the City code. 2.30.220.B requires the commission to have a quorum of four and a majority ofthose present for official action unless a larger majority is required by law." (as amended at the September 6, 2005 P&Z meeting) Citizens' Comments - None Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11 :02 pm. ~ let Donna Glenz Planning A~~~lf'-~:"/~'" ~..# 4'...... \',)~ ......~~;>:r}',fj..'t>~, ~, .;f"~, ~ ...~~.fI_,'..~ ''''''1'.''''. "".."" $ G~ >..b'~-iJO~~.:..;.~.:J" ..~. ~ /.,,:,!;J '(';,\'" \"; :: l ,~ -'Jo- a 11.. 'i~:~. (City ~e.>i SEAL i 0 ii I,Ilt. ~ : p,. ";. .... ----- l :: ~ r.. ",.~# ft,.., II': ~ tp.~. ~,,",:,"A!,~ 1 \~',..., ~ ":. ~"" '~j.~>..,::'..':-..n:."~.. c~i;",~;. ."',. . ~'__ ~ ".I' ..'")0 """:,;::;.f,~: ()P p.~~,,:,;.J~" "';;ej~i!aj~l",1; ,/ {? P3133U8:l ~U!l33m ~U!UOZ PU8 ~U!UU8Id - 500l A(nr 817 S <JiJvd 'f' <JUlnlOA s<J/nu!w UO!SS!UlUlO:J iJU!uuv/d mOl 'f'tflnr V'fSVfV 'p.J1JM3sfo N!;) City of Seward, Alaska August 2, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 549 Call to order The August 2, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Hohlled the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Lynn Hohl Lack of a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant absent was: Sandie Roach' - excused Tom Smith - excused Steve Schafer - excused per Chair One seat remained vacant Meeting was recessed Presentation by Gary Williams of the Coastal Zone Management Gary Williams presented an overview of the Coastal Zone Management program. He noted that Alaska joined the program in 1997. The purpose of Coastal Zone Management was to help minimize resource conflicts, help communities maintain their uniqueness and their economic base, and to help maintain the health of the coastal areas. The State manages the plan for the Federal government. Williams noted that the Costal Zone Management team was currently updating the plan. He encouraged the local community to review and provide input for the plan. The current time line was to have the draft completed by the end of August 2005, public review during September 2005, present to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission in late October or early November 2005, presenting the document to the State early in 2006. The document will then be presented to the Borough Assembly for adoption by ordinance. f n')! ~fJ t J>r-bb.,V() f (i e~.~!~::!lrr". ~",f>.',', J' ..'#.. ..( ....J*l 'Or) "'-": 0 '-. "~-'. / ""...._~ 'b. .....1"'" ,:.1' ~ "'~"!to #.' ",,~, .-t...-. ....1 Jl~ I'. ,,~, '~"'~i>;' ..,~\. ~ .~~.:':"'<j' \'~1- r:j ~.\ .~ ~9 ""~..f"1 Ol.",t) \.6>. ~. .a 1.. ..,.,.. ",..., .," ~' : -+- \ ~ loJ.) e . ",'I ,~: (1' i n"~" -~~,~ c:t : ;;~ "~ ,): 1. \j' ~io : 0 ;~ \0> - ,;~,:,l (IlliS Al!J) ...... ..("".. c,....r:.i'/,-" .... ..~~4 "'. ..-,~":tn,.J\)....- ~. ,;( \ -'~ ~ ~ ;;'~::~. ,; ,;::.. e." "_I' ",' ,~;<l' ~,.... [~:"t. " ";P "<lI~ ~, .. ";J.~\,.. "It!!'i.;;. ;...\.> lUUlS!SSY ~U!llillId ZU:)ID llUllO Or '\ / 'UId St:S III unuonb JO J(:>llI lOJ p:)UJnOfpu SllM ~ll!l:):)W 'O(:L III !>OOl '6ls~ny lOJ p:)Inp:)q:>s:)l SllM ~UH:):)UI ls~ny :)q.L p.l033.1 3qJ 00 Jf311q jOH33W ':)IqllHllAll lOU SllM UO!SS!UIUIOJ IIl1J :)qllllql P:)Z!~OIodll pUll UO!llllU:)S:)ld S!q lOJ SUIllm!A\ P:)J(Ullql H:))I '~U!l:):)UI l:)qOPO :)qllll SUOHllPU:)UIUIO:>:)l AUll JO IllAolddll pUll lU:)UIUIO:> pUll M:)!A:)l lOJ UO!SS:)S J(lOM l:)qUI:)ld:)S II :)Inp:)q:>s Ol lUllMl~!UI UO!SS!UIUIOJ :)ql ':)lllpdn UllId :)qllOJ P:)lU:)S:)ld :)U!I:)UI!l :)ql ql!M.lllql P:)llllS IqoH 'P:)P!AOld :)q S:)SS:)lPPll HllUI:) Sl:)UO!SS!UIUIOJ lllql p:)ls:)nb:)l SllM H 'Sp:)fOld Ill:>OI ql!M. P:)AIOAU! UO!SS!UIUIOJ ~U!UUllId :)ql d:):)J( :):>mO lU:)UI:)~llUllW :)UOZ IlIlSllOJ ~nOlOH :)qllllql p:)lS:)nb:)l UO!SS!UIUIOJ :)q.L os S ,,;JOel 'f' "UinlOA S"lnU!W UO!SS!UiUiO;] ;JU!UUOlc/ f'OOZ 'z IsnllnV O'JfSOfV 'p.J1JM3sJo to!;] City of Seward, Alaska August 9, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 551 Call to order The August 9, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Carol Griswold Lynn Hohl Sandie Roach' Tom Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant absent was: Steve Schafer One seat remained vacant City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * Noted that the owners of a 29 acre parcel in USS 1931 had stated they were not interested in a property swap with the City and planned to place the parcel on the market for sale and development. * Approximately 5 acres ofland in the Fort Raymond Subdivision had been selected by Council for the new long term care facility. * The City had hired a surveyor to provide a subdivision plat of the City owned Lot I, Block 6 Small Boat Harbor Subdivision. * City Council added the Jesse Lee Home to the City list of priorities. * Seward Volunteer Fire Department was scheduled to provide an educational presentation on the "Wild-land Urban Interface" for the September meeting. Brown noted he was also working with Mary Toll, Borough Platting Officer to provide training in October. * Brown noted that the consultant working on the Department of Transportation (DOT) Airport Master Plan was currently waiting on some environmental work to be completed. The hope was that the plan would be ready for review in late September or October. "w:)JqOld :)l.(l AP:)W:)l Ol MOl.( pUR p:)u:)ddlll.( plll.( UO!lll:>!OOWUlO:> U! UMOp){ll:)lq :)l.(lll:)J UO!SS!WUlO;) :)l.(l :)l:)l.(M SSmS!p Ol SliM UO!SS:)S )[lOM :)l.(l JO :)sodmd :)l.(lllll.(l P:)llllS )[llllJ OI!:>unO;) :)l.(l pUR SUO!SS!WUlO;) :)l.(l JO l.(:>ll:) U:):)A\l:)q UO!SS:)S )[lOM 11 PIOl.( Ol P:)UURld plll.( l:)flllURW Al!;) :)l.(lllll.(l P:)llllS:)H "l:)lllll.(;) Al!;) :)l.(l U! uO!l!sod IllUO!ldo UR Ol uO!l!sod UOS!ll!I :)l.(l :)'aURl.(:> Ol P:)lOA plll.( IPunO;) llll.(l UO!SS!WUlO;) :)l.(l P:)UllOJU!:)H "lU:)UlpU:)Ulll lnOl.(l!M URld :)A!SU:)l.(:)ldWO;) :)l.(l P:)AOlddll plll.( I!:>unO;) llll.(l P:)llllS )[llllJ "UOS!ll!1 IpunO;) Al!;) :)l.(l Sll 'J(.I8(:J U!A:J)( "lU:)W:):)l'311 :)Sll:)I :)l.(l WOl] P:)AOW:)l U:):)q plll.( lU:)W:)Sll:) :)l.(lllll.(l UO!llllU:)UID:>OP AUR :)p!Aold Ol :)Iqllun SllM:)H "PllOlI!lllI ll)[SlllV:)l.(l Aq P:)AOW:)l U:):)q plll.( :)l!S :)Sll:)I PlOl.( :)l.(l pUR :)l!S :)Sll:)I lIlppURS :)l.(l U:):)A\l:)q lU:)W:)l!nb:)l lU:)W:)S1l3 :)Sfl :>!Jqnd lOOJ (~z) :)AY-AlU:)A\l :)l.(l llll.(l P:)lOU ll!nJd 'I!:))1 Ol :)SUOdS:)l UI ":)'aUlll.(:> Pl:)Y 11 URl.(l :)lOW flu!l.(loU SliM :)'aUlll.(:> :)l.(l UO!U!dO S!l.( U! llll.(l P:)lOU:)H "'aU!pI!nq PlOl.( :)l.(l JO :)'ap:) l.(llOU :)l.(l Ol Ap:)dOld :)l.(l JO pU:) l.(llOU :)l.(l WOl] UO!P:)UUO:> :)l.(l p:)'aURl.(:> plll.( :)l.( llll.(l P:)llllS:)H "I:)lOl.( SS:)ldx3 UUJ Allp!{OH :)l.(l JO :)P!S l.(llOU :)l.(l uo :)nU:)A Y l.(llIlOd Ol UO!P:)UUO:> )[IllMPlllOH :)l.(l Ol :))[OdS 'Al!;) :)l.(l :)P!SU! '>>!D.ld S:JW8f - ~U!-I8:JH 3!1qnd .I0.i p:J(np:Jq3S SW:JH :Jsoq.L ld:J3X:J l3:JfqnS AUY UO SlU:JWWO:J .SU:JZHD :)UON - SUOH8lU:JS:J.ld PU8 SlU:JW:J3Unouuy 'SJ.lOd:J}[ .I:JqlO llod:)llllOJ :)JqllI!llAllUfl }(.I81:J U!A:J)( - J.lOd:J}[ UOS!8!'I (pUno:J AJD "UO!SS!WUlO;) 'aU!Ulmld qflnOlOH :)l.(l uo Ull:)ll:)l.(lOUR Ol P:)lU!Oddll-:)l U:):)q plll.( :)l.(S llll.(l P:)lOU :)l.(S "'aU!l:):)W ~OOz 'z lSn'any :)l.(llll :>!{qnd :)l.(l pUR UO!SS!WUlO;) :)l.(l Ol flU!l:):)W UO!SS!WUlO;) 'aU!Ulffild l.('anolOH lU:):>:)l :)l.(l JO llod:)l U:)ll!JM 11 p:)ll!wqns plll.( ll.(OH l:)UO!SS!WUlO;) (qoH uUA'} Aq J.lod:J}[ UO!SS!WWO:J ~U!UU8ld Ud)( "U!llldpoog 11 Sll p:)ddllW lOU AIlu:)llIl:> SllM UOAUR;) IpMo'l :)l.(l U!l.(l!M ll:)lll :)l.(lllll.(l P:)llod:)l UMOlH "l:)UMO Ap:)dOld :)l.(l WOlJ PllluO:> l:)l.(llIlJ AUR P:)A!:):>:)llOU plll.( lnq llOdJ!ll :)l.(lJo l.(llOU sPURI :)l.(llOJ l!Ull:)d lU:)wdoPA:)Q U!llIdpOOH 11 lOJ P:):)u :)l.(ll:)UMO Ap:)dOld :)l.(l l.(l!M p:)ssn:>s!p plll.( :)l.( llll.(l P:)lOU UMOlH "PlllMlOJ 'aU!AOW :)lOpq lndu! :>!{qnd :)lOW 'aU!lURM 'PIOl.( uo Ap:)dOld ;)1I1IY :)l.(l UO Al!I!:>llJ ;)3lA Y :)l.(l JO l.(llou p:)fOld sPURll:)M :)l.(l P:):>llId plll.( ;)1I1IV :)l.(lllll.(l P:)llllS UMOlH 'PIOMs!lD ol :)SUOdS:)l UI "JllAOlddlllOJ l.('anOlOH :)l.(l ol plllMlOJ S:)AOW AIlu:)llIl:> URld :)l.(lllll.(l pUR P:)lU:)S:)ld Sll unld :)A!su:)q:udwo;) PlllM:)S :)l.(l P:)AOldd11 p11q lpunO;) Al!;) llll.(l P:)lOU UMOlg ~ "~OOZ '01 lsn'any dol.(s )[lOM UO!lllZ!W:)POW dllW POOH YW3d 11 'au!losuods SllM l:)lu:);) l:)Affi !llU:))I:)l.(l ~ zss a$vd 'f: aUJnJOA sa/nuIJ"{ UOISSIUJUJO:J 'iJuIUUV/d f:OOl '6/sn3nV v1fsvW 'p./VMdS!o N!:J City of Seward, Alaska August 9, 200S Planning Commission Minutes VolumeS, Page 553 Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (HohIlGriswold) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda HoW added items: Discussion of banners; Procedure to cancel meetings; Political Signs; and Floodplain permit list to the agenda under New Business. Smith requested the items be added under Informational Items, the Commission concurred that the items be added to the agenda as Informational items lOB, C, D, and E. Motion passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearings Resolution 2005-18, granting a sign ordinance variance to James Pruitt, dba Gateway Texaco for a free standing sign of twenty-eight (28) feet in height containing 73.25 square foot ofinternally illuminated panels at Lot 1, Block 10, Seward Small Boat Harbor Subdivision, 1400 Seward Highway, in the HC (Harbor Commercial) zoning district. Brown stated that the free standing sign currently operated by the Gateway Texaco was encroaching into the Department of Transportation (DOT) Right-of-Way. DOT had notified the applicant that the sign had to be removed. Brown noted that the sign was placed on the property prior to 1985. The applicant had requested a Sign Code Variance to allow the pre-existing sign to be moved out of the DOT Right-of-Way and onto his lease property. The pre-existing sign was 28 feet in height and contained 73.25 square feet of internally illuminated signage. Brown reviewed the current sign code stating that the maximum allowed height was twenty (20) feet or the height of the building whichever was less and the maximum allowed internally illuminated free standing signage was thirty two (32) square feet. Brown stated that the recommendation of staff was to lower the current free standing sign to twenty feet and allow the requested 73.25 square feet of illuminated signage. He noted that two other sign code variances had been issued in the past for fuel stations in the Auto Commercial Zoning District with similar height and size requirements. In response to HoW, Brown stated that the applicant had applied for a sign code permit, which had been what prompted the request for the sign code variance application. Brown stated that staff continued to work with the applicant on the sign permit. Hohl also requested the site location for the freestanding sign. Brown stated that the applicant had applied for a building permit for the relocation of the sign noting the requested location had been in the utility easement. He continued by stating that the applicant and the City staff had continued to work on the new location for the sign, noting that the requested location within the utility easement had been denied. In response to HoW, Brown stated that the platting action moving the north property line south 10 feet to the original location had been completed in April of2005. Brown also stated that he was unaware of any current discussion of a sidewalk on the north property line. A1I80.l3l0! JO l33J 3.18nbs t't' .IoJ S! 3308!.I8A p3lS3nb3.1 3ql" ql!M "s3sod.lnd 3303.13J3.1 .I0.!l" WO.lJ 3~8!q.l3A 118 3381d3H .3303l03S lS.lY 3ql WO.lJ "lOO" p.lOM 3ql 3AOW3.1 'I W3H 'I 00!l33S '81 -SOOZ 00HnlOS3H P03WY (PIOMS!.I~lIqOID oOHoW "}f83.1q 3lnO!W-OMl 8 p3lS3nb3.1 OO!SS!WWO;) SnOW!080[l p3SS8d OO!lOW "SS31 S! .I3A3q3!qM ~o!pl!nq 3qUO lq~!3q 3ql.lO" PP8 'S83.13qA\. p0033S '81-S00Z 00HnlOS3H P03WY (PIOMS!.I~lIqOID OOHOW "PIOMS!lD Ip!M p;);)mll ,l.(:m01I ";)POO Aq P;)MOIIlll;);)J (OZ:) AlU;)Ml ;)Ip Olll.(ll;)t(<i!l.( U~!S 1l10J ;)OOll!lll^ ~!S AOll ~0!l0ll1~ lloddns lOU P!P ;)l.(s lllIp P;)llllS ;)l.(S "S~OOll!lll^ U~!S ~U!lOlll~ U! UO!SS!UlUlO;) ~l.(l p~uo!lnllo PIOMS!lD "~!S ~Ip JO UO!lllOOI ~l.(l ~Z!{llUY lJllls Al!;) POlllOllO!{ddll ;)IplllIp p~lloddns OSIll ~l.( 'l;)~J 8Z: JO It(<i!~l.( ~Iplloddns lOU P!P Ip!WS "S~!S ;)Z!S lllHW!S 10J S;)OOll!lll^ ~!S P~^PO~l plll.( SUO!llllS I~t1J l~IpO OMllllIp P~lOU ~H "~OOll!lll^ U~!S ~l.(l JO ;)OUllnSS! ~Ip p~lloddns Ip!WS 81-S00Z 00HnloS3H 3AO.lddy (,q380Hf1ll!WS) oOHoW .p3S0p S8M ~0!.I83q 3!1qnd 3ql p08 p.l83q 3q Ol p3lS3nb3.1 3S13 300 ON .~!S ~U!lS!X~ ~Ip10J ~OOll!lll^ ~!S ~IplOllm UO!SS!UlUlO;) ~l.(l llll.(l p~lS;)nb~l ~H .lllId lU~lJnO ~Ip UO UMOl.(S SllM l! Sll lU~W~Sll~ Al!I!ln ~Ip Ip!M ~~mll lOU P!P ~l.( pOll ~!S ~l.(llOJ UO!lllOOI ~l!S II p~ll!wqns plll.( ~l.( P~llllS ~H .HounO;) Aq P~!U~P SllM lnq O~ll Slll~A Al!;) ~l.(l WO.IJ l.(llOU ~l.(l Ol All~dOld ~lOW ~Sll~I Ol p~lS~nb~ plll.( ~l.( llll.(l P~lOU ~H "~rnlOruls ~l.(l 10J l!Wl~d ~U!PHnq ~l.(l uo p~^Olddll SllM ~!S lU~lJnO ~l.(llllIp P~llllS ~H "Al!;) ~Ip Ip!M All~dOld ~Ip JO ;)Sll~I ~l.(l pOll ~!S ~ll!PUlllS~~.IJ ~IpJO AJOlS!l.( ~Ip P~M;)!^~l 'Al!;) ~Ip ~P!SU! 'mD.ld S3W8f .p303do S8M ~O!.l83q 3!1qnd 3ql p08 P3lOO S8M M81 Aq p3.1!nb3.1 S8 p3qs!lqnd p08 P3lSod ~0!3q ~O!.l83q 3!1qnd JO 33HON S3In.l 3ql 00 }(388. "~00z:J0 I!ldV U! P~Z!{llUY lllId~l ~Ip Aq Al!;) ~Ip Ol P~Sll~I plll.( ~l.( lllql pOllIJO l~~J U~l {llUO!l!Ppll ~Ip p~u.rm~l plll.( ~l.( pOll ~^!lN!l.(Old lSOO U~~ plll.( )[{llM~P!S ~Ip JO UO!lOnllSUOO ~IplllIp ~U!llllS 'POllI ~Sll~IJO l~~J 0 I UO!l!PPll Oll p~lS;)nb~l plll.( ~l.( U~l.(M )(lllM:-lP!S II PlUlSUO::l Ol W!l{ uodn P:-l::lllld plll{ HOunO;) lllqllu:-lW:-l1!nb:u :-ll{l p:-lM:-l!^:-ll 'mn.ld l03S00;) SnOW!080[l S31n.l 3ql p03dsns olls3nb3H 17SS agoel 'r;aumJOA saJnu!r{ UO!SS!U1U1O:J gU!uuo/d moz '61sniJnV lnfSDW 'pJOMdsfO N!:) City of Seward, Alaska August 9, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 555 illuminated signage and 29.25 square feet of internally illuminated fuel price signage." Griswold did not support the finding. She noted that the sign did not support the scenic beauty. Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Roach', Hohl, Keil No: Griswold The Commission discussed the height of the sign and supported a maximum height of the sign be no more than twenty (20) feet. Motion (HohllKeil) Amend Resolution 2005-18, Section 1, Item 2. remove the word "not" from the first sentence and add "by the conditions of the sign ordinance variance." Delete all verbiage following the first sentence. Motion Passed Yes: Hohl, Smith,Keil No: Griswold, Roach' The Commission discussed the possible location of the sign. Request to Suspend the Rules Unanimous Consent In response to Hohl, Pruitt stated that there was only one location for the sign and that was the location he submitted to the building department for review. Back on the rules In response to Hohl, Brown stated that staffhad not approved the site location that had been submitted to the building department because the proposed location was in the utility easement. Motion (Griswold/Smith) Postpone Resolution 2005-18 until the site location had been approved Hohl stated that all the information had not been included in the packet. The Commission held a lengthy discussion on the information that had been provided within the packet. Keil moved to Suspend the rules speak to Pruitt - Unanimous Consent In response to Keil, Pruitt stated that he would like the decision from the Commission on the sign variance. He stated he would work with staff on the vacation of the easement and the location of the sign. a30aloas l&lY aql ~O!M.OIIOJ a~8!q.laA 118 alap<I "oa308!.18A a3080!p.lO O~!S aql JO SOOmp003 aql Aq" PP8 p08 a30aloas l&lY aql mO.lJ ,JOO" p.lOM. aql aAOma.l 03 f man 'I 00!:J3as '81-S00Z: OO!:JDlosall poamy (ql!mS/lqoH) OO!:JOW ':l:mll!JllA mJ!S II p:llUllflj U:l:lq AISDO!A:lJd pllq lmp SUO!lIllS I:lI1J :lA!l!l:ldwo:l OMl :lql Ol P;)lUllflj SUO!llll!W!{ ;)ql uo sjJU!puy J;)q P;)suq pllq ;)qs lllql p:llOU rqoH ':l:lUll!JllA :lpO:l mJ!S II jJU!lUllflj JOJ sjJU!puY;)ql pUll ujJ!S ;)qlJo ;)Z!S ;)ql jJu!pmjJ;)J uo!ssn:ls!p A~U;)I II PI;)q UO!SS!WWO;):lIll PIOM.s!.l~ ',q38011 :ON I!a)l 'lqoH 'ql!ms :sa A pass8d OO!:JOW 'uo!lll:l!{ddll ;):lUll!JllA mJ!S S~l JO mJ!S S!ql Aq l;)W U;):lq lOU pllq ;):lUll!JllA ;)PO:l mJ!S II jJU!lUllflj JOJ sjJU!puy ;)qllllql SW;):lUO:l jJUOJlS p:l:l!OA PloMs!lO a30aloas lS.lY aql ~O!M.OIIOJ a~8!q.laA 118 aJap<I "oa308!.18A a3080!p.lO O~!S aq:Jjo sOOmp003 aql Aq" PP8 p08 a30aloas lS.lY aql mO.lJ "lOO" p.lOM. aql aAOma.l oq f man 'I 00!:J3as '81-S00Z: oO!:JDlosall poamy (qHmS/lqou) OO!:JOW IP)I 'qHms 'PIOM.S!.l~ 'lqoH ',q38011 :ON aooN :saA paU8~ oO!:JoW aoodlsod Ol oO!:Jom 00 alo A "Ullld ;)l!S pUll uO!lIl:l!{ddlll!UJJ;)d jJu!pHnq P;)!U;)P ;)ql P;)p!AOJd lJIllS lOaSOO;) SDOm!080fl pass8d OO!:JOW 081d al!S aql ql!M. 00!:J83!(dd8 HlD.lad ~O!PUDq aql aAa!.lla.l OlJJ8lS M.01l8 Ol ssa3all (ua)lflqou) OO!:JOW .UO!SS!WWO;) ;)ql ;)JOpq SIlM lOU JO JJlllS Aq p:l!U:lp J:lql:lqM 'Ullld ;)l!s ;)ql {!lUll pmMJoJ jJU!AOW lJoddns lOU P!P rqoH "lOU JO ;):lUll!JllA ;)ql ;)sn Ol :l:l!oq:l S,lUll:l!{ddll :lql SUM l! lllql jJU!lON 'lUll:l!{ddll:lql Ol P:ljJuOI:lq 'P;)lUllflj ;)q Ol ;)J:lM l! J! ':l:lUll!JllA mJ!S :lql lllql P;)lOU ;)qs 'ql!WS ql!M P;)JJn:lUO:l ,q:lllOlI 'SUO!lIl:lOI ujJ!S ;)ql JO {llAOJddll ;)ql JOJ ;)Iq!suods:lJ SUMJJlllS :lql p:lllllS:lH 'uo!lIl:lOI ujJ!S ;)ql JOJ P;);)U ;)qllJoddns lOU P!P ql!WS salD.I aql 00 '13811 9 S S a'iJvd 'f; aULn/oA samu!J'{ UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'iJU!uuv/d moz '61sn'iJnv v'fsvfJI 'p./VMaS!o NO City of Seward, Alaska August 9,2005 Planning Commission Minutes VolumeS, Page 557 Roach' voiced concerns with the amendments to the Resolution. She stated that the finding within Section 1 of the Resolution as written by staff had been based on the applicants' application and the sign code and therefore were not met. She continued by stating that it was her opinion that the conditions within Section 2 of the Resolution were where the findings were met. Griswold supported the concerns of Roach' . The Commission discussed the issues of the findings based upon the applicants' application and concluded that staff should have submitted two Resolutions to the Commission. One based upon the wishes of the applicant and one based upon the code and staff recommendations. Motion Withdrawn Motion (SmithlRoach') Amend Resolution 2005-18, Section 1, Item 3c. Delete all verbiage and replace with "This finding has been met by the conditions of the sign ordinance variance by reducing the height ofthe sign to twenty (20) feet to lessen the visual impact in the Harbor Commercial (He) Zoning District. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Smith) Amend Resolution 2005-18, Section 2, Condition 2. add "which includes the internally illuminated fuel price panels" Motion Passed Unanimous HoW voiced concerns that the final approval of the variance should come back before the Commission once the location of the sign was approved by staff. The Commission noted that the location of the sign on the applicants lease parcel be handled by staff. Vote of Main Motion as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business Discussion of Appeal Procedures The Commission discussed the procedures for the findings of an Appeal Process. It was determined that the exact procedures from start to finish be written and approved by the Commission. Concerns were voiced that the appeal decision be reviewed by the body and approved 'pU~ lllnos ~lll re s.I!1ns ~lll Ol ~np }[fUMpmoq ~lll uo sw~:mo:) yay p~ss~ldx~ (l[oH l~UO!SS!UlUlO;) ':)!Iqnd ~lll Ol1lU!l!AU! m~dd11lOU P!P P~P!AOld }[ll1M~P!S ~lllll1lll P~lllS ~H 'l~lOll ~lllloJ sl~lsdump ~lll Ol SS~:):)l1 pUll S~l>>oq ~Ulldold ~lll Ol SS~:):)l1 'l~U!lllUO:) fUsods!p 1lU!}[OWS '~:)UllllU~ ~~Aoldw~ Ull P~U!llluO:) ll:)!llM '}[fUM~P!S 1lu!lU~dd11 ~ll1A!ld MOlmU 11 Sl1M l! ll1lll 1lU!llllS 'l~lOll ~lll JO ~1lp~ l{llou ~lllll1 P~P!AOld u~~q pllll ll1lll }[ll1M~P!S ~lll P~M~!A~l UMOlg '~1lUllll:) Pl~Y 11 UllllllUll:)Y!U1l!S ~lOW SllM ~nU~AY lllIDod Ol }[ll1Mpmoq :)!Iqnd ~lllJo UO!P~uuo:) ~llllOJ S~1lUllll:) uon11:)ol ~lllll1lllll~J l~A~MOll ~UO!PTIllSUO:) 1lU!JTIP m:):)o P!P "S~1lUllll:) PPY" ll1lll p~1lP~IMOU}[:)l1 UMOlg '~nU~A Y lllIDOd Ol UO!P~uuo:) lu~mdd11 ou 1ll!M lOI1lU!}[md ~lll OlU! 1lU!p~~:)old u~lll pUll }[fUMpmoq lU~lm:) ~lll JO pu~ ~lll Ol1lu!}[ll1M :)!Iqnd ~lll p~Al~sqo plll{lJllls Sl!S!A ~l!S fUl~A~S 1lU!JTIP ll1lll P~loU ~H 'l~:)md l~lOll ~lllJo ~1lp~ lSOWW~l{llou ~lllll1 P~P!AOld ~q Ol SllM }[111Mpmoq :)!Iqnd ~lll pUll ~nU~AY lllIDod u~~Ml~q UO!P~uuo:) ~lllll1lll u~~q SA11MfU plll{ UO!SS!lffiUO;) ~lllJo lU~lU! ~lllllll{l1lU!PUlllSl~Pun S!ll SllM l! ll1lll P~llllS UMOlg 'lllnos ~lll Ol p:)md ~Sl1~1 Ploll ~lll pUll .Il1J~pUllS 11AUll.L Aq l{llOU ~lll Ol P~Sll~1 S~!ll~dold ~lll U~~Ml~q lU~W~Sll3: ~S[l :)!Iqnd lOOJ ~z; ~lll u!lll!M P~ll1:)O'l 'All~dOld ~lllJo pu~ l{llou ~lllll1 UO!P~UUO:) }[fUMpmoq :)!Iqnd ~lll P~:)l1ld SUllld ~l!S pUll suo!ssn:)s!p fU!l!U! ~lllll1lll P~lOU UMOlg 'l~UUllld AlD puo:)~s pUll 'l~lSllW lOqmH pUO:)~S 'lop~dsUJ 1lU!pnng lllIDoJ ~lll 'l~1l11UllW Al!;) lllIDoJ ~lll SllM P~fOld S!lll UO 1lU!}[lOM AllU~lm:) llll{l P~lOU ~H 'P~fOld Ploll ~llUo UO!PTIllsuo:) pUll1lU!>>!Ull~d ~lll1lu!lnp JJ11lS JO l~AOuml ~1lml11 p~:)u~!l~dx~ P11ll Al!;) ~lllll1lll P~llllS ~H 'P~fOld ~lll u!l{l!M Al!nU!lUo:) ~P!AOld Ol Sl1M ls~nb~l S!llllOJ lJllls JO lU~lU! ~lllll1lll P~llllS UMOlg ".lOq.luH JU09: lIuwS 3qJ O! 13JoH SS3.1dx3: 001 AUP!lOH 3qJ .I0J 3n03AV qJ,lnoJl OJ OOH330003 }[(UAlp.luoq 3!1qnd 3qJ JO OOHU301 3qJ .I0J J03JO! S, OO!SS!WWO:J 3qJ ~O!W33003 OOHUP03WW033.1 3J(UW pOU Al3!A31I SS30!Sn9: Al3N '~mlIlJ m~u ~lll U! l~1l11UllW Al!;) ~lll Aq p~lnp~ll:)s ~q Ol UO!SS~S }[lOM ~lll1lU!lTIP P~lpUllll pUll p~ssn:)s!p ~q Ol SllM UO!SS!UlUlO;) ~lll PUlllpunO;) AlD ~lll U~~Ml~q UOS!ll!I ~ll.L 'UO!SS!WWO;) ~lll OlllOd~l ~lll ~P!AOld pUll ~WO:) Oll~JJn11lS ~l!AU! Ol p~l~~lunloA PIOMS!lD 'S1lUn~~W ~lllll1 llod~l 11 ~P!AOld Ol ~yq11l!llA11 ~q pynOM ~AnlllU~S~ld~l ~lllll1lll p~dOll PUlllUllllOdUl! 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She noted that the easement had been referred to in the current packet as well as many times in previous packets on the same parceL She stated that the plan for many years had been to provide public access to the public boardwalk through that Public Use Easement. She voiced concern that according to the applicant, the Public Use Easement had been removed from the lease agreement. Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Suspend the rules to allow public comment on the Public Use Easement. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Tanya Sandefur, inside the City, explained that the Public Use Easement had been placed on the property by the Alaska Railroad in 1996 following a favorable arbitration agreement to provide connection between Fourth Avenue and the future public boardwalk along the east side of the property. She noted that at that time the plan was to landscape the twenty-five (25) foot Public Use Easement with benches and shrubs to provide an inviting access to the public boardwalk. She noted that she had requested but had not received comment from the Alaska Railroad on the continued plans for the Public Use Easement. In response to Keil, Sandefur stated that the Public Use Easement exists within the lease agreements with the Alaska Railroad (ARR) however the ARR and the leaseholders were currently working on platting the ARR property and the Public Use Easement was being discussed. Back on the record HoW noted she concurred with staff that the narrow sidewalk at the north end of the hotel building was uninviting to the public and not what she felt the intent was for the connection from the public boardwalk to Fourth Avenue. Griswold dittoed the feelings expressed by HoW and staff. Keil noted that she had accessed the public boardwalk by going through the hotel and did not feel uncomfortable; she noted that she wanted the information from the ARR on the Public Use Easement before making any recommendations on the connection. Hohl stated that she felt the change of the location for the connection of the public boardwalk to Fourth Avenue was a significant change and she felt it required a ruling by the Commission. Roach' noted she had walked the area and felt like a trespasser when she was on the north end of the building. '){lllMP.rnoq uoollll1 ~tp uo sull!S l~UUllq 1llll~m llUllq Ol p~nU!lUO::l AlD ~qlllltp P~llllS lqoH s.lauut~g (pa.L!nba.L uou:m oN) -Sl-IodalI PU8 sman 18u098m.loJuI 'UO!SS~S ){lOM !;OOl 'Ol l~qW~ld~S ~qllOJ ::l!dOl ~ql Slll! l~S pUll Al!lo!ld II SllM ~PO;) llU!){.rnd Al!;) ~tpJo M~!A~lllltp p~~l1lll UO!SS!UlWO;) ~q.l '~woq llllu~um::lOp ~tp Y~l pllq l~A~MOq UO!S!A~l Ylllp II UO P~){lOM pllq pUll SlU~W~l!llb~lllU!){.rnd Yav ~tp pllq ~qs llltp P~lOU lqoH 'W~l! UO!SS~S ){lOM II SU p~SS~lppllls~q ~q ~pO::l llu!){.rnd ~ql JO M~!A~llllql p~pU~UlWO::l~l ~H 'UO!lU~nll S!q Ol ~PO;) llU!){.rnd AlD JO SlU~W~l!nb~llU~lln::l ~ql1~AO SW~::lUO::l p~ss~ldx~ pllq ::l!lqnd ~tp pUll Sl~UO!SS!UlWO;) Jll1~A~S lllql P~llllS UM01g apo;) ~uPI.l8d AlD p.l8MaS aqJ OJ SUO!S!Aa.l papuamm03a.l JO UO!SSn3S!(I 'llU!l~~W l~qw~ld~S ~tp III UO!SS!UlWO;) ~tp ~lOJ~q ){::lllq lqlln01q ~q P~lS!X~ AnU~llfi::l l! SlllU~W~Sll3 ~SI1 ::l!Jqnd ~quo UO!lllU!Ull~l~P II p~ls~nb~l UO!SS!UlWO;) ~q.l '~nU~AY tpIDO d Ol uO!l::l~UUO::l ~tp pUlllU~W~SU3 ~S I1 ::l!Jqnd ~tp ssn::ls!p Ol p~nU!lUO::l UO!SS!UlWO;) ~q.L 'M~!A~llOJ UO!SS!UlWO;) ~tp ~lOJ~q ){::lllq ~WO::l Ol P~l!fib~l SUM pUll ~llUllq::l lOfllW II SUM l~loq ~ql JO pu~ tplou ~ql Ol All~d01d ~tp JO pu~ tplou ~ql WO.IJ ){JllMp.rnOq ~ql Ol UO!P~UUO::l ~tp JO ~llUllq::l ~tp lPJ ~qS 'p~A01ddll u~~q pllq llltp Ullld ~l!S ~tp SUM SS~::lOld l!Ull~d ~sI11lluo!l!pUO;) ~tp llu!lfiP P~M~!A~l u~~q pllq lllql Ullld ~l!S ~qllllql P~llllS lqoH salD.l aqJ uo }(38g 'll~.rn SS~::l::lll ~sn Ull!lls~p~d ::l!lqnd lllOU SUM ll~.rn ~tp U~qM ~ ~tp WO.IJ P~SU~l ~q llltp All~d01d uo ){lllMP.rnoq ~ql Ol UO!P~UUO::l ~P!A01d Ol W!q ~l!nb~l Ol ~Jqlluosu~mn SUM l! ll~J ~q llltp P~llllS ~H 'llU!Pl!llq ~tpJo pu~ qllou ~tp III ){lllMP.rnoq ~tp lOJ ~nu~AY tpIDod Ol UO!P~UUO::l II P~P!A01d pllq ~q llltp P~llllS ~H 'llu!){.rnd 10J llu!sn MOU SUM pUll p~Alld pllq ~q q::l!qM 'lU~w~SU3 Al!l!lI1 ::l!Jqnd II OlU! P~Wlll pUll P~lll::lllA u~~q pllq lU~w~su3 ~sI1 ::l!Jqnd ~tp llll[l P~llllS n!fild '~UOp puq ~q P~llllS ~q q::l!qM ~){lllMP.rnoq ~tp pUll ~nu~AY qllllod U~~M.l~q UO!l::l~UUO::l II ~P!A01d Ol p~l!nb~l OSlll SUM ~q P~lOU ~H '~uop pllq ~q P~llllS ~q q::l!qM ~All~dOld P~sll~l S!q JO ~P!S lSll~ ~ql JO tp1lu~l llllJ lluolll ){lllMP.rnoq II ~P!A01d ~q llltp SUM l!Ull~d ~sI11lluo!l!pUO;) ~tp JO SUO!l!PUO::l ~tp JO ~uo llltp P~lOU ~H .~ ~tp wO.IJ w~ql P~sll~l pllq ~q pUll sPUlll~P!l ~ql p~UMO ~ ~tp PllJ U! lllq.L 'lOq.rnq ~tp JO ll~.rn llltp U! sPUlll~P!l ~tp UMO lOU P!P AlD ~q.L 'All~dOld ~su~l s!l[Jo lllld su"IDlY ~tp WO.IJ ll~.rn ~ql P~sll~l ~q llltp P~llllS ~H 'll~.rn SS~::l::lll ::l!lqnd lllOU PllJ U! SUM ){lllMP.rnoq ::l!lqnd II su p~ssn::ls!p iJU!~q ll~.rn ~tp llltp UO!SS!UlWO;) ~ql Ol P~llllS 'l~Ploq~SU:ll All:ldOld :lql su 'mn.ld m!f JuaSUO;) snom!U8Un "}(8ads OJ mD.ld MOll8 OJ salD.l aqJ puadsns OJ JsanbalI 09S a3vd 'f:auJnfoA saJnuWi UO!SS!UlULOJ 3u!UUVId f:OOl '6 Jsn3nV vJ[svW 'pJVMasJo N!J City of Seward, Alaska August 9, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 561 She suggested that the City apply for a sign variance to allow banners on the boardwalk. She noted that it was inappropriate for the City to hang banners, not complying with the code while expecting the public to comply by not hanging banners. Griswold stated that the post office had recently displayed an illegal banner, noting that banner signs were currently showing up everywhere. Brown stated that the Community Development office had just held a meeting with the Seward Phoenix Log regarding banner and political signs. It had been planned to provide information and education to the public through a news article on these types of signs. Motion (KeillRoach') Move items B. Procedure to Cancel a meeting. C. Political Signs. D. Floodplain permits to the next agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Commission Comments Commission waved their comments to allow time for public comment at this time. Citizens' Comments Jim Pruitt, inside the City. Stated that the hotel (Holiday Inn Express) was ADA compliant. He again wished to express to the Commission that the boardwalk was not a public boardwalk, he requested that the Commission make that distinction. Kevin Clark, inside the City. He supported the concept that changes to the site plan for the hotel were "field changes" and should not require the Commissions review. Tayna Sandefur, supported the recommendation to review the policy and procedures for the appeal process. She requested that the Lease Policy and Procedures be added to the City Code so that they were required to be followed for every lease. Commission Comments Griswold, requested that residents from outside the City be allowed to pump septic tanks into the City system. She stated that business was currently being lost to out of town businesses. Motion (Rohlf ) Suspend the rules to go beyond the sunset hour to allow comment on Citizens Comments. Motion Failed Lack of Second nu~ ~ IP~BUUBue r '. ~J,-,/ / -." C .' I \ / ./ ., ' ... "r::tq \:; ,-~ f) .:.-t.~. ~ .J ',.,..: /f' ',lift, ~,I'l ~. ti t ;>.~ ...:!~l!3-"'>"-~" > .4", 'V\. '"':';""~".". '''f t~ .," "V" I?".. uP) t;" ..~ -n- o. ~ l \ ~ " rr'- ":-: c-t . u ,~ .1, [';:'';.. f:J : 0 ~ "" ~ ;:' ".~, ...~.. ".; "..:'.,'/ D'''.:': "'~"'>?jOd'~O .... <) .'" (lll;)S Al!::>) ,",':""."'.1"..~:::.". ~~ 61/,/' "< !->V'~"f'''' ~r~_ t....p ~..v ....<t..'.,,\"'~}~ :;~'v "- ,(~~~~ "'''':&:;t~:n,'iv.'ii. Jk/10. '. ' J" j;" , '/I/e/ lUlllS!SSY 'ilU!lfiIllld ZU;)IO llUU09 ViJ/c{J)(J '_/ .tud ZO: lllll ~U!l;)::ltu ::ll{l P::lUJTIOfPll mOR psunS lU<lwwnofpy <'::9 <; a30d '[; aUJnfOA salnu/w UO/SS/UlUlO;) 3u/uuo/d moz '61sn3nv /YJfsvfV 'p.lOiIWSfO N.I;) City of Seward, Alaska September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 563 Call to order The September 6, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Tom Smith, Vice-Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Tom Smith presiding, and Carol Griswold Lynn Hohl Sandie Roach' Steve Schafer Kay Strobel comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Clark Corbridge, City Manager Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant absent was: Marianna Keil - excused City Administration Report Planner, Malcolm Brown updated the Commission of the following business items: * The exchange of privately owned lands within the Two Lakes Park was all but completed. The parcels privately owned by Don Ennis and Diane Carlson had been exchanged for City owned lands adjoining their parcels outside the park. * Staff had been directed to research the partial vacation of Washington Street for the Mary Lowell Center. * The Historic Preservation Commission held several work sessions on the Jesse Lee Home, focusing on finding a designated user. * Gary Williams with the Costal Zone Management had noted that if the Planning Commission wanted to comment on the Costal Zone Management Plan a time extension request was needed. * The Department of Transportation was currently waiting on the environmental study from the consultants on the Airport Master Plan. It was currently hoped to have the Plan ready for review by mid October. * Brown noted that he had continued to work on the annual review for the ISO Floodplain renewal. (lO{ ~uPImd ;}lpjO s;}nss! ;}lp ;}A{OS;}l OllJUlS lp!M )(lOM;}q lUlp P;}PU;}WWO:>;}l SUM n) ';}U!I10 lno SUM P;}A!;}:>;}l puq;}q l;}ll;}{ ;}ql pUU SlU;}W;}l!nb;}l ;}PO:> Al!J ;}lp Ol p;}d!lls SUM lO{ ~u!)(md ;}lplUlp P;}lUlS;}H '{;}lOH UUI AUP!{OH ;}ql lU ~u!)(md ;}lp ~U!pm~;}l P;}A!;}:>;}l puq ;}q l;}ll;}{ U Ol )(U;}ds Ol ;}Wn {UUO!l!PPU p;}lS;}nb;}l ll!nld '~U!PHnq ;}lpjO PU;} qllON ;}qllU P;}P!AOld U;};}q puq )({UMpmoq ;}lp Ol SS;}:>:>U :>!(qnd ;}lplUlp P;}lUlS;}H 'lU;)W;}SU;} )(:>uq l;}S ~U!PHnq lOOj ~Z U Ol P;}~uuq:> U;};}q puq lU;)W;}SU;} ;}Sn :>!(qnd lOOj ~Z ;}qllUlp MOqS Oll;})(:>ud lU;}llll:> ;}ql U! UOnUUllOJU! puq UO!SS!WWOJ ;}lplUlp P;}lOU;}H 'Ap;}dOld SS;}ldX3 UUI AUP!(OH ;}qljO ;}U!( Ap;}dOld qlloN ;}ql UO lU;}W;}SU;} ;}Sn :>!(qnd ;}ql Ol ;})(OdS ll!nld 'AlD ;}ql ;}P!SU! 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He stated he had brought this issue before City Council several times. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (GriswoldIHohl) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (GriswoldIHohl) Amend the Agenda and the Consent Agenda as follows: Griswold removed items 9C and D, June 7, 2005 and August 2,2005 meeting minutes, from the consent agenda. She added items 8B. Flood Board Liaison; 8C. Discussion of time extension for the Coastal Zone Management Plan. Items lOE. Citizen concerns; lOF. Zoning Changes; lOG. Information on the Joint Work Session with Council. Hohl removed item 9B, Reschedule of October 2005 meeting, from the consent agenda and added item 9F, Discussion of September Work Session Agenda. Motion passed Yes: Hohl, Griswold, Strobel, Schafer No: Roach', Smith Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearings Resolution 2005-19, recommending Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of Lots 3,4 and 5, Block 9, Original Townsite of Seward, Lindsey Replat. Motion (StrobellHohl) Approve Resolution 2005-19 Brown stated Cline and Associates had submitted a replat of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 9 OTS to vacate an interior lot line combining Lots 3 and 4 creating a 5,562 square foot parcel. The replat also moved the north lot line of Lot 5 several feet to the North creating Lot 5A, a 3,455 square foot parcel. He noted that a single structure was located on the proposed parce15A. Staff recommended approval of the replat. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Hohl voiced concern that the Resolution did not state that the neighboring property owners had been notified. U;}U!JM P;}P;};}U ;}tp]O IfR AIddns Ol ;}{qU SUM UO!SS!WUIOJ;}tp P;}P!AOld UO!lnIOS;}"M ;}tp]O fRAOlddu ;}tp p;}Jjoddns UO!lUllS!U!wpR Wtp llU!lRlS Aq P;}PUOdS;}l ;}lIP!lqlOJ "UO!lnIOS;}"M ;}tp]O lU;}W;}UOdlSOd lO fRAOlddu lO] UOnUllS!U!wpU ]0 UOnupU;}WWO:l;}l ;}tp UO UOnU:lY!lRp U p;}lS;}nb;}l flIoH OP;}lJ~U SUO!lUPU;}WWO:l;}l UU lJl!1\\. pmM.lo] S;}oll AfUo uO!lnIos;}"M ;}tp lUlJl ;}ms ;})[RW O;}lU!ldOlddu ;}l;}M SI;};}] UO!SS!wwoJ ;}lJllUlJl suonupU;}WWO:l;}ll;}tpO AUR lnq uO!lnIos;}"M ;}tp ]0 I UO!P;}S ll! ;}puw ;}l;}MlUtp SUO!lUPU;}WWO:l;}l ;}tp]O IfR AfUo lOU 'AIfT\pm:ll;}p!suoJ (Z OSl;}PURIS lO SlU;}WWO:l fRUOSl~ AUR llU!MoIfR lOU ';}PO:l ;}tp]O spunoq U! suo!ssms!p UU d;};}"'{ Ol 'llU!l;};}W llJ1l!l Al;}A U PIolJ Oll!RlJ:l ;}tp p;}llRmO:lu;};}H (I "W;}l! S!tp llu!Ul;}:lUO:l UO!SS!wwoJ ;}tp]O SlS;}nb;}l OMl pUlJ UOnUllS!U!WPU lUlJl P;}lRlS ;}llP!lqlOJ "llU!l;};}W ;}lJl ;}lOpq lsnf lUR:l!{ddu ;}lJl Aq UPU;}llu ;}lJl WOl] P;}Und U;};}q pUlJ lnq 1700Z l~W;}AON U! 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P;}lln:lUO:l tp!WS pUR ,lJ:luo"M lJWg OP;}SOdOld SUMlUtp ;}dulJs ,JoyllulJ" PPO;}tp tp!1\\. W;}:lUO:l P;}:l!OA PYOMS!lD snOW!UUUfl P3SSUd uOHoW pUU !u~!S 33HoU 3!1qnd U qJ!M p3Jsod SUM ,\J.I3dO.ld 3qJ puu 'UO!S!A!pqns p3sodo.ld 3qJ JO P3YHoU 3.13M UO!S!A!pqns P.lUM3S JO 3J!SUMOl. IUU!~!-IO 6 }(30IH S pUU t 'f SJO'l 3qJ JO J33J OOf U!qJ!M S.l3UMO ,\J.I3do.ld 'IUAO.lddu JUld OJ suompuo:) SIO"IO"91 00933S 3pO:) AJD p.IUM3S Aq p3.1!Db3.1 su 'SY:nl3:HA\ ppu '61-S00Z 00HDloS311 PU3WY (PIOMS!-I~lIqoID oOHoW 99 S atJvd '~ aUlnloA sa}nU!W UO!SS!UlUlOJ tJuJUuv/d mOl '9 .JaqUlaJdas v'fsvlV 'p.JVMaS!o ND City of Seward, Alaska September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 567 conditions ofthe plat; however if the Commission did not feel the requirements of the plat had been met then he recommended the Commission take the required action to assure the needed requirements were addressed. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Mike Fretwell, Alaska Railroad Manager of Land Services. He stated that the plat as presented had not shown many of the needed elements. He encouraged the Commission not move forward until all the information was depicted on the plat. He requested that the plat show and provide easements for all existing utilities and access to the existing Alaska Railroad parcels to the east. Fretwell spoke strongly against the plat as presented. James Pruitt, inside the City. Stated that he was the lease holder of the portion north ofthe "J" Dock access. He reminded the Commission that when he had been before the Commission requesting to lease the northern portion of the "sliver", the Commission had adamantly opposed any development on the portion south of"J" Dock. The portion south of"J" Dock was recommended to remain public parking. Spoke very strongly against the plat as presented. (Note: To be sure there is no misinterpretation of Carter 's presentation a verbatim transcript has been included) Paul Carter, inside the City. Requested additional time. Carter stated "that he hoped the Commission understands fully what is before them and the issues at hand. What is not up for discussion is the building. The building and the site development plan have already been approved by the City Council as was set forth in the executed lease. Additionally and most importantly to understand the replat coming before the (you) our replat and not the Seward planning departments replat. They have no right or authority to replat the land by themselves. It was unfortunate that we were unable to meet with the Seward planning department to review the replat before it came to your attention. I did request it and never heard anything from the planning department. We do not approve of Mr. Brown's replat that is before you and feel that once again, because ofthis last minute unnoticed changes to our replat, making our lot un-buildable. This seems to be a long term goal of Mr. Brown. This is not only not in our best interest, but not in the City's best interest as well. Mr. Brown appears to be attempting to erode our City lease. (Note: The Chair requested Carter stop the personal attack on Brown) We request our replat be approved as is or that our replat be approved with your recommendations and forwarded to the Council. Mariner's Landing, LLC does not approve of section 2, in Mr. Brown's letter, and will not abide by it or recognize it as a legally binding resolution without Mariner's Landing final approval. What reasons I have drawn from the September 6, 2005 memo, which is in your packet, from Mr. Brown and Mr. Corbridge regarding our lease. . . ., as well as our own City lease provisions binding us, is not only to us but the City of Seward, for as long as these discrepancies in the letter that even appear to be, to be misleading. They are statement 1). The land to the East of us is land-locked; is absolutely false. The City pays, and has for years the Alaska Railroad for permits that allows public access to the "J" dock ramp as well as provide for access to the Railroad property East of our lot. If the planning department would enforce the City Code and SUR<'lUI <'lU!ll<'lM.<'lS p<'lz!IDsS<'lld 11 S! l! ll1lfl Pl1J <'lllL o4md01d roo OlU! Ap<'llSlla <'llOUI UM1llp l! p<'llURM. AI!l1l11Nlll pUR '3U!M.1llp <'llfllfl!M. Addl1qun <'l1<'lM. S{1l!:)!IJO Al!;) l<'lUIlOJ <'llfl JO <'lUIOS AlD <'llfl JO lS<'lnb<'ll ;)llJ ll1 ){:)l1q <'lUl1l:) lOA;)A.ffiS ;)lfl U<'lqM. pUR Alllpunoq lS<'lM. <'lql '3uOll1 uru lllql S! <'lU!ll<'lM.<'lS P<'lZ!IDsS;)ld <'lql <'ll<'lqM. AIl:)l1X<'l <'lA01d UR:) ;)UO ou lSl!d onOA Ol <'l{ql1Hl1Al1 ;)pl1UI U;)<'lq lOu Sllq q:)~M.l! JO AlOlS~ <'llfl M.;)!A;)l Ol puy Ol! '3U!Plll'3<'ll Al!;) <'lql Ol SI!1lUI;) 11ll;)A;}S lU<'lS <'lAl1q I 'lU;)UI;)Sll<'l <'lU!ll<'lM.<'lS ;)ross;)ld lOOJ OE <'llfl Ol Splll'3<'ll UI o:)!dOl <'llnUI 11 <'lUIO:)<'lq <'lAllq p{noqs <'lnss! <'llfl '<'lU!ll<'lM.<'lS <'llfl ;)AOUI<'ll Ol p<'l<'ll'31l ;)qs U<'ll(A\ '{1l<'lddl1 l!ldy <'llflll1 p<'lllllS <'lqs Sll l<'lUIUInS <'llfl JO PU;) <'llflll1 S<'lU!ll<'lM.<'lS <'llfl '3U!AOUI<'ll JO SlU<'lUI<'lllllS :)!lqnd S,.RlJ<'lpURS oSW ;)pnpu! lU;)UIll1ld<'lp '3U!UURld <'lqll,UP!P AqM. u!1l'3l1 pUR .RlJ<'lpURS oSW Aq P;)lOU'3! SllM. l! U;)l(A\ 'l<'lll<'l1 PURUI;)P plllM.<'lS JO Al!;) <'llfl lfl!M. l<'llJll<'ll;)lfl AIllOqS p<'lAOUI<'ll U<'l<'lq <'lAllq Plnoqs A<'llfllllql SUOSll;)l Al<'lA <'lql10J lP<'lUI lnoql!M. pUR '3U!p1!<'lIS!UI AIIlllOl S! SlU<'lUI<'lSll<'l <'ll!nb<'ll pUR p;)p!d;)p ;)q Ol P;);)U S;)U!l ;):)!Al;)S pUR s;)!l!I!ln I11l llllfl UO!lllZP;)pll111q:);)llL "'3U!PUR'l Sl<'lU!l1lW lOU S;)u!llu<'lUIdol;)A;)P ;)ll1Apd 11 S;)U!I l<'lM.;)S S ,.RlJ;)PURS oSW P;)I{1l:) lSlY lllql PlllM.;)S JO AlD ;)lfl SllM. n 'P;)A01ddll SllM.lllqM. pUR lSlld;)lfl U! p;)u~dllq Sllq ll1qM. ;);)S p{no:) nOA os l<'l){:)l1d Z'8d ;)lfl U! P;)pnl:)U! UO!PnJlsuo:) 10J U! S;)U!llU<'lUIdOPA;)P l;)M.;)S ;)ll1A!ld ;)lfl '3U!llnd l;)q OllO!ld Ol P;);)l'3ll PlllM.;)S JO Al!;) ;)qll1lqM. '3u!Umno roJ;)PURS sW Ol U;)llpM. l<'lll<'l1 {1lU!'3po <'lql pUR l;)ll;)1 S!lfll, USllM. Al(A\ 'vOOl '6l l;)qUI;)AON P;)lllp AlD ;)ql UIOlj I1llU;)UI;)lddns Slll;)ll;)1 PURUI;)P ;)lfl U! p;)Umno Sll UOSll;)l <'lqJ. OUI;)lfl ;)AOUI;)l Ol PlllM.;)SJO Al!;);)lfl UIOlj l;)ll;)1 PURUI;)P vOOl '6l l;)qUI;)AON II P;)ldUI01d q:)!lfA\ "U! S;)U!I 1;)M.;)s ;)lfllnd ;)qs U;)qM. p;)U!Ilno Al!;) <'llfl UIOlj l;)ll;)1 II Sll UI;)lSAS Al!I!ln Al!;) ;)lfl JO ll1ld 1110U ;)1;)M. 'AIlU<'lURUIl;)d .RlJ;)PURS 'sW Ol P;)lURl'iJ lOU ;)1;)M. SlU;)UIq:)1l01:)U;) Al!I!ln;)llL 0 Al1;)d01d roo uo SlU<'lUIq:)1l01:)U;) Al!I!ln ;)ll1Apd 10J SlU;)UI;)Sll<'l 10J P;);)U ;)lfl S;)llllS u!1l'3l1 UM01H 'JW OUI;)UI S,UM01H olWJO UO!llOd SUO!S!A01d Al!I!ln <'lql1;)pun PUV oqlP!M. ;)ql '3u!pnpU! 101 ;)lflJo SUO!SU;)UI!P ;)ql ql!M. S'3U!M.1l1P Sn01;)UInU U! P;)Uffil ;)Al1q <'l M. oURld ;)l!S pUR ;)Sll;)1 P;)A01ddll H:)unO;) Al!;) roo l;)d '3u!PHnq II '3U!PnJlSUO:) AP1;)UI ;)lll <'lM. PURl ;)lfl '3U!p!A!pqns lOU ;)lll ;)M. l;)qlJnd ';)l;)qM.OU APlnlosql1 lO'3 pUR lllld;)l ;)lfl ssn:)s!p Ol UO!ll111S!U!UIpll AlD ;)lfl lfl!M. S'3U!l;);)UI 10J P;)){Sll ;)M. u!1l'3y 's;)nss! ){{1lM.;)P!S <'llfl JO ;)UIOS ol SPlll'3;)l U! lnoqll '3u!"'II1ll S! ;)q llllfl ){{1lM.;)P!S ;)lfl S! l! SS;){lln l;)PlOq lS<'l M. ;)ql '3UO{1l AllM. JO lq;J!l :)!lqnd ou SllM. ;)l;)llL oURld ;)l!S P;)A01ddll UR pUR '3U!PHnq 1l1OJ SIIl1:) Ap1!;)l{1l OlU! P;)l;)lU;) Apl1;)l{1l S! ;)Sll<'ll ;)lfl U;)qM. IpunO;) AlD ;)lfl ss;)n'3 puo:);)S Ol ApOqAUR Ol dn lOU OSll1 S! n 'S! lU;)UIll1ld;)p ;)lY ;)ql ;)l;)qM. uo p;);)dS Ol dn lOU ;)lll nOA ,(nos Ul1l I OM.OU lq;JP S;)!ll;)dOld qloq OlUO SS;):):)ll ;)lY S! ;)l;)ql 'S;)URI ;)lY ;)lll ;)l;)qlJ<'l~:) ;)lY ;)lfllfl!M. l<'lUI ;)Allq ;) M. O;)UI!lll1lflll1 p<'lU!Ilno Sll P;)U!Ilno S;)URI ~ ;)lfllfl!M. Al!;) ;)lfl OlU! P;)Uffil ;)q II!M. '3U!M.1llp ll~q-Sll ;)lfl P;)qs!llJ S! '3U!PI~q ;)lfl U;)qM. pUR S;)URI ;)lY P;)lll:)!P;)P AIlU;)lID:) <'llll ;)l;)llL 'P;)AOUI;)l ;)q S;)U!l l;)M.;)S ;)ll1Apd '3U!q:)1l01:)U;) ;)qllllql1;)ll;)1 PURUI;)P vOOl '6l l;)qUI;)AON S,PlllM.;)S JO Al!;) ;)ql PU!q~ PUlllS ;)M. M.OU U;)A;) pUR lSlld ;)ql U! sy OP;)lURl'3 U;);)q l;)A;) ;)Al1q SlU;)UI;)Sll;) OU pUR UI~SAS l;)M.;)S Al!;) ;)lfl JO ll1ld lOU ;)lll A;)lfl 'S;)UH l;)M.;)S '3U~:)1l01:)U;) <'lll1Apd ;)ql ol SPlll'3;)l ql!M. P;)UIlOJU!S!UI OSll1 P1l01I!1l1ll1){SllIY;)llL OlU;)UIll1ld<'lp '3U!UURld <'llfl ~S!l1lS P{noqs l! op Ol '3U!o'3 S! ;)qs llllfl Z'8 d ;)lfl Ol P;)ll!Ulpll ;)qs llllfl PllJ;)llL . AUOUI!lS;)l :)Hqnd l;)q U! S;)UH l;)M.;)S '3U!q:)1l01:)U;) ;)lfl ;)AOUI<'ll Ol '3U!O'3 Pl1J U! SllM. ;)qs llllfl {1l;)ddy '3u!PUll'] Sl;)U!l1lW l!ldy ;)lflll1 ApOq s!lfl ;)lOJ;)q P;)ll!UIp1l.RlJ;)PURS oSW l;)lflIDd 'P;)lURl'3 ;)q ol '3U!O'3 ;)lll SlU;)UI;)Sll;) ou AI;)lnlosqy ';)U!llU;)UIdOPA;)P ;)lllA!ld '3U!q:)1l01:)U;) lfl!M. UO!l!sod II U;)){1ll Apll;)llll Sllq PlllM.;)S JO Al!;) ;)ql Sll '3U!p1!;)IS!UI Al<'lA OS{1l S! s;)!l!I!ln JO S;):)u;)s;)ld ;)qJ. 'lpM. Sll PURl roo JO lSlla Al1;)dOld ;)lfl Ol SS;):):)ll w;)lflnos II '3u!M.oI{1l OSll1 ;)lll ;) M. ":)!lqnd {1ll;)U;)'3 ;)lfl pUR Sl~UI~UI qnIJ lq:)1l A plllM.~S ~lfl 'plllnD lS110;) Sfl ~llJ Aq p~sn S! lUql Al1M. JO l~!l p~Alld II llJ!M. PlllnD lS1l0;) Sfl ~llJ pu~~q SS;):):)l1 OS{1l S! ;)l;)llL "SS<'l:):)ll ){:)op ,J" ;)llJ ~nollflllJnos pUR lflloN ;)llJ UIOlj ;){q!SS<'l:):)ll ;)q p{nOM. SS;):):)l1 <'lllJ P;)AOUI;)l.RlJ;)PURS oSW Aq l{!nq ){:);)P {1l'3;)m ;)llJ ;)Allq 89<:; a'iJvJ '~aumJOA samUIW UOISSIUJUJOJ 'iJuIUUV/J moz '9 .JaqUJaldas V'JfSVfV 'p.JVM3S!o AlIJ City of Seward, Alaska September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 569 that it can be more easily moved than a gravity line so if the City wants a larger easement around the line they will have to move it up Fourth Avenue without making our lot un-buildable. Also in regards to the pressurized sewer main with regards to our lease, section 1.2 of our lease provides: the convenient of (unable to understand tape) xxxxxxx enjoyment subject to the emcumberments as of (unable to understand tape) hereof the lease and any reasonable restriction and impositions on the City lease. Note: time limit expired, applicant was requested to summarize and wrap it up. Section 1.6 on the lease provided: platting in the event (unable to understand tape) the The City agrees to include the leased land in such replat in accordance with the description prepared by the lessee under Section 1.3 herein, and clearly the City has not met the obligation under discussion and the planning department has submitted their own replat without input or description for you to review. Finally 4.2 of our lease: The lessee shall develop the leased land in accordance with the site development plan provided to you and approved by the City through the City Manager. The site development plan is attached to the lease as exhibit C and why haven't you seen that. This is something that has already been approved by the Council and already approved by the City Manager. Why is that not before you? Section 5.3 of the lease provides, that easements may be granted or dedicated over or within portions of the lease land only where such easements and dedications do not interfere with the lessees operations and the cost of locating or relocating any public easement shall be at the sole cost and expense of the requesting party. Clearly any action that makes our lot un- buildable is unreasonable. HoW requested clarification on the statement by Carter that he was not subdividing the land. He stated "No, according to his attorney he was doing nothing more than putting a building on the property, it is not subdividing the property." Hohl asked for clarification as to what was before the Commission. Carter stated that it was a replat which was not a subdivision. Gene Minden, inside the City, Owner of Chinooks Restaurant. He spoke to the access issues of his property. He supported the drive through access that had been in place for many years. He strongly supported the fire access lane be provided. He voiced concerns to the threat by Mariner's Landing to close the access to his property come September 30,2005. Menden noted he had a 1993 letter from the City that acknowledged the connection route of the sewer lines to the sewer main. Andy Mezarow, inside the City, encouraged the administration to make a decision on this project and move on. Brad Snowden, inside the City, requested that the Commission and the administration take into consideration the history of the dealings the City has previously had with the applicant. Tanya Sandefur, inside the City, supported postponement of the replat until such time as all the questions and access issues were addressed. She supported the concerns of staff and the Alaska Railroad. She noted that all utilities needed to be provided for by easement per Borough Code. Sandefur voiced concerns regarding the applicant's threats to close access to properties to the East of 'UO!SS~S ){lOM. U JO U~P! ~ql p~lloddns ~H 'ss~:>:m ~lY ~lunb~pu 1O umUl!ldO llu!lS;mb~l 'p~SS~lppU ~q Ol p~~u SlU~UlUlO:> JJUlS l~qlO lUql 'S~!ll~dOld lu~:>ufpu uo SllU!pI!nq IfB JO UO!lu:>olloJ p~~u ~ql P~lOU puq ~q UO!lnlos~1{ ~ql U! p~lSn SUl~l! U~~YY ~ql Ol UOmppU U! lUql P~lUlS ~H 'p~ss~lppu ~q Ol p~p~~u SUl~l! fBuomppu luqM. AIl:>UX~ JO llU!PUUlSl~pOO qjjnolOql U ~P!^old UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~qllUql p~ls~nb~l ~q 'P~lU~S~ld SUM. l! SU lUId ~ql ql!M. plUMlOJ ~^OUl Ol ~rqu SUM. UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql J! lUql P~lOU ~llP!lqlOJ 'UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql ~lOJ~q lUId ~ql ql!M. ~rqUllOJUlO:> lOU SUM. ~qS 'plUMlOJ ~^OUl lUId UO!s!^!pqns ~ql lUql p~ls~nb~l puq luu:>nddu ~qllUql ~:>uumssu~ puu UO!lU:>Y!l1lP ~qllOJ ~llP!lqlOJ p~){UUql IqoH 'M.~!^~llOJ p~ll!Ulqns~l ~q (170/60/01 uo UMUlp) lUId ~UlUS ~ql luql p~ls~nb~l puq lUU:>nddu ~ql OllU S){~~M. ~~ AI~lUUl!XOlddu lUql P~lUlS ~H .tOOZ l~qUl~^ON U! p~Irnd u~ql puu p~ll!Ulqns puq lUU:>nddu ~qllUql (170/60/01 uo UMUlp) lUId ~UlUS ~ql SUM. UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql ~lOpq AIlu~lln:> lUId UO!s!^!pqns ~qlluql llU!lUlS Aq p~pUOdS~l ~llP!lqlOJ l~llUUUW Al!J 'lUId UO!s!^!pqns ~ql llu!ls~nb~l lUU:>nddu ~ql SUM. lO lUId ~ql llUn:>A:>~l SUM. JJUls J! P~){SU ~qS 'llU!l~~Ul ~ql ~lOJ~q luu:>nddu ~ql Aq upu~jju ~ql Ulo.g P~^OUl~l u~ql puu tOOZJo nUJ ~ql U! p~ll!Ulqns u~~q puq lUqllUId UO!s!^!pqns ~UlUS ~ql SUM. UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql ~lOpq lUId ~ql lUql P~lUlS ~qS "lUId UO!s!^!pqns U llu!ll!Ulqns lOU SUM. ~q luql lUU:>nddu ~ql Aq ~puUl lU~Ul~lUls ~ql uo UO!lU:>Y!l1lP p~ls~nb~l IqoH '~l~IdUlO:>U! SUM. lUId ~qlluql p~lm:>uo:> pqollS 'SS~:>:>U ~lY ~qll~^O SUl~:>UOO lluOllS p~:>!O^ ~qS "~lum:>:>uU! lO llU!SS!Ul ~l~M.lUql SUl~l! lno P~lU!od puqJJUls Al!J IUl~^~S lUql P~lOu ~qS "~l~IdUlO:>U! Al~^ SUM. UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql ~lOJ~q lUId ~qllUql P~lOU PIOM.s!lD 'Sl~UMO All~dOld llU!POOOlmS AUUUl P~l:>~lJu luql suo!ls~nb p~~M.suuoo AUUUl Ol ~l~M. ~l~qlluql p~~jjju ,q:>uo1{ 'p~q:>U~l SUM. S~!llUd P~^IO^U! ~ql U~~M.l~q lU~Ul~~lllU uu su ~Ul!l q:>ns moo p~uodlsod ~q UO!SS!UlUlOJ ~ql ~lOJ~q lUId~l ~qlluql P~ls~llllns l~JUq:>S }fB;Uq aJnU!Ul S B paJsanba.l UO!SS!wm03 .pasop SBM jU!.IBaq 3!lqnd aqJ pUB p.lBaq aq OJ paJsanba.l asp auo ON: 'aImI alY :l{:>op "f" aql 'iluoIu u!1lUllaMas aql OlU! AIl:>al!p 'auH S,){OOU!qJ ~qlJo Jno llulPI!nq lt1J~puuS ~ql UlOl] ~un l;)M.;)S ~ql ;)lU:>Opl Ol P;)UlrnId ~qs P~lUls ~qS '~un l;)M.~S l~qJO fB^OUl~l ;)ql llU!plUll~ll~llUJ Aq ~pUUllU~Ul;)lUlS ~ql P~l:>~llO:> ~qS '~l!S ~su~I ~ql o L S ai/vJ '~ aUJnloA sa}nu!JV UO!SS!UJUJO;] i/U!UUVld ~ooz '9 ./aqUJaJdas v'JIsvfV 'p./VM3S!o N!;] City o/Seward, Alaska September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 571 Smith supported the option of a work session. He noted that he did not support the plat before the Commission as it was drawn. He requested that all the needed information and concerns be available in a matrix format. All concerns need to be addressed. Suspend the rules Patrick Kelly, Alaska Railroad. Noted that the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning office had supplied a list of requirements regarding this plat when the ARRC had submitted the replat of the properties to the East. He noted that the list was a starting place for concerns. Paul Carter, stated. "Part of the problem with what I am hearing you say is as we talked about a this a subdivision or a replat. The reason I didn't agree with your term of subdivision is because the City has already done it. With the site development plan they already approved. The plat that is already signed and attached to the lease that has already been executed. So what I don't want to do is . . . am I willing to sit down and talk about the issues? Sure I will do that but I not willing to reinvent or rewrite the lease that we have already got. The site plan development, with the Council approval, showing where the building is going, showing access. They have already addressed the sewer line issue or they would not have sent the demand letter. Am I willing to talk about it again? You bet. I know we don't have time to explain it all tonight, that's for sure. But that is the concerns that I have that reinventing the wheel, or trying to re-write a lease or documents that we have already executed with the City and have been paying on for two years. That is a concern that I have but I am certainly willing to talk about all your issues and the related issues. We have already dealt with the City Manager and the Council and we have an executed document. I don't want to go all the way back and start bringing in parties that are not related to something we have already that the City has already signed off on. What I don't want to see is this go on for months, we will not tolerate that. We will take whatever remedy we have to. What you suggested two weeks before the next meeting, that's reasonable, in my mind to lay it out. There are a lot of issues you don't know and haven't gotten because this is the first time we have ever been able to speak, even during the appeal we weren't granted the time to speak on our own behalf. Which ended up being appealed to Council, which wasted a lot oftime and energy in going that direction. Ifwe can get one course of action that will get it resolved and get some issues addressed then that is fine. If you will look at the site plan that is already addressed a lot of your questions will already be answered. We have answered the fire issue, we have met with Chief Squires and resolved it. Or we wouldn't have had a modular building in the harbor. So the fire issues have been addressed. Whether it is a modular building or a permanent building it is still a building. He is still concerned about fire. So those are just some of the comments off the top of my head why can't we go back to subdivision versus replat? I know exactly what you are saying but I also know exactly what the City has already done. Which is why I disagree with you and our attorney disagrees with you. HoW stated that the City does not have platting authority. Only the Borough does and it has not gone before the Borough yet so it has not been subdivided, no matter what has been signed. 'suo!ls:mb :lWOS J:lMSUll ;::nrny 'II:lA\l:lJ.'I :l)[!W lRlp p:llS:lnb:lJ IqoH S31D.1 3ql pU3dsns Ol p3lS3nb3.11qoH o:lnU:lAY tpmO.'l Ol )[lRMpmoq :J!Iqnd:llp wOlJ UO!P:luuo:J p:lJ!llb:lJ :llpJo UO!lR:JoI P:lPU:llU! :llp uo :l:JUllp!nll llu!ls:lnb:lJ SRM .J]RlS ':lUJRS:llp U!RW:lJ l!UJJ:ld :lsn fRUO!l!PUO:J pUll Ullld :ll!S :llp JO suompuo:J J:lqlO IIY ')[:JRql:lS llU!pI!nq lOOJ-~Z; R Ol1nlV:llp Aq p:lllUllq:J U:l:lq pRq lU:lW:lSR:l :lSn :J!{qnd :llplRlp p:llRlS :lH 'l:l)[:JRd :lql U! p:lpnpu! SRM pROJI!R"H R)[SRIY :llp wOlJ p:lA!:l:J:lJ lU:lUJll:JOP :llplRlp p:llOU UMOJH 'AlJ:ldoJd :lql JO PU:l qllou :lqllR p:llR:JoI lU:lW:lSR:l :lSn :J!Iqnd lOOJ ~Z; :lql uo UO!lRUJJOJU! J:lqlJTlJ 10J p:luodlsod pUllllU!l:l:lW ~OOZ; '6lsnllny :llplR p:lSsn:JS!p SRM W:ll! :lqllRql p:llRlS UMOJH .Ioq.luH luoH nuws 3ql U! PloH SS3.1dX:il uUI AupgoH 3ql.lOJ 3nU3A V ql.lno.{ Ol UOP33UU03 )fIUMp.IUOq 3gqnd 3ql jO UOPU301 .I0j lU3lU! S,UO!SS!WWO;) 3ql jU!U.l33U03 UOPUPU3WW033.1 3'1UW pUU M3!A31I SS3u!snH p3qS!uyufl snOW!UUUfl p31!U'{ UO!lO:W 'lRld p:lS!A:lJ R JOJ sllU!puy :llp M:l!A:lJ Ol UO!SS:lS )[JOM :llp 10J ~OOZ; 'L I J:lqopO JO :llRP :llp p:lssn:Js!p UO!SS!wwoJ :llJ.L 'UO!lRUJJOJU! p:lJJO:J :llplp!M UMRJp lRld M:lU R :lARq Ol :lw!l :lA!ll U:lql pUll sllU!puy :lql M:l!A:lJ Ol UO!SS:lS )[1OM R Ploq 'uO!lRUJJOJU! :lql :lI!dwo:J Ol :lW!UO tp1lU:lI :l{qRUOSR:lJ R p:lp:l:lU UO!lRllS!U!WpR ')[:JRq UO!lRUJJOJU! lRlpl:lll Ol :lw!l JO q~U:lI :l{qRUOSR:lJ R 'Ol l:)R:lJ Ol sllu!l{l :llp JO lS!I R p:lp:l:lU S:l!llRd p:llS:lJ:llU! :llp JO IfR lRlp P:llOU:lH 'sfRoll :J!lS!fR:lJUll l:lS lOU UO!SS!WWOJ :llplRlp W:l:JUO:J p:l:J!OA:lH 'UO!SS!WWOJ :lql :l1OJ:lq )[:JRq S:lWO:J l! 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He stated change was to protect the property to the North leased by Sandefur from ever having a building blocking her property. In response to Hohl, Fretwell stated that the lessee was not charged for the public boardwalk or public use easement areas of the parcels. Back on the rules Roach' noted that during the public comment period at the August 9, 2005 meeting the applicant had stated that he wished to express to the Commission that the boardwalk was not a public boardwalk; and he requested that the Commission make that distinction. Roach' requested clarification. Hohl noted that Fretwell had clarified the boardwalk and any public use easements were open to the public and not private as the applicant had stated. Roach' stated that the current private sidewalk at the northern comer of the building was not ADA compliant. Motion (HohllRoach') It was the intent of the Commission, when the Conditional Use Permit was approved to require a public boardwalk connecting the harbor boardwalk to the Fourth Avenue sidewalk at the northernmost boundary ofthe property. Hohl stated that she felt the developer and the ARR could work out how to provide a public boardwalk. Roach' stated she did not support the northernmost boundary since it was not written into the condition. She noted that the boardwalk at the northern boundary was on the approved site plan. Schafer and Smith supported allowing the developer and the ARRC the freedom to find a way to provide a public use access for an ADA compliant sidewalk connecting the harbor boardwalk to the Fourth A venue sidewalk. Hohl withdrew her motion Motion (Smith/Schafer) Administration work with the developer and the Alaska Railroad to develop an appropriate connectivity that is ADA approved and covered by public use access 3.lDp330.ld 1~3ddV ";)PO;) i'lU!)(ltld ;)ql StlM :l!dOl ;)ql M;)!A;)llOJ Aptl;)llQU StlM Ullld ;)qlJ! ltlql P;)ltllS UO!SS!WWO;) ;)lll "Ullld lU;)W;)i'ltlUllW ;)UOZ {tllStlO;) ;)ql JO M;)!A;)l ;)qllOJ UO!SS;)S )(lOM tl Stl ~oO(: 'oz l;)qW;)ld;)S l;)S UO!SS!WWO;);)lll "M;)!A;)l :l!Iqnd l;)IplI1J P;)P;);)U Ullld lU;)W;)i'ltlUllW ;)UOZ {tllStlO;) ;)ql P;)ltllS ptlq qi'lnOlOH tlJnsu!U;)d !tlU;))I 'SWtl!II!A\ AmD ltlql P;)ltllS UMOlH 'PloMs!lD Ol ;)SUOdS;)l uI U~ld lU3Wa~~UBW auoz l~lS~O:J aql .lOJ UO!SU3lX3 aWH JO UO!SSD3S!(I "qlUOW q:ltl;) i'lU!l;);)W i'lU!UOZ pUll i'lU!UUtlld ;)ql Ol ;)A!ltllU;)S;)ld;)l tl PU;)S pmoq ;)ql i'luHs;)nb;)l pmoq poo[J ;)ql Ol l;)U;)I tl ;)l!lM. Ol P;)l;);)lunloA ql!WS "Sllod;)l l;)Pun tlPU;)i'ltl ;)ql Ol uO!l!sod ;)ql pptllJllls ltlql p;)lS;)nb;)l pUll UO!l!sod uos!tl!I ;)ql p;)ssn:ls!p UO!SS!WWO;);)lll 'pmoq poo[J ;)ql wOlJ uos!tl!I:l<l Ol p;:l~ puq;)q pUlll;:lIJIltllS APutl1I ql!M. u;:l)(ods puq ;)qs ltlql P;)ltllS PloMs!lD UOS!~n p.l~OU POOl.... JO UO!SSD3S!(I "i'lU!l;);)W lX;)U ;)qlltl UO!ltll;)P!SUO:l;)llOJ Atlp ss;)u!snq i'lu!M.oIIoJ;)ql wd oo:~ Ullqll;)ltlI ou Aq )(l;)IJ ;)ql Ol P;)lU;)S;)ld ;)q PJnO:l UO!ltll;)P!SUO:l;)l JO l;)U;)I tllQ 'UO!SS!WWO:l;)ql Aq uo!ssn:ls!p lOJ ;){qtll ;)ql uo P;):ltlld StlM UO!lOW ;)ql i'luH;);)W ;)ql i'lu!mp pmMloJ lqi'lnOlq S! UO!ltll;)P!SUO:l;)llOJ UO!lOW tl J! pUll ;)P!S i'lU!I!tlA;)ld;)ql UO P;)lQA ;)Atlq lsnw ;)UO UOHtll;)P!SUO:l;)llOJ ;)AOW Olltlql P;:lltllS JJtllS "UOHtll;)P!SUO:l;)~ lOJ ;)mp;):lOld ;)ql p;)lS;)nb;)ll;)jtlq:lS ,q3~01l :ON ql!WS '1aqO.llS '.l3JBq3S 'PIOMS!.In 'lqoH :sa A p3SSBd uOHoW "SUO!l!PUO:l ;)ql JO ;)UO Stl P;)lQU Ullld ;)l!S P;)AOlddtl ;)ql ;)Atlq lsnw S ,dfl;) ;)IDlIlJ AUllltlqllno SlU!od UO!ltlnl!S S!qlltlql P;)ltllS ;)qS "P;)AOlddtl StlMltlql Ullld ;)l!S ;)ql StlMlU;)S;)ld StlMltlql Ullld ;)l!S ;)qlltlql P;)AOlddtl StlMl!UU;)d ;)S fl {tlUO!l!PUO;) ;)ql ;)W!l ;)qlltl UO!SS!WWO;) ;)ql JO lU;)lU! ;)ql StlMl! lI;)J ;)qs ltlql P;)ltllS PloMs!lD "}fIBMap!S aDu3AV ql.lDO.... 3ql pUB JfIBMp.l~Oq .loq.lBq aql ua3Mlaq ssa33B 3!1qDd sap!Ao.ld pu~ lU~!ldw03 vav S! l~ql laloq aqljo ql.lou 4!AH3aUU03 al~!.Ido.ldd~ U~ dOpA3p Ol .ladOpA3p 3ql pUB P~O.lI!Bll BJfS~IV 3ql qnM Jf.lOM UOHB.llS!U!WPV (laqo.llSllqoH) UOHOW laqo.llS 'PIOMS!.In 'lqoH :oN qnwS ,q3Boll '.l3J~q3S :s3A p31!~"" uOHoW "}fIBM3P!S 3DuaAV ql.lDO.... aql pUB JfIBMp.lBOq .lOq.lBq aql ua3Mlaq V L S iJ3v,j 'f: iJUJnfOA SiJlnUIW UO!SS!UJUJOJ 3Uluuvld mOl '9 .JiJqUJiJ}diJS v,/sv/V 'p.JVM3SJO AJI:J City o/Seward. Alaska September 6. 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 575 HoW stated she had added "Appeal Procedures" to the agenda. She stated that the Appeal Procedures topic was an unfinished business item that the Commission was waiting for staff to provide a flow chart of what had been done in the past. Brown requested clarification on what the Commission wanted on the flow chart. Hohl stated that she felt the breakdown was at the end of the appeal procedures in the signing ofthe final document. Corbridge stated at the work session with Council and the Boards and Commissions he felt the topic had been discussed and direction given that the appeal procedures were to be clarified and reviewed into very clear and precise procedures. He requested that the Commission provide any thoughts and/or guidance on the appeals procedure. New Business Discussion of Community Rating System Floodplain Management Plan (Draft) Brown reviewed the point system for the Floodplain rating system. He noted that the system was rated from 1 to 10 and the lower the number the better the rating. Seward was currently at a 9 rating which allowed a 5% discount on flood insurance. Rescheduling of October Planning and Zoning Meeting The Commission scheduled the October meeting for Thursday, October 6, 2005 due to Borough elections on the regular date of Tuesday, October 4,2005. June 7, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend June 7,2005 meeting minutes, page 78 of the packet, Hohl comments to read. "In response to a suggestion by the City Council liaison that perhaps the commission was subject to 2.10.040.B requiring the vote of four members for council action. Hohl read section 2.30.220.B of the City Code. 2.30.220.B requires the commission to have a quorum of four and a majority of those present for official action unless a larger majority is required by law". Motion Passed Unanimous Consent [ilUH:):)W ~OOZ '6lsnilny :)ql wO.IJ p:)uocflsod] IqoH Aq p.lBAUOJ Jq~no.lq - ~U!:J33W V 133UB;) OJ 3.1np330.ld (pa.qnba.l UO!PV oN) -S:J.IOd3l( pUB SW3n IBUO!:JBW.lOJUI ""lnOlll:)Suns" wd 00: I I :)ql :)lOj:)q pO!l:)d lu:)wwOJ U:)Z!l!J :)qllOj MOlIu Ol upu:)ilu lX:)U :)ql Ol sW:)lI lUUO!lUUllOjUI uo uo!ssn::ls!p :)AOW Ol P:)lRlS UO!SS!wwoJ :)l{.l JU3SU03 snow!uBuIl p3SSBd uO!:JoW P3PU3WB SB s3JnD!w ~U!:J33W SOOZ '6 Js~nv aAo.lddV (fqoHlPIOMS!.I~) uO!:JoW "UO!SS!WWOJ :)ql Aq P:)lOU :)l:)M SUO!l:):)llO::l ilu!d:):)~:)snoq lRl:)A:)S JU3SU03 snow!uBuIl p3SSBd uO!:JoW ."pU3 qJnos 3qJ JB S.I!BJS 3qJ OJ 3np "IIBMp.lBOq 3qJ UO" .ppB 'SU.l33U03 vav p3SS3.1dX3 IqoH .l3UO!SS!WW03 'J3"13Bd 3qJ JO 88 3~Bd 's3JnU!W ~U!:J33W SOOZ '6 Jsn~nv PU3WV (qJ!WS/lqOu) uO!:JoW JU3SUO;) snow!uBuIl p3SSBd uO!:JoW U3>>!.lM SB s3JnD!w ~U!:J33W SOOZ 'z Js~nv 3AO.lddV (lqoHlPIOMS!.I~) UO!JoW "UOHRlU:)S:)ld s~ lOj pmM:)S Ol U:)A!lP puq lU:)w:)iluUllW :)uoZ lRlsuoJ wO.IJ l:)~:)ds :)ql oSlY ":)::lU:)WWO::l Ol iluH:):)w :)qllOj :)W!l :)ql [!lun iluH:):)w :)qllOj :)JqUl!RAuun SUM wruonb U luql J]RlS Ol UM.O~ SUMl! :)lOPl:)ql "l!UqJ:)ql P:)y!lOU AJUO puq l:)UO!SS!WWO::ll:)qlOUU l:)A:)MOq ~ilUH:):)W :)ql :)lOj:)q Ss:)um jO jJRlS P:)y!lOU puq Sl:)UO!SS!WWO::l OMlluql P:)lRlS ZU:)lD 'PIOMS!lD Ol :)SUOdS:)l UI S3JnU!W ~U!:J33W .lBln~3l( SOOZ 'z Jsn~nv JU3SUO;) snOW!UBUIl p3SSBd UO!:JOW U3>>!.lM SB S3JnU!W ~U!:J33W SOOZ 'L 3Unr 3qJ 3AO.lddV (PIOMS!.I~/l3qO.lJS) UO!JOW "lu~wn::lOp p~ls~nb:ll ~ql P~A!~::l~l puq UO!SS!WWOJ q::lU:) ilU!lOU ':)AHUUllg:jR :)ql U! p:)puods:)llqoH "lu:)ddV ilU!PUlll Sl:)U!lRW :)ql uo UO!Sp:)p IpunOJ :)qljO AdO::l p:)ls:)nb:)l:)ql P:)A!:)::l:)l puq UO!SS!WWOJ :)qlj! p:)~su PIOMS!lD 9 L <; aZvd '~ aUJn/oA samU!JIv UO!SS!UJUJO;) ZU!uuv/d mOl '9 JaqUJaJdas v'fsv[V 'pJVilWS!o N!;) City of Seward, Alaska September 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes VolumeS, Page 577 Political Signs - bronght forward by Hohl [postponed from the August 9, 2005 meeting] Floodplain permit list - brought forward by Hohl [postponed from the August 9, 2005 meeting] Homer News Article "Borough Action on Subdivisions Worries City" Citizen Concerns [added to agenda by Griswold] Zoning Changes [added to agenda by Griswold] Information on Joint Work Session with Council [added to agenda by Griswold] Citizens' Comments Jim Pruitt, inside the City, requested the final decision on the boardwalk at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel. Shafer stated that the Commission had approved that administration work with the developer and the Alaska Railroad to develop an appropriate connectivity that is ADA approved and covered by public use access between ful:l P.llfPOf pOllf4wlllk llnP the fom1h Avenue sidewalk. Pruitt, voiced concerns that the Commission was requiring a new condition to the approved CUP, he stated it was inappropriate. He noted that he did not have a problem working on the issue but was unsure how it could be accomplished. Tanya Sandefur, inside the City. She expressed concern and requested the Commission work on the completion of the public boardwalk to the North ofthe end of the Pruitt lease parcel out to either Fourth Avenue or Port Avenue. She voiced concerns about the erosion that was currently happening at the North end of the Pruitt lease parcel. Commission Comments Schafer, stated that a master plan for the public boardwalk was an important issue and needed to be accomplished. Griswold, commented on a news article about the Juneau harbor boardwalk. She noted that the community was supportive of the public boardwalk but was concerned how to pay for it. /r; ~J . H:l)l U .!JU}'\I ;) . (.~"y)' " .' ~ ..........f! ~ !::2:~,.,...... .--' : . ~ "'J" ''''"" ^l '" \.. .." ~. ."", /: ...e"~"'ll}..;...... .,,;,/,,-,.1' -:". (. .,,.il (.'\\ .. .::ri\~~.. "'ft)~~ :; ."....1;,,,.. f,"'u....'-<'.~ '-I'; g" -e-- \ ~ ,~., .: '. ..... f~'":" .."'"'''(''::'1. . ~',: 0 ~ ~. ~./ ~::,,:~:;. ~~" : f) :~ _, 0 ...1 . .. ..~ \....) ~ .:~.: :"If ;:,~. "",.\;-...) ,.,~',::.... \'''. '."",./'L.,. ..('"J.p-"" ~ Ii-. ~,,~'vN'J,.n:;.,J.. ~J ~ ',~->_. "'''':::e;';.8.. ....'.l.~ '"." 0.... .... . ""~ ~~.. ... "'" '- ~ \.... '.i"''''~~~''Al!;)) llrnlS!SSV 1!U!UUUld ZU:lID uunoa 1.. / 1/1..;1 'wd 90: lllU 1!u!l:l:lW :lIp p:lWTIofpu mOR l:lsunS luawu.lDofpv 'UO!SS!WWO::l :lqlol pqollS l:lUO!SS!WWO;) P:lWO::lI:lA\. 'l:lJUq::lS l:lUO!SS!WWO;) JO SlU:lWWO::l :lql p:llloddns 'ql!WS 'SP:lfOld lU:lW:lAOldw! {Ul!du::l :lql OlU! lndu! :lAUq Plnoqs UO!SS!WWO;) :lql lI:lJ :lqS 'uo dn p:lMOnOJ lOU :llU SlS:lnb:ll pun SlU:lWWO::l SU:lZ!l!::llUIp W:l::lUO::l p:l::l!OA '(qoH 8 L S a'iJvd '~ aUln[OA sa}nU!W UO!SS!UlUlO:J 'iJU!uuv/d moz '9 .JaqUlaJdas vJfsvfV 'p.JVMaS!o NO City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 579 Call to Order The October 6, 2005, regular meeting of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Marianna Keil, Chair. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Tom Smith Carol Griswold Sandie Roach' Steve Schafer Lynn Hohl Kay Strobel comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Clark Corbridge, City Manager Malcolm Brown, City Planner Johanna Dollerhide, Assistant City Clerk Absent - None Special orders, presentations and reports City Administration Report. City Planner Malcolm Brown reported that the Historic Preservation Commission was working on a grant for the restoration of Hoben Park and researching a grant for the Jesse Lee Home available through the Rasmussen Foundation. Brown reported Historic Preservation Chair Shannon Kovac and Planning Assistant Donna Glenz attended the National Historic Trust Preservation Conference in Portland Oregon. Applicant. Carol Roberts was waiting for the preliminary plat which would transfer approximately five acres of Tract H, located across the bay. This item was scheduled for the next Planning and Zoning meeting. Kenai Peninsula Borough Platting Officer Mary Toll was coming to the October 17th Planning and Zoning work session to give training on subjects in the area of platting. Brown hoped the Commission could review the Airport Master Plan during the November meeting. The building department was working on their 49th building permit for the year. In the GIS department, maps were now in the pdf format and administration was hoping to put them up on a website eventually. For technical support, staff was trying to fill the previously occupied GIS position. KPB Planning Commission Report. Commissioner Hohl submitted a written report of the recent Borough Planning Commission meeting to the Commission and the public. Hohl snOW!UUUfl P3SSUd UPU3~Y 3AO.lddy OJ u090W O[RA01ddtl1OJ ;)IqtlI!tIAtlun ;)1;)M. S;)lOU!UI llU!l;);)UI ~OOZ 'z lSlliJOY ;)qlltlql P10:);)1 ;)ql OlU~ P;)l;)lU;) ;)q l~ ltlql P;))fStl PIOM.S~ l;)UO~SS!UIUIO;) JU3SUO;) snow!uuufl P3SSUd UOnOw Uo!suudX:I U3.1Y Al!lPU.j ~U!PUO'1 P.lUM.3S 'PUO.lUU}[ mrSUIY uo W3n UO!SSn3S!(I ppu '..sS3U!Sn8 M3N.. .I3pUn 'UPU3~Y 3qJ PU3WY (PIOMS!.l~/.q3UO}[) uonow snOW!UUUfl P3SSUd uonow Y W3n SU ..S.I3uuu8.. U~!SSU pUU '.j W3n OJ ..UPU3~Y OJ SW3n ~U!PPY .I0J MOIIO.j OJ 3.1np330.ld.. 3AOW :~U!MOIIOJ 3qJ OJ ..S:J.IOd3}[ pUU SW3n luuonUW.lOJUI.. 3~UUq3 'UPU3~Y 3qJ PU3WY (.q3UOHIPIOMS!.I~) Uonow UPU3~Y 3qJ 3AO.lddy (13qO.lJSfqnws) U090W UPU3~y JO IUAO.lddy ;)UON - ~U!.IU3q 3!lqnd .I0J P31np3q3S SW3J! 3S0qJ Jd33X3 :J;l3fqns AUU UO SJU3WW03 .SU3Zm;) O;)UOZ !UItlunSl p;)ddtlUI YW3d tI U~ lOU StlM. l;)lU;);) II;)M.o'I AmW P;)SOd01d ;)ql P;)A;)~pq l;)JJ1ltllS 'NOH l;)UO~SS!UIUIO;) Ol ;)SUOdS;)l uI O;)lfilTIJ ltI;)U ;)ql u~ do ;)l!sq;)M. l~;)ql ;)Atlq Ol p;)doq Pltlog;)lli O;)ltl:)Oldp;)l Ol pltlM.;)S 10J AtlM. pOOll tI ;)q PInoM. S!ql p~tlS l;)JJOtllS '17961 JO !UItlunsl pUt/ ;))ftIobqlltl;) ;)qlllU!IDP pltlM.;)S P;)lS~SStI ptlq S;)!l!unUIUIO:) ;):)U!S otlU~lR)l ;)Ut/:)~oH JO lU;)UI;):)tlId;)l 10J lStlO;) JIoD ;)ql Ol pAtll1I pUt/ pUt/s JO SpltlA UOHl!UI ;)UO JO UO~ltlUOp tI 10J UO~ltll;)P!Suo:) ;)ql P;)lS;)ob;)l ptlq U;))f:)tl1;):)W UI~f Ut/UIl!tlq;) pltlog O;)OSS! s~qlllU!pltlll;)l ;)IDlTIJ ;)ql u~ SlU;)UI;):)unoUUtl pUt/ sl;)dtldsM.;)u ;)ql q:)ltlM. Ol P!tlS l;)JJOtllS OII;)M. StI l;)lU;);) l;)Affi !tIU;))! ;)ql pUt/ s~ql uo AlP ;)ql ql~ llU!)f1OM. StlM. pltlog ;)q1. OUO!S!A;)l P;)P;);)U pUt/ PIo ;)1;)M. SdtlUI ;)lli 0900Z Aq SdtlUI l!;)ql JO IItI ;)z!l!ll!P Ol P;)ltlpUt/UI StlM. YW3d ollU!l;);)UI S,AtlpUOW ltl P;)ssn:)S!P StlM. lIu!ddtlUI YW3d JO :)!dOl ;)q1. oqluOUI tI ;):)uo ;)1;)M. SllU!l;);)UI s,pltloq ;)qlltlql P;)llod;)l .I3lJnuJS APUU}[ UOS!U!'1 .P.l808 U3.1Y 33!A.l3S pooU }J33.1;) .1838 p.l8M3S WO.lJ UOS!U!'1 O;)lDltllS ;)ltllS OlllU!P10:):)tI 'P;)P!A!pqOS ;)q lSOUI PUt/I P;)StI;)lltrql P;)y~p A;)WOntl q1ioo1Og ;)qlltlql StlM. 1l0d;)11;)q U! ;)OSS~ lUt/llOdUI! lSOUI ;)ql P;)llod;)l 08~ a3vd '~awn/oA sajnUIW UOISS!wwO:J 3u!uuv/d ~OOl 'L puv 9 .Jaqopo v'fsvlfI 'p.JVM3S!o tf1!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 581 Public Hearings Resolutions Requiring a Public Hearing Resolution 2005-22, recommending City Council and Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of the Resubdivision of Lots 7 through 9, Block 17, Federal Addition, Clark-Tougas Replat. Notice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No one appeared to address the council and the public hearing was closed. Brown said this was a routine replat, and explained the details of the project and recommended approval as submitted. Hohl asked about the underlying land use plan, Brown did not recollect it. Motion (Griswold/Strobel) Approve Resolution 2005-22 Griswold was pleased that the commission was addressing encroachments and that the owners were taking this step. HoW said simple replats were not simple. Brown confirmed that the two buildings on the plat were being used as homes, and not commercially. HoW wanted things like residential coverage and parking areas to be addressed beforehand. The surveyor should be asked to verify the coverage ratio and that there was parking, that it meets codes requirements for replatting and whether they are legal non-conformity uses or not. Brown said the replat met the requirements for parking and the buildings would fit for lot coverage. Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-22, add "staff, surveyor, and property owner to verify we are not creating non-conformity with the subdivision". Griswold said it was harder to look for items that were missing than it was to verify and study items that were present. She asked for a checklist that would cover these topics for future replats. Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on Resolution 2005-22, as amended Motion Passed Unanimous omod OZ:8 JU P3U3AU03-;U UO!SS!mmO;) omod 01:8 JU p3SS333.1 uo!ss!mmo;) OSS;:l:>:lJ ;:lJn1I!ill ;:lAY U lOJ p;:l){SU PIOMS!lD OlOU lO IUAolddu PU;:lUlUlO:>;:ll Ol SUM l~!UOl qof s, UO!SS!UlUlO;) ;:llll oq1!nolOH ;:lql Aq p;:lAOlddU SUM UO!lU:>UA IUOl:>U ;:lqJ lUql P;:lY!lUP ql!WS OpO!l;:ld Ol;:lA AUP Ot U ;:lAUq PInOM IpunO;) Al!;) ;:lql '~nOlOH ;:lql Aq p;:lAOlddU SUM UO!lU:>UA ;:lqJ JI .UO!ldO un ;:lq PIno:> l! ~noqJfU ';:l1!UlS S!qJ lU SS;:l:>old ;:lqJ JO llUd ;:lq Ol p;:ll!llb;:ll lOU SUM I!:>unO;) Al!;) ;:lqJ 'U;:lP! ld;:l:>uo:> U SUM S!qJ ;:lSnu:>;:lq lUqJ P;:lY!lUP UMOlH .pU;:l;:lqJ lU lOU 'SS;:l:>old ;:lqJ JO 1!U!UU!1!;:lq Al;:lA ;:lqJ lU P;:lAIOAU! ;:lq p{Ooqs IpunO;) ;:lqJ l~nOqJ ,q:>uO~ .sunId ;:lA!lUW;:llfU ;:lqJ ;:l1!unq:> Ollq1!!l ;:lql ;:lAUq AI!lUSS;:l:>;:lU l,Up!P lnq ';:lA!lUW;:llIU lU{O:>!llUd ;:lqllnoqu lndu! puq pun PU;:l Al;:lA ;:lqllU U! ;:lWO:> PInOM I!:>unO;) lUqJ UO!SS;:lldW! ;:lqll;:lPun SUM ;:lq P!US ;:l1!P!lqlO;) II .unId UO!P;:lI;:lS ;:ll!S ;:lqJ lOJ S!suq ;:lqJ ;:lWU:>;:lq q:>NM 'ld;:l:>uo:> l;:llU;:l;) UMOl ;:lql1!U!poddns P;:l1!l;:lW;:l SnSU;:lSuo:> UII lUqJ l;:l){:>ud ;:lqJ JO 9v ;:l1lud uo lU;:lW;:llUlS UpU;:l1lu I!:>unO:> U lno P;:llU!Od ,q:>uO~ .P;:lfOld S!qJ U! Sl;:lUlJUd SU S;:lAPSW;:lql MUS PlUM;:lS JO AlD ;:lqJ P!US ;:l1!P!lqlO;) 'IP)l Ol ;:lSUOdS;:ll UI O;:llUP Ol S;:lSUOdS;:ll Aun P;:lAP:>;:lllOU puq A;:lqJ lUql p;:lUll[JUO:> ;:l~P!lqlO;) OI;)D pun U){SUIYPl Aq P;:lA!;:l:>;:ll ;:ll;:lM S;:lSUOdS;:ll J! p;:l){SU pqOllS OI!:>unO:> qJ!M p;:lSsn:>S!p U;:l;:lq puq l;:lllUW ;:lqJ lnq 'AqM MOU){ lOU P!P ;:l1!P!lqlO;) ol;:l){:>ud ;:lql U! t~ ;:l1!ud uo P;:llUlS SU lSlY I!:>unO;) Ol O~ l,UP!P ;:lnSS! S!ql AqM p;:l){SU IqoH .uO!lnIOS;:ll S!qJ ;:lAOlddU UO!SS!UlUlO;) ;:lql P;:lPU;:lUlUlO:>;:ll UO!lUllS!U!Wpy ol;:l;:lllS uol1lU!qSUA\ ~U!lU:>UA ;:lAOlddU A;:lqJ lUql UO!lUPU;:lUlUlO:>;:ll ;:lqJ qJ!M ~nOlOH U{OSU!U;:ld !UU;:l)l ;:lqJ Ol S!qJ plUMlOJ p{Ooqs UO!SS!UlUlO;) ;:lqJ 'OS J! pun ;:lpO:> Ol 1!U!PlO:>:>U IU~;:lI SUM UO!lU:>UA P;:lSOdOld ;:lqJ l;:lqJ;:lqM P;:l){SU 1!U!;:lq SUM ~U!UOZ pun 1!U!UUUId ~U!PUUlSl;:lpun S,;:l1!P!lqlO;) SUM n .UO!lU;:lllU ;:lSOp S,UO!SS!UlUlO;) ;:lql P;:lAl;:lS;:lP pun AIfU:>!WOUO:>;:l PlUM;:lS Ol IU!:>Y;:lU;:lq ;:lq Ol IU!lU;:llOd ;:lql puq l;:llU;:l;) A:>U;:l1!Y-!lInw ;:lql .P;:llUA!l:>U;:ll ;:lWO:>;:lq AIlU;:l:>;:ll puq lUqll;:lllUW AqJ1lU;:lI U SUM l;:l;:lllS uol1luNSUA\ JO UO!lU:>UA ;:lqJ P;:llUlS 3~P!.Iq.lO;) lJ.lUI;) .I3~UUUW AlD .p;:lU;:ldo SUM ~U!lU;:lq :>!Iqnd ;:lql pun P;:llOU SUM MUI Aq P;:ll!llb;:ll SU p;:lqs!Iqnd pun P;:llSOd 1!U!;:lq ~U!lU;:lq :>!Iqnd ;:lqJ JO ;:l:>!lON oSJU3W3SU3 AlU!Jn P3JUPOSSU AUU ~O!pnI3U! 'JS3M. 3qJ OJ J33J 001 P3JU301 S! q3!qA&. A311U 3qJ JO A.Iupunoq JSU'JI3qJ puu 3nu3AY qJJ!.{ U33M.J3q S! q3!qA&. J33.1JS UO~U!qSUM. JO uO!J.lod JuqJ JO UOPU3UA .IoJ 33!A.l3S lJ.I8d luuo!JuN 3qJ Aq JS3nb3.1 3qJ JO IUAO.lddu q~no.loo: ulnsu!U3d !UU3)( ~U!pU3Wm033.1 'EZ-SOOZ uO!Jnlos311 Z:8~ a'i3vJ 'f; aUJn/oA samU!J'V UO!SS!UJUJO:J 'i3U!uuv/J mOL 'L puv 9 Jaqopo v'fsv[V 'pJVMaS!o M!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 583 Paul Carter said he was a strong proponent of the Mary Lowell Center. He and Tylan Schrock had been very involved with this project for the last three years. The concept of a conference center came to be after working with many different agencies. The vacation of Washington Street was their number one choice. The center had potentially significant benefits to the economy of Seward. The center would help promote year round employment and the location was advantageous. The vacant buildings needed to be addressed, and the Mary Lowell Center would help resolve some of these issues. It was a monumental decision, and Carter felt it was important for both sides to speak their points of view. He urged the Commission not to take this project out of the public process and requested approval of this resolution. Kenai Fjords National Park Superintendent Jeff Mow introduced Regional Archaeologist for the National Park Service Ted Burkdahl and Paul Schrooten, landscape architect for the project. Mow reported on the history of the project, the public participation, the alternatives and preferred alternatives, the design process and its importance, and the issue of loss or gain of public use for the proposed street vacation. Mow showed a map of public participation and project history. Much planning and public input was involved with this project. Mow spoke of the Waterfront Plan, and how it involved the vacation of Washington Street and the "Town Center" concept, which also called for the vacation. Rules suspended by unanimous consent to allow Mr. Mow five more minutes to finish his comments. Mow continued to point out the different alternatives for the Center, factors that did and did not support each alternative, and other elements of the options. The Center would have to satisfy the pedestrian walkway required if Washington Street was vacated. Schematic designing would begin later this month. Design elements were important because they helped define the community's character. Technically, the vacation would provide another form of public visitor use. It would be used as a conference center, visitor center, and have benefits to the local and visiting public. In response to questions, Mow said the Park Service did not believe the Solly's Building met the progranunatic needs of the center. HoW asked if the Park and Forest Service were planning on vacating their offices in the harbor and on Fourth Avenue and Mow confirmed they were. Paul Schrooten said underground parking was discussed as a possibility and the decision makers would include the Forest Service, the Park Service and the City of Seward at the appropriate time. Mow clarified that Alternative 4, which was the Alternate Preferred Alternative, did not require the vacation of Washington Street. A decision needed to be made for a proper, expedient way to develop parking. Homeland security was a big issue and was being addressed in this project. John Eavis, representative of the Forest Service and of the Seward Ranger District, introduced himself and clarified that the Forest Service was a part of this project as well. The Park Service and city staff had been helpful with the Forest Service, and Eavis was open to questions on the process, also. Eavis commented on the value this Center could bring to Seward. "){lOM. l!;Jl{l UO W;Jl{l p;JJu;Jw!ldwo~ pUll UO!SS!WWO;) ;Jl{l ;JlOpq UO!Sp;Jp Jyn~!lJ!P ;Jl{l p;JZ!illlO~;Jl!RW "II;JM. SUl;JUIUJtlS ;Jl{l U! sl;J){lRd J;J;JllS u!RW l{l!M. ;JSU;Jl~U! PInoM. ~YJlIl.l ";JnU;JAV A11M.I~ llu!U;JP!M. SU {pns 'p;JAOldW! ;Jq PInoqs SJ;J;JllS l;Jl{lO 'p;JSOp SUM. UOl1l~SU1t\ JI "UO!J11~11A J;J;JlJS ;Jl{l qJ!M. Ul;J~UO~ 11 oSI11 S11M. ~YJ11lJlOOd "J;J;JllS UOl1lU!qSU1t\ llUn11~11A JSU!11ll11 SUM. !11W "A11M.I!11}I pUll plt JO l;JUlO~ ;Jl{l qJ!M. p;JUl;J~UO~ SUM. ;JH 'uon~;JSl;JlU! plRM.){M.11 ;Jl{lJ11 u1l!S PP!A 11 ;Jq PInoqs ;Jl;JqJ P!11S!RW 'l;JJU;J;) II;JM.o'l A.rnW ;Jl{l JO 11;JP! ;JqJ p;J){!l AIl11l;JU;Jll ;Jq JSlY J11 P!RS '!~W UO(( "plRM.;JS JO 1111 pUll 11;JlR UMOJUMOp ;Jl{l dI;Jq PInoM. n 'Al!Ufilloddo s!l{l uo dumf PInoqs AlP ;Jl{l pUll 'sllu!pl!nq pUll sJoI Aldw;J ;Jq pynOM. llU~JJS;Jpp11S;Jq.L "p;JfOld S!l{l pUll uOnnIos;Jl s!l{l JO lOA11J U! ;J){ods 'Q3IlQ.lfl AqJO.lO(( "UllId s!l{l oJJU;JJS!SUO~ SUM. p;JfOld JU;JWdOpA;Jp JUO.y l;JJ11M. ;Jl{l p;JY!lRP ){~OJq~S SlRIIoP uO!ll!w ;JUO JO Jd!;J~;Jl l;JJU;J;) ;JJ!l11;JS 11){SUIV ;JqJJnoq11 Suo!Js;Jnb OJ ;JSUOdS;Jl uI "p;Jl;JP!SUO~;Jq PInoqs JI;JsJ! p;JfOld ;Jl{l JO p11dW! ;Jq.l "JS;Jl;JJU! ~!lqnd JO sl11;JP! ;Jl{ll;JPun II;JJ Jq1l!UoJ p;Jn1llR uon!sod l;Jl{l!3 'p;JJ11~11A;Jq oJJ;J;JllS ;Jl{l JO ;J~;J!d S!l{llOJ JS;Jl;JJU! JS;Jq s,~!lqnd ;Jl{l U! SUM. J!J! l;JP!SUO~ OJ p;Jp;J;JU UO!SS!WWO;) ;Jl{l pUllJ;J;JllS UOl1lU~SU1t\ JO uO!Jjod 11 JO UOn11~A 11 SUM. S!l{l p;JSS;JllS ){~oJq~S 'JS;Jnb;Jl u1l!S;Jp ;Jl{lJOU 'Jq1l!UOJ UO!SS!WWO~ ~n ;JlOpq SUM. JS;Jnb;Jl llU!>>11Id ;Jl{l P!11S;JH 'uo!JnIos;Jl;Jl{l p;JJjoddns 'lf30.lq3S UIlIA.l "UO!JnIOS;Jl S!l{lI!11J UO!SS!WWO;) ;JqJ p;JpU;JWWO~;Jl pUllJ;J;JllS UOl1lU!qSU1t\JO UOn11~11A;Jl{l OJ p;Jsoddo SUM. U.IR;JH 'p;Jp;J;JU SUM. ApmS ~!lJ11ll 11 P;JJ11lS;JH "llU!){U!l{l JO A11M. {TlJ;J~mOS;JlJSOW ;Jl{l SA11M.l11lOU SUM. JU;J!~!lJ;J ;JlOW pUll l;Jllll!H 'llU!){U~J {TlJlIs!M. S11M. AWOUO~;J pUll Al!unwwo~ ;Jl{l OJ I11!~Y;JU;Jq llU!;Jq UOn11~A ;Jl{l JO 11;JP! ;Jl{l P!RS U.IR;JH "q1lnOlOH 11ynsu!U;Jd !11U;J)I ;Jl{l OJllU!PlO~~11 'pl11M.;JS U! SlR;JA U;J;JYY JS11I ;JqJ U! p;JJ11~11A U;J;Jq pnq SJ;J;JllS p;Jsn oN ';J~!Al;JS ){lRd I11UO!J11N ;Jl{l OJ PUllI S!qJ ;JJ11UOp OJ SUOnU;JlU! ou l{l!M. ;Jsn ~!lqnd lOJ 11;JlR s!l{l p;JJ11UOp ;Ju!RII11H ){Ullld "llU!){U!l{l I11Uo!snI;Jp S11M. p;JfOld ;Jl{l P!11S U.IR;JH 'J;J;JllS UOl1lU!qSU1t\ JO UOn11~11A ;JqJJnoq11 SUl;J~UO~ SS;Jlpp11 oJllu!l!RJ ;J~!Al;JS ){lRd ;JqJ JO lR;JA Pl!l{l ;Jl{l SUM. s!l{l P!11S 'wllaH ma: "llU!){lRd ;JlOW lOJ u;Jdo J;J;JlJS UOl1lU~SU1t\ d;J;J){ OJ p;JJUllM. PI11H "I11AOW;Jl M.OUS lOJ UMOp Jnqs ;Jl;JM. SJ;J;JlJS U!11W ;JqJ U;JqM. llu!){lRd lOJ p;Jp;J;JU ;Jl;JM. SJ;J;JllS ;JP!S ;JqJ pUll 'l;JUMO sS;Ju!snq UMOJUMOp 11 SUM.;JH "llu!){lRd lOJ JU11Jlodw! ;Jl;JM. PlRM.;JS UMOJUMOp U! SJ;J;JllS ;JP!S P!11S 'PIlla: n03S "AJ;J!lRA ;JlOW ~!lqnd;Jl{l ;JA!ll PIno~ q~~M. 'u1l!S;Jp pUll Al!lN!X;J{J l;JJ11;Jl1llOJ M.OII11 PInoM. l;JlU;J;) ;Jl{l '11;JlR ;JqJ llU!Z!Ul!X11W AH 'p;JP!AOld;Jq PInoM. Al!I!~11J H!nq II;JM. 11 POllSUO~ OJ PUllI JO 11;JlR snonllnUO~ 11 'J;J;JllS UOl1lU~S111t\ llUn11~11A Aq pUll A11M.I!R~ pUll q'ij!d 'uOl1lU!qS111t\ JO l;JUlO~ ;JqJ J11 UO!Jnm!S ~!lJmJ ;JqJ - J;J;JlJS uOl1lU!qSU1t\ JO UO!J11~11A ;JqJ lOJ sJu;JwnlllR llUOllS OM.J ;Jl;JM. ;Jl;Jq.l "SlR;JA ;JqJ l;JAO uOnnIoA;J S,p;JfOld ;Jl{l U! p;JJS;Jl;JJU! U;J;Jq p11q ){lRD ol;JlU;J;) IpM.o'l A.rnW ;JqJ JO l;JJjoddns ;JW!JllUOI pUll JU;JPlR Ull S11M. ;Jq P!11S 'If.lIlI:J DJS 'p;JAOW ;Jq PIno~ S;J;Jll AUll J! M.00){ 109 P!P pUll ;J{q!ssod su S;J;Jll AUllW su ;JA11S OJ S11M. ;JA!p;Jfqo ;Jl{l P!11S S!A113 'Suons;Jnb OJ ;JSUOdS;Jl UI t8S ai3tJd '~auJn/oA samUIW UOISS!U1U10J i3U!uutJ/d ,OOZ 'L putJ 9 .Jaqopo tJ'fstJIV 'p.JtJilWsJo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 585 Rick Blythe, spoke in favor of the resolution. Blythe said he knew very little about zoning and procedures, but knew what he saw, which were empty store fronts, empty buildings, closed restaurants, and buildings for sale. As the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Blythe was concerned about this. This process had not been easy, and comments had been included regarding vacating Washington Street. This should be a public policy in deciding if this was a direction that the community wanted to go in. The commission had a very honorable and noteworthy role in deciding this resolution. Dale Lindsey, said the magnitude of this decision was large, and complimented the commissioners on their work. The vacation of Washington Street was not an easy decision, but very much a straightforward decision. Lindsey was in favor of vacating the street. He cared about this community, but it didn't do any good to have so many derelict buildings. This was an opportunity that may not resurface, and now was the time to make a decision. Lindsey said the public input was good to see, regardless of the opinion on the decision. The Multi-Agency Center could create more jobs, and the community needed as many year round jobs as it could muster. The intersection was quirky, not understood by visitors and a public safety issue. Kevin Clark, said his involvement in this project had resulted from his position as council member. Clark said during this time he met Paul Carter and Tylan Schrock, who had put much effort into the Center. He said the center needed to be in one building to be the most economically viable. The project was at risk if the Mary Lowell Center was divided into two buildings. Carol Chaudiere, said the smaller the site the less interesting the f~ade and a larger building provided more options. The vacation of Washington Street would give more options for the design of the building and a better view of the waterfront. She supported this resolution. Tom Tougas, spoke in favor of vacating Washington Street. He said the city had to remember it must be a visitor's center for the Kenai Fjord National Park. To be able to walk between this building and the Alaska Sealife Center was beneficial. The present visitor facility in the harbor was inadequate and too small. The center would be in a more pedestrian friendly area. Tougas was in favor of a single building and the vacation of Washington Street. Wadeen Hepworth, said the history of Seward was important. The buildings in place right now were unique and on historic land. Hepworth did not want to see another metal sided building put up in place of the city's old buildings. She did not want to see the buildings tom down, and urged the commission to save the history of the buildings and of Seward. Terry Doane, said he had watched the city labor through many issues. Donan commented the people of Seward were concerned and invested in its community. He commended everyone participating on this issue. Donan spoke in favor of this resolution, but wanted to congratulate and honor the work the citizens do for the city rather than speak on the Issue. ;}q Plno:> l! 'Al!:> ;}ql Aq ;}PRW SRM. URld UO!lRn:>RA;} ;}ql ;}:>U!S lnq 'l;};}llS UO~U!qSRA\ q~nOJql SRM. ;}ln01 UO!lRn:>UA;} !urnunSl ;}ql .;}nUM y ARM.l!UlI pUR A;}llR ;}lll U;}P!M. lnq 'W;}:>Uo:> R SRM. AUM.A;}llR ;}lll .)[:>TIll ;}lY R 10J sn!PRl ~U!UIDl pmq R SRM. n .1~U;};);}1ll punom l;}An;}URW pUR ~U!Pl!nq S!lll SS;}:>:>R Plno:> ;}:>!Al;}S ;}1!..J: .S;}SS;}:>:>R A:>U;}~l;}W;} pUR SARM.A;}llR ;}lll 1ll!M. P;}W;}:>uo:> SRM. ;}H .~u!pl!nq;}lll JO q:>R01ddR ;}lll UO ;}1;}M. SW;}:>UO:> S!ll P!RS S3.1!ObS aAB(( P!q;) a.l!.>I .P!q:> ;}ql U;};}q pRq ;}q ;}:>U!S UO!l:>;}Sl;}lU! ;}ql ~U!pm~;}l P;}l!J U;};}q pRq SllOd;}l ;}:>!lod ou P;}lRlS SUOW;}lJ '.q:>tW1l1;}UO!SS!WWO;) Ol ;}SUOdS;}l uI .uo!u!do S!q U! 'l;}JRS pUR dn P;}UR;}I:> ;}q pynOM. n .UO!P;}Sl;}lU!-l R l! ~UPfUW '(lSRd ;}lll U! ~uPfUw A:lyn:>!IJ!p pRq ;}AUll S;}woq 1010w pUR S)[:>TIlllRlll) P;}lUU!W!l;} ;}q pynOM. UO!P;}Sl;}lU! pmM.)[M.R ;}~ml;}lll .;}WOS1;}qum:> SS;}1 SRM. UO!P;}Sl;}lU! ;}lll 'l;};}llS UO~U!qSRA\ ~U!lU:>RA Aq P!RS soowal;) WO.L Ja!q;) a3!1od .;}nSS! S!lll uo lndu! lJRlS 10J P;})[SR yqoH SOOW!OBU(} passBd oOHoW "oaloq!.llo03 ollBHoalod aql SBq" OJ "aJoq!.llo03 II!M" a~oBq3 'sBa.laqA\. q,S O! 'fZ-SOOZ oOHolosa'H poawy (qHWSIPIOA\S!.I~) oOHoW SOOW!OBOil passBd oOHoW " oOOHdopB Sl! Dodo AlaJB!paWW! l3a.ua a')(Bl IIBqs oOHolosa.l S!q.L" pBa.l Ol f OO!l3as pOB "pal30.llS003 S! YZ aAHBwany OBqJ .Iaqlo aAHBwaJlB DB J! papopsa.l aq OOHB3BA S!ql lBqJ spoaWW03a.l .IaqJ.loJ OO!SS!WW03 aq.L" pBa.l OJ Z OOH3as 'fZ-SOOZ OOHolosa'H poawy (lqOHf1lHWS) OOHOW .;}A!lRW;}lIR UR P;}PS Ol A:lmq!SUOdS;}l S,UO!SS!WWO:> ;}llllOU SUM. n .UO!SS!WWO;) ~U!UOZ pUR ~U!UURld ;}llllOU 'S!lll ;}AOlddR oqM. ;}ldo;}d ;}lll ;}1;}M. SIUP!IJO P;}P;}P ;}qll~nOlll;}H .;}lRW;}lIU ;}lll ;}A01ddR olloU 'lOU lO UO!lR:>RA ;}lll PU;}WWO:>;}l Ol SRM. l~!UOl qof s, UO!SS!WWO:> ;}llllRlll P;}Y!lRP lll!WS fZ-SOOZ OOHolosa'H aAo.lddy (lqOH/ql!WS) OOHOW .wod fS:6 JB pauaA003-a.l OO!SS!WWO;) aq.L owod S":6 JB paSSa3a.l OO!SS!WWO;) aq.L .l;};}llS UO~U!llSRA\ ~U!lU:>UAJO U;}P!;}lll p;}lloddns pUR UMOlUMOp ARlS S;}Ss;}u!snq pUR SlURmRlS;}l dl;}ll Plno:> ~U!PI!nq S!lll .;}l;}lllU;}wdOI;}A;}P UMOlUMOp pUR IR!lU;}P!S;}l P;}UURld JO P;}dSR UMOlUMOp ;}lll P;})[!l ;}llS . I 86 I ;}:>U!S pmM.;}S U! P;}A!1 PRll 'all!Ao!'] AJJBd 98~ aZtJd 'r; aUlnZOA sajnu!Fv UO!SS!UlUlO;) ZU!uutJ/d mOl 'L putJ 9 .J.aqopo tJ'!fstJW 'p.J.tJM3sJo tV!;) City of Seward. Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 587 changed and was not a problem. If the alley were bigger, it would be a good spot to put parked tour busses, Squires thought. No parking on Railway and they may hit vehicles on Washington Street. Public Works Director W.C. Casey said this was just a footprint right now, and didn't think it was such a good idea to get carried away with "what ifs" at this point. He would make sure the main issues of Public Works would be handled and was confident in this. Griswold said there wasn't a plat to look at, and it was really hard to know how it was going to look. Commission was approving or not approving a concept, and not the platting, which concerned her. Hohl said a plat would still come before Planning and Zoning and it would be addressed at a later time. Motion (GriswoldIHohl) Amend Resolution 2005-23, replace "...that portion of Washington Street which is between Fifth Avenue and the East boundary of the alley which is located 100 feet to the West of Fifth Avenue..." with "...the East half of Washington Street between 4th and 5th Avenue, exclusive of the alley..." in the Title and in Section 1. Motion Passed Unanimous HoW noted a housekeeping amendment to change the wording "a representative" to "representatives" in the third "Whereas." Electric Utility Manager Tim Barnum stated electric service needed to be routed around Washington Street. Barnum said most issues need not be addressed at this point. Schafer said if the Commission voted no on this resolution, it didn't kill the project, but it would put a crimp on Alternative 2A. He felt the presentation was not presented with all the facts. Schafer did not think Alternative 2A was the most preferred alternative in his view, but that the project was important to Seward. The traffic flow, handicap parking, and possible overpass costs were not addressed. Schafer disliked scare tactics and suppositions. It would be easier to keep the street, rather than to try and get it back 50 years down the road. He did not support this resolution as put forth. Roach' stated the Forest Service was an important, integral part of the community. To Roach', part of the quality of life was holding on to Seward's history and the grid was a part of Seward's history. Vacating part of Washington Street would essentially be vacating all of 'UOH11::mA S!l(l dOlS Ol UOSll;}l 11 ;};}S l,UP!P ll(oH 'l;}lU;}J ;}l(ll(l!M M;}!A 11 S,lOl!S!A ;}l(l ;}A!'3 OllUllllOdUl! SllM l! P!l1S ;}l(S 'l;}l(l;}'30l ApOqA.I;}A;} '3U!'3U!Jq JO UO!ldo lS;}q ;}l(l Sl1M '3U!pl!nq ;}UO lnq 'l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sll 1\\ d;};}){ pUll S .AlIOS ;}lOlS;}l ''3u!){llld punOl'3l;}Pun ;}A11l( Pfllo:) A;}l(l P;}l(s!M ll(oH SDOW!OllOil P3SSlId Oorww ,,00H1I311A 3qJjO OOHlIZ!llIOY OJ .IO!-Id .lJlIJS AlP Aq p3AO.lddll pOll SS330.ld 3!1qDd q~DO.lqJ p3dol3A3p 3q IJ!M '~oPl.llld 31q!SS33311 ~O!pDPO! 'Ollld ~UPJ.llId 3J!S-.lJ0 pOll 01lld 3!JJ1l.IJ 01l!-lJS3P3d pOll .Il11D3!q3A Y" :p1l3.1 OJ l 00H33S O! l .I3qWDO 11 3J1I3.13 'fl-SOOl 00HDloS311 P03WY (PIOMS!-I~lIqoH) oOHoW ';}Ul!l S!l(lll1 ;}A!ll1W;}lll1lS;}q ;}l(l SllM l! lnq YZ ;}A!ll1W;}lIY Ol P;}ll!UlUlO:) lOU SllM;}H "Ul;}{qOld S!l(l dl;}l( PfllOM l;}lU;}J A:)U;}'3Y-HfllW;}l(l. "p;}dol( plll( Al!unUlUlO:) ;}l(l ;}){H '3U!Z!{lll!A;}l P;}P;};}U 11;}1ll UMOlUMOP;}l(l. "P;}Sll;}l:)U! p11l( Sl;}qumU ;}S;}l(l pUll 's'3u!pl!nq AldUl;} JO lOI 11 ;}l;}M ;}l;}l(l. 'P;}xy ;}q Plno:) l(:)!l(M SUl;}{qOld lU;}Ul;}'3llUllUl :)!JJllll lnq 'SUl;}{qOld :)!lJ11ll ;}A11l( l, UP!P PlllM;}S ';}lnOl !UlllUnSl ;}l(l l:);}lJ11 PlnoM UO!ll1:)l1A ;}l(l ){U!l(ll,UP!P;}H 'l! xy Plno:) IllllP!A!PU! ;}UOAUll ){U!l(ll,UP!P lnq 'Sl;}){:)od d;};}p l(l!M l! xY Plno:) SP;}d ;}l(l pUll ;}nb!un Sl1M '3u!pl!ng s.AlloS ;}l(l P!llS;}H ';}nss! 111!Sl;}AOlluO:) 11 SllM l;};}llS uOl'aU!l(Sl1 1\\ JO UOH11:)l1A ;}l(lll1l(l P;};}l'311 l(l!UlS "l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sll 1\\ '3U!ll1:)l1A l(l!M P;}S!UlOldUlO:) ;}q PfllOM {llAOUl;}l MOUS pUll S;}!J;}AH;}P ';}lnOl UO!lllll::mA;} !UlllUllSl ;}l(l 'SS;}:):)l1 ;}lY P;}A;}!pq ;}l(S 'su'3!S l;};}llS pUll '3u!){llld ;}ll1!JdOldd11 l(l!M l;};}llS l;}J11S 11 ;}UlO:);}q Plno:) l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sl11\\ "Pl11M;}S lOJ lnoA11I :)!JOlS!l( ;}l(l JO SSOll1 pUll S;}ss;}u!snq lOJ '3u!){llld JO SSOll1 SllM ssol lOOJ ;}lllllbs ;}l(l 'l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sl1A\ ;}ll1:)l1A OllS;}l;}lU! s,:)Hqnd ;}l(l U! lOU SllM l! punoJ ;}l(s 's'3U!puy l;}l( uo P;}Sllq pUll '3U!P!:);}P l(:)nUll;}lJY "Ol ;}UlO:) Ol UO!SP;}P lln:)!lJ!p 11 U;};}q p11l( l! pUll l;}A;} Ulll(l lndu! :)Hqnd ;}lOUl P;}Ap:);}l p11l( ;}l(S 'UO!SS!UlUlOJ;}l(l uo ;}Ul!l l;}l( '3U!IDP l(l!M l{ll;}P plll( ;}l(s ;}nss! {ll!Sl;}AOlluO:) lSOUl ;}l(l U;};}q p11l( s!l(l P!l1S PloMs!JD 'U11l! '3U!lll:)l1A ;}q AI{ll:)!Sllq PlnoM l! JO JI11l( '3U!ll1:)l1 A 'l;};}llS p;}sn AIl('3!l( 11 SllM l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sll 1\\ pUll ';}unr U! U;}){lll ;}l;}M SlunO:) ;}S;}l(l ;}Sn11:);}q P;}M11LJ ;}l;}M Sl;}qumU ;}S;}l(l P!lls ,l(:)110~ ';}unr U! UO!lllllOdsUllll JO lU;}Ullllld;}O ;}llllS ;}l(l Aq ;}UOP SllM U;}){llllunO:) :)!lJllll ;}l(l P!l1S l;}lOOll(:)S "(lqOH/, q3110lf) SOOHS3Db .I3MSOll OJ 03!J.lOd MOllll OJ J03S003 SDOW!01l0D Aq p3p03dsDS s31DlI 'l;};}llS 11 '3U!ll1:)l1AJO lloddns IfllJ U! lOU lnq 'l;}lU;}J A:)U;}'3y-mnW 11 JO lloddns UllJ U! Sl1M ,l(:)110~ ";}ll1;}l:) PfllOM l! PU;} P11;}P ;}l(l JO ;}Sn11:);}q 'l;};}llS UOl'aU!l(Sll 1\\ 88~ a$ocl 'r; aUJnJOA saJnu!w UO!SS!UJUJO:J 3u!UUOlcl mOl 'L puo 9 .Iaqopo o'fsoIV 'p.lOM3sJo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 589 Strobel said she received many comments and discussions from citizens. She felt very open minded about this and had concerns. Strobel had trouble with not being told what was going to happen. What Seward offered to people would keep them coming back, which was not just scenery, but history as well. Strobel was still tom about this issue. She appreciated the public input, and stated she was for the multi-purpose agency. Keil referred to Frank Ballaine's dedication and vision of the future developments for Seward. She did not think he would want Seward to stand still and not progress forward. He would want to look towards progress and economic development. This facility would offer a lot of jobs, and she felt it was in the public's interest to have this center built. Schafer asked if they were voting the project up or down, Keil said they were voting on the vacation of Washington Street. Hohl stated if it wasn't for the significance of the project, this vacation would bear less importance. Buildings were historically significant to the community, but she saw this as an important project. She wished it didn't require the vacation of Washington Street. Roach' said building the Center did not require the vacation of a street and another alternative could be looked at. Griswold said she would like to hear findings that it was in the public interest to vacate. Alternative 4 did not include the vacation of Washington Street, but included the facility. She didn't understand the comment that if Washington Street was not vacated, the center could not be built. Hohl said the findings of fact were in the "Whereas'" of the resolution. Motion (Griswold/Strobel) Continue meeting to a time certain, Friday, October 7, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Motion (HohIlSmith) Approve by unanimous consent Motion Passed Meeting suspended at 11 :00 p.m. Johanna Dollerhide Assistant City Clerk Marianna Keil Chair (City Seal) asoqJ OJ UOmppll U! 'SVD3HA\." :plla.l OJ "slla.laqA\." qJ1(.I!a Ull ppll !EZ-SOOZ uO!JDlosall puamv (pqo.lJS/lqoH) uO!JoW EZ-SOOZ uO!JDlosall aAo.lddv (PIOM.s!.IDflIJ!ms) uO!JoW :SM.OIIOj Sll uo!ss!mmo;) aqJ a.lojaq SliM. 'papuamll Sll 'uo!Jom u!llm aqJ. .pasop SliM. pUll p.lllaq uaaq pllq J!lqDd aqJ JllqJ pUll ~u!Jaam SOOZ '9 .IaqoJJO aqJ Jll papuamll Sll .1000 aqJ uo AIJua.l.lDJ SliM. EZ-SOOZ uO!JDlosall JllqJ paJou SliM. n (~u!Jaaw ~U!UOZ pUll ~U!UUllld SOOZ '9 .Iaqopo aqJ Jll papuamll sV) SJ.N3W3SV3 AJ.I'1IJ.Ll ([3J.VI;)OSSV ANV DNI([Ll'l;)NI A3'l'lV 3DJ. .lIO :IAISLl'l;)X3 '3LlN:IA V HJ...{U ([NY HJ.lILlO.ll N33M.J.3H J.3DJ.S NOJ.DNIHSVA\. .lIO .lI'1VH J.SV3 3DJ. .lI0 NOIJ.V;)VA 1I0.ll 3;)IA1I3S)IlIVd 'lVNOIJ.VN 3HJ. All J.S3Ll()D 3HJ. .lI0 'lVAOllddV HDLlOllOH V'lLlSNIN3d IVNIDI DNI<IN3WWO;)D 'NOISSIWWO;) DNINOZ ([NV DNINNV'ld <IlIVA\.3S 3HJ. .lI0 EZ-SOOZ NOIJ.Ll'lOSD Slu;}wpu:mrn aU!l;};}W S'OOZ: '9 l;}qOPO ;}ql ql!M pm\'\loJ lqanolq SllM. uO!lnlos;}l S!ql :;}lON H-SOOZ uO!JDlosall maJ! ~U!.IllaH J!lqDd jO UO!JllDU!JUO;) s~u!.IllaH J!lqDd l;}UUllld 'UMOlH wlo:>lllW pUll ~UO!SS!WUlO;) ;}ql JO wmonb 11 au!s!ldwo:> l;}qOllS All)l l;}Jllq:>S ;}A;}lS ql!WS wOl ,q:>llO"M ;}!PUllS lqoH UUA'j PIOM.s!lD 10m;) pUll 'aU!p!s;}ld l!;})lllUUll!lllW :lU;}S;}ld ;}l;}M. ;}l;}ql 1111;) 11011 'aug: ;}ql Ol ;}:>Ull!a;}llV JO ;}ap;}ld ;}ql P;}l ql!WS l;}UO!SS!WUlO;) AUoma.la;) ~u!uado 'l!llq;) 'l!;})lllUUll!lllW Aq 'w'd O(:L llll;}PlO Ol P;}llll:> SllM. UO!SS!WWO;) aU!UOZ 'll aU!UUllld pmM.;}S ;}qlJo aU!l;};}W S'OOZ; '9 l;}qOPO mlna;}l ;}ql JO UO!lllnUnUO:> S'OOZ; 'L l;}qOPO ;}qJ. .Iap.lo OJ 1111;) ************************************************************************ 06S'iJ'EDd 'f: iJUlnlOA SiJ/nuIW UOISSIUlUlOJ 'EUIUUD/d [;OOe 'L PUD 9 .liJqopO D'fSDW 'p.lDMasfO N!:J City of Seward. Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 591 findings contained in the preceding whereas statements, the Seward Planning Commission approved the following findings which support vacating the east half of Washington Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, exclusive of the alley, and the associated utility easements" Motion Passed Unanimous (Thefollowing motions were broughtforward asfindings in support of the eighth Whereas). Motion (HohIlSmith) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "Sufficient rights-of-way exist to serve the surrounding properties" as a finding of fact. Griswold was concerned with establishing "equal or superior" as stated in the Borough code and felt the sufficient was not adequate. She did not believe there was equal or superior right-of-way. Griswold expressed the concern that the entire road was being lost because there was no turn around or exit and that traffic traveling East on Washington Street would be forced to exit on an alley. The concerns of the Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Advisory Board regarding the tsunami evacuation route needed to be addressed. Keil disagreed with the concerns that the vacation would cause the loss of the street as Fifth A venue and Railway Street would be access roads with the alleyway as a one-way entrance. Hohl felt that stating "sufficient" was adequate, based on her experience on the Borough Planning Commission. She also stated that during the platting process the Borough would work with the applicant on the parking and right-of-way issues to meet the requirements. Pedestrian (East -West) access issues would also have to be satisfied, as required in the Borough Code. Motion (Griswold/Schafer) Amend the amendment; add "equal or superior" in place of "sufficient". (This motion would amend the motion on the floor) Griswold stated that the concern was for now and for the future, as the right-of-way would be removed forever. Motion Passed Yes: Roach, Hohl, Griswold, Schafer, Strobel SnOW!D8Dfl paSS8d DO!lOW OJ38J JO ~D!PDY 8 S8 "s3H!I!Jn .I0J 3Sn D! 3.18 SJD3W3S83 AJ!I!Jn A8Mp80.l 'UO!SS!WWO:) ~D!DOZ W ~D!DD8Id p.I8M3S 3qJ 3.10J3q ADOWHS3J .I3d" !EZ-SOOZ DOHnlOS3H PD3WY (PIOMS!.ID/lqoH) DOHOW SnOW!D8Dfl p3SS8d DOHOW 0<'009) l;l;lJ p;l.Ipunq X!S SllM (6 )[3oIHJo) qJllU;l( )[30(q ;lqJ lllqJ pUll 'UO!SS!WlUOJ ;lqJ Aq P;lM;l!A;ll A{lU;l3;ll SUM q3~M l;lloq l;lqJOUll III SS;l33ll Ull!llS;lP;ld ql!M SUl;l3U03 lU;l3;ll Ol ;lnp 'P;ll!S A(Jll3!J!3;lds ;lq UO!lll30( SS;l33ll ;lqJ lllql P;lllllS ,q3ll0"M Ol38J JO ~D!PDY 8 S8 "SJS!X3 A8M-JO-Jq~!.1 D8!.1JS3P3d .Io!.l3dns .10 18nb3 3.1nSS8 mM OL rozooz 3pO:) q~no.loo: 8InSD!D3d !8D3)1 OJ 33D3.13qpy" !EZ-SOOZ DOHnlOS3H PD3WY (pqo.lJS/lqoH) DOHOW SnOW!D8Ufl p3SS8d DOHOW OJ38JJO ~U!PUY 8 S8 "SS330.ld ~U!>>8Id 3qJ ~u!.Inp SS3338 .I81n3!q3A .I3qJO PU8 A3D3~3W3 3P!AO.ld OJ JU83!ldd8 3qJ JO p3.1!nb3.1 3q A8W A8M-JO-Jq~!.I 3!(qnd JO UOH83!P3P 18DO!J!PPY" !EZ-SOOZ DOHnlOS3H PU3WY (13qO.lJS/lqOu) UO!lOW SnOW!U8Dfl p3SS8d DOHOW OJ38J JO ~u!pmJ 8 S8 "OOOZ"OZOOZ 3pO:) q~no.loo: 8InSU!U3d !8U3)1 Aq p3.1!nb3.1 S8 SS3338 3!(qnd P3J83!P3P Jnq8 P3J838A 3q OJ UOH33S J33.1JS UO~U!qS8A\. 3qJ uo ~UHUO.lJ SJO'l" !EZ-SOOZ UOHnlOS3H PD3WY (PIOMS!.ID /lqoH) uOHoW snOW!U8Ufl p3SS8d JU3WP03WY O!8W f!3)1 'qJ!WS :ON l6S i)3Vd 'f; i)UJnfOA Si)jnU!PV UO!SS!UJUJOJ 3u!uuv/d mOl 'L pUV 9 '/i)qopO vJfsvW 'p./VMiJS!o N!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5. Page 593 Motion (HohI/not seconded) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "All subdivision plats finalizing vacations are sent to utility companies for review and easement requirements" as a finding of fact. Motion dies for lack of a second. Motion (Griswold/Roach') Amend Resolution 2005-23; "Equal or superior access for utilities now or in the future will be dedicated by plat" as a finding of fact. Griswold was concerned with looking to the future. Keil stated that the vacation was "all about the future." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (HohI/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "It was demonstrated by City of Seward staff that equal or superior utility access exists for now and in the future" as a finding of fact. Roach' supported the amendment. Motion Passed Unanimous A housekeeping item was noted, the legal description in Section One, Item One should read "Block 9" not "Block 19". Motion (Griswold/Roach') Amend Resolution 2005-23; strike the fourth "Whereas" which stated "Whereas, the City of Seward would like to encourage the expedient construction and operations of the Mary Lowell Center on the recommended site; and" Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Roach', Hohl, Griswold, Schafer Ol3"'J JO ~O!poy ... S... "P3l...3.13 3q PlnOM 3lnO.l 00!l...n3...A3 A303~.I3W3 3l...0.l3n'" 0... 'P!q;) 3.1M. p.l8M3S 3ql Aq OO!SS!WWO;) ~O!OOZ pO'" ~O!OO"'ld P.l...M3S 3ql 3.10J3q AOOW!lS3l .I3d" !EZ-SOOZ 00!ln10S311 P03WY (pqO.llS/lqoH) OO!lOW snow!o",ofl P3SS"'d OO!lOW 'P;}lU;}S;}ld;}l ;}l;}M. p.mog ;}ql JO SW;}:)uo:) ;}lpwql ;}IDSU;} Ol P;}llffiM. IqoH Ol3"'J JO ~O!poy ... s... "S3lnO.l 00!l...n3...A3 !w...onSl P3l"'0~!S3P Sl3n.llsqo 00!l...3...A 3ql l"'ql SO.l33003 p3A3A003 p.l"'OO: A.iOS!APY ...3.1Y 33!A.l3S POOI.tJ: }f33.1;) .1...30: p.l8M3S" !EZ-SOOZ 00!lnlos311 P03WY (PIOMS!.I~/lqoID oO!loW snow!o",ofl P3SS"'d OO!lOW Ol03W3l"'lS 3ql JO p03 3qll'" "P.l...M3S JO 4D 3ql pO'" S3p03~'" ~0!P333.1d 3ql" '"SYD:!IHA\" p0033S Ol PP'" !Ez;-SOOZ 00!lnlos311 P03WY (13qO.llS/lqoH) OO!lOW IP)[ '.I3J...q3S 'lqoH '.q3...01l 'ql!WS '13qO.llS :O~ PIOMS!.I~ :S3 A P3f!....tJ: OO!lOW "po... !...3.1... OMOlOMOp 3ql JO 00!l"'Z!I"'l!A3.1 3ql Ol 3lnq!.llo03 Oll"'!l03l0d 3ql s...q po... 4!1P"'J 3303.13J003 3ql WO.lJ M3!A P3l3D.1lsqoon 0... '00!l330003 lOO.lJ.l3l"'M 1...3P! 'S3S03dx3 330...03l0!...W po... 00!l....I3do p3.18qs 'S3SS30!Snq P3l"'13.1 .I0l!S!A Ol 4!A!l330003 3.10W 3P!AO.ld mM 00!l...30I S!ql l'" .I3l03;) 113MO'l A.i...W 3ql .I0J ~O!Pl!nq 300 ~0!l3D.1lS003 'SYD:!IHA\" !S3l"'lS q3!qM "S...3.13qA\" qUY 3ql 3}f!.llS !Ez;-SOOZ 00!ln10S311 P03WY (.I3J...q3SIPIOMS!.I~) OO!lOW f!3)[ 'pqo.llS :ON v6~ a3vd 'r aUJnWA samu!J'{ UO!SS!UiUiO:J 3u!uuv/d rom: 'L pUV 9 Jaqopo vJfsvlfI' 'pJVMiJsfO N!:J City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 595 Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/not seconded) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "The Seward City Council can veto vacation within thirty (30) days of the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval" as a finding of fact. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion (Hohl/Strobel) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "The Historic Preservation Plan, Phase II, (1996) identifies the Solly Building as City ID# 176 and Alaska Historical Register #209" as a finding of fact. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "Per testimony before the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission, the agencies plan to use the site of the Solly's building without retaining the locally significant structure regardless of whether or not Washington Street is vacated" as a finding of fact. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Hohl/not seconded) Amend Resolution 2005-23; "The Seward Historic Preservation Commission requested postponement until the historic significance of Washington Street has been identified" as a finding of fact. Motion died for lack of a second. Schafer questioned whether the City or the Borough Code regulated the Commission's recommendation. Keil responded that the City Code did not have the scope of the recommendation spelled out for vacations. UO!SUlldX:.il1l3.1V AJ!lpll~ ~U!p1l0'I p.lllA\3S 'p1l0.lJ!1lH 1ll(SllIV JO UO!SSD3S!G SS3U!SDa A\3N 'UO!SS!WWO;) <lIpjO '1lU!l<l<lW lX<lU <lIplU SUO!S!A<llljllJP plUMlOj '1lU!lq Ol p<ldoq UM01H 'P<lUO!lU<lW oSIu <ll<lM S<lUOZ '1lU!PU01 'SUO!PnllSqO lq'il!S-jO <lU!I Ip!M SW<l{qOld <l:)np<ll PlnoM q:)!qM 'SUO!P<lSl<llU! <lIp Ol lS<lSOp Slods <lql lU '1luPllUd AluO <lPA:)lOlOW '1lU!AUq P<lPU<lWWO:)<ll H<l)l 'SlU<lW<ll!nb<ll '1luPIlUd vav <lql Ol s<lpuJ'ildn ql!'" plUMlOj <lAOW Ol Al!;) <lIp p<llunM IqoH 'lU<lWllUd<la <l:)!Iod <lql wo.IJ lndu! '1luPI<l<lS P<lPU<lWWO:)<ll ql!WS '<lpO;) Al!J <lIp U! SlU<lW<ll!nb<ll '1luPIlUd <lql Ol <lpUW <lq prno:) q:)~M 'SlU<lUlpU<lUlU M<lj U lOj S<l:)U<ll<lj<lld s, UO!SS!WWO;) <lqll<l'1l Ol p<llunM UM01H 3pO;:) ~UPI.llld AJD p.lllA\3S 3qJ OJ SUO!S!A3.1 P3PU3WW033.1 JO UO!SSD3S!G SS3U!SRa p3qS!uyufl .UO!SS!WWO;:) 3qJ JO SS333.1 3JDU!W S .I3Jllq3S 'PIOA\S!.I~' ,q31lOll J!3)( 'qJ!WS 'pqo.lJS 'lqoH :ON :s3A P3SSlld DOHOW p3pD3Wll Sll 'DOHOW D!llW DO 3JO A 'Ip!," sS<lu!snq '1lU!OP <llU nOA WOqM sl<lupud lSnll Ol <l{qu <lq Plnoqs <lUO lUIp pun S<lPU<l'1lu l<lIpO <lIp Ip!'" d~Sl<lUlJUd U! SUM Al!;) <lql <l:)U!S ~Al!IU<ll pun :)!'1l01 ql!M '1lU!O'1l pun UOnOW<l '1lU!SU1<l Ip!'" 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Brown wanted to learn the Commission's preferences for involvement in the reVIew process. Griswold was concerned that the ARRC wanted to fill in the five acre pond with gravel and coal. She stated that the ARRC had provided the Kachemak Heritage Land Trust with $15,000 to purchase wetlands property(s) as a mitigation measure. She said the community had put up with coal dust for a long time and the Safeway management told her they had problems with coal dust both in the parking lot and in the store. She hoped the Clean Air and Water Act would be applicable. Schafer stated the coal dust was acceptable due to the economic advantages of having a coal shipment facility in the community and the involvement of the Commission needed clarification. Smith commented that the scope of work must be somewhat large, as the ARRC intended on filling in the pond to make room. HoW had concerns with the scope of the Commission's involvement and wanted to know if it was within the Commission's authority to make recommendations to outside agencies, she related that the Borough Planning Commission had made a recommendation which the Borough Assembly later stated was outside the bounds of their involvement. Hohl was appalled that the public notice would only be posted in three public places; she felt that more public notification was needed, Keil recommended hosting a Special Meeting to have a community forum for the ARRC, the public and any other interested parties. A special meeting was scheduled for October 13, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Brown said he would make the proper notifications. Informational Items and Reports- (No action required) Banners Griswold stated that political signs were against code, off premises banners were illegal, and the question to be asked was "do we want to enforce our Code?" The problem was that there was no enforcement. Procedure to Cancel a Meeting - brought forward by Lynn Hohl [Postponed from the August 9 and September 6, 2005 meeting] Hohl had concern with the July meeting cancellation. She said that meetings should not ~no.nn d!lJ Ol pml :l::lYJO S,)[l:l{J AK) :It{l MOU lOJ lnq 'ss:l::lold :It{l :lAOldw! PlnoM lU:lwd!nb:l 8u!UU!l::ls M:lU:llJ.l "8U!lRllSlUJ SRM t{::l!lJM 'UOmpUO::l lRwsAqR UR U! ld:l)[ :ll:lM SplO::l:ll AURW lRt{l pUR SlS:lnb:ll JO S:ldAl :lS:lt{l t{l!M S:lSUOdS:ll Al:lW!l 8U!A:l!lJ::lR U! Alln::lYJ!p p:llR:ll::l l:luuosl:ld JO )[::lRl lRt{l 8u!lRlS Aq :lnSS! :It{l p:lSS:llppR I:lS:l A U:llSlDI l:l8RURW Al!J lURlS!SSY "Sl:lUOISSIWWO::l lrnp!A!pu! lOJ SlURlS!SSR t{::lID:lS:ll :lq Ol lJRlS lOJ :llq!ssod lOU SRM l! lRt{l lnq ApOq R SR SUO!SS!WWO::l :It{l Aq p:llS:lnb:ll :ll:lM t{::l!lJM SW:ll! IJR uo :lUOP SRM t{::lID:lS:ll pUR Sl:lUO!SS!WWO::l U:l:llIDOJ JO lRlOl R :lARt{ t{::l!lJM SUO!SS!WWO::l OMl lOJ lJRlS Amw!ld :It{l SRM lU:lwdopA:lG Al!UUWWOJ lRt{llno p:llU!od UMOlH ":l::lYJo S,)[l:llJ :It{l Aq p:l)[::lRll SRM t{::l!t{M 'SplO::l:l~ ::l!lqnd lOJ lS:lnb:l~ R lno llY Ol SRM :lmp:l::lold l:ldOld :It{l p:lp:l:lU SRM t{::lID:lS:ll U:lt{M lRt{llnq ':lJq!SS:l::l::lR AHSR:l SRM UO!lRUllOJU! :It{l J! UO P:ll:)R :ll:lM Sl:lUO!SS!WWOJ pUR ::l!lqnd :It{l wo.y SlS:lnb:ll llR lRt{l pUR :lJqRHRAR AHPR:ll SRM lRt{l UO!lRUllOJU! It{oH P:lHRW:l pRt{ :It{ lRt{l p:llRlS UMOlH "UllOJ :llR!ldOlddR :It{llno P:lllY pRt{ :It{ lRt{l pUR UO!lRUllOJU! u!RldpoolJ lnoqR URJ lSRl :lpRw :It{ lS:lnb:ll R t{l!M SW:l::lUO::l IDHW!S pRt{ :It{ P!RS l:lJRt{::lS "l! 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The scan process would begin with the new scanner and it would be helpful to have a tech to control digital data. HoW stated the list she had requested was not archived but should be available in the planning department office. The request was made over a year ago and restated several times smce. A copy of the requirements for the "Conservation District" in the Homer City Code Griswold spoke of resource conservation overlays and felt that if people felt secure that the public green areas would remain, people would develop around them. Buffers should be created around certain streams. Schafer stated that trees around streams provide shade, which kept oxygen in the water. Procedure to follow for adding items to the agenda Brown noted that staff had not had the time to prepare that report. Hohl said the procedures were identified and could be copied and presented. "Assembly rejects code ordinance in raucous meeting", Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, September 23, 2005 Hohl referred the Commissioners to the lay down article with the Fairbanks assembly member asking for recordation at the next meeting. She noted the situation was interesting and should be watched. Reminder of October 17, 2005 5:30 training session with Mary Toll, KPB Platting Officer Commission Comments Strobel, referencing the vote for the vacation, said she was still skeptical but that sometimes you needed to have faith. Information was so important and that she wished to say thank you for all the emails and calls. She wanted to know what the city could do to stop the T- shirt shops from coming in and taking advantage of the Mary Lowell Center economy. Schafer, said he was going to sleep well that night and that his vote reflected his concerns lJS a candidate for Council. He spoke of something which bothered him a great deal, which was the intense lobbying by administration and Council. He considered it to be out of place anp tasteless, such as during the break after the public comment period had been closed SRM l:)~UunW Al!::) :)lll :)snu:):)q :)lOJ:)q l~!U :)lll u:)"fods lOU pm{ lnq uo!ss:)s "flOM I!:)unO::) :)lll pun ss:):)old uonUTIluA-!U!W :)lll lll!M. P:)AIOAU! u:):)q pUll :)llS ":)lOJ:)q l~!U :)lll p:)ss:)ldx:) lOU SM:)!A sS:)ldx:) Ol llOJJ:) un SR :)puw :)l:)M SPUlUO:) l:)ll P!Us :)llS .:)mss:)ld IU:)!l!lod :)SU:)lU! ol :)SUOdS:)l U SUM l! lUlll P:)U!Uldx:) pun ~U!Aqqol :)lU!ldOlddUU! l:)ll lOJ P:)Z!~OIOdU :)llS ":)UOp PUll A:)lll "flOM pmll :)llllOJ UO!SS!WWO::) :)lll p:)pU:)WWO:) 'l:)~UunW Al!::) lunlS!SSV '(aSaA uals.JDI "AUa UO!P:)llnS:)1! 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"P:)lSR~l:)qqUlJ" ll:)J :)llS lUlll P:)lUl:)l!:)l :)llS .S:lftl:)lq ~u!:lftll pun swoolllluq :)lll Ol ~U!O~ :)m A:)lll u:)llM P:)!qqol :)q l,un:) Sl:)UO!SS!wwo::) .:)nss! :)llllnoqu "'fU!lll Ol :)wn P:)P:):)u u:)lll pun SUMOP-Atll :)lll P:)A!:):):)l puu s~u!JU:)ll :)!lqnd :)lll PPll UO!SS!wwo::) :)lll .S:lftl:)lq :)lll ~u!lTIP uo ~U!O~ ~U!Aqqol JO lunoum :)lll Aq "P:)lStl~l:)qqtllJ" SRM :)lls pun UOnUllS!U!WPtl wOl] ~U!Aqqol Ol :)SUOdS:)l U! A"Rp :)lll U! l:)!lm:) l!Uw:) un lno lU:)S :)llS "l:)lu:)::) :)J!lu:)S tl"fSRIV :)lll pun l:)lU:)::) ll:)Mol AmW :)lll Aq lno u:)"fUl Punl JO lunoum :)lll su lunoum :)ums :)lll JO :)q PITIolls P!llS!G IUpl:)WWO::) :)lll Ol suo!l!PPU lUlll lU:)WWO:) U P:)A!:):):)l PUll :)lls ltllll P:)lUlS 'P(oM.s!.l~ "~U!JU:)ll :)!lqnd :)lll ~u!lTIP AJnS:)l Ol :){qu :)q lOU PlnoM w:)llUo AunW M:)O)[ :)lls lUlll pun sU:)Z!lP :)lll JO :)uo Al:)A:) pun ll:)tl:) Ol P:)U:)lS!l :)lls ltlllllnO P:)lU!od :)llS ":)po::):)lll MOlloJ Ol P:)P:):)u UO!ltlllS!U!Ulpu:)1U ":)lU!ldOldduu! pun SS:)PlSUl :)q Ol H punoJ :)lls ltllll pun UOnUllS!U!Wptl Aq P:)PUlUO:) SUM OllM :)UO AlUO :)lll lOU SRM l:)JUll:>S l:)UO!SS!wwo::) ltllll P:)lUlS 'q380H ,,"lOOP :)llllno "fluM :)M u:)llM :)m :)M SR P:)l!un SR Jlull :)q 1l!M. lpuno::) ltllll POD Ol AUld I" "ss:):>old :)llllnoqu poo~ lPJ :)11 UO!S!:>:)P U P:)ll:>u:)l UO!SS!WWO::) :)lll u:)llM lUlll P:)lUlS l:)Jull:>S 'UO!SS!WWO::) :llll ~U!lSRqumI SRM pun l~!lllSRlJO :lm:) U:l"fUll:l~ l,UP!P S~U!llllll111 ~U!lUlS l:llU:l::) :lJ!lu:)S u"fSRIV ;)lll lU P;)"flOM ollM unW:)llU:)~ tl WOl] I!tlW;) ~U!A!:l:>:ll uo P:)lU;)WWO:> oSlu :)H ,"I!:>uno::) ;)lllJo S;)lls!M. ;)lll MOlloJ Ol Alnp mOA S! l! ~U!AUS ;)W Ol S;)wo:> uosl;)d lpuno::) tl U;)llM" 009 iJ3Vcl '~iJUJnloA SiJJnU/W UO/SS/UJUJO;) 3u/uuvlcl ~OOl 'L puv 9 .liJqopO v'1fsvfV 'p.lVMiJS!o N/;) City of Seward, Alaska October 6 and 7, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 60 I representing those concerns. She went to the mini-valuation process as a skeptic as she had previously been a Commissioner on the Historic Preservation Commission and had not initially supported the vacation of Washington Street but had changed her perspective. Commission and Administration response to citizens' comments Smith, stated that he was perturbed about the lobbying which had taken place and that he did not want it to happen again. He was concerned that Council had not given clear guidance. Brown, stated the Commissioners should continuously study the Open Meetings Act. Schafer, thanked Vesel for her apology to the Commission. Hohl, stated that the night before during a break, she had been lobbied and when she asked a member of the administration she was told that the contact was appropriate. She stated that she later felt the contact may have been considered as ex-parte. She was concerned that the Commission was supposed to follow Council and that our elected officials dropped the ball on this one. Council did not attend meetings and Council did not make a firm recommendation in the Commission's agenda packet. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 p.m. .' &fk.L;/._~ y'u')e..Jv-J Malcolm Brown ......~,Hur~h, Planner ~~~:,,--,~ ,-" "",,,~,, f.l~:~f\};.; ;:;,: ifL;:~.;:,\':" t:;, ..~-,. ~ \".J" (City Seal):~ : \ ~ ~ Ell : "if": ,'. ,,~: :.,E..J: './ t:,:.'l . 0() ~'). ". .......,:,o.."*''''' ~.. \:" \If.<"/', ,.rl,,/ ,\"" ~~'~":'X-~ ,1:":~~~:'>~ ... .' , ' 'J~ ::!/;anna Keil ". Chair "lS;:lnb;:ll ;:llp lSulU'ilu ;:l'ilUSS;:lW 'iluolls U PU;:lS Ol UO!SS!UlUlOJ ;:llp p;:l'ilm;:lH "puod 'ilU!Ill;:lS fRO:l ;:llp jO 'ilu!IlY UO!lUlOWOJ PUOll!UlI U){SUIY ;:llp lSU!U'ilu AI'iluolls ;:l){odS "Al!J;:llp ;:lp!SlnO 'UOX!(( war ~U!.IBaH 3!1qod .Io.{ palopaq3S swan asoqJ.. Jda3X;) J3;)fqos AUY uo SJU;)WWO;) .sU;)ZHD ;)UON - SUOHBJU;)S;).Id pUB SJU;)W;)3UOOUUY 'sJ,lod;)lI.1;)qJO "P;:lfOld ;:llp uo l;:lUlJnlI pun pmoq U;:llV ;:l:l!Al;:lS pOOH ){;:l;:llJ m;:lg pmM.;:lS ;:lqllp!M. ){1OM. Ol ;:lnu!luo:l Ol P;:lUUUId ;:lq luql P;:llUlS UMOlg "00"000'017$10 U;:lm pmM.;:lS ;:lqllOjlSO:l q'ilnol U puq ;:lq P;:llUlS l;:lUlJnlI "S;:llupdn ;:lqllOj 'ilU!pullj ;:lWOS lp!M. U;:lm pmM.;:lS ;:llp lS!SSU Ol 'ilu!II!M. ;:ll;:lM. A;:lql pun WnlOd P;:lqsl;:llUA\. !UU;:l)l ;:lql Aq P;:lA!;:l:l;:ll U;:l;:lq puq lUUl'il U luql P;:llUlS puq l;:lUJjnlI lUlp P;:llOU;:lH "wro'ilOld UO!lUZ!W;:lPOW duw YWHd ;:lql 'ilU!pm'il;:ll Ulnlod P;:lqsl;:llUA\. !UU;:l)l 'l;:lUlJnM ll;:lqOlI wOl] UO!lUUllOjU! P;:lA!;:l:l;:ll puq ;:lq P;:llOU UMOlg J,lod;)lI UOHB.lJS!U!Wpy AlD l;:ljUq:lS ;:lA;:llS p;:lsn:lx;:l - IqoH uuA'] :;:ll;:lM. lU;:lsqy lUUlS!SSY 'ilU!UUUId 'ZU;:lID uuuoa l;:lUUUId 'UMOlg WIO:lIUW pun ~UO!SS!UlUlOJ ;:lql1o Ulnlonb U 'ilu!s!ldwo:l pqOllS AU)I ql!WS wOl ,q:>UOlI ;:l!Puns PIOM.s!lD IomJ pun ''ilU!p!s;:lld I!;:l)l uuuu!luW :lU;:lS;:lld ;:ll;:lM. ;:ll;:lq.L liB;) 1I01l ";:l{qUl!UAU SUM. 'iluIJ OU 'WOOl ;:l:lU;:ll;:lJUO:l Sl!UlSdn U! PI;:lq SUM. 'ilU!l;:l;:lW AUOW;).I;);) ~u!u;)dO "l!UqJ 'I!;:l)l uuuu!JUW Aq "w"d O(:L lU l;:lplO Ol P;:lIIU:l SUM. UO!SS!UlUlOJ 'ilU!UOZ 'lfl 'ilU!UUUId pmM.;:lS ;:lql1o 'ilU!l;:l;:lW IUp;:lds ~om: 'tI l;:lqOPO ;:lq.L .I;)p.lO OJ liB;) Z09 agvJ 's; aUln/oA samuwv gU!laaw /vpads UOISSIUJUJO:J gUluuv/J mOl '[I .Jaqopo VJfSVfV 'p.JVM3s]o N!;) City o/Seward, Alaska October 13, 2005 Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes Volume 5, Page 603 Aaron Henderson, inside the City. Supported the Alaska Railroad request to fill the settling pond. He stated the railroad provided jobs and any support for the operations of the railroad was important. Mary Bozza, outside the City. Spoke strongly against the filling of the settling pond. She requested clarification on the original building of the pond and if it was allowed as a form of mitigation. Dave Squires, inside the City. Noted that the current pond was a man-made pond for the settling of the coal dust. He stated that a very large amount of water, thousands and thousands of gallons was used by the railroad to control spontaneous combustion fires within the coal storage area. Squires questioned where the replacement pond was to be located. He voiced strong concerns of the historic flooding in the area. He did not support any run off from the coal being allowed into Resurrection Bay. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (Smith/Griswold) Approve the Agenda as written Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business - None New Business Review of the Alaska Railroad Corporation Revision of Intended Use at the Coal Laydown Area Gary Williams - Kenai Peninsula Borough Coastal Zone Management, stated the issue before the Commission had to do with the modification of the previously issued Coastal Zone Management Permit. The Alaska Railroad had requested the modification to increase the area of the coal storage. He stated the permit had already been issued to the Alaska Railroad to fill in the settling pond. He noted the issues of the coal dust and the run off were of great concern. The Commission suggested that the application be reviewed on a page by page review. Thereby Williams had information ready for the review process. Page 1, found to be in order. Page 2, Dept of Environmental Conservation Approvals, Item 2, sub item 3, was a yes Item 1, run off water from the coal stockpile needed to be addressed sJuammo:J ,suazlJI:J OJ asuodsaH UOn1l.1JS!U!mpy pUU SUO!SS!mmo:J .l:lAOIdW:l IU:lOI U SU PUOlI!lllI :lllJ lloddns Ol SlU:lP!S:ll {ll:lOI OllUlllJOdW! SUMl! p:llON .AllJ:lllJ :lplSUl 'uos.lapUaH uO.luy sJuammo:J uaZJJD 'UOHU:l!Iddu :lllJ uo W:l:lUO:lJO l:lU:lI U :ll!JM. Ol Sl:lUOlSS!WWOJ :llJlJO lJ:lll:l P:l'3UIDO:lU:l 'Q3UOH .p:lS!lll S:lnSS! :llJl UO UO!lU:l!.J!lllP pUll UO!SSn:lS!p lOJlU:lS:lld lOU SUM PUOlI!lllI UlSUIY:lllJ lUllJ lU:lWlUlOddUS!p U P:llUlS :llJS .summ!1\\. AmO p:l){UllllJ '(aqo.lJS .UO!lll:l!Iddu :llJl UO M:l!A:ll pUll SlU:lWWO:ll!wqns Ol UO!SS!WWOJ :llJllOJ Al!UUlJoddo :llJl '3U!P!AOld lOJ summ!1\\. AmO p:l){UlllJl 'P(OA\S!.I~ sJuammo:J Uo!ss!mmo:J .Sl:lqumlJJ I!:lunOJ :llJl Ul '3uH:l:lW :l!Iqnd U '3U!PIOlJ SUM IpunOJ sJ.lodaH pUU sman (UUOnum.loJuI .UO!llll:lP!SUO:llOJ SWUm!1\\. A:Juo Ol SlU:lWWO:l SnOl:lumu p:lp!AOld pUll UO!lU:l!Iddu :llJl uo UO!ssmslP AllJ'3U:lI U PPlJ UO!SS!WWOJ :llJ~ .U:llll poolJ U su '3u!dduw VW3..'l 1861 :llJl uo lOU SUM l:lA:lMOlJ lsud :llJl U! p:lpoolJ U:l:lq PlllJ U:llll :llJl p:llOU UMOlH .llodJlU plllM:lS :llJlJO S:lI!w 5; U!llJ!M. SUM U:llll :lllJ l:lllJ Ul U:llJM OU p:lllllW SUM 'u5; W:lll .U:llll :l'3ulols S{ll!l:llUW MUl ':l'3llllJ:lS!P l:llUM UllOlS 'P17 W:lll .lJ:lns su p:lllllW U:l:lq :lAUlJ p(UolJs pUll S:ll:lU 9 su p:llOU SUM U:llll :l17 W:lll 'ou U su p:lllllW SUM W:ll! S!llJ 'llod l:llUM d:l:lp :lllJ ul sd!lJs P:lPUOI puolI!lll :lllJ 'Uf W:lll 'L a~ud .U:llll plllZlllJ IU:llsAlJdo:l'3 UMOU){ U SUM U:llll :llJl pUJ U! U:llJM ou U SU p:lllllW SUM 'f Il:lqumu W:ll! lUlJl P:llUlS PIoMs!lO '9 a~ud .OU p:lllllW SUM pUll Al!A!PU IUPl:lWWO:lU lOJ SUM P:lfOld:l~ 'u W:ll! qns 'I W:lll 'S{llAOlddy S:l:lIDOS:llI {lllUluNJo lU:lWlJUd:lG 's a~ud 'um:lllS snowOlpuUll :lllJ pUll :l){llI :llJlJO UOHlll:ll{U :lllJ p:llOU PIOMS!lO .p:lSS:llppu :ll:lM SW:ll! :lS:llJl MOlJ AJ!l:lA pUll P:lfOld :llJllOJlU:lW:lllllS :llHU:l :llJl M:l!A:ll p(UOM :llJ p:llOU sumlm1\\. .Z l:lqumU JO U:llll :llJl UO SW:l:lUO:l p:l:l!OA UO!SS!wwoJ :llJ~ '17 a~ud .'3U!lOl!UOW l!U :lllJJo slIns:ll :llJl p:llS:lnb:ll UOlSS!wwoJ:l~ 'f a~ud ~ooz 'f I .laqopo TJ'fSTJfV 'p.lTJMasJo tfJ!;) 1709 a3TJd '~aumJOA samUIF'l 3u!1aaw flJ!:Jads UO!SS!UJUJO;) 3u!uUTJ/J City of Seward. Alaska October 13. 2005 Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes Volume 5, Page 605 Brown thanked the public, commissioners, Gary Williams and the media for attending the Special Meeting on very short notice. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. ')L~/~ 'r!. (IL. Donna Glenz Planning Assistant \.:J~'~ ;1;;:U'~ ; Maf(~a Keil \ .' Chair (City Seal) ."ttnru~,.. ~'\"_ c~ i-OJ ~ .of'o,i'!- ~~~ f. C';' '.~~lJ.,;."t."~;~<.~,~", .,.~7 ,,''''''\ ~~_.~':".'~". ~ .'i....", "'i~ ...~' {" .,-;,\,Or:... :'~". ,) \" f',. I'";'lr ,~~1" '" ,~..." ,," :: '-oJ fj,,:r; ,()\, \'- :: l~r.-+- -., :: : (~, T;4 p" ,. ~ (.t, ',,'~ ~ e i \:JDl':.~'J,.J : :~ t.~ . .. .... '6i. ........-. " ,.JI ~ \ ._f'!~..~? '~"', '} ~\ 't'+" VI" ~("" ~~ r, ~l':._J_",_,i'''''~'J~~,~,'' ''';~'' ,.' ,"..~>'.'''~'''''''' "'..., .'-':,';..:: "'. " '..., .~ .....~z..;;;,........... ..,... 'AUP lX<lU <llll nUlU<l Aq UO!SS!lUlUOJ <llll Ol p<lP!A01d <lq PlnoM pun <lrqUnUAUun SUM UO!lUUllOJU! lUlll P<llOUlJUlS 'UO!lUlU<lS<lld P<lllSl<llUA\. !UU<l)! <llllJO UO!lU;)OI pun <llU!l <llll p<llS<lnb<ll ,1l;)UO~ '<lrquI!UAU SUM l! SU uoos SU UO!SS!lUlUOJ <llll Ol P<lI!UlU<l <lq PlfiOM UO!lUUllOJU! <lllllUlll p<llOU lJUlS 'rlU!U!Ull <llll JO UO!lU;)OI pun <llU!l <llll p<llS<lnb<ll NOH 'lU<lrqOld <llll <lAIOS<ll Ol llrlnolOS: <llll lll!M. ){lOM Ol rlU!All AIlU<llln;) SUMlJUlS P<llUlS UM.01S: '"YU1P" 'P<llUlS l<lAO;) <llll <lsnu;)<lq IUA01ddu lOJ pmM.loJ unld <lA!SU<lll<lldlUOJ pmM<lS <lllllllrln01q lOU pRlllJUlS ~nolOS: <llll lUlll UO!lU<lUU lJUlS Ol l~n01q U<l<lq pUll H ~ 'ulnsu!u<ld <llll JO <lp!S W<llSU<l <llll UO rlu!ddulU poog <llll <lpulrldn ol unld <llllrlU!pmrl<ll ,>om:: '( l<lqlU<lAON uo P<lllSl<llUA\. !UU<l)! <llll Aq uO!lUlU<lS<lld ~ 'A<lWOnU Al!J <llll Aq p<lp!A01d SUO!SS!lUlUOJ pun pmos: <lllllOJ '>00;::: 'L I l<lqlU<lAON 10J P<lUUUld SUM rlU!U!U1l ~ '){md U<lqOH <llll U! ){lOMlOJ OO'OOO'(($Jo lunoum <llll U! lunl1l D1.J 's<l;)mos<l~ IUlnlUN JO lU<llUllUd<lQ U 10J p<l!Iddu PUll UO!SS!lUlUOJ UO!lUAl<lS<lld ;)!lOlSm ~ :SlU<ll! sS<lu!snq rlU!MOlIoJ <llllJo UO!SS!lUlUOJ <llll p<llUpdn UM.O.lH WI0318W '.I3UU81d l.IOd3H UO!l8.1lS!U!WPV AJ!;) lun;)UA P<lU!UlU<lllU<lS <lUa lUUlS!SSV rlU!UUUld 'ZU<lID uuuoQ l<lUUUld 'UM.01S: lUIO;)IUW l<lrlUUUW Al!;J '<lrlP!lqlOJ ){mIJ pun ~UO!SS!lUlUOJ <llllJo lUruonb U llU!S!ldlUO;) pqOllS AU)! llHlUS lUol ,1l;)UO~ <l!puns IlloH uuA1. PloMs!lD IomJ pun 'rlU!p!s<lld {!<l)! uuuu!mw :lU<lS<lld <ll<lM <ll<llll 118;) 1I0H 'rlug <llll Ol <l;)un!rI<lIIV JO <lrlp<lId <llll P<lI IlloH l<lUO!SS!lUlUOJ AUOW3.13;) ~u!u3dO 'l!UllJ '{!<l)! uuuu!JUW Aq 'lU'd O(:L lU l<lplO Ol P<lIIU;) SRM UO!SS!lUlUOJ llU!UOZ W llU!UUUld p.rnM:lS :llll JO llU!l:l:llU .rnlnll:l1 ,>OOZ 'I l:lqlU:lAON :llll .I3p.l0 Ol1l8;) 909 <J'aVd '[; <JwnlOA S<J}nUIW UOISSIWWOJ 'aUluuvld moz '[ .I<Jqw<J'ION v,/sv/V 'p.lVMdsJo tOlJ City of Seward, Alaska November /, 200S Planning Commission Minutes VolumeS, Page 607 In response to Griswold, Brown stated he had not received any updates on the Coastal Zone Management Plan or the Airport Master Plan. KPB Planning Commission Report by Lynn Hohl Commissioner Hohl submitted a written report of the recent Borough Planning Commission meeting to the Commission and the public. Hohl noted that she was working to have a teleconference set up for the Public Hearing on the Vacation of Washington Street. Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations - None Citizens' Comments on Any Subject except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing- None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (GriswoldlHohl) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Griswold removed item 9B, the October 6 and 7, 2005 meeting minutes. Hohl added item lOD, Discussion of possible Borough teleconference for the Vacation of Washington Street, Borough Planning Commission agenda item. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearings Resolution 2005-24, recommending City Council and the Kenai Peninsula Borough approval of the Fourth of July Creek Subdivision Number 3, Roberts Replat. Brown stated the applicant owned the landlocked parcel to the west of the City owned Tract H, Fourth of July Subdivision. The applicant had submitted a request to purchase the approximate five (5) acres of the 28.4 acre Tract H located between the privately owned Lot 2 U.S. Survey 3294 and Nash Road. Brown noted that the applicant had requested the purchase to provide access to the landlocked parcel and restrict other development. He stated that both Planning and Zoning and the City Council had previously approved the sale of the approximate five acres. Brown recommended the pedestrian access easements from Nash Road to the beach needed to be addressed. He stated that the replat subdivision was a very irregular shape and covered a long distance between Nash Road and the Resurrection Bay beach. He stated that the plat that was before the Commission did not note the 60 foot transmission line easement that was currently in place. He stated that staff supported the replat subject to the following conditions: 1. A warranty deed shall be used to transfer the City of Seward's interest in the portion of Tract H which is being transferred to the applicants. OpR01 ~U!lS!X::l ::lql JO ::lp!S lSU::lqllou ::lql UlOl] U::l)}tll ::lq PlnoM. p::lp::l::lU PURl ::lql ::lIDlllJ ::lql U! P::lU::lP!M. ::lq Ol p::l::lU pROll qsuN pynoqs lRql p::llRlS 'S)j'101\\. ::l!yqnd JO 10p::l1!O 'A::lSUJ OJ01\\. '.q::lR01l1::lUO!SS!UlUlOJ Ol ::lSUOdS::l1 UJ snom!U8Uil pass8d UO!JO:W OlUR::l!lddR ::lql Ol SS::l::l::lR ::lqllRld OllSO::l ::lql JO SW::l::lUO::l p::l::>!OA ::lqs l::lA::lM.Oq ~q::>R::lq ::lql Ol SS::l::l::>R ::l!lqnd p::llR::l!p::lp ::lql p::llloddns PIOM.s!JO O::llR!JdOlddR p::lW::l::lp 1(tJnolOg ::lql SU lRld ::lql Ol p::lppR SlU::lUl::lSR::l SS::l::l::>R UR!lls::lp::ld ::lARq Ol P::lSU::lld ::lq PlnoM. Al!J ::lqllRql pUR ::lnss! SS::l::l::lR ::l!lqnd ::lql1::lp!SUO::l Ol q~nolOg ::lql "'lSR AIlR::l!Jp::lds l::lll::l1 ::lql P::llS::l~~ns::lH o::llR!JdOlddR ::lq l1(tJ!Ul SW::l::lUO::l ::lql ~u!ss::lldx::l q~nolOg ::lql Ol Al!J ::lql UlOl] l::lll::l1 R Wql p::llRlS ::l~P!JqlOJ OlRld::l1 ::lql uo p::llOU q::lR::lq ::lql Ol pROll qSRN UlOl] SlU::lUl::lSU::l UR!JlS::lp::ld OU ::l1::lM. AllU::llID::l ::ll::lqllRql p::llRlS UM.Olg opROll qsuN OllU::l::lRfpR p::llRd ::l~lRI AJ::lA R SUM. UO!S!A!pqns ::lqlJo H PRlllRql p::llOU ::lH 0 All::lct01d lUR::l!lddR ::lql JO lS::lM. R::llR ::lqllsnf lOU UO!S!A!pqns ::llnU::l ::lql p::lSS::llppR UO!SS!UlUlOJ ::lql ::llOpq lRld ::lqllRql p::llRlS::lH oSlU::lUl::lSR::l UR!lls::lp::ld JO ::lnss! ::lql SS::llppR Ol p::llS::lnb::l1 UM.01g lU8a!ldd8 aql Aq paluasa.ld S8 uonnlosalI aql ldop8 !tZ-SOOZ uonnlosalI puamy (ql!mS/PloM.s!.l~) uonow tZ-SOOZ uonnlosalI aAo.lddy (pqo.llSI ,qa8olI) uonow pasop S8M. ~u!.l8aq a!lqnd aql PU8 p.l8aq aq Ol palsanba.l asp auo ON OUO!lnIOS::l1 JJRlS ::lql U! I UO!P::lS JO t l::lqumU p::lAOUl::l1::lq pUR p::lSS::llppR AISnO!A::l1d U::l::lq pRq q::lR::lq ::lql Ol pROll qsuN UlOl] SlU::lUl::lSR::l UR!llS::lp::ld JO ::lnss! ::lqlll::lJ ::lq p::llRlS::lH ouOnnlOS::l1 JJRlS ::lql U! P::llU::lS::l1d SlU::lUl::llRlS SR::l1::lqM. ::lql JO SR::llR IR1::lA::lS p::l~URq::l 1O pUR p::ll::lpp pRq ::lq lRql P::llOU::lH 0::lA01ddR pUR M.::l!A::l1 Ol UO!SS!UlUlOJ ::lql10J uOnn10S::l1 UM.Op ARI R p::lll!Ulqns pRq::lq p::llRlS::lH oAl!J::lql ::lp!SlnO 'Sll::lqOll ::lpR1\\. 'pauado S8M. ~u!.l8aq anqnd aql PU8 palOU S8M. M.81 Aq pa.l!nba.l S8 paqs!lqnd PU8 palsod ~u!aq ~u!.l8aq anqnd JO aanoN ::lU!1 UO!SS!UlSUR1l ~U!lS!X::l ::lql UO P::l1::llU::l::> 'qlP!M.ll! l::l::lJ AlX!S JO umUl!ll!Ul R ::lq IlRqs ::lu!l UO!SS!UlSURll ::lqllOJ lU::lUl::lSU::l ::lql oS::lnmln p::lSOd01d pUR ~U!lS!X::l IlR 10J p::lP!A01d ::lq IlRqs SlU::lUl::lSU::l Almm 0 ~ oq~nolOg Rlnsu!u::ld !RU::l)l ::lql Ol p::lplRMloJ S! lRld AmU!Ul!l::lld S~l ::llOpq OlU! p::l1::llU::l::lq ngqs lU::lUl::l::l1~R UO!S!A!pqns R Ol UO!ld::l::lx::l UR 10 lU::lUl::l::l1~R UO!S!A!pqns V Ov o::lPOJ q~nolOg Rlnsu!u::ld !RU::l)l ::lql Aq p::l1!nb::l1 su UO!S!A!pqns ::lql Ol p::lpPR ::lq nRqs pRoll qsuN Ol q::>R::lq ::lql UlOl] \3U!O\3 SlU::lUl;)SU::l UR!llS;)P::ld oS olRs!RlddR UR Aq p::lqs!lqRlS::l::lq IlRqs p::lll::lJSURll::lq Ol S! q::l!qM. PURl S,plRM.::lSJo Al!J ::lqlJo ::lnlRA::lU o( 809 agvd '~aUJnloA samUIW UOISSIUJUJO:J gUluuv/d moz '[.JaqUJailoN v'Isv/JI 'p.JVM.aS!O NIJ City of Seward, Alaska November !, 200S Planning Commission Minutes VolumeS, Page 609 In response to Commissioner Roach', David Squires, Fire Chief, stated he had felt the applicant was willing to work with the City on any access issues to the property. Motion (HohIlSmith) Amend Resolution 2005-24, first Whereas, change to read following does not have "frontage on a dedicated public right-of- way". Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on main motion, Resolution 2005-24 submitted by applicant as amended, Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-25 granting a Conditional Use Permit to the Breeze Inn for a hotel expansion on Lot 3B, Block 1, Marina Subdivision, Mindenbergs Replat in the Harbor Commercial (HC) Zoning District Brown stated the applicant had applied for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to expand the current Breeze Inn Hotel to the North, adding 14 guest rooms, a new lobby, and conference rooms. He noted several concerns, the ongoing lack of parking in the Harbor, storm water run off, traffic congestion on North Harbor Street. Brown stated the submitted site plan did not depict all known utilities. Brown reviewed the following staff recommended conditions: 1. One off-street parking space per guest unit shall be provided for the life ofthe hotel. The required parking must meet the requirements of Seward City Parking Code 15.10.215. 2. A landscaping plan shall be approved by staff and shall contribute to the retention of storm water runoff. 3. Modifications to the site plan dated October 27,2005 which was approved by the Commission as a supporting document for this Conditional Use Permit, shall be approved by staff or the Commission prior to implementation. 4. There shall be an as-built survey depicting all existing and planned construction features, including utility easements and above-ground utility equipment 5. The traffic flow shall be one-way, from North to South, and the building permit review process shall include approval by staff of the location and configuration of the curb cuts. 6. There shall be no encroachments, above or below ground, on the public utility easements. 7. Modification of final approval of a conditional use permit may, upon application by the permitee, be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission: A When changed conditions cause the conditional use to no longer conform to the standards for its approval. B. To implement a different development plan conforming to the standards for its approval. :p83.1 OJ 3~U8q:) 09 uompuo:) '~ UOHJ3S 'SZ-SOOZ uOHnloS3H PU3WY (.qJ80H/lqoH) uOHoW OlU:}W:}S1!:} AlH!ln :}lp OlU! s:}nss! lU:}IDq:lllOl:lU:} :}yq!ssod AUll llU!Plllll:}ll:}dol:}A:}P:}lp lp!M )(lOM Ol.lJlllS MOIIll Olll!M:}H Aq UO!lS:}llllns :}lp p:}lloddns {lloH OIIlllOJ P:}MoIIll :}q Ol plll./ l! lUll:}W lU:}W:}S1!:} :}l./l OlU! lU:}IDq:lllOl:lU:} :}uo llU!MOIIllllll./l p:}uo!lnll:l l./:lllO"}l OlU:}W:}S1!:} :}l./l U!l./l!M P:}l./s!IdWO:l:lll :}q Ol )(lOM P:}MoIIll SlU:)W:}S1!:} AlH!ln llll./l P:}lOU :}l./S OlU:}W:}Sll:} AlH!ln :}l./l OlU! lU:}IDq:lllOl:lU:} AUll llu!MoIIlllloddns lOU P!P ,l./:lllO"}ll:}UO!SS!wwoJ SnOW!U8Uj} p3SS8d uOHoW .S DOmpDO:) 3}(!.IJS '~ DOHJ3S 'SZ-SOOZ uOHnloS3H PU3WY (PIOMS!.InIl3qo.lJs) uOHoW OlOI llU!)(llld :}l./ljo lu:}w:}l!nb:}l AllM :}uo :}lp lloddns lOU P!P l:}qOllS l:}UO!SS!wwoJ SZ-SOOZ uOHnloS3H 3Ao.lddy (, QJ80HJ1mWS) DOHoW .p3S0p S8M ~U!.I83q J!(qnd 3qJ PU8 p.l83Q 3q OJ p3Js3nb3.1 3Sp 3UO oN: OP:}P!AOld u:}:}q APl!U!PP plll./ UO!lll:l!Iddll l!Ull:}d :}sfl IllUO!l!PUOJ :}l./l U! P:}llllS Sll l./lnos Ol l./lloN wOlJ SS:}:l:lll :}{:l!l./:}A :}:l!Al:}S A:lU:}lll:}W:} :}P!M lOOJ Alu:}M.J:}lp P:}llllS ll!M:}H 'PIOMS!l{) Ol :}SUodS:}l UJ OSW:}:lUO:l :l!lJllll pUlllOI llU!)(llld :}lp sS~pll Ol Sl:}UM.O ss:}U!snq :}lp MOIIll PUlll:}lp:}llOllll ~ uO!l!PUO:l :}AOW:}l UO!SS!wwoJ :}lp p:}ls:}nb:}l:}H olol llU!)(llld :}l./l U! :l!lJllll AllM :}uo p:}l!nb:}ll./:l!l./M ~ uO!l!PUO:l :}l./ll./l!M p:}w:}:lUO:l Al:}A SliM ll!M:}H oss:}:lOld l!Ull:}d llU!p{!nq :}l./l llU!ffiP M:}!A:}llJlllS AluO ls:}nb:}l Ol :}llUlll./:l :}q 9 uO!l!PUO:l p:}ls:}nb:}l:}H opunOlll:}lp lJo l:}:}J ~o t IllllU:}W:}S1!:} :}l./l U! S1!M JI:}s s.l! AdOUll:l :}lp JO s:}l./:lU! 8ll11lp P:}lOu :}l./ 'lu:}W:}Sll:} Al!I!ln :}lp U! lOU S1!M AdoUll:l :}lp JO lU!ld lOOJ :}lp P:}llllS:}H olU:}W:}S1!:}:}lp ~noll./l llU!uunJ :}l:}M s:}u!I ImlJ ou llll./l :}lliSSll Ol Ullld :}l!S lU:}llli:l :}lp Ol :}pllW u:}:}q plll./ slu:}Ullsnfpll Illl:}A:}S P:}llllS:}H oPloH UUJ :}z:}:}lH :}lp JO l:}llllUllW :}l./l S1! :})(odS oAlD:}lp :}P!SU! '>>!M3H DOH OplO:l:}l :}lp U! P:}lOU :}q l:}lOl./ :}l./l JO snlllls :}sn llU!UllOJUO:l-UOU :}l./l JO UO!lllU!Ull:}l:}P lJlllS :}l./ll./l!M lU:}W:}:}lllllS!P S!l./ p:}ls:}nb:}l:}H oplOH uuI :}z:}:}lH :}lpJo l:}UM.O:}lp S1! UO!SS!WWOJ :}lp Ol :})(odS oAlD:}lp :}p!SlnO 'S~.I3qU3PU!W S!.Inr .p3U3do SRM ~U!.IR3Q J!(qnd 3QJ pDR P3JOU SRM MRI Aq p3.1!nb3.1 S8 p3qs!(qnd pDR p3Jsod ~U!3q ~U!.IR3q J!(qnd )0 3JHON Ol:l!l}S!G Illpl:}WWOJ lOqlllH :}lp U! PlOl./ II S1! :}sn llU!UllOJUO:l-UOU :}lp p:}ssn:lS!p UO!SS!WWOJ ouo!lnlos:}"}I {!:lunOJ Al!J Aq l:}s :}:}J llUm.J II pUll llU!lll:}l./ :l!Iqnd II Oll:l:}fqns :}q IIlll./S Ullld UO!lll:lY!POW :}l./l oJ 019 a30J '); aUJnlo A samuIW uOIssIUlUlO:J 3UIUUO!d );OO[ 'I ./aqUlallON vlfsofV 'p./OM3S!o N!:J City o/Seward, Alaska November 1, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 611 "Encroachments, above or below ground, into the public utility easements shall be resolved during the building permit process." Griswold voiced concerns that if encroachments were to be allowed the reasoning and determination must be documented, she cited Commissioner Roach' concern with once an encroachment was allowed for one then others could be expected. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Amend Resolution 2005-25, Section F, Condition 4, add following "utility easements", defined eme71lencv vehicle access, Griswold felt it was important to be clear and protect for all time the emergency vehicle access if it were depicted on the as-built. Motion Passed Unanimous In response to Roach', Brown stated the current plan was to document an agreement between the developer and the City that stated, in general, any paving in the utility easement was the responsibility of the owner and should utility easement work ever require the removal of the paving it was not the responsibility of the City to replace or repair it. Motion (Hohl/Strobel) Amend Resolution 2005-25, Section F, Condition 1, add and the American Disabilities Act reQuirements. Motion Passed Unanimous Commission held a lengthy discussion on the storm water run off. It was noted that a storm water drainage plan was required to meet EP A and should be addressed during the building permit reVIew process. Motion (Hohl/Griswold) Amend Resolution 2005-25, Section F, add new Condition, A draina1!e plan includin1! filtration of storm water run off bv the Citv or the applicant shall be approved hv staff. Commission continued the discussion. WC Casey, Director of Public Works stated the developer needed to abide by the State and Federal requirements for clean water. Keil suspended the rules to speak with the applicant "1J!nq SOM qHM 3381d3.1 PU8 "P318!.J!U! U33q ~U!A8q '3SD ~U!ULlOJU03UOU 18~31 8 S!" 313PP !S83.13qM ql.lDO.{ 'SZ-SOOZ UOHDIOS3H PU3WV (PIOMS!.ln/lqOu) uOHoW IJUlS Al!J :)l{l U! lIW:lJ PtnI :)l{s P:)lUlS ,l{:)uoll IJUlS JO qof :)l{l SUM. lUl{l pun ss:):)oJd l!Ull:)d 'ilu!pI!nq :)l.)l U! P:)Alos:)J pun P:)M.:)!A:)J :)q Plnol{s s:)nss! :)l.)l P:)lOU :)l{ 'Il{OH l.)l!M. p:):)J'iluS!P l.)l!WS ':)pO:) :)l{ll:):)w lOU P!P lUl{l s'ilU!l{l M.OlJU lJUlS Al!J :)l.)l U:):)S pUl{ :)l{s P:)lUlS :)l{S 's:)nss! J:)l{lO pun Sl{lP!M. AUM.:)A!JP 'S:)I'ilun!Jl :)l!S 'ilU!PJU'il:)J J:)dO(:)A:)P :)l{ll{l!M. UO!SS:)S )(JOM. :)l.)llU p:)ls:)nb:)J pUl{ :)l.[s sW:)l! l{l!M. P:)w:):)uo:) SUM. :)l{S 'IUAOJddu IUuy JOJ UO!SS!UIWOJ :)l.)l :)JoJ:)q )(:)uq :)Wo:) unld :)l!s p:)AOJddu IUuy :)l.)llUl.)l p:)ls:)nb:)J ll{oH SDOOJ!U8Uil p3SS8d uOHoW 'lU:)W:)J!nb:)J Vay :)l.)ll:):)W Ol p:)J!nb:)J :)q J:)dol:)A:)P :)l.[l sw:):)uo:) P:):)!OA ll{oH ." suo!lvporuruo;x)V JU/(/""IS )0 s"ssvp "TL "u/I"p/nJ Mmq/sS";J;JV YClV '111M ,,;Juvru.JO)UO;J U/ P"P//W.J(/ "q IIV'IS sruooN" p83.1 01 uO!.J!puo:) M3U pP8 '.{ UOH33S 'SZ-SOOZ UOHDloS3H PU3WV (pqO.l1S /lqoH) uOHoW SDOW!U8Uil p3SS8d uOHoW ,;MVI "lqv:JlI(/(/V '11/M ,,;Juv/I(/ruO;J uu)oun.J .J"IVM ru.JOIS )0 IVSO(/S/P puv UO/IU"I".J .10) "P/tlo.J(/llv'Is suvlJ" p83.1 01 uO!.J!puo:) M3U pP8 '.{ UOH33S 'SZ-SOOZ uOHnloS3H PU3WV (PloMs!.In/lqoH) uOHoW PIOMS!.ln PU8 IqoH Aq UM8.1pql!M uOHoW S3ID.I 3ql uo l(388 'SUO!lUln'il:)J pun s:)lnJ :)sol.)l :):)JOjU:) s:)!:)u:)'ilu IUJ:)P:)d :)l{l pun :)lUlS :)l{ll:)I:)l{ lUl.)l P:)lUlS:)H 'sJUnunwJo S:)WOIOA SUM. py J:)lUA\ un:)IJ:)l.)l P:)lUlS 'A:)SUJ 'J'A\ 'J:)dOI:)A:)P :)l{l uo u:)pmq :)l{l :):)uld Ol :)lU!JdOJdduu! SUM.l! ll:)J :)l{ ~:):)uld U! SW:)lSAS JO sunld lJouru J:)lUM. UllOlS :)AUl.[ lOU P!P AIlu:)JJn:) :)lUlS :)l.)l pun Al!;J :)l.)llUl.[l sw:):)uo:) P:):)!OA l.[l!WS 'lJOUUl l;);)llS :)l{l JOJ :)(q!suods:)J lOU SUM. :)l{ l(:)J:)H .( :)nU:)A Y pJ!1f.L lun:)w A(q!ssod) :)nU:)A Y l.)lJnod WO.IJ J:)lUM. :):)uJms JO lunoUJU :)'ilJUI U P:)A!:):):)J ,\JJ:)doJd :)l.)l AIlu:)JJn:) lUl.)l P:)lUlS 'S~3qU3PU!W s!.Inr <':19 aJivd'~ aUJn/oA samU!W UO!SS!WWOJ JiU!UUV/d mOl '[ Jaqwai\oN v'!svW 'pJViMdsJo N!:) City o/Seward, Alaska November I, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 613 Motion Passed Unanimous Vote on the main motion as amended Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business - None Commission took a 10 minute break 9:20 pm. New Business October 6 and 7,2005 Regular Meeting Minutes The Commission held a lengthy discussion on the accuracy of summarization and concluded that the taped copy of the meeting was the legal backup. Note: The Commission reviewed page by page the October 6 and 7, 2005 minutes. Amendments were approved several pages at a time. Motion (Griswold/Hohl) Amend October 6 and 7 regular meeting minutes as follows: Page 33 ofthe packet, (page 1 ofthe minutes) >> Capitalize "Pledge of Allegiance" Page 35 of the packet, (page 3 of the minutes) >> Griswold statement, change word ensuing to addressing >> Final vote on Main Motion of 2005-22 was missing Page 36 of the packet, (page 4 of the minutes) >> Second to last sentence under Paul Carter, to replace the words following "was important" with for both sides to speak their points of view Page 37 ofthe packet, (page 5 ofthe minutes) >> Third paragraph, third line; insert following "in the harbor" and on Fourth Avenue >> Third paragraph, sixth line; change the first "Alternative" to alternate >> Last paragraph, second sentence; change "evolvement" to evolution Vote on changes to pages 33 through 37 Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Page 38 of the packet, (page 6 ofthe minutes) >> Strike the first sentence following "Scott Bald said" and replace with side streets in downtown Seward were imoortant for parking >> Second sentence; change the word "maintenance" to snow removal. >> Strike the first sentence under Bill Hearn and replace with this was the third year of the Park Service failing to address concerns about the vacation of Washington Street. S::l!J::lA!{::lp plOM ::lllJ ,,::llnOl UO!ltm:mA::l" iJU!MOnOJ ll::lSU! 'qduJiJu.md lSlY JO ::l::lU::llU::lS lsu1 ~ (S3JnU!W 3qJjO 01 3~ud) 'J3"1;)ud 3qJjO 'It 3~ud ::lnnf U! U::l){Rl ::ll::lM SlnnO::l ::lS::lql ::lsnu::l::lq "p::lMU[J" iJU!A\OnoJ SlU::llUUlO::l q:molI JO ::l::lU::llU::lS lSlY ::llll U! ll::lSU} ~ (s3JnD!w 3qJ JO 6 3~ud) 'J3"1;)ud 3qJ JO It 3~Ud JU3SUO:) snow!uuufl P3ssud uO!JoJ\I Ot q~no.lqJ 8f s3~ud OJ S3~uUq;) UO 3JO A UO!P::lSl::llU! p.mM}(MU ::l1ll1ll!A\ ::l::lUld::ll poo "Uilll-fl ::liJ.m1 ::lql." ::l}(!lJs '::l::lU::llU::lS PUO::l::lS 'SUOW::lI;) wOl.P!ll;) ::l::l!{Od ~ "uoli!u!llsuA\. UO S::lJ::l!q::lA l!ll AUw A::lql poo AUMHulI uo :aU!}(.mo oN ::l::lU::llU::lS lsuI ::lql Ol iJu!A\onoJ ::lql PPV "AUMI!UlI puu A::lnU ::lql U::lP!M lnq ql!A\ ::l::lUld::ll poo ,,::luy ::ll::lM SPUOl ::lqllnq" ::l}(!lls ::l::lU::llU::lS qpnoJ 's::ll!nbs ::lAUGJ::l!q;) ::ll!d ~ "}(::lnll ::llY U lOJ Sn!pUl oU!Uilll p.mq U SUM H ~::l::lU::llU::lS pl!ql ::lql iJu!A\onoJ ll::lSU! 's::ll!nbs ::lAUG P!ll;) ::ll!d ~ (s3JnU!W 3qJ JO 8 3~ud) 'J3"1;)ud 3qJ JO Ot 3~Ud "::llU!Jdolddu J! p::lP::lllO::l poo lU::lW::llUlS }(.mD U!A::l)l iJU!p.miJ::ll U!uiJu Ol p::lU::llS!{ ::lq ::ldUl ::lql p::llS::lnb::ll UO!SS!lUUlO;) ~ "::llUW::llJU ::lql ::lAOldou lOU 'lOU lO UO!lU::lUA ::lql ql!A\ ::l::lUld::ll poo "pU::llUUlO::l::ll" iJU!A\OIIOJ SplOM ::lql ::l}(!lls 'SlU::llUUlO::l lll!WS JO ::l::lU::llU::lS lSl!d ~ "::ll::lq lU::lWOOI::lA::lP UMOlUMOp poo JU!lU::lp!S::ll P::lUlillIO JO p::lOSU UMOlUMOp ::llll p::l}(!{ ::lqS ~pU::ll ol AUOW!lS::ll ::lmAUn ,(nUdJO ::l::lU::llU::lS PUO::l::lS ~ ::loooG All::ll. ::lUlllU ::llll Ol UO!P::lllO::l iJu!II::ldS ~ ""iJu!PHnq" iJU!A\OIIOJ lUOljl::llUM ::lql JO M::l!A l::lll::lq U poo ppu '::ll::l!pnuq;) 10.m;) l::lpnn ::l::lU::llU::lS PUO::l::lS ~ "SUO!lOO ::llOW p::lP!^OlO oU!PHnq l::lo.ml U poo '::lpu:mJ ::llll oU!lS::ll::llU! SS::l1 ::llll ::ll!S ::lllll::lIJUwS ::l1ll1ll!A\ ::l::lUld::ll poo "l::lll::lq ::llll U::lA!iJ SUO!ldo ::llOW" ::l}(!lls '::ll::l!pnuq;) 10.m;) l::lpnn ::l::lU::llU::lS lSl!d ~ 'SlOl!S!A Aq pOOlSl::lpUn lOU poo ql!M ::l::lUld::ll poo "SnOl::liJoop AIIU!lU::llOd" ::l}(!JlS ~A::lSpUn ::lluG l::lpnn ::l::lU::llU::lS lsu1 ~ (s3JnU!W 3qJjO L 3~ud) 'J3"1;)ud 3qJjO 6f 3~Ud SlU::llUUlO::l Ol "WSp!l!J::l" ::liJooq::l ~::lqlAla }(::l!1I l::lpnn ::l::lU::llU::lS qpnod ~ "::lnU::lAV AUMI!U1I oU!D::lP!A\ su q::lns "P::lAOldw!" iJU!MOIIoJ ppu ~!UW UOG l::lpnn ::l::lU::llU::lS lllX!S ~ "0010 S!ql OllU::llS!SUO::l SUM p::l!Old lU::lWOOI::lA::lP lUO.g l::llUM ::llll "P::lY!JUJ::l }(::loJq::lS" 's.mIIoP UO!mW ::lUO JO lO!::l::l::ll l::llU::l;) ::lJ!{U::lS U}(SUIV ::lql lnoqu "SUO!lS::lnb Ol ::lSUOdS::ll ul" iJu!A\oIIoJ ppu poo ::l::lU::llU::lS lsnI ::lql U! :"P::l!J!lllP l:lO.llpS" ~U!A\oIIoJ ~U!tpA.I::lA::l ::ll!lls l::lO.llpS UUIAl. l::lpU[l ~ p::lp::l::lU SUM ApmS ::l!IJUll U p::llUlS::lH "AUOW!lS::ll U.ill::lH maJo ::l::lU::llU::lS lsuI ::lql ::llOJ::lq ll::lSUl ~ 1719 a3vd 'r;auJnloA salnuiW uOissiUJUJo:J 3UiUUV/d moz 'I .IaqUJallON v'!stJ[V 'p.lVM3sJo AI!;J City of Seward, Alaska November I, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 615 ~ Second paragraph, first sentence insert following "unique" and the Feds could fix it with deep pockets. ~ Second paragraph, fifth sentence, change to read. The downtown area needed revitalizing like the community had hoped ~ Second paragraph, last sentence, replace "thought" with was not committed to Alternative 2A but, ~ Fifth paragraph, replace the first sentence following "Keil" with referred to Frank Ballaine's dedication and vision of the future. ~ Last sentence in the Hohl comments, replace "process" with vacation Vote on changes to pages 41 through 44 Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Page 45 of the packet, (page 13 ofthe minutes) ~ Third paragraph, Hohl comments, first sentence strike "precedent from her" her expenence Vote on changes to pages 45 through 47 Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Page 49 ofthe packet, (page 17 of the minutes) ~ Last paragraph, strike "prehistoric and" Page 50 ofthe packet, (page 18 of the minutes) ~ Second sentence, Brown overview, insert following "five" to six Page 51 of the packet, (page 19 ofthe minutes) ~ Banners, Griswold comments, change "political banners" to read political signs, insert off premise before banners ~ Procedure to Cancel a Meeting, Hohl statement. Second sentence, strike everything following "cancelled" and replace with by staff for lack of public hearing items since the meeting date is specified in the code. She would believe the Commission had other business to conduct such as the commission priority list. ~ Last paragraph, replace HoW comment with HoW stated that the candidates were ignoring the sign code for political signs which wasn't fair to those who followed the code. Hohl recommended the commission develop a sheet explaining the code to be given to candidates by the city and borough clerks with the candidate packages. ~ Add following HoW comments, Schafer thought the suggestion was a good idea. Page 52 of the packet, (page 20 of the minutes) ~ Floodplain permit list, following the comments by Kirsten Vesel, add HoW stated the list she had requested was not archived but should be available in the planning department office. The request was made over a year ago and restated several times SInce. Sluawwo;) UO!SS!WWO;) 'l:;):;).QS uolllu!lIsu A\. JO uonJod U JO UO!lU:'lUA :;)lp SS;uppn Ol SUM lUl/l ~U!l:;):;)UJ UO!SS!UJUJOJ ~U!uunId ~nO.1Og :;)l/l JOJ pmM:;)S U! dn l:;)S :;)q :;):'lU:;)J:;)JUO:'l:;)J:}l U ls:;)nb:;)J Il/OH J:;)UO!SS!UJUJOJ lUlp p:;)lS:;)nb:;)J UO!SS!UJUJOJ :;)l/l. Wal! upuaju UO!SS!WWO;) jU!UUUld qjno.lOg 'laa.llS UO~U!qSUM.jO UOHU3UA aql.lOj a3Ua.lajU03apl qjno.log alq!ssodjo UO!SSn3S!(( a.l!dw3: nuaunf aql U! paqsHqnd su 'IIUM. uas s,nuaunf .I0j jU!Aud S.lauM.O ,\J.Iado.ld nuaunf ju!p.luja.llqoH uUA'} WO.lj UOHUW.lOjU! l!uw3: SM.aN: At!U(( aql U! paqS!lqnd su anss! II luaWa3.10ju3: apo;) Alqwassy qjno.log .IUlS ql.loN: Slfuuq.l!u,i jU!P.IUj;).IlqoH uUA'} WO.lj UOHUW.lOjU! l!uw3: ua.lY al!d'l30lS jO uo!suudx3: AlHpu,i jU!puo'} p.luM.as ;)HHV jO UOHuu!w.laJap aqJ uo .IoJUU!p.lOO;) l3!.1lS!(( IUlSUO;) qjno.log ulnsu!uad !uua)( 'SWU!II!M. A.lU~ WO.lj l!uw3: (pa.J!nba.J uO!l:m ON) -Sl.Iodall pUU swan IUUOHUW.lOjUI snOW!UUUfl passud uOHoW papuawu su 'SalnU!W jUHaaw .Iulnja.l L puu 9 .Iaqol30 aAo.lddy (PIOM.s!.l~II!a)() uOHoW lUaSUO;) snow!uuufl passud uOHoW SS qjno.lqJ fS sajud OJ sajuuq3 uo aJo A ',(UUJ l/l!A\ :;):'lUId:;)J pun "PInol/s" :;)){!.Qs ':;):'lU:;)lU:;)S PUO:'l:;)s 'SlU:;)UJUJO:'l Il/oH ~ (salnu!w aqJ jO II ajud) 'Ja'l3ud aql jO tS ajud "i'lU!l:;):;)UJ lX:;)U :;)lp lU uOHUJ:;)P!SUO:'l:;)J .1OJ 'ilU!){SU J:;)qUJ:;)UJ AIqUJ:;)sSU s){UUqJ!Ud U l/l!A\ :;)P!l.IU UMOp AUI :;)l/l Ol SJ:;)UO!SS!UJUJO:'l p:;)JJ:;)pJ Il/oH ppu ~:;)P!l.IU 'J:;)uU'\I-SM:;)N Anua ~u!pm~:;)J SlU:;)UJUJO:'l Il/oH ~ :;)lU!.IOOJOOUU! pun "SS:;)J:}lSUl" ~u!A\onoJ l.!:;)SU! ':;):'lu:;)lU:;)S lSJg \l/:'luo1.[ 'Slu:;)UJUJOJ UO!SS!UJUJOJ ~ 'uonu.Qs!U!UJptl Aq P:;)PUlUO:'l :;)uo AIuO :;)l/llOU "SUM OqM" ~U!A\onOJ l.!:;)SU! ':;):'lU:;)lU:;)S lSJg ',q:'lU01.[ 'SlU:;)UJUJOJ UO!SS!UJUJOJ ~ lUlp lU:;)UJUJO:'l U P:;)A!:;):'l:;)J PUl/ :;)l/S ,JUl/l P:;)lUlS" ~U!A\onOJ l.!:;)SU! ':;):'lU:;)lU:;)S lSJg 'PIOMS!.If) 'SlU:;)UJUJOJ UO!SS!UJUJOJ ~ (saJnu!w aquo II ajud) 'Ja'l3ud aquo fS ajud luaSUO;) snow!uuufl passud uOHoW lS qjno.lql 8t sajud Ol sajuuq3 uo alo A 919 a3vcl '~ aumzo A samu/w uo/ss/UJUJoJ 3u/uuvlcl mOl 'f JaqUJai\oN vJfsvW 'pJVM.iJS fo M/J City of Seward, Alaska November I, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 61 7 Strobel stated she was looking forward to the Alaska Municipal League training. Hohl noted she hoped issues to be addressed that had been brought up during the meetings were kept on a list to be added to the priority list. Smith thanked Mindenbergs for the participation in the CUP process. He supported the work session with the developer before the meeting to work out many of the issues. Griswold encouraged the Commission to address the Clean Water Act on all CUP's. She mentioned the access issue to the rear of the properties adjoining the Breeze Inn. Roach' supported the City being pro-active with the new State and Federal regulations. She requested the Commission review carefully the staff comments in the review process. She noted the minutes needed to state that the Commission did review and discuss the staff comments. She voiced concerns regarding the rear access of properties within the City. Keil thanked the Commission for their participation in the work session for the Breeze Inn. She noted the process worked much smoother when everyone communicated and worked out problems. Citizens' Comments WC Casey, Director of Public Works, stated that staff made every effort to work together and problem solve. He noted that site visits were performed on many issues. He supported the efforts made by staff to work with each other and the developers to help minimize the problems and issues in a development project. Commission Comments In response to Smith, WC Casey stated that he had found the staff site visits were very helpful. He noted that it was very difficult sometimes to get everyone together at the same time but the results were beneficial. Adjournment M~g adjourned at 1O:56_pm. ,/ C" }/ l1 ,'0 ,s:: I " ./ Donna Glenz Planning Assistant (City Seal) "UU!JlR)l ;)uu:>!JlllH UO P;))[1OM lS!i'JololpAq J!;)ql ;)I~M AI!mJOdUJ;)l P;)IIRlS SUM H "P;)l;)IdUJo:>;)q Ol (yg) lU;)UJSS;)SSY ImU;)UJUOJ!Aug ;)ql1OJ i'JUmUM SUM UUld J;)lSUW lJOW!Y S ,lOG ~ "Alm:>uJ i'J!q ;)UO JO PU;)lSU! ;).mPruls lJoddns U puu S;)UJoq ql!M i'JU!A!IJO ;)IAlS sndum:> U SUM ui'J!S;)P Alm:>Ud ;)m;) UJJ;)l i'JUO'l ;)ql ~ ";)lUP Ol m;)A S~l p;)nSS! Sl!UJJ;)d i'JU!PI!llq €~ U;);)q puq ;)J;)ql ~ "UO!lUZ!W;)POUJ duUJ UO UO!lRZ!UUi'J1O P;)qSJ;)lUi\\. !UU;))l ;)ql puu qilno1OH ;)ql 'pmoH U;)JV ;):>!AJ;)S POOH )[;);)J;) m;)H pmM;)S ;)ql ql!M p;)nu!luo:> )[10 i\\. ~ :;)J;)M lJod;)J S!qJo slqi'Jnqi'J!q J;)qlO "i'JU!:>U;)J UOJ! lqi'JnOJM :>!lOlS!q dn lnd Ol 'smnop qi'JnoJql ssud IUJ;)P;)J 000'61 $ JOJ SUM luum S~ ")[md U;)qoH JOJ luuJiJ uO!luAJ;)s;)Jd :>!lOlS!q lING ;)ql Ol P;)PPU suompuo:> IUuy ;)UJos ;)J;)M ;)J;)ql p;)lmS u,\\o.l8 wl0318W .I3uu81d AlD oJ.lOd3'H UOH8.1lS!U!WPY Al!:) SJ.lOd3.1 PU8 SUOH8lU3S3.1d 'S.l3p.lO 18P3dS "UJ"d ~€:L lU P;)A!llU IqoH uuA'l* p;)sn:>x;) - suuuH ;)ns -lU3Sqy )[J;)I;) AlD 'S!M;)'l UU;)f J;)i'JuuuW Al!;) ';)i'JP!lqJO;) )[ml;) J;)UUUld 'UMOJH UJlo:>lUW pUU ~IpunO;) ;)quo UJOJonb U i'Ju!s!ldUJo:> ,q:>UOll ;)!PUUS pqOJlS AU)l IqoH uuA'l* PloMs!lD 10m;) ql!UJS UJol puu i'JU!p!s;)Jd IP)l uuuu!JUW :lU;)s;)Jd ;)J;)M ;)J;)ql 1183 1I0'H "i'JUIJ ;)ql Ol ;):>UU!i'J;)IlU JO ;)i'JP;)Id ;)ql P;)I IP)l UUUU!JUW J!Uq;) AUOW3.133 jU!U3dO "l!g)lllUUU!JRW J!llq;) Aq "UJ"d O€:L llllgp10 01 pgnll:> SUM UO!SS!UJUJO;) i'JU!UOZ puu i'JU!UUUld pmM;)S ;)qlJO i'JU!l;);)UJ m{lliJ;)J '~00z: '9l;)qUJ;):>;)G ;)ql .I3p.lO Ol1l8;) 819 aJJvd '~auJn/oA salnU!W UO!SS!lUlUO:J JJU!uuv/d moz '9 .JaqlUa:Jaa VJlsv/v 'p.JVMiJS!o NO City of Seward, Alaska December 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 619 In response to questions by the Commission, Brown stated he had no feedback on the Coastal Zone Management master plan. He emphasized the Long Term Care Facility was homes for elders that were staffed with some assisted living. The concept was to move away from the traditional "institutional nursing home atmosphere." Brown explained it was his understanding that nursing care was a need for most of the residents, and once they were eligible to move in, they stayed for the duration. City Manager Clark Corbridge noted the strict timeline to complete this project and agreed the public was to be kept apprised of the plans on the Long Term Care Facility. He disagreed with the public concerns that there would be less nursing care. Brown reported one portion of the land was zoned institutional, and the southern portion of the park would require re-zoning. He agreed there was re-platting and a conditional use permit also needed. KPB Planning Commission Report. Lynn Hohl stated the Seward Comprehensive Plan passed along with the vacation of Washington Street. She thought this decision could still be appealed. The plat for the paving of Bear Lake Road received administrative approval. There would be a draft available about January 9th on the maintenance and dredging of the Railroad dock which was being reviewed. A subdivision was approved in the Salmon Creek flood plain that bordered the railroad, subject to comments by Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Board. HoW stated Elhard re- plat was approved in the Bear Lake Subdivision along with final approval of the Federal addition to the Orr re-plat. City Planner Malcolm Brown established that A VTEC would be expanding to add a long distance training structure to the south of their existing building which would need title agent review. Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations. Liaison from Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board. - No one was present. Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing. Charles McEldowney, gave the commission a heads up that Seward Fisheries was planning to build another bunkhouse this spring, which would require a conditional use permit. This would provide more housing for seasonal employees and an alternative to the tent living that now existed. The proposal was for a three story building that included sleeping quarters on the top two levels, with the ground quarters being a bathhouse, laundry, and improved cook house. McEldowney stated it was zoned Industrial with three bunkhouses already in the area. There was power, sewer and water in the area. They had spoken with the owner ofthe two lots, Steve Leirer who agreed to the required vacation of an interior lot line and a 30-year lease was currently in place. McEldowney articulated the timeline with architectural drawings by the end of December, to bid in January, construction to begin in the spring, with occupancy by 2007. The bunkhouse was to "p:ldOFlA:lp ilu!:lq SUM. UBld J:llSUW :lql SU pUBq U! pUBq ~lOM. Ol :lARq PlnoM. A:lq.l "UBld :ll!S P:lI!Rl:lP :lJOW R p:lp:l:lU lJlllS pUB 'silu~l pUB SA:lAJnS ll!fiq-su :ll:lIdwo:lu! :l'!!l silu~ qilnoJql ,!JOM. Ol SlU:lW:lJ:lU! U! pmMJoJ :lAOW Ol :lARq PlnoM. A:lql p:llRlS :lilP!JqJoJ "lRql :lAOJdW! Ol p:ldoq A:lq.l "POOlS l! SU p.mzRq Al:lJRS R pUB p:llRP!dRl!P SRM. ~:lOp:lqJ. "~:lOp :lnU:lAV qlIDod Ol SS:l:l:lR U!RlU!RW Ol J:llU:lJ :lJ!lR:lS :lql p:lJ!nb:lJ :lSU:lI ilu!lS!X:l :lql p:llRlS J:lA:l{UJ:lj:lRq:lS "p:lqS!U!W!P lOU p:lAOJdw! :lq prnOM. SS:l:l:lR :l!lqnd lnq ',!:lOp ilU!lROg R UBql J:lll:lq SUM. U!suq p:lSOpU:l UB p:llRlS ,!:loJq:lS 'rqoH wo.y SUO!lS:lnb Ol :lsuods:lJ uI "APR:lJIR SPUBPP!l SUM. Ap:ldoJd J:llU:lJ :lJ!lR:lS :lqlJo q:lnw "OilR Sm:lA pUBq :l:l.y dRW SPUBI:lp!l :lql uo Ap:ldoJd S!ql M.:lJp :lq p:llRlS J:lA:l{UJ:lj:lRq:lS IAlma 'dRW :lql uo lU:lwuil!lRS!W JO :l:lUBm:lddR :lql lnoqR SUO!lS:lnb Ol :lsuods:lJ uI OlU:lW:lSll:l UB :lARq lOU P!P :lu!l J:llRM.qS:l.y :lql pUB 'SPUBPP!l :lql U! S:lU!I :l~U! ilU!lS!X:l:lql J:lAO:llOU P!P :lSU:lIlU:lJJn:l:lql p:llRlS:lH "lU:lwdopA:lp lUO.yJ:llRM.JO l!J!ds :lql U! ,!OOllRql Sl:l:l!OJd JOJ pUB 'lJo.lJ:l pUB ld:l:luO:llUO.yJ:llRM. lllli:lAO lOJ lU:lWW:lAOillRJ:lp:lJ :lql wo.y :lp!SUl:lS SUM. A:lUOW lRql P:lPU!W:lJ pUB S:l!l!unlJoddo :lp!S-:lJoqs lR ilu!'!OOI SUM. ~:loJq:lS "J:l!d ilu!qsy R p{!nq Ol :l~!I PlnoM. pUB ilu!qsy lOJ SS:l:l:lR u:ldo :lp!AOJd Ol :lnU!lUO:l 'lN~:l J:llRM.:lP!l R :llR:lJ:l Ol p:llUBM. J:llU:lJ :lJ!lR:lS:lqJ. ":lums :lql SUO!l!PUO:l pUB s{UJ:llIlR d:l:l~ pUB ':lSU:lI ilu!lS!X:l :lql JO :lZ!S :lql :lSU:lJ:lU! PlnoM. S!qJ. oJ:llU:lJ :lJ!lR:lS :lqllU:l:lR!VR SpUBI:lp!l :lql :lpnpu! Ol R:lm PIoq:lSU:lI :lql pUBdx:l pUB SJ:ll:lummd :lql U~l!M. ARlS pUB :lSR:lI ilu!lS!X:l :lql :l'IRl Ol p:llUBM. ,!:loJq:lS oAlP:lql ql!M. d~SUO!lRpJ Sl!jO :lSnR:l:lq :lnb!Ufi SRM. lS:lnb:lJ S!q.l oARH UO!l:l:lJJnS:llI JO smol :lA!l:lJW:llU! IRUO!lR:lnp:l :l'IRl pUB ~:lOp ilu!lROg :lql d:l:l,! ol p:llUBM.:lH olJo.lJ:l ilU!UUBld S!ql ql!M. pmMJoJ oil Ol SPUBPP!l :lSll:l1 ol p:llUBM. ,!:loJq:lS snom!U8Ufl p3SS8d uOHoW ".I3:JU3;) 3J!f83S ID(s81V 3q:J .IoJ S83P! 3q:J U!81dx3 O:J Jl.30.lq3S .IoJ 3mH 3.10m M.01l8 0.1 S3lD.l 3q:J pU3dsns Ol uOHoW OSUBld J!:lql pUB S:l!lJ:ldoJd ilu!U!O!VR UO!lRJ:lP!SUO:l OlU! :l~ Ol SUM. q:l~M. 'UBld J:llSUW J!:lql uo J:llU:lJ :lJ!lR:lS :lql ql!M. ilu!,!JOM. SRM. pUB dnI :lql p:lpmM.R SUM. O:l!lJOd "P:lUBld oSlR SUM. lJoJJ:l ilu!UUBld J:llSllW V "Sm:lA :lAY lX:lU :lqllno UBld pUB lJO.lJ:l ilu!UUBld :l!il:llRJlS R u!il:lq Ol P:ll!:lX:l SRM.:lH "SPUBPP!l :lSU:lI Ol AlP :lql OllRsodOJd R :lARil :lq p:l!J!lOU 'J:llU:lJ :lJ!IR:lS :lql JO JOl:l:lJ!a 'J(30.lq3S u81A.1 "AmnUBf U! Ploq ollrydpq :lq prnOM. UO!SS:lS ,!lOM. R lqilnoql pUB SS:l:l:lR :lJY pUB :lilRU!lliP lOJ ilu!pl!nq ZlJ:lH :lql U:l:lA'\l:lq lU:lW:lSU:l :lql u!Rlu!Rw Ol p:l:lU R P:lSS:llpVR:lH o:lsnoq:lmM. lU:lJJn:l :lql ql!M. Ap:ldoJd :lql uo p:luil!lR :lq Ol SUM. ilu!pl!nq oy L ~ Aq "Y 1717 1 :lql pUB 'umW!X8W 17ZZ pUB 'umW!U!W 1761 :lsnoq 0(':9 a3vJ '~aumfOA SalnU!W UO!SS!UJUJO:J 3u!uuvIJ >DOZ '9 .IaqUJa:Jaa vJfsvW 'p.lVMOS!O N!:J City of Seward, Alaska December 6, 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5, Page 621 In response to Hohl, Brown thought this expansion would come back to the CUP process. Corbridge stated there were a lot of gaps in the records that needed to be filled in on the city end and Schrock indicated it might be possible for the Sealife Center to obtain an as-built of the site incorporating the foot print of the structures. Rick Blythe, Director of the Alaska Sealife Center Visitor Services, thought Tylan stated all that was needed and would be available for any additional comments. Darryl Schaefermeyer, General Manager Alaska Sealife Center, stated the Sealife Center had good communication and great cooperation with the city staff. He reiterated they enjoyed their unique relationship. He also reminded the Sealife Center paid a very substantial utility bill, offered PIL T, and was a great economic engine for the community. This lease would allow the Sealife Center to expand their payroll and continue the growth. Jeff Mow, Superintendent of Kenai Fjords National Park, updated the commission on the plans of the Mary Lowell Center partnership. The Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission approved the petition to vacate Washington Street. They were proceeding with schematic design to answer questions. Visuals on actual elevations of the building should be completed next week. Mow stated an advisory committee, appointed by the Mayor, with seven members was established, and would meet Thursday at noon to organize and look at six focus areas. They are: ~ appearance of the building. ~ how to comply with vacation requirements. ~ use of public art in the building. ~ design oflobby area and how it interpreted the Solly's area and streets. ~ compliance with ADA. ~ conference function. Approval of agenda and consent agenda Motion (Strobel/Smith) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda The following was pulled from the consent agenda: Approval of the Planning & Zoning Meeting Schedule for 2006. Motion passed Unanimous The following consent agenda items were approved: The September 6, 2005 & November 1,2005 regular meeting minutes and the October 13, 2005 special meeting minutes were approved. SnOW!UBU[l passBd uOHoW U!BW "~UH:J:JW 11 JO UO!ll1Il:J:lUll:l :Jtp uo uo!ssn:ls!p Aq~u:JI 11 PI:Jq UO!SS!wwoJ :JlU snOW!UBUIl passBd Juawpuawy ]JlllS Aq ~U!l:J:JW 11 p:lUll:l Ol :JIDp:J:lOld :Jtp SS:Jlpp11 Ol :JpO:l :Jql U! ~u!qlou punoJ :Jqs ll1tp p:JlOU :JqS .p:JII:J:lUll:l:Jq lOU PIno:l s~uH:J:JW p:JInp:Jq:ls ll1tp ,.l:J:Jw I1llqs" UO!SS!wwoJ :Jql p:Jl11lS :JpoJ:Jtp :J:lU!S ll1qllPJ :JqS "lll:JA :Jql U! l:J!Illl:J P:JII:J:lUll:l u:J:Jq p11q UO!SS:JS ){lOM 11 pUll ~uH:J:JW p:JInp:Jq:ls 11lllql W:J:lUO:l p:J:l!OA IqoH ,(qJUOW q3Ba JO ABpSan.L ,sl aqJ uo uaqwBq31pun03 aqJ U! owod Of:L JB Jaaw IIBqs UO!SS!wwoJ aqJ '(B) OZzoOfoz J:JS .lad :.Iapu!wall" :SABS JBqJ a~Bd saJBp JJoJn3 Z~d aqJjo dOJ aqJ JB aJouJooJ B ppy (PIOMS!.I~/lqOH) Juawpuawy snOW!UBUIl passBd Juawpuawy Oq,6 OJ q,8 .IaqwaAoN pUB q,5 OJ q,t .IaqoJ30 'q,9 OJ q,5 Alnf 'q,t OJ p.f ABW oSABpunq.L OJ s~DHaaw ABpsaupa A\. a~uBq:J (lqoH/I!a)() Juawpuawy .S~U!l:J:JW AllpS:JUp:JA\ ql!M SP!lJUO:l p11q I111 PIoMsPD pUll ,q:lllolI 'I!:J)( o900Z .IoJ alnpaq3S ~uHaaw ~U!UOZ ~ ~U!UUBld aqJ aAo.lddy (lqoHlPIOMS!.I~) uOHoW o900Z .IoJ alnpaq3S ~DHaaw UO!SS!wwoJ ~U!UOZ ~ ~U!UUBld aqJ aAo.lddy "l1:Jlll sPUllI:JpH :Jtp U! SUOHlll:Jdo ){:lOp SnO!A:Jld JO :JIDI!l1J :Jql p:Jsn11:l p11q ll1ql s:Jnss! l:Jtp11:JM :Jqllnoq11 sw:J:luo:l p:J:l!OA :JqS "s:Jss:Ju!snq I11:lOI :Jql ql!M. UO!l!l:Jdwo:l P:Jl!P U! :Jq Ol p:Jlll:Jdd11l:JlU:JJ :JJ!I11:JS :Jtp Aq SUOH11l:Jdo P:JUUllId :Jtp JO SUO!llod ll1ql p:JllllS PIoMs!lD :UO!Ssn:lS!p l:JqlIDJ Sl1M :Jl:Jtp J! p:J){Sll pUll pop:Jd lU:JWWO:l :l!(qnd :Jql ~u!illP PI:Jq u:J:Jq p11q uo!ssn:ls!p Aq~u:JI 11ll1ql p:JlOU I!:J)( ospuBlapH aSBal OJ Jsanba.l .IaJuaJ aJ!(Bas B}(SBIY JO UO!SSn3S!(I Ssau!snq MaN :JUON - ssau!snq paqs!uyuIl :JUON - S~U!.lBaq 3!(qnd GG9 agod '~aUln[oA samU!W UO!SS!UlUlO:J gUlUuold moz '9 .laqUla:Jaa o'{solV 'p.lOMiJsJo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska December 6. 2005 Planning Commission Minutes Volume 5. Page 623 Informational items and reports Neighbors hope to derail radioactive isotope plans. Anchorage Daily News article written by Rosemary Shinohara and submitted by Lynn HoW. Council comments Roach and Griswold thanked the Sealife Center for their presentation, and were sorry Commissioner Sue Banas could not attend. Strobel thanked Charles McEldowney for coming in and thought the bunkhouse was a great idea long overdue. She also was very appreciative of the Sealife Center and thought it was a great educational facility. Hohl expressed her love of the Sealife Center and was excited to begin work on their project. She still had the shovel her daughter used in the groundbreaking. Smith thanked both the Sealife Center and Seward Fisheries for corning in early and advising of their upcoming projects. Keil also was excited about the Sealife Center's project and hoped it would not take as long as the racetrack to get underway. She pointed out there were limits to people's patience. Citizens' comments Tylan Schrock, appreciated the Commission listening and hoped they understood the spirit and intent of their project. He thought he may have thrown the Administration a curve ball but hoped he gave the Commission a broad scope of the project, even if it may have to be segmented. Schrock responded to concerns of competing with private enterprise and assured the Sealife Center took the relationships of the community businesses very seriously. Even though there were some aspects of competition with private enterprise, they hoped to focus on a certain niche market. The Sealife Center would be looking for a smaller dollar amount, shorter time frames, possibly children who could not afford a boat trip, and smaller groups, and he felt they would not be competing with the mass market of the tour boats. Council and administration response to citizens' comments Brown was not opposed to any curve balls thrown as long as they were in the strike zone. He loved sports. Strobel was appreciative of the dollar value for educatjonal programs. Smith wanted the CUP items identified on the Sealife Center. l!UqJ ."\ ! 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