HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 City Council Minutes t ~ Seward, A.laska January 15, 1951 Report of Public Health Nurse, ~aPrea1 Bie~ was read. ~AepQ~tJ6m RQmac~ Clerk was instructed to inform the pUblic t1ealth Nurse/ror l1gh~ ana heat of the building now being used as a clinic, out of her funds. The City Clerk was instructed to pay Public Hea~th NUDe $200 from S~les T..x. Letter was r~8d from Department of Public Welfare regarding e Seward District Worker. I Letters from~anson and Osberg Co. and the Office of Housing Expediter, regarding rentals, were read. Clm. Wilson moved to suspend the rules to adopt Ordinance No- 210. SeConded by Clm. ~ole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt O~dinance No. 210. An Ordinance to Provide for Condemnation of BUildings, structures, and lands, consti- tuting fire or health hazards, or Public Nuisances; and to Provide Procedures for exercising such power, for the Purpose of Protecting the Life. Health and Safety of Residents of the City of Seward. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved to approve the bills, with exception of Kenai Sc~nic Bus Lines, 2 Marine Weys Fire Plugs gnd 2 items of Seward Plumbing & Heating. as follows:Alaska Fire Equipment, $20,00 Andy's Oil Deli,ery, $235.50, ATEC, $48.35, R.E. Beumg9rtner, j300.00(to furnish itemized statement before payment~, Ballou & Wright, $62.14, Howard Cooper Corp., $66.45, City Express, $4.64, J. R. Jackson, $125.00, Doyle's Hardware, $5.25. Aron Ericson, $21.70, Hamilton's, $347.00, Kenai CAfe, $25.32, George Lesko, $75.00, Bill Muir, $111.00, Osbo s, $14,96, Pat's Garage, $7.65, Paulsteiner s, $35.60, S aport Record, $21.00, Seward Electric ~ystem, te3l.69, Seward H6rdware, $108.97, Seward Wachine bhop, 171.55, Seward WAter Supply, $132.50, Petty CaSh, $19.28, Standard Oil CO'l $213.00, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $6.00, Western ~ire ~quipmentL ,299.80, Commercial Stationers, $11.15; from nousing Area Fund R.~. Baumgartner, $144.00. Osbo's, $15.80, Seward Hardware, 657.45, ~cR~e Concrete, $264.25, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $79.40. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carriad I "Mr. Eugene N. Lanier, Nayor City of Seward, Alaska trip to Anchorage, about which there was during wh~7Yor Lanier offered to returr the Commqh C un to Mayor Lanier was ,~ .' II ~. ~4 II J.... of' Dissatisfaction of the citiz s~ is ~ty as expressed to members of the Common Council has promIs'ted/this body after long delll beration, to take the regrettable step of requesting your resignation as Mayor of the City of Seward. Mayor Lanier reported on his ~g~s$~56~BO~ discussion, and A letter from the Members of aead as follows: Dear Sir: I It is felt thqt the good work and fine reputation established by ~rself during your first term in office has been nullified by your conduct in recent months. We, the undersigned, duly elected members of the Common Council recommend that immediate resignation would save yourself unfavorable publicity and future embarrassment for the City. It is with the deepest ragret that we arrive at this conclusion and make this request. Sincerely, A. G. McRae Lawrence Whitmore Mildred Kirkpatrick Charles Cole Donovan Wilson Richard Myers It After the reading of the letter, the ~ayor said, "If th8t'a the way ;~r\ . Seward, ,Haska January 15, 1951. you want it, I'll hand in my written resignation for the next meeting or-do you w~nt it so~ner1" The Council stated that the next meeting' would be ~ime enough. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:55 o'clock P.M. APprov..e'J''V:YI. ~. ',~ Attest .~-.~ V......~ Ci ty en rk. - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - . - - - - - - - - - Seward, 0419 ska ' January 23, 1951. - - .. - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:16 o'clock P.W., for the purpose of discussing the property checked by the Tax A~sessor, Harry Southard, at the Land Office, Anchorage, and to obtain titles to ~ame. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Cln. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, Wilson and'~yers. Harry Southard, Tax Assessor, was also present. Clm. Kirkpatrick,moyed that Assessor Southard tabulate the'lots with improvements. and submit to the Le~d Orf~ce requesting their assistance on further proce~ure. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All'in'favor, motion carried. .Motion was.made ~nd second89 t9 adj9urn at a:50'0'clock P.M. . ~' "/ , . . ./' ' . . . () ~,O 7'9- ., . Approve' ay~/'d /i.of ~;.<;""~."'+' Attest: :>\ 6 . ~ ,., CJ1 ty rk. - - .. ." -.- - ~ - - - - - - .. Seward, AlP ska . . - - - - .. - - - - , ' - - - - Janu=. ry 24, 1951 A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 3:06 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of reviewing apd passing on the recommenda- tion of the Utility Board for the purchase of a' Cooper Beasemer Diesel Engine for the Seward Electric System. levorjbanier in the jhair. Present were Clm. McRAe, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Oole and Wilson. Absent Clm. Myers. Also present Jack Jordan, Superintendent of the Seward Blectric 6yste~. Clm. McRae moved to accept the racomnrndation of the Utility Board for the purchase of a Cooper Bessemer D~el Bngine for the Seward Electric System. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. Clm. McRae, Whitmore, KirkpatriCk, Cole and Wilson voted yes. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 3:25 o'clock P.M. ~ ;J. '7 . Approved a~~--< " Hl--frtU"'/ Attest: ~ ~ City ark. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - January 29, 1951 . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 12:00 o'clock Noon, for the purpose of passing Resolution as presented by Grande & Company on the $200,000.00.Bond Issue for Seward El ctric System. passing Resolution for refund of $300.00 on Retail Liquor License of Emma Lu ~ouglas and accepting the contract as submitted by Felix Toner. Mayor Lanier in the ~hair. Present were Clm. WeRRe, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Also present ware Jack Jordan and R. ~. Baumgartner. Clm. 'McR~e moved to suspend the rules for adoption of Resolution on $200,00 bond Issue. Seconded by elm. Cole. All in favor ti , mo on carried, ~ ~. r I <. j Seward, Alaska January 29, 1951. I Clm. McRae Move to a dopt following Res.olution: WHEREAS, on the 28th December 1950, a certsin proposal in connection with the sale of $200,000. revenue bondo of the City of Saward's Electric oystem, was made to the City of ~eward, Alaska by GR,l.NDE,,& CO., INC~, of Seattle, "Bahington, and accepted by the CrTY OF SE~ARD, and an agreement was accordingly reached whereby sald GRANDE & CO., INC., act as agent for the ~ity of ~eward, Alasla in connection witp the 801e of said bonds upon ce.t3in definite terms and conditions; and, WHEREAS, it is desirable and a ivantageous for all parti,es interested and conce.rned that certain changes be made to the exioting agreement atoresaid, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESnLVED, That the City of Seward agree to the changes and 8~endments to the agreement heretofore marle in connection with the sale of $200,000 bonds for the City of Seward by Grande & Co., Inc., outlined in the letter of said Grande & Co., lhc" addressed to the City of oewa d, Alaska and dated 26th January 1951, enumerating five Changes. I FURTHER R~bOLVED, That the Mayor and MuniCipal Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to accept the proposed changes by thersignaturea to oeid letter dated 26 {an 1951. ADOPTED under suspension of the Hules thin 29th day of January 1951. ( SEAL) Eugene N. ....enier Attest: Sigrid Stearne Mayor Seconded ~~~r~pawhrt~6~e. All in favor, motion carried. elm. UcRee moved to suspend the rules for adoption of Resolution re refund to Emma Lu Douglas. Seconded by Clm. Wyers. All in favor, motion carried. I elm. Myers mowed to;&dopt Resolution as follows: WHEREAS, there was issued to EMMa LU DOUGLAS, of Seward, Alaska, Retail Liquor License No. ~136 for the year 1951, intended to cover a Reteil Liquor Store is tuate in the Northeast corner of her place of Business known as the Northern Bar, in the City of Sewa d, Alaska; and, WHEREAS, said R~tnl Liquor License No. 3136 was applied for, and paid for, in error; the said Emma Lu Douglas having had no intention of . operating a RRtsil Liquor Store at said location aft er the 31st December 1950. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of the Terrrltory of alaska, be: and he is hereby requested to refund to the said Emma Lu Douglas, of Seward, "looka, the License Fee of Three Hundred Doll.a rs ($300.00) paid for by her for said Retail Liquor License Noj 3136, upon Burrt,nder by said Emma Lu Douglas of said license and all privi- leges incident thereto. FURTHER RE~OLVED, That the ~ity of ~eward, Alaska waives the right to any claim on account of soid License fee, or .to any portion thereof. ADOPTED under .suspension of the Rules this 29th Jan. 1951. ( SEAL) ATTEST: Sigrid S~earnB Oi ty Clerk Seconded by Clm. McRae." All in fcvor, ~otion carried. Letter from Felix Toner regarding engineGr's report of Water system and containing a ContrHct A~reement wes read. Clm. Myers moved to accept the Contract Agreement as presented by Tomer. Seconded by Clm. 1111s:-n. All in favor, motion carried. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Motion waF. made and seconded to adjourn at 12:30 O'clPOk P.M. Approved k;r"....d, M or ./ ~ A.:~'1.-..'-~"" Attest - - - .. .. - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,~ Seward, Alaska PfIIlbruary 5, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 7:05 o'clock P.M., Hayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, iYhitmore, Kirk- patrick, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the last regular meeting and 'specfal,Die.tlngs.ere read and approved. ~~t~rdfR8f rH~oMaY€O'd8aHoread, ~tating he had never reslg~ed as,~ayor, The f'o110w1ng mot'lon wes maae by Oole and read by the City Clerk: "1. WHEREAS, from examining the attached copy of the minutes of the Dee. 28th Meeting of the Common ~ouncil of tha City of Seward, and from examining the attached photographic copy of City pi Seward Cancelled Check No. 3510, dated Jan. 8, 1951, drawn in favor of EU6ene N. Lanier, Mayor, in the amount of TWO HUNDRED and no/lOO DOLLARS (;200.00), to- gether with attached photographic copy of statement originally attacbed to such check in its original form, bearing the memorandum thereon of "Por attending Coast Guard Meeting Juneau Jan. 4, 1951", it appears that this Common Council of the City of ~eward, at its Dec. 28th Meeting, , specifically authorized Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor" to a ttand, as the City of' Seward's Of.f-1c1a1- Representative, the U.S. Coast Guard Meeting re- garding the Handling of Explosives, convening at 2:00 p.m. on Jan. 4th, 1951, at Juneau, Alaska. and did specifically and exprassly appropriate from the City of oeward s General Pund the sum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) to be ~ id to the Mayor for making such proposed trip to Juneau, Alaska. WHEREAS Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor of the Lit1 of Seward, failed to meke the a bove-mentiortad trip to Juneau, Alaska, os the C1 ty of Seward' IS Official Representative to appear before the U.S. Coast uunrd Meeting, convening at Juneau, ~lqska, on Jan. 4th, 1951, where the matter of the handling of Explosives W88 to be discussed; WHEREAS, Eugene NJ Lanier, Mayor of the City' of Seward, on the 8th day of January, 1951,. personally obta ned from the City Clark of the City of Seward a TWO tlUNDREu DOLLAR ($200.00) Check No. 3510, of which the attached is a photographic copy, and din there8f~er endorse his name on the reverse side of such check, as shown by the attached photographic copy of reverse side of City of Seward C~ncel18d Check No. 3510, and did cash same, and wrongfully retain the proceeds therefrom, fully knowing then and there thst he had failed to make the above-mentioned trip to Juneau, Alaska, for which the above-~entioned TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) had been specifically and expressly approp~iated by the Common Council of the City of Seward at their DeC. 28th Meeting of 1950. 2. AND WHEREAS, 1t appears from original affidavit attached herewith that ~ugene N. Lanier, Mayor of the City of Seward, on the 12th ,day of November, 1950, without just cause or provocation, threaten to inflict personal in1ury and bOdily harm to John Coleman, Editor of tne Seward Seaport Record, 1f Coleman should publish nows items of transactions and ectivities trGnspiring at the City Council meetings. 3. AND WHEREAS, it appears from original affidavit attached herewit~ that Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor of the Vity of uewerd, on the 6th day of July, 1949 1n the presence of others, one of whom displayed. a badge of a City Policeman, threaten to personally "run" George M. Turnbull out of town without cause or provocation and, without legal cause and without any accompanying Court Order properly issued, did further threaten to forcibly remove George M. Turnbull's Household furniture from the Turnbull apartment in the Seward Veteran's Housing Area and to haul same to theo~ity Garbage Dump in the City Garbage Truck. IT IS THERBPORE FELT that the above alleged acts on the part of Eugene N. Lanier, Nayor of the ~ity of Saward, are acts, which come within the category of Malfeasance and Misfeasance in public office, and I there- fore make a Netion that Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor of the ~ity of ~eward, be requested and asked to forthwith submit to this Common Council his letter of Resignation f rom the O+,fice of Mayor of the City of Seward." Seconded by elm. Kirkpatrick. Whereupon Mayor Lanier said it would be necessary to c all his attorney, John Hel1enthal, and proceeded to telephone him. No vote was taken on the above motion, and the members proceeded with the discussion of other business pending the return of the Mayor. After the return of the Wewor to the vouncil Cn.mbers, discussion I I I ;. " ""'" .'. IT'. ..i ,Seward, .'leska February 5, 1951 rv I ' ::..... ~~'-. r' ~ ~ ., At this time John Hel~nthal entered the Council Chembere ~nd spoke to the members of the Common vouncil in behalf of Mayor Lonier, ad- vising the Council to let the people act in this matter r~ther than the Council, also saying the] did not hays the powers of a Court. He stattld "misfeasancell and malfeasance" Were pretty strong words and should be stricken. That if the Council had intended to reprimand ths Mayor they had'very forcefully dona so and suggested they go down in the minutes as showing dissatisfaction with the Mayor. R. E. Baum- gartner spoke regarding the good done the City by the present Mayor and ~ouncil. . elm. Uole moved with the Meyor. C",rrieri. that the Common vouncil expresses dissatisfaction' Seconded by Clm. Kirkp9trick. All in favor, "motion Attorney Hellenthal spoke regarding the progress made in S6ward 'luring the last few years. Clm. McRae read some information given him by ~~~i afaJs~i~ H~r~Y Southard regarding lots that were in question. !1&. uel~ M~~%~ taat said land and Delinquent Taxes be turned over to R. E~ Baumgartner for legal proceedings. Seconded by elm. ~hitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Uole moved to sell lot 25, Block 22, to The American Legion Club for $180.00. Seconded by Clm. "lIaon. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "11 son moved to by Lots 37 and 38, Block 20, from Aaron Grossman for $950.00. Seconded by Clm. !AcRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. !\irkp!:1trlck moveJ to $300 to George Grigsby, e ttorney f ee granted defendant in weter Condemnation Case. Seconded by elm. iihitmore. all 1n favor. motion carried. Latter from Maurice Dee to purchase Lot 26, Block 21, was read and tabled pending a check by the Asses~or. Clm. Cola moved that the hourly payroll be paid. Seconded by Clm.' Wilson. All in favor, motion carried, A letter from R~ J. Zahrobsky to the Mayor regarjing $7000 he owes the ,Seward Fish and Cold Storage, was read and discussed. elm. Cole was, a~ked to contact R. E. Baumgartner ad~l~J~i him that he is asked to be retained t9 ~epri.ent the Oity in/tH@ M~~ine Ways Installations. elm. McRae ~oved that H. L~ Morton be given 2 weeks leave beginning March 13th, weather permitting. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. elm. ~ilson moved that Police Chief Greene, be authorized to hire an extra patrolman. Seconded by Clm. "hitmore. all in favor, motion CArried. elm. MCRae moved to buy a short Block Assembly for the Pollee Seconded by Clm. ~ihl tmore. all in fevor, motion carried. Car. Seward, Alaska February 5, 1951. Tom Reilly of Seward Fish and Cold Storage was present and gave the Council a summAry of the work done at the cement plant and cold storage the past season, and what they intend to do the coming yoar. He. asked that the rent on the two buildings mentioned in the lea~e, 8Qd which is to start this year, not be charged for at least three more years. Cole was also instructed to contact Baumgartner in this matter asking him to draw up an addition to the lease. Clm. Wilson moved to give Seward Fish and Cold Storage permission to cut ice on First Lake. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and ~econded to adjourn at 11:00 o'clock P.M. APprOV'd~~ J.f ~~ '~ _Mayor ( Attest: .i;~ ~~ City lerk - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sewaral, Alaska February 12, 1951 - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 3:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor LAnier in the Char. Present were Clm. ~hitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, uilson and Myers. Absent Clm. McRae. This m$etlng was called for the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign th~ $200,000 Electric Utility Bonds, Jan. 1951 issuo and for re- viewing Felix Toner's requirements for 8 water survey. Clm. Myer~ I,lIpved to authorize the Mayor and \Jity \;lerk to 13ign the .200,000~OO" bonds. Seconded by Clm. l.Iole. All in favor, motion carried. . , Clm. "hitmore moved that Jack Jordan be given permission to take the City Se8l to Seattle for affixing to bonds there. Seconded b~ Clm. Cole. All in favor, motionrerried. Clm. KirkpatriCk moved to authoriza e water consumer's survey conducted" by the Water Company end the information correlated co-operation with-the ~ity Council. Seconded by Clm. ~1lson. favor, motion carri~d. Mot1on wasmada and seconded to adjourn at 3:45 o'clock'P.M. to be in AD. 1n Attest ~d ~J'O~ C~rk. ~e;a~d: Al;ske~ - - - - - - - Approved ~r' 1 ;(~ ay r - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - February 19,1951 .. - . - - - . - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Common ~ouncil was celled to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Absent, Mayor LAnier. Present, Clm. McRae, Chairman. Clm. Whitmore, Kirkpetrick,Cole, iillson Bnd Myers. - and special Minutes of the last regular/meetings were read and approved. Mrs. LaPreal Bio, Public Health Nurse, was present r~questing adequste office sp~ce to hbld the future clinics, as sh~ has no permanent place. She waE advised by the Council that the matter would be investigated. Reverend tip~uldinF was present Bnd informed the Council that his car had boen severely damaged by the man hole eover in the street, thAt flew UP as he tlrove o~er it, and tene out the clutch and caused con- siderable other demnge, He requested that the City pay-for the dAm~~e done t'J his car and he was advised 'by the members of the Council to have his car fixed 6nd the bill will be paid. Chief of Police Greene end McRae w~re appointed t~ see the w~ter compeny about this manner as the man hole belongs to the Seward Wqter Supply. " Dale Greene, Housing Manager wee present. and reported on the condition of the houslng Area. Clm. Ki~kpatrick moved, that Greene order whet SeW'3rd, Alaska February 19, 1951 I furniture that is necessary for the Hnusing Area. Seconded by elm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Phil Harding was present in behalf of the Rifle Club, telling of their fubure plans for expansion, also requested a permit for shooting in ,the basement of the U.S.O. Also stated that there ere two artesien wells around Seward that could be used to furnish ample water for the City , and he thought Mr. Toner shauld be advised. Letter from A~ ska ~ublic ~orks regarding the Sgwer Sy~tem was read, ~requesting plans of financing and the number of years over which the debt will be amortized. I Herman Leirer requested that snme action be taken regarding the rat situation on the garbage dump. City Clerk was instructed to advise C. H. Duckworth that Lot 26, Block 22, is not for sale. Clm. ~Ihi tmoro moved to sell Meurice Dee Lot 26, Block 21 for the l'Ium of $180.00. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in fav~r, notion cnrr1Gd. Letter was rcqd from tho ChaDber of ~ommerce for expediting information to the Alaska Railroad for some machinery at the Marine Ways. TwO letters were read from Felix Toner one regarding the recent survey on tho proposed new Nurse's Home, and the other specifying data re- quired for the Consumer's survey for the Saward Water Supply. January report of the Public HAalth Nurse was read. Clm. Kirkp3trick moved to pay S~m rtomack $75.00 for PubliC Health Nurse Clinic for five months. SBconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, notion carried. Letter and receipt from League 0f a1askun Cities was read. Clm. Whitmore moved that the following ril1~ he paid: Andy's ell Delivery, $435.00, ATEC, $41.75, AndreH's Surplus (when bill 1s present- ed)$4l.00, Ballou & llright, $100.16, Centro1 SArvice Agency, $129.40, U.S* Commissioner! $7.25, Osbo's, $39.65, Pat's Gar8g~, $32.32, Seward Electric Syst~m, t555.70, Seward LAathar Works, $5.00, Seward Water Supply, $142.50 Seward Trading Co., $1.13, Seward Plumbing & Haating, '16.26, S~wArd Aerdware, .31.95, Standard Oil Co., $304.14, W~tsjold Grocery, i1e.20, Webb and Webb, $165.00, Petty Cash, $28.97, A.G.McRae, $60.84; Housing Ar6a Fund: Doyle's, $21.70, Seward E1ec. System, $2.65, Seward Leather Works, #1.25, Seaport Record, $7.50, S~werd Metal Works, '15.80, Seward Plumbing & clesting, $312.95, Sewarn Hardware, $ll5.0~; Sales Tax Flinn: Kenai Scenic ous Lipes, $90.00. Seconded by elm. Myars. Glm. McRse, no vote. Clm.'~hi tmore, Kirkp<1tl'ick, \;01e, ililson Bnd Myers voted yes. Motion cerried. I elm. Klrkpntrick moved, that Modlficatjon of Lease of Marine WaYs be approved 8nd the bill for Attorney fees in thie matter be paid by the Seward Fish and Cold Storage. Seconded by elm. .hitmore, All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00 o'clock P.M. Attest ~~~tJ ~c.~ City lerk. Approved 1 C, .v4~) ,'/ . C {. /V // . C i/ G:r k ./ L'ha f rman v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - ~ - - . Seward, Alaska February ~3, 1951 A special meeting of the Common Council was c~llRd to order at 3:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing the Police C3r d~mBge and Public Heo1t~ Nurse 1uartars. Kayor Lsnier, in the choir. Present "'[~re Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, ililson and Myers. AL,o ~r~cent were Chief of Police Grene and Offiee Hall. Arter considerable discussion of the damagG done to the Police ~8r ~-. ~:' 1 1'~ ) Seward, Alask3 February 23, 1951 byT. H. Jones, it was decided that Chief Greene would check with Webb and Webb Insurance hnving the Insurance Company handle the situation rather than the vity. Olm. Oole moved thp.t $400 be taken from thd Housing Area Fund and be transferred to Sales lax Fund for rent of Public Hem th Nurse' office. Seconded by Olm. Myers. All in favo 1', moti on carried. Clm. Kirk{8trick moved to make an additional appropriation from G~ner8l Fund for $1650.00 for salary of City Tax AseGssor. Seconded by Clm. Wileon. All in favor. motion carried. Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 3:30 o'clock P.M. . IZ: ~ ApprOVact~~~ I. ~ J " ~I7J-' Seward, Alaska March 3, 19!11 - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - . -.- - - - A re~ular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Present were Clm. A. ~. McRee, Chair~ln, and Clm. Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Absent Mayor, Lanier. Minntes of the last regular meeting was read and approved. A report b~ Clm. McRAe on the repair cost of Rev. Spauldings car would amount to $225. The Oouncil felt that tnR City was not responsible in this matter snd the bill should be p8id/~he.Beward Water Supply. Aron ~ricson, City Tre~surer, was present regarding Liquor license and the AlaskH Business licenses. Letters regarrting these.licenses were read from T9rritorial Treasurer end Mr. AricBon tidvisod to write for R list of persons in Seward paying Alaska Business License fees. Clm. iihitmore moved that the hourly pnyroll bA approved and p9i~.. Se~onded by Clm. Cole. ,All in favor, motion eorried., . ^ Oliver Amend was present and.re~uested snow removal in the Bayview Addition after 9 snowfall and also requested additional fire hydrants so they might have adeqUAte fire protection. R.E; Baumgartner present, requosted $300 refund on Retail Liquor Ll~ense issued to Northern.Bqr. elm. Uyers moved to refund $300 to Emma Lu Douglas. S~conded by Clm. Cole.~ll in favor, motion carried. C1m. Cole moved to transfer $2000.00 from Housing ~rea Fund to ~eneral 'Fund to pay'for fourteen (14) new street lignts. -Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. ~ll in favor, moti0n carried. Clm. My~rs movQd to poy ~m. Estes bill of $482.00 for survey on Brownell Subdivision Contour. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in fa~r, motion carried. Letter from ~rs. ElsIe Blue of thanks 8nd ~preciation for Clinic for Public H~alth Nurse. was read. 0100. McRae moved to strike the clause pertaining to Power Plant Building from the Modification of Lesse of Marine WAYS. Seconded by elm.Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Le~ter from ArthUr Rosien, Executive-S~ar8tdry of League of a19skan Cities was reed. Telegram from Alaskq Public Works re Sewer system fin8ncial data was read and discussed and requested information to be sent immediately. ~-.. ,-\ , , Seward, lilaska March 5, 1951 The members of the Commom Council authorized Floyd Evsns, Dog Catcher, to pick up and destroy any and all dogs running at large end not called for within 24 hours. . Motion was made ano. seconri'3d to a djollrn at 11 0' clock P.l.l. I f.ttest..2 c~ l.f~--.) City ark. C" ~ , " ) a ~-j( , Approve,l . ;/( J.. ,J c/.:L.- Chairmen ~ ' ------------..---- ~eward, Alaska March 12, 19.51 ~ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ .. _ A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 3:10 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of passing Reoolution regarding De1in- 'quent Tax Toll. Present A. G. McRS'le, Chnirmqn, Cl:n.', Whitmore, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Absent, M8yor Lanier and Clm. KirkpBtrick~ Clm. Myers moved to suopend the regarding Dplinquent T~x Roll. favor, motion carried. rules for the adoption of Resolution Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in Clm. Whitmore moved that the following R~solution be adopted: RESOLUTI ON I WHEREAS, the taxes on certain real property in the ~ity of Sewcrd, Alaske, for the years 1946, 1947; 1948, and 1949aro d8linquent; and, 'WH3REAS the Municipa\ Clerk of the ~ity of ~e~ard, AlAska bOE presented to the Council the Delinquent Tax Roll of all the Real Property assessed.and an which th~ texes have not ba~n paid, and are therefore delinquent, and said Roll is in due fOTm; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP SEWARD, ALASKA: 1. Th~t the Municlp;i Clerk c~uce SAid Delinquent TAX Roll to be published, together with ~Notice that said Delinquent Tax Roll h8S been completed and is open for Public Inspection, at the ~fice of the Municipal Ulerk, and that upon the 13th day c~ April, lP5l, or as Boon thereafter as counsel can be heard, said Delin'uent Tax Roll will be presented to the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Third Division, for judgment 3nd order of sale; 2. That said Delinquent Tax Roll and Notiee be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the SEWARD SEAPOHT RECORD, a news. paper of general circulation published ~t Se~ard, Alaska, which news. paper is hereby designated as the official publication for this purpose. P~8B6d under suspension of the Rules this 12th day of ~~rch, 1951. Approved: Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Attest: Sigrid Stearns Municipal Clerk Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in f~vor, motion cnrried. Motion was made and secondeq to adjourn at 3:30 O'~oCk P.M. Approved &r'V-JIIc.';/ hairmsn ) (" i!. I 1,ttest: . l~ ~ ~ City erk - - - - -. - - -.. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Seward, A13ske - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MArch 19, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - A roguler meAting of the Gommon Louncil VinE' col led to order at 8:20 o'clock P.M., Meyor Lanier in the Chsir. Prebont wereCl~. Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, and Myers. ;'bsent, elm. McRae E'nd ,illson. !&rs. ':V",gner 'Jnd Mr. Lewis of the school board were' present and l'equests( repairs and new ventileting system to the school building with proper plans being first nrawn by an ar~hitect. ' Clm. iVhitmore illcv'3d tow rite Mgnlay and Mayar, architects of Anchor3"-e, to co:ne down here and check on the new school addition. Seconded by (..." . Seward, Alaska March 19, 1951 etm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, :notion carried. elm. Myers mov~d Adrtition, if all S"c::Jnded by Cl'll. to sell lots 4, 5 6, 7 and 8, Block 11, Laubner clear, to Donald Lowell, for totql sum of $175.00. ~ole. All in f8vor, motion carried. - /' Chief Greene Wu~ c31led in to discuss uniforms for the police with the salesman present. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to 9uthorize Greene to prepare 0'8 contract with Joe Bonney for uniforms for the police with the final ~ approval or th3 City Council. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in fRvor motion carried. Letters'frcm Fpllx Toner regarding sewer and weter system, ware re3d. City Clerk instructed write letter to W.C.Erwin for assistance invB~lous bl Letter fro~ Robert L. Smith, ASfistant Commissioner of Health, was re81pro ems. Letters from E. L. Bartlett, Delegate, regarding explosives, was read. Letter from Arthur hosien, Lengue of Alaskan Cities, was re9d, regard- ing the 84 lots in ques~i~n 3S tc ownerr,hip. Ldtter from BU~G3a of Land Management, regarding the 58me property, was also read. The Fire Chl'3f ''Vas authorized b~' th'3 members of "the Council to have ft s,itch,put in his apartment f0r use in blowing fire siren. .. I." . Cl~. Whitrnor2 moved that the following bills be paid: AlaskA Trsnnfer, '13.60, An(i~T'S, $49.80, Andrew's, $48.85, ATEC. $35.75, B.,u!Ilgartner, $390.40, Bf!l1ou & Wright, $531.24, Automotive parts, $32.85, CentrAl Service Arency, $125.00, Doylp,'e, $3.70, Hemi1ton's, $58.65, N.C. Co., $50.67, Osbo's, $2.68, Pat's Garage, $24.00, Peulsteiner's, $102.48, SeWArd Electric tiystem, $579.87, Seward Water Supply, $142.50, Seward TrAding Co., $?1.50, Soward Hard~are, $11.10, Se~ard Drug Co., $8.85, St:,ndard 0\1 Oc.1. $101.69, Sew8rd Machine Shop, $52.69, Western Fire Equipment (Fred ~ielcheski), $9.68, Lenore &~ntz, $10.00, PostmAster, $16.07~ Petty Cash, $24.43; Housing ~rea Funn: Osbo's, $13.95, Sew. Elec. Oystem, $~.05, Seward Trading 00., $5.44, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $811.70, Seward Hardware, $334.90, Se~8rd Drug, ~1.50~ Seconded by 81m. Cole. All in favor, motion car~1ed. Attest k:~Jld~~ City Clerk. Adjourn at 10:3~.lO.k, P~~o , Approved '{;1'."" A. ;t;"'n~f' syo Motion was made and seconded by - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Al'u;!ta March 20, 1951 - .-.--... .-----...- .. - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order pt 3:20 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of discussing uniforms for the police. M(1yor Lanier in th'3 chqir. Present \<lere Clm. McRas, llhitmore, Kirk~ patrick, Cole, "~lilson and Hyers. As Chief Greene WAS not present and nothl~g ecco~plished, Cl~. ~ole ~ moved to adjourn, Seconded by Clm. dhitmorc. At this time Chief Greene arrived end Glm. Gole withdrew his motion to 3dJourn and Glm. ~hitmore withdrew his sscend to the motion. Motion cancelled. Clm Kirkpatrick moved to pay $400 down payment on uniforms for the pOlice. Seconded by Clm. ~hitmore. Clm. McRse voted no, Whitmore, yes, Kirkpatrick yes, Cole no, Wilson yes, Myers no. Mayor LAnier voted no. Motion f n iled. Motion was made 8nd seconded to adjourn at 4:10 :tt1~k poM;, . , Approve . "AU h"Y~ , " ';f r . Attest ,j ~t:!~~~ City erk. - - . - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - ------- ~ - - Seward, Alaska March 2:2, 1951 I A special meeting of the Common ~ouncil was eill led to orqer at 8:05 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of signing Conditional Salea Contract with N.C. "-0: for cat DO-6, discussing property and new school addition defects. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRAe, ~hit- more, Kirkpatrick, Cole and '~iilson. Absent elm. Myers. Clm. McRae moved to authorize the Mayor and ~ity vlerk and member of the Council to sign the Conditional Sales Contract with Northern Commercial Company for Cat DC-e, price $12,829.00 plus interest. Seconded by ~lm. "11son. All in favor, motion carried. , Members of the ~ouncil requ~sted the City "'lerk to ask ~onald Lowell and Norman Wengert to appear at the next regular council meeting to discuss their property. (City ~lerk was also instructed to write to Manley & ~yer concerning the defects in the new school addition.) Motion't'8s made and seconded to adjourn at 10:25 o'clock P.M. APprova~; .~.. '1/.'__~I"" ayor / , Attest: .i.J ~.J~<.~ ,City 1 erk - - - - - - - - - - ~~~ (1' ( A sepcial meetin g of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of discussing the letter from ~lgska Public Works about sewer system, discuss sale of property to Alaska Rqilroad and proclamation of Holidays. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. "hitmore, Kirkpatrick, (,;01&, Wilson and Myers. Absent elm. McRAe. I The letter from Alaska Public ~orks was read and discussed. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt Resolution as follows: RES 0 L UTI 0 N RESOLVED, thRt the ~ity Gouncil of Seward will, in the event an allot- ment is made, by the Alaska Public Works for Project 50-A-67, Sewers, authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds and ,the creation of an indebtedness in the amo~nt of $125,000.00 through the holding of an election called for that purpose and the ~ity Council upon receipt of the re~uired petition from property owners, will determine and levy an assessment sufficient to pay for two-thirds of the cost of the above project. (SEAL) Attest ~i 'ri~ Stearns City Clerk Seconded by ~lm. ~ole. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor , All in favor, motion carried. I M','rvin Plccard of the AlaskA Railroad was present said although they were not sure the ARR would atHY in Seward they considered building new yanda here but nee~ded additional property. Would also try to straigh en out the property no~ 2 in controveraey with the Land Office. elm. Myers moved to~ l/lota in E~ Block 20, and 20 lots in Et Block 33 to the Alaska R~ilroad for 10% of assessed valuation or $1,600. Seconded by elm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. elm. ~hitmore moved that the vouncil order the Mayor to declare Proclamation for floowing holidays: Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Alaska Day, Armistice Day, ThanksgiVing Dny, ~hristmas, Washington's Birthday and Seward Day. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9'fJ.. 51 'ClOCk. P.M. , Approved - ,.... 1,-L:'Q-I:.( ayor. Attest: ~ J~~ }.-€t.I ~ City erk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . Seward, Alaska April 2, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called o'clock P.M., May-or Lanier in the Chair. iresent iWhitmore, Cole, 'ilson and Wyers. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, corrected and Bpproved. ' to order at 8:00 were Clm. McRBe, ADDENDA to March 19, 1951 meeting: , Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to authorize Greene to prepare contract with Joe Bonney for uniforms for ,the police with the final approval of the vi ty i.iouncil. SeCOnded by Glm. uhi tmore. Clm. Whitmore, Kirkpatrick and ~ole voted yes. Clm. Myers voted no. Motion carried. Donald Lowell was present at the request of the Council., for the discussion of buying en additional lot in the-Laubner A~dition. Clm. Wilson moved to sell Lot 3, Blk. 11, Laubner Arydition to Vonald Lowell for $25.00. Seconded by Clm. .ihi tmore. All in fuvor, motion carried. Norman Wengert, also present At the request of the Council, was asked to sell back to the City Lot 11, Block 6, ~liff Addition, which had been inadvertantly sdld to him. He said he had part of a building on this lot and did not went to sell and his reason for wanting to'b~'~this lot r~om,:the City was because his building was already on it. However, he was advised by the vouncll tha t he couldn I t sell it beCcluse it did not legally belong to him. ' Gerritt Hoogland was present with verbal,re~uest to purchase lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 11; Laubner Addition. Was advised by the Mayor to bring 1n a written reQuest. Mrs. Nichols presented a petition for complaint against dogs being shot on the street and not being kept 24 hours before being destroyed. Also present in regards this petition were Mr. and ~re. Mitchell, uorothy Stewart, Mr. Nichols, MrS. Samburn and John ~oleman. Floyd Evans, dog catcher was present, and read the Territorial Law in reference to mad or vicious dogs; also stated he had killed only 2 and Hall one, all vicious. Mr. Mitchell, MrS. Nichols and Dorotv Stewart all spoke against destroying dogs withoutnotifying the owners, or keeping them 24 hours. Were advised by the I~yor all possible would be done to notify owners of dogs in the future. RePort of Public Health Nurse was read. Clm. ~hitmore moved to sell lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 11, Laubne~ Addition to Gerrit Hoogland for $175.00, if in the clear. Seconded by ~lm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Letter was permission in person. and have a on a fifth with R. b;. read from Jean Giardina requesting that she be granted to have a (fifth cab company. She was also at the meeting She stated that she would take the matter up with an attorney written fequest at the next council meeting for an option cab company. Clm.Cole was requested to check the matter Baumgartner. ,. W. C. Erwin was present at the request of the Gouncil. Clm. Cole moved to accept W. C. Erwin as Future Planning Board Chairman, with access to all files and recoids with permission to take from the City Hell when necessary, giving 8 receipt therefor. SAconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wilson moved that the hourly payroll be paid as read. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. The City Clerk discussed the matter of the ticket to D(I!wey Bunch for blocking an alley and elm. Myers explained that the car had been in the alley all day and all night and could have had room off the alley to park his car. Letter frOl:J Seward Fourth of July Committee was read regar~ing Civilian Defense and the Gity Clerk requested to write the vommander of the ~merican LAgion asking that they take over the Civilian defense program. ';" :; Seward. i\.laska April ~, 1951 Letter was received from Canadien Crescent tihows and referred to the Chamber of ~o~erce. Motion was made and seconded to adjorn at 11:00 o'clock P.M. Attest ~.C-'-');<..J 4. CU/L.-t,;= City Clerk ;::-- APprOVedLr__"[j May ( /7~ ---I - <------" /--- , , ,# I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Al:iska April 4, 1951 - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - A special meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing a proposel to exclude e portion of land from the Corporate limits of the City of ~eward. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, ~hitmore, Cole, uilson and Myers. Absent Clron. Kirkpatrick. Also present ~ere W. ~. Erwin, Future Planning "'heirman and Herman Leirer. A letter wes presented by W. C. Erwin regarding the proposel by the Bureau of Public Hoads and read by the Uity Clerk and the proposition ,'1as discussed. elm. McRae moved that the \.;ity I."lerk be 3.uthorized to contact R. lie B~umgartner for advice regarding proper procedure to follow in ex- cluding property from Uity vlimits. Seconded by elm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at lQ:OO o'clock P.M. ~ ~/ APproved/;'/./_/ '_/,' . trayor 'J ~z. /, '_n - I Att t' - r,. - .I e S. '-<' '- I Ie,'; ~+ (. L '" """,eh,,- GityClerk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sew8rd, Alaska "prl.l 16, 1951. - -- - - - - - -... -... - - - - - - -- - - - ... - - - - ... - - - A regular meeting of the ~ommon vouncil wes called to order at 8:05 ~'clock.P.M., Mayor L8n~ftfs~n~~Y~eR~aiN'C P~~~~Rt Wa~~r~l'laUfi~fi~'Chrmn. Gole, 'Illson and Myers./ 1tosent t;lwm~ KirKp8trid: & ~Im. "fll'tm5r'El. , Minutes of the regular end Special meetings were read and approved. The School Board, represented by J. H. Shelton and Leon Lewis and Mr. Carlson, ~uperintendent were present to discuss the City's ~nd Territorial portion of school budget for 1950-1951 year. Clm. \.;ole moved to pay School Board $12,039.80, balance in full of City's portion school budget year 1950-1951. SAconded by Clm. ~ilson. All in favor, motion carried. I Alex Petrovich, uuperintandent of the Water Supply was present to discuss with the ~ouncil the present status of the Consumer's Survey of the Water Company and s9id he would need aJditionaI help with it so it could beanompleted. elm. McRae moved to authorize the City Clerk to hire/extra person to assist Alex Petrovich in the Consumer's Survey of the nAtal' Gompeny. Seconded by ~lm. "ilson. All in favor, motion carried. A letter from R. E. B9umg~rtner was read regarding land exclusion from the Corporate limits of tho wity of Seward was read. Herman Leirer, one of the property holders of said land, was pres~nt and said hA ~ould have A petition to present to the ~ity Clerk l'eluesting th3.t said land be excluded from LorporffiD limits. The petition, signed by a cejority of the land holders was read by the City Clerk and City vlerk instructed to turn the matter over to R. B. Baumgartner . George Giardina was present requesting additional parking space on the street for his cabs about which there was considerable diccussion, and the members of the ~ommon Gouncil decided to change the cab ilrdinance at the next regular meeting Mr " wished to continue with his option fo; fift'h~i8brdina also stqted he ca company until such r""-: '.. Seward, b.l:1ska April 16, 1951 time as the population has increased to 2,500 and a fifth company could be started, according to City Ordinance. Al Noyes was present in b~half of,the Lion's Club requesting that a letter be sent from the ~ity of oeward to the Army and Navy inviting them to Seward for Armed Forces Day, said letter also to be signed by other organizations in the Uity. Letter from the O~fice of Price Stabilization was read and referred to W. G. Erwin. Letter from'Tony Schwamm was read regarding an appraisal of the Dufresne property, for purchase and use of future airport. Letter from Manley & Mayer regarding the new school addition was read, stating he would be in Seward on April 25, and would meet with the Council,and make an inspection at that time. elm. Cole moved to re-appoint Harry ~outhard as City Tax Assessor. Seconded by elm. McR~e. All in favor, motion carried. Clln. "ole moved that the following bilis be paid: Arthur Pelch, $32.00, Harry Hall, $10.00, John Jones, '8,00, Alaska Transfer, $10.00, Andy.s, $383.91, Automotive Parts, $4.16, ATEC, $37.25, Ballou & Wright, $lO.DO, Fran DeBeau, $7.50, Central Service A~ency, $125.00, Dodge hlectric" $33e.07, Hamilton's, $71.36, Kenai cafe, $19.05, Mart VRriety, $7;50, N. C. ~o., $164.43, Oabo's, #54.80, Pat s Garage, $22.65, Pau1steiner's, $96.49, Seward Trading Co~, $21.50, Seward Elec~ric ~ystem, $527.44, Seward Seaport Record, $18.90, Seward W~ter Su~p1y, $142.50, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $5.00, R E. Baumgartner, '600.00, Seward Hardware, $118.00, S~anderd Oil Co., $i55.31, Seward Machine ShoP1 $31.29, Werner's, $14 .04 Yukon Equipment Go., $254.10, Alaska rtailroad, :ff36.68, Pett~1 Cash, !9.l5j Ho1l1e1ng:JArea, Harry Hall, $8.00, Kenn~th D. Greene, $30.00, Andy s, $8.32, Doyle's, $231.15, Osbo s, $110.70, Seward Leather Works, $7125, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $290.55, Seward Hardware, $59,.35. Seconded by Clm. Hilson. All in favor, motion carr'ed. Letter from E. L. Bartlett was read saying he would present the propo- sal re ~xchange of land between City and Alaska Railroad, to Director or Office of Territories as well a s Director of B of LM. Report of Public Health Nurse was read and payment of $100.00 authorized. Let~er from OAA was received requesting co-ope~ation in the installation of the lighting equipment at the airport. Letter nqs received from Public Utility Board requesting permission from the Council to install siren end red light on fire truck, and City Clerk instructed to write a letter stating such permission would have to come from Territorial Htghway pp.trol, as ~ouncil has no power to grant such permission.' Letters of resignation from HAlph Van \.luilder, Houston L. Morton and Albert Trump were read and accepted. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:15 o'clock P.M. ~ .. /7 J~P""OV.dy~~ '/ :;;;:~, Attest: - ,~~j~ ' Oi ty lerk. - - - - - - - - .' - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska April 30, 1951 A speci8l meeting of the Common ~ouncil was c811ed to order At 8:05 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of appointing 8 director for ~ivil Defenee, approval of.hour1y payroll, discussion land office problems, hiring of street superintendent and mechanic, and issueing two proclamations. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. MeRae, '/hitmore, Kirk- patrick, Cole and Myers. Absent Clm. Hilson. Glm. MCRae moved to accept the.American Legion sponsorpship of Clarence Johnson as director of Civil Defense. Seconded by elm. , Seward, Alaska .n.pril 30, 1951 Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "hitmore moved to accept Al Brattain as Street o.Juperintendent at $450.00 per month. Seconded by Clm. McRae. ~ll in fsvor,motion carrie~ I Letters from E. L. Bartlett concerning problems with the Bureau of Land Management were read. Clm. Kirkpatrick reEorted on her discussion of these same problems with Mr. L'ischer of t!1e and uffice and was advised that the City should make 8 Resolution and bid on said lots. A~ter discussion the members of the vouncil requested that the City inquire About land for future garba~e dump. Clo. Wihitmore moved to make 8 bid on 24 lots to the Land Office. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in f~vor, motion carried. Proclamation commemorating May 12th as Hospital Day was read by the City Clerk and signed by ~ayor Lanier. Clm. Cole moved that the hourly payroll be approved. ~econded by Clm. McRae. All in flvor, motion carried. Clm. .ihitmore moved that the Mayor issue a proclamAtion that the month of May be known as clean up month in Seward. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in f9\Or, motion ca:'l'ied. Moyion was made and seconded to adjourn 8t 9:45 o'clock P.M. 2 . j1. Approve Attest: _~~ ~ ~ J AYO City 1 e rk. ( 7r~7' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - I Sevl3 rd, j~18 Eka May 7, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Gammon \Jouncil o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. ~hitmore, Kirkpatrick, Uole, Hilson and was called to order at 8:05 Present were Clm. McRae, Myers. Also present W.C.ErWin. Minutes of the last re;:ular and speciel meetine;s were read and gpproved. W. G. Erwin was present rega.ding the deed to property for Nurse's Home. The deed conveying mineral rights to that portion of property from D. C. Brownell, was read. Glm. Cole moved that deed for property for Nurse's Home be he granted to the Woman's Division of Christian Service of the bOArd of Mi'sions and ~hurch Extension of the Methodist Church, as read. Seconded by Clm. lihi tmore. .li.ll in f lvor, motion carried. elm. ~ole moved to authorize Frank ~ood to remove scrap iron from the garbage dump and to put one load of s~nd or gravel on the dump for each load of scrap removed. Seconded by elm. "ilson. illl in favor,motion carried. Clm. "hitmore moved to authorize the Police DepRrtment traffic signs up to $100.00. Seconded by Glm. ~ilson. motion carried. to purchase ~il1 in fAvor, I Bob bevan was preEent regarding alease of the power plant bui1ftng on 5th Avenue. Clm. Whitmore moved thAt the vity enter into an agreement with Bob Bevan for him to raise the building three (3) feet, build ~orms for stub wall, the City to pour and PAY for the cement for floor and 8" stubs and ~r. Bevans to leave the building in fair condition, rent to be free for one year commencing June 1, 1951. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRAe Rnd Cole were asked to contact Herman Leirer regarding arrangements for 8 trailer Court in that area. Letter from H. O. Sellers, Health vfficer regarding venereal disease w~s read. C1m. Kirkp8trick moved to adopt Anchorage code on venereal disease to be An Addenda to present Hpal th U dinance N l~' . r .0. 92, effectl ve immediately. E conded by 01 C e m. ole. ~tll in favor, motion carried. ~-. '-., Seward, AlaskA May 7, 1951 elm. Gole moved that the Board of Equalization convene by Resolution on July 9th, 11th and 13th from 7 to 9 P.M. and July lOth and 12th ' from 2 to 4 P.M. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Tax Assessor Southard was present to discuss delinquent taxes and other prob13ms. Glm. Whitmore moved that the delinquent personal tax list and 1950 delin~uent Real and Personal Tax list, be publishe~. Seconded by Glm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from F. P. Winkler regarding purchase of lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Bayview Addition in 1944 was read. This property should not have been sold by the City and Mr. Hinkler had nover recorded his deed. The ~ity Clerk was instructed to send him $50.00 the amount paid for his lots. 2% Gales Tax for ~offee and donoughts sold on dock WAS discussed and decided by the members of the Council that it should be paid. Clm. Hilson moved to sell John A. Bennett Lot 18, Hlock 36 Townsite, for $100.00 if in the clear. Seconded by ~lm. Cole. ~ll in f3vor, motion c arrled. Letter was read from Public Welfare at Juneau, regarding office, space for workor in Seward. Glm. Gale moved to rent office space of one room in the. Ray Build ing for Public 'jip,lfarciiorker. Seconded by Clm. Nhitmore. dll in favor, motion carried. Glm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt Resolution toving Harry Southard 3uthorlty to proceed negotiations with the Buredu of Land Manap;ement for ecquisition for title and patent to lands in Federal an~ Cliff Additions. "'econded by Glm. "ilson. all in fAvor, motion carried. Letter from E. L. Bartlett regardine above 19nds wa~ read. Clm. "llson moved to authorize $150.00 to Rend 2 police officers to a policemen's meeting in Anchorage. Seconded by Clm. Cole. ~ll in fRvor, motion carried. Motion wes mede and seconded to adjourn at 11:55 o'clock P.M. . ~ O~ APProved~"" 1 ;r~. Attest // ./-{/~ yury City vI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sew", I'd, AlaskE'l May 11, 1951 - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Comnon ~ouncil W8E called to ordor at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing money for the school and office space for Public li"lfare liorker. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present we1"e Glm. McRee, "h1tmor~, Kirkpatrick and Myers. Absent elm. Cole and v1ilRon. 11.180 present wore Leon Lewis, school b,oc.rd member and Margaret Hafemeister, Public \iolfsre liorker. Glm. Ilhi tmore and Glm. \lilson were appointed by the U8yor to negotiQte with the BAnk of Sewnrrl., and work with Leon Lewis, to obt'jin a loan for the School board. Olm. .ihitmore moved thi::lt the small R"y Building bFJ rented for Puhlic Welfare Worker at $75.00 per month if available. Seconded by elm. Kirkpatrick. all in fAvor, motion carried. Motion wes made 'and ceconded to adjourn at 9:00 o'clock ?~. P . -',' Approved "'~ J ~-7 a or Attef'.t~'./ M.d~ ~--- :.t'... ity "'lerk. - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - v I Seward, Alcf,l~a May 14, 1951 h special meeting of the Common vouncil weB called to order 8t 3:05 0' clock P.M.. for the p11rpose of Authorizing tho MRyor and vi ty Ulerk to ~ign note to BRnk of Seward. Clm. McRee, Chairmun. ~l~o present Clm. lihi tmore, Kirkpatriclt, and Cole. Absent lisyor Lan ie r. ~lao absent elm. Wilson and Myers. I Glm. Whitmore moved to authorize the Uayor and vity vlerk to sign note ta the Bank of Senard in amount of $21,500 fo!' the c5chool Board. Spconded hj Glm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded ta adjourn ct 3:25 o'clock F.M. (Ie; }/I'1 J Approved . (" P': /'jC/:/ ~Lf_ A' oJ }..fl-- Chairman' . At:test . ~ ~ . Uity CleI' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - SewFlrd, AI:.eka May 16, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - I A special meetin~ of the uommon Council was called to order qt 10:00 o'clock A. H. for the purpose of discussing the application of Cecil Lindsay to operate enother cab stand in the City. Clm. McR~e, Chairmon. "-Iso present C1.::l. Whitmore, Kirkp:; trick, Gelc end "ilson. Absent Maror Lanier And Clm. Myers. ALSO pr~~ent Irwin L. Metcalf, DAPuty Un tad ~t8tes MarshBI and CAcil R. Lindsay. Mr. Llndsty Bdv!sed the Council that he Nas interested in ubtaining a licsnse to oporate 8 CRb stHnd immediatol~', Pert ions of the Gity TRxic8b Ordin?nces were read by the City Clerk, and the Terri~o~i~l .~ q,pde W6S checked. Mr. ~etcalf read racoI'd of Cecil LindsaYtd9WJ-trJ!I': '~~i:1, 8A.:-.t15le, Drol:lnlt~4.r dhposMi on, Juveni-led(:iElIH~~-l933, SElQ~-t-le. ~to18 8ft ""'ut6lBoeil(), !Hle13SRaea S8fttsReB; H~:H, Dr ,mitElR -;iri"ing,SeAt:t.le, 3e QQY&; ~..v:8rd City Pol1cd, 1943, t1Tlil'il[en drl"ln@i, $lO!l.OQ fin-a; 8"w..Id C'it.i Pnliee, JBfiW.:L'Y 10,194'1, dr11l,KSA91i"'r- Cnmm4n..,.,\nfHlylS Court, aeW!'I.I.l;. .Terlll>lry ';)41, On9r~thlp; a IllOt01'--ve-hT~hr ivhlle-"tlnder the i-Rflli6flGe of IRtoX. li~l,lgP, fined $50.00-; Jul~r 1945, DruHk&n--9-Plving-, finAr\ $a{LOO; l~lir(Oh 1949, r"'ckle~s d~i-lt-iAflT-.nned-$.lOOtoo--'l'l'lrr.-Dr. 1.1". ouspElnaed~. yoory .... Mr. Metc91f said taxicabs are not 8 private enterprise but a nublie utility and the City has the right to control said public service. elm. Kirk~triek ~oved that the matter be studied and put under legal advisement and lrought up Rt the regulHr meeting M()ndAY, JARY 21Rt. SAeonded by Clm. ~ilson. rill in favor, motion carried. Mr. Lindsay stated that if this matter was not settled by Mondsy the City would have to pay for Avery day's business lost thereRfter. 1l1otion made and seconded to a djourn at 10:30 o'clock A.M. I Anproved ~' \11~ Attest: ~ City lerk. -Se\'1a-rd-, 'Ai8 skti 4 - - - - - - - a.~ 7JlvC/~ dlU_ On rma n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May ';1. 10f.ll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------.....--- A rerulqr meeting of the Gommon Council was calleu to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M., Mayor LAnier in toe Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Vlhi tmore, Kirkpatri~k, and, COLe. Absent Clm. Wileon and Myers. Minutes of the lqst re~~18r and special meetings were read and approved. Rw E. Baumgp.rtner was pree~nt in behalf of thG beward ~lectrlc System and the recAr.t contr9ct tG Olson and G~8ve~ Ras reviewed and approved by the Gounell. ~, "I SeviSrd, ~1.1<>8k? Mfl y 2:1, 1951 Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the sale for Delin~uent Tax lots be Bet for T ' ,,1me Q$th, 1951. Seconded bJ Ulrn. Mc-,toe. &,.11 in favor, motion carried. H. E. B8uIDgertner gave the Council legal qdvice regarding the taxicab Ordinances and advised the Common ~ouncil that it was up to them to regu13te the laws for the sefety of the comr~uni ty, that t2lxicabs are always subject to regulRtions and it is entirely in the province.of the Council t~ maintain said ordinances valid in all respects. Parts of the Territorial code were read by Baumgartner which ~fR8ide for the licensing and regulqtions of motor vehicles. Cecillwno ~~~'3Iso present, spoke in his own behalf And again requested a license for a cab st3nd. He was advise1 by the UR~ror and Council that the Council is prohibited from grRnting him a license for? cab 5t~nd on advice of R. ~. Baumgartner. Clm. Mcnae wuved to Authorize the Mayor and City 01erk to sign the agreement f0r R. Bevans for the building on Lots 27 and 28, Block 22. SFlconded by Glm. Kirkpatrick. all in fevor, motion~tarried. read ~etter from R. E. Baumgartner was/regarding the d~m8ge to Hev. Spaulding's car. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the Spaulding bill be paid in tho 3mount of $114.95, the water company to pay half and the City half, bill to be paid in this case only and the w3ter company to be instructed to lO~ler the manhole cover on 4th "venue another foot below the present street level. Geconded by Glm. ~ole. All in favor, motion carried. Two letten from Kuney for use of cleflred of brush B: U. French were reed, one regarding the bill to boiler and the other requesting 6th AVRnue to be Rnd st,:mps. mov~d that the City contribute $P5.00 to Boy Scout , for work done during'the cle9n up campaign. \'hitmore. all in f<qlOr, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick TrOOP <<-0_ 62.7, Seconded by (JIm. elm. 901e moved to hire depnrtmenttemporarily. motion carried. Kielchc~~i at $2.00 per hour on the street Seconded hy Glm. UcRge.. All in fqvor, , . Glm. 'McRae moved thpt a notice be put in the papers statin~ that the City is contemplating putting the garbage out on contract and re- questing proposal bids, the City reserving the right to ~ccept or reject '3ny or all bids. Seconded by elm. lihitmore. All in favor, motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to issue a speciel permit to Monson, Osberg and Halvorson for use of trc.:ilers on School Reserve. elm. vole moved that the bills be paid as follows with the exception of Dodee Electric which is to be turned over to the Fire Uap8rt~ent: American City Magazine $4.00; Andy's, $253.95, ~TEC, $38.75, Lenore Buntz, ~30.00, Ballou & \lright, $79.16,Central Servic~ Agenc~, $125.00 U.S. vommissioner, $2.75, Fr[m DuBeau, $4.50, William ~stes, $268.75, Hamilton's, $10.75, The Mart, $41.50, N.C. Go., $33.40, OSbo's, $4.25, Patls Garage, 123.10, Seward. Elec. ~ystem, $513.39, Seward WAter Supply, $142.50, SewRrd SeAport Rncord, $200.55, Seward Plbg. a Htg., $20.65, . Gordon ~mith Co., $26.82, Standard Oil vo., $199.27, Seward Machine Shop, $67.10, Seward Hardware, i53.30, Webb and ~ebb, $64.00, Petty CAsh, $15.17i Hnusing A~ea Fund: Alaska Tr88sfer, $51.00, Seward _ Plbg & Hte. *400.16, Seward Hardware, ~618.56. Sp,conded by Clm. Vihi tmo:re. All in favor, motion carriod. . - - - Clm. ~hit~ore moved to accept H?rry Hall as Janitor for Ci~Hall. Seconded by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion c3rried. Motion '."IaS made and seconded to adjo\lrn at 10:45 o'clock P.M. ATTEST ,.Q~'~~, Ci ~' Clerk. APprOVOd~ k /' ~ yor -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . J L SeWA rd, Alaske May 22, 1951 I A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M.) M8yor Lanier in the Chnir. Present were elm. McRae, Rhi~more, Kirkp~trick. Cole and ~ilson. Absent Glm. Myers. Also present Victor ~ischer of BureHu of Lend ~anAgement And Harry Southari. This meeting was for the purpose of discussing land problems with Victor Fiecher. Mr. Fischer advised the Council that the dureclu of Land !I,anagement would sell to the City only the lots with imprbvements and thst consisted of nine lots. There was considerable discussion regarding the 10tF with improvements as well es those without improvements And also the Perk and School Reserves. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn ?t 9:45 o'clock P.M. Approved& ~4<< '7;(~ Attest ~~Q.. .0("--, . 14a r ity Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska June 4, 1951 . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - I A regular meeting of the Common uouncl1 was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. WcRee, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Nilson. Absent Clm. Myers. Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and approved. Oscar ~hl was present regarding the sidewalk project on 5th Avenue. Clm. Whitmore and McRAe were appointed as a committee to locate a surveyor for the necessary survey of 5th Avenue. Clm. Mc~e moved that the Housing Area Manager be authorized to put in 8 valve to bl.ed water main in Housing Area. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved to hire Francis Perry as Harbor Master for-period of 90 daY8_at $100 per monthl Seconded by Clm. Nilson. ALl in favor, motioned carried. ' I Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the members of the Util~ty Board be request- ed to meet with the Council on June Ilth.to disc~S8 !revenue end taxa- tion. Seconded by Clm. -ilson. All in favor, motion carried. Four bids were opened by the City Clerk, for the garbage ~ontract, from Nils, Hagen, T. O. Hervey, J.R. Jackson and Chas. B. ~lynn. Clm. ~hitmore moved that the garbage contract be awarded on June 11th. SAconded by ~lm. Kirkpatrick, All in favor,_ motion carried. Mr. C~rlson, ~perintendent and MrS, Wagner, Mr. Lewis and Dr. ~he1ton, School Board present with Mr. Man ey, architect. Mr. Carlson spoke of the need for a new high school in the very near future- and Yr. Manley presented plans of the new proposed high school. Clm. McRee moved that the City of Seward apply for Advance for Plan Preparation for Non-Federal Public Works for proposed new High School" authorizing the Mayor and City ~lerk to sign said application.. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Max Kuney Letter was read re Alaska uock & Bridge Builders bill for use of steam bol1;r. . Letter from Fe 1ix Toner was reed regarding the sewer project. Clm. Kirk~trick moved to adopt the following Resolution: RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Ulty of Seward, Alaska, That the ~lty of ~eward make application to the ~. u_ uureau of Land ~nagement for acquiring title to the following nine (9 ) lots, wi th i (,- Seward, A18ske June 4, 1961. improvements: FBDBRAL ADDITION . - Lots 1, 2 and 31. Block 7; Lot 10, Block 8; Lot 8, Block 13. CLIFF ADDITION. - Lots 7, 8,,9 and 11, Block 6. . BE IT FURTHER RBSOLVED that the City of ~eward make application to the Bureau of Land Man gement for acquiring title to Block 6 Pederal Addition, School ReserveL for school and/or Municipal purpos~s; for Block 15, Perk Reserve~ Yederal Addition, for school and/or Municipal purposes; ~or Lots 1, 2, and 17 through 22 inclusive, Block 5, Cliff Addition, for School Reserve only; , THB CITi OF SBWARD FURTHER R~~UB8TS that Blocks 23 and 24, Pederal Addition, be set a.ide for Park purposes and titles be transferred to Ci ty of Seward. ADOPTBD by the Common ~ouncil this 4th day of June, 1961.' Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Attest: Sigrld Stearns City Clerk Seconded'by Cl~. "llson. All ln favor, motion ~rried. Clm. McRee moved to adopt the following Resolution: R B SOL UTI 0 N BE IT RBSOLVED BY the Gommon Council of the ~ity of Seward, Alaska, that the ~ity of Seward assume obligatlon to purchase from the Bureau of Land Management, Lots, I, 2 and 3, Block 7, Pederal Addition; Lot 10, Block 8, Federal Addition; Lot 8, Block 13, Pederal Addition; Lots 7, 8, 9 and 11, Block 6 Cliff Additi~n. Upon receipt of patent. therefore, the City of ~eward will iasue Warranty Deeds to the present .ccupants of theae lots. 'IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City agrees to purchase the above lots at the appralsed valuation established by the Bureau of. Lend Wanagelllent. ADOPTED by thft Common" Councll t lie 4th' day of June, 1951. Attest: 8i~~18lip~arn& Clm. Whitmore moved that the hourly p8y~oll be pald a8 read. Seconded . by Clm. lillson. Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrlck and "l1son voted yes. ~lm. Cole, no vote.- Letter of resignation' of Ha~ry D.' Hell a. police officer we& read - .. a.ccepted. ' Clm. *hitmore moved that the Pourth of July Committee have ell the facilities of last ,year, including the public address system end t.e i d use of the' 'Park 'Area. Seconded by elm. l1111son. All ln fevor, motion carr e · City Ci~rk was instructed to write TArr. Highway Englneer requesting P!!at. Letter from K. D. Greene regarding sllding wage Bcale for the 1951-52 budget we8 read and discussed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:15 o'clock ir:-- '7 '- ApI%' ove~ r;;~~ f--1/.<~"" S!-,.1-~- v' ,or P.w. Attest ~ 1::.-0. ~ ty lerk - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . 'j, Seward, Alaska June 11, 1951 A special meeting of the Common Council wes called to erder at 8:10 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were/MeWee, WAitmore, Kirkpatrick and Cole. Absent elm. Wilson and Myers. The,meeting was call~d for the purpose of awarding the garbage contract, setting date for Alection, Health Nurse report, planning for hospital and report from Capt. Carr. ' , I Cept Carr was present regarding the moving of equipment from the Merine Ways,belonging to the Army consisting of a vertical boring mill and hydraulic press and which are to be removed by contract; elm. McRae and ~ole were appointed to inspect replacement after the equipment has been removed. Clm. McRae moved that the Army have per- mission to remove the press and mill from the Marine Ways. Seoonded ,By.Clm. *hitmore. All in favor, motion carried. W. C. Erwin was preaent regarding planning for the ne. proposed hos- pital. elm. McRAe moved to submit application for advance for plan preparation for Non-Federal Public Works for proposed ne. Seward Oeneral Hospital. Seconded by ~lm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Three letters from the E~ctric System were. One,report on wiring in the Oceanview Rooms and another requesting a sidewalk line be establish- ed on lhird Avenue so light poles could be moved. Clm. Whitmore moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to invoke Ordinance No. 210 against the operator, of the Oceanview Rooms and that Bishop Oleeson be notified of the action taken by the ~ity. Sec- R~B~~t bKfCPu~lrgRtt:altt~u~R.fl:crl'ei8;\CMh1rl{~e'\.nspection of Oces_ Clm. Oole moved that the Elect10n for Lend Bxclus10n be set for Monday, July 16th, 1951. Seconded by ulm. MeRee. All in favor, motion~rried. elm. ~hitmore moved that the garbage contract be awarded to Chas. B. Flynn. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor motion carried. City Clerk was instructed to give the employees of the garbage 30days notice of termination. Clm. Whitmore moved that F. ninaldi be ,paid for 7~ days on the garbage truck and the Erdmann insurance bill of $135.00 be paid. SeeoDd8d by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. City ~lerk was instructed to notify all insurance companies not to renew insurance policies without the ~roval of the Couneil. Motion .as made and seconded to adjourn at 10:30 o'clock. APprOV.dS~( J ;/ ~~M . C\ . <1 / Yayor Attest ~ -< ~~1 }.. -rr.;-_- J <--_ _~ I City erk. I . - - .. - - - - Seward Alaska - - - & . - ~ - - - - - . - .. - - June 18, 1951 - - .. - ~ .. - - - - . . - - - - I A regular meeting of the Common Council was calied to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M., MaJor Lanier in the cmat~. Present were elm. NcRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick and Cole. Ahsent elm. ~ilson and Myers. Minutes of the last regu~r and special ..etings were read and approved. MrS. Bd. Lindsay .a8 preeent and stated she had been without water for seven months. The water had been frozen during the winter and over five weeks ago the ~iater Company had dug up the dl tch and the pipe but had not put in a new line, and the four houses served by this line are still without water. The City Clerk was instructed to request t~ Health Officer to notify the water Company to get water to these four houses in 24 hours. Stanley Niegeman was present regard- ing the inadequacy of the water syst.. and asked that something be done about it. Attorney W. Sanders was P t d th ~ resen an e statUB of water eompany and , ' Seward, Alaska June lB. 1961 legal questiohS were referred to him and discussed. That the franchise was past 20 years waa discussed. alao lack of water pressure during the summer, 8a well as the run down condition of the whole system with no maintenance. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the Council engage Mr. Sanders as City Attorney until such time as he would be terminated. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, lXlot1on carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that a sliding wage scale be in the budget for the coming year. Seconded by CIIXl. (;ole. All in favor, motion c arrled. Yr. Carlson, sup&~lntendent, was present with the school budget for 1951-1952. which he reviewed with the Council. CIIXl. ~hitmore moved to accept the school budget for 1951-1952 in the amount of $45,597.00. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor. motion carried. ~tt~r from Arthur Rosien was read regarding city owned public ~ti1it18s ..,ing payments in lieu of taxeaa . Pat Friede was present to complain to the Council about the police department and was advised that the Council would envestigate the matter. Letter was read stating the small boat harbor would be dredged in AugUst. Letter from General Kepner was read in appreciation of the support of eb.ervance of Armed Forces Day. Letter acknowledging advance planning of High School Building was read, from Alaska Public ~orks. . I' blm. McRee moved to adopt the following Resolution: RES 0 L UTI 0 N WHEREAS, the City of Seward, herein ca,Hed the "Applicant". aftfUI thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data has hereby determined that the construction of certain public works, generally described as a high school building 1s desirable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary ~o the construction of said works be~ken immediately; and WHEREAS. under the terms of Public Law 352, Blat Congress. BPproved October 13, 1949, the United States of America has authorized the making of advances to public bodies to aid in defraying the cost of architec- tural, engineering. and economic investigations and studies. surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, procedures and other action preliminary to the construction of public works (exclusive of housing) ; and WHIREAS, the ap~li~ant has examined and duly considered such act and the applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection therewith; . NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Common Council of the City of Soward, alaska, the governing body of said applicant, as follows: 1. That-the construction of said Public Works is essential ~o end is to the best interAsts of the applicant. and to the end that auch Public Works may be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminary to tae construction thereof be undert~ken immediately; , . 2. That Eugene N. Lanier, Wayor of Seward, Ala ka be hereby !J1 thor1zed to file in b ehelf of the applicant en application (in form required by the United States and in conformity with said act) for an advance to be made by the United States to the applicant to ~id ~n defraying the planning cost preliminary to the construction of such Public Works. which shall consist generally of cl ssrooma, vocational, facilities. cafeteria or lunchroom. standard gymnasium, auditorium, and other facilities necessary for' proper heating ~intainlng and administration of a school. 3. That if such advance be made the applicant shell provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds, in addition to the advance as may be required to defray the cost of sucnaction prelimin- ary to the construction of the Public Works~ 4. The said representative is hereby authorized to f~rnlBhb!uch information and 'eke such other action as. may be necessary 0 ena e the applicant to qualify for the advance, Seward, Alaska June 18, 1951 I 6. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the au~horized representative of the applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United States such information, data and documents pertaining to the application for an advance as mey be required; and otherwise to a ct as the authorized representa- tive of the applicant in connection with this applicatton. 6. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the appl1catioll for an advance to be submitted to the- United States. Seconded by Clm. "'ole. All. in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRAe moved to adopt the following Resolution~ R B SOL UTI 0 N I Author izing flling of Jl.pplication with the Uni tad States of America for an advance to Prov1de- for the A~vence Planning of Non- ~ederal Public Works under the terms of Public Law 352, 81st Cong~.ss of the United States, approved October 13, 1949. WHBRBAS, City of Seward, herein called the wApplicant", after thDrough consideration ~ the vrious aspects of the problem and study of avail- able data has hereby determined that the construction of certain public ~orks, general described 8S Seward General Hospital, is desirable and in the public interest and to that end it io necessary that action preliminary to the construction of said works be taken immediately; and WHBRBAS, under the terms of Public Law 352, 81st Congress, approved October 13, 1949, the United States of america has authaized the mak- in~ of advances to public bodies to aid in defraying the cost of architectural, engineering, and economic investigations and studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, s~cification8, procedures and other action preliminary to the construction of Public Works (ex- clusive of housing); and WHBREASi the applicant has examined and duly considered. such act and the app icant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to fi~ an application under said act and to authorize other action in connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD BY-Common Council, ,the governing body of said applicant, as fo~lows: 1. That the construction of said Public ~orks is essential to and is,to the best interests of the applicant, and to the end that such Public Works may be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminary to the construction thereof be undertaken immediately; 2. That hugene N. Lanier, Mayor, City of Seward, be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the applicant an application ( in form required by the United States and in conformity with said a ct) for an advance to be made by the United States to the applicant to aid in defraying the planning cost preliminary to the construction of such publiC Works, which shall consist generally of Seward General Hospital to serve the needs of Kenai Peninsula and ~eward, Alaska,; 3. That if such advance be made the applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds, in addition to the advance, as may be required to defray the cost of such action prelimin- ary to the construction of the pUblic Works; 4. The said representative is hereby auther !zed to furnish such information'and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for the advance; 5. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the applicant for the pu~pose of furnishing to the United States. such information, data and documents pertaining to the application for an advance 88 may be required; and otherwise to e ct 8S the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with this application. 5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for an advance to be submitted to the United $t8t~S. 8~conded by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. The Seward Fourth of July ,Committe. requested that they be allow.d,to hold a trap shoot on the ~ourth of.July, and after discussion the members of the Council granted this request and instructed the (;i ty Clerk to notify them. Letter was read from Alaska Housing Authority regarding "slum Clear- ance Bnd Redevelopment Law" for ~laska. I ,e Seward, Alaska June 18, 1951 Letter was read f~om Coast Guard of waterfront facilitles to take ablishments agaihst all kinds of Diit.ict, Juneau, requesting operators necessary steps to protect their est- destructive forces. Clm. ~ole moved that the following bills be paid: Andy's, $92.82 ATBC, $36.66, Ballou l Wrightl $86.18, C8ntra1 Service Agency $125.00 e Doyle' 8, '14.76, Hamil ton' 8, ,84.32, Paclfic Coast Stamp Work~' $16.06' Pat's Garage, $114.411 F8u18tein~r's, $34.30, Seward Leather W~rks, '2:00, Seward Water Supply, '142.50, Seward Seaport Record, $49.85, Seward Blec. System, $831.81, Seward Machine Shop, $44.95, Seward Trading Co., $2.44, Seward Hardwere, $160.99, Standard 011 Co., $99.41, Petty Cash, $13.40; Seward Rousing Area:City Bxpress, '4.12, Ooy1e1s, $60.00 KcRae ~ncr8t. Products, $80.80, Paulsteiner's, '86.24, Seward &lec. System; $2.65, Seward Hardware, $98.50. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. ~lm. Whitmore, Kirk~trick and Cole voted yes. Clm. KcRee, no vote. .otion carried. - Motion was made and seconded to 8 djourn at 10:45 o'clock P.K.e CO I~ Approved ~-:i:~~ ,~ "a-~ Mayor Attest ~J'~friu-t/~ City lerk - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - . - - - - - . - - - - Seward, Alaska June 27, 1951 - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Uouncil was called to order at 8:05 o'cloc~jP.K. for the discussion of the water with the City Engineer, Fell:x~'Bngineer, making application for g al'''8ge dump, accepting TaX Assessmentl and obtaining sidewalk grade on 5th Avenue. Weyor Lanier in the cha r. Present were Clm. McRee; -hitmore, Kirkpatrick and Milson. Absent Clm. uole and Kyers. AlsO present Krs. Jean Thorne and Alex Petrovich, Seward 'IAter Supply, and F~lix Toner, ~ngineer. Letters from Health Officer, R. O. Sellers and Kra. W. L. Brattain, were read concerning concerning the inadequate water. Alex Petrovich spoke in behalf of the Water Uompany answering the complaint regarding the Seward Trading Company lack of water, explaining that two lengths of pipe needed replacingV'b~ Urbach's and Seward Trading and vicinity were being served with a 2 line. He requested immediate raise in water rates 80 money could be put in e8crR~lror rehabilitation of system. He aho stated1l!ytke,ihacl< ~lIae~aoD."rr*h'rJ*ould provide the sort of manhole necessary on Fourth Avenue, that couldn't be bounced off. He 81so advised the Council that the water was being let run;~rom hydrants to save the present pipe line. Wr. Toner advised the Council about the present status of the se.er saying it was now the first on the list for 1952. moved Clm. dhitmore/ to hire a man to run chain for Kr. Toner, to establish grade for sidewalk on 5th Avenue. Seconded by Clm. KcRAe. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wilson moved to accept the tax assessment as presented by Harry S.uthard, assessor. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. KcRae mew ed to ID8ke application to the Land Orfice for the Bast I- of SectiOl\ ,28 for garbe,ge -.disposal area and 8 source of gravel for the City. SAconded by Clm. wilson. All in f_vor, motion carried. Kayor Lanier 8nn~unced a meeting of the Council to be'held Friday, June 29 1951 for further discussion of the water situation and review the , material prepared by Pal1x Toner. This meeting to take the plece of the regular meeting of Monday, July 2nd. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:50 o'clock P.M. Attest _ _ _ C ,." f r I ~~~ ~4)Lu.D ty C rk- - - _ _ _ _ _ APprov.~ J.~, - - -,,". - - - -:" ~.,...!t- _'II!'_,._l!!.._...t!!'"_._=--.....- 'r t ~.<~ Seward, Alaska June 29, 1951 I A speciel meeting of the Common Council, was called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing the water project with Mr. 'l'oner, discussing taxi operator's applications, Oceanview Rooms, and payment-to B.L.M. for lots. Mayor Lanier in the Chai~. Present were Clm. ticRae, "hi tmore, Kirkpa trick and ~i 1lson. Absent Ulm. "'ole and Myers. Clm. "ilson moved that when written permission be given from guardian relieving the ~ity from alresponsibility, G. D. Hall and Howard Amidon Jr., be given Te:ld Operator's lie ense. Second.d by Clm. Kirk- patrick. All in favor, motion carried. tir. Huber of the uceanview rtooms was present stated he had not received his letter regarding the condemnation and wanted more information re- garding it. Letter from the Public Health Nurse was read. The new owners were also present and said they wished to co-operate in cleaning the place up and the Chief of Police and Public health Nurse were to be instructed to make a check in two or three weeks. Mr. Toner had prepared a report on the water project and his final report would be ready on July 15th. He spoke regarding the system, saying the cost to the water company would be one figure and the cost to tha'~ity another as the present water company wouid undoubtedly make Us of a certain amount of the presen~ installations. Mr. ~. ~. Brownell was present and s~ote regarding the valuable water rights on Lowell Creek advising the ~ity to write to the- Federal. Power Commission requesting the power and water rights on Lowell Creek as the S8ward Light and Power were no longer usin~ the water power and whose franchise has nOw run out. Clm. WcRee moved thQtthe Lity of, Seward make application to the F~der.l ~ower Commission for both power and water rights on Lowell Creek. Seconded by ~lm. dilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. McR~e moved to authorize the Mayor and ~ity ~lerk to sign Proposal and Contract when presented by Felix J. Toner. Seconded by ~lm. ohit- more. ~ll in favor, motion carried. Clm. ~ilson moved that the regular Monday meeting on July 2nd be euspended. Seconded by (jlm. Mhitmore. All in favor,'motioh carried. Clm. "hi tmore moved to pay $950.00 to the bureau of ~and tianagement for the 10 lote. Seconded by \.11m. "llson. All in favor, motion carrie d elm. ~irkpatrick moved that the vity pey the rent of the PUblic Health Nurse. Seconded by Clm. '~ilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wilson moved to accept O. M. Beaver as auditor for the ensuing year at the price of $750.00. Seconded by Clm. "hltmore. All in favor, motion carried, elm. "ilson moved to accept the hourly payroll. Seconded by Glm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "hitmore moved to acquire a radio for the Police car. Seconded by Clm. MeRpe. All in favor, motion carried. Motion wasmade and seconded to adjourn at 10:45 o'clock P.M. I I Attest Approved ~ ~ ~~. " C/ Mayor i '~-:7~( J~4-c_ "Ci ty Clerk Seward, Alaske July 6, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A sepcial meeting of the Common Uouncil was called to order at 8:15 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of a Joint meeting with the Utilit BoaJ"~-' reag.lng of bills and discussing ventilation for fi1'8 chi~f's ~ayor Lanier in the chair; present were clm. MCR a'e, Whitmore, apt. Seward, Alaska July 6, 1951 Kirkpetrick, Wilson and Wyers. Ahsent Clm. wole. The Seward Public U~ility Board was represented by Jack Jordan, Wurl Trevethan, Berton Stanton"Hermen Leirer, H. J. Amend an9 R. E. Ba~~8rtner. Letters regarding payments in-lieu of taxes of public utilities were read from AnChorage, Juneau and ~etchikan. There was considerable discussion between members of the Utility Board and ~ouncil re pay- ment in lieu of taxes, during which Kr. Trevethan stated if on going ov.r the books for the ~lectric System the system could stand it it would be alright. Wr. Beumgartner and Wr. Jordan stated they thought , the system should be allowed to get on its feet before making any paym.nts and did not believe Grande and Company would allow such paym.nts at the present tim.. ' elm. jilson'moved_that all delinquent personal property taa be listed and prepared for delinquent and presentation to uistrict ~ourt. Seconded by Clm. ~yer.. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Wilson moved that the bills be paid a8 follows, with exception of telephone for street and fire d~pt.: Andy's, ~'~tQ51 iaXy~ltYA' ent ~125 Const. Co., $48.46, R. E. ~umg8rtner, $1104.65,'~Yli'I,-'3o.tlO, ~ y,. , Hamilton's, 146.15, Paulsteiner's, $20.79, R. O. Sell.rs, $13,00, Seward Drug, 14.90, $31,40, Sew. Aiach. i;)hop, $69.97, Sew. Elec. System, 1559.901 Sew. Water SUfPlYl $142.50, Std. 011 00. $107.83, Webb and Webb, ,160.00, Werner s, ,8.62, L. Finke, '469.22, Petty C~sh, $17.05, Seaport Recard, $7.50, Green., Evans, Kirkpatr1ck each $48.00; Housing Area Fund: Doyle's, $19.25, Paulsteiner's $16.26 Sew. Hardware, $237.80, Sew. PIbg. & Htg., $461.50, Sew. Trading 60., $6.35, Sew. Elec. tiystem, $2.04, Jack Evans, $6.00. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion c arrhd; Clm. Myers moved that a wln40ir"forwentHation be put in the K1elcheski apartment. Seconded by Olm. ~llson. All in favor, motion carried. Letter was read from Al~ska Department of Health regarding the $1,000 payment and commending the new he~ th center. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved thet '1m. Senders be d1IIontinued 8S City ,Attorney. Second.d by elm. Whitmore. All, in favor, motion carri.d. Mot10n was made ~nd ..eonded to adjourn at 10:40 o'clock P.U. , ., 1 . . _. Appro.od eJ~orJ~. ..; Attest: i:;:zg,-;lll~,<g~---/ i ty le rk. - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Julr 9, 1951. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska A .pecial meetlng of the C9mmon Council was called to ord.r ae 7:30 o'clOCk P.M., for the purp08e of passing on a Resolution ror garbage disposel area and an appropriation for Housing Area. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. WeRee, lihitmore) Kirkpatrick, "Hson and My.rs. Absent Clm. Cole. . Letter regarding speclal use permit for garbage disposal area from Victor ~ is cher was read. Olm. Wilson moved to adopt Resolution 8S fol bs: RES 0 L UTI 0 N BE IT RESOLVED BY the Common ~ouncil of the City of Seward, Alaska, That the City of Seward make appl1c ation to the Bureau of. Land Wanage- ment for Ei Sec. 28, ~. IN., R. 1 W., S.M. for permit to use for 8 garbage dump for the Clty. ADOPTED by the Common wouncil this 9th day of July 1951. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Attest: Sigrid Stearns Ci ty Cle rk. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motlon carried. l, ' Seward, Ala ska July 9, 1951. Clm. Myers ~oved to ~ppropriate $760.00 toward fixing an apartment / in the warehouse building in the Housing Area. Secondeq by elm. wilson. All in favor, motion c arrled. I Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:40 o'c1ock P.M. Approved t?.., '~J' 7. ~-;~, ~r'. , ' ~-rJ'" " () Ma ya <___ /V...-J ~...tj-evt.. ~ C ty Clerk Attest: - - . . - .. .. - - - - - - - - .. - - - .. - .. - Seward, Ala ska ,July 16, 1951 ------------- ------..---- - - .. - - - - - - I A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order 9t 8:00 o'clock P.W., Nayor Lanier in the Chair. Preeent were elm. McRae, Ihtt.ore, Kirpetrick. Cole, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the l:l st regula r and special meetings were read end ap proved. Clm. Wilson stated K. D. Greene wished to resign BsChief of Police, effective August 1st, but wants to remain on the force as a .patrolmen, until such time a8 another patrolmen could be obtmned. elm. "hitmore moved to appoint Floyd Evans as Chief of Polic. effective August 1st. Seconded by Clm. Cole. ~ll in favor, motion carried. Don Balmat application for police force was read. Clm. WcRee moved that the Poliee ~ommiesloner be authorized to hire Don Belmet a8 a police patrolman for a 30 day trial. Peconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion c errled.. Charles B. Flynn was present and the g9rbage contract was reviewed and discussed. Clm. McRae moved that 500 Qopies of the Garbage Ordinance No. 192 be printed. Seconded by elm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. WcRqe moved to send the Bureau of Lend Management $5.00 for a filing fee for the garbage disposal erea. Seconded by Glm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that th~ City buy a stop and caution sign for 3rd and D. Streets. Seconded by elm. wole. All in fav.or, motion carried. The matter of discount on The Blue Shop Sales Tax for June was brought up and discussed and it wee the decision of the wouncil that they are entitled to the discount. I Clm. Whitmore moved to accept the minutes of the Board of Equalization. . Seconded by elm. McRee. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved that the ~laska Broadcasting Company assessment remain as assessed. S.conded .by elm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Vk tor Rivers wes present Bod spoke about the airport, sayin& the engineering work would be completed in a bout three weeks and he hoped they could call for bids this f~ll. He said the total construction 'costs would run around $235,000 to $250,000. . preliminary elm. Kirkpatrick meved to pay Felix Tener $1,000.00 on the/water survey. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion c erried. Letter from the S.V.F.D. regarding repair. and pa,rts to salt water main was read and discu..ed. Motion wes made and seconded to adjourn at 10:20 o'clock P.M. _', Approved Ct. ;;r~_:>1 Attest 1~J'fl'c ~A;.~ Oayor Cit~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, AlBEit a July 23, 1951 A,special meeting of the ~ommon.~ouncil was called to order at 8:10 o clock P.M., Clm. Wilson acting Mayor. Present were Clm. Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Myers. Tb3.liclflll!t1ng was called for the purpose of canvassing the votes of the/~r!ctlon for LBnd Exclusion held on July 16, 1951. Councilwoman Kirkpatrick, acting Clerk. Clm. Myers moved to accept the report of the JUdge~8 of Election as follows: 57 total ballots cast 52 ballots east in favor of Land Bxclusion 5 ballots c~st against Land Exclusion. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:30 o'clock P.M. Approved Aw (?IX" It:~rJ Acting 1.layor ~ I {___ I! f ~ ' Attest .~lt-t,;" .I' cting . 1 - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . . - - - . - - ~ - .- - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska July 26, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - . A special meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 1:50 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of neeting with the owner of the water Company, discussing balance due to N.C. Co. for marine insurance on eat, passing Certificate of ~lection, r~ading bids on two lots, discussing ATEC franchise, snd the proposed new hospital. Nayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. ~cRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Uole, Wilson and Myers. ':,:,~ '. :,:.,'~,~: r::l', V r-;'.'1 t._~ :,""\' ;';.,.~~:'.)"~;..f=,?, tc ':hr.: ;:....,'1'<': elm. Cole .moved to pay $208.68 to the Northern Commercial Co. for Marine Insuranc~ due on the DC6 Cat. S~conded by Clm. McRee. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. whi tmoNlO~!l'~a~oTaccept the bid of Pran DuBeau for tax sale lot 31, Block 27/for ~ne total sum of. . , and the bid of uon "ilson for lot 12, Block 8, Original Townsite, for total sum of $110.23 Seconded by Clm. McRRe... Clm. )lcRFle, ,jhitmorl3, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Myers voted yes. : elm. Wilson, no vote. - , " elm. Whitmore moved to pay the ~nief of Police Greene in full .including overtime and leave pay. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor,motion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to pay Mrs. Malloy for 17 hours. Seconded by Clm. "vVhitmore. All in favor, motion carried. alm. Kirkpatrick moved to sign the Certificate of Blection for Land Exclusion. Seoonded by Clm. uole. All in fav-Or, motion carried. Letter from Pat Priedtwas read, regarding the grading of his property by the street department, and referred "to elm. McR",e. Clm. McRRe moved that the City Cl,- rk write the Alas!{a Public ~orks, requesting that the new proposed hospital be moved from 4th place to next in line to the sewer in prlor1ty. Seconded by elm. Uole. All in favor, motionc:arried. ' Felix Toner, RegiB~red &lgineer, was present with his report of his survey ~f the water system. E~ L. Arnell, Ci~y Attorney, was also present. The Seward Wqter Supply was represented by Mrs. Thorne, owner, and Alex Petrovich. Mr. Toner explained each st&P -of his report during which there was some discussion by Mr. P&trovich and the Council. The members of the Council requested that the owner of the ,Yater Company meet with the Council on Monday, ~ug~tt 6th, to bring. in a definite ;i';agreement for selling~rlu ef.-f60-,-oO~or for not selling and Mr. , Petrovich advised the ouneil that he would eomtly with their request. elm. Myers moved that Mayor Lanier be instrueted to tell the Geward Electric System to trensfer the power from the Marine WaYs to the vity line for the breakwater liv,hts. Seconded by Clm. MCRae. All in favor, motion carried. I I I "1 :.': J Seward, Alaska July 26, 1951 trick Clm.Kirkpe/moved that ATEC be advised thet their fr9nchise is void under s~ction 5, Ordinance_205. Seconded by Clm. MY8rs~ All in favor, motion c err ed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn Rt 11:30 o'clock P.M. Attest ~~{Jl ~~)-~<--4-~ City lerk. ,ptrov..fi}.u..Z ::zfL ~" . / Me or - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - July 30, 1951 Seward, Alaska - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A sepcial meeting of the ~ommon Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of m!eting with Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Starr, hiring a new manager for the Housing ~rea, the hourly payroll and a bid on a tax lot. MrS. Minnie Stewart of W.S.C.S. stated the tax on the Nurse's home was an unjust tax and should be removed. Mr. Paul Nelson of the S~natorium stated that it was not the interest of the Federal Govern- inent' to put a hardship on e- hospttal and was not taxable. Mrs. Stewart told the members of the Gammon Council about th~ proposed new hospital for Seward. Mr. Starr, general Manager of ATEC was present requesting information regarding the letters sent his company about taxes, the franchise and telephone rates. The Ordinance was first discussed, then Mr. Starr advised the ~ouncil that there would be no charge for police or fire telephones. Ward CArroll described the improvements ~f the new system. Mr. Starr offered suggestions for trede for the balanee of the wRtersySD and the use of the power lines from November 15th to August 1st for' taxes. no sum being stated. Mr. Starr said ~TEC will acknowledge all taxes against the property and would look toward making satisfactory arrangements. Clm. Cole ~oved to accept a ~ tter from ATKC in compliance with Section 5, Ordinance 205. No second to this motion, and it was tabled until the next regular meeting on August 6th. Floyd' Evans, Chief of Police. was present to discuss a budget for the police department. Clm. Whitmore moved that the ~ity Clerk have a salary of $50.00 per month for position of Magistrete and other City employees to have 8 $25.00 raise, effective July 1st, and police employees on a sliding scale of a $25.00 raise every six months up to 18 months. S~conded by Clm. Cole. ~ll in favor, motionmrr1ed. Clm. Whitmore moved th~ hourly payroll and election board be paid. Seconded by elm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. elm. Wilson moved to sell wi of Lot 32, Block 2, to Carol Erwin for delinquent taxes, a total of $77.15. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All 1n fflvor, motioncarried. / Clm. Kirkputrick moved to h1re H. E. Barr at $450.00 per month as man- ager for the Hnusing Area. to be paid from the Housing Area Fund., and to include rent. Seconded by Cl.. Whitmore. All in f9vor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:25 o'clock P.M. /' 17 '. . .pprove~-/~A~~ J ::L_--,~'7 r- _ /'1-_ yor Attest L"-L4"4 ~/ u'~~i;zr>../ . , ei ty Cl ark. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska August 6, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:'10 o'clock P.M.; MAYOI' Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, Wilson and Myers., Minutes of the last regular end speciel meetings were read and approved as corrected. Gus Johnson, President of the HospBel Boar~ end other members of the Board were present regarding the new hospital but not the Nurse's Home. Wm. Erwin, a member of the Board, spoke about taxes on the Home, quoted Mrs. Stewart as saying there ~ere no taxes on an~ in the States and the Council should go along with the general orthodox method of taKa- tion. He also added he would help all possible to ~ontact the right people for acquiring a new hospital. Clm. wileon moved that the Nurse's Home be tax exempt and an ordinance drawn up to that effect. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. ~ll in favor, motion carried. Letter from ATEC complying with Section 5, Ordinance discussed by the Council, Mr. Starr and Mr. Arnell. the returns on the new rates are less than 4% on the 205, was read and Mr. Starr stated inve'stment. Clm. Cole renewed his motion to accept 8 letter from ATEC in compliance with SfIlction 5, Ol'dinance 205.' SfIlconded by Clm. l/llsofh Glm. McRa., Whitmore, Gole and Wilson, voted yes. Glm. Kirkpatrick and Myeb., no. Motion carrie'd. Letters from ATEC regarding taxes, ch~nge of name, and rates were read. Glm. McRae moved that the City be in favor of purchasing the water" rights and lines from ATEC, and a clear title be furnished, for the totel sum of the taxes .na interest, through May 31, 19~. Seconded by Clm. Klr~patrick. Allin favor, motion carried. Mr. Petrovich, representing the SfIlward Water ~upply, stated they will sell the complete system for $ao,ooo, with ~onthly payments to satiefy a mortgage to Hedley Devis, and no interest. There was discussion by the Council and City Attorney, Nr. Arnell that if the system wes pur- cheaed with the proceeds of the water system it would not be necessary to have the voto of the people. Glm. Kirkpatrick moved to, instruct the City A~torney to draw up an Ordin~e for the purchase of the water company action pending finHl approval of the Ordinance by the Council. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in fA.vor, motionoo.rrled. (Glm. Wilson absent). R. E. ~illiam6 was present for the purpose of puying the DC4 Cat from the City end was informed bY,the, Gouncil that the decision would be made by the next meeting on august 20th. Letter from A':.'EC was read, assuming personal liability for all of the unpaid taxes due to the Oity of Seward for all years up to and in- cluding May 31, 1951. Clm. McRae moved that the Utility Board be in- structed that satisfactory arrangements have been reached on the taxes of ATEO and they are free to go 8h~ad. on the purchase, of pole lines. Seconded by Glm. Gole. All in fAvor, motion ,carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick mov~d that the Council go on record as giving their whole hearted support to the Woman'Is Club in a campaign to complete a swimming pool for ne~t year. ~fIlconded by Glm. Whitmore. H. H. Malcolm was present and requested some arrangement for bUS parking until Jan. 1st when other arrangements would be made. The matter was turned over to the Chief of Police. Clm. Whit~ore moved that the item of $20,000.00 in the 1950-51 budget originally appropriated for future construction be re-approprlated for additions to capital assets. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved that the ~ax rete for 1951-52 be set at for r~al property and ~20 mills for person~~ property. by Clm. MCRae. All in favor, motion carried; 1\ .012 mills Seconded - ; Sewa rd, A.la ska ..ugust 6, 1951 The Chief of Police waspresent regarding veneral disease in the City and about the Juvenile delinquency and it was decided that the curfew should be started again and the veneMal disease matter be turned over to the Health Department. elm. Whitmore moved that Lot 17, dlock 36, Townsite, be sold to Art Bennett for $100.00 Seconded by Clm. Wileon, All in favor, motion carried. I The bids for lots of Hugh Milroy and Oliver Amend were tabled until these lots could be checked by the Assessor. The renewal of blanket ~uto policy was discussed and turned over to R. E. Baumgartner. Clm. Myers moved to approve $52.00 refund to C. b. Flynn for garbage collected by the City for July. Seconded by elm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Attest was made and seconded to adjourL l2:l0,_A.M_.~/ Approved ". j, 1 -0 "~']. ~. , d' l Mayor r ~ __:' _0., /..,......" '\0-5- Cc-t~--?z..../;:-/ Cfty lerk Motion - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alal:ika Auguet 8, 1951 - . - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - . - I A special meeting of the Common Council wes called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discusning the budget with Mr. Beaver, reviewing a proposed code and bids on lots; Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present ~ere Clm. McRae, ~hitmore, Kirkpatrick, and Wilson. Absent Clm. Cole. ... Yr. Beaver was present and 'expenditures for various departments wss discussed for the preparing of a budget. Chief of Pnlice Evans was present 8nd parts of a new code for the poliCE department was read and discussed and a committee composed of Wilson, Myers and Vole was appointed for the purpose of reviewing and preparing a new police ordinance. Clm. Whitmore moved to sell Lots17, 18, 19 Arldition for $40.00 each to Oliver Amend. All in favor, motion carried. and 20, Block 2, Bayview Seconded by Clm. Myers. elm. Whitmore moved to sell Lots 1 $40.00 each, no less. Seconded by motion carried. 2, and/Block 5, Laubner Addition for Clm. Kirkpa triCk' All in f ,wor, Glm. Whitmore moved that the hourly payroll of Robart Kidd be approved. Seconded by Clm. MCRae. ~ll in favor, motion carried. In the discussion of new ordinances the Council requested th-t the Chamber of Commerce undertake the pr~paring of a zoning ordinance. A~test ,J-<'':'Fl/.;~/ji~ i-/~ . v G i ty Cl e k adjourn at 11:15 o'clock P.M. Anpro... t;;~/[Y;~~1 I Motion was ffi~de snd seconded to - - - - - - - - - - - .' - - - - - - - ,. - - - ~ - - - - - - - - .' ,t ~ Seward, Alaska Au ust 20, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. . Present were Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpat rick, Cole, Ililson and Myers. Minutes of the last regular meetings were read and approved. John Mackessy was present and requested the transfer' of Beverage Di8~ pensary license from Maurice Curry to himself. elm. McRae moved that Beverage Dispensary License No. 3208 be transferred from Maurice Curry to John Mackessy. Seconded by Clm. ~ilson. All in favor, motion carried. H. E. Barr, Manager Housing Area, was presemt regarding the prOblems in the Area. Stated more furniture and tools would be necessary and said all tenants should be required to put up the $50.00 deposit. Clm. Whitmore movedthst a $50.00 deposit be put up by all tenants in the Housing Area. Seconded oy Clm. Wilson. all in favor, motion ca~ried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to authorize a etc. for the Housing Area, list to be be opened at the next meeting and the to accept or reject any or all bids. f:;wor, mot ion carried. A signed ~'9tltifbn'18tt~~6~e~t:'~~ga~~1n~~thek~Ht!iin~C1~fi~ iid"enlhg ~f 3rd Avenue, was read. Ray Lee was present and was told that Mr. Toner would b~ in Seward shortly to setstreet grades and the Council would take the advice of_the engineer regarding these street grades. . call for bids for bids for stoves, prepared by the manager, bids to City of ~eward reserves the right tieconded by Clm. Myers. All in W. O. Erwin and Leon Urbach were present wanting to know if anything further had been done regarding the water system. Letter from the Seward Supply for the proposal of salewas read. Felix Toner's letter was also read and the Option and Ordinance prepared by E. L. Arnell were all read and discussed. The Oi ty C1e rk was instructed to send MrS. Thorne a copy of the Ontion Agreement for study, and call Mr. Arnell for any further instructions. Clm. McRae moved that the Council is satisfied with the Option,A~reement and Ordinance as presented~ Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Letter f~m the Alaska Public Works regarding the financial status of the City in regards the new proposed hospital was read and the City Clerk and Assessor instructed to forward the ~ecessary information. Letter frQm Foss, ~lcolm andOlsQn was read stating they were in- terested in the proposed hOGPital for ~eward. Chief of Police Evans was present regarding a police ordinance and the Seward General Uode was read by the Uity Clerk. C1m. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend the rules for'the adoption of . ~l"ninance No. 212. '"'econded by C1m. Ilhitmore. All in favor, motion carried. C1m. Vole moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2].2, An Ordinance Relating to Public Morals and Conduct, ana ~1D1ic oafety, being an Ordinance Initiating a General Code for the City of Seward, Alaska, and Repeal- ing all Ordinances and parts of Urdinances in Conflict Herewith. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved that the following bills be paid and Housing Area Payroll be paid: Andl's, $<<3."~.ATEC, $38.10, Bg11wal Express, $81.38, Baumgartner $698.27, Central Service a~ency, $125.00, Larry C.bb, $3,52, Bay ~onstruction, $455.00, Central Garage, $4.93, Hamilton s, $60.60, Harry Hall, $2.50, McRae Concrete Products, $~80.00"The Mart, $17.70, Northern Cab, ~160.00, ~. C. '--0., $1.66, Paulsteiners, $5.38, Seaport Record, $77.25, Seward Elec. wystem, $551.10, Seward Hardware, $121.01, Seward Water Supply, $142.50, Standard Oil Co., $339.42, Seward -achine tihop $89.04, Seward Plumbing & Htg., $10.00, TriCk & Murray $66 24 Webb and Webb, $103.00, Alaska Concrete Products, $319.00 Petty'Cash $24.96. Housing ~rea Fund:Andrew's, $40.00, Kenei ~mber uo., $83.20 Paulsteiner':a, $642.08, Seward Trading, $3.36, Seward Hardware, .82.55, Seward flbg. & Htg., $70.75. S~conded By Glm. lihi tmore. elm. B4cRA'e, "DO'V\!)te;:C1:m~ Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, ~i160n and Myers voted yes. Wotion carried. 1 i ,., '., Seward, Alaska August 20, 1951 Clm. Whitmore moved that the Chief of Police i:<;v1ns be given two weeks leave pay. Seconded by Clm. (jo1e. All in f'wor, motion c.arried. elm. (jole moved to authorize the Chief of Police to put plumbing in . the second cell. Seconded by Glm. iihi tmore. All in f elvor, mdlion c arricll Letter was read from the Corps of Engineers releasing some lots in Blocks 20 and 33 contained in laase W-37l0-eng-21. I Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 12:45 o'clock A.M. Approv.d ~~, _ < '7 X~ , Mayo Attest~~ ~L-~w/ ~ City Clerk. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska August 24, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A special meeting of the Common Council was celled to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of discu8singan Option A~reement with the Water company,.and for an amendment to urdinance No. 207., MByor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Myers. Also present were Mrs. Thorne, owner and alex Petrovich manager of the water company. Mr. Petrovich spoke in behalf of the ~ater company saYing it would take payments of $725.00 monthly to clear with MrS. ~vis and Haney D~vis and that the sale should not include vehicles. Clm. Myers moved to authorize the Mayor and the wity Clerk to sign the Option Ag:reement with the water company in behalf of the City. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in f~]vor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick ~oved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Ord- inance No. 213. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt Urdinance Nn. 213 an Ordinance of the City of ~eward to call an Alection to determine whether or not said City shall acnuire all assets of the Seward ~ater Company at a Pur- chase price of $80,000.00, All as ..uthorized by the Provisions of Title 48, United States Code Annotated, Section 44f-44i. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. all in favor, motion carried. The Amendment to Ordinance 207, was read and discussed and referred back to the Utility Board because it was not specific regarding the premises referred to. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:50 o'clock P.M. approvedE~~ Z ~~ ~r ' ~"or Attest l~rJ. bti-~,~. / Crty Clerk - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Seward, "laska .August 29, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the COIDm]n vouncil wes c811ed to order at 12:10 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing the advisability of the City bidding in 16 lots in Cliff and F~deral Additions. Present were Clm. McRae, ~hitmoret Kirlpatrick and ~ole. Absent Glm. Wilson and Myers. Also absent Mayor Lanier. A. G. McRae acting Chairman. Also present was Victor Fischer of the Bur,au of ~and ~nagement~ The asses or read an abstract of title regarding the lots involved and there wes consider;lble discussion and no action taken. Attest ~.~\~wY vi y Clerk. Approved 12;30 o'clock P.M. d';>/ -J/!'" #2 Actinp; IJhairman Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at SewElrd, 1>laska September 4, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clo,ck :.M., }Jayor Lenier in the Chair. Present were Clm. ilhitmore, Kirk}:8 trlck, l,;ole, I/ilson and Myers. ahsat clm. McRae. ' Minutes of the last regUbr meetings were read and app~oved. ~lm. Cole moved that payment be made in full to N.C. Co. for DC6 Cet. Seconded by elm. Whi.tmore. _ All J.n fool' motion cArried. Clm. hil&on moved that purchase payment for lots be changed from 20%.,\ ~~. to 50% of the assessed vBluation. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. ~.~ Letter from D. C. Brownell was read 1'e theCity's finances. Letter ?IOS read from T~ Osbo regarding now side,181k on portion of 4th Avenue and the metteI' referred to Mr. Mc~ae. Bida f~t sto~eB~~m8ttreBses etc for housing Area, were opened and read by the ~ity Clerk. Clm. ~ileon moved to accept the bid of the Seward Machine Shop on stoves and parts. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpetrick. All in favor, motion CBrried. The balance of 811 bids were rejected by, tJtaRCo~uncil"-L Clm. l.ilson moved to SlJRnenr the I'llles for the do t~i . puollftlun 11. :::'econded OV elm. ;-I"....."" Kll-!r t"wor,' mot~onPcRr~~ed. Lettet. wes read from Ch3s. R. Flynn for purchase of.N. 15 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Laubner Addition. The City Clerk instructed to notify Mr. Flynn that the price for this portion of lot would be $50.00. Housing Ar~and Street Dept. hourly payroll wac read and approved, and overtime for Police department held up pending further investigation. Clm. Cole Moved to suspend the rules for the Adoption of amendment to Ordinance No. 207. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. ~ Clm. Cole moved to adopt 8!1lendcont to Ordinr-inC\A No. 207, An Ordinance Amending Section I, Payments for Electric Service, Urcl1nance No. 207, Pertmning to Rules and RegulAtions Governing instaI1ation and use of Electrical Ji;nergy in the City of Seward, Alaska, by Adding Thereto Subsection (e) pertai ning to Dpposi ts by Uonsumer. Seconded by Clm. .., Wilson. All in fevor, motion e arr-led. Clm. Kirk~trick moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of amend- ment to OrdtB!}ce 202. Seconded by Clm. Myers. . All: in favor,motion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to adopt amendment to Ordinance No '90~, an Ord- inance Amending S~ction 1, ~oncerning the MAnagement and Operation of Public Utility Systems, Ordinance No. 20~. S"conded b~r Ulm. Myers. all in favor, motion carried. Glm. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend the ~ules for the adoption of Ordinan~- 214. Seconded by ~ll!l. "ole. All in favor, motion carried. -- elm. Whitmore moved to adopt Ordinnn~p. ij~. 214. an Ordinance Fixing the Rate of Gompens8':ion to be paid by the i.i1ty of iJeward, .olaska, to Ufficers appointed by the MRyor of Said City for the ~erm ending with his Term of Office and Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and Declaring an ~mergency. Seconded by Clm~ ~i130n. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. '/hi tmore moved to approve the payment of $800.00 to the Public Hpalth Nurse for fiscal year 1951-52. Seconded by Clm. ~i1son. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. .iilson mQved to approve payment of $36.00 to B.a.Casey for lino- leum in Hnusing Area. Seconded by Ulm. Kirkpatrick. Moion was made ond seconded to adjourn at lC:35 o'clock P.M. . APproV6d~~IAA$ /;;~ Att"t ~ .t:t- ~ ,- 1<<tror C ty Clerk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. .. - .. - - - .. .. .._. _... u.., \ \'-\ \\ 01:'1. vole J.:lOV ed to 'Jdopt Resolution 11. ~s s 0 ~ U T l_O N - 11 BE IT HESCLV hD by the [jouncil of the Tovm of t;eWEJ"d. "'"'13slw, th~ the following n~~ed per~ons sh~ll Bct 8S JUdges. qlerks and AS Inspector of Special Election to be held September 17, 1951, 9.t Sp'w~-dIiI"sk3, for the purpose of purchase of Seward 'JRter Comp3ny for $80.000: JudgBs: John J Rosness, (Inspector) '''lice F: Lorang Sylvia Sexton Clerks: Miriam O. PR nter 13," tt~r R"ffrJrty The ru lee governing the P3 ss"ge end sPP-' oVAl of reOClutions arB hereby suspended Rnd un emBrgency is declAred. and tlis Resolution shell be effective immedirtely upon its introduction and p3 sSRge this 4th dRY of Geptember, 1951. ( SE.i,L) ATTEST: Uigrid Stearns Clerk Eugene N. L8n i er Hayor Seconded by Clm. "hitmore. ~ll in fqvor, motion C8rried. . . 11'-\C3 I Ol")I'I,'J"C'i.' 1'10 '"'Vz>1 !\I J.'~J. 1 u . . \-- 'I' I)I'T''i''(''r I ""'i""mll">.1G' !.'ii'i~I11IO',: 1 ~),y "'\j'ln<; '1','0' U h.. V:.....l.l L.i1...iVJ..:.I .l.1J...l:thlJ , .....>.;jv.l h , 1:14 ...d. l, . f\. :,'l '~CT 'I" ""1fI"" 0 '1')-1" ""0" ''','' ')07 'i'" 111;'Ti\TI~T(' <1'0 l.)lrrL,i'( .Q.i....tiJI .1-). v ~)~~rlv \.It!., t~... 1.11.1., ~ hUe h.. _' L ~:.In..;dU.l'<j, .l.\ ^f A. .i.\.u .,ol~ ,"'1' c' ("" ..rfI "'e """""')'11"1G Trr(~rl" 11. r"l'\'-; T1 T:" : O'1i' .,'I.,c,n;'I"l,l i.J.,~J J.'.. ,lJ"!_Ld. J-~0 \.rJ\! ,f~' ,_~ ..L...u_luJl..IJ..~. ..1,/ '...;,... '....fo-i...:.J ..L .-JJ.J"'J l1l Vl..L.I ;.!.<.&hLrY 11 jli~~l.:: CI1Y iJ}' S.&t}ilill. r~li~:.rd~t BY J~UDI>(~ TFr~~(~.c'; "lTU('''''''''I'l'' ( ) ,jl;n'T' r'~T"(' i'1, )'") "'r": ,.,{., ',IT " .', ~.)L-J_)~;t~v ,)~ e j ;~1'l .J.~-l~, .(1 ~l 1 ,d,~ Ju .Li-.... i), Li Jl~',~ .J._:"'Jl:\. In IT OlLJAIP@ D,,! the Co ,1;10n CJUllcil of the Gi ty of Se1;!IJ.rd, ;~l', ska: CeotI'on 1. 'I"r "rl"" r"l)" """[' I' "'uVTC" U l'..dliu.i _...:'.i .1.\ .i..JL~:!"'.J. I.\. li u~L.\. J. ~ I Seward , section Th~jt Secti::>n 1 of OrCiimlllce ?J7 01' the Gi ty)f Alaska, is hereby tlnended by adding tllereto 0ub- (e) reading &s follows: IIBefore any new busine;,;s establish _ont or ne,...; ;.:anage- fJe!it of af.l establisheQ business IJ.ay tIe nerved '.;1 th electrio energy, tILe party contracting therefor shall u<3p)si t 1,,'1 th the Saiard -glectric 3,'.TE-teL a reasonable afuOUI.t of ,lor1.3Y etJ,.al to the 8stillate of two nonths' bills f0r tile 5ervi0e applied for, to €;Ufirant8e Day"ent for any inCl8btedness \l'i[;int ouL JLU'.6 servicinf::>f Daid predsas 'dth utility services.,r Section .2. ~ J) ~.(.~'. . \,r , ,Jl. J-in 8nerfency is hereby declared to exist nna tl1is Od.inaIWE:l shall be in full force ana effeet i.,ediatel\T nfter its pabSf['C Hnd a~"~roval. Ij.;1u . 1:1) 1J (1) tiiis L c.o., ,)f ~. _ ~.~.' l~~y. J j-J.'f:3! lL '1 \{ (JiT ~D I i;.'IT [G.)lr: ~~ Ci ty Clerk Seward, Alatita SAptember 14, 1951 I A special meeting of the ~ommon Council was called to order at 7:35 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing the Option A~reement with the watter company and Ordinance No. 212. Mayor Lanier in the ~heir. Present were Clm. NcRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Wilson. Absent Clm. Myers. Also present Mr. Brownell and Mr. Keating. a lledg. Mr. Brownell spoke in behalf of the Chamber of ~omm6rce in regards ani discrepancy between the Option agreement and the Ordinance, over which there was considerable discussion and confusion, and t-:le City l"lerk was requested to contact the City Attorney E.L. Arnell in thismatter for furt er instruction. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to postpone the Special ~ater ~lection until the General ....lection of October 2. 1951. Seconded by Clm. llilson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:15 o'clock P.M. Attest~ ~ it lerk Appryosd ~~J/~. or Sl'lward, Alaska Sflptember 15. 1 - - - -1951 I A special meeting of the l"ommon CouncilwBs called to order at 7:40 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of further discussing the W~ter election of September 17th upon advice of City Attorney B.L. Arnell. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present Clm. .ihi tmore, Kirkps trick, Cole and Wilson. " Also present Mr. Brownell and Mr. K~Atinp;. Letter from E. "L.Arnell regarding the objections was read with the advice that the election be held'as acheduled. Ordinance No. 212 was read by the City ~lerk. Various letters from Ffllix Toner regarding the water system, were also read and there was considerable discussion. Clm. "hi tmore moved to pr oceed with the oJpecial Water election on September 17, 1951 as per advice of the City Attorney. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Whitmore, Kirk~trick and Cole voted yes. Clm. Wilson, voted no. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:30 o'clOCk P.M. Approved& P I - ;f Z~~~o/ ~ Attest ~ 1b-~ ity C1 rk. Sev;Rrd.- b'laska - - - -S;ptember-17. -195i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A ref,u1ar meeting of the Common ~ounci1 was called to order Ht 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mnyo'r Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. "hitmore, Kirkp~rick. Cole. "ilson and Myers. Absent Clm. McRne. Minutes of the last re~ular and special meetings were read and approve~. Clm. iihi tmore moved that the Mayor and lIi ty [;lerk be authorized to sign the garbage contract for the City. Seconded by Clm.Kirkpatrick. ~ D. C. Brownell waR present regarding .a warranty deoed from the City for aqditional property by his homestead. The,fteed was read by the Ci ty vlerk. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to a ccept the correction "on deed of D.C. Brownell authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the warranty deed when a second copy is presented. S~conded by Glm. Wilson. All in favor. motion carried. Resolution was road regarding texes and water rights to Lowell C k the matter to be tabled pending the arrival of Mr. Arnell ree , and Mr. Sterr ,-, ( j seward, alaska September 17, 1951 Mr. S~nford was present and prostitution in tho ~ity was discussed. Several letters were read, from the Ministry, Woman's Club and Howells. Stan Neigeman was present and spoke in behalf of the "line" as did Mrs. Drown, Mrs. Trotter, Mr. -Brownell and Mr. Flynn who Were also present. John Poolsteiner was present and requested n street light on the corner by his shop. The Councii agreed to hire Bill .iaite on the grader to fix the streets. Marvin Viale waspresent regar<<ing taxes for tenqnce. Clm. ~hitmore moved to h9ndle the of Resurrection Bay Cannery as in the past. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved that Mr. Southard be re~uested to go over the Seward Fish and ~old ~torage with Mr. <<~illy for re-assessment and at the same time assess the Portl8nd Cement Company. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. the cannery and road main- taxes -and road maintenance Spconded by Clm. Cole. .. Glm. ilson moved to pay the bills as follows:Andy's Oil Delivery,$170.25, ATEC,$31.10, and $25.00, .~laska ohop, $12.00, Andrews, #11.00, Baumgartner, $541.77~ Ballou & Vlright, $319.22, Beaver and VonSeventeB, $750.00, Dale's Viner. $27.65, Doyle's $123.50, Griffin Co., $10.97, Hemilton's. $285.45, Mart V~riety, $8.50, Central SfIl!'vice ASencr; $126.00, OSbo'S", $5.60-, Paul steiner' s, $51.85, Seward ~l.e c. :jystem, $555.50, Seward W~ter Supply, $142.50, Seward Hardware, $36.90~ S~ward M8chine~nop, $7.84, S+andard 0,1 Co., $158.591 ErsnkWooQs, $~9'00, WAbb and Wevb, $69.80, Rei1way Express Agency, 113.06, Petty CaSh, $14.86. S~ward Housing Area Fund: A~aska BOOkkeeping S~rvice, $23.00, Andrews, $59.00, Murray Bilby. $12.00, Brown & Hawkins. ,8.90, Doyle's $413.33, D~le Greene, $103.30, Kenai Lumber ~o., #122.49, George Lesko, $59.05, Osbo's, $149.25, Seward S~aport Record, $3.85, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $318.75, Seward Hardware, #205,11, Seward ~ch1ne Shop, $587.05, Standard Oil Co., $177.64, Seward Dr4g \';0., $9.50, Seconded b:r elm. Seconded by Glm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. McUonald and Mr. Hutchinson were present regarding a ste for new housing. Selling the H~uslng Area Wns discussed as well as several blocks some of which are still under lease to the Army. Clm. nilson moved to support the Brady Construction Co. in putting housing in the C1 ty. Seconded. by elm. Cole. All in fnvor, motion e arried. Glm. Myers, "ilson and Cole were appointed a cdmmittee for checking valua- tion of wholesale purchase of between 5 and 6 acres for housing. . elm. Kirkpntrick moved that Mr. Southard be asked to make application for Notary Sp,al. Seconded by Clm. ~ole. All in favor, motion carried. Glm. Iiilson moved to accept the Budi t as prepared by B"EnTer and Van- S~venter. Seconded by Clm. Vole. All in favor, motion carried. Motion WAS made and seconded to Attest (, J \-- , " ') >~, (>/v)/ ,n\ >'-'1; " \ ,L {~ City Clerk. Approve - . - - - - - . - - Saward, ftlaska September' 18, 1951. - - - - - - ~ - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - A sepciAl meeting of the Cummon Council was called to order at 4:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of ~~B~8~~~n&y~H~ ~tl~~~~fDth~Rt~~pcial t Election held September l7,195li,Clm. hrl~ofi a8t.tn~ wn8~~a. resen were Clm. Kirkpatrick. Whitmore, Wilson and Myers. Absent Mayor Lanier and Clm. McRae' Clm. ,Myers moved to accept the Judges report of b.lection as follows: }31 totel votes cast 112 votes in favor of buying water system 19 votes against " " " Seconded by Clm. Kirltpa trick. All in f~ivor. motion carried. '" Saward, ~laska September 18, 1951 Clrl. ,Iilson moved to PAY Kenneth Partridge. Seconded by Glm. ~Ihitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was mode .nd ..co"d'd to adjourn at 4:30 O'~k P.M. APproveP(/ttnJ I 7f~ Acting "hairm8n L / \' y;.. ,/ ,-j't;-,/~',.l V'.- City lark I Attest Seward, "laaka September 21, 1951. A special meeting of the COlwnon Council was culled to order at 8:45 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing the proposed new hospital with Mr. Harold Foss and Felix Toner about the Sewer. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRas, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Myers. Absent Clm. Whitmore and "ih:on. Also present were Gus Johnson And W. C. Erwin, members of the HoGpital Bosrd. Mr. Foss discussed the fln~nclng of a new hospital with the Hospital Board and the members of the ~ouncil. Mr. Erwin stated that if-$300,OOO could not be raSed to stay with whAt we now have. Clm. vole and McRae, and Mr. Erwin and Mr. Johnson were appointed to discuss with Mr. ~outhard the necessary financing for a hospital. Mr. Toner advised the Council thct his men were here to commence work on surveying of the sewer and special election for the purpose of .ond- ing was discussed. Mr. Toner said he would contact Mr. Arnell regard- ing work on the water company. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at I approve Attest I. j (, - ~~"'Cl;k V{_~J~v SeW9 I'd, .Alaska October 1, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Meyor LAnier in the chair. Prp3ent were Clm. McRae, l:Vhitmore, Kirkpf3trick, C:>le, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were re9d and approved I Clm; '/11son moved to advertize bids for the sale of police car radio, the City of Seward having the right to accept or reject any or all bia Seconded by Clm. i1hi tmore. All in, favor, motion carried. Clm. HcRp-e moved to reject all bids for new police car, until speci- fiCAtions are submitted in advertizer! f:)rm. Seconded bJ' Clm. ~ihit'llcr e. All in fRvor, motion carried" Glm. Whitmore moved to pay Mrs. I. H. Edwards $63.37 for materials supplied for #25 HnuBinB AreB when bills are submitted. SAconded bJ Clm. ~ilson. Cln. McRae, Yhitmora, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Wilson voted yes. Clm. Myers, no. I,lotion carried. Letter fror:l the Corr.rnissioner of Education r egardinp; tobacco tax regard- ing its use for bond payment on new cchool addition, was read. Letter from the Hocpital BOArd WHE react regarding the financing cf a new hospital and Mr. South9rd's report on taxes weE read. A letter from the Uov9rnor's office was regarding a cl:>thing drive for Korean war rcfugee:;, and the mnttcr turned over to the American Legion Auxilliary. ,elm. Myers r:loVGd to renew the lie bili ty insur"'nce policy with Erdmann A~cncy. ~econded hy Glm.Mc2 . Ae. All 1n f~vor, motion carried. CI!'l. "il'3on moved to reject t:16 bid of T.O. Herve:; for Lot 6, hlock 31, Se\':ard, Alaska Oc tol:ler 1, 1951 .ss being too 107; end still under leaee to the J\rmy. Seconded b~' Clm. Colo. All 1!1 favor, motion carried. Clm. Wbitc,!re movod to approve the hourly payroll and Election Board. as resd. Seconded by elm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, moti0~ corried. Attest ~~ , ",,,,ty- Clerk . adjourn at 9:45 o'clock P.U. APproved~ 7.~~: ayor Motion ~~6 made And secondod to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska October 3, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A &;pecinl meeting of the Common. Council WOG called fora~a.6aiij€iil1H?~g J d ,. of canvassing thQ hallots of the October 2nd, election/and for ~he :~e~8r~, purpose of discussing housing with Mr. Hutchinson of the Brijdy Const~ Co., Clm. McRae acting Chairmen. PreGGnt were Clm. Whitmore, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Absent were Mayor Lanier and Clm. Kirkpatrick. Total ballots cast, 3~1. Mayor. '. 2 year term: EUgC:16 N. Lr.nier R. E.!3::1 umga rtner 159 104 Write in for Mayor: Stan Neigemann 64 Council 2 year term: Kenneth D~le Greene 258 Clarence E. Johnson 219 Max Hamilton 190 J. S. Doyle 137 Mildred E.Kirk1P trick 132 Write in for Council~ Stan Neigemann 1 Utility Board 5 year term: R8ymond Deferovich 214 John M. C61ernan 98 School Board; Thos. E. Howell 300 Beryl W~gner 303 Kent Sp~~lding 2g2 Write in for School Board: Mrs. K B~kcr 1 Gentry Shuster l Jock Werner 1 MrS. Cecil Horton 1 Inger Watsjold 1 Bill Youn~er 1 Clm. lihitmore moved to accept tho cunvas? of the ballots flnd the Judge's Poll Book report on the Regu~r October 2, 1~5l olection for the City ,of Seward. ~Aconded by Clm. Cole. All. in favor, motion cerried~ Mr. Hutchinson of Brady ~onstruction Co., was present to discuss pur- chase of a block of lots from the City for the purpos3 putting in new -housing units-through FHA. There woc considerable dt~cussion Bnd the City Clerk was instructed to write to the Army requesting release on property. Attest ~ ~ , C ty Clerk adjourn at 5:00 o'clock P.M. APproVOder~ ;?L~ . G- Mayor Motion WRS made and seconded to - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, AlAska October 10, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Council WAS called to order at 7:40 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of passing O~dinBnce No. 215, discussing transactions with the water company for the City to exercise its option to purchase, pass Resolution concerning ATEC, Resolution re Brady Uonstructlon Co'' discussing additional B~ownell property Bnd one bid. Mayor Lanier in the ~hair. Present were Clm' M . cRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cnle Ii il30n and Myers. . . Sew3rd, All,skR October lO~ 1951 Proposed Ordinance N . 215 waG read twice by the City ClArk. Clm. \/hitmore ~ove 0 s.u,s"P8Jl;l tr~ J',u)...esdfor the 1.doption or Ordinance No. 215,an ~'t!Cfne~w :PWms. 'Co1-l1. 8'11.11d'1'11' favor, motion c8.:,ried. I elm. Whitmore moved to 8dopt Ordinsnce N~. 215; ORDINANCE NO. 21n An Ordinance of the City of Sew8rrl, Territory of AlnskA, to provide for th8 acquisition of all of the physical aS2ets of the Seward liiater CompAny, said comr,"my being oolely o','med by JAan E. Thorne of Seward, Al~ska, and in payment of th~ p~rchRse price to said owner to authorize the issuance of A promissory not~ in the principal amount of ~ighty Thousand D011ars ($80,000.00) paynble in monthly installments without interest, and to authorize the iS3uance of A real mortg3~e 03 security for the paym9nt of snid indebtedness, the payment of said principal to be secured only by the revenues of said utility, 911 AS authorized in a special election held pursuant to the provisions of the Act 0f Congress approved M~rch 6, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 StAt. 33 (U.S.e.A. Title 48, S~ctions 44-f-44-i); WHEREAS, the Gouncil of the City of oevlArd, pursuant to an ordinance duly approved, submitted to the 'ualified v0ters of the City of SAward at 8 ~peci81 election the followin~ proposition: Sh~.ll the Cit:' of 'seward, ,Q"skn, for the purpose of acquiring 811 of the physic~l assets of tho Seward Water Company, said company being solely owned by Jean E. Thorne of Sewer'j, ~18ska, issue a promissory note in the princl- pHI omount of $80,000.00 Dollars payeble in mopthly in- stallments ~ithout interest, and for the p~yment of said note issue a reaJ. mortg9ge as security, tho payment' of said principal to be secured only by the revenues of s~id utility, all 8S 811tporized by the Act of CongresR qpp!'oved U,'rch 6, 1945, Ch2pter 52, 60 Stat. 33, I and WHEREAS, the voters of sRid city at H special election on the 17th Joy of September, 1951, pu!'sunnt to s~]id O~din3nccs, approved by the re- quired majority the acquisitt0n of the assets of the Seward Jqter Comj:JiH'lY, '1nd ~HID{lli~S, Joan ~. Thorne, a single wom~n and ~ole owner of all of the S!ssete of th0 SeWgrd .-IAter Company, h~s ap;reed b~r ~r, option agreement dRted the 21th day of Au~u[t, lOBI, to :e11 to the City 0f SA~3rd all of the physical orope rties of the Sellard .lry tel' Co:nP'3ny for a total purchase price of Eighty ThousRn1 Dollaro le80,GOO.OQ), which price sb"11 ~3 pAyeble Dt a rste of nn~ less than Beven qundred T~enty Five DollArs ($725.00) per month wit~out inter~st, nnd ~HhdE~S, the Council 8~ the City of Seward now deems the Rcceptance of the offer of Jp8n ~. ~horne to sell the Bssats 8f the SewRrd Wnter Company to be adv9ntageolls and in the public interest, NnW, Tho:,ofore BE IT JI1l.),'",mSD by the Connon l.f)'lnC i 1 of the Gi ty of SAward, A18ska as follows: I S.ction 1. The City of Spward, upon ~h0 c-~~!ticns set f0~th in thio Ordin3ncc, hor:::by accepts the offer of JoAn bo. 'J.horno, sole owner, to ~811 to the Gity all and the whole of the 3300t::: of the Seward W~ter Co~peny 3nd soid Sity hereby accepte to purchase f~f)r. 3',id o~ncr, u~on the term~ herein set forth, the following real '3nd par~onel prope'ty: A11 eese~ants, licenses, rights-of-way, reservcirs, storage tqnks, dOMS, ~ator rights, pipe lines, hydrants, supplies And :notcrinls'on hand end in tr~nsit, ro1chino:,y, e~uipment, service connections, sccounts r~ceiv8blp, customer account record::: qr.d deposits, and all othor ?ssets not'herein specifi~ cally enu!:le:'3tcd SpctiQn 2. The l.ity of SAward, 8ct}nB~nough its appropriate officer~, n'3:::lely, the Mayor snd the City Cle:'k, are hereby authorized in payment of tho purchaEo ~~ice of all of th~ assets of the Seward W",ter Company to issue on b eh::.l!' of tho liity A pro!llissory note in the smrunt of ~i~hty ThouaHnd D 11 oars ($RO,OOO.oO), which shall be ~8id 1 ~. j ('; Se','!sr::1, ..lsska ' October 10, 1951 in the mannsr following: a. Gaid promies6ry Date chall ~p payable in equal monthly installments with0nt inte:-ent, said installments to commence on the 15th day of Nnvember, 1951, with like installments thereafter to be paid on the 15th d~y of each and every 'month until tho whole of said indebtedness Sh811 be paid in full. b. Soid note shall provide that the City of ueward, shall have the right toc~celerate the rate of payment at any time at its option. per c. IRterGst shall not be payable upon any balr.nc~ due, even though 8 portion of the bal3nce shall be delin1uent, Bnd interest shall be allowable at the rate of only si~ per cent "nnum 'fro!!! thA date a judgment may be rendered in e ccordance with terms and provisions of-n mortgage to be given as security for sa id note. (6%) tho , Section 3. The Mayor and tho City vlerk, acting on behalf of the Citf cf SAward, are hereby authorized on behalf of said City to execute and deliver to Jpan E. Thorn~ a mortgage in the forro and upon the conditions c0ntained in tho form recorded in the minutes of the meet- ing st which this Ordinance has been paRsed Bnd approved. Section 4. The security of sgid note and mcrgage shall be limited to the revenues to 8 ccrue from the city..;ovmed water system ~~md the lien of such r.Jortgage sh~:ll be second nnli inferior to any bond issue, whether revenue or general obl1gation~ which the City may rluring the term of said note and mortgaije issue in order to obt'3in funds for the reh8b- ilitation, expansion, or other improvement of ssict ~ystem. Section 5. This u~dinance sh~ll ~ke effect immediAtely upon its pacsege and ~pproval, an emergency h~vinB been declared to exist, ~nd the rules governing the passage Anrl adoption of ordinances by the ~ity by appropriate vote having been suspended for the ~option of this Urdinance. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Common Council of Alaska, and approved by the Mayor and attested by on this lOth day of October, 1951. the City of Seward, the City Clerk, all (City Sea~) A'l''l'SS'E : Sigrid Stearns City Clerk Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion c erried. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor The City Clerk next read the Promissory N~te, the Real and Chattel Mortgage, tho Warranty Deed, and the Bill of Sale. Clm. Myers Moved to authorize tho Mayor and ~ity Clerk to sign the Promissory Nnte in the sum of $80,000.00. C~conded by Clm. ~ Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. ' " Clm. "ilson moved to authorize the Mayor and ity ~lerk to sign the RAel and iJhattel Mortgage. Seconded by elm. Whitmore. 1>11 in favor, motion carried. Mrs. ~oleman, N~tAry, Mayor and iJity ~lerk, Mortgage. was called in to witness the signatures of for the Promissory Note and the RA81 and vhattel PROMISSORY NOTE $80,000.00 October 10, 1951 Seward, '.l.,skB FOR VALUE ~ECEIVED the ~ity of SAward, by virtue of an Ordinance of seid City adopted by the vouncil thereof and legelly ~vproved on the lOth day of Octoher, 19fil, promises to pay to JEAN E. THORNE, of Sew8 I'd, Ji.lq ska, or her order, the sum uf EIGHTY TH,)USANJ) DOLLARS ($80,000.00), in lawful money of the United G+Htes of America in the , , t ~ "...' Seward, "-lQskA October 10, 1951 I manner in thi~ note provided and without interest. For value received, o8ch and every perpon signing or endorsing this . note wai vee presentment, demand, protest and notice of non-payulf:mt thereof, binds himself or herself dS q principal and not as a surety, and promises to pay all costs of collection in case payment shall not be made at maturity; and further promiFes, in case suit is instituted to collect the came, to pay such additional sum as the Court may adjudge as reAsonable attorney's fees in such suit. This note is secured by a mortgage of even date herewith, the security of which is limited to the rovenues of the Seward \Vater System and the physical properties of s?id sY2tem and is not secured by ~ ganeedl obligation of the Vity of Seward. The mortgage given in security hereof contBins a provision that sa id mortgage and this note rany become an obli~ation second and in- ferior to any bond issue, either rev~nue or general obligation, or other form of security which the City of S~ward mAY hereafter issue for the improvement, re~air, extension or expansion of the said wcter system. The monthly installments in this note provided for shall be payable comnencing November 15, 1951, and shall be p8yr:ble on or before the l&th day of each and every month thereafter until the principal sum is paid in full and the holder of this note shall not havo the right to accelerete any pn~!ments or have the out ion to demand imediate payment of any belanee remaining due because ~f the default of the maker in the payment of any installment when the BRIDO becomes due in 8 ccordance with the t er~E hereof. 1l1stallments of SAven H"ndred Twenty Five ($725.00) Dollars per month or more shall be patable as in this note provided without interest. I (City Seal) Eugene N. Lanter Me. y or ATTE:::;T: Sigrid Gtearns City vI erk REAL AND CHi~TT3L MORTGiGi THIS INLiENTURE made an(l entered into by the CITY OF S If.I1\.RD Through its duly authorized 8 nd a cting Mayor and City Clerk of s~id ci ty, hereinafter c aIled the Mortgagor, and JJlliN E. THORNE, of Seward, alaska, hereinarter called the Mortgagee, VITNESSETH: The sClid lvlortgngor, for and in consideration of tho Gum of E.ighty 'IhousR nd Do 110 rs ($80,000.00), lawful money of the Un Hed Sta te s of .merica, does by these presents gr~nt, barg~in, sell, convey, con- fir and warrant unto the sHid Mnrtgagee, her heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and e ssip:ns, the following descrived prope rty, to-wit: I All easements, licenses, rights-cf-w9Y, reservoirs, storage tanks, d ms, water rights, pipe lines, hydrants, supplies and materials on hand, and in transit, m.'chinery, equipment, service ~cnnections, ac:'ounts receive.ble, customer account records and deposits, and all other assets not herein specifically enumereted. TOGETHER with, the tenements, hereditaments and appurten- ances t:1ereunto telonging or in anywise appert:lininp:. TO HAVh AND TO HuL0 the some unto the sBid Mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrqtorl'; and 8 ssigns, FORnVEi(. This ~onveyance is intended as a mortg':ge, ho\Vever, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note of even date herewith for the principal sum of ~ighty ~hous~nd Dollars ($80,000.00), without interest, signed by the 6~id mortgagor &nd payable subject to the terms, conditions, tenor and effect thereof. The mortRaRor a~rees.to make all payments on this note and mort- gage to the rnortgRgea Wt ~)ew8rd, Al 'sk~, or ner agent. J.t is Seward, "'-laska October 10, 1951 specifically understoud and agreed that th~ mort~agor shall have the option of anticipat1ng the payment of any 2nd all deferred payments at any time it may desire to do 60. And these presents shall be void if the said promissory note to- gother with terms thereof, be paid in accorddnce with the tenor a~d effect thereof, 'The mdrtgagee 'by the acceptance expressly agrees that this mortgage and the note for the security of which it hss been ~iven shall be payable from and secured by only the revenues of the water utility ow~ed by the City of Seward And by the physic61 properties of such utllity, it b,eing the intent of both parties that this mortgage shall not be deemed or con2trued for any purpose whatsoever to be or to be- come a general obligation of the ~ity of ~eward. The mortgagsA further expressly agreees that the lien of this mort- gage shall, upon the issuance of bonds, either in the form of revenue or general obligation by said Gity for the purpose of repairing, extend- ing, altering or expanding the facilities subject t1 this m~tgage, shall immediately upon the issuance of such bonds or other securities, become a second and inferior lien to said bonds or securities and so remain until the whole of said bonds or securities are satisfied in full and discharged. The mortgagee further covenants that she ~ill not at any time prior to the due date of the final installment of that certain prom- issory note of eV9r- date herewith, for which this mortgage is given as security, invoke the rights of summary process and foreclosure, provided by S~ction 22-6-10 et seq., ",-laska Compiled Laws, 1949. The mortga~'r by the iE suance of this indenture expressly g~rees, subject to the rotsions;of s~bordinBtion herein contained, shall extend to Rll ad ttioQs 8nd~tterments to the water system of said city. Further, tr.e selid mortgagee, her heirs, executors, admini::;trators or assigns, in case of default in the payment of SOli d principal or interest, is hereby 'empowered to sell the selid reil property with all end every of the appurtenances, or o.ny part thereof, in the manner pre- ?cribed by law; and out of the mcney arising from such sdle to retain thE! pr incipal, togother 'vi th the CO'3ts and charges to making such sale, together with such attorney's fees as may hbve been ellowed by the Court (or in case suit or action io settled after commencemtn of suit, but before '1 final judgment h8s been rendered therein, 'Jnd attorneys' fee to be fixed by the Court shall be allowed as a part of the costs), and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid by the party making such s Ie, on demand, to the mo~agors, its successors or assigns. It is agreed that he said mortgagee, her heris, executors, ad- ministrators and a ssigns, may pay and discharge at maturity all liens, taxes or other encumbrances now existing ,or hereafter to be laid or imposed upon said property, or any part thereof, and may likewise pay or dischar~any sums due or to become due agdinst said property, and each end all of said payments shall be included within the lien of this mortgage ann be protected thereby and shall be added to the principal of said promissory note and shall b~ar interest fr m the date 0f pay- ment thereof at the rate of six per cent (6%) per nnnum. Provided, however, that the said mortgagor hereby specifically Agrees to pay all taxes, eharges or encumbrances against said proper'ty or hereafter to be laid against the same at maturity, notwithstanding anything in this paragraph contained, and in th~ evqnt of a danult thereof the said mortgagee, her hoirs, executors, administrators and assigns may at her option declare said promissory note Lunedbtely due and payahle for the full balance ~hereof. The s3id mortgagor hereby agrees to repay to the said mort~Rgee all such chargeds, disbursements, and paymehts'that the said mortgag~ shall be obliged to make ror the protection of SAid property o~ the security of this mortgage. The mortgagor agrees to keep so much of sdid prcperties 3S may be insurable insured to the f'Jll amount obt3in~bla Upi)n said properties, such insurance to be payable upon loss to the mortgagee in the event c that SAid propecty is not repaired or restored It is agreed that, upon the payment of any insurance cvoerage, the whole of the.proceeds thereof shall be payable to the mortgagor in the event the damaged Pfoper~Yiwhich is insured is restored or reh8~ilitqted from the proceeds o SUCII nsur&nce. It is further expressly agreed that At any sale mede under the ,-, Seward, l'I.18skf' October 10, 1951 proviEions of this mortgag~ or under the proceedings to foreclose the same, the mort~agee, her heirs, oxecutorst administrators 9nd9 ssigns, may become the purchaser of the property so sold And unless all sumst secured by the mortgage are paid in fullt satisfied and discharged thereby, the said mortga~or sholl be and remain li~ble for the pay- ment of such balgnce due to the said mortgagee, her heirst executors, administrators And assigns. I It is agreed that all of the ter~s and provi~ions hereof shall descend to, become binding upont end inure to th~ benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators anda ssigns of the respective parties hereto. IN ,iITNESS.iHEREOF the sa id mortgagor has hereunto set its hand , and seD I on ths d:lY and y"mr here inabove first written. Executed in the presence of: A. G. McRae Lawrence I..ihi tmore Eugene N. Lanier (SEAL) Mayor ATTEST: )SEAL) Sigrid ~)tearns Clerk UiJITED STATES uF AMEHICA~ TERRITORY OF ALASKA ) S"" ~. (City Seal) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on this 10 day of uct. 1951, before me, the undersignedt a Notary Public in and for the Territory of ~lnskRt duly COmMissioned and sW0rnt personally appeared Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor of the City of ~e~ard, and ~igrid ~tearnst City ~lerk of the City of Gewar~, known to me and to me known to be authorized officers actin~ on behalf of the City of ~eward, Bnd who executed the foregoing instrument and eacha cknowledged to me th~t he/she signed and sealed the S8 e freely and VOluntarily for the uses and purposes t~erein mention. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hAreunto set my hand And officiAl seal the ilY and year hereinabove first written Alice Notarv the Territory of ~i S~pt. 15, 1955 M. "'olempn i'ubl ic in and for Sk8. my Com. expires: (Not[lry Se81) Letter WI'S written to ~rs. ~horne, transmitting copies of the Ord- inancet Promissory N0te Bnd Chattel Mortgaget stating that the City of Seward had thereby exercised its option to purchase. Mayor Len ier appobted Richard Myers HS superintendent of the Seward Nater system. Clm. liilson moved to qpprove the Moyor's Appointment of RichArd Myers as su~ rintendent of the Water System at the snme salary as the Superintendent of the hlectric system. Seconded by elm. Whitmore. ~:h\n.il)v1l~Rv~rmJ1~fltJoilQ.c~~\r[J~rfu the rules for th~ adoption of Resolution 11. SAconde~ by Ulm. l~SOn. All in favor~ motlon carried. Clm. Cole moved to pass Resolution No. lL. I RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the 1..00uIDon Council of the (Jity 'cf beward, "lask8, That the BltADY CONSTltUCTION CO" be given I'm option or exclusive right to purchase nIl of Block 32 at a sale price of $3,OOO.OOt said option or exclusive right to be for 8 period of four (4) months only, from this date, on condition that the time of purchase said BRliDY C,;HSTRUC'lION CO., has made financial arrangementst and will proceed with the construction of a housing proJect 0f not less than twenty five (25) units, to be built with FHA financing and subject to FHA regulations, quality of construction and ceiling rents. ADOPTED by the Common Attest ~igrid Ltearns Cft:y Clerk uouncil this 8th day of October, 1951. Approved Eugene N Lanier Ll'ayor . _I ,,-, ~ '""",, Seward, Aluska October, 10, 1951 ,Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "hitmore moved to sell Q. R. oorden Lot 7, olock 14, for the sum of -$450.00. ~econded b:r elm. Cole. Clm. McRae, '-hi tmore, Cole, IVil80n and Myers, voted yes. elm. Kirkpatrick, no. Motion carried. Councilwoman KirkpAtrick moved to withdraw the motion authorizing the MAYOI' and Oi ty Clerk to sign the ',Varranty Deed to D. C. Brownell, due to failure to receive a copy of the deed as requested and because the deed contains more acreage then voted on by the people and the City Council has no right tIJ return the lfmd. SAconded by Clm. "hi tmore. 1..11 in fflvor, motion carried. Clm. McRae moved to suspend the rulRs for the adoption of Resolution N('l' 12. Seconded by Clm. liilson. .~ll in filvor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt Resolution No. 12. RE::::OLUTION - 12 of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBARD A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF S8'oARD TO PROVIlJE Fen THE AC;;'UISITION OF GERT",IN REAL AND PERSONAL PHQPERTIES OWNED 3Y THE ALASKA TBLEPHONE cORPORATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE METHOD OF P~YMENT THEREFOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING SUCH PROPEH.TIES FOR THE PUBLIC USE AND BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF SEWARD. WHEREAS, the Alaska Telephone Corporstion, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the territory of ~laska having a plnco of buninons within the City of Seward, is now endebted' to said city by reason of delinquent real and p rsonal property taxes in the amount ofPlv.e ThousandBl81.t Hundred Sl~ty" n,.t ''l.nd nln.,.ty: six H(intil'edths Dollars ($6.868..9:6); and \iHEHEAS, Alaska Telephone l-orporation, the succe::;sor of the Ah,ska Telephone l:!;nginGering Corpor"tion, Seward Light and '-O'er Company, a co- ~artnor?hip, ~lectric Enterprises, InC., and John H. Graff And ~lizabeth Graff Kntght, has offerect to s ell .to the City of Sflward frnc and clear of fill encurnrrancee: of Rny kind nnd description the properties hcrein- Hfter described; and ,iHEREAS the City Council deems the offer of sai d company to be advantageous'to, and in the best intcrflsts of, the ~ity of Seward, and tIe residlel1:ts, thereof, Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Seward as follows: Section 1. The City of Saward hareby bccepts the offer of AIRska Telephone Uorporation t~ sell to said city the following real property: 1. That certain water power plant, known as Lowell Creek project, including the d:Jffi and intake works located on Lowell Creek, at 8 distance of approximately 7,000 feet southwesterly from the ~lectric power plant, and together nith the pipe line running from said intake works to s~id electric power plant, and the tail race running froln the power plent to R~surrection BaY, 2. All rights of the seller in that easement for the maintenance of said pipe line across the homestead of D. C. Brownell, under grant from soid Brownell to Butler & ~ompany, dated NOvember In, 1903, and of record in book 1 of Leases at pages l~ Rnd 12 in the office of the Rpcorder for Seward District; also thRt easement for the right to maintain silid pipe line olong Jefferson Srreet in the City of Seward, as s~id pipe line now exists, under grant fr~m Frank L. B9l1aine to Richard Butler, Bsent, under date of ~ept~mbeF 23, 1905, and recorded in the Recording District Jf Kenai on the 25th dqy of 5ppt9mber, 1905, in Volume I, of Deeds at page 420; also :Sewer:;', .'1 ,ska Uctober 10, Ig51 1 all rights of the seller under th~,t grant of easemunt from Cherles A. Pccklenberg to SAmuel. Groff for the construction ~md :n8intenance of ~ flu:ne for the tr-dl race aho"8 described, ove~ 8n0 ~cross Lot 1 of Block 19 of the ~0wn of Gewarr.~ whic~ GRid grant is of record in the recording district of Ken~i Precinct, in uook 4 of RAcords at pqge 285; qlGO all rights of the Goller under th<1t pSNlit, d<cted L~ay 26,1917, ~ivin~ to SeW8~c:! Lipht and Po~er Corop9ny permir~ior. to M~i~- t"in the cqid flune un~er ~he right of w~y of ~hn AIQsk3 Northqrn R"ilway Company. 3. i-II rights of the seller in :~nd to those certf1in w ster right= on Lowell Creek as locat~d by Francis H. Crosby on the 28th day of Febru~ry 1~05, ond recorded in the~ommission3r'~ pfficA pt Se~ard on the 16th 18Y of March, 1950, "nd in and to tlJ'3t cortain water rip;ht located hy Victor Butler on the 3rd day of June, 1905, and of record in the office of the ~i~trict ~ecorder of Cook Inlet ui~trict on the 5th dAY ~f June, 1905, in Book 1 of Hqtor nightG nt ~cge 45. SAction 2. The Mayor Hnd the City ~le~~ of the C~ty of Seward are hereby directed 3n~ 8uthorized, on beholf of 3n~d ~ity, to ?ccept instr~mentc of conveyance whereby tho prop~ rty described in Sectton 1 of this R9~olutiQn shall be trsncforred to ~:iid City free nnd clear of fill encu;:ubrsnccc of E; very kind and description and \Vnrrnntcd to said City; provided, however, thrt such instruments of conveyance chall be first Bp~oved by the City A~torney bofero tha G~me are accepted by the designsted officers. I Section 3. Unon receiving instrument~ of cnnveyance whereby the title of "'l?:::ka Telephone Corpor'8t~on to the porperty described in Section 1 of this nnGolutlon, the Mayor und ~ity ulerk of the City of Sewnrd Are hereby autho~ized on behnlf of said c;.t:/ to pay to said com!'J3ny the S11m of Pi.iw lhcusand lI/gt& Hundred S~y,~'Eigh.t qnd 96 Hundreriths Do l]a rs. ($5,a6a..~) in full }Jey;nent of the, purchase, price for, s'lid propertifls. 1'.t such tim,e the Ci t~, Clerk shall de::lnnd from the ~.l"j3kA Telephone i.Jorporatio:1_ e ch()cl~ in the 8mount of ~t~ Thou.sand Rf8:d; Hllndred SW~~Er~ cind Q6 H1}niiredths Dollars (JI'.868.~6) which sholl be p:Jplied ;1gr.inst taxes owed by sn,id company and its predec- ,o:':s.ors in, interest Cjnd the, Ci,ty Clerk, uppn receiving such pgyment, is hereb dirl'lCted and But)1nr.ized too strike from the del inrJUent' tax roll::: of the City of Seward. th.e nfH!le of ..l<>skp. Telephone Co-rprntion and its pcedeccs:::ors in interes.t, and. to nete UpOJl said tax record:> ::;6tisfec- .t ion of Cj 11 rea 1 anti pe rs 0)1" L prnpsr-ty taxes then due to thelJi t;r. S",ctton 4. tInon rO,crJivlne such instruments. of conveyance :,"pproved in the menner re'1uired by tl1iG ltpsolution, the \Jlerk of the 0i ty of Seward shall forthwith ~8use the same to be recorded in tha Office or the United States Co~issioner for the Seward Precinct. SAction 5. The Council, deeming an emArgency ~o exist sufficient to warrant the i~edipte adoption of this ~esolution, hereby suspends the appli~able provi'1i~~s of ordinances governing the adoption of resolutions and t~is Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and Approval. I Passed and aDp~oved thi's 10 day of "ctoher, 1051, h:' the GO'E1Ci 1 of the City of beward. ATTEST: Sigrid Stearns City i.J1e rk Seconded by Clm. (City SAal) ~U8"'ne N. Lnn-ie r Mayor Myers. All in favor, motion carried. ~otion wdHmade Rnd seconded to adj0ur-~ at 10:30 o'clock P.U. ;2/ - '""7 ' -/ A,.,proved u..-(~~~; /1 <,7 (A-.\AJl.1 ~~ City lerk Attest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . " !",I Seward, Alaska October 16, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chaIr. Present were Clm. lIcRee, Whi tmor e, Kirkp3 trick, Cole, Wilson and lIyers. and special Minutes of the last regular/meetings wepe read and approved. Felix J~ Toner, engineer, was present and gave a report on the water survey, saying his work was complete.; other points of survey were discussed and errors were found in survey. Clifford Strvaes was present with his father, and requested that 8 cab driver s license be granted him although he was under 21. ' Clm. McRae moved to grant Clifford Servaes a cab driver's license if his father would sign 8 letter taking all responsibility in case of accident. Seconded by Clm. Oole. All in favor, motion carried. Letter wes read from the Corps of ~ngineers regarding release of lots under lease to the Army~ It was decided to continue to lease the concrete pill box from the RAilroad at $1.00 per year. Clm. Whitmore moved to sign the corrected deed to Herman Leirer. Seconded by Clm. lIcRae. All in favor, motion carried. Resolution was read regarding explosives, no action taken. Arter a discussion it was decided C_ R. Borden would be advised the City will issue only Quit Claim deeds. Clm. >>.rers informed the Mayor that it would be necesBary for him'to refuse the position as water superintendent. elm. Wilson moved that the followln8 bills be paid : General Fund; Andy's, $308.40, Atea, $31.30, BallOU & Wrlghtb $1.44, City Express, $4.64, Central ~ervice Agency, $125.00, Chas. riffin Co., $10.66, Hemilton's, $42.76, Northern Ca~, $3.00, ,Bat's Garage, $36.10, Paulsteiner's, $1.30, Seward Seaport Record, '176.75, Seward later Supply, $142.50~:: Seward Blec. System, $1,451.66, Seward Machine Shop, $56.44, Seward . Drug ~o., $19.10, Seward Hardware, $169.60, Standard 011 Co., $92.67. FeliX Toner, $1~237.70! Werner's Mkt., $18.99, Western Fire Bquip., . $'25.95, Floyd ~ans, ,4.47, Petty Cash, $27.61. S~rd Housing Area:, Andrew's, $615.85, ATKC, $5.43, Doyle's, $272.80, Kensi LQmber Co., '269.12, The Mart, $24.20, Osbo's, $359.15, Paulete1ner's, $1,601.62, Seward Machine Shop! $826.08, Seward Drug, $1.60, Seward Hardware, $619.67, Std. 011~ ,34.26, Werner's Ykt., $16.95, Joe Lenier,$60.00. Seconded by Clm. uole. All in favor, motion carpied. Resolution ~o. 13 regarding ..er election was read and tabled until the next meeting. At 9:30 P.M. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adjourn. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Lanier thanked the outgoing Council for the work th~ had done and for the things they had accomplished. Mayor Lanier, Councilmen Johnson, Hamilton and Ureene took their Oaths of Office. Order was resumed at the sound of the gavel at 9:40, Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. lIcRee, Whitmore, Johnson, COle, Hamiltpn and Greene. Clm. Cole moved to approve $26.00 for the expenditure for the out. , going Council members. S~conded by Clm. Hemilton. All in favor, mo~ion carried. Following Committees .ere appointed by the Mayor; Pire, Clm. YcRee; Police, Clm. Johnson;(Pinence, Health and W~lfare, Clm. Hamilton; School and Housing Are" Clm. Whitmore, Street, Clm. ~ole. Letter was read from the Clerk of the School Board advising the Council of a vacancy in the school board, said vacancy to be filled ~: I 1 '. ! SCW8rc1, "'l'ISk"l Ur:tober 16, 1951 I by an appointment by the Oouncil. Nayor tenier suggested Wr. Roth and a vote was taken. Olm. McRee, Yes, Olm, Whitmore, no, Clm. . Johnson, yes. Cl~. Cole no, Clm. Hamilton, "., Olm. Greene no. No decision having been reached, Yayor Lanier suggested Mrs. kirkpatrick. Clm. McRae, uhitmore, Johnson, COle, Hamilton and Greene. all voted yes. Motion carried. Superintendent Cerlson was present regarding a reolution for ~lcipa- tion of funds for construction and repair of school buildings. The matter was tabled until the next regular meeting. Letter was read from the Volunteer firemen requesting that immediate steps be taken to insure an adequate water supply during the winter. Letter wes read from Rutledge. Johnston'" ASEOC'Lates regarding any engineering or survey work in Seward. Weyor Lanier instructed tbe Oity ~lerk to 8dvert1ze~allClty jobsn>r application to be read et the regular meeting of Nove.ber 5th,195l. --:: =J "_:...: :: -... Attest ~...,-} J-,~~ i ty Ulerk Wotion wes made end seco~d.d_~o'adjour~at 10:30 o'clock P.M. APPro..Gfy", 7 ;;(;-t.. ' Yayer ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska October 22, 1951 . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . . - - - - - I A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M.. for the purpose of passing poposed Ordinance No. 2l6~ discussing explosives. appoint two representatives to convention League of Alaskan Cities, and discuss opening of roller skating rink. Wayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRee, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. Absent elm. uhitmore. ' Proposed ~rdinance N9J 21~was read by the City wlerk. Clm. McRae moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Or dine nee No. 216. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All 'in favor. motion carried. - I Clm. Hamilton moved to adopt Q~ninance No. 2l6~ An Ordinance of the City of Seward Providing for ana callings special election under authority of an Act of Congress of ..', , and' an Act of Congress of August 24, 1949, (Public Law 264) 81st,C~ngress) to submit to the duly qualified electors of said Oity under said acts of Congress the proposition of incurring en indebtedness in an'amount not to exceed $150,000..00 Dollars with interest thereon at two per cent (2~) per annum, to pur- chase from the United States, operate and maintain a sewage disposal system for the City of Seward and to pay to the United States in a manner to be mutually agreed upon 8 purchase price in the amount of $150,000.00 Dallars for said system, to perform the'obligations im- posed by the nited States in connection with the purchsse of said ptibli works and to pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward in payment of ssid inedbtedness, and to issue general obligation bonds or other security bearing interes't at a rete not to exceed two per cent (2%) per annum payable semi-annually, all as. authorized in said Acts of Congress: Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor,motion carri~ Clm. Hail ton moved that special Election for sewer bonds be set for ~ovember 26, 1961. Seconded by Olm. McRae. All in favor,motion carri81 Clm. Greene moved to appoint Mildred Kirkpatrick a8 a representative of the City of ~eward to the League of ~lask8n Cities convention at Kodiak, with two alternate., C. B. Johnson or Harry Southard, making two I' epresentatives from the City, the City to pay all eJpenfe., authorizing the CityOlerk to advance $600.00 expense money.' Seconded by Olm. Hamilton. Clm. Hamilton moved that DuPo~t DeNemours '" Co., be authorized to dis- charge 1740 CBBes high expl'odveis';'to be: shipped on the MS "COASTAL MONAROH" leaving Seattle on November 7th for Seward, to be diSCharged a~ Army DoCk, Seward. Seconded by Clm. Greene.' All in favor' motion carried. I, · Seward, Alaska October 22, 1951 Clm. CQle moved to 8ell Harvey Murray Motorola car radio from Pollce ear, for '350.00,' and remove it himSelf. . Seconded bby C~m. Hamllt~n. All , in favor, '~tion Carried. ' Letter presented by Patey Woods regarding the re~opening of 8 rolfer skating rink was discussed and referred to the ffre department. - Motion was mads and seconded to Rdjourn at 10:40 o'clock P.M. ~pprov..eJr Z;(~ ayor " Attest ~krtl (.- -' - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska Oc tober 16, 1951 . . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - . - - - . - - - - . , Addenda: Following Committees were appointed by the Mayor: Fire, McRae; Scnool and Housing Area, Whitmore, Police, Johnson; Streeti Cole; Airport and Small Boat Harbor, Hamllton; Pinance Health and Wel- fare, Greene. - - - - . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Ala ska November 5, 1951 - - - A reguhr meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o!clock P.M.~_M~or Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRee. Whitmore, Johnson, Cole, end Hamilton. Absent Clm. Greene. meetings Minutes of the last regular and speciel/were read and approved a8 eorrecte~, D. C. Br~wnell was present regarding deed for 300 feet by 300 feet of additional property, which he said had bien inadvert~ntly omitted from the original deed. R. E; BaUmgartner was also pre~ent regarding the same matter and spoke ln l:8half of Mr; BrOllDell'; Clm. McRee moved'to sell to D. C. Brownell for $1.00, 300 feet by 300 feet of the Brownell Homestead. S~conded by Clm. Oole. Clm. McRae, ihitmore and Cole voted yes; Clm. Johnson and Hamilton voted no; motion carried. ~r. Perrington of the aiR was present and requested permission from the Council to put a house trailer on the school Reserve where the others ere,jClm. Cole moved to authorize Mr. Perrington to put hi8 house trailer in the School Reserve if he would comply'with the health regu- lations.. Seconded by elm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Flynn'was present requesting that the garbage Ordinance be put before the public end wes advised it would be printed in the paper. Jack Jordan, Supt. Blect. System was present and requested a check up of all wiring. Clm. Hamilton moved that the Superintendent of the Electric System be appointed inspector of all city wiring installa- ,tions in accordance with the City Blectric code. Seconded by elm. Johnson; Clm. McR.... and Whitmore voted no; Clm.Johnson, Cole and Hamil ton, voted yes. Motion carried. 'Clm. Whitmore moved that the hourly'payroll be paid as reed. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Bill Bstes was'read regarding the field'on the Brownell Homestead subdivision survey. Clm. Whitmore moved that the applications for renewal of Liquor licenses, as presented by R. B. Baumgartner and read by the City Clerk, be ,approved., Seconded by Clm~ McR~e. All in favor, motion carried. Bids on police car. from Seward Machine Shop, Pat's Garage and Hamil- ton's, were read and discussed, during which time Mr. Hamilton was absent from the chambers. Clm. McRee, moved toa ccept the bid from Hamilton's Garage on the 1952 Pontiac at $3,162.95. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. elm. MCRae"Whitmor~, Johnson, voted yes. Clm. Cole, no. Clm. Hamil ton, no vote. Motion carried.. , <" Seward, Alaske November 5, 1951. I Clm. McR",e moved to authorize- Clm. Johnson and Haj'ry Southard to contact the ~i81 estate authorities 9f the ARR in Anchorage regarding lots in Bt ot Blocks 20 and 33. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. &11 in favor, motion carried. The members of the School Board and Superintendent Carlson were present for discussion of proposed new highschool building. Proposed Resolu- tion was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Johnson moved to adopt Resolution 13 as follows: ReID lutLm - 13 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COIUiON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEilARD, ALASKA That Thomas B.. Bourne Associates of Ala ske are, hereby, authorized to prepare preliminary plans, outline specirications, cost estimates and technical data pertinent to application by the City of Seward, Alaska, to the Alaska Public lorks for the construction of a high school building. It is understood that no obligation will exist on the part of the City of Seward to Thomas B.. Bourne Associates of Alaska by this action, but that the City of Seward will duly process the application referred to, therein recommending to the Alaska Public Works that Thomas B. Bourne A~soelates of Alaska be retained for architectural services when and if an allotment is made for the project. Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor City ot Seward, Alaska Attest Sigrid Stearns, City Clerk I Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Mildred Kirkpatrick and Clm. John~on reported on the Le!gue of Alaskan Cities convention at KodiRk and refunded $ao.oo. Clm. McR",. moved to give H.H. Walcolm permission for temporary use of publi'c address system to announce arrival and departure of buses. Secondsd by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. Applications WAre received and appointments made for City positions for ~wo years as fo+lows: l1catid)n Clm. Hamilton moved to accept the .;p-of Elmer Hawley for Mechan~ Seconded by Clm. McRAe. All in favor, ~tion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to accept application of Sigrid Stearns for City Clerk. Seconded byClm. McRae. All in favor, motion c arr1ed. Clm. Cole moved to 8. ecept applicstion of R. M. VanGuilder for St. Superintendent. Seconded by Clm. )lcRae. All in favoIl", motion carr! ed. Clm. McRae moved to accept a}?pl1eat1on of Fred Kielcheskl f.or Fire Chief. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. elm. Whitmore moved to 8 ccept the sppl1cationof Floyd Evans for Polic e Chief. SAconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motlonearried. Clm. McRae moved to accept the applic~ion of Aron Ericson tr Treasurer. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor,. motion carried. . . Clm. Whitmore moved to accept the ~ plication of Floyd 3vans aa 'Dog CAtcher. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All, in favor,. motion carried. Clm. Johnson moved to appoint R_ O. Sellers as Health Officer. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in f9vor, motion c,srried.. Clm. Cole moved to a~~ept the application of F. Perry for Harbormaster. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in ,favor, motion carried. Clm. McRAe moved to accept the application of CArrie Kielcheski for Janitor. SAconded by Clm. "hitmore. All in favor, motionmrried. Clm. McRee moved to appoint Harry Southard as City Assessor and City Engineer at $450.00 per month. SAconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. I Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 12:30 o'clock P.M. APProve~ ,;Jdf.. :<<f; . ayor Atteet ~~~ Ci lerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska. November 19, 1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:15 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lenaier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae" Whitmore, Johnson, Hamilton and Greene. Absent Clm. dble. MinuteS of the last regular meeting were read an.dapproved. IW. ,Sipprell was present regarding handling of explo&i ves and request8ti that the Alaska Steamship Co. and ARR be granted blanket permits for the handling of Class A explosives. .~ Clm. J ()hnson moved that Alaska Steamship) he granted e. blanket permit to handle Class A explosives un~il December' 31, 1951, with stipulation that City Clerk be notified when explosives will be handled by truckers. Seconded by Clm. Grene. All in favor, motion carried. . Clm. Greene moved that the Alaska Railroad be granted a blanket p8rm1~ to handle ClSFS A explosives until December 31, 1951, ell railroad cars' loaded with suchexplos1ves not be held in Seward Yards but to be held 1n transit at the Jesse Lee siding. Seconded by Clm. .Whitmore. All in favor, motion cerried. Mrs. and Mrs. Alex Petrovich were present and the new papers read and, discussed. Clm. Johnson moved that the City Council be in favor of continuing the transections with the water company after the Mortgage, Real and Chattel Mort~age and Bill of Sale Were read, and would finish negotationa aSI soon as the former signed papers were returned to the c.i ty. Seconded!. by Council Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Whitmore m;ved that $12,000.00 be advanced' to the' School Board ;from the Sales Tax fund.. Seconded by Clm... McRae. All in favor,motion carried. ./ ; -., . Clm. Greene moved that new typewriter be ~~ch8aedfor t he City alerk's offic.e. Seconded by 0114. McR.e.. .\11 in favor ,mot ton carried. :' ., Clm. Hamilton moved that the City Enginer be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of property for a garbage dump,. final payment to be authorized by the Council. Seconded by Glm. Greene. All in favor, mot ion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to pay all bills as read with the ,exception of Seward Plumbing & Heating untll it had been checked by H.Southard: Alaska Shop, $18.10, Andrews, $3.50, Andy's, $134.55, ATEC, $35.24, BaY C.ity Conat., $75.00, Br-own & Uawkins,tJl.Area) $9.95IBurroughs, $19.39, Central. Service AgancY1' $125..00, Commissioner, ,,3.00, Dale's Diner, $40.00, Doyle's Hardware, (H.Area) $160.90, Dodge Bac.I $129.n, Erdmann A~ency, $25.00, Chas. Grlffin CO"l $1.04, Hemilton'sl 135.51, Lowman end Hanford, $97.07, Mlxermobile, ,345.53 The Mart, ,16.70, Northern .cab, $9.00, I.e. Co., $141.17, .0abO'st 620.95, Paulstelner's:, ,$32.38, Pst's Garage, $3.311 Seward Hardware, ,129.67, Seaport Record., $7.50, S~ward Trading Co., ,6.89, R.O.Se1lers, $5.00, Beward Blec. . System, '600.15, Seward Water Supply, $142.60, Seward Machine Shop. $6.25, Std. Oil. Co., $102.63t Seward Plumbing & Htg., $678.21, Petty Cash, $21.49; H.Area Fund: Aad~..'s $122.68, Kenai Sheet ~etal Wks., $165.50, Northern C'lb $12.00, Osbo's,$417.62, Paulst.8lner's, $464.06!, ReY's Oil Service, IS1.09, S~ward Hardwaroe, $525.76, Seward Trading CIO., $1.80, SewarA Elec. System, ,32.65, Seward Drug, $2.50, Seward Machine Shop, $3,374.50. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. ,aIm. YcRae, Whitmore ,andl Johnson, voted yes.. Clm. Hamil ton and Gr8'enlJ',"ho'vote. Motion carried. , ,,~ ~j. ,.., , elm. Greene ~oved to transfer $4,500.00 .to HousingA~ea Fund. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. .Iioll in f'3vor, motion carried.. '. Clm. Greene moved to pay $649.78 to the Seward'School Board for interle8t on loan. SeC~~qed by CI~ Whitmore. All in favor,motion carried. Clm. HlIiH-tG~1IlOv"dJw:\~re Dr. Phill1DB a8 City Physician at $25.00 per month. Seconded b~ Clm. Greene. III in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00 o'clock P.M. Attest ~fIIlI~ it C ark Approved }l '" 1 ,,,- .t , ' < "" Seiiard, Alaska November 27,1951 I .A speciel meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 4:00 o'clock P.N., for the purpose of canvassing the ballots of the Speciel Sewer Bond Election held Mond~, November 26, 1951; Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present Clm. Whitmore, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. Ahsent elm. NcRQe. Councilman Hamilton moved to accept the Judge's report end canvass of the ballots of the Special Election of $150,000.00 Sewer Bonds, 8S follows: 119 votes cast; 113 in favor; 6 aguinst; Seconded by Councilman Greene. Councilmen, ~hitmore, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton end Greene voted yes. Motion carried. Notion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:05 o'clock P.M. . il.pprov ed ~i ~t~a~ r;- 0 - .... A-- - ~ Neyor A+-test - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska December 3, 1951 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A regular mcetin~ of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 O'clOCk P.M., Mayor Lanier in tho Chair. Present were Clm. McR~e, Johnson, Cole and Greene. Ahsent Glm. Whitmore and Hamllt6n; - Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and approved. Mr. Blue and Mr. Lorang were present regarding the status of Lot 6, Block 14 and requested that this lot he kept as a road as it was necess- -ary for fire protection and deli\ery. The matter was referred to Street Commissi oner ~ole and City ~ngineer Southar:! for investigation and r epor t to be made at the next regular meeting. K. D. Cobban was present regarding a ticket given his boat at the small poat barboI' and the matter referred to the ~hief of Police for checking. J. R. Jackson was present regarding a billing machine and control on ell accounts receivable. Clm. McRae moved to r~t8in J. rt Jackson temporarily on the water system books. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. elm. WCRae moved to permit public address systems to play Xmas music only from December 15th to January 22nd,1952, between the hours of 4 P.M. and ~ P.M. S"conded by Clm. Johnsoni All in favor; motion carrj Cl:n. Greene moved that B Ie tter be written to the regarding the Ordinance that nothign be purchased approved by the Council. Seconded by Clm. McRae. motion carried. heads of the departmen over $50 unless All in favor, I Clm. Johnson moved that the hourly payroll be paid as read. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from B. F. Frampton for purchase of Lot 21, Block 10, Laubner Addition. The ~ity Clerk was advised to notify Mr. Frampton that ~ther parties were inter~sted in this lot, that" he could put in another bid for the next meeting and ell bids would be opened then. Clm. Johnson moved to pay the City employees on the 5th and 20th of every month. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. elm. COle moved ment at $44.51. carried. to purchase Gravely tractor with Snow Blower attach- Seconded by ~lm. Johnson. All in favor, motion Letter was read from Col. J. P. Johnson of the ARR regarding lots in Block 20 and 33. ThhS matter to be discussed further at the next regular meeting. L~tter was read from Rutledge, JoPDson Associates regarding survey of Brownell Homestead. Clm. NcRae movod to hire said engineers for survey of Brownell property for $3,100.00. SAconded by Clm. Greene. All in f eV or, mot ion carri ed. -: ;.-', " ~ ~ .. "",", Sewa~d, Alaska December 3, 1951 Clm. Cole moved to buy dump truck bed of 3* yards from McRee for $150. Seconded by Clm. Greene. elm. Johnson, Cole and Green e ;'lot ed yes. Clm. McRae, no vote. M~tion carried., Clm. Greene moved that the street commissioner be authorized to remove treffic from Main Street (4th Ave.) between hours of 1 A.M. and 6 A.M. every night for snow removal. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor motion.oarr1ed. ' , Clm. Johnson moved that H. E Southard negotiate with Folz for sub- stantial ~pt~on on pro~rty lor,garbage dump. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion c arr1ed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:20 o'clock P.M. APproved e,f<<r J,;7"",""'q I _. ayar Attest ~ ~ _ J ty Clerk Seward, Alaska December 11, 1951 - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -----..----.. A special meeting of the Common Council was celled to order at 7:05 o'clock P.M., -forthe.,'purpose of completing negotiations with the Water Company, Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. McR~e, Whitmore~ Johnson, Cole and Hamilton. Absent Clm. Greene. Also ' present Mr. end Mrs. Petrovich and Mr. Duncan of Seward Water Supply. Agreemont of this date, was read by the City Clerk, between parties of the 1st 2nd, 3rd and Fourth parts. After the reading there was considerable discussion by the Council and Yr. and Mrs. Petrovich. Clm. Hamilt6h moved that the Nayor and City Clerk be authorized.to sign the ~greement as read by the City Clerk. Seconded by elm. McRae. All 1n favor, motion carr,led. Clm. Johnson moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign tl.e Promissory Note, Real and Chattel Mortgage and Bill of Sale; which had all previously been read by the City Clerk. Seconded byClm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. $80.000.00 PROWISSORY NOTE December 11, 1951 Seward, Alaska FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Seward, Al~~~'~rby virtue of an Ordinance of said City Adopted by the Council/~Ka legally approved on the 10th day of October, 1951, promises to pay to JEAN E. PETROVICH, formerly JEAN E. THORNE of Seward, Alaska, or her order, the sum of EIGHTY'THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00), in lawful money of the United States of America, in the manner in this note provided and without interost. For value received, each and every person signing or endorsing this note. waives presentment, demand, protest and notice of non~pay. mente thereof, binds himself or herself as a principal and not as a surety, and promises to pay all costs of collection in CAse payment shall not be made at maturity; and further promises, in case suit is instituted to col1ect the ssme, to pay such additional sum as the Court may adjudge as reasonable attorney'c fees in such suit. This note is sAcured .by a mortgage of even date.hcI\Cwith, the security of which is limited to the revenues of the Seward weter system and the physic'l properties of said system 9nd is not secured by a general obligation of the City of Seward. The mortgage given in security hereof contains a provision that said mortgage and this note may becJme an obligation second end inferior to any bond issue, either revenue or general oblig9tion, or other form of security which the City of Seward may hereafter issue for the improvement, repair, extension or expansion of the said water system. \-. ,'-' "), ' Seward. Alaska December 11, 1951 The monthly installments in this note provided for shall be payable eomm~ncing December 15, 1951, and shall bp payable on or before the llith day of each and every month thereafter until the principal sum is paid in full and the holder of this note shall not haVe the right to accelerate any payments or have the option to demand immediate payment of any balance remaining due because of the default of the maker in the payment of any inst~llment when the same becomes dUA in accordance ~ith the terms hereof. I . Installments of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) per month. or more. shall be payable as 1n this note provided, without interest. The maker, however, agrees that if any installment be not paid on or before the due date thereof, such installment. from due date to paymont date, shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8%) , per cent per annum. The obligation to pay interest shall be limited to delinouent installments and shell not be assessable upon any balance not due. (City Seal) Eugene N. Lanier Mayor ATTEST: Sigrid Stearns Ci ty ClarIt REAL AND CHATTEL MORTGAGE I THIS INDENTURE made and entered into by the CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA! through its.duly authorized 8nd acting Mayorand City Clerk of said c ty. hereinafter called the Mortgagor, and JEAN E. THORNE. formerly a 8ingle woman and now the wife of Alex P~trovich, sole owner of the Seward Water Supply, of Seward, Alaska, hereinafter c9lled the Mortgagee, WITNESSETH: The said Mort6agoe, for Bnd in consideration of the sum of Eighty ThoU' and Dollars (180,000.00) lawful money of the United States of America, does by these presents grRnt, bargain, sell, convey, confirm and warrant unto the said Mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administra- tors and assigns, the following described property, to-wit: I All easements, licenses, right-of-way, reservoirs, storage tanks, dams, water rights, pipe lines, hydrants, supplies and materials on hand and in trAnsit, machinery, equipmAnt, service connections, customer account r9cords and deposits, and m 1 other assets not herein specifically enumerated, of the Seward Water Company save and except the accounts receivable; TOGETHER WITH the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the SAid Mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrators qnd assigns. POREVER. This conveyance 1s intended as amortgage, however. to secure the payment of one cert~n promissory note of Rven date herewith for the principal sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80.000.00), without interest except as in SAid note provided. signed by the said mortgagor and payable subject to the terms, conditions, tenor and effect thereof. The mortgagor agrees to make All payments on this note and mortgage to the mortgagee at Seward, Alaska, or her agent. It is speci- fically understood and agreed that the mortgagor shall have the option of anticipating the payment of any and all deferred payments at any time it may d~8ire to do 80. And these presents shall be void if the said promissory note, together with terms thereof, be discharged in accordance with the tenor end effect thereof. The Mortgagee, by acceptance hereof, expressly agrees that this mortgage, and the note for the security of which it has been given. shall be payable from and 8ecurec by only the ravenuos of the water utility owned by the City of ueward and by the physical~ properties of such utility, it being the intent of both parties that this mortgage shell not be deemed or construed for any prupose what- soever to be or to become e general obligation of the Oi ty of Seward. i ,~ Seward, Alaska D~cember 11, 1951 The mortgagoe hereby covenants and guarantees that it wi~ until the note secured hereby be discharged in full, charge for utilities sold or services rendered by said muncipa; utility sums adequate to pay for the costs of operation of said utility, and pay, in the time and manner provided in said note, each ~nd all installmente as the same become due and payable. The mortgagor fu~er covenants that from the revenues accruing from said utility it will establish a speciel reserve account wherein shall be deposited, monthly, a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the total collections made, in each and every month, until said reserve account has reached the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars. When said reserve account has reached said amount, the mer t- gagor shall be under no further obligation to make monthly deposits 1n said account but shall be required to hold sa~d funds tmtl1 such time as the remaining balance due upon s~id note may be discharged in full. If, for any reason whatsoever, the monthly revenues of said utility be insufficient to pay at the time specified in said note any installment that becomes due, the mortgagor agrees that such payments sh~ 1 be made from this reserve account. If the payments be sO made, the mort- gagor shall not be required to make any contributions to such account until withdrawals. have reduced the funds therein to under Five Thousand ($5,000) Dollars, at which time funds in the ~8nner herein provided shall be deposited until such account ag~n reaches the sum of Ten Thous3nd $10,000.00) Dollars. The Mortgagor agrees that, if monies are obtainable from the Public Works A~ency, application will be made for suffieient monies in excess of the amount required to rehabilitate said system to per- mit the mortgagor to p~y off, in full, the remaining indebtedneSS owed to the mortgagee at the time refinancing is obtained. This covenant upon the part of the mortgagor shall be binding upon it only in the event that the electors of the City of Seward the lending agency, or both, as the law may re~uire, shall authorize and approve, according to lAW, this method of discharging the mortgagor's obligation to the mortgagee. If such financing cannot be approved, as required by law, the mortgagor covenants that it will make adequate charges for services rendered, whereby it will be enabled to pay all expenses of operation, - all additional financing costs and the obligation herein owed to the mortgagee in the manner provided in the note, which this mortgage is given to secure. The mortgagee further expressly agrees that the lien of this mort- gage, upon the issuance of bonds, either in the form of revenue or general obligation, by the said City for the purpose of repairing. extending, altering or expanding the facilities subject to this mortgage, shall immediately, upon the issuance of such bonds or other securities, becom~ a second and inferior lien to said bonds or~curities and so remein until the whol e of said bonds or securities are satisfied in full and 1ischargad. The mortgagor by the issuance of this indenture expressly agr~, subject to the provisiono of subordination herein contained, it shall oxtend to ell a ditions and betterments to the water system of said city. ., Further, the said mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, in case. of default in the payment of said principal or interest, is hereby empowered tp sell. the said real proper~ywith ell and every of the appurtenances. or any p~rt thereof, in the manner pre- scribed by law; and out of the money arising from such sale to retain the principal, togethor with the costs 9nd ~harges of making such sale, together with such attorneys' fees as may have been allowed by the Court (or in case suit or action is settled after commencement of suit, but before a final judgment has been rendered therein, an attorneys' fee to be fixed by the Court shall be allowed 8e part of the costs), and the averplus, if any there be, shall be paid by the party making such sale, on demand, to the mortgagee. her successors or assigns, to be retained by her 88 liquidated dB~ges and not as a penalty. The mortgage hereby covenants that she will not. at any time prior to the due dAte of the final inntallment of that certain promissory note of even d9te herewith, for which this mortgage is given as security, invoke the rights of summary process and foreclosure, pro- vided by Section 22-6-10 et seq., ~laska Compiled Laws, 1949. r. ~.-.> ~ .,.J Seward, .j;,laska December 11, 1951 I It is agreed that the said mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrators ~nd assigns, may pay and disch~rge at maturity all lians, taxes or at ,er encumbrences hereafter to be laid or imposed upon said property, or any part thereof, and may likewise payor discharge any sums due or to become due ag~inst said property, and each and all of said payments shall be included within the lien of this mortgage and be protected thereby and shall be added to the princip81 of said promissory note and shall bear interest from the date of payment thereof at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum. Provided, however, that the said mortgagor hereby specifically agrees to pay all taxes, charges or encumbrances against said property or hereafter to be laid against the same at maturity, notwiths~8nding anything in this paragraph contained, and in event of a default thereof the said mortgagee, her heirs, executors, administrators and as~igns may. et her option, declare sRid promissory note immediately d.ue and paYRble for the full bnlance thereof. The mortgagor hereby agrees to repay to the said mortgagee all such charged, disbursements, and payments that the said mortgagee shall be boliged to make for the protection of said property or the security of this mortgage. The mortgagor agrees to keep so much of said properties as may be insurable insured to the full amount obtainable upon said properties such insurance to be payable upon loss to the mortgagee, in the event that aid property is not repaired or restored. It is agreed that, upon the payment of any insurance coverage, the whole of .the proceeds thereof shall be payable to the mortgagor in the event the damaged property which is insured is restored or rehabilitated from the proceeds of such insurance. I It is further expressly agreed that at any sale made under the provisions of this mortgage or under the proceedings to foreclose the same, tJ e mortgagee, her heirs, executors, adminl~trators and assigns, mey become thepurchasar of the property so sold and unless all sums secured by the :ncrtgage are paid in full, s,tisfied and discharged thereby, the soid mortgagor shell be and remain liable for the payment of such balance due to the said mortgogee her heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and eesigns. It 1s agreed that all of the terms and provisions her9of.shoJl descend to, become binding upon, and inure to the be~fit cf the heirs, executors, adm1ni~trators and assigns of the respective pqrties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said mortgagor has hereunto set its hand gnd seal on the day ~nd year hereinabove first written Executed in the presence of: A. (1. McRae Lawrence E. Whitmore (Ci ty Seal) Eugene N. Lanier Mayor ATTEST: Sigrid Stearns City Clerk (SEAL) (SEAL) I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) TERRITORY OF ALnSKA ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this 11 day of December, 1951, before me, the undersigned. B Notary Public in and for the Territory of Alflska duly commissioned 3nd sworn, personally appeared EUGENE LANIER, MAyor of the City of Seward, 3nd SIGRID STEARNS, City Clerk of the City of Seward, knwon to me and to ns known to be authorized officers, acting on beh~lf of the City of Seward, and who ex~cuted the foregoing instru- ment Rnd aeknowledged t::J mA that he/She signed end seoled the same freely end voluntarily and as the free and volu~tary act and deed of t~e said ~ity of S~ward, Alaska. and further acknoweldged th~t they are authorized to execute said instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ' ss. IN ~ITNiSS ~HHRHOF I hav~ hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year herein~bove fi~at ~ritte~. H. E. oouthsl'd Notary Public for A13ska My Comm. expires:Oct. 4-1955 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TEftRITORY 0 -~ ,:,." Seward, Alaska December 11, 1951 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) SSe TERRITORY OF ALASKA ) EUGENE LANIER and JEAN E. THORNE, also known as J~9n E. Petrovich, being first duly sworn, upon oath depose and say: Ws are the mortgagor/mortgagee named and described in the foregoing mortgage ahd that the said mortgage is made in good faith to secure the amount therein named, and ~ithout any design to hinder. delay or defraud creditors. Jean E. Petrovich Eugene N. Lanier SubScribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of December, 1951. H. E. i::>outhard Notary Public for Alaska My Corom. e xpires:Oct 4-1955 elm. Whitmore moved to authorize the Street Commisadoner to buy parts for the old cat up to ap~'oximately $500. Seconded by Clm. Hemilton. All in favor,motion carried. Motion Wa~ made and seconded to adjourn at 8:6to2 _'ClOCk P~ . '7 ' , .. , Approve ~~e/I. A o~.uf;;1 , Mayor Attest: 5i. ~t~Jc~~o 17~ ~ewe rd~ AlA eke- - December 17,1951 A regular meeting of the Common Council wns called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were elm. McRae, Johnson, Cole and Greene. Absent Clm. Whitmore and Hamilton. Clm. Johnson moved to suspend the reading of the Real and Chattel Mortgage and Promissory Kote, from the minutes of December 11, 1951. Seconded by elm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. Minutes from the last r6guler and special meetings, with tho exception of the Promissory Note and Real and Ghattel Mortg~ge, Were read, and approved. Clm. Greene Moved to accept the bid of B. F. Frampton for Lot 21, Block l6,for $140.06. Seconded by Clm. McRqe. All in favor, motion carried. Leon Lewis of School Board was present. requesting assistAnce from the City for a proposed t~nnis court at the nchool to be built next summer. The ~~ter wes discussed and Mr. Lewis was advised that assistance would be given by the City. ( The Hospital Board, consisting of Gus Jnhoon, MiSS Murrell, Paul Nelson and Dr. Phillips, were present regarding the financing of a new hospital, about which there was considerable discussion. Glm. Greene moyed that the Hospital Board has the confidence of the City Council in raising the S~les TaX 1% in payment for 0 new hospital. Seconded by elm. McR~e. All in favor, motion carried. Glm. McRpe wes appointed by the Meyor to go;over the proposed building code with Harry Southard. elm. Groene moved to approve the t from H. A. WArner to Sol J. Urie. favor, motion carried. rAnsfer of Retail Liouor License S~conded by Clm. McR~e. All in ,; .:. Seward, Alaska Decemher 17, 1951 Felix Toner's latters wer~ reAd and discussed and his bill was tabled pending his arrivel in Sewerd. I Clm. Greene moved that elm. Johnson be authorized protection survey along with the defenGe program. McRae. All in favor, !'lotion carried. Letter from Floyd O. Davidson, attorney, was read wanting to know the situation in Seward and tho City Cl~rk was instructed to advise him. to make a fire Seconded by Glm. Clm. Groene and Johnson ~ere appointed as a committee to check the Hous ing A rea. Clm. Col~ moved that the hourly payroll be paid. Seconded by elm. GrAene. ~ll in favor, motion c~rrled. there be Clm. Greene moved that/no further hourly pnyroll at all at the Housine Area find no further purch8s~G untjl,Ml'. Berr 8I?pearedd~! the January 7th meeting of the Council, osOeBMleH b9Se!m~n~c~ifl!~n Al'!rllf\'f8vor, motion carrie d. I arm. Johnson moved that the following bills be paid, the Housing Area bills to be tabled: Americffi Auto Appraisal, $7.50, Alaska Fire Equipment, $18.50, Auto Parts & Equip., #13.?O, Alaska Shop, $5.30, Andy's, .337,35, ATEC, $30.44, Andrews, $34.00, Bqllou & Wright, $122.10,Baumgartner, $423.90, Burroughs, $28.43, Central Service Agency, $125.00, Dale's Diber, $90.00, Dodge El etrie, $44.10, Hamilton's Garage, $17.781 P~te Kssselrtg, $4.00, Marathon Cafel $17.75 McRee Concrete Products, ,357.50, Northern Cab, $2.00, Osbo's, ,74.80, Pat's Garage, $22.00, Paulsteiner's, $14.67, S~ward Elec. i.:>ystem, $1,856.88, Seward L~ather Works, $1.50, Seward Drug, $4.00, Seward Water Supply, $12.50, Sew8rd Machine Shop, $194'03, Seward Hardware $542.69, Standard 011,$190.22, Petty Cash, $62.2l.Seconded by Glm. Cole Glm. McRae and Greene, no vote. elm. Johnson, yes, Clm. Cole, yes, Mayor Lenier, yes. Motion carried. Harry Southrd and Glm. Cole reported on the lo~t sold to Mr. Borden. Clm. McRae moved to accept the committee's report on Lot 7, block 14. Due to lack of quorum at this time no action was taken. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:30 o'clock P.M. APprovedf!;....l L"I , / Mayor Attest ~ ~ - ity G erk. - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alae ka December 28, 1951 - - - - - - -- - - - - ~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the CommonCouncil was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M. for thepurpose of discussing the financing of rehabilitation of the water system, , police traffic lights, authorization for purchase of fire extinguishers and discussion of City Attorney. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clnl. McRae, Whitmore, Johnson, Cole and Greene. Absent Clm. Hamilton. I Letter from Felix Toner was read regarding the financing of the water system re- habilitation and methods of private bonding and Alaska Public Works were discussed. ~. Recommendations regarding adequate water for lower insurance rates by the Board' of Underwriters, was read. Clm. WhitmoJe moved that a separate account be established at the bank for the Gity of Seward, Water Department. Seconded by elm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carrie, Clm. McRae moved that the Mayor and finance officer, Greene, be authorized to con- tact the bank for loan of $4,000.00 for the Water Department, to be refunded by revenues from the water. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to authorize the Street Department Commissioner to purchase lumber for a water flume if such a plan is feasible. Seconded by Clm. Greene~ All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Greene moved to pay $76.40 for traffic lights for the Police. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. . ;. Seward, Alaska December 28, 1951 Clm. Johnson moved to authorize the Fire Chief to purchase fire extinguishers for approximately $400.00. Seconded by Clm. Cole.' All in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRae moved to notify Plummer & Arnell to discontinue services and send bill in full. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRae moved to hire Hellenthal & Cottis as City Attorney's at $200.00 per month plus travel expenses. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All'in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:30 o'clock P.M. ~~' Approved . ---- Attest: A ~._, Ci y Clerk t;~ 1:1~. / Mayor - - - - - - - - - ------ Seward, .Alaska January 7, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M,~ Mayor Lanier in the 'Chair. yresent were Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Johnson, Cole and Greene. Absent Clm: HaIDilton, ill. . and special Minutes of the last regular/meetings were readandapproved. t' . .K. D.. cObban was present regarding a'fresh fish market on the dock at the 'small bClat harbor with a 5 'year iease if possible. Clm. 'McRae and Johnson were appointed as a committee to discuss a lease with Mr. 'Cobban and to learn if the dock may be used by permi;sion of the Army Engineers. , . , .. Clm. Johnson moved to authorize' the Chief of Police to hfre one more man on the force depending on the' arrival of the Police Car. . Seconded by Clm. Greene. . All in favor, mot i~n carried. . Clm. Greene moved Clm. Jo~son be authorized to purchase a City Limit sign glvlng speed limits etc. not to exceed $ICO in price. Seconded by Clm. ~kRae. 'All in favor, motion carried. T. Bie, President of the Chamber of Commerce waspresent and expressed a desire to co-operate with the Council. Mrs. Lois Reed discussed her water problems with the Council and Clm. Cole informed her he would have the machinery needed at her house if me would have ~tr. Bogan at the same time. "" . Felix J. Toner, City Engineer, informed the Council of the present Rtatus of the sewer system, and also discussed a water rehabilitation program. Clm. Cole moved to authorize the City Attorney, John Hellenthal, to prepare the City of Seward for a bond issue for purchase and water rehabilitation at $400,000.00 in General Revenue Bonds. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. John Vackessy was present regarding the present city ordinances on liquor regulations. The liquor ordinance was read and discussed and referred to the City Attorney who said the closing of a building was not covered by ordinance. H. E. Barr was present to discuss costs and exr~nditures was considerable discussion and checking. Clm. Whitmore schedule for the Housing Area as published, be effective Clm. McRae. Clm. McRae, Whitmore and Greene voted yes. Motion carried. of the Housing Area. There moved that the new rate January 1st. Seconded by Clm. Johnson and Cole no. Public Health Nurse Bie's letter of re~ignation was read. Clm. Whitmore moved that Mr. Jackson be authorizedto audit the Public Health Nurse books. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Alaska Railroad letter regarding extension of permit for handling of explosives was read. Clm. Johnson moved to authroize the handling of explosives to February 29, 1952. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. E. L. Arnell letter was read and City Clerk advised to inform him 'they were not to do any further work on the code. Clm. Johnson moved to pnyd dues amounting to $618.90 to League of AlaskdnCities. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor,motion carried.